
poster: Zifnab
subject: news
date: Thu Sep 21 18:48:06 2000

I just archived all the old news.  It will be available in a 
file format on the web page in a fwe days.


poster: Zifnab
subject: latest postings
date: Thu Sep 21 18:52:05 2000

poster: Sigwald
subject: Tune to monsies
date: Wed Sep 20 07:03:00 2000

I changed the monster stun resistance formula. Shouldnt
change much for monsters over 50k or so. Lower monsies
will get their stun res quite lowered, especially the
very small ones (those under 5k or so).

Btw was told by some players that I should make it more clear
that I _never_ consider posts that are whines without argument
(see Tank's), but I do not mind players trying to make a point
with arguments (see Raw's post in general). That is not saying
that I'll always agree with the player, but I'll check his
arguments. Basically, constructive posting is fine, whines,
I just discard them.


PS: this is a personal policy btw, though I guess that most
admins feel that way as well.

poster: Sigwald
subject: Crit chance
date: Wed Sep 20 09:17:16 2000

Changed formula for crit hits for monsters.
Low level monsters will crit noticeably less.
Mid level and upper level (eq) monsters should
not change noticeably.

poster: Zifnab
subject: news
date: Wed Sep 20 19:35:05 2000

There is going to be a news purge coming shortly..

To prepare for that I made a few changes to things...

When we clear news, all groups will be dumped to a file and time
stamped.. a counter in the news daemon will be updated,

a function was added to the players to check the version of news,
and the version of news stored in your body. if they are differant,
your news groups will be cleared.

The news command was changed to call that function.

Basically what this all means is that when we clear news, we will
be saving all of the old news, (plan is to make it available
via the web page), and you will not have to type clear_news

poster: Zifnab
subject: area
date: Wed Sep 20 19:57:50 2000

New area on blackavar.

Thanks to one of the builders.

I will let him make a better post.

poster: Sigwald
subject: Change to ress spell
date: Thu Sep 21 06:56:22 2000

Ress spell was changed. You no longer have to accept the cleric
casting it, but when casted, this creates a portal in hell that
you can enter (bit like summon). Will change also revive and
reinc to use that.

poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Sep 21 08:49:36 2000

Resurrect, revive dead, revive companions and reincarnate now uses
objects in inventory to function, accept will be removed soon.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Sep 21 09:17:11 2000

Removed accept command.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Ress and revive.
date: Fri Sep 22 13:23:15 2000

You can ress and revive from your castle, player will be
moved to adventurers' guild.
Ressing and reviving from other no teleport
area is not possible.


poster: Sigwald
subject: FYI
date: Fri Sep 22 15:46:03 2000

We are about to proceed to a conversion.
Most probably on sunday if everything goes fine.


poster: Zifnab
subject: news (web)
date: Fri Sep 22 20:00:29 2000

The web page that showed news just got a massive overhaul..

All the groups that are accessible by players are now
viewable via the web page.  (archives coming soon), do
not be suprised if the page breaks from time to time as
I am working on it.


poster: Zifnab
subject: news
date: Fri Sep 22 20:27:26 2000

I changed the colors on the news links, dark red on black gave me
a headache, (and phire asked me to change them too :) )


poster: Zifnab
subject: news again
date: Fri Sep 22 21:22:28 2000

The archives for the news groups are now available via the web
page.  They are nothing spectacular. 

Just a little warning some of them are pretty big, like inform
is about 350k, ideas is pretty big etc.  Just keep that
in mind when viewing them.


poster: Tigran
subject: Ok, Neelix appears to be a little broken at the moment for any eq redemption because of the last reboot problem.  You are only going to be allowed one copy of your equipment from reimbursement.  
date: Sat Sep 23 06:51:20 2000

Any abuse of this bug will result in severe punishment.  We log
Neelix, so we'll know if you are cheeting.  Consider this your only



poster: Zifnab
subject: neelix
date: Sat Sep 23 14:50:30 2000

Neelix lost his memory due to the actions of last night.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Sep 24 03:25:45 2000

Made a warning message that says when you credit goes down (by fraction of 10%). Will change estimate worth later on.


poster: Khosan
subject: countries
date: Sun Sep 24 03:34:42 2000

restored the old countries command


poster: Khosan
subject: countries
date: Sun Sep 24 06:00:25 2000

tried something new with countries


poster: Khosan
subject: countries
date: Sun Sep 24 14:00:05 2000

countries is less spammy


poster: Sigwald
subject: Conversion changes
date: Sun Sep 24 17:23:56 2000


We are proceeding to a player conversion. From a player
point of view this means you will be forced to reincarnate.
I strongly suggest you read all news carefully before carrying
on with your reincarnation.

The following changes are going to be made. Some might not be
definitive and subject to adjustments.

Races have been changed the most. 4 were removed, 4 were added
and races have been reshuffled so that roughly each beta guild
gets a set of 4 decent fitting races and one fitting newbie race.
One of the most important change here is that we have removed
all races that had extra arms. From now on, all races will have
2 arms, for the extra limbs caused just too many problems of
tuning and balancing.
The four removed races are the following:
Orcs (too close to goblin), Valar (these are godlike beings in
litterature, didnt like them all that much), Goron (too close
to trolls/xorns/giants) and Mantisman (removal of that race
with 4 limbs).
Added races are leprechauns, gargoyles, snakemen and ogier.
Most races have taken quite many changes compared to what
they used to be. The poster in race selection room was updated
and hopefully should give you a few hints about how to pick
a race.
One other change to races is the removal of stat reduction
when evil/good special ability. Alignment does not play a
great role in most guilds so this feature was deemed not
very useful for the moment.

The reinc penalty changed also a bit. The main difference is that
it is now a float type instead of an integer. Therefore your
reinc penalty can be 13.42%. It is now decreasing over time from
20% to 0% (0% after a great period of time...). To go with this
change, Eje has been modified. BE WARNED, Eje now knows no limits.
Like it will not say it refuses an item or cash because penalty
is very low (even if its 0.01%, it still can go down).

The other major change that has occured is a change to the way
weapons are wielded. There are no longer so called "1h wielding"
races and "2h wielding" races. Instead, wielding is based on
your size and strength. The bigger you are, the heavier weapons
(that is high weapon class) you can wield with 1h. If you are
small and weak, you will not even be able to wield a weapon
with 2 hands if it is over a certain weapon class. Now this will
certainly have a major impact on weapon wielding and I'm pretty
sure lots of casters will have trouble wielding their weapons.
You will have to be patient for a while as we fix the weapons
when they are clearly having far too much weapon class.
To go along with these changes, following spells have been
recoded: air shield, earthstaff, flame blade and ice pick 
(those were also upped some), minor cleric staff and summon
ritual dagger. Also, empower weapon, enlarge weapon and shrink
weapon have been rewritten. Enchanters will also be available
to more guilds (not only abjurers).

Since the wielding of weapons changed I also add to change a bit
combat formulas. Following a discussion in news plus a comment
by Golte, I changed the way critical hits work. Instead of 
raising a hit by some kind of fixed amount, it will now
affect the hit by a percentage of the hit itself. This should
reduce some the effect of crits on damage and certainly avoid
that a monster hitting for 5 damage usually suddenly gets a 100
damage critical. Base hit value of armed combat and martial
combat also changed, will be subject to adjustments probably.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Conversion rules
date: Sun Sep 24 17:24:08 2000

Conversion and reincarnation.

When you enter the game, you will be forced reincarnate
and moved to race selection room. READ THE POSTER there.
After you have read news and poster carefully, you can pick
a race and reincarnate. Now, to allow multiple reincarnations
to be able to get yourselves used to the new system, there will
be a reincarnation machine in central square.

This machine works the following way (and if you didn't read
this, do not complain later):

It can grant you up to 4 extra reincarnation that will be tax free.
To use it, you must start to use it at maximum THREE days after
you first reincarnated.
You must use these 4 extra reincarnations within a period of TEN
days once you have started to use the machine.

Looking at the machine will provide you with some information on how
much time you have left.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Few more changes
date: Sun Sep 24 17:28:02 2000

This post inform of other minor changes that I
did that are not linked to the conversion itself.

Evil priests now require master navigators to be
joined. It is an ugly fix, but getting an omicron
at level 61 is just too unbalancing for the game.
Hopefully the harmer guild tree can be rewritten
correctly and we can get rid of the artificial
guild use of navigators and master navigators
to fill the harmer tree.

Exorcists offensive spells were tuned quite some.
Exorcists were soloing far much better than was
intended. The purpose of this guild is to offer
_limited_ solo ability, not to create exp machines.

Enchanters are now joinable by any mage or cleric
that has 2 gamma guilds maxed.

Quick chant was slightly modified, shouldnt affect
playing very much though.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Sep 24 18:58:44 2000

You now start at a much higher fraction of your max size.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Sep 24 20:04:58 2000

Fixed a prob with stat trainers. Have to reinc to fix your credit though.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Sep 24 20:36:08 2000

Fixed minor cleric staff


poster: Zifnab
subject: autosave
date: Mon Sep 25 04:09:47 2000

I upped the autosaver to every 5 minutes.  if something major
happens, i.e. you win the exp lottery, you get a new piece of
equipment type save.


poster: Zifnab
subject: bug report
date: Mon Sep 25 04:43:36 2000

I deleted the bug report by kazulant, had to do with plant
area on mists.  I removed the 'fake' monsters from all rooms
that they were in.  Wynd originally put them there to try and
confuse players.  Unfortunately it also confused the parser, 
and was a real mess....

Anyway I think the area is hard/confusing enough without the need
for those type of things.


poster: Zifnab
subject: bug report 1336 (trigon)
date: Mon Sep 25 05:07:38 2000

That room appears to be working perfectly.. again could be tied
to a few bad descs stopping it from loading, those are all 


poster: Zifnab
subject: bug 1526 (sirk)
date: Mon Sep 25 06:03:56 2000

was fixed (tektors area)


poster: Sigwald
subject: Change to elemental gammas.
date: Mon Sep 25 10:39:33 2000

Removed lesser blah elemental spells. They didnt fit the theme
and created more problems than they were worth.
We might eventually get some summoners some day but not in this
guild tree anyhow.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Sep 25 10:44:26 2000

Updated help files of body of lava and mist form.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Forgot to post about it
date: Mon Sep 25 10:57:24 2000

Giant wish exp penalty was removed. Forgot to precise that.
It has a lot less impact than before when 1h/2h made a HUGE
Anyway size is a direct input of exp rate formula so having
giant wish still WILL reduce the exp rate, but shouldnt
reduce it tremendously as it did before.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Sep 25 11:11:03 2000

Updated summon elemental matter spell help to make it clear that gamma level masteries affect it.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Sep 25 13:45:18 2000

Updated guild_tree and open_guilds for enchanters and harmer reqs.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Sep 25 14:17:38 2000

Made best_hit command take an arg. Best hits will be resetted at reinc from now on.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Wielding and stuff
date: Mon Sep 25 14:43:39 2000

Would just like to precise something about new wielding and stuff.
Some races might seem heavily disadvantaged by this, especially
these small in size.
BUT: not_so_small races that used to be 1h will be able to wield
pretty big weapons with lots of strength, so its not all that
bad for warriors.
Also weapon class has an effect on damage, but it is not
proportional to it. A warrior with a weapon class 60 weapon
does NOT do double the damage of a warrior with a weapon class
30 weapon.

One issue is that LOTS of weapons might have very high weapon
class. I invite people to make some lists of weapons and
check if the repartition is very bad. Upon suggestions,
we will tune some existing eqs so that for instance all
good swords do not have a weapon class between 58 and 60.
I'm pretty sure that midsize races can do very fine with 
wielding weapon class 45 weapons.


poster: Zifnab
subject: bug reports
date: Mon Sep 25 15:03:09 2000

Put the tracking number in the closed/fixed bug report subject.
Idea from nightfall.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Sep 25 17:04:25 2000

Fixed shrink weapon so that weapon enchanting shows as affecting skill. Also reduced cost on both shrink and enlarge since they stack now.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Change to heal spells
date: Tue Sep 26 13:04:03 2000

Made a big change to way heal spells work on monsters.
Will be quite less efficient if monsters resist a lot.


poster: Zifnab
subject: channels
date: Tue Sep 26 15:51:23 2000

rather big change to channel handling.  The next time you quit
and reenter you will pick up new command handling.

I moved all the channel handling to be after verbs and commands.

to many people adding channels recently that conflict with things.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Sep 26 20:37:23 2000

Tuned down some singsword special.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Sep 27 13:39:28 2000

Changed natures blade and shield. Weapon class will auto-lowers if its too high for you to wield it in one hand.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Sep 27 14:49:11 2000

Also fixed stuff like ritual dagger, flame blade etc as regards to wielding.


poster: Zifnab
subject: early boot
date: Wed Sep 27 15:44:50 2000

Early boot, Problem with channels that appears to be a driver
bug... should be cleared up after boot.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Sep 27 16:06:29 2000

Raised a bit frequency of specials on nature's shields.


poster: Zifnab
subject: ignore
date: Wed Sep 27 17:12:42 2000

installed tigrans fix to ignore so that wizards that were once
players and ignored will not be ignored anymore.

