poster: Zifnab
subject: news reset
date: Wed Nov 1 06:05:27 2006
reset news. Archives will be available on the web page when I get a chance to do them
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Guild news groups
date: Wed Nov 1 06:09:35 2006
Replaced the old guild news groups with new ones, one for each current alpha.
So instead of fighter.general we now have guild.warrior and guild.martial_artist etc.
poster: Zifnab
subject: shifter board
date: Wed Nov 1 07:17:37 2006
Removing the shifter board as well.
poster: Vor
subject: alien sphere
date: Fri Nov 3 20:33:22 2006
i made a handful of changes. nothing major.
remember to wear protection.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Paladin area
date: Tue Nov 7 11:51:13 2006
Altered the paladins in my paladin area somewhat.
They have slightly different spells and skills than they used to have.
If it bugs or is otherwise not 'right', then let me know.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Elemental band
date: Thu Nov 9 09:29:35 2006
Changed the elemental band so you can only wear one at the time.
Either finger is still fine though.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Melee targetting
date: Fri Nov 10 15:14:43 2006
I've made a change so that you can choose what monsters you want to hit
with your melee.
That is if there's a room with multiple monsters, you won't just be forced
to hit on one of them, but you can instead choose which one of them you
want to kill first.
This of course does not apply to monsters who form parties or in other ways
force you to hit on a specific monster.
At the moment you can "choose" by either typing 'kill ' or target the monster with a spell or a skill.
This change wont take affect until you have a new body. So for those currently online, that means logging out for 30 minutes (or wait for reboot).
Hopefully this doesn't bug, but if it does...let me know.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Battle royale
date: Sat Nov 11 13:35:58 2006
Players now get moved to a random location on gossamer island instead of
a random location on the mud.
So no more random deaths, and no more free explore.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >Battle royale
date: Sat Nov 11 13:47:04 2006
On Sat Nov 11 21:35:58 2006 Ixtlilton wrote post #8 in inform:
> Players now get moved to a random location on gossamer island instead of
> a random location on the mud.
> So no more random deaths, and no more free explore.
to clearify, you go to a random spot on the island map, not to an area.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Targetting
date: Mon Nov 13 14:29:39 2006
The targetting from 'kill' and spells/skill has been replaced by a new verb, target.
You will be able to target any creature that you are currently in combat with.
I have made it so you wont target with kill and spells/skills.
It will take a reboot for this to have full effect.
ps. this change was made due to some issues with free rounds etc and figured
with the target verb you should still be able to focus your melee when the
need really arises.
poster: Daneel
subject: Blob event
date: Mon Nov 13 21:37:34 2006
I thought a blob event where you couldn't enter the blob was just
silly, so...
The blob is enterable again.
However, it is no longer in CS. Location is random, discoverable
by the score command.
Note this does mean you could all be thrown out into an
agro 2M eq. mob, but, well, them's the breaks. You can also
... er..
you get some bad with your good.
Have fun.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: arena event
date: Tue Nov 14 10:26:10 2006
begun to make some minor improvements to the arena event
until i'm done it will be disabled
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Ok - Gold
date: Thu Nov 16 21:39:36 2006
Since people actually noticed i guess i can admit i made a change to the gold tuner. I would probably get blamed anyway sooner or later. It can go down lower in tune now and it gives some bonus to items sold rarely. It won't go back to the old formula (which sucked), but it might get changed to a more carebear version of the current one.
Will evaluate it after it has had a chance to show what it's got.
-Ixtlilton, Robin Hoods evil twin - I steal from everyone and destroy the gold
poster: Daneel
subject: Experience formula change
date: Fri Nov 17 13:46:19 2006
Ixtlilton and I put together a change in the experience formula, effective momentarily, if not sooner.
The main goal is to make it so, no matter what your worth, you should always be able to get more xps in a decent party than you can soloing.
Though I won't get into the details here, the effects you'll see are a general downtune for solo rates. Party rates will change, but exactly how depends on the party, and could be an up- or down- tune, depending.
We also worked in a nice uptune for newbies while we were at it.
This change may be fine-tuned - the exact numbers may change, but we made a fundamental change to the shape of the xp curves which will almost certainly stay.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >Ok - Gold
date: Fri Nov 17 16:45:34 2006
Disabled it while i make some improvements to it. How long it stays disabled depends on how fast i get it to work the way i want it to.
poster: Zifnab
subject: thoughts behind change
date: Sat Nov 18 09:13:38 2006
This was mentioned on myth last night.. figured I would let
everyone see it....
Erec [myth]: In general, guys, this is going to be a hard transition.
Erec [myth]: basically, party and solo rates were out of tune relatively.
Flick [myth]: what erec is sayin relax folks things will smooth out eventually
Erec [myth]: and in order to fix them, solo has to drop, or party
has to increase.
Erec [myth]: because the amount by which party rates would have to
increase to balance it out would be obscene
Erec [myth]: this is actually somewhere in between...
Erec [myth]: yes
Erec [myth]: obscene is fine. obscene xps makes things hard to
tune, so is bad
Erec [myth]: no, highpriest
Erec [myth]: basically, the problem was there was a particular size
of monster that was most efficient to kill. That size, when the
original tuning was done, was well into the "party only" sizes - way
to big to solo.
Erec [myth]: what with one change and another to increase player
power, lots of people can now solo it.
Erec [myth]: the change was made such that (with the exception of
newbie mobs) it will always be more efficient to kill a larger
monster. To do this, the middle mobs where that artificial sweed
spot was had to be down-tuned in terms of xps given
Erec [myth]: but the idea is therefore that, since larger monsters
are always more efficient, and you need parties to kill larger
monsters, parties should always get better rates than soloers
Erec [myth]: that too enter portal :-)
[myth]: Erec rolls on the floor laughing.
Erec [myth]: that too, ep:-)
Erec [myth]: yes, it could, highpriest.
Erec [myth]: unfortunately, I don't see any way around that. This
is going to be a bit hard to get used to, but I think it should keep
a long-term balance we've been missing for a while.
poster: Daneel
subject: >thoughts behind change
date: Sat Nov 18 10:19:04 2006
A conversation with Drake pointed out to me a much better way to explain this.
Let us take a hypothetical dragon (pure solo guild) named A, and a hypothetical evoker (pure party guild) named B, of identical worth.
A soloing should get better xps than B soloing, obviously.
B partying should get better xps than A partying, similarly obviously.
And either partying should be able to do better than they do soloing.
Solo B < Solo A < Party A < Party B
Ideally, I'd say this should be true in ratios of about
2 : 4 : 5 : 6
With the way the old xp formula worked, this was just pattently impossible to maintain at all worths and levels.
The _goal_ of this tune, though I don't think it has achieved it just yet, is to enable me to make those ratios possible, for all players, at all levels. This is changing the basic shape of the exp curve. And this is impossible to do without tuning down all those people who used to be benefiting from the inherent unfairnesses of the old formula that made tuning it properly impossible. And, unfortunately, that includes about 90% of the mud, given current playing patterns.
It is my _intention_ to tune this (the formula, and the various guilds) further to get closer to this ideal as time goes on. However, I don't feel competent to do so until play patterns have changed appropriately for the new shape of the curve; therefore, further tunes will not be _very_ soon unless there are egregious problems.
People who want to help in this regard will either try soloing for half an hour to an hour, or partying for the same period, and mailing me their personal rate, worth, and guild, and comments.
If doing this, though, please try to do as well as you can for that period. No slacking, and if you have idlers in your party, please kick them out and start over.
Sorry, getting distracted from my main point here. Anyway, the overall point here is, I _believe_ this is necessary to fix the overall tuning of the mud, but is not a final step. I hope this post makes it clearer exactly why. It is not meant as a punishment to anyone in particular. Its purpose is not as a down-tune to huge xp rates. It's purpose is to allow more fair, consistent long-term tuning to the whole mud. That's going to be painful, but I think we can get past that, with patience.
Try to figure out new playing patterns that work better now - your old patterns probably won't be the best anymore, and I need to see what the best is.
Please try to readjust your expectations a little - I don't want advancement to be too slow, but I do want it fair, and expectations were getting to the point that the two were a little contradictory.
And try to have fun with this. Though xps are fun, remember they are just the means, and not the end, and no particular number is a fun one.
Well, except 8. 8 is inherently fun.
poster: Daneel
subject: more tuning
date: Mon Nov 20 08:43:37 2006
Ok, to make up for some of the recent undertunes, I think we're
currently overtuned for a couple days.
This system adresses the same concerns - it should always be more
efficient to kill larger monsters (e.g., partying) than killing
smaller monsters (e.g., soloing).
However, it's also now better to kill things bigger than you are,
and less efficient to kill things smaller than you are. A level 150
player shouldn't get more than a point or 2 xps killing a butterfly.
Today's formula is much more level around equal monsters than
last nights, and looks much more sane - in reasonable ranges,
reasonable-leveled people are seeing between 90 and 110% tunes
because of this.
Do expect this to be tuned again in a couple days, but for now...
have fun.
poster: Zifnab
subject: 10 free reinc tickets
date: Wed Nov 22 10:58:23 2006
hid 10 free reincs in random rooms around the mud.. enjoy
poster: Zifnab
subject: communist and his secondaries
date: Fri Nov 24 14:05:46 2006
Have all been nuked.
In case you wonder why...
From inform group...
date: Fri Apr 28 03:46:28 2006
Just in case anyone cannot take the hint..
Kill players intentionally you will not be playing here
any longer.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Nov 25 21:52:29 2006
added a new quest for newbies. If anyone has a secondary of the appropriate level I would appreciate feedback
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: archives
date: Fri Dec 1 22:50:49 2006
Added the old news to the archives, available on the webpage.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Cleaning...
date: Mon Dec 4 19:01:13 2006
Started doing some cleaning in the domains we have. Starting by moving areas to where they _should_ be and also removing duplicates of items and so on.
So far i've "cleaned" two areas.
- The Farmer Joe area
- The Pyramid on Oddworld
The first one was located on the wrong island and the second one had two versions of itself. As a player you should not notice any difference, farmer joe area is still located on gossamer and the pyramid is still on oddworld etc.
Just letting you know i'm doing it, so that if i for some reason make a mistake and you notice that you're missing equipment or something, you'll know who to whine to.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new ticket at santa
date: Sun Dec 24 10:02:23 2006
I put a new ticket in at santa.
I also hid 12 of them around the mud in explorable rooms.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >new ticket at santa
date: Sun Dec 24 10:07:34 2006
On Sun Dec 24 18:02:23 2006 Zifnab wrote post #24:
> I put a new ticket in at santa.
> I also hid 12 of them around the mud in explorable rooms.
correction 10 of them hidden.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Soulleech
date: Tue Jan 2 11:10:15 2007
Reinced Soulleech with 25% tax and froze him for 1 month for bug abuse.
poster: Zifnab
subject: combat
date: Thu Jan 11 20:29:44 2007
rearranged some stuff. Should be transparent
but I bet it uncovers an issue or 2 so please
bug report
poster: Zifnab
subject: >combat
date: Thu Jan 11 21:09:50 2007
On Fri Jan 12 04:29:44 2007 Zifnab wrote post #27:
> rearranged some stuff. Should be transparent
> but I bet it uncovers an issue or 2 so please
> bug report
Found one issue.. monstesr will stop casting if you
leave the room. the issue is they will continue
casting when you reenter the room.. I will
fix it just have to figure out how.
poster: Zifnab
subject: necro familiars
date: Sun Jan 14 09:07:16 2007
I made a change to familiars (all of them). Someone that gets
necro familiars after thsi post is complete please test
and make sure they work as expected.
those of you with normal familiars.. if you see anything
odd about them let me know.
poster: Vor
subject: celine
date: Tue Jan 23 18:13:07 2007
frozen and reinc'd for botting haims.
poster: Vor
subject: >celine
date: Tue Jan 23 18:29:20 2007
cd .
ok, 2 things. i've had a couple of people ask me about this.
1) in the rules for help botting, it says specifically that you
CANNOT recast haim with a trigger.
2) celine was botting. s/he wasn't responding to anything said or done.
that is why celine bot punished.
poster: Vor
subject: stralic event
date: Thu Feb 1 19:50:04 2007
i will be testing the stralic event a bit this week and maybe more.
unfortunately, i need to fine-tune the mob. so far, one piece of the
eq has made it into the game. the pieces may or may not get tuned,
and they _may_ get removed entirely. enjoy it while it lasts.
poster: Vor
subject: clayborn quest
date: Tue Feb 6 08:39:43 2007
i have removed an integral part of the clayborn quest so that it can
no longer be completed. i'm reworking the quest, and should be done
in a day or so. don't bother trying to complete it, though.
poster: Vor
subject: golden helmet
date: Tue Feb 6 10:45:39 2007
i fixed the golden helmet from iselin's area. should be fixed on a
new helmet (i.e. when it gets cloned again).
poster: Vor
subject: clayborn quest
date: Tue Feb 6 21:19:33 2007
it's fully functional again. a LOT has changed, so don't charge in
thinking you know what's what.
report any bugs or anything that seems off, and alert me if i'm signed on.
poster: Vor
subject: nightmare of lucifer
date: Thu Mar 1 18:11:47 2007
it actually does stuff now.
poster: Fountain of Illium
subject: kill number 46000000
date: Sat Mar 3 09:25:58 2007
Tektor got the kill.
poster: Vor
subject: sorc staff
date: Fri Mar 30 17:57:09 2007
i 'downtuned' it. it's kind of a tune, i wouldn't call it down.
send whines to /dev/null
poster: Vor
subject: builder port
date: Thu Apr 12 13:23:48 2007
if you're interested in working on the builder port, i plan on
taking _1_ builder over there to see what comes of it. if it works
out, i may take others.
what i'd like is for people who have sent applications in the past
to resend those applications so i don't have to pour through old
ones from people who have changed their minds or decided to leave
the mud.
poster: Vor
subject: builder port
date: Fri Apr 13 19:08:25 2007
i took 4 people instead of one, but i'm really done taking people
for the moment. fill out apps if you like and i'll consider them
next time.
poster: Vor
subject: pool
date: Fri Apr 13 21:36:48 2007
some new items have been added to the eqpool. enjoy :)
poster: Vor
subject: inform report
date: Sun Apr 22 17:41:07 2007
i'm changing all the eq with thief tree bonuses so that the
skills/spells/abilities will affect in-game themes. i may also be
changing some juggler stuff, but i'm nto sure. after a week or so,
if you _OWN_ a piece of eq with thief bonuses that i have not
changed, plz mail me the name of the item.
poster: Vor
subject: juggler
date: Thu Apr 26 16:03:55 2007
i made a small change (eheh, small) to throw knife. basically,
higher end weapons won't dest as often. i'm not entirely sure, but i
think lower-end weapons might dest more often.
new penalties were added to the knives that don't get dested, but
it's not something you're likely to notice.
poster: Vor
subject: >juggler
date: Thu Apr 26 16:04:23 2007
On Fri Apr 27 01:03:55 2007 Vor wrote post #43:
> i made a small change (eheh, small) to throw knife. basically,
> higher end weapons won't dest as often. i'm not entirely sure, but i
> think lower-end weapons might dest more often.
> new penalties were added to the knives that don't get dested, but
> it's not something you're likely to notice.
i should say higher end weapons won't dest at all.
poster: Vor
subject: areas
date: Sat Apr 28 19:35:35 2007
some of the areas around the mud that seem a little incomplete may
get some additional rooms put in here and there in the near future.
i don't know which areas will get the additions, but i'll be nice
and at least tell you when they're added and which island they're
the first one is on dc.
poster: Vor
subject: change
date: Sun Apr 29 15:45:08 2007
changed dragon eyes a little cause i didn't like what i had already done (shifted mastery from bravo to gamma, now it's back to bravo)
poster: Vor
subject: vengeance of gaia
date: Wed May 2 10:38:06 2007
updated the spell desc. the old desc didn't describe what it did at all.
the spell words etc are still the same though, for you trigger junkies.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Arena
date: Fri May 4 09:08:08 2007
Arena is live again.
Old bugs still exist and i will try to fix them. If it bugs, please report with as much detail as you can.
poster: Zifnab
subject: shop issue
date: Sat May 5 09:55:12 2007
Vor tried to fix a bug and what he did should have worked. I will
look into what we missed.
