
  1. Getting Started
  2. Basic Navigation Commands
  1. Getting Started

      A couple of terms to get familiar with.
         mudlib -  The mudlib is the code that you actually 'see' as the
                   game. The rooms, the monsters, the weapons and everything
                   else that you consider to be part of the game.
        driver  -  Most people never 'see' this part of the mud, however as
                   a wizard you will be interacting with it all the time.
                   This is written in C, and interprets the mudlib, accepts
                   connections and generally 'drives' the game.
      All coding can be done directly in the mud using the muds editor (ed)
      This is one of the nice features of LPmuds. You can also choose to use 
      FTP and edit with the editor of your choice.
  2. Basic Navigation Commands

      The first thing to learn is the commands that allow you to navigate
      in the mudlib.  _Most_ of the commands are based on the unix commands
      of the same name, but will not include all the functionality that the
      unix ones do.
      The mudlib is comprised of a hierarchical set of directories starting
      from / (for those of you familiar with DOS this is the same concept).
       |    |     |    |     |     |      |     |     |   |      |
      WWW admin arch areas cmds daemons data domains ftp help include ....
      The above are some of the very top level directories that comprise
      the mudlib on Islands of Myth.  Each of these directories have files, and
      other directories under them.
      pwd = present working directory.  This command shows you 2 things, 
            first it shows you the current directory your in, and it shows 
            you the last file you editted.
            Dir:  /
            File: /wiz/zenia/test/test_room1.c
            Looking at see that the directory I am currently in is /
            and that the last file i editted was /wiz/zenia/test/test_room1.c
      ls  = This command shows you the contents of the current directory, or
            the contents of the directory that you specify.  We also have a 
            corresponding dir command for those DOS users that cannot remember
            The below example is an ls of the / directory.
            Those of you that are familiar with unix will notice that the
            default behavior of ls is as if ls -aF was typed.
            .CHANGES     areas/       domains/     log/        
            WWW/         cmds/        ftp/         obj/        
            admin/       daemons/     help/        olddomains/ 
            arch/        data/        include/     oldwiz/     
            The names with the trailing / are directories.
            The below example shows how to see a directory besides the current
            one.  This example shows the contents of the /cmds directory.
            >ls /cmds
            README    ghost/         player/        race/          wiz/           
            frog/     p.c            points.c       verbs/         wiztest/  
            There is also a -l flag that can be used with ls to show file sizes
            and timestamps of particular files.
            >ls -l
              8533       Jun  2 19:59:46 1996 CHANGES       
              Directory            WWW/                                           
              Directory            admin/                                         
              Directory            arch/                                          
              Directory            areas/                                         
              Directory            cmds/                                          
              Directory            daemons/                                       
              Directory            data/                                          
              Directory            domains/                                       
      cd  = Change directory.  This command allows you to change your current
            directory. This works exactly as it does in DOS and unix.  Keep in 
            mind that there are some special characters that can be done with
            cd, and cd by itself takes you to your home directory.
            Special characters:
            .  =  current directory
            .. =  parent directory
             / =  root directory
            ~  =  your home directory
            Dir:  /wiz/zifnab
            File: /wiz/zenia/test/test_room1.c
            > cd /
            new pwd: /
            After doing this my current directory is /
            > cd
             new pwd: /wiz/zifnab
             cd by itself takes me to my directory.
            > cd ..
            new pwd: /wiz
            This took me up one level to /wiz
            > cd ~
            new pwd: /wiz/zifnab
            This took me to my directory.  Note that that is the same
            as cd by itself.
            > cd ~pavilion
            new pwd: /wiz/pavilion
            This took me to Pavilion's directory.