Yes wizards should not be able to be ignored, route all 
whines/flames to /dev/null 

thank you.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Sep 27 18:49:43 2000

Enchanters have a new spell, mystifying levitation. Also enchanters masteries affect feather weight spell efficiency.


poster: Khosan
subject: jscore
date: Thu Sep 28 02:01:40 2000

jordali updated his jscore command


poster: Khosan
subject: score
date: Thu Sep 28 02:13:22 2000

fixed the scjore command so it doesn't waste 3 lines that are not used anymore


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Sep 28 13:37:12 2000

All attack skills should now respect the silent skill flag in combat silent.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild items
date: Fri Sep 29 12:28:25 2000

Players joining secondary guilds will not get the guild item of
the secondary tree if they reach it. Please note this might
have some impact on some guilds, I will investigate how this
can be dealt with (I strongly advice against joining withc as a secondary
guild for now :P).


poster: Sigwald
subject: Changes to warriors
date: Sat Sep 30 02:18:01 2000

I've rebuild the warrior guild tree some.
I'm too tired to finish all the necessary stuff about updating
help files, posting about what changed and things like that.
Will do that tomorrow, so meanwhile I strongly advise against
picking warrior as a reinc.



poster: Tektor
subject: Deaths
date: Sat Sep 30 03:26:19 2000

Ok, If you Died and I revived you and you lost xp mail Khosan. Its a
free revive so I don't know what happened.


poster: Khosan
subject: >Deaths
date: Sat Sep 30 03:27:46 2000

On Fri Sep 29 19:26:19 2000 Tektor wrote post #47:
> Ok, If you Died and I revived you and you lost xp mail Khosan. Its a
> free revive so I don't know what happened.

Hmm well don't mail me. You didn't lose exp. And idiots like Max with
14k exp on and complaining "I got killed and I want me exp back!", well
go to hell.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Warrior change
date: Sat Sep 30 06:04:53 2000

New warrior guild tree is in. The guild tree is now designed
with 3 gammas, berserker knight and defender and five bravo
guilds, one for each type of weapon. The omicron guild can
be joined if the player has completed the three gamma
guilds and three bravos out of the five existing ones.

Along the rebuilding of the tree, some combat formulas were
changed some, so things might still evolve a bit in near
future. Expect some changes on these. People that are
currently warriors and are out of free reinc from the
machine will get one extra.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Sep 30 15:41:30 2000

Fixed joining of champions.


poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Sun Oct  1 20:27:49 2000

Another new area on blackavar compliments of a builder on 10k 
will let him make a post later.


poster: Xphere
subject: New area
date: Mon Oct  2 08:03:45 2000

It seems that a castle has been spoted on blackavar, infested with vampires!
This area is NOT for newbies and most midbes, i would only recommend
entering if you are a highbe.
i also wouldnt enter without a healer...


poster: Zifnab
subject: players info 
date: Mon Oct  2 21:18:35 2000

I added a link to the game info section on the web page to the
'players' graph.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Early boot
date: Tue Oct  3 00:47:24 2000

Updating files, made a change to the way special attacks 
happen, report if some items dont load, some might be 
kinda not cloning very well. Will fix them tomorrow.


poster: Zifnab
subject: no clue dont ask
date: Tue Oct  3 01:43:47 2000

I do not know what entirely is going to bug.  I guarantee
a few specials are.  I have no idea what all files sigwald
cahnged.  I restored the one i thought he did, but that didnt
fix everything.

good luck, i have no time to deal with thsi right now.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Changes to combat
date: Tue Oct  3 15:43:16 2000

Tuned up slightly warrior defences.
Lowered martial artist defence some.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Defences
date: Tue Oct  3 15:44:56 2000

By the way size and carried weight affects defences quite more
than it used to. Small races carrying nothing will definitly
dodge a lot more than big ones carrying hundreds of pounds.


poster: Zifnab
subject: FYI - mail
date: Tue Oct  3 15:59:47 2000

I am going to be running a purge against the mail files to 
get rid of abandoned mail, either through nukings/suicides etc
it doesnt always clean up the mail files very well.

I am also going to look at doing a time based purge too, right now
we have 19000 individual mail files, dating back to 1998. I see
no reason to keep those, but want to discuss with others.


poster: Khosan
subject: warp blade
date: Tue Oct  3 16:28:00 2000

fixed warp blade from celtica so it could load


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Oct  3 16:29:46 2000

Fixed defender blade special.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Oct  3 17:02:05 2000

While I was converting weapons with new special attacks, I set a bunch of daggers to be throwable.


poster: Ant
subject: website update
date: Wed Oct  4 21:35:28 2000

updated the guildtree on the website to have the new warrior guilds


poster: Sigwald
subject: Special change
date: Thu Oct  5 11:29:26 2000

Cremator name was changed to Donovan, courtesy of Mirrim for her
very good job at fixing hundreds of typos in the game.


poster: Khosan
subject: countries
date: Thu Oct  5 13:49:11 2000

improved countries a little. Maybe it will recognise some of those canadian ISP's now


poster: Sigwald
subject: Update of help wizzing and help builder
date: Fri Oct  6 10:23:31 2000

Made a few updates in there.
Main one is: we reserve the right to take sanctions over players
that abuse their position as builder on 10k and do nothing there.
Sanctions will then be applied on the player character on the
main site if his conduct is bad enough to deserve them.

We do not want to discourage builders, that recently have
produced much code for the game. We just want to make sure
that people do not abuse the system as it has been the case in the



poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Oct  6 15:29:57 2000

Tuned a bit raena items stats down, made the protection special on them work properly.


poster: Ant
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Oct  6 21:07:42 2000

The stairs in the Watch House in Ankh-Morpork should work now... I guess I need to read the bug reports more carefully ;) *blush*


poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Sun Oct  8 05:32:55 2000

After the recent invasions and attacks on red dragon city,
Athol held a conference with his fellow mages and decided
that it would be a benefit to the city if they opened up a
school of the arts of magic. Some of the top students of
magic have been selected to go through the opening
year of the school. Watch out for the students and teachers
because they pack a punch. Don't try to kill anything unless
your of decent worth.


poster: Zifnab
subject: acrobat guild
date: Sun Oct  8 06:20:47 2000

The acrobat guild now has a new entrance, in the same location
as the prior one.  Just got tired of the syntax fight on that 
one...  Yes its hidden, no you wont accidently stumble on it.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Oct  8 16:53:09 2000

Animal tamers finally have a guild hall, on emerald island. Thx to Tektor for coding it.


poster: Nyx
subject: Events
date: Sun Oct  8 23:51:55 2000

Ok, I will say this once. I am a very nice wizard who enjoys seeing
the players happy and I do not mind running event.s However, when i
get asked 17....make that 18 times now for an event in the last 10
minutes, I tend to get a little irked as I am sure many of the
others do to. Now, I am not yelling, nor writing this in anger,
however, I am asking that you take wizard run events as a nice
gesture and not abuse them. Do ask the nice wizard everytime you see
them to run an event. And also, please remember, certain events have
run gaps which means once they are run, they cannot be run for
awhile after, and some can't be run for a very long time after
unless one is an admin. 
So, please, remember, most wizards run events when they are in very
good moods and not because every mortal on the mud asked. And in
some cases, if you ask for an event, you may not get exactly what
you wanted.
Nyx, who tries to be nice


poster: Sigwald
subject: Rack change
date: Mon Oct  9 17:21:09 2000

One good news and one bad news.
You cannot rack yourself anymore (doesnt make a lot of sense).
That was the bad news.
You will now be able to create several racks in same room if several harmers
are present.
That was the good news.
Report if any problem.


poster: Zifnab
subject: groups
date: Tue Oct 10 04:33:23 2000

removed the 'select' group. made admin/arch/domains/eq_tune/guilds/wizards auto generate based on the mudlib security.


poster: Zifnab
subject: >groups
date: Tue Oct 10 04:33:32 2000

also cleaned up the formatting a lot.


poster: Zifnab
subject: groups
date: Tue Oct 10 04:55:39 2000

made 'clan' show up as a group for those in clans.


poster: Zifnab
subject: web race help
date: Wed Oct 11 02:35:54 2000

fixed a problem with the cgi script for races, forgot to pass an arg into build_help() to get the vuln/abilities info


poster: Tektor
subject: Mentoring
date: Wed Oct 11 03:16:54 2000

Before asking for mentors, read help wizzing.
If you ask me I will tell you no, so stop asking me.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Oct 11 09:29:11 2000

Fixed a bug in evoker amulet, unfocused blast will do specials ALOT less often.


poster: Zifnab
subject: builders
date: Wed Oct 11 20:16:01 2000

If you sent your app priotr to Oct 3rd, 
and havent gotten a response please
mail it to me again, I nuked my mailbox recently.


poster: Mixer
subject: Leaders cmd
date: Thu Oct 12 10:40:46 2000

Updated my leaders command, it now checks to see which
races you have enough worth to lead.


poster: Zifnab
subject: verbs
date: Fri Oct 13 15:47:28 2000

Cahnged all verbs to use the new function for deciding if
you can see anythign or not.  (only affects verbs that are
affected by light/dark, not all are).


poster: Zifnab
subject: rooms
date: Fri Oct 13 16:05:08 2000

changed rooms to not do their own code to see if a player can see or not.


poster: Zifnab
subject: familiars
date: Fri Oct 13 19:30:17 2000

Fixed 2 problems with familiars..

  1) the always shook their head when ordered to do get/give etc.

  2)  added a dummy function to them so they can see int he dark.
      and do those verbs dependant on the dark.


poster: Zifnab
subject: help channels
date: Fri Oct 13 21:11:35 2000

updated the ancient help channels, maybe its a bit more useful now.


poster: Tigran
subject: A change.
date: Sat Oct 14 22:35:35 2000

From the heavans there is a tremble.  Somewhere in your mind, though
you do not wish to admit it, you know that it is true.  It is your
worst nightmare.  Alas, you cannot help but know that Tigran has
found a way of influencing you and that cannot be good.  

Alas, not even the strongest of the clans of Red Dragon's clans is
immune from this influence.  In fact, they are the ones most
affected by it.  Beware denizens...

as your worst nightmares become...



poster: Tigran
subject: Clarification
date: Sun Oct 15 03:45:06 2000

Ok, just to clarify my previous post because there were some
questions, i'm the new strongholds/clan guy. 



poster: Nyx
subject: Questions
date: Sun Oct 15 04:55:08 2000

Players, please remember that if you have a simple question, IE:
Where is a guild hall?, Where is Gnosis?, What is the syntax for
You can ask on newbie. Please don't ask the wizards. :) Cause we
really don't know.....*smiles*


poster: Zifnab
subject: revive dead/ress
date: Sun Oct 15 04:59:46 2000

if ress/revive dead cannot move you tot he room where the caster is at, they will get moved to the adv guild.


poster: Zifnab
subject: help file
date: Sun Oct 15 05:46:48 2000

I added a few paragraphs to the 'default_to_first' help file, 
I didnt want to create a new one, as the stuff i added seems to
fit better there.


poster: Zifnab
subject: navstones
date: Mon Oct 16 15:23:07 2000

I tried to fix the navstones emerald problem yesterday, I 
accidently hit 2 e's in the path to the room, so it still didnt
work.  Newly cloned navstones will work just fine.

I also removed the older copy of  the navstone.  The new one has been 
in place for soem time, and outnumbers the old one 10-1 in castles.

Anyway If you happen to have an old one and open your safe, it will
not clone, and you will get the missing somethign message from your

No I will not reimburse them, they are readily available, and easy
to get.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Oct 16 15:28:52 2000

Slight change to ignore command. Now works even if player is not logged on.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Change to spells
date: Mon Oct 16 17:37:56 2000

I've changed area and attack spells for monsters.
There used to be a special hard coded reduction of
damage for attack/area spells of monsters.
That reduction is now level dependant. This should
hopefully boost a bit the higher end monsters spells.
Be careful with area spells though, its always tough
to know how much it affects, so expect some variations
in your dayly fodder's power.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Hag
date: Mon Oct 16 18:05:53 2000

Hag got bored of getting whacked, so she went off back
to school to learn a few new spells.


poster: Zifnab
subject: countries help
date: Mon Oct 16 20:08:44 2000

updated the help on the countries command.


poster: Khosan
subject: look
date: Mon Oct 16 22:47:34 2000

sorted the output from the 'look' command so that '1st monster' should be the one at the top. Will first work for already loaded rooms after boot.


poster: Zifnab
subject: castles
date: Mon Oct 16 22:48:13 2000

The following castles will be removed shortly.... the owner 
no longer exists...

amon, andre, bile, borin, cluny, lynn, marvin, mello, noel, pleasure, wyrn


poster: Khosan
subject: i
date: Mon Oct 16 22:57:23 2000

did the same thing for the 'i' command


poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Oct 17 03:14:00 2000

added 'clans' channel as a permanent channel while discussions continue.


poster: Nyx
subject: Pictures
date: Tue Oct 17 04:06:30 2000

Hey all you muddy people.
I am working on a Red Dragon Web Site which should be up when my
server is....and I need you!
Well more exactly, photos of you. Or drawings of your character...or
both. Each of you will get your own page with a few things on it.
More then likly your finger info and a quote if you have one. Also a
link to your page. And I am open to suggestions to other things on
said page as well. 
There are only two requirements to get on this page:

1) You have to be worth at least 400,000 exp.
2) You are not planning to suicide any time soon.

