Scatter's Guide to the MudOS Parser

This page was written by Scatter and was originally at I pulled it out of Google's cache and have stored it here since the original page seems to have disappeared.

If Scatter's page reappears or he would like me to not use this one I will remove it

One of the advanced features of the MudOS LPMud driver is the built in natural language parser. This is at the same time one very useful and very frustrating system. This guide is intended to help reduce the latter and maximise the former. The parsing package appeared in MudOS around version 21.6a4 but has been changed several times since then. This guide is based on using v22.1 beta or v22.2 alpha versions. The information presented here has been gained from four main sources:

Plus lots of trial and error.

The aim of this guide is to pull together all this information and provide all the instructions you need to implement a command system using the natural language parser. Please note that I describe the way I've implemented my system - this is not the only way to do it and may well not be the best way to do it, but it does work and should allow enough understanding for you to implement other methods.

Another guide to the MudOS parser has been written by George Reese and can be found at

Contents of This Guide

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Initial Requirements for Objects

There are a number of efuns that must be called and applies that must be present in objects before they can use and be used by the MudOS parser. Remember that an apply not being present is assumed to return 0.

Efun: void parse_init()

The efun parse_init() is used to tell MudOS that this object is one that may use or be used by the parsing package. If your object does not call this then trying to use other parsing efuns will generate a runtime error and the parser will ignore the object when searching for matches. I call parse_init() from create() in my standard object.

Efun: void parse_refresh()

The parsing package caches information about objects in order to improve performance. This means that if any information that gets cached is changed, you need to tell MudOS to clear the cache. That's what this efun does. If the information returned by any of the applies below changes, you need to call parse_refresh() so that the parser knows it has changed. For example if the name of an object changes, or perhaps an adjective changes as a spell is cast to change it from blue to red - call parse_refresh() afterwards. The efun clears the cache for the object that called it.

Apply: string *parse_command_id_list()

This apply is used by the parser when it is searching for objects to match a text string. It should return a string array containing a list of nouns (nouns only, no adjectives and no "adjective noun" pairs) which refer to an object. For example, an NPC merchant called Bill might return:

({ "bill", "man", "human", "merchant", "trader" })
The list should contain any names which could be used to refer to the object. The list returned by this apply is cached by the parser, so if it changes you must call the parse_refresh() efun for the parser to notice the change.

Apply: string *parse_command_adjectiv_id_list()

This apply is also used by the parser when it is searching for objects matching a text string. It should return a string array containing a list of any adjectives that apply to the object. For example, the NPC merchant mentioned above might return:

({ "old", "fat", "bearded", "tall" })
The parser will match the object if any combination of adjectives returned by this apply and a name from parse_command_id_list() match the string typed in a command. Again, the list returned by this apply is cached so if it changes parse_refresh() must be called or the parser will be unaware of the change.

Apply: string *parse_command_plural_id_list()

This apply is also used by the parser when it is searching for objects matching a text string. It should return a string array containing a list of any plurals that apply to the object. For example, the NPC merchant mentioned above might return:

({ "men", "people", "merchants", "traders" })
The parser will match the object if any combination of adjectives returned by parse_command_adjectiv_id_list and a name from this apply match the string typed in a command. Again, the list returned by this apply is cached so if it changes parse_refresh() must be called or the will be unaware of the change.

Apply: int is_living()

This apply is used by the parser to determine whether an object is alive or not, that is to say an NPC or player as opposed to a table. It should return an int - 1 for "yes, I'm alive" and 0 for "no, I'm not alive." This response is used to check whether the object is allowed to match a "LIV" rule (see below) or not. The response is cached and so should it change parse_refresh() will need to be called before the will notice.

Apply: int inventory_visible()

This apply is used by the parser to check whether objects inside this one should be included when checking for objects matching the text being parsed. It should return an int - 1 for "yes, objects inside me are visible" or 0 for "no, objects inside me are invisible." The response is cached and so should it change (for example, an open box is closed and changes from visible to hidden inventory) then parse_refresh() must be called.

Apply: int inventory_accessible()

This apply is used by the parser to check whether the objects inside this one can be manipulated by commands or not. It should return an int - 1 for "yes, you can get at objects inside me" or 0 for "no, you can't get at objects inside me." At first glance this is very similar to inventory_visible() and it's true that in most cases they will both return the same answer for a given object. Consider a glass box though - you can see what's inside it (inventory_visible() returns 1) but you can't get at it because the box is locked (inventory_accessible() returns 0).

