
poster: Vor
subject: new group
date: Sun Jul 20 10:09:12 2008

added this group.
the discussion in guild.inquis (previous group) wsa whether or not
pfg duration should be upped since massive scab drops when pfg

i would say that i don't have an opinion on this, since i'm at a
loss to understand why it is that massive scab would drop then
anyway :)


poster: Luno
subject: Unraveller experiences thus far: possible bugs, typos, tunes, etc.
date: Tue Jul 29 21:54:49 2008

Hey! Just thought I'd give you some feedback on how unraveller has
been working for me so far, i'm now near 50million worth and into my
second gamma. In this mail you'll find some opinions on spells,
ideas for fixes, things of interest, etc. Lets get started!
1. Damage over time spells. Probably the largest complaint I have
with the guild is the decrease in power with the conversion to DoT
spells. As it stands now spells like darkflame and harm body are not
nearly as potent as they used to be. I've found that I can't blast
anywhere near what old harmer could in parties, and you can't renew
the DoTs mid-tick. Additionally, miscasting (which happens a lot due
to varried
cast time and quickchant) takes your mana! If the spells aren't
renewable until they are over, casting earlier should not take your

2. Darkflame. You can't renew darkflame until one round after the
last "fire and blood tear through " message which is
misleading because it says darkflame is still in effect but there
are no messages. There is also no message when darkflame expires
(ie. the fire and blood dissapate). This would be nice so I know
when to start casting again, instead of feeling it out.
Additionally, arrow of darkness does almost the same damage, despite
being a much lower level spell, and being a straight
ahead blast that you don't have to wait to take effect.

3. DoT stacking. I'm not sure if this is confirmed but I think
Graxon mentioned that the DoT spells might do more damage when
stacked together. This had been an idea of mine for a long time and
I'm not 
sure it's actually implemented, something like a mastery you can
train, or just an effect that goes something like, " takes
increased damage from the resulting magical energy surrounding it!"
This would help to offset the damage from DoT's versus blasts, and
it would give unravellers a reason to pursue different dots and
4. Blood Brotherhood. A really cool idea, I love the that I could
bind a lot of people and party heal, or that i can drain mana,
endurance, and health for my friends. A couple problems though.
First one is that if your vessel is full, you can't use the buff.
There's also typos in the help file, "A cleric can bind as blood
brothers as desired" and in the spell activation text, "You chant a
prayer, and gently your  on the arm."
Also, when the buff fades from a target, it just says "You release
your blood brother." It'd be nice to know who since you can have
multiple targets! Also, it seems that the blood brotherhood effect
ends before the "You release your blood brother" message appears.
I've only experienced this with an undead fam, while mid combat...I
started life draining but it was giving me the health even though
the buff was still up. After the fight I got the message that the
buff was down.
5. Blood healing. It'd be nice to be able to use this on undeads
since that's mostly who looks for unravellers as healers for the
time being. Makes sense since we are evil priests. Also, the spell
has shirijia masteries, even though it's in the sacrificer guild and
sounds like more of a mordulak spell.
6. Summon ritual dagger. It might be nice to only need this in your
inventory to cast, rather than having to wield and unwield your
caster weaps to perform rituals. Perhaps adding some more spells
that involve the dagger to do damage, or things that would give you
insentive to train it higher. Maybe add more stats to it like lava
armor but based on your sacrifices or masteries?
7. Summon vessel. It would be nice to have a way to empty some blood
from the vessel with a command, rather than a spell if other
abilities like blood brotherhood require space in the vessel.
8. Life Drain. This spell is less efficient to use with blood
brotherhood up than just chain casting cause light wounds. It also
seems to do less damage on average. Even with 80 quick chant, both
masteries racially maxxed, and the same spell level as cause light
wounds, life drain doesn't compare. It also takes a larger amount of
experience spent in higher level spells/masteries to make it
Well that's all. All and all I'm very pleased with the theme and
play style of the guild. Keep up the good work!



poster: Pyromaniac
subject: new harmer
date: Wed Jul 30 09:28:13 2008

1. Damage over time spells. Probably the largest complaint I have
with the guild is the decrease in power with the conversion to DoT
spells. As it stands now spells like darkflame and harm body are not
nearly as potent as they used to be. I've found that I can't blast
anywhere near what old harmer could in parties, and you can't renew
the DoTs mid-tick. Additionally, miscasting (which happens a lot due
to varried cast time and quickchant) takes your mana! If the spells aren't 
renewable until they are over, casting earlier should not take your mana.
i cant speak for darkflame as i do not use it, but harm body was
improved imho.  harm body kills and that alone makes it a spell to
put in your blasting rotation.  Also, i never went full harmer when
it was in its old form so that kind of comparison i can not give,
however new harmer is not underpowered.  new harmer does have some
issues, but i really dont think power is one of them.  Double
casting the dot's is a pain in the rear.  
Its a rub to have your sps go bye bye over a spell that says it went
off but you know it didn't extend anything.  Maybe a reduced penalty
is in order, instead of charging full cost maybe just half?  Or not,
i don't mind keeping on my toes about it.
3. DoT stacking. I'm not sure if this is confirmed but I think
Graxon mentioned that the DoT spells might do more damage when
stacked together. This had been an idea of mine for a long time and
I'm not sure it's actually implemented, something like a mastery you
can train, or just an effect that goes something like, "
takes increased damage from the resulting magical energy surrounding
it!" This would help to offset the damage from DoT's versus blasts,
and it would 
give unravellers a reason to pursue different dots and
can't say no to more power, but i dont think its needed.  if my
guess is right, omnicrons will provied all the power boost we could
hope for.  i have noticed this effect in a way aswell.  daneel says
that they dont recognize each other so there is no boost even though
it seems there is one.

