
poster: Daneel
subject: Just for Vor
date: Tue Jul  8 22:26:46 2008

This newsgroup is for Vor to post all the stuff he tunes.
Inform was getting to crowded.
Enjoy, and play nice.


poster: Pyromaniac
subject: >Just for Vor
date: Wed Jul  9 07:34:32 2008

ooo, i can post here too


poster: Trigon
subject: >>Just for Vor
date: Wed Jul  9 12:29:36 2008

On Wed Jul  9 07:34:32 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #2:
> ooo, i can post here too
Nothing Pyro has ever worn could be considered "snazzy"


poster: Daneel
subject: >>>Just for Vor
date: Wed Jul  9 12:41:15 2008

On Wed Jul  9 12:29:36 2008 Trigon wrote post #3:
> On Wed Jul  9 07:34:32 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #2:
> > ooo, i can post here too
> Nothing Pyro has ever worn could be considered "snazzy"

I will note to you - as this newsgroup was created just for 
Vor, he may feel a strong desire to have the most posts on 
it... so the more you post, the more he may tune!


poster: Maduo
subject: >>>>Just for Vor
date: Thu Jul 10 00:12:48 2008

On Wed Jul  9 12:41:15 2008 Daneel wrote post #4:
> On Wed Jul  9 12:29:36 2008 Trigon wrote post #3:
> > On Wed Jul  9 07:34:32 2008 Pyromaniac wrote post #2:
> > > ooo, i can post here too
> > Nothing Pyro has ever worn could be considered "snazzy"
> I will note to you - as this newsgroup was created just for 
> Vor, he may feel a strong desire to have the most posts on 
> it... so the more you post, the more he may tune!
oh? i think i smell a challenge >=D.. surely vor will run out of eq
eventually and then have to create new stuff to tune.


poster: TUNAH
subject: TUNED!
date: Tue Jul 15 03:18:02 2008

I am coming.


poster: Uno
subject: >TUNED!
date: Thu Jul 17 15:08:50 2008

this is the best newsgroup ever except for alt.guineapig.conspiracy


poster: Trigon
subject: >>TUNED!
date: Thu Jul 17 22:08:03 2008

On Thu Jul 17 15:08:50 2008 Uno wrote post #7:
> this is the best newsgroup ever except for alt.guineapig.conspiracy
what about alt.bacon.zomg ?


poster: Vor
subject: TUNED! (long version)
date: Tue Jul 22 21:56:54 2008

i have downtuned luminous carapace. first i will tell you, without giving you exact numbers, why i did it. what i want to do is have those of you who might use the carapace tell me what you think, and for anyone who may think of a way to help me make it different than it is now, but not overpowered.

what i definitely do not want to hear is the opinion of people who are arguing about this item for reasons like 'you tune too much' or 'tuning this will make people leave' or 'it's been that way for a long time, it doesn't need a tune'. the question of this item's tune is not one. it will be tuned. i'm giving people the option to discuss the tune and possibly offer opinions on what to change to make it more fun.

first off, i want to tell you why i tuned it. luminous carapace, as it was, basically healed your sps equal to the theoretical damage you were gonna take. before resses were applied. you might take, for instance, 5 damage and actually have gotten 100 sps. 

second, if the special on this item was not a special but a straight up boost, it would be VERY little spr. dragon scale leg plates is the right range. i think those of you who used it will agree that you got far more than that while you were fighting.

i'm sure someone will point out that you have to take damage to use it. i would like to put this argument out there: most of the people who used carapace were gonna be taking the damage anyway. most of them are also not gonna go fight something that hits for a ton of damage just to get healed. the idea that you are only taking damage to get healed, while maybe true in very rare circumstances, generally is not. most people were using this because they were taking damage. they were not taking damage because they were using this.

right now, the special, because it does require some things like taking damage (and therefore being in a position to take damage), it heals more sps than straight up stats would... assuming you're fighting. it, however, probably does not heal what it used to.

the only possible way i can see to make the healing from damage taking more impressive is to just remove the straight-up regen on it entirely and put it all into the special. i'm fine with doing that, but again, it will not be 100 sps in a minute, or even 50.

