
poster: Slayn
subject: steel bracers
date: Thu May  1 02:50:48 2003

i want some. send me some mbs please


poster: Switchblade
subject: fs: Steel Handled Mop
date: Fri May  2 14:29:40 2003

Fs: steel mop.. wc ~47 con3 str12 bloodlust2
bluntweaponsmaster2 - a good blunt for wielding 1 handed.... 
mudmail/tell with offers 


poster: Litho
subject: For sale.
date: Fri May  2 14:37:55 2003

Shrink book, 1.5m, supple leather boots (18 str,10 dex, 8epr)3 tps,
1.5m, onyx movado leggings (12 spr, 6 int), 750k, demonsword, 250k,
Iron handled mop,wc ~57, +20 con, +6 str, +2% body control, 1m.
Looking for top wis eq, all slots cept arm.


poster: Wix
subject: wanted
date: Fri May  2 19:13:23 2003

I am looking for a shining silver belt and black combat boots. If
you have either please mudmail me:) If you are involved in eq, send
me a tell when I am online and we can negotiate a price.



poster: Sirc
subject: fs.
date: Sat May  3 17:41:17 2003

i got onyx ring for sale

26str, 11hpr, +infra


poster: Sumerion
subject: fs:
date: Mon May  5 11:40:28 2003

I have a Witch's stocking fs.
Mudmail me or send tell for offers..


poster: Coal
subject: w/ft
date: Mon May  5 15:04:31 2003

FS/FT Myth mace, onyx ring, Malahks visor


poster: Celine
subject: For sale/trade
date: Wed May  7 00:50:36 2003

Darkwhip, Thin Strawspun belt (never hungry stat), cold black ring,
amulet of dessication, cuserd mask fo the linguist. all ft also to
woodsie things.


poster: Litho
subject: for sale
date: Thu May  8 13:00:26 2003

xetty neck, black mithril vambrace, lethe bramble, bskin book, green
brocade sleeve
all fs..bid at will, if i like the bid, i sell, and please give me
serious bids.


poster: Rancor
subject: W:
date: Sat May 10 13:10:25 2003

I am looking for a couple things 

Looking for the woodsman rings that are in eqpool "warden" something
or anothers,  would really like to test them out.

Also looking for tank weapons like whor etc etc.


poster: Sequoia
subject: For Sale
date: Sun May 11 03:36:14 2003

Many items for sale, reasonable offers only please.
2 Dragon scale leg plates
2 Darkwood Staffs
Black tophat
Stylish pair of spectacles
Emerald boots of Vorysis
Long Wooden Staff

Emerald helm of Vorysis

Emerald Crown
Royal blue cloak
Robe of Oblivion
2 Darian the destroyers


poster: Tantrum
subject: Wanted
date: Sun May 11 09:17:15 2003

i am after a steel leg plate, and 2x maces of power (if anyone still has them)
plz mudmail me/send tells with mbs.


poster: Jaws
subject: identify book wanted
date: Mon May 12 13:58:33 2003

Looking for an ID book, since mine got lost in a crash issue
and it looks like it will never get replaced by wizland

Mail or tell me if you have one for sale



poster: Slayn
subject: wanted
date: Mon May 12 20:49:27 2003

i would like a dark green paw or  good hands slot for woodsy(both hands)
i would also like either a woo mask or malaks visor 
mail away


poster: Eomer
subject: wanted and for sale
date: Tue May 13 04:12:41 2003

ok this is all fs,  2 bone daggers (1.2m each or 2m for both),
emerald boots (50k), blackmons platemail (2m), white glove of raena
(75k), whispering ring (800k), white scale gauntlet (make nice
offers), scarab of life (2m), ring of lavos (1m)
i need warrior eq for all slots except legs/arms/head, need blunt
weapons, i will have some gold soon and am willing to trade the
above eq for fig pieces


poster: Rythion
subject: Ry-Auction 2003
date: Tue May 13 17:58:29 2003

Come down to the auction house on Saturday, May 17 around 2:00pm EST
time, for Ry-Auction 2003.
Gather your monies to buy all this wonderful eq or sumfin!


poster: Draco
subject: >Ry-Auction 2003
date: Tue May 13 23:36:53 2003

On Tue May 13 17:58:29 2003 Rythion wrote post #19:
> Come down to the auction house on Saturday, May 17 around 2:00pm EST
> time, for Ry-Auction 2003.
> Gather your monies to buy all this wonderful eq or sumfin!
> -Rythion
change that for Monday, May 19 please, i have army training this weekend :(


poster: Kasma
subject: ft/fs, W:
date: Wed May 14 03:03:02 2003

fs/ft: spiked bracers, left shin guard, dragon skull.
W: ogre helm, right fig arm, left war greave, fig eye slot better
than eye of lavos.
thanks, mudmail me/talk to me when im on :)


poster: Roxer
subject: q
date: Wed May 14 12:49:34 2003



poster: Zlame
subject: WIS EQ FS
date: Wed May 14 12:53:04 2003

Green Flowing Dress
Red strappy heels
White silk healer's gloves
Leather Armshields of Tiamat
Amulet of Fear
Red gold Crown
Scarrab Leggings
Dagulus ring

It's NOT ft, just fs. Cause i'm going retired, and I just want the gold.
I got no clue in mb, bid.


poster: Eomer
subject: still fs:
date: Wed May 14 21:01:31 2003

whispering ring, white scale guantlet, blackmons platemail, tia
armshields, crystal wings, long red robes, scarab of life

i will also trade those for warrior eq, right now i want an iron
handled mop, and either tia bplate or phlith, mail me if you are
selling any of those, or want to buy anything i have listed


poster: Sirc
subject: fs..
date: Thu May 15 14:40:45 2003

Blackmon's Platemail: +20 spr, +14 wis, +7 int, +3% focus crystal energy, 3m
Dark Amulet of the Conjurer: +10 spr, +12 wis, +11 int, 1,2m
White glove of Raena: +8 spr, +2 wis, +3% prayer for healing, 150k
Blackmon's Cloak:  +18 spr, +18 epr, +12 int, +8 wis, 3m
Clean Glowing Glove: +10 spr, +2 int, +avg unholy_res, 700k
Azarian Command Belt: d
Azarian Command Belt: 18 spr, +8 int, +3% qc, 2m

Looking for Fig stuffs like:
2x steel mops
Circlet of Brutality
Woo's Platinum Mask
Cloak of Solan                    
Firelord Breastplate or something else
Red dragon scale  
Studded Armshield & Scaled Armshield 
Darkgreen paw
Blessed Greaves of the Dragons
Boots of Lavos


poster: Rythion
subject: Rythion's Auction
date: Thu May 15 19:41:49 2003

My auction has been postponed due to emergency trip I need to make
on the weekend, it will be redone next weekend most likely, I will
keep you inform, sorry if I got your hopes up! but now you have more
time to gather monies!!


poster: Eomer
subject: wanted
date: Fri May 16 23:41:08 2003

hi, im looking for warrior pieces of eq, have 9m to spend plus a
bmons platemail for trade or sale, mail me if you have anything


poster: Ligea
subject: wanted
date: Tue May 20 00:38:48 2003

Looking for a strange twisting glove of elaria.
Also looking for spider ammy and tin leg plate.

Mail me if you have one you're willing to sell.


poster: Darc
subject: W:
date: Wed May 21 22:45:52 2003

la my plan for fig eq i want


poster: Ronan
subject: WaNtEd!
date: Thu May 22 04:58:29 2003

I require Dmg Idemz!
lemme know what you gots


poster: Rancor
subject: W:
date: Thu May 22 05:38:43 2003

I am looking for a War hammer of rage paying 6m... and a dagger of
chaos paying 4m.
LEt me know if you have either


poster: Jaws
subject: Wanted
date: Thu May 22 05:40:04 2003

Looking to aquire ->
Identify book
Shining Silver Belt

mudmail or tell to me



poster: Sin
subject: Wanted.
date: Thu May 22 12:16:44 2003

Ok I might not have gold for these pieces but if you mudmail me,
and tell me mb I will gold until I got enough shiny pieces to buy
the stuffs from you.

1. Dog Head of Cerberus
2. Left Black Iron gauntlet
3. Blessed Greaves of the Dragons
4. Some right foot eq with str.

Thanks for reading this and Have fun ya'll.
// Sin


poster: Rancor
subject: WHOR
date: Fri May 23 09:17:00 2003

Looking to pay 7m for a WHOR let me know


poster: Quillz
subject: >WHOR
date: Fri May 23 13:43:50 2003

On Fri May 23 09:17:00 2003 Rancor wrote post #34:
> Looking to pay 7m for a WHOR let me know
> Rancor
dude you could gimme 10 bucks and I'll find ya one 'round here


poster: Monkey
subject: >>WHOR
date: Sat May 24 01:58:30 2003

On Fri May 23 13:43:50 2003 Quillz wrote post #35:
> On Fri May 23 09:17:00 2003 Rancor wrote post #34:
> > Looking to pay 7m for a WHOR let me know
> > Rancor
> dude you could gimme 10 bucks and I'll find ya one 'round here
hush, how am i gonna paid if u sell me out for 10 bucks?


poster: Moose
subject: W
date: Sun May 25 13:24:23 2003

Im searching for wis eq.
No1 Pink sweater


poster: Moose
subject: FT
date: Sun May 25 21:08:38 2003



poster: Rancor
subject: Hammer
date: Tue May 27 19:46:53 2003

Still looking for a war hammer of rage
Mail me if ya gots one for sale paying decent cash for one


poster: Roirraw
subject: wanted
date: Wed May 28 00:56:34 2003

spinal staff and/or a kukul mail/tell me mb


poster: Moose
subject: FT
date: Wed May 28 17:34:23 2003

I got following stuffs ft... note.. -only- for trade.

Dark ring of Nosferatu
Blue fluffy slipper



poster: Tantrum
subject: ft
date: Thu May 29 03:41:53 2003

i got jade amulet, blackmon boots, hag eye to trade to spr/int gear.
plz mail me or catch me online.


poster: Litho
subject: Fs/ft/w
date: Fri May 30 14:23:18 2003

Hi, i'm looking for a zapa girdle, and spiked bracers.  I have some
gold, and darkgreen paw (2m), dagger of chaos (3.5m), and whatever
top str warrior arms are..yeah..drop me a mail


poster: Rancor
subject: forsales
date: Sat May 31 10:20:07 2003

Steel bracers 3m,Zapa girdle 4m,Steel toed boots 3.5m,Phlith
7m,orbdrin 6m,amulet of destruction 6m,2 twisted metal rings
6m,mirthril plate greaves 5m,mythinite gauntlets 3m,black leather
boots 4m, Tia plate 7m

Or Ft to wisdome eq
I will be gone till sunday 
mail/tell sometime if ya need something


poster: Tantrum
subject: wanted
date: Sat May 31 10:39:44 2003

i would like to purchase spr/int gear for the following slots.
belt, feet, arms, neck, torso, cloak.
i would also like a mace of power, and a steel leg plate.
plz mail me/see me online if you have any of these.
thank you.


poster: Trigon
subject: Yodel
date: Sat May 31 18:08:44 2003

Hi, I have this stuff for sale
Scaled and studded armshields, large white mithril ring, dragon
sash, mask of clear seeing, long wooden staff, Xanathar slime
helmet, necromancer bone ring, staff of death.  I might also be
ablel to let go of my old tia leggings if someone offered a large
So mail me some offers, etc.


poster: Jaws
subject: fs:
date: Sun Jun  1 05:49:28 2003

Brown studded bracers             | +15 con, +10 hpr, +4 phys res

mudmail reasonable offers plz



poster: Trigon
subject: Updated fs
date: Mon Jun  2 20:31:24 2003

Sold a few things, found some more
Necromancer bone ring +16 spr, +8 wis,  +2% Blood Magic
Xanathar slime helmet +15 wis, +10 spr
Long wooden staff +20 spr, Ronan's page says +4 incarnate, think it
might be incinerate?
Staff of death +30 spr, +10 wis, +5% death
Avenger Axe +6 str, +6 dex, WC ~42
Necromancer's glove right hand, +22 str 
Sticky green glove left hand +12 con, +5 hpr
Cloak of Solan +9 con, +2 phys_res +absorb damage special that goes off a lot
Right foot of an alien +10 con, +10 str, +10 dex
Gangreal's Dragon hide +10 str, +8 dex, +special
Copper Leg plate +8 dex, +phys res
Tower shield +2% enhanced deflection, 2% shield deflection, +2% shield parry
Will take gold or eq to trade, looking particularly for ma eq, +dmg
stuff rools(twisted metal rings!) so mail me bids on stuff, we'll


poster: Darc
subject: Fig Set FS
date: Tue Jun  3 02:32:43 2003

hey guys prob not gonna be playing much longer got some debts to pay
off though. here is some fig set stuff for sales catch me soon with
[+-+ Weapons +-+]
(1)  4-headed snake whip (kept) (wielded)
(1)  Wood 2x4 (wielded) (kept)
        [+-+ Armors +-+]
(1)  Ornamented warrior belt (worn)
(1)  Ring of Protection (kept) (worn)
(1)  Mythinite Gauntlets (kept) (worn)
(1)  A Blue Gilt Cloak (kept) (worn)
(1)  Dragon hide breastplate (kept) (worn)
(1)  Brown studded bracers (kept) (worn)
(1)  Tin leg plate (kept) (worn)
(1)  Copper leg plate (kept) (worn)
(1)  Golden Ring of Ce'noba (kept) (worn)
(1)  Eye of Lavos (kept) (
(1)  Torc of Kings (kept) (worn)
(1)  Emerald helm of Vorysis (kept) (worn)
(1)  Soft leather boots (kept) (worn)
(1)  Amulet of Typhoon (kept) (worn)


poster: Moose
subject: ft/fs
date: Tue Jun  3 09:25:07 2003

I Got blue fluffy slipper still ft or fs. mb is 7M.
I want pink slipper, and a Dagulus ring.
/Moose retnahc


poster: Ronan
subject: FS
date: Tue Jun  3 16:01:41 2003

Spinal Staff 9 sp_max, 9 spr, 3 con + summon skelly
Staff of Alton 16 spr 12 int 3 lightning evoc
Mithril Bsuit 50 con 9 attack H T A L
Wyvern Tooth 18 dex 5 wsp wc ~35
Green Glowing sword 18 str 2 wss, 2 master of the dance wc ~40


poster: Gabriel
subject: w/fs/ft
date: Wed Jun  4 15:07:09 2003

ok here's the dl
w:wis/spr ammy
fs/ft:king beaver's glasses, moccasins, emereld helm of vorysis, warp 
now these are fs/ft with a very BIG but. . . if the gold is good 
i'll consider it.
?fs/ft? red dragon scale, bronze battle harness, legendary singing sword
mail me/ tell me is you want ;)


poster: Tantrum
subject: Wanted
date: Thu Jun  5 12:01:57 2003

wis eq. yum yum. feed me now. 


poster: Sumerion
subject: fs
date: Thu Jun  5 12:06:28 2003

fs/ft:Xnioln's fabled black cloak 4m


poster: Trunks
subject: DragonSlayer
date: Thu Jun  5 20:40:39 2003

I have a DragonSlayer I will sell if i get a bid, or deal I like so
mail them to me.


poster: Chewba
subject: healer crap
date: Fri Jun  6 00:48:24 2003

fs: White Glove of Raena  | +8 spr, +2 wis, +3% prayer for healing 

want gold or equivalent tps - this puppy doesn't sac btw as is "holiday" item


poster: Hymn
subject: save
date: Fri Jun  6 02:01:59 2003

gah...what ever...looking for staff of death
mail me if you have on or get one...


poster: Lu
subject: wanted
date: Fri Jun  6 19:42:02 2003

im looking for old tia eq, breastplate/belt/eye/armshields
pay/trade well, plz let me know if you haev any


poster: Cleo
subject: Wanted
date: Sat Jun  7 02:39:34 2003

I'm looking for topslot int eq. That's about it.
You know what to do...


poster: Trunks
subject: >DragonSlayer
date: Sun Jun  8 07:29:11 2003

On Thu Jun  5 20:40:39 2003 Trunks wrote post #56:
> I have a DragonSlayer I will sell if i get a bid, or deal I like so
> mail them to me.
I am looking for Golem Brain, Mask of Anguish, Metal Stethoscope,
Black Scalemail, Black+Grey Bracers, Quickener, Blue Fluffy Slipper,
Claddah Ring, Tia Legs, Ring of Chaos.. and enormous amounts of gold
are always nice aswell.. gonna let people bid or offer for a day or
two more..


poster: Trunks
subject: >>DragonSlayer
date: Sun Jun  8 07:35:12 2003

On Sun Jun  8 07:29:11 2003 Trunks wrote post #61:
> On Thu Jun  5 20:40:39 2003 Trunks wrote post #56:
> > I have a DragonSlayer I will sell if i get a bid, or deal I like so
> > mail them to me.
> I am looking for Golem Brain, Mask of Anguish, Metal Stethoscope,
> Black Scalemail, Black+Grey Bracers, Quickener, Blue Fluffy Slipper,
> Claddah Ring, Tia Legs, Ring of Chaos.. and enormous amounts of gold
> are always nice aswell.. gonna let people bid or offer for a day or
> two more..
Hi, I am a moron, I dont want blue fluffy slipper, i want the blue
mitten thing


poster: Jaws
subject: W: ID book
date: Sun Jun  8 08:12:29 2003

looking to buy ID book

mudmail me plz



poster: Moose
subject: fs
date: Mon Jun  9 00:34:47 2003

Green Flowing Dress mb 5M


poster: Switchblade
subject: Blue light special at Switchblade's!
date: Mon Jun  9 02:12:06 2003

fs: mythinite mace:  blunt weapon, wc ~48, str 21, fevered strength
5, deathblow 5, and some kind of crit special just taking offers on
this atm.
black leggings of scorched metal: str16, dex16, martial parry5, mb 2.25m
mudmail/tell offers.  thank you for shopping at switchblade's, your
local home improvement emporium and bar and grill.


poster: Tahnval
subject: FS:  Black Leather Coat
date: Mon Jun  9 03:24:40 2003

Black Leather Coat, freshly repaired to New (97.0).
15dex, 15con, 3% motional control, no doubt some AC.  500K mb


poster: Genesis
subject: Wanted
date: Tue Jun 10 02:54:58 2003

wiz wand, wiz hat, mirta/emerald arms, frith boots, kraag belt or
any other lowbie caster belt, and lowbie caster hands.

mud mail me with prices.


poster: Litho
subject: W/ft
date: Tue Jun 10 09:48:25 2003

Lookin for Spiked Bracers, have cash. Darkgreen paw, Dagger of chaos for sale.


poster: Kasma
subject: fs/ft:
date: Sat Jun 14 17:51:42 2003

tia bplate, cloak of the crusader, ring of dragons, steel bracers,
dagger of chaos, schizo tooth, red dragonskin boots, bloody nos
ring, dragon skull, right war greave, left shin guard, nekclace of
khan, and eye ammy of frank. 
mail me or talk to me when im on with decent offers please :)
looking for int/spr eq


poster: Panza
subject: fs/w
date: Sat Jun 14 20:38:40 2003

have fs: brown studded bracers, blessed greaves of the dragon, long
red robes, talisman of zarath
looking for caster (pref wis and +qc) eq of the following slots,
hands, arms, fingers, neck , amulet.
mail me with responses or catch me on.


poster: Sirc
subject: For sale...
date: Sun Jun 15 01:50:50 2003

here's some stuffs i got fs:
Mythinite mace
Steel handled mop
two onyx rings
Looking for wis eqs, yeah, thansk.


poster: Litho
subject: Wanted.
date: Sun Jun 15 01:55:26 2003

Still wanting spiked bracers. Name your price.


poster: Kasma
subject: whats left of the horde.
date: Sun Jun 15 06:25:45 2003

I have a dagger of chaos, tia bplate, schizo tooth, dark green
scale, and golden gauntlets left fs. still looking for int/spr eq
for all slots except eyes (might accept wis eq if there is enough of


poster: Sirc
subject: wanted/fs
date: Tue Jun 17 01:53:34 2003

selling my Mops, 1 steel and 1 iron. 1.3m each!

now sell me wis/spr eq, all slots but leggings and torso..


poster: Poofy
subject: FS:
date: Tue Jun 17 06:27:38 2003

Wolf-hide Vest | +2 cold_res, +4 attack, +3 weaponmaster | 2|
Red Priest's Helm | +5 dex, +avg fire_res | 1|
Mithril Leggings | +2 dex, +8 con
Emerald Helm of Vorysis | +10 str, +4 epr
mail me with bids


poster: Panza
subject: fs:/w:
date: Tue Jun 17 11:40:42 2003

have the following for sales, talisman of zarath (+9 hp_max, +3 sta,
+9 con), right foot of a deer (+9 str, +1%kick)
looking for these: metal stethescope, caster hands, arms, rings, +dex eqs.
mudmail me or catch me on.


poster: Kasma
subject: W:
date: Wed Jun 18 00:43:57 2003

looking for White lace gloves and int/spr items of the following slots:
Left arm
thanks! send me a tell or mudmail me :)


poster: Panza
subject: fs
date: Thu Jun 19 08:59:44 2003

Shamen's Staff: +10 str, +4% blunt weapons mastery, +5% deathblow, mb 800k
also fs: talisman of zarath, flaming 2-handed sword, catch m on or mudmail me


poster: Panza
subject: also
date: Thu Jun 19 09:11:02 2003

i spose it's worth mentioning that the staff sacs for 3 tps


poster: Bows
subject: Brown studded bracers 
date: Fri Jun 20 02:16:31 2003

Selling Brown studded bracers +15 con, +10 hpr, +4 phys res 2.6m


poster: Rancor
subject: W
date: Fri Jun 20 07:30:17 2003

I changed my mind,  Looking for woodsman eq of the following.

2x Twisted metal rings/2x Warden rings(random eq)
Vellvett Collar
Ammy of destruction
Tia bplate/Phlith
Mithril plate greaves
Darkgreen Paw
Stone gauntlet
Ogre Helmet
Steel Bracers
Zapa Girdle
Steel toed boots
Dragonscale boots
Let me know

Have wis/some int for sale or for trade


poster: Ligea
subject: fs/w
date: Fri Jun 20 07:35:39 2003

For sale: runed mithril buckle, belt, dex 20 sta 6 escape death. 
Mudmail or tell bids.

Wanted : tin leg plate or bronze leg plate, Big Baby rattle


poster: Rancor
subject: ForSale
date: Fri Jun 20 09:22:51 2003

Tia legs 7.5m Dragon sash 2m, dark nos ring 5m, Gloves of the
blackguard 2m, Tia arms 6m, RGC 6m, Dark nos cloak 5m, ROWG 6m, BP
of darkness 3m, Mask of clear seeing 1m

Mail/tell me if you catch me on but be patient as I am idle alot
it is Ft to dex/dmg eq for woodies Top slot


poster: Tranquil
subject: Wanted
date: Sat Jun 21 07:07:51 2003

I am looking for Dragonscale boots. I have many many pieces of gold
to trade, and am happy to part with quite a lot of them to get those
boots. If you happen to have some/find some for sale, both mudmail
and tell should work.

I am also looking for top healer eq, or perhaps some not-so-top
healer eq if the price is right. We now return you to your scheduled

- Tranquil's Trade Emporium


poster: Justus
subject: fs/ft
date: Sat Jun 21 18:39:58 2003

got following stuffs for sale or trade to int eq

frost pike (pierce type) +20 dex +16 str +2 attack special: vulns
cold wc: about 55
boots of lavos +12 con +10 str +5 attack
geoffrey's red shield +7 wis +14 spr

make offers and send a mail or tell.


poster: Korthrun
subject: wanted
date: Sat Jun 21 20:13:41 2003

(2)  Holy staff (kept) (wielded)
(1)  White scale gauntlet (kept) (worn)
(1)  Leather Armshields of Tiamat (kept) (worn)
(1)  Simple wool skirt (kept) (worn)
(1)  Glass Eye of Hag (kept) (worn)
(1)  Amulet of fear (kept) (worn)
(1)  Red gold crown (dazzling) (kept) (worn)
(1)  Thin leather belt (kept) (worn)
(1)  Pink Fuzzy Sweater (kept) (worn)
(2)  Ring of white gold (kept) (worn)
(1)  Pink ballet slipper (kept) (worn)
(1)  Blue fuzzy mitten (kept) (worn)
(1)  Witch's stocking (kept) (worn)
(1)  Dark cloak of Nosferatu (kept) (worn)


poster: Switchblade
subject: fs:
date: Sun Jun 22 05:09:03 2003

Mythinite Gauntlets +18str, +10dex, +3damage.. mb 5m

Thunder axe +20str, +3% slashing weapons mastery, wc:~58 i think,
5tps. mb1.5m or 
ft to another 5 tp item i have not sacced yet.. mudmail/tell with


poster: Korthrun
subject: I lied
date: Sun Jun 22 05:18:09 2003

I wast str/dex/dmg eq. Tx


poster: Kasma
subject: fs:
date: Sun Jun 22 10:24:12 2003

beak of roc: 8str/12spr/8dex/3sta
mail with offers
or talk to me :)
thanks :)


poster: Panza
subject: fs:
date: Sun Jun 22 10:43:57 2003

fs: Ring of Perfection: +16 int, +3 wis, +9 spr, prolly tp sacs for
2-3, mb 600k, Shaman's staff: +10 str, +4% blunt weapons mastery,
+5% deathblow, 3tps, mb 900k


poster: Korthrun
subject: fs
date: Sun Jun 22 11:27:37 2003

blakc leather gloves, 25 sta 25str 3% motion control
wood 2X4, 18str, 5% deathblow, 1% bloodlust, WC ~29
left war greave, 15 dex 6 str/sta
right war greave, 15 con 6dex/str


poster: Korthrun
subject: >fs
date: Sun Jun 22 15:04:02 2003

On Sun Jun 22 11:27:37 2003 Korthrun wrote post #95:
> blakc leather gloves, 25 sta 25str 3% motion control
> wood 2X4, 18str, 5% deathblow, 1% bloodlust, WC ~29
> left war greave, 15 dex 6 str/sta
> right war greave, 15 con 6dex/str
all gone


poster: Daran
subject: >latest on Egg
date: Tue Jun 24 02:39:52 2003

On Tue Jun 24 02:38:46 2003 Hymn wrote post #101:
> Litho raised his bid with 3m and a pyroclast :)
> Im open for bids that involves eq too..
Do we really need an update every hr on the hour?


poster: Hymn
subject: fs/ft Phoenix Egg
date: Tue Jun 24 02:45:40 2003

hello I have received a pretty cool pice of eq and Im looking to
sell it/trade it..