4. Blood Brotherhood. A really cool idea, I love the that I could
bind a lot of people and party heal, or that i can drain mana,
endurance, and health for my friends. A couple problems though.
First one is that if your vessel is full, you can't use the buff.
There's also typos in the help file, "A cleric can bind as blood
brothers as desired" and in the spell activation text, "You chant a
prayer, and gently your  on the arm."
Also, when the buff fades from a target, it just says 
"You release
your blood brother." It'd be nice to know who since you can have
multiple targets! Also, it seems that the blood brotherhood effect
ends before the "You release your blood brother" message appears.
I've only experienced this with an undead fam, while mid combat...I
started life draining but it was giving me the health even though
the buff was still up. After the fight I got the message that the
buff was down.
I like blood brotherhood too, its pretty spectacular :)  full
vessels are drained in one of 3 ways.  casting massive scab on
yourself is a great way to get rid of excess blood.  use cloud of
blood if it is permissible, it being an area spell.  or blood
healing on the tank, not doable of its a necro pet your healing. you
can blood heal yourself by offering blood then healing to full, you
can offer blood to a full vessel without issue and it lowers your
hps alot for healing purposes.
 massive scab usually does the job though.  there are two msgs for
blood brother, one is a warning "foo stops fraternizing" or
something liek that, then the fall msg.  

5. Blood healing. It'd be nice to be able to use this on undeads
since that's mostly who looks for unravellers as healers for the
time being. Makes sense since we are evil priests. Also, the spell
has shirijia masteries, even though it's in the sacrificer guild and
sounds like more of a mordulak spell.
we have several spells for healing a undead, another is not needed.
8. Life Drain. This spell is less efficient to use with blood
brotherhood up than just chain casting cause light wounds. It also
seems to do less damage on average. Even with 80 quick chant, both
masteries racially maxxed, and the same spell level as cause light
wounds, life drain doesn't compare. It also takes a larger amount of
experience spent in higher level spells/masteries to make it
i think life drain should get a uptune by increasing its effect x3
and sp cost by x3 or x4 and make it a one rounder.  cause light
wounds does comparable healing to life drain atm, but life drain
taps you and cause light wounds does not.  i think it would be neat
to see life drain be more of a bailout heal spell to keep ppl or
pets alive and tap the hell out of you.  to be used in emergencys. 
cause light wounds is great but i think blood brother should be up
for it to work on undeads.

>Well that's all. All and all I'm very pleased with the theme and
play style of the guild. Keep up the good work!

i completely agree with luno, harmer is alot of fun to play.  lots
of spells to blast with, to heal with, to prot with.  lot of combos
to try and to play.  reinc harmer ppl :)



poster: Mamoru
subject: Possible BUG/Glitch
date: Tue Sep 30 03:07:40 2008

When trying to switch bodies with stored souls (imprison soul spell)
I was glitched and it took hours to fix.
just a heads up, get rid of your souls before trying to switch, this
may or may not have been the cause but it seems likely.


poster: Zifnab
subject: >Possible BUG/Glitch
date: Tue Sep 30 14:28:11 2008

On Tue Sep 30 03:07:40 2008 Mamoru wrote post #4:
> When trying to switch bodies with stored souls (imprison soul spell)
> I was glitched and it took hours to fix.
> just a heads up, get rid of your souls before trying to switch, this
> may or may not have been the cause but it seems likely.

I dont see a bug report... as much info as possible pleaes
I do not know what souls are


poster: Mamoru
subject: >>Possible BUG/Glitch
date: Tue Sep 30 14:31:37 2008

A stored soul is the result of casting Imprison Soul while carrying
an empty grey vial from the altar in hell
When I went to Gwaul to switch bodies, the vials in my inventory
(with souls stored in them) dested themselves causing errors
also all of my other equipment was dested as well somehow (waxman
already took care of replacing it)
I was then stuck in my second body BUT had my first body's guilds
and level, with no race
any other information, I am unable to provide as I don't see all of
the code involved.
Hope that helps any


poster: Pyromaniac
subject: omi's
date: Thu Feb 12 16:51:08 2009

want omi's nao!!!!!!!!!
pyro the faithful