The important point is the difference this makes to the messages given to the player. If inventory_visible() returns 0, the message is likely to be of the form "There is no [thing] here." - i.e. you can't find one. Whereas when inventory_visible() returns 1 and inventory_accessible returns 0 the message is more likely to be like "You can't [verb] the [thing]." This may become clearer in the section on error messages, below.

As usual, the response to inventory_accessible() is cached and parse_refresh() must be called if it changes.

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Initial Requirements for the Master Object

There are a number of applies needed in the master object in order to use the MudOS parser. These provide information the parser needs to help find matching objects and to generate intelligent error messages.

Apply: string *parse_command_id_list()

This should return a list of nouns (names) that apply to all objects in existence. Mine returns:

({ "thing" })
This apply is only ever called once in the master object, so a shutdown is needed to bring changes into effect.

Apply: string *parse_command_adjectiv_id_list()

This should return a list of adjectives that apply to all objects in existence. Mine returns:

({ "the", "a", "an" })
However this is probably redundant as I believe the parser deals correctly with articles and determinates anyway. This apply is also only called once and never again.

Apply: string *parse_command_plural_id_list()

This should return a list of plurals that match any object in existence. Mine returns:

({ "things", "them", "everything" })
Again this apply is called once only and never again.

Apply: string *parse_command_prepos_list()

This should return a list of preposition words that are permitted in parsing rules (see below for more on parsing rules). A preposition is a word which clarifies or defines the meaning of a sentence - it aids working out which objects should be used in which way. Mine returns:

({ "in", "on", "at", "along", "upon", "by", "under", "behind", "with", 
   "beside", "into", "onto", "inside", "within", "from" })
In order to be used in a parsing rule, a preposition must be present in this list. This apply is only called once and never again.

Apply: string parse_command_all_word()

This apply should return a single word used to refer to everything in an environment (i.e. room or container). Mine returns "all". This apply is called once and never again.

Apply: object *parse_command_users()

This should return a list of living objects that can be refered to by commands that match remote living objects. Normally the objects examined when parsing a string are obtained from the deep_inventory() of the environment of the object that called parse_sentence() (see below), however in some cases you want commands to be able to match players who are not in the same room. This apply should return valid "remote living" objects. Mine simply returns users(). The response to this call is cached, and if it should change (e.g. someone logs in or out) then parse_refresh() must be called.

Note, since parse_refresh() clears the cache for the object that called it, it's worth having something like

void p_refresh() { parse_refresh(); }
in the master to enable other objects to force the master object to call parse_refresh().

Apply: string parser_error_message( int error, object ob, mixed arg, int plural )

This apply is called by the to generate intelligent error messages in cases where rules have been "nearly matched". The parameters passed are the error code (defined in an errors.h file packaged with MudOS), the object concerned (if known), data about the error (dependent on the error code) and whether or not the error was a "plural" error or not (i.e. the error data represents more than one object).

As an example, here's my current version. This was based on the version in the Lima mudlib.

string parser_error_message(int error, object ob, mixed arg, int plural) 
  switch( error ) 
    case PARSE_NOT_HERE: /*  couldn't find a matching object */
      return "There is no " + arg + " here.\n";

    case PARSE_NOT_ALIVE: /* is_living() returned 0 for match for LIV token */
      if( plural )
        return "The " + pluralize(arg) + " are not alive.\n";
        return "The " + arg + " isn't alive.\n";

    case PARSE_UNACCESSIBLE: /* inventory_accessible() returned 0 in container */
      if( plural )
        return "They are out of reach.\n";
        return "It is out of your reach.\n";

    case PARSE_AMBIGUOUS: /* more than one object matched for a singular rule */
      return "Which of the " + query_multiple_short( arg ) + 
        " do you mean?\n";

    case PARSE_WRONG_NUMBER: /* not enough matching objects found */
      arg = -arg - 1;
      if( arg > 1 )
        return "There are only " + query_num(arg) + " of them.\n";
        return "There is only one of them.\n";

    case PARSE_ALLOCATED:  /* no idea what this one is :) */
      return arg;

    case PARSE_NOT_FOUND: /* no matching object found */
      return "There is no " + arg + " here.\n";

    case PARSE_TOO_MANY: /* multiple objects matched for a singular rule? */
      return "You can only do that to one thing at a time.\n";

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Adding and Handling Commands

An important piece of the parsing system are the objects that represent commands. I have each command as a seperate object, but there's no reason you can't have multiple commands within an object as far as I know. In order to have an object handle a command you need to do the following things.

