poster: Baer
subject: newsgroup names
date: Wed Nov 1 13:57:42 2006
Could we change general.eqparty to something else? You can't just go
to general newsgroup without an extra prompt because of this
poster: Fox
subject: pyroclasts
date: Thu Nov 2 00:06:06 2006
since the drought of eq hitting the market, as are pyroclasts
running very scarce... possibly if pyro's of certain power,
declarations of color for the highest pyro to the lowest pyro, hence
magenta for a pyro that has higher restoring capabilites compared to
a pyro of being a color of red for lower restoring capabilities.
there needs to be more pyro's over all. possibly even random pyro's
to exp mobs, the lower end pyros and of course naturally higher
powered pyro's to top notch eq mobs, etc... i realize that eq needs
to decay and run its course through the game, however... there
hasn't been much eq at all reaching the lower end players so, how
would it be possible to repair eq or even get more eq for a set if
there's neither in the game? something needs to be done, whether
it's an idea like this or something like it, or slow the rate of eq
decay... this decay is harsh on the players that aren't able to eq.
i realize that there's going to be negativity towards this, hold
yourselves from that. only positive feedback on this is, please.
poster: Mintorus
subject: eq shortage
date: Thu Nov 2 02:37:00 2006
Problem: eq not getting into sales.
Solutions A: Reduce the amount of eq that is currently able to be stored by a player. At the present we can store unlimited amounts on eq in a castle via safes/chests & many rooms. Maybe make it so a castle can only hold a certain amount of safes/chest. And on a side please add a vault which can store only weapons & not by weight, but by number of items.
Solution B: Make eq only tp saccable by a member of the party that killed them mob. This should mean that any eq that gets sold is used for its primary purpose & not tp sacced by other. Ie: will be used in the sales pool.
It is my opinion that there was nothing wrong with the old system of tps, & it makes more sense that Sloat takes only mint eq. But either system works. But if the solutions above are/or in party are addopted then sales of eq would increase. And the eqer woudl still eq.
Yes im sure many of you will flame me for these suggestions, but change is not to be affraid of but should be embraced.
poster: Chrono
subject: >eq shortage
date: Thu Nov 2 05:34:29 2006
While I do believe there is an eq shortage for people who play, I
believe _some_ of 'you' are leading it to be more harsh than it
really is, I consistently see some stuff up on sales channel (albeit
stuff most of 'you' aren't looking for but stuff for sale
none-the-less) and not all of it is junk eq either.
While I do not have an idea on how to fix any eq shortages that may
be occuring, I do believe that it is _not_ justifiable to force
players into selling their equipment they worked on achieving - it's
similiar to trying to force players to reinc away exp they've gained
strictly cause you haven't gained as much.
I do have one suggestion - how about instead of trying to create it
harder to sac equipment or putting restrictions on how much eq
castles may hold. How about incentives TO selling the equipment,
such as making gold worth more while.. Cause at the moment gold is
used for training, saccing and buying things. Maybe some of the
creative people on here can come up with some ideas on how to make
gold more useful :)
PS: This is no way a bash on anyone, just my thoughts on the situation.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >eq shortage
date: Thu Nov 2 08:25:13 2006
On Thu Nov 2 10:37:00 2006 Mintorus wrote post #3:
> Solutions A: Reduce the amount of eq that is currently able to be stored
by a player. At the present we can store unlimited amounts on eq in a castle
via safes/chests & many rooms. Maybe make it so a castle can only hold a
certain amount of safes/chest. And on a side please add a vault which can
store only weapons & not by weight, but by number of items.
> Solution B: Make eq only tp saccable by a member of the party that killed
them mob. This should mean that any eq that gets sold is used for its
primary purpose & not tp sacced by other. Ie: will be used in the sales
> It is my opinion that there was nothing wrong with the old system of tps,
& it makes more sense that Sloat takes only mint eq. But either system
works. But if the solutions above are/or in party are addopted then sales of
eq would increase. And the eqer woudl still eq.
> Yes im sure many of you will flame me for these suggestions, but change is
not to be affraid of but should be embraced.
> Minto
Only thing I want to 'add' is my opinion on this whole mint condition fiasco.
From an obsessive collector, ebay addict sort of way, yes it makes
sense for him to take mint eq. Only one of each piece for that
matter. What good does 100 pristine frost pikes do a collector?
None. A king building an army maybe, but not a collector.
Now for a collector to be able to say, "10000's of dragons fell
under this dragonslayer" "here is the whip that was first used
against naraku." etcetc
Just seems more reasonable to me.
poster: Expandrew
subject: >>eq shortage
date: Thu Nov 2 09:34:03 2006
> Only thing I want to 'add' is my opinion on this whole mint condition fiasco.
> From an obsessive collector, ebay addict sort of way, yes it makes
> sense for him to take mint eq. Only one of each piece for that
> matter. What good does 100 pristine frost pikes do a collector?
> None. A king building an army maybe, but not a collector.
> Now for a collector to be able to say, "10000's of dragons fell
> under this dragonslayer" "here is the whip that was first used
> against naraku." etcetc
> Just seems more reasonable to me.
i kinda think it would be a fun and interesting event, sort of 'fall of rdc' ish if Sloat took all of the eq we've given him and massed an army. It would be a day-long or even week-long event (boot-long perhaps) where sloat's armies attack Illium or something. Could make it so the generals or something have a 5% chance to drop a piece that has been sacced by someone(this would be a great way to bring back old eq - maybe un-pyroable and unsaccable).
Probably would never happen, but still fun to think about...
poster: Uno
subject: >>eq shortage
date: Fri Nov 3 08:32:39 2006
On Thu Nov 2 13:34:29 2006 Chrono wrote post #4:
> I do have one suggestion - how about instead of trying to create it
> harder to sac equipment or putting restrictions on how much eq
> castles may hold. How about incentives TO selling the equipment,
> such as making gold worth more while.. Cause at the moment gold is
> used for training, saccing and buying things. Maybe some of the
> creative people on here can come up with some ideas on how to make
> gold more useful :)
> PS: This is no way a bash on anyone, just my thoughts on the situation.
This, too, is not a bash on you, Chrono.
I find it very odd to hear you speak of the system "forcing"
players to sell eq. Maybe it's because I'm old (you're almost as old)
but it just struck me as unusual to see how intensely Sloatinok
has woven himself into the game mechanic in the relatively short
time he's been in place.
4 years ago (or whatever), talk of "forcing" players to sell
things would have been impossible to conceptualize, because
that was the only option you had besides ejesac. I know this
doesn't really support any particular argument, just an observation.
Having said that, I do agree that gold needs to re-achieve value.
I believe several strategies for achieving that are currently being
poster: Bremen
subject: Eq
date: Fri Nov 3 13:11:41 2006
People just need to organize parties (its not all that hard) There
ARE like.. soo many gigbies that this shouldnt be a problem, and
stop limiting parties to TOP slot only
Bremen, whom says stop whining and organize parties.
poster: Uno
subject: >Eq
date: Fri Nov 3 14:32:56 2006
On Fri Nov 3 21:11:41 2006 Bremen wrote post #8:
> People just need to organize parties (its not all that hard) There
> ARE like.. soo many gigbies that this shouldnt be a problem, and
> stop limiting parties to TOP slot only
> Bremen, whom says stop whining and organize parties.
poster: Bahgtru
subject: >Eq
date: Sat Nov 4 00:55:39 2006
On Fri Nov 3 21:11:41 2006 Bremen wrote post #8:
> People just need to organize parties (its not all that hard) There
> ARE like.. soo many gigbies that this shouldnt be a problem, and
> stop limiting parties to TOP slot only
> Bremen, whom says stop whining and organize parties.
And what about the smaller players who are trying to acquire eq? Do
they simply start an eq party and proceed from there? Our
newbie/lowbie population is dwindling, there is no longer a big
enough force for them to get together. And yes, some will read this
and say 'well they can just go gold and buy eq then'. It's not all
that easy for a newbie to make 1m gold, and most of what I've seen
on sales sells for more than that. Per piece.
Won't somebody please think of the newbies? (and us low-er-bies too?)
poster: Maxtor
subject: Merchant Guild
date: Sun Nov 5 17:06:52 2006
There as has been a discussion lately about eq and Sloat, and somebody asked us to come up with some creative suggestions. I usually don’t post mail, but I’ll give it a shot.
The main problem seems to be that the game generates more money and eq than it consumes, which will obviously cause inflation. It should be fun to make eq, but then there must be a market for the items, so it feels worth the effort. And there must be something interesting to spend the hard earned money at.
I suggest a new merchant guild to help balance the economy, with something like these subguilds:
Alpha: Merchant
Beta: Carpenter
Beta: Weaver
Beta: Gem cutter
Beta: Metallurgist
Beta: Stone mason
Beta: Tailor
Gamma: Jeweller
Gamma: Shipbuilder
Gamma: Alchemist
Omicron: Mammon’s Apostle
The ultimate goal of the “Mammon’s Apostle” is to create “Offerings”, that can be sacrificed to the gods for TP’s. Sloat could finally retire. In order to create such an “Offering”, the Merchant must buy a recipe for like 200k gold. Each time one of these are bought, they require random materials the merchant must collect, refine, and turn into an “Offering”. To make good items that gives more TP, an eq should also be cannibalized and merged into the “Offering”. I can picture requirements of 1000 kg of wood, 500 kg of some common metal, 250 kg each of two average available metals, 50 kg of gem stone and 25 kg of some cloth material. The beta guilds offer appropriate skills for retrieving the materials. It should take a lot of effort to make these items, so not everybody suddenly turn merchants. The recipe fee reduce money from the game, and prevent merchants from only make their own TP offerings – they must earn money to afford to make them. The better eq sacrificed, the more TP the item is worth. Perhaps eq not used so frequently can be worth more. But there is no restriction that one player only can have an item from the same eq. This hopefully should open a market for good eq.
In the Alchemist Gamma the merchant can make potions from combination of ingredients. I stole this idea from another game I have been playing, and it was great fun there. The ingredients include 1 kg metal, 1 herb and 1 body organ from a monster. With approximately 50 different metals, 20 herbs and 20 kinds of organs, there are many combinations possible, and only a few result in a useful potion. It is up to the alchemist to try out the combinations, and they are individual so you can’t trade them with your buddies. Even if the tested combination doesn’t give a valid potion, the materials are gone. If there is a valid combination available with two out of the three ingredients you will be told it was a close try (which helps you find the valid combinations somewhat easier). Potions could replace the randomly dropped “greater mana potion” etc, but also much more interesting ones, like a “Double-Exp Potion” that eh, gives double exp for some period of time. Once you have found the right combination you can start making these potions for a profit. And yes, you must buy the flasks from the general store, and there is no refund. I think many players with too much money can find a nice way to spend it here.
Shipbuilding requires insane amounts of wood and cloth, but eventually let the merchant create player owned vessels for travelling between the islands. The better ship, the faster the trip takes. And if you let the merchant create and sell the nifty extras, it might even have regenerating rooms and the necromancer’s freezer for some corpse storage.
The jeweller creates nice jewels and gems out of gemstone. They could be sold to stores for profit, or perhaps the odd shapeshifter or druid may put you some orders. And hey, maybe the random lodestones are not gone forever now, are they? Also, suddenly the eq rings of today become obsolete when the fresh merchant made rings have better stats. And as they last shorter, the market doesn’t ever get fully filled.
In other games the merchant guild have a problem, as you don’t get exp because you don’t kill monsters (except a few for skinning for cloth and dissect for organs). This could be balanced with some money-to-experience converting system. If there is such a system, it must be built in a way that prevents a newbie to get 50 meg gold from a friend and become a not-so-newbie within an hour. A positive effect is that money is reduced from the game, which I believe is what we need.
To make all of these things work, we need a whole bunch of new skills like mining, amalgamating, alloying, lumberjacking, refining, dissection, sail making, etc, etc, and a variety of mastery skills. We also need some new game concepts, such as different monsters having different organs for dissection, trees growing randomly for cutting, metal, gem and stone deposits randomly placed from time to time for miners to find and exploit. With individual potion and alloying recipes it should be fun for the geeky kind of people like myself to find combinations (alloy gold and uranium for another random metal etc). And maybe those not experienced enough to take all the guild levels can still collect materials, and sell to the senior merchants. Surely we can also come up with a lot of more ideas, like chestmaking and letting the merchant create his own boxes, jars, bags and whatever he needs to collect tons and tons of materials…
If some builder thinks this sounds interesting, I’d be happy to contribute with ideas.
/Maxtor - The Merchant Wannabe
poster: Ligea
subject: bard parties
date: Fri Nov 17 17:51:20 2006
Since no one seems to xp much with bards (and coupled to the recent
push for party-style xps) how about a high-level bard skill that
increases the xp rate a few points?
It would just help a little since atm bards suck for xps, and is
even in theme (of course you learn more from an experience if you
have a bard singing stories about it).
poster: Sudra
subject: Suggestion
date: Sat Nov 18 08:28:39 2006
I know i'm gonna probably get flamed for this, but here goes. With
the changes made to the new xp tunes, wouldn't it make the higher
level solo-type guilds (namely dragon lord) kinda useless? Maybe if
dlords could party again. I mean, since they can't solo as
effectively as they used to, isn't it worth turning them into tanks
so that they can at least party without having to go through the
reinc to become worth it again?
Just Thought
poster: Highpriest
subject: New exp change
date: Sat Nov 18 17:01:10 2006
I think the current system doesn't work quite well. From what we see
only hell is uptuned and the rest downtuned. It is impossible to
keep building parties big enough to slay hell mobs, and hell would
be tuned if all people kill is hell mobs...
IMO, the downtune should be lowered and more can be done by looking
at party's total exp worth (total of all members) and derive a new
party exp rate. In this case, as long as the party is pretty big,
they can still do decent good exp and could have a choice of areas
as well.
-Just a small opinion of HP
poster: Korthrun
subject: >New exp change
date: Sat Nov 18 17:03:19 2006
On Sun Nov 19 01:01:10 2006 Highpriest wrote post #14:
> keep building parties big enough to slay hell mobs, and hell would
> be tuned if all people kill is hell mobs...
> IMO, the downtune should be lowered and more can be done by looking
> at party's total exp worth (total of all members) and derive a new
> party exp rate. In this case, as long as the party is pretty big,
> they can still do decent good exp and could have a choice of areas
> as well.
> -Just a small opinion of HP
I'm not sure if this makes sense for the problem you guys are trying
to solve. Shouldn't the tuner get a reset to really test out how
this affects things?
poster: Highpriest
subject: >>New exp change
date: Sat Nov 18 18:37:00 2006
On Sun Nov 19 01:03:19 2006 Korthrun wrote post #15:
> On Sun Nov 19 01:01:10 2006 Highpriest wrote post #14:
> > keep building parties big enough to slay hell mobs, and hell would
> > be tuned if all people kill is hell mobs...
> >
> > IMO, the downtune should be lowered and more can be done by looking
> > at party's total exp worth (total of all members) and derive a new
> > party exp rate. In this case, as long as the party is pretty big,
> > they can still do decent good exp and could have a choice of areas
> > as well.
> >
> > -Just a small opinion of HP
> I'm not sure if this makes sense for the problem you guys are trying
> to solve. Shouldn't the tuner get a reset to really test out how
> this affects things?
I kind of agree with tunes reset, this will allow us to see the
effect on the tunes of different mobs.
And I think total exp worth isn't enough as it'll still address only
highbie exp parties...
This can be improved by including the standard deviation (iirc) of
the members worth and member number into the equation.
poster: Paw
subject: New use for gold
date: Sun Nov 19 11:10:04 2006
One of the problems I think everyone would agree with is the lack of
use for gold end game.
How about making a powerful wizard that can teleport you to places
you've never been? Make it cost 50k or something and he will
teleport you to a random room you have never been to (which can be a
dangerous room with the risk of death, etc)
High end players are looking for those few explore rooms either for
TPs or bragging rights. This could take some serious gold out of
the system...
poster: Tektor
subject: Presents
date: Sat Nov 25 07:54:09 2006
Maybe have presents save on bodies till a reboot, that would be cool :P
poster: Uno
subject: >Presents
date: Sat Nov 25 11:21:30 2006
On Sat Nov 25 15:54:09 2006 Tektor wrote post #18:
> Maybe have presents save on bodies till a reboot, that would be cool :P
You know what else would be cool?
If you could actually LIVE inside the gift horse's mouth.
poster: Tektor
subject: >>Presents
date: Sat Nov 25 11:23:25 2006
On Sat Nov 25 19:21:30 2006 Uno wrote post #19:
> On Sat Nov 25 15:54:09 2006 Tektor wrote post #18:
> > Maybe have presents save on bodies till a reboot, that would be cool :P
> You know what else would be cool?
> If you could actually LIVE inside the gift horse's mouth.
You know what else would be cool?
If some people actualy took certain comments as ideas instead of
complaints and actualy understood what was being said!
poster: Uno
subject: >>>Presents
date: Sat Nov 25 11:23:35 2006
On Sat Nov 25 19:23:25 2006 Tektor wrote post #20:
> > On Sat Nov 25 15:54:09 2006 Tektor wrote post #18:
> > > Maybe have presents save on bodies till a reboot, that would be cool :P
> >
> > You know what else would be cool?
> >
> > If you could actually LIVE inside the gift horse's mouth.
> You know what else would be cool?
> If some people actualy took certain comments as ideas instead of
> complaints and actualy understood what was being said!
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>Presents
date: Sat Nov 25 11:27:15 2006
On Sat Nov 25 19:23:25 2006 Tektor wrote post #20:
> On Sat Nov 25 19:21:30 2006 Uno wrote post #19:
> > On Sat Nov 25 15:54:09 2006 Tektor wrote post #18:
> > > Maybe have presents save on bodies till a reboot, that would be cool :P
> >
> > You know what else would be cool?
> >
> > If you could actually LIVE inside the gift horse's mouth.
> You know what else would be cool?
> If some people actualy took certain comments as ideas instead of
> complaints and actualy understood what was being said!
i totally agree that people need to be more open minded... infact...
we should change xmas to hannukah alltogether so as it'll be more in
theme with getting presents every day =)
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>>Presents
date: Sat Nov 25 11:28:59 2006
On Sat Nov 25 19:27:15 2006 Maduo wrote post #22:
> On Sat Nov 25 19:23:25 2006 Tektor wrote post #20:
> > On Sat Nov 25 19:21:30 2006 Uno wrote post #19:
> > > On Sat Nov 25 15:54:09 2006 Tektor wrote post #18:
> > > > Maybe have presents save on bodies till a reboot, that would be cool
> > >
> > > You know what else would be cool?
> > >
> > > If you could actually LIVE inside the gift horse's mouth.
> > You know what else would be cool?
> >
> > If some people actualy took certain comments as ideas instead of
> > complaints and actualy understood what was being said!
> i totally agree that people need to be more open minded... infact...
> we should change xmas to hannukah alltogether so as it'll be more in
> theme with getting presents every day =)
btw, that doesnt mean i support tektor's idea in any way shape and form. =)
poster: Evicta
subject: changes
date: Tue Nov 28 04:59:51 2006
i personally dislike the recent changes.. but agree that something has to be done.. this made me dig up this old post i made some time ago: -----------------poster: Evicta
subject: future
date: Fri Dec 13 23:23:09 2002
to bring back the discussion of hihgbies growing too big /
powerfull.. how about making a system similar to
taskpoints.. just bought with exps.. limited to +2gig players ..
make like a temple of divine powers.. with each
point costing 20m exps or so.. make highbies buy more wishes similar
to curent tp wishes (with rising cost also)
or maybe construct a few pieces of eq breaking a bit above current
eq rules ex: a mace with 70 wc or other stuffs
with 20m cost on each point this would make 1st lesser wish cost
400m exps.. who would'nt like to be a Grorrark
MA with 130% skills.. this way the highbies could spend some of the
exps most of them consider a whaste product
on wishes / eq or other stuffs.. and make playing more interesting
after reaching gig worth (most players i know
that reached this point either retired or went wery inactive)
well just my thoughts on this.. feel free to comment..
Evicta (hope i got it right this time:-))
? maybe the time is better for stuff like this now? ---Evicta anno 2006---
poster: Teego
subject: The 5% and 10% bonuses
date: Tue Nov 28 08:44:18 2006
What do you think of moving the 5% bonus back to 50 people logging
on and the 10% bonus to 75 people? I don't think we are seeing 75
people very often anymore.........
(My first ideas post in the 10 years I have been here)
poster: Taliph
subject: >The 5% and 10% bonuses
date: Tue Nov 28 09:23:24 2006
On Tue Nov 28 16:44:18 2006 Teego wrote post #26:
> What do you think of moving the 5% bonus back to 50 people logging
> on and the 10% bonus to 75 people? I don't think we are seeing 75
> people very often anymore.........
> (My first ideas post in the 10 years I have been here)
Well, if people would stop using triggers to maintain their
abilility to idle all night, I can think of a great many times we'd
have been in the exp-bonus situation for low players.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >>The 5% and 10% bonuses
date: Tue Nov 28 12:26:32 2006
Try getting your friends to play (if you have any).
Remember to vote for Islands of Myth on tmc and tms.
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >>>The 5% and 10% bonuses
date: Tue Nov 28 12:27:24 2006
On Tue Nov 28 20:26:32 2006 Ixtlilton wrote post #28:
> Try getting your friends to play (if you have any).
> Remember to vote for Islands of Myth on tmc and tms.
poster: Tektor
subject: >>>The 5% and 10% bonuses
date: Tue Nov 28 16:23:31 2006
On Tue Nov 28 20:26:32 2006 Ixtlilton wrote post #28:
> Try getting your friends to play (if you have any).
> Remember to vote for Islands of Myth on tmc and tms.
I dont have any friends im lonely :/
poster: Maduo
subject: mrs. claus
date: Tue Nov 28 17:04:34 2006
not to look the gift horse in the mouth, but i think it would be a
neat idea if mrs. claus gave out 1 ferry ticket to each player that
asked for one. once per boot of course..
poster: Holyman
subject: >mrs. claus
date: Wed Nov 29 14:32:54 2006
On Wed Nov 29 01:04:34 2006 Maduo wrote post #31 in ideas:
> not to look the gift horse in the mouth, but i think it would be a
> neat idea if mrs. claus gave out 1 ferry ticket to each player that
> asked for one. once per boot of course..
what kind of ferry ticket r u talking about? You mean hell ferry or what?
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>mrs. claus
date: Wed Nov 29 14:38:58 2006
On Wed Nov 29 22:32:54 2006 Holyman wrote post #32:
> On Wed Nov 29 01:04:34 2006 Maduo wrote post #31 in ideas:
> > not to look the gift horse in the mouth, but i think it would be a
> > neat idea if mrs. claus gave out 1 ferry ticket to each player that
> > asked for one. once per boot of course..
> what kind of ferry ticket r u talking about? You mean hell ferry or what?
not sure if this was a serious response or not..
He is talking about the ferry ticket from santa
poster: Snarf
subject: Snarf proof mist mage?
date: Thu Dec 21 17:16:34 2006
Call it snarf proofing if you like, but I am phobic about taking my eq out of the safe since by habit I turn on mist form and one of these days I just know I am going to drop everything. So getting on with it by habit I always keep all after I get my stuff out as a precaution and I was thinking, when you cast mist form would it be difficult to include a check to see if anything marked kept would be dropped and if so either throw and error or give a warning y/n to casting it and dropping kept items? It would go a long way toward my piece of mind >_<
poster: Vor
subject: >Snarf proof mist mage?
date: Thu Dec 21 17:19:07 2006
yea... no. the check is this: you casting the spell.
if you don't want the effects, don't be the cause.
poster: Snarf
subject: >>Snarf proof mist mage?
date: Thu Dec 21 17:22:21 2006
Well that is not very nice, sometimes I honestly do not recall haveing anything on me, but next thing I know it is on the ground :(
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>Snarf proof mist mage?
date: Thu Dec 21 17:26:35 2006
On Fri Dec 22 01:22:21 2006 Snarf wrote post #36:
> Well that is not very nice, sometimes I honestly do not recall haveing
anything on me, but next thing I know it is on the ground :(
don't be fooled by the one eyed hippo snarf... it was never on you
to begin with!
poster: Baer
subject: >>>Snarf proof mist mage?
date: Fri Dec 22 00:35:02 2006
On Fri Dec 22 01:22:21 2006 Snarf wrote post #36:
> Well that is not very nice, sometimes I honestly do not recall haveing
anything on me, but next thing I know it is on the ground :(
Ok what you can do here is make a command. So lets say you want to
type mf to turn into mist form. Set this:
command mf do i;cast mist form
Then you always see your inventory as you start to cast the spell,
and you can just 'cast stop' if you want to cancel out.
poster: Fox
subject: Necro fams + changeable eq.
date: Sat Dec 23 12:21:23 2006
I found that an apocalypse staff has no visible effect on my
undead... could the be changed for a betterment of the undeads? say
in particular to their spells/skills... it would be different,
possibly something interesting to play around with, especially sense
there are 5 different classes in the necromancers familiars.
poster: Fox
subject: selling top notch eq to shops
date: Sat Dec 23 23:25:32 2006
should be able to retrieve these items to the shop and not be hidden
poster: Zifnab
subject: >selling top notch eq to shops
date: Sun Dec 24 07:40:41 2006
On Sun Dec 24 07:25:32 2006 Fox wrote post #40:
> should be able to retrieve these items to the shop and not be hidden
The shop makes an attempt to refuse to be top items.
You also need to take responsibility for your actions
poster: Maduo
subject: fish!
date: Thu Dec 28 18:42:32 2006
i think it would be neat if you could trade in your fish you catch
from fishing for nosave fish familiars or something..
maybe something like 10 posiedonfish = 1 posiedonfish familiar or something..
just a thought
poster: Knom
subject: newbie hate
date: Sat Dec 30 16:33:50 2006
A few ideas for some stuff.
Is there any way we can get it changed so that, "Slow down." message
and not being able to talk on channels for a few minutes go by Mud
Age instead of the level of the player. As far as I know this has
not been a problem in a long time anyways.
Why is it that players under level 15 post urls in their finger
info? When they can just as easily post the same url in their plan?
As far as that goes why is it that plans of low level players
limited to a few lines (if this case is still true)?
Just a couple annoyances I've ran accrossed while playing the passed
couple of weeks - thought I'd share some input, can any of this be
easily changed and is there someone willing to do it?
poster: Knom
subject: >newbie hate
date: Sat Dec 30 16:38:09 2006
Why is it that players under level 15 post urls in their finger
Should read - Why is it that players under level 15 *CAN'T* post
urls in their finger info?
Sorry everyone.
poster: Mugen
subject: >>newbie hate
date: Sat Dec 30 16:53:52 2006
cuz you're a spammer and you touch yourself at night
poster: Zifnab
subject: >newbie hate
date: Sat Dec 30 20:17:27 2006
On Sun Dec 31 00:33:50 2006 Knom wrote post #43:
> A few ideas for some stuff.
> Is there any way we can get it changed so that, "Slow down." message
> and not being able to talk on channels for a few minutes go by Mud
> Age instead of the level of the player. As far as I know this has
> not been a problem in a long time anyways.
I am not sure if mud age makes much more of a
difference other than those of you that reinc and
then dont advance.
the reason it hasnt been a problem is because of that delay
and the fact that we have new options available to us.
There is another option that I thought of as I as writing this that
may make some sense to do.
> Why is it that players under level 15 post urls in their finger
> info? When they can just as easily post the same url in their plan?
> As far as that goes why is it that plans of low level players
> limited to a few lines (if this case is still true)?
The url uses the old web command that posts on the muds
web site as well. That is why its 15 its not just gong
to finger. Again its an old command from the early days of the mud
not sure its a huge deal the way it is. I kind of like letting
things happen once you past that magic level 15.
> Just a couple annoyances I've ran accrossed while playing the passed
> couple of weeks - thought I'd share some input, can any of this be
> easily changed and is there someone willing to do it?
> -Knom
poster: Chemosh
subject: gold sink
date: Thu Jan 4 23:31:30 2007
Give each guild a guild sink (like druid has). An active (full)
druid uses 200-300k per day in gold, for the benefit for being able
to just play the game. newbie druids get their spells for free (thus
newbies can save, non newbie have a gold sink).
Warriors have to visit the gym daily or sharpen they swords, bards
need to retune the instruments or get singing lessons. healers needs
to tithe regularly to their god (i am willing to be named healer god
:P) to maintain their faith, sorcerers need to pay the library
membership fees.
alternatively just make the GM of the omnicron guild charge rent for
usage of the rent.
poster: Knom
subject: >gold sink
date: Fri Jan 5 02:58:53 2007
Interesting idea.. however I see this as a tedious task to be able
to do anything on the game rather than an approach to make gold
'more valuable' (if thats what you're aiming for). If we're to make
gold more valuable than we need to come up with some ideas for
things to affect players positivly, rather than negativly.
An idea to make gold more valuable to everyone, not just highbies or newbies.
Unfortunatly I have no such ideas at the moment. :/
poster: Gwydian
subject: >>gold sink
date: Fri Jan 5 03:39:31 2007
I agree with Knom that there should be positive uses for gold rather
than negative ones. I do not have any specific ideas either, but I
do know that positive ways to reduce gold will encourage players to
play, while negative uses for gold will discourage players from
Furthermore, there has been a lot of talk about making changes to
the mud lately regarding everything from gold to tps to exp. I
think we should be careful to make sure that changes are made that
can positively impact as many players as possible, rather than
punishing all players based on a few extreme outliers at the top end
of the spectrum.
For example (completely hypothetical), let's say that player X can
make a large amount of gold in a short period of time, but he/she is
the exception, not the rule. In that situation, rather than coming
to the conclusion that there is a problem in the way that all
players can obtain gold (which maybe there is, and maybe there
isn't), perhaps the problem is not with the system, but with that
player (who is an outlier).
Additionally, I think we need to keep in mind that there needs to be
incentive to improve in the mud, regardless of your exp, monetary,
eq, and tpworth. Providing additional ways to grow will encourage
players, while finding ways to limit and hinder growth will
discourage players.
I know this post has not done much to provide specific ideas for
solutions, but I am proposing one general suggestion: rewards work
better than punishments. There has a lot of talk of imbalances and
inequities in the mud, and many times it seems that proposed
solutions include downtuning or punishment. I propose we move
forward by examining positive ways in which we can improve the mud,
rather than ways to "fix" the system with downtunes to punish those
that are "too good".
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >gold sink
date: Fri Jan 5 08:13:15 2007
On Fri Jan 5 07:31:30 2007 Chemosh wrote post #47:
> Give each guild a guild sink (like druid has). An active (full)
> druid uses 200-300k per day in gold, for the benefit for being able
> to just play the game. newbie druids get their spells for free (thus
> newbies can save, non newbie have a gold sink).
> Warriors have to visit the gym daily or sharpen they swords, bards
> need to retune the instruments or get singing lessons. healers needs
> to tithe regularly to their god (i am willing to be named healer god
> :P) to maintain their faith, sorcerers need to pay the library
> membership fees.
> alternatively just make the GM of the omnicron guild charge rent for
> usage of the rent.
> C
i like this post cause abj is not mentioned
poster: Bahgtru
subject: Bag's idea for a solution to gold being worthless
date: Fri Jan 5 13:12:23 2007
Well now I'm not normally one to come up with ideas. But I'm sitting
here after a long night at work and trying to look at everything in
the simplest fashion. So when people are trying to figure out how to
make gold more important in the game, guess what comes to my poor
tired brain?
Let's create more things for people to buy
Now the first thought of most people would be 'how would we do that
Bags?' Others may be thinking 'there's not enough eq to buy already,
which is the problem.' Now now folks, think beyond eq. There's all
sorts of things that could be available for players to buy. Why not
add a few extra shops into the game, perhaps wandering merchants so
you have to find them? Let them sell things like:
Dragon gems
Enchantments for weapons/armor (beyond what enchanter guilds have,
something new/different)
Temporary use of familiars (whether animal tamer or again, something new)
Other combat items (items similar to balms and potions)
Perhaps even have a few wandering camps of mercenaries/scholars. For
a fee they agree to train you. You do a few small quests for them,
they increase your stats/skills.
How about new skills that can only be bought. They would still
require xps but the gold cost would be nice and big.
Now having only recently come into decent amounts of gold (and being
afraid to lose much of it again) I'm all for new things to do with
it. Come on folks, we're all gamers, we should be able to come up
with a few good ideas.
- Bags
poster: Mugen
subject: >Bag's idea for a solution to gold being worthless
date: Sat Jan 6 04:53:08 2007
Yay for long posts.
I agree with Bahgtru's suggestion.
The problem with gold is you use it once and then you always have
credit. So after you get so far in your training, you never really
need gold again. The only way to make gold more valuable is to
either introduce non-permanent ways to spend gold, or to tax this
credit system much more heavily (which would be an entirely
unpopular decision).
So, a positive fix would be to provide temporary consumable
products for people to spend their excess on. The key part being
that they are temporary and, potentially, a continuous money sink.
We already have some consumables but they are not part of the
game's market. Wands are dropped from eq-pool monsters but rarely
ever get sold and eq-pool is a completely unreliable source.
Potions are dropped by every few mobs making their worth minimal.
The only things that consume income now:
- Eq Repair: For some, this was virtually removed because they
just get their Blacksmith buddies to do their repairing.
- Gem Blasters: Already been mentioned that they spend a lot of
money simply to use their guild. Perhaps introduce something
similar for 'bonus' guilds like navigator/traveler and
possibly even the use of rogue tunnels.
- Castles: Now it is a one-time fee. Personally, I think this
could require a timely fee. The only people that really need
castles are those who choose to keep multiple sets and thus
can afford to pay this fee without hurting the lower
- Training: This is mostly a one-time fee. Increasing the tax on
this when one reincarnates would be slightly beneficial. You'd
see a lot less hoarding (or reincarnating) if people needed
to air out their safes a little bit to pay for training.
- Clans: A one time fee which I don't see changing unless they are
made more beneficial.
- Wands: The code is already here, but at the moment, the only
places to get them are Santa or pool.
- Blacksmith Materials - How about a smaller drop rate, but also a
place to buy them. It would still be cheaper then Bifur, but
you will no longer have people spending nothing to get their
eq repaired. Wasn't decay put in as an attempt to get money
and eq out of the game?
- Potions: The only ones I know of are from Cake, and aren't worth
much. You'd probably have to decrease the drop rate of the
current potions to make buying them worthwhile.
- Enchantment Scrolls - Not sure how hard this would be to
implement now that we have Master Enchanter as a basis. But
these could be useable by anyone and last a boot or 24 hours
some such.
Ex.. Enchant Torso: Minor Strength (similar to the potions)
- Mercs: People always mention these. I personally have issues
with this one due to it most likely making real familiars less
worthwhile.. but its an option. I'd also say we'd have a
problem with people walking around and effectively being a
party alone (then again, we already have Necromancers).
poster: Bahgtru
subject: Solutions for gold issues?
date: Sat Jan 6 11:32:14 2007
Let's make this simple. There are any number of things that could be
introduced for gold to be more worthwhile. As a collective, we
should have at least a few players who have the capabilities and the
desire to come up with detailed solutions.
I'd like to suggest that the wizards take applications from those
interested in designing something. This is similar to builder apps
but rather than getting people on 10k where they can idle for weeks
to no avail, I suggest that players submit *detailed and structured*
ideas for things to spend gold on.
With all these strange and interesting minds, we should be able to
come up with something, provided people have the desire to try to
change things for the better
poster: Lurch
subject: gold
date: Sun Jan 7 13:41:27 2007
I was just reading, and suddenly got a silly idea for a purpose
for gold, or a gold sink, or whatnot.
You know how everyone likes exp? How about something like a
virtual reality machine... that's coin-op, so you can pay to play
it. Why? because you do stuff in VR and.. gain exp. That's the
idea I just came up with for being able to use gold to *gasp*
Buy exp.
How fast? I don't know, like 35 per gold, like the credit rate? :)
Think about it.
poster: Monkey
subject: >gold
date: Sun Jan 7 15:07:10 2007
On Sun Jan 7 21:41:27 2007 Lurch wrote post #54:
> I was just reading, and suddenly got a silly idea for a purpose
> for gold, or a gold sink, or whatnot.
> You know how everyone likes exp? How about something like a
> virtual reality machine... that's coin-op, so you can pay to play
> it. Why? because you do stuff in VR and.. gain exp. That's the
> idea I just came up with for being able to use gold to *gasp*
> Buy exp.
> How fast? I don't know, like 35 per gold, like the credit rate? :)
> Think about it.
It's a cool idea, however it would not work.
1) Totally abusable. A Player could trade 1m gold for 35m exp.
2) It wouldn't exactly fit in with the theme of the mud. (Although
there are many a things that do not)
and 3) Because I learned no real dance moves from playing DDR.
poster: Wagro
subject: >gold
date: Sun Jan 7 16:39:05 2007
All these ideas are great, and by no means do I intend to stifle
creative inspiration, but when you are coming up with solutions,
keep in mind what purpose they need to serve. As I understand it the
problem with gold is that it has little to no value to the
higher-ups on the mud. If you want gold to become useful to them
(us), then you need to introduce a gold sink which:
a) Is a large flow (on the order of millions of gold)
b) Introduces new functionality rather than causes current systems
to cost gold
c) specifically focuses on things which will be useful to highbies
so that they will actually use it.
Stuff like personal ferries have the best of intentions, but will
not really make a dent in the problem due to highbies having massive
amounts of gold and easy access to alternative means of transport
e.g. tunnels.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>gold
date: Sun Jan 7 16:44:08 2007
On Mon Jan 8 00:39:05 2007 Wagro wrote post #56:
> a) Is a large flow (on the order of millions of gold)
> b) Introduces new functionality rather than causes current systems
> to cost gold
> c) specifically focuses on things which will be useful to highbies
> so that they will actually use it.
> Stuff like personal ferries have the best of intentions, but will
> not really make a dent in the problem due to highbies having massive
> amounts of gold and easy access to alternative means of transport
> e.g. tunnels.
Don't forget that you need to find a balance that keeps it managable
for our more casual players as well. Like myself.
The gold I get from soloing rarely covers my repair costs incurred,
not even taking into account gold used to train off said exp. I have
to do naked gold in order to cover the fees.
Lot's of good ideas flying around, but many just aren't practical to
implement :(
oh wells
Now disregarding that part of the post.
Instead of trying to find crazy ways to make people spend more gold,
why not just ensure they get less gold?
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>>gold
date: Mon Jan 8 03:46:59 2007
The primary issue as far as gold income and ongoing outlay seems to
be centred on 'highbies' that have too much of it, and 'everyone else'
that does not. The main reason for this general perception appears to
be that certain players, who happen to be long term players, also
happen to have a lot of gold.
However, apart from the special circumstances that I mentioned in my
post in the general newsgroup (news general 124), I don't see that
players in general have access to 'too much' gold. In part, I agree
with Korthrun's statement. There should be a way to ensure that
_certain_ players do not get so much gold. However, in part, I
It is not that gold doesn't have enough uses, or that players are
getting too much gold through the course of normal gameplay. What I
see, is that there is _too much_ use for gold. The _majority_ of
players _don't_ get enough gold, simply because there is too much
use for it.
There is 'too much' reason to collect gold, because there are too
many high-volume outlets for it. There are so many features
available on this mud that are accessible through the use of gold,
and allow a player to advance the power of their character. So,
players start to spend massive amounts of time collecting gold.
However, not all of the outlets for that gold are true gold sinks,
which over the long term, results in that gold accumulating in a
very few places; Namely, the bank accounts of certain types of
This is exactly what has brought the current situation about. Those
of you who possess even mediocre analytical skills, should be able
to recognise where the problem lies. For those that do not, here's
my theory:
Gold is, in effect, too valuable. Not because of its raw worth, but
because it is the most versatile resource available to players.
Before you scoff, consider the following.
The primary uses for gold, that are likely to be encountered by the
majority of players in the current game dynamic, consist of five
major outlets, as follows:
1) Ability/Stat Training (Low, Static, Compulsory)
2) Eq set building (Medium, arguably Static, Optional)
3) Equipment repair (Medium to High, Dynamic, Optional)
4) Tp investment (Extremely high, arguably Dynamic, Avoidable)
5) Reinc tax reduction (Low, Dynamic, Avoidable)
Notes : Rate of loss - The proportion of playing time spent
(Low - Ex. High) collecting gold for these outlets, at the
time and for the duration which that
investment is likely to take place.
Static - Generally proportional to player size;
- Requires minimal maintanance after initial outlay.
Dynamic - Not proportional to player size;
- Requires significant ongoing maintanance
Compulsory - Player must make this investment to advance the
character in this aspect.
Optional - Player may choose not to make this investment, at
the price of being restricted from character
advancement in this aspect.
Avoidable - Player is allowed to advance the character in
this aspect, without significant restriction, and
without requiring an gold outlay.