See, nice and easy. Please submit all pertanent info to blurain@earthlink.net


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Oct 17 20:40:25 2000

Modified dodge formula a bit. It now cannot go to 0 even with high carrying and low dex. Won't be tremendously high in that case though still :P


poster: Sigwald
subject: Alignment
date: Tue Oct 17 22:53:52 2000

All right there will be a quite big change to the way alignment
changes in the game when ou next quit/enter (or if you enter
after I posted this). Basically what happens is the old formula
was sort of wrong, for small monsies affected more than big ones
and that high level players switched alignment easier than
low level ones.

From now on, alignment change will depend on 3 things:
the monster alignment, the monster level, and your own
alignment. The closer you are to an extreme, the slower
our align will drift towards the extreme. The more
extreme the monster align is, the more your alignment
will shift. And the bigger the monster, the bigger the
shift. The formula might change in next few days if
things behave weirdly. Feel free to post argumented comments
if somehow alignment change seem to be wrong.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Weaver change.
date: Wed Oct 18 13:39:10 2000

Weaver tree will soon go into a testing period of the rebuilded
tree. All weavers will be granted a free reinc to either reinc
out of the weaver guild tree or back to weaver with the new
However, the tree is still very much untested. Be aware that
therefore, numerous changes will be likely to happen AFTER
your reinc. It is unfortunately very difficult to do extensive
testing on a dev site for most of the skills/Spells involve
partying and interaction with other guilds.
So basically, if you choose to remain a weaver, do not
complain if things change after the reinc.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Healer tree rebuilding.
date: Wed Oct 18 17:07:52 2000

All right we now have a new guild tree for weavers, it is going
through a kind of test phase. Since we are already under the new
system, current weavers can request one free reinc from admins.
It is a bit tough to describe everything that changed but 
basically, 3 new guilds were added (templars, shields of faith
and high priests). Several spells and skills were shifted 
some. More spells / skills might be added a bit later (uncertain).
One of biggest change will be the way party healing works,
the actual number of people healed will now affect the cost
of the spell.

Expect several changes as the current layout of the guild
is balanced/tuned/whatever.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Oct 18 17:41:06 2000

Tuned down damage output of dargoth and nosferatu.


poster: Zifnab
subject: death channel
date: Wed Oct 18 19:41:18 2000

after reboot deaths will be on the 'death' channel. its currently wiz only, but I will change that afer we boot.


poster: Zifnab
subject: hell
date: Wed Oct 18 20:00:53 2000

fixed the last tunnel in hell to be smart about start locations that no longer exist


poster: Sigwald
subject: Change to resistances
date: Wed Oct 18 20:10:31 2000

I've changed the module that creates the resistances of the
eq monsters in the game. Should lower quite some resistances
on not very high level eq monsters. Big ones are unchanged.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Weaver reinc
date: Wed Oct 18 20:13:23 2000

By the way, if you are a weaver currently, you HAVE to reinc.
I'll give people couple days to pick a suitable moment,
but after that I'll just force reinc old weavers.
So dont wait too long or it might become inconvenient for


poster: Sigwald
subject: Cleric cathedral
date: Wed Oct 18 20:19:24 2000

The altar in the cleric cathedral is now a consecrated place.
Hopefully the Cathedral can be later rebuild in a larger
and fancier version.


poster: Zifnab
subject: help
date: Wed Oct 18 22:04:59 2000

added/updated a bunch of help files, freezer, conversions, bunch of others i did the other day, and some wildchild sent me (been in mymial forever)


poster: Sigwald
subject: credits
date: Wed Oct 18 22:55:28 2000

I'd like to credit Baer for a lot of ideas for the new weaver
tree, as well as Phire that contributed some when he was here.
Lots of thanks to Dram for helping with the coding of the 
skills and spells of the various guilds.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Spell changes
date: Wed Oct 18 23:16:50 2000

Oh yeah one major change I forgot to mention,
revive dead changed. Will no longer give a full heal but will
heal a percent of the target, depending on the capacities of
the caster. Also exp loss wont be 25% systematically but will
vary depending on the cleric.
Read helps carefully, they usually tend to say what affects
all this.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Oct 18 23:20:34 2000

Updated help cleric_tree


poster: Sigwald
subject: Silent messenging
date: Thu Oct 19 11:32:23 2000

Weaver spells now should respect combat silent, at least the
healing spells. This means if you have the flag dont see
spells activated it might disappear. I think not all spells
do it properly though, will check this.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Oct 19 12:32:56 2000

Modified a bit high priest masteries and added benediction.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Oct 19 13:20:19 2000

Changed a bit the way sacrifice health and sacrifice life force work.


poster: Sigwald
subject: New spell
date: Thu Oct 19 18:10:27 2000

Evokers, elementals and psychics have a new spell, floating disc.
This spell might need a bit of work, especially with the handling
(need to work out a bit some verbs to make handling more efficinet).
So expect some changes to the spell.
Credits to Khosan that wrote the floating disc object.


poster: Zifnab
subject: death channel
date: Fri Oct 20 18:25:41 2000

made 'death' channel be on by default for new players.


poster: Zifnab
subject: floating disc
date: Fri Oct 20 19:16:44 2000

floating discs nwo only show their inventory when they are on the ground.


poster: Zifnab
subject: discs part II
date: Fri Oct 20 19:58:13 2000

made discs work with on/in i had to swithc the underlying object around, so please report any problems to me


poster: Zifnab
subject: discs yet again
date: Fri Oct 20 20:10:16 2000

Sorry, the object that has multiple relations is just damn buggy
at the moment...  I changed the disc to be 'on' as that makes more
sense to me.

so its put foo on disc.

sorry for the confusion.

(this holds for newly created discs).

also get all from disck works now.


poster: Zifnab
subject: get
date: Fri Oct 20 21:30:16 2000

after boot, possibly sooner if objects havent loaded.. hmm maybe
i should just boot while i am here.....

Anwyay, get foo now only gets stuff from in the room with you, 
it no longer gets everything from all containers in the room with you.

what this means to you is that you now have to do 'get all from safe'


poster: Zifnab
subject: get/safes
date: Fri Oct 20 22:41:37 2000

There is a small problem with get and safes... if you have 2 
items tht id to the same thing, one in a safe, and the other in
your inventory its not working if you try to get foo from safe.

I missed a check somewhere, and will work on that tonight...

work around is get all from safe.


poster: Zifnab
subject: boot
date: Sat Oct 21 13:10:12 2000

fixed a problem with get all from foo, contrary to people 
on dragon, safes _were_ not screwed up.

Not sure what happened honestly, or why it didnt show up
when i booted earlier.


poster: Khosan
subject: countries
date: Sun Oct 22 02:21:44 2000

fixed countries again. RIPE figured they would report anything they didn't know as the Netherlands


poster: Dram
subject: prayer of the martyr
date: Sun Oct 22 18:12:24 2000

Prayer of the Martyr is fixed. Someone went and tried to rewrite
part of it on me and they forgot an important global.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Oct 23 11:05:25 2000

Reduced speed with which alignment changes. Appliable after a quit/enter.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Oct 23 16:50:31 2000

Slowed down alignment shifting in parties.


poster: Zifnab
subject: swamp
date: Mon Oct 23 22:26:37 2000

fixed the problem with the mercenary in the swamp on misty (reported by killaaz)


poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild items
date: Tue Oct 24 13:27:41 2000

I have updated all guild items so that they sort of respect 
a few rules, meaning they all behave the same roughly, as
regard to the use of mastery points and ranks.
Expect some changes when you reload the items (ie, quit/enter).



poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Oct 24 16:51:41 2000

Removed banish from master navigator guild.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Oct 24 21:44:51 2000

Updated a bit help guild_items


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Oct 24 21:45:24 2000

Forgot to post about it but I fixed a bug in adept of the stones crystal, so max size of crystal should be bigger now.


poster: Zifnab
subject: halloween stuff
date: Wed Oct 25 14:49:22 2000

The halloween stuff is in CS, 

The little halloween area, and the costumes.

*** Warning ***

  while wearing a costume you will _NOT_ be able to fight back
whie in combat.  this means you will constantly get hit, and not
do any hitting yourself.  

This is due to abuse of the costumes in the past by players.


poster: Zifnab
subject: guild items
date: Wed Oct 25 19:08:30 2000

after boot, or for all _newly_ loaded guild leaders, they now
have a menu choice to id your guild item for you.

It is not free, and does cost a pretty good amount of money.


poster: Mixer
subject: New Command
date: Wed Oct 25 23:42:30 2000

Wrote a lil command for you guys, Snoop asked for it.
stats simply tells you your stats in one line.

Keep the ideas comin guys :)


poster: Zifnab
subject: quests
date: Thu Oct 26 18:10:36 2000

added a (C) next to the quest on the 'quests' list for those that dont use ansi. forget who suggested this.


poster: Khosan
subject: drain power crystals
date: Sat Oct 28 21:51:16 2000

made drain power crystals only drain one crystal


poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Oct 29 06:37:52 2000

added some to the help files for alias, and command. Also added a new help file ! all these are compliments of jordali


poster: Zifnab
subject: jscore
date: Sun Oct 29 06:44:13 2000

added Jordali's help file for jscore.


poster: Zifnab
subject: early boot
date: Sun Oct 29 06:55:14 2000

Scheduled an early boot due to the time change tonight (no more
DST for the US).  

The mud woudl of gone screwy when the time changed on the host

The boot is about 20 minutes after the time change, so things
may well still go bad.


poster: Zifnab
subject: bug/idea/typo/syntax
date: Mon Oct 30 04:44:54 2000

Will no longer accept a string that is less than 10 characters 
long, Mikul's idea


poster: Zifnab
subject: prompt
date: Mon Oct 30 05:01:08 2000

changed the 'USAGE' stuff when you type prompt, it now points you to help prompt, and also shows you the current setting of your prompt.


poster: Zifnab
subject: corpses
date: Mon Oct 30 17:04:11 2000

corpses are _not_ gettable anymore.


poster: Darkstaff
subject: IMPORTANT - Host Move
date: Mon Oct 30 21:37:34 2000

Our ISP did it again, they shut the power off on us.
After a heated exchange with the ISP, I decided that it is time
to move. We should be down only as long as it takes for me to
setup the machine in our new location.

So expect a wizard lock sometime early October 31st.. (early in MST time)



poster: Zifnab
subject: move
date: Wed Nov  1 17:53:00 2000

The mud has moved...

The old address still works, Khosan set it up to forward the
conenctions to this mud, 

but until the reddragon.clansoft.com address works you should use
dark.x.dtu.dk 3000


poster: Zifnab
subject: motd
date: Wed Nov  1 18:00:31 2000

changed the MOTD


poster: Zifnab
subject: halloween
date: Wed Nov  1 18:33:05 2000

halloween stuff has been put away


poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Nov  1 19:33:23 2000

updated the hint for 'Discover Nimrodel'


poster: Zifnab
subject: quests
date: Wed Nov  1 21:05:02 2000

added recommended level, and party or solo to the quests menu, ( not all are populated yet)


poster: Khosan
subject: web page
date: Thu Nov  2 22:41:20 2000

fixed the web page


poster: Khosan
subject: 10k
date: Fri Nov  3 02:30:13 2000

5k and 10k are online again


poster: Tektor
subject: Tektor
date: Sat Nov  4 17:43:18 2000

I got a lil short tempered last night and suicided. Have alot going
on and didn't really think about what I was doing. Thanks Khosan for
being a nice guy. ^_^


poster: Khosan
subject: reset
date: Thu Nov  9 00:33:13 2000

I think I fixed a bug in the reset code. If something suddenly doesn't reset be sure to yell at me


poster: Khosan
subject: >reset
date: Thu Nov  9 00:33:37 2000

On Thu Nov  9 00:33:13 2000 Khosan wrote post #154:
> I think I fixed a bug in the reset code. If something suddenly doesn't
reset be sure to yell at me
oh btw first works fully after boot.


poster: Khosan
subject: shorty
date: Thu Nov  9 03:06:35 2000

made shorty resist the death spell


poster: Zifnab
subject: couple of things
date: Thu Nov  9 18:21:59 2000

I just went through my mailbox and cleaned out all the crap..
Leaving builder apps and a few other things people have sent me 
that need responses..

I apologize but I have had zero time to sit and answer most thing
including wiz apps (boy anyone miss athena.. she hounded us till 
those were done :) )

On another note one I can address right now, is that Phire had
formally resigned from the player rep position a few weeks ago.

Just so you know, he still has the brackets and all, but he has
resigned so dont bug him, mail me ill read it in a few weeks..

Anyway I am not sure what we are going to do with that position, 
phire suggested a few ideas, and I have a few ideas that we may try

Just wanted to let you know if your waiting for a resposne from 
me via mail, i still have it.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Nov 10 15:41:40 2000

Fixed a bug with warrior belt, quit/enter to fix it.


poster: Marvin
subject: Orc King's Sword
date: Sat Nov 11 17:33:20 2000

lowered the special on the Orc King's Sword signifigantly. It was clearly a bug.


poster: Nyx
subject: Typo reminder
date: Mon Nov 13 07:56:43 2000

Please remember if you going to typo report, do it from the room
with the typo. I just spent twenty minutes trying to find a typo
before giving up. So if you find one, and want us to fix it, report
from that room (or at least nearby) and not from your castle, cs, or
adv unless the typo is there.



poster: Marvin
subject: Chara scale
date: Tue Nov 14 01:43:28 2000

Stats modified on Chara scale to fit eq rules.


poster: Marvin
subject: Six Fingered Gloves
date: Tue Nov 14 01:47:56 2000

Modified stats on Six Fingered Gloves to fit the eq rules


poster: Zifnab
subject: channels/emotes
date: Tue Nov 14 15:35:53 2000

no more ep cost for emotes on channels.


poster: Marvin
subject: Strange sighting...
date: Tue Nov 14 18:48:21 2000

Deep in the inky-black darkness of the Void, a faint green light
fades into existence. As it begins to burn brightly, it slowly moves,
burning a deep slash into the fabric of space. As it blinks out of
existence, the rift it has ripped open widens, beckoning all who pass
to enter...