Phoenix egg...Shield 20spr 6int +escape death

it also have another special if you breake it you get a free reinc....
so its 99% sure that it is a fancy reinc ticket...

taking bids until Wednesday 2300h Swedish time :) that is exacly 2
days since I posted this

so bid on...currently highest bid is 3m.

mudmail me bids or tell me online.



poster: Tantrum
subject: Wanted
date: Wed Jun 25 05:59:43 2003

i want the following pieces of eqs. 
Dark Cloak of Nosferatu           | +28 spr, +15 wis, +10 con, +5%
inflict harm
Jade amulet                       | +16 wis, +25 spr			
Steel leg plate                   | +10 wis, +7 spr			
Blackmon's Midnight Boots         | +22 spr, +14 wis, +3% lengthen abjuration

plz mudmail or catch me online if you have these for sale. 


poster: Bob
subject: Wanted
date: Wed Jun 25 06:39:23 2003

I want a pretty piercing weapon please. tx


poster: Zeemagx
subject: Wanted
date: Wed Jun 25 16:27:06 2003

I´m looking for a black mithril vambrace and a amulet of dessication.
mudmail me if u have one of the above with minimum bids, thanks.


poster: Energystar
subject: wanted: 
date: Thu Jun 26 04:39:16 2003

magical leggings of tiamat
mail, etc


poster: Zeemagx
subject: Wanted+ft/fs
date: Thu Jun 26 16:15:55 2003

Oki here is a update:

I´m looking for armor of despair,black mithril vambrace and amulet
of dessication.
I have a Glass Eye of Hag fs/ft (from here on i take offers).

Thanks for reading,have fun,live long and prosper :)


poster: Hymn
subject: Mythinite mace and Cap of Visions
date: Thu Jun 26 22:05:35 2003

Mythinite Mace  WC ~58, +21 str, +5 deathblow, +5 fevered str
Cap of Visions  H,N  +30 spr, +24 int, +5 wis, +infra

mb on mace is 1.5m
and Cap is hrm dunno gimme serious bids



poster: Kasma
subject: ft/w:
date: Fri Jun 27 01:07:39 2003

ft: int eq 
w: wis eq (ecspecially legs)


poster: Litho
subject: >Mythinite mace and Cap of Visions
date: Fri Jun 27 05:03:36 2003

On Thu Jun 26 22:05:35 2003 Hymn wrote post #110:
> Mythinite Mace  WC ~58, +21 str, +5 deathblow, +5 fevered str
> and
> Cap of Visions  H,N  +30 spr, +24 int, +5 wis, +infra
> mb on mace is 1.5m
> and Cap is hrm dunno gimme serious bids
> /Hymn
Mace has wc closer to 45 now actually...if anyone was wondering.


poster: Cleo
subject: Wanted
date: Fri Jun 27 17:23:10 2003

Looking for 2 apocalypse staffs, Black Bracer, Black Mithril
Vambrace and diverse topslot int.



poster: Rancor
subject: W
date: Fri Jun 27 18:09:16 2003

Looking for the following
Onyx Rings
Twisted metal rings
Velvet collar
War greaves
ENchanted Mithril greaves
Ammy of dest
Necklace of the gods
Necklace of evil
Dark Cloak
Titanium armguard
BRacer of the rogue
Spiked leather armband
Blood preasure cuff
Steel Bracers
Stone gauntlet
Woo mask
That about wraps it up
if you have any


poster: Hymn
subject: fs/W
date: Fri Jun 27 23:48:46 2003

Wanted Red Gold Crown or Golem Brain and Blue Fuzzy Mitten...
have following eq fs
Oak Leaf 6spr 6wis
Grey woolen cloak 12spr 2 cure serious wounds iirc
Belt of shielding 11 spr, +1% protection ritual 
Oaken shield 12 con, +5 hpr
White scale gauntlet +10 wis, +14 spr, +2 crystal binding
mb on gauntlet is 1.5m taking bids on the rest btw want serious bids
true mudmail or tells...


poster: Smee
subject: hi
date: Sat Jun 28 21:41:20 2003

heh, ll. all. 



poster: Energystar
subject: wanted
date: Sat Jun 28 23:11:49 2003

Black mithril vambrace
Black leather bracer
Mask of veins
not trading eq, mail me with gold prices if you have any


poster: Switchblade
subject: fs
date: Sun Jun 29 00:44:18 2003

fs: Mask of anguish.  I'm looking for other int things, namely
yellow slipper, black mith vambrace, black leather bracer, tia
leggings, apoc staves, quickener, glove of energy or ropers hand or
legbone??eheh..  so if you have any of these things and maybe + gold
even things out
lemme know, mudmail me and if i like your offer mask is yours..  is possible
i might take top wis things too but i don't really want to


poster: Athena
subject: Wanted and FS
date: Sun Jun 29 07:00:27 2003

Need a pink slipper! My foot is cold!
Selling red gold crown 5.5mil mb


poster: Justus
subject: ft
date: Sun Jun 29 10:49:41 2003

for trade to wis eq:
azarian command belt +int 8 +spr 18 +qc 3
ruby heart +wis 7 +int 15 +spr 23 +cold res 6
crystal leggings +int 12 +spr 12 +hef 3
leg bone +int 12 +spr 12 +mental tide 2
cap of visions +wis 5 +int 24 +spr 30 +infravision
magicians armor +int 8 +spr 24 +qc 3


poster: Switchblade
subject: >fs
date: Sun Jun 29 17:21:26 2003

also regarding the sale of mask of anguish
copious amounts of GOLD are acceptable, as usual.
-switch (sory for spam i suck that way)


poster: Roxer
subject: Cloak of the Ages
date: Sun Jun 29 22:27:48 2003

buy it.
its Cloak of the Ages btw
make a bid


poster: Hymn
subject: Spiked bracers
date: Mon Jun 30 07:07:21 2003

got Spiked bracers fs...stats are:
Spiked bracers +20 str, +10 dex, +5% fists of fury, +3 dmg and 7tps
taking bids until tuesday afternoon...starting at 5m

also have Long Wooden Staff 20spr and 5% incinerate taking serious bids
Mithril battle suit ac~55 50con 9% attack multi slot...make bids
and Black Throwing dagger hrm stats are on Ronans page iirc

give me bids true mudmail or tells...


poster: Litho
subject: >Spiked bracers
date: Mon Jun 30 12:37:22 2003

On Mon Jun 30 07:07:21 2003 Hymn wrote post #125:
> got Spiked bracers fs...stats are:
> Spiked bracers +20 str, +10 dex, +5% fists of fury, +3 dmg and 7tps
> taking bids until tuesday afternoon...starting at 5m
> also have Long Wooden Staff 20spr and 5% incinerate taking serious bids
> Mithril battle suit ac~55 50con 9% attack multi slot...make bids
> and Black Throwing dagger hrm stats are on Ronans page iirc
> give me bids true mudmail or tells...
> /Hymn
I paid 8.7m for those last week baaaaah


poster: Centaur
subject: stuff for sale
date: Mon Jun 30 18:16:36 2003

  a wolf-hide rerebraces
  a wolf-hide bag
  A Blue Gilt Cloak
  Elven platemail
  Fade Cloak
  Mithril Leggings
  Crimson Cloak
  An amulet of flames
  Defenders Burning Blade
  Dragon scale leg plates
  Large hooktipped hat
please mudmail me with bids


poster: Switchblade
subject: fs
date: Mon Jun 30 23:03:16 2003

fs: Staff of alton, 16spr, 12int, 3 lightning evocation 3 tps
mb is 1m.. or possibly ft to wis things like white scale gauntlet or ghazi
armguard or crystal wings or ummmm well things of that nature.. 
mudmail or tells 


poster: Belgarion (Web) 
subject: >fs
date: Wed Jul  2 07:44:08 2003


I'm looking for a green dress. mudmail me MB.


poster: Rossano
subject: slowly goin back
date: Wed Jul  2 17:14:59 2003

i'm gonna slowly get a tank fig set...
so, if you have tank fig eq, lemme know ;)


poster: Panza
subject: w:
date: Wed Jul  2 17:53:03 2003

looking for caster arms, hands, and neck slots, as well as MA eqs
for the lower body, mail me with mbs if you have any for sale.


poster: Litho
subject: w/fs/ft
date: Fri Jul  4 14:46:58 2003

Looking for the following: holy staff,pink ballet slipper, thin
leather belt, hag eye, rowgs, dark cloak of nosferatu.
have these things for trade/sale: Zapa girdle,Dark cloak, spiked
bracers, black leather boots, gloves of the blackguard, dark green
scale, magicians armor,dagger of mangore.
have gold as well, mail me if interested, etc.


poster: Switchblade
subject: fs
date: Fri Jul  4 22:54:14 2003

Mask of anguish, or possibly ft to top int or wis things
mudmail or tells with offers


poster: Charity
subject: For sale
date: Sat Jul  5 22:21:11 2003

Dragon Sash | +16 spr, +7 int, +8 wis
Minimum bid 1m
Sweet Charity


poster: Ronan
subject: FS
date: Sun Jul  6 01:15:18 2003

Mask Of Anguish 7m, Giant Maul x 2 um 700k ea, Stone Gauntlet 800k
Yay and stuff


poster: Sirc
subject: blue slippers
date: Sun Jul  6 18:01:11 2003

blue slippers fs, 4m


poster: Draco
subject: >Guardians< selling bananza!!
date: Sun Jul  6 23:35:50 2003

A sturdy iron safe named 'holder' (open)
The safe contains:
  Gloves of the Blackguard
  Robe of Oblivion
  Belt of Shielding
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder2' (open)
The safe contains:
  A Blue Gilt Cloak
  Eye Amulet of Frank
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder3' (open)
The safe contains:
  Giant maul
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder4' (open)
The safe contains:
  5-headed snake whip
  Lightning Spear of Illumination
  Giant maul
  Sharp shortsword
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder5' (open)
The safe contains:
  Lightning Spear of Illumination
  Flaming skull mace
  2 Magical Wands
  many pyroclasts (7)
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder6' (open)
The safe contains:
  Firelord breastplate
  Feathered hair piece
  Bronze battle harness
  Twisted gloves of Kraag
  a hooded cloak of a druid
  Cloak of the Stars
  Long red robes
  3 Right Feet of a Deer
  Dark red belt
  Blood red sandals
  Indigo armband of Banin
  a glowing amulet of the demon
  An amulet of flames
  Sharp beaver claws
  Boots of Power
  Sapphire ring of Arabidopsis
  Hanesa's Harp
  King Beaver's glasses

send tells/mudmails for bids on any of these items to me or jaws,
but if we are both partying, plz mudmail bids


poster: Draco
subject: >>Guardians< selling bananza!!
date: Mon Jul  7 01:13:01 2003

On Sun Jul  6 23:35:50 2003 Draco wrote post #137:
>   a glowing amulet of the demon
>   An amulet of flames
>   Sharp beaver claws
>   Boots of Power
>   Sapphire ring of Arabidopsis
>   Hanesa's Harp
>   King Beaver's glasses
> send tells/mudmails for bids on any of these items to me or jaws,
> but if we are both partying, plz mudmail bids
we have more items to sell in this bonanza!
The safe contains:
  Helmet of Wisdom
  Skin gloves
  Black leather belt
  Scarab of Life
  Azarian Command Belt
  White silk healer's gloves
  Mask of Clear Seeing
  Blackmon's Midnight Boots
  Athol's green robe


poster: Litho
subject: w/fs/ft
date: Mon Jul  7 16:13:03 2003

sales w: Pink ballet slipper, thin leather belt,rowg, blue fuzzy
mitten, death talisman.
sales fsft: Spiked bracers,dark green scale,dagger of mangore,nos
fang, cave wyvern's tooth, dark leather boots, silver mirror,twisted
stone dagger.
have golds, mail me.


poster: Draco
subject: >>>Guardians< selling bananza!!
date: Mon Jul  7 19:44:51 2003

On Mon Jul  7 01:13:01 2003 Draco wrote post #138:
> The safe contains:
>   Helmet of Wisdom
>   Skin gloves
>   Black leather belt
>   Scarab of Life
>   Azarian Command Belt
>   White silk healer's gloves
>   Mask of Clear Seeing
>   Blackmon's Midnight Boots
>   Athol's green robe
ok, so far we have solded helmet of wisdom, scarab of life, azarian
command belt, white silk healer's gloves, blackmon's midnight boots,
and athol's green robe, but still PLEANTY of items left, keep the
buyin goin  :)


poster: Panza
subject: fs:/w:
date: Tue Jul  8 18:35:48 2003

have kraag gloves fs, mb 50k, looking for caster leggings, esp.
crystal leggings or the like. mudmail me or catch me on


poster: Owain
subject: wis/spr eq for sale
date: Tue Jul  8 22:05:32 2003

The safe is open.
It contains:
  Amulet of fear
  Xetrov's spiked necklace
  Pearl of Power
  Ruby ring
  Left foot of an alien
  Oak leaf
  a wolf-hide cloak
  Glass Eye of Hag
  Sapphire ring of Arabidopsis
  Ceremonial Armbands of Mitra
  Azarian Combat Boots
  Rnarg's war armor

mudmail me with offers


poster: Switchblade
subject: fs
date: Tue Jul  8 22:47:30 2003

FS: Cloak of swirling darkness.. 16str 16dex 10 fevered strength
top str cloak ...  mudmail/tells with offers


poster: Panza
subject: fs/w
date: Tue Jul  8 22:59:21 2003

have kraag gloves (+8 wis, +1% qc) mb 25k, pyroclast (fixes one
piece of eqs to full, or something like that), mb 300k, Dagger of
ne'tahl (+12 str, +8 dex, +2 dmg, 3tps) mb 1.1m
looking for caster arms and legs eqs


poster: Ronan
subject: FS
date: Tue Jul  8 23:38:50 2003

Ogre Helm 25 str/dex mb 4m
Black Combat Boots 16 dex 5 dodge mb 2m
Glasses of Truesight 16 spr 3 int 1 mastery of the mind mb 800k
Stone Gauntlet 15 dex 5 str 1 mag_res mb 500k
Large White Mithril Ring 15 con 3 phy_res 3 fighting instinct mb 4m


poster: Owain
subject: >wis/spr eq for sale
date: Wed Jul  9 20:45:29 2003

whats left:

Xetrov's spiked necklace
Left foot of an alien
Rnarg's war armor


poster: Panza
subject: fs:/w:
date: Thu Jul 10 02:30:28 2003

fs: dagger of ne'tahl (+12 str, +8 dex, +2dmg, WC ~47,
3 tps, mb 1.1m) Claw of the Roc (+ 12 int, +3 wis, +~12 spr, mb 1m)
Blob Gloves
(+9 int, +9 spr, +avg phys_res, ungettable, mb 1m)
found the caster leggings i was looking for, so now i'm looking for
upgrades to all my current wis eqs, especially in the arms slot.
mudmail me with offers or mbs.


poster: Switchblade
subject: fs:
date: Thu Jul 10 08:17:40 2003

Fs: amulet of dessication, mb 3.5m, mudmail/tells with offers


poster: Tranquil
subject: For sale:
date: Thu Jul 10 08:28:46 2003

  Magical Wand          -  80k
  Darkwood Staff        -  20k
  Flaming skull mace    -  50k
  Stone Gauntlet        - 500k
  Small iron amulet     - 500k
  Giant maul            - 400k
  Lion Tooth Necklace   - 100k
  Darkgreen paw         - 1.2m

The listed prices are fairly low, so I shall regard them as minimum
bids. If you wish to buy any of these eqs, feel free to use either
mail or tell, and I will respond as soon as I am able.


poster: Panza
subject: sold/w:
date: Thu Jul 10 08:36:14 2003

blob gloves have sold
now looking for simple wool skirt and crystal wings, mail me with
bids and offers


poster: Panza
subject: sold
date: Thu Jul 10 08:53:05 2003

claw and dagger sold


poster: Emerald
subject: For Sell
date: Thu Jul 10 14:16:41 2003

(1)  Adamantium long sword
(1)  Long sword
(2)  Slightly curved wakizashi
(2)  Dragonslayer

(1)  Shining Red Eagle platemail
(1)  Darian the destroyer
(1)  Forest green leather leggings
(1)  Blue Monk's Belt
(1)  Eye Amulet of Frank
(1)  Brass amulet


poster: Tranquil
subject: hi
date: Fri Jul 11 02:06:29 2003

Hi, I have a Clean glowing glove, mb is 1.2m. Mail or tell is fine. Thanks


poster: Bluemoon
subject: W: books
date: Fri Jul 11 06:42:17 2003

Still looking for books for my collection to do something with it at
some point...
this is what I have
A small cedar chest named 'Books!' (open)
The chest contains:
  2 ancient books of belt and ep_regen
  2 ancient books of amulet and damage
  2 ancient books of hands and hp_regen
  an ancient book of eyes and sta
  an ancient book of eyes and ep_regen
  an ancient book of arms and avoid_hits
  an ancient book of arms and wis
  an ancient book of head and int
  an ancient book of legs and sp_regen
  an ancient book of eyes and con
  an ancient book of finger and damage
  2 ancient books of arms and ep_regen
  an ancient book of neck and sp_regen
  an ancient book of feet and ep_regen
  an ancient book of hands and avoid_hits
  an ancient book of hands and con
  2 ancient books of belt and dex
  an ancient book of finger and ep_regen
  an ancient book of neck and sta
  an ancient book of legs and damage
  an ancient book of finger and int
Let me know if u have one I dont and want to get rid of it


poster: Siffar
subject: Stuff fs and w
date: Fri Jul 11 20:45:03 2003

For sale:
Rnarg's war armor, torso, wis 6, spr 14, mag res 2
Corslet of Tutankhamon, torso, wis 5, spr 10
Dark Amulet of the Conjurer, amulet, wis 12, int 11, spr 10
Free Personal Nosuck Ticket
2 Pyroclasts
Spellbook 'condition orbit'

Ring of Chaos (or other nice caster rings)


poster: Rizzly
subject: For Sale!
date: Sat Jul 12 16:22:10 2003

I've got the following things for sale:

Glasses of Truesight
Golden Belt
Amulet of Fear
Bracelet of Bones

Mail me mbs, or send me a tell if I'm on.


poster: Jaws
subject: Safe clearing house
date: Sat Jul 12 23:03:55 2003

All forsale - bug me if u want 

  Suit of chainmail
  a white cloak
  Royal Guard chainmail
  Curved Iron Dagger
  Lightning Spear of Illumination
  2 Right Feet of a Deer
  Hanesa's Harp
  Sharp beaver claws
  Indigo armband of Banin
  Long red robes
  Twisted gloves of Kraag
  Bronze battle harness
  Boots of Power
  Cloak of the Stars
  Scarab of Life
  Bronze Wand of Guild Portal
  Flaming skull mace
  Lightning Spear of Illumination
  Stone Gauntlet
  Beak of a Roc
  Grey robes
  Mace of strength
  Ring with a glowing diamond
  Sapphire ring of Arabidopsis
  Sharp shortsword
  Giant maul
  a white cloak
  Long red robes
  Black ring
  Long red robes
  Magical Wand
  A Blue Gilt Cloak
  Riveted shoulder pads
  Red Priest's Helm
  2 Fiery breastplates
  Beholder Eyestalk
  Deer Cloak
  Long red robes
  Maul of Fire
  a jewel encrusted glove
  2 King's axes of might
  Cutlass of the Ne'tal
  Black leather belt
  Skin gloves
  a white cloak



poster: Hymn (Web) 
subject: >For Sale!
date: Sun Jul 13 20:10:11 2003


next weekend :)



poster: Switchblade
subject: FS
date: Mon Jul 14 18:17:29 2003

Cloak of swirling darkness 16str/dex 10fevered strength
Amulet of dessication 25spr 16int 1mastery of air + eat corpses     
Bleached out bracelet of bones 17spr 4int 2%hef right arm           
Twisted bracer of the rogue 8str 16dex 1dmg right arm

mudmail/tells with bids

above eq also possibly ft to int or wis things.



poster: Tantrum
subject: FS
date: Tue Jul 15 12:47:46 2003

mask of clear seeing
quarks demonhide
dragon sash
wolf-hide bag

plz mail me with bids. or catch me online.


poster: Hymn
subject: W:Bmons staff
date: Tue Jul 15 19:30:42 2003

I need a Bmons staff or a holy staff


poster: Kasma
subject: >guardians< selling stuff!
date: Wed Jul 16 00:08:17 2003

 sturdy iron safe named 'holder7' (open)
 The safe contains:
  Suit of chainmail
  a white cloak
  Royal Guard chainmail
  Curved Iron Dagger
  Lightning Spear of Illumination
  Dark gloves of Nosferatu
  Blood red sandals
 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder6' (open)
 The safe contains:
  2 Right Feet of a Deer
  Hanesa's Harp
  Sharp beaver claws
  Indigo armband of Banin
  Long red robes
  Twisted gloves of Kraag
  Bronze battle harness
  Boots of Power
  Cloak of the Stars
  Cutlass of the Ne'tal
  Black Scarf Of Blindness
 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder5' (open)
 The safe contains:
  Scarab of Life
  Bronze Wand of Guild Portal
  many pyroclasts
  Flaming skull mace
  Lightning Spear of Illumination
  Magical Wand
 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder4' (open)
 The safe contains:
  Ring with a glowing diamond
  Stone Gauntlet
  Grey robes
  Mace of strength
  Sharp shortsword
  Giant maul
 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder3' (open)
 The safe contains:
  a white cloak
  Long red robes
  Black ring
  Thick white smock
  Dark leather boots
  Oaken shield
 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder' (open)
 The safe contains:
  Long red robes
  Magical Wand
  A Blue Gilt Cloak
  Riveted shoulder pads
  Red Priest's Helm
  2 Fiery breastplates
  Beholder Eyestalk
  Deer Cloak
  Long red robes
  Gloves of the Blackguard
 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder2' (open)
 The safe contains:
  Maul of Fire
  a jewel encrusted glove
  2 King's axes of might
  Black leather belt
  Skin gloves
  a white cloak
  Wyvernskin Gloves
  Green glowing ring
  2 Ring of Lavoses
  Dark red belt
  Oak leaf
  An amulet of flames


poster: Centaur
subject: stuff for sale
date: Wed Jul 16 05:14:32 2003

(2)  Feathered hair piece - 9wis 9sp_max 3 sta (head)
(1)  Firelord breastplate - 12str 4sta +deflect (torso)
(1)  Talisman of Zarath - 9con 9hp_max 3sta (neck)
(1)  Tan leather work gloves - 12con 18str 8sta (hands)
(1)  Eye of the Serpent - 10int 7dex (eyes)
(1)  Boots of Lavos - 12con 10str 5attack (feet)
(1)  Warder bracers - 7con (arms)
(1)  Deer Cloak - 5hpr 6str (cloak, head and neck)
(1)  Eagle Amulet - 12dex 2attack (amulet)
(1)  Mithril Leggings - 8con 2dex (legs)
(1)  A Blue Gilt Cloak - 9ep_max 20hp_max 9sta (cloak)
(1)  Black belt of Kraag int6 5spr (belt)
(1)  Tiara - 8spr (head)
(1)  Large hooktipped hat - 2wis 2con (head)
(1)  Dark leather boots - 10con 5hpr (feet)
(1)  Riding boots - 8con 2attack (feet)
(1)  Beholder Eyestalk - 2spr 3psychic gaze (left hand)
(1)  Green Robes - 10int 15spr (arms torso)
(1)  Black leather belt - 3str (belt)
(1)  Left Foot of a Bear - 9str 1attack (left foot)
(1)  Twisted gloves of Kraag - 8wis 1qc (hands)
(1)  Indigo armband of Banin - 4 dex 1strangle (left arm)
(1)  Cloak of the Stars - 9wis 9con 3dex +blend(occasional
invisibility) (cloak)
(1)  Runed Mithril Chainmail - 12wis 3sta 16dex 1phys_res +reflect (torso)
(1)  Really Wicked Witch Robe  - 8spr 1qc (torso)

(1)  DarkBlade - 3con 2str (slash)
(1)  Dragonslayer - 1str +good aligned elf special (slash)
(1)  Defenders Burning Blade - 3attack +specials (slash) 
(1)  Fine battleaxe - 9str 3dex 3attack (slash)
(1)  Souleater - 6con 11hpr 3str (slash)
(1)  Mythinite mace - 21str 5deathblow 5fevered strength +crits (blunt)
(1)  Skullcracker - 5hpr 12str (blunt)
(1)  Oaken shield - 12con 5hpr (shield)

Please send tell or mudmail with inquiries


poster: Rancor
subject: forSale
date: Wed Jul 16 09:09:52 2003

Cloak of Swirling Darkness 3.5m
Hag Eye 4m
gloves of the Blackguard 1m
Mail/tell etc


poster: Slayn
subject: fs/ft
date: Wed Jul 16 12:16:00 2003

 New: Olathurl Phlith (99.4)

New: Dark green scale (100.0)

New: Dark green scale (100.0)

New: Transmuted Whip (99.5)

New: Velvet Collar (94.8)

New: Ogre helmet (94.7)

Like new: Darkgreen paw (92.8)

Like new: Iron Handled Mop (100.0)
Like new: Stone Gauntlet (100.0)

Like new: Boots of Lavos (99.0)

Like new: Eye of the Dragon (87.7)

Scratched: Woo's platinum mask (81.7)

(last 2 come with pyros)
id like to trade to int/spr stuffs
mail away


poster: Darkster
subject: fs:
date: Thu Jul 17 10:39:35 2003

blue fuzzy mitten mb 2m, found it 2days ago, but no one said that
they lost it so im selling hit


poster: Afkaserious
subject: Fs: Ring of Disruption
date: Thu Jul 17 23:35:49 2003

So um, buy it. Gimmi 10m or more, thanks
mail me or tell me or send me nude pics of cute chicks


poster: Hymn
subject: W
date: Fri Jul 18 22:20:57 2003

sales I need a Blackmons staff or a Holy staff and a Blue Fuzzy Mitten...
Mail me or something..


poster: Roxer
subject: W
date: Fri Jul 18 23:21:22 2003

I want Simple wool skirt, Ring of white gold, Death talisman, Blue
Fuzzy Mitten, Pink Slipper
Mudmail me your lowest MB.
I think i have some equips ft 2.
Like tia leggings, Spider Amulet, Ruby Heart, Chaos Ring, Nos
gloves. Well lemme know.
Have a fun day!


poster: Tantrum
subject: W/FS
date: Sat Jul 19 10:33:26 2003

FS : 
scarab of life
darkgreen paw
wolf-hide bag
sapphire ring of aribidopsis

nos cloak
2x nenyas (the ones with 10 wis.)
mud mail/catch me online.


poster: Zeemagx
subject: fs/ft
date: Sat Jul 19 14:20:09 2003

Items for sale (ft also):
Amulet of Ultravision : +20spr, +15int, +3 casting mb 3m.
Green Robes (multi-slot): +15spr, +10int mb 250k. 
Crystal leggings : +12spr, +12int, +3HEF mb 800k

I also have theese items for trade (i may sell them also) (as well
as those who r for sale):
Armor of despair : +30spr, +12int, +4 PEB, +2 CEB
Cursed mask of the linguist : +15spr, +24int, +5wis, +3 lore of the watchers