For those of you who prefer a more visual-based depiction,
| .------------. |
| | Gold sinks | |
| Rate of '------------' |
| Loss ^ |
| | |
| Ex. High -| +----------+ |
| | | | |
| V.High -| | | |
| | | | |
| High -| | | |
| | +----------| | |
| Medium -| +----------| | | |
| | | | | | |
| Low -|----------| | | |----------+ |
| | | | | | | |
| |----------|----------|----------|----------|----------| |
| | Ability | Eq Set | Eq | Tp |Reinc Tax | |
| & Stat Building Repair Investment Reduction |
| Training |
| |
| Comparitive outlay |
| |
Here, we see that investing in tpsac equipment is the largest potential
loss of gold, for a player. However, that cost is not a true gold sink,
because the gold does not get removed from the game. It is merely a
redistribution of funds from one group of players to another group of
Because some players do eq frequently and consistently, they eventually
end up having a lot of equipment to sell to other players. Because
other players want to build sets and collect tps, the players buying
the eq collect gold, and trade it to the players who collect eq.
End result: People who don't eq have a massively high volume of gold
leaving their hands. Those who do eq, have a very significant portion
of that volume entering their hands, and before long, they have no use
or desire for more gold. It takes progressively higher offers to entice
them to trade their in-demand commodity for something they neither
need nor want, which over time means the one-way volume transfer must
Anyone else see the problem here?
The existing system allows for this to take place, because players are
allowed to, in effect, trade gold for task points. A player who does
not do eq may collect massive amounts of gold, and use it to buy eq
from another player who has a lot of eq that they have little use for.
Compounding this disparity is the fact that the people who collect eq
do not, or at the least are not forced to, invest gold when collecting
task points, simply because they already have an income of equipment
that is entirely independant of gold.
Any changes to this aspect of game dynamics need to correct the issue
being addressed. Adding global features to combat the high volume of
gold that only one specific group of players have will not solve
anything. If those features are optional, players without any other
significant use for gold will make use of those features, while
players who lack gold will not. If the features are compulsory, those
that don't have enough gold will suffer as a consequence.
In either case, the disparity between those with excess gold and those
without excess gold will increase. This issue has to be solved at its
root. So, what is the core issue?
High volumes of gold moving from the hands of one group of players,
to the hands of another, without either any significant method of
returning that volume to the other players (via any existing game
dynamic whatsoever), or any significant drain to remove that volume
from the game entirely.
I have already suggested a way to overcome this flaw in the game
dynamic, in the follow-up I posted in the general news group. Those of
you who care enough about the mud and the direction it takes, to
actually take the time to read that post, will see how this particular
disparity is addressed.
Constructive comments are welcome.
- Tranquil the Analyst.
poster: Evicta
subject: gold
date: Mon Jan 8 04:59:34 2007
with the issue of gold i actually just came up with an idea, that might actually work and would also solve the sloatinok issue, sloatinok should take mint eq only, however all new eq put in game should be non mint, this would require pyroclasts to become frequent tho. but this simple change would actually solve a lot of problems, it would work as a gold sink,since eq has to be pyro fixed to tpsac, also the ones doing eq would have to put more eq on the market since it would require gold to convert thier loot into tps. a sollution like this should actually make everyone happy:-) those not wanting to eq can still gain tps from buying eq, but still this would require pyroclasts to be a common thing.
poster: Tranquil
subject: >gold
date: Mon Jan 8 05:06:26 2007
>sloatinok should take mint eq only, however all new eq put in
>game should be non mint, this would require pyroclasts to
>become frequent tho.
I suggest that this change would not solve the issue at hand.
If this change was put in place, the only thing that will happen is
that everyone will be forced to spend more gold. As a result, prices
will go up - forcing non-eqers to collect even more gold to buy eq,
and then they would have to collect yet more gold to buy pyroclasts,
and then more gold again to repair the items they wish to sac.
The disparity between eqers and non-eqers would still exist, and in
fact would be increased by a change such as this.
What needs to happen, is a lessening of the eqer/non eqer gold
disparity, which can only happen if we significantly reduce the flow
of gold from non-eqers to eqers.
poster: Chemosh
subject: >gold
date: Mon Jan 8 05:12:50 2007
On Mon Jan 8 12:59:34 2007 Evicta wrote post #59 in ideas:
> with the issue of gold i actually just came up with an idea, that might actually work and would also solve the sloatinok issue, sloatinok should take mint eq only, however all new eq put in game should be non mint, this would require pyroclasts to become frequent tho. but this simple change would actually solve a lot of problems, it would work as a gold sink,since eq has to be pyro fixed to tpsac, also the ones doing eq would have to put more eq on the market since it would require gold to convert thier loot into tps. a sollution like this should actually make everyone happy:-) those not wanting to eq can still gain tps from buying eq, but still this would require pyroclasts to be a common thing.
> evicta
Although I like this idea (it even fits into theme as most EQ mobs are in combat alot killing players and thus dmg their eq!) this doesnt square with tranquils post.
Sure you have a gold sink via pyroclasts (or a new guild master blacksmiths) however you now limit TPs to only people with gold.
- You need gold for a pyro and
- you need gold (or be in the eq party) to get the item.
In addition (if you just want to use the eq), you need buy a scratched item, which you need to repair (gold) from day 1.
But in general I like the idea (provided the mechanism to make eq saccable is XP (!) or gold coupled and not time/guild (guild items blocking slots to wear down) - like it currently is)
poster: Gwydian
subject: lottery (gold lottery)
date: Mon Jan 8 16:24:35 2007
We have some events that allow characters to risk gold in order to
possibly gain more, as well as the casino, but I have a (somewhat)
new idea. A gold lottery.
Parameters could be very similar to the current exp lotto, however,
instead of tickets costing exp, they would cost gold. You could put
the same guidelines in place: 20 tickets max, 100k gold a ticket.
In order to reduce total amount of gold in the game, the lotto would
have to be coded such that [total gold paid for tickets by all who
enter] >> [gold paid to the winner].
I think this is a good idea for several reasons:
1. This would be a voluntary event. No one has to participate.
2. There is potential for reward. This is not designed purely to
punish someone with gold (though it will reduce total gold in the
game). There is a possible reward (the jackpot).
3. Theoretically, those that play the gold lotto would have an
excess of gold to spend, while those lacking gold would hopefully
use it for things like training or more useful things first.
The potential downfall to this event is that it could cause the rich
to get richer, because they have more "spare gold" to use toward
tickets. Another potential benefit is the possibility that someone
with less gold could buy one ticket and win the jackpot (yes,
unlikely, but possible).
The amounts per ticket and total amount of tickets allowed doesn't
have to be 100k gold per ticket and 20 tickets total...I just used
those number since that is how the exp lotto works and those numbers
are familiar.
Anyway, it is just an idea. This is certainly not the solution to
all the gold issues, however, I think it could be a positive change
for the mud. Constructive comments and feedback are welcome.
- Gwydian
poster: Lucifer
subject: >New use for gold
date: Tue Jan 9 05:58:59 2007
I really dont think its a problem with gold.... at least not for the
ones of us
who do not live in waggros / giants area...
We tend not to have these problems with too much gold.
If you feel like you have too much gold do something else but golding.
If a player only do gold when playing, ofcourse they will have too much gold!
poster: Hymn
subject: Gold
date: Tue Jan 9 06:02:39 2007
I agree with Lucifer
err just wanted to say that :p
poster: Mintorus
subject: >>New use for gold
date: Tue Jan 9 16:49:28 2007
Question: who has these massive amounts of gold?
All my life ive been mostly broke, in my case probably from reincing alot(sacing gold to eje). But as I see it, if I wanted gold I would spend a few days in giants/elves and id have 10-20m gold solo. It is too easy for high end players to get gold this way, if they can be bothered.
The only people I know that are rich, asside from when people occasionaly see a nice piece of eq, are the ones that almost never reinc. I think ive reinced about 120 times now for the loss of somthing in the order of 200m gold. And as an example only, Zeet has never reinced (asside from free reincs) so in theory he could have 200m gold in his account.
IMO it depends on your style of game play, any new solution will benefit one group & disadvantage another, that is unavoidable. All I hope is that the group that is disadvantaged, whatever the method the wiz's use, is not the little ones.
Things I'd like to see change: (in no particular order)
1) increase eq decay & make pyros drop more often
2) reinstate sloat to - mint only
3) bind eq to the party members that kill the mob (like unique items), saccable only by those players.
4) new spell/skill - apprise item: lists the players that its bound too & also maybe it the item is from santa while we are at it.
5) Lower level cap to a realistic amount say 50m @ level 125.
6) Make levels over the cap also cost progressive amounts of gold.
7) increase cost of omicron & 2ndary tree skills/spells.
8) The gems that are currently dropped by giants are way to frequent & valuable. Please reduce them.
- I currently like the way the exp/party/solo system is working, seems a good balance.
- The problem with trying to make a gold silk is this: If somthing new & compulsary is introduced, people will gold to be able to pay for it. This will result in no gold lost from the economy. So if the primary way of obtaining gold is not curbed at the same time, we will never fix the situation.
- & yes some of these proposals will benefit me but most will not.
- for those who want more eq on the market so they can get a top piece. I say go an eq reinc & do eq. If eq doesnt happen organise it, or put up with the near top pieces that i see on sales all the time.
- Last & most importantly - DO NOT give shit to the wizards, they do a difficult job with little or no reward. The MUD is a very difficult place to balance & they can not discuss every issue with the players. If you have a way of making the game fun, I suggest become a builder & give it a go.
poster: Ondo
subject: A revised skill-training system
date: Thu Jan 11 19:33:58 2007
OK, time for me to chip in, with an idea for a system that better handles the
differences in worth in the game (lazy or bored ppl skip to "IN
SHORT"). From a
newbie earning his first 20 xp to a 20,000,000,000,000 xp gigbie is 12 orders
of magnitude, folks...it means if you have a dollar, I'm 100 times as rich as
Bill Gates. But Bill is the richest person in the world, with a population of
6.5 billion...on the MUD, the population is far, far, smaller yet we have many
more of the very rich.
It's well known that the game wasn't originally designed for players
like this.
As Wagro and Tranquil have pointed out in earlier posts, the original design
intent was not to be able to train all useful skills and spells to the racial
max without a second thought. There was supposed to be a tradeoff between a
dense, highly trained char and a sparse, "level-inflated" one. But the MUD
wasn't designed for people much over a gig, so this tradeoff basically doesn't
exist for the top 250 or 300 people on the exp plaque (249 gigbies and
I'm suggesting a change to the way skills and spells are trained that could
restore that tradeoff. It should always be more effective to gain more worth,
but there won't be a point at which all char builds become the same: all the
skills and spells you use at the racial max, and 5%'s elsewhere. It could
restore the temptation to level-inflate...to spend less xp on your skills than
it takes to make them work 100% of the time. It could feel fairly similar to
the existing system, or quite different...all this depends on how the admin
would choose to tune it.
Right now, the cost to train a skill to its maximum, the "amount to reach
100%", is fixed and independent of player worth. Once you've spent the xp (say
it costs 1M), you're done. But it doesn't have to...just let the cost to reach
100% scale with player worth. A 5M player might have to invest 1M to cast at
100% (meaning in their densest build they have 5 skills near 100%, plus some
levels)...a 50M player might have to invest 4M each in the same
skills (meaning
9-10 skills near 100%, and some levels).
You will still have the diminishing returns currently in play...you get the
first 5% effectiveness with only a small percent of your "Amount to
reach 100%"
invested, but that last few percent of effectiveness will cost you dearly. The
key statistic is no longer the % you've trained, but the amount of xp you've
spent on that skill.
As you gain worth, you'll have to invest a percentage of the new worth in old
skills to stay proficient. Think of it as "skills decay over time",
a realistic
phenomenon, but this method also doesn't penalize you for leaving the game for
a month or a year. The admin could tune level costs so it doesn't
-really- cost
more xp to advance. In fact, level costs could be considerably lower...but
you'll spend the same xp as before if you want to keep 100% in everything (or
everything useful...this is where there's some balancing needed between the
base xp costs for different guilds, more important as level costs get lower).
A lot of the existing infrastructure could stay, in this system:
- You can use the existing "base xp modifiers", so some skills are more
expensive than others
- Racial maxes, skill max modifiers, etc can remain
- Secondary guilds and xp penalties can remain--although this system will make
a multiclassed alpha skill far more expensive for a high-worth player than a
newbie, as it should be.
- The split-body system can remain...use the body's worth to calculate the
"amount to reach 100%", not the player's worth. This could even be tuned to
make splitting bodies more inviting.
- The skill-training interface can remain. Although the actual success rate is
calculated internally in 1% increments, allow people to train skills in 5%
increments with one command, or to enter an amount of xp to spend in
the other.
Some people might not like having to return to old guilds to "top up" their
skills. Well...now you could train past your racial max, say to 120% and the
cap is applied later, limiting you to 100% effectiveness. Overtrain enough and
you top up rarely. If you don't mind returning, train only to 101%
and get more
bang for your xp.
-----------IN SHORT-------------
Requiring more XP for high-worth players to train their skills than low-worth
players need for the same skills allows the admin to better balance the big
differences in player worth. A lot of the existing infrastructure
won't change,
although there would be some low-level work required.
Again, this system could end up looking a little different or a lot different
than the current system, depending on how the admin tune different parameters.
If properly tuned, there is never a point where it doesn't make sense to gain
more worth. But there would always be a tradeoff between maxxing all your
useful skills, or leaving some low and putting them into more (now
less-expensive) levels.
poster: Goroharahad
subject: >A revised skill-training system
date: Fri Jan 12 02:54:55 2007
Before more ideas are being posted, could someone recap what are the
problems that we are facing and that the tunes want to adress ?
That would be nice
poster: Uno
subject: >>A revised skill-training system
date: Fri Jan 12 08:22:28 2007
On Fri Jan 12 10:54:55 2007 Goroharahad wrote post #67:
> Before more ideas are being posted, could someone recap what are the
> problems that we are facing and that the tunes want to adress ?
> That would be nice
> Goro
For an all too brief synopsis, check out general.124
poster: Hymn
subject: Bounty
date: Fri Jan 12 11:31:14 2007
I fucking hate that I can't use that damn q to abort posts... zMUD
sucks in that way..
now Im pissed..
poster: Goroharahad
subject: >>>A revised skill-training system
date: Fri Jan 12 18:54:39 2007
On Fri Jan 12 16:22:28 2007 Uno wrote post #68:
> On Fri Jan 12 10:54:55 2007 Goroharahad wrote post #67:
> > Before more ideas are being posted, could someone recap what are the
> > problems that we are facing and that the tunes want to adress ?
> >
> > That would be nice
> > Goro
> For an all too brief synopsis, check out general.124
I remember this mail. I find it funny you consider it the answer to
my question
because it is mainly after reading this mail that I realized how
confusing the current discussions are.
Tranquil's post is interesting but it is not mentioning the problems
we want to solve, it is listing mud features and there pro&cons, and
proposals to solve them.
Like :"a) Sloatinok is good/bad for the mud."
It gives me no clue what the tunes were trying to fix in the first place.
I will illustrate a bit.
If I read inform news 14 from Daneel, it explains briefly what the
exp tune wan
ts to achieve : "the exp rate should always be higher than the solo rate"
THis is already a solution, not a problem. I can probably imagine
what the problem is, but that's at my own risks ( dominance of solo
guilds, in a party oriented mud ? )
A next post is mentioning some exp rate law like :
"soloEvoker < soloSS < partySS < partyEvoker"
Again this is not a problem, and if I consider the full line I can
not figure which problem it is trying to tackle :
Why "partySS < partyEvoker" ???
There are other things than exp in the mud ( like eq ) SO again
... what is this trying to solve ? What if I replace SS by nether or
druid, is the line still standing as it is ?
There is a third post mentioning that big players should kill big mobs.
Again what is it trying to solve. If this is merly a new feature,
how is it connected to previous solo vs party issue ?
About Sloat tunes I do not remember reading any "official"
explanation of the problem or expectations. I may have missed
After that there are all the player's posts mentioning that 20G is
to big, that 100M is too much, that there is too much gold, and that
Sloat is good and bad.
Sorry, I am confused. Am I the only one here ?
poster: Tranquil
subject: >A revised skill-training system
date: Sat Jan 13 06:41:48 2007
> A 5M player might have to invest 1M to cast at 100% (meaning
> in their densest build they have 5 skills near 100%, plus
> some levels)...a 50M player might have to invest 4M each in
> the same skills (meaning 9-10 skills near 100%, and some
> levels).
Thematically, this doesn't make much sense. Assuming that all other
variables are equal (level, stats, race, the particular skill % being
trained), a player with more worth (and thus more experience with
training) is likely to be more knowledgeable about skills in general,
as well as more adept at learning them. Thus, according to this
logic, training a particular skill from one specific percentage to
another specific percentage should be cheaper for the player with
more worth(!).
This of course would unbalance higher level players. It would most
benefit those at the highest worths, and as one of those players, I
believe that this type of feature would be detrimental to the game
dynamics as a whole.
As for giving low level players in general some type of bonus to
training, this functionality already exists in the form of a newbie
skill/spell bonus. However, I do believe that this existing bonus is
mediocre, both in duration and amount, and have addressed this
issue with ideas suggested in an earlier post.
> As you gain worth, you'll have to invest a percentage of the
> new worth in old skills to stay proficient. Think of it as
> "skills decay over time", a realistic phenomenon, but this
> method also doesn't penalize you for leaving the game for
> a month or a year.
I'm not sure what you mean about the concept of 'skills decay[ing] over
time' being realistic. If we wanted to compare it to real life, skills
decay over time _with lack of use_. If one uses those skills regularly,
they stay fresh in the users mind, and improve regularly.
Following this logic, skill and spell % bonuses would be awarded on a
random but reasonably regular basis to the abilities that the player
actively uses on a frequent basis during gameplay, and penalties would
be applied to those abilities that they do not use. However, this
presents several issues, not least of which is the fact that casual and
sporadic players will be considerably disadvantaged by this sort of
However, I do like the general idea of skills having to be further
trained as worth increses. Ideally, there would be some sort of skill/
spell max cap dependant on player worth in some fashion. Stats seem the
logical limiter for this sort of feature.
However, having personally designed this as part of the game dynamic
for another mud, I suspect that adding this sort of functionality to
IoM would fundamentally destablise the existing IoM game dynamics. The
subsequent modifications required to fully integrate a change of this
magnitude would require an enormous amount of time and effort from the
IoM administration.
Because of these issues, I'm not sure that a change like this would be
practical for this mud.
- Tranquil
poster: Ondo
subject: >>A revised skill-training system
date: Sat Jan 13 10:30:36 2007
Tranquil: thanks for your response. In reply: there are two approaches to
changes. One says 1. What's in theme, 2. Great, but is it balanced?, and the
other says 1. What's balanced? 2. Can we argue that it's in theme enough to
maintain our suspension of disbelief?
You seem to favor the first approach, whereas I like the second. If I
understand your first objection, you say "Thematically, you have it backwards,
but if you reverse the idea, it doesn't work". I agree. Keep it like I
suggested it and yes, higher-worth players will have to spend more xp to get
the same effect, even tho they're more knowledgeable...but the real goal is to
give the lower players an easier bonus that wears off with worth, not with
level, and find a way to _consistently_ tie up a large part of high-worth
player's experience in skills. Tying up big chunks of xp in skills is the only
way that you can lower the repressive leveling costs without unbalancing the
I apply the same argument to your second point. Focusing on the
mechanism, as a
player gains in worth they should tie up more and more xp in skilltraining,
even if (like at high level) they aren't gaining skills very fast. Trying to
balance this by making those high-level skills stupendously expensive would
only shift the pain from level costs to skill-training costs (and present some
thorny multiclass issues), and be similarly hard to balance. To
lower the level
costs, I think the xp cost should be spread across all skills.
Only then do I ask "Well, is that reasonable?" And while it's not a perfect
match, that's where I introduce "Well, skills decay over time" as a partial
justification, without the complication of figuring out which skills are used
and only decaying the others. Most players leave skills they don't use at 5%,
anyway. The thematic explanation is intended to explain a phenomenon
to prevent
a sharp break with reality, not to implement a given theme like "skills should
decay with time".
I agree that there would have to be rebalancing to understand how this affects
different-worth players...it would be a fundamental shift to the way midbies
and highbies train. Some builds would look quite different, and we'd need to
adjust. But I think the payoff of smaller level costs, and the ability to
choose between a fully-trained or level-inflated build (as was originally
intended) is worth it.
poster: Hymn
subject: Eq decay
date: Sun Jan 14 13:47:49 2007
well I can't really say that I like the idea of increased eq decay..
I have problem enough to afford to repair the eq that I have and
haven't been able to change my sunnydale eq for something else so
when those break I will be kinda without some pieces :) sure to
increase the amount of pyros dropped that I agree with.. but if you
aren't like only golding and playing the game for the reason that
you like doing eq and like to play just to have a good time.. well I
don't have hordes of cash lying around I barely have so I can manage
to repair the stuf I have..
poster: Telum
subject: 2 ideas and 2 alterations
date: Tue Jan 16 03:28:04 2007
There are a few ideas I would like to raise:
1.Monster notice boards.
This idea has a list (like a plaque) of monsters that are suited to each guild with approximate size and general location. It could be a simple list:
In the Weaver Guild -
Poe – 20k – Hyboria – to the east (more or less specific if wanted at all)
Or it could be more floral:
There is a dark place on Hyboria haunted by the undead. Considered weak compared to the ghosts that plague the ruins of Red Dragon City, they are nevertheless a scourge that the (insert a minimum level or general descriptive term as given in the sample) adept healer should be able to rid the lands of. Beware though, for reports have suggested that some of the denizens of this place a far more powerful than others! It has been recorded that the weakest of the foes in this place of undeath are called Poes and Gibdos. Stand fast in the power of the light and you will assuredly prevail!
I suggest this because I can not be the only one who finds it hard to find appropriate foes, especially when I am in parties that are targeting mid-sized mobs. It is a common discussion to ponder what evil mobs are available between certain worths. I know of a number less than 50k or so I can solo moderately efficiently and I know the evil large mobs, but ask me about evil mobs between 100k and say 300k and I start to get sketchy. This would also be a great aid to newbie's who are no longer able to use Sisongs services.
2.I would like to propose a new plaque that ranks the players average exp/min (found in the summary). I think it would be a motivator against idling. I have heard that for persons with 2 bodies it resets but perhaps there could be a way around this. It would also only change once a day or once a boot to minimise larger jumps in short periods from the smaller players, or perhaps only record the top X number of rankings.
3.I would like to see the demons in hell have there alignment changed from very evil to demonic. I have not checked all the types in there but those I did were very evil. It just doesn't seem logical to have demons on an alignment other than demonic, or possibly even satanic for the really nasty ones.
4.The Elf (and Dark Elf) race special is instant cast of a random spell. I would like to see it changed from checking each round a spell is cast to only checking on the first round. It just doesn't make sense to be told you have cast the spell instantaneously when you have been casting for anywhere up to 20 rounds or so. I have been casting haim for over 15 rounds and the special has cut in on the last round a number of times. Now perhaps I am being pedantic but that is far from instantaneous. :) The odds of the special could be altered (perhaps?) to account for the rounds required to keep its frequency similar to present.
poster: Tatra
subject: dark altar
date: Tue Jan 16 12:56:25 2007
was thinking that since there is the good altar for healers,
shouldnt there be a dark altar for harmers etc
so they can get the bonus to their dark arts kinda like the healers
get for healing
just an idea btw
poster: Maduo
subject: bodies
date: Thu Jan 18 16:34:16 2007
1st off, yeah, i know, horribly overpowered idea..
well, as it is, gold is kinda low on the scale of value lately, so i
was thinking, maybe something it could be used for would be to be
able to transfer exp from one of your bodies to another.
maybe gwaul gets some new options or perhaps a new item of sorts?
feel free to hack away at this idea, as the rebuttle will only help
get a clearer perspective on the possibility of it being achieved.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >bodies
date: Thu Jan 18 16:36:30 2007
On Fri Jan 19 00:34:16 2007 Maduo wrote post #77:
> 1st off, yeah, i know, horribly overpowered idea..
> well, as it is, gold is kinda low on the scale of value lately, so i
> was thinking, maybe something it could be used for would be to be
> able to transfer exp from one of your bodies to another.
> maybe gwaul gets some new options or perhaps a new item of sorts?
> feel free to hack away at this idea, as the rebuttle will only help
> get a clearer perspective on the possibility of it being achieved.
Additionally, I'd spend a lot of gold on gwaul if it was worthwhile.
As is saccing 20M plus to switch early is highway robbery.
I dunno if this is a balance thing, but if for some reason the
admins are still under the impression that players have too much
gold, altering this might help on the highlevel end of things.
Korthrun (who has 2.5M to his name)
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>bodies
date: Thu Jan 18 18:03:05 2007
On Fri Jan 19 00:36:30 2007 Korthrun wrote post #78:
> On Fri Jan 19 00:34:16 2007 Maduo wrote post #77:
> > 1st off, yeah, i know, horribly overpowered idea..
> > well, as it is, gold is kinda low on the scale of value lately, so i
> > was thinking, maybe something it could be used for would be to be
> > able to transfer exp from one of your bodies to another.
> > maybe gwaul gets some new options or perhaps a new item of sorts?
> > feel free to hack away at this idea, as the rebuttle will only help
> > get a clearer perspective on the possibility of it being achieved.
> Additionally, I'd spend a lot of gold on gwaul if it was worthwhile.
> As is saccing 20M plus to switch early is highway robbery.
> I dunno if this is a balance thing, but if for some reason the
> admins are still under the impression that players have too much
> gold, altering this might help on the highlevel end of things.
> Korthrun (who has 2.5M to his name)
I am not sure how this woudl even work if we decided
it was a good idea. your other body is stored on disk we would
have to figure out who to deal with reincing it etc.
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>>bodies
date: Thu Jan 18 18:24:53 2007
>I am not sure how this woudl even work if we decided
>it was a good idea. your other body is stored on disk we would
>have to figure out who to deal with reincing it etc.
Would there be (in the code) a _need_ to reinc the body the exp
comes from? I'm not sure how split bodies are handled by the code,
but as a player with split bodies, I'm not so sure that forcing a
reinc to one body for the purposes of redistributing worth between
both bodies would be useful. Already, we have this functionality in
place in the form of recombine, and it (usually) costs gold in the
form of eje sac.
My primary concern with recombining, or worth redistribution among
bodies, has always been guild mastery. Forcing a reinc (and thus a
significant penalty to guild mastery) for the purpose of swapping a
small amount of exp from one body to another, seems a little harsh.
Perhaps the exp a player wants to transfer could be stored in the
body file, in a variable. The player could have the option to
'donate' the unspent exp on the body they are currently using, which
will be 'stored' at gwaul until the player switches to another body.
When they do switch, the exp could be automatically added to the new
body. This way, the exp is always handled by bodies that are
currently 'active', which should make it easier to handle as far as
the code is concerned.
If the player dies with some exp 'stored' at gwaul, this variable
could be reset to 0. This would stop any abuse of donating huge
amounts of exp over several switches or for eq parties, and then
'withdrawing' that exp all at once.
Further ideas?
poster: Highpriest
subject: >>>>bodies
date: Thu Jan 18 23:24:43 2007
On Fri Jan 19 02:24:53 2007 Tranquil wrote post #80:
> >I am not sure how this woudl even work if we decided
> >it was a good idea. your other body is stored on disk we would
> >have to figure out who to deal with reincing it etc.
> Would there be (in the code) a _need_ to reinc the body the exp
> comes from? I'm not sure how split bodies are handled by the code,
> but as a player with split bodies, I'm not so sure that forcing a
> reinc to one body for the purposes of redistributing worth between
> both bodies would be useful. Already, we have this functionality in
> place in the form of recombine, and it (usually) costs gold in the
> form of eje sac.
> My primary concern with recombining, or worth redistribution among
> bodies, has always been guild mastery. Forcing a reinc (and thus a
> significant penalty to guild mastery) for the purpose of swapping a
> small amount of exp from one body to another, seems a little harsh.
> Perhaps the exp a player wants to transfer could be stored in the
> body file, in a variable. The player could have the option to
> 'donate' the unspent exp on the body they are currently using, which
> will be 'stored' at gwaul until the player switches to another body.
> When they do switch, the exp could be automatically added to the new
> body. This way, the exp is always handled by bodies that are
> currently 'active', which should make it easier to handle as far as
> the code is concerned.
> If the player dies with some exp 'stored' at gwaul, this variable
> could be reset to 0. This would stop any abuse of donating huge
> amounts of exp over several switches or for eq parties, and then
> 'withdrawing' that exp all at once.
> Further ideas?
I do not know how the code works, but I have an idea pretty the same
as tranquil.
I'll use A, B and C for the 3 bodies a player has (if he has 3 bodies).
Make it such that A is allowed to transfer a portion of its exp on
hand to B or C. The player can choose to reinc A to free up exp. The
player can choose exactly which body he wanted to transfer that
amount of exp to, and the exp will be immediately deducted from A,
and added to B (if the player wants B to receive the exp). B will
therefore get an increase in the amount of exp on hand.
Gwaul would charge the player gold that would be dependent on how
much exp is transferred ( x gold/exp ). Besides that, Gwaul would
charge a service charge for each transfer. Lastly, Gwaul would only
allow a transfer once every some time (say 1 week, or even 1
These are just my idea on this subject
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>>>>bodies
date: Fri Jan 19 08:22:14 2007
On Fri Jan 19 07:24:43 2007 Highpriest wrote post #81:
> On Fri Jan 19 02:24:53 2007 Tranquil wrote post #80:
> > >I am not sure how this woudl even work if we decided
> > >it was a good idea. your other body is stored on disk we would
> > >have to figure out who to deal with reincing it etc.
> >
> > Would there be (in the code) a _need_ to reinc the body the exp
> > comes from? I'm not sure how split bodies are handled by the code,
> > but as a player with split bodies, I'm not so sure that forcing a
> > reinc to one body for the purposes of redistributing worth between
> > both bodies would be useful. Already, we have this functionality in
> > place in the form of recombine, and it (usually) costs gold in the
> > form of eje sac.
> >
> > My primary concern with recombining, or worth redistribution among
> > bodies, has always been guild mastery. Forcing a reinc (and thus a
> > significant penalty to guild mastery) for the purpose of swapping a
> > small amount of exp from one body to another, seems a little harsh.
> >
> > Perhaps the exp a player wants to transfer could be stored in the
> > body file, in a variable. The player could have the option to
> > 'donate' the unspent exp on the body they are currently using, which
> > will be 'stored' at gwaul until the player switches to another body.
> > When they do switch, the exp could be automatically added to the new
> > body. This way, the exp is always handled by bodies that are
> > currently 'active', which should make it easier to handle as far as
> > the code is concerned.
> >
> > If the player dies with some exp 'stored' at gwaul, this variable
> > could be reset to 0. This would stop any abuse of donating huge
> > amounts of exp over several switches or for eq parties, and then
> > 'withdrawing' that exp all at once.
> >
> > Further ideas?
> >
> I do not know how the code works, but I have an idea pretty the same
> as tranquil.
> I'll use A, B and C for the 3 bodies a player has (if he has 3 bodies).
> Make it such that A is allowed to transfer a portion of its exp on
> hand to B or C. The player can choose to reinc A to free up exp. The
> player can choose exactly which body he wanted to transfer that
> amount of exp to, and the exp will be immediately deducted from A,
> and added to B (if the player wants B to receive the exp). B will
> therefore get an increase in the amount of exp on hand.
> Gwaul would charge the player gold that would be dependent on how
> much exp is transferred ( x gold/exp ). Besides that, Gwaul would
> charge a service charge for each transfer. Lastly, Gwaul would only
> allow a transfer once every some time (say 1 week, or even 1
> month).
> These are just my idea on this subject
> -HP
you guys are not understanding.. it just doesnt work that way
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>>>>bodies
date: Fri Jan 19 08:45:42 2007
On Fri Jan 19 16:22:14 2007 Zifnab wrote post #82:
> On Fri Jan 19 07:24:43 2007 Highpriest wrote post #81:
> > On Fri Jan 19 02:24:53 2007 Tranquil wrote post #80:
> > > >I am not sure how this woudl even work if we decided
> > > >it was a good idea. your other body is stored on disk we would
> > > >have to figure out who to deal with reincing it etc.
> > >
> > > Would there be (in the code) a _need_ to reinc the body the exp
> > > comes from? I'm not sure how split bodies are handled by the code,
> > > but as a player with split bodies, I'm not so sure that forcing a
> > > reinc to one body for the purposes of redistributing worth between
> > > both bodies would be useful. Already, we have this functionality in
> > > place in the form of recombine, and it (usually) costs gold in the
> > > form of eje sac.
> > >
> > > My primary concern with recombining, or worth redistribution among
> > > bodies, has always been guild mastery. Forcing a reinc (and thus a
> > > significant penalty to guild mastery) for the purpose of swapping a
> > > small amount of exp from one body to another, seems a little harsh.
> > >
> > > Perhaps the exp a player wants to transfer could be stored in the
> > > body file, in a variable. The player could have the option to
> > > 'donate' the unspent exp on the body they are currently using, which
> > > will be 'stored' at gwaul until the player switches to another body.
> > > When they do switch, the exp could be automatically added to the new
> > > body. This way, the exp is always handled by bodies that are
> > > currently 'active', which should make it easier to handle as far as
> > > the code is concerned.
> > >
> > > If the player dies with some exp 'stored' at gwaul, this variable
> > > could be reset to 0. This would stop any abuse of donating huge
> > > amounts of exp over several switches or for eq parties, and then
> > > 'withdrawing' that exp all at once.
> > >
> > > Further ideas?
> > >
> > I do not know how the code works, but I have an idea pretty the same
> > as tranquil.
> >
> > I'll use A, B and C for the 3 bodies a player has (if he has 3 bodies).
> > Make it such that A is allowed to transfer a portion of its exp on
> > hand to B or C. The player can choose to reinc A to free up exp. The
> > player can choose exactly which body he wanted to transfer that
> > amount of exp to, and the exp will be immediately deducted from A,
> > and added to B (if the player wants B to receive the exp). B will
> > therefore get an increase in the amount of exp on hand.
> >
> > Gwaul would charge the player gold that would be dependent on how
> > much exp is transferred ( x gold/exp ). Besides that, Gwaul would
> > charge a service charge for each transfer. Lastly, Gwaul would only
> > allow a transfer once every some time (say 1 week, or even 1
> > month).
> >
> >
> > These are just my idea on this subject
> >
> > -HP
> you guys are not understanding.. it just doesnt work that way
well, we already have the code kinda, assuming it wasn't deleted...
clans used to be able to share exp with their donate function, so
i'm assuming that the code must still be there... could it possibly
be tweaked for gwaul's purpose?
poster: Chemosh
subject: >>>>>bodies
date: Fri Jan 19 09:22:18 2007
in this idea i see lots of advantages, but i have trouble trying to
think how this is in theme. i like the idea of splitting bodies
andbeing able to create multiple characters.... that you can
recombine if you choose to reinc. splitting keeps the game
interesting for people that have the worth by giving them the
flexibility to have an sorc to collect eq, an abj to do xp, and a
necro coz its just fun.
in the example you have 3 chars that grow and learn (xp/mastery)
depending on how well they do in the game. being able to transfer
gold and eq amongst these players is a nice bonus already. if you
could also transfer XP as you deem fit, i have extreme trouble
seeing why this should happen. next you would like tps to be
variable also?
in my opinion the gold costs to lower switching time is very high
(as it should be) and using the gold sink idea push to further
empower split players is not the right thing to do
how do newbies (the people for whom this mud should be fun and is
designed for) benefit from this extra flexibility of the top 100
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>>>>bodies
date: Fri Jan 19 09:55:26 2007
tps are already shared throughout the bodies dude...
besides that, your point on theme is kinda null... gwaul already
bends time and reality to morph you into another race/guild, whose
to say he can't do the same with your exp?
besides, the whole idea of exp being in theme is also kinda null...
we get exp here based on killing monsters, and not by studying
spells. if i've killed a troll 59238042390 times, i should be
knowledgable enough to know how to kill it again no matter what
guild i'm in...
i didn't submit this idea for the newbies... it was mostly for
highbies, and perhaps midbies... the type of people that can afford
split bodies in the first place, and make them beneficial.
lets say a midbie for example, his clan wants to start up regular
eq.. unfortunately, he doesnt want to reinc a full witch body
because his exprate will suck out loud. thus, he turns to split
bodies, but at current rate, if he didnt have enough exp, he would
still be stuck with the same problem... a semi-crappy exp body, and
a really crappy witch body.
with this idea, he could still make a semi-crappy exp body and a
really crappy witch body, but using the semi-crappy exp body, he
could slowly but surely increase the power of the crappy witch body
and make it not so crappy.
poster: Daran
subject: Infravision
date: Fri Jan 19 17:06:16 2007
I can't recall too many reasons on why this was removed, but could
we not reinstall this feature and just make newbies unaffectd? We
have plenty of eqs with infra and now have access to plenty of tps
to make use of the wish.
poster: Daran
subject: Wishes
date: Fri Jan 19 17:12:53 2007
Some of these are old, some are new.
1. Add - Lessers stat: STAT
2 Add - G/L stat: HPR/SPR/EPR
3. Uptune - G/L Regen
4. Add - Lessers all skills/spells
5. Add - Greater eat corpses
6. Add - Lesser dark/light aura (magical darkness/light)
7. Add - Lesser wings (flying ability)
8. Add - Greater giant hands (increases ur wield strength)
9. Uptune - G/L critical
10. Downtune - Other free reinc cost (to like 10tps)
11. Add - Other free recombine (no idea on cost)
poster: Daran
subject: >Infravision
date: Fri Jan 19 17:42:24 2007
On Sat Jan 20 01:06:16 2007 Daran wrote post #86:
> I can't recall too many reasons on why this was removed, but could
> we not reinstall this feature and just make newbies unaffectd? We
> have plenty of eqs with infra and now have access to plenty of tps
> to make use of the wish.
Or just finish removing light/darkness all together as some people
have said we might as well do, insead of even bothing with
infravision anymore
poster: Expandrew
subject: >>Infravision
date: Fri Jan 19 19:02:45 2007
I really think light and dark should be brought back and infravision made useful again. Get Globes of Darkness back in the market, amongst all other +infra eqs, etc.
poster: Chrono
subject: herbalist
date: Sat Jan 20 22:41:06 2007
would be cool if herbalist could use all of his/her potions, rather
than just one of each different type (caster/fighter)
makes sense in a thematic way too... and i doubt it would be over
powering to able to do so
maybe just restrict those who aren't herbalist
poster: Avenger
subject: RDMP
date: Mon Jan 22 17:18:10 2007
Is it possible to add current action (skill/spell) at the end of
poster: Esoteric
subject: Rogue tunnels/acrobat
date: Fri Jan 26 13:28:00 2007
So i'm hearing you need 20 levels in acrobat before you get the
tunnels. Recently the alpha guilds were changed to 20 levels, when
they were once 10 rogue-acrobat. Is there any chance we could switch
this from 20 levels to 10? Or is it 20 for a reason? Just a little
concerned/confused here..
poster: Highpriest
subject: >Rogue tunnels/acrobat
date: Fri Jan 26 16:37:48 2007
On Fri Jan 26 21:28:00 2007 Esoteric wrote post #92:
> So i'm hearing you need 20 levels in acrobat before you get the
> tunnels. Recently the alpha guilds were changed to 20 levels, when
> they were once 10 rogue-acrobat. Is there any chance we could switch
> this from 20 levels to 10? Or is it 20 for a reason? Just a little
> concerned/confused here..
> Eso
As far as I know, this is a deliberate downtune to stop people
getting 10 or 15 lvls for such a wonderful 'secondary' ability.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >Rogue tunnels/acrobat
date: Fri Jan 26 18:42:03 2007
On Fri Jan 26 21:28:00 2007 Esoteric wrote post #92:
> So i'm hearing you need 20 levels in acrobat before you get the
> tunnels. Recently the alpha guilds were changed to 20 levels, when
> they were once 10 rogue-acrobat. Is there any chance we could switch
> this from 20 levels to 10? Or is it 20 for a reason? Just a little
> concerned/confused here..
> Eso
Afaik the concept was that one maxed in the first subguild of the
guild, was granted access to the tunnels.
So it hasn't been changed.
poster: Phaeton
subject: XP Bonus
date: Sat Jan 27 22:37:01 2007
I don't know if this has been attempted before or how hard it would be to code, but is it possible to make it so that the xp bonus given for when there are less than 10 people on be based on only active players. With all the idlers and people with rufrin/plaque/gab trigs etc., this bonus never happens. Or if this is to hard to code, increase the number from 10, you can count on quite a few people idling.
poster: Avenger
subject: spellwords
date: Sat Jan 27 22:51:48 2007
there are many pairs or triplets of spells that use the same
spellwords for casting. how could it be? if the caster spell this,
how could be the result once "heavy weigh" and "party heavy weight"
other time?
what about creating unique spellwords for all spells...
oh, and btw, sometimes its very hard to identify the spell in battle
when two spells are spelled equally...
poster: Korthrun
subject: >spellwords
date: Sat Jan 27 22:55:13 2007
On Sun Jan 28 06:51:48 2007 Avenger wrote post #96:
> there are many pairs or triplets of spells that use the same
> spellwords for casting. how could it be? if the caster spell this,
> how could be the result once "heavy weigh" and "party heavy weight"
> other time?
