The MudGuildsRacesHelpConnectLinksGame Info
Warrior Martial Artist Acrobat Abjurer Elemental Psychics Evoker Necromancer Weaver Unraveller Druid Shapeshifter Woodsman Lurker


               |            |            |             |             |             |
            Harmer      Sacrificer    Magical       Traveler         |         Navigator
               |            |        Torturer                        |             |
     __________|____________|____________|__________                 |             |
    |               |               |               |                |             |
Servant of      Servant of      Servant of      Servant of       Enchanter       Master
 Mordulak        Shirija          Talakh          Lloth              |         Navigator
    |               |               |               |                |
Elder of       Patriarch of      Sword of       Primate of        Master
Mordulak         Shirija          Talakh          Lloth          Enchanter