The fact that you cannot sell things right now is because some
information saved with you the last time you quit.. that information
was reloaded with you when you logged in.
Items that you picked up this boot should sell just fine.. if you
find that not to be the case and can send me a test case that I
can reproduce please mail me.
The items that you cannot sell are those that you had in your inventory..
possibly in your castles at the time of boot. they will resolve
themselves either the next time you get a new body (log out for
30 minutes) or the mud reboots.
The information is no longer saving that is why new items
are ok.
poster: Vor
subject: >shop issue
date: Sun May 6 20:11:17 2007
i have taken maxxis out of the game until this is resolved. after a
week, the _correct_ code will be put in and then i will re-add
maxxis. as far as the new body thing. i will set the time to be
(because i am generous to those who may not be able to mud all the
time) saturday during the day (rltime) which is friday US time. i
may do it later, it depends on when i can get someone to check my
stuff and then slide it in.
poster: Vor
subject: roper's left hand
date: Tue May 8 18:22:51 2007
i got tired of newbies being confused by an armor. 1) some of them
were just signing off without knowing why people were sexually
bothering them, and 2) i don't expect people to unidle long enough
to explain to the ones that profess confusion. i thought about
changing the emotes to friendlier things, but i decided that the
creator obviously wanted the messages to be vulgar, which is fine in
my opinion. rather than fiddle with that, i decided that i would
simply make the messages not target anyone under level 15, which has
been suggested by numerous people. i, of course, will take the
credit for actually doing it.
poster: Vor
subject: guess what
date: Thu May 10 13:11:57 2007
i coded some neato keen pool items. 2. they work together. have fun
obtaining them :)
poster: Vor
subject: ondo
date: Thu May 10 18:19:47 2007
has been caught botting and is being nuked.... er wait... no
he's the new player rep. unfortunately, athena is no longer
physically able to hold the job, and i think it would be beneficial
to have a player rep... and so ondo is it
poster: Vor
subject: elven camp
date: Fri May 11 00:00:37 2007
fixed 2 items in elven camp that had super duper AC... one of which
had 10 times the max allowed, practically. AC set junkies can
complain loudly :)
poster: Vor
subject: ac
date: Fri May 11 00:02:28 2007
meh, i'm not gonna bother reporting all the AC stuff i fix, but i'm
going through various items and putting them to the level that they
should be.
poster: Vor
subject: stralic's hourglass
date: Wed May 16 11:34:34 2007
the event is now runnable by players... if they can figure it out.
poster: Vor
subject: maxxis
date: Fri May 18 18:22:05 2007
i put him back in the game
poster: Khosan
subject: downtime
date: Tue May 22 16:42:53 2007
the mud was down due to a harddisk that is failing.
poster: Khosan
subject: moved the mud to a different server
date: Wed May 23 05:00:08 2007
moved the mud to a different server
poster: Khosan
subject: new server again
date: Thu May 24 15:08:15 2007
moved server again. We are now on a athlon 64 3000+ with 2 GB ram and two 74 GB disk (configured in a RAID 1). Also changed to a 32 bit Ubuntu install, to save memory. We have been on this server before, many years ago
poster: Vor
subject: inform report
date: Tue May 29 18:22:12 2007
made a change to bladed fury; making it more useful. it may get changed back.
poster: Vor
subject: inform report
date: Tue May 29 18:23:07 2007
madesco, as with the other navable islands, is now allowed to support pathfinding. it makes as much sense to allow pathfinding there as it does other islands. as with previous change, it may be temporary.
poster: Vor
subject: kama chameleon
date: Fri Jun 1 22:30:17 2007
i made a change to it. the change should not make it better or
worse... just a little better themed.
poster: Vor
subject: recall minion;#RECALL
date: Tue Jun 5 02:07:42 2007
added a message when the spell fails after succeeding (if that makes sense)
poster: Khosan
subject: experimental port 4000
date: Thu Jun 7 15:49:10 2007
I created a new experimental copy of the mud on port 4000.
Everyone have been reset back to level 1 on this port.
Here is your chance of being number 1 on the plaque!
poster: Zifnab
subject: iomchat
date: Tue Jun 12 06:17:16 2007
added a private channel for the 2 islands of myth muds to intermud. iomchat. I may need to play with the mud name of the new port just to get it workable for emotes etc
poster: Zifnab
subject: chan_intermud color
date: Tue Jun 12 06:39:51 2007
added a configurable color for intermud channels chan_intermud
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: blister skin
date: Wed Jun 13 09:35:59 2007
downtuned blister skin
poster: Zifnab
subject: new quest
date: Wed Jun 13 12:09:36 2007
added a small quest. 1 task point
poster: Khosan
subject: downtime
date: Sun Jun 17 12:25:02 2007
the mud server had some DHCP trouble and dropped off the net. I reconfigured it to a static IP and had to reboot
poster: Khosan
subject: web site
date: Tue Jun 26 14:12:08 2007
updated the web site to be more newbie friendly
poster: Zifnab
subject: newbie reinc portal
date: Sat Jun 30 17:51:32 2007
I moved the data file and just decided to be lazy about it.
Its essentially a brand new portal. any one under 50k can use it again.
poster: Zifnab
subject: fireworks
date: Tue Jul 3 10:20:38 2007
fireworks in toy shop
poster: Zifnab
subject: monsters
date: Mon Jul 9 09:22:21 2007
Made a change to monsters.. They should be remembering you a
bit better when you attack them. in other words dont be surprised
after the next boot if a monster remembers you attacked him after you
left the room.
poster: Daneel
subject: Where is the mud going?
date: Sun Jul 15 07:24:26 2007
We had a bit of a discussion on 4k last night about the
direction of the mud.
I'm not going to repeat it over here at the moment, but
(among other things, I want to have only one port where I
have to check for responses).... but please do bop over
there at some point and take a peek.
More will follow, but when I am organizing further
discussion, I'll try to remember to anounce it on both
poster: Gabranth
subject: desert
date: Mon Jul 16 11:50:51 2007
The ankh-morpork barkeep is telling any adventurer
who will listen about a desert nomad collapsing
near-dead on his door-step telling stories of
strange mutant beasts and an immense storm.
"This man would come around here once a year
or so to supply up. Nice fellow.. kept to
himself. But I know he's been wandering the
northern sands for years and he could definitely
take care of himself... whatever it was that got
him must've been something fierce."
The barmaid who was there at the time said "All he
did was mumble, something about a wall of sand
and.. and his legs... I'm surprised he could walk.
It looked like he was pecked at by a huge bird!"
poster: Zifnab
subject: reboot
date: Tue Jul 17 05:54:46 2007
I manually started the mud. We will need to reboot eventually so
that it will autostart.
poster: Daneel
subject: Mud Directions
date: Tue Jul 17 19:13:42 2007
Hi, folks, me again.
I've added a link on the web page - it's under
-> TheMUD
-> The Future of the mud
-> Problems Discussion
with the results of last Saturday's discussions, expanded
based on further input from various people, and with the
next step I'd like to take here. Please take a look at it
at your leisure.
The quick upshot is I want votes on what problems we should
tackle first, but it's not a simple vote-your-favorite, so
please do read the details.
poster: Zifnab
subject: iomchat
date: Fri Jul 20 06:28:10 2007
readded iomchat channel (color chan_iom) goes to all 3 ports
poster: Terrax
subject: Evil Plotting
date: Tue Jul 24 15:42:44 2007
Many exploring adventures have been coming through Gossamer with
wild tales of hysteria. Many have claimed the valley of magic as
disappeared suddenly. Others say they spotted Ghazi the king of the
Genies working dark magics. Some even claimed to have overheard him
talking to an unknown shadow that he was planning something. Nothing
is known for certain only that he and his enslaved dragons have
poster: Terrax
subject: Valley of Magic Equipment
date: Tue Jul 24 15:46:08 2007
As a side note expect some of the eq to be changing. Not uptune or
downtune but more of a sideways tune ;)
poster: Terrax
subject: >Valley of Magic Equipment
date: Tue Jul 24 19:11:02 2007
On Wed Jul 25 00:46:08 2007 Terrax wrote post #81:
> As a side note expect some of the eq to be changing. Not uptune or
> downtune but more of a sideways tune ;)
Some of the gear has changed to reflect guilds that are open,
instead of having skills that do not exist in game. Also 1 or 2
items had a small uptune which most prolly wont even notice.
poster: Mintorus
subject: An alarming development
date: Thu Aug 2 22:19:41 2007
In a trumpeting fanfair.
The bailif says: 'Court is now in session. All rise for the honorable ....*oops*
Now I can not tell you the location of the court, for I
would surely lose my....'
A large thud is heard as the bailif's head hits the ground.
The bailif's head says: 'Oh bugger not again.'
The Queen of Hearts shout: 'Off with your head. All of you shall be judged, now
that my court is in session.'
poster: Khosan
subject: downtime
date: Sun Aug 5 08:59:36 2007
The mud was down - see the emote qwest2
poster: Cebcurg
subject: Strange Valley
date: Tue Aug 7 13:03:16 2007
You hear a rustle and bustle as the forests of Sombre open up,
leading to a strange valley at the base of a mountain.
poster: Cebcurg
subject: Underground
date: Fri Aug 10 10:01:39 2007
The underground has opened up to Islands of Myth.
There are no new areas yet, but coming soon...
poster: Daneel
subject: votes
date: Tue Aug 21 08:00:40 2007
Well, I've taken a look at the voting.
I've gotten 8 votes I can quantify (there are a couple more that
are interesting and useful, but have no numbers for me to include
in global statistics).
These 8 point towards balance being the major issue, with a
plurality citing discouragement from partying in various forms.
Unfortunately, I don't believe this is a large enough sample to
get anything meaningful out of it.
6 votes from 4k, 2 from 3k.
1 wizard vote (me :-), 7 player votes
poster: Vor
subject: re: voting
date: Fri Aug 24 22:00:37 2007
ok, that attempt didn't work. i'm gonna try to do something in the
next few days. i think it will be a simpler and yet more diverse
option for doing something like voting. i will let you know when i
have come up with a convenient way to do it. probably in the next
few days.
the matter is not over.
poster: Vor
subject: re:re: voting
date: Fri Aug 24 22:12:16 2007
ok, this is how it's gonna work. similar to daneel's way of voting,
you will only be allowed to vote with ONE of your characters. please
keep that in mind.
here's what i want you to do.
mail vorvoter, subject voting, and list 5 problems that you think
need resolution. any problem at all. if you think trees need to be
green, please mail that to me.
2 things that you need to keep in mind about these problems:
1) it needs to be brief. you cannot expect me to read 3 pages of
ascii graphs that outline the problem, 4 footnotes, and 20
paragraphs of ancient mesopotamian horse laws.
2) you must tell me what the problem is. if trees should be green,
you cannot expect me to understand when you say that they should not
be blue. that does not tell me what color you think they should be.
here's what i'm going to do with this information:
i am going to try to put all of the related things into a group. if
i get 20 mudmails about the problem with tree colors, REGARDLESS of
what color the trees should be, i will put them all into one
then i am going to take all of the groups that i can make, and i'm
going to tally how many people found that problem to be one of their
when i have done that, i will pick the 10 most mentioned problems.
if you are the only person to say that trees should be green, it is
not a sign that your vote did not matter. rather, it is a sign that
your vote was not as widespread a problem in the minds of players.
lastly, i am going to take those 10 issues, and i am going to post
them in inform again. then people will vote on the number 1 issue of
those 10.
i might try to do some kind of points thing like daneel did, but i
will try to keep this from being a math contest. (not discrediting
daneel's application of the idea).
i will post reminders about this, and probably even put something on
newbie once in a while to remind new players that their votes are
important too. this is not a contest of who has been around for 7
years, or who knows more about internal code. this is simply a poll
of the top problems as observed by players in the current mud
thank you.
poster: Vor
subject: re: my voting
date: Sat Aug 25 23:20:16 2007
try to keep the votes going to vorvoter
the whole mud does not need to know your choices, nor should you try
to influence other people by forwarding it to 20 thousand mudders.
if you feel the need, you can cc it to vor when you send it to vorvoter
but i will just delete it :)
poster: Cebcurg
subject: Lurker Guild
date: Mon Sep 3 00:47:43 2007
The lurker guild will be open within the next few days, after
testing and such. I will open it on both ports simultaneously after
the testing is completed.
poster: Cebcurg
subject: Thief Equipment
date: Wed Sep 5 19:30:36 2007
All of the old thief eq has been reverted back to accomodate the new
Lurker guild. Thanks to Vor, this was an extremely simple process.
poster: Cebcurg
subject: Lurker Guild
date: Thu Sep 6 06:53:31 2007
The Lurker's guild has now opened, and a free reinc machine is in CS
for those who wish to test it. For the first week or two after the
release expect many changes to be made in reference to tuning and of
course working out the tweaks and glitches.
I ask that all oddities and errors are reported directly to me as
well, in mudmail so I can respond quickly to them.
poster: Zifnab
subject: mud startup
date: Wed Sep 12 07:10:31 2007
The automated part of the mud startup is not running.
It is having an issue after the machine crashes like it did
last week. So the mud needs to be started up manually. If no one
happens to be here that can start it... it doesn't start.
poster: Khosan
subject: >mud startup
date: Wed Sep 12 13:25:43 2007
On Wed Sep 12 16:10:31 2007 Zifnab wrote post #94:
> The automated part of the mud startup is not running.
> It is having an issue after the machine crashes like it did
> last week. So the mud needs to be started up manually. If no one
> happens to be here that can start it... it doesn't start.
this should be fixed now.
poster: Milid
subject: Castle Auction
date: Fri Sep 21 11:38:55 2007
I have decided it is time to auction off some old castles again.
Further details on auction channel and in my shop.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Castle Auction
date: Fri Sep 21 11:44:28 2007
On Fri Sep 21 20:38:55 2007 Milid wrote post #96:
> I have decided it is time to auction off some old castles again.
> Further details on auction channel and in my shop.
Just wanted to add to Milid's post...
I will offer some fair warning there are a lot of empty
And not as much good stuff as the last batch just fyi
poster: Khosan
subject: downtime
date: Sat Sep 22 06:16:47 2007
Yesterday a power transformer in Copenhagen shorted and caused
the power to go out for some time.
The firewall machine BIOS was not configured to automatically
boot when the power came back. It still is not, as that would
require more effort and he figured it would be a long time
until next power failure.
poster: Zifnab
subject: halloween area
date: Mon Oct 1 08:50:26 2007
opened the halloween area
poster: Zifnab
subject: >halloween area
date: Mon Oct 1 08:52:18 2007
On Mon Oct 1 17:50:26 2007 Zifnab wrote post #99:
> opened the halloween area
As always new costumes are always fun.
Need to have a few things sent to us to create new ones.
1) costume name
2) wear and remove messages
3) description
Mail me and cc vor and ceburg.. best chance of getting them created
poster: Khosan
subject: mud server downtime
date: Mon Oct 15 05:34:09 2007
we had some issues with the disks again. We moved the disks from the promise controller to the motherboard controller, and hope that works better.
poster: Mintorus
subject: Twin Islands
date: Mon Oct 15 16:24:38 2007
Work has finish on the construction of a small pier that extends from the beach
on the east Gossamer Island. Those that have travelled on the barge have told
stories of two small islands that are full of life. The north island being a
forest island and the south dominated by hunting plains. So far it has not been
found to be a dangerous place and very friendly to the smaller adventureres
amongst us. However much exploration of the islands is still being conducted and
a new city is in the process of being built.