Now what i´m looking for:
Mask of Anguish
A very good int/spr ring...


poster: Ronan
subject: FS
date: Sun Jul 20 08:56:14 2003

Ring of Perfection +9 spr, +16 int, +3 wis 2m
Holy Staff +29 wis, +4 shield parry 3.5m
Helmet of Wisdom +12 spr, +16 int, +20 wis 1.5m
Wyvern Horn +15 dex, +5 stab, +4 dbl stab 3 tps 1m
Twisted Bracers +15 spr, +5 wis, 5 call for wolf, 3 wolf mastery 3 tps 1m
Glasses of Truesight +16 spr +3 int +1% mastery of the mind 700k
Mask Of Anguish +20 spr, +29 int, +2% qc 8m
PS I also need Apoc Staff, Dark Nos Rings
lemme know


poster: Ronan
subject: >FS
date: Sun Jul 20 09:08:53 2003

On Sun Jul 20 08:56:14 2003 Ronan wrote post #176:
> Ring of Perfection +9 spr, +16 int, +3 wis 2m
> Holy Staff +29 wis, +4 shield parry 3.5m
> Helmet of Wisdom +12 spr, +16 int, +20 wis 1.5m
> Wyvern Horn +15 dex, +5 stab, +4 dbl stab 3 tps 1m
> Twisted Bracers +15 spr, +5 wis, 5 call for wolf, 3 wolf mastery 3 tps 1m
> Glasses of Truesight +16 spr +3 int +1% mastery of the mind 700k
> Mask Of Anguish +20 spr, +29 int, +2% qc 8m
> PS I also need Apoc Staff, Dark Nos Rings
> lemme know
> Ronana
PPS Have a Vengeance Ring floating in safe too +18 str + hits when taking dmg


poster: Ronan
subject: >>FS
date: Sun Jul 20 10:08:45 2003

On Sun Jul 20 09:08:53 2003 Ronan wrote post #177:
> On Sun Jul 20 08:56:14 2003 Ronan wrote post #176:
> > Ring of Perfection +9 spr, +16 int, +3 wis 2m
> > Holy Staff +29 wis, +4 shield parry 3.5m
> > Helmet of Wisdom +12 spr, +16 int, +20 wis 1.5m
> > Wyvern Horn +15 dex, +5 stab, +4 dbl stab 3 tps 1m
> > Twisted Bracers +15 spr, +5 wis, 5 call for wolf, 3 wolf mastery 3 tps 1m
> > Glasses of Truesight +16 spr +3 int +1% mastery of the mind 700k
> > Mask Of Anguish +20 spr, +29 int, +2% qc 8m
> > PS I also need Apoc Staff, Dark Nos Rings
> > lemme know
> > Ronana
> PPS Have a Vengeance Ring floating in safe too +18 str + hits when taking
Helmet, Veng Ring sold


poster: Hymn
subject: FS!
date: Mon Jul 21 02:28:12 2003

have a Blackmons Platemail fs mb 2.5m
and a Belt of the wind mb5m

mudmail me bids..or tell me


poster: Dorion
subject: fs
date: Mon Jul 21 03:39:44 2003

i have studded leather armor fs 20 spr 8 int +5 noerves of fire +5
lore of elders
5 tp sac if interested catch me on the mud or mail me


poster: Justus
subject: int stuffs ->for trade<- to wis stuffs
date: Mon Jul 21 15:37:24 2003

i would love to trade next eqs to wis eq

2x ring of lavos
crystal leggings
azarian command belt
spider amulet
ancient bracelets of power
cap of visions

send me a mail or tell

thank you, love justus


poster: Lu
subject: oink
date: Mon Jul 21 21:09:01 2003

cold black ring
yellow fluffy slipper
spider amulet
staff of alton



poster: Rythion
subject: WANTED:::
date: Tue Jul 22 01:08:06 2003

circlet of brutality/malahk's visor/gangreal's black 
ocket/blackmon's cloak/black leather shirt/amulet of typhoon/steel
bracers/black leather gloves/2x bloody nos rings/runed mithril
buckle/black leggings of the necromancer/Shen Seng's Snake Skin
Slippers/2x mithril dagger of the dwarves


poster: Bahgtru
subject: W
date: Tue Jul 22 06:05:00 2003

Looking for fig type eyes, arms, fingers, right hand

Mail me


poster: Justus
subject: fs
date: Tue Jul 22 15:01:22 2003

fs vengeance ring send mail or tell if intrested.

thank you, love justus


poster: Justus
subject: >fs
date: Wed Jul 23 05:25:24 2003

ring is gone.


poster: Wagro
subject: fs
date: Wed Jul 23 23:24:27 2003

Black Snake Belt | +20 spr, +15 int, +8 wis, +3 casting efficiency |
5 tps mb 2m

Dark glowing vest | +15dex, +10epr, +3% dragon tail sweep, +3% soul
of the dragon | 7 tps mb 2m


poster: Palmascay
subject: fs:
date: Thu Jul 24 00:08:29 2003

luminous carapace (16spr +spmax +reflect +asorb special)
claddah ring (19spr/15int/15wis/5epr


poster: Ronan
subject: FS
date: Thu Jul 24 02:18:00 2003

 sales fs Grey Leggings 50k, Kukul 100k, Red Strappy
Heels 5m, Ancient cave wyvern's horn 1m, Riveted shoulder
pads 50k, Mithril battlesuit 100k, Onyx ring 3m, Cloak of the
Crusader 1.5m, Elven Boots 20k, Glasses of Truesight 700k, Blue silk
leggings 20k, White Wristband 300k, Ent limb 50k, Wood 2x4 1m, Left
War Greave 2m, Right War Greave 2m {3.5 for both}, Shield of
reflection 4m, Holy staff 3.5m, a white cloak 50k
yada yada


poster: Palmascay
subject: fs/ft
date: Fri Jul 25 09:21:59 2003

Luminous carapce 16spr +spmax +reflect +asorb speacial
mail mbs/what u will trade for it


poster: Palmascay
subject: WANT/NEED
date: Fri Jul 25 09:44:39 2003

looking for int/spr eqs, trying to build up an int set,mail me with
items that are fs:, ok thanks, cya


poster: Kasma
subject: fs: 
date: Sat Jul 26 00:44:28 2003

 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder2' (open)
 The safe contains:
  An amulet of flames
  2 Ring of Lavoses
  Dark red belt
  Green glowing ring
  Wyvernskin Gloves
  a white cloak
  Skin gloves
  Black leather belt
  2 King's axes of might
  a jewel encrusted glove
  Maul of Fire
  Ivory Wand of Aura of Force
  Skull-shaped ring
 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder' (open)
 The safe contains:
  A Blue Gilt Cloak
  Riveted shoulder pads
  Gloves of the Blackguard
  Magical Wand
  Long red robes
  Bronze battle harness
  Darian the destroyer
  Gauntlets of the Hound
 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder3' (open)
 The safe contains:
  Dark leather boots
  Thick white smock
  Black ring
  Long red robes
  a white cloak
  Smooth copper ring
 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder4' (open)
 The safe contains:
  Giant maul
  Sharp shortsword
  Mace of strength
  Grey robes
  Stone Gauntlet
  Ring with a glowing diamond
 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder5' (open)
 The safe contains:
   Lightning Spear of Illumination
  Flaming skull mace
  many pyroclasts
  Bronze Wand of Guild Portal
  Scarab of Life
 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder6' (open)
 The safe contains:
  Black Scarf Of Blindness
  Cutlass of the Ne'tal
  Cloak of the Stars
  Boots of Power
  Twisted gloves of Kraag
  Long red robes
  Indigo armband of Banin
  Sharp beaver claws
  2 Right Feet of a Deer
  Hanesa's Harp
 A sturdy iron safe named 'holder7' (open)
 The safe contains:
  Blood red sandals
  Dark gloves of Nosferatu
  Lightning Spear of Illumination
  Curved Iron Dagger
  Royal Guard chainmail
  a white cloak
  Suit of chainmail
tell me/mail me with offers or whatever


poster: Palmascay
subject: wanted
date: Sat Jul 26 09:18:49 2003

send me tells of int eq that u have for sell/along with the mbs, or
if im not on mail me.
thanks bye


poster: Debacle
subject: for sale
date: Sat Jul 26 11:25:11 2003

Steel-toed boots
mail me or msg me!


poster: Sirc
subject: fs
date: Sat Jul 26 20:43:18 2003

2x bone daggers
bmon boots
scarrab leggings
ruby ring
gloves of the blackguard
bplate of darkness
dragon cloak
looking for fig stuffs


poster: Trigon (Web) 
subject: >wanted
date: Sat Jul 26 23:00:51 2003

I need some piercing weapons

What I would like the most are:

Schizo tooth

Golden tanto

Kadavre Scapel

Chaos dagger

Fire or ice picks

Or maybe this thing called a holy stake

Anything else you think is neat or has high wc, or I'll buy something if it has a neat/spammy special.

I have gold and fig and caster eqps to trade

Gimme Gimme



poster: Trigon
subject: >>wanted
date: Sun Jul 27 07:36:41 2003

On Sat Jul 26 23:00:51 2003 Trigon (Web)  wrote post #196:
> I need some piercing weapons

> What I would like the most are:

> Schizo tooth

> Golden tanto

> Kadavre Scapel

> Chaos dagger

> Fire or ice picks

> Or maybe this thing called a holy stake

> Anything else you think is neat or has high wc, or I'll buy something if
it has a neat/spammy special.

> I have gold and fig and caster eqps to trade

> Gimme Gimme

> Trigon
Also, I need some fig hands.  Mythinite gauntlets, or stone
gauntlet/darkgreen paw, something like that.


poster: Palmascay
subject: WANTED
date: Sun Jul 27 10:03:47 2003

mail me int/spr eq that u have fs thanks
p.s. also include stats plz


poster: Bluemoon
subject: FS
date: Sun Jul 27 11:18:48 2003

Hi, I have Boots of lavos, small iron amulet, and ancient bracelets
of power fs
Mail me or send me tells of offers :)
PS. Smee goes MEEP!


poster: Palmascay
subject: fs:
date: Sun Jul 27 21:31:56 2003

rnarg's war armor 14spr/6wis/mag res/1tp, mb 300k
mail me if u want it, ok thanks


poster: Bluemoon
subject: Fs:
date: Mon Jul 28 01:04:16 2003

Boots and Bracelets sold
Still got that small iron ammie fs: 250k


poster: Rizzly
subject: W:
date: Mon Jul 28 04:38:20 2003

I'm looking for MA eqps.  If you've got any, send me a tell or mail
with what you've got and how much ya want for it.



poster: Palmascay
subject: fs:
date: Mon Jul 28 20:28:09 2003

Bronze chain mail 12con/5ignore pain/5resist pain/3tps
mail me mbs, thank cya


poster: Tantrum
subject: Wanted
date: Tue Jul 29 13:04:55 2003

i would like to purchase 3 pyroclasts, and red heels.
am paying 4M for heels. pyros negotiable.
plz mail me, or send me a tell when you see me on if you have these
things for me.


poster: Palmascay
subject: for sale
date: Wed Jul 30 02:33:48 2003

Bronze chain mail (12con/5resit pain/5ignore pain/3tps, mb 650k
mail me if u want it/or if on on send a tell
thankies, cya


poster: Kasma
subject: W:
date: Wed Jul 30 03:12:19 2003

want a velvet collar plz
mail me with mbs


poster: Litho
subject: w/ft
date: Wed Jul 30 07:23:35 2003

Looking for 2 vengeance rings, willing to trade 2 ring of dragonses,
and can compensate with gold if need be. If not interested in the
rings, mail me with mb please, thanks.


poster: Palmascay
subject: For Sale
date: Wed Jul 30 09:02:03 2003

Bronze Chain mail 12con/5 resist pain/5 ignore pain/ 3tps
p.s. mb is 550k, mail me if u want it, or gonna sac it tomorrow


poster: Cleo
subject: Wanted
date: Wed Jul 30 20:51:10 2003

Mask of Veins, White Wings, Black Mithril Vambrace, Black Leather
Bracer, Glove of Energy, 2*Staff of Apocalypse
Got gold and might be able to get ft eq.

Have a nice day.


poster: Palmascay
subject: fs:
date: Thu Jul 31 06:18:37 2003

Cloak of the crusader (9sta, 16dex,3epr)
Eye amulet of frank (12str, 6dex,)
oh and cloak is also 1tp
mail mbs


poster: Kasma
subject: w:
date: Thu Jul 31 21:29:39 2003

looking for a slashing weap of ~2.5m, mail me with mbs/what it is :)


poster: Rizzly
subject: For Sale!
date: Fri Aug  1 02:44:22 2003

Got the following for sale:

Darkgreen paw
Stone Gauntlet
Horned Skull
Emerald Pendant

Mail me or send a tell with bids!


poster: Rizzly
subject: Wanted!
date: Fri Aug  1 16:17:11 2003

Am looking for MA eqps, specifically

Steel-toed Boots
Ogre Helmet
Golem pants
Mithril Breastplate of Tiamat
Dragon Eyes/Woo mask
Amulet of Destruction

Mail me with mbs and stuff if you have any of these things.  Thanks!


poster: Justus
subject: fs/ft
date: Sat Aug  2 16:32:48 2003

go death talisman, hammer of power, supple leather boots and
traveling boots for sale or trade to wis eq mail me offers
if you are intrested.


poster: Bahgtru
subject: W
date: Sun Aug  3 05:20:09 2003

Looking for a Damien, mail me if ya got one

- Bag


poster: Tranquil
subject: stuff fs:
date: Sun Aug  3 12:02:05 2003

Dark green scale (2.5m)
White lace gloves (2.5m)
Blackmon's Pendant of Movement (1.5m)
Lightning spear of Illumination (100k)

First in first served, mail/tell with bids etc.


poster: Litho
subject: Wanted.
date: Sun Aug  3 16:38:18 2003

Looking for necro glove, titanium armguard, spiked leather
armband..Have some gold
Mail or catch me online.


poster: Energystar
subject: wanted
date: Mon Aug  4 02:54:39 2003

i want some dark rings of nosferatu (2 of them)
please let me know if you have them for sale.


poster: Fox
subject: >For Sale.
date: Mon Aug  4 09:25:24 2003

On Mon Aug  4 09:24:18 2003 Fox wrote post #221:
> All for sale:
> Cloak of the Ages
> Legendary Focus Crystal
> Yellow Fluffy slipper
> Magical Leggings of Tiamat
> Blood Covered Tunic
> Leg bone
> Blue Fluffy Slipper
> Red Satin Headband
> Belt of the Wind
> MEtal Stethoscope
> Black Mithril Vambrace
> Green Brocade Sleeve
> Cold Black Ring
> --
> Offer up...
> Serious inquirers only. 
> You know what to do.
Stupid as I am, I forgot to mention this: I want/need str/dex/dmg eq.


poster: Zeemagx
subject: fs
date: Mon Aug  4 21:06:43 2003

OK i´m selling a apocalypse staff, from now on taking offers...... 


poster: Mikkiz
subject: FS/FT
date: Mon Aug  4 21:08:34 2003

Deathen Shield  | 10 dex, 15 con, 5 cold resistance
                  5% shield parry 5% enhanced deflection

Taking bids or ft stuff like Mask of Anguish or
good int weapons like Darkwhips or Apoc staff 


poster: Palmascay
subject: For Sale
date: Tue Aug  5 09:06:14 2003

Hammer of darkness 13spr/3wis/3int/cold+unholy damage
Special:attrack good mobs to u
mail mbs if u are interested


poster: Kasma
subject: fs/w:
date: Tue Aug  5 18:35:45 2003

fs: athol's emerald star 20spr 10 int 5 wis
Crystal Wings 15 wis 15 spr 5 heal
Ring of Regeneration 16epr/hpr 12 spr
Ring of Stones 12 spr 3 int 3 quick chant 3 mastery of earth


poster: Kasma
subject: opps
date: Tue Aug  5 18:37:27 2003

eheh forgot stuff from last post -
w: bloody nos rings or other nice dmg rings
also looking for other dmg eq
mail me with mb's for your stuff and offers for mine. 


poster: Palmascay
subject: for sale
date: Wed Aug  6 07:58:41 2003

Wolf hide Cloak (+3spr/+9wis/+8gaian touch)
Athol's Emerald Star (+20spr/+10int/+5wis)
mail me offers
thankies, cya


poster: Litho
subject: wanted/ft/fs
date: Wed Aug  6 08:12:23 2003

Looking for Twisted metal ring, necro glove, spiked leather armguard.
Have spiked bracers, white scale gauntlet for trade, as well as gold.
Also looking to trade my Hammer of Crushing to a War Hammer of Rage.
Mail/send me a tell, thanks.


poster: Bahgtru
subject: FS
date: Wed Aug  6 09:33:50 2003

Ring of Northern Lights - 8 dex, 3% fists of fury

Mail me


poster: Roxer
subject: Wanted
date: Wed Aug  6 13:45:09 2003

I want some iteam, cause i did reinc:)
Blue Fuzzy Mitten


Witch stockings

Or Blue slipper
Dagalus Rings (2)

I have some FT:
Chaos Ring
some gold


poster: Flick
subject: for sale
date: Thu Aug  7 12:24:30 2003

i have a cap of visions for sale for 1.2 mil
stats are +30 spr, +24 int, +5 wis, +infra
mail me with bids if you want or just tell me online**


poster: Grasfer
subject: Glove of Energy
date: Sat Aug  9 10:33:04 2003

Sell me a Glove of Energy ffs


poster: Palmascay
subject: for sale
date: Sun Aug 10 06:35:14 2003

typhoon blade +15spr/+15int/+3casting
mail mb with mbs, thanks
* *


poster: Bloodlust
subject: for sale
date: Tue Aug 12 04:53:58 2003

elaborate boots [3int, 8spr] and rose crown [6wis] 10k for both

Black belt of Kraag 7int, 6spr 100k

Sapphire ring of Arabidopsis  7wis, 6spr 100k

Boots of Lavos +12 con, +10 str, +5 attack 2m

Amulet of wisdom   2wis 2k

Blood red sandals   8spr 10k

Black leather belt  3str 1k

Wizards robes    fire:1 spr:12 wis:5 250k

Emerald bracers of Vorysis  3wis, 12spr 200k

Small iron amulet  3wis, 11spr  200k

Amulet of wisdom  2wis 1k

Orc Chiefs Onyx Ring   2int 1k

Mawyns Rose Crown   6wis 20k

Stone amulet    spr:5 wis:4 25k

Clown's Flower +12spr +8wis +15cha 2m

Green stole of a priest of Mitra  4spr 10k

(2)Brown stole of a priest of Mitra  2spr 1k


poster: Palmascay
subject: fs/wanted
date: Wed Aug 13 02:39:59 2003

For Sale:
glasses of true sight 16spr/3int/1mastery of the mind mb 350k
Wanted MA eq, mail me if u have some thanks


poster: Rancor
subject: chap
date: Wed Aug 13 08:33:50 2003

say  IA  DOWN 
selling a goat skin chap bidding starts at ohh say 8m and run though
when I decide to sell it.


poster: Rancor
subject: >chap
date: Wed Aug 13 10:38:09 2003

On Wed Aug 13 08:33:50 2003 Rancor wrote post #238:
> say  IA  DOWN 
> selling a goat skin chap bidding starts at ohh say 8m and run though
> when I decide to sell it.
> Rancor
Also looking for various trade things, such as orbdrin, left
dex/str/dmg arm, ohh and zapa girdle to name a few.


poster: Palmascay
subject: FS:/Wanted
date: Wed Aug 13 19:25:17 2003

For Sale:
Mask of clear seeing
Ring of lavos
Helmet of wisdom
Leg bone
Crystal leggings
2x Rainstaffs
will also trade for MA eq

Plz feed me MA eq


poster: Palmascay
subject: fs/wanted
date: Wed Aug 13 19:25:55 2003

mail me for bids, thanks


poster: Bluemoon
subject: Fs
date: Thu Aug 14 05:04:15 2003

I have blood covered tunic fs
16 spr, 22 int, 3 qc...nice torso piece for castor...
1.5m or nice offer
Also have movado leggings for 750k if ya intereted
mail me or send me a tell


poster: Smee
subject: hello baby
date: Thu Aug 14 18:01:01 2003

listen sweetie
i think its time you and me had a little talk
darling, i know your feelings are strong
but mine are weakened

it will take some time to fix things up
i think a good way to start would be to sell me:

gold & turquoise ibis __anything__ (i want all pls.)
a holy staff
a wooleny skirt from mrs. witch over yonder the hills

okay now the scavenger hunt begins!
everybody has their paper bag and everybody has the list right?
okay make sure you're back in three hours even if you don't find all
the stuff!

heart, smee


poster: Korthrun
subject: >hello baby
date: Thu Aug 14 20:19:38 2003

On Thu Aug 14 18:01:01 2003 Smee wrote post #243:
> listen sweetie
> i think its time you and me had a little talk
> darling, i know your feelings are strong
> but mine are weakened
> it will take some time to fix things up
> i think a good way to start would be to sell me:
> gold & turquoise ibis __anything__ (i want all pls.)
> a holy staff
> a wooleny skirt from mrs. witch over yonder the hills
> okay now the scavenger hunt begins!
> everybody has their paper bag and everybody has the list right?
> okay make sure you're back in three hours even if you don't find all
> the stuff!
> heart, smee
I found you lint.
Do you loev me again baby?


poster: Uno
subject: >>hello baby
date: Thu Aug 14 22:02:21 2003

On Thu Aug 14 20:19:38 2003 Korthrun wrote post #244:
> > a wooleny skirt from mrs. witch over yonder the hills
> > 
> > okay now the scavenger hunt begins!
> > everybody has their paper bag and everybody has the list right?
> > okay make sure you're back in three hours even if you don't find all
> > the stuff!
> > 
> > heart, smee
> I found you lint.
> Do you loev me again baby?
this post made me dance to the beat of a thousand pirate chuckles.
my heart is full of wrinkly puppy noses.

If I had six dollars, I'd spend it on a playset full of army men.
I'd light each one on fire and name it after my favorite
smee quality.

Then I'd jump out the window.

onto a flying tapir, and, about 2 hours later, muskily,
we'd arrive at the smee party, where he'd see my flying tapir
and smile

and name it Sven.


poster: Poofy
subject: Fs/ft
date: Sat Aug 16 00:44:20 2003

crystal wings
robe of the demon hide
cloak of the ages
fanged dagger
demon's whip
shield of reflection
spinal staff
green glowing sword
mail me with bids
if you have healer stuff fs/ft send me tell/mail as well,


poster: Hymn
subject: FS
date: Sat Aug 16 01:09:02 2003

Black chain stained with blood
stats are 26dex +2 avoid hits 9wis and 16str

and yes thats the stats id it alot of times...

mail me bids...plz serios ones



poster: Bluemoon
subject: W:
date: Sat Aug 16 21:07:28 2003

Hi, still wanting BOOOKS
A small cedar chest named 'Books!' (open)
The chest contains:
  an ancient book of finger and sp_regen
  an ancient book of amulet and sp_regen
  an ancient book of torso and con
  an ancient book of head and dex
  an ancient book of finger and int
  an ancient book of legs and damage
  2 ancient books of belt and dex
  2 ancient books of amulet and damage
  an ancient book of neck and sta
  an ancient book of finger and ep_regen
  2 ancient books of arms and ep_regen
  an ancient book of belt and ep_regen
  an ancient book of hands and con
  an ancient book of hands and avoid_hits
  2 ancient books of hands and hp_regen
  an ancient book of feet and ep_regen
  an ancient book of neck and sp_regen
  an ancient book of finger and damage
  an ancient book of eyes and con
  an ancient book of legs and sp_regen
  an ancient book of head and int
  an ancient book of arms and wis
  an ancient book of arms and avoid_hits
  an ancient book of eyes and sta
  an ancient book of eyes and ep_regen
  an ancient book of cloak and sta
If you have a book thats not in there let me know


poster: Hymn
subject: think FullSp's
date: Sun Aug 17 01:49:22 2003

(2)  Holy staff (kept) 3m each
(1)  Bleached out Bracelet of Bones (kept) bid
(1)  Black chain stained with blood (kept) 4.5m
(1)  Death talisman (kept) bid
(1)  Glass Eye of Hag (kept) 3m
(1)  Belt of mourning (kept) 4m
(1)  Grey leather bracer (kept) bid
(1)  Ring of white gold (kept) 6m
(1)  Amulet of fear (kept) 6m
(1)  Red Strappy Heels (kept) 4.5m
(1)  Dark cloak of Nosferatu (kept) 4m
(1)  Black scalemail (kept) 6m

or for trade for top int eq
mail me bids if Im not on..
think FullSp's


poster: Athena
subject: Caster legs
date: Sun Aug 17 02:15:44 2003

FS: Bronze Leg Plate and Steel leg Plate..2m mb for both.
give me tell or mudmail me if interested.


poster: Hymn
subject: FS/W
date: Sun Aug 17 16:49:20 2003

2x Holy staffs 3m each
Death talisman 2m
Red strappy heels 4m
Nos cloak 5m
Hag eye 4m
Bleached out bracelet of bones bids
Belt of mourning 4m
black scalemail 6m
Black chain stained with blood 4.5m

cursed mask or mask of anguish
brocade sleeve and black vambrace
2x nos rings
blue and yellow slipper

mail or tell me when Im on..


poster: Hymn
subject: FS/FT/W
date: Sun Aug 17 19:22:25 2003

still have Black scalemail mb 6m
Death talisman mb2m
Red strappy heels mb 4m
Nos cloak mb5m
Hag eye mb4m
bleached out bracelet of bone mb bid
Belt of mourning mb 4m
Black chain stained with blood mb 4.5m

W int top or second top arms, cloak of ages or better, cursed mask
of mask of anguish, blue and yellow slipper
mail me bids or sells


poster: Hymn
subject: W too
date: Sun Aug 17 19:22:58 2003

Quickner the same as last post


poster: Rizzly
subject: FS
date: Mon Aug 18 06:31:32 2003

I've got a Vengeance Ring for sale.  Mb is 4m.  Mail me with offers,
and stuff.


poster: Blue
subject: hi
date: Mon Aug 18 06:32:08 2003

i am taking bids on a pair of white wings i diced freshly last night.
bids start at 10m
mail me for your bids it will go on for a week
or sooner depending on what i am offered
say fevered strength down.
i am also looking for a ring of disruption, and both the GOOD chaps
mail me etc etc


poster: Salamandra
subject: Wanted:
date: Mon Aug 18 23:41:03 2003

Any body got a Wizards Blade fs?  Please get to me.. I really want one.


poster: Palmascay
subject: For Sale
date: Thu Aug 21 20:28:53 2003

Death talisman fs:
mail me with bids, cya


poster: Kasma
subject: w:
date: Fri Aug 22 02:14:02 2003

looking for a wis neck, have gold n' stuff.


poster: Tantrum
subject: fs
date: Fri Aug 22 04:48:24 2003

bmon boots
mb 2M
mail or tell me.


poster: Hymn
subject: W
date: Fri Aug 22 09:18:00 2003

wanted Blue fluffy slipper and Black mithril vambrace


poster: Hymn
subject: W/FS
date: Sat Aug 23 17:11:46 2003



poster: Tahnval
subject: fs: Large White Mithril Ring
date: Sun Aug 24 06:07:52 2003

Freshly repaired at Bifur's gold sink.
Large White Mithril Ring.  New 93.8%, +15con, +3 phys_res, +3%
Fighting Instinct, 5tps.
2.5M mb.


poster: Mamoru
subject: wanted:
date: Sun Aug 24 20:52:40 2003

W: Luminous Carapace...
mail me if ya got one, and how much u want for it


poster: Mintorus
subject: for trade/wanted
date: Wed Aug 27 07:08:04 2003

I have the follow item that I would like to TRADE.

