------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Guild info on sacrificer. A gamma level unraveller guild. | | --------------------------------------------- | | [Level 01] | | New Spells: summon ritual dagger | | [Level 02] | | New Spells: summon vessel | | [Level 02] | | New Skills: offer blood | | [Level 03] | | New Skills: quick chant | | [Level 04] | | New Skills: dark ritual | | [Level 05] | | New Spells: life drain | | [Level 07] | | New Spells: blood brotherhood | | [Level 08] | | New Spells: blood healing | | [Level 09] | | New Spells: energy drain | | [Level 10] | | New Skills: bloodletting | | | | --------------------------------------------- | | Required guilds needed to join this guild: | | Maxxed in unraveller. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
There is currently no description for this guild.
============================================================================== Help on spell : Summon ritual dagger Guild Level : Gamma Spell type : Summon object Sp Cost : 584 Casting time : 6 rounds Affecting skills : dark ritual Base Experience Cost : 482 ============================================================================== This spell allows the cleric to summon a Ritual dagger that is needed for the gruesome ceremonies of Dark worshippers. ============================================================================== Created By : Sigwald ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Help on spell : Summon vessel Guild Level : Gamma Spell type : Summon object Sp Cost : 1754 Casting time : 20 rounds Affecting skills : unholy essence, dark ritual Affecting stats : wis Base Experience Cost : 603 ============================================================================== The spellcaster gathers energies to form a magical vessel made to hold blood obtained from sacrifices to his gods. ============================================================================== Created By : Sigwald ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Help on skill : Offer blood Guild Level : Gamma Skill type : Miscellaneous Ep Cost : 174 Using time : 5 rounds Affecting skills : dark ritual Affecting stats : wis Base Experience Cost : 772 ============================================================================== A Dark worshipper can use this skill to ritually offer some of his blood to the dark gods of his faith. Proper use of this skill requires a fitted weapon to spill the blood, and a special vessel to collect it. ============================================================================== Created By : Sigwald ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Help on skill : Quick chant Guild Level : Gamma Skill type : Mastery Base Experience Cost : 1655 ============================================================================== Knowledge of this skill helps casters to reduce the time needed to cast their spells. ============================================================================== Created By : Onyx ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Help on skill : Dark ritual Guild Level : Gamma Skill type : Mastery Base Experience Cost : 1256 ============================================================================== Training this skill will allow the blood brother to master the rituals associated with the worship of the dark gods and help him in obtaining more from his evil masters. ============================================================================== Created By : Sigwald ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Help on spell : Life drain Guild Level : Gamma Spell type : Attack Average damage : Small Damage type : Varies Sp Cost : 68 Casting time : 4 rounds Affecting skills : dark ritual Affecting stats : wis Base Experience Cost : 603 ============================================================================== This spell allows the Dark worshipper to drain the life of his opponent, thus revitalizing himself or his blood brothers by absorbing it. No matter the place in the heirarchy of the priest casting this spell, Shirija is behind its effectiveness; Therefore, being in her good graces will make this spell more effective. ============================================================================== Created By : Sigwald ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Help on spell : Blood brotherhood Guild Level : Gamma Spell type : Protection Sp Cost : 314 Casting time : 10 rounds Protection category : General Average duration : Under average Number of stacks : 1 Affecting skills : dark ritual Base Experience Cost : 663 ============================================================================== This spell allows a cleric to link their fate with another. When bound together, any life or energy the cleric drains through his spells goes to his blood brother{s}, rather than to himself. A cleric can bind as many blood brothers as desired, who can in turn freely link themselves with other clerics. This ritual is somewhat painful for the non-cleric. The more good in the hearts of the participants, the more painful the ritual is. ============================================================================== Created By : Daneel ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Help on spell : Blood healing Guild Level : Gamma Spell type : Healing Average healing : Important Sp Cost : 174 Casting time : 2 rounds Affecting skills : true belief in shirija, worship of shirija Base Experience Cost : 1039 ============================================================================== Using this spell, a blood brother can convert the magical blood in his vessel into raw unholy magical energy, allowing him to efficiently produce some healing. ============================================================================== Created By : Sigwald ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Help on spell : Energy drain Guild Level : Gamma Spell type : Attack Average damage : Small Damage type : Varies Sp Cost : 80 Casting time : 4 rounds Affecting skills : dark ritual Affecting stats : wis Base Experience Cost : 603 ============================================================================== This spell allows the Dark worshipper to drain the energy of his opponent, thus envigorating himself or his blood brothers by absorbing it. No matter the place in the heirarchy of the priest casting this spell, Shirija is behind its effectiveness; Therefore, being in her good graces will make this spell more effective. ============================================================================== Created By : Daneel ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Help on skill : Bloodletting Guild Level : Gamma Skill type : Protection Protection category : General Average duration : Noticeable Number of stacks : 1 Sp Cost : 58 Ep Cost : 238 Using time : 5 rounds Base Experience Cost : 604 ============================================================================== Like doctors of yore, a sacrificer will often try to bleed his companions in order to heal them. Unlike doctors of yore, for a sacrificer, this actually works. ============================================================================== Created By : Daneel ==============================================================================