Be prepared for many new areas to pop up on the islands in the next few months.
amongst us. However much exploration of the islands is still being conducted and
a new city is in the process of being built.
poster: Vor
subject: underground
date: Tue Oct 23 02:05:54 2007
a new path has been found in the underground. who knows where it may lead?
poster: Vor
subject: strange cave
date: Tue Oct 23 17:25:47 2007
The strange cave on sombre that has been ever so popular was flooded with
a high amount of magical energy, possibly caused by one of the rituals
performed by that strange man, Thaddeus Hoodwinker. Whatever the cause,
the strong force preventing people from teleporting has been disappated.
poster: Fountain of Illium
subject: kill number 47000000
date: Fri Oct 26 13:48:05 2007
Maskbeast got the kill.
poster: Vor
subject: nightmare of lucifer
date: Sun Oct 28 12:22:05 2007
i tweaked it a lot. it should work now (it wasn't before). if it
breaks, lemme know.
also, i downtuned spear of the masters a little bit. muah
poster: Vor
subject: monsters
date: Mon Oct 29 00:17:43 2007
they will no longer remember to be aggressive the whole boot. they
WILL remember to be aggressive past usual cleanup time though.
poster: Zifnab
subject: castles
date: Mon Oct 29 08:05:35 2007
deleted all the castles that were auctioned
poster: Zifnab
subject: ferries
date: Mon Oct 29 11:27:31 2007
added a few debugging messages to the ferries. IF you see them telling you to include a message in a bug report please do
poster: Vor
subject: >monsters
date: Mon Oct 29 18:30:56 2007
On Mon Oct 29 08:17:43 2007 Vor wrote post #107:
> they will no longer remember to be aggressive the whole boot. they
> WILL remember to be aggressive past usual cleanup time though.
did a little more tweaking on this. i think i'm done, but report any issues.
poster: Mintorus
subject: Lighthouse
date: Tue Oct 30 18:41:03 2007
+----------------News Flash-----------------+
| |
| After several weeks of combing the Twin |
| Islands explorers have found on the north |
| island an old, run down lighthouse. From |
| initial reports the lighthouse is a safe |
| for all to explore, however a small task |
| is ask for the citizens of IOM. |
| Light the lighthouse lamp! |
| Stay tuned for more upcoming news reports |
| in the next few months. |
| Mintorus. |
poster: Zifnab
subject: items in Jaguars area
date: Wed Oct 31 11:19:59 2007
I fixed the items in Jaguar's area.
Seems a handful of players were using them to lower reinc
penalties. Should have been pretty obvious it was too good to
be true.
A few players did it only a couple of times.. 2 or 3
players repeatedly did it.
Not sure exactly what I am going to do... yet...
poster: Vor
subject: brewer guild
date: Thu Nov 1 15:39:23 2007
i updated the guard so that he's more like he used to be. i'm only
telling you this so you don't go attack him and die.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >items in Jaguars area
date: Sat Nov 3 18:48:24 2007
On Wed Oct 31 19:19:59 2007 Zifnab wrote post #112:
> I fixed the items in Jaguar's area.
> Seems a handful of players were using them to lower reinc
> penalties. Should have been pretty obvious it was too good to
> be true.
> A few players did it only a couple of times.. 2 or 3
> players repeatedly did it.
> Not sure exactly what I am going to do... yet...
We have decided on what is to be done with those players that
abused these items.
From the logs back to 12/06 we know exactly who sacrificed them
and how many of each. A forumula was proposed that will impose
a reinc penalty and a freeze on the players involved based on the
number of times they sacrificed each item.
Those that are to be frozen and reinced will be contacted
shortly. ( I will be sending that email next).
poster: Zifnab
subject: exp bonus
date: Mon Nov 5 12:45:04 2007
adjusted the exp bonus for players on. 5% = 50 players 10% = 75
poster: Zifnab
subject: dhrugs rage
date: Tue Nov 6 12:10:24 2007
modified dhrug's rage a little bit
poster: Vor
subject: skinning
date: Tue Nov 6 13:02:27 2007
uptuned it a bit.
poster: Vor
subject: viking attack
date: Tue Nov 6 16:26:53 2007
i tweaked some of the equipment. mostly it was out of date and a
little incongruent.
most of it was uptunes.
poster: Waxman
subject: Joker & executioner
date: Wed Nov 7 00:55:11 2007
Tuned them a bit. Please mudmail if i made them too hard.
poster: Waxman
subject: Beast within
date: Wed Nov 7 01:29:51 2007
Silght tune to this mob.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Vahl
date: Thu Nov 8 19:44:11 2007
Vahl has some new tricks etc.
poster: Waxman
subject: Hermit & Electric Eel
date: Fri Nov 9 02:45:08 2007
Did a minor change to the was there specials work.
poster: Waxman
subject: Beast within
date: Fri Nov 16 16:58:43 2007
The beast has developed some new eq to go along with his old stuff. WOnt load every time.
poster: Khosan
subject: new server
date: Sat Nov 17 05:40:39 2007
Over the next day or two, the DNS servers are going to update the domain
islandsofmyth.org to the new server IP.
The new IP is:
You can use that IP directly until your DNS server updates.
If you are using the java client, this URL should work:
Any builders working on port 10k should notice this was moved to port 9k,
as port 10000 is used for something different on the new server.
The old mud will become nosave shortly after this mail.
poster: Khosan
subject: donate
date: Sun Nov 18 07:35:04 2007
Please read
Islands Of Myth
poster: Vor
subject: backstab
date: Sun Nov 18 09:57:16 2007
ok, i've changed backstab a little. if the changes seem too good to
be true or they seem to be a horrible downtune, let me know. it
shouldn't look like either.
i'm logging all backstabs taht have a chance to insta.
poster: Vor
subject: new skill
date: Tue Nov 20 13:07:03 2007
added a new skill to dragonfist fighter guild. it is subject to
change in the near future.
poster: Zifnab
subject: tickets
date: Tue Nov 20 13:25:52 2007
hid 20 'tickets' in random explorable rooms around the mud... rnging from reincs, ferry rides, eq repair and events enjoy
poster: Vor
subject: MA dodge
date: Tue Nov 20 14:04:39 2007
there was a typo in the dodge code for MAs. it was making their
dodging ability suffer fairly dramatically if they were primary MA.
should have been doing it if they were secondary MA. typo is fixed,
will take a new body to see change.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: red-handled longsword
date: Wed Nov 21 14:53:46 2007
changed some how it works
should be transparent to you, but let me know if it acts weirdly or whatever
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: texas
date: Thu Nov 22 11:41:02 2007
Added a 'data' argument for the texas holdem tables.
Shows how much you've won or lost, how many games that
has been played and how much money that's been played with.
Also made it so you see a game id at the start of every hand.
This is to make it easier for me to find hands in logs when there
are bugs, so be sure to mention that id in any bug report.
poster: Zifnab
subject: christmas
date: Fri Nov 23 11:09:30 2007
opened the christmas area (same time as last year)
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >Vahl
date: Fri Nov 23 11:49:58 2007
On Fri Nov 9 02:44:11 2007 Ixtlilton wrote post #121 in inform:
> Vahl has some new tricks etc.
adjusted some
poster: Vor
subject: necro guild hall
date: Mon Nov 26 07:24:02 2007
The necromancer guild hall has never really been worthy of the city
that housed it. Finally, the Mayor had a vision direct from Shirija.
To make a long story short, the old school was razed and a new
structure, far more ideal for the arts of undeath, has been
constructed and placed within Bahk'Grul. To those who honor the
guild's ways, embrace this powerful change. To those who would soil
its name, beware.
poster: Terrax
subject: Valley of Magic Gear
date: Wed Nov 28 12:41:27 2007
Various pieces are being adjusted to fit proper stat rules for eq.
It's not huge adjustments. Also this stuff is still ungettable for
the time being.
poster: Vor
subject: necro fams tune
date: Fri Nov 30 16:11:47 2007
there was a mistake in the code. basically, anyone whose fams were
over the max level limit before you reanimate them was getting huge
bonuses to his fams ability to avoid hits and deal more damage. it
was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY a bug. it is fixed now. should only affect
people whose fams were over that level though
poster: Khosan
subject: fixed the java client
date: Sat Dec 1 17:25:44 2007
fixed the java client
poster: Vor
subject: quicksand stuff
date: Sun Dec 2 21:57:43 2007
fixed a possible bug in it, at the least i made it work better for some people
poster: Waxman
subject: eqpool
date: Thu Dec 6 01:38:34 2007
Added some new pool pieces.
poster: Vor
subject: underground
date: Thu Dec 6 14:32:50 2007
i have disconnected all the exits. i'm far too lazy to update the
maps, you can wait for a reboot for that to go into effect.
this is possibly a permanent thing, but it's temporary atleast until
some drastic changes are made to the way the areas functioned.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: vahl
date: Thu Dec 6 21:29:32 2007
made it so tank doesn't get stunned by the area stun
also made some minor other adjustments
think it's time you stop sucking
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: attack abjurations
date: Fri Dec 7 09:27:00 2007
attack abjurations will now be removed on death
which means basically any bad lasting effect will be removed from your person if you die
requires new body etc whatever for it to take effect
poster: Zifnab
subject: party mxp window
date: Sat Dec 8 22:25:27 2007
I modified the party window a bit more.
for those of you that do not know what that means I added
an MXP window today that can be used by parties.
If you have mxp enabled and create a party _after_ this post
try doing party window on.
It still has a few issues like 1) dont resize the window smaller
than the text)
2) it seems to create multiple windows at least in CMUD (though it
only shows 1)
the package editor shows multiple.
If you can think of anything interesting that you might want to
do with this let me know via mail or news. This is kind of a test
to see how it works/if it works.
poster: Zifnab
subject: early reboots today
date: Mon Dec 10 04:25:40 2007
Do not be suprirsed if I reboot a couple of times today.
I need to clean up some code and illneed to reboot to make sure
I dont break anything.
poster: Zifnab
subject: party object
date: Mon Dec 10 11:55:08 2007
I rearranged a few things in the party object. Everything works
almost like it did before other than it was reporting informatino
every second when it didnt need to.
If anyone is willing to recreate their party that would be
appreciated so I can fix any issues before I leave.
Also if someone could check out the party window that would be
appreciated as well.. I cannot work on that while at work.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >party object
date: Mon Dec 10 11:56:19 2007
On Mon Dec 10 11:55:08 2007 Zifnab wrote post #146:
> I rearranged a few things in the party object. Everything works
> almost like it did before other than it was reporting informatino
> every second when it didnt need to.
> If anyone is willing to recreate their party that would be
> appreciated so I can fix any issues before I leave.
> Also if someone could check out the party window that would be
> appreciated as well.. I cannot work on that while at work.
Oh yeah the reason for the rearranging is that all the
reporting type messages of hp, etc shoudl happen _after_
the round of combat is over.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Chrysoberyl encrusted boot
date: Tue Dec 11 18:58:46 2007
Tuned this item to fit the eq guidelines.
poster: Vor
subject: builders
date: Tue Dec 11 20:59:11 2007
this is not a call out for builders. anyone can send in an application at
any time.
this post is just to address anyone who has sent in an application
in the last month or two or so.
i will not be dealing with new builders until after new years. this is
not because i do not think that they are useful, nor do i think we have
enough of them. honestly we could have 100 and i doubt more than 3
would produce
anything, so there's no real number i feel i need to keep under.
rather, i'm very busy with various projects, and i do not feel that i could
devote the appropriate time needed in getting people set up and helping
them with the first few issues before they either get bored or
figure stuff out :)
and as a reminder to anyone who feels that they need to talk to
anyone about being
a builder because they have been ignored when they send me
tells/mudmails, i remind
you that we have a builder application on the website, and i'd much
rather read the log
of that than keep mudmails in my inbox and try to guess who wants to
be a builder based
on the subject lines.
vor, your friendly neighborhood soul devouring builder admin
poster: Vor
subject: blob
date: Wed Dec 12 14:21:22 2007
it has been changed.
poster: Zifnab
subject: ip bans
date: Thu Dec 13 08:34:39 2007
Due to the inability of some players to correctly register
secondaries, and the secondaries that are registered are supposedly
not theirs (yet it requires a password go figure) I have banned
the following ip addresses
This is a complete ban. In order to play from one of those
addresses you will have to email zifnabiom@gmail.com from
a _real_ email address. yahoo, hotmail, gmail etc will not
be accepted. That is one email per secondary etc.
I have looked through the login logs back through
October and I didn't see anyone using these ip's other
than the group I want to ban.
poster: Daneel
subject: sinsuf
date: Thu Dec 13 13:49:59 2007
A couple of sinsuf's pieces were way out of tune.
We've tuned both them and him. Any old rings or eyes you got from
him should disappear in relatively short order.
Be careful, and have fun.
And, as I've said before, if something seems too good to be true
(like a top-slot item on a monster you can solo), it probably is.
Please, kids, report these things, don't abuse them.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Xetrov
date: Thu Dec 13 23:26:50 2007
Xetrov has been modified quite alot.
Let me know if bugs, or acts weird in any way.
poster: Vor
subject: fatal strike
date: Mon Dec 17 14:02:11 2007
changed the way it works a bit. it should be an uptune, but if it
seems unreasonably good, please contact me.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Master Enchanters
date: Wed Dec 19 13:23:08 2007
Made a change to master enchanter enchants.
If you have an enchant made before this change chances are you'll lose it.
If you do, mail me with info about what enchant you had and which item had the enchant and i'll...do something.
Note that i am all knowing, so don't try to scam me.
poster: Enigma
subject: New Player Rep!
date: Thu Dec 20 01:50:01 2007
Hello evreyone as you may or may not know your current player rep(Ondo)
has not been on for some time now and we feel it is time for a new
player rep! If you feel that you or know someone who is qualified
for this very important and essential position.(that's why you get
cool brackets and your own channel) Please remember you will be
asked to repersent players as a whole so you must look past grudges
and work to make both game and players better in a whole not just a
few players.
so if you feel up to the task mudmail all applications/nominations
to Lokie! Your application should detail why you(or whoever your
nominating) are qualified and want/should have the position. You
have 1 week to apply! and then there will be a poll of the top
qualified applicants that will last 4 days! The new rep will be
announced on new years day to start the new year off on the good
foot! *BANG*(shotgun start) Good luck to you all! IOM STAFF!
poster: Zifnab
subject: Gandalf
date: Thu Dec 20 08:14:05 2007
Nuked gandalf and a few secondaries.
poster: Zifnab
subject: christmas area
date: Wed Dec 26 07:17:45 2007
closed the christmas area
poster: Lokie
subject: Player Rep Poll!
date: Sat Dec 29 12:26:30 2007
Hello Everyone! Sorry the poll did not comeout when i said it would
i kinda got cought up in work and all.
But as i promised theses are your player rep. nominations.
1) Daran
2) Camel
3) Pyromaniac
4) Chemosh
5) Maduo
Theses names were mailed to me with 2 or more votes, so if you asked
to be nominated and you dont see your
name on the list dont take it personaly we only went by votes. this
poll will end on 1/1/08 and we will tally the votes
announce the new player rep. I ask again that you please mail Lokie
with your vote. Thank you and good luck!
poster: Vor
subject: >Player Rep Poll!
date: Sat Dec 29 12:29:37 2007
On Sat Dec 29 12:26:30 2007 Lokie wrote post #159 in inform:
> Hello Everyone! Sorry the poll did not comeout when i said it would
> i kinda got cought up in work and all.
> But as i promised theses are your player rep. nominations.
> 1) Daran
> 2) Camel
> 3) Pyromaniac
> 4) Chemosh
> 5) Maduo
> Theses names were mailed to me with 2 or more votes, so if you asked
> to be nominated and you dont see your
> name on the list dont take it personaly we only went by votes. this
> poll will end on 1/1/08 and we will tally the votes
> announce the new player rep. I ask again that you please mail Lokie
> with your vote. Thank you and good luck!
as a personal request from me, i ask that you not send your vote to 20 random
people who also happen to be logged in with a huge rant about why so and so should be the new player rep. if you want to broadcast your message, don't do it in the vote you send to lokie. just send him the name.
poster: Zifnab
subject: reinc machine
date: Mon Dec 31 07:38:32 2007
reinc machine in CS enjoy
poster: Vor
subject: thoradawn
date: Thu Jan 3 15:26:50 2008
frozen and reinc'd at 25% for botting. honestly guys, if you're
gonna do it, write a bot that isn't stupidly obvious.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Mrs Cake
date: Sun Jan 6 01:29:37 2008
Mrs Cake's potions now work the same way as the random drop potions.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: newbies, or something
date: Sun Jan 13 17:50:28 2008
Mobs now have a chance to drop "newbie" eq.
This eq is randomly generated, not sacable to eje/sloat and only usable by the player/party who participated in killing the mob. It does however have a chance to drop from anything.