Helm of Wisdom		12spr 16int 20wis   (head)
Legendary Focus Crystal	25int 5hef 10acid_res (eyes)
Small onyx cross		15spr 2%all_skills 3unhold_res (neck)
Cloak of the Magi	25spr 16int 9spmax 3elemental strand weaving (cloak)
Pink Fuzzy sweater	30int 30wis 18spr (torso)
Chysler Bracer		11spr 4int (left arm)
Clack leather Bracer	12spr 22int 2hef (right arm)
White Lace Gloves	22int 20spr 5wis 3qc (hands)
2x Dark Nos Rings	15int 3spr 3casting efficiency (fingers)
Belt of Wind		28int 20spr 2hef (belt)
Crystal Leggings		12int 12spr 3hef (legs)
Yellow Fluffy Slipper	20int 12spr 2fire_res 3poi_evocation (left foot)
Blue Fluffy Slipper	18int 11spr 2cold_res 3acid_evocation(right foot)
2x Typhoon Blades	15spr 15int 3casting wc28 (weapons)

I am looking for the following:

Woos platinum mask
Tiamat Breastplate
2x Twisted Metal rings
Zapa Girdle
Steal toed boots
Golem pants

When I get all that I am looking for & I will then sell any
remaining EQ from the above list.

Mudmail or Tells with offers.


I have the follow item that I would like to TRADE.

Helm of Wisdom		12spr 16int 20wis   (head)
Legendary Focus Crystal	25int 5hef 10acid_res (eyes)
Small onyx cross		15spr 2%all_skills 3unhold_res (neck)
Cloak of the Magi	25spr 16int 9spmax 3elemental strand weaving (cloak)
Pink Fuzzy sweater	30int 30wis 18spr (torso)
Chysler Bracer		11spr 4int (left arm)
Clack leather Bracer	12spr 22int 2hef (right arm)
White Lace Gloves	22int 20spr 5wis 3qc (hands)
2x Dark Nos Rings	15int 3spr 3casting efficiency (fingers)
Belt of Wind		28int 20spr 2hef (belt)
Crystal Leggings		12int 12spr 3hef (legs)
Yellow Fluffy Slipper	20int 12spr 2fire_res 3poi_evocation (left foot)
Blue Fluffy Slipper	18int 11spr 2cold_res 3acid_evocation(right foot)
2x Typhoon Blades	15spr 15int 3casting wc28 (weapons)

I am looking for the following:

Woos platinum mask
Tiamat Breastplate
2x Twisted Metal rings
Zapa Girdle
Steal toed boots
Golem pants

When I get all that I am looking for & I will then sell any
remaining EQ from the above list.

Mudmail or Tells with offers.



poster: Tantrum
subject: stuffs
date: Thu Aug 28 06:02:06 2003

i would like some fig gear. nice fig gear. blunt weapons etcetc. i
have a little gold, and lots of wis eq to trade.
also the following is fs/ft.
Athol's emerald star
Glass eye of Hag
Necklace of Fangs
Heart Shaped locket
Dark cloak of Nosferatu
Paw of the Displacement Beast
White Scale Gauntlet
2x Whispering ring
Belt of Mourning
Steel leg plate
Bronze leg plate
Blackmon's Midnight Boots
Mace of Power
Mace of Power
plz mail me or catch me online if you have anything i want, or want
anything i have.


poster: Chewba
subject: i have no gold :(
date: Fri Aug 29 09:51:28 2003

fs/ft Red dragon scale,Fade Cloak,  Copper Wand Stone Rain,Thunder
axe,  Titanium Axe,Dragon scale leg plates, Solan's B
eastplate,Satan's pentagram,Black mask,Golden Gauntlets,Boots of
Lavos,Torc of Kings

w: int stuffs

I got war greaves as well as soon as i can remeber who i leant them too :P


poster: Hymn
subject: W
date: Sat Aug 30 03:23:47 2003

Blue slipper
Black mithril vambrace
Darkwhip or apoc staff
Metal Stethoscope

mail me or something..
have Red Strappy heels fs..


poster: Tantrum
subject: still wanting fig eq. 
date: Sat Aug 30 08:10:24 2003



poster: Tantrum
subject: eat a corpse
date: Sat Aug 30 09:53:57 2003

eat a corpse
ok a bit more info now.
i am still looking for fig stuff. in particular :
2x mythanite maces, or hammers of power, or one of each etcetc
satans pentagram
slayers glasses
eat a corpse
eat a corpse
dark cloak/black leather cloak
red or green dragon scale
2x twisted metal rings, or 2x white mithril rings or combo.
nice fig leg slots.

i have the following for sale/for trade to above:
athols emerald star
necklace of fangs
white scale gauntlet
belt of mourning
caster leg plates
mace of power.

oh and i have gold to use to buy the fig stuffs.
plz mail me/catch me online.


poster: Tranquil
subject: Stuff fs:
date: Sat Aug 30 19:21:50 2003

(17) Eat a corpse (kept)

mail or tell me bids please


poster: Scone
subject: Caster->Fig
date: Sat Aug 30 22:45:11 2003

Hi, this is my current set:

(1)  Holy ankh (worn)
(1)  Purple belt (kept)
(1)  Amulet of fear (kept)
(2)  Ring of Lavos (kept)
(1)  Crystal Leggings (kept)
(1)  Golden bracelet (kept)
(1)  Human skin boots (kept)
(1)  White glove of Raena (kept)
(1)  Mask of Clear Seeing (kept)
(1)  Crystal Wings (kept)
(1)  Pipe (kept)
(1)  Athol's emerald star (kept)
(2)  Typhoon Blade (kept)
I desire fig eqps, specifically 2 RHLS, A firelord bplate, and other
things. Am willing to sell equipment, and will buy the RHLS's when i
have the cash. Mail me.


poster: Litho
subject: >Caster->Fig
date: Sun Aug 31 00:43:53 2003

On Sat Aug 30 22:45:11 2003 Scone wrote post #272:
> (1)  Human skin boots (kept)
> (1)  White glove of Raena (kept)
> (1)  Mask of Clear Seeing (kept)
> (1)  Crystal Wings (kept)
> (1)  Pipe (kept)
> (1)  Athol's emerald star (kept)
> (2)  Typhoon Blade (kept)
> I desire fig eqps, specifically 2 RHLS, A firelord bplate, and other
> things. Am willing to sell equipment, and will buy the RHLS's when i
> have the cash. Mail me.
What u payin for the swords, Wagro?


poster: Chaos
subject: my thun axe fs
date: Sun Aug 31 04:56:43 2003

willing to sell for 1.3m send tell or mail


poster: Tantrum
subject: wanted
date: Thu Sep  4 05:53:36 2003

i would like to purchase 1 or 2 WHoR. depending on if i can wield
then one handed yet. plz mail me or catch me online with condition,
%, mb.


poster: Ronan
subject: I need um
date: Thu Sep  4 06:40:05 2003

Dark Nos Ring
And um tp stuff
Got gold + random stuffs
Feed me Pls Thx


poster: Palmascay
subject: For Sale
date: Fri Sep  5 05:07:16 2003

Dark Cloak of nos, 28spr/15wis/10con/5inflict harm/7tps, mail me
with mbs if u want it


poster: Basic
subject: for sale
date: Sun Sep  7 09:35:18 2003

I have a Maul Of Fire for sale, stats are +3str, +5 weapon skill
blunt, fire dmg, 1tp, wc:41, and Dragon Scale Leg Plates, stats are
+6spr, mudmail me your bids and I can get them for you if you want
to buy (they're in Allie's safe).


poster: Ronan
subject: I need
date: Tue Sep  9 04:37:15 2003

I require a cpl Dark Nos Rings + other to sac items not on my list
list is at


poster: Flick
subject: My Eq
date: Tue Sep  9 19:47:42 2003

I lost my eq the other day folks and i was wondering that if anyone found it
that they could return it back to me please
i had a 
pearl of power
mask of clear seeing
claw of roc
crystal wings
crystal leggings
azarian belt
amulet of the eye
elaborate boots of frith
white lace gloves
ceremonial armbands of mitra
luminous carapace
ring of pomarj
thats about it i believe.
please if anyone finds it i would very much appreciate it returned to me
and if i can i will repay you back somehow for giving me back my eq 
thanks much all
hope to hear from someone really soon.


poster: Cleo
subject: For Sale
date: Wed Sep 10 11:09:31 2003

2 Magical Wands
Red Satin Headband
Mask of Anguish   
Red Strappy Dress
2 Dark ring of Nosferatu  
Belt of the wind      
Magical Leggings of Tiamat
Blue fluffy slipper   

Will be taking bids...
Have a nice day


poster: Kasma
subject: w: 
date: Thu Sep 11 04:10:48 2003

looking for dmg/dex right arm and neck, mail/tell me if you got any


poster: Ichiro
subject: want
date: Thu Sep 11 07:36:48 2003

Hi, i'd like to buy some kind of slashing weapon with a decent
special for 500-600k thanks have fun.


poster: Krankok
subject: Wanted
date: Thu Sep 11 07:39:54 2003

Hello, i would like a high-end spr/int ammy and cloak. i prefer
cloak of magi and spider ammy, but anything else near high end would
be fine to(dess ammy,white wings,etc)
toss me some mudmail if u have something to sell and include mb if u
would be so inclined. thx a bunch...time for lunch


poster: Moose
subject: ft to int:
date: Mon Sep 15 11:21:39 2003

Glass Eye of Hag
Belt of mourning
Simple wool skirt
Dark cloak of Nosferatu
Witch's stocking
Xetrov's spiked necklace
Leather Armshields of Tiamat
Dark gloves of Nosferatu
Golem Brain
Amulet of fear
Scarab of Life

Feed me Int plz..


poster: Kasma
subject: w:
date: Tue Sep 16 23:02:51 2003

looking for twisted bracer of the rogue and ring of ogre power, or
something similar


poster: Zilpen
subject: lost some equipment
date: Wed Sep 17 03:09:23 2003

Hi. I lost a typhoon blade today. Needless to say, I feel very
disappointed. I believe I probably sold it in a shop. If you think
you have found my blade and want to help me out, it would make me
very happy. Thank you. :)


poster: Mamoru
subject: wanted
date: Wed Sep 17 07:07:22 2003

mask of clear seeing
crystal wings
plz mail me if ya have them fs


poster: Tantrum
subject: Wanted
date: Thu Sep 18 05:42:40 2003

i would like to purchase a War Hammer of Rage, and a 2x4. plz mail
me if you are willing to sell it with mb, condition. or catch m


poster: Moridin
subject: Wanted
date: Thu Sep 18 13:07:43 2003

Thin Leather Belt


poster: Eomer
subject: wanted
date: Thu Sep 18 17:14:14 2003

hi, i would like a pair of wolf hide rerebraces, send mail me if you
are selling a pair


poster: Moose
subject: fs/ft
date: Fri Sep 19 01:30:33 2003

Generally I want int stuff..

Belt of mourning
Black scalemail
Dark cloak of Nosferatu
Witch's stocking
Xetrov's spiked necklace
Dark gloves of Nosferatu
Golem Brain
Amulet of fear
Scarab of Life
Glass Eye of Hag

Thats the items I got left fs/ft only...


poster: Ronan
subject: >fs/ft
date: Fri Sep 19 04:24:40 2003

On Fri Sep 19 01:30:33 2003 Moose wrote post #293:
> Generally I want int stuff..
> Belt of mourning
> Black scalemail
> Dark cloak of Nosferatu
> Witch's stocking
> Xetrov's spiked necklace
> Dark gloves of Nosferatu
> Golem Brain
> Amulet of fear
> Scarab of Life
> Glass Eye of Hag
> Thats the items I got left fs/ft only...
So what else would they be if not fs/ft? and generally golem
brain/scalemail are int stuff so um ya
Ronana teh Bored


poster: Moose
subject: >>fs/ft
date: Fri Sep 19 13:37:07 2003

 that stuff I got fs is for fs or ft. the stuff I got int stats.. is
fs also.. just ignore ronans spam.

I got some few more items fs/ft

Spider amulet
staff of death



poster: Hymn
subject: FSFTW
date: Sat Sep 20 18:37:35 2003

Cloak of Ages
Yellow slipper
White lace gloves
2x Dark nos rings
Golem brain

Ogre helm or similar
Top or second top fig tank handwears
and 2x TWMR's
mudmail me or tell me bids and stuffs
also W:WhoR


poster: Hymn
subject: also fs/ft
date: Sat Sep 20 18:38:17 2003

Red Strappy dress


poster: Roxer
subject: FT/FS
date: Sat Sep 20 20:48:20 2003


poster: Moridin
subject: Wanted
date: Sat Sep 20 22:05:11 2003

Thin Leater Belt
Ring of White Gold
Ping Slipper


poster: Rancor
subject: fs/ft
date: Sun Sep 21 00:29:30 2003

Spiked bracers
ogre helmet
Steel tooed boots
zapa girdle
velvet collar
dark cloak
loot all
eat a corpse 
get all
amulet of destruction
enchanted mithril plate greaves
tia bplate
2 rings of dragons
dark green scale
Darkgreen Paw
stone gauntlet
Twisted bracer of the rogue

All fs 
and also ft to top end caster eq wis or int
Do the usual mail/tell thing


poster: Hymn
subject: W
date: Sun Sep 21 13:01:07 2003

have the int eq that is in the post abit up..to trade with


poster: Hymn
subject: wtf
date: Sun Sep 21 13:01:28 2003

darkgreen paw and Stone gauntlet, Ogre helm or Circlet of brutality,
WHoR and Fig rings 


poster: Belgarion
subject: w:
date: Sun Sep 21 13:15:19 2003

Would liek to buy a pink slipper and a blue mitten, paying about 8.5
meg for slipper and 6 meg for mitten


poster: Hymn
subject: W
date: Sun Sep 21 18:26:28 2003

WHoR, fig handwear,2 TMR or Large white mithril ring.
mail me if you have anything fs or ft have some top int and some
second top int eq ft


poster: Litho
subject: Wanted/ft/fs
date: Tue Sep 23 13:14:43 2003

uhm, how are you, etc?
Anyway, i am lookin for top healer eq. All slots but cloak and
amulet.  I have gold and top dmg fig/ma eq.  Contact me plz.
Love, Litho.


poster: Moose
subject: Hallelujaa
date: Tue Sep 23 13:52:37 2003

I got follwing still fs... and ft to Int!.
Belt of mourning (mb 4M) Mythinite mace (mb 3M) Scarab of life (mb
3M) cursed mask of the linguist (mb 4M) dark gloves of nosferatu (mb
4M) black scalemail (mb 5M) 

Thanks.. Have a good day.


poster: Sirc
subject: fs
date: Wed Sep 24 20:24:52 2003

Crystal wings: 800k
White Scale Gauntlet: 2,5m
Bmon Boots: 2,5m
looking for int/spr eqs!!


poster: Litho
subject: wanted/fs/ft
date: Fri Sep 26 11:55:57 2003

Need 2 holy staffs, thin leather belt, wool skirt, pink slipper, blue mitten.
Have lots of top str/dmg eq for sale/ft.
Inquire within..


poster: Palmascay
subject: fs:
date: Sat Sep 27 01:10:51 2003

crystal wings
mask of clear seeing
caster leg plates (both)
helmet of wisdom
mail me with mbs, thanks later


poster: Tzikas
subject: FS/FT to Int
date: Sat Sep 27 13:01:37 2003

Glistening Knife +26 dex +15 str +5% weapon skill piercing WC31 5TPS
Cap of Visions (Head+Eyes) +30 spr +24 int +5 wis +infra 3 TPS
Legendary Focus Crystal +25 int +5% high energy focus +10% acid_res 10 TPS


poster: Roxer
subject: fs/ft
date: Sat Sep 27 23:33:21 2003

I want some int eq, i have some dmg eq ft or fs, make bids
1)  Mithril Breastplate of Tiamat (kept) (worn)
(1)  Woo's platinum mask (kept) (worn)
(1)  Enchanted mithril plate greaves (kept) (worn)
(2)  Ring of Dragons (kept) (worn)
(1)  Dark cloak (kept) (worn)
(1)  Steel-toed boots (kept) (worn)
(1)  Ogre helmet (kept) (worn)
(1)  Velvet Collar (kept) (worn)
(1)  Darkgreen paw (kept) (worn)
(1)  Stone Gauntlet (kept) (worn)
(1)  Amulet of destruction (kept) (worn)
(1)  Twisted bracer of the rogue (kept) (worn)


poster: Moridin
subject: stuff I want and stuff for sale
date: Sun Sep 28 04:50:07 2003

For sale or trade:
Eye of the Dragon +18 con, +8 str, +5 phys res, + infravision, +special 10TP
Malahk's Visor +25 epr, +25 hpr, +3 magical_res, +5 weaponmaster 7TP
Glistening Knife +26 dex, +15 str, +5% weapon skill piercing, WC ~31 5TP
Giant Maul +15 str, +2%bloodlust, unholy damage, wc ~58 2TP

Thin leather belt |  ROWG  |  Pink slipper | Blue fuzzy mitten 
Death talisman  |  Holy Staff |  Glass eye of hag


poster: Rythion
subject: >stuff I want and stuff for sale
date: Sun Sep 28 04:51:01 2003

On Sun Sep 28 04:50:07 2003 Moridin wrote post #312:
> For sale or trade:
> Eye of the Dragon +18 con, +8 str, +5 phys res, + infravision, +special 10TP
> Malahk's Visor +25 epr, +25 hpr, +3 magical_res, +5 weaponmaster 7TP
> Glistening Knife +26 dex, +15 str, +5% weapon skill piercing, WC ~31 5TP
> Giant Maul +15 str, +2%bloodlust, unholy damage, wc ~58 2TP
> Wanted:
> Thin leather belt |  ROWG  |  Pink slipper | Blue fuzzy mitten 
> Death talisman  |  Holy Staff |  Glass eye of hag
Could you please spam that on sales channel, no one will ever
respond to the news post, and Dreadshoot would be more happy if he
got spammed by it on sales!


poster: Tuk
subject: >>stuff I want and stuff for sale
date: Sun Sep 28 09:44:19 2003

On Sun Sep 28 04:51:01 2003 Rythion wrote post #313:
> On Sun Sep 28 04:50:07 2003 Moridin wrote post #312:
> > For sale or trade:
> > Eye of the Dragon +18 con, +8 str, +5 phys res, + infravision, +special
> > Malahk's Visor +25 epr, +25 hpr, +3 magical_res, +5 weaponmaster 7TP
> > Glistening Knife +26 dex, +15 str, +5% weapon skill piercing, WC ~31 5TP
> > Giant Maul +15 str, +2%bloodlust, unholy damage, wc ~58 2TP
> > 
> > Wanted:
> > Thin leather belt |  ROWG  |  Pink slipper | Blue fuzzy mitten 
> > Death talisman  |  Holy Staff |  Glass eye of hag
> Could you please spam that on sales channel, no one will ever
> respond to the news post, and Dreadshoot would be more happy if he
> got spammed by it on sales!
> -Rythion
It's nice to know you manage to represent the whole player base
Rythion. Now I know to whom to turn when I need comments from player



poster: Ronan
subject: Feed Mei
date: Tue Sep 30 05:03:56 2003

Tp sac items not on my list, plz thx
mail me with whut u got 4 me


poster: Moose
subject: FS
date: Tue Sep 30 12:42:22 2003

Ogre helmet mb 5M


poster: Occult
subject: FS:
date: Tue Sep 30 19:39:25 2003

Xetty neck
Tia arms
Nos Cloak
Nos Gloves
Bmon Boots
Bplate of Darkness

Mail me if interested please.


poster: Tzikas
subject: Wanted
date: Thu Oct  2 15:27:30 2003

W: Dark Nos Ring. Quickener, Yellow Slipper, Stethoscope, Shen-Seng Robe


poster: centaur (Web)
subject: FT to Woodsie/Fig
date: Thu Oct  2 15:38:36 2003

For Trade

Red Gold Crown

Mask of Clear Seeing

Black Scalemail

Ring of Lavos

Claddah Ring

White Leather Sandles


Stone Circlet

Slayer's Glasses


Steel-toed Boots

Ring of health

Twisted metal Ring

Please mudmail me or send a tell if willing to make trade.

All reasnoable Offers Will be considered.



poster: Hymn
subject: Golem brain
date: Sat Oct  4 02:22:27 2003

3.5m heard on golem brain

mail me bids if you are interested until I see the one that bidded :)


poster: sootika (Web)
subject: Wanted
date: Sun Oct  5 14:40:41 2003

I would like to purchase a mask of anguish. No Lagduf I am not prepared to 10m mail me if you have one. I thank you.  

-O Soots O-


poster: Moose
subject: fs
date: Mon Oct  6 03:32:26 2003

Dragon eyes (Glowing)             | +20 dex, +10 str, +3 fatal

Mail me with bids.

Also.. its ft with the stuff I got in my plan.


poster: Palmascay
subject: fs:
date: Mon Oct  6 17:54:35 2003

Armor of despair
stats=30spr/12int/2 chain elemental bolt/4project energy blast


poster: Palmascay
subject: follow up
date: Mon Oct  6 18:07:26 2003

mail bids for armor of despair


poster: Ichiro
subject: want
date: Wed Oct  8 21:40:28 2003

I would really like x2magical wand and any other kind of spr eq.


poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: w/fs
date: Thu Oct  9 16:15:00 2003

W:healer boots and ammy, max price is 1m each.

fs: Ancient cave wyverns tooth, 3tps, 500k

//Mail me Sanvaldor


poster: Palmascay
subject: WANTED
date: Sat Oct 11 03:56:33 2003



poster: Energystar
subject: want
date: Tue Oct 14 01:22:01 2003

sell me 2 dark rings of nosferatu please


poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: Healer eq
date: Wed Oct 15 08:50:17 2003

Wanted: healer eq

Mail/Tell me if you have some!!



poster: Grasfer
subject: BUYING
date: Wed Oct 15 10:29:14 2003

BUYING glove of energy AND/OR black leather bracer
eheh fapfap


poster: Rossano
subject: w:
date: Wed Oct 15 11:13:16 2003

i know not much eq is being sold, but, i'd like to buy gloves of
wielding and another blunt weapon...thanks


poster: Moridin
subject: w:
date: Wed Oct 15 14:33:47 2003

thin leather belt, rowg, pink slipper, blue fuzzy mitten, death
talisman, holy staff, hag eye

also, any given items that give TP's


poster: Palmascay
subject: WANTED
date: Wed Oct 15 17:27:37 2003

want 2x rainstaffs and torso/both finger slots wis eq


poster: Moose
subject: haha.. subject?
date: Thu Oct 16 04:26:39 2003

I want alot of sales item's!!
How about 2x Acopolypse staffs?
I want them
I need them
I got some stuff for trade I think.



poster: Pikkon
subject: Wanted
date: Fri Oct 17 04:25:01 2003

Mithril Battlesuit


poster: Korthrun
subject: druid hands
date: Fri Oct 17 12:07:01 2003

i haev 4 saLE earth gloevs  13wiz3 ent9spr5 lore of teh soil SHAMEN
mail/tell me bidz plz tx info


poster: dojjan (Web)
subject: FS
date: Fri Oct 17 12:12:28 2003

I have a Necklace of Gods for sale..

Mail me decent bids or catch me when i'm online.

//Sir Dojjus


poster: Korthrun
subject: >druid hands
date: Sat Oct 18 00:06:12 2003

On Fri Oct 17 12:07:01 2003 Korthrun wrote post #336:
> i haev 4 saLE earth gloevs  13wiz3 ent9spr5 lore of teh soil SHAMEN
> mail/tell me bidz plz tx info


poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: fs/ft
date: Sun Oct 19 01:48:22 2003

fs/ft: Rhls 4M, Book of Shrink Weapons 1,5M

and some more sac-crap stuff

w: healereq

(mail or tell me)



poster: Dizkantir
subject: stuffs for saleses, eheh
date: Tue Oct 21 03:39:03 2003

Umm... okay!
I have the following eqs for sale. mudmail me or catch me online to
make an offer, or a bid.
Helmet of wisdom [ +12 spr, +16 int, +20 wis] 1.75m mb
Pearl of Power [+25 spr, +10 int, +10 wis] 1.75m mb
Etched Silver Armbands [+15 cha, +3 epr, +8 spr] make reasonable offer.
Wizard's Blade [WC ~39, +15 int, +6 wis/con] make a reasonable offer.

thank you,


poster: Highpriest
subject: Wanted
date: Tue Oct 21 03:54:41 2003

W: Spider amulet 3.5m, send me mudmail or tells if u r interested in
selling it. thanks.


poster: Quillz
subject: FS
date: Tue Oct 21 05:31:52 2003

Golem Brain
Long Wooden Staff
Blackmon's Pendant
5m, 1-2m(not sure), and 2m are prices.
Also probably Wanted sometime in the near future:
A witch who's willing to help me get through to sloat.


poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: wanted
date: Wed Oct 22 09:06:45 2003

Any topslot healer piece except hag eye.




poster: Midnight
subject: fs
date: Wed Oct 22 16:25:41 2003

Stylish pair of spectacles mb 10k
Crimson Cloak mb 25k
Gauntlets of the Hound mb 25k
White stole of a priest of Mitra mb 50k
Grey woolen cloak mb 40k
Mithril Leggings mb 50k
Black belt of Kraag mb 5k
Dragon scale leg plates mb 15k
Feathered hair piece mb 25k
Red Priest's Helm mb 15k
Tickle Feather mb 35k
Defenders Burning Blade mb 25k
Crimson Cloak mb 25k
Gauntlets of the Hound mb 25k
White stole of a priest of Mitra mb 50k
Grey woolen cloak mb 40k
Mithril Leggings mb 50k
Black belt of Kraag mb 5k
Dragon scale leg plates mb 15k
Feathered hair piece mb 25k
Red Priest's Helm mb 15k
Tickle Feather mb 35k
Defenders Burning Blade mb 25k


poster: Midnight
subject: fs
date: Wed Oct 22 21:47:10 2003

Defenders Burning Blade
Crimson Cloak
Grey woolen cloak
Mithril Leggings
Feathered hair piece
those are the last remaining things


poster: Ronan
subject: FS
date: Thu Oct 23 00:31:51 2003

FS Wig +25 dex, +25 cha, +12 epr 2.5m obo


poster: Highpriest
subject: Finding seller/Wanted
date: Thu Oct 23 05:09:20 2003

Feathered hair piece +3stamina, +9wisdom, +9sp_max --> mb 25k
Hanesa's Harp +9spr, +5con mb 40k
Also: W:Spider ammy 3.5m, price negotiable.
Plz send me tells/mudmails if u r interested in buying or selling.
Thank you.


poster: Zeemagx
subject: EQ fs
date: Thu Oct 23 11:59:52 2003

Feathered hair piece
Oaken shield
Enlarge weapon book 
A Blue Gilt Cloak
Witch stocking
Rod of magic
Stone gauntlet
Emerald Boots of Vorysis
Defenders Burning Blade
Olathurl Phlith
Glistening knife
Blood stained axe
Amulet of dessication
Bleached out Bracelet of Bones
Twisted metal ring
Big Baby Rattle
Gnosis Armor
Eye of Lavos
Turlach Bracers
Dark Amulet of the Conjurer
Mythinite mace
Malahk's visor

Mudmail me with offers or catch me online.....

