poster: Rambo
subject: Healer
date: Thu Sep 28 09:07:04 2000
I think the healer guild should get their own guild item.
Jus' my two cents.
poster: Urg
subject: eq wish (+ kinda guild wish too)
date: Thu Sep 28 22:34:26 2000
an idea - why dont we have a kendo branch of ma - armed with lethal
staves - only wieldable by guild
poster: Fox
subject: My area.
date: Tue Oct 3 01:48:58 2000
I need some more ideas on what kind of eq this place needs.
Either mail me your thoughts or ideas of what slot of eq...no stats,
or send me a tell if I am on line.
poster: Tarquin
subject: I wish I may, I wish I might.
date: Wed Nov 1 18:24:16 2000
Have this wish I wish tonight.
I wish for more gloves that give +int. Maybe thay are out there,
but they are never on sales when I am.
poster: Blackthorne
subject: Amulets and eyewear
date: Wed Nov 15 07:32:12 2000
For those of us with a small bank account, how about a small fighter
type amulet that gives +3 str or +3 con or eyewear that give str or
dex. Just hopin'.
poster: Golte
subject: list
date: Wed Nov 15 13:58:40 2000
Could someone put together an up to date list of slot+stat
suggestions posted here, that has not already became
implemented by some builder?
Something that is easy to get a quick view on when
deciding what your monsters should wear.
poster: Warchief
subject: Caster arms l/r
date: Thu Nov 16 01:50:21 2000
I think there need to be more (if there are any) pieces of caster
equipment for the individual arms slots. Also maybe some midbie
caster equipment for the individual legs, and probably some for the
legs. Also some midbie caster equipment for the individual hand
slots as well.
poster: Pedron
subject: >Caster arms l/r
date: Thu Nov 16 03:25:56 2000
On Thu Nov 16 01:50:21 2000 Warchief wrote post #7:
> I think there need to be more (if there are any) pieces of caster
> equipment for the individual arms slots. Also maybe some midbie
> caster equipment for the individual legs, and probably some for the
> legs. Also some midbie caster equipment for the individual hand
> slots as well.
> -Chief
Using the followup command, maybe it'll add up to the list
whatshisface wanted in one post.
Midbie individual gloves slots, left glove for one. Maybe a midbie
level shield With high holy res, +a bunch of some fig stat, wc50+
would be cool. Dark red shield's the next one above black monk
and dai-shield shields.
For weapons.. maybe whips and clubs with damage types of midbie
level. I don't know of any whips above spidranox webbing
stats, so it must be pretty rare whatever it is. :)
I think casters may need armors with high magic, fire, poison,
other stuff resistance, they just don't know it till a red
dragon or fergus' crazy areas kill them hard.
poster: Golte
subject: summary
date: Sat Nov 18 21:14:17 2000
I have tried to read throught the news arcive and to check
what kinds of eq snoop and co newly has coded,
and here is my summury about eq needed:
(go ahead and come with corrections)
:::::highbie fighter:::::::
:::::::highbie rogue:::::::
::::::lowbie fighter:::::::
eyes, neck, amulet
left arm, left hand
:::::::lowbie rogue::::::::
eyes, neck
left arm, left hand
:::::::highbie caster::::::
right hand/neck
:::lowbie/midbie caster::::
left hand
single leg stuff
single arm stuff
whips/blunt for highbies
whips/blunt/shield for midbies
whips/blunts/shield/pierce for lowbies
something with decent WC and caster stats, any weapon type
:::::::more abilites:::::::
resistance and special defense against some magical attacks
:::specific stats wished:::
healer skills, mostly martyr
abjurer skills/spells
witch skills
generally skills for any newly created guild
::::::::NOT TO CODE::::::::
highbie swords
fighter/caster torso
caster helmet highbie/midbie
highend piercing and shield
fighter/mage higibie rings
poster: Arkangyle
subject: non-standard eq
date: Wed Nov 22 23:27:33 2000
How about some eq that doesn't fit into any slot, stuff that you
can't wear or wield, like a piece of everburning wood, a blanket
that let's you camp better, figurines that will turn into familiars
when you ask them once a day and turn back after an hour etc
- Arkangyle
poster: Xphere
subject: Caster cloaks and boots
date: Tue Dec 12 01:17:11 2000
it seems that we have an overabundance of 12 spr caster cloaks and
caster boots, and then it jumps to highbe blackmon boots and cloaks,
which go for at least 6m...