> what about creating unique spellwords for all spells...
> oh, and btw, sometimes its very hard to identify the spell in battle
> when two spells are spelled equally...
> -Avenger-
1) The spell words may be the same, but I couldn't imagine the
action being the same. These are just as easy to read/trig off of.
2) IMO it's fairly common in fantasy/myth for inflection to make the
whole worlds difference.
'ere eat this bigmak' or whatever wouldn't be the same as 'ERE EAT
THIS BIGMAK'. That specific example makes perfect sense, you say the
phrase louder and or with more force and it affects the whole
That is however one example for one spell, I'm sure there are other
spells that don't have a notible difference, and new words for those
would be superneat.
poster: Monkey
subject: >>spellwords
date: Sat Jan 27 23:08:21 2007
On Sun Jan 28 06:55:13 2007 Korthrun wrote post #97:
> On Sun Jan 28 06:51:48 2007 Avenger wrote post #96:
> > there are many pairs or triplets of spells that use the same
> > spellwords for casting. how could it be? if the caster spell this,
> > how could be the result once "heavy weigh" and "party heavy weight"
> > other time?
> > what about creating unique spellwords for all spells...
> >
> > oh, and btw, sometimes its very hard to identify the spell in battle
> > when two spells are spelled equally...
> >
> > -Avenger-
> 1) The spell words may be the same, but I couldn't imagine the
> action being the same. These are just as easy to read/trig off of.
> 2) IMO it's fairly common in fantasy/myth for inflection to make the
> whole worlds difference.
> 'ere eat this bigmak' or whatever wouldn't be the same as 'ERE EAT
> THIS BIGMAK'. That specific example makes perfect sense, you say the
> phrase louder and or with more force and it affects the whole
> party.
> That is however one example for one spell, I'm sure there are other
> spells that don't have a notible difference, and new words for those
> would be superneat.
Words are just words. It is your actions that count.
-My father who was never there for me.
poster: Lotus
subject: >>>spellwords
date: Sat Jan 27 23:18:49 2007
On Sun Jan 28 07:08:21 2007 Monkey wrote post #98 in ideas:
> Words are just words. It is your actions that count.
> -My father who was never there for me.
Sounds like good advice... You sure he wasn't there, and it wasn't a case of you not listening?
Who? Me? Nope, not here.
poster: Daran
subject: >>>>spellwords
date: Sun Jan 28 00:28:17 2007
On Sun Jan 28 07:18:49 2007 Lotus wrote post #99:
> On Sun Jan 28 07:08:21 2007 Monkey wrote post #98 in ideas:
> >
> > Words are just words. It is your actions that count.
> >
> > -My father who was never there for me.
> Sounds like good advice... You sure he wasn't there, and it wasn't a case
of you not listening?
> Who? Me? Nope, not here.
news general 133
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>>>>spellwords
date: Sun Jan 28 09:05:14 2007
On Sun Jan 28 08:28:17 2007 Daran wrote post #100:
> > >
> > > -My father who was never there for me.
> >
> > Sounds like good advice... You sure he wasn't there, and it wasn't a case
> of you not listening?
> >
> > Who? Me? Nope, not here.
> news general 133
poster: Lotus
subject: >>>>>>spellwords
date: Mon Jan 29 05:02:27 2007
> > news general 133
> >
> owned
Finger me.
But ok, I won't treat this like a messageboard, I'll just read, and let you guys get on with things. :D
poster: Daneel
subject: >>Rogue tunnels/acrobat
date: Wed Jan 31 10:05:15 2007
I think Esoteric is right, that you used to get it at level 10 (or perhaps level 11).
That being said, I've long thought rogue tunnels shouldn't work as well for secondary rogues as for primary, but haven't seen a way to do it.
Maybe I could make the tunnels change periodially, and make there even _more_ typos in the cryptograms if you're a secondary rogue :-)
Bah, most people probably just solve it by trial-and-error anyway, without looking at the markers.
poster: Chemosh
subject: >XP Bonus
date: Wed Jan 31 11:18:30 2007
On Sun Jan 28 06:37:01 2007 Phaeton wrote post #95:
> I don't know if this has been attempted before or how hard it would be to
code, but is it possible to make it so that the xp bonus given for when
there are less than 10 people on be based on only active players. With all
the idlers and people with rufrin/plaque/gab trigs etc., this bonus never
happens. Or if this is to hard to code, increase the number from 10, you can
count on quite a few people idling.
> phaeton
to my knowledge having non-idle trigs is illegal and thus a nukable
offence. however the wizzes (for whatever reason) decide not to
enforce this.
so in theory there is no need to code this idea, just enforce the rules better
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>XP Bonus
date: Wed Jan 31 11:59:17 2007
On Wed Jan 31 19:18:30 2007 Chemosh wrote post #104:
> On Sun Jan 28 06:37:01 2007 Phaeton wrote post #95:
> > I don't know if this has been attempted before or how hard it would be to
> code, but is it possible to make it so that the xp bonus given for when
> there are less than 10 people on be based on only active players. With all
> the idlers and people with rufrin/plaque/gab trigs etc., this bonus never
> happens. Or if this is to hard to code, increase the number from 10, you can
> count on quite a few people idling.
> >
> > phaeton
> to my knowledge having non-idle trigs is illegal and thus a nukable
> offence. however the wizzes (for whatever reason) decide not to
> enforce this.
> so in theory there is no need to code this idea, just enforce the rules
> C
I have been unable to find any source of this information.
we have asked you _not_ to have reconnect triggers and to
not do things to keep you connected.
The reconnect triggers tend to broken and get
the non idle trigger just wastes bandwith that someone
is paying for.
We never stated it was illegal we just asked you not to do it.
poster: Chemosh
subject: who
date: Mon Feb 5 11:13:07 2007
who should have an option to toggle idle players on/off.
ideally defalt who would show only players who are less than 5 mins idle
who full shows all idlers and active players
poster: Avenger
subject: >who
date: Mon Feb 5 11:15:16 2007
On Mon Feb 5 19:13:07 2007 Chemosh wrote post #106:
> who should have an option to toggle idle players on/off.
> ideally defalt who would show only players who are less than 5 mins idle
> who full shows all idlers and active players
certainly not as default, create alias to something you want to be
your default
poster: Loke
subject: primary command
date: Sun Feb 18 13:59:06 2007
How about a command that shows you who your primary character is....
Just talked to someone who did not know whom their primary character
was,, since
they forgot it.
Maybe show it in score of secondaries,, or add a primary command if
no such things
are in the game atm...
poster: Bahgtru
subject: >primary command
date: Sun Feb 18 14:20:52 2007
On Sun Feb 18 21:59:06 2007 Loke wrote post #108:
> How about a command that shows you who your primary character is....
> Just talked to someone who did not know whom their primary character
> was,, since
> they forgot it.
> Maybe show it in score of secondaries,, or add a primary command if
> no such things
> are in the game atm...
Erm... isn't your primary the character you play with most often,
regardless of what order they were created in?
poster: Ondo
subject: >>primary command
date: Sun Feb 18 15:43:20 2007
Not for the purposes of 'secondary add '...it would
be convoluted to have the secondary of a secondary.
...you -do- register your secondary characters with the MUD, right? :)
poster: Flick
subject: Shifter Quests
date: Sun Feb 18 19:38:13 2007
Morpheus [shapeshifter]: Flick failed me in its quest to learn the
eagle. Better luck next time, Flick.
ok the part about better luck next time...
maybe it should be made to where we can have a next time without
having to spend either insane gold or xp to reinc right away and fix
like maybe a 2 week grace period that we have to wait before trying it again?
so the next time l..... you know .. can HAPPEN!
i dunno just tossin it out there.
poster: Inside
subject: >Shifter Quests
date: Mon Feb 19 05:54:08 2007
i love when people complain about failing quests as if they didn't
know it was the way the guild is coded that you need to reinc to try
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Shifter Quests
date: Mon Feb 19 07:28:46 2007
On Mon Feb 19 03:38:13 2007 Flick wrote post #111:
> Morpheus [shapeshifter]: Flick failed me in its quest to learn the
> eagle. Better luck next time, Flick.
> ok the part about better luck next time...
> maybe it should be made to where we can have a next time without
> having to spend either insane gold or xp to reinc right away and fix
> it
> like maybe a 2 week grace period that we have to wait before trying it
> so the next time l..... you know .. can HAPPEN!
> i dunno just tossin it out there.
guildinfo shapeshifter
Seems pretty obvious to me its intended..
A little more needs to be said about learning forms. Morpheus (the
shapeshifter guild master) will teach you the
various forms he knows if you complete small quests for him - one
for each form. No form quest requires any other
forms its form doesn't. Forms are heirarchically arranged, to some
extent, and if you fail a quest, any forms above
it in the same tree are also disallowed you until you next
reincarnate into the guild. The lower-level quests,
though, should be fairly easy, and there are enough forms that few
people should get truely stuck because of this.
Shapeshifters is not, however, a guild for the meek.
poster: Mugen
subject: >>Shifter Quests
date: Mon Feb 19 08:46:24 2007
On Mon Feb 19 15:28:46 2007 Zifnab wrote post #113:
> On Mon Feb 19 03:38:13 2007 Flick wrote post #111:
> > Morpheus [shapeshifter]: Flick failed me in its quest to learn the
> > eagle. Better luck next time, Flick.
> > ok the part about better luck next time...
> > maybe it should be made to where we can have a next time without
> > having to spend either insane gold or xp to reinc right away and fix
> > it
> > like maybe a 2 week grace period that we have to wait before trying it
> again?
> > so the next time l..... you know .. can HAPPEN!
> > i dunno just tossin it out there.
> guildinfo shapeshifter
> Seems pretty obvious to me its intended..
> A little more needs to be said about learning forms. Morpheus (the
> shapeshifter guild master) will teach you the
> various forms he knows if you complete small quests for him - one
> for each form. No form quest requires any other
> forms its form doesn't. Forms are heirarchically arranged, to some
> extent, and if you fail a quest, any forms above
> it in the same tree are also disallowed you until you next
> reincarnate into the guild. The lower-level quests,
> though, should be fairly easy, and there are enough forms that few
> people should get truely stuck because of this.
> Shapeshifters is not, however, a guild for the meek.
Oh snap, the mud just called you meek.
poster: Blooje
subject: Eq, Attitudes, Bitch-festing.
date: Sun Feb 25 11:29:31 2007
Grow up, just fucking grow up. Also, if you aren't going to grow up,
don't put me in th emiddle of it.
poster: Remdar
subject: Potions in Inventory
date: Mon Mar 12 15:04:44 2007
I’d like to see a separate category in the inventory for objects that are potions. Obviously this is just a organizational thing but at any given time I have 25 plus potions in my inv.
poster: Snap
subject: Sloatinok & tps
date: Wed Mar 21 18:35:41 2007
My idea to make Sloat a little more user friendly for smaller players.
He currenly takes eq 1 per player in scratched condition.
Make him take eq in any condition for the 1st 100 tps sacced per player
then after 100 back to only taking scratched eq. Still only 1 piece per
This would make it possible for new characters to have aprox.
tp sac - 100
quests - 20
explore - 80
total - 200
Which happens to be 2 greater & 2 lesser wishes.
poster: Bremen
subject: Sloatinok
date: Fri Mar 23 07:45:11 2007
I think thats a V good idea.
poster: Uno
subject: >Sloatinok
date: Tue Apr 3 08:19:31 2007
On Fri Mar 23 15:45:11 2007 Bremen wrote post #118:
> I think thats a V good idea.
> Bremen
i agree, and it's not really retroactively punitive since all the
old farts earned
their TP in a non-restricted sloat environment.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>Sloatinok
date: Tue Apr 3 08:41:30 2007
On Tue Apr 3 17:19:31 2007 Uno wrote post #119:
> On Fri Mar 23 15:45:11 2007 Bremen wrote post #118:
> > I think thats a V good idea.
> > Bremen
> i agree, and it's not really retroactively punitive since all the
> old farts earned
> their TP in a non-restricted sloat environment.
sounds good, we must love our noobs
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>>Sloatinok
date: Tue Apr 3 09:48:56 2007
On Tue Apr 3 17:41:30 2007 Korthrun wrote post #120:
> On Tue Apr 3 17:19:31 2007 Uno wrote post #119:
> > On Fri Mar 23 15:45:11 2007 Bremen wrote post #118:
> > > I think thats a V good idea.
> > > Bremen
> >
> > i agree, and it's not really retroactively punitive since all the
> > old farts earned
> > their TP in a non-restricted sloat environment.
> sounds good, we must love our noobs
!lovelove korthrun noobs
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >>>>Sloatinok
date: Tue Apr 3 14:10:08 2007
On Tue Apr 3 18:48:56 2007 Tranquil wrote post #121:
> On Tue Apr 3 17:41:30 2007 Korthrun wrote post #120:
> > On Tue Apr 3 17:19:31 2007 Uno wrote post #119:
> > > On Fri Mar 23 15:45:11 2007 Bremen wrote post #118:
> > > > I think thats a V good idea.
> > > > Bremen
> > >
> > > i agree, and it's not really retroactively punitive since all the
> > > old farts earned
> > > their TP in a non-restricted sloat environment.
> > sounds good, we must love our noobs
> !lovelove korthrun noobs
epp, tranquil
poster: Blooje
subject: Soul steal
date: Mon Apr 9 20:06:43 2007
It could have a way cooler message
Plz fix
poster: Chemosh
subject: New plaque
date: Sat Apr 14 06:39:33 2007
i would like to see a plaque of total worth, but only include those
people that have made xp in the last 2weeks (or 4 weeks).
once upon a time the plaque used to be like that.
with the current player base and the very small amount of people
that are actually active, it would be nice to see the top list. and
not just a list from the last 10 yrs
poster: Maduo
subject: >New plaque
date: Sat Apr 14 06:58:52 2007
On Sat Apr 14 15:39:33 2007 Chemosh wrote post #124:
> i would like to see a plaque of total worth, but only include those
> people that have made xp in the last 2weeks (or 4 weeks).
> once upon a time the plaque used to be like that.
> with the current player base and the very small amount of people
> that are actually active, it would be nice to see the top list. and
> not just a list from the last 10 yrs
> thanks
> *
lol, so besides roughly 30 orso active people, i'm assuming this is
going to be a rather small plaque?
poster: Mintorus
subject: gold sinks & other useful things
date: Sat Apr 14 21:16:26 2007
Gold sink ideas:
a) make it so that you can purchase explore rooms from eriol (dude in white rift) for large amounts of gold (say 1m gold per room). But only for ungettable rooms. Guess all ungettable rooms will need to be identified in some way. He will still show you room desc for unexplored gettable rooms for a small fee.
b) Make a NPC that will damage your eq for you from its current condition to saccable condition & he charges gold based on the quality of the pieces & the difference in pieces current condition – saccable condition.
c) Make pyroclasts drop more often. With the lower player numbers its almost impossible to find them.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >>New plaque
date: Mon Apr 16 05:35:13 2007
There is one such list. It isn't as accurate as the plaque, but it only shows those who are active. It is called 'who'.
poster: Chemosh
subject: guests
date: Fri Apr 20 10:37:17 2007
reinstalling the guest function maybe encourage new players to enter
the mud and have a look around
poster: Chemosh
subject: xp rate boost
date: Fri Apr 20 11:01:33 2007
if less than 5 players are actively doing xp (iw 5 people on xpwho)
then give those 5 players a 10% xp bonus until next xpwho update
poster: Korthrun
subject: >guests
date: Fri Apr 20 12:19:18 2007
On Fri Apr 20 19:37:17 2007 Chemosh wrote post #128:
> reinstalling the guest function maybe encourage new players to enter
> the mud and have a look around
poster: Mugen
subject: Woodsman
date: Fri Apr 20 13:14:24 2007
woodsman changes are making players leave the mud.
Bring it back
I wants me some gnome enchants.
poster: Maduo
subject: >Woodsman
date: Fri Apr 20 18:43:56 2007
On Fri Apr 20 22:14:24 2007 Mugen wrote post #131:
> woodsman changes are making players leave the mud.
> Bring it back
> I wants me some gnome enchants.
necro changes are making players leave as well..
bring back our fams original power level..
kk thnx bai
poster: Tranquil
subject: Players leaving
date: Fri Apr 27 01:40:03 2007
I'm amazed that no-one has mentioned this, since it's something that
almost every player here has experienced at some point. However, it
seems to me that the real cause of players leaving is being
The core issue as I see it, is that players CAN leave. Thus, to
solve this issue of players leaving, I propose that the 'quit'
command be removed, and that a new function to restart the mud
client at the client side at logoff be created via mxp. This should
solve any issues of players leaving, and at least allow the mud to
retain the players that are still here.
Comments and other sillinesses are welcome.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >Players leaving
date: Fri Apr 27 01:52:02 2007
On Fri Apr 27 10:40:03 2007 Tranquil wrote post #133:
> The core issue as I see it, is that players CAN leave. Thus, to
> solve this issue of players leaving, I propose that the 'quit'
> command be removed, and that a new function to restart the mud
> client at the client side at logoff be created via mxp. This should
> solve any issues of players leaving, and at least allow the mud to
> retain the players that are still here.
> Comments and other sillinesses are welcome.
I second this.
God I hate agreeing with you.
poster: Chemosh
subject: help rules
date: Fri Apr 27 07:15:16 2007
just reading through "help rules" and it quite outdated.
please remove the paragraph about "guests" - the command was removed years ago
in addition I would like some detailed clarification about the last
Your character is expected to be used by _you_. Do not allow others
to use your character, do not sell your character or in any other
way allow your character to be used by anyone but you. If this happens
your character will be removed from the game.
thanks for your help
poster: Zifnab
subject: >help rules
date: Fri Apr 27 09:46:03 2007
On Fri Apr 27 16:15:16 2007 Chemosh wrote post #135:
> just reading through "help rules" and it quite outdated.
> please remove the paragraph about "guests" - the command was removed years
> in addition I would like some detailed clarification about the last
> paragraph....
> Your character is expected to be used by _you_. Do not allow others
> to use your character, do not sell your character or in any other
> way allow your character to be used by anyone but you. If this happens
> your character will be removed from the game.
> thanks for your help
> C
Which part of that is not clear?
poster: Mugen
subject: Player Rep
date: Thu May 10 21:15:23 2007
Chrono [monk]: how come i'm not player rep
I demand a recount.
poster: Eponine
subject: Rufrin
date: Sat Jun 2 15:40:47 2007
epoabjurer IW DOWN!!
Since Rufrin likes to spam us on sales channel about equipment he'll
never get (Magical Tiamat leggings, etc.), perhaps he should update
his stump list more than once a boot so he can get more low end
business (hanesa harp, etc).
poster: Expandrew
subject: >Rufrin
date: Sat Jun 2 15:44:47 2007
On Sun Jun 3 00:40:47 2007 Eponine wrote post #138 in ideas:
> epoabjurer IW DOWN!!
> Since Rufrin likes to spam us on sales channel about equipment he'll
> never get (Magical Tiamat leggings, etc.), perhaps he should update
> his stump list more than once a boot so he can get more low end
> business (hanesa harp, etc).
Agreeleg, he hardly sees business nowadays to my knowledge as is.
poster: Gen
subject: Purge
date: Tue Jun 5 22:50:06 2007
This is just a thought but will there ever be a purge or pwipe done for all the characters on the mud? If not what can be done to make the game a little more interesting and get some players back to the game? A lot of games do pwipes to keep the game fresh and fun for new and old members. Some really depise this idea and would prefer that a pwipe would never be done, but it can only go for so long that people will start to error the game by being too large :) I have spent many years on the game and have seen players come and go, but what saddens me is after they get so big, they have nothing else to look foward to and end up just leaving for other games or just quit mudding all together.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Purge
date: Wed Jun 6 05:25:09 2007
On Wed Jun 6 07:50:06 2007 Gen wrote post #140:
> This is just a thought but will there ever be a purge or pwipe done for
all the characters on the mud? If not what can be done to make the game a
little more interesting and get some players back to the game? A lot of
games do pwipes to keep the game fresh and fun for new and old members. Some
really depise this idea and would prefer that a pwipe would never be done,
but it can only go for so long that people will start to error the game by
being too large :) I have spent many years on the game and have seen players
come and go, but what saddens me is after they get so big, they have nothing
else to look foward to and end up just leaving for other games or just quit
mudding all together.
I disagree with your thinking all together. A player wipe is
going to do nothign but piss people off. Those few that think
its a good idea and fun will be ok with it but they are not
in the majority.
If those big players think a purging their character is a good
idea they can do so quite easily by stopping playing their primary
and starting over with a newbie.
Granted thats not exactly the same thing since the entire mud is
not at the same starting point but all I see that doing is completely
killing the mud
poster: Wraith
subject: 4k discussion
date: Fri Jun 8 03:51:55 2007
Allright, I'm trying to compile a list of pros and cons for the new
server so that we can figure out what it means
this is after a long talk with elderin and him voicing his concerns
which I have to say are quite valid
first off, cons
as a new player, where are you more likely to play, the server where
you can get parties, or the one you can't?
this means more players on 4k
which means 3k goes stagnant
as the player base declines, you see what we've already begun to notice here
lack of parties
player fall off
mud becomes less fun
another reason why players might move there is at midrange theres no point.
highbies can pop on and do 10x better equipment then you could, so
just buy it. if just buying it, why not play there?
etc etc
basically reducing players in=bad.
gives those who have done it all something to do
challenge without the option of walking through it makes it much
more enjoyable
(knowing I can use cheat codes makes the game frustrating instead of
retro, I know I miss the old days, its kinda good to relive that.
add on and discuss please, elderin does bring up some very valid
points which are a large concern for players around our levels
you guys had each other to level with, if the player base gets any
smaller... we'll just have ourselves.
poster: Tektor
subject: >4k discussion
date: Fri Jun 8 13:34:20 2007
I been here forever and i only hit the gigbie mark in the last year
and it was before the changes that make it easy for smaller people
to get worth and i soloed the majority of it. I see small people
rake in worth now like nothing. Being small ain't exactly hard
poster: Chemosh
subject: channels
date: Fri Jun 8 22:15:27 2007
if we are going to have 2 mud can they at least have separate
channels? I find it very difficult if i ask a question on a channel
on 3k and get an aswer form someone who isnt even in who.
and yes people still use dra and newbie
poster: Khosan
subject: >channels
date: Sat Jun 9 02:50:51 2007
On Sat Jun 9 07:15:27 2007 Chemosh wrote post #145:
> if we are going to have 2 mud can they at least have separate
> channels? I find it very difficult if i ask a question on a channel
> on 3k and get an aswer form someone who isnt even in who.
> and yes people still use dra and newbie
> thanks
> C
Do not type "who" if it confuses you so much.
poster: Chemosh
subject: >>channels
date: Sat Jun 9 06:44:49 2007
On Sat Jun 9 11:50:51 2007 Khosan wrote post #146:
> On Sat Jun 9 07:15:27 2007 Chemosh wrote post #145:
> > if we are going to have 2 mud can they at least have separate
> > channels? I find it very difficult if i ask a question on a channel
> > on 3k and get an aswer form someone who isnt even in who.
> >
> > and yes people still use dra and newbie
> >
> > thanks
> > C
> Do not type "who" if it confuses you so much.
The who doesnt bother me. its just I cannot send them a tell because
they are on a different mud
poster: Maduo
subject: newbie learning curve
date: Tue Jun 26 15:29:05 2007
i'm sure some of you have noticed, but some of the newbies that
arrive here are not staying here.. there are a couple of reasons for
this, but i believe one major one is that they simply do not know
how to mud.
most probably have absolutely no idea what a command even is, which
is why i propose that the learning curve to the game be redesigned
so that all the information they need isn't crampacked into one
overwhelming, even daunting some times, pile.
for the newbie tour, i think it should be drastically toned down so
that it only introduces the basic commands of the game... things
get, wear/wield, moving, look, drop, and how to talk to people...
the commands that are most commonly used and don't require much though.
next, i believe that instead of trying to shove race and guild
explanations down their throats at the start in the tour, that it
would be more beneficial if they were at the race select room/guild
masters instead.
for instance, once you entered the race select room, a message could
pop up stating "welcome to the race select room. Here you can choose
from many different races, each with their own special attributes.
picking the right race is extremely important as it will benefit you
later on when you pick a guild. spellcasters guilds mostly rely on
int, wis, and spr stats, whereas, warrior guilds require a race with
str, dex, and con stats."
then on another pop-up line, offer up the syntax to view all the
races and the syntax see what a certain races stats are (help race
bla/la statue)
(maybe put in somewhere that thikhren is a very good starter race
for spellcasters and troll is very good for warriors, just as an
option for those that don't like to make decisions on their own)
the next learning curve, so to speak, would be when they enter the
game via the portal... instead of just 'you have entered iom' it
could be another continuation of explaining how to use the map
system and what the adv guild/illium has to offer.
and finally would be the guild masters(alpha guild only), who would
explain to them how the leveling system, skills, and spells work.
something like "..but in order to advance further into a guild, you
first need some 'free levels'. but how do i get free levels ask?
why, that's simple! just go talk to achman who is located 1 east of
the adv guild. for some experience points, he will boost your free
levels up, allowing you to further progress in the guild."
that's all i've got for now... i just think that if we allow the
newbies to not feel too overwhelmed at the start, while still
providing them with information slowly, but surely, that they won't
run away as fast.
poster: Holyman
subject: >newbie learning curve
date: Wed Jun 27 20:09:36 2007
good good good idea
poster: Fox
subject: Ideas to reshape this world
date: Thu Jun 28 08:02:37 2007
I have a bunch of random ideas that I would like to see put into effect:
200% spell and skill max made possible by doing sorts of quests...
in 5% or 10% margins, solo or party
Purchasing added skills/spells from NPC's with exp/gold for the
basic skill/spell and tp's for the unique skill/spell
Exploring the world to earn tokens to possibly use towards spells/skills
Bringing those long lost races back into the game, the ones with 3 and 4 arms
Bringing about the Assassin guild.
Extending the guilds, more levels, spells, & skills.
Possibly exp worth dependant guilds, maybe buy your way in with gold
or tp's if you're not of sufficient worth
Using NPC's to bounty hunt for eq monsters and after the kill has
been made, you get 1 random piece from the bounty hunter of the
NPC's choosing.
Making new guilds, like 1 particular dependant damage type. ie:
Pyromancer that has the ability to manipulate fire and do anything
it wants with it. Something weird like that.
Foxtrot out!
poster: Mintorus
subject: Our mud(s)
date: Thu Jun 28 21:34:44 2007
Firstly I can not fathom why we have two muds running. All we are doing is splitting our player base into two. In the past few weeks I have been trying out about 10 different muds. I have deliberately steered away from the ones that are top 10 on the rankings. The one thing I have found as a genuine new player & after you get over the shock of not knowing anything at all, is that if there are very few people playing, you will most likely not play that mud. So it is my opinion that we need to keep as many of the oldbies / midbies of our player base interested, so that new players will feel like they invest their time in our mud.
In the past 12 months there have been a lot of changes that have been made. Some of them are good changes, but a lot of them seem to have been designed to make players of substantial size ( over 2g ) to lose most reasons to play. And as such many many many players have retired.
It is my opinion that if we want to encourage more new players, via advertising or what ever means, that we need to make sure that we maximize the players on here for them to interact with. This means stop taking away our reasons to be here & implement reasons to stay around. And yes I realize that a lot of solutions require many hours & hard work for the wizards.
· Why play the 4k when you have an established 3k player? I see no insentive to play the 4k, I did for a few weeks, but suicided as almost all the players on there are just oldbies starting again. I don’t see it attracting new players in its present form.
· Could we add a new NPC to the 3k (in reinc room) where your can sacrifice ALOT of exp (like 5g) which allows you to evolve into a higher race. Ie: gives you access to join races that have better stats/exprate/skillmax/spellmax/etc… I would think that about 6 new races are needed for this & could work like:
a) Mantisman – has 2 extra arms & therefore does more damage, but take away some compensating slots & add in race armors with minimal stats.
b) Centaur – has extra legs & therefore avoides hits/dodges a lot more, etc…
c) Some other stuff to suit the other guild trees. Including golden dragon for SS.
· Maybe modify guild rank to do the following different:
i) guild rank falls if you are not logging on/using your skills/spells.
ii) More guild rank levels, maybe 20 levels with rank to never fall below level 5 over time, or reincing. But a faster growth of rank than currently. Eg: time/skills/spells taken to get to current level 6 is about equivelant to level 15 in new proposed system.
· revert back to the old tp sacking system with sloat taking mint eqs. This change has just discouraged / killed off eq parties.
· Find a use to consume TPS. With current system only way to consume them is for a 25tp free reinc.
· Do the people on the 4k play because they like being in the top 10 on the exp plaque. If so flag people who haven’t done an amount of exp per month as inactive & don’t show them on the exp plaque. But do add a new plaque for an inactive list.
In summary I rely think for the survival of the mud that we need to stop having a split personality. And we don’t just need new players we need ALL players.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >Our mud(s)
date: Thu Jun 28 22:02:53 2007
On Fri Jun 29 06:34:44 2007 Mintorus wrote post #151:
> · revert back to the old tp sacking system with sloat taking mint eqs.
This change has just discouraged / killed off eq parties.
> · Find a use to consume TPS. With current system only way to consume them
is for a 25tp free reinc.
> · Do the people on the 4k play because they like being in the top 10 on
the exp plaque. If so flag people who haven’t done an amount of exp per
month as inactive & don’t show them on the exp plaque. But do add a new
plaque for an inactive list.
> In summary I rely think for the survival of the mud that we need to stop
having a split personality. And we don’t just need new players we need ALL
> Minto
While I don't necessarily agree with the specifics, I think that we
could definatly use something along the lines of a 'super race' or a
'hero class' etc. There's only so much extra play/bonus to be gotten
from having 25 levels in weaver and 10 in abj or whatever at some of
the worths the larger players have.
I mean over 2G, when you can easily 105%+ almost any race+class
combination, it's all excess. There is a lot that could be done with
the idea on spending exp on something not levels/skills/spells and
it (possibly) being xp that you don't get back.
Or not all of it back for you whiners.
Whatever I think you get the drift.
Of course people should respond, and be active, and contribute,
because even if the admins think it's a fabulous concept, the what
and how still need done.
poster: Maduo
subject: >>Our mud(s)
date: Mon Jul 2 16:44:23 2007
On Fri Jun 29 07:02:53 2007 Korthrun wrote post #152:
> On Fri Jun 29 06:34:44 2007 Mintorus wrote post #151:
> > · revert back to the old tp sacking system with sloat taking mint eqs.
> This change has just discouraged / killed off eq parties.
> >
> > · Find a use to consume TPS. With current system only way to consume them
> is for a 25tp free reinc.
> >
> > · Do the people on the 4k play because they like being in the top 10 on
> the exp plaque. If so flag people who haven’t done an amount of exp per
> month as inactive & don’t show them on the exp plaque. But do add a new
> plaque for an inactive list.
> >
> > In summary I rely think for the survival of the mud that we need to stop
> having a split personality. And we don’t just need new players we need ALL
> players.
> >
> > Minto
> >
> While I don't necessarily agree with the specifics, I think that we
> could definatly use something along the lines of a 'super race' or a
> 'hero class' etc. There's only so much extra play/bonus to be gotten
> from having 25 levels in weaver and 10 in abj or whatever at some of
> the worths the larger players have.
> I mean over 2G, when you can easily 105%+ almost any race+class
> combination, it's all excess. There is a lot that could be done with
> the idea on spending exp on something not levels/skills/spells and
> it (possibly) being xp that you don't get back.
> Or not all of it back for you whiners.
> Whatever I think you get the drift.
> Of course people should respond, and be active, and contribute,
> because even if the admins think it's a fabulous concept, the what
> and how still need done.
you can buy stats with exp..
as well as exp tickets from the exp lotto event
you can also use it for that healer spell so that you don't die when
you would die.
but seriously for a minute.. what do you guys really expect out of
these dreams you are dreaming of? you've already reached the
playthrough worth.. so it's not like the mud would get any
funner(sp?) if you got a temporary fix like a hero class.. most
likely you'd get bored of it within a week or 2 anyways and start
complaining again.
agewise your characters would probably be 80 orso, they've seen
everything, done it all, etc.. so trying to force them back into
combat is probably not one of the best solutions.. your time is
over, now it's time for the new newbies..
the only question is, do you wish to become one of those people that
the youngins look up to as a source of strength and wisdom, or do
you want to become the remnants of a ghost whose long since despised
the mud because of a greedy resolve which in the end, kills the
poster: Painintheass
subject: PK on 3K
date: Wed Jul 11 20:38:49 2007
Why not just make a special death room for those killed in PK so
that if people are maliciously killed, they won't lose 6+ hours of
exp'ing or so?
Although I thought that was just the assumed risk for signing up with PK.
You don't have to like this idea or anything, but after all, it -IS-
just an idea.
* + *
poster: Painintheass
subject: Add PK to 3k*
date: Wed Jul 11 20:41:15 2007
Err... see previous message. >.<
poster: Tranquil
subject: >PK on 3K
date: Wed Jul 25 23:52:29 2007
On Thu Jul 12 05:38:49 2007 Painintheass wrote post #154:
> Why not just make a special death room for those killed in PK so
> that if people are maliciously killed, they won't lose 6+ hours of
> exp'ing or so?
> Although I thought that was just the assumed risk for signing up with PK.
> You don't have to like this idea or anything, but after all, it -IS-
> just an idea.
> *
> * + *
> _____
There is one.. It's right outside the arena.
poster: Trigon
subject: Summon Vultures
date: Tue Aug 28 12:16:26 2007
Would it be possible to take a look at the summon vultures spell in
necro? From me toying with it, using it causes things to attack
you, it takes 4 rounds to cast, and the vultures stay for 2 rounds.
I guess they are suppose to interrupt spells/skills, but I haven't
even seen it work. Perhaps like the mind blast spell, it could be
upped for new necros, and when you undeads get big, it looses its
poster: Wraith
subject: familiar command
date: Wed Aug 29 22:07:24 2007
order famname checkeq
poster: Monkey
subject: >familiar command
date: Wed Aug 29 22:46:23 2007
On Thu Aug 30 07:07:24 2007 Wraith wrote post #158:
> order famname checkeq
command famcheckeq do order $1 remove $*;order $1 unwield $*;order
$1 give $* to me;look at $*;give $* to $1;order $1 wield $*;order $1
wear $*
poster: Wraith
subject: >>familiar command
date: Wed Aug 29 22:55:32 2007
from what monkey told me, snoop does not want that command on the fams
which while I undersstand it, is an example of an attitude that
turns away new players.
tell wraith energy field down
poster: Wraith
subject: last post
date: Wed Aug 29 22:58:09 2007
ignore it, had more to say, but realized that it did not apply in
this instance.
however seeing as necro is meant to only be joined by people with
experience with the mud, possibly make a quest to join the guild?
poster: Vor
subject: >>>familiar command
date: Wed Aug 29 23:04:05 2007
On Thu Aug 30 07:55:32 2007 Wraith wrote post #160 in ideas:
> from what monkey told me, snoop does not want that command on the fams
> which while I undersstand it, is an example of an attitude that
> turns away new players.
> tell wraith energy field down
i can't think of many new players who start out at level 20 something to get zombie, which is (zmg) the first fam that gets eq.
just because one of your ideas is rejected does not mean that the attitude is turning away new players.
you seriously don't think enough before you write posts about such issues, do you?
poster: Vor
subject: >last post
date: Wed Aug 29 23:07:57 2007
On Thu Aug 30 07:58:09 2007 Wraith wrote post #161 in ideas:
> ignore it, had more to say, but realized that it did not apply in
> this instance.
> however seeing as necro is meant to only be joined by people with
> experience with the mud, possibly make a quest to join the guild?
1) you have to find out about the guild.
2) you have to find the guild.
3) you have to read the book that gives information
4) you have to play long enough to get a fam so that you even know what the hell you're supposed to do with it.
since you can get 1 and 2 by asking for information, i would assume that the same is true about 4.
it's only 'not a newbie guild' in that you have to ask questions to get there if you don't already know where it is. in such a case, you know how to ask questions and you've obviously gotten help, which is all you really need.
poster: Wraith
subject: commands
date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:34 2007
In order to make the mud more accessible, possibly make a help file
for common commands
or break them up into groups
just something to help the newbs, things like score, summary, etc
the big long help file is kindof intimidating and hard to sort through
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>>familiar command
date: Thu Aug 30 05:42:49 2007
On Thu Aug 30 07:55:32 2007 Wraith wrote post #160:
> from what monkey told me, snoop does not want that command on the fams
> which while I undersstand it, is an example of an attitude that
> turns away new players.
> tell wraith energy field down
Can you please explain this... Because you had an idea that
the _creator_ of the guild doesn't want to implement you
stretch that to mean that new players get turned away because
their ideas do not get implemented?
By that logic we are supposed to implement _Every_ idea that
is proposed.. how to you handle it when 2 players propose
2 ideas that conflict with each other.. by your definition
1 of them is going to be turned away because their idea was not
Besides monkey gave you a very easy alternative that can do it
with any client.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >commands
date: Thu Aug 30 05:45:15 2007
On Thu Aug 30 08:21:34 2007 Wraith wrote post #164:
> In order to make the mud more accessible, possibly make a help file
> for common commands
> or break them up into groups
> just something to help the newbs, things like score, summary, etc
> the big long help file is kindof intimidating and hard to sort through
What big long help file are you referring to?
Give me an example of how to break it up.. My mind reading skills
are non existant I forgot to train them.
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>>familiar command
date: Thu Aug 30 07:13:55 2007
On Thu Aug 30 14:42:49 2007 Zifnab wrote post #165:
> On Thu Aug 30 07:55:32 2007 Wraith wrote post #160:
> > from what monkey told me, snoop does not want that command on the fams
> > which while I undersstand it, is an example of an attitude that
> > turns away new players.
> > tell wraith energy field down
> Can you please explain this... Because you had an idea that
> the _creator_ of the guild doesn't want to implement you
> stretch that to mean that new players get turned away because
> their ideas do not get implemented?
> By that logic we are supposed to implement _Every_ idea that
> is proposed.. how to you handle it when 2 players propose
> 2 ideas that conflict with each other.. by your definition
> 1 of them is going to be turned away because their idea was not
> done.
> Besides monkey gave you a very easy alternative that can do it
> with any client.
course, the mud has also made commands for less... i mean, how easy
is an autoloot trigger? yet, someone felt that an autoloot command
was nessecary.
i think most, if not all, necros would love to see a checkeq command
for fams because it can be quite hassling to check all the eq on our
familiars, esp when we dont have that much of an inventory ourselves
and have to carefully sift through it all to make sure we check it
monkey's trigger is a novel idea for the perfect world ;)
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>>>>familiar command
date: Thu Aug 30 07:26:19 2007
On Thu Aug 30 16:13:55 2007 Maduo wrote post #167:
> On Thu Aug 30 14:42:49 2007 Zifnab wrote post #165:
> > On Thu Aug 30 07:55:32 2007 Wraith wrote post #160:
> > > from what monkey told me, snoop does not want that command on the fams
> > > which while I undersstand it, is an example of an attitude that
> > > turns away new players.
> > > tell wraith energy field down
> >
> > Can you please explain this... Because you had an idea that
> > the _creator_ of the guild doesn't want to implement you
> > stretch that to mean that new players get turned away because
> > their ideas do not get implemented?
> >
> > By that logic we are supposed to implement _Every_ idea that
> > is proposed.. how to you handle it when 2 players propose
> > 2 ideas that conflict with each other.. by your definition
> > 1 of them is going to be turned away because their idea was not
> > done.
> >
> > Besides monkey gave you a very easy alternative that can do it
> > with any client.
> course, the mud has also made commands for less... i mean, how easy
> is an autoloot trigger? yet, someone felt that an autoloot command
> was nessecary.
> i think most, if not all, necros would love to see a checkeq command
> for fams because it can be quite hassling to check all the eq on our
> familiars, esp when we dont have that much of an inventory ourselves
> and have to carefully sift through it all to make sure we check it
> all
> monkey's trigger is a novel idea for the perfect world ;)
The autoloot trigger is a poor example.
For a long time we were experiencing lag and for a while we thought
it might be the macros that people were firing off to the mud
so we thought having the mud do some of those macros might be a good
idea thus autoloot was added.