Many thanks to all who helped with this area, including:

  Krellen and Nyx: Invaluable help with descs when my
    pen had run dry
  Zane: Moral support =)
  Someone else I cant remember: Some of the best descs in
    the area, sorry I can't remember who you were =P
  And last but not least, Haulk: Helped with orginal concept
    and design. If you never got to meet Haulk, you really
    missed out.



poster: Marvin
subject: new area
date: Wed Nov 15 13:24:33 2000

Oops! Forgot to thank Tenoren for the help he did on my area. Thanks!


poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Nov 17 19:45:55 2000

dewizzed tektor at a 50% penalty per our dewizzing rules.


poster: Tigran
subject: Quest cheating
date: Sat Nov 18 01:10:07 2000

I have frozen Pedron for 1 week for giving out quest information
pending further action by the admins.  

A word from the wise.  It's best not to discuss quests at all.  I
know it's nice to help newbies and whatnot with the newbie quests,
but it will not and cannot be tolerated.  Further actions by me will
be more harsh if I catch people.



poster: Zifnab
subject: plaque
date: Sat Nov 18 04:42:01 2000

I put in my changes to the plaque, we are now 
tracking your last 7 days exp, in one week i will
put up the weekly exp plaque...

I did have to remove the old file, as I changed the format of it.


poster: Zifnab
subject: weekly exp
date: Mon Nov 20 06:36:59 2000

The weekly exp plaque is back, its currently only showing the 
top 20..

it is not fully functional, and wont be for another 4 days, 
it is currently using your current exp - 6 days ago which is 0, 
so its the same as the top 20 on the plaque.


poster: Zifnab
subject: balms
date: Mon Nov 20 20:23:48 2000

balms now work with apply balm, defaults to your body. (Arkangyle)


poster: Zifnab
subject: >Idea report
date: Tue Nov 21 17:24:55 2000

(Originally in wiz.player.ideas)
On Tue Nov 21 17:08:38 2000 Chemosh wrote post #70:
> Idea reported from /domains/castles/rooms/chemosh-4--
> on the rd web site..maybe make it so that you can read all newsgroups..atm
i think ideas isnt readable
it is accessible now. forgot to include it in the list of valid groups.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Nov 22 10:34:59 2000

Upgraded blade boosting spells of nature's blade guild.


poster: Zifnab
subject: score
date: Wed Nov 22 14:29:32 2000

newbie guides can now do 'score player' where player is a newbie.


poster: Zifnab
subject: where
date: Wed Nov 22 15:38:44 2000

newbie guides can now do 'where player' player being a newbie, and see the long desc of the room as if they were in the room with the player.


poster: Zifnab
subject: weekly plaque
date: Wed Nov 22 16:33:14 2000

the weekly plaque now has people on it with 7 days worth of exp

It now excludes all those that do not have a full 7 days, like
the people that fall of fit, and suddenly come back.


poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Nov 22 17:17:32 2000

there is turkey available in CS


poster: Zifnab
subject: CS
date: Fri Nov 24 15:19:58 2000

turkey and reinc machine are gone.


poster: Darkstaff
subject: donations
date: Sun Nov 26 23:01:41 2000

Red Dragon no longer accept donations.

thank you,


poster: Marvin
subject: Aggressive monsters
date: Mon Nov 27 16:53:28 2000

Aggressive monsters are now worth more exp than non-aggressive monsters of the same level.


poster: Zifnab
subject: driver
date: Tue Nov 28 19:24:29 2000

Next boot we will be on the latest MudOS release (beta).

Nothing earth shattering just staying current.

Put in a change in the parser to hopefully limit a channel problem we
have had.


poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Tue Nov 28 20:40:44 2000

New area on mists.  Owner can make the official post.


poster: Khosan
subject: java client
date: Wed Nov 29 02:22:05 2000

improved the java client so it puts so it packs the lines better and so you can move around using the numeric keypad (make sure numlock is on)


poster: Zifnab
subject: lag
date: Wed Nov 29 06:52:03 2000

Just so that everyone doesnt have to repeaat themselves over and over.

There is a process running on this machine at th emoment, that is
chewing up a good chunk of hte cpu, 90%+ (not the mud), I cannot
do anything about it at the moment, have to wait and talk 
with khosan.


poster: Zifnab
subject: >lag
date: Wed Nov 29 15:31:14 2000

On Wed Nov 29 06:52:03 2000 Zifnab wrote post #183:
> Just so that everyone doesnt have to repeaat themselves over and over.
> There is a process running on this machine at th emoment, that is
> chewing up a good chunk of hte cpu, 90%+ (not the mud), I cannot
> do anything about it at the moment, have to wait and talk 
> with khosan.
Looks like I jumped the gun a bit...

I failed to notice the priority on that process, it was very low
so it woudl not of been stealing CPU from the mud, had the mud
needed it.

The lag was not caused by the machine, sorry.


poster: Zifnab
subject: eagle
date: Thu Nov 30 18:23:02 2000

fixed a slight screw up in the eagle. I misread what it was passing as an argument. (didnt transport)


poster: Zifnab
subject: weekly plaque
date: Fri Dec  1 03:03:59 2000

the weekly plaque now understands look at foo on plaque, where foo is a players name or all


poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Dec  1 03:25:34 2000

the web page now has a link for hte weekly exp plaque as well.


poster: Zifnab
subject: new command
date: Fri Dec  1 18:13:34 2000


Usage: guildtree 'guildname'

this is an automatically generated list of guilds, it will replace
help guild_tree, and the guild tree on the web page as its
those are manually generated. 

This will be rebuild on initial startup of the mud only.


poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Dec  1 18:27:49 2000

removed help guild_tree, animist_tree,cleric_Tree,fighter_tree etc. Use the new guildtree command.


poster: Zifnab
subject: web/guilds
date: Fri Dec  1 20:28:23 2000

The old guild tree is gone from teh web apge.

In its place is the same out put from the gulidtree command in 
the mud.

Actually the first page contains 5 links (one for each alpha)
that lead to a page similiar to the guildtree command, which
in turn leads to apathy's code for the spells/skills.

What this means is that this is now completely automatic, no
more waiting for a person to updte the file by hand.

At worse case, the page will be one reboot behind the guild


poster: Lokie
subject: new area
date: Sat Dec  2 10:59:41 2000

*sorry so late on this post but better late than never i guess*
Over looking the shore on misty a few weary adventures came across
an old castle next to the beach. This castle is said to have
belonged the the great warrior gangreal, but times has passed sence
his days. Needless to say out of the 4 scouts i sent only one made
it back alive, he was white as a ghost and kept muttering something
about the shadows... what ever that means. I leave you with this,
the grounds on which the castle sets is cursed and ungodly things
went on there years ago... 
who knows what leark in it's quiet halls...  
Good Luck my friends and may the gods smile on your fate and give
soft winds under your feet.


poster: Zifnab
subject: ghost
date: Mon Dec  4 16:19:46 2000

There is no longer a 'seperate' path for commands for ghosts.

What this means to you is that all commands you can see as a 
normal player you can see as a ghost.

This means you can use tell/i/whatever other command you like.

There may be soem commands that are limited to not being used
while dead, but at the moment there arent many.

Now that being said, The rules still apply when you are dead, you
spam people with tells etc you will be treated appropriately.



poster: Zifnab
subject: alien sphere
date: Wed Dec  6 14:51:23 2000

Made a few fixes to it.


poster: Zifnab
subject: nukings
date: Wed Dec  6 18:13:32 2000

Texas, and zorap


poster: Magneto
subject: >nukings
date: Wed Dec  6 20:12:29 2000

On Wed Dec  6 18:13:32 2000 Zifnab wrote post #194:
> Texas, and zorap
Nuked Texas?  We will be avenged! the south shall rise again.


poster: Zifnab
subject: window size
date: Thu Dec  7 18:12:13 2000

if you quit and reenter the mud will (assuming your client does the negotiation correctly) adjust your rows/columns settings accordingly as you change your window size


poster: Zifnab
subject: system_msg
date: Thu Dec  7 18:12:49 2000

added a new color code, 'system_msg' right now the only thing that uses it is the telnet negotiation for window size


poster: Zifnab
subject: plaque
date: Sun Dec 10 01:00:23 2000

put a little hack into the plaque to stop the 'too long eval' error with more than 60 peopel on. I will clean up the code a bit later.


poster: Khosan
subject: botting
date: Thu Dec 14 20:33:20 2000

froze soots for one week for botting heals on the tanks report trig, and levelzapped blue for knowingly keep fighting with soots botting his heals


poster: Marvin
subject: help botting
date: Thu Dec 14 21:10:51 2000

New 'help botting' wording


poster: Zifnab
subject: christmas items
date: Fri Dec 15 17:28:59 2000

I 'fixed' all christmas items to inherit the 'real' in game
copy if one existed.  what this means is that some stats may
change to the real in game copy.  Not sure if thats better or 
worse than what they are now, but thats the way it is, having
multiple copies of items floating around is a pet peeve of mine.

Oh also added some new presents.


poster: Nyx
subject: Christmas
date: Fri Dec 15 18:17:16 2000

It's that time of year again. Santa' is here, and this time, he's
brought the whole entourage! His elves, his deer, and his missus! So
please enjoy, drink, eat, be merry, and please always use consider.


poster: Nyx
subject: Xmas followup
date: Fri Dec 15 18:19:34 2000

Meant to say, it is in CS for your pleasure.


poster: Zifnab
subject: presents
date: Fri Dec 15 21:40:58 2000

The next person to abuse santa will be removed from the game, 
no questions asked.


poster: Nyx
subject: Donder the Reindeer
date: Sun Dec 17 18:47:52 2000

Please stop typo reporting this. It is not a spelling error. Read
the poem. The mass holiday market changed it to donner, but his name
was and always has been donder. 



poster: Zifnab
subject: protection etc changes
date: Mon Dec 18 06:20:56 2000

After a reboot, protections will have a 'type', along with the 
the events suck and nosuck... the spell remove armor, will now
only remove 'protection' type things, and not _everything_, 
this also includes certain armors that have been around that had
special things associated with them, that remove armor also forced

all 'attack' type spells that have lingering affects will 
receive this change as well.  until that time the arena is shut down.

(It is a bit harder to do the attack type things, as most of them 
are lingering types of things like bleed etc, and are not
  controlled through a single piece of code like the protections



poster: Zifnab
subject: identify
date: Mon Dec 18 07:07:08 2000

added Chestable yes/no to identify.. also fixed the spell identify to use the new inherit i wrote for identify so that the guild leaders/the spell share hte same code (this also means the guild leaders show the chestable flag as well)


poster: Zifnab
subject: spells/skills
date: Mon Dec 18 16:21:16 2000

All spells/skills have been updated with the following possible
types (depending on the type of spell/skill it is).


Right now remove armor, forces off everything that is in the type
'protection' ignoring the others.

The type 'special' cannot be removed by anymeans other than its
time has expired, or a call is made to directly remove everything

Attack, and enchantments I hope are fairly obvious.


poster: Zifnab
subject: arena
date: Mon Dec 18 16:24:13 2000

The arena is reopened, it now only removes the 'attack' type 

I would suggest not leaving the arena rooms too quickly, you 
are protected from death until you go east out of that room, 
so just a bit of advice dont go running out of there until
we are sure this is working as inteded.


poster: Zifnab
subject: weekly plaque
date: Mon Dec 18 19:18:52 2000

fixed a small plaque problem.  It was updating every time
the daemon was reset/unloaded from memory, the mud booted 
etc instead of once a day.

slight var=0 in the wrong place :)


poster: Zifnab
subject: weekly plaque
date: Mon Dec 18 21:31:31 2000

fixed the handling of the people passing the gig exp markers.
we will see next time that happens.


poster: Zifnab
subject: builder info
date: Tue Dec 19 18:10:24 2000

A new link on the wiz doc section of the web page,

Its a start of a list of common 'parse errors' and how to 
fix them.

just FYI


poster: Zifnab
subject: new game in toy shop
date: Thu Dec 21 17:01:49 2000

put in a new game in the toy shop. written by apathy, enjoy


poster: Dram
subject: psychic gaze, levitate
date: Fri Dec 22 04:46:07 2000

Ok psychics testing is going on, psychic gaze will be using a
different mastery so for a week or two, it wont work and im too busy
to make a temporary fix for the people in the current open guild



poster: Dram
subject: psychics testing
date: Fri Dec 22 13:11:12 2000

I already have four testers for psychics guild. I'm not accepting
anymore, thank you.



poster: Athena
subject: Merry Christmas!!!!!
date: Fri Dec 22 13:56:11 2000

Sorry I havent been on, things in rl just too busy and crazy right
now. I do miss all of you very much and wanted to log on and wish
you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Gonna try to put time aside
to log on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and New Years Eve to spend
some time with you all.
Real life just doenst seem to want to give me much time lately for
the mud but gonna do my best to get back when i can.
To all of you, may your holidays be the merriest and happiest yet.
Love to you all!!!