maybe we could get some midbe caster cloaks and boots in the 15-25
spr range orso?
poster: Golte
subject: >Caster cloaks and boots
date: Tue Dec 12 15:02:27 2000
On Tue Dec 12 01:17:11 2000 Xphere wrote post #11:
> it seems that we have an overabundance of 12 spr caster cloaks and
> caster boots, and then it jumps to highbe blackmon boots and cloaks,
> which go for at least 6m...
> maybe we could get some midbe caster cloaks and boots in the 15-25
> spr range orso?
The current rules for eq-stats has only a few levels,
so when the monster size passes some particular number,
it's eq gets a large swing up.
If for example 12spr is largest allowed on a 1m monster, a 13spr
piece whould require a 2m monster.
poster: Marvin
subject: >>Caster cloaks and boots
date: Tue Dec 12 16:14:42 2000
On Tue Dec 12 15:02:27 2000 Golte wrote post #12:
> On Tue Dec 12 01:17:11 2000 Xphere wrote post #11:
> > it seems that we have an overabundance of 12 spr caster cloaks and
> > caster boots, and then it jumps to highbe blackmon boots and cloaks,
> > which go for at least 6m...
> > maybe we could get some midbe caster cloaks and boots in the 15-25
> > spr range orso?
> The current rules for eq-stats has only a few levels,
> so when the monster size passes some particular number,
> it's eq gets a large swing up.
> If for example 12spr is largest allowed on a 1m monster, a 13spr
> piece whould require a 2m monster.
Your numbers are a little off there. Obviously there are many 13-20
spr items on < 2M monsters.
poster: Mikul
subject: >>Caster cloaks and boots
date: Tue Dec 12 16:30:54 2000
On Tue Dec 12 15:02:27 2000 Golte wrote post #12:
> On Tue Dec 12 01:17:11 2000 Xphere wrote post #11:
> > it seems that we have an overabundance of 12 spr caster cloaks and
> > caster boots, and then it jumps to highbe blackmon boots and cloaks,
> > which go for at least 6m...
> > maybe we could get some midbe caster cloaks and boots in the 15-25
> > spr range orso?
> The current rules for eq-stats has only a few levels,
> so when the monster size passes some particular number,
> it's eq gets a large swing up.
> If for example 12spr is largest allowed on a 1m monster, a 13spr
> piece whould require a 2m monster.
Erm, eq around is:
Azarian cloak (event)
Mistweaver cloak (old/new), 400k
Grey Woolen Cloak, 400k
White Stole, 400kish
Vorysis Boots, 400k
Fifth Boots, 400k
Azarian boots (event)
Vory, and fifth are 8 spr or below.
Next eq in each slot appears to be blackmons cloak, and blackmons
boots for caster. So a little more varity is being asked for.
1m monsters can easy give 20spr items with some little stats.
poster: Golte
subject: >>>Caster cloaks and boots
date: Tue Dec 12 17:57:07 2000
On Tue Dec 12 16:14:42 2000 Marvin wrote post #13:
> Your numbers are a little off there. Obviously there are many 13-20
> spr items on < 2M monsters.
My numbers are off on purpose, because the exact numbers may be
considered qizinfo, which shouldn't be posted in public.
On Tue Dec 12 16:30:54 2000 Mikul wrote post #14:
> So a little more varity is being asked for.
There whould probably be more varity if we had more eq-class-levels,
like one for each monster-level, instead of one for each tenth
monster-level. But then the admins have to change into the system.