No more were ever added like that because shortly after that
we figured out what the real cause was and fixed it we were
close it was macros being fired at the mud but not quite
what we initially thought and fixed it in another manner.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>>>>familiar command
date: Thu Aug 30 07:48:06 2007
On Thu Aug 30 16:13:55 2007 Maduo wrote post #167:
> > with any client.
> course, the mud has also made commands for less... i mean, how easy
> is an autoloot trigger? yet, someone felt that an autoloot command
> was nessecary.
> i think most, if not all, necros would love to see a checkeq command
> for fams because it can be quite hassling to check all the eq on our
> familiars, esp when we dont have that much of an inventory ourselves
> and have to carefully sift through it all to make sure we check it
> all
> monkey's trigger is a novel idea for the perfect world ;)
I appreciate the idea that there are commands for people who don't
want to use, can't use, or haven't yet discovered a mudclient.
Sometimes you might wanna pop on for a bit, but not be in a place
with a client.
Autoloot is nice
javatrigs are nice
poster: Wraith
subject: >>x100 familiar command
date: Thu Aug 30 19:36:50 2007
its kinda funny, all this talk about something I accidently sent
instead of hit ~q as I intended.
maybe I was in a bad mood and a bug crawled up my ass for a second,
but I changed my mind mid post and accidently sent it. either way,
apologies it got sent, sounds more accusatory then its meant to be.
as far as autoloot etc, that is an example of a change to the mud
that I as a player love. I don't use it because I'm a necro, but
its a great idea that readilly helps players out, we could use more
simple things like that.
things that make the mud more playable, less for those that already
know everything. btw, do new players start with autoloot on? they
poster: Wraith
subject: tanrantia bank
date: Thu Aug 30 20:32:47 2007
all buildings in tarantia are exit command out instead of a
direction except tarantia bank, possibly change this so it matches
the city?
poster: Wraith
subject: commands
date: Fri Aug 31 00:32:58 2007
allright, then as an example, breaking it down to catagories.
Equipment, commands such as checkeq, myslots, wear, wield, keep,
unkeep etc, with a short desc for each, and break it up into parts
the goal for this being making it newbie friendly, not experienced
player friendly
if its broken into many parts each only about 4 commands long, it
allows a new player to play with it, and get a vague idea of what
commands are.
character section
surname, title, score, etc.
affectors or environment interaction
push, pull, turn, etc. However this would help if there was an
official list for all areas, as this is not the case, its often
confusing trying to figure out what command to use where
for example, in the bear quest for SS I spent almost all my time at
the near end JUST trying to figure out what the syntax was.
but thats another thing entirely.
Either way, just something to make the mud a little easier to
understand from the point of view of someone who has never mudded
For us players and wiz's who have been doing this for years, its
really difficult to figure out what a new player would need... its
like explaining how to ride a bike to someone.
I just say get on, pedal, dont fall over, but there are little
tricks that you figure out as you go and have to consciously think
about in the beginning.
ohyeah, also socializing
tell, mail, news, shout, etc.
since I've been playing for years and just a few weeks ago learned
the checkeq command, you'd have to ask around and see which ones
would be usefull to include, or somehow monitor which ones do get
Hope that clears it up.
poster: Wraith
subject: tp and reinc
date: Fri Aug 31 00:49:31 2007
Since no one in their right mind would ever buy a free reinc
anymore, except xphere apparently. how about we change it?
make it that its a 75tp wish that gets wished for the second after
your reinc, so you get to reinc for free, but you get less wishes
during that reinc only.
poster: Highpriest
subject: >tp and reinc
date: Fri Aug 31 00:51:24 2007
On Fri Aug 31 09:49:31 2007 Wraith wrote post #174:
> Since no one in their right mind would ever buy a free reinc
> anymore, except xphere apparently. how about we change it?
> make it that its a 75tp wish that gets wished for the second after
> your reinc, so you get to reinc for free, but you get less wishes
> during that reinc only.
I have another idea... make it such that you spend 100 tp or so to
get a wish that allows you to reinc for half tax...
like other usual wishes, it doesnt remove tp permenently, but you
need to make sure you have the 100tp or something
poster: Maak
subject: checkeq idea
date: Fri Aug 31 09:38:42 2007
holy shit....i just listened to this whole arguement about
checkeq....and just realized there was a checkeq command. thanks
wizzes for the nice checkeq command, i just checked each piece
poster: Stomper
subject: wolf hide bag
date: Fri Aug 31 09:39:20 2007
to me the fams see to do little to no damage
mabey just up them a lil or even for hibes give them a skill like
attack that you train every time you get one?
poster: Korthrun
subject: >wolf hide bag
date: Fri Aug 31 09:49:05 2007
On Fri Aug 31 18:39:20 2007 Stomper wrote post #177:
> to me the fams see to do little to no damage
> mabey just up them a lil or even for hibes give them a skill like
> attack that you train every time you get one?
Try it sometime.
(periods on thier own lines ftl)
poster: Vor
subject: >wolf hide bag
date: Mon Sep 3 19:58:50 2007
On Fri Aug 31 18:39:20 2007 Stomper wrote post #177:
> to me the fams see to do little to no damage
> mabey just up them a lil or even for hibes give them a skill like
> attack that you train every time you get one?
to be honest, the amount of max damage from the wolf hide bag fams
in a round is probably higher than it ought to be, but the delay for
them makes it more fair. it certainly does NOT need an uptune.
poster: Wraith
subject: tps and exp
date: Tue Sep 11 21:05:43 2007
How about a way for people to trade exp for TP?
maybe like a gig for 5tp only doable in one gig increments?
give the really big players a reason to exp
and just an interesting thing to do after you've "beat the game"
poster: Trigon
subject: Acrobat
date: Wed Sep 12 17:42:45 2007
In guildinfo acrobat it says that they have also learned a skill
from their now-defuct (defunct?) brother guild members, the
Thieves are BACK!
poster: Trigon
subject: Hunger and Bodies
date: Sat Sep 15 09:29:36 2007
It seems as though different bodies share the same hunger %. Is
there any way to separate the two, or take away the wish and let me
use the tps again? :)
poster: Chemosh
subject: Growing INTO guilds
date: Fri Sep 28 11:35:41 2007
launch new guilds on 4k first. allows players to grow into guild and
learn the alphas, and gammas.. and not just max the entire guild,
max all spells and just use the TOP skills/spells
the wizzes created an entire guild tree, and not a tree with 70
empty lvls topped up with a few ber skills.
for more details ask pyromaniac
poster: Maduo
subject: >Growing INTO guilds
date: Fri Sep 28 11:41:58 2007
On Fri Sep 28 20:35:41 2007 Chemosh wrote post #184:
> launch new guilds on 4k first. allows players to grow into guild and
> learn the alphas, and gammas.. and not just max the entire guild,
> max all spells and just use the TOP skills/spells
> the wizzes created an entire guild tree, and not a tree with 70
> empty lvls topped up with a few ber skills.
> for more details ask pyromaniac
> C
or, they could just launch them on 3k and ignore 4k, yeah, i like my
idea better.
just because you want ppl to take it slow, doesn't mean they are
going to. whether they want to max it or not is THEIR decision, not
poster: Chemosh
subject: levelling and grank
date: Sun Sep 30 00:48:20 2007
how about coupling your grank progression with your ability to join
guild levels. let me explain.
you are a little fighter (new player). you go around hack n slash,
make xp and gain new skills. ideally your grank and xp made should
move up together. one day you have hacked n slashed so much you have
enough xp to join a gamma guild, and because you have used all
skills in a balanced way (ie made grank) you are allowed to join.
if reinc and have lots of exp. you decide to go to a big fighter
with a gamma guild. from the xp point of view you can, but you have
no clue how all the skills work, because you have never been a mini
fighter and practised the fundamentals (no grank). the gamma guild
leader only would be willing to train people that have both the xp
AND the grank (fundamentals skills) to join such an exclusive guild
just an idea.
open for constructive comments and builds.
any flames or comments such as on my last effort to improve the mud
with new ideas please post in junk group
poster: Trance
subject: >levelling and grank
date: Sun Sep 30 06:12:01 2007
>the gamma guild leader only would be willing to train people
>that have both the xp AND the grank (fundamentals skills) to
>join such an exclusive guild
Personally, i like this idea. That said though, the biggest
problem with it is that many (most?) guild trees are set up
in a very disjointed way.
One example of this is the Elemental tree. The gammas don't
really take much from the alpha into account. The bravos use
only the masteries in the gammas, and the omicron takes this
tradition even further by supplying its own, dedicated
'reversion' spell.
In theory, this is a good idea, and if it was for a game
still being designed, i'd support it fully. But in practice,
with the disjointed guilds in their present form at least,
this idea would only deter larger people from trying out
certain guilds for the first time.
poster: Tektor
subject: >>levelling and grank
date: Mon Oct 1 12:53:32 2007
Thats prolly fine for 4k, but for 3k youd have people runing around
with gigs of xp unable to spend any of it stuck being small. Some of
us were small for a long time and have no desire to have to rework
the newbiedom. Its your choice if you want to. But I don't think
that is a good solution to cripple those who have no desire to be
forced to be small once again. Some of us put in a lot of time and
work to get where we are happy.
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>levelling and grank
date: Mon Oct 1 12:54:12 2007
On Mon Oct 1 21:53:32 2007 Tektor wrote post #188:
> Thats prolly fine for 4k, but for 3k youd have people runing around
> with gigs of xp unable to spend any of it stuck being small. Some of
> us were small for a long time and have no desire to have to rework
> the newbiedom. Its your choice if you want to. But I don't think
> that is a good solution to cripple those who have no desire to be
> forced to be small once again. Some of us put in a lot of time and
> work to get where we are happy.
amen to that
poster: Roirraw
subject: >>>levelling and grank
date: Mon Oct 1 12:56:39 2007
On Mon Oct 1 21:53:32 2007 Tektor wrote post #188:
> Thats prolly fine for 4k, but for 3k youd have people runing around
> with gigs of xp unable to spend any of it stuck being small. Some of
> us were small for a long time and have no desire to have to rework
> the newbiedom. Its your choice if you want to. But I don't think
> that is a good solution to cripple those who have no desire to be
> forced to be small once again. Some of us put in a lot of time and
> work to get where we are happy.
i 100% completely agree, hurting people like that may be better for
the guilds themselves in the long run, but it more likely to
irritate before before that happends
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>>levelling and grank
date: Mon Oct 1 13:00:22 2007
On Mon Oct 1 21:56:39 2007 Roirraw wrote post #190:
> On Mon Oct 1 21:53:32 2007 Tektor wrote post #188:
> > Thats prolly fine for 4k, but for 3k youd have people runing around
> > with gigs of xp unable to spend any of it stuck being small. Some of
> > us were small for a long time and have no desire to have to rework
> > the newbiedom. Its your choice if you want to. But I don't think
> > that is a good solution to cripple those who have no desire to be
> > forced to be small once again. Some of us put in a lot of time and
> > work to get where we are happy.
> i 100% completely agree, hurting people like that may be better for
> the guilds themselves in the long run, but it more likely to
> irritate before before that happends
not to mention it would probably kill the mud completely, due to the
fact that there aren't many ppl playing left, and those that do,
more often than not are already bored with the guilds they are
maxxed in, and dont wish to fiddle their way back up getting 50% exp
because their levels are too big for the monsters they are taking.
this idea would also completely kill any source of eq as well, or
what little sources we have left. trying to find an eq party is
already hard enough, why kill it further by making only ppl who
started in evoker, be able to blast?
poster: Maduo
subject: unkillable monster
date: Tue Oct 2 22:37:01 2007
due to ceb's resent testing of damage, i've gotten the idea that it
would be nice if there was a permanent mob that you could use to
measure your damage output.
simply i'm suggesting something like, an unkillable monster, maybe
by the arena, so that players could test which setup is better for
them, instead of fumbling over themselves, deciding whether a +5 wc
is better or +3 dmg is better, etc etc.
I think this would help grow the mud a little because so much of it
is left purely to guessing as is. it would be nice to actually see
if something is better to use than something else.
(btw, if you don't understand this post, that is normal)
poster: Goroharahad
subject: >unkillable monster
date: Wed Oct 3 04:48:13 2007
On Wed Oct 3 07:37:01 2007 Maduo wrote post #192:
> due to ceb's resent testing of damage, i've gotten the idea that it
> would be nice if there was a permanent mob that you could use to
> measure your damage output.
> simply i'm suggesting something like, an unkillable monster, maybe
> by the arena, so that players could test which setup is better for
> them, instead of fumbling over themselves, deciding whether a +5 wc
> is better or +3 dmg is better, etc etc.
> I think this would help grow the mud a little because so much of it
> is left purely to guessing as is. it would be nice to actually see
> if something is better to use than something else.
> (btw, if you don't understand this post, that is normal)
Or we could just have the formulas .. extrapolating the formulas by
the way proposed above would be rather tedious and prone to error
poster: Mintorus
subject: >unkillable monster
date: Wed Oct 3 04:50:21 2007
Just sounds link a stupid idea to sit in combat & decay your eq.
poster: Goroharahad
subject: eq decay
date: Wed Oct 3 04:56:26 2007
Oh right, some previous post gave me an idea ...
Remove Sloatinok fussiness about eq decay ?
Or if you really insist, put back the previous criteria, which was
basically to have brand new items.
Maybe some players have got over this, I haven't. It removes one
reason to play, whch is occasional eq.
Also it seems to me it increases the difference between new players
and old ones as getting TPs is made much harder.
poster: Maduo
subject: >>unkillable monster
date: Wed Oct 3 04:57:12 2007
On Wed Oct 3 13:50:21 2007 Mintorus wrote post #194:
> Just sounds link a stupid idea to sit in combat & decay your eq.
so basically you're for the idea? =)
@goro: well, ceb already has a monster like that, so the formulas
are already there in a sense.. and currently, the only true way to
see whats stronger atm is to waste half a day coming up with our own
formulas trying to see what does more damage.
poster: Goroharahad
subject: >>>unkillable monster
date: Wed Oct 3 05:00:30 2007
On Wed Oct 3 13:57:12 2007 Maduo wrote post #196:
> On Wed Oct 3 13:50:21 2007 Mintorus wrote post #194:
> > Just sounds link a stupid idea to sit in combat & decay your eq.
> so basically you're for the idea? =)
> @goro: well, ceb already has a monster like that, so the formulas
> are already there in a sense.. and currently, the only true way to
> see whats stronger atm is to waste half a day coming up with our own
> formulas trying to see what does more damage.
Well I am pretty sure the formulas exist somewhere ... or is all
this purely random ?
And Cebcurg is a wiz. I mean, I DO want all his abilities.
Anyway back to the topic, I am not too much into having exact
numbers about everything but that's a matter of taste I suppose.
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>>unkillable monster
date: Wed Oct 3 05:04:53 2007
On Wed Oct 3 14:00:30 2007 Goroharahad wrote post #197:
> On Wed Oct 3 13:57:12 2007 Maduo wrote post #196:
> > On Wed Oct 3 13:50:21 2007 Mintorus wrote post #194:
> > > Just sounds link a stupid idea to sit in combat & decay your eq.
> > so basically you're for the idea? =)
> >
> > @goro: well, ceb already has a monster like that, so the formulas
> > are already there in a sense.. and currently, the only true way to
> > see whats stronger atm is to waste half a day coming up with our own
> > formulas trying to see what does more damage.
> Well I am pretty sure the formulas exist somewhere ... or is all
> this purely random ?
> And Cebcurg is a wiz. I mean, I DO want all his abilities.
> Anyway back to the topic, I am not too much into having exact
> numbers about everything but that's a matter of taste I suppose.
heh, well, I don't really care if it's exact exact, but it would be
nice to have atleast a little idea of what works better, even if
instead of giving hard numbers, he says something like "that was
better combat than the previous time" or something to signify that
you did more damage.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >unkillable monster
date: Wed Oct 3 05:33:55 2007
On Wed Oct 3 07:37:01 2007 Maduo wrote post #192:
> due to ceb's resent testing of damage, i've gotten the idea that it
> would be nice if there was a permanent mob that you could use to
> measure your damage output.
> simply i'm suggesting something like, an unkillable monster, maybe
> by the arena, so that players could test which setup is better for
> them, instead of fumbling over themselves, deciding whether a +5 wc
> is better or +3 dmg is better, etc etc.
> I think this would help grow the mud a little because so much of it
> is left purely to guessing as is. it would be nice to actually see
> if something is better to use than something else.
> (btw, if you don't understand this post, that is normal)
I have a better idea... how about we just publish what is the
best of everything you can possibly do.. just take all the
'figuring out what is best' out of the equation.
poster: Maduo
subject: >>unkillable monster
date: Wed Oct 3 05:38:20 2007
On Wed Oct 3 14:33:55 2007 Zifnab wrote post #199:
> On Wed Oct 3 07:37:01 2007 Maduo wrote post #192:
> > due to ceb's resent testing of damage, i've gotten the idea that it
> > would be nice if there was a permanent mob that you could use to
> > measure your damage output.
> > simply i'm suggesting something like, an unkillable monster, maybe
> > by the arena, so that players could test which setup is better for
> > them, instead of fumbling over themselves, deciding whether a +5 wc
> > is better or +3 dmg is better, etc etc.
> > I think this would help grow the mud a little because so much of it
> > is left purely to guessing as is. it would be nice to actually see
> > if something is better to use than something else.
> > (btw, if you don't understand this post, that is normal)
> I have a better idea... how about we just publish what is the
> best of everything you can possibly do.. just take all the
> 'figuring out what is best' out of the equation.
you mean like WoW does? =)
poster: Mugen
subject: >unkillable monster
date: Wed Oct 3 09:17:35 2007
On Wed Oct 3 07:37:01 2007 Maduo wrote post #192:
> due to ceb's resent testing of damage, i've gotten the idea that it
> would be nice if there was a permanent mob that you could use to
> measure your damage output.
> simply i'm suggesting something like, an unkillable monster, maybe
> by the arena, so that players could test which setup is better for
> them, instead of fumbling over themselves, deciding whether a +5 wc
> is better or +3 dmg is better, etc etc.
> I think this would help grow the mud a little because so much of it
> is left purely to guessing as is. it would be nice to actually see
> if something is better to use than something else.
> (btw, if you don't understand this post, that is normal)
terrible idea
most fun part of the mud is watching people make up nonsense about how
good something is and it doesn't work at all like they think
poster: Taliph
subject: castle safes and chests
date: Sat Oct 6 10:32:10 2007
(1) This is been mentioned before, but it'd still be really awesome
if we could buy huge storage containers called "vaults" or somesuch
for like 500k ... not being able to store 2 weapons in a single safe
kind of sucks.
(2) Could we enable chests/safes/vaults (if added) to say how full
they are ... like "The safe is holding 51 (100) lbs. Capacity
remaining 49%"?
Thank you in advance.
:: Taliph ::
poster: Korthrun
subject: >castle safes and chests
date: Sat Oct 6 11:36:32 2007
On Sat Oct 6 19:32:10 2007 Taliph wrote post #202:
> (2) Could we enable chests/safes/vaults (if added) to say how full
> they are ... like "The safe is holding 51 (100) lbs. Capacity
> remaining 49%"?
> Thank you in advance.
> :: Taliph ::
hear hear!
poster: Arkangyle
subject: Castle map
date: Fri Oct 19 16:47:21 2007
Wouldn't it be awesome if, by typing map in the castle area, it
would show you a layout of the castles owners for the area around
:: Arkangyle, who forgets where his is located a lot ::
poster: Wraith
subject: death
date: Wed Oct 24 14:39:22 2007
bring back monster taunts on kills
I liked em.
"hey lets sing the I'm a stupid idiot song together!" always made me laugh
poster: Mintorus
subject: >death
date: Wed Oct 24 23:50:52 2007
Isn't there a death_taunt channel (or a name similar) where the mob
still says that crap.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>death
date: Thu Oct 25 06:16:51 2007
On Thu Oct 25 08:50:52 2007 Mintorus wrote post #206:
> Isn't there a death_taunt channel (or a name similar) where the mob
> still says that crap.
> Minto
poster: Maduo
subject: eje
date: Sat Oct 27 00:47:26 2007
make his damn ew's the same as the ew spells healers get so that he
can be a feasible gold drain
poster: Andros
subject: wish idea
date: Wed Oct 31 21:41:40 2007
midget size wish, greater blah blah
poster: Dmitri
subject: Newbies
date: Thu Nov 1 19:20:02 2007
Maybe make entering newbies not enter 4k automatically?
I mean, There's no one there.
poster: Maduo
subject: stealth
date: Mon Nov 5 21:51:14 2007
just thought it'd be helpfull if someone would add this to the
jscore command, as it is alot cleaner and easier to read than the
score command.
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: lodestones
date: Tue Nov 6 11:45:31 2007
just a thought i just had. i think it would be really cool to be
able to label lodestones in a way, so when you type 'i' you can see
something else besides the color
just a thought
poster: Esoteric
subject: Trials of the Dragon
date: Thu Nov 8 18:22:51 2007
Anyway we can possibly make it so Draco's door is open, no point to
really keep going through the trials to become dragon master, if
you're already in the guild?, no?
poster: Trigon
subject: Big weapons
date: Thu Nov 15 21:34:30 2007
Hi, I was wondering if it would be a possibility to code some sort
of weapon rack for castles. It's really hard to fit weapons,
especially huge fig weapons into safes.
Is there any way for a weapon rack to be made to hold only weapons,
but have it have more space than a safe? That would rock.
poster: Esoteric
subject: Pyroclasts
date: Thu Nov 22 13:13:44 2007
I think they should drop a little more frequently. As is, most
pieces in good condition take 2 pyros. And with 1 pyro dropping
every pool eq/eq party (3-5 mobs usually), it makes it really hard
for players to play regurlarly and remain able to keep their eq up
to par. I suggest making the drop rate a little higher, or making
the overall repair from a pyroclast higher, so it would be 1 per
piece..let me know what you guys think
poster: Chemosh
subject: New Event
date: Sun Nov 25 14:22:35 2007
upgrade to the storm event (the one that flings you through the mud)
Acid rain. it rains acid, damaging all armors if you are caught outside!
poster: Trigon
subject: Wolfpack!
date: Fri Nov 30 10:38:04 2007
So, I'm itchy for a reinc.
Would anyone be interested in maybe splitting a body into
shapeshifter and giving wolfpack parties a go?
Playing around with the reinc helper, barebones wolf with no
defensive skills is only about 315mil if you want to throw an all
skills wish in there, 430mil with defensive stuff.
If you're interested shoot me a mail, just wondering if anyone would
be up for this?
poster: Artea
subject: Art's new idea
date: Thu Dec 6 11:54:58 2007
Heres my idea which will:
1. Increase value/usefullness of gold
2. Encourage highbies to hunt/sell midbie eq as their own
demand for gold rises.
3. Be a good compromise for underground, since it is contraversial.
4. Give players another aspect that they can spend time to acheive
for their character without having to level higher.
5. Be very easy to code.
Flying mounts. Take it in...
They should be expensive, very expensive. A single person mount (gryphon?)
30m maybe. A 5 person mount (white dragon?) 120m maybe. A 15 person, eq
party-read mount (HUGE Drako-Lich).. 250-300m or more. They could memorize
locations similar to a woodsman, or be trained to go to docks, or other set
locations. Each mount will have a small inventory item that will call the
mount, and can be sold / transferred etc.
The huge increase in demand for highbies to have gold will stimulate their
interest to kill easily killable midbie/lowbie mobs in order to sell the
eq for gold. This will help lower players get the eq they need. Also, gold
will have increased value which will bring it closer to an effective means of
barter. Many people will not sell big ticket items because they have too much
gold and it is not useful to them. Further-more, clans could be united in
trying to save for unge 250-300m mounts that can carry EQ parties around.
Finally, players can "earn" the ability to be taken to other islands w/o
lurker tunnels or woodsman skills, rather then just being able to walk
anywhere. Underground could be made unpathable (blockers) and
possible turned
into an exp area, or have other areas connect to it or something.
I really hope this idea catches on. I think it could help solve several
issues (undervalued gold, no lowbie/midbie eq, underground, lack of things
for big players to do besides get bigger) with little coding effort.
Please let
me know what you guys think!
Your friendly, neighborhood Artea.
poster: Taliph
subject: Art's new idea
date: Thu Dec 6 16:08:59 2007
>> A 15 person, eq party-read mount (HUGE Drako-Lich).. 250-300m or more.
Dracoliches should be for necromancers only ;)
:: Taliph ::
poster: Mugen
subject: >Art's new idea
date: Thu Dec 6 16:25:06 2007
On Thu Dec 6 16:08:59 2007 Taliph wrote post #219:
> >> A 15 person, eq party-read mount (HUGE Drako-Lich).. 250-300m or more.
> Dracoliches should be for necromancers only ;)
> :: Taliph ::
And in keeping with their appropriated theme, they should also get
them through a free warlo.. I mean necromancer quest chain.
poster: Chemosh
subject: agree
date: Sun Dec 9 08:22:55 2007
I agree with taliphs idea about coding vaults
I also still like my idea about acid rain
poster: Maduo
subject: >agree
date: Mon Dec 10 13:37:50 2007
On Sun Dec 9 08:22:55 2007 Chemosh wrote post #221:
> I agree with taliphs idea about coding vaults
> I also still like my idea about acid rain
buyable fires/fountains(+regen) you can place in your castles... nuff said
poster: Dmitri
subject: Transfer Thoughts
date: Wed Dec 12 17:06:23 2007
Shall we bring it back? Prevent confusion of newbies by preventing
people from sing the spell on those lower than level 16?
poster: Mugen
subject: channel +v
date: Thu Dec 13 17:03:43 2007
A way for someone to listen on a channel but not talk
like voice in irc
poster: Zifnab
subject: >channel +v
date: Thu Dec 13 19:07:25 2007
On Thu Dec 13 17:03:43 2007 Mugen wrote post #224:
> A way for someone to listen on a channel but not talk
> like voice in irc
maybe I am confused.
on channel
Then never type anything on the channel thus you are
poster: Vor
subject: >>channel +v
date: Thu Dec 13 19:09:04 2007
don't we already have this? just invite the person and ban them from
talking on the channel. i was on bounty for a good 5 months without
being able to talk.
poster: Artea
subject: Split Bodies & Secondaries
date: Fri Dec 14 17:27:05 2007
+ The characters may not be switched with the intent to pass items or
wealth from one to the other. That means no sharing castles, no
allowing a character to use the other's eq. Basically, do NOT use
one character to further the interests/ability of the other in ANY
Split bodies:
Players may now choose to 'split' their current character into 2
or more 'bodies'. This allows you to share exp/equipment/gold
between those characters and you may switch back and forth between
them with only a small wait time in between.
I understand the intent of not sharing wealth between secondaries
is to prevent "powerleveling" or having ridiculous eq at low level.
Has the idea ever been looked at, however, to let wealth be shared
beyond a certain point? (say lvl 95 or 1g worth etc..) It just seems
to me that a player that builds a character from birth should have
more liberal (or equally liberal) usage as a rich player who can
spend some money and plop out a 4g whatever. To me it would be a
healthy alternative to splitting bodies for players that don't like
the idea for whatever reason. Thoughts? Constructive criticism?
poster: Trigon
subject: >Split Bodies & Secondaries
date: Fri Dec 14 22:43:47 2007
Sharing secondaries completely makes the split time unimportant, and
is just really a way around that restriction.
Plus you wanted a big gold dump, split bodies is where it's at.**
poster: Esoteric
subject: >>Split Bodies & Secondaries
date: Sat Dec 15 03:45:27 2007
On Fri Dec 14 22:43:47 2007 Trigon wrote post #228:
> Sharing secondaries completely makes the split time unimportant, and
> is just really a way around that restriction.
> Plus you wanted a big gold dump, split bodies is where it's at.**
I believe if split time was a very small amount to begin with a lot
more activity could and would happen on the mud.
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>Split Bodies & Secondaries
date: Sun Dec 16 14:39:33 2007
On Sat Dec 15 03:45:27 2007 Esoteric wrote post #229:
> On Fri Dec 14 22:43:47 2007 Trigon wrote post #228:
> > Sharing secondaries completely makes the split time unimportant, and
> > is just really a way around that restriction.
> >
> > Plus you wanted a big gold dump, split bodies is where it's at.**
> I believe if split time was a very small amount to begin with a lot
> more activity could and would happen on the mud.
nods, and feel free to return all the money people have spent on
lowering their time as well.. i want to be rich again =)
poster: Esoteric
subject: Shadow thigns
date: Mon Dec 17 19:04:55 2007
Possibly have shadow vuln/rupt lesser/greater shadow shield.
Since its a damage now
poster: Waxman
subject: >Shadow thigns
date: Mon Dec 17 23:37:22 2007
You forgot shadow reflect shield too.
IMO we dont need these extra shadow spells.
poster: Maduo
subject: >>Shadow thigns
date: Tue Dec 18 00:44:09 2007
On Mon Dec 17 23:37:22 2007 Waxman wrote post #232:
> You forgot shadow reflect shield too.
> IMO we dont need these extra shadow spells.
akh ba attack should have a shadow dtype since the mummy uses its
shadow for one of the attacks for this skill
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>Shadow thigns
date: Tue Dec 18 09:09:26 2007
On Mon Dec 17 23:37:22 2007 Waxman wrote post #232:
> You forgot shadow reflect shield too.
> IMO we dont need these extra shadow spells.
And on that train of thought, I suppose we'd need holy reflect and
unholy reflect and phys reflect.
poster: Rancor
subject: >>>Shadow thigns
date: Tue Dec 18 09:47:26 2007
On Tue Dec 18 00:44:09 2007 Maduo wrote post #233:
> On Mon Dec 17 23:37:22 2007 Waxman wrote post #232:
> > You forgot shadow reflect shield too.
> >
> > IMO we dont need these extra shadow spells.
> akh ba attack should have a shadow dtype since the mummy uses its
> shadow for one of the attacks for this skill
People use reflects? People train Reflects? Buy my pulsating ring
of reflection then
poster: Esoteric
subject: >>>>Shadow thigns
date: Tue Dec 18 12:58:38 2007
On Tue Dec 18 09:47:26 2007 Rancor wrote post #235:
> On Tue Dec 18 00:44:09 2007 Maduo wrote post #233:
> > On Mon Dec 17 23:37:22 2007 Waxman wrote post #232:
> > > You forgot shadow reflect shield too.
> > >
> > > IMO we dont need these extra shadow spells.
> > akh ba attack should have a shadow dtype since the mummy uses its
> > shadow for one of the attacks for this skill
> People use reflects? People train Reflects? Buy my pulsating ring
> of reflection then
Yes, reflects are nice. If waxman insists we dont need shadow
things, then remove the shadow damage. Getting sick and tired of a
monster being least to shadow.
poster: Chemosh
subject: idea to reduce gold
date: Sat Dec 22 09:38:46 2007
not sure if gold still has no use for non-druids, but here an idea
when you reinc you lose xp depending on your tax. why not also make
it you lose the same percentage of gold you have invested in skills
and spells also?
any builds?
poster: Esoteric
subject: >idea to reduce gold
date: Sat Dec 22 14:16:16 2007
On Sat Dec 22 09:38:46 2007 Chemosh wrote post #237:
> not sure if gold still has no use for non-druids, but here an idea
> when you reinc you lose xp depending on your tax. why not also make
> it you lose the same percentage of gold you have invested in skills
> and spells also?
> any builds?
I think you do, hence the word "credit"
poster: Holyman
subject: >idea to reduce gold
date: Sun Dec 23 08:29:14 2007
On Sat Dec 22 09:38:46 2007 Chemosh wrote post #237 in ideas:
> not sure if gold still has no use for non-druids, but here an idea
> when you reinc you lose xp depending on your tax. why not also make
> it you lose the same percentage of gold you have invested in skills
> and spells also?
> any builds?
Hmm perhaps im just not understanding your idea but do you mean a %
of the overall gold invested in spells/skills or do you mean a % of
your gold total. Because as a continuously broke person the latter would
seem like i would have to have millions and millions of gold just to reinc.
But like I said you might have meant the first thing. Also, wouldnt that be
counter productive to our current "credit" system after the reinc?
poster: Chemosh
subject: >>idea to reduce gold
date: Sun Dec 23 10:34:13 2007
On Sun Dec 23 08:29:14 2007 Holyman wrote post #239:
> On Sat Dec 22 09:38:46 2007 Chemosh wrote post #237 in ideas:
> > not sure if gold still has no use for non-druids, but here an idea
> >
> > when you reinc you lose xp depending on your tax. why not also make
> > it you lose the same percentage of gold you have invested in skills
> > and spells also?
> > any builds?
> Hmm perhaps im just not understanding your idea but do you mean a %
> of the overall gold invested in spells/skills or do you mean a % of
> your gold total. Because as a continuously broke person the latter would
> seem like i would have to have millions and millions of gold just to reinc.
> But like I said you might have meant the first thing. Also, wouldnt that be
> counter productive to our current "credit" system after the reinc?
> >
i suggested that the reinc tax also applies to the "credit gold" we
have in skills and spells.
numerous people have told me that is already the case. So this idea
has already been implemented
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>idea to reduce gold
date: Sun Dec 23 18:18:19 2007
On Sun Dec 23 10:34:13 2007 Chemosh wrote post #240:
> On Sun Dec 23 08:29:14 2007 Holyman wrote post #239:
> > On Sat Dec 22 09:38:46 2007 Chemosh wrote post #237 in ideas:
> > > not sure if gold still has no use for non-druids, but here an idea
> > >
> > > when you reinc you lose xp depending on your tax. why not also make
> > > it you lose the same percentage of gold you have invested in skills
> > > and spells also?
> > > any builds?
> >
> > Hmm perhaps im just not understanding your idea but do you mean a %
> > of the overall gold invested in spells/skills or do you mean a % of
> > your gold total. Because as a continuously broke person the latter would
> > seem like i would have to have millions and millions of gold just to
> > But like I said you might have meant the first thing. Also, wouldnt that
> > counter productive to our current "credit" system after the reinc?
> > >
> i suggested that the reinc tax also applies to the "credit gold" we
> have in skills and spells.
> numerous people have told me that is already the case. So this idea
> has already been implemented
i would just like to note that clan vs clan features are a hotbed
for spending gold in other games, as well as potions and various
other items that could have somewhat adverse effects to gameplay,
such as an expbooster item, a larger bag so you could hold more than
your max inventory, and even armor and weapon upgrades.
Mad's 2 cents
poster: Lokie
subject: >>>>idea to reduce gold
date: Mon Dec 24 12:59:28 2007
On Sun Dec 23 18:18:19 2007 Maduo wrote post #241:
> > have in skills and spells.
> > numerous people have told me that is already the case. So this idea
> > has already been implemented
> >
> i would just like to note that clan vs clan features are a hotbed
> for spending gold in other games, as well as potions and various
> other items that could have somewhat adverse effects to gameplay,
> such as an expbooster item, a larger bag so you could hold more than
> your max inventory, and even armor and weapon upgrades.
> Mad's 2 cents
what the hell did that have to do with reincing? sounds like someone
has been playing to much WoW... that shit will rot your brain
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>>>idea to reduce gold
date: Mon Dec 24 14:20:33 2007
On Mon Dec 24 12:59:28 2007 Lokie wrote post #242:
> On Sun Dec 23 18:18:19 2007 Maduo wrote post #241:
> > > have in skills and spells.
> > > numerous people have told me that is already the case. So this idea
> > > has already been implemented
> > >
> > i would just like to note that clan vs clan features are a hotbed
> > for spending gold in other games, as well as potions and various
> > other items that could have somewhat adverse effects to gameplay,
> > such as an expbooster item, a larger bag so you could hold more than
> > your max inventory, and even armor and weapon upgrades.
> > Mad's 2 cents
> what the hell did that have to do with reincing? sounds like someone
> has been playing to much WoW... that shit will rot your brain
> bro...
i believe the topic was 'idea to reduce gold' not 'how can we use
the reincarnation ability to sucker gold out of people'
nuff said'
poster: Mugen
subject: >>>>>idea to reduce gold
date: Mon Dec 24 21:47:01 2007
On Mon Dec 24 12:59:28 2007 Lokie wrote post #242:
> On Sun Dec 23 18:18:19 2007 Maduo wrote post #241:
> > > have in skills and spells.
> > > numerous people have told me that is already the case. So this idea
> > > has already been implemented
> > >
> > i would just like to note that clan vs clan features are a hotbed
> > for spending gold in other games, as well as potions and various
> > other items that could have somewhat adverse effects to gameplay,
> > such as an expbooster item, a larger bag so you could hold more than
> > your max inventory, and even armor and weapon upgrades.
> > Mad's 2 cents
> what the hell did that have to do with reincing? sounds like someone
> has been playing to much WoW... that shit will rot your brain
> bro...
WoW has no clan vs clan features. Someone's brain is rotten from too much mud.
poster: Lokie
subject: >>>>>>idea to reduce gold
date: Tue Dec 25 21:47:40 2007
On Mon Dec 24 21:47:01 2007 Mugen wrote post #244:
> > > i would just like to note that clan vs clan features are a hotbed
> > > for spending gold in other games, as well as potions and various
> > > other items that could have somewhat adverse effects to gameplay,
> > > such as an expbooster item, a larger bag so you could hold more than
> > > your max inventory, and even armor and weapon upgrades.
> > > Mad's 2 cents
> > what the hell did that have to do with reincing? sounds like someone
> > has been playing to much WoW... that shit will rot your brain
> > bro...
> WoW has no clan vs clan features. Someone's brain is rotten from too much
hrm umm hmm last i checked you could duo and even get up to 4 ppls
in an arena.... hmmm sounds like clan vs clan can happen...
but thats enough about the evil role of wow effecting IoM clan vs
clan wont happen here because there are not enough clans not to
mention no pvp unless you take it one on one in arena... as fer bag
idea its a good idea but we let you stat train... raise str to carry
more. weapons/armor upgrades sounds like what the class enchanter
was made for...
expbooster.... *cough wish for exprate* there i covered all angles
with stuff that has been in game for as long as i can remember...
poster: Esoteric
subject: Ma dodge
date: Wed Dec 26 16:51:23 2007
I was curious if ma dodge was supposed to be in the same ballpark as
I notice 7ft tall minotaurs with 200 less dex, and about 4.5ft more
of height getting hit a 2/3rd's less then what i do. I get hit
between 20-28 hits from a spider a round in everrest swamp. I am 2
ft 11 with a little over 700 dex. They get hit between 8-12x a
round. Im just curious if ma is supposed to be a sit around and
damage guild, or capable of actually tanking decently..I'm a hobbit
poster: Maduo
subject: enchanters
date: Mon Dec 31 14:33:59 2007
i think it'd be neat if enchanters also got a spell to add an
electric dtype to weapons, maybe call the spell 'electrify' or
poster: Maskbeast
subject: EQ bill board
date: Fri Jan 11 14:59:35 2008
I have a idea of having a room in town where players can write what they have for sale on a bill board. There are many good things that can come out of this. a few
are charge gold for more space on board to reduce gold. Yes there is a news sales but it is there and only there. once read its old and harder to keep track up/re correct to what is new. Another note is that there is a time limit to days/hours that the message will be on the board.
poster: Maduo
subject: >EQ bill board
date: Fri Jan 11 15:02:25 2008
On Fri Jan 11 14:59:35 2008 Maskbeast wrote post #248:
> I have a idea of having a room in town where players can write what they
have for sale on a bill board. There are many good things that can come out
of this. a few
> are charge gold for more space on board to reduce gold. Yes there is a
news sales but it is there and only there. once read its old and harder to
keep track up/re correct to what is new. Another note is that there is a
time limit to days/hours that the message will be on the board.
> Maskbeast
so basically you are proposing that a new gab be made?
poster: Maskbeast
subject: >>EQ bill board
date: Fri Jan 11 15:05:10 2008
On Fri Jan 11 15:02:25 2008 Maduo wrote post #249 in ideas:
> On Fri Jan 11 14:59:35 2008 Maskbeast wrote post #248:
> > I have a idea of having a room in town where players can write what they
> have for sale on a bill board. There are many good things that can come out
> of this. a few
> > are charge gold for more space on board to reduce gold. Yes there is a
> news sales but it is there and only there. once read its old and harder to
> keep track up/re correct to what is new. Another note is that there is a
> time limit to days/hours that the message will be on the board.
> > Maskbeast
> so basically you are proposing that a new gab be made?
Notice the bill board will not hold the items only leave messages on eq deals that players post gab actually sells items and gains a slice
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>EQ bill board
date: Fri Jan 11 15:07:31 2008
On Fri Jan 11 15:05:10 2008 Maskbeast wrote post #250:
> On Fri Jan 11 15:02:25 2008 Maduo wrote post #249 in ideas:
> > On Fri Jan 11 14:59:35 2008 Maskbeast wrote post #248:
> > > I have a idea of having a room in town where players can write what
> > have for sale on a bill board. There are many good things that can come
> > of this. a few
> > > are charge gold for more space on board to reduce gold. Yes there is a
> > news sales but it is there and only there. once read its old and harder
> > keep track up/re correct to what is new. Another note is that there is a
> > time limit to days/hours that the message will be on the board.