poster: Zifnab
subject: Santa
date: Tue Dec 26 15:05:11 2000

Santa has gone home


poster: Zifnab
subject: New years
date: Tue Dec 26 15:08:56 2000

For the new year there is a reinc machine in CS, each player
will be given _1_ free reinc.  Think of it as a new years resolution
you can thank Marvin for the idea.


poster: Zifnab
subject: plan
date: Tue Dec 26 21:19:44 2000

finally fixed plan to not go purely on number of lines, it now assumes that a line is 79 characters long. (yeah i know some people use longer lines). Those of you withe plans that are too big, you fall under a grandfather clause, until you change your plan the next time.


poster: Zifnab
subject: plan II
date: Tue Dec 26 21:27:53 2000

changed the line limits for plans.. There is no real purpose other than stopping peopel from being annoying, andn I remind you all of the 'block plans' command. Anwyay after newbie stage you can have 50 lines (if that becomes a problem i will make it lower) newbies can have 5. again remeber block plans, or plan i forget.


poster: Zifnab
subject: Red DRagon
date: Wed Dec 27 19:47:49 2000

I am trying to put together a timeline of events pertaining to
Red Dragon..  If you know any dates that interesting things
happened to the mud please let me know via mail.  By interesting
I do not mean suicides/nukes etc, major changes in guilds etc woudl 
be more appropriate, machien moves etc.


poster: Dram
subject: psychic gaze
date: Wed Dec 27 20:45:10 2000

Psychic gaze has been fixed for days for the non-testers.


poster: Zifnab
subject: FYI
date: Thu Dec 28 04:46:41 2000

I rearranged some of the wielding code, wrt the max weapon class
you wielded.  Should be transparent to you, removed some duplicated
code, made it possible to get some information that we couldnt get

Let me know if there are any problems


poster: Zifnab
subject: newbie guild
date: Thu Dec 28 14:36:37 2000

changed the newbie build to be accessible to all. gnosis will only help newbies, the machine will only give equipment to newbies, the healing tree will only heal newbies, and hte portal remains unchanged. Expect a change in Maxxis the shopkeeper to be announced shortly.


poster: Zifnab
subject: newbie shop
date: Thu Dec 28 15:58:56 2000

Since the newbie area is open to all players now.

I have changed Maxxis.  He will allow non newbies to sell stuff 
to him at the normal price. 

He will allow _newbies_ to buy that stuff at 0 cost.  this also makes
those items unsaveable, and unsellable at any shop.

If you are feeling generous help out your newbie players a bit and
sell your not so useful junk at Maxxis' shop.


poster: Zifnab
subject: lagtime
date: Thu Dec 28 19:06:50 2000

new command. lagtime. this command will send a TIMING_MARk to your client, and when/if the answer is received by the mud, the tiem will be displayed for you. (wont work until after boot)


poster: Khosan
subject: explore
date: Fri Dec 29 01:13:38 2000

added a 4th explore reward


poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Fri Dec 29 17:57:19 2000

Lokie's second area is open.  it is on RD island, I will let him
make the formal post later tonight (he had to run to work)

FYI: it got a real quick look over, please use typo comamnd etc.

2 other areas are waiting approval too, fox, and jaws.

Due to the fact that they are not wizards and cannot fix
their own typos, we are trying to be a bit mroe careful with them.

Mixer is currently reviewing fox's, and lokie has shown an interest
in doing some reviewing of areas so he will probably start on Jaws.


poster: Lokie
subject: new area
date: Fri Dec 29 22:41:46 2000

Sorry i had to run to work so this is a lil late...
there was also a problem with the area it showed one room, this was
do to the fact that there was more than one exit set in there but
that is now fixed and all rooms are in, thank you.

Along a deserted shore line there is a cave that was recently found
many adventures died already. there is no use in maping this are
many rooms seem to change as soon as you walk into them so beware!
good luck and have fun...


poster: Khosan
subject: countries
date: Sat Dec 30 00:06:15 2000

fixed countries


poster: Khosan
subject: reply
date: Sat Dec 30 01:35:25 2000

made a change to reply so it catches tells from different people send too close it each other and asks the user which one to reply to. Everyone needs to quit and relogin before it will work for them


poster: Khosan
subject: quit
date: Tue Jan  2 00:23:22 2001

you now connect where you quit. Might first work after the second quit you do.


poster: Khosan
subject: quit
date: Tue Jan  2 02:58:11 2001

stuff now saves when you quit


poster: Zifnab
subject: giant king
date: Tue Jan  2 03:50:28 2001

made it so that the giant king's treasure room moves you to the room with the giant king in it when you recoonect from link dead, or quit/login.


poster: Zifnab
subject: iron golem
date: Tue Jan  2 04:37:44 2001

made the iron golem room on mists move you out of their if reconnecting.


poster: Zifnab
subject: quitting
date: Tue Jan  2 04:57:40 2001

Ok, its not 100% clear, i didnt think of soem of the examples
you guys mentioned.  

Things like the giant kings room, The room behind chara
have already been fixed, but i think those are obvious to 
everyone as what abusing quitting would be.

The things that are not clear are like the dragons.  As of 
right this minute I do not consider that a problem or abuse.

That may change after we talk about it a bit (and will be
reflected here and a help file).

So I guess for now, if you can get your self to save in a room
that you can unlimited get equipment from, dont do it, ask me
first etc (JUst said me so that there is no confusion).

If its just an exp area, feel free to quit in there.

Again this may change after we discuss it a bit.


poster: Khosan
subject: obvious party botting
date: Tue Jan  2 13:09:12 2001

Stuff like this will NOT be tolerated:

You attack Goblin.
You attack Goblin.
You attack Goblin.
You attack Goblin.
You attack Goblin.
You attack Goblin.
You attack Goblin.
You attack Goblin.
You attack Goblin.
You attack Goblin.
Ac begins to chant.
Morphus begins to chant.
Ac interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Ac begins to chant.
Ac interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Ac begins to chant.
Ac interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Ac begins to chant.
Ac interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Ac begins to chant.
Ac interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Ac begins to chant.
Ac interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Ac begins to chant.
Ac interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Ac begins to chant.
Ac interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Ac begins to chant.
Ac interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Ac begins to chant.
Morphus interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Morphus begins to chant.
Morphus interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Morphus begins to chant.
Morphus interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Morphus begins to chant.
Morphus interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Morphus begins to chant.
Morphus interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Morphus begins to chant.
Morphus interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Morphus begins to chant.
Morphus interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Morphus begins to chant.
Morphus interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Morphus begins to chant.
Morphus interrupts his spell casting to start casting another spell.
Morphus begins to chant.

Ac and Morphus have been frozen for now. I will see if there is going
to be more consequenses.



poster: Zifnab
subject: reincing
date: Tue Jan  2 19:52:16 2001

make sure you still store your stuff before reincing. 

its not an issue of saving, its an issue of having enough
room in the body you are switchign too both the unselected
race(which is easy), and the new race you pick.


poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jan  2 20:49:19 2001

nuked Ac, and Morphus.


poster: Dram
subject: psychics guild
date: Thu Jan  4 03:59:57 2001

The psychics guild tree is reconstructed and opened.

Some notes: Astral projection isn't perfect, and neither is psychic
If there are any typos or bugs use the commands, dont mail me like i
am the only one to fix them. Check out the guilds before joining
them. All complaints should be mailed to i_dont_care and complaints
specifically about loss of guild rank mail someone_who_cares.

Well anyways the portal is 1 west of adventurers guild because old
animist portal in adv.



poster: Dram
subject: RE: psychics guild
date: Thu Jan  4 04:12:52 2001

I would like to thanks Zifnab and Baer for all their help with this
guild. Jordali, Baer, and Mikul for conversation of ideas, Mikul,
Elendor, Baer, and Wildchild for testing the guild. Again i want to
thank Zifnab for his vigorous help.
BTW, watchers is located at place of old curse chanters.



poster: Dram
subject: tektor
date: Thu Jan  4 04:14:50 2001

And for tektor's marginal (but meaningful) discussion during ideas phase.


poster: Lokie
subject: My area
date: Thu Jan  4 06:24:01 2001

ok some time as gone by and my dragons have been evened out to fit
the mud but they are really PISSED about having to get tuned DOWN so
enter at your own risk you might not be wanted there anymore... hope
you guys explored it before now... have fun and enjoy 


poster: Zifnab
subject: me
date: Fri Jan  5 01:44:26 2001

Going to be gone all weekend.  

We are taking the kids to Great wolf lodge (formally known as
Black wolf lodge) in the Wisconsin Dells.

Wil be back some time sunday, If i dont get to reimburseemnts
tonight, i will early next week.


poster: Zifnab
subject: death
date: Fri Jan  5 04:16:02 2001

moved all death spam to the death channel, including the taunting stuff.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Old witches
date: Fri Jan  5 15:04:26 2001

Members of the old psychic guild tree can get a free reinc
by asking an admin/arch. 
PS: to admins and archs, thats people member of psychics before
January the 4th.

Happy new year to everybody.



poster: Tigran
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Jan  6 14:58:57 2001

froze Sodolf (for 1 hour) for pestering wizards. It is not recommended as a past time.


poster: Khosan
subject: collector
date: Sun Jan  7 02:04:55 2001

The Traveller got a new friend. He has a interresting hobby and the ones
that help him will be rewarded well.

Ps. You better quit and relogin before using him, othervise you not get
a reward. You have been warned.



poster: Tigran
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Jan  7 19:17:22 2001

froze Roadrunner for quite some time for requesting quest info, then after not getting it, giving quest info despite numerous warnings. Kudos to the players who are following the rules.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jan  8 16:19:02 2001

Modified shorty to prevent him dying to deathblow and stuff like that, so he got a real level now. Report if any problem occurs (like him suddenly hitting real hard...).


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jan  8 16:55:36 2001

Cooled down efficiency of prayer for replenishment, it healed far too much


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jan  8 19:54:44 2001

modified broom code a wheebit, hopefully people not withc dont get messages like You wave your broom blabla anylonger (quit/enter to load new broom).


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jan  8 20:06:28 2001

Added a check in beholder event monster to not drain ghosts


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jan  8 20:21:19 2001

Fixed a small problem in parry command, now you can set our parry % if you have only weapon parry and not shield parry.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jan  8 20:34:25 2001

Added a delay to root travel spell, works like relocate. Report if any problem occurs.


poster: Zifnab
subject: bug# 438, uforia
date: Mon Jan  8 20:50:59 2001

was fixed. reported by lasher, and killaaz


poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jan  8 21:16:28 2001

fixed a problem with astral walk.


poster: Samael
subject: Za'tea quest
date: Tue Jan  9 04:17:17 2001

Is now back online. Zatea especially will still need some
tuning, but I need your feedback on this. He's supposed to
be very tough. :)

Some facts about this quest:

*Highbie parties only
*Only one member can "complete" the quest at a time, others
have to settle for the eq that can be obtained doing the

*Only once per boot

*There are a lot of places where things can go wrong, game-wise
speaking. Don't hesitate to call on a wizard if you end up in
a jam due to a bug.

*Mail me with any suggestions/fixes/ideas on the quest

And finally, many thanks to Lokie and Ant (who is now in the
service of the Finnish military, bwahahahaa) for the eq that
can be found during this quest.



poster: Lokie
subject: crystal dragons
date: Tue Jan  9 17:37:21 2001

area tuned down so your chance of servival is high now a few more
changes need to be made but im going to work so it will have to
wait. if you find something wrong with the new changes DO NOT post
them mail me so i can fix them soo as i log back in tonite! thank
you and enjoy


poster: Zifnab
subject: NEWS_D (web only)
date: Wed Jan 10 15:51:04 2001

made NEWS_D strip the color characters from the posts before displaying them.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jan 10 17:19:24 2001

One cannot use party leave command while fighting any longer.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jan 10 17:23:46 2001

Disabled party kick in fight as well.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jan 10 19:04:02 2001

Who will not show people logged on 10k any longer.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jan 11 13:28:54 2001

Galadriel's silver pendant is now amulet slot instead of neck (conflicted with healer guild item).


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jan 11 15:08:27 2001

Lowered a bit the extra magical resistance eq monsters get.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jan 11 15:56:58 2001

Updated the guildtree thingie to get rid of seers and curse chanters.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jan 12 10:42:52 2001

Banned 194.86.*.* IP, existing player register.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild items
date: Fri Jan 12 22:10:05 2001

Do not post stuff about bugging guild items, I'm gonna rebuild
the way ranks work and stuff so dont panic if our rank
go low or high suddenly.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Castles
date: Sat Jan 13 00:44:48 2001

We had a problem with casltes, the file that stores the 
facades (entrances) was corrupted. Due to access problem,
I've used a very old file to replace the corrupted one
so this is a temporary fix. If your castle is recent,
you'll have to wait that a proper backup can be restored.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild items
date: Sat Jan 13 12:33:40 2001

All guild items have been rewritten to fit certain rules.
Now all guild that have one will feature 7 ranks. You get
some additional information when checking the item. 
Remember that max rank doesnt mean you cannot gain masteries
any more...
Ranks might have gotten down noticeably due to the way the points
have been rescaled. Very soon I'm going to go over spells
and skills to also make mastery points gain respect certain
rules, probably due to the new rescaling I'll have to up
some the points gain.
So expect slow raises for the time being.


poster: Evilned
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Jan 13 19:02:15 2001

Cleaned up a few typos on emerald Isle, primarily in Sniket's area. And I deleted them from the log too.


poster: Zifnab
subject: castles
date: Sat Jan 13 21:08:34 2001

Ok here is the deal with castles.