Call parse_init()

This may seem obvious but you do have to register the fact that the object exists with the parser before it will let you do anything else. Indeed if you forget this step, you'll get a runtime error on the next step telling you to call parse_init() first.

Add the parsing rules to the

This is done with the parse_add_rule() efun. The efun form is:

void parse_add_rule(string verb, string rule, object handler)
Here "verb" is the command word (e.g. "look", "read" etc), and "handler" is the object that will handle the command - usually a command object will pass this_object() as the handler. The "rule" is the parsing rule to add.

Rules are made up from two parts - tokens, and prepositions. Tokens are used to match various objects or strings, and prepositions are fixed positional words to specify meaning (like "with" or "in").

The MudOS accepts six tokens that I'm aware of:

So, taking a simple "look" command as an example, you might come up with the following rules (note, the command "look" isn't technically part of the rule):

To clarify direct and indirect objects a little, suppose you type the command "read book". The book is a direct object - the verb "read" acts directly on the book - the book is the object that you read. Now, suppose the command was "read page in book". Here, the page is the direct object. The thing that you read is the page. The book is an indirect object - you don't read the book, you just use the book to find which page is meant. Similarly, in "look at books in box", the books are the direct objects (the things you actually look at) and the box in an indirect object - you don't look at the box, it's just mentioned to specify which books you want to look at.

The MudOS parser seems to assume that the first token represents a direct object and the second token represents an indirect object. This is a probably a simple optimisation based on the fact that word order is important in English and "command format" sentences virtually always follow that order.

Using the LIV and LVS tokens is done in the same way - the difference is simply that LIV and LVS will not match objects for which object->is_living() returns 0. If you want the rule to be able to match living objects that are not in the same environment as the command giver (e.g. players who are in a totally different part of the mud) then you need to add the livings_are_remote() apply:

int livings_are_remote() { return 1; } 

The WRD and STR tokens are slightly different as they match text directly instead of looking for matching objects. The only things to be careful of are no more than two tokens per rule and only one plural token ("OBS" or "LVS") per rule.

Don't let the simplicity of the rules above fool you as to the complexity of what can be typed in. A rule like "look at OBS in OBJ" doesn't mean that you can only type things like "look at gem in chest". The will do all sorts of clever processing that allows that simple rule to match complex sentences like "look at the second red gem in the third old brown chest".

Enable the object to handle the rules

The next step is to add applies to the object which tell the parser that this object can handle the rules you've added to it. The applies are of the form can_[rule]() where [rule] is replaced by the rule string you are handling. The apply should return 1 if the object wants to handle the command, or 0 if it does not.

So for the look command given above, you would need the following applies:

Note that for the "plural" rules which contain "OBS" tokens, "singular" applies are needed - using "obj" rather than "obs". This also applies to rules with "LVS" in them - the "can_" apply should use "liv" instead.

All these applies should do is state whether the object handles the given rule or not, they shouldn't do any other processing and there certainly shouldn't be any side effects of calling them. Most of mine simply return 1.

These applies technically take parameters, but I've yet to find a use for them at this stage for several reasons. See the Notes section for more information.

Add applies to process the rules

The last thing you need to put in the command object are applies called to actually carry out the command. They should contain the processing needed to execute the command, whether they carry it directly or call functions in the affected objects to do so is a design decision and thus up to you. These applies are named in a similar way way to the "can_" applies, except that they start with "do_". For the look command the applies would be:

Note that the "do_" applies for "plural" rules do use the plural version of the token in their name.

These applies are called and passed the results of parsing the command given. The parameters match the tokens in the rule, the matched objects are passed and then the text string that matched them from the command.

So if the typed command was "look", do_look() would be called. If the command was "look at gem in chest" then do_look_at_obs_in_obj( ({ gem#23 }), chest#12, "gem", "chest" ) would be called.