> > > Maskbeast
> > so basically you are proposing that a new gab be made?
> Notice the bill board will not hold the items only leave messages on eq
deals that players post gab actually sells items and gains a slice
yes, but you said it would cost gold to post on the billboard, so
besides being able to write spam, i'm not seeing much of a
difference in the idea between this and gab =)
if people truly wanted to get more out of their equips, they'd just
post it in sales newsgroup or on sales anyways, and be more active
about it.
poster: Highpriest
subject: >>>>EQ bill board
date: Fri Jan 11 18:20:31 2008
On Fri Jan 11 15:07:31 2008 Maduo wrote post #251:
> > > so basically you are proposing that a new gab be made?
> >
> > Notice the bill board will not hold the items only leave messages on eq
> deals that players post gab actually sells items and gains a slice
> yes, but you said it would cost gold to post on the billboard, so
> besides being able to write spam, i'm not seeing much of a
> difference in the idea between this and gab =)
> if people truly wanted to get more out of their equips, they'd just
> post it in sales newsgroup or on sales anyways, and be more active
> about it.
This idea gave me another stupid idea... make an npc to allow 2
players to trade items even if they dont ever meet in game (i.e.
they are hardly logged in at the same period of time)
poster: Mugen
subject: >>>>>EQ bill board
date: Fri Jan 11 20:38:29 2008
this was also in game, the eq trader was never used
It may even still be in game.
poster: Daneel
subject: >>>>>>EQ bill board
date: Sat Jan 12 08:37:43 2008
On Fri Jan 11 20:38:29 2008 Mugen wrote post #253:
> this was also in game, the eq trader was never used
> It may even still be in game.
I wouldn't say _never_... I used it from time to time.
But it wasn't designed for time-lagged situations like that.
poster: Daran
subject: TP Sac
date: Sat Jan 12 14:21:53 2008
I propose the following changes to the decay levels needed to
sacrifice eqs to sloat:
1 tp = Scratched
2 tp = Good
3 tp = Great
5 tp = Excellent
7 tp = Mint
10 tp = Mint
poster: Highpriest
subject: >>>>>>>EQ bill board
date: Sat Jan 12 16:30:20 2008
i dunno... it seems to me that the eq trader thing is simply
auctioning... i was referring to a situation where dude A's active
time is say 0000-1000 rltime and dude B's active time is say
1200-2000 rltime... usually these 2 dudes wont meet at all in the
game, so they need someone to help them complete the trading...
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>>>>>EQ bill board
date: Sat Jan 12 19:09:28 2008
On Fri Jan 11 20:38:29 2008 Mugen wrote post #253:
> this was also in game, the eq trader was never used
> It may even still be in game.
It did not work like he just proposed.
poster: Maduo
subject: new spell
date: Fri Jan 18 21:31:34 2008
i think it would be a nice idea if there was a new spell created for
magic type guilds called something like 'aura of darkness'.
the spell itself would basically be a prot that lasts a v.long time
(couple hours maybe) and could require the spell 'darkness' to be
trained in order for it to be effective.
figure this would be a good addition for certain light-hating races,
maybe add it to omicrons or something, i dunno, just a thought
poster: Maduo
subject: master enchanter
date: Sat Jan 19 19:53:56 2008
possibly a nice way to develop master enchanter into a more usefull
guild, it'd be interesting if they could combine potions or enchant
potions so that they give more stats/hp/sp/ep/etc.
also, the same goes for a similiar idea with enchanting gems, making
them better for their various uses.
poster: Maduo
subject: castle ideas
date: Sun Jan 20 18:22:15 2008
a couple various ideas for coders that are not named vor and have
time to screw around with stuff.
1. castle objects - like aquariums, statues, fountains, and
whatnot... these could have effects similiar to, say, the fire, or
could just be something to bring the room together to look like an
actual castle room.
2. courtyards - though it's nice having a castle area, alot of
castles tend to have a courtyard within them, so it would be nice if
we could either set rooms to be outdoors, or instead have the
ability to purchase outdoor rooms/courtyards.
3. weapon cabinet - this probably is the 100th time mentioning this,
but weapons are friggin heavy, and big. it takes alot of
safes/chests if you want to store 3, even 5 big sized weapons along
with other equipment.
4. castle shop - a somewhat vague idea i've posted before..
basically it would be an npc you could buy and give your
armors/weapons to at the entrance of your castle to sell for you,
for a price that you set.
mmm.. pretty sure that's all of them for now.. if anymore come up,
i'll post em.
poster: Esoteric
subject: Herbalist herb shop
date: Wed Jan 23 16:58:56 2008
Maybe up the inventory some more. The herbs the shop currently
stocks, is enough to sustain maybe 2 woodsman/druids. Id like to see
maybe 50 of each herb instead of 10-18..if able. thanks
poster: Chemosh
subject: >Herbalist herb shop
date: Thu Jan 24 09:00:07 2008
On Wed Jan 23 16:58:56 2008 Esoteric wrote post #261:
> Maybe up the inventory some more. The herbs the shop currently
> stocks, is enough to sustain maybe 2 woodsman/druids. Id like to see
> maybe 50 of each herb instead of 10-18..if able. thanks
help skill find herbs
with that you can have as many herbs as you like
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >>Herbalist herb shop
date: Fri Jan 25 10:09:29 2008
Although they only last a short time, even with mastery, and it
takes 15 rounds to use the skill. Feasible to stop and regen, but
to gather a large # and xp, not really feasible.
poster: Trigon
subject: Idea!
date: Fri Jan 25 13:27:50 2008
Hi, I have an idea, just to throw it on out there.
Can we change shorty back to the way he was? We just attacked him,
and I had full bard prots, and he killed me with 5 hits in one
Now granted, I had combat silent on and didn't see what those hits
were, but that seems to be a little excessive.
The whole point of shorty was that everyone could pound on him and
whoever got the last hit was the lucky one.
Now it seems he is the source of another event that people will idle
through cause I'm not touching him again (not the mention the fact
that he's now aggro to me, so I have to sit in non-combat rooms).
Just an idea, tossin it out there.
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >Idea!
date: Fri Jan 25 14:25:15 2008
On Fri Jan 25 13:27:50 2008 Trigon wrote post #264:
> Hi, I have an idea, just to throw it on out there.
> Can we change shorty back to the way he was? We just attacked him,
> and I had full bard prots, and he killed me with 5 hits in one
> round.
> Now granted, I had combat silent on and didn't see what those hits
> were, but that seems to be a little excessive.
> The whole point of shorty was that everyone could pound on him and
> whoever got the last hit was the lucky one.
> twitch
> Now it seems he is the source of another event that people will idle
> through cause I'm not touching him again (not the mention the fact
> that he's now aggro to me, so I have to sit in non-combat rooms).
> Just an idea, tossin it out there.
He took out near 500 hp in 1 round, in mist form. He's badass.
However, I noticed when he reappeared in cs he was not aggro to me
until I attacked him
He was on my way to cs when I passed though(I think, didn't stop to find out)
He's a bit beefy for a lil leprechaun
This the shorty from the Leprechaun movies?
poster: Taliph
subject: >>Idea!
date: Fri Jan 25 14:31:16 2008
If this is the leprechaun from the film, where is Miss Aniston? I
need to protect her.
:: Taliph ::
poster: Trigon
subject: Animal Trainer Guild
date: Mon Jan 28 18:46:08 2008
Hi everyone
So, there was a debate brought up about increasing the amount of
herbs in the herb shop, and we were referred to use the "find herbs"
So, I thought that I would be sneaky, and in the animal tamer guild,
I would teach my animals to gather herbs while I did, to do it
really fast and do it during combat, etc.
Here is the problem though - the point of animal tamer is really to
use the skill "teach bravery" so that you don't step in front of 4
or 5 animals on an area spell and die. It's a great skill, and so
worthwhile training and using.
The problem is such, that after I taught my animals to take it like
a man, I then tried to teach them a skill, gleaning in this case. I
got the message back that I can only teach each animal one "trick."
I think that it would be nice either A) you could do 2 "tricks" or
B) you could teach bravery and one other skill to your animals.
Bravery isn't really a trick, it's just taking their own damage. If
you made one of these changes, I think animal trainer would become a
much more used guild instead of all woodsman basically skipping it
unless they can get up to lvl 130ish.
What do you think?
poster: Esoteric
subject: Altars
date: Mon Jan 28 21:07:06 2008
Would be cool to have a healer altar on every island somewhere,
probably in a city.
And also, if it were possible to make chi of yin (crane master
skill), do the adjacent tuned damage type instead of just phys
poster: Tranquil
subject: >Animal Trainer Guild
date: Tue Jan 29 03:16:23 2008
> I think animal trainer would become a much more used guild
> instead of all woodsman basically skipping it unless they
> can get up to lvl 130ish.
There were two main reasons why I didn't take this guild for any
substantial length of time, despite being a career Woodsman for
several years.
1) The only ability in this guild that is even remotely worth
training, is Teach bravery. Having your pets take hits aimed at
them means taking less damage yourself. However, by itself,
that ability is not worth the exp investment required in levels
alone, to be able to max the skills mastery.
Most of the time, that exp could be far better spent on the
required parts of the guild tree. If we're talking about a
high-worth (level 145+) character, that 2g investment is a
rather extreme cost for such a minimal gain, and could be more
productive when invested in an appropriate secondary, tertiary,
or convenience guild instead.
2) Teach bravery is most effective when facing monsters that cast
area spells. Monsters that cast area spells usually also cast
single-target spells that can decimate a Woodsman. There are
two ways to avoid taking damage from those single-target
a) Leave the room before the spell is released; or,
b) Don't fight mobs that cast attack spells.
In the former case, if the spell happens to be an area spell,
you're somewhat emulating the effect of Teach bravery, and
therefore don't need the skill. In the latter case, you're not
being targetted by spells at all, therefore have absolutely no
use for the skill. In either case, you're avoiding the damage
yourself, and thus the Teach bravery skill is rendered obsolete.
So, 10 levels to max an obsolete skill and its mastery? Honestly,
I'd rather have the ability to not have to spend 500k-1m on the
maintainance of my equipment after a week of exp, than to have an
ability that allows me to survive situations I'm never facing for
other reasons anyway.
If I ever do start playing again, I'll continue not taking Animal
Trainer, until it has a definable and useful function in the game
dynamics here. It's likely that the majority of Woodsmen who do
not take Animal Trainer, choose the same option for similar
poster: Maduo
subject: advanced skills/spells
date: Tue Jan 29 03:39:00 2008
ok, this is a somewhat simple idea..
basically, create a new type of skill/spell called an 'advanced
spell' or 'advanced skill'.
this skill/spell would be of a much greater value than a regular
skill/spell, and would only be obtainable by aquiring certain
skills.. for example, let's say a person went mist mage, then also
went shifter.. an advanced spell for that could be, say, mist claw
(combining the spells mist form and claw attack).
there doesn't really have to be an advanced spell for every guild
combination or anything, but i think it would liven things up if
there were such little bonuses and irregularities in guild
combinations, and it would encourage players to try out different
things than flatout level 95 evoker, or level 105 healer, etc.
as for getting the advanced skill/spell itself.. i guess you could
come up with a mini-quest sorta thing to have players kill x amount
of monsters or gather x amount of items which the guild master
offers in some form of a riddle.
another sort of combination could be the spells 'soil staff
bash'(soil shaman) and 'earthstaff'(earth mage), which would
probably produce a more powerfull version of the staff bashing
skill... etc.. you get the idea.
just a thought to keep things interesting around here
poster: Taliph
subject: >Altars
date: Tue Jan 29 07:08:07 2008
Dude, we don't even have food shops on every island :P
:: Taliph ::
poster: Daneel
subject: >>Animal Trainer Guild
date: Wed Jan 30 17:14:47 2008
I don't see how free healing and reffing can be considered
I've been a woodsman and a shifter, and I've trained more than
just bravery, and found other things quite useful.
poster: Bremen
subject: Animal Trainer Guild
date: Wed Jan 30 20:54:37 2008
I don't see how free healing and reffing can be considered
I've been a woodsman and a shifter, and I've trained more than
just bravery, and found other things quite useful.
animal husbandry is cool.. other then that and bravery.. what would you use?
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>>Animal Trainer Guild
date: Thu Jan 31 02:31:24 2008
On Wed Jan 30 17:14:47 2008 Daneel wrote post #272:
> I don't see how free healing and reffing can be considered
> worthless.
> I've been a woodsman and a shifter, and I've trained more than
> just bravery, and found other things quite useful.
Forgive me, but I don't see how free, very minor and non-
storable heals and refs are useful to a guild that doesn't need
much in the way of heals or refs when played effectively (read:
not trying to defeat obviously above-peak-range, and therefore
ridiculously inefficient targets). Though the biggest problem i
found there, was not so much guild-related. It was more a result
of the exponential power gain monsters are given by the way they
are coded.
When tackling such targets, it was always more effective to
bring along first an abjurer (less damage taken, more damage
output), and then possibly a healer (switching to offensive
style, and thus trading greater damage taken for higher damage
Low hp healers? No area spells plox. Abjurers often made the
same request. Besides, wolves that are busily searching for
herbs spend far less time stopping you from taking damage,
which always seemed rather counter-productive to me.
Maybe it was just the monsters i faced when soloing. Lowering
their hitrate and dodgerate made a huge difference to me, a
damage-focused woodsman. I can't imagine that a defense-focused
woodsman (such as Dwarf) would find the wolves-hunting-herbs
tactic more useful, as they should theoretically need heals
less often than i would, and thus could feasibly alter their
infusion/warding setup to take greater care of their EP needs.
But again, i didn't have that problem either.
Theme-wise, the guild fits. For players without a good amount
of guild mastery racked up, i imagine the guild might even
prove to be helpful. But faced with the option, i would level
through the Omicron before taking Animal Trainer, as i did. And
by that time, i was already beyond the point where such minor
bonuses as the occasional yellow or green herb were of any
Truth be told, once i had joined the Omicron, i no longer
trained Herb Gathering myself, until i started using potions
and balms. I did train it then, but only to boost my sp regen
rate during the potion-making process or, when i still used it,
during the armor enchantment process (Enchanter guild). Other
than in those two situations, i've had no use for the skill
since my Bravo-level days.
In short, the Animal Trainer guild is nifty from a thematic
point of view. But, to me at least, the significant exp
investment required to obtain the minimal benefits it awards,
made this guild an impractical branch of the guild tree.
poster: Charix
subject: New IoM server -> HCIoM
date: Fri Feb 1 05:41:14 2008
How about new server? It is called HC IoM
so what it is? server, where you got one life. If you die, you permanent die.
Of course there could be easier way get good eq etc and monster area
spells could be weaker...but that idea....what you guys think about
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >New IoM server -> HCIoM
date: Fri Feb 1 09:00:26 2008
On Fri Feb 1 05:41:14 2008 Charix wrote post #275:
> How about new server? It is called HC IoM
> so what it is? server, where you got one life. If you die, you permanent
> Of course there could be easier way get good eq etc and monster area
> spells could be weaker...but that idea....what you guys think about
> that?
is this like a "sandbox" type concept? might be fun i think.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>New IoM server -> HCIoM
date: Fri Feb 1 09:01:27 2008
On Fri Feb 1 09:00:26 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #276:
> On Fri Feb 1 05:41:14 2008 Charix wrote post #275:
> > How about new server? It is called HC IoM
> > so what it is? server, where you got one life. If you die, you permanent
> die.
> > Of course there could be easier way get good eq etc and monster area
> > spells could be weaker...but that idea....what you guys think about
> > that?
> is this like a "sandbox" type concept? might be fun i think.
So wait
There's like a "Hard Core" mode where you don't get to res or reinc huh.
poster: Chemosh
subject: >>>New IoM server -> HCIoM
date: Fri Feb 1 09:05:57 2008
On Fri Feb 1 09:01:27 2008 Korthrun wrote post #277:
> On Fri Feb 1 09:00:26 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #276:
> > On Fri Feb 1 05:41:14 2008 Charix wrote post #275:
> > > How about new server? It is called HC IoM
> > > so what it is? server, where you got one life. If you die, you
> > die.
> > > Of course there could be easier way get good eq etc and monster area
> > > spells could be weaker...but that idea....what you guys think about
> > > that?
> > is this like a "sandbox" type concept? might be fun i think.
> So wait
> There's like a "Hard Core" mode where you don't get to res or reinc huh.
> Novel.
once upon a time there was a port called 4k
it close due to lack of pbase. do you really want to split the
current (limited) pbase over 2 ports again?
poster: Daneel
subject: >>>>Animal Trainer Guild
date: Sat Feb 2 12:09:27 2008
Let's take this one at a time:
(a) Why would you need these things when fighting your optimal
Do widen your optimal range, of course. To occasionally be able
to do something new more easily. Any host of a number of reasons.
It may not fit your play style; it fit mine, which amounted to
making all the healing I could, then going around and using it
making as much xp as I could with it.
Not all skills are meant to fit every play style.
(2) wolves preventing hits less if they're searching for herbs.
I don't see anything in the code that would cause this. I'd
have to see it to believe it.
(3) theme fitting
That is basically the only reason the guild is there. It is
meant to be a shifter guild; I just saw no reason not to give
it to woodsmen too.
(4) training omicron first, never bothering with this.
Hence why it's *optional*. There's no reason you should
have to get it.
poster: Esoteric
subject: Shelter
date: Wed Feb 6 06:56:30 2008
Would be cool to see the forcefield flicker more often and to cause
more regen per flicker
poster: Fox
subject: checkeq for necro fams
date: Sat Feb 9 00:49:42 2008
i think it would be a great idea!
poster: Taliph
subject: Rufrin's stump
date: Sat Feb 9 06:12:10 2008
When looking at Rufrin's stump, could it also list how much she will
pay for the items?
:: Taliph ::
poster: Fox
subject: necro pets
date: Fri Feb 15 09:26:36 2008
possibly a consider for pets... seeing how is that it's hard to tell
what's equal to them
poster: Esoteric
subject: materials/blacksmith
date: Mon Feb 18 14:35:31 2008
Would it be possible to make more materials drop for the number of
blacksmiths in a party, so there is enough to go around?
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >>>>New IoM server -> HCIoM
date: Thu Feb 21 05:18:50 2008
On Fri Feb 1 09:05:57 2008 Chemosh wrote post #278 in ideas:
> On Fri Feb 1 09:01:27 2008 Korthrun wrote post #277:
> > On Fri Feb 1 09:00:26 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #276:
> > > On Fri Feb 1 05:41:14 2008 Charix wrote post #275:
> > > > How about new server? It is called HC IoM
> > > > so what it is? server, where you got one life. If you die, you
> permanent
> > > die.
> > > > Of course there could be easier way get good eq etc and monster area
> > > > spells could be weaker...but that idea....what you guys think about
> > > > that?
> > > is this like a "sandbox" type concept? might be fun i think.
> > So wait
> > There's like a "Hard Core" mode where you don't get to res or reinc huh.
> > Novel.
> once upon a time there was a port called 4k
> it close due to lack of pbase. do you really want to split the
> current (limited) pbase over 2 ports again?
This would be awesome...till the first time you lag and die.
poster: Maduo
subject: Dilim is an Ass
date: Sun Feb 24 01:22:27 2008
he won't accept nosave eq like lava armor.. nor does gab, i think
this should be slightly changed so it does allow it, but for gab's
case, that it dests at boot if no one buys it
poster: Taliph
subject: spell identify
date: Sun Feb 24 13:15:18 2008
Could we perhaps make identify able to more accurately determine WC
and AC ... or add a mastery skill to help eliminate the error in
this determination?
:: Taliph ::
poster: Fox
subject: clan names
date: Mon Feb 25 06:39:30 2008
i think the _ should be removed... really doubt someone in the
"real" world would have a gang name called The_Bloods with a big fat
_ in the middle
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >clan names
date: Mon Feb 25 15:26:08 2008
On Mon Feb 25 06:39:30 2008 Fox wrote post #288 in ideas:
> i think the _ should be removed... really doubt someone in the
> "real" world would have a gang name called The_Bloods with a big fat
> _ in the middle
They however, wouldn't have Thebloods either. Can we do spaces?
poster: Genesis
subject: >>clan names
date: Mon Feb 25 18:38:58 2008
On Mon Feb 25 15:26:08 2008 Bluemoon wrote post #289:
> On Mon Feb 25 06:39:30 2008 Fox wrote post #288 in ideas:
> > i think the _ should be removed... really doubt someone in the
> > "real" world would have a gang name called The_Bloods with a big fat
> > _ in the middle
> They however, wouldn't have Thebloods either. Can we do spaces?
> Moonie.
I think it all depends on what meaning of clans we're using. If
we're using it to mean families then why would you need either
underscores or spaces? It should be one name in the first place
theoretically, maybe hyphenated. I really don't see a need to change
it in the first place tho.
poster: Amrog
subject: special mxp command on monsters
date: Fri Mar 7 11:36:15 2008
we can attack a monster by clicking on it if it has set id
correctly, thats nice...
but for caster playing alone it is better to cast spell before
attacking monster
of course i can make iom alias for kill and change it to something
like "cast _my_lovely_spell_ at" and problem seems to be solved, but
then i'm unable to talk about killing completely
so here goes my idea:
can you change that mxp kill command into something neutral, like
action_at_monster, so i can make alias for this, either kill or cast
spell at or use skill at etc? it could be aliased to kill as default
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >special mxp command on monsters
date: Fri Mar 7 11:38:34 2008
On Fri Mar 7 11:36:15 2008 Amrog wrote post #291:
> we can attack a monster by clicking on it if it has set id
> correctly, thats nice...
> but for caster playing alone it is better to cast spell before
> attacking monster
> of course i can make iom alias for kill and change it to something
> like "cast _my_lovely_spell_ at" and problem seems to be solved, but
> then i'm unable to talk about killing completely
> so here goes my idea:
> can you change that mxp kill command into something neutral, like
> action_at_monster, so i can make alias for this, either kill or cast
> spell at or use skill at etc? it could be aliased to kill as default
> too...
> thanx
you can mud using a mouse??? wtf?
poster: Amrog
subject: >>special mxp command on monsters
date: Fri Mar 7 11:44:11 2008
On Fri Mar 7 11:38:34 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #292:
> > then i'm unable to talk about killing completely
> >
> > so here goes my idea:
> > can you change that mxp kill command into something neutral, like
> > action_at_monster, so i can make alias for this, either kill or cast
> > spell at or use skill at etc? it could be aliased to kill as default
> > too...
> >
> > thanx
> you can mud using a mouse??? wtf?
no i cannot, but think about small caster that is wandering around
snafu forest where there are _many_ different names of mobs. Fighter
has easy task, starts combat by typing "kill all", but caster?
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>special mxp command on monsters
date: Fri Mar 7 11:58:11 2008
On Fri Mar 7 11:44:11 2008 Amrog wrote post #293:
> On Fri Mar 7 11:38:34 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #292:
> > > then i'm unable to talk about killing completely
> > >
> > > so here goes my idea:
> > > can you change that mxp kill command into something neutral, like
> > > action_at_monster, so i can make alias for this, either kill or cast
> > > spell at or use skill at etc? it could be aliased to kill as default
> > > too...
> > >
> > > thanx
> > you can mud using a mouse??? wtf?
> no i cannot, but think about small caster that is wandering around
> snafu forest where there are _many_ different names of mobs. Fighter
> has easy task, starts combat by typing "kill all", but caster?
type kill all and let the spell autotarget?
poster: Amrog
subject: >>>>special mxp command on monsters
date: Fri Mar 7 12:07:39 2008
On Fri Mar 7 11:58:11 2008 Maduo wrote post #294:
> > > > action_at_monster, so i can make alias for this, either kill or cast
> > > > spell at or use skill at etc? it could be aliased to kill as default
> > > > too...
> > > >
> > > > thanx
> > > you can mud using a mouse??? wtf?
> > no i cannot, but think about small caster that is wandering around
> > snafu forest where there are _many_ different names of mobs. Fighter
> > has easy task, starts combat by typing "kill all", but caster?
> type kill all and let the spell autotarget?
wait, i didn't suppose to get instructions how to die easily. Small
casters don't have many hit points, you know? They live longer if
they use their advantage of first hit.
poster: Genesis
subject: >>>>>special mxp command on monsters
date: Fri Mar 7 12:10:42 2008
they do have area spells that take care of the kill all command. and
heaven forbid we teach people how to target.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >special mxp command on monsters
date: Fri Mar 7 12:14:01 2008
On Fri Mar 7 11:36:15 2008 Amrog wrote post #291:
> we can attack a monster by clicking on it if it has set id
> correctly, thats nice...
> but for caster playing alone it is better to cast spell before
> attacking monster
> of course i can make iom alias for kill and change it to something
> like "cast _my_lovely_spell_ at" and problem seems to be solved, but
> then i'm unable to talk about killing completely
> so here goes my idea:
> can you change that mxp kill command into something neutral, like
> action_at_monster, so i can make alias for this, either kill or cast
> spell at or use skill at etc? it could be aliased to kill as default
> too...
> thanx
Its not a bad idea but I can think of one downside. There is no
way a new player (and lets be honest thats what MXP is for for the most part)
is going to know how to change commands to do what you want it to
and I think the fact that it does nothing would be worse than it doing kill.
If a player can change their alias/command to do the right thing I would
imagine they can do it in their client.
poster: Amrog
subject: >>special mxp command on monsters
date: Fri Mar 7 12:18:45 2008
On Fri Mar 7 12:14:01 2008 Zifnab wrote post #297:
> > thanx
> Its not a bad idea but I can think of one downside. There is no
> way a new player (and lets be honest thats what MXP is for for the most
> is going to know how to change commands to do what you want it to
> and I think the fact that it does nothing would be worse than it doing kill.
> If a player can change their alias/command to do the right thing I would
> imagine they can do it in their client.
Hmm, maybe let the default command to echo message how to set it.
Every player will change it to kill or whatever she/he/it want...
poster: Chemosh
subject: gold weight
date: Sat Mar 8 03:59:04 2008
how about giving gold coins a small weight. i cannot carry 3 heavy
swords, but i can carry 10 million gold coins?
it would just be a theme thing i guess
poster: Amrog
subject: >gold weight
date: Sat Mar 8 04:02:51 2008
On Sat Mar 8 03:59:04 2008 Chemosh wrote post #299:
> how about giving gold coins a small weight. i cannot carry 3 heavy
> swords, but i can carry 10 million gold coins?
> it would just be a theme thing i guess
> C
guild masters could accept some money transfers or you would be
unable to carry gold to your guild for trainings sometimes :)
poster: Chemosh
subject: new newbie eq
date: Sat Mar 8 04:32:44 2008
how about allow all lvl 15 and below to wear any of the newbie eq,
regardless if they killed the mob or not. might give the items some
use, and help just newbies
poster: Amrog
subject: newbie shop
date: Sat Mar 8 05:43:12 2008
I got few pieces from newbie shop, that means for free.
What should i do if i get better piece or some multislot? I cannot
sell it, no newbie interested in the piece is on, should i put it
into trashcan?
What about letting me to "sell" it back to newbie shop, for free
again, so it doesnt disappear in time by reboots/crashes?
poster: Zifnab
subject: >gold weight
date: Sat Mar 8 06:07:56 2008
On Sat Mar 8 03:59:04 2008 Chemosh wrote post #299:
> how about giving gold coins a small weight. i cannot carry 3 heavy
> swords, but i can carry 10 million gold coins?
> it would just be a theme thing i guess
> C
I have played muds like that and personally I dont like it.
we made a decision a while ago to not have gold be a factor.
poster: Esoteric
subject: Eq sac/tps
date: Thu Mar 27 16:21:09 2008
It would be cool and beneficial to the mud if there was an event
that allowed any person to sac mint eq. 1 hr event
poster: Lucifer
subject: weavers guild
date: Thu Apr 3 07:37:00 2008
We lack weavers,, no doubt about it.
how about some ideas:
no cap on revive prize and ressurect prize... like if a player with
(worst case scenario I guess) have
100 mill exp on body when dying and it dies... a revive will make
player loose 20 mill exp (best case scenario),
how about giving the healer more than todays share of the 20% lost exp.
Another idea: Let haim give the player 1 exp per hp ep and sp healed.
Third idea: Make Hand of god less tappy!
poster: Korthrun
subject: >weavers guild
date: Thu Apr 3 09:01:00 2008
On Thu Apr 3 07:37:00 2008 Lucifer wrote post #305:
> how about giving the healer more than todays share of the 20% lost exp.
> Another idea: Let haim give the player 1 exp per hp ep and sp healed.
> Third idea: Make Hand of god less tappy!
> Luc
Fourth idea: Promote the game more so that we have a higher chance
of people going weaver.
that ones for players, not wizards
poster: Daneel
subject: >weavers guild
date: Thu Apr 3 09:24:47 2008
> Third idea: Make Hand of God less tappy!
Well, I haven't exactly done that, but a while ago, I made
the undead- and demon- attack spells more effective - I
theorize that specialized spells should be more effective
than general ones.
I think they will do slightly more damage, and be less tappy;
if not, let me know, and I will tune them further.
So you sort of get your wish - if you're careful what you kill.
poster: Wraith
subject: healers
date: Thu Apr 3 15:57:20 2008
in general to make a healer more viable, how about providing them
with a way to solo?
before I get jumped on, let me make this a little more clear. I'm
not saying a way to solo that they can take other peoples jobs.
maybe have them like necromancer have them summon a pet that tanks
and does minor damage, but would be worthless in a group or suck
group exp
or possibly have them get a self only buff that doubles their hp
the reason imo no one goes weaver is that its dependant ENTIRELY on
other people
no class should be only able to function in a group. However, each
class (except solo classes) should get better with groups.
poster: Rancor
subject: >healers
date: Thu Apr 3 19:10:28 2008
On Thu Apr 3 15:57:20 2008 Wraith wrote post #308:
> in general to make a healer more viable, how about providing them
> with a way to solo?
> before I get jumped on, let me make this a little more clear. I'm
> not saying a way to solo that they can take other peoples jobs.
> maybe have them like necromancer have them summon a pet that tanks
> and does minor damage, but would be worthless in a group or suck
> group exp
> or possibly have them get a self only buff that doubles their hp
> the reason imo no one goes weaver is that its dependant ENTIRELY on
> other people
> no class should be only able to function in a group. However, each
> class (except solo classes) should get better with groups.
Sooo could it be that noone wants to be healer cause there are few
to no tanks playing / exping regularly? And could it be that there
are no tanks because there are very few healers? Lets tune both
guilds to solo. Or Or you chould just go healer or tank and
therefore support the other guildtype that is needed to party.
poster: Wraith
subject: >>healers
date: Thu Apr 3 20:52:04 2008
> Or Or you chould just go healer or tank and
> therefore support the other guildtype that is needed to party.
you could
but thats obviously not happening otherwise it would never have come up
oh right, because healers boring if you don't have someone to play with.
I think that should not be the case. I'm not saying solo
powerhouse, but something to at least get by.
poster: Mugen
subject: >>>healers
date: Thu Apr 3 20:55:46 2008
On Thu Apr 3 20:52:04 2008 Wraith wrote post #310:
> > Or Or you chould just go healer or tank and
> > therefore support the other guildtype that is needed to party.
> you could
> but thats obviously not happening otherwise it would never have come up
> why?
> oh right, because healers boring if you don't have someone to play with.
> I think that should not be the case. I'm not saying solo
> powerhouse, but something to at least get by.
It's ok, axis is back, healers have something to do now.
poster: Blackthorne
subject: Everybody solo?
date: Fri Apr 4 09:24:09 2008
I risk sounding like an old coot talking about the good ol' days,
but the emphasis of this mud, in my mind, is cooperative play. I
believe it was designed with that in mind more than soloing. Almost
every mob can be fought with a party, not as many can be soloed.
Weavers are given extra xp moments (rev, reinc, etc) to make up for
the fact that they can't solo as well as other groups. But if we
concentrate on trying to make every class equal in the soloing
ability, we'll end up paying for it. Besides if you're picking
weaver as your class, you should pretty much know that it's focused
on healing not offensive skills. Look at the mud's source material,
Dungeons and Dragons: not all classes are suited for combat, but
working as a group is what makes it fun. *shrug* I've ranted, so
take it for what it's worth.
poster: Trigon
subject: Enchanter
date: Mon Apr 7 14:06:55 2008
Hi, I was just thinking as I was reincing (I'm a poet and didn't know it):
How come woodsman can't join enchanter? I recognize that enchanter
should be more towards caster guilds, but woodsman have lots of
spells to train to enchant their weapons, is there a reason why I
wouldn't be able to enchant my armor or weapons via another spell?
Just wanting to open dialogue about this, if it seems out of theme
that's cool, but I think it would be fitting to let woodsman join
poster: Waxman
subject: >Enchanter
date: Mon Apr 7 16:33:53 2008
Requirements: 2 gamas from druid -> herbalist & animal tamer. so you should be
able to join. Not sure why you cant. I tried myself & i can't. Suggest that you bug rep it.
poster: Highpriest
subject: >>Enchanter
date: Mon Apr 7 16:35:51 2008
On Mon Apr 7 16:33:53 2008 Waxman wrote post #314:
> Requirements: 2 gamas from druid -> herbalist & animal tamer. so you
should be
> able to join. Not sure why you cant. I tried myself & i can't. Suggest
that you bug rep it.
> Waxman
Not a bug... woodsmen used to be able to join, because of this
rule... it was a bug because it was intended for druids with these 2
guilds maxxed, therefore it was fixed...
poster: Highpriest
subject: >>>Enchanter
date: Mon Apr 7 16:41:03 2008
side note... iirc it used to check for individual gammas, that was
why woodsmen could do it... now it is checking for base alpha, then
any 2 gamma from that guildtree... woodsmen can get 20 druid levels
to join enchanter if you need it i think...
poster: Highpriest
subject: 4k port
date: Tue Apr 8 01:00:05 2008
Should update the website such that the 4k link is removed... if you
want more players, this is something that distracts the newbie from
doing the right thing
poster: Rancor
subject: old idea needs to be done
date: Sat Apr 12 21:19:25 2008
Can we get a weapon rack or something for castles. this safe crap
and the fact that only 1 weapon will fit in a safe sometimes is
something that needs to be looked at.
poster: Bremen
subject: Safes
date: Wed Apr 16 15:39:17 2008
I whole heartedly agree, with weapons the size/mass of defenders
burning blades and skullcrackers/suits etc, Safes are insufficent to
say the least. who ever heard of people putting such things in safes
anyhow? Armors.. Racks... Stands... Things designed to hold GIRTH!
rah rah.. pls look into it?
poster: Rancor
subject: >Safes
date: Wed Apr 16 15:51:03 2008
On Wed Apr 16 15:39:17 2008 Bremen wrote post #319:
> I whole heartedly agree, with weapons the size/mass of defenders
> burning blades and skullcrackers/suits etc, Safes are insufficent to
> say the least. who ever heard of people putting such things in safes
> anyhow? Armors.. Racks... Stands... Things designed to hold GIRTH!
> rah rah.. pls look into it?
> Bremen
From what I understand there is code waiting for approval for larger
safes. it is not that big of a change in code but someone has
already done it. Hope it gets approved sometime, rather than
letting the item languish in no-man's land
poster: Axis
subject: >>Safes
date: Wed Apr 16 15:53:21 2008
On Wed Apr 16 15:51:03 2008 Rancor wrote post #320:
> > burning blades and skullcrackers/suits etc, Safes are insufficent to
> > say the least. who ever heard of people putting such things in safes
> > anyhow? Armors.. Racks... Stands... Things designed to hold GIRTH!
> > rah rah.. pls look into it?
> > Bremen
> From what I understand there is code waiting for approval for larger
> safes. it is not that big of a change in code but someone has
> already done it. Hope it gets approved sometime, rather than
> letting the item languish in no-man's land
maybe they should make it so u can fit a number of items in it
instead of weight. like make it so there is enough to stick an
entire eq set in a safe
poster: Open
subject: >>>Safes
date: Wed Apr 16 15:55:56 2008
what i'd personally like to see (no chance of me coding it though)
is a room which you can't get into without
turning the little dial in the room. the room is a walk-in vault,
where you can just put shit on the ground and
leave. gotta remember to close the vault door though...
poster: Rancor
subject: >>>Safes
date: Wed Apr 16 15:56:18 2008
On Wed Apr 16 15:53:21 2008 Axis wrote post #321:
> On Wed Apr 16 15:51:03 2008 Rancor wrote post #320:
> > > burning blades and skullcrackers/suits etc, Safes are insufficent to
> > > say the least. who ever heard of people putting such things in safes
> > > anyhow? Armors.. Racks... Stands... Things designed to hold GIRTH!
> > > rah rah.. pls look into it?
> > > Bremen
> >
> > From what I understand there is code waiting for approval for larger
> > safes. it is not that big of a change in code but someone has
> > already done it. Hope it gets approved sometime, rather than
> > letting the item languish in no-man's land
> maybe they should make it so u can fit a number of items in it
> instead of weight. like make it so there is enough to stick an
> entire eq set in a safe
This would be against what is already in place though wouldnt it. I
mean we have weight for a reason. I think it should be still used
poster: Rancor
subject: >>>>Safes
date: Wed Apr 16 15:57:16 2008
On Wed Apr 16 15:55:56 2008 Open wrote post #322:
> what i'd personally like to see (no chance of me coding it though)
> is a room which you can't get into without
> turning the little dial in the room. the room is a walk-in vault,
> where you can just put shit on the ground and
> leave. gotta remember to close the vault door though...
I also like this idea. A castle room rather than crappy safes.
poster: Open
subject: >>>>>Safes
date: Wed Apr 16 15:59:01 2008
actually, i just thought of a way to do it too. gotta try to think
if it'd work the way i think it would.
poster: Maduo
subject: Morpheus Bug Idea
date: Thu Apr 17 15:45:42 2008
Morpheus is missing an auto-fail button for with which you can
automatically fail forms you don't want that he tries to shove down
your throat.
poster: Trigon
subject: Summoning familiars
date: Wed Apr 23 08:55:34 2008
Would it be possible to create a room, maybe at Morpheus or
something, that has the same effect as the temple of Shirija/circle
of protection for summoning animal familiars? Specifically like you
gain a small bonus to your animal friendship and harmony skills so
you have a higher chance of them all getting along.
That would rock.
poster: Tranquil
subject: >Summoning familiars
date: Thu Apr 24 23:06:09 2008
You could try training your masteries to 110%. This allows nofail
summoning for a Woodsman, though as SS/DL i didn't bother with pets,
so i'm not sure if it's also the case with SS.
poster: Maduo
subject: >>Summoning familiars
date: Fri Apr 25 09:15:43 2008
On Thu Apr 24 23:06:09 2008 Tranquil wrote post #328:
> You could try training your masteries to 110%. This allows nofail
> summoning for a Woodsman, though as SS/DL i didn't bother with pets,
> so i'm not sure if it's also the case with SS.
I disagree with the old-hack that doesn't play anymore.
Trigon's idea rather fits in with the theme of the guild (moreso
with the animal part and not the dragon part), but i think there
should be a catch.. something like, it has to be after fenris or you
have to be in beast form to get the bonus or something.
something to show that you have natural leadership ability so that
the animals will recognize and follow you.
poster: Tektor
subject: Gem Blast
date: Sun Apr 27 16:12:15 2008
Could we have not such a high attunement cost as gem blast doesnt
even do 100 of 1 dtype anyways?
1k sps is a high cost!
poster: Monkey
subject: Slow down.
date: Tue Apr 29 19:51:44 2008
Okay seriously. This can be quite annoying. And I don't want to see:
"just level up to 16"
An idea to fix this newbie frustration would be to just simply make
it happen on Channel Daemon created channels and leave personal
channels alone.
And for those of you that don't know wtf I'm talking about, good for
you; You've never had the privilege of being a newbie that likes to
poster: Mugen
subject: >Slow down.
date: Tue Apr 29 20:38:20 2008
On Tue Apr 29 19:51:44 2008 Monkey wrote post #331:
> Okay seriously. This can be quite annoying. And I don't want to see:
> "just level up to 16"
> An idea to fix this newbie frustration would be to just simply make
> it happen on Channel Daemon created channels and leave personal
> channels alone.
> And for those of you that don't know wtf I'm talking about, good for
> you; You've never had the privilege of being a newbie that likes to
> chat.
> End.
just level up to 17
poster: Maduo
subject: >>Slow down.
date: Wed Apr 30 00:08:09 2008
On Tue Apr 29 20:38:20 2008 Mugen wrote post #332:
> On Tue Apr 29 19:51:44 2008 Monkey wrote post #331:
> > Okay seriously. This can be quite annoying. And I don't want to see:
> > "just level up to 16"
> > An idea to fix this newbie frustration would be to just simply make
> > it happen on Channel Daemon created channels and leave personal
> > channels alone.