42 people lost castles (owners)

If you are the _owner_ of a castle, and it has turned up missing
please visit Slint and touch the machine for a replacement 
castle.  Please put it exactly where your old castle was.  once the castle
is built and you ente rit, you will be in your castle as it was 
the ohter day.  nothing was lost or corrupted other than the entrnaces.

Oh I am logging this, and if any of you find a way to get an 
additinoal castle, or get a castle you arent supposed to have
I will remove you, and the castle or castles as teh case may be.


poster: Mixer
subject: >Gauntlet bug fix
date: Sun Jan 14 14:30:37 2001

On Sun Jan 14 14:30:22 2001 Mixer wrote post #273:
> Fixed room evil 38 of the Gauntlet. Monster that was referenced
had been moved to Oddworld.


poster: Khosan
subject: ignore purge
date: Sun Jan 14 17:17:21 2001

implemented "ignore purge" which will remove nuked people from your ignore list. Made a slight error when I tested it on denim, so all his 434 ignores got cleared by accident


poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild items (again)
date: Mon Jan 15 12:58:36 2001

Ok trying to explain a bit the status of guild item masteries.

I have rescaled all stats and values for guild items on some
kind of standard. Now I need to go over the spells/skills by
which masteries are actually obtained. This is going to take
some time. Basically I need to up the amounts gained because
i rescaled everything on a much larger basis.
Anyway, atm I've done evokers, and part of healers. Other
guilds will follow when I get the time to do them. So dont
worry if progression is slow for a brief period, it'll
become much better very soon.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jan 15 17:02:24 2001

Upped sp cost of revive dead. Was too cheap compared to resurrect.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jan 15 17:04:17 2001

Upped also resurrect and revive companions, ugly cheap spells.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild item masteries
date: Tue Jan 16 20:36:44 2001

All guilds from mage, cleric and rogue tree are now changed.
Others will have to patient a bit more.


poster: Dram
subject: shock/cytokinesis
date: Tue Jan 16 20:54:31 2001

Fix a small oversight in shock and cytokinesis, you will now begin
to gain mastery points from these spells. The code was remarked out
from testing.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Witches masteries
date: Tue Jan 16 20:57:48 2001

Fixed a problem in the daemon with witches masteries.
New guild masteries should work properly from now on.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild item masteries
date: Wed Jan 17 13:56:21 2001

Tax on masteries at reinc was raised slightly, since point gain
should be a bit faster now.


poster: Zifnab
subject: player web pages
date: Wed Jan 17 14:19:48 2001

fixed the player pages link on the web page (for some reason we used to generate the file of player links, then move it out to a new directory), i just made the mud serve that page, makes things a lot easier). The page updates on reboots, so if you change your page, dont expect to see it change until the next boot


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jan 17 15:57:29 2001

Made a fix so that you can use weapon parry properly without wielding a shield. Need quit/enter for it to work.


poster: Zifnab
subject: colors
date: Wed Jan 17 18:37:02 2001

FYI I think i mentioned this on dragon, and didnt post it, 

if your colors are messed up, check and make sure you dont have
a 'blue' color defined.

if you do, colors remove blue.


poster: Zifnab
subject: note
date: Wed Jan 17 19:25:36 2001

made note check to make sure that that its only a number when it
does a remove.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jan 17 21:22:04 2001

Animist guild tree spells and skills mastery points gains have been rescaled.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jan 17 21:30:43 2001

Fixed psychic manipulation to work as intended.


poster: Lokie
subject: eje
date: Thu Jan 18 05:25:38 2001

Warning!!! Warning!!! DO NOT GIVE GOLD TO EJE! talk to him and offer
it. If you give it he will be like level headed ppl and keep your
money and not drop your tax any! so if you dont wana waste the gold
you have been saveing up to renic TALK to eje and offer the gold
there will be no mistake and no rembursements on the lost gold!


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jan 18 19:00:46 2001

Lowered using time on restore self skill, upped it a bit also.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Mastery points gain
date: Thu Jan 18 20:50:31 2001

Ok all guilds are now redone for now. Some might change later on
if I decide to make some guild items affect more guilds than
they do atm, or to change the way points are gained for melee
types for instance.


poster: Tigran
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jan 19 20:17:32 2001

I've done some work on the new clan daemon. This work also affects clan channels a bit. During the times that I'm working on this daemon, you may notice that your clan channel histories dissappear. This is nothing to be alarmed about.


poster: Zifnab
subject: dns
date: Sat Jan 20 01:55:29 2001

Not sure whats happening wiht the DNS, but dark.x.dtu.dk
appears to no longer point to this machine (its pointing
back at a qwest machine).

No clue how this happened, but _if_ reddragon.clansoft.com gets switched 
too please remember you can use dark.x.dtu.dk as well.


poster: Khosan
subject: reddragon.clansoft.com
date: Sat Jan 20 18:15:51 2001

There are currently some problems with DNS. You can expect that half the
time reddragon.clansoft.com and dark.x.dtu.dk works and the half it will give
you a wrong IP. It is not known when Worldsite (which is responsible
for the DNS service) fixes the problem.

You can access the mud by using its IP or
dark.x.dtu.dk. The web site is accessible by using the address



poster: Sigwald
subject: Castle keys
date: Mon Jan 22 12:37:30 2001

We somehow lost data on who can buy keys for whom castle.
I've uploaded an old backup of this.
If you are one of the 3 players that were registered and are not
registered anymore because that backup is old, contact an admin
(the 3 players would be kelyr, milady and shiris)



poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jan 22 16:38:54 2001

Throw knife cannot be used with a knife in keep list.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jan 22 16:49:42 2001

Throw knife will unkeep the knife if it's thrown (so you can still throw kept knives). Report if any problem appears.


poster: Dram
subject: oneiromancers
date: Mon Jan 22 20:56:09 2001

Added a skill to oneiromancers that was coded into the dream spells
but never implemented, any oneiromancers have to learn the new
skill, sleep trance.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Spam in dream spells.
date: Tue Jan 23 14:50:28 2001

Reduced that, will work after you get a new body (quit/enter)


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jan 24 10:19:37 2001

Area spells failures will now make monsters properly aggressive.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jan 25 10:08:58 2001

changed mana drain so that it accurately check the % of sps of the caster. Dont cast it when you have more than half your sps :P


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jan 25 16:46:18 2001

Made it so you cant put ring of underwater action in chest/safe.


poster: Tigran
subject: Channel daemon modifications
date: Fri Jan 26 20:02:57 2001

did some work on the channel daemon. It now uses the new clan daemon as opposed to the old clan daemon for creation of clan channels. This should only be noticed by new clans being created. In this instance, pleaes let me(Tigran) know and it will be taken care of. I also fixed the typo in the clans channel topic, and you can also set the colour of this channel now.


poster: Zifnab
subject: upcoming changes
date: Sat Jan 27 04:13:22 2001

Just an FYI this weekend I plan to install 2 changes to the mud

1)  A new party object, note that this _does not_ include the
    the 'rows' concept that we tested many months back
    its just a lot cleaner implementation of the old object, 
    and fixes many of its short comings, along with adding
    some new commands/features.

2)  The link dead room will start timing you out after 30 minutes
    of being link dead.  it will force a save on your body. 
    Only thing you will lose is the nonsaveable items you
    have on you.

Note none of this is in the game yet, 
but I have tested both, and see no problems with them, I will do further
testing some time this weekend and get them put in.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Spell/Skill created weapons
date: Sun Jan 28 01:35:24 2001

Made another fix to this so that wielding problems dont
occur. Hopefully it will work correctly this time.


poster: Zifnab
subject: pk flag
date: Sun Jan 28 02:46:20 2001

For a limited time, perhaps a week thre is a machine in the
CS that will remove your pk flag for _free_.  Consider
it a late new years present, anyone that i see go register
to screw around and then use this machine wewill be removed.
 ( I am logging both).


poster: Sigwald
subject: New spell
date: Mon Jan 29 10:49:26 2001

Mist mage guild got a new spell. Talk to guild master to get it.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Quitting, Entering
date: Mon Jan 29 10:53:44 2001

By the way, quitting and entering to get rid of adverse effects
is considered as cheating. We will soon get rid of this problem
with saving states.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jan 29 15:40:56 2001

Fixed the bug that didnt let you parry with weapon parry (my bad, messed up my fix the other day).


poster: Zifnab
subject: FYI
date: Mon Jan 29 23:30:28 2001

I hear of another player sending escape sequences through the mud
to play havoc with ohter players screens, and the player can prove it
I will remove you first and ask questions later.

The driver is supposed to filter the ansi escapes, if it is incorrectly
doing that i take it as bug abuse and will be treated as such, to the 
extent of harassing another player.


poster: Zifnab
subject: web page
date: Wed Jan 31 05:44:50 2001

fixed the web page for master navs.


poster: Zifnab
subject: quests
date: Thu Feb  1 19:52:27 2001

The quests are in the process of being changed. 

They will now reward TP's instead of exp (although a few may
still give other rewards depending on toughness etc)

****  BEFORE attempting a quest, make sure you QUIT AND REENTER
****  I will not reimburse you for not reading this.


poster: Zifnab
subject: quests command
date: Thu Feb  1 20:40:07 2001

Added party/solo, a rough level guideline, and the amount
of tp's reward for each quest to the quests command.


poster: Zifnab
subject: cwencula
date: Fri Feb  2 02:59:48 2001

Nuked for botting


poster: Krellen
subject: >quest changes
date: Fri Feb  2 02:55:21 2001

(Originally in general)
On Fri Feb  2 01:59:19 2001 Arkangyle wrote post #558:
>   I'd like to start with a kinda praise (I like the new format for
> quests and added help on difficulty) and end with a question ... is
> it possible to receive the tps reward now given by a quest by
> redoing a quest you previously completed and either got no tps for,
> and in a few cases, nothing more than the recognition you completed
> the quest?
> - Arkangyle
To answer this question that everyone is asking: no, you may not.


poster: Mixer
subject: Builders
date: Fri Feb  2 10:56:36 2001

Guys Builder application process is changing, stay tuned in
the next day or so for a new builder app form and a new procedure.

In the meantime don't submit any applications please.


poster: Zifnab
subject: link dead
date: Sat Feb  3 04:55:43 2001

The next time you log in you will get new link death code in
your body.  Due to the saving of equipment there is no
reason to keep your bodies around for days on end.

After 30 minutes of being link dead your body will be destructed.

it is saved prior to your going link dead so nothign but
unsaveable items is lost.


poster: Mixer
subject: newbie weapons
date: Sat Feb  3 10:53:15 2001

Updated all the newbie weapons, removed the 1h/2h comments and


poster: Lokie
subject: >Typo report
date: Mon Feb  5 05:45:21 2001

(Originally in wiz.typo)
On Mon Feb  5 05:40:09 2001 Tranquil wrote post #709:
> Typo reported from /domains/city/advguild/plaque_room--
> the 'slowaussie' emote has two typos. "It's not your fault >your< (should
be you're) slow. A bloody crocodile bit your leg off when you >where<
(should be were) young!"


poster: Nyx
subject: Typo Report
date: Mon Feb  5 06:36:28 2001

On Mon Feb  5 04:35:47 2001 Bahgtru wrote post #708:
> Typo reported from /domains/emerald/uncle/celtica/connacht/room31--
> Either they have moved away or are put to the sword, hench not seeingmany
of them.
> hench should be hence


poster: Mixer
subject: Me absent
date: Mon Feb  5 13:23:10 2001

I'm going interstate for a few days so more delays on the builder
application process.  However the amazing Zifnab has done
some cool stuff so the builder process will be very cool,
easy to use and hopefully ultimately more beneficial to the mud
and its builders.