For STR and WRD tokens there are no matching objects, so the matched strings are passed instead - for a rule "say STR", for example, do_say_str( string str ) would be needed.

A final note on these applies - when they are called, the objects passed have already been checked as being valid for the command (see next section). So there should be no need for checking objects and displaying error messages in these applies. This checking is done elsewhere.

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Allowing Objects to be Used by Commands

In order for an object to be used by a rule there are a number of applies specific to the rule in question that it must respond to. These applies tell the parser whether the object is valid for the rule, and suggest error messages for circumstances where the object is not valid in the current context. The applies are named in a similar way to the "do_" applies in the command object (see above) but "do_" is replaced by either "direct_" or "indirect_" depending on whether the object has been matched as a direct or indirect object for this situation. Beware that as with the "can_" applies, the "direct_" applies for rules containing plural tokens are named using the singular token. This is because the apply is called for each object that matches the plural token in turn, rather than being called once with a list of objects.

For the "look" command example, the applies needed would be:

Note that no apply is needed for for the simplest "look" rule which specifies no object tokens. This is also true of rules that use "WRD" or "STR". Only rules containing object tokens need these applies in object ("LIV" and "LVS" count as object tokens and would need applies named appropriately). Two applies are needed for the complicated "look OBS in OBJ" - one for when this object is the direct object, and one for when this object is the indirect object.

The parameters passed are the same as those passed to the "do_" applies in the command object - they are the objects that were matched and the text that matched them. Beware though because often these applies will be called with one or more of the object parameters being 0 - this happens when the parser is trying to match a rule and hasn't yet worked out what all the matched objects would be. Most commonly this happens when a rule has both direct and indirect objects - the "direct_" apply may be called with the indirect object passed as 0, and the "indirect_" apply may be called with the direct object passed as 0. These situations should be interpreted as the parser asking "would this object be valid as a direct object for any indirect object?" or "would this object be valid as an indirect object for any direct object?" respectively - the 0 value effectively standing for "any object".

These applies should do all the checks necessary to see if the object can be used in the given manner and then return either 0 (if the object can't be used by this rule - note that the default if the apply doesn't exist is to assume it returned 0) or return a string error message to be shown to the player (if the object can sometimes be used by this rule but not in this particular case) or return 1 if it's ok to use the object. The following example may make this a bit clearer.

Take the rule "look at OBS in OBJ" as an example. The applies might look like these below. First, the "direct_" apply, called in the object being looked at:

mixed direct_look_at_obj_in_obj( object ob, object container,
                                 string ob_name, string container_name )
  if( !this_player()->can_see( ob ) )
    return 0;
This first check is to see if the player can see the object - if the object is concealed from the player somehow, or it is too dark then can_see() will return 0, and thus the apply will return 0. This will mean the skips this object altogether and may result in a message to the player along the lines of "There is no [item] here." if nothing else is matched.
  if( container )
    if( environment( ob ) != container )
      return "#The " + ob->query_short() + " is not in the " + 
        container->query_short() + ".\n";
If the container is a valid object, check that the object is inside the container. If not, return an error message. The "#" on the beginning of the message tells the to disgard the message if a "plural" rule matches more than one object - this prevents players getting an error message for each object matched.
  return 1;
If we got this far, we've satisfied ourselves that the object is visible and is inside the specified container, or that the object is visible and the container is not yet known. In both these cases it's fine to let the continue so we return 1.

Now, the "indirect_" apply will be called in the indirect object - that is to say the container. It might go like this:

mixed indirect_look_at_obj_in_obj( object ob, object container, 
                                   string ob_name, string container_name )
  if( !container->query_container() )
    return 0;
The first check is simply to check if the object in question is in fact a container. If not, return 0 - you can never look in something that isn't a container. Note that this check isn't really necessary if the apply only exists in container objects - a nonexistent apply is assumed to return 0.
  if( !this_player()->can_see( container ) )
    return 0;
As in the "direct_" apply, this checks the container is visible to the player. If not, return 0 to tell the there's no way this object can match.
  return 1;
If we got this far, the container exists, is a valid container object and is visible to the player - so return 1 to tell the it's a valid match.