As always...it's possible it might change etc
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >newbies, or something
date: Tue Jan 15 08:03:39 2008
Fams should now be able to wear these items if their owner took part in the kill.
Could be i'm ill doing such weird things, so might change it back.
poster: Waxman
subject: new event
date: Tue Jan 15 23:26:32 2008
New event: Gnosis' blessing. its a newbie event & the event help explains what it does.
poster: Daneel
subject: Harmer is closed
date: Fri Jan 18 19:43:48 2008
Harmer is now officially closed.
You should no longer be able to join it, and anyone who is
currently an inquisitor of any form should be automatically
reincarnated (for free of course) there next login.
Deviations from this should be reported to me ASAP
poster: Vor
subject: lurker tree
date: Sat Jan 19 23:10:07 2008
when you type skills after getting the skills, endowment of the gods
should no longer show up in bartender and doublehit should no longer
show up in lurker (neither skill was in its respective guild, but it
showed up like it was.)
poster: Vor
subject: cake potions
date: Sun Jan 20 03:28:40 2008
they no longer save. pretty sure it wasn't intentional.
no harm if you were safing them... even i thought it was intentional at first.
poster: Vor
subject: >cake potions
date: Sun Jan 20 03:32:25 2008
On Sun Jan 20 03:28:40 2008 Vor wrote post #169 in inform:
> they no longer save. pretty sure it wasn't intentional.
> no harm if you were safing them... even i thought it was intentional at first.
hrm, ok. maybe it was intentional. i'll make them save again and wait til ix comes back to see what he says :)
poster: Daneel
subject: Harmer
date: Mon Jan 21 13:47:35 2008
Harmer is _not_ open as of yet, so please stop asking.
It is being playtested only (and for the moment, I have all
the testers I need, thanks).
When it progresses past this stage, you will be notified.
poster: Vor
subject: eq tunes
date: Mon Jan 21 22:53:16 2008
apparently there was some eq that wasn't being properly value
calculated because of the stats it added to. these pieces are being
addressed... some are uptunes and some are downtunes. i'll make a
list of what we find and tell you what got changed.
poster: Waxman
subject: >eq tunes
date: Mon Jan 21 23:11:03 2008
Changed eq so far:
Spinal staff & Death talisman. Only a stat change the TP's will not change.
A blue gilt cloak changed names as we have 2 of them. (the pool one changed), also stat it should now tp sac as per its pool level.
poster: Vor
subject: harmer eqs
date: Mon Jan 21 23:44:24 2008
there are some harmer eqs that were getting dested when they would
have gotten cloned. we have logs of what got dested, but not who it
was owned by. step forward if you lost something and i'll check logs
to make sure you really had it in the first place. it shouldn't be
happening anymore (i think)
poster: Zifnab
subject: mirror at gwaul
date: Tue Jan 22 12:48:15 2008
since no one volunteered to help me I took a blind leap into
making the mirror show your total bodies and used bodies.
complaints will be ignored.
poster: Waxman
subject: >>eq tunes
date: Tue Jan 22 15:32:38 2008
Also changed:
Warriner's Boots (MF God): changed stats.
poster: Zifnab
subject: reset change
date: Sat Jan 26 17:41:57 2008
I just removed a cahnge that was made in resets a while ago.
The removal of the fix probably breaks the eagle quest
in shifters. We need to find another way to fix the eagle quest.
while we fixed eagle quest we were causing many monsters to load
in some rooms and I believe that was the cause of the lag.
we will konw for sure after this boot.
Just in case you didnt follow that. It is _very_ likely
that eagle quest is broken again.
poster: Vor
subject: blob
date: Thu Jan 31 19:46:54 2008
i just changed blob so that he doesn't area anymore. right now he
doesn't do anything too cool combat-wise, but i'll probably be
adding some new special stuff to him to liven him up. this is just a
temporary change so that he doesn't waste everyone when some jackass
attacks him. if he didn't actually kill you, i wouldn't be bothering
with this.
poster: Vor
subject: re: harmer eqs
date: Sun Feb 3 17:54:44 2008
hi, just reminding you that we have logs if you think you might have
lost your harmer eqs. it seems to me that most of the losses were on
2 dates, but it's still tedious work to find them, and i don't think
the logs will be here forever (though a long time to be sure). point
is, i'd rather not have to pour through them again 3 weeks from now
only to find out it wasn't lost. please contact me ASAP if you are
fairly sure something weird happened. it takes a while, and i'm
willing now. no promises later.
poster: Daneel
subject: harmer testing
date: Mon Feb 4 21:06:44 2008
Just to head off a few more questions at the pass...
Harmer testing is taking a week off, as I've had a temporary attack of life (mostly involving a report I have to write for the local school board by Friday). It will almost assuredly resume next weekend or some such.
Thank you, and back to your regularly scheduled mudding.
poster: Vor
subject: drink of motivation/inspiration.
date: Wed Feb 6 20:51:16 2008
made a rather odd change to the skill which was necessary and won't
affect the tune at all. instead of losing your flask when you make
it and being supplied with a 'mixture', then losing the mixture when
you drink it and getting back a flask, from now on the flask will
just change its desc a little and add the ids 'mixture' and 'drink'
to itself. at this point you can drink it just like it was a
mixture, and when you've done that it'll remove all the changes and
go back to being the normal flask again.
notify me if it bugs at all... like not having the normal color or
desting itself or an error popping up when you drink it, etc etc.
as i said though, it won't tune it at all. the drink will be just as
strong as it was before.
poster: Mintorus
subject: Safari Camp
date: Tue Feb 12 19:29:11 2008
+------------------News Flash-------------------+
| |
| After several weeks of combing the Twin |
| Islands explorers have found on the south |
| island a camp of researchers. The researchers |
| are busy studying and treating the animals. |
| However the camp leaders are worried that |
| they will have to abbandon the camp as they |
| are critically low on water. A small task is |
| asked of any brave adventurer to: |
| Save the safari camp! |
| Stay tuned for more upcoming news reports |
| in the next few months. |
| Mintorus. |
poster: Mintorus
subject: Demon Caves
date: Tue Feb 12 19:30:17 2008
+------------------News Flash-------------------+
| |
| After several weeks of combing the Twin |
| Islands explorers have found on the south |
| island a demonic cave system. The demons are |
| preparing to invade the islands and you are |
| warned of the power that they hold. For the |
| sake of the people of the islands you are |
| requested to gather an army and basnish their |
| leader from the lands. |
| Quest: Banish Jesrael |
| Stay tuned for more upcoming news reports |
| in the next few months. |
| Mintorus. |
poster: Vor
subject: casting
date: Sat Feb 16 23:03:45 2008
i did a little work on the casting code, and it _might_ error. it
seems to be working atm, but i am not sure if it's gonna do silly
stuff that i just haven't seen yet.
bug report anything like weird spell message or spells acting funny
when you try to cast them.
note, this is not a tune to anything.
poster: Zifnab
subject: ogg botting
date: Fri Feb 22 12:06:57 2008
standard deal.. lost 25% and frozen for 1 month
poster: Waxman
subject: eqpool
date: Sun Feb 24 23:54:36 2008
alot more 1tp, 2tp pool eq added.
poster: Waxman
subject: secondaries
date: Mon Feb 25 20:15:44 2008
Just a friendly reminder that you should register ALL you characters that you might have as secondaries. Ive caught about 10-20 people already this year.
secondary [list] | [add/remove/query]
help secondaries
poster: Vor
subject: demon
date: Wed Feb 27 15:30:06 2008
the demon in red dragon caves has been changed a bit, mostly to
reflect that he had a piece of eq that was a bit too good for him...
though the eq got uptuned too since its value was a bit weird.
that doesn't make much sense without seeing the code, but i assure
you it was a good thing.
poster: Vor
subject: paladin camp
date: Wed Feb 27 18:59:02 2008
the paladins are now using abilities that they would find in their
proper guild. this required that i change their eq a bit. report
anything odd.
poster: Daneel
subject: harmer
date: Sun Mar 2 13:40:52 2008
Harmer is now open, up to bravo levels.
It's still new, so expect tuning one way or another. But it
seems to all basically work, and not be too horrible.
BTW, omicrons are _not_ open. So, you will _not_ get omicron
blasting power, no matter how high a level you are. Suck up
and deal, and wait for omicrons to be released. It'll be a
couple weeks at least.
poster: Vor
subject: shadows in lurker guild
date: Tue Mar 4 09:02:00 2008
i went through the code and fixed a few bugs. i also changed the way
a few things work.
hopefully the overall effect will make lurkers happier, though god
knows that's hoping for a lot.
report any strange happenings with your shadows.
poster: Vor
subject: trickster
date: Tue Mar 4 13:04:41 2008
i fiddled with the code for anger opponent and intimidate opponent.
they should work better, kind of, and be more likely to actually be
useful without the ill-effects outweighing the power.
they also last a lot longer now.
report any bugs about it
poster: Vor
subject: stab/backstab
date: Tue Mar 4 13:05:56 2008
i altered the formula that causes backstab to insta (fatal strike)
and stab and backstab to insta (art of assasination). it shouldn't
be overly powerful.
in some cases, it'll be a damned bit weaker.
others will be uptunes.
report any bugs
poster: Vor
subject: >stab/backstab
date: Tue Mar 4 13:11:59 2008
On Tue Mar 4 13:05:56 2008 Vor wrote post #193:
> i altered the formula that causes backstab to insta (fatal strike)
> and stab and backstab to insta (art of assasination). it shouldn't
> be overly powerful.
> in some cases, it'll be a damned bit weaker.
> others will be uptunes.
> report any bugs
actually, it will only be a minor downtune for bigger mobs. i forgot
that i had previously made a change to that. this is more likely to
be an uptune for smaller ones.
poster: Daneel
subject: acolyte abuse
date: Tue Mar 4 19:15:44 2008
(Originally in player.bugs)
Maduo has been frozen for 24 hours for appointing an acolyte
without explicit consent of the target.
It's only 24 hours because the target was extremely forgiving.
The ability to do this is going to go away real soon now..
until then, anyone who does it again will get harsher penalties.
poster: Zifnab
subject: ignore
date: Wed Mar 5 09:34:39 2008
Made a little change to the code that handles ignore. It was
causing some issues when we manually reinced a player. (that
was the issue with who, channels and maps just now.)
If anything seems weird with ignore please let me know via a
bug report.
poster: Zifnab
subject: timezone
date: Wed Mar 5 17:39:55 2008
I changed the way timezones are done. The host now does the
conversions not the mud. That said the timezones on the host
are a bit differant.
The host has 1700 differant ways to set the timezone obviously
I am not going to list them all here so I just did the ones
that were currently being used. The names leave a bit to
be desired at this point but I will change them when I think
of a better way to do it.
One advantage to doing it this way is that it is possible
if this works to display all the muds timestamps in your local
time if we decide it makes sense to do so.
If your time zone is not listed for some reason (I grabbed all the
ones that were on the mud today) I can easily add them as needed
just send me a mail with with the timezone and what major
city that timezone is in. Example: Mintorus is using AEDT but
that was not an option so I had to do Australia/Sydney
poster: Waxman
subject: Facesmasher
date: Wed Mar 5 21:09:42 2008
Tuned a little. The special wasnt being recognise & thus the piece was illegal.
The change shouldnt affect all you necros useing this weapon.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >timezone
date: Thu Mar 6 07:24:34 2008
> If your time zone is not listed for some reason (I grabbed all the
> ones that were on the mud today) I can easily add them as needed
> just send me a mail with with the timezone and what major
> city that timezone is in. Example: Mintorus is using AEDT but
> that was not an option so I had to do Australia/Sydney
Guess I was not clear.. use the timezone to reset your timezone
information.. what the host understands is not the same as the list
the mud knew about.
poster: Zifnab
subject: monsters and insert/put
date: Thu Mar 6 11:07:14 2008
made monsters not able to have items put into them. (this goes for insert to). If that is valid syntax somewhere we will have to fix it
poster: Vor
subject: shadow magic
date: Wed Mar 12 17:52:10 2008
i've fixed a bunch of bugs that have been in shadow spells for a
while. dunno how they went unnoticed this long, but there you go. i
think they're fixed, based on limited testing i did.
been wrong before though, so if you're using a spell that requires
you to have a shadow and you aren't getting charged or you're
casting it without a shadow, fill out a bug report (lemme know what
spell you used too).
likewise, if a spell requiring shadows that for all intents and
purposes should be working the way you've cast it suddenly doesn't
work anymore, bug rep it.
note i didn't play with the spell damage or anything
poster: Vor
subject: gnomes
date: Thu Mar 13 06:25:42 2008
i changed the race special a bit. if the special wouldn't have
worked on you for some reason, it will find an alternative that will
probably do whta the previous attempt couldn't.
poster: Daneel
subject: Exp tuner
date: Sat Mar 15 07:51:15 2008
I've changed parameters on the tuner a little bit.
Little enough that if anyone actually notices, I'll be shocked,
but it should be a slight up-tune to compensate for the reduced
number of players since last time the tuner parameters were set.
poster: Daneel
subject: Small combat code fix
date: Sat Mar 15 19:22:04 2008
I made a small fix deep within combat code. It should be a
completely null change except in the bug case, but if you
see anything wierd dealing with trying to case something and
failing in odd ways, or essence eye being off by one, let me
poster: Fountain of Illium
subject: kill number 48000000
date: Wed Mar 19 01:39:07 2008
Laochi got the kill.
poster: Vor
subject: bad news
date: Thu Mar 20 08:16:37 2008
hi, i just changed wyrnblades. everyone who currently has one, or
gets one in the future from an eq mob, is not going to have the same
sword next time it appears.
to get the sword to which many of you are already accustomed, you
will have to perform a task. i daresay that if you play with your
mock-wyrnbane, you'll figure out what's up and what you need to do.
i'm sure many people will wonder why i've done this, so i will explain.
the power on the wyrnbane was higher than any eqpool was meant to
get... at least in a basic sense. for quite a long time, it has
severaly irked me that so much of the eqpool doesn't really follow
the guidelines of how eq was supposed to work, but a 5 tp item in
eqpool that you could get just as easily as stuff much less powerful
annoyed me too much. i talked to some of the other wizards and they
allowed me to change it so that, while you would get what you needed
to get the sword from the same monsters that you'd get things like
frost pike etc from, you wouldn't be able to use it to full
potential til you had done something with it.
i'm sure many of you will be up in arms about this, but the
alternatives were to weaken the eq til it fit in, or to just remove
it. leaving it as it was, i could not do.
anyway, enjoy, and i hope you have fun getting back to your normal
amount of weapon power.
poster: Vor
subject: bard guild
date: Fri Mar 21 08:24:34 2008
i have tuned the majority of skills in this guild. this will most
probably (and hopefully) affect people who have or plan to use bard
guild in a secondary alpha; mostly by lowering the effects.
the fact is that the reduction for it being your secondary alpha was
laughable before. i switched the numbers around on the dependants so
that it now favors primary bards more than it used to.
poster: Vor
subject: >bard guild
date: Fri Mar 21 08:25:13 2008
ps, daneel should change his plan now.
poster: Khosan
subject: another botter bites the dust
date: Fri Mar 21 13:31:27 2008
reinc and froze Doz for botting
poster: Vor
subject: facesmasher
date: Fri Mar 21 13:32:36 2008
i downtuned the damage special a lot (it was ridiculous. even if it
didn't stun, it'd be ridiculous. was almost as much as a small
evoker blast), and reduced the chance for the stun, and some other
stuff. in short, i made it in tune.
poster: Vor
subject: escape death
date: Fri Mar 21 15:06:45 2008
it actually does stuff now.
poster: Vor
subject: kama kama kama kama chameleon
date: Fri Mar 21 20:12:53 2008
in an unusually nice way. a tune made on it a while ago was made
with weird numbers
that, when i sorted them out, weren't what i had intended when i
made the tune.
as a result, it has been uptuned... though which part i uptuned is
up to you to figure out.
try not to let this distract you from your general quest to point
out how terrible my latest downtunes were. it'd be a shame if i had
nothing to wake up for.
poster: Vor
subject: pike and leech dagger
date: Sun Mar 23 06:21:32 2008
frost pike and leech dagger were both out of tune. i ended up downtuning
one, uptuning the other, and changing the way they worked in a small way.