If a builder is allowed to give 20spr to an item, he probably doesn't
feel like giving it only 17spr to increase varity. Then his monster
whould be fighted less often.
poster: Marvin
subject: >>>>Caster cloaks and boots
date: Tue Dec 12 20:06:01 2000
On Tue Dec 12 17:57:07 2000 Golte wrote post #15:
> On Tue Dec 12 16:14:42 2000 Marvin wrote post #13:
> > Your numbers are a little off there. Obviously there are many 13-20
> > spr items on < 2M monsters.
> My numbers are off on purpose, because the exact numbers may be
> considered qizinfo, which shouldn't be posted in public.
> On Tue Dec 12 16:30:54 2000 Mikul wrote post #14:
> > So a little more varity is being asked for.
> There whould probably be more varity if we had more eq-class-levels,
> like one for each monster-level, instead of one for each tenth
> monster-level. But then the admins have to change into the system.
> If a builder is allowed to give 20spr to an item, he probably doesn't
> feel like giving it only 17spr to increase varity. Then his monster
> whould be fighted less often.
No one is forcing any coder to give every piece of eq the max allowed stats.
If a builder's monster is somewhat easier than another, it should
give less stats,
even if it is allowed to have the same stats.
I admit that often times I give max stats to eq. But not always. And
I think many people
would argue that my monsters in general are tougher than the average and maybe
deserve those stats.
The worst problem is with spr. If you do not give your item max spr,
no one will use it,
because no other stat is even close in importance. Fighter stats
matter less so. A fig may
use an item for any number of reasons, so it is unclear which of a
particular slot is
the 'best' (in most cases).
It would be nice if the spr issue was resolved, but I can't think of
a good way
to fix it atm.
As far as worring about your monsters being fought less often, it
would be nice if
we lost the attitude that a certain builder or wizard 'wins' if more
people go to their area.
I feel that you have really made a good area if people go there no
more / no less than any other
area. It means you coded something that was in tune with the mud.
I appologize for the formatting of this post. This client seems to
think that a
of course everyone wants a variable-width font in the typing area =P
Piece of junk =P
poster: Pedron
subject: leggings of valor
date: Wed Dec 13 03:51:25 2000
Not really a reuest for anything to be coded, but would
be nice if future highbie parties
gunned down the viking leader insteadd of the seareach
guard captain guy so those leggings
can be brought into play. :P
They look awesome and though I can't afford them yet, I
will be able to eventually. :P
Trax or some other higher fighter probably has megs
they could and would spend on the things if the stats
listed are accurate.
PLEASE kill down erek if you can instead of
the guard captain. :)
poster: Kaos
subject: >leggings of valor
date: Wed Dec 13 04:34:52 2000
I had those leggings for sale a long time, no one wanted
to buy so i sacced them.. so there, haha
poster: Zyz
subject: guild +skill items
date: Thu Dec 14 20:57:27 2000
Guild skill/mastery bonus items. For example psychic skill bonus items could
include darkened mind, lore of the elders, brewing lore, or mastery of
seeing. Abjurer could have protection ritual, lengthen/strengthen
abjuration, find weakness, master of vulnerability, etc. Animists bonus eq
could have skill bonuses such as animal empathy, lore of soil shamans, focus
crystal energy, ritual of creation, etc. Different power level items could
focus on higher or lower ranking skills.
These items would encourage a variety of eq use, depending on guild. Perhaps
a +15spr +5% mastery item would be better than a +25spr item. Would redefine
'top slot' eq and certainly give incentive to kill different monsters. -Zyz
poster: Snoop
subject: >guild +skill items
date: Thu Dec 14 20:59:35 2000
Not very many ppls would use items with + to masteries since they
makes you have to put less spr on the item. Now i would like it if
other stuff than regen would matter, but i dont have any good
solution for it=)
poster: Zifnab
subject: >guild +skill items
date: Thu Dec 14 20:59:35 2000
On Thu Dec 14 20:57:27 2000 Zyz wrote post #19:
> Guild skill/mastery bonus items. For example psychic skill bonus items
> include darkened mind, lore of the elders, brewing lore, or mastery of
> seeing. Abjurer could have protection ritual, lengthen/strengthen
> abjuration, find weakness, master of vulnerability, etc. Animists bonus eq
> could have skill bonuses such as animal empathy, lore of soil shamans,
> crystal energy, ritual of creation, etc. Different power level items could
> focus on higher or lower ranking skills.