Anyway I'm away for a few days so hang tight, and yes I do
have a note from my mother :)


poster: Nyx
subject: Typo Reports
date: Mon Feb  5 22:51:19 2001

Okay, we thank you for helping us catch typos, but when you don't
tell us anything, it's hard for us to fix. Please tell us where it
is. Dont just cut and paste. Say, "I looked at  and there is a
typo ." Then feel free to cut and paste. But for us to
have to track down what you are talking about is a hassle. So
please, just add in those few extra words and tell us where the typo


poster: Zifnab
subject: builder app
date: Tue Feb  6 19:53:14 2001

There is a new builder application accessible and submittable
via the web page.  its on the 'game info' page.  or 
accessible via http://dark.x.dtu.dk:3003/builderapp.html

This may change slightly as Mixer will have to look at it and see
if he wants to add anythign to it etc.  Just letting you know its there, 
I am not sure mixer wants applications and the like yet, so please
wait to hear from him on that.


poster: Zifnab
subject: pk machine/castle machine
date: Wed Feb  7 03:23:50 2001

removed the pk machine, and the castle machine


poster: Sigwald
subject: Familiars
date: Thu Feb  8 12:23:38 2001

Familiars might bug for a while, I'm going to rewrite a bit the
way they work.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Familiars
date: Thu Feb  8 12:39:49 2001

I changed the way familiars are following their owners.
From now on there will be a small delay before they
actually follow you. On the other hand, follow will
work better with teleport spells, entering portal
or things like that.
It might mess up with castle guards though, not sure
if guards will attack them or not, report if they



poster: Sigwald
subject: Familiar spam
date: Thu Feb  8 13:24:46 2001

Familiar spam with hunt message on entrance has been eliminated.
Need quit/enter + new familiars for it to work.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Spellcasting problems
date: Thu Feb  8 13:50:25 2001

We have had numerous reports about problems with spellcasting
with weird message that you dont have enough points but
still are casting and things like that. 
I believe it is linked to interference when several people use
the same spell at the same time. I've tried to fix it so it normally
should not happen again. If it does, please report again, with as
much detail as you can (like Kazulanth report for instance, this
makes things easier on us).


poster: Sigwald
subject: Hunt spam
date: Thu Feb  8 14:31:14 2001

Actually while I was looking at hunt code I made it so that
we dont get spammed with hunt messages when some monster
enters the room and you are already in fight with another.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Feb  8 17:49:26 2001

Familiars will now disappear when their owner dies (valid after quit/enter).


poster: Sigwald
subject: Dragons, Ghazi
date: Thu Feb  8 11:02:11 2001

(Originally in eq_tune.general)
Ghazi and dragons around him were boosted somewhat.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Ghazi
date: Thu Feb  8 10:47:38 2001

(Originally in eq_tune.general)
Ghazi got tuned to level 4 eq monster, it really didnt deserve
his classification. All eq has been tuned accordingly.


poster: Zifnab
subject: >Ghazi
date: Thu Feb  8 17:53:49 2001

On Thu Feb  8 10:47:38 2001 Sigwald wrote post #332:
> (Originally in eq_tune.general)
> Ghazi got tuned to level 4 eq monster, it really didnt deserve
> his classification. All eq has been tuned accordingly.
17:52:20 Sigwald <-->: hmm eqtune.general is not an opened group ? 

was posted in the wrong group as you can see.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Feb  9 10:47:06 2001

fixed clones azarian and carebear events to properly register kills done by familiars.


poster: Zifnab
subject: quit
date: Fri Feb  9 20:06:05 2001

Quit is now identical to link death.  The messages are a bit hosed
until you get a new body, which will take a reboot, so dont
report that as a bug (the messages you went link dead wwhen
you really quit).


poster: Zifnab
subject: link death
date: Sat Feb 10 02:31:25 2001

fixed the problem with people ending up int he adv guild after quitting


poster: Zifnab
subject: second pale
date: Sat Feb 10 04:45:48 2001

fixed the water rooms in the second pale, (didnt notice that there were 2 moves the last time i fixed it, only did the 1)


poster: Mixer
subject: Builders!
date: Sat Feb 10 07:01:17 2001

OK we're taking builder applications again.

There are new rules which will continue to be tweaked.

Builder application is at: http://reddragon.clansoft.com:3003/builderapp.html

Anyone who wants to become a builder please apply here.

This goes for anyone with an outstanding application.

All builders: we're going to be updating requirements for your
first area very shortly.  Keep your eyes peeled and log into
10k regularly.

Mixer - iron-fisted ruler of 10k


poster: Zifnab
subject: web page
date: Wed Feb 14 16:34:10 2001

I am adding the FAQ to the web page (probably going to remove it
from the mud havent really decided yet).

however I would like opinions on how to make it more readable
colors to use etc, I suck at page design and dont pretend to know
what I am really doing :)


Only the newbie section/part of the rules is there, 
please mail me your thoughts on how to make it 'better'


poster: Zifnab
subject: icq
date: Thu Feb 15 01:12:57 2001

added ICQ info to finger, no way to set it yet, thast coming next


poster: Zifnab
subject: icq command
date: Thu Feb 15 01:23:23 2001

A new icq command you can use to set your ICQ number to 
be shown in finger.

Will add it to 'menu' later


poster: Lokie
subject: >web page
date: Thu Feb 15 01:31:27 2001

On Wed Feb 14 16:34:10 2001 Zifnab wrote post #339:
> I am adding the FAQ to the web page (probably going to remove it
> from the mud havent really decided yet).
> however I would like opinions on how to make it more readable
> colors to use etc, I suck at page design and dont pretend to know
> what I am really doing :)
> http://dark.x.dtu.dk/faq.index.html
> Only the newbie section/part of the rules is there, 
> please mail me your thoughts on how to make it 'better'

3klient 25008~Po5.510
I think it would be better to have the FAQ and maybe some hard corp
rules on the web page, would make research and  playing a little
faster not to mention the fact that you wouldent have to find the
right words to use in help... which would lead to less i dident
know, never herd of that, and are you for real on most of the FAQ
and rules.
just my 2cents


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Feb 15 10:39:04 2001

Added dex as affecting stats of tiger claw, reshuffled some numbers so that it kept roughly the same power.


poster: Mixer
subject: Help builder
date: Thu Feb 15 15:20:40 2001

Updated help builder


poster: Zifnab
subject: reboot tonight
date: Thu Feb 15 23:11:17 2001

I am going to recompile the driver with profiling on, 
see if we can track down that spot of lag we have.

I ralize thre is a boot tonight in about 5 hours, that 
puts it at 9:00 for me, I might actually extend that a bit
(my kids dont go to sleep until 8 so i shoudl be able 
to make the 9 time frame ok)


poster: Zifnab
subject: web page
date: Fri Feb 16 01:14:25 2001

Added 2 new links on the newbie page..

  1)  Kazulanth's glossary of Red Dragon Terms
  2)  The FAQ, it is still being worked on, but the newbie, equipment
      and rules sections are available (still need to decide 
      what to do with the in mud help as i was doing the web page
      I was making changes to the files)


poster: Zifnab
subject: arena
date: Fri Feb 16 15:16:29 2001

Due to people using the Arena not as it was intended, i.e.
taking advantge of its heals, it no longer does any healing

You fight in the arena you will have to regen.

Thanks to the person that reported this.


poster: Zifnab
subject: smoke demon
date: Fri Feb 16 15:41:06 2001

Snoop 'upped' his Smoke Demon.


poster: Zifnab
subject: saving stuff
date: Fri Feb 16 16:06:42 2001

Next time you get a new body, all items you are carrying
when you quit will reload on you. i..e gems and whatever currently
non-saveable stuff you have.

We may need to change a few items that rely on the old not saveable 
flag to do things.  Please bug report any items you think you really
shouldnt be able to quit with (we do log that so we will find out



poster: Zifnab
subject: 'nosave' stuff
date: Sat Feb 17 05:00:57 2001

Sorry had to many problems with things that rely on 
the no save status to not reset vars and such.

for the time being all no save things will not save again, 
its better than having people losing equipment and 
the like.

I will work on this this weekend, and get it squared away.

effective with a new body.


poster: Lokie
subject: Crystal dragon EQ
date: Sun Feb 18 05:11:10 2001

i seem to be getting alot of negitive attitude from some spoiled highbie 
player about eq that isent -TOP SLOT- and most complaints are centered around 
one of my monises to be quite frank and i quote " I REAL COULD GIVE LESS THAN 
A DAMN, GET OVER IT!!! " i make monsies and eq for the simple fact that i 
decide what eq was needed in game to give players more choices in the eq they 
could use, not to please some of the highbies who think a hard eq monsie 
should have 36stats on things or be the best peice of eq in the game... just 
a note i made the stats that need to be made i put +2 ~ +36 on eq when it is 
needed and to be stright out i dont think the eq on my dragon should and will 
not be tuned up in the near future or in the distant future. it took a party 
from mouth almost 5 hours to beat my dragon but i have seen a smaller party 
kill chimera in a lil over an hour... hmmm. 



poster: Zifnab
subject: player.bugs
date: Mon Feb 19 02:14:56 2001

I just deleted _20_+ posts that were all about _arguing_ about
correct spelling.  

That is _NOT_ the purpose of that group.  If you wnat to 
argue about spelling please do it in your own newsreader

thank you for your time



poster: Zifnab
subject: player./bugs
date: Mon Feb 19 02:34:55 2001

player.bugs is no longer postable by players.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Feb 19 17:13:45 2001

Made a change to way stuns are counted, only those that go through stun resistances/protctions will now show in summary.


poster: Zifnab
subject: plant quest
date: Tue Feb 20 04:27:10 2001

Dont attempt the plant quest until you see a post that i fixed
the problem that snoop and party ran across today.

One section of the area wouldnt let a monster die correctly.

That party when i fix that part of it (its 10 rooms of duplicated code)
I will (assuming that party wnats to do it again) clone all the items
up to the point they got stuck.


poster: Zifnab
subject: arena
date: Tue Feb 20 04:39:20 2001

fixed an arena bug with lu's help.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Wardens of the Deep Green
date: Tue Feb 20 11:04:27 2001

Wardens of the Deep Green are now opened to all players.
One note about that guild. It is FOR NOW a 20 level guilds,
because this allow woodsmen to reach level 70 and join a 
secondary tree. However, this guild is designed to be a 15
level guilds. When I code scouts of the deep green, this
warden guild will revert to 15 levels instead of 20.

You've been warned. So if you play a woodsman and scouts
open, you might have 5 empty dummy levels. Do not complain.

Guild is accessible though the temporary portal in adv
By the way I am very much interested in having people
design real guild halls instead of this temporary rooms
we have. You might have noticed we have a BUNCH of these.
You can be a builder and do it on 10k or even mail me a
plan of rooms with descs and stuff.
I might even figure some rewards if people do a nice job.

Thanks to Erec for doing the testing + giving a bunch of
ideas for the guild.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Feb 20 11:37:14 2001

Floating discs will now dispel when their owner dies.


poster: Zifnab
subject: keep
date: Tue Feb 20 16:11:02 2001

after boot, objects that you have in your inventory (that save
on your body) that are marked as kept will still be kept when 
you reconnect. 


poster: Zifnab
subject: faq
date: Tue Feb 20 16:16:38 2001

I disabled the FAQ in the mud.  its now accessible via
the newbie link on the web page.

(the documents were out of date anyway).


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Feb 22 12:53:13 2001

Disarm and Pluck the thorn will now remove one weapon and not all.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Evoker tune
date: Thu Feb 22 15:05:49 2001

Moved the 4 round spells in evoker to 5 round spells.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Evoker tune (bis)
date: Thu Feb 22 15:06:04 2001

Lowered some the cost of prismatic spray.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Feb 22 16:49:39 2001

Fixed a bug in evoker amulet, masteries weren't working properly (especially if you didnt use cold damage)


poster: Sigwald
subject: Nether mage tune
date: Fri Feb 23 11:38:36 2001

Reduced the cost in nether energy of all nethermage spells.
Raised slightly efficiency of summon elemental matter.
Added a bit of resistances to body of nether.

Note that nether spells are only efficient if you got good knowledge
in the skills and spells of the lower elemental guilds.
That is especially true for body of nether...


poster: Zifnab
subject: plant area
date: Fri Feb 23 15:41:22 2001

I fixed the rooms in the plant area where the party ran into 

If you guys want to attempt it again, I will clone the items up t
to the point where it bugged last time.


poster: Zifnab
subject: >plant area
date: Fri Feb 23 16:13:57 2001

On Fri Feb 23 15:41:22 2001 Zifnab wrote post #367:
> I fixed the rooms in the plant area where the party ran into 
> problems.  
> If you guys want to attempt it again, I will clone the items up t
> to the point where it bugged last time.
I also fixed the order of things a little bit.  

Still works the same Sslaath just let you finish his
little task without doing one part.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Animal familiars
date: Fri Feb 23 16:46:00 2001

The way the call for animal spells work has been modified.
Be careful of how you use it. You can try to call as many
familiar as you want now and the check will not tell you
you can't. But without proper skills all familiars will
leave you, so do not try to invoke more than you can
Skills to handle more than the current combinations will
be introduced later with new woodsman guilds.



poster: Sigwald
subject: Prismatic spray
date: Fri Feb 23 17:04:10 2001

The spell got changed and is now heavily affected by your
knowledge in the various evocation skills.


poster: Mixer
subject: EQstat tune
date: Mon Feb 26 11:55:42 2001

tuned the Acrobat Knife from the sewers to fit eqstat


poster: Tigran
subject: Multiplaying
date: Fri Mar  2 19:55:14 2001

We just nuked a ocuple more people who were abusing the multiplaying
rules.  That's what happens when you don't play nice.



poster: Zifnab
subject: multiplaying
date: Mon Mar  5 16:38:39 2001

2 players removed for transfering gold between secondaries.

actually the above 2 is the primary and secondary.


poster: Zifnab
subject: >multiplaying
date: Mon Mar  5 16:40:03 2001

On Mon Mar  5 16:38:39 2001 Zifnab wrote post #373:
> 2 players removed for transfering gold between secondaries.
> actually the above 2 is the primary and secondary.
sorry was told i should name them

Grasfer, and acatedes


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Mar  5 18:24:06 2001

Exp rate wishes will apply right after you get them from now on (no need of a new body).


poster: Tigran
subject: New Clan Daemon Fix.
date: Mon Mar  5 18:53:33 2001

Fixed the new clan daemon so that it doesn't recreate channels that are already created. What this means to you is my messing with it won't affect your channel histories. This also enables me to import the old clan information and set up new clan channels without having to wait for a reboot (as I've been making them do)


poster: Zifnab
subject: early reboot
date: Tue Mar  6 13:52:41 2001

Expect an early reboot this morning.  Going to make a fairly
substantial change to the way combat is processed, should
be transparent to you.


poster: Zifnab
subject: combat
date: Tue Mar  6 14:15:03 2001

Please report any weird things with combat.  This change
has been on the builder port for over a month with no reports
of any problems


poster: Zifnab
subject: inform
date: Tue Mar  6 23:13:32 2001

Seems I made the combat silent crap worse.