terrible stuff, etc.
poster: Vor
subject: bulza
date: Sun Mar 23 15:55:43 2008
menat to post this a few days ago. i sort of tuned bulza. mostly a
sideways tune, but it's a bit of an uptune as well.
the most noticeable difference is that there's a message that hasn't
always been there. i'm sure it'll confuse you a lot.
poster: Vor
subject: warden rings (ARR)
date: Sun Mar 23 17:07:48 2008
yet another pool item that, for some reason, considers specials to
not be worthy of counting as power.
as a result, i've made a compromise in yet another piece of eq, this
time the golden ring of the warden.
from now on, when it is initially cloned, it will pick either
spiritual power or spiritual transfer. whichever it picks, that one
will be the one the ring gives a bonus to. after that, every time it
gets recloned (in your safe or when you get a new body), it will
remember it's initial decision.
and yes, any of you who have one in a safe will open your safe to
find that it has changed to this system.
changed the special too. quite conceivably an uptune in some areas,
but mostly i just changed the numbers so that it'd never get too
high (it could get pretty high).
poster: Vor
subject: chaps
date: Sun Mar 23 18:06:42 2008
i fixed a bug in chaps. they weren't doing something they should have.
it'll make them a little cooler
poster: Vor
subject: krunch
date: Sun Mar 23 20:55:56 2008
krunch should be a little cooler now.
poster: Waxman
subject: tunes
date: Sun Mar 23 22:50:33 2008
Waxman didn't tune anything!
poster: Vor
subject: kama again
date: Tue Mar 25 11:22:43 2008
fixed a bug or two in my special defense, and made it more
thematically effective.
poster: Vor
subject: elven secrat
date: Thu Mar 27 07:00:04 2008
fiddled with the code a bit. people who have already done the quest
will be more courteous to those who haven't.
poster: Vor
subject: golden warden ring
date: Sat Mar 29 06:09:37 2008
i fixored it. it was broken (probably cause i can't do math).
the fix is another downtune though... but since it's a downtune on
an uptune that in unwittingly made, it's more of a cancellation...
of the accidental uptune and a return to the originally intended
poster: Vor
subject: dragonslayar
date: Sat Mar 29 17:28:38 2008
yadda yadda over-powerful special, yadda yadda tune, yadda yadda /dev/null
poster: Daneel
subject: Giant Size
date: Wed Apr 2 11:29:59 2008
Based on a conversation on myth, I took a look at the giant size
wish. Yes, in fact, it was possible for a giant to lose up to
4 inches from taking it. This seeming completely untenable,
I changed stuff around a bit.
It should now be impossible to lose height to the giant size
wish. You'll still grow into the new height, but it adds,
rather than recalculating from scratch, so should always be a
reasonable amount.
It is based on your current height, so if you get an unlucky
reinc, you'll still be an unluckily short giant-sized X,
but you'll definitely be bigger than you used to be.
poster: Daneel
subject: >Giant Size
date: Wed Apr 2 11:38:40 2008
On Wed Apr 2 11:29:59 2008 Daneel wrote post #223:
> Based on a conversation on myth, I took a look at the giant size
> wish. Yes, in fact, it was possible for a giant to lose up to
> 4 inches from taking it. This seeming completely untenable,
> I changed stuff around a bit.
> It should now be impossible to lose height to the giant size
> wish. You'll still grow into the new height, but it adds,
> rather than recalculating from scratch, so should always be a
> reasonable amount.
> It is based on your current height, so if you get an unlucky
> reinc, you'll still be an unluckily short giant-sized X,
> but you'll definitely be bigger than you used to be.
One thing I forgot to mention...
This will _not_ affect people who have the wish already. This
is a one-time wish, not a continuous one, so I can't help the people
who had it and had problems. but anyone taking this wish in the
future should see the new affects.
poster: Mintorus
subject: Tunnels
date: Wed Apr 2 16:33:17 2008
+------------------News Flash--------------------+
| |
| After several weeks of combing the Twin |
| Islands explorers have found a small tunnel |
| system that links the Twin Islands to Gossamer |
| Island. To use the tunnel to their full effect |
| you must first acquire somthing. |
| Unfortunatly you can not acquire it until I |
| finish the City of Hefnoin. I should have it |
| in game in a month. |
| Mintorus. |
poster: Daneel
subject: Axis
date: Thu Apr 3 20:34:06 2008
I have un-nuked Axis.
Since the reasons for his nuking were never explained, this probably bears a small history lesson, so please bear with me for a paragraph or two.
Axis was basically nuked because Zifnab considered his continual complaints about Vor as harrassment. In Zifnab's view, he had been continually berating and complaining about Vor, publicly, for two weeks.
Before I make an argument against this, let me first state that I have no more patience than Zifnab or anyone else for people who continually complain about things, without actually putting in any effort to make them better. And, at the moment, my trust level for Axis is such that I wouldn't let him in a position where he could make them better. What he did was wrong, flat-out, and I've frozen him before for doing the same for far less time. In my view, when one is acting like a six-year-old, I treat them like a six-year-old, and give them a time out.
However, at some level, the type of complaint he was making can be viewed more simply as a disagreement gone sour. They are unproductive, and stupid, put they are opinions. And I don't view it as a valid response to nuke people for a difference of opinion, no matter how vituperative (look it up - http://www.dictionary.com).
The only thing that gives me pause in this case is the spectre of harrassment. I do view harrassment as a perfectly nukable offense. I find myself conflicted over, in general, what constituted harrassment in an environment such as this one. I don't believe this case qualifies, though, and in Vor's own words, "... in my own opinion, it was not YET harrassment." (emphasis mine)
Lastly, I'll state for the record that Zifnab still disagrees with my doing this; he has said he won't stop me, but thinks I'm wrong. In some ways I worry he's right - at least in the character of Axis, who I fear will mistake my standing up for an ideal to be a personal vindication. But, hopefully, the main body of the mud will understand this for what it is.
Thank you for your patience,
poster: Vor
subject: hai 2 u
date: Fri Apr 4 17:36:02 2008
warp blade no longer has a special attack.
it'll still do that stat pumping bit though
poster: Vor
subject: hi again
date: Fri Apr 4 17:48:28 2008
lss gets the same tune as the warp blade.
oddly, shihuang lightning blade is fine. suspicious, isn't it?
poster: Vor
subject: +stat specials
date: Fri Apr 4 20:30:12 2008
i found the pieces i knew of that had +stats that were added as a
bonus in addition to the nomral stats of the item. i changed some,
but not others. some changes were good, others were not good.
i'm sure those of you with these items will be mostly able to see
the changes if they exist.
poster: Vor
subject: >hi again
date: Fri Apr 4 23:13:58 2008
On Fri Apr 4 17:48:28 2008 Vor wrote post #228 in inform:
> lss gets the same tune as the warp blade.
> oddly, shihuang lightning blade is fine. suspicious, isn't it?
actually, lss (legendary singing sword for those
of you who've been asking) was a lot less powerful
than it should have been, which is why i was confused.
the tp value was normal, but the bonuses were so
smaller than they should have been that i assumed
it was weaker than it was.
i went back in and fixed it up, so it's more useful
now than it was before.
poster: Vor
subject: abj. reflects
date: Tue Apr 8 16:20:02 2008
the abjuration reflect spells, accidentally and long ago, were coded so that the power of the reflect actually depended on the TARGET's abjuration masteries, and when it ran out of power, it would try to remove itself from the caster.
it was still being setup on the target, though.
though it was quite funny, i fixed it so that now it checks the caster's masteries and will actually be powerful :P
funny stuff.
poster: Vor
subject: hay! sup?
date: Thu Apr 10 17:14:40 2008
art of assassination now does stuff.
it didn't before, fyi.
poster: Vor
subject: intimidate opponent
date: Fri Apr 11 06:54:30 2008
i think i tried to change this skill before without doing TOO much
tinkering, but it was just really really bizarre, so i ended up
changing it dramatically.
it should do some mostly invisible stuff now, as in you'll see
messages but the effects might not be quantifiable until you've
observed it a lot.
lemme know if you don't see any messages at any point after using it
etc, or if it seems overpowerful (it shouldn't be, but who knows
what'll really happen when you chaotic players touch my pristinely
coded effects?)
poster: Vor
subject: safari camp quest
date: Sun Apr 13 01:09:20 2008
those of you who have already completed this quest (and anyone who
does it soon) should know that i had to do some weird coding to make
the mask work right. it is not the original code i used, and is
hopefully better... but it's very odd and i'm not 100% sure it will
work how i want. i'm 99% sure, but there's always a nagging doubt.
please please please, if something happens and you should (or think
you should) have the mask, let me know in a mudmail (DO NOT BUG REP
IT) what happened, so that i can try to track it down, figure it
out, etc.
make sure to (if you can) tell me in the mudmail when it happened,
what happened, and where the mask was WHEN it happened. can't
promise that the mask will get replaced if you did something dumb
and it should have been removed, but i will at least humor you with
a 'that sucks'. if it is legitimately the code's fault, i will
replace it.
also note that any mudmails i get from people who say that the error
is that they should have the mask when they didn't actually do the
quest or mudmail me other useless info about this will get a one day
freeze. feel free to say it on channels though, i'm sure it's a
riotous joke that's never been made before about such a thing.
poster: Zifnab
subject: items at slint
date: Thu Apr 17 10:29:25 2008
ok I caved. Enjoy new items at slint.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >items at slint
date: Thu Apr 17 10:30:51 2008
On Thu Apr 17 10:29:25 2008 Zifnab wrote post #235:
> ok I caved. Enjoy new items at slint.
If any of you fill the biggers items with really small things
and lots of them... and your castle doesnt load...
Find someone else to help you.. consider that a warning not to do it
poster: Vor
subject: eagles
date: Wed Apr 23 15:52:35 2008
i did some more work on eagle transportation (the familiar ability).
if it seems broken, lemme know.
poster: Vor
subject: honed perception
date: Mon Apr 28 05:52:56 2008
tweaked it a bit.
poster: Vor
subject: amulet of shihuang
date: Tue May 6 09:52:12 2008
i have re-added the special. it might get tuned down a bit, but for
now it works.
poster: Vor
subject: >amulet of shihuang
date: Tue May 6 09:54:33 2008
On Tue May 6 09:52:12 2008 Vor wrote post #239:
> i have re-added the special. it might get tuned down a bit, but for
> now it works.
will take a newly loaded amulet to work
poster: Zifnab
subject: antena
date: Wed May 7 12:20:19 2008
reinced at 25% and frozen for 30 days.. botting
poster: Daneel
subject: Blackavar quest
date: Thu May 8 19:01:39 2008
Due to earlier bugs, the blackavar quest has been basically
unfailable for the last 2 years.
I've made it so it is once again possible to fail it, though not
quite in the old way (pretty close though).
Do be careful if you're trying this again. The guards are back,
and as always, they're mighty big.
poster: Daneel
subject: Bounties
date: Fri May 9 07:19:46 2008
I've cleared out the backlog of unkillable bounties.
Man, you guys give up easily :-) Of the ~150 reports, there
were something like 10 actually unkillable monsters.
Not that I'm any better than any of you (who'd have expected
Ixtlilton to be so lazy as to reuse one of his monster's
descriptions on necro fams? :-)
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >Bounties
date: Fri May 9 09:35:22 2008
> Not that I'm any better than any of you (who'd have expected
> Ixtlilton to be so lazy as to reuse one of his monster's
> descriptions on necro fams? :-)
Anyone who knows me?
poster: Daneel
subject: >>Bounties
date: Fri May 9 09:37:31 2008
On Fri May 9 09:35:22 2008 Ixtlilton wrote post #244 in inform:
> > Not that I'm any better than any of you (who'd have expected
> > Ixtlilton to be so lazy as to reuse one of his monster's
> > descriptions on necro fams? :-)
> Anyone who knows me?
Ok, ok, mea culpa... I had thought even your laziness had limits :-)
poster: Vor
subject: kept weapons
date: Fri May 9 16:06:20 2008
shouldn't take effect til next reboot, but i probably fixed the issue with weapons showing the word 'kept' in the desc of the player wielding them. what i don't know is if it's going to affect anything else (i can't imagine anything it WOULD affect). at worst it'll screw with descs til i undo the change.
poster: Waxman
subject: Hefnoin City
date: Sat May 10 02:50:11 2008
+------------------News Flash--------------------+
| |
| After several weeks of building and hard work |
| the City of Hefnoin has opened its gates on |
| north Twin Islands. For those adventurers who |
| are game, visit the wiseman and he has a quest |
| for you. Though it will require you to bring |
| some friends. |
| More areas exploration of the Twin Islands is |
| still being conducted and you will be informed |
| of any new finding. |
| Mintorus. |
poster: Vor
subject: thin leather belt
date: Sat May 10 10:36:33 2008
it not has different stats for each base alpha.
not = now
poster: Vor
subject: apocalypse staff
date: Sat May 10 11:00:25 2008
didn't add any new stat categories, but i moved the pre-existing
ones around to make reasonable (ish) stats show up for your guild.
poster: Zifnab
subject: village on gossamer
date: Thu May 15 12:03:55 2008
There is a new/old depends on how you look at it area on
Gossamer. It is near its former location though not exactly.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >village on gossamer
date: Thu May 15 12:04:55 2008
On Thu May 15 12:03:55 2008 Zifnab wrote post #250:
> There is a new/old depends on how you look at it area on
> Gossamer. It is near its former location though not exactly.
Oh yeah forgot to mention I redid most of the code behind
the area so it may still have issues. Just bug report them
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>village on gossamer
date: Thu May 15 12:30:46 2008
On Thu May 15 12:04:55 2008 Zifnab wrote post #251:
> On Thu May 15 12:03:55 2008 Zifnab wrote post #250:
> > There is a new/old depends on how you look at it area on
> > Gossamer. It is near its former location though not exactly.
> Oh yeah forgot to mention I redid most of the code behind
> the area so it may still have issues. Just bug report them
Oh yeah one more thing... I didnt pay attention to whatever items are in that
area they may need adjusting too. so do not be surprised.
poster: Vor
subject: pool
date: Thu May 15 18:55:58 2008
i added a few pool pieces. once tehy get into the game and get used,
i might have to tune them a bit, but they seem ok.
poster: Vor
subject: quytl
date: Thu May 15 19:54:12 2008
changed spoon, changed quytl, changed chicken.
poster: Vor
subject: chickenslayer
date: Thu May 15 20:15:02 2008
changed chickenslayer (it would have been kinda weird before)
poster: Waxman
subject: eriol
date: Thu May 15 20:23:20 2008
Eriol has been modified so that he will no longer give you rooms that dont exist anymore. I am currently trying to work out how to make him also exclude rooms that are know ungettables (eg: sunnydale). He should be a little more user friendly atm.
poster: Zifnab
subject: botters
date: Fri May 16 07:20:29 2008
nuked Buk for botting.
3rd botter in only a few months from that domain (all the same areas
too... talk about stupid).