> These items would encourage a variety of eq use, depending on guild.
> a +15spr +5% mastery item would be better than a +25spr item. Would
> 'top slot' eq and certainly give incentive to kill different monsters. -Zyz
IIRC there are some pieces of equipment that have not been gotten
yet that have just these kinds of bonuses.
poster: Wildchild
subject: >>guild +skill items
date: Thu Dec 14 22:36:14 2000
On Thu Dec 14 20:59:35 2000 Zifnab wrote post #21:
> On Thu Dec 14 20:57:27 2000 Zyz wrote post #19:
> > Guild skill/mastery bonus items. For example psychic skill bonus items
> could
> > include darkened mind, lore of the elders, brewing lore, or mastery of
> > seeing. Abjurer could have protection ritual, lengthen/strengthen
> > abjuration, find weakness, master of vulnerability, etc. Animists bonus
> > could have skill bonuses such as animal empathy, lore of soil shamans,
> focus
> > crystal energy, ritual of creation, etc. Different power level items
> > focus on higher or lower ranking skills.
> > These items would encourage a variety of eq use, depending on guild.
> Perhaps
> > a +15spr +5% mastery item would be better than a +25spr item. Would
> redefine
> > 'top slot' eq and certainly give incentive to kill different monsters.
> IIRC there are some pieces of equipment that have not been gotten
> yet that have just these kinds of bonuses.
headband of dion warwick already has 5% lore of the elders bonus,
just that they're pretty difficult to get *coughshoul
beuppedasitis*, but the problem with wanting guild specific skill
bonuses is, particularly for casters, like Snoop said, won't be used
by those people that teh skill bonuses are designed for.
Now, eq that has gives a bonus to some mastery no matter your guild
(most guilds have masteries now), that would be nice.
So if you're witch, you get 5% lore, if you're earth mage, you get
5% mastery of earth, etc.
poster: Golte
subject: >>guild +skill items
date: Thu Dec 14 22:36:17 2000
On Thu Dec 14 20:59:35 2000 Snoop wrote post #20:
> Not very many ppls would use items with + to masteries since they
> makes you have to put less spr on the item. Now i would like it if
> other stuff than regen would matter, but i dont have any good
> solution for it=)
> */Snoop
int and wis used to be quite uninteresting since they increased
not only effect of spells but also spellcost, while regen bonus
was a plain bonus.
Now when i checked, my spellcosts went down rather than up
when wearing caster eq, so i guess the problem has
already been solved. int and wis should now be about as
interesting as sp-regen.
str,dex is similar.
poster: Sleet
subject: >>guild +skill items
date: Fri Dec 15 03:24:34 2000
On Thu Dec 14 20:59:35 2000 Zifnab wrote post #21:
> On Thu Dec 14 20:57:27 2000 Zyz wrote post #19:
> > Guild skill/mastery bonus items. For example psychic skill bonus items
> could
> > include darkened mind, lore of the elders, brewing lore, or mastery of
> > seeing. Abjurer could have protection ritual, lengthen/strengthen
> > abjuration, find weakness, master of vulnerability, etc. Animists bonus
> > could have skill bonuses such as animal empathy, lore of soil shamans,
> focus
> > crystal energy, ritual of creation, etc. Different power level items
> > focus on higher or lower ranking skills.
> > These items would encourage a variety of eq use, depending on guild.
> Perhaps
> > a +15spr +5% mastery item would be better than a +25spr item. Would
> redefine
> > 'top slot' eq and certainly give incentive to kill different monsters.
> IIRC there are some pieces of equipment that have not been gotten
> yet that have just these kinds of bonuses.
all my eq would be +abj spells or skills if i could find them
poster: Wildchild
subject: old gm eq
date: Sat Dec 30 21:38:20 2000
Guildmasters have been unkillable for a long long time now, and only
three have made their way back into the game.