Zee out...


poster: Midnight
subject: fs
date: Thu Oct 23 15:09:44 2003

Name : Defenders Burning Blade Special : The sword is definately
magical. It will light your way. It seems to have some special
abilities as well. attack : 3 mb 25k
Name : Feathered hair piece sta : 3 sp_max : 9  wis : 9 mb 25k
Name : Mithril Leggings con : 8 dex : 2 mb 50k
Name : Grey woolen cloak sp_regen : 12 cure serious wounds : 2 mb 40k
Name : Crimson Cloak cha : 9 wis : 3 mb 25k


poster: Areu
subject: EQ FS
date: Fri Oct 24 02:15:07 2003

I have the following fs:

Dark Gloves of Nosferatu
    +30 spr, +15 wis, +5 con, +3% ritual of creation

Torc of Kings
    +13 str, +7 hpr

Ada Longsword
    +6 str, +2 phys res, wc 31

    +2 str, +3 con, WC ~23

Defender's Burning Blade
    Special, 3% attack

Globe of Darkness
Fungus Armband
Grey Fur Cloak for Gungor
Hagworth's Golden Shield

Mail bids if you want anything.


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: eq fs:
date: Fri Oct 24 05:34:11 2003

Glasses of Truesight 800k

limb of quickwood 1tp 125k


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: eq wanted
date: Fri Oct 24 05:36:17 2003

W: bmons black staff, staff of death


poster: centaur (Web)
subject: FS
date: Fri Oct 24 07:23:03 2003

Black Scalemail +20wis +20int +35spr, torso slot, never used.

minimum bid is 5M, please mail me or send me a tell if you are interested.



poster: Blizz
subject: for sale
date: Fri Oct 24 17:10:13 2003

Sword of Death
Thunder Axe
Lethe Dagger
Transmutation Ball
Red Dragonskin Boots
Large White Mithril Ring
Onyx Ring
Cursed Mask of the Linguist
Small Onyx Cross

mudmails and tells please.  



poster: Moridin
subject: wanted
date: Fri Oct 24 17:11:46 2003

Death talisman
Thin leather belt
Holy Staff
Glass eye of hag

pretty please


poster: Koma
subject: for sale
date: Fri Oct 24 17:56:00 2003

fs: two frost pikes, v.cool itams!!!
3.5m each or 6m for both, fap.
be the coolest kid around your block!


poster: Koma
subject: wanted
date: Sat Oct 25 10:59:59 2003

w: spiked bracers

love, koma


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: EQS FS
date: Sat Oct 25 18:59:45 2003

fiery bplate 300k

Glasses of Truesight | +16 spr, +3int, +1% mastery of the mind hmm 600k

Red Priest Helm | +5 con, +dex, +2 epr  20k


poster: Pikkon
subject: W:
date: Sat Oct 25 21:22:01 2003

Mithril Battlesuit
Spell books
Um...I think that's it for now!


poster: Moridin
subject: FS/FT
date: Sun Oct 26 02:55:17 2003

Twisted metal ring  +30 str, +5 dmg  10TP


poster: Korthrun
subject: >FS/FT
date: Sun Oct 26 20:05:46 2003

On Sun Oct 26 02:55:17 2003 Moridin wrote post #360:
> Twisted metal ring  +30 str, +5 dmg  10TP
dont forget, mb on ring is 6M


poster: Tranquil
subject: >>FS/FT
date: Mon Oct 27 07:24:38 2003

On Sun Oct 26 20:05:46 2003 Korthrun wrote post #361:
> On Sun Oct 26 02:55:17 2003 Moridin wrote post #360:
> > Twisted metal ring  +30 str, +5 dmg  10TP
> > 
> dont forget, mb on ring is 6M

I guess this means we must pay you 6m for Moridin's ring?


poster: Jensa
subject: Wanted
date: Mon Oct 27 18:04:33 2003

 Scaled armshield, Right and left war greaves


poster: Moose
subject: book
date: Mon Oct 27 23:16:08 2003

I got shrink book fs:
Come with bids.


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: W:eqs
date: Tue Oct 28 02:59:30 2003

W:nos cloak,belt of mourning,staff of death 

if ya have em for sale plz send mail with mbs or such if i'm not on thanks HM


poster: Helios
subject: For sale/trade to fig eq
date: Tue Oct 28 09:55:49 2003

FS:Golem Brain +35 spr, +20 wis, +20 int 7 TPS Mb 5m***Glasses of
Truesight +16 spr, +3int, +1% mastery of the mind tps ? mb 500k***
Small Onyx Cross  +2 all_skills, +15 spr, +3 unholy_res 3 Tps Mb
1,5m***Amulet of Dessication  +25 spr, +16 int, +1% mastery of air,
eat corpses tps? mb 3,5m***Crystal Leggings  +12 spr, +12 int, +3
hef 2 tps mb 850k***White Leather Sandles   +15 spr, +20 int, +3%
mastery of evocation 5 TPS mb 2 m*** just send a meesage


poster: Quillz
subject: W
date: Wed Oct 29 09:50:36 2003

Ogre helmet or circlet


poster: Quillz
subject: Also Wanted
date: Wed Oct 29 16:25:31 2003

Dark cloak - or sear cloak


poster: Quillz
subject: FS
date: Wed Oct 29 18:35:36 2003

Dagger of Chaos 
Red Handled Longsword. 
Unless someone wants to sell me a second rhsl - yeah


poster: Hymn
subject: FS/FT
date: Thu Oct 30 06:43:37 2003

I have the following eq FS/FT
baboonskin cloak: no special, cloak slot, 31 wis, 18 int, 13 spr, 5
crystal efficiency, escape death

Kindle axe

Im taking bids on the cloak until friday

mail me or tell me bids


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: eq fs:
date: Thu Oct 30 06:50:25 2003

Roper's left hand..very rare..going by what ronan has on eq page so far looks like top slot int for LEFT HAND

16int 10spr Special: "Roper was know to be alive even when he was dead."


poster: Hymn
subject: Hand
date: Thu Oct 30 06:51:08 2003

its second top int.. after glove of energy


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: last message
date: Thu Oct 30 06:51:41 2003

sorry this goes with last message i forgot to say that i am taking bids send me mails or talk to me when i'm on prolly bids will be open till friday or so.


poster: Tantrum
subject: Wanted
date: Thu Oct 30 10:39:52 2003

i am looking for a WHoR
plz mail me mbs if you have one your willing to sell.


poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: fs
date: Thu Oct 30 14:05:36 2003

Shining cloak of a mistweaver: 14spr, 8int, above avg unholy_res 

Price: 1M

Mail/Tell if interested!



poster: Uno
subject: W:
date: Thu Oct 30 16:04:42 2003

I would like to buy a pair of Dragon Eyes (glowing)

They come from the crystal dragon king i believe.

I have megs + fig eqps to trade (topslot OF COUERS)


poster: Energystar
subject: fs:!!
date: Fri Oct 31 00:41:53 2003

     Name : Fleshy armshield of Naraku
             Special : This armor has some hidden qualities.
         Armor class : About 5             
           Enchanted : No                  
               Value : 2930                
         Emits Light : No                  
               Slots : left arm                                    
           Chestable : Yes                 
        Stat Bonuses :                     
                   dex : 19
                   wis : 8
                   str : 4
       Skill Bonuses :                     
   harmony with nature : 3

Taking bids for a few days.
Buy it


poster: Hymn
subject: Baboonskin cloak
date: Fri Oct 31 04:23:17 2003

think FullSp's
last bid time is tomorrow at 15:00 irlmudtime (status)

Baboonskin cloak 31wis 18int 13spr +5% crystal effiency +escape death

currently highest bid is 12m

bid by tells or mails

I will go to sleep soon so better with mail

/Hymn of Qe


poster: Hymn
subject: >Baboonskin cloak
date: Fri Oct 31 11:55:23 2003

new highest bid 12.5m by Zeemagx


poster: Hymn
subject: Wanted
date: Fri Oct 31 11:57:23 2003

Woo mask, Enchanted mithril plate greaves, Steel-toed boots, Deathen
shield and amulet of destruction

/Hymn of Qe


poster: Baer
subject: Baboonskin cloak
date: Fri Oct 31 12:19:05 2003

I just wondered if there had been any more bids in the last 5 minutes.


poster: helios (Web)
subject: Want some figeq
date: Fri Oct 31 15:03:59 2003

Hello. I want theese eqs.

Onyx ring

War hammer of rage

Mythinite mace

Eye of the dragon

Circlet of brutality

Necklace of Evil

Spiked bracers / Steel bracers

Mythinite gauntlets

Tight Leather Pants / Golem pants

Steel-toed boots

Mud mail me or contact me!

Have a nice day



poster: Korthrun
subject: >Baboonskin cloak
date: Fri Oct 31 23:09:13 2003

On Fri Oct 31 12:19:05 2003 Baer wrote post #383:
> I just wondered if there had been any more bids in the last 5 minutes.
just wait a little more, and we will be notified
your such a newb baer


poster: Baer
subject: >>Baboonskin cloak
date: Sat Nov  1 07:05:51 2003

On Fri Oct 31 23:09:13 2003 Korthrun wrote post #385:
> On Fri Oct 31 12:19:05 2003 Baer wrote post #383:
> > I just wondered if there had been any more bids in the last 5 minutes.
> just wait a little more, and we will be notified
> your such a newb baer
It is ok, Hymn updated me with everything through tells and emotes.
I am just worried for people who may not be logged in right now and
need the information. People that might, for example, be in Bosnia.


poster: Ronan
subject: >>>Baboonskin cloak
date: Sat Nov  1 07:21:33 2003

On Sat Nov  1 07:05:51 2003 Baer wrote post #386:
> On Fri Oct 31 23:09:13 2003 Korthrun wrote post #385:
> > On Fri Oct 31 12:19:05 2003 Baer wrote post #383:
> > > I just wondered if there had been any more bids in the last 5 minutes.
> > just wait a little more, and we will be notified
> > your such a newb baer
> save
> It is ok, Hymn updated me with everything through tells and emotes.
> I am just worried for people who may not be logged in right now and
> need the information. People that might, for example, be in Bosnia.
I just got back from Bosnia, thx for watching my back Baer you r0x!


poster: Lu
subject: >>>>Baboonskin cloak
date: Sat Nov  1 09:04:50 2003

On Sat Nov  1 07:21:33 2003 Ronan wrote post #387:
> On Sat Nov  1 07:05:51 2003 Baer wrote post #386:
> > On Fri Oct 31 23:09:13 2003 Korthrun wrote post #385:
> > > On Fri Oct 31 12:19:05 2003 Baer wrote post #383:
> > > > I just wondered if there had been any more bids in the last 5 minutes.
> > > just wait a little more, and we will be notified
> > > your such a newb baer
> > save
> > It is ok, Hymn updated me with everything through tells and emotes.
> > I am just worried for people who may not be logged in right now and
> > need the information. People that might, for example, be in Bosnia.
> I just got back from Bosnia, thx for watching my back Baer you r0x!
thankyou for keeping us informed baer, truly when people talk about
true friends, you are one of them, thankyou, and god bless.


poster: Pikkon
subject: Wanted
date: Sat Nov  1 23:47:18 2003

moose hides
wombat rabbit and weasel furs
insect legs
mail or tell me if you have the following and are willing to
sell/trade (preferably sell)


poster: Justus
subject: fs
date: Mon Nov  3 02:10:52 2003

2x schizo tooth
red battered cloak
etched silver armbands
round steel shield
wood 2x4
ancient cave wyvern tooth
dagger of the netal
ring of order
titanium axe
saber plade
jhlandu grass ring
horned skull
robe of demon hide
paw of dbeast
cloak of ashes


poster: Dizkantir
subject: sellingstuffs!
date: Mon Nov  3 02:33:07 2003

i'm selling the following items. you can mudmail me or catch me
online to make an offer/bid.
Smooth Copper Ring | +6 int, +6 wis [accepting offers]
Studded Armshield [that's right arm, kiddies.] | +10 con, +phys res
avg, +2% shield parry [accepting offers]
Dark Leather Boots | +10 con, +5 hpr [accepting offers]

Ancient Bracelets of Power |  +16 spr, +6 int, +3% casting [accepting offers]
As far as I know Ancient Bracelets and Studded Armshields tpsac, but
not the other two items.


poster: Justus
subject: wanted
date: Mon Nov  3 07:11:41 2003

want to buy wis eq.
slots needed head, eyes, r arm, fingers, belt and legs.
also can trade to eqs i have check my earlier post.


poster: Korthrun
subject: wanted
date: Mon Nov  3 11:26:11 2003

I want fig eq, str/dex is preferable to con, but I'll take what i can get.
please tell/mudmail me


poster: Moose
subject: wis
date: Mon Nov  3 12:06:12 2003

I got quitklia ft to wis eq.


poster: Quillz
subject: FS
date: Mon Nov  3 21:47:33 2003

2x Dagger of Chaos
Boots of Whispering
Long Wooden Staff


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: eqs fs
date: Mon Nov  3 23:40:55 2003

dagger of chaos 4m

ropers left hand 2m

pearl of power 1.5m 

Send tells or mail ok see ya 


poster: Rancor
subject: forSale
date: Mon Nov  3 23:41:37 2003

Pink fuzzy sweater 5m
amulet of fear 4m



poster: holyman (Web)
subject: last post
date: Mon Nov  3 23:43:34 2003

also all eqs are ft also 

looking for belt of mourning and staffs of death


poster: Rancor
subject: Baboon skin cloak 
date: Tue Nov  4 03:40:17 2003

Yeah I have a cloak for sale

baboonskin cloak: no special, cloak slot, 31 wis, 18 int, 13 spr, 5
crystal efficiency, escape death

taking bids on it from now till thursday.  or until something
tickles my fancy for a bid and I sell it.  
so bid bid bid

Also ft to int eq



poster: Energystar
subject: fs/ft
date: Tue Nov  4 04:50:08 2003

Fleshy armshield of naraku.
Special : This armor has some hidden qualities.
Slots : left arm                                    
                   dex : 19
                   wis : 8
                   str : 4
   harmony with nature : 3
 Name : Demon skin helm of Naraku
             Special : This armor holds the power of Hell
         Emits Light : No                  
               Slots : head                                        
                   dex : 38
                   str : 18
mail me/tell me bids
also,w: dark nos ring,and top warrior damage stuffs too


poster: Pikkon
subject: Wanted
date: Tue Nov  4 06:45:23 2003

Snafu animal hides, those being:
Maybe horse
but most of all


poster: Myrddin
subject: fs
date: Tue Nov  4 07:11:36 2003

  Tia Arms
MB 6m
that is all


poster: Moridin
subject: FS FT and W
date: Tue Nov  4 12:56:36 2003

Ring of Dragons +8 con, +8 str, +23 dex, +4% dragon strength    MB 3m
Boots of Whispering  +20 dex, +5% stealth, +5% hide       3TP    MB make offer

and then the wanteds
death talisman
thin leather belt
holy staff
hag eye

mail me send me tell or whatever


poster: Bahgtru
subject: W
date: Tue Nov  4 15:16:54 2003

I'm after some str/dex eq, mail me if ya got some fs

- Bag


poster: Quillz
subject: >Baboon skin cloak 
date: Tue Nov  4 21:57:48 2003

On Tue Nov  4 03:40:17 2003 Rancor wrote post #399:
> Yeah I have a cloak for sale
> baboonskin cloak: no special, cloak slot, 31 wis, 18 int, 13 spr, 5
> crystal efficiency, escape death
> taking bids on it from now till thursday.  or until something
> tickles my fancy for a bid and I sell it.  
> so bid bid bid
> Also ft to int eq
> Rancor
ok plz fill me in if anyone has bid on cloak, it's been WAY past 5 minutes. 
k thx
Oh, yeah

2x Dagger of Choas
Boots of Whispering
Long Wooden Staff

Fig head (good one, like OGAAAR HELMAT))
and cloak


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: eqs wanted/fs/ft
date: Wed Nov  5 05:09:17 2003

w:belt of mourning,staffs of death,necro bone rings

fs/ft:dagger of chaos,belt of mourning


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: fix last
date: Wed Nov  5 06:41:46 2003

bah my bad i dont have a belt of mourning fs just want one sorry about that


poster: Quillz
subject: FS/W
date: Thu Nov  6 07:57:34 2003

Still selling:
2x Dagger of Chaos 20 dex +4 dmg 3.5m each/6m pair
Boots of Whispering 20 dex +5% to a couple skills
Long Wooden Staff 20 spr +5% incinerate
Tan Leather Work Gloves 8 sta 18 str 10 or 12 con
mbs for those are 1m, 1m and 2m

Still looking for a fig cloak
Dark Cloak
Cloak of Ashes

ect, ect


poster: Coal
subject: FT/W INT EQ
date: Sat Nov  8 07:00:32 2003

Hi, i want an int set, so i'll need baddass int equips: i have some
gold and alot of fighter equips to trade with, so hi.
The safe contains:
  Simple Harp
  Wolf Shield
  Spellbook covered with runes
 Amulet of destruction
  Necklace of the Gods
  Dark cloak
  Steel bracers
  Steel-toed boots
  Ogre helmet
  Enchanted mithril plate greaves
  Mythinite Gauntlets
  2 Twisted metal rings
  Mithril Breastplate of Tiamat
  Woo's platinum mask
  5-headed snake whip
  Shield of reflection
  Cloak of ashes
  Red dragonskin boots
  a Circlet of Brutality
  Eye of the Dragon
  Slayer's Glasses
  Olathurl Phlith
  Right War Greave
 Left War Greave
  Studded Armshield
  Ring of duality
  Dark red choker
 Ring of Order
  Scaled Armshield
  Gloves of the Dragon
  2 mythinite maces
axe of darkness
onyx ring
breastplate of darkness
spider amulet
 and that's about it, send me a mail/tell if you're interested.
serious offers only please.


poster: Moose
subject: ft/fs
date: Sun Nov  9 06:36:36 2003

Necklace of the Gods              | +25 str, +12 dex, +12 con

FT: to wis eq.
FS: Gimme a descent good offer for it!!



poster: Switchblade
subject: fs
date: Sun Nov  9 06:48:52 2003

Xetty neck spr24, wis22 mb 4m                                       
              .. Bronze chain mail con12 fireres2 resistpain5
ignorepain5 mb 800k                      Brown studded bracers con15
hpr10 physres4.. mb 2m                                    Thin
strawspun belt sta6 honor of the gods 2 +never hungry, taking

mudmail or tells with offers
thanks for shopping at switchblade's!


poster: Switchblade
subject: fs
date: Sun Nov  9 06:49:58 2003

Xetty neck spr24, wis22 mb 4m
Bronze chain mail con12 fireres2 resistpain5 ignorepain5 mb 800k    
Brown studded bracers con15 hpr10 physres4.. mb 2m                  
thin strawspun belt sta6 honor of the gods 2 +never hungry, taking offers

thanks for shopping at switchblade's!


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: eqs w/fs
date: Sun Nov  9 07:18:37 2003

fs:pearl of power mb 1.3m,dagger of chaos 3m

w:belt of mourning,staff of death

will trade dagger for belt


poster: Zeemagx
subject: eq fs
date: Tue Nov 11 20:51:47 2003

oki my sell list is somewhat revised...here is what i have fs:
Feathered hair piece
Oaken shield
Enlarge weapon book
A Blue Gilt Cloak
Rod of magic
Emerald Boots of Vorysis
Defenders Burning Blade
Dragon ring
Glistening knife
Soft leather boots
Firelord breastplate
Lion Tooth Necklace
Dark glowing vest
Bloody ring of Nosferatu
Xnioln's fabled black cloak
Bone and Scale Mail Armor
Talisman of Zarath
Cloak of the Stars
Boots of Whispering
Black Girdle of Zapakelethe
Cobalt Breastplate
Ring of white gold
4-headed snake whip

Plz buy now before i ether eje or TP sac most of theese stuffs, and
gimme resonable offers.....

Zee out...


poster: Moose
subject: FT to wis!
date: Tue Nov 11 22:13:05 2003

Necklace of the Gods              | +25 str, +12 dex, +12 con
Blood Stained Axe                 | +16 sta, +26str, +5 wss, +acid dmg, WC ~56
Decapitator                       | +15 str, +8 con, +1dmg, +4%
advanced whirlwind attack



poster: Bahgtru
subject: W
date: Wed Nov 12 09:10:52 2003

Looking for a Darian, mail me if ya got one


poster: dojjan (Web)
subject: FS!
date: Wed Nov 12 21:58:38 2003

I got the following things fs:

Scarab of Life

Designer Belt

Titanium Armguard

Dark glowing vest

Mail me some decent bids if u want to buy them. Or catch me online.

//Sir Dojjus


poster: Quillz
subject: FS
date: Thu Nov 13 07:42:00 2003

Clean Glowing Glove
Midbie caster gear, int/spr, ect. 
mb is 1m. 


poster: Smee
subject: pls sirs
date: Thu Nov 13 21:46:44 2003

wyrnbane, flaming green vorpal blade pls, you know who you are


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: eqs w/fs
date: Fri Nov 14 09:14:59 2003

Fs/ft dagger of chaos mb 3m good dex eq

fs:wiz blade think it sacs for stuff make offer

W:necro bone rings,staffs of deaths

If ya want any of this eq or have the staffs or rings for sale send me a tell,mail bye all later.


poster: Litho
subject: W
date: Fri Nov 14 09:59:46 2003

Hi there, i'm looking to acquire a few things.  2 holy staffs, blue
mitten, pink slipper, baboonskin cloak, and a thin leather belt.
I have some top str/dex eq for trade.
Let me know if you have any of these, and please include price if you can.


poster: Litho
subject: >W
date: Fri Nov 14 10:00:02 2003

On Fri Nov 14 09:59:46 2003 Litho wrote post #422:
> Hi there, i'm looking to acquire a few things.  2 holy staffs, blue
> mitten, pink slipper, baboonskin cloak, and a thin leather belt.
> I have some top str/dex eq for trade.
> Let me know if you have any of these, and please include price if you can.
> -Litho
Oh, i also have gold.


poster: Chrono
subject: monk
date: Fri Nov 14 10:45:46 2003

i have a demon skin helm of naraku, 38dex 18str and umm, if you get
a naraku collar they melt together and do stuff for ma's, so yeah,
buy the helm
6m mb

uhhhhhh kia?


poster: Zeemagx
subject: fs
date: Fri Nov 14 15:28:28 2003

Red gold crown  +40 spr, +20 wis, +5 high energy focus 10tps.

since i don´t know much about prices i´ll set the mb to 8m.

Do your stuff.....Zee out...


poster: Trunks
subject: Wanted.
date: Fri Nov 14 16:24:31 2003

spider adorned ring

will pay mucho gold for


poster: Rancor
subject: Some stuff
date: Sat Nov 15 04:13:13 2003

For Sale

Tia Plate
Large white mirthril ring
Dark nos gloved

So yeah m'bs are like uhh 7m,2m,and 3m

Do the standard thing


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: eq fs:
date: Sat Nov 15 10:31:42 2003

HEHEHE put it in wrong category before. OK...

Fs:Cursed mask mb 4m

   Dagger of Chaos "tp sacs"

   Pearl of Power mb 1.2m

   Wizards Blade mb 800k

   Sword of Death 1m


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: more eqs fs
date: Sun Nov 16 01:32:24 2003

Besides the eqs in the last post "Dagger was sold btw" I now have fuzzy hospital slippers and ruby amulet fs.


poster: Rancor
subject: Mitten
date: Sun Nov 16 09:54:14 2003

Yeah have a blue Fuzzy mitten FS  taking bids..... must meet a
reserve for me to sell
Mail me/tell me bids.  bid go till I stop getting them and somone wins


poster: Rancor
subject: W
date: Mon Nov 17 07:18:28 2003

Looking for the following

Naraku Helm/Ogre Helm

Tight leather pants/Golem greaves
Ring with a red glowing skull
Darkgreen paw

DO the usual mail/tell thing


poster: Rambo
subject: Wanted
date: Mon Nov 17 16:14:50 2003

I am looking for Top Int EQ
send me a tell or a mail of you have any.
send me a tell or a mail of you have any.



poster: qvandor (Web)
subject: Change weaver eq for fighter eq
date: Mon Nov 17 17:56:00 2003

I will change some weaver stuff for some Fighter eq

White Stole of a Priest of Mitra  | +10 spr   (Cloak)

Really wicked witch robe          | +8 spr, +1% qc (Torso)

Emerald Bracers of Vorysis        | +10 spr, +5 wis (Arms)

Hanesa's Harp                     | +9spr, +5con  (Hands)

Black Ring                        | +5spr  (Finger)   x2

Black Belt of Kraag               | +5spr, +6int 

Dragon scale leg plates

Emerald boots of Vorysis          | +6 spr, +6 int


poster: Slayn
subject: witchy
date: Tue Nov 18 00:15:04 2003

w:witch stuff
err ok bye
oh mid-top (may take a while getting gold for top though)


poster: Quillz
subject: W
date: Wed Nov 19 04:40:54 2003

Good caster cloak (magi, ages...maybe even nos...)
Decent caster arms...   bmon/hag, vambrace/bracer, tia, ect
Good caster feet
maybe a slipper or two, stocking, heels, even something like demon boots
gimme gimme

oh yeah
I have a  lil gold, and some spare tank-ish stuffs


poster: Trunks
subject: For Sale: Onyx ring
date: Wed Nov 19 07:17:19 2003

Stats: 26str 12hpr infravision

Accepting bids until I get one that I like


poster: Highpriest
subject: FS
date: Thu Nov 20 01:46:00 2003

Emerald boots of Vorysis (+6spr/+6int)mb 20k
Emerald bracers of Vorysis (+10spr/+5wis)mb 15k 
Really Wicked Witch Robe (+8spr/+1% quick chant)mb 40k
Black belt of Kraag (+5spr/+6wis)mb 15k
Feathered hair piece (+3sta/+9wis/+9sp_max)mb 15k
Yellow stole of a priest of Mitra (+8spr)mb 10k
Stylish pair of spectacles (+6wis)mb 10k
Twisted gloves of Kraag (+8wis/+1% quick chant)mb 15k

Mudmail me or catch me online if you are interested. Thank you.


poster: Tantrum
subject: FS
date: Thu Nov 20 05:37:47 2003

i have a steel handled mop fs.
its like 12str and some cool barb stuff. sacs for 2 tps and cleans a
floor like nothing else can.
mb is 500k, so yea, bid or dont. up to you really.


poster: Artea
subject: Wis set
date: Thu Nov 20 20:13:26 2003

I'm looking to possibly trade my wis set for a damage fig set.  My
set is near top slot, looking for a fig set of similar value. 
Mudmail me



poster: Quillz
subject: W
date: Thu Nov 20 21:41:57 2003

bmon /hag arm
dagulus ring
aaaand baboon cloak
gods and tank eqs up for trade, ect. 


poster: Modred
subject: w: pyrocast
date: Thu Nov 20 22:03:59 2003

Looking for a pyrocast.




poster: Quillz
subject: W
date: Fri Nov 21 07:00:02 2003

deadly web of human skulls

if yer interested, I got a couple dagger of chaos. 
Also, still wanting bmon/hag arm and magi cloak or baboon
cloak...maybe a midbie caster belt, like azarian or something. 

have some random tank stuff I'd be willing to toss, too


poster: Koma
subject: wantored
date: Fri Nov 21 10:08:32 2003

Hay evarybody, whats going on in the sales newsgroup???