Not exactly sure how as I didnt really touch that part of it
But I have some ideas at the moment of how to fix it, need
to talk with khosan a bit to get his ideas first though.

So for now if its unbearable turn silent off.
that may not fix the entire issue, but it should help.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Nethermage change
date: Wed Mar  7 11:34:04 2001

Skilled nethermages with nice masteries will be able to have
strengthened nether body, thus making them more resistant to dispelling.


poster: Zifnab
subject: change
date: Wed Mar  7 14:51:16 2001

Made a change to heart beats, I hope this solves _some_ of the
problem of the messages you were getting.  It is not going to 
solve the problem completely.  Anyway let me know after boot if
it gets better/worse or what.


poster: Zifnab
subject: hp/sp/ep info
date: Wed Mar  7 16:16:03 2001

Ok the next time you get a new body if you are using portal 
or RDMP you will start getting your hp/sp/ep sent every heart
beat, roughly every 3 seconds.  this actually greatly 
reduces what we were doing prior to this.

Portal users, the portal codes are going away shortly, you will
have to write an event to grab the RDMP codes, filter them, 
and populate the correct variables in order to continue using your
status bars as is.  its really easy, and  I have done it at 
home already.  I would make this change immediately but I 
don't have portal here to test it out and post the event.

See the portal news group for more info later tonight.


poster: Khosan
subject: java client
date: Wed Mar  7 19:47:43 2001

Upgraded the java mud client on the web page to the latest version. I
can't remember what the old version could, but this one has the following

* Walking with the numberpad.
* You can define keyboard macroes with "command F1 say hi!". To execute
press F1.
* Scrollback with pageup/down.
* RDMP support, you just can't use it for anything yet :)
* Standalone support, you can run it without your browser.

The latest point is explained at http://reddragon.clansoft.com/connect.html. It is
by far the easiest mud client you can install.



poster: Zifnab
subject: lodestones
date: Fri Mar  9 00:40:22 2001

I have disabled the random and unkown lodestones..  to many
problems with them lke getting quests complete because ofone
etc,rooms people shouldnt be in.

If we can come up with a good solution this will be temporary, 

Yeah i know they are fun, so enjoy them while you have them, 
all new ones will not work.


poster: Khosan
subject: java client
date: Fri Mar  9 23:27:32 2001

uploaded a new version of the java mud client. This one has a new improved input field


poster: Dram
subject: Psionists
date: Sat Mar 10 22:26:01 2001

The masteries for the psionists attack spells now will allow for
multiple masteries from one spell. Not tested, report any bugs.
Relog first to make sure.



poster: Zifnab
subject: combat silent
date: Mon Mar 12 16:17:03 2001

Due to the way entry hits are done, you will still get a goofy 
message like this....

you enter hte room, then leave before a heart beat happens, the monster
has hit you, but you wont get the silent message until the next heartbeat
which means you are in a differant room..

I think we are going to have to live with this, and perhaps change 
entry hits, not sure.


poster: Marvin
subject: lodestones
date: Mon Mar 12 22:47:55 2001

reinabled random and unknown lodestones.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Mar 13 11:37:08 2001

Added revert form spell to elemental gammas.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Wish change
date: Tue Mar 13 19:02:54 2001

Wishes spell speed and skill speed are going to be removed.
The main reason for that is that they have a very high impact
on some balance issues, making some attack skills/spells very
difficult to tune properly.
A machine will be in cs that you can touch to reimburse spell speed
and skill speed wishes. It basically remove the wishes and give you
the corresponding amount of task points.

I'm aware that this change might have some quite big impact on some
things and I will _consider_ argued proposals to make changes to
use time and cast time of some skills/spells. I will ignore flames/
whines/requests that come without argument.


PS: Expect an early boot sometimes soon to do this properly.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Mar 13 19:30:00 2001

Evoker bravo long attack spells are back to 4 rounds instead of 5.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Mar 13 19:36:03 2001

Tuned gem blast cost up some. Expect maybe a few other adjustments.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Mar 13 20:25:16 2001

Changed deathblow and throw knife instant kill formulas. Level of target will affect probability of it happening. Globally, its a slight upgrade for deathblow and a downgrade for throw knife, evne though bigger monsies will be able to be instant killed by throw knife (with low probability).


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Mar 13 20:54:04 2001

You cannot pick spell speed or skill speed at Xanden any longer.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Mar 14 11:36:13 2001

Lowered drastically ep cost of entangle.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Mar 14 11:40:26 2001

Weapon maneuvers will now affect skill efficiency. Eps costs of warrior offensive armed skills should be going down for people that have that skill.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Mar 14 12:52:32 2001

Store spell works now only with evoker spells.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Mar 14 15:38:49 2001

Upped effects of skill strike weakness. Needs a new body to affect.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Mar 14 16:25:50 2001

Changed a bit structure of cost of all gaurds and blades spells for woodsmen.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Mar 14 16:39:29 2001

I think I fixed the You hits thing in combat silent. Will work fully after boot.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Mar 14 19:52:11 2001

Changed a bit more throw knife formulas.


poster: Sigwald
subject: New skill
date: Wed Mar 14 23:50:06 2001

Jugglers, defenders and mystic warriors have a new skill called
motion control. It will speed up long skills that are non combat
(and only if you are not in combat).
Affected skills are misc skills, prot skills and enchantment skills.


poster: Zifnab
subject: new party object
date: Thu Mar 15 03:52:18 2001

ok we are going to try a new party object.  been testing with
no problems.

party help, new commands are listed at the bottom, 
party locations replaced party snoop, 
party follow became party follow on/off/all


please bug report any problems


poster: Zifnab
subject: >new party object
date: Thu Mar 15 04:24:18 2001

On Thu Mar 15 03:52:18 2001 Zifnab wrote post #403:
> ok we are going to try a new party object.  been testing with
> no problems.
> party help, new commands are listed at the bottom, 
> party locations replaced party snoop, 
> party follow became party follow on/off/all
> etc. 
> please bug report any problems
also forgot to mention, the exp displays have changed.  
they now reflect _true_ exp gotten, not the pure number
of the monster.

sorry forgot to mention that earlier.


poster: Zifnab
subject: RDMP/portal
date: Thu Mar 15 06:44:57 2001

Next new body you get the RDMP and or portal codes will 
work every heart beat.  

Keep in mind I still plan to pull the portal codes at some
point and I would encourage you to use the RDMP ones instead.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Mar 15 12:18:05 2001

Upped slightly player crit chance (valid after you get a new body).


poster: Zifnab
subject: party
date: Thu Mar 15 18:12:14 2001

Made a few fixes to the party object wrt to joining/leaving the
channels.  that seems to be the only issues I have seen so far.

Please mail me/bug report details of any problems.

Also fixed the party command, allowed non leader to invite members.


poster: Zifnab
subject: party
date: Thu Mar 15 18:33:08 2001

made another fix that wont take affect until reboot.

When you made a party, and then switched leaders, the players 
invited after that couldnt turn the channel on due to not
being invited to the channel (leader is not the creator)

I made a fix for that in the channel daemon, it will be effective
the next time the daemon loads which will be boot, or crash.

for now try not to swithc leaders, or dont invite any new people.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Mar 15 18:46:56 2001

Added skill tumbling to monsies, mostly for high level monsters.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Mar 15 19:16:54 2001

Fixed a big bug with tumbling skill. Will now do something for real.


poster: Zifnab
subject: new banks
date: Thu Mar 15 20:26:59 2001

added 2 new banks to the world of Red Dragon.


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Mar 16 09:58:07 2001

Fixed a bug with motion control, forgot a few breaks in the switch statement :)


poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Mar 16 15:20:52 2001

Upped skill charge. Lowered use time as well.


poster: Tigran
subject: i update
date: Sat Mar 17 19:14:40 2001

modified the i ocmmand so that it separates out gems and foods into their own catagories rather than being in 'General'


poster: Tigran
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Mar 17 20:07:16 2001

copied the new i command to inventory


poster: Tigran
subject: unkeep
date: Sat Mar 17 20:22:07 2001

added an unkeep verb. However, it will not fully work until after reboot.


poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Mar 17 20:53:02 2001

removed the inventory command. use i, its the same anyway


poster: Khosan
subject: level 4 clerics
date: Mon Mar 19 15:34:47 2001

Suppose some people would find a way to abuse the newbie bonus and a
certian cleric spell. Suppose it is fairly obvious to detect level 4
players with far more worth than can be used on level 4, yet they stay
level 4.

Know then, I would love the feeling after I nuked said cheaters.



poster: Khosan
subject: hand of balance
date: Mon Mar 19 15:48:21 2001

disabled hand of balance until we figure a way to prevent abuse of newbie bonus'


poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Tue Mar 20 05:42:58 2001

On Sat Mar 17 08:17:34 2001 Waz wrote:
> For centuries the contest has been fought.  Heroes have died.  Villains have
> been victorious.  Controversy has been an integral part of their world.
> The game has been corrupted, some say.  From far and wide, rumors spread
> that what has been an honorable contest for feudal supremity has turned
> into the brutal machinations of an unfeeling overlord.  The question
> that remains to be discovered is the identity of this foul person.
> Some say it is merely a powerful baron, drunk with power and money,
> buying his matches and controlling his own little world.  Other believe
> the true evil lies in a legend from years past, long since believed
> dead.  The story changes from tavern to tavern, wizened old travelers
> shy away from the mere mention of his name...until the urge
> to discover the truth burns within you like a wildfire, and you feel
> yourself drawn to their world.

(reposted by Zifnab, originally from Waz)


poster: Zifnab
subject: mudlist
date: Wed Mar 21 15:57:05 2001

players can now do mudlist 'name' to search for a mud name.

i.e. mudlist red

U   Red Dragon   3000   Lima based    -- OPEN --


poster: Khosan
subject: gromit
date: Wed Mar 21 22:41:47 2001

nuked the bot Gromit for botting


poster: Tigran
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Mar 22 16:40:53 2001

fixed the bank on hyboria so that transfer and other similar commands should work there now.


poster: Khosan
subject: finger
date: Sun Mar 25 04:42:18 2001

fixed the "Last time on" field in the finger info. Will first fully work after reboot


poster: Zifnab
subject: condition
date: Mon Mar 26 21:07:33 2001

Snoop rewrote condition to use the parser so you can correctly
identify multiple targets, via 1st, 2nd, a,monsters, all, etc.


poster: Zifnab
subject: new colors
date: Tue Mar 27 18:35:03 2001

added default colors for tick/tock. Used in features coming to a mud near you shortly.


poster: Marvin
subject: HOB
date: Tue Mar 27 23:04:28 2001

HOB is now back, and is a normal low level spell.


poster: Zifnab
subject: reason for reboot
date: Wed Mar 28 16:08:16 2001

Regen has been changed.  You may not like this, it is a change I 
have wanted to do for 4 years just havent had the means to do 

This is a continuation of the heart beat always on change.

You will now regen every x heartbeats, wont take y ou long to
figure that out.

Other things affected by this, growth, and hunger.  

If I messed up anything (it has been tested on the other port with
no problems.... Kick Guacamole) I will have to reboot a few times
to clear it up depending on what is the messed up part.

Oh the time is no longer random, and is the _average_ of the time
spent before.


poster: Zifnab
subject: >reason for reboot
date: Wed Mar 28 17:47:01 2001

On Wed Mar 28 16:08:16 2001 Zifnab wrote post #429:
> Regen has been changed.  You may not like this, it is a change I 
> have wanted to do for 4 years just havent had the means to do 
> so.
> This is a continuation of the heart beat always on change.
> You will now regen every x heartbeats, wont take y ou long to
> figure that out.
> Other things affected by this, growth, and hunger.  
> If I messed up anything (it has been tested on the other port with
> no problems.... Kick Guacamole) I will have to reboot a few times
> to clear it up depending on what is the messed up part.
> Oh the time is no longer random, and is the _average_ of the time
> spent before.
I also removed the newbie message 'You regen when you normally
would not'


poster: Zifnab
subject: equipment changes
date: Wed Mar 28 19:17:58 2001

2 pieces of equipment that are currently in the game, but
have never been obtained by a player have been modified with 
a new 'bonus' to them.  

I will leave you with 2 hints:

it directly affects regen, but is not a 'bonus' that you
have previously seen.


The items are on 2 differant monsters.


poster: Zifnab
subject: mail purge
date: Wed Mar 28 20:37:11 2001

There will be a mail purge within the next week, I will start
with getting rid of all mail that the to list, and waiting for
elete list has players that dont exist anymore.

then proceed to getting rid of mail that is older than 1 year old.

There are currently 24000 unique pieces of mail the mud is holding.
just an fyi


poster: Zifnab
subject: event
date: Wed Mar 28 21:13:54 2001

added a message like tol and tod to /admin/obj/event.c to tell players an event is happening when they log in


poster: Marvin
subject: regen
date: Thu Mar 29 06:11:57 2001

In case it wasn't clear...

You now all regen at different times. 
Your regen is now consistantly X seconds.
Did I spell 'consistantly' right?