Any chance all the old gm eq can be re-examined or something based
on how many there are in the game and modify their stats based on
Stuff like the Karoz and Kinjo armbands weren't that good, but those
two and the old master psychics guild GM eq, Dion headband, are
guilds no longer in the game.
Atleast if they were given better stats people would still have a
reason to buy/sell this eq and people would want them for more than
just collector's items.
poster: Rambo
subject: Bard Eq
date: Tue Jan 9 14:49:47 2001
The Mud needs more bard eq.
Maybe a new area devoted with lowbie/midbie bard eq.
Equipment with all kinds of stats, both fig and caster stats combined.
Now we have two kinds of eq, the eq that gives +str/dex/con and the
ones that gives +spr/wis/int. We don't got much with like
I have heard that Bards need a great deal in all stats, and with the
eq the mud holds now it is not possible to get a good bard. This
might be one of the reasons there are so few bards, but on the other
hand, it may not.
only my two cents.
Rambo al'Mithren
*Sealed with two arrows in blue wax*
poster: Erec
subject: >Bard Eq
date: Tue Jan 9 15:26:32 2001
On Tue Jan 9 14:49:47 2001 Rambo wrote post #26:
> The Mud needs more bard eq.
> Maybe a new area devoted with lowbie/midbie bard eq.
> Equipment with all kinds of stats, both fig and caster stats combined.
> Now we have two kinds of eq, the eq that gives +str/dex/con and the
> ones that gives +spr/wis/int. We don't got much with like
> +5str,+3wis,+7cha,+5erp.
> I have heard that Bards need a great deal in all stats, and with the
> eq the mud holds now it is not possible to get a good bard. This
> might be one of the reasons there are so few bards, but on the other
> hand, it may not.
> only my two cents.
> Rambo al'Mithren
> *Sealed with two arrows in blue wax*
The same is true for woodsman equipment. Stuff with some fig stats,
and wisdom or spr would be useful to either. Especially wisdom :-)
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>Bard Eq
date: Thu Jan 11 00:33:50 2001
On Tue Jan 9 15:26:32 2001 Erec wrote post #27:
> On Tue Jan 9 14:49:47 2001 Rambo wrote post #26:
> > The Mud needs more bard eq.
> >
> > Maybe a new area devoted with lowbie/midbie bard eq.
> > Equipment with all kinds of stats, both fig and caster stats combined.
> > Now we have two kinds of eq, the eq that gives +str/dex/con and the
> > ones that gives +spr/wis/int. We don't got much with like
> > +5str,+3wis,+7cha,+5erp.
> > I have heard that Bards need a great deal in all stats, and with the
> > eq the mud holds now it is not possible to get a good bard. This
> > might be one of the reasons there are so few bards, but on the other
> > hand, it may not.
> >
> > only my two cents.
> >
> > Rambo al'Mithren
> > *Sealed with two arrows in blue wax*
> The same is true for woodsman equipment. Stuff with some fig stats,
> and wisdom or spr would be useful to either. Especially wisdom :-)
> -Erec
Both are being taken care of as we speak. Some information on
specific slots needed would certainly help though. I've kinda lost
touch with what a woodsman needs (ie: eq that isnt available but
would be nice to be able to aquire) for xp and last time I was bard
I idled for 3 days before using a free reinc =j
Anyone with ideas on what is needed as far as slots/stats and so
forth, feel free to mudmail me with what you think we need more of.