I'd like to buy an orbdrin, please. Also if you have an amulet of
dessication for sale please do not hesitate to contact me ovar the
Best regards, Me


poster: Fraziw
subject: Wanted
date: Sat Nov 22 18:37:20 2003

I'll pay 1m gold for the somethingawfuls version of the "Andrew WK -
Party hard" music video.
Over and out.


poster: Kaos
subject: >Wanted
date: Sat Nov 22 20:39:57 2003

On Sat Nov 22 18:37:20 2003 Fraziw wrote post #446:
> I'll pay 1m gold for the somethingawfuls version of the "Andrew WK -
> Party hard" music video.
> Over and out.

mill plz k thx


poster: Trunks
subject: w: dark red choker
date: Sun Nov 23 02:44:46 2003

see above.. offering gold and such


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: wanted
date: Sun Nov 23 19:09:15 2003

w:simple wool skirt,witch's stocking


poster: Highpriest
subject: W(FT)
date: Mon Nov 24 02:34:18 2003

I'm looking for a Golem Brain and Amulet of Dessication, will trade
with some int eq+gold...
Mudmail me if interested or send me tells when u catch me online
Thanks ;)


poster: Quillz
subject: FS
date: Mon Nov 24 04:55:11 2003

left & right war greaves.
mail, tell, ect


poster: Litho
subject: Wanted
date: Mon Nov 24 18:39:04 2003

sales w ogre naraku helm, woo mask/ dragon eyes, tia plate, amulet
of destruction, spiked leather armband, 2 ring of dragonses, black
leather boots
lookin for those, have gold..don't hesitate to mail me with your
prices, thanks.


poster: Rythion
subject: OMG
date: Tue Nov 25 02:24:17 2003

FS: a ton of stuffz0rs
when I get back from wisconsin in like a week from now or such
be on with money for RythAuction or something :)


poster: Goroharahad
subject: W & FS
date: Tue Nov 25 17:55:54 2003

W : blue and yellow slippers

FS : dark gloves and cloak of Nosferatu, Red gold crown
Send me mails or tells



poster: Zeemagx
subject: Wanted
date: Tue Nov 25 20:45:35 2003

I´m looking for a yellow slipper and a mask of anguish, have cash,
plz sell me....

Zee out


poster: Highpriest
subject: FT/W
date: Wed Nov 26 04:40:06 2003

Trading spr/int eqs for Golem Brain and/or Amulet of Dessication...
Those interested can mudmail me or send tells to me....


poster: Palmascay
subject: For Sale
date: Wed Nov 26 07:13:53 2003

For Sale
Saber Blade- +25 dex | +15str | +5cha | +4weapon skill mastery
Wolf Hide Cloak- +9 wis | +3spr | +8gaian touch
Crystal Wings- +15spr | +15wis | +5heal mb 800k
and mb on the cloak is 150k. Mail me with bids on blade plz


poster: Highpriest
subject: W
date: Wed Nov 26 11:34:07 2003

Obsidian Staff
Send me mudmail or tells if u'r interested in selling.


poster: Artea
subject: Trading WIS set -> STR/DEX set
date: Thu Nov 27 09:31:40 2003

Still looking to trade my abjurer set to a str/dex set. Entire set
only, not piece by piece.. mail me



poster: Highpriest
subject: W:
date: Thu Nov 27 12:04:34 2003

healer arms slot.....
it should gives me around 6-12spr...
Send me mudmail or tells if u'r interested....


poster: Highpriest
subject: >W:
date: Thu Nov 27 12:07:55 2003

Btw, do check ur safes....


poster: Belgarion
subject: Hi
date: Sat Nov 29 11:54:27 2003

I have a brand new Orbdrin for sale, mb 5 M.


poster: Panza
subject: fs/w
date: Sat Nov 29 15:58:03 2003

have the following for sale:
Pyroclast, mb 200k
Crystal leggings of True Reflection: +16 spr, +12 wis, +3%
reflection mastery, mb 1.5m
Typhoon Blade: +15 int, +15 spr, +3% casting, mb 1.2m

i'm looking for wis neck and feet slots, mail me with offers


poster: zilpen (Web)
subject: w: int cloak
date: Sat Nov 29 18:04:58 2003


I am looking for a cloak of the magi or a cloak of the ages. Thanks. :)


poster: Switchblade
subject: fs
date: Sat Nov 29 18:38:32 2003

Olathurl Phlith
mb 8m


poster: Panza
subject: typh blade, crystal legs
date: Sun Nov 30 17:09:21 2003

typhoon blade and crystal leggings sold


poster: Roxer
subject: fs
date: Mon Dec  1 04:07:02 2003

Yea buy it now!


poster: Tantrum
subject: >fs
date: Mon Dec  1 06:15:01 2003

On Mon Dec  1 04:07:02 2003 Roxer wrote post #469:
> Yea buy it now!
buy what now?


poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: fs/ftw:
date: Mon Dec  1 14:25:44 2003

The safe contains:

Transmutation Ball

Pearl of Power

Dark Amulet of the Conjurer

Blood covered tunic

White glove of Raena

Onyx Movado leggings

Armshields of Wisdom

an ancient book of cloak and ep_regen

Harmony Necklace

Small iron amulet




poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: wanted eq 
date: Mon Dec  1 14:26:32 2003

wanted eq is various healerslots btw




poster: Panza
subject: w:
date: Tue Dec  2 00:43:03 2003

looking for a good wis neck, either a metal stethecope (preferably)
or a xetty necklace. mudmail me or catch me online with offers.


poster: Switchblade
subject: fs
date: Tue Dec  2 02:54:16 2003

Belt of Mourning
wis20, spr25, peel flesh 4, unholy essence 2 
top harmer.. top wis too i think (though not top healer)
mail or tell offers


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: W:
date: Tue Dec  2 04:54:26 2003

hey whats up looking for mid-top wis items. Esspecially Naraku ring,simple wool skirt, and witch's stocking 


poster: Belgarion
subject: Fs
date: Tue Dec  2 10:10:55 2003

Helmet of Wisdom
Necklace of the Gods
Fiery breastplate
Bent glasses
Xnioln's fabled black cloak
Clown's flower


poster: Draco
subject: ft
date: Tue Dec  2 20:07:51 2003

belt of mourning to belt of the wind, mudmail me if interested
belt of mourning to belt of the wind, mudmail me if interested


poster: Litho
subject: wanted
date: Wed Dec  3 11:19:25 2003

Lookin for a Tia plate, spiked leather armband, amulet of
destruction and one ring of dragons..Have gold and nice small tp/eje
sac eq ft.


poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: Fs/Ft/W
date: Wed Dec  3 14:05:09 2003

Following things are for sale/for trade:

Transmutation Ball -> 2M

Pearl of Power -> 1,5M

Breastplate of blending -> 800k

Small iron amulet -> 200k

Armshields of Wisdom -> 5k

Harmony Necklace -> 5k

an ancient book of cloak and ep_regen -> 0k for collectors

Following things is wanted:

Any topslothealer item is wanted except Eyes and Cloak

Mudmail/tell Me if you want to buy,discuss prices,trade,sell or something else!



poster: Artea
subject: Free Ress Tickets
date: Wed Dec  3 18:06:16 2003

Buying free ress tickets.  I want lots.



poster: milo (Web)
subject: Free reinc ticket!
date: Wed Dec  3 23:03:26 2003

I will take bids on a "free reinc ticket" mud mail me your offer, the current bid is 3,5m! And if i  dont get an amount that "clings good" in my ears ill give it to some nice dude on my flist! 


poster: Kasma
subject: w/fs:
date: Wed Dec  3 23:26:38 2003

Prayer for the Crusader UP on %%name!
w: mythinite mace, tmr, something better than typhoon ammy, right fig arm.
fs: black chain, crystal helm, and a bunch of caster stuffs


poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: fs/ft/w
date: Thu Dec  4 13:00:19 2003

Following things are for sale / for trade:

Pearl of power      +25 spr, +10 int, +10 wis, +2 tps .Head

Helmet of Wisdom    +12 spr, +16 int, +20 wis, +3 tps .Head

Those pieces i dont have stats on right now, but can fix if requested:

Armshields of Wisdom

Fancy black tuxedo

Right Foot of a Deer

Harmony Necklace

This one is ff for collectors, librarians etc:

Ancient book of cloak and ep_regen


Wanted eq is various healerslots

Mostly needed is: Left arm, Left hand, Belt and feets

Got about 2m, and the eq at the top to trade against a eqpiece or two.


Merry Christmas!



poster: Celine
subject: no-suck ticket
date: Thu Dec  4 22:03:00 2003

mail me bids please. thanks.


poster: Panza
subject: fs
date: Fri Dec  5 04:19:44 2003

Human skin boots                  | +15 spr, +10 int, infravision
mb 800k
damnation =)


poster: Panza
subject: also fs
date: Fri Dec  5 04:37:29 2003

now have blackmon platemail fs Blackmon's Platemail              |
+20 spr, +14 wis, +7 int, +3% focus crystal energy                 |
mb 2.5m


poster: Asharak
subject: EQ fs/ft/w
date: Fri Dec  5 13:39:59 2003

I have the following stuff fs/ft:
Stone gauntlet
White silk robes
Tin leg plate
Copper leg plate
Free personal Nosuck Ticket
Ivory Mask of Phantom

And I'm still needing caster rings, weapons and better legs + hands slot EQ.

Thank you,


poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: w:
date: Fri Dec  5 16:49:59 2003

Various Healereq, (most wanted is:

feets, left hand and left arm) but other slots is interesting to

got 5mil to spend on one piece.

mail me for offers etc.

Conecting on mondaymorning



poster: Ronan
subject: FS
date: Sun Dec  7 03:49:05 2003

heart-shaped locket +20 spr, +28 wis, +2% prot rit
ok bye


poster: Panza
subject: w:
date: Sun Dec  7 08:08:13 2003

looking for an rgc, please mail me if you have one and are willing to sell it


poster: Kasma
subject: w: 
date: Sun Dec  7 08:11:04 2003

looking for a mythinite mace, tmr, fig right arm, and a fig ammy
better than typhoon ammy
have a bunch of caster eq ft


poster: Kasma
subject: adding to w:
date: Sun Dec  7 08:12:02 2003

also have lots o' gold :


poster: Justus
subject: fs
date: Sun Dec  7 14:30:32 2003

cloak of ashes: +16 con +phys res 5 +stun resistance 3
thigh high black boots +20 int/wis +16 con


poster: Denim
subject: cast reincarnate at a Ticket
date: Mon Dec  8 06:04:42 2003

got a reinc ticket ft, possibly fs for the right price.

looking for top fig handslot or armslots, and other cool stuff fig like.



poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: w (healergear)
date: Mon Dec  8 16:04:04 2003

topslot or close to top healer gear is wanted.

happy christmas, merry new year. etc //San


poster: Palmascay
subject: Wanted: Spider Silks
date: Tue Dec  9 03:38:09 2003

would like some spider silks plz. Mail me if u have some and i will
be glad to bye them from u
offering 3k per silk


poster: Afkaserious
subject: >Wanted: Spider Silks
date: Tue Dec  9 03:38:31 2003

On Tue Dec  9 03:38:09 2003 Palmascay wrote post #496:
> would like some spider silks plz. Mail me if u have some and i will
> be glad to bye them from u
> offering 3k per silk
> thanks
I'll give you 5k per freakin' silk.


poster: Artea
subject: W:
date: Tue Dec  9 08:41:11 2003

W: velvet collar
FT: cloak of swirling darkness, spiked leather belt, necklace of evil

mail me!


poster: Rockman
subject: W
date: Tue Dec  9 15:23:59 2003

Healer type eqs for ammy, arms, right hand, belt, or weapons


poster: Cleo
subject: Wanted!
date: Tue Dec  9 15:26:23 2003

looking for top ma eq.
can mainly only offer gold. but I might be able to get something ft.
please mail or send a tell if you got anything.


poster: Lendir
subject: fs!
date: Wed Dec 10 03:10:19 2003

free reinc ticket! start sending me bids, i want gold or some decent
fig eq, sooooo mudmail me!


poster: Quillz
subject: FS
date: Wed Dec 10 04:18:22 2003

Ring with a red glowing skull.
mb 5m.  


poster: Artea
subject: Fibrous Wooden Glove
date: Wed Dec 10 04:41:36 2003

I need the match to Fibrous Wooden Glove
Trading cloak of swirling darkness, spiked leather belt, and cash.
mail me..


poster: Quillz
subject: W
date: Wed Dec 10 05:53:30 2003

Belt of mourning
Cloak of the Magi or Baboon Cloak

I have some tank-ish stuff for trade.  

Also FS:
Ring with a red glowing skull - mb 5m
Darkgreen paw...havn't set mb..not sure, 2m-ish I think. 


poster: Bahgtru
subject: FS
date: Wed Dec 10 15:01:37 2003

Talisman of Zarath - +9 hp_max, +3 sta, +9 con
Mithril Leggings - +2 dex, +8 con
Boots of Whispering - +20 dex, +5% stealth, +5% hide
Eye of Lavos - +10 epr, +8 dex, +5 fire res
Crystal Helm - +15 dex, +3 con, +10 epr, +5% stab
Damien the Protector - +10 dex, +5% dodge, +4% weapon parry {R HD/A/F}
Darian the Destroyer - +8 con, +3% attack {L HD/A/F}
Ash's Sword - +10 str, +4 dex

Buy, mail me if you want to


poster: Panza
subject: w:
date: Thu Dec 11 00:00:20 2003

looking for rgc and dark nos cloak, mail me if you are selling either


poster: evicta (Web)
subject: wanted
date: Thu Dec 11 11:21:43 2003

w: 2x tmr..

paying golds.. if you got one fs then mail me your mb or catch me online

Have a nice day :-)

btw school sucks.. i cant connect anymore:(



poster: Moridin
subject: W
date: Thu Dec 11 13:55:21 2003

Thin Leather Belt
Holy Staff
Hag Eye


poster: Artea
subject: W:
date: Thu Dec 11 17:00:54 2003

W: necromancer's glove


poster: Expandrew
subject: this ticket thingy
date: Sat Dec 13 16:02:37 2003

um...i got a Free Reinc Ticket from santa.  i really don't have any
intention of using it so i figured i'd put it up for sale.  mudmail
me bids and i shall consider the one which i like the best:)
thank you for shopping with Expandrew.


poster: Safroth
subject: newb fig EQ
date: Sun Dec 14 00:06:27 2003

please please please please please please someone sell me cheap
newbie fig eq..


poster: Fox
subject: Reinc Ticket
date: Sun Dec 14 04:19:13 2003

I want one.


poster: Tzikas
subject: For Sale
date: Mon Dec 15 04:54:17 2003

| Vengeance Ring                    | +20 spr, +15 int, +elec
special                                    | 5| 
| Cloak of Ashes                    | +16 con, +5 phys_res, +3% stun
resistance                          | 7| 

Contact me when Im online or mudmail me bids.


poster: Ronan
subject: >For Sale
date: Mon Dec 15 04:55:06 2003

On Mon Dec 15 04:54:17 2003 Tzikas wrote post #513:
> | Vengeance Ring                    | +20 spr, +15 int, +elec
> special                                    | 5| 
> | Cloak of Ashes                    | +16 con, +5 phys_res, +3% stun
> resistance                          | 7| 
> Contact me when Im online or mudmail me bids.
um not the right stas for veng ring, its 18 str + hits when taking dmg


poster: Ronan
subject: FS
date: Mon Dec 15 04:56:45 2003

sales fs Cutlass of the Ne'tal, Stone Gauntlet, 4-headed snake whip,
Bronze battle harness, Velvet collar, Golden Choker
um 1m, 800k, 300k, 300k, 4m, and 4m
mail me


poster: Cleo
subject: SPIKED BRACERS..!!
date: Mon Dec 15 22:51:37 2003

I got some ft eq like a Armshield and Boots of Whispering, and got golds.
pls contact if intrerested or know anyone who's selling, thanks on forehand


poster: Chewba
subject: w: int hands
date: Mon Dec 15 23:00:43 2003

fs/ft: boots of whispering , scaled armshield, adamtium long sword ,
stone throwing dagger . w: int thingies for the hands


poster: Switchblade
subject: fs:
date: Tue Dec 16 01:36:21 2003


Earth gloves, hand slot

Wis 15, Spr 10, Int3, lore of the soil shaman 5
send tells or mails with offers


poster: Hymn
subject: FS/FT
date: Tue Dec 16 10:07:44 2003

You open a chest.
Inside, you find:
Steel bracers
Ogre helmet
Sticky green glove
Enchanted mithril plate greaves
2 Twisted metal rings
Eye of the Dragon

this is what I have FS/FT... I need the following pieces

2xApocalypse staff or Darkwhips
think FullSp's
Green brocade sleeve or Black leather bracer
Black mithril vambrace
Glove of energy or Ropers hand
think FullSp's
or simply  White Lace Gloves
2x Dark ring of Nosferatu
Belt of the wind..

well thats about what I need... also if you are interested in buying
the fig eq I have plz
do it the normal way and send me a mail... or tell taking bids on all..

think FullSp's


poster: Korthrun
subject: >FS/FT
date: Tue Dec 16 19:49:16 2003

On Tue Dec 16 10:07:44 2003 Hymn wrote post #519:
> You open a chest.
> Inside, you find:
> Orbdrin
> Steel bracers
> Ogre helmet
> Sticky green glove
> Enchanted mithril plate greaves
> 2 Twisted metal rings
> Eye of the Dragon
> this is what I have FS/FT... I need the following pieces
> 2xApocalypse staff or Darkwhips
> think FullSp's
> Green brocade sleeve or Black leather bracer
> Black mithril vambrace
> Glove of energy or Ropers hand
> think FullSp's
> Quickener
> or simply  White Lace Gloves
> 2x Dark ring of Nosferatu
> Belt of the wind..
> well thats about what I need... also if you are interested in buying
> the fig eq I have plz
> do it the normal way and send me a mail... or tell taking bids on all..
> think FullSp's
> /Hymn
mb on the thinks?


poster: nick (Web)
subject: fs
date: Tue Dec 16 20:17:27 2003

Yellow stole of a priest of mitra 6 spr

Green stole of a priest of mitra 8 spr

Black stole of a priest of mitra 2 mag_res

Avenger Axe 6 dex, 6 str

2x Sharp beaver claws 12 str each

Beaver fur 12 con, cold_res

King Beaver's glasses

Also taking requests on eq held by mobs up to 700k



poster: Ztaffan
subject: FT/FS
date: Tue Dec 16 21:54:10 2003

Sup.. I need INT.. and fast :D
I have some stuff mainly for FT but some FS if the price is right..

Apocalypse staff
Dark cloak of Nosferatu
Blackmon's Midnight Boots
Glass Eye of Hag
Simple wool skirt
Red gold crown
Emerald ring of Power
cast hypothermia black ring
Dark gloves of Nosferatu
Leather Armshields of Tiamat
Belt of mourning
Xetrov's spiked necklace
Staff of Death
Snake Phang
Amulet of fear
Cloak of ashes
Crystal leggings of true reflection
An Hyborean-Style Gorget  --->> Special: The gorget crackles with power.
Dragon tooth pendant
Gloves of the Blackguard

Pair of jetblack sunglasses -->> The coolest ones..

need int... better than I have..
Have money to..

Mail me bout everything.. hard to keep track of everything...



poster: Ztaffan
subject: >FT/FS
date: Tue Dec 16 22:15:30 2003

Xetrov's spiked necklace 
Belt of mourning 
Leather Armshields of Tiamat 
Dark gloves of Nosferatu 
Cold black ring
Emerald ring of Power 
Red gold crown (dazzling) 
Simple wool skirt
Glass Eye of Hag 
Blackmon's Midnight Boots 
Dark cloak of Nosferatu 
These are only for TRADE, till I get better... urm..
peace out..


poster: Shooter
subject: FT:Necklace of the gods
date: Tue Dec 16 22:33:58 2003

Necklace of the Gods              | +25 str, +12 dex, +12 con 

wanna trade it to velvet collar
ok pliis thx :)

oh, can throw some money or something in too (nosuck ticket etc)
mail me or catch me online etc...



poster: Shoma
subject: fs
date: Wed Dec 17 01:48:23 2003

I have a dbb, a warp blade, a dmien and  darian, for sale, mail or
send tells about bids


poster: Uno
subject: garage sale
date: Wed Dec 17 07:21:30 2003

i need to make room in my safes for all of koma's nude photos...

so here's some things to buy...
p.s. i pulled the mbs out of my butt, if you think i'm WAY overpricing
something just make an offer. if you think i'm underpricing it, try to keep
a poker face when you mail me your bid:

White glove of Raena (+8 spr, +2 wis, +3% prayer for healing) 50k
Demons whip (+20 dex, +4% lacerate, +5% whipping mastery, asph special) 2m
Torc of Kings (+13 str, +7 hpr) 500k
Red-handled longsword (+ dmg, +3% weaponmaster, stun special, wc: big) 3m
Forest green leather leggings (nfc) 50k
Red boots (+4 epr, +7 wis, +5 fire_res) 50k
2 Ring of Dragonses(+8 con, +8 str, +23 dex, +4% dragon strength) 3m each
Enchanted titanium ring (nfc) 50k
Spiked Bracers (+20 str, +10 dex, +5% fists of fury, +3 dmg) 5m
Necklace of Evil (+25 str, +10 dex, +2 dmg) 3m
OGAR HELMAT (+25 dex/str) 3m
Obsidian spear (nfc) 20k?


poster: Fox
subject: FS/FT
date: Wed Dec 17 07:29:30 2003

Sword of Death
Staff of Death
Spiked Bracers
Necklace of Khan
Red Battered Cloak
Left War Greave
Red Satin Headband
Cloak of the Ages
Death Talisman
Glasses of Truesight

I would like a Reinc Ticket for an item listed 
here that is to be equaled to the Price of a Ticket.



poster: Myrddin
subject: eq fs/ft
date: Wed Dec 17 10:50:12 2003

ok im selling off my wis set in hopes of aquiring a top/almost top
woodsman set
here is what im selling
tithe 200 gold to Levi
silver pendant, dagulus ring, wool skirt, hag eye, claddah ring,
xetrov necklace, nos gloves, golem brain, tia arms and bplate of
mail me bids or offers of good woodsman eq


poster: fjunix (Web)
subject: EQ FS/FT
date: Wed Dec 17 10:59:43 2003

I have some eq fs

2x whor    mb 5m each 9m for both

Left and right war greave   2m for both

darkgreen paw              1.5m

Turlach bracers            1m

Golden ring of cenoba     1m

traveling boots          1m

ash gauntlets         500k


poster: Korthrun
subject: FS
date: Wed Dec 17 19:37:15 2003



poster: Korthrun
subject: >FS
date: Wed Dec 17 19:40:27 2003

On Wed Dec 17 19:37:15 2003 Korthrun wrote post #530:
ok since I have gotten numerous inquiries in like 30 seconds
I am kidding, this is a joke. See I am poking fun at all those
stupid ass radio ads where the guy is shouting at the top of his/her
lungs about some product. they never tell you anything about it. and
the price is always so low they cant advertise it.
What? If you say the price you will sell out? Well is that not why
you advertise? To sell your product?


poster: Kaos
subject: >>FS
date: Wed Dec 17 20:39:01 2003

On Wed Dec 17 19:40:27 2003 Korthrun wrote post #531:
> On Wed Dec 17 19:37:15 2003 Korthrun wrote post #530:
> ok since I have gotten numerous inquiries in like 30 seconds
> I am kidding, this is a joke. See I am poking fun at all those
> stupid ass radio ads where the guy is shouting at the top of his/her
> lungs about some product. they never tell you anything about it. and
> the price is always so low they cant advertise it.
> What? If you say the price you will sell out? Well is that not why
> you advertise? To sell your product?
mb and stats plz


poster: Quillz
subject: >>>FS
date: Wed Dec 17 20:51:22 2003

On Wed Dec 17 20:39:01 2003 Kaos wrote post #532:
> On Wed Dec 17 19:40:27 2003 Korthrun wrote post #531:
> > On Wed Dec 17 19:37:15 2003 Korthrun wrote post #530:
> > ok since I have gotten numerous inquiries in like 30 seconds
> > I am kidding, this is a joke. See I am poking fun at all those
> > stupid ass radio ads where the guy is shouting at the top of his/her
> > lungs about some product. they never tell you anything about it. and
> > the price is always so low they cant advertise it.
> > What? If you say the price you will sell out? Well is that not why
> > you advertise? To sell your product?
> mb and stats plz
aer tehy ft to fightar?!


poster: Slayn
subject: >>>>FS
date: Wed Dec 17 20:53:43 2003

On Wed Dec 17 20:51:22 2003 Quillz wrote post #533:
> On Wed Dec 17 20:39:01 2003 Kaos wrote post #532:
> > On Wed Dec 17 19:40:27 2003 Korthrun wrote post #531:
> > > On Wed Dec 17 19:37:15 2003 Korthrun wrote post #530:
> > > > NEW EQ, OLD EQ, ALL EQ.
> > > > ADVERTISE THEM!!!!!
> > > ok since I have gotten numerous inquiries in like 30 seconds
> > > I am kidding, this is a joke. See I am poking fun at all those
> > > stupid ass radio ads where the guy is shouting at the top of his/her
> > > lungs about some product. they never tell you anything about it. and
> > > the price is always so low they cant advertise it.
> > > What? If you say the price you will sell out? Well is that not why
> > > you advertise? To sell your product?
> > mb and stats plz
> aer tehy ft to fightar?!
maybe thats the idea of the advert. to get you interested
as you got loads of inquiries id say it works


poster: Artea
subject: >>>>>FS
date: Wed Dec 17 21:42:12 2003

I think there are sometimes restrictions from the producer on what
prices can be advertised.



poster: Artea
subject: W:
date: Wed Dec 17 21:43:30 2003

w: fleshy armband of naraku, dragon eyes, that new 38 dex helmet thingie

ft: reinc ticket, gold, gold, more gold



poster: Hymn
subject: >>>>>FS
date: Wed Dec 17 21:51:54 2003

On Wed Dec 17 20:53:43 2003 Slayn wrote post #534:
> On Wed Dec 17 20:51:22 2003 Quillz wrote post #533:
> > On Wed Dec 17 20:39:01 2003 Kaos wrote post #532:
> > > On Wed Dec 17 19:40:27 2003 Korthrun wrote post #531:
> > > > On Wed Dec 17 19:37:15 2003 Korthrun wrote post #530:
> > > > > TONS OF EQ FOR SALE.
> > > > > NEW EQ, OLD EQ, ALL EQ.
> > > > > ADVERTISE THEM!!!!!
> > > > ok since I have gotten numerous inquiries in like 30 seconds
> > > > I am kidding, this is a joke. See I am poking fun at all those
> > > > stupid ass radio ads where the guy is shouting at the top of his/her
> > > > lungs about some product. they never tell you anything about it. and
> > > > the price is always so low they cant advertise it.
> > > > What? If you say the price you will sell out? Well is that not why
> > > > you advertise? To sell your product?
> > > mb and stats plz
> > aer tehy ft to fightar?!
> maybe thats the idea of the advert. to get you interested
> as you got loads of inquiries id say it works
> -slyna
Anything of it save?