> > And for those of you that don't know wtf I'm talking about, good for
> > you; You've never had the privilege of being a newbie that likes to
> > chat.
> > End.
> just level up to 17
just level up to 18
poster: Daneel
subject: >Summoning familiars
date: Thu May 1 06:10:30 2008
On Wed Apr 23 08:55:34 2008 Trigon wrote post #327:
> Would it be possible to create a room, maybe at Morpheus or
> something, that has the same effect as the temple of Shirija/circle
> of protection for summoning animal familiars? Specifically like you
> gain a small bonus to your animal friendship and harmony skills so
> you have a higher chance of them all getting along.
> That would rock.
You can get a bonus already.
If you want a bonus summoning a falcon, turn into a falcon. If
you want a bonus summoning an eagle, turn into an eagle. Etc.
There are some cross-over bonuses too, I think, but I forget exactle
what they are.
poster: Trigon
subject: Xorn
date: Thu May 1 20:51:22 2008
Xorn needs some help, nobody ever goes xorn because it lost the
third limb but never really got anything to compensate for it.
I vote xorn gets an uptune, either higher xp rate or skill max or
something so people actually choose it now.
6 bars of death and destruction...
poster: Esoteric
subject: >Xorn
date: Sat May 3 19:29:38 2008
On Thu May 1 20:51:22 2008 Trigon wrote post #335:
> Xorn needs some help, nobody ever goes xorn because it lost the
> third limb but never really got anything to compensate for it.
> I vote xorn gets an uptune, either higher xp rate or skill max or
> something so people actually choose it now.
> 6 bars of death and destruction...
I was xorn ma. It was fun, but not great. I second the upped skill
max for xorn
poster: Trigon
subject: >>Xorn
date: Sat May 3 19:37:13 2008
On Sat May 3 19:29:38 2008 Esoteric wrote post #336:
> On Thu May 1 20:51:22 2008 Trigon wrote post #335:
> > Xorn needs some help, nobody ever goes xorn because it lost the
> > third limb but never really got anything to compensate for it.
> > I vote xorn gets an uptune, either higher xp rate or skill max or
> > something so people actually choose it now.
> > 6 bars of death and destruction...
> I was xorn ma. It was fun, but not great. I second the upped skill
> max for xorn
Nogs, there are just some races that don't get used. Maybe xorn
could be tweaked to be a more fig than caster race, since we already
have races such as Drow, which have good caster stats but also
decent fig base stats. There really isn't any good fig race that
even has an acceptable spellmax.
I'm not saying that every race should be good, but how many
cromagnons, goblins and phoenixes do you see?
poster: Axis
subject: >>>Xorn
date: Sat May 3 19:38:25 2008
On Sat May 3 19:37:13 2008 Trigon wrote post #337:
> > I was xorn ma. It was fun, but not great. I second the upped skill
> > max for xorn
> Nogs, there are just some races that don't get used. Maybe xorn
> could be tweaked to be a more fig than caster race, since we already
> have races such as Drow, which have good caster stats but also
> decent fig base stats. There really isn't any good fig race that
> even has an acceptable spellmax.
> I'm not saying that every race should be good, but how many
> cromagnons, goblins and phoenixes do you see?
dwarf has ok spell max
poster: Axis
subject: >>>>Xorn
date: Sat May 3 19:38:51 2008
On Sat May 3 19:38:25 2008 Axis wrote post #338:
> > > max for xorn
> > Nogs, there are just some races that don't get used. Maybe xorn
> > could be tweaked to be a more fig than caster race, since we already
> > have races such as Drow, which have good caster stats but also
> > decent fig base stats. There really isn't any good fig race that
> > even has an acceptable spellmax.
> >
> > I'm not saying that every race should be good, but how many
> > cromagnons, goblins and phoenixes do you see?
> dwarf has ok spell max
so does lizman
poster: Esoteric
subject: >>>Xorn
date: Sat May 3 19:39:19 2008
On Sat May 3 19:37:13 2008 Trigon wrote post #337:
> > I was xorn ma. It was fun, but not great. I second the upped skill
> > max for xorn
> Nogs, there are just some races that don't get used. Maybe xorn
> could be tweaked to be a more fig than caster race, since we already
> have races such as Drow, which have good caster stats but also
> decent fig base stats. There really isn't any good fig race that
> even has an acceptable spellmax.
> I'm not saying that every race should be good, but how many
> cromagnons, goblins and phoenixes do you see?
It seems that the majority of races that are used when smaller, are
only good when smaller. Ie, goblin, cromagnon, phoenix, human, etc.
Unless you're a dlord, and base stats don't really matter all that
much. I have also tried goblin, they hps are incredibly low, with
both hp wishes, it was hard for me to break 2k hps at lvl 110.
Honestly, i think with the amount of worth of the players, there
should be a partial revamp of most/all races. Maybe even consider
bringing back multiple limbs .).
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >>>>Xorn
date: Sat May 3 20:22:48 2008
If more races are to be used there needs to be more things that sets them apart than there currently is. As is there are quite a few races and quite naturally one or a few of them will be better suited than others for any specific guild. If we just up skill max or alter stats of some races will either change it so a new race is the better one, or make it so all are basically the same.
Something i would like to do is add special abilities to the various races that are good enough to make a difference when you choose a race. Similar to the ones you get through mccp, but better. Each race could get a few different abilities passive and active to make the races more uniquely defined.
To make it a bit easier some races could be removed as there is no reason to have a bunch of races that no one uses. With special abilities there is of course the problem of balance. As is the xp-rate of the races is automatically calculated and works as an auto-balancer of a sorts, but with special abilities the races would have to be balanced manually to some extent.
One last thing i need to say about this is that it looks like an awful lot of work...and i'm way too lazy to do anything like this, so best if you just forget about it.
poster: Axis
subject: >>>>>Xorn
date: Sat May 3 21:58:11 2008
On Sat May 3 20:22:48 2008 Ixtlilton wrote post #341:
> If more races are to be used there needs to be more things that sets them
apart than there currently is. As is there are quite a few races and quite
naturally one or a few of them will be better suited than others for any
specific guild. If we just up skill max or alter stats of some races will
either change it so a new race is the better one, or make it so all are
basically the same.
> Something i would like to do is add special abilities to the various races
that are good enough to make a difference when you choose a race. Similar to
the ones you get through mccp, but better. Each race could get a few
different abilities passive and active to make the races more uniquely
> To make it a bit easier some races could be removed as there is no reason
to have a bunch of races that no one uses. With special abilities there is
of course the problem of balance. As is the xp-rate of the races is
automatically calculated and works as an auto-balancer of a sorts, but with
special abilities the races would have to be balanced manually to some
> One last thing i need to say about this is that it looks like an awful lot
of work...and i'm way too lazy to do anything like this, so best if you just
forget about it.
> -Ixtlilton
since when are u lazy?
poster: Trigon
subject: >>>>>>Xorn
date: Sat May 3 22:00:57 2008
On Sat May 3 21:58:11 2008 Axis wrote post #342:
> On Sat May 3 20:22:48 2008 Ixtlilton wrote post #341:
> > If more races are to be used there needs to be more things that sets them
> apart than there currently is. As is there are quite a few races and quite
> naturally one or a few of them will be better suited than others for any
> specific guild. If we just up skill max or alter stats of some races will
> either change it so a new race is the better one, or make it so all are
> basically the same.
> >
> > Something i would like to do is add special abilities to the various races
> that are good enough to make a difference when you choose a race. Similar to
> the ones you get through mccp, but better. Each race could get a few
> different abilities passive and active to make the races more uniquely
> defined.
> >
> > To make it a bit easier some races could be removed as there is no reason
> to have a bunch of races that no one uses. With special abilities there is
> of course the problem of balance. As is the xp-rate of the races is
> automatically calculated and works as an auto-balancer of a sorts, but with
> special abilities the races would have to be balanced manually to some
> extent.
> >
> > One last thing i need to say about this is that it looks like an awful lot
> of work...and i'm way too lazy to do anything like this, so best if you just
> forget about it.
> >
> > -Ixtlilton
> since when are u lazy?
I think that's a mighty fine idea. I do think to myself though "Is
it so wrong in the mean time to have 2 races that are quite
Like, if xorn was the exact same as say minotuar, with their str/dex
base stats switched. That would at least shake things up a bit in
the meantime, right?
poster: Highpriest
subject: adv lode
date: Sun May 4 18:40:12 2008
i am not sure if it is in any way intended, but it would be good if
adv lode ids to adv lode, typing adventurer guild entrance is slow
just a thought, HP
poster: Lucifer
subject: ideas for change
date: Wed May 7 02:36:51 2008
Suggestions for change:
1: Implement it so players from lvl 1-50 get a double xp rate (with
a limit of a total body worth)
so players wont stay lvl 50 until they are worth 20 bill.. chuckle
2: Change newbie boosts to last from lvl 1-50, and let warp be a
part of the game from lvl 1-50 as well.
3: For people worth more than 10 bill exp. Implement a choice after
touching a globe that will cost 10 bill
exp to choose.. This will let the player choose a super race..
for casters maybe a race with spell skill max 100-110
For Warrior types 110-115 max maybe,, other super race types.
This race would ofcourse be available for reincs later without
touching the option.
Just some brainstorming ideas.. And I would touch such an option if
I could get a better race choice. and I bet alot of
other players worht more than 10 bill woudl as well.
poster: Waxman
subject: >ideas for change
date: Wed May 7 02:41:03 2008
Nice idea, been brought up before & nothing happened iirc.
10g sounds a little high imo. maybe 5g as it would encompass
a greater part of the current player base.
poster: Highpriest
subject: >ideas for change
date: Wed May 7 02:45:00 2008
On Wed May 7 02:36:51 2008 Lucifer wrote post #345:
> Suggestions for change:
> 1: Implement it so players from lvl 1-50 get a double xp rate (with
> a limit of a total body worth)
> so players wont stay lvl 50 until they are worth 20 bill.. chuckle
> 2: Change newbie boosts to last from lvl 1-50, and let warp be a
> part of the game from lvl 1-50 as well.
> 3: For people worth more than 10 bill exp. Implement a choice after
> touching a globe that will cost 10 bill
> exp to choose.. This will let the player choose a super race..
> for casters maybe a race with spell skill max 100-110
> For Warrior types 110-115 max maybe,, other super race types.
> This race would ofcourse be available for reincs later without
> touching the option.
> Just some brainstorming ideas.. And I would touch such an option if
> I could get a better race choice. and I bet alot of
> other players worht more than 10 bill woudl as well.
> Luc
setting newbie range as 1 to 50 might not does a lot in getting new
players, since they dont really know about this until they really
play... and most newbie probably has died out interest before they
get out of newbiehood
the one to let highbies get special races is nice idea, but you
would surely need an active and hardworking coding team... and there
might be problems of undesired effect through interaction of
advanced and non-advanced races (including depressing newer players
who are non-advanced)
just my opinions, HP
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >ideas for change
date: Wed May 7 08:02:11 2008
On Wed May 7 02:36:51 2008 Lucifer wrote post #345:
> Suggestions for change:
> 1: Implement it so players from lvl 1-50 get a double xp rate (with
> a limit of a total body worth)
> so players wont stay lvl 50 until they are worth 20 bill.. chuckle
> 2: Change newbie boosts to last from lvl 1-50, and let warp be a
> part of the game from lvl 1-50 as well.
> 3: For people worth more than 10 bill exp. Implement a choice after
> touching a globe that will cost 10 bill
> exp to choose.. This will let the player choose a super race..
> for casters maybe a race with spell skill max 100-110
> For Warrior types 110-115 max maybe,, other super race types.
> This race would ofcourse be available for reincs later without
> touching the option.
> Just some brainstorming ideas.. And I would touch such an option if
> I could get a better race choice. and I bet alot of
> other players worht more than 10 bill woudl as well.
> Luc
remort races are a good idea. I think being able to choose a wish
x2 would also be a good idea. the 2nd wish in the same catagory
would cost a gig perhaps, to be put in credit, not returned at
poster: Dfalt
subject: >ideas for change
date: Wed May 7 08:09:21 2008
On Wed May 7 02:36:51 2008 Lucifer wrote post #345:
> Suggestions for change:
> 1: Implement it so players from lvl 1-50 get a double xp rate (with
> a limit of a total body worth)
> so players wont stay lvl 50 until they are worth 20 bill.. chuckle
> 2: Change newbie boosts to last from lvl 1-50, and let warp be a
> part of the game from lvl 1-50 as well.
> 3: For people worth more than 10 bill exp. Implement a choice after
> touching a globe that will cost 10 bill
> exp to choose.. This will let the player choose a super race..
> for casters maybe a race with spell skill max 100-110
> For Warrior types 110-115 max maybe,, other super race types.
> This race would ofcourse be available for reincs later without
> touching the option.
> Just some brainstorming ideas.. And I would touch such an option if
> I could get a better race choice. and I bet alot of
> other players worht more than 10 bill woudl as well.
> Luc
We had a convo long ago about another idea. Races that give better
stats/skill/spell max but you sacrifice exp rate.
e.g. bring back mantisman (4 armed race) with 110% skill max
with a penalty of 35% exp rate.
More of just ideas thrown out there, but what do the rest of you think?
poster: Korthrun
subject: >adv lode
date: Wed May 7 08:14:23 2008
On Sun May 4 18:40:12 2008 Highpriest wrote post #344:
> i am not sure if it is in any way intended, but it would be good if
> adv lode ids to adv lode, typing adventurer guild entrance is slow
> just a thought, HP
I can't speak for the rest of the mud, but I made an alias for this ages ago.
Why change the id in the code when we have the tools to change the
command to whatever we want.
I know somepeople even made a button for it.
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >>ideas for change
date: Wed May 7 08:15:27 2008
On Wed May 7 08:09:21 2008 Dfalt wrote post #349:
> On Wed May 7 02:36:51 2008 Lucifer wrote post #345:
> > Suggestions for change:
> >
> > 1: Implement it so players from lvl 1-50 get a double xp rate (with
> > a limit of a total body worth)
> > so players wont stay lvl 50 until they are worth 20 bill.. chuckle
> >
> > 2: Change newbie boosts to last from lvl 1-50, and let warp be a
> > part of the game from lvl 1-50 as well.
> >
> > 3: For people worth more than 10 bill exp. Implement a choice after
> > touching a globe that will cost 10 bill
> > exp to choose.. This will let the player choose a super race..
> > for casters maybe a race with spell skill max 100-110
> > For Warrior types 110-115 max maybe,, other super race types.
> > This race would ofcourse be available for reincs later without
> > touching the option.
> >
> > Just some brainstorming ideas.. And I would touch such an option if
> > I could get a better race choice. and I bet alot of
> > other players worht more than 10 bill woudl as well.
> >
> > Luc
> >
> We had a convo long ago about another idea. Races that give better
> stats/skill/spell max but you sacrifice exp rate.
> e.g. bring back mantisman (4 armed race) with 110% skill max
> with a penalty of 35% exp rate.
> More of just ideas thrown out there, but what do the rest of you think?
great idea. tweaking things that are already in-game(so to speak)
would make it much easier on coders. and the drastic reduction in
xp rate makes them(removed races) good for eq. I also think this
change would impact the game less severely in the way of not
throwing it off balance. It might if we had lots of new players but
we really dont. **
poster: Quillz
subject: Familiars! :-)
date: Sun May 11 16:53:07 2008
Here's a crazy idea that will probably get shot down, but I still
think it's pretty cool.
Would it be possible for SS/Woodsman/Druid to get a Cat familiar?
Like a Tiger, Lion, Leopard, etc.
I've just spent awhile shifting between the different types of K-9,
Ursine & Avian forms just to see the different types of familiars I
could summon, etc. I just think it'd be neat & add a nice touch to
these guilds.
I'm not sure how the balance issue would work out with another
familiar, if it would have to be a lower lvl form like a falcon or
what have you. I just think it would help out these solo guilds a
bit more in compensating for the fact that parties are less frequent
for these guilds, etc. It would also encourage us whiney SS's to use
something other than dragon form! :-)
Flame away.
poster: Esoteric
subject: >Familiars! :-)
date: Sun May 11 17:55:25 2008
On Sun May 11 16:53:07 2008 Quillz wrote post #352:
> could summon, etc. I just think it'd be neat & add a nice touch to
> these guilds.
> I'm not sure how the balance issue would work out with another
> familiar, if it would have to be a lower lvl form like a falcon or
> what have you. I just think it would help out these solo guilds a
> bit more in compensating for the fact that parties are less frequent
> for these guilds, etc. It would also encourage us whiney SS's to use
> something other than dragon form! :-)
> Flame away.
> Q
Maybe witch should get a cat and or bat(s).
You guys have have enough familiars, but, if they would take the
place of a greater familiar, say, Eagle, then i'd be for it.
poster: Rancor
subject: >>Familiars! :-)
date: Sun May 11 18:00:31 2008
On Sun May 11 17:55:25 2008 Esoteric wrote post #353:
> On Sun May 11 16:53:07 2008 Quillz wrote post #352:
> > could summon, etc. I just think it'd be neat & add a nice touch to
> > these guilds.
> > I'm not sure how the balance issue would work out with another
> > familiar, if it would have to be a lower lvl form like a falcon or
> > what have you. I just think it would help out these solo guilds a
> > bit more in compensating for the fact that parties are less frequent
> > for these guilds, etc. It would also encourage us whiney SS's to use
> > something other than dragon form! :-)
> > Flame away.
> > Q
> Maybe witch should get a cat and or bat(s).
> You guys have have enough familiars, but, if they would take the
> place of a greater familiar, say, Eagle, then i'd be for it.
well realize that even if they had another framiliar type added the
number of total pets you could have would still remain the same. As
it stands now they have more pet types than they can have summoned
anyway. So with that in mind I don't think is is out of the realm
of possibility but someone would have to code it and I don't know if
it would be even close to a priority for someone.
also known as Rancor
AKA the rankwhore you slept with last night
poster: Quillz
subject: >>>Familiars! :-)
date: Mon May 12 07:36:06 2008
On Sun May 11 18:00:31 2008 Rancor wrote post #354:
> On Sun May 11 17:55:25 2008 Esoteric wrote post #353:
> > On Sun May 11 16:53:07 2008 Quillz wrote post #352:
> > > could summon, etc. I just think it'd be neat & add a nice touch to
> > > these guilds.
> > > I'm not sure how the balance issue would work out with another
> > > familiar, if it would have to be a lower lvl form like a falcon or
> > > what have you. I just think it would help out these solo guilds a
> > > bit more in compensating for the fact that parties are less frequent
> > > for these guilds, etc. It would also encourage us whiney SS's to use
> > > something other than dragon form! :-)
> > > Flame away.
> > > Q
> > Maybe witch should get a cat and or bat(s).
> > You guys have have enough familiars, but, if they would take the
> > place of a greater familiar, say, Eagle, then i'd be for it.
> well realize that even if they had another framiliar type added the
> number of total pets you could have would still remain the same. As
> it stands now they have more pet types than they can have summoned
> anyway. So with that in mind I don't think is is out of the realm
> of possibility but someone would have to code it and I don't know if
> it would be even close to a priority for someone.
> Rancort
> also known as Rancor
> AKA the rankwhore you slept with last night
poster: Korthrun
subject: >Familiars! :-)
date: Mon May 12 09:24:45 2008
On Sun May 11 16:53:07 2008 Quillz wrote post #352:
> could summon, etc. I just think it'd be neat & add a nice touch to
> these guilds.
> I'm not sure how the balance issue would work out with another
> familiar, if it would have to be a lower lvl form like a falcon or
> what have you. I just think it would help out these solo guilds a
> bit more in compensating for the fact that parties are less frequent
> for these guilds, etc. It would also encourage us whiney SS's to use
> something other than dragon form! :-)
> Flame away.
> Q
I think it'd be neat to see familiars based off of the feline tree.
Of course it'd take a spot, lesser or greater as esoteric suggested.
Perhaps it wouldn't work out so well with birds smaller than an
eagle or something ;D
more hits more crits than wolves, less stuns/skill breaks?
something like that
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>Familiars! :-)
date: Mon May 12 09:25:38 2008
On Mon May 12 09:24:45 2008 Korthrun wrote post #356:
> > something other than dragon form! :-)
> > Flame away.
> > Q
> I think it'd be neat to see familiars based off of the feline tree.
> Of course it'd take a spot, lesser or greater as esoteric suggested.
> Perhaps it wouldn't work out so well with birds smaller than an
> eagle or something ;D
> more hits more crits than wolves, less stuns/skill breaks?
> something like that
> <3
mmm bleed damage
poster: Vor
subject: >Familiars! :-)
date: Mon May 12 20:52:06 2008
On Sun May 11 16:53:07 2008 Quillz wrote post #352:
> could summon, etc. I just think it'd be neat & add a nice touch to
> these guilds.
> I'm not sure how the balance issue would work out with another
> familiar, if it would have to be a lower lvl form like a falcon or
> what have you. I just think it would help out these solo guilds a
> bit more in compensating for the fact that parties are less frequent
> for these guilds, etc. It would also encourage us whiney SS's to use
> something other than dragon form! :-)
> Flame away.
> Q
i actually sort of like this idea, but it does have a drawback (or
maybe not?).
shifter (lord willing and da creek don't rise) isn't always going to
be limited
to avian/feline/ursine/canine forms. it is intended and in planning
(ish) to do
other form types too... simian, equine, and serpentine have been
discussed many times.
the major reason no work has started on them is simply because the
guild already has
a number of forms that are in need of quests, and it really wouldn't
make sense to
open up a lot more stuff until the pre-existing stuff was finished.
that said, obviously there would be more tamer forms needed if you wanted
to add one for each shifter form in the future.
i personally think it would be cool to get a stallion or a constrictor from
animal tamer... but i'm not sure it'd make sense to add one just cause
shifter has a form tree for it.
vor out
ps, daneel, feel free to correct any of my misinformation. i won't pull
a draco and call you a liar, i promise.
poster: Esoteric
subject: eqp monsters
date: Sat May 17 18:10:24 2008
I'd like them to be worth more exp. Since they're way harder why
should they be worth minute amounts of xp?
poster: Daneel
subject: >eqp monsters
date: Sat May 17 18:12:51 2008
On Sat May 17 18:10:24 2008 Esoteric wrote post #359:
> I'd like them to be worth more exp. Since they're way harder why
> should they be worth minute amounts of xp?
Tough darts
poster: Maduo
subject: bank update idea
date: Sat May 17 21:56:23 2008
I think the argueement 'all' should be accepted by the bank to make
things a bit easier at times.. so for instance; 'deposit all gold'
would deposit all your gold you currently had, and similiar effects
with 'withdraw all gold' and 'transfer all gold' etc..
poster: Vor
subject: >bank update idea
date: Sun May 18 06:46:09 2008
On Sat May 17 21:56:23 2008 Maduo wrote post #361:
> I think the argueement 'all' should be accepted by the bank to make
> things a bit easier at times.. so for instance; 'deposit all gold'
> would deposit all your gold you currently had, and similiar effects
> with 'withdraw all gold' and 'transfer all gold' etc..
deposit all already works. withdraw all would be maybe a nice one (i
think it's dumb to withdraw your last gold, but whatever), but
transfer all gold would be bad. accidents already happen, and while
it may be annoying, we'd hear complaints i'm sure from people with
slippery fingers.
poster: Lu
subject: >>eqp monsters
date: Sun May 18 12:27:52 2008
On Sat May 17 18:12:51 2008 Daneel wrote post #360:
> On Sat May 17 18:10:24 2008 Esoteric wrote post #359:
> > I'd like them to be worth more exp. Since they're way harder why
> > should they be worth minute amounts of xp?
> Tough darts
Then add a 3rd slot to finger info, largest eq mob slain? IMO kind
retarded a bunch of lame easy ass xp mobs are all over peoples
finger infos and the real meat of the game is nowhere to be found.
And what was the reasoning behind the change anyway? I obviously
wasn't here when that change was made, something about inherit
resists or something? I nice explanation would serve me well, at
someones earliest convenience. Thanks.
poster: Quillz
subject: >>>eqp monsters
date: Sun May 18 13:00:14 2008
On Sun May 18 12:27:52 2008 Lu wrote post #363:
> On Sat May 17 18:12:51 2008 Daneel wrote post #360:
> > On Sat May 17 18:10:24 2008 Esoteric wrote post #359:
> > > I'd like them to be worth more exp. Since they're way harder why
> > > should they be worth minute amounts of xp?
> >
> > Tough darts
> Then add a 3rd slot to finger info, largest eq mob slain? IMO kind
> retarded a bunch of lame easy ass xp mobs are all over peoples
> finger infos and the real meat of the game is nowhere to be found.
> And what was the reasoning behind the change anyway? I obviously
> wasn't here when that change was made, something about inherit
> resists or something? I nice explanation would serve me well, at
> someones earliest convenience. Thanks.
I completely agree with Lu. I've worked WAY harder to solo a small
eq mob that was worth only a fraction of my 'solo' exp mob kill.
This change is completely new to me (obviously, I bug rep'd it
thinking something was wrong w/ my body or something.)
An explanation would be great! Merci beaucoup :)
poster: White
subject: >>>>eqp monsters
date: Sun May 18 13:02:48 2008
this has actually been explained multiple times, but i'll explain it
again. i'm not gonna try to give you thematic reasons for it, i'll
let daneel do that since he made the change.
the issue was that when players were killing eq mobs (like
mindflayer god and such) even at their higher levels they got so
much exp that one person actually got NEGATIVE exp because it
couldn't handle the large number. the way it was phrased then is
that it is NOT intended nor wanted that people would start killing
eq mobs to get exp. as a result, and artificial penalty was put on
their exp worth so that people would indeed have no desire or
ability to exp on eq mobs.
poster: White
subject: >>>>>eqp monsters
date: Sun May 18 13:04:27 2008
i should also point out that just about anyone who kills a top level
eq mob (mf god, xetty, etc) is still killing a mob big enough taht
it's very unlikely that they'll kill any exp mob in a party with
more exp.
poster: Esoteric
subject: >>>>>eqp monsters
date: Sun May 18 17:16:47 2008
On Sun May 18 13:02:48 2008 White wrote post #365:
> let daneel do that since he made the change.
> the issue was that when players were killing eq mobs (like
> mindflayer god and such) even at their higher levels they got so
> much exp that one person actually got NEGATIVE exp because it
> couldn't handle the large number. the way it was phrased then is
> that it is NOT intended nor wanted that people would start killing
> eq mobs to get exp. as a result, and artificial penalty was put on
> their exp worth so that people would indeed have no desire or
> ability to exp on eq mobs.
This happened because Mikkiz was greeeeeedy. He was leprechaun
abj/harmer. He'd leave party and death the single mob. I don't think
this can happen now, since there isn't a death spell now, aside from
pearl of power. So i don't see why the change can't be unmade..
poster: Vor
subject: >>>>>>eqp monsters
date: Sun May 18 17:20:47 2008
lurkers can death, and they're pretty good at it too, but that still
does not address the issue of 'we do not want eq mobs to be exp
mobs'. you already get plenty of reward for acing mf god. you do not
need 75m exp for the party's exp on top of it.
poster: Esoteric
subject: >>>>>>>eqp monsters
date: Sun May 18 17:21:33 2008
On Sun May 18 17:20:47 2008 Vor wrote post #368:
> lurkers can death, and they're pretty good at it too, but that still
> does not address the issue of 'we do not want eq mobs to be exp
> mobs'. you already get plenty of reward for acing mf god. you do not
> need 75m exp for the party's exp on top of it.
Its incentive for people not to slack and prevent deaths. We aced mf
god and got 4 crappy pieces, so shhh
poster: Vor
subject: >>>eqp monsters
date: Sun May 18 17:21:57 2008
i like this idea to add something to finger info about killing eq
mobs. something like bounty points only for eq mob dicksize. would
be neat.
poster: Vor
subject: >>>>>>>>eqp monsters
date: Sun May 18 17:22:46 2008
if your eq party is letting unnecessary deaths through either way,
you need to stop dragging idiot noobs.
poster: Esoteric
subject: >>>>>>>>>eqp monsters
date: Sun May 18 17:23:49 2008
On Sun May 18 17:22:46 2008 Vor wrote post #371:
> if your eq party is letting unnecessary deaths through either way,
> you need to stop dragging idiot noobs.
With the current pbase beggars can't be choosers. Get inside big again and eqp
poster: Vor
subject: re: less >>
date: Sun May 18 17:25:20 2008
i don't think it's that the old eq'ers went away or that they
efficient ones did. i think it's just that you guys are fucking
lazy. at any rate, it's neither here nor there. eq mobs aren't gonna
be giginv out 75m. i'll think about adding something to finger info
for it.
if you wnat exp on eq mobs, tough darts.
poster: Esoteric
subject: >re: less >>
date: Sun May 18 17:28:06 2008
On Sun May 18 17:25:20 2008 Vor wrote post #373:
> i don't think it's that the old eq'ers went away or that they
> efficient ones did. i think it's just that you guys are fucking
> lazy. at any rate, it's neither here nor there. eq mobs aren't gonna
> be giginv out 75m. i'll think about adding something to finger info
> for it.
> if you wnat exp on eq mobs, tough darts.
We aren't asking for 75m mobs. At most i saw mf god at 20m. with an
average party of 8 - 10 ppl, what the hell is 2m/person? Nothing,
its not a huge deal. Secondly, i'm not lazy for eqp, i pay
attention, lots and lots of attention. It's the botting evokers or
whatever nailman is thats lazy.
poster: Vor
subject: >>re: less >>
date: Sun May 18 17:29:07 2008
yep. it's never the actual person. and the person who bitches about
lack of eq parties always has a reason to not lead them.
anyway, the issue can be argued all day long. you're not gonna get
big eq mobs for exp.
poster: Maduo
subject: >>>>>>>eqp monsters
date: Sun May 18 19:43:16 2008
On Sun May 18 17:20:47 2008 Vor wrote post #368:
> lurkers can death, and they're pretty good at it too, but that still
> does not address the issue of 'we do not want eq mobs to be exp
> mobs'. you already get plenty of reward for acing mf god. you do not
> need 75m exp for the party's exp on top of it.
i don't really think it's an issue of (give us 75m exp)
it's more really of an issue like (turn eq mobs back into the way
they were before hand so that we dont get 50k for killing a 1m/2tp
eq mob.
poster: Esoteric
subject: >>>>>>>>eqp monsters
date: Mon May 19 03:51:42 2008
On Sun May 18 19:43:16 2008 Maduo wrote post #376:
> On Sun May 18 17:20:47 2008 Vor wrote post #368:
> > lurkers can death, and they're pretty good at it too, but that still
> > does not address the issue of 'we do not want eq mobs to be exp
> > mobs'. you already get plenty of reward for acing mf god. you do not
> > need 75m exp for the party's exp on top of it.
> i don't really think it's an issue of (give us 75m exp)
> it's more really of an issue like (turn eq mobs back into the way
> they were before hand so that we dont get 50k for killing a 1m/2tp
> eq mob.
Thank you, thats the point i was trying to get across.
poster: Quillz
subject: >>>>>>eqp monsters
date: Mon May 19 06:25:22 2008
On Sun May 18 17:16:47 2008 Esoteric wrote post #367:
> On Sun May 18 13:02:48 2008 White wrote post #365:
> > let daneel do that since he made the change.
> >
> > the issue was that when players were killing eq mobs (like
> > mindflayer god and such) even at their higher levels they got so
> > much exp that one person actually got NEGATIVE exp because it
> > couldn't handle the large number. the way it was phrased then is
> > that it is NOT intended nor wanted that people would start killing
> > eq mobs to get exp. as a result, and artificial penalty was put on
> > their exp worth so that people would indeed have no desire or
> > ability to exp on eq mobs.
> This happened because Mikkiz was greeeeeedy. He was leprechaun
> abj/harmer. He'd leave party and death the single mob. I don't think
> this can happen now, since there isn't a death spell now, aside from
> pearl of power. So i don't see why the change can't be unmade..
Well put, Eso. And White, can you honestly, honestly, say that
people will try to exp on EQ mobs? Have you tried to solo a (what
used to be) ~500k eq mob lately? Or a 1m EQ mob? The resists are
exponentially higher. In the time it took me to solo a 95k eq mob
(and by solo I mean I paid Slayn off to spam me with dheals) I
could've easily solo'd 1-1.5m worth of exp.
I understand the reasoning behind a single mob being worth so much
it can screw up the numbers, but as Eso pointed out it was one very
unique case that caused this to happen. I hope to see these changes
undone as well. Unless I'm missing something else, so please feel
free to clue me in.
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >>eqp monsters
date: Mon May 19 07:55:02 2008
On Sat May 17 18:12:51 2008 Daneel wrote post #360:
> On Sat May 17 18:10:24 2008 Esoteric wrote post #359:
> > I'd like them to be worth more exp. Since they're way harder why
> > should they be worth minute amounts of xp?
> Tough darts
tough darts, im stealing that so you know.
poster: Mugen
subject: >>>eqp monsters
date: Mon May 19 08:38:35 2008
On Mon May 19 07:55:02 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #379:
> On Sat May 17 18:12:51 2008 Daneel wrote post #360:
> > On Sat May 17 18:10:24 2008 Esoteric wrote post #359:
> > > I'd like them to be worth more exp. Since they're way harder why
> > > should they be worth minute amounts of xp?
> >
> > Tough darts
> tough darts, im stealing that so you know.
darts are not tough
girly weapons for drunk and white trash
poster: Slayn
subject: >>>>eqp monsters
date: Mon May 19 10:17:43 2008
re vors point about putting something in finger for eq mobs
maybe give them points on a tier basis ie kraag 1point and lloth 10points
therefore the more you eq the more eqpoints you get for +vpenis size
poster: Quillz
subject: >re: less >>
date: Mon May 19 12:27:09 2008
On Sun May 18 17:25:20 2008 Vor wrote post #373:
> i don't think it's that the old eq'ers went away or that they
> efficient ones did. i think it's just that you guys are fucking
> lazy. at any rate, it's neither here nor there. eq mobs aren't gonna
> be giginv out 75m. i'll think about adding something to finger info
> for it.
> if you wnat exp on eq mobs, tough darts.
I agree, Vor. Getting 75m for an exp mob is ridiculous. However,
getting 3-5m for an eq mob is the norm (or at least it used to be
last I eq'd, 4 score and 7 years ago.)
Why was a tune that responded to one instance of a 75m eq mob spread
out across the spectrum of 'eq' mobs anyway? Would it have been
possible to fix that one instance and leave the rest be? Was this
tune really intended to lower the once 500k-1m eq mobs down to
Is there any particular reason this can't be set back to the way it
was knowing full well that the 75m eq mob most definitely should not
happen again?
I bring this up again as the few of us Shifters have the
understanding that this form we can use, Black Dragon, is designed
for such mobs. Now I'm told that these mobs we're suppose to be
killing are only worth 80-100k which is a tough pill to swallow.
If someone could please shed some light on this subject I would
greatly appreciate it.
p.s. 'tough darts' isn't really shedding light on it.
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >>re: less >>
date: Mon May 19 12:31:30 2008
On Mon May 19 12:27:09 2008 Quillz wrote post #382:
> On Sun May 18 17:25:20 2008 Vor wrote post #373:
> > i don't think it's that the old eq'ers went away or that they
> > efficient ones did. i think it's just that you guys are fucking
> > lazy. at any rate, it's neither here nor there. eq mobs aren't gonna
> > be giginv out 75m. i'll think about adding something to finger info
> > for it.
> >
> > if you wnat exp on eq mobs, tough darts.
> I agree, Vor. Getting 75m for an exp mob is ridiculous. However,
> getting 3-5m for an eq mob is the norm (or at least it used to be
> last I eq'd, 4 score and 7 years ago.)
> Why was a tune that responded to one instance of a 75m eq mob spread
> out across the spectrum of 'eq' mobs anyway? Would it have been
> possible to fix that one instance and leave the rest be? Was this
> tune really intended to lower the once 500k-1m eq mobs down to
> 75-200k?
> Is there any particular reason this can't be set back to the way it
> was knowing full well that the 75m eq mob most definitely should not
> happen again?
> I bring this up again as the few of us Shifters have the
> understanding that this form we can use, Black Dragon, is designed
> for such mobs. Now I'm told that these mobs we're suppose to be
> killing are only worth 80-100k which is a tough pill to swallow.
> If someone could please shed some light on this subject I would
> greatly appreciate it.
> Q
> p.s. 'tough darts' isn't really shedding light on it.
how dare you talk smack about "tough darts". tough darts are
great....and tough.
poster: Slayn
subject: eqpoints
date: Mon May 19 13:13:23 2008
following up on my previous post how about eq mobs give points when
you first kill them
like the explore bonuses. There are a lot of mobs that dont get
killed that often
and this might encourage people to go beyond the "norm".
the reward for killing them could give tps or something more interesting....
poster: Daneel
subject: xps for eq
date: Tue May 20 06:18:58 2008
I don't think Vor's explanation of why is correct.
This change happened when I moved xps to take resist into
account. The problem is, some eq. monsters have 100%
resistance to a couple dtypes. This would basically
give infinite xps. So I capped eq. mob resist bonuses
to avoid a div-by-zero error messing with your eq monsters,
possibly making them error every time they were "killed" :-)
The reason not to do more to correct this (if it is indeed
even incorrect) is that eq. mobs xp worth simply shouldn't be
a big enough factor to worry about.
However, I can see putting in the monster with the biggest
combat strength (as shown in gazes) instead of biggest xp
worth into your finger info - would that be acceptable?
poster: White
subject: >xps for eq
date: Tue May 20 06:21:30 2008
shades of draco.
vor, the corrected
poster: Mugen
subject: >>xps for eq
date: Tue May 20 10:53:00 2008
On Tue May 20 06:21:30 2008 White wrote post #386:
> shades of draco.
> vor, the corrected
we do not speak of the horse's wife
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: clones event
date: Wed May 21 12:45:40 2008
i liked it better when you got a clone idle or not. I can idle
anywhere now, the spice is gone.
poster: Mugen
subject: >clones event
date: Wed May 21 18:17:04 2008
On Wed May 21 12:45:40 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #388:
> i liked it better when you got a clone idle or not. I can idle
> anywhere now, the spice is gone.
only idle people should get clones
poster: Quillz
subject: Crystal Dragons
date: Thu May 22 08:32:17 2008
Apparently these dragons have been uptuned, a lot.
First off, this is just my opinion, but here goes.
Whatever tune was done to these dragons to give them this special:
Female Crystal Dragon glances at you, and sends a stream of lava at you.
..which happens to do right around 1k damage to me even in black
dragon form, is obscene. A 220k mob being able to wipe 1k hps from
an inrecredibly resistant figure isntantly is a bit much.
My idea is either to tune down this special (which doesn't seem to
interfere with their skill/spell casting, please correct me if I'm
wrong) to do 10-20% of what it normally does, or tune up their
experience accordingly.
I can stand in a room with a (formerly) 500k-700k eq mob for MUCH
longer than I can with these simple exp mobs.
Q the un-impressive.
poster: Daneel
subject: >Crystal Dragons
date: Thu May 22 18:16:44 2008
On Thu May 22 08:32:17 2008 Quillz wrote post #390:
> Apparently these dragons have been uptuned, a lot.
> First off, this is just my opinion, but here goes.
> Whatever tune was done to these dragons to give them this special:
> Female Crystal Dragon glances at you, and sends a stream of lava at you.
> ..which happens to do right around 1k damage to me even in black
> dragon form, is obscene. A 220k mob being able to wipe 1k hps from
> an inrecredibly resistant figure isntantly is a bit much.
> My idea is either to tune down this special (which doesn't seem to
> interfere with their skill/spell casting, please correct me if I'm
> wrong) to do 10-20% of what it normally does, or tune up their
> experience accordingly.
> I can stand in a room with a (formerly) 500k-700k eq mob for MUCH
> longer than I can with these simple exp mobs.
> Q the un-impressive.
When this was posted, there were several dissenting opinions
that said, basically, "we like this the way it is - it means
there's at least one area untuned for those people who want
to put in the work and brainpower to do difficult xps."
poster: Rancor
subject: >>Crystal Dragons
date: Thu May 22 18:39:35 2008
On Thu May 22 18:16:44 2008 Daneel wrote post #391:
> On Thu May 22 08:32:17 2008 Quillz wrote post #390:
> > Apparently these dragons have been uptuned, a lot.
> >
> > First off, this is just my opinion, but here goes.
> >
> > Whatever tune was done to these dragons to give them this special:
> > Female Crystal Dragon glances at you, and sends a stream of lava at you.
> > ..which happens to do right around 1k damage to me even in black
> > dragon form, is obscene. A 220k mob being able to wipe 1k hps from
> > an inrecredibly resistant figure isntantly is a bit much.
> >
> > My idea is either to tune down this special (which doesn't seem to
> > interfere with their skill/spell casting, please correct me if I'm
> > wrong) to do 10-20% of what it normally does, or tune up their
> > experience accordingly.