Because they dont seem to be getting the message I ipbanned
the domain as well.
poster: Vor
subject: village
date: Fri May 16 08:57:24 2008
i changed the syntax on shovel. it is now 'dig with shovel'
poster: Vor
subject: quytl again :)
date: Fri May 16 18:30:00 2008
i changed the way the chicken loads and fixed the problem with the key too.
should be much much smarter now, and require less bitching from you
when things
don't work :)
poster: Vor
subject: outcast armband
date: Sun May 18 10:51:50 2008
i've changed the slot on this... i don't think it was intentionally right arm.
poster: Waxman
subject: >outcast armband
date: Sun May 18 16:26:23 2008
Changed back. Vor is a noob.
poster: Vor
subject: tps
date: Sun May 18 16:44:31 2008
i fixed that help file, so the 3 or so people who have mentioned it
recently can button up :D
poster: Vor
subject: botter
date: Wed May 21 08:16:33 2008
ogg frozen and reinc'd at 25% again.
third time, there might be a more serious penalty.
poster: Vor
subject: eqpool
date: Wed May 21 17:05:13 2008
added one or two items. should also tell you that the vambrace of
odivshe special never worked anyway, but i removed it for now. might
add it again later when i figure out how to balance it.
poster: Vor
subject: lurker kukri
date: Fri May 23 05:41:17 2008
i changed the magical damage type on kukris from unholy to shadow. it made 0 sense for them to use unholy damage when NOTHING in the guild dealt with unholy magic. it does shadow now, which, yes, i realize, you cannot vuln.
poster: Vor
subject: quytl
date: Sat May 24 11:26:04 2008
i once again made him meaner in combat. sorry, but the other option
is to tune the spoon, and i imagine i'll hear more whining from that
than from making him harder.
poster: Vor
subject: puryfing drizzle
date: Fri May 30 18:05:37 2008
the spell won't work anymore (sorry if you studied it already). you
also won't get it from weather watcher atm, and i doubt you'll be
able to study it if you already have it... not that you can cast it
i'm gonna sit on it for a while and then decide what changes to make
to it. i really don't like the way it works right now, but i don't
have a good idea of what i want out of it, so i'm just gonna leave
it gone.
may be that i'll just change the spell entirely so that it ends up
not resembling its current incarnation at all.
poster: Vor
subject: RDMP party watch
date: Fri May 30 18:29:13 2008
don't quote me, i haven't tested this, gonna leave that to you guys
that use party watch with RDMP.
from now on, the order in which the members show up in party watch
RDMP stuff SHOULD be in the order that they are in the party. in
other words, if zif is #1, khosan is #2, and i'm #3, party watch
should show us in that order. it will still show positions in the
info, but i thought it would be less hectic if it gave info in
OCD thing maybe.
poster: Vor
subject: party watch
date: Sat May 31 10:55:20 2008
added hunger to the party watch lines.
poster: Vor
subject: find weakness
date: Sun Jun 1 11:28:05 2008
as abjs have no familiarity with shadow or ability to control it, i have decided that they cannot even recognize it. therefore, they will no longer blast shadow with chameleon energy blast nor will they see shadow dtype with find weakness.
poster: Vor
subject: drain power crystal
date: Tue Jun 3 23:52:08 2008
i fixed a typo that makes a rather large difference in the effect of
the spell.
hrm... next time i uptune something, i'm gonna make sure to blame it
on waxman. don't want to get a bad name.
poster: Vor
subject: solan's eq
date: Thu Jun 5 18:04:55 2008
donwtuned bplate and cloak, not that anyone has used them in forever.
poster: Vor
subject: other solan eqs
date: Thu Jun 5 18:13:07 2008
downtuned the dagger (basically removed the special) and made the
whip realize that it had a special in the first place (special
worked but whip had no idea it existed cause eq isn't that smart) so
it can eje sac/tp sac now.
poster: Daneel
subject: Sloatinok changes
date: Mon Jun 9 08:20:21 2008
Sloatinok has decided his collection has been getting a little to small lately, and is once again accepting any equipment, in any condition.
However, to avoid an instant glut on the market, he is limiting how much existing equipment he will take - he should only take one piece from your safes per person per day.
There are some pieces of equipment that may confuse him in this regard, and which he will still only take one/person/day, even of new equipment. I'm pretty sure Chilperic equipment, even if new, will fall under this, and any crafted equipment may also. Basically, anything a monster drops directly should be fine, anything they drop indirectly may be limited. I'll worry about this if the limit proves significantly annoying.
poster: Daneel
subject: harmers and necros
date: Mon Jun 9 08:41:13 2008
Harmers should now be able to heal necro undeads just like they
can players.
Let me know if I missed anything - I think the only spells that
required changing were cause light wounds and blood brotherhood.
poster: Waxman
subject: ring of the luck lady
date: Tue Jun 10 22:11:35 2008
Swaped to left finger to better suit bard.
poster: Vor
subject: nav stones (unknown, random, and sombre)
date: Thu Jun 12 03:54:16 2008
i added support for nav stones to pick sombre as an island location.
i also 'fixed' random lodes so that they should pick a room you can
actually get to (given the number of rooms in the mud, it'd be
pretty rare for this to have been an issue, but i fixed it anyway).
unknown lodes should also grope around in the darkness less,
shouldn't bug (lord willing) and are more likely to not fizzle
(which is not to say that they won't).
it's possible that i broke lodes while doing this. feel free to post
a bug report.
poster: Vor
subject: website stuff
date: Thu Jun 12 09:09:52 2008
i actually know where the website is, and the code isn't so
complicated that i can't fix some of the html stuff (and maybe some
menu typos if they exist), so feel free to mail me what's wrong and
i'll completely ignore you and do what i want. YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS
ps unraveller guildtree is already up, and inquisitor is no longer there :)
poster: Vor
subject: tour map
date: Fri Jun 13 23:31:56 2008
i fixed the tour boat map to include twin islands. i think someone
posted it as a bug rep, but i'm entirely too lazy to go try to track
down that bug report and close it, so for now there's an inform
poster: Vor
subject: preset aliases
date: Sun Jun 15 12:34:46 2008
i removed 2 of those commands that always get set (clan say and race
say) cause they don't do a damned thing anyway. i also removed the
dra and dragon commands... honestly, it's been years since we've
been on red dragon, you guys can either get used to it or make a
dra/dragon command yourself. if you make one, it will save.
poster: Vor
subject: >preset aliases
date: Sun Jun 15 12:35:47 2008
On Sun Jun 15 12:34:46 2008 Vor wrote post #280:
> i removed 2 of those commands that always get set (clan say and race
> say) cause they don't do a damned thing anyway. i also removed the
> dra and dragon commands... honestly, it's been years since we've
> been on red dragon, you guys can either get used to it or make a
> dra/dragon command yourself. if you make one, it will save.
actually, i don't think removing it from the preset list will
actually uncommand it for any of you. if you make a new char, then
you'll have to add it in manually.
poster: Vor
subject: honed perception
date: Mon Jun 16 06:26:30 2008
i changed the way it calculated stun res. the old stun res was laughably low, but i didn't want to give stun res without something affecting it other than honed perception itself, so if you read the help file, i'm sure you'll have a clue as to what will make it better.
poster: Waxman
subject: migrate
date: Tue Jun 17 02:21:56 2008
Added Twinislands to migrate as shifters can't use the tunnels as they can't wear the eq that lets you through. Any other ways there will be considered at a later stage.
poster: Zifnab
subject: zatea
date: Sat Jun 21 09:00:01 2008
forgot to mention this the other day.. I didnt have time to fix it I disabled part of zatea that is resetting to fast so dont try the quest for awhile
poster: Vor
subject: >zatea
date: Mon Jun 23 23:02:02 2008
On Sat Jun 21 09:00:01 2008 Zifnab wrote post #284 in inform:
> forgot to mention this the other day.. I didnt have time to fix it I disabled part of zatea that is resetting to fast so dont try the quest for awhile
not only should you not attempt the quest, it's not worth your time to kill zatea. atm you won't get any eq out of it.
i'm sure i'll fix this soon. if i wait for zif to fix it, in a few years he'll do it and i'll have to fix it then instead.
poster: Vor
subject: zatea
date: Tue Jun 24 00:08:02 2008
ugh, i think it's fixed. just a few notes so that if you see
something that doesn't happen as i say it should, you will know to
mudmail me.
1) if you can use the search command on the pile more than once, mudmail me.
2) if you see a message while standing on the bridge or while in the
cave, and someone is in there searching, and you do not see the
effects of the message, let me know.
3) if you are the one searching, and after finishing the search you
are still where you started, let me know.
4) if after all the searching and such is done, you can go east from
zatea's room, let me know.
5) if you know fraziw irl and have a camera, let me know.
that is all
poster: Waxman
subject: new area
date: Tue Jun 24 19:50:32 2008
New area refer to the new quest for its location : discover mermaid city.
poster: Vor
subject: q
date: Fri Jun 27 22:29:01 2008
failing to repair an armor/weapon no longer gives you full eps.
poster: Waxman
subject: lilly
date: Sun Jun 29 21:31:23 2008
She now has 4 new enchants she can do. This wont affect anyone yet as no one has the eq she likes to enchant. Can add other types later if requested.
poster: Zifnab
subject: reinc machine
date: Wed Jul 2 15:52:10 2008
reinc machine in CS for the muds birthday... just in case i forget i put it in early
poster: Daneel
subject: ogg was botting again
date: Thu Jul 3 07:50:20 2008
nuf said
poster: Waxman
subject: mermaids
date: Thu Jul 3 23:28:56 2008
I made them a little more dangerous.
poster: Khosan
subject: java mudclient source code
date: Sat Jul 5 12:55:35 2008
The source code for the java mudclient is available for anyone that
wants to improve on it.
To get it you need to install Bazaar from http://bazaar-vcs.org/
Then run the command: bzr branch http://islandsofmyth.org/mudclient
This will download the source code into a directory named "mudclient".
To send me your changes, you need to run "bzr commit" and then "bzr send".
This should make a patch file and allow you to mail it to me.
poster: Khosan
subject: java mudclient2
date: Sat Jul 5 13:48:19 2008
The old java client was made so it would work with the old Microsoft java 1.1.
But since it has been a good number of years since Microsoft bundled that with
windows, there is probably no point anymore. I have therefore started a
new branch, that will be a java client done in modern java 1.6 instead of
java from 10 years ago.
To get the source code from the new branch, you need to run:
bzr branch http://islandsofmyth.org/mudclient2
So "mudclient" will be the old java 1.1 version, and
"mudclient2" will be the modern 1.6 version.
poster: Vor
subject: sloatinok
date: Sat Jul 5 21:49:14 2008
next time he's cloned, he will no longer be resetting his memory
when he gets killed. not gonna fault anyone for doing it up to now,
cause it was really smart and there was no reason to think that it
wasn't fair (it IS a bit logical) but from now on it won't help.
cleanup issues also won't exist, though i had fixed that before.
this fix will fix it too, and i got to remove the old one.
first tune since i got back. just for the smart-asses.
poster: Vor
subject: lurker
date: Sat Jul 5 23:27:25 2008
i changed 2 formulas (the ones for success) in confuse/fast talk cause the current formula was just ridiculous. impossible to fail i'm pretty sure.
i also changed the damage output on confuse, mostly at higher monster levels (level 50 monsters hit by confuse were hit for about 13k damage. that's a bit wonky).
i also downtuned the vulning on anger opponent, but if you can see a huge change you're suffering MIS.
poster: Waxman
subject: New area
date: Mon Jul 7 16:09:55 2008
A passage has opened up on north Twin Islands that leads into a hot, dry desert.
Be aware that dangerous monsters frequent this area and it is not for the young
amongst you. Have fun.
poster: Vor
subject: stat stuff
date: Mon Jul 7 20:09:55 2008
i looked at the code for the items that give stats in combat (spiked
dragon tooth stuff, gaia crap, legendary singing sword, ad nauseum)
and i realized that 2 of the items could actually give more bonuses,
and all of them could have higher duration. it's actually pretty
simple math to figure out why, from a coding standpoint, they should
have a little more of that stuff.
so it all got an uptune (if you tease me i'll freeze you), and i'm
gonna uptune the change i just made to warp blade a few minutes ago,
since it can actually get better (zounds, it gets better?!).
actually, legendary singing sword was fine, so i'm leaving it alone.
might uptune shihuang blade though, didn't look at it yet.
poster: Vor
subject: >stat stuff
date: Mon Jul 7 20:28:22 2008
shihuang lightning blade was not doing anything that fit into a
pattern i could use, so i changed the stat boosts from the special.
more dex, less damage. i also downtuned the damage special a bit
cause it should 100% not have been there in the first place.
the upshot of leaving the damage special in is that it has a longer
period between stat boosts.
poster: Vor
subject: stone sandals
date: Tue Jul 8 11:26:58 2008
those eqpool sandals were 5 tps instead of 3 cause my math skills
suck. seriously.
i dropped dex/str on each 1 point (from 16 of whichever it had to
15) and dropped the power kick 1% on each. i know, i'm a nasty evil
seriously, that downtune is so weak that it's not even going towards my plan.
poster: Vor
subject: player code
date: Tue Jul 8 12:45:04 2008
i just made a small change to player code to handle reconnecting.
i'm going out on a limb and saying it won't break anything, or if it
does we'll find out damned soon.
basically it just runs some stuff in your room and on the things in
the room so that it will act like you actually entered the room.
poster: Waxman
subject: event free exp
date: Thu Jul 10 19:26:11 2008
This even can no longer be won if your over a certain worth.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: web news
date: Sun Jul 20 23:51:46 2008
added guild.lurker and guild.unraveller news groups on the web
removed guild.inquisitor (which means web news works again)
poster: Vor
subject: >web news
date: Mon Jul 21 06:03:46 2008
man, what idiot would have done that in the game without fixing the
web stuff? :/
poster: Vor
subject: alt.snazzy.equipment.tune.tune.tune
date: Mon Jul 21 06:05:00 2008
haha, couldn't resist getting one last post in inform related to tuning eq.
alt.snazzy.equipment.tune.tune.tune is on the website now too.
poster: Vor
subject: pool/craftsman
date: Tue Jul 22 13:28:54 2008
unless i did it wrong, which is always possible, pool eq and craftsman eq should no longer count as old eq... as long as they're made after next boot. not gonna dest every mob in the game to make it work faster.
at any rate, i'm gonna try to track down mobs that don't drop eq normally so i can fix them up too, but those are more spread out so it'll not be as easy as finding 2 very obvious files and fixing them.
poster: Daneel
subject: Prayers
date: Sun Jul 27 20:10:15 2008
It was pointed out to me that Prayer for the Crusader was
_much_ more powerful than prayer for protection.
I've added a limitation to PftC (should be obvious from the spell
help) and significantly upped PfP.
poster: Waxman
subject: Quest - save the safari camp
date: Tue Jul 29 21:03:14 2008
Change it slightly. Please do not whine that you dont get the reward if you dont do it ALL yourself.
poster: Vor
subject: guild items
date: Wed Jul 30 11:10:48 2008
made a change to the way guild items load in your inv. should be more like regular eq which means that you should not lose the 2nd item (e.g. if you get staff, but you're too full to get crystal, you will still get crystal). since it's the same way your regular eq functions, it will be fine.
poster: Vor
subject: navigator guild
date: Wed Jul 30 18:12:13 2008
mastery of navigation is now a progressive skill. you can get it at level 1 nav. if you're in nav, don't have the skill, and want to get it, you need to use the guild leader menu to request the skill.
it may take til his room updates with him in it, so cleanup or something.
poster: Waxman
subject: olidra
date: Wed Jul 30 20:01:11 2008
She will be changed slightly next time she loads. Thanks for the tuning feedback.
poster: Waxman
subject: New area
date: Wed Jul 30 23:27:17 2008
An abandoned mine has been found in the Twin Islands desert.
poster: Vor
subject: potions
date: Fri Aug 1 02:39:09 2008
i THINK that i just successfully added code that will make a random stat potion drop remember its stat. ergo, a greater int potion will keep being greater int instead of being greater (random stat).
oh, and i fixed a bug (i believe unintentional. if not snoop can undo it) so that you can get major stat bonuses. they had support, but there was a spot where the math was wrong.
if it was an accident, it's been known that math is hard for snoop. ask him how many fingers you're holding up.
poster: Khosan
subject: website changes
date: Fri Aug 1 16:27:42 2008
removed the frames and javascript from the website, and put in a new menu system
poster: Waxman
subject: quest - mermaid city
date: Sat Aug 2 20:27:54 2008
Those who dont Discover it will no longer be able to get the quest, unless they discover it correctly
poster: Waxman
subject: jesrael quest
date: Wed Aug 6 21:17:59 2008
Changed a couple of things in it so that you can do this quest over a period of time. ie: a couple of important objects save.
poster: Vor
subject: stralic vambrace
date: Mon Aug 11 15:12:06 2008
i added in some color coding so that the owner[s] will know what the current charge is... or at least have a clue. if they think.
poster: Vor
subject: alchemy and you
date: Wed Aug 13 20:37:15 2008
due to an unfortunate desire for modern alchemists to create gold, and their desperation to do it before their finances are gone, they have begun to turn to human (and humanoid) ingrediants. while, of course, it is hard to endorse the desecration of most corpses, many morality-avengers will concede that as long as you are not the direct cause of the desecration, it is not so sinful.
as such, the value of flesh and bone taken from savages (such as kanubeyes) is now worth more.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: vahl
date: Mon Aug 18 00:48:04 2008
made vahl into a proper eq-monster for tracking purposes (so i can see how/when he's killed)
this also means he might be slightly harder now, but shouldn't mean too much
poster: Fountain of Illium
subject: kill number 49000000
date: Wed Aug 20 19:43:12 2008
Eponine got the kill.
poster: Waxman
subject: New area
date: Mon Sep 15 21:40:08 2008
A small animal nursery has open up on the South Twin Islands to look after
baby animals until they are big enough to wander the plains.
ps: report all typos with the 'typo' command
poster: Zifnab
subject: shadow
date: Wed Sep 17 18:42:54 2008
made shadows not enterable in a non teleport room. there is a bug report somewhere but i am too lazy to find it... thats my quote for the month
poster: Zifnab
subject: downtime
date: Fri Sep 19 15:50:16 2008
looks like the mud didnt die gracefully the last reboot and a
second copy started up. have to watch that next boot.
poster: Zifnab
subject: downtuned
date: Fri Sep 19 15:51:46 2008
What guild Dfalt is in.
poster: Waxman
subject: New Area
date: Sat Sep 20 21:19:22 2008
A trail leading to a small rocky outcrop has been discovered in the Twin Isalnds Desert. This is the breeding grounds of the much larger lizards that roam the desert.