As with the "can_" applies in the command object, it is important that these applies have no side effects. They should simply do their checks and affect nothing inside or outside the object. Each apply may be called several times in the same object for complicated parses, especially when the is trying to build sensible error messages.

Note that error circumstances and error messages are generated by these applies in the objects matched and not by the command object. All the errors and bad matches have to be weeded out by these applies so that the parser can build a list of valid matches to pass to the "do_" applies in the command object. The reason for this is that the must be able to determine things like "the 2nd red hat" correctly.

Suppose there are three red hats in the room, A, B and C. A and C are out in the open, but B is in a dark corner and not visible to the player. The player types "get 2nd red hat". He must mean hat C since he can't see hat B. There will be in the hat object, an apply direct_get_obj() - this will be called in all three hats, A, B and C. For hat B, it would return 0 as the player cannot see it. This means the parser ends up with a list of matches for "red hat" which contains A and C. So the 2nd hat is resolved to C.

Now if the "direct_" apply had not checked the hat was visible and returned 1 for B as well, then the parser ends up with a list of A, B and C and the 2nd hat is resolved to B - the invisible hat. Even if the do_get_obj() apply in the command object does the check that the hat is visible, it's too late and the output to the player will be confusing:

There are two red hats here.
> get 2nd red hat
You can't see the red hat.
Worse, this can happen:
There are two red hats here.
> get 3rd red hat
You pick up the red hat.
With the check correctly back in the "direct_" apply, things go smoothly. Note that for the purposes of building lists of matched objects to find which is meant (as in this example) returning an error message starting with "#" is equivalent to a returning 0 from the apply - the object is silently skipped. Returning an error message that doesn't start with "#" will mean the error message is displayed and then processing continues with the object skipped.

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Processing User Input with the MudOS Parser

There's one crucial aspect we haven't yet convered. How to get the input typed by a user (or indeed, generated by an NPC) processed by the parser. The answer is twofold - the process_input() apply, and the parse_sentence() efun.

Apply: int process_input( string str )

This apply is called in the user object when the user enters a line of text. The apply is passed the text entered and must return an int - 1 if the command was processed and dealt with and 0 if the command was not processed. It's called before any other processing is done. If it returns zero then if add_action() support is enabled in the driver, then the driver will continue processing the input and search for matching add_action()s to call. If add_action() is disabled (recommended if the parser is being used) then no further processing will be done, and the driver will send the default "no command matched" message to the player - usually this is "What?". This message is defined in the driver config file.

To use the MudOS parser, you must make this apply call the parse_sentence() efun (either directly, or through some other command handling/queuing system).

Efun: mixed parse_sentence( string str )

This efun calls the driver parser and tells it to parse and execute the command contained in the given string. The efun may return an integer error code, or a string error message. If a string message is returned, it should be displayed to the player. The integer codes are:

With this in mind, a simple process_input() apply might look like this:

int process_input( string str )
  mixed result;
  result = parse_sentence( str );
  if( stringp( result ) )
    write( result );
    return 1;

  if( result > -1 )
    return result;

  if( result == -1 )
    write( "You can't use that command that way.\n" );
    write( "You can't do that right now.\n" );

  return 1;
Of course this example will do no alias handling, command queuing or any clever pre-processing of user input.

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Miscellaneous Notes

This section contains various bits of advice and things to beware of. This is mainly a record of things that I've encountered that have caused wasted hours of trial and error but also noted here are items on which various sources disagree with each other and/or don't seem to match what actually happens, and things that just didn't fit anywhere else but ought to be noted somewhere.

The "can_" applies

The sections above don't list all the "can_" applies and where they are called. The two missing ones are:

int can_verb_[rule](string verb, [rule data] )
int can_verb_rule(string verb, string rule, [rule data] ) 
Here, [rule] stands for the part of the apply name built from the parsing rule, e.g. "obs_in_obj", and [rule data] stands for the list of object and string parameters from parsing the rule, e.g. "object *obs, object obj, string obs_txt, string obj_txt" for the previous example.

All the "can_" applies mentioned in the previous sections do in fact take the parameters from parsing the rule as described for "direct_" and "do_" applies, I've omitted them because in my experience they are generally not useful. For example, object parameters seem to be invariably passed as 0 because at the point the "can_" apply is called the has not yet worked out which objects match the rule. The string parts are passed but I don't think they are useful because to use them you'd need to parse them manually to find their matching objects...