> > I can stand in a room with a (formerly) 500k-700k eq mob for MUCH
> > longer than I can with these simple exp mobs.
> > Q the un-impressive.
> When this was posted, there were several dissenting opinions
> that said, basically, "we like this the way it is - it means
> there's at least one area untuned for those people who want
> to put in the work and brainpower to do difficult xps."
really it is not that difficult we used to do these with minimal of
4 people and wtf pwn stuff, just really need an abjurer and healer
and unified dtypes like any high end exp area
IMO it should be left alone
poster: Naugol
subject: >Crystal Dragons
date: Fri May 23 10:09:20 2008
On Thu May 22 08:32:17 2008 Quillz wrote post #390:
> dragon form, is obscene. A 220k mob being able to wipe 1k hps from
> an inrecredibly resistant figure isntantly is a bit much.
> My idea is either to tune down this special (which doesn't seem to
> interfere with their skill/spell casting, please correct me if I'm
> wrong) to do 10-20% of what it normally does, or tune up their
> experience accordingly.
> I can stand in a room with a (formerly) 500k-700k eq mob for MUCH
> longer than I can with these simple exp mobs.
> Q the un-impressive.
You are talking about wiping 1k hp from incredibly resistant...
Either it was typo or you don't know what does black color stand for :)
poster: Trigon
subject: Lurker
date: Fri May 23 10:59:28 2008
Would it be horribly out of tune if lurker was able to do some
dtypes like MA? I think it would fit nicely into the brewer guild,
and you have to apply a potion to your kukri and it would override
the shadow type, or make it do mostly one dtype and some shadow?
Just thinking that such a change would help lurkers get into a lot
more parties. Thoughts?
poster: Trigon
subject: My Idea
date: Fri May 23 11:33:47 2008
So, I've never been a core guild, because I can't sit down and play
for like 5-6 hrs at a time, wife and baby just don't allow it.
But, I really want to do chilimama, naraku, and new safari
quests...well and I'd like to do defeat zatea.
I've brought up the idea of organizing eq of 1-2 hrs each time,
following a zyz dice so people actually get what they want, and
dicing after a couple rounds of it, but some people just don't like
Would anyone be interested in setting up a time to just do these
quests over and over again until we all got the tps, like a set of
chaps for everyone, some hot naraku items for everyone?
Then I'd be willing to reinc like, full abj, or heaven help me full evoker.
My time is anytime atm, and then after June would be evening
mountain time, but is anyone interested in doing something like
poster: Trigon
subject: >My Idea
date: Fri May 23 11:47:17 2008
On Fri May 23 11:33:47 2008 Trigon wrote post #395:
> So, I've never been a core guild, because I can't sit down and play
> for like 5-6 hrs at a time, wife and baby just don't allow it.
> But, I really want to do chilimama, naraku, and new safari
> quests...well and I'd like to do defeat zatea.
> I've brought up the idea of organizing eq of 1-2 hrs each time,
> following a zyz dice so people actually get what they want, and
> dicing after a couple rounds of it, but some people just don't like
> that.
> Would anyone be interested in setting up a time to just do these
> quests over and over again until we all got the tps, like a set of
> chaps for everyone, some hot naraku items for everyone?
> Then I'd be willing to reinc like, full abj, or heaven help me full evoker.
> My time is anytime atm, and then after June would be evening
> mountain time, but is anyone interested in doing something like
> this?
Ok ok, so what I meant was there is a new eq mob in safari area, and
a new quest on south twin isle. There's also that Hefnoin quest,
poster: Maduo
subject: parser
date: Sat May 24 03:11:39 2008
ok, i'm sure everyone is aware of this by now:
There are only 2 of them.
couldn't we get that typo atleast fixed up a bit so it says the
correct amount? ya know, so it instead says something like:
There are only 1 of them.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >parser
date: Sat May 24 06:27:38 2008
On Sat May 24 03:11:39 2008 Maduo wrote post #397:
> ok, i'm sure everyone is aware of this by now:
> There are only 2 of them.
> couldn't we get that typo atleast fixed up a bit so it says the
> correct amount? ya know, so it instead says something like:
> There are only 1 of them.
> /edn
If it was that easy to do I would have done it awhile ago.
The parser is returning the wrong message 'sometimes' its
not always doing it.
Unfortunately its a bug with the parser and no one is
wililng to touch that code ( including khosan
which says a lot since he has rewritten parts of the
driver already).
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: eq wish
date: Tue May 27 14:28:30 2008
w: something with better stats than ropers hand.
poster: Maduo
subject: >eq wish
date: Tue May 27 17:04:10 2008
On Tue May 27 14:28:30 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #399:
> w: something with better stats than ropers hand.
> thanks
eheh, should name the new item "roper's sticky sock"
poster: Korthrun
subject: history
date: Tue May 27 22:24:18 2008
Would it be feasible to, if a channel message or tell is from over
24 hours ago, that a date stamp be appended to it when you get
hitsory on said channel/say/tell?
poster: Korthrun
subject: >history
date: Tue May 27 22:24:41 2008
On Tue May 27 22:24:18 2008 Korthrun wrote post #401:
> Would it be feasible to, if a channel message or tell is from over
> 24 hours ago, that a date stamp be appended to it when you get
> hitsory on said channel/say/tell?
poster: Trigon
subject: >>history
date: Tue May 27 23:00:37 2008
On Tue May 27 22:24:41 2008 Korthrun wrote post #402:
> On Tue May 27 22:24:18 2008 Korthrun wrote post #401:
> > Would it be feasible to, if a channel message or tell is from over
> > 24 hours ago, that a date stamp be appended to it when you get
> > hitsory on said channel/say/tell?
> *prepended*
I think it's a built in incentive so that you actually play the game
a little if you are logged in for more than a 24 hour block...call
me crazy...
2 dimtree lesser shield down on Axis
But I can see why it would be nice :)
P.S. xps me more
poster: Mugen
subject: >>>history
date: Wed May 28 00:06:23 2008
On Tue May 27 23:00:37 2008 Trigon wrote post #403:
> On Tue May 27 22:24:41 2008 Korthrun wrote post #402:
> > On Tue May 27 22:24:18 2008 Korthrun wrote post #401:
> > > Would it be feasible to, if a channel message or tell is from over
> > > 24 hours ago, that a date stamp be appended to it when you get
> > > hitsory on said channel/say/tell?
> > *prepended*
> I think it's a built in incentive so that you actually play the game
> a little if you are logged in for more than a 24 hour block...call
> me crazy...
> 2 dimtree lesser shield down on Axis
> But I can see why it would be nice :)
> P.S. xps me more
dimtree dmitri is my hero
poster: Zifnab
subject: >history
date: Wed May 28 03:42:38 2008
On Tue May 27 22:24:18 2008 Korthrun wrote post #401:
> Would it be feasible to, if a channel message or tell is from over
> 24 hours ago, that a date stamp be appended to it when you get
> hitsory on said channel/say/tell?
does it not already do that?
istory of channel wiz:
Fri May 23
11:23:58 [wiz]: Channel Daemon changed the topic to 'Coding 101'
Sun May 25
22:10:46 Waxman : stats
Islands of Myth >
poster: Esoteric
subject: Lurker poisons
date: Wed May 28 08:34:03 2008
May want to make them a tad longer, with 115% masteries and 700 dex,
decent wis, they dont seem to last more then 4 mins..not long enough
to be effective, don't want to see one of the new lurker guilds
poster: Daran
subject: >>history
date: Wed May 28 14:47:02 2008
On Wed May 28 03:42:38 2008 Zifnab wrote post #405:
> On Tue May 27 22:24:18 2008 Korthrun wrote post #401:
> > Would it be feasible to, if a channel message or tell is from over
> > 24 hours ago, that a date stamp be appended to it when you get
> > hitsory on said channel/say/tell?
> does it not already do that?
> istory of channel wiz:
> Fri May 23
> 11:23:58 [wiz]: Channel Daemon changed the topic to 'Coding 101'
> Sun May 25
> 22:10:46 Waxman : stats
> Islands of Myth >
My first thought was "doesn't it already do that too?", and I
checked channels to make sure I wasn't MISing myself. However, it
appears tells and says only append time and not a date change,
atleast for me.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>history
date: Thu May 29 08:08:38 2008
On Wed May 28 03:42:38 2008 Zifnab wrote post #405:
> > hitsory on said channel/say/tell?
> does it not already do that?
> istory of channel wiz:
> Fri May 23
> 11:23:58 [wiz]: Channel Daemon changed the topic to 'Coding 101'
> Sun May 25
> 22:10:46 Waxman : stats
> Islands of Myth >
Not with tells
22:23:53: Ca tells you: I do agree about needing date stamps though :P
15:54:02: Feyd tells you: can i get a grap/iw?
guess I should have left channels out of my list ;p
forgot they did that
poster: Esoteric
subject: Lurker shadows
date: Thu May 29 14:46:23 2008
In help spell shaded ally it says nothing about it taking away new
shadows. I used it with 5 new shadows, 1 stretched to 300 inches,
and 4 left me. The prep time is bad enough as it as, maybe add to it
a help file.
poster: Rancor
subject: Herbalist potions
date: Thu May 29 17:28:09 2008
I know it has been brought up in the past I am sure, but herbalist
potions, I was trying to think as to why they are not savable. I
know they are user created but they have about the same effect as
cake pots and require more effort and time to make than merely
buying cake pots. Also require proper training and exp used to
Now some may ask why then is lava eq not savable and I would respond
to that by saying pots are one use with a minimal effect while lava
eq could be used for a long time avoiding decay by just recreating a
broken piece, there is a large reprocussions for the lava armor
while the potions would be the same reprocusions as cake pots
becomming savable.
Could somone shed some light on an angle that I am missing, or could
we make herbalist stuff savable?
poster: Vor
subject: >>history
date: Thu May 29 19:35:21 2008
On Wed May 28 03:42:38 2008 Zifnab wrote post #405 in ideas:
> On Tue May 27 22:24:18 2008 Korthrun wrote post #401:
> > Would it be feasible to, if a channel message or tell is from over
> > 24 hours ago, that a date stamp be appended to it when you get
> > hitsory on said channel/say/tell?
> does it not already do that?
> istory of channel wiz:
> Fri May 23
> 11:23:58 [wiz]: Channel Daemon changed the topic to 'Coding 101'
> Sun May 25
> 22:10:46 Waxman : stats
> Islands of Myth >
damnit zif, that's secrat info!
poster: Vor
subject: >Herbalist potions
date: Thu May 29 19:39:41 2008
On Thu May 29 17:28:09 2008 Rancor wrote post #410 in ideas:
> I know it has been brought up in the past I am sure, but herbalist
> potions, I was trying to think as to why they are not savable. I
> know they are user created but they have about the same effect as
> cake pots and require more effort and time to make than merely
> buying cake pots. Also require proper training and exp used to
> create.
> Now some may ask why then is lava eq not savable and I would respond
> to that by saying pots are one use with a minimal effect while lava
> eq could be used for a long time avoiding decay by just recreating a
> broken piece, there is a large reprocussions for the lava armor
> while the potions would be the same reprocusions as cake pots
> becomming savable.
> Could somone shed some light on an angle that I am missing, or could
> we make herbalist stuff savable?
> Rancor
herbalist potions are way way way more useful than cake potions, as long as you aren't silly and using shop herbs to make them.
honestly, i think it's silly that cake potions save too. i don't think it was intentional, and many times i've wanted to undo that particular thing.
poster: Rockman
subject: >>parser
date: Thu May 29 21:23:41 2008
On Sat May 24 06:27:38 2008 Zifnab wrote post #398:
> On Sat May 24 03:11:39 2008 Maduo wrote post #397:
> > ok, i'm sure everyone is aware of this by now:
> > There are only 2 of them.
> > couldn't we get that typo atleast fixed up a bit so it says the
> > correct amount? ya know, so it instead says something like:
> > There are only 1 of them.
> > /edn
> If it was that easy to do I would have done it awhile ago.
> The parser is returning the wrong message 'sometimes' its
> not always doing it.
> Unfortunately its a bug with the parser and no one is
> wililng to touch that code ( including khosan
> which says a lot since he has rewritten parts of the
> driver already).
Seriously, the parser frightens the hell out of me. Its a testament
for the NEED to comment certain things in your code at times.
poster: Stomper
subject: safe cramps
date: Thu Jun 12 18:47:29 2008
it would so be cool if the turning dials to fast and getting cramps
from safes and chests could get removed :D
poster: Quillz
subject: >safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:22:47 2008
On Thu Jun 12 18:47:29 2008 Stomper wrote post #414:
> it would so be cool if the turning dials to fast and getting cramps
> from safes and chests could get removed :D
But then how would tomten raid people's castles?
poster: Mugen
subject: >>safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:23:25 2008
On Fri Jun 13 08:22:47 2008 Quillz wrote post #415:
> On Thu Jun 12 18:47:29 2008 Stomper wrote post #414:
> > it would so be cool if the turning dials to fast and getting cramps
> > from safes and chests could get removed :D
> But then how would tomten raid people's castles?
> Pish-posh!
I second the no cramp thing.
I need to rob Chrono's eq.
poster: Vor
subject: >>safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:23:51 2008
honestly, i'm ok with this. the only people who can get in your
castle are people you invite in. if you invite a friend in and they
steal your stuff, looks like they weren't as much of a friend as you
though. if you invite a stranger in who then steals your stuff....
you're a tard.
poster: Rancor
subject: >>>safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:24:39 2008
On Fri Jun 13 08:23:51 2008 Vor wrote post #417:
> honestly, i'm ok with this. the only people who can get in your
> castle are people you invite in. if you invite a friend in and they
> steal your stuff, looks like they weren't as much of a friend as you
> though. if you invite a stranger in who then steals your stuff....
> you're a tard.
quillz is a tard he is screwed
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >>>>safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:24:54 2008
On Fri Jun 13 08:24:39 2008 Rancor wrote post #418:
> On Fri Jun 13 08:23:51 2008 Vor wrote post #417:
> > honestly, i'm ok with this. the only people who can get in your
> > castle are people you invite in. if you invite a friend in and they
> > steal your stuff, looks like they weren't as much of a friend as you
> > though. if you invite a stranger in who then steals your stuff....
> > you're a tard.
> quillz is a tard he is screwed
poster: Vor
subject: >>>>>safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:25:18 2008
yea, he laughed when i said it. i think you guys are right.
poster: Mugen
subject: >>>>>>safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:25:44 2008
On Fri Jun 13 08:25:18 2008 Vor wrote post #420:
> yea, he laughed when i said it. i think you guys are right.
Falcore will be happy at your decision.
He's been after Chrono's eq for years.
poster: Quillz
subject: >>>>safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:26:16 2008
On Fri Jun 13 08:24:39 2008 Rancor wrote post #418:
> On Fri Jun 13 08:23:51 2008 Vor wrote post #417:
> > honestly, i'm ok with this. the only people who can get in your
> > castle are people you invite in. if you invite a friend in and they
> > steal your stuff, looks like they weren't as much of a friend as you
> > though. if you invite a stranger in who then steals your stuff....
> > you're a tard.
> quillz is a tard he is screwed
How true that is...
Except I already gave away everything I once had - so anyone who
wants to stop on in, feel free!
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >>>>>>>safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:26:27 2008
On Fri Jun 13 08:25:44 2008 Mugen wrote post #421:
> On Fri Jun 13 08:25:18 2008 Vor wrote post #420:
> > yea, he laughed when i said it. i think you guys are right.
> Falcore will be happy at your decision.
> He's been after Chrono's eq for years.
does he have the new medic weapons or something?
poster: Mugen
subject: >>>>>>>>safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:26:53 2008
On Fri Jun 13 08:26:27 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #423:
> On Fri Jun 13 08:25:44 2008 Mugen wrote post #421:
> > On Fri Jun 13 08:25:18 2008 Vor wrote post #420:
> > > yea, he laughed when i said it. i think you guys are right.
> > Falcore will be happy at your decision.
> > He's been after Chrono's eq for years.
> does he have the new medic weapons or something?
He's got the new fire axe. CHOP CHOP
poster: Rancor
subject: >>>>>>>>safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:27:35 2008
On Fri Jun 13 08:26:27 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #423:
> On Fri Jun 13 08:25:44 2008 Mugen wrote post #421:
> > On Fri Jun 13 08:25:18 2008 Vor wrote post #420:
> > > yea, he laughed when i said it. i think you guys are right.
> > Falcore will be happy at your decision.
> > He's been after Chrono's eq for years.
> does he have the new medic weapons or something?
pyro pyro is next how cool is that
poster: Mugen
subject: >>>>>>>>>safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:28:15 2008
On Fri Jun 13 08:27:35 2008 Rancor wrote post #425:
> On Fri Jun 13 08:26:27 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #423:
> > On Fri Jun 13 08:25:44 2008 Mugen wrote post #421:
> > > On Fri Jun 13 08:25:18 2008 Vor wrote post #420:
> > > > yea, he laughed when i said it. i think you guys are right.
> > > Falcore will be happy at your decision.
> > > He's been after Chrono's eq for years.
> > does he have the new medic weapons or something?
> pyro pyro is next how cool is that
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >>>>>>>>>safe cramps
date: Fri Jun 13 08:28:21 2008
On Fri Jun 13 08:27:35 2008 Rancor wrote post #425:
> On Fri Jun 13 08:26:27 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #423:
> > On Fri Jun 13 08:25:44 2008 Mugen wrote post #421:
> > > On Fri Jun 13 08:25:18 2008 Vor wrote post #420:
> > > > yea, he laughed when i said it. i think you guys are right.
> > > Falcore will be happy at your decision.
> > > He's been after Chrono's eq for years.
> > does he have the new medic weapons or something?
> pyro pyro is next how cool is that
oh wow, what's pyro gonna get?
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: lava eq
date: Fri Jun 13 08:47:51 2008
would be neat to be able to make more than one raw lava at a time
dont knw if it would throw things out of balance but i dont see how.
poster: Maduo
subject: >lava eq
date: Fri Jun 13 08:48:47 2008
On Fri Jun 13 08:47:51 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #428:
> would be neat to be able to make more than one raw lava at a time
> dont knw if it would throw things out of balance but i dont see how.
should make it a nether omicron mastery skill that allows you to
make multiple lava craps
lol, woops
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: stat bonus idea
date: Mon Jun 16 13:32:46 2008
would be neat to see eq give like an xp-rate bonus or some other
non-traditional bonuses. just tossing that out due to all the new
eq making it in game lately
poster: Quillz
subject: Waking Salts
date: Tue Jun 17 07:23:04 2008
Instead of working for /only/ stuns, how about making them work for
Forget, too?
Seems to make sense to me that if you're stunned and these salts
will help you 'come to' that they'd help you 'come to' from
something you've forgotten, like your skills and spells.
Even though I'm an SS now, I'm a druid at heart and would love to
see the Herbalist tree grow in usefulness.
poster: Stomper
subject: Cursed Mask of the Linguist
date: Tue Jun 17 12:14:58 2008
It would be great if the mask could realize that your trying to do a color instead of SUMMARY as it should be ends up being b_cieaienwhitiiboldhsuoommaierieriisiit see what im saying here?
poster: Daran
subject: history
date: Tue Jun 17 15:21:32 2008
Maybe expand say/emote/party history to 30 lines as well to match
channels history?
poster: Nevyn
subject: Mercenaries
date: Wed Jun 18 01:28:49 2008
Why: There's not as many players on the mud as there used to be, in order for people to come here and enjoy playing, there must be a possibility of actually doing something instead of waiting for people to get on.
Perhaps the mercenaries could start up as lowbies and then be trained like a normal player.
Of course, bringing a real player should always be favorable, possible penalties on mercenaries could be 1.5x sp cost on spells, limited equipment upgrades and so forth.
poster: Esoteric
subject: >Mercenaries
date: Wed Jun 18 02:00:51 2008
On Wed Jun 18 01:28:49 2008 Nevyn wrote post #434:
> Why: There's not as many players on the mud as there used to be, in order
for people to come here and enjoy playing, there must be a possibility of
actually doing something instead of waiting for people to get on.
> Perhaps the mercenaries could start up as lowbies and then be trained like
a normal player.
> Of course, bringing a real player should always be favorable, possible
penalties on mercenaries could be 1.5x sp cost on spells, limited equipment
upgrades and so forth.
That kind of nullifies the point of even getting players. Everyone
will be walking around soloing like necros if they can get a merc to
work the way they want for their guild imo.
poster: Quillz
subject: >>Mercenaries
date: Wed Jun 18 06:51:06 2008
On Wed Jun 18 02:00:51 2008 Esoteric wrote post #435:
> On Wed Jun 18 01:28:49 2008 Nevyn wrote post #434:
> > Why: There's not as many players on the mud as there used to be, in order
> for people to come here and enjoy playing, there must be a possibility of
> actually doing something instead of waiting for people to get on.
> >
> > Perhaps the mercenaries could start up as lowbies and then be trained like
> a normal player.
> >
> > Of course, bringing a real player should always be favorable, possible
> penalties on mercenaries could be 1.5x sp cost on spells, limited equipment
> upgrades and so forth.
> That kind of nullifies the point of even getting players. Everyone
> will be walking around soloing like necros if they can get a merc to
> work the way they want for their guild imo.
Not necessarily. If we truly believe this is the case, up the cost
from 1.5x to 2x which, in my eyes, would make it WAY better to bring
a person instead of a merc.
Diablo II fire mage merc FTW. Mephisto never saw it comin.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >Mercenaries
date: Wed Jun 18 09:18:44 2008
On Wed Jun 18 01:28:49 2008 Nevyn wrote post #434:
> Why: There's not as many players on the mud as there used to be, in order
for people to come here and enjoy playing, there must be a possibility of
actually doing something instead of waiting for people to get on.
> Perhaps the mercenaries could start up as lowbies and then be trained like
a normal player.
> Of course, bringing a real player should always be favorable, possible
penalties on mercenaries could be 1.5x sp cost on spells, limited equipment
upgrades and so forth.
How many people actually try to do this?
When I was playing WoW, I would mention IoM to groups and stuff if
the opportunity arouse.
I think people activley "recruiting" would be neat :)
Just don't go around spamming and being a dipshit ;)
poster: Quillz
subject: >>Mercenaries
date: Wed Jun 18 17:37:08 2008
On Wed Jun 18 09:18:44 2008 Korthrun wrote post #437:
> On Wed Jun 18 01:28:49 2008 Nevyn wrote post #434:
> > Why: There's not as many players on the mud as there used to be, in order
> for people to come here and enjoy playing, there must be a possibility of
> actually doing something instead of waiting for people to get on.
> >
> > Perhaps the mercenaries could start up as lowbies and then be trained like
> a normal player.
> >
> > Of course, bringing a real player should always be favorable, possible
> penalties on mercenaries could be 1.5x sp cost on spells, limited equipment
> upgrades and so forth.
> How many people actually try to do this?
> When I was playing WoW, I would mention IoM to groups and stuff if
> the opportunity arouse.
> arose*
> I think people activley "recruiting" would be neat :)
> Just don't go around spamming and being a dipshit ;)
Bah, why do you come up with such a good idea then nix all my hopes
with your last line.
poster: Maduo
subject: enchantments
date: Wed Jun 18 18:01:20 2008
more of an idea/suggestion but i think it would save some much
needed time/sp if the enchant armor spell gave a short extra message
as to what it added so players wouldn't have to waste the extra,
what is it? 3 rounds?, id'ing the piece to decide if they wanted to
keep it or remove the prot and try again..
also... there is no guild.enchanter news post area =(
that makes me a sad panda..
poster: Esoteric
subject: >enchantments
date: Thu Jun 19 16:55:38 2008
On Wed Jun 18 18:01:20 2008 Maduo wrote post #439:
> more of an idea/suggestion but i think it would save some much
> needed time/sp if the enchant armor spell gave a short extra message
> as to what it added so players wouldn't have to waste the extra,
> what is it? 3 rounds?, id'ing the piece to decide if they wanted to
> keep it or remove the prot and try again..
> also... there is no guild.enchanter news post area =(
> that makes me a sad panda..
People generally keep the prots they're left with on the initial
enchantment. Enchants are not cheap, and for someone to have the
time to go through their eq, while others blast, do their job would
piss too many people off anyway. Howabout instead of suggesting an
ideas YOU could slack more with when you're idling/fr
endless/partyless self. A message would be alright i guess, but it
isn't a necessity.
poster: Esoteric
subject: eqp monsters
date: Thu Jun 19 17:22:24 2008
Because of the more common eq parties happening, several mobs that
were once a boot back in the day, cannot be killed without a boot.
This was good when boots were 2-3 days apart. However, with them
being a week apart, and some items for monsters not reseting until
then, you can explore but then have to wait another week to try
ideas etc. Zatea for example, is a 1 boot/monster. I realize its a
quest mob, but if there a way to make all mobs reset with 24-48
hours, or do do you fele it's fine the way it is?
poster: Waxman
subject: >eqp monsters
date: Thu Jun 19 18:45:50 2008
Zatea looks like its once per 24 hours to me. Correct me if im wrong but thats the way the code reads.
poster: Maduo
subject: >eqp monsters
date: Thu Jun 19 22:04:45 2008
On Thu Jun 19 17:22:24 2008 Esoteric wrote post #441:
> Because of the more common eq parties happening, several mobs that
> were once a boot back in the day, cannot be killed without a boot.
> This was good when boots were 2-3 days apart. However, with them
> being a week apart, and some items for monsters not reseting until
> then, you can explore but then have to wait another week to try
> ideas etc. Zatea for example, is a 1 boot/monster. I realize its a
> quest mob, but if there a way to make all mobs reset with 24-48
> hours, or do do you fele it's fine the way it is?
> Eso
ontop of that, lets make it so eq mobs give away their eq if you ask
them nice enough
this is an old issue, eq mobs that weren't meant for once a week
boots have already been fixed.
poster: Maduo
subject: >>enchantments
date: Thu Jun 19 22:13:06 2008
On Thu Jun 19 16:55:38 2008 Esoteric wrote post #440:
> On Wed Jun 18 18:01:20 2008 Maduo wrote post #439:
> > more of an idea/suggestion but i think it would save some much
> > needed time/sp if the enchant armor spell gave a short extra message
> > as to what it added so players wouldn't have to waste the extra,
> > what is it? 3 rounds?, id'ing the piece to decide if they wanted to
> > keep it or remove the prot and try again..
> > also... there is no guild.enchanter news post area =(
> > that makes me a sad panda..
> People generally keep the prots they're left with on the initial
> enchantment. Enchants are not cheap, and for someone to have the
> time to go through their eq, while others blast, do their job would
> piss too many people off anyway. Howabout instead of suggesting an
> ideas YOU could slack more with when you're idling/fr
> endless/partyless self. A message would be alright i guess, but it
> isn't a necessity.
generally, people are idiots. even moreso, when one person in
general flocks to a side, everyone else follows like lemmings.
personally i would much rather spend the extra sp/time to get, say,
oh 30-40 extra spr if it was easier to see which stats it protted..
but hey, that's just me.
besides that, eso, eq parties tend to have large gaps of time
inbetween kills. are you saying people should embrace that time
instead of prepping spells? maybe thats how you've grown up to play
but not me.
and wow, from straightup denial/rejection to a flame, your post
rocks.. almost as helpfull as sticking your crotch in a blender.
also, you spelt friendless wrong, just fyi.
it's not a required attribute to the spell, but it sure as hell
would be damn helpfull.
poster: Trigon
subject: >>>enchantments
date: Thu Jun 19 22:59:16 2008
On Thu Jun 19 22:13:06 2008 Maduo wrote post #444:
> On Thu Jun 19 16:55:38 2008 Esoteric wrote post #440:
> > On Wed Jun 18 18:01:20 2008 Maduo wrote post #439:
> > > more of an idea/suggestion but i think it would save some much
> > > needed time/sp if the enchant armor spell gave a short extra message
> > > as to what it added so players wouldn't have to waste the extra,
> > > what is it? 3 rounds?, id'ing the piece to decide if they wanted to
> > > keep it or remove the prot and try again..
> > > also... there is no guild.enchanter news post area =(
> > > that makes me a sad panda..
> > People generally keep the prots they're left with on the initial
> > enchantment. Enchants are not cheap, and for someone to have the
> > time to go through their eq, while others blast, do their job would
> > piss too many people off anyway. Howabout instead of suggesting an
> > ideas YOU could slack more with when you're idling/fr
> > endless/partyless self. A message would be alright i guess, but it
> > isn't a necessity.
> generally, people are idiots. even moreso, when one person in
> general flocks to a side, everyone else follows like lemmings.
> personally i would much rather spend the extra sp/time to get, say,
> oh 30-40 extra spr if it was easier to see which stats it protted..
> but hey, that's just me.
> besides that, eso, eq parties tend to have large gaps of time
> inbetween kills. are you saying people should embrace that time
> instead of prepping spells? maybe thats how you've grown up to play
> but not me.
> and wow, from straightup denial/rejection to a flame, your post
> rocks.. almost as helpfull as sticking your crotch in a blender.
> also, you spelt friendless wrong, just fyi.
> it's not a required attribute to the spell, but it sure as hell
> would be damn helpfull.
who would ever think putting your crotch in a blender would be helpful
and holy cow do you have like walk-in blender? They should make a
Price of Persia level out of your kitchen or something
dodging blades and smoothies of death
mmm smoothies of death...
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >>>>enchantments
date: Fri Jun 20 07:37:43 2008
On Thu Jun 19 22:59:16 2008 Trigon wrote post #445:
> On Thu Jun 19 22:13:06 2008 Maduo wrote post #444:
> > On Thu Jun 19 16:55:38 2008 Esoteric wrote post #440:
> > > On Wed Jun 18 18:01:20 2008 Maduo wrote post #439:
> > > > more of an idea/suggestion but i think it would save some much
> > > > needed time/sp if the enchant armor spell gave a short extra message
> > > > as to what it added so players wouldn't have to waste the extra,
> > > > what is it? 3 rounds?, id'ing the piece to decide if they wanted to
> > > > keep it or remove the prot and try again..
> > > > also... there is no guild.enchanter news post area =(
> > > > that makes me a sad panda..
> > > People generally keep the prots they're left with on the initial
> > > enchantment. Enchants are not cheap, and for someone to have the
> > > time to go through their eq, while others blast, do their job would
> > > piss too many people off anyway. Howabout instead of suggesting an
> > > ideas YOU could slack more with when you're idling/fr
> > > endless/partyless self. A message would be alright i guess, but it
> > > isn't a necessity.
> > generally, people are idiots. even moreso, when one person in
> > general flocks to a side, everyone else follows like lemmings.
> > personally i would much rather spend the extra sp/time to get, say,
> > oh 30-40 extra spr if it was easier to see which stats it protted..
> > but hey, that's just me.
> > besides that, eso, eq parties tend to have large gaps of time
> > inbetween kills. are you saying people should embrace that time
> > instead of prepping spells? maybe thats how you've grown up to play
> > but not me.
> > and wow, from straightup denial/rejection to a flame, your post
> > rocks.. almost as helpfull as sticking your crotch in a blender.
> > also, you spelt friendless wrong, just fyi.
> >
> > it's not a required attribute to the spell, but it sure as hell
> > would be damn helpfull.
> who would ever think putting your crotch in a blender would be helpful
> and holy cow do you have like walk-in blender? They should make a
> Price of Persia level out of your kitchen or something
> dodging blades and smoothies of death
> mmm smoothies of death...
> bacon...
hell yeah, bacon alone has brought this thread to a whole new level.
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: gwaul
date: Fri Jun 20 10:08:22 2008
would be neat of you could purchase a doll or token(something to
that effect) for either gold, xp's or both and switch where ever you
may happen to be. Time between switches would not be affected.
just a thought
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: lava eqs
date: Fri Jun 20 11:01:17 2008
I made a short post not too long ago about being able to make more
than one RAW lava at a time but didn't really say why i thought it
was a good idea.
I like the way lava works with the randomness in stats and the fact
that mistys can use it now too. I think multiple raw lavas would
not make it any faster to make the eq but it would help in finding a
pcs that would work best for what you intended to create. Instead
of 1.make raw lava 2. regen 3. mold 4. regen 5 repeat. I think 1.
create as many raw as you wish and regen as needed 2. mold pcs for
same slot till you get what your looking for would make it.....i
really want to say more viable, but more user friendly. Would help
alot in making a set that suits the casters needs/wants.
poster: Maduo
subject: >gwaul
date: Fri Jun 20 12:39:21 2008
On Fri Jun 20 10:08:22 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #447:
> would be neat of you could purchase a doll or token(something to
> that effect) for either gold, xp's or both and switch where ever you
> may happen to be. Time between switches would not be affected.
> just a thought
as an addon, it'd also be neat if you could switch between bodies
using the race-select room gwual
poster: Rancor
subject: Sloat
date: Fri Jun 20 13:15:41 2008
Would be fun if you could see his collection, and by that I mean a
list of items and number of times they have been sacced
poster: Quillz
subject: >Sloat
date: Fri Jun 20 13:16:31 2008
On Fri Jun 20 13:15:41 2008 Rancor wrote post #450:
> Would be fun if you could see his collection, and by that I mean a
> list of items and number of times they have been sacced
That actually does sound pretty cool!
I might even map him just to see that regardless if I have anything to sac.
poster: Amrog
subject: chainflee to hell
date: Sat Jun 21 02:58:07 2008
maybe you know this feature: if you are in agro area and start
fleeing, there is no chance to do anything but scroll the screen
back after you end in hell...
of course, there is a chance that you will flee into room without
mobs and survive somehow
although this chance could be very low once you flee into another
direction than you came from :)
here is my idea
what about to disable fleeing flag for entry hits once you
successfuly flee out of room? you would have chance to use lode or
drink potion or pray at least :)
poster: Amrog
subject: >chainflee to hell
date: Sat Jun 21 03:05:07 2008
On Sat Jun 21 02:58:07 2008 Amrog wrote post #452:
> back after you end in hell...
> of course, there is a chance that you will flee into room without
> mobs and survive somehow
> although this chance could be very low once you flee into another
> direction than you came from :)
> here is my idea
> what about to disable fleeing flag for entry hits once you
> successfuly flee out of room? you would have chance to use lode or
> drink potion or pray at least :)
oh, i forgot another option, you can make check of success of
fleeing on every entry hits you get while fleeing, there is no check
now until you stop fleeing
poster: Esoteric
subject: Secondary abjurer.
date: Sat Jun 21 04:38:41 2008
Maybe make it a little weaker. As bards secondary songs got lowered,
i think the strength of abj secondary stuff should as well, just to
balance it out. Don't want any healer/abj combos stealing an abj
spot in pool or something etc
poster: Quillz
subject: >Secondary abjurer.
date: Sat Jun 21 18:00:36 2008
On Sat Jun 21 04:38:41 2008 Esoteric wrote post #454:
> Maybe make it a little weaker. As bards secondary songs got lowered,
> i think the strength of abj secondary stuff should as well, just to
> balance it out. Don't want any healer/abj combos stealing an abj
> spot in pool or something etc
Please correct me if I am wrong on this, but I thought that
secondary abju was lowered, too. I used to be primary druid with abj
levels enough for lrap & iw, etc, but was still frequently stunned
through IW and they didn't seem to last all that long either.
Again - if I am wrong on this, please correct me.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>Secondary abjurer.
date: Sun Jun 22 18:34:21 2008
On Sat Jun 21 18:00:36 2008 Quillz wrote post #455:
> > Maybe make it a little weaker. As bards secondary songs got lowered,
> > i think the strength of abj secondary stuff should as well, just to
> > balance it out. Don't want any healer/abj combos stealing an abj
> > spot in pool or something etc
> Please correct me if I am wrong on this, but I thought that
> secondary abju was lowered, too. I used to be primary druid with abj
> levels enough for lrap & iw, etc, but was still frequently stunned
> through IW and they didn't seem to last all that long either.
> Again - if I am wrong on this, please correct me.
> Q
I was of the impression all spells were weakened to start off in secondaries.
And I'm fairly certain abj got a tune way before bard did :)
poster: Vor
subject: >>>Secondary abjurer.
date: Sun Jun 22 18:35:58 2008
if i could figure it out, i'd tell you... but if abj was tuned the
way i tuned bard (which i'm fairly sure is the only way to tune it
that makes the following true), i would have no way of knowing how
it originally worked.
it doesn't have any really weird code near as i can tell though...
honestly, i can only think of 1 place i've seen that does of code
like that.
poster: Nevyn
subject: Bless Weapon
date: Sun Jun 22 21:38:20 2008
Help on spell : Bless Weapon
Guild Level : Bravo
Spell type : Enchantment
Casting time : 6 rounds
Protection category : Major
Average duration : Important
Number of stacks : 1
Affecting skills : exorcism
Affecting stats : int, wis?
Base Experience Cost : xxxx
Calling forth the might of Mitra, the exorcist can infuse a weapon with holy
(Holy dtype weapon enchant)
poster: Mugen
subject: >Bless Weapon
date: Sun Jun 22 21:39:23 2008
On Sun Jun 22 21:38:20 2008 Nevyn wrote post #458:
> ===========================================================
> Help on spell : Bless Weapon
> Guild Level : Bravo
> Spell type : Enchantment
> Casting time : 6 rounds
> Protection category : Major
> Average duration : Important
> Number of stacks : 1
> Affecting skills : exorcism
> Affecting stats : int, wis?
> Base Experience Cost : xxxx
> ===========================================================
> Calling forth the might of Mitra, the exorcist can infuse a weapon with
> might
> ===========================================================
> (Holy dtype weapon enchant)
I think denim has crusader enchant.
poster: Nevyn
subject: >>Bless Weapon
date: Sun Jun 22 21:42:51 2008
> I think denim has crusader enchant.
I'm noob
poster: Quillz
subject: >Bless Weapon
date: Mon Jun 23 06:14:43 2008
On Sun Jun 22 21:38:20 2008 Nevyn wrote post #458:
> ===========================================================
> Help on spell : Bless Weapon
> Guild Level : Bravo
> Spell type : Enchantment
> Casting time : 6 rounds
> Protection category : Major
> Average duration : Important
> Number of stacks : 1
> Affecting skills : exorcism
> Affecting stats : int, wis?
> Base Experience Cost : xxxx
> ===========================================================
> Calling forth the might of Mitra, the exorcist can infuse a weapon with
> might
> ===========================================================
> (Holy dtype weapon enchant)
Beautiful, I love it.
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >chainflee to hell
date: Mon Jun 23 07:46:22 2008
On Sat Jun 21 02:58:07 2008 Amrog wrote post #452:
> maybe you know this feature: if you are in agro area and start
> fleeing, there is no chance to do anything but scroll the screen
> back after you end in hell...
> of course, there is a chance that you will flee into room without
> mobs and survive somehow
> although this chance could be very low once you flee into another
> direction than you came from :)
> here is my idea
> what about to disable fleeing flag for entry hits once you
> successfuly flee out of room? you would have chance to use lode or
> drink potion or pray at least :)
wimpy 0 keep you from running into rooms that you dont want to go in.
poster: Vor
subject: >chainflee to hell
date: Mon Jun 23 09:49:14 2008
uhh... i'm pretty sure that you can't wimpy (successfully) more than
once in a round anyway. you should have time after you wimpy to lode
or something.
poster: Nevyn
subject: AJAX based mudclient
date: Wed Jun 25 02:15:37 2008
I'm going to begin development on an AJAX-based mudclient, which basically means a powerful customizable mudclient in your webbrowser, hopefully able to bypass almost any firewall and accessible from any computer. Sounds great, eh? :)
If anyone want to help out, send me a mail :)
poster: Highpriest
subject: >AJAX based mudclient
date: Wed Jun 25 02:19:46 2008
On Wed Jun 25 02:15:37 2008 Nevyn wrote post #464:
> I'm going to begin development on an AJAX-based mudclient, which basically
means a powerful customizable mudclient in your webbrowser, hopefully able
to bypass almost any firewall and accessible from any computer. Sounds
great, eh? :)
> If anyone want to help out, send me a mail :)
i have no idea what AJAX means, but i _think_ bypassing firewall
stuffs is more like port problem... korthrun just opened a new port
tho i think.... p.s. log on and let's melee!
poster: Nevyn
subject: >>AJAX based mudclient
date: Wed Jun 25 02:41:19 2008
On Wed Jun 25 02:19:46 2008 Highpriest wrote post #465 in ideas:
> On Wed Jun 25 02:15:37 2008 Nevyn wrote post #464:
> > I'm going to begin development on an AJAX-based mudclient, which basically
> means a powerful customizable mudclient in your webbrowser, hopefully able
> to bypass almost any firewall and accessible from any computer. Sounds
> great, eh? :)
> >
> > If anyone want to help out, send me a mail :)
> i have no idea what AJAX means, but i _think_ bypassing firewall
> stuffs is more like port problem... korthrun just opened a new port
> tho i think.... p.s. log on and let's melee!