rant over, feel free to give me useful information on what might be better. i would not like to change the overall method of the special, just for your knowledge. i will probably also, after a point, make a final decision with your help, and then leave it alone. at that point i'll make another post about it, and you guys can bitch at me all day long about how there wasn't time to voice your opinion.


poster: Vor
subject: >TUNED! (long version)
date: Tue Jul 22 22:04:49 2008

oh, i should also point out:

the numbers on the lower end won't have changed much, maybe a small amount lower. mostly this tune would affect fighting bigger mobs that blasters might solo. or at least a tune on the hits over a certain power, which is related to mob size generally.


poster: Vor
subject: TUNED! (long ago)
date: Thu Jul 31 18:25:29 2008

yea, so i was trying to figure out why people were saying all the... uhh... pool woodsman rings (whatever those are) were spiritual transfer instead of spiritual power. turns out, i figured out why taht was. every ring made before my tune (ergo the ones that already existed when i made it) are indeed transfer.

so, if you have such a ring, i will gladly re-randomize the mastery. however, i will make sure to see how old the ring is (which i can do by looking at logs of who signed on/off with it or who had it in a castle chest), so if i see no signs of it existing before i made the change, i'm not gonna change it for you.


poster: Vor
subject: >TUNED! (long ago)
date: Thu Jul 31 18:27:42 2008

i shoudl hardly need to point out that this can only possibly apply to rings with transfer. just in case one of you was gonna try to fool me and you were actually dumb enough to try it on a ring with power :)

also: mail me if you want me to do it (vor or white) and i'll see about it next time i see you.

also also: it doesn't matter if you bought the ring. all i care is that it actually existed before change.


poster: TUNAH
subject: TUNED!
date: Mon Aug 11 15:43:44 2008

lowered special attack frequency and damage on transmutation weapons.


poster: TUNAH
subject: TUNED!
date: Mon Aug 11 17:13:13 2008

tetsusaiga no longer does more damage every time you hit a good align mob. that was unintentional and i'm going to blame snoop for being a twit. now it'll always do less damage if you hit a good mob. always.


poster: TUNAH
subject: TUNED!
date: Thu Aug 14 16:06:47 2008

Titan femur has a higher range of mobs that it can insta (though most people with higher end fams might not notice too much, since they kill big shit). of course, as the mobs get bigger, the chance is still decreasing. you guys cna't insta eq mobs now though (not that there were many eq mobs that you guys frequent that you would see it on).


poster: TUNAH
subject: TUNED!
date: Wed Oct 29 11:24:19 2008

abj ring of vulning and abj ring of shielding will now prot for each individual shield/vuln you cast, but they duration is dependant on the spell it enhances. if you gphys someone, the enhancement will only last as long as the gphys. once gphys falls for any reason, enhanced phys res is gone too.


poster: TUNAH
subject: TUNED!
date: Wed Oct 29 11:25:04 2008

oh, and abj ring of shielding actually shields now (it wasn't before), and it'll enhance iw


poster: TUNAH
subject: TUNED!
date: Sun Nov 16 22:02:05 2008

changed long red robes in 2 ways. one was to fix a bug that was stopping them from having tp value, another was to downtune the amount of qc/hef so that they weren't higher tp than the casting robes.


poster: TUNAH
subject: TUNED!
date: Tue Nov 18 15:04:50 2008

not really a tune, but i have changed green glove left and right. it's actually an uptune, and the mastery replacing one of the ones it had will do more for you than the old one did.


poster: TUNAH
subject: TUNED!
date: Fri Dec  5 01:47:42 2008

in the off chance that you have a chameleon chlamys, i just changed the special. i don't think anyone does.


poster: TUNAH
subject: TUNED!
date: Tue Dec 30 20:15:00 2008

chlamys special was change. the new one is cool, and it has neat colors. FEAR THE COLORS!


poster: Vor
subject: change
date: Wed Feb  4 07:39:27 2009

changed crown of white onyx so that the special is useful-ish even when you don't need your align fixed. you'll actually have to read the special message to see what it is doing.


poster: Waxman
subject: Black dragon bone staff
date: Thu Feb 26 19:35:21 2009

No longer forced to be 2 handed.