Please refrain from asking for skill/spell bonuses though. They will
only be in the special eq that I make =j
- Tranquil
poster: Sleet
subject: Featureless mask
date: Sat Jan 27 19:08:58 2001
ok this isnt really a wish but this post didnt really seem approite
any where else
was just wondering what is the special on featureless mask
i had it ided and it said it had no stats except for the sepcial and
i have yet to see it when i use it
was just wondering what it was
poster: Pedron
subject: yoyo
date: Wed Jan 31 07:02:27 2001
I'm idling watching a semi-old movie here, the substitute
or substitute 2 or one of those things and the
teacher guy demonstrates the use of a steel yoyo as a weapon. :)
Maybe a bored coder up there could make some kind of bard
eq yoyo with +cha(for being deceptive)
and +throwing skills. Would be a whipping
style weapon the player can wield normally but also
work with the throwing skills for more damage(and return to
your hand if it doesn't stick in the target maybe.)
Just.. and I just thought of something else..
there should be a skill somewhere in the thief/assassin tree
where whipping weapons can be used to strangle/damage a target.
Wouldn't stun them since they could still flail about, but maybe
prevent wimpies and hold them in the room?
Suppose that skill idea goes in ideas, but
some weapons could be made to work with it if it exists. :)
pedron spam
poster: Blackthorne
subject: Green Destiny
date: Wed Jan 31 07:22:31 2001
I watched "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" the other night and, of
course,Green Destiny came to mind as a pretty good sword for the
mud. Maybe something like +5% dodge, +5% ws slashing, or something
of the sort. I guess you have to watch the movie to understand...But
if I didn't post it one of the people I saw the movie with
-B, who admires Pedron Spam and wants to be just as spammy as him.
poster: Magneto
subject: >Green Destiny
date: Wed Jan 31 17:43:44 2001
On Wed Jan 31 07:22:31 2001 Blackthorne wrote post #31:
> I watched "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" the other night and, of
> course,Green Destiny came to mind as a pretty good sword for the
> mud. Maybe something like +5% dodge, +5% ws slashing, or something
> of the sort. I guess you have to watch the movie to understand...But
> if I didn't post it one of the people I saw the movie with
> would've...
> -B, who admires Pedron Spam and wants to be just as spammy as him.
dont forget +5 cut big friggin axes in half
poster: Tektor
subject: Eq
date: Fri Mar 2 23:03:52 2001
Wig from Fraenz should be changed to some other slot so Bards can
ustilize its stats, not too many pieces out there have that nice of
charasima let alone charisma, and with a bard hat cant use the nifty
poster: Tektor
subject: Xandar's Mighty Sword
date: Sat Mar 3 04:57:53 2001
Maybe the wc could be tuned down a lil on it? Not much bard eq out
there and even with my str boosted and like 4 shrinks i could only
wield it in two hands still.
poster: Pedron
subject: thief stuff
date: Fri Mar 9 00:00:31 2001
Maybe a cloak with +conceal skill,
gloves with +pickpocket
(or a hooked ring with +pickpocket?)
helmets or cloaks with +hide skill,
bracers with +psychotic stabbing.
The first would be cool for use outside
normal combat, a bit unique maybe and not high demand items,
but they'd support skills I've had fun with in the thief guild
when I got tired of golding monsters. :)
poster: Killaaz
subject: Thin leather belt
date: Thu Mar 22 14:11:31 2001
This is a very cool belt..but it would be even cooler if it checked
beta instead of alpha:P
Would rock bigtimes:)
poster: Pedron
subject: boomerang!
date: Sat Mar 24 22:28:49 2001
Was thinking maybe a boomerang throwable weapon that returns
to player's hand if it doesn't manage to hit the monster. I
remember maxxing jugglers to get to a bravo guild, but not bothering
to train any skills cause stabs were cool and retrieving thrown
knives and rewielding to rethrow seemed too
tedious for me to experiment with for lack of triggers. :)
If I had a stack of boomerangs I could just hurl at some monster
without having to do 2 other commands between each throw,
I might've tried out jugglers even with a low worth.
Anyway. Boomerangs seem like a cool enough throwing
weapon to make. could sneak em into the hands
of aboriginals or something maybe.
-pedron spam
poster: Grasfer
subject: Viking Helmet
date: Thu Mar 29 14:22:30 2001
When you have it on you speak like you are drunk.
Example: Vhen yuoo hefe eet un yuoo shpeek leeke yuoo ere droonk.
// Grasfer