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: tps fs:
date: Wed Dec 17 23:07:04 2003

focus crystal 10tps mb 3m,schizo tooth 5 tps mb 1.5m


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: stuff fs
date: Wed Dec 17 23:19:53 2003

ok other than the tps stuff from before i also have a sword of death and ring of lavos fs


poster: Tantrum
subject: >>>>>>FS
date: Thu Dec 18 02:36:52 2003

On Wed Dec 17 21:51:54 2003 Hymn wrote post #537:
> On Wed Dec 17 20:53:43 2003 Slayn wrote post #534:
> > On Wed Dec 17 20:51:22 2003 Quillz wrote post #533:
> > > On Wed Dec 17 20:39:01 2003 Kaos wrote post #532:
> > > > On Wed Dec 17 19:40:27 2003 Korthrun wrote post #531:
> > > > > On Wed Dec 17 19:37:15 2003 Korthrun wrote post #530:
> > > > > > TONS OF EQ FOR SALE.
> > > > > > NEW EQ, OLD EQ, ALL EQ.
> > > > > > ADVERTISE THEM!!!!!
> > > > > ok since I have gotten numerous inquiries in like 30 seconds
> > > > > I am kidding, this is a joke. See I am poking fun at all those
> > > > > stupid ass radio ads where the guy is shouting at the top of his/her
> > > > > lungs about some product. they never tell you anything about it. and
> > > > > the price is always so low they cant advertise it.
> > > > > What? If you say the price you will sell out? Well is that not why
> > > > > you advertise? To sell your product?
> > > > mb and stats plz
> > > aer tehy ft to fightar?!
> > maybe thats the idea of the advert. to get you interested
> > as you got loads of inquiries id say it works
> > -slyna
> Anything of it save?
> /Hymn
nah, if you say a price thats too low you EXPLODE!!!


poster: Ronan
subject: FS
date: Thu Dec 18 02:43:50 2003

Belt of Shielding +11 spr, +1% prot ritual
Velvet Collar +23 dex, +23 str, +8 epr, +6% whirling branches
Bronze Battle harness +29 con, +29 hp_max, +9 str Torso, Arms, Legs, Neck
4-headed snake whip +9 dex, +1% lightning whip
Stone Gauntlet +5 str, +15 dex, +1 mag_res
Cutlass of the Ne'tal +16 str, +12 dex, +4% wss + acid dmg wc~45
Golden Choker +12 spr, +12 cha, +20 dex, +2% tumbling
400k, 4m, 300k, 300k, 800k, 1m, 4m
ok thx
mail me and stuff
ps w tp sac eqses


poster: Ronan
subject: >FS
date: Thu Dec 18 02:52:47 2003

On Thu Dec 18 02:43:50 2003 Ronan wrote post #541:
> Belt of Shielding +11 spr, +1% prot ritual
> Velvet Collar +23 dex, +23 str, +8 epr, +6% whirling branches
> Bronze Battle harness +29 con, +29 hp_max, +9 str Torso, Arms, Legs, Neck
> 4-headed snake whip +9 dex, +1% lightning whip
> Stone Gauntlet +5 str, +15 dex, +1 mag_res
> Cutlass of the Ne'tal +16 str, +12 dex, +4% wss + acid dmg wc~45
> Golden Choker +12 spr, +12 cha, +20 dex, +2% tumbling
> umm
> 400k, 4m, 300k, 300k, 800k, 1m, 4m
> ok thx
> mail me and stuff
> Ronana
> ps w tp sac eqses
Collar is teh Sold!


poster: Rythion
subject: W:
date: Fri Dec 19 08:50:27 2003

I want blunts, slashing, piercing weapons with following requirements:
WC > 50
With some damage type on weapon other than physical

I also wants blunts, slashing, piercing weapons with following requirements:
WC > 40
With any damage type, with stun specials, damaging specials, etc etc


poster: Jaws
subject: Little stuff for sale
date: Fri Dec 19 17:33:49 2003

Mail me if you want some of this stuff, I can provide stats etc.

  Darian the destroyer
  Grey woolen cloak
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder3' (open)
The safe contains:
  a white cloak
  Staff of Protection
  Really Wicked Witch Robe
  A Blue Gilt Cloak
  Flaming skull mace
  Bronze battle harness
  Lightning Spear of Illumination
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder' (open)
The safe contains:
  Dragon Spear
  An obsidian pendant
  Crystal Helm
  Long red robes
  a sharp sword
  Carebear Smiley Pendant
  Harmony Necklace
  Blessed Greaves of The Dragons
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder2' (open)
The safe contains:
  2 Right Feet of a Deer
  Royal Guard chainmail
  Bronze battle harness
  Wizards pointed hat
  Twisted gloves of Kraag
  Long red robes
  Staff of healing
  Tickle Feather
  Riveted shoulder pads



poster: Uno
subject: hi i am beav
date: Fri Dec 19 19:49:44 2003

i would like to buy orbdrin plz for some megs or maybe traed


poster: Denim
subject: black chain stained with blood
date: Sat Dec 20 06:45:45 2003

got a black chain stained with blood fs or ft to a nice blunt weapon
or some such
not sure on stats, pretty much top woodsman/ma stuff, was told it's
better than zapa girdle.

taking bids and offers til i get what i want, thnkx



poster: holyman (Web)
subject: eqs fs
date: Sat Dec 20 07:48:28 2003

Ring of lavos mb 800k

Mask of clear seeing 1m

blackmon's,ghazi's armguards 1.5m each

sword of death 800k

schizo tooth (5tps) 1.5m


poster: Artea
subject: W: woodsman EQ
date: Sat Dec 20 09:31:39 2003

I'm looking for:
fleshy armband of naraku
demon skin helm
2x twisted wooden rings

I have a reinc ticket, and plenty of gold.. mail me



poster: holyman (Web)
subject: eqs wanted
date: Sun Dec 21 03:44:30 2003

ok atm i am looking for the following plz

staff of death

simple wool skirt

naraku spider ring or whatever its called

1 pyro


poster: Hymn
subject: W
date: Sun Dec 21 05:24:50 2003

Im in need of the following items..
1. Belt of the wind
2. Quickner
3. Green broocade sleever or black leather bracer
4. Black mithril vambrace

I have the following things ft:

1. Leather Armshields of Tiamat

plz do it the usual way with mudmail if you have any of it ft/fs...



poster: Chrono
subject: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>w:
date: Sun Dec 21 13:39:18 2003

haha jk its not a reply to a bunch of follow ups

anyway i need ghostly training collars, like 5 of them heh, so start
killing chilperic more plz, also i need spider adorned ring and
baboon skin cloak



poster: Rambo
subject: FS
date: Mon Dec 22 03:26:37 2003

I have a Black Girdle of Zapakelethe fs.
allready got a bid at 3m, will sell it on the 23'rd dec to the one
whom have offered the most.



poster: Switchblade
subject: fs:
date: Mon Dec 22 03:40:29 2003

Green flowing dress:  torso, wis30, spr15, pious words 3.. top healer

heart-shaped locket - amulet, wis28, spr20, protection ritual 2..  top abj

send mails, or tells with reasonable offers only
not selling until i get bids i like!  thanks for listening


poster: Ronan
subject: W
date: Mon Dec 22 06:04:23 2003

Whoever diced the lion/wolf heads from cerebus, I require those tps
so sell them to me thx
Also feed me other tp eqsess


poster: Griffy
subject: wanted 
date: Mon Dec 22 06:44:37 2003

looking for a wolfhide bag, and a date for friday.
willing to pay 400k for ether :)


poster: Ronan
subject: hei
date: Mon Dec 22 07:56:15 2003

PS whoever diced buffy cross I need that too thx


poster: Ztaffan
subject: sales
date: Mon Dec 22 16:23:11 2003

New: Glass Eye of Hag (96.9) 6m (i'll throw in a pyro)
New: Red gold crown (98.1) 8m


poster: Litho
subject: >sales
date: Mon Dec 22 22:59:17 2003

On Mon Dec 22 16:23:11 2003 Ztaffan wrote post #557:
> New: Glass Eye of Hag (96.9) 6m (i'll throw in a pyro)
> New: Red gold crown (98.1) 8m
Might wanna re-think the hag eye prize, Z.  I've not seen em over
4.5m for atleast 2 years. :-)


poster: Areu
subject: My EQ FS
date: Tue Dec 23 03:44:15 2003

amulet of dessication
  +25 spr, +16 int, +1% mastery of air, eat corpses
  mb 3m

Adamantium Long Sword
  +6 str, +2 phys res, wc 31

Fade Cloak
  +4 dex, +3% stun
  bid something fair

Spidranox Warhide
  +3 con, +infra

Bone and Scale Mail Armor
  +5 con +13 hpr +5% bladed fury, deflect special

Mithril Leggings
  +2 dex, +8 con

Fungus Armband 20k
Grey Fur Cloak of Gungor 20k
Grisly Crown of Human Flesh 30k
Hagworth's Golden Shield 100k
Globe of Darkness 



poster: Jaws
subject: Looking to Buy
date: Tue Dec 23 06:28:31 2003

Looking to aquire some pyroclasts

toss me a tell or mail



poster: helios (Web)
subject: Want
date: Tue Dec 23 13:54:06 2003

im looking for

Twisted metal rings

Tiamat bplate.

Necklace of evil

Steel toad boots

golem pants

Nakaru helm,

and thats about it :)

mail or tell if you want to sell me something.



poster: Kasma
subject: w:
date: Wed Dec 24 01:04:01 2003

looking for amulet of destruction or eye of the dragon, or something
along those lines. Got lotsa $$ to spend, so mudmail/send me a tell
if you got one fs :)


poster: Panza
subject: w
date: Wed Dec 24 07:56:32 2003

dark cloak of nosferatu, mail me with offers or bid requests


poster: daeva (Web)
subject: W!!!
date: Wed Dec 24 11:17:53 2003

W: Globe of darkness

Send me a tell or something.

Merry cristmas all


poster: Moose
subject: FS
date: Wed Dec 24 19:24:23 2003

Necklace of the gods.
Get me online. if intrested.


poster: Pikkon
subject: wanted
date: Wed Dec 24 19:59:50 2003

I want lodes damnit!


poster: Highpriest
subject: W
date: Thu Dec 25 05:08:13 2003

W: a lot of spider silks(silk from Lloth's children event)
will pay 5k each.


poster: Artea
subject: ghostly training collars
date: Thu Dec 25 09:36:21 2003

I want 3.  Paying lots.



poster: Wumpus
subject: ft: free reinc ticket
date: Fri Dec 26 08:06:31 2003

I've got a free reinc ticket.  Please feed me a nice, new holy staff
and the ticket's yours.  Send me a tell or mudmail me if you're
- Wump


poster: Switchblade
subject: fs
date: Fri Dec 26 08:56:42 2003

White leather sandles   int20, spr15, mastery of evocation 3 - both feet
mb 2m, send tells or mails


poster: Belgarion
subject: wanted
date: Fri Dec 26 16:30:44 2003

i want a blue mitten and a naraku ring, plz sell me!


poster: Jaws
subject: Wanted to buy
date: Sat Dec 27 17:54:40 2003

Wolf Hide Bag




poster: Tzikas
subject: FS
date: Sat Dec 27 22:24:22 2003

Eye of the Dragon
mudmail me bids


poster: Justus
subject: fs
date: Sun Dec 28 15:24:27 2003

ruby amulet +13 spr + 12 wis/int
dark cloak +2 dmg +10 str +20 dex


poster: Slayn
subject: xetty neck
date: Sun Dec 28 19:51:22 2003

ft to int eq mainy eyes, neck or belt slots


poster: Jaws
subject: Wanted
date: Sun Dec 28 20:05:11 2003




poster: Highpriest
subject: FS
date: Mon Dec 29 05:13:35 2003

Flaming skull mace (6spr/6int/fire-damage) mb 15k
dragon gem (summon dragon) offer
2x black ring (5spr) mb 10k each/15k both
defenders burning blade (Special: The sword is definately magical.
It will light your way. It seems to have some special abilities as
well./3%attack) mb 20k
pair of crimson gloves (5spr) mb 5k
glowing amulet of the demon (8spr) mb 15k
Golden Amulet of Lor (3spr/4%magic dart) mb 15k
Elaborate boots of Frith (8spr/8int) mb 50k
Anubian Deathmask (10spr/10wis) mb 50k
Yellow stole of a priest of Mitra (8spr) mb 20k
2x Wizards pointed hat (8spr/1cold_res) mb 15k each/25k both

Send me mudmails/tells as usual.


poster: Highpriest
subject: >FS
date: Mon Dec 29 07:51:14 2003

Also, FT to charisma EQ: midbie spr EQs
Send me mudmail/tells if you want to know what are the axact eqs FT


poster: Rambo
subject: FS
date: Mon Dec 29 09:43:23 2003

Black Leggings of Scorched Metal - make serious offers.
Dark Leather Boots - 200k
Twisted Stone Dagger - 2m


poster: Justus
subject: >fs
date: Mon Dec 29 16:03:50 2003

On Sun Dec 28 15:24:27 2003 Justus wrote post #574:
> ruby amulet +13 spr + 12 wis/int
> dark cloak +2 dmg +10 str +20 dex
dark cloak sold


poster: Ichiro
subject: fs
date: Tue Dec 30 01:11:29 2003

I have for sale flaming skull mace, diamond brooch, black ring,
black belt of kraag, crimson cloak, stylish pair of spectacles,
pipe, beholder eyestalk,dragon scale leg plates, red boots, and
anubian deathmask I dont know the prices just give me good offer ;)
mail me if interested


poster: Rizzly
subject: FS
date: Tue Dec 30 06:01:30 2003

Got a Zapa girdle for sale, 9 str, 23 dex, 2 dmg, 2% nature's weapons lore
MB is 3.5m

Drop me a line if I'm online, or mail me with bids if I'm not.


poster: Highpriest
subject: FS/FT to charisma EQs:
date: Tue Dec 30 08:19:46 2003

Athol's emerald star (20spr/5wis/10int) [head] mb 1m

Mask of Clear Seeing (17spr/8wis/8int) [eye] mb 750k

Shining cloak of Mistweaver (14spr/8int/4unholy_res) [cloak] mb 600k

Rnarg's war armor (14spr/6wis/2magical_res) [torso] mb 400k

Silver pendant (30spr/12wis/4%pious_word) [amulet]  mb 2.5m

Golden bracelet (10spr/5wis) [left arm] mb 600k

White glove of Raena (8spr/2wis/3%prayer_for_healing) [left hand] mb 250k

Clean glowing glove (12spr/2int/2unholy_res) [right hand] mb 350k

Smooth copper ring {x2} (6spr/6int) [finger] mb 70k each

Dragon Sash (16spr/8wis/7int) [belt] mb 700k

Steel leg plate (7spr/10wis) [left leg] mb 500k

Bronze leg plate (9spr/8int) [right leg]mb 600k

I need charisma EQs of any slots (except cloak).
Feel free to give me offers for the EQs.
Send me mudmail/tells.


poster: Quillz
subject: stuff fs
date: Wed Dec 31 04:49:57 2003

Defenders Burning Blade
Amulet of Typhoon
Ring of Lavos
Claddah Ring
a wolf-hide vest
sash of chaos
Riding Boots
Gnosis Armor
Feathered hair piece
Talisman of Zarath
Quarks Demonhide
Sapphire ring of Arabidopsis

claddah ring is a couple megs, teks draggy stuff is 800k-ish, rest
is negitiable

catch me on-line


poster: Foxpaws
subject: Stuff for sale
date: Wed Dec 31 07:38:02 2003

Stuff for sale or for trade to int caster equipment

Crystal Wings                     | +15 spr, +15 wis, +5% heal  -  1m
Twisted Bracers                   | +15 spr, +5 wis, 5 call for
wolf, 3 wolf mastery  -  400k
Sapphire ring of Arabidopsis      | +7 spr, +8 wis  -  Make offer
Obsidian Pendant                  | +8 spr, +3 mag res - Make offer

Send tells, leave mails, or stuff.  Also looking for Clean Glowing
Glove, Quarks demonhide, or similar int/spr gear.



poster: Griffy
subject: W
date: Thu Jan  1 10:53:58 2004

need a globe of darkness. .. im poor :)


poster: Tzikas
subject: Stuff FS (Last try, so it better work now!)
date: Fri Jan  2 03:58:14 2004

Green Flowing Dress               | +15 spr, +30 wis, +3% pious words
Dragon Ring                       | +15 str, +3% dragon strength,
+5% dragon possession
Hylian shield                     | +8 con, +3 phys_res, +infravision, wc36
Small Onyx Cross                  | +2 all_skills, +15 spr, +3 unholy_res
Tan Leather Work Gloves           | +8 sta, +18 str, +12 con

4.5m - 4m - 600k - 600k - 600k


poster: Palmascay
subject: FT/FS
date: Fri Jan  2 04:04:12 2004

Selling DragonSlayer, mail me with bids if interested, taking bids
until Saturday


poster: Palmascay
subject: FT/FS
date: Fri Jan  2 04:23:46 2004

So far got an offer of 5m from Ronan.


poster: Artea
subject: >FT/FS
date: Fri Jan  2 06:06:20 2004

On Fri Jan  2 04:23:46 2004 Palmascay wrote post #591:
> So far got an offer of 5m from Ronan.
on what? :)


poster: Highpriest
subject: >FS/FT to charisma EQs:
date: Fri Jan  2 07:20:50 2004

On Tue Dec 30 08:19:46 2003 Highpriest wrote post #583:
> Athol's emerald star (20spr/5wis/10int) [head] mb 1m
> Mask of Clear Seeing (17spr/8wis/8int) [eye] mb 750k
> Shining cloak of Mistweaver (14spr/8int/4unholy_res) [cloak] mb 600k
> Rnarg's war armor (14spr/6wis/2magical_res) [torso] mb 400k
> Silver pendant (30spr/12wis/4%pious_word) [amulet]  according to ronan's page> mb 2.5m
> Golden bracelet (10spr/5wis) [left arm] mb 600k
> White glove of Raena (8spr/2wis/3%prayer_for_healing) [left hand] mb 250k
> Clean glowing glove (12spr/2int/2unholy_res) [right hand] mb 350k
> Smooth copper ring {x2} (6spr/6int) [finger] mb 70k each
> Dragon Sash (16spr/8wis/7int) [belt] mb 700k
> Steel leg plate (7spr/10wis) [left leg] mb 500k
> Bronze leg plate (9spr/8int) [right leg]mb 600k
> I need charisma EQs of any slots (except cloak).
> Feel free to give me offers for the EQs.
> Send me mudmail/tells.
> -HP
Athol's emerald star, Golden bracelet, Silver pendant, White glove
of Raena, Smooth copper ring.
These are the EQs left FT/FS.


poster: Artea
date: Fri Jan  2 07:50:56 2004

Buying any ress tickets that may be left over from christmas.  Mail
me with mb..



poster: Tzikas
subject: >Stuff FS (Last try, so it better work now!)
date: Fri Jan  2 17:20:46 2004

On Fri Jan  2 03:58:14 2004 Tzikas wrote post #589:
> Green Flowing Dress               | +15 spr, +30 wis, +3% pious words
> Dragon Ring                       | +15 str, +3% dragon strength,
> +5% dragon possession
> Hylian shield                     | +8 con, +3 phys_res, +infravision, wc36
> Small Onyx Cross                  | +2 all_skills, +15 spr, +3 unholy_res
> Tan Leather Work Gloves           | +8 sta, +18 str, +12 con
> 4.5m - 4m - 600k - 600k - 600k
Dress, Cross and Gloves have been sold


poster: Xphere
subject: FS:
date: Fri Jan  2 18:53:34 2004

Black Mask                        | +10 str, +2 phys_res, 600k mb
Necklace of the Gods              | +25 str, +12 dex, +12 con, 2.5m mb
Firelord Breastplate              | +12 str, +4 sta, +deflect hits, 750k mb
Red dragon scale                  | +10 con, +above avg. phys res, 800k mb
Darkgreen paw                     | +14 str, +12 dex, +10 hp_regen, 1.8m mb
Stone Gauntlet                    | +5 str, +15 dex, +1mag_res, 800k mb
Skull ring                        | +9 str, +9 con, +3 hp_max, 150k mb
Boots of Lavos                    | +12 con, +10 str, +5% attack, 900k mb
Turlach Bracers                   | +19 str, +8 dex, +2% attack, 700k mb
Cutlass of the Ne'tal             | WC ~47, +12 dex, +16 str, +4
weapons skill slashing, 600k mb
Sword of Devastation              | +15 str, +4% attack, cold dmg,
wc~52, 500k mb


poster: Palmascay
subject: FT/FS
date: Fri Jan  2 19:02:49 2004

Bid so far is 5.5m on DragonSlayer


poster: Xphere
subject: bleh
date: Fri Jan  2 19:39:37 2004

necklace sold, mask sold, bracers pending :P


poster: Palmascay
subject: UPDATE
date: Fri Jan  2 21:33:49 2004

6.5m is offer atm on DragonSlayer


poster: Xphere
subject: puuh
date: Fri Jan  2 23:01:50 2004

well, im down to only the boots of lavos, darkgreen paw and stone
gauntlet, sorry for the newsspam :P


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: eqs w/fs
date: Sat Jan  3 05:50:52 2004

FS: mask of clear seeing,crystal leggings 900k each

W:ring from naraku,good wis booties


poster: Pikkon
subject: w:
date: Sat Jan  3 07:53:10 2004

I want fig eq
maybe a skull ring


poster: Panza
subject: fs
date: Sat Jan  3 10:04:04 2004

got a thick leafy cloak fs: +5 phys_res, 7 tps, mb 1.5m


poster: Highpriest
subject: >>FS/FT to charisma EQs:
date: Sat Jan  3 12:13:45 2004

On Fri Jan  2 07:20:50 2004 Highpriest wrote post #593:
> On Tue Dec 30 08:19:46 2003 Highpriest wrote post #583:
> > Athol's emerald star (20spr/5wis/10int) [head] mb 1m
> > 
> > Mask of Clear Seeing (17spr/8wis/8int) [eye] mb 750k
> > 
> > Shining cloak of Mistweaver (14spr/8int/4unholy_res) [cloak] mb 600k
> > 
> > Rnarg's war armor (14spr/6wis/2magical_res) [torso] mb 400k
> > 
> > Silver pendant (30spr/12wis/4%pious_word) [amulet]  > according to ronan's page> mb 2.5m
> > 
> > Golden bracelet (10spr/5wis) [left arm] mb 600k
> > 
> > White glove of Raena (8spr/2wis/3%prayer_for_healing) [left hand] mb 250k
> > 
> > Clean glowing glove (12spr/2int/2unholy_res) [right hand] mb 350k
> > 
> > Smooth copper ring {x2} (6spr/6int) [finger] mb 70k each
> > 
> > Dragon Sash (16spr/8wis/7int) [belt] mb 700k
> > 
> > Steel leg plate (7spr/10wis) [left leg] mb 500k
> > 
> > Bronze leg plate (9spr/8int) [right leg]mb 600k
> > 
> > 
> > I need charisma EQs of any slots (except cloak).
> > Feel free to give me offers for the EQs.
> > Send me mudmail/tells.
> > -HP
> Athol's emerald star, Golden bracelet, Silver pendant, White glove
> of Raena, Smooth copper ring.
> These are the EQs left FT/FS.
Athol's emerald star, Silver pendant, White glove of Raena.
Only these are left.