Have Fun.
poster: Waxman
subject: New Area
date: Sat Sep 20 21:34:39 2008
The gates to Hefnoin Cemetary are now possible to open. But be careful as the source of the Hefnoin vampire infestation can be found inside.
poster: Hp
subject: New World
date: Fri Sep 26 19:31:43 2008
A beautiful carrier pigeon arrives at Illium with a slip of note:
| |
| To: The mayor of Illium |
| and the citizens of Illium |
| |
| Allow me to introduce myself, I am one of the best mages around |
| in my country far in the East, and my name is Yong. |
| My hobby is to read novels - Chinese novels; in fact, I am a |
| mega fan of them. I started doing my own research 10 years ago, in the |
| quest of inventing a way to turn those novel characters and storyline |
| into reality. With my exceptional knowledge of various magicks, I |
| succeeded in achieving my goal; I cast a special spell which channels |
| vast magical energy to the ethereal space, thereafter creating a |
| magical world of my own. |
| I made a hut on the island of Emerald; it is a magical gateway |
| that connects the magical world with this world. |
| I invite all the citizens of Illium to visit my creation; an |
| impressive invention needs the praises to show its majesty. I will be |
| waiting for you. |
| |
| - Yong, who by the time this |
| note arrived at Illium, |
| is left with his |
| soul in his creation |
poster: QUEST_D
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Oct 1 00:05:08 2008
quest hint for mermaid city was changed
poster: Vor
subject: song of resilience
date: Wed Oct 1 01:04:38 2008
i made it give a stun res boost. before all the abjs start bitching about unfair that bard gets an area stun res trick, i want to tell you 2 things:
1) it's nowhere near as good as your iw.
2) i don't care. seriously.
poster: Vor
subject: inform report
date: Mon Oct 6 17:12:25 2008
changed cleanup code some to fix the issues we've been having for probably years involving wandering mobs failing to properly repop.
poster: Vor
subject: blacksmithing
date: Thu Oct 9 06:37:44 2008
i fixed repair weapon and repair armor so that now the masteries
armor repairing and weapon repairing are pretty necessary. without
training them, you'll notice a higher cost in materials. if you do
train them, that cost will drop (and so will ep cost).
poster: Vor
subject: halloween
date: Thu Oct 9 06:49:35 2008
the area is open. you can mudmail me or zifnab or... i guess waxman
too? with costume ideas.
you will need to give us:
costume name
costume desc
any messages it should have
the name that should show up on channels
i make no promise that we'll acknowledge your mudmails or add your costumes.
poster: Vor
subject: stralic's hourglass
date: Sun Oct 12 15:24:15 2008
i didn't watch what i was doing when i made the event, so it was basically an event that could start every time the last mob needed to run it recloned. what i've done is made it so that neither part of the event can be worked on immediately after it has run, nor until it is again able to run.
to make it easier on you to know when it is possible to run and not, the dragons on DC will not give the message if it is NOT able to run. if they start giving the messages when they die, you'll know it can run. the child of tiamat will also not do any kind of special messaging if the event cannot run (though, honestly, if the first part isn't done, the last part wouldn't give a message anyway... in theory).
it's possible that i goofed this. if i did, you'll probably notice that even though X color dragons are currently giving a message, Y color are not. mudmail me if that happens (though it's also possible someone has just finished that requirement while you were killing dragons, in which case the message won't fire).
delay between runs is a minimum of 5 days.
poster: Vor
subject: >stralic's hourglass
date: Sun Oct 12 15:24:58 2008
oh, and it'll probably not actually be updated til reboot... that's only 24 hours and change away though, so i can wait.
poster: Vor
subject: botting
date: Tue Oct 14 03:10:45 2008
luno was botting. jeez guys, if you're gonna do it, make it smarter.
poster: Daneel
subject: Guess who
date: Mon Oct 20 10:38:29 2008
Once again, ogg has been frozen for botting.
Should have lost .5g this time
poster: Waxman
subject: new plan
date: Fri Oct 24 04:23:33 2008
I have a new plan that list the eq mobs ive coded some data about them.
It will auto-update when one of the mobs dies.
Please not that the data for mobs i coded before this year will be a little
wrong (beast , savlo, eel, azrael, joker, executioner).
poster: Vor
subject: new verb
date: Sat Oct 25 18:40:09 2008
assist LIV
when you use it, you will enter combat with the target of LIV, and that thing will become your main target.
it should not let you attack anything that you can't normally attack, since it has all the same checks as 'kill' verb, but if you see something fishy, please bug report it and try to get a message to me (i'll probably be logged in as white).
poster: Vor
subject: chance
date: Sat Oct 25 18:52:22 2008
there's a chance that i've fixed it so that aggro mobs that wander into rooms where you can't fight will no longer start attacking even though they can't hit you.
poster: Vor
subject: >chance
date: Sat Oct 25 18:53:31 2008
probably take a boot to notice.
poster: Vor
subject: monkey's freeze
date: Mon Oct 27 11:45:53 2008
if you guys want to use totally inappropriate racial slurs, keep it to public channels.
poster: Vor
subject: >monkey's freeze
date: Mon Oct 27 11:46:22 2008
On Mon Oct 27 11:45:53 2008 Vor wrote post #342:
> if you guys want to use totally inappropriate racial slurs, keep it to
public channels.
wow, i meant private. not public!
poster: Vor
subject: abjs win
date: Mon Oct 27 21:18:04 2008
hi, i made a change to abj shield messages. lessers and greaters now both show what dtype they are when they are refreshed and when they drop. they already showed these messages when they went up.
poster: Vor
subject: >abjs win
date: Mon Oct 27 21:18:42 2008
this required me to change the format of the messages, so it will
require a bit of editting for your trigs.
poster: Vor
subject: abj: 2
date: Mon Oct 27 23:00:09 2008
i've also changed vulns and rupts to have new drop messages so that
you can tell them apart.
sorry for the people who need to rewrite these trigs, but let's be
honest, you guys probably had a max of 5 trigs get chnaged tonight.
poster: Vor
subject: abj:3 (the last stand)
date: Tue Oct 28 08:35:54 2008
ok, hi. abj shields refresh/fall message now say 'the powerful
magical shield' or 'the magical shield', not just 'the shield'. i
was upset by the lack of consistancy. i know you have to add another
word to your trigs again. mea culpa.
i'm seriously done now.
poster: Vor
subject: will
date: Tue Oct 28 15:25:12 2008
he was botting
poster: Vor
subject: nukes
date: Tue Oct 28 16:45:29 2008
nuked will, doz, and zar.
zar was a character being played by one or the other of them, and
based on the recent botting attempt and the fact that they seem to
have used this 3rd char in various ways to triple scam a few people
at least, and they have definitely been sharing eq around, i've
nuked all 3.
poster: Vor
subject: will, doz, zar
date: Tue Oct 28 16:48:20 2008
i went ahead and ipbanned them to. they can use mudmail if they need
to talk to us, ofc.
poster: Vor
subject: paladin camp
date: Wed Oct 29 17:04:59 2008
i changed paladins a bit... lowered some masteries and something
else i can't remember
upshot is that you'll probably take less damage from their skills
i also removed a little bug that was, for osme reason, making them
too fast for the first round of combat. dunno what that was about,
but there you go.
poster: Vor
subject: splitting
date: Sat Nov 1 04:44:32 2008
well, i think i just fixed all the code on splitting
if you have a body in race select area and you are already split as
of this post, then you MUST NOT use that character to recombine if
you wish to not lost guild points. enter the game with that char and
reinc back in.
combining will no longer cost you a penalty in guild points / days
in guild as long as one of your bodies is in hte guild that you join
after recombining. splitting will not lose you guild points as long
as you join your intended guild with each body before you re-reinc
that individual body. reincing one of your bodies and then reincing
another body will no longer cost you guild points on the second
help split has updated information.
PLEASE, if you have questions or concerns, mudmail me and/or white,
and send me and/or white a tell. DO NOT ASSUME that the other
wizards are savvy as to how this works, and do not assume that other
players know.
IF you think something broke when you reincarnated, please contact
me as stated above. I have tested this, each of the ways mentioned
above. i have YET to find an issue with it. if you find an issue, i
will find a way to reimburse you, provided that the issue was
actually my fault. i cannot reimburse you any guild points, but i'll
think of something.
poster: Vor
subject: lich/undeads
date: Sat Nov 1 19:40:56 2008
my chnage to splitting now includes the theoretical fix to undeads
and lich reincs so that you don't fubar them by reincing other
bodies. i tested it, seems to work (for undeads) and lich should
work as long as you reinc from your necro body back into necro
(reincing another body that isn't necro to necro won't get you
lich'd on that body).
poster: Daneel
subject: Chilperic
date: Sun Nov 2 08:32:43 2008
I've added a new possible reward for satisfying Chilperic.
You can only get it if you do it perfectly, and it's not
definite even then (nothing mysterious, it's just random which
rewards you get - it's the same number as before).
This reward is an experiment. It may be changed or removed,
but seemed fun at the time.
poster: Vor
subject: ranks
date: Mon Nov 3 01:24:44 2008
hi, before the change i just made, recombines would screw with your
days in guild, which messes with grank (which is just for looks) and
a handful of spells and skills. most guilds don't even have a skill
or spell that checks it (and by that i mean guild trees).
now recombining won't do that. i should warn you though that with
guilds like animal tamer and herbalist, which have multiple alphas,
you will only NOT lose those days in guild if you have the SAME
alpha. i.e. if you have days with it via woodsman alpha and you
leave woodsman and join druid, you will NOT keep those days in the
gamma (whichever it is).
btw, you should note that before this fix days in guild in any
non-alpha were lost on reinc. i rule
poster: Vor
subject: guilds
date: Mon Nov 3 05:10:45 2008
if you signed on before 5am rltime and you are in a guild that has a
blocked entrance (poison brewer, few abj ones, etc) or you're in
shifter guild and go to request a form, it'll probably say you
aren't a member of some guild or won't let you do your stuff. just
log out for 30 minutes or tell me and get dested. it's fixed with a
new body though, so after 5am rltime on the 3rd, it's a non-issue to
log in.
poster: Waxman
subject: Me
date: Fri Nov 7 03:21:55 2008
Ill be taking a break from IOM for a while. I feel like ive done everything I
can on this game & more. I will continue to read the news & code a little bit, but dont expect too much.
Work has gotten very busy (despite the world economy) and I need to focus on it.
I will see what the new year brings and if im able to dedicate time here.
Waxman / Mintorus
poster: Vor
subject: fast talk
date: Wed Nov 12 04:05:46 2008
finally got around to making the change i'd said i'd make for the last few months.
fun stuff.
poster: Vor
subject: diseases
date: Wed Nov 12 09:16:22 2008
i have changed diseases. it's a possibly small and possibly large
change, depending on who you are.
what you do need to know:
your chance to get diseased by a mob or other player who is diseased
is higher. your chance to lose a disease is better. if you're gonna
party with a necro, you're most likely gonna want strengthen
immunity. whereas before it was a good idea, now you will get sick a
lot if you don't get it boosted. you'll probably get sick
occasionally anyway, but it'll be far less deterimental, as it'll
drop sooner (sooner being a bit of an unclear thing).
cure disease will be more useful now probably.
poster: Vor
subject: >diseases
date: Wed Nov 12 09:18:17 2008
i should point out that necros will still be almost entirely immune
to diseases. assuming they have full health anyway.
poster: Vor
subject: guild rank
date: Wed Nov 12 09:55:35 2008
i changed guild rank. now your days in guild are not included in the
ranks you have. your days in guild are still isted above. this means
that probably some of you will lose rank next time you log in (i
sure will), but it's not an important thing, and you're actually
getting to see the points you've earned now, rather than those you
idled through.
poster: Vor
subject: >>diseases
date: Wed Nov 12 18:51:20 2008
i have cut the chance to get diseased quite a bit. the math is still
infintely more logical, but the chance to catch a disease from
something else (indirect exposure) is much smaller than it was.
frankly, you're way less likely to catch anemia from someone else
anyway, seeing as how it, hydrocephalus, and cardiomypathy aren't
really contagious anyway... but you're less likely to catch then
the chance to shake them is untouched though. you'll catch them
less, and str immunity will make them drop sooner.
you're still more likely to catch a disease now than you were
before, just an fyi.
poster: Vor
subject: oy
date: Thu Nov 13 14:04:24 2008
diseases part umpteen:
so, now there are 3 seperate chances to avoid a disease. you really
don't need to know the specifics, but basically
you lichling and full lich should have 0 chance. or at least i can't
think of one they'd have. anyone else has a chance based on their
health (2 seperate chances). magical immunity is far better than
natural immunity (everyone has natural immunity, it's just
incredibly small).
there is also just a random chance based on the strength of the
disease that it won't even bother tryign to make the jump. you don't
want to rely on that. if something in the room with you is diseased
and you don't have any magical resistance to the disease, you
probably don't want to sit in the room. the sucky part is that
enceph is the only one with an obvious warning system. i do suggest
you don't idle in public places, but i also suggest that if you're
going to go idle for long periods of time you don't stay logged into
the mud. i'm sure you guys will take that advice just like you've
been doing for the last 7 years :P
strengthen immunity will significantly lower your chance of catching
a disease still, ofc. and it'll also drastically reduce the time
you'll spend waiting for it to go away (a good strengthen can make
you life oh-so-much better). healer also has cure disease, and i may
add a spell to herbalist to help out.
i honestly don't think you chances are currently much higher than
they were before, but it's layered chances so it's not really 100%
possible to see how exactly it'll work, and your health factors in
now so who knows.
future posts about this are gonna go into guild.necromancer cause
daneel is probably gonna yell about news spam again.
poster: Vor
subject: secondary guilds
date: Sun Nov 16 23:25:12 2008
i downtuned secondary abj and fiddled with the tune of secondary bard.
abj downtune included vulns, lshields, and gshields.
bard downtune was just songs, again.
poster: Vor
subject: >secondary guilds
date: Sun Nov 16 23:25:45 2008
might take a reboot to notice cause i don't want to track down all
the individual spells and update them.
poster: Vor
subject: snake gaze
date: Tue Nov 18 15:22:10 2008
uptuned it a very small amount
poster: Vor
subject: ma prots
date: Tue Nov 18 15:58:22 2008
upped the chance for MA prots to resist butt naked. it was a bit
cruel the way that they fell over and over and over.
masteries vary from prot to prot.
poster: Vor
subject: eq pool mobs
date: Wed Nov 19 15:14:51 2008
i hopefully added some code to eqpool mobs so that certain things
will not count as equipment
possible effects are: i did it wrong and nothing drops pool. i did
it wrong and nothing changed. i did it wrong and now it's weird.
what it should be though is that junk that is not armor/weapons or
armor/weapons with no stat power shoudln't count. similarly, any
armor/weapons that are objects made by spells/skills shouldn't
count. lastly, knives thrown by jugglers should no longer count.
in order to do this i had to specifically add code to certain mobs
that like to drop items that get MADE into eq but aren't eq when mob
drops them. on that list are savlo, eel, tracker, garbo, madam,
undeads, snake charmer, azrael.
send me a mudmail or tell if you think of one i didn't list.
poster: Waxman
subject: Kimbriki
date: Wed Nov 19 21:52:35 2008
Just got a little easier to get to. I can not say how, but you can
figure it out.
poster: Vor
subject: >secondary guilds
date: Sat Nov 22 10:14:27 2008
On Sun Nov 16 23:25:12 2008 Vor wrote post #364:
> i downtuned secondary abj and fiddled with the tune of secondary bard.