AJAX = Asynchronus JavaScript and XML
As for bypassing firewalls, it's not entirely/always a port problem. Most corporate firewalls block most transfer protocols, save HTTP. Making a webbased MUDclient would mean it could operate across the HTTP protocol, making us unstoppable! >:]
And... I'm at work :( No melee... until I finish the AJAX client
poster: Nevyn
subject: Case insensitivity
date: Fri Jun 27 06:46:22 2008
pwho Nevyn -> No such player online.
pwho nevyn -> yaddayadda party
Possible solution could be to convert all user input to lower case before processing it.
poster: Tranquil
subject: >Case insensitivity
date: Fri Jun 27 23:43:56 2008
On Fri Jun 27 06:46:22 2008 Nevyn wrote post #467:
> pwho Nevyn -> No such player online.
> pwho nevyn -> yaddayadda party
> Possible solution could be to convert all user input to lower case before
processing it.
Bad idea. Capitalisation is useful in some situations, such as when
making commands/aliases/etc. Instead, i'd suggest that the pwho
command is changed to force the supplied argument (in this case, the
input 'Nevyn') to lowercase, before parsing it. That should solve
your issue. =)
poster: Maduo
subject: >>Case insensitivity
date: Sat Jun 28 01:09:31 2008
On Fri Jun 27 23:43:56 2008 Tranquil wrote post #468:
> On Fri Jun 27 06:46:22 2008 Nevyn wrote post #467:
> > pwho Nevyn -> No such player online.
> > pwho nevyn -> yaddayadda party
> >
> > Possible solution could be to convert all user input to lower case before
> processing it.
> Bad idea. Capitalisation is useful in some situations, such as when
> making commands/aliases/etc. Instead, i'd suggest that the pwho
> command is changed to force the supplied argument (in this case, the
> input 'Nevyn') to lowercase, before parsing it. That should solve
> your issue. =)
couldn't this be simply fixed on the clientsize by making your
client force everything to be lowercased? or evenmoreso, you could
just have it replace the capitalized word with a lowercased one..
easy enough..
or, ya know, get in the habit of NOT capitalizing names when using
pwho.. or just make commands for pwho for everyone in the party when
you make the party.. so many alternative options that don't screw
with the muds code.. =)
poster: Nevyn
subject: >>>Case insensitivity
date: Sat Jun 28 01:12:00 2008
On Sat Jun 28 01:09:31 2008 Maduo wrote post #469 in ideas:
> On Fri Jun 27 23:43:56 2008 Tranquil wrote post #468:
> > On Fri Jun 27 06:46:22 2008 Nevyn wrote post #467:
> > > pwho Nevyn -> No such player online.
> > > pwho nevyn -> yaddayadda party
> > >
> > > Possible solution could be to convert all user input to lower case before
> > processing it.
> >
> > Bad idea. Capitalisation is useful in some situations, such as when
> > making commands/aliases/etc. Instead, i'd suggest that the pwho
> > command is changed to force the supplied argument (in this case, the
> > input 'Nevyn') to lowercase, before parsing it. That should solve
> > your issue. =)
> couldn't this be simply fixed on the clientsize by making your
> client force everything to be lowercased? or evenmoreso, you could
> just have it replace the capitalized word with a lowercased one..
> easy enough..
> or, ya know, get in the habit of NOT capitalizing names when using
> pwho.. or just make commands for pwho for everyone in the party when
> you make the party.. so many alternative options that don't screw
> with the muds code.. =)
Clients supporting tab-completition will frequently tab-complete a name into a capitalized one, and pwho is not the only command which forces lower case.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>>>Case insensitivity
date: Sat Jun 28 08:04:13 2008
On Sat Jun 28 01:12:00 2008 Nevyn wrote post #470:
> > couldn't this be simply fixed on the clientsize by making your
> > client force everything to be lowercased? or evenmoreso, you could
> > just have it replace the capitalized word with a lowercased one..
> > easy enough..
> > or, ya know, get in the habit of NOT capitalizing names when using
> > pwho.. or just make commands for pwho for everyone in the party when
> > you make the party.. so many alternative options that don't screw
> > with the muds code.. =)
> Clients supporting tab-completition will frequently tab-complete a name
into a capitalized one, and pwho is not the only command which forces lower
Clients support tab-completion are a bit over the top :p
poster: Nevyn
subject: combat silent avoid
date: Tue Jul 8 10:32:32 2008
Silence avoidance (tumbling, dodging, misses)
poster: Amrog
subject: shops
date: Tue Jul 8 18:06:43 2008
would be nice if we could id stuff in shops, or at least at Gab and
Rufrin... sometimes there is a piece that have variable stats or new
item and nobody knows what it does
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: nav guild
date: Mon Jul 28 17:25:35 2008
it should have a chan.
poster: Nol
subject: Regenerating Flesh
date: Wed Jul 30 07:09:42 2008
For necromancers this spell is great apart from one small issue.
When the spell drops you get a message, which is good, but
necromancers and their pets are often in different rooms as they
move after you.
It would be great if you could check if this spell was up by, for
eaxmple, looking at your familiar and it would say something like -
It's eyes glow with unearthly power.
would appreciate if you could have a look at this...
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >Regenerating Flesh
date: Wed Jul 30 12:07:16 2008
On Wed Jul 30 07:09:42 2008 Nol wrote post #475 in ideas:
> blah blah
Added a desc
poster: Grasfer
subject: mxp hunger
date: Thu Jul 31 16:39:53 2008
Hi, add hunger to MXP, that way we can stop use RDMP completely if we want to.
Many thanks
poster: Maduo
subject: gwaul
date: Wed Aug 20 17:34:45 2008
i think it'd be neat if titles didn't disappear whenever we changed bodies
poster: Paleo
subject: battle scene
date: Fri Aug 22 02:04:22 2008
if i attack multipul mobs and the first dies...i think it suitable that new rounds continue. As currently if i attack 2 mobs and kill the first. i am still in battle with the second right?
poster: Highpriest
subject: >battle scene
date: Fri Aug 22 04:17:32 2008
I have no idea what you're talking about =P
poster: Korthrun
subject: >battle scene
date: Fri Aug 22 09:22:34 2008
On Fri Aug 22 02:04:22 2008 Paleo wrote post #479:
> if i attack multipul mobs and the first dies...i think it suitable that
new rounds continue. As currently if i attack 2 mobs and kill the first. i
am still in battle with the second right?
I have a digram that will explain this perfectly.
poster: White
subject: >>battle scene
date: Fri Aug 22 13:12:30 2008
i feel better after seeing the diagram. it works
poster: Paleo
subject: >>>battle scene
date: Sat Aug 23 04:14:54 2008
thanks for taking your time to understand my problem and fix it.
i feel much better now that its proven to work.
what ever it is, you can find it on ebay.
thats about as helpful as it could have been
poster: Monkey
subject: >>>>battle scene
date: Sat Aug 23 18:18:19 2008
On Sat Aug 23 04:14:54 2008 Paleo wrote post #483:
> thanks for taking your time to understand my problem and fix it.
> i feel much better now that its proven to work.
> what ever it is, you can find it on ebay.
> thats about as helpful as it could have been
what he means to say is, he doesnt want to have to start a new spell
when the mob he is killing dies
also, epic dickdom
poster: Vor
subject: >>>>battle scene
date: Sat Aug 23 21:43:41 2008
can't tell if this is sarcasm. if it is, you may want to state your
problem again.
poster: Vor
subject: >>>>>battle scene
date: Sat Aug 23 21:44:54 2008
if that's really what he meants, it's too bad. i don't want to even
imagine how much work we'd put in and how much issue it'd cause so
that you wouldn't have to hit your blast macro again :P
poster: Gen
subject: Banking
date: Thu Aug 28 23:00:17 2008
I think this maybe a good idea for users, especially with the increased cost of equipment. I think that banks should be able to offer extended loans to "appropriate" users. And basically this means that not just any player is accepted to get loans. "Credit" would be based on several things like: level, worth, mud age, etc... Also having secondaries linked together would prevent abuse of this loan option. Which means that your primary/secondaries are connected with this loan, so if you decide to create a secondary and take a loan out to give to someone else it would affect the primary by doing the following (if not paid back by set time): take a percentage of your worth away over a period of time, randomly lowering stats/spells/skills, lowering levels, etc...
An interest rate would also be required to build into the code as well. The interest could be based off of many factors like the loan itself. The more trustworthy the player is, the lower the interest time could be considered for. The time frame for the loan could also differ the percentage of the interest rate
Player A borrows 500,000 for two weeks. His/Her/It's total loan would be 600,000 , however say Player A borrows 500,000 for one week it may only be 550,000 because of the shorter time period of the loan.
poster: Stomper
subject: potions
date: Tue Sep 2 16:48:20 2008
u cant drink the random potions from the ground
it would be cool if u make it so if you could so mist mages could
drink their potions
poster: Highpriest
subject: >potions
date: Tue Sep 2 16:49:41 2008
On Tue Sep 2 16:48:20 2008 Stomper wrote post #488:
> u cant drink the random potions from the ground
> it would be cool if u make it so if you could so mist mages could
> drink their potions
you must be thinking that some foggy stuff can suck in some liquid
from the floor and then let the foggy stomach hold the weight
poster: Paleo
subject: >>>>>battle scene
date: Wed Sep 3 02:33:43 2008
On Sat Aug 23 21:43:41 2008 Vor wrote post #485 in ideas:
> can't tell if this is sarcasm. if it is, you may want to state your
> problem again.
My original question is not sarcasm. I was being sarcastic about the "help" the other players gave me. I just wanted to know if it would be appropriate(spelled wrong) that new round count continues after killing the first of two attacked mobs. example
kill Q
kill R
new round
Q falls to the ground DEAD!
(no round display)
R falls to the ground DEAD!
poster: Paleo
subject: >>>>>>battle scene
date: Wed Sep 3 02:37:25 2008
On Wed Sep 3 02:33:43 2008 Paleo wrote post #490 in ideas:
> On Sat Aug 23 21:43:41 2008 Vor wrote post #485 in ideas:
> > can't tell if this is sarcasm. if it is, you may want to state your
> > problem again.
> My original question is not sarcasm. I was being sarcastic about the "help" the other players gave me. I just wanted to know if it would be appropriate(spelled wrong) that new round count continues after killing the first of two attacked mobs. example
> kill Q
> kill R
> new round
> Q falls to the ground DEAD!
> (no round display)
> R falls to the ground DEAD!
I was told that it was a bug for the guild. Thus meaning I misposted. Disregard me.
poster: Paleo
subject: >battle scene
date: Wed Sep 24 16:16:26 2008
I think that due to multipul problems with MOST people and necromancers(being they take exp from other players in a party) I think if at all possible (sounds hard to me, but what do I know?) it would be pretty cool if the necromancer took the exp for the kill and distributed it to the fams.
Name Exp. Earned Percent Exp/Min Party Share
necro 247,436 31 4,726 50
name2 184,342 23 4,726 50
| Total kills: 8 \
| Rating: Giant (22041) \
/ Members: 2 ---------------.
/ |
.--------------------------------------------------------------------------, |
| Party Name: Exp / min: | |
| Created At: Total exp: | |
| Looter: Gold Looted: | |
| Type: Gold/Mem: | |
| Exp | |
| Row Name Status Idle Level Gained Kills | |
'--------------------------------------------------------------------------' |
| 1 necro : LDR : : : 184,342 : |
| 2 name1 : : : : 247,436 : |
Probably doesnt and wont make sence to anyone, but I hope it does.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >>battle scene
date: Wed Sep 24 17:13:42 2008
>bla bla necro whine
Necro pets do and will continue to work as invisible party members.
Your choice to party or not to party with them.
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: black smiths
date: Fri Sep 26 13:48:43 2008
i like this guild but i dont see it being used alot. maybe if bifur
rates were raised bsmith might be of more importance. just
something i was pondering
poster: Ca
subject: >black smiths
date: Fri Sep 26 23:35:13 2008
On Fri Sep 26 13:48:43 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #494:
> i like this guild but i dont see it being used alot. maybe if bifur
> rates were raised bsmith might be of more importance. just
> something i was pondering
I think the main problem with this guild is that the mud penalizes
you for leveling up with a lower xp rate. Since this guild doesn't
add any combat abilities, taking 10 lvls in it only makes you
weaker. I'd like to see the penalty for blacksmith levels removed
and I think we'll see more people pick up this guild.
poster: Rancor
subject: >>black smiths
date: Sun Sep 28 14:04:15 2008
On Fri Sep 26 23:35:13 2008 Ca wrote post #495:
> On Fri Sep 26 13:48:43 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #494:
> > i like this guild but i dont see it being used alot. maybe if bifur
> > rates were raised bsmith might be of more importance. just
> > something i was pondering
> I think the main problem with this guild is that the mud penalizes
> you for leveling up with a lower xp rate. Since this guild doesn't
> add any combat abilities, taking 10 lvls in it only makes you
> weaker. I'd like to see the penalty for blacksmith levels removed
> and I think we'll see more people pick up this guild.
how about keeping the penalty but allowing to the repair of max
condition for eq rather than pyro's
poster: Vor
subject: >>>black smiths
date: Sun Sep 28 18:14:28 2008
someone should fix the guild, since at least 2 of the masteries in
it have 0 effect on any aspect of the guild. let's concentrate on
poster: Yugo
subject: Pets and mxp
date: Thu Oct 16 17:19:40 2008
i was wondering if it would be possible to get mxp hp/ep/sp/action
on the different pets in the necromancer guild.
Maybe even on pets from the different animal guilds (druid,ss,woodsman)
It would help clearing up some of the spam there is from people
making the pets autoreport to create different gauges and help those
that do party with them get less spam.
poster: Marconus
subject: >>potions
date: Fri Oct 31 12:44:39 2008
On Tue Sep 2 16:49:41 2008 Highpriest wrote post #489 in ideas:
> On Tue Sep 2 16:48:20 2008 Stomper wrote post #488:
> > u cant drink the random potions from the ground
> > it would be cool if u make it so if you could so mist mages could
> > drink their potions
> you must be thinking that some foggy stuff can suck in some liquid
> from the floor and then let the foggy stomach hold the weight
Heh, well technically speaking you can eat food off the ground while your a gas bag so why not? (abusing pots for more sps in mist form aside)
poster: Mugen
subject: >>>potions
date: Fri Oct 31 12:50:34 2008
On Fri Oct 31 12:44:39 2008 Marconus wrote post #499:
> On Tue Sep 2 16:49:41 2008 Highpriest wrote post #489 in ideas:
> > On Tue Sep 2 16:48:20 2008 Stomper wrote post #488:
> > > u cant drink the random potions from the ground
> > > it would be cool if u make it so if you could so mist mages could
> > > drink their potions
> > you must be thinking that some foggy stuff can suck in some liquid
> > from the floor and then let the foggy stomach hold the weight
> Heh, well technically speaking you can eat food off the ground while your
a gas bag so why not? (abusing pots for more sps in mist form aside)
> ;)
food is divine and transcends the physical world
even ghosts can eat food
and make clay pots
that is why food is so delicious
poster: Marconus
subject: >Banking
date: Fri Oct 31 12:50:51 2008
On Thu Aug 28 23:00:17 2008 Gen wrote post #487 in ideas:
> I think this maybe a good idea for users, especially with the increased cost of equipment. I think that banks should be able to offer extended loans to "appropriate" users. And basically this means that not just any player is accepted to get loans. "Credit" would be based on several things like: level, worth, mud age, etc... Also having secondaries linked together would prevent abuse of this loan option. Which means that your primary/secondaries are connected with this loan, so if you decide to create a secondary and take a loan out to give to someone else it would affect the primary by doing the following (if not paid back by set time): take a percentage of your worth away over a period of time, randomly lowering stats/spells/skills, lowering levels, etc...
> An interest rate would also be required to build into the code as well. The interest could be based off of many factors like the loan itself. The more trustworthy the player is, the lower the interest time could be considered for. The time frame for the loan could also differ the percentage of the interest rate
> -----
> Player A borrows 500,000 for two weeks. His/Her/It's total loan would be 600,000 , however say Player A borrows 500,000 for one week it may only be 550,000 because of the shorter time period of the loan.
Does the bank teller get to invest it poorly causing players to lose all their deposited gold and then get a multi-billion gold bailout from the Gods to take an executive retreat to fabulous IoM resorts and sports grounds? :D
Just imagine the chaos of gold loss event then with all those playing carrying gold around, and could send the ambushing thieves out in force due to the ever increasing unemployment rate! Dargoth needs a new pair of bootsies!
poster: Quillz
subject: >>Banking
date: Fri Nov 7 09:59:24 2008
On Fri Oct 31 12:50:51 2008 Marconus wrote post #501:
> On Thu Aug 28 23:00:17 2008 Gen wrote post #487 in ideas:
> > I think this maybe a good idea for users, especially with the increased
cost of equipment. I think that banks should be able to offer extended loans
to "appropriate" users. And basically this means that not just any player is
accepted to get loans. "Credit" would be based on several things like:
level, worth, mud age, etc... Also having secondaries linked together would
prevent abuse of this loan option. Which means that your primary/secondaries
are connected with this loan, so if you decide to create a secondary and
take a loan out to give to someone else it would affect the primary by doing
the following (if not paid back by set time): take a percentage of your
worth away over a period of time, randomly lowering stats/spells/skills,
lowering levels, etc...
> >
> >
> >
> > An interest rate would also be required to build into the code as well.
The interest could be based off of many factors like the loan itself. The
more trustworthy the player is, the lower the interest time could be
considered for. The time frame for the loan could also differ the percentage
of the interest rate
> >
> > -----
> >
> >
> >
> > Player A borrows 500,000 for two weeks. His/Her/It's total loan would be
600,000 , however say Player A borrows 500,000 for one week it may only be
550,000 because of the shorter time period of the loan.
> Does the bank teller get to invest it poorly causing players to lose all
their deposited gold and then get a multi-billion gold bailout from the Gods
to take an executive retreat to fabulous IoM resorts and sports grounds? :D
> Just imagine the chaos of gold loss event then with all those playing
carrying gold around, and could send the ambushing thieves out in force due
to the ever increasing unemployment rate! Dargoth needs a new pair of
> *hides*
Now THIS is one of the funniest things I've read in awhile. Well done.
poster: Chemosh
subject: Santa Area
date: Tue Nov 11 10:55:29 2008
I would like to post an idea for the upcoming santa area.
As I understand it now, you have to catch the long ferry to santa,
and can log off in the room. And then every 24 hrs log on and scam
another present.
This has the result that many people create a number of legal
2ndaries called c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 and log these on and just idle at
These characters are only ever logged on for santa. Whiel there is
nothing illegal about this, I sometimes wonder where these gained
presents/tickets end up (since the players actually never play)
To help people not step over the legal/illegal line I propose the following
A) when you log off on the santa ferry or at santa, you can placed
at cs. Similar to what happens to you if you try to log off outside
white rift or at sloat. this would require everyone to catch at
least the ferry to santa
B) once you get a present Santa looks at you as resets your
alignment to neutral - since you just spent all your goodness (or
evilness) to scam a present. This would require you to catch the
ferry to a mob, fix your alignment and then ferry on back.
This would encourage a little more effort on players side to gain a present.
Any BUILDS to the IDEA are welcome
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >Santa Area
date: Tue Nov 11 11:02:27 2008
On Tue Nov 11 10:55:29 2008 Chemosh wrote post #503:
> I would like to post an idea for the upcoming santa area.
> As I understand it now, you have to catch the long ferry to santa,
> and can log off in the room. And then every 24 hrs log on and scam
> another present.
> This has the result that many people create a number of legal
> 2ndaries called c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 and log these on and just idle at
> santa.
> These characters are only ever logged on for santa. Whiel there is
> nothing illegal about this, I sometimes wonder where these gained
> presents/tickets end up (since the players actually never play)
> To help people not step over the legal/illegal line I propose the following
> A) when you log off on the santa ferry or at santa, you can placed
> at cs. Similar to what happens to you if you try to log off outside
> white rift or at sloat. this would require everyone to catch at
> least the ferry to santa
> OR
> B) once you get a present Santa looks at you as resets your
> alignment to neutral - since you just spent all your goodness (or
> evilness) to scam a present. This would require you to catch the
> ferry to a mob, fix your alignment and then ferry on back.
> This would encourage a little more effort on players side to gain a
> Any BUILDS to the IDEA are welcome
> C
excellent idea of it resetting the align.
all the others i think the wizzes keep/mightkeep an eye on.
poster: Dfalt
subject: >>Santa Area
date: Tue Nov 11 11:03:21 2008
On Tue Nov 11 11:02:27 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #504:
> On Tue Nov 11 10:55:29 2008 Chemosh wrote post #503:
> > I would like to post an idea for the upcoming santa area.
> >
> > As I understand it now, you have to catch the long ferry to santa,
> > and can log off in the room. And then every 24 hrs log on and scam
> > another present.
> >
> > This has the result that many people create a number of legal
> > 2ndaries called c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 and log these on and just idle at
> > santa.
> >
> > These characters are only ever logged on for santa. Whiel there is
> > nothing illegal about this, I sometimes wonder where these gained
> > presents/tickets end up (since the players actually never play)
> >
> > To help people not step over the legal/illegal line I propose the
> >
> > A) when you log off on the santa ferry or at santa, you can placed
> > at cs. Similar to what happens to you if you try to log off outside
> > white rift or at sloat. this would require everyone to catch at
> > least the ferry to santa
> >
> > OR
> >
> > B) once you get a present Santa looks at you as resets your
> > alignment to neutral - since you just spent all your goodness (or
> > evilness) to scam a present. This would require you to catch the
> > ferry to a mob, fix your alignment and then ferry on back.
> >
> > This would encourage a little more effort on players side to gain a
> present.
> >
> > Any BUILDS to the IDEA are welcome
> >
> >
> >
> > HO HO HO
> >
> > C
> >
> excellent idea of it resetting the align.
> all the others i think the wizzes keep/mightkeep an eye on.
> pyro
pyro liked it, therfore I don't.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>Santa Area
date: Tue Nov 11 15:33:39 2008
On Tue Nov 11 11:02:27 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #504:
> On Tue Nov 11 10:55:29 2008 Chemosh wrote post #503:
> > I would like to post an idea for the upcoming santa area.
> >
> > As I understand it now, you have to catch the long ferry to santa,
> > and can log off in the room. And then every 24 hrs log on and scam
> > another present.
> >
> > This has the result that many people create a number of legal
> > 2ndaries called c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 and log these on and just idle at
> > santa.
> >
> > These characters are only ever logged on for santa. Whiel there is
> > nothing illegal about this, I sometimes wonder where these gained
> > presents/tickets end up (since the players actually never play)
> >
> > To help people not step over the legal/illegal line I propose the
> >
> > A) when you log off on the santa ferry or at santa, you can placed
> > at cs. Similar to what happens to you if you try to log off outside
> > white rift or at sloat. this would require everyone to catch at
> > least the ferry to santa
> >
> > OR
> >
> > B) once you get a present Santa looks at you as resets your
> > alignment to neutral - since you just spent all your goodness (or
> > evilness) to scam a present. This would require you to catch the
> > ferry to a mob, fix your alignment and then ferry on back.
> >
> > This would encourage a little more effort on players side to gain a
> present.
> >
> > Any BUILDS to the IDEA are welcome
> >
> >
> >
> > HO HO HO
> >
> > C
> >
> excellent idea of it resetting the align.
> all the others i think the wizzes keep/mightkeep an eye on.
> pyro
wrong key the first time.
I cannot say that I have seen lots of new characters getting
poster: White
subject: >>>Santa Area
date: Tue Nov 11 18:21:00 2008
i'm pretty sure you need to be level 10 to get stuff. that actually
does require killing for a few minutes, even if you're just
i like the idea of people not being able to reconnect at santa though.
poster: Esoteric
subject: >>>>Santa Area
date: Wed Nov 12 00:39:11 2008
On Tue Nov 11 18:21:00 2008 White wrote post #507:
> i'm pretty sure you need to be level 10 to get stuff. that actually
> does require killing for a few minutes, even if you're just
> inflating.
> i like the idea of people not being able to reconnect at santa though.
lvl 11
level 11
poster: Mugen
subject: >>>>>Santa Area
date: Fri Nov 14 23:08:04 2008
On Wed Nov 12 00:39:11 2008 Esoteric wrote post #508:
> On Tue Nov 11 18:21:00 2008 White wrote post #507:
> > i'm pretty sure you need to be level 10 to get stuff. that actually
> > does require killing for a few minutes, even if you're just
> > inflating.
> > i like the idea of people not being able to reconnect at santa though.
> lvl 11
> level 11
worst idea ever
why am i gonna log in if i can't parade my newbies through santa
i mean, its a daily christmas parade
who doesn't like that
besides the antichrist
poster: Highpriest
subject: >>Santa Area
date: Fri Nov 14 23:23:39 2008
On Tue Nov 11 11:02:27 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #504:
> On Tue Nov 11 10:55:29 2008 Chemosh wrote post #503:
> > I would like to post an idea for the upcoming santa area.
> >
> > As I understand it now, you have to catch the long ferry to santa,
> > and can log off in the room. And then every 24 hrs log on and scam
> > another present.
> >
> > This has the result that many people create a number of legal
> > 2ndaries called c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 and log these on and just idle at
> > santa.
> >
> > These characters are only ever logged on for santa. Whiel there is
> > nothing illegal about this, I sometimes wonder where these gained
> > presents/tickets end up (since the players actually never play)
> >
> > To help people not step over the legal/illegal line I propose the
> >
> > A) when you log off on the santa ferry or at santa, you can placed
> > at cs. Similar to what happens to you if you try to log off outside
> > white rift or at sloat. this would require everyone to catch at
> > least the ferry to santa
> >
> > OR
> >
> > B) once you get a present Santa looks at you as resets your
> > alignment to neutral - since you just spent all your goodness (or
> > evilness) to scam a present. This would require you to catch the
> > ferry to a mob, fix your alignment and then ferry on back.
> >
> > This would encourage a little more effort on players side to gain a
> present.
> >
> > Any BUILDS to the IDEA are welcome
> >
> >
> >
> > HO HO HO
> >
> > C
> >
> excellent idea of it resetting the align.
> all the others i think the wizzes keep/mightkeep an eye on.
> pyro
except that neutral allows presents
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: ewok
date: Thu Nov 20 13:55:30 2008
i should be a ewok all the time. please up my cha too :)
pyro the ewok
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: coal
date: Mon Dec 1 06:19:09 2008
there is no requests group. I want coal. if you have/get coal from
santa I'd like it bunches, ty.
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: coal
date: Tue Dec 2 06:33:35 2008
it should burn and chest..........cause that would be awesome
poster: Korthrun
subject: >coal
date: Tue Dec 2 22:12:54 2008
On Tue Dec 2 06:33:35 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #513:
> it should burn and chest..........cause that would be awesome
> pyro
It should act like a woodsmans camp fire.
But in reverse.
poster: Esoteric
subject: neat thing(s)
date: Wed Dec 3 19:49:37 2008
An amulet that does the same as spider, except for skills.
poster: White
subject: >neat thing(s)
date: Thu Dec 4 17:08:31 2008
that'd be hard to do, since high energy focus doesn't work for
skills, and there's no mastery that does for skills what hef does
for all attack spells.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>neat thing(s)
date: Thu Dec 4 19:46:42 2008
On Thu Dec 4 17:08:31 2008 White wrote post #516:
> that'd be hard to do, since high energy focus doesn't work for
> skills, and there's no mastery that does for skills what hef does
> for all attack spells.
Which I've always had fantasies about existing :)
mmm hef for skills
poster: White
subject: >>>neat thing(s)
date: Thu Dec 4 19:47:15 2008
would be cooler to make an item that caused motion control to work
in combat...
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>>>neat thing(s)
date: Thu Dec 4 19:48:17 2008
On Thu Dec 4 19:47:15 2008 White wrote post #518:
> would be cooler to make an item that caused motion control to work
> in combat...
can't argue that
poster: Esoteric
subject: >>>>>neat thing(s)
date: Fri Dec 5 15:01:22 2008
On Thu Dec 4 19:48:17 2008 Korthrun wrote post #519:
> On Thu Dec 4 19:47:15 2008 White wrote post #518:
> > would be cooler to make an item that caused motion control to work
> > in combat...
> can't argue that
Would be even cooler if motion control worked like qc for skills.
100% qc for a 4 round spell owns my 115-120% motion control for the
same thing.
poster: Quillz
subject: >>>>>>neat thing(s)
date: Sat Dec 6 06:58:39 2008
On Fri Dec 5 15:01:22 2008 Esoteric wrote post #520:
> On Thu Dec 4 19:48:17 2008 Korthrun wrote post #519:
> > On Thu Dec 4 19:47:15 2008 White wrote post #518:
> > > would be cooler to make an item that caused motion control to work
> > > in combat...
> > can't argue that
> Would be even cooler if motion control worked like qc for skills.
> 100% qc for a 4 round spell owns my 115-120% motion control for the
> same thing.
W: skill speed & spell speed wishes back.
Anybody else remember those? Those were the days...1 round tiger
claws, 1 round breaths, yummy yummy.
poster: Venetian
subject: >>>>>>>neat thing(s)
date: Sat Dec 6 06:59:24 2008
yea, i remember that
i <3'd pickpocketting with skill speed.
poster: Rancor
subject: >>>>>>>neat thing(s)
date: Sat Dec 6 21:08:54 2008
On Sat Dec 6 06:58:39 2008 Quillz wrote post #521:
> On Fri Dec 5 15:01:22 2008 Esoteric wrote post #520:
> > On Thu Dec 4 19:48:17 2008 Korthrun wrote post #519:
> > > On Thu Dec 4 19:47:15 2008 White wrote post #518:
> > > > would be cooler to make an item that caused motion control to work
> > > > in combat...
> > > can't argue that
> > Would be even cooler if motion control worked like qc for skills.
> > 100% qc for a 4 round spell owns my 115-120% motion control for the
> > same thing.
> W: skill speed & spell speed wishes back.
> Anybody else remember those? Those were the days...1 round tiger
> claws, 1 round breaths, yummy yummy.
> Q
wait you logged on long enough to post a sentence. hooray quillz is
back, I mean kind of, ok no, pout
poster: Bandobras
subject: wands
date: Fri Dec 12 14:24:05 2008
Magical wands-- santa gives them away and sometimes they fall as 0tp
pool. But once they're used they just get thrown away. Some people
don't even keep them with charges left on them. It's because they're
useless once used up, so why waste room. It would be cool if
enchanters or m.enchanters had a spell to refill any wand. Then
people would hold onto them and they would be more useful!
poster: Marconus
subject: >wands
date: Fri Dec 12 14:28:22 2008
On Fri Dec 12 14:24:05 2008 Bandobras wrote post #524:
> Magical wands-- santa gives them away and sometimes they fall as 0tp
> pool. But once they're used they just get thrown away. Some people
> don't even keep them with charges left on them. It's because they're
> useless once used up, so why waste room. It would be cool if
> enchanters or m.enchanters had a spell to refill any wand. Then
> people would hold onto them and they would be more useful!
Something that would also make this somewhat more interesting is if
you added some certain components that would be a requirement in the
re-enchanting process. Could even go a step further and add in a
series of rare components that could in addition be used for the
actual creation of wands and staves and whatnot, with the resulting
spell that's able to be cast being based off the components and
mastery of the person enchanting (with a goodly dose of luck thrown
in for good measure). Just my 2 cents here.
poster: Amrog
subject: fix website news
date: Wed Dec 17 03:02:14 2008
hi there,
it looks like there are random news marked as unread on website news everytime i log in. oh, and there are some weird numbers at many news folders too. is it possible to fix it? i cannot log in so i try to post it here instead of creating bug report :)
poster: Zifnab
subject: >fix website news
date: Fri Dec 19 15:48:03 2008
On Wed Dec 17 03:02:14 2008 Amrog wrote post #526:
> hi there,
> it looks like there are random news marked as unread on website news
everytime i log in. oh, and there are some weird numbers at many news
folders too. is it possible to fix it? i cannot log in so i try to post it
here instead of creating bug report :)
> thanx
Send me a screen shot please. I see nothing wrong with the
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>fix website news
date: Fri Dec 19 15:48:24 2008
On Fri Dec 19 15:48:03 2008 Zifnab wrote post #527:
> On Wed Dec 17 03:02:14 2008 Amrog wrote post #526:
> > hi there,
> > it looks like there are random news marked as unread on website news
> everytime i log in. oh, and there are some weird numbers at many news
> folders too. is it possible to fix it? i cannot log in so i try to post it
> here instead of creating bug report :)
> > thanx
> Send me a screen shot please. I see nothing wrong with the
> website
sorry zifnabiom@gmail.com
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>wands
date: Mon Dec 29 10:19:20 2008
On Fri Dec 12 14:28:22 2008 Marconus wrote post #525:
> > enchanters or m.enchanters had a spell to refill any wand. Then
> > people would hold onto them and they would be more useful!
> Something that would also make this somewhat more interesting is if
> you added some certain components that would be a requirement in the
> re-enchanting process. Could even go a step further and add in a
> series of rare components that could in addition be used for the
> actual creation of wands and staves and whatnot, with the resulting
> spell that's able to be cast being based off the components and
> mastery of the person enchanting (with a goodly dose of luck thrown
> in for good measure). Just my 2 cents here.
I'm all for some gathering of rediculous items to give to an npc or
master enchanter to have them recharge the wand.
Maybe they can get a max charges, and enchanters/npc can add a
charge at a time until that max or some such
Enough to make it a bother, but make wands less disposable. They are fun!
poster: Esoteric
subject: emerald/ruby ring combo
date: Wed Dec 31 14:54:54 2008
Is there anyway you can make this shield combo increase duration or
something of aura of force? :)
poster: Maskbeast
subject: Guild rank idea
date: Wed Jan 7 19:54:55 2009
It would be a really big project i know but just hear it out.
Guild rank % could be kinda be like a point system, and you can spend them on usable items to where only you can use them, and they would have more influence on your guild item strength.
Just an idea!
list of usuable items could be like anything from temperary potions to self only use tickets (only your char can use)
poster: Quillz
subject: MA skill idear
date: Fri Jan 9 09:52:55 2009
Mind of the dragon
Omi skill -
Desc/use something along the lines of allows the dragon master to
intenstly focus on the skills which protect the body, allowing him
to have extended duration of these skills.
Skill type: mastery
Low bonus of +15-25% skill duration
Skill affected by:
Soul of the toad, tiger, crane, snake, dragon, etc.
Just an idea as I have ~110-115% skills (closer to 120% with inner
peace up) and I still am unable to even keep all my skills up
without tapping eps.
poster: Quillz
subject: >MA skill idear
date: Fri Jan 9 10:01:26 2009
On Fri Jan 9 09:52:55 2009 Quillz wrote post #532:
> Mind of the dragon
> Omi skill -
> Desc/use something along the lines of allows the dragon master to
> intenstly focus on the skills which protect the body, allowing him
> to have extended duration of these skills.
> Skill type: mastery
> Low bonus of +15-25% skill duration
> Skill affected by:
> Soul of the toad, tiger, crane, snake, dragon, etc.
> Just an idea as I have ~110-115% skills (closer to 120% with inner
> peace up) and I still am unable to even keep all my skills up
> without tapping eps.
> Q
Please pardon the typoes - @ work & can't use my client, so I'm stuck w/ java
Q the illiterate
poster: Flamekrayt
subject: Corpses
date: Sat Jan 10 08:15:18 2009
Could a recently dead body of a mob ID something specific - like "fresh corpse"?
The preserved corpses ID to "preserved corpse", combined corpses ID to "combined corpse", but "lifeless body" targets all (lifeless body of a recently dead mob, preserved corpses and combined corpses).
poster: Gabriel
subject: Castles
date: Tue Jan 13 20:38:52 2009
W:like a Vaulted room that's a secure room in your castle that holds
eq and maybe has
friends list or combo or key to enter
also w:trophy cases that allow you to display rare/ungettable eq
without having your
shit open
poster: Esoteric
subject: Stretch shadow (shadow disciple)
date: Thu Jan 29 16:51:18 2009
I was wondering if stretch shadow could be made to stretch all the
shadows in your possession at once? As it is, shadows max at 10000
inches. Stretch shadow allows you to target 1 shadow, and it only
goes up in 100 inch increments. So you're looking at 100 stretch
shadows per shadow (average is generally 5, but you can have 6). So
thats 1200 rounds of skills just to max shadow. So yeah, i just
propose stretch stretches all shadows 100 inches..let me know what
you guys think
poster: Esoteric
subject: undeads and songs
date: Sun Feb 8 05:26:51 2009
Why not allow bards to sing pets/undeads? May increase bard guild members :)
poster: Vor
subject: >undeads and songs
date: Fri Feb 13 11:44:25 2009
I don't think undeads have morale, which is what bard songs increase. Bard songs, in my opinion, don't really magically enhance you so much as they enhance your faith in yourself.
take that as you will, but undeads don't care if you sing to them either way.
poster: Luno
subject: Equipment stats in desc please!
date: Tue Feb 17 17:20:05 2009
Is there any particular reason why equipment doesn't display stats?
We have daran's eq page with ID info on equipment or we can use the
stats command to see everything but spr/hpr/epr, procs and hidden
effects. In order to check the stats on EQ at gab or on sales, I
have to go to his page and use the search function in my browser.
Checking stats on each piece of EQ when I forget what stats it gives
is teadious and unneccessary it seems to me.
If we can get stat info for a piece of EQ indirectly, why not
implement something in the desc of the item that displays the stats?
As long as it's not too difficult, I think that would make
everyone's life in the MUD a lot easier and more enjoyable - after
all isn't that the kind of idea worth implementing?
P.S. I'd also like to see the stats or score commands quantify the
hpr, spr, and epr stats. Is anyone with me?
poster: White
subject: >Equipment stats in desc please!
date: Wed Feb 18 08:26:43 2009
On Tue Feb 17 17:20:05 2009 Luno wrote post #539:
> have to go to his page and use the search function in my browser.
> Checking stats on each piece of EQ when I forget what stats it gives
> is teadious and unneccessary it seems to me.
> If we can get stat info for a piece of EQ indirectly, why not
> implement something in the desc of the item that displays the stats?
> As long as it's not too difficult, I think that would make
> everyone's life in the MUD a lot easier and more enjoyable - after
> all isn't that the kind of idea worth implementing?
> P.S. I'd also like to see the stats or score commands quantify the
> hpr, spr, and epr stats. Is anyone with me?
we ahve a spell that tells you stats. it doesn't work at gab, but
gab doesn't make or lose money for the stats on an item, she makes
money when people give it to her to hold. i don't foresee her giving
out stat information... she honestly doesn't care if she sells it.
on sales etc, you can ask the person to id it. there are even places
where they could go to get it id'd if they don't hav ethe spell and
dont' trust you, or you could buy an id rod on sombre in valmoria
and give it to them to use. we are definitely not gonna put stats in
the desc, since part of the reason we have id is that you don't know
them other than by wearing them, id'ing them, or asking what they
are from someone who has done one or the other.
and i'm not gonna add hpr/epr/spr to score either. if you really
want to know, i bet you can use an emerald pendant on a silver chain
and watch how much it changes.
poster: Wagro
subject: Regen wishes
date: Sun Feb 22 15:26:56 2009
Can regen wishes act like Cold black ring/etc (i.e. your regen =
1.x*base regen) rather than a set rate? 40 regen is pretty sweet at
low levels but that wish seems kinda underpowered for high levels,
especially since spr is only like an extra 1/3rd of a spell every
poster: Crabstick
subject: Bvar Quest
date: Mon Feb 23 16:05:40 2009
Is there any way this reward can let you pass the City Guards to get
into the palace? Seems kinda silly that you're a Knight/Lady of the
city and have to kill the guards.
poster: Daneel
subject: >Regen wishes
date: Tue Feb 24 08:41:18 2009
On Sun Feb 22 15:26:56 2009 Wagro wrote post #541:
> Can regen wishes act like Cold black ring/etc (i.e. your regen =
> 1.x*base regen) rather than a set rate? 40 regen is pretty sweet at
> low levels but that wish seems kinda underpowered for high levels,
> especially since spr is only like an extra 1/3rd of a spell every
> minute
I'd say more it's overpowered at low levels
I'll get right on changing that!
poster: Daneel
subject: >Bvar Quest
date: Tue Feb 24 09:22:00 2009
On Mon Feb 23 16:05:40 2009 Crabstick wrote post #542:
> Is there any way this reward can let you pass the City Guards to get
> into the palace? Seems kinda silly that you're a Knight/Lady of the
> city and have to kill the guards.
well, sort-of
you still need a key :-)
poster: Mamoru
subject: secondary list
date: Wed Feb 25 16:15:32 2009
I think secondary list should list your secondary, their level, and
their guild
just wishful thinking as i'm sure it's not easy to do
constructive criticism is welcome