According to Beek's page the "can_" applies are called first in the user object, and then in the command object if they were not found or returned 0 in the user object. I've not yet found a use for having them in the user object and I prefer to keep them in the command object.

I suggested that most of my "can_" functions simply return 1. This is because returning 0 denies the player use of the command completely - the parse_sentence() efun then returns -2 and so no useful error message specific to the command is generated. However, I do have some commands whose "can_" functions will return 1 only if the player has been taught the command and 0 otherwise. This allows commands to be restricted by skill level or otherwise.

Mixing STR and WRD rules with OBJ or LIV rules

It's probably best to avoid using rules with STR or WRD tokens in the same command as rules with OBJ or LIV rules. This is because when you do so error message generation goes to pot. The reason behind this is simple - any text typed can match a STR token and any word typed can match a WRD token. So, in a case where the rule containing OBJ or LIV tokens matches but finds no valid option, any error messages returned by "direct_" or "indirect_" calls will be ignored because the STR rule will match the same input. As a result, error messages tend to be very confusing to the player.

This might be made clearer with an example. Here's the one that bit me. I had extra details in rooms that could be looked at, but had no actual object associated with them. For example the description might mention a tapestry - to conserve memory rather than clone a tapestry object and have it in the room, the room object instead maintains a mapping of detail names and their associated descriptions. To cope with this, my look command had these rules amongst others:

The first rule matched any real objects the player might want to look at. The second was to cope with the player looking at details. The do_look_at_str() function compared the matched text against valid details in the room and displayed descriptions if there was a match, and an error message of "There is no [blah] here." if there was no matching detail.

The problem immediately occured that whatever error message direct_look_at_obj() returned was ignored in favour of "There is no [blah] here." - because the OBS rule was considered to have failed whereas the STR rule was considered to have succeeded. I attempted to compensate for this by having can_look_at_str() return 0 if the string did not match a detail in the player's room. This didn't work either - the result was a generated "You cannot look at that." instead (because the rule matched but can_look_at_str() returned 0).

I tried many methods of getting around this including trying to order the rules so that the STR one was not processed last etc, but with no success. It just doesn't seem possible to reconcile mixing these rule types.

My solution, like the best of them, is simple once you've thought of it. I modified the room object so that parse_command_id_list() returned a list of valid details. Then direct_look_at_obj() in the room object simply compares the string passed (ignoring the object) against it's list of details and returns 1 for matches. In do_look_at_obj() I simply check if the object passed is a room, and if so use the string passed to find the required detail description.

Updating command objects

Be careful when you are coding and testing command objects because I have several times encountered odd behaviour from the when command objects are updated (i.e. destructed and re-loaded). This behaviour includes such things as rules not being matched when they should be and "direct_" applies not being called or being called with duff data. Unfortunately nothing traceable or repeatable enough for me to report as a driver bug. In all cases restarting MudOS cleared the problems so I'm fairly sure it's not my code at fault, but the process of editing and updating objects that have parsing rules associated with them. My conclusions thus far are that changing the processing in any of the applies doesn't cause problems, neither does adding or removing applies. Adding rules doesn't seem to cause problems, but removing (or changing) rules sometimes does.

Your mileage may vary. However, you may want to avoid modifying command objects on a running (open) mud without restarting MudOS.

Bug in parse_refresh()

Somewhere (I forget where I saw it) I remember reading a report that using parse_refresh() didn't always have any effect unless it was called twice in succession. This doesn't seem to happen in the versions of MudOS I have been using, but if you're experiencing problems with the not recognising changes in responses to the applies in objects then it might be worth trying parse_refresh() twice.

Efun: string parse_dump()

This efun returns a string describing all the commands and rules known to the . I've not found the information particularly useful although it does at least confirm which rules your objects have added.

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The End

I hope this guide is of some use to someone, somewhere. If you have any comments, criticism, suggestions etc. please mail me at the address below. If I've got something blatantly wrong (which wouldn't surprise me) do please point it out. Also, if you happen to find this thing useful, do let me know - else I won't bother to maintain it! :)

Did you find this useful or interesting? Why not tell me your opinion.

© Copyright 1998 by Scatter/Dan Hastings
Please do not distribute without permission. Thank you.