> abj downtune included vulns, lshields, and gshields.
> bard downtune was just songs, again.
add to this list the healer guild regen/wis prots and iron will.
poster: Daneel
subject: Knife throwing
date: Sun Nov 23 12:59:59 2008
Just a word of warning...
I don't know of any monsters currently in the game that use it,
but if there are any that use the throw knife skill, I've made
it so that this skill is no longer completely useless against
players. Even heart throws will now sometimes work, depending
on your level and all.
Be careful.
poster: Daneel
subject: Turanian Attack
date: Tue Nov 25 07:17:34 2008
There's a dead body, an accidental victim of the Turanina attack
on Aquilonia, which might lead you on some interesting
By the way, this is not currently strictly a quest. To my mind,
quests are nice, friendly, helpful things you do to help out
some poor slob that's in trouble. There's nothing really
friendly or helpful about this adventure. Nevertheless, please
don't go blabbing details of how to do this around. Don't be
a jerk about it and I won't have to institute 0tp quests ;-)
poster: Vor
subject: re: pool drops, bard knives, etc
date: Fri Nov 28 13:27:30 2008
yea, as i warned in the last post, i wasn't sure it'd work. good
news is that i know why.
that explains the crappy pool drops you guys were having.
honestly... i'm confused as to how you got any other pool drops.
utterly baffled.
at any rate, it should (should!) be fixed now, since i did see the problem.
you'll probably need a reboot to notice it on any mob that's already
been seen this boot. anything no one has waltzed in on will probably
load correctly.
poster: Vor
subject: >re: pool drops, bard knives, etc
date: Fri Nov 28 13:27:55 2008
oh, i tested it this time.
poster: Khosan
subject: DNS update
date: Sat Nov 29 12:28:29 2008
updated islandsofmyth.org and www.islandsofmyth.org to the new IP
poster: Vor
subject: christmas
date: Sun Nov 30 12:44:20 2008
fyi, i'm not opening it for a few hours.
santa will no longer let you idle in his room after you get a
present (unless you're willing to walk back).
just thought you might like ta know.
poster: Waxman
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Nov 30 20:27:24 2008
put the cs turkey in, plz remove who ever does the santa area.
poster: Vor
subject: motd
date: Tue Dec 2 16:55:20 2008
i added yahoo group website to the motd. you see it every time you log in.
if you are dumb enough to not copy it, i don't want any ims from you
asking for info.
poster: Vor
subject: guild rank
date: Wed Dec 3 10:04:22 2008
after next reboot (or possibly earlier in some cases), you will probably see your guild rank jump a bit. i changed the requirement for each rank after the 1st (obviously the 1st has no requirement other than you being in the guild), so that the guild rank will max just about the same time that your guild item's stats do. it's not quite identical, but i chose to use the old guild rank formula with new numbers and this was as close as i could get. before, it would have taken quite a bit more effort to max the guild rank.
poster: Vor
subject: eagles
date: Sat Dec 6 05:25:08 2008
i made changes to eagle code as far as transportation again.
obviously eagles already out at time of post are unchanged.
i didn't really change what they should or shouldn't do... i just
made my previous code actually work, cause the system i had used was
pretty silly.
it's possible that it'll bug, which in this case would either be
being unable to move from inside an island to somewhere else inside
an island (hyboria->hyboria or blackavar->blackavar), or being able
to jump islands (goss->TI, sombre->hyb, etc).
lemme know if it does.
poster: Vor
subject: long walk paths
date: Sat Dec 6 09:32:05 2008
some of you guys (and it's not just one) have these incredibly long and intense walk paths which case up to 4-5 seconds of mudlag EACH time you use it. if you guys can't get a handle on that crap and break it into a few parts and do each part manually, i will make sure the paths you have stop working.
poster: Vor
subject: purifying drizzle
date: Sun Dec 7 21:38:57 2008
re-enabled it. works like butt naked now, but on everything in the room (anything in something in the room is safe for now). if you fear butt naked, i advise you not idle somewhere with people who can potentially cast drizzle. if you're a druid with it studied, i advise you either prepare to be verbally abused for casting it or learn when you can do it without causing trouble.
poster: Vor
subject: celtica
date: Tue Dec 9 12:59:47 2008
i fixed the claddah mobs. they'll drop pool now (right now, in fact).
poster: Vor
subject: >celtica
date: Tue Dec 9 13:00:34 2008
On Tue Dec 9 12:59:47 2008 Vor wrote post #385:
> i fixed the claddah mobs. they'll drop pool now (right now, in fact).
should say they can drop pool now. they don't always.
poster: Vor
subject: amulet of shihuang
date: Tue Dec 9 18:39:59 2008
i just removed a very cool little bug in amulet of shihuang. some of
you might not be so cool after the reboot.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >long walk paths
date: Wed Dec 10 16:33:02 2008
On Sat Dec 6 09:32:05 2008 Vor wrote post #383:
> some of you guys (and it's not just one) have these incredibly long and
intense walk paths which case up to 4-5 seconds of mudlag EACH time you use
it. if you guys can't get a handle on that crap and break it into a few
parts and do each part manually, i will make sure the paths you have stop
Vor and I fixed this.. though it would have been yesterday had
vor caught my mistake so you can blame Vor not me for taking
an extra day
poster: Vor
subject: days in guild
date: Sun Dec 21 13:12:35 2008
if you were split and recombined, you were probably gonna lose days
in guild unless
you had already split under new system. it's a bit convoluted as to
what would or
would not have done it, but after reboot it shouldn't happen again.
as far as i know, chemosh was the only one to notice.
poster: Vor
subject: endowment/honor of the gods
date: Sun Dec 28 10:43:32 2008
i upped the healing from endowment of the gods so that there's a minimum effect and the usual effect will be slightly higher too. i also stopped endowment from adding to your heal and passing itself off as honor of the gods cause that was weird and unecessary.
lastly, i changed honor of the gods message to not have the "you feel refreshed" message. that skill is put in alpha guilds, tired of new players and older players who are eternally newbie-like getting confused about the meaning.
will be reboot before the changes can break the mud.
poster: Zifnab
subject: wolf;s tooth dagger
date: Sat Jan 10 07:44:07 2009
stopped wolf's tooth dagger from being wileded until the bug is fixed in it. I am in a hotel and cannot fix it at tethe moment
poster: Vor
subject: >wolf;s tooth dagger
date: Sun Jan 11 12:00:52 2009
i fixed it. it can be wielded now.
poster: Waxman
subject: New area
date: Mon Jan 19 04:12:55 2009
The Hefnoin Military Training centre is now open.
(please report all typos using the 'typo' command
poster: Waxman
subject: New area
date: Tue Jan 20 16:53:14 2009
A wizards tower has been discovered nestled along the river of North
Twin Islands. A battle between good and evil is taking place there.
Please report typo as you find them.
poster: Vor
subject: secondary abuse
date: Sun Jan 25 10:47:44 2009
nuked tvez and frille for sharing eq between chars and therefore
doing secondary abuse.
ps, secondary abuse is a nukable offence. 25% is for the botters.
poster: Vor
subject: >freeze
date: Sun Jan 25 10:58:54 2009
ignore that post
poster: Waxman
subject: Holiday
date: Wed Jan 28 14:25:05 2009
Due to alot of stress Trainer and Sorcerer have decided to take a holiday from their usual roles on the islands. It was a one way ticket they bought so who know when they will return and how refresh from they holidays they may be.
poster: Waxman
subject: >Holiday
date: Wed Jan 28 23:15:18 2009
Poor monks are so deidicated to the cause that they dont get very long holidays and is back at work once again. ie: trainer is back!
poster: Waxman
subject: >>Holiday
date: Thu Jan 29 02:49:33 2009
Sorcerer was too worried about his clay army to holiday long and has returned to his evil plans.
poster: Fountain of Illium
subject: kill number 50000000
date: Thu Jan 29 18:26:43 2009
Wildchild got the kill.
poster: Vor
subject: ceremony
date: Wed Feb 4 20:56:49 2009
for those of you who use this, there is now a message that tells you when the effects fade.
poster: Waxman
subject: Gnoll race
date: Sat Feb 7 00:19:38 2009
Gnoll race added.
You cant just get gnoll race though, hints are in the help file.
poster: Waxman
subject: >Gnoll race
date: Sat Feb 7 00:21:48 2009
Sharing the information as to how to get this race is NOT to be shared.
This kind of info sharing will be punnished.
poster: Waxman
subject: Archdemon race
date: Sat Feb 7 00:29:44 2009
New race Archdemon.
poster: Waxman
subject: Compression
date: Sun Feb 8 20:45:36 2009
At present i see 11 out of 31 people NOT using compression. You people should all use it, stop being lazy.
On a side not the race specials for archdemon are kind of cool & if your not compressed you are missing out.
poster: Vor
subject: equipment_wishes
date: Fri Feb 13 11:46:03 2009
hi. the news category 'equipment_wishes' is made fo the purpose of giving players a group to post ideas for equipment that they would like added into the game. it is not a group used to ask about forming equipment parties, nor for asking to borrow equipment. i grow weary of reminding you, so maybe some of you will read this and pass the information to the ninnies who ignore it.
poster: Waxman
subject: new quest
date: Sun Feb 15 19:54:35 2009
See command 'quests' for details.
poster: Vor
subject: stralic event
date: Wed Feb 18 08:09:54 2009
i changed the speed-up reward. it used to apply to every player (even those who were in link dead room but not dested yet) and all of their fams. that was causing some major lag, so now it will only add the bonus to the people in the party of whoever returns the hourglass. it won't affect any fams (i'm pretty sure it didn't anyway actually, but it probably tried to).
i have also changed the bonus of holding the hourglass as a player, so now it will
not speed up the entire playerbase either.
and the stralic reward doesn't make you as fast as it once did.
if this turns out to be overkill i'll take a few steps back and make it a little better.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: abjurations
date: Fri Feb 20 17:05:29 2009
Made a change to abjurations.
_Should_ only effect stacking abjurations, like aura of force, but if
anything behaves strangely feel free to report it.
The change makes stacking abjurations behave like a single abjuration.
Meaning: all stacks of aura of force will drop at the same time, with
only one message. Refreshing one stack will refresh all, and removing
one stack will remove all.
Should work with new bodies after this post (log off for 30 mins).
Reboot will complete the change.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Yura
date: Fri Feb 20 19:48:18 2009
Perhaps she makes more sense now...
She's a little bit different now anyhow.
poster: Waxman
subject: Gnoll & Archdemon
date: Sun Feb 22 17:45:39 2009
The Gnoll scroll & Archdemon vial now have a self destruct timer.
An approximate of how many days till they selfdestruct can be found
in the ID. If you find any issues let me know.
poster: Waxman
subject: Everrest orbs
date: Tue Feb 24 16:15:58 2009
They still work the same way for smaller players, but larger ones they will work slightly different.
poster: Waxman
subject: Bvar portal in elvens
date: Tue Feb 24 18:55:08 2009
Its changed, i suggest you stop & check it out.
poster: Vor
subject: archdemon
date: Wed Feb 25 15:34:58 2009
something intended to have been set up in archdemon before release ended up not being there. it is now. upshot is that race loses 2% exp rate.
if you read help file you'll probably notice what is now there that wasn't before.
poster: Vor
subject: >archdemon
date: Wed Feb 25 16:20:10 2009
On Wed Feb 25 15:34:58 2009 Vor wrote post #415 in inform:
> something intended to have been set up in archdemon before release ended up not being there. it is now. upshot is that race loses 2% exp rate.
> if you read help file you'll probably notice what is now there that wasn't before.
the thing i hooked up in the race wasn't even set to work yet. it is now.
if you are archdemon at the time this post is made, you probably want to log out for 30 minutes or switch bodies or something so that your archdemon body is dested and remade. else you'll have -2% exp rate and you won't even have the new ability.
anyone who got the ability as a wish before it was announced via the race help that it was there is going to ask for a reimb, don't ask me for it. i'll let race adder decide.
poster: Vor
subject: >>archdemon
date: Wed Feb 25 16:21:33 2009
> anyone who got the ability as a wish before it was announced via the race help that it was there is going to ask for a reimb, don't ask me for it. i'll let race adder decide.
should say 'and is going to ask'. i'm not insinuating that you will.
poster: Vor
subject: prots
date: Thu Feb 26 11:52:54 2009
raised the potential resistance of skill/spell prots to factor in
your knowledge in the guild.
poster: Vor
subject: >prots
date: Thu Feb 26 11:55:21 2009
this is in regards to butt-naked resisting, not the dtype resses etc.
and abj is unaffected by this, they calculate resses on their own.
poster: Vor
subject: corpse eating eq
date: Thu Feb 26 13:32:23 2009
talked to another admin and another wizard, and both of them have
made noise about not particularly liking the fact that corpse eating
eq can be worn, used to eat the corpse, and removed in a matter of
miliseconds with no adverse reaction. at first i wasn't sure i
agreed, but when i thought about the fact that this not only reduces
the bonus of having a corpse eating race, (and the ability
significantly reduces the exp rate of the race), but it also makes
the corpse eating ability in a really high power piece of eq more of
a burden than anything. you could insert better stats there, since
it's obvious that you don't need corpse eating on a permanently worn
piece, just on a piece of eq that doesn't share a slot with guild
to alleviate this, i have set a timer into armors and weapons. if
you wear/wield them, they will not give you the corpse eating
ability until they have been worn at LEAST 30 seconds. (if you've
worn an item for 30 seconds that doesn't have corpse eating and
somehow manage to enchant it so that it now does have corpse eating,
it will be an instant bonus). removing the armor obviously sets the
amount of tiem it has been worn to 0, so when you re-equip it, it
will be another 30 seconds before it has any corpse eating to give
i will, as a result of this change, go ahead and give obsidian staff
something in addition to the corpse eating it currently has (else it
will be a very silly item), and i was planning to uptune orbdrin
anyway. atm it seems to entirely be an item used for corpse eating
as well.
this change may not be in effect til reboot. after reboot, if there
are issues, i will be leaving copious notes with the others who can
access it, and i've left backups in case they want to just revert
and reboot.
poster: Vor
subject: orbdrin
date: Thu Feb 26 14:12:30 2009
changed orbdrin.
poster: Vor
subject: obsidian staff
date: Thu Feb 26 14:23:50 2009
i uptuned the special it already had (and possibly fixed it).
poster: Vor
subject: material balls
date: Thu Feb 26 14:26:02 2009
they now show their mass in the desc.
poster: Waxman
subject: Gnoll
date: Thu Feb 26 18:20:11 2009
The scroll now binds to the one who completed the quest.
poster: Vor
subject: fireworks
date: Thu Feb 26 20:33:36 2009
removed fireworks (both) from toyshop. it's only meant to be there seasonally.
poster: Vor
subject: orc invasion
date: Thu Feb 26 21:13:51 2009
tried for a while to figure out a good way to make this work, finally did.
if you have already done the orc invasion quest, you can get the eq
reward from repeating it. it requires, however, that you go the
extra mile.
poster: Vor
subject: baramus
date: Fri Feb 27 16:53:47 2009
froze and reinc'd baramus for botting. you don't know how badly i
wanted to add a 10% freeze for writing such a shitty bot that it
lagged the mud for over a half hour with over 3 seconds average
mudlag per minute.
poster: Vor
subject: janriella quest
date: Fri Feb 27 22:29:51 2009
i made it so that it only thinks it has 2 parts. for those of you
who already have both parts, it should show up as completed.
obviously if the miraculous day comes that malifix adds a 3rd part,
it will be uncompleted again til you finisht hat part too.
if you haven't finished both parts already, when you do it's gonna
say you finished it. if mor eparts come out later you can finish
them too.