Adding another EQs (FS/FT):
Teel silken slippers (no stats)
Special : This item seems to be made from spider-silk from the
children of Lloth herself! It seems to be a somewhat weak mana sink,
sucking mana from all hostile to the wearer. It seems to grant some
of Lloth's knowledge of magic to the wearer, enabling them to cast a
good bit more quickly. The cloth may occasionally call Lloth's
children to aid the wearer a very little.
(No stats)



poster: Highpriest
subject: >>>FS/FT to charisma EQs:
date: Sat Jan  3 12:15:27 2004

On Sat Jan  3 12:13:45 2004 Highpriest wrote post #604:
> On Fri Jan  2 07:20:50 2004 Highpriest wrote post #593:
> > On Tue Dec 30 08:19:46 2003 Highpriest wrote post #583:
> > > Athol's emerald star (20spr/5wis/10int) [head] mb 1m
> > > 
> > > Mask of Clear Seeing (17spr/8wis/8int) [eye] mb 750k
> > > 
> > > Shining cloak of Mistweaver (14spr/8int/4unholy_res) [cloak] mb 600k
> > > 
> > > Rnarg's war armor (14spr/6wis/2magical_res) [torso] mb 400k
> > > 
> > > Silver pendant (30spr/12wis/4%pious_word) [amulet]  > > according to ronan's page> mb 2.5m
> > > 
> > > Golden bracelet (10spr/5wis) [left arm] mb 600k
> > > 
> > > White glove of Raena (8spr/2wis/3%prayer_for_healing) [left hand] mb
> > > 
> > > Clean glowing glove (12spr/2int/2unholy_res) [right hand] mb 350k
> > > 
> > > Smooth copper ring {x2} (6spr/6int) [finger] mb 70k each
> > > 
> > > Dragon Sash (16spr/8wis/7int) [belt] mb 700k
> > > 
> > > Steel leg plate (7spr/10wis) [left leg] mb 500k
> > > 
> > > Bronze leg plate (9spr/8int) [right leg]mb 600k
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I need charisma EQs of any slots (except cloak).
> > > Feel free to give me offers for the EQs.
> > > Send me mudmail/tells.
> > > -HP
> > Athol's emerald star, Golden bracelet, Silver pendant, White glove
> > of Raena, Smooth copper ring.
> > These are the EQs left FT/FS.
> Athol's emerald star, Silver pendant, White glove of Raena.
> Only these are left.
> Adding another EQs (FS/FT):
> Teel silken slippers (no stats)
> Special : This item seems to be made from spider-silk from the
> children of Lloth herself! It seems to be a somewhat weak mana sink,
> sucking mana from all hostile to the wearer. It seems to grant some
> of Lloth's knowledge of magic to the wearer, enabling them to cast a
> good bit more quickly. The cloth may occasionally call Lloth's
> children to aid the wearer a very little.
> (No stats)
> -HP
Sorry, I forgot to say that I'm taking bids for the slippers.


poster: Draco
subject: >W
date: Sat Jan  3 15:47:08 2004

On Thu Jan  1 10:53:58 2004 Griffy wrote post #586:
> need a globe of darkness. .. im poor :)
btw griffy, i dont know if you know this or not, but it is very
economically cheaper to just buy 3 dark cloaks of the drow, set a
command to equip your good cloak first then equip everything else
though so they dont get in the way


poster: Siffar
subject: ft int to wis stuff
date: Sun Jan  4 16:33:16 2004

Boots of the demon                
Bleached out Bracelet of Bones 
Amulet of Shihuang   
Crystal Leggings    
Purple belt   
Pearl of Power   
Blackmon's Cloak   
Golden bracelet 
Mask of Clear Seeing 
Amulet of Ultravision    
Leg Bone   
Clean glowing glove 
Ring of Perfection        


poster: Energystar
subject: w:
date: Mon Jan  5 16:03:20 2004

looking for glove of energy and black leather bracer
have gold and maybe some stuff to trade


poster: Myrddin
subject: EQ wanted
date: Tue Jan  6 11:15:35 2004

I want a full top slot healer set. I have ALOT of gold and some eq to trade. 
Please see my plan for specifics.


poster: Moridin
subject: >EQ wanted
date: Tue Jan  6 13:12:09 2004

no you do not, you have A LOT of gold.


poster: Rockman
subject: w
date: Tue Jan  6 15:57:39 2004

i need a wis type ammy or belt.


poster: Moridin
subject: FS Olathurl Phlith
date: Tue Jan  6 22:31:09 2004

gots me a phlith for sale, mudmail me if you are interested (with
gold/item offer)


poster: Charity
subject: dsell book
date: Wed Jan  7 00:03:57 2004

I would like to buy a dsell book please
I would like to buy a dsell book please


poster: Uno
subject: liquidation sale
date: Wed Jan  7 00:30:52 2004

hi, I'm liquidating my crap-ass old fig set:

Circlet of Brutality (+22 epr, +15 con, +8 hpr, +3 phys res): 1.5m
or best offer

Cloak of Ashes (+16 con, +5 phys res, +3 stun res): 3m or best offer

Eye of Dragon (+18 con, +8 str, +5 phys res, + infravision, +press
amulet zappy special): 4m or best offer

Scaled Armshield (+16 con, +10 dex, +cold res, +2 weapon parry):
1.5m or best offer

Studded Armshield (+10 con, +phys res, +2 shield parry): 1.5m or best offer

Armshields available as a set for 2m or best offer

Mythinite Gauntlets (+18 str, +10 dex, +3 dmg): 4m or best offer

2 Rings of Order (+8 str, +15 con, +25 hpr, +1 avoid hits): 3m/per
or 5m for the pair

Left & Right War Greave (Left is +15 dex, +6 str/sta - Right is +15
con, +6 dex/str): 3m/per or 5m for the pair

Black Iron Gauntlets (+9 str, +1 phys res): 1.5m/per or 2m for the pair


poster: ligea (Web)
subject: wanted
date: Wed Jan  7 05:06:43 2004

wanted things:

Dragonscale boots

Gold and turquiose eqs (not sceptre)

spider silks

Blue slipper

fs things:

Necklace of the gods

Onyx ring


poster: Quillz
subject: FS
date: Wed Jan  7 19:59:05 2004

Dark Green Scale: 15 con, +3 shield parry, +3 shield deflect. 
Claddah Ring: +19 spr, +15 int, +15 wis, +5 epr      mb 3m
mb on shield I guess is 1m. 
Got a ton of eje sac eq, too. 


poster: athena (Web)
subject: Staff of Death
date: Wed Jan  7 21:32:39 2004

FS...Staff of Death..30 spregen..+10 wis..+5 to death

5tps sac...3mil mb

Send me mudmail or a tell if I'm on.



poster: Mikkiz
subject: stuff fs
date: Thu Jan  8 16:19:07 2004

  ok, selling some stuff i have lying in my safes.
  been collecting bids on these already but will
  take bids till 20:00 rltime today and then sell

  Fleshy armshield of Naraku - no bids
  Onyx ring - no bids
  Breastplate of Darkness - 3M bid
  a heart-shaped locket - 5.5M bid
  Thin leather belt - 5M bid
  Ring of white gold - 6.5M bid
  Gold and Amber Glasses of Shen Seng - no bids

  and i have been offered 10M + Steel-toed boots
  and Emperor Shihuang Robe for both, rowg and belt.
  i prefer gold so if you need this crap, tell me.

  - Mikkiz


poster: Kasma
subject: omg lol blowout
date: Fri Jan  9 01:36:25 2004

  Staff of healing
  Long red robes
  Twisted gloves of Kraag
  Wizards pointed hat
  Bronze battle harness
  Royal Guard chainmail
  Right Foot of a Deer
  Rod of Lightning
  Stylish pair of spectacles
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder' (open)
The safe contains:
  a sharp sword
  Carebear Smiley Pendant
  Cloak of the Stars
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder3' (open)
The safe contains:
  a white cloak
  Staff of Protection
  Really Wicked Witch Robe
  Lightning Spear of Illumination
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder4' (open)
The safe contains:
  Right foot of an alien
  Round steel shield
  Black leggings of scorched metal
  Grey woolen cloak
  Darian the destroyer
  Ash's Sword
  Eye of the Tiger
  Yellow Blob boots
  Lion Tooth Necklace
  Athol's green robe
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder5' (open)
The safe contains:
  Staff of Protection
  Feathered hair piece
  Silk garters
  Dragon Skin Suit
  Right Greave of Desi
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder6' (open)
The safe contains:
  Gauntlets of the Hound
  Magical Wand
  Emerald boots of Vorysis
  Fiery breastplate
  Dragon scale leg plates
  Pair of jetblack sunglasses
  Darian the destroyer
  Anubian Deathmask
  Wizards pointed hat
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder7' (open)
The safe contains:
  a crystal triangle
mail me with or catch me online with bid


poster: Grasfer
subject: Naraku Helmut!!!
date: Fri Jan  9 10:34:51 2004

Omg i Need a naraku helmut!! omg, feed me tad helmet, or i will do the 'wah

Mail me hump me bump me whatever, sell sell slel, HELMUT!!!


poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: Caster eqs fs:
date: Fri Jan  9 17:10:13 2004

Robe of Demonhide +12 spr, +18 wis, +fire_res, +2 tps

Emerald boots of Vorysis +6 spr, +6 int

And maybe a Staff of Alton +16 spr, +12 int, +3 lightning evocation, +3 tps

That last depends on if Athy is going to reconnect sometime and sell me a new one...

Mudmail/Tell me for bids etc

//Sanvaldor Has Just Left The Building...


poster: Uno
subject: stella
date: Fri Jan  9 18:24:37 2004

I still have the following for sale:

Cloak of Ashes: 3m or best offer
Mythinite Gauntlets: 4m or best offer
Rings of Order: 3m each or 5m for the pair
Eye of Dragon: 4m or best offer


poster: Uno
subject: ohhhh also
date: Fri Jan  9 18:51:52 2004

Also have dragon eyes for sale: 2m or best offer


poster: Jsardy
subject: wanted
date: Sat Jan 10 00:28:13 2004

looking for abjurer type eqs, got about 5m gold to spend
newbie and lowbie stuff ok


poster: Pikkon
subject: fs
date: Sat Jan 10 00:41:31 2004

fs: magical wand +8 int and +8 spr make offer


poster: Charity
subject: dsell book
date: Sun Jan 11 05:36:46 2004

HI, I would like to buy a dsell book please.


poster: Rockman
subject: wanted
date: Sun Jan 11 17:51:50 2004

i want a pink slipper, or possibly red strappy heels if i cant get the slipper


poster: Seth
subject: pink slipper
date: Sun Jan 11 23:13:40 2004

got one fs .. mail me with bids


poster: Tzikas
subject: Ammy of Dessication
date: Sun Jan 11 23:15:31 2004

Got one for sale (or trade to certain int items)
mail me offers


poster: Ronan
subject: Feed Me
date: Tue Jan 13 07:23:56 2004

Shining Silver Cross, kama, Veng Rings, in that order thx
got Black Leather Shirt fs/ft +15 sta, +25 con, +3% attack, +5% resist pain


poster: evicta (Web)
subject: wanted
date: Tue Jan 13 12:35:44 2004

i want a woo mask.. plz sell me

if you got one fs catch me online or mail me



poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: Give it to me baby!
date: Tue Jan 13 16:28:31 2004


Ring of Lavos +15 spr, +10 int, +3%, 2 tps -> 1.1M

Dark green scale +15 con +3% shield parry/deflect, 3 tps -> 500k

maybe 2 ring of lavos fs (if i can get a better healerring)


Wis ring

Wis left arm eq

Mudmail/tell etc.



poster: holyman (Web)
subject: eqs fs:
date: Wed Jan 14 06:55:38 2004

velvet collar mb 7m

mask of clear seeing 600k

darkwhip 4m  

if ya want any of em takin bids and such for a day or two prolly also if anyone has a naraku ring ft: i would be interested in making a deal 


poster: Rockman
subject: fs
date: Wed Jan 14 07:10:50 2004

armbands of mist and glasses of truesight, mail me with offers.


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: fix last fs post
date: Wed Jan 14 18:21:20 2004

ok mask and whip are sold, im sorry im bad at eq pricing but under counsil and stuff i am lowering the collar mb to 4m sorry about the pricing 


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: ring wanted
date: Thu Jan 15 03:31:46 2004

w: naraku's ring offering 8m gold


poster: sanvaldor (Web)
subject: Stuff
date: Thu Jan 15 16:01:32 2004

fs: dark green scale +15 con +3% shield parry/deflect, 3 tps, -> 500k

w: wis/spr eq on Left arm and Left finger slot.

Mail/tell me ideas etc



poster: Siffar
subject: ft int to wis eq
date: Thu Jan 15 20:29:09 2004

...have some eq i would like to trade to wis stuff...
1)  Ceremonial robe (worn)
(1)  Torturer's thumb screws (kept)
(1)  Ring of Chaos (kept) (worn)
(1)  Boots of the demon (kept) (worn)
(1)  Bleached out Bracelet of Bones (kept) (worn)
(1)  Amulet of Shihuang (kept) (worn)
(1)  Crystal Leggings (kept) (worn)
(1)  Purple belt (kept) (worn)
(1)  Pearl of Power (kept) (worn)
(1)  Blackmon's Cloak (kept) (worn)
(1)  Golden bracelet (kept) (worn)
(1)  Mask of Clear Seeing (kept) (worn)
(1)  Amulet of Ultravision (kept) (worn)
(1)  Leg Bone (kept) (worn)
(1)  Clean glowing glove (kept) (worn)
(1)  Studded Leather Armor (kept)
(1)  Ring of Perfection (kept) (worn)
(1)  Spellbook covered with runes (kept)


poster: Pikkon
subject: fs/ft
date: Fri Jan 16 01:52:31 2004

talisman of zarath and suit of synchronicity, both fig eq
mail with bids or queries


poster: salamandra (Web)
subject: WANTED!
date: Fri Jan 16 03:36:58 2004

Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, 

sell me a Damien the Protector!!??



poster: Moose
subject: Eloo
date: Fri Jan 16 05:06:38 2004

As usuall. I want wis stuff.. Contact me.
call me at 555-4376683 


poster: Litho
subject: Wanted..
date: Fri Jan 16 11:32:35 2004

Looking for 2 Apoc staves, mask of anguish, mask of beins, red
strappy dress, top int arms, quickener, glove of energy, blue fluffy
Have some tp sac eq, gold..Mail/send me a tell


poster: evicta (Web)
subject: Wanted
date: Fri Jan 16 15:37:51 2004

i wanna buy an ogre helmet.. if you got one fs then catch me online or mail me



poster: Kalma
subject: Wanted ^o-o^
date: Fri Jan 16 16:30:11 2004

I would like to purchase the following items. Please let 
me know if you have them to sell and how cheap you want 
to sell them. 

Amulet of Fear
White Scale Gauntlet
Ring of White Gold
Red Strappy Heels. 

Please be kind, be cheap, and be for sale. 



poster: Ronan
subject: Wanted
date: Fri Jan 16 16:53:33 2004

Still Want Shining Silver Cross, maybe a kama and veng ring too but
cross is needed
Got Black Leather shirt fs/ft +15 sta, +25 con, +3% attack, +5%
resist pain +tps
ps I need other tp items too
not on my list


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: wanted
date: Sat Jan 17 01:28:27 2004

ok still looking for naraku ring offering 8m for one

also looking for pink slipper,witch's stocking,and harmer weapons including a rainstaff or maby a staff of death


poster: Dizkantir
subject: wanted
date: Sun Jan 18 00:01:07 2004

in need of a ring of chaos, an apocalypse staff, and umm... some
leggings[something better than crystal leggings.]
mudmail me or catch me online sometime.
rah. yes.
-dizkantir, village idiot.


poster: Roxer
subject: w
date: Sun Jan 18 01:12:09 2004

I wanna buy some top int equips
have some wis eq ft
mess/mail me if u have any int eq... like top or next top


poster: nevyn (Web)
subject: Wanted:
date: Sun Jan 18 22:26:29 2004

W: Rainstaff, staff of death, hag eye.

I got Gold and turqouise ibis-headed sceptre and bone dagger FT to the weapons, could add a little gold to even out.

Got some minor tp sacc stuff fs (charging 250k per tp): Cap of visions 3 tps, giant maul 2 tps.

For the poor newbie i can give away the following:

Pipe, Twisted gloves of kraag, Avenger axe. (Will only give you if eq matches your guild tho, don't be greedy)

Over and out, have a nice day


poster: Roirraw
subject: w:spr eq
date: Sun Jan 18 23:08:08 2004

looking for spr eq most slots got 1mil to spend


poster: Rambo
subject: Wanted
date: Mon Jan 19 09:26:42 2004

W: Dark Ring of Nosferatu

mail me if you got one, and your mb's on it.


poster: Moose
subject: FS
date: Mon Jan 19 14:16:22 2004

erk.. hold on

fs: Quitaklia mb 3M gloves of the blackguard mb 2.5M


poster: Eomer
subject: fs!
date: Mon Jan 19 15:23:44 2004

fluffy hospital slippers, 750k
scarab of life, 1.25m
skullcracker, 50k
claw of a roc, 100k
ashs sword, 10k
mudmail me or catch me online if you are interested in any of that
ill also trade for ghazi armguard and a bone dagger


poster: Chrono
subject: skanks
date: Tue Jan 20 17:05:41 2004

hi, i need ghostly training collars, help me bye


poster: Tantrum
subject: FS/FT + W
date: Wed Jan 21 03:33:23 2004

Mythinite mace 3M
War Hammer of Rage 5M
Desert Sabre make a bid

Golem Greaves.
Necklace of Evil
some nice woodsybelt.

plz mail me with bids/trade offers, or catch me online.


poster: Rancor
subject: stuff
date: Wed Jan 21 07:50:38 2004

yeah here is a list sort it out yerself as I am not going to post it
in a non messy format

 Fiborus wooden glove 3m, Necklace of evil 4m, Golden silken hat, 2x
Ring with a red glowing skull 5m each, Shield of reflection 4m, Holy
Stake *bid*, scaled armshield 2m, 2x WhoR 4m each, Tia plate 8m,
Steel toed boots 3m, Cloak of ashes 4m, Studded Armshield 2m, Frost
Pike 5m, Ghost sword 1.5m, Simple harp 2m, 2x RHLS 2m each, Mithril
plate greaves 5m, Orbdrin 4m,2x Vengence Rings 1.5m each, Velvett
Collar 5m, Red dragonskin Boots 3m, Mythinite gauntlets 2m, Dark
Cloak 4m, Twisted Bracer of the rogue 2.5m, Fleshy armshield of
naraku 5m, Black zapa girdle 3m, Fiborus Bark glove 3m, Amulet of
Destruction 5m, 2x TMR's 6m each, Stone gauntlet 800k.

yeah all that 
Bid as you may Will sell things when I decide,  all for trade to top
caster(wis mostly) but am accepting int top as well.

Prices may vary,  subject to availability in your area,  Void where
prohibited, only serious things bids,trades will be accepted.


p.s. do the standard mail/tell thing


poster: Quillz
subject: >stuff
date: Wed Jan 21 18:18:06 2004

On Wed Jan 21 07:50:38 2004 Rancor wrote post #658:
> yeah here is a list sort it out yerself as I am not going to post it
> in a non messy format
>  Fiborus wooden glove 3m, Necklace of evil 4m, Golden silken hat, 2x
> Ring with a red glowing skull 5m each, Shield of reflection 4m, Holy
> Stake *bid*, scaled armshield 2m, 2x WhoR 4m each, Tia plate 8m,
> Steel toed boots 3m, Cloak of ashes 4m, Studded Armshield 2m, Frost
> Pike 5m, Ghost sword 1.5m, Simple harp 2m, 2x RHLS 2m each, Mithril
> plate greaves 5m, Orbdrin 4m,2x Vengence Rings 1.5m each, Velvett
> Collar 5m, Red dragonskin Boots 3m, Mythinite gauntlets 2m, Dark
> Cloak 4m, Twisted Bracer of the rogue 2.5m, Fleshy armshield of
> naraku 5m, Black zapa girdle 3m, Fiborus Bark glove 3m, Amulet of
> Destruction 5m, 2x TMR's 6m each, Stone gauntlet 800k.
> yeah all that 
> Bid as you may Will sell things when I decide,  all for trade to top
> caster(wis mostly) but am accepting int top as well.
> Prices may vary,  subject to availability in your area,  Void where
> prohibited, only serious things bids,trades will be accepted.
> Rancor
> p.s. do the standard mail/tell thing
void where prohibited

do I get the roomate discount?
(no not in a gay way E*)
(and not in a homo way skitzo)


poster: Skitzo
subject: >>stuff
date: Wed Jan 21 19:24:29 2004

On Wed Jan 21 18:18:06 2004 Quillz wrote post #659:
> > 
> > p.s. do the standard mail/tell thing
> lol
> void where prohibited
> hahaha
> ps
> do I get the roomate discount?
> (no not in a gay way E*)
> (and not in a homo way skitzo)

I thought you had different rooms?  Or does he keep you in the
closet until you are needed?



poster: Tantrum
subject: >FS/FT + W
date: Thu Jan 22 02:43:10 2004

sorry bout that peeps. the greaves/necklace/belt are wanted. not fs/ft.


poster: Moose
subject: Posing
date: Thu Jan 22 09:51:38 2004

 Grey Leather Bracer               | +10 spr, +18 wis, +2% high
priest rites  (mb 3M)
 Staff of Death                    | +30 spr, +10 wis, +5% death    
         (mb 3.4M)                                
 Gloves of the Blackguard          | +3con +15spr +18wis
+3%dedication        (mb 2.4M)                              



poster: Moose
subject: I want..
date: Fri Jan 23 23:24:52 2004

Pink slipper... Contact me plz.


poster: Moose
subject: FS
date: Mon Jan 26 10:09:42 2004

  Solan's Breastplate
  Dark gloves of Nosferatu
  Grey leather bracer
  Glasses of Truesight
  Serpent Shield
  Giant maul


poster: holyman (Web)
subject: w:
date: Tue Jan 27 02:23:04 2004

ok I'm looking for the following:

ROWG,dsell book,witch's stocking,pink slipper,rainstaff. if ya have em fs lemme know thanks


poster: Modred
subject: w:
date: Tue Jan 27 02:35:53 2004

Mithril Breastplate of Tiamat

mudmail/tell if you have one for sale.


poster: Helphyre
subject: Stuff fs: 
date: Tue Jan 27 04:06:29 2004

-Black gloves of sight ({HD,F} +3 dex, +2% doublehit, +infra)  mb
10k,  --Dark green scale (+15 con +3% shield parry/deflect) 3tps mb
1m, --Stone Gauntlet (+5 str, +15 dex, +1mag_res) 2tps mb 800k
--Onyx Ring (+26 str, +12 hpr, +infra) mb 2m, --4-headed snake whip
(poison damage, wc ~31, +9 dex, +1 lightning whip) mb 300k,
--Darkblade (2) (+2 str, +3 con, WC ~23) 5k a piece, --Ash's Sword
(+10 str, +4 dex) mb 10k,        

--- mail me if you want it... and on friday i will bid it off... if
not next day i sac whats left


poster: Siffar
subject: fs
date: Tue Jan 27 15:58:24 2004

studded leather armor, spr 20, int 8, nof 5, elders 5
make a bid...
5 tps iirc


poster: Moose
subject: FS
date: Tue Jan 27 23:48:44 2004

Got this crap stuff. I need to sell it all.. Or possible to trade it
so good wis.

  Eagle Amulet
Dark leather boots
Red dragonskin boots
Spellbook covered with runes
Grey leather bracer
Glasses of Truesight
Serpent Shield
Solan's Breastplate
Dark gloves of Nosferatu
Stylish pair of spectacles



poster: Dojjan
subject: FS!!
date: Thu Jan 29 13:38:11 2004

I got a Claddah Ring for sale.. mb is 2.5M
Mail me or catch me online if u want to buy it!


poster: Bajumbo
subject: FS
date: Sun Feb  1 07:04:51 2004


     Sorry for my last two posts.  I'm sucha n00b at this...

     *Hope this time it works*

So same drill if ur interested go for it...

Demented Amulet            
	|+10 spr, +8 int                                     250k

Eye of Lavos               
	|+10 epr, +8 dex, +5 fire res                  2 tps 500k

Horned Skull               
	|+14 str, +8 con, +3% bladed fury              2 tps 500k

Ring of Lavos              
	|+15 spr, +10 int, +3% qc                      2 tps   1m

Dragon Skull               
	|+15 con, +10 dex, +3 str, +3 dragonfist             500k

Bloody ring of Nosferatu   
	|+12 dex, +3 dmg, +10 ep_regen +5% triple stab 7 tps 2.5m

Onyx Movado Leggings       
	|+12 spr, +8 int                               1 tps 750k

Yellow Blob Boots (old)    
	|+5% Attack                                           50k

Emerald Bracers of Vorysis 
	|+10 spr, +5 wis                                     200k

Red Priest's Helm          
	|+5 dex, +avg fire_res                         1 tp   50k

Icey Bo Stick              
	|+3 dex, +cold dmg                                    20k

Grisly crown of human flesh
	|+3int                                                20k

Quark's Demonhide          
	|+10 spr, +5 int                                     100k

Crystal Leggings           
	|+12 spr, +12 int, +3 hef                      2 tps   1m

Clown's Flower             
	|+12 spr, +8 wis, +15 cha                              1m

Small Onyx Cross           
	|+2 all_skills, +15 spr, +3 unholy_res         3 tps 1.5m

Belt of Shielding          
	|+11 spr, +1% protection ritual                      200k

Oak leaf                   
	|+6 spr, +6 wis                                       50k

Darkwood Staff             
	|+poi, wc 47                                          20k

Tin Crown                  
	|+3 int                                               20k

Sorry for this long post too..



poster: Bajumbo
subject: >FS
date: Sun Feb  1 07:17:07 2004

On Sun Feb  1 07:04:51 2004 Bajumbo wrote post #677:
> Hi,
>      Sorry for my last two posts.  I'm sucha n00b at this...
>      *Hope this time it works*
> So same drill if ur interested go for it...
> Demented Amulet            
> 	|+10 spr, +8 int                                     250k
> Eye of Lavos               
> 	|+10 epr, +8 dex, +5 fire res                  2 tps 500k
> Horned Skull               
> 	|+14 str, +8 con, +3% bladed fury              2 tps 500k
> Ring of Lavos              
> 	|+15 spr, +10 int, +3% qc                      2 tps   1m
> Dragon Skull               
> 	|+15 con, +10 dex, +3 str, +3 dragonfist             500k
> Bloody ring of Nosferatu   
> 	|+12 dex, +3 dmg, +10 ep_regen +5% triple stab 7 tps 2.5m
> Onyx Movado Leggings       
> 	|+12 spr, +8 int                               1 tps 750k
> Yellow Blob Boots (old)    
> 	|+5% Attack                                           50k
> Emerald Bracers of Vorysis 
> 	|+10 spr, +5 wis                                     200k
> Red Priest's Helm          
> 	|+5 dex, +avg fire_res                         1 tp   50k
> Icey Bo Stick              
> 	|+3 dex, +cold dmg                                    20k
> Grisly crown of human flesh
> 	|+3int                                                20k
> Quark's Demonhide          
> 	|+10 spr, +5 int                                     100k
> Crystal Leggings           
> 	|+12 spr, +12 int, +3 hef                      2 tps   1m
> Clown's Flower             
> 	|+12 spr, +8 wis, +15 cha                              1m
> Small Onyx Cross           
> 	|+2 all_skills, +15 spr, +3 unholy_res         3 tps 1.5m
> Belt of Shielding          
> 	|+11 spr, +1% protection ritual                      200k
> Oak leaf                   
> 	|+6 spr, +6 wis                                       50k
> Darkwood Staff             
> 	|+poi, wc 47                                          20k
> Tin Crown                  
> 	|+3 int                                               20k
> Sorry for this long post too..
> B

got a Death talisman fs too dunno the mb so just bid if ya like..

| Death Talisman   | +12 wis, +12 sp_max, +3 sta, +escape death



poster: Siffar
subject: W/FT
date: Mon Feb  2 11:55:00 2004

W: belt of mourning
FT: ring of perfection, spr 9, wis 3, int 16 to wis ring 
    (e.g. Necromancer Bone Ring) 


poster: Bajumbo
subject: >FS
date: Mon Feb  2 14:54:55 2004

On Sun Feb  1 07:04:51 2004 Bajumbo wrote post #677:
> Hi,
>      Sorry for my last two posts.  I'm sucha n00b at this...
>      *Hope this time it works*
> So same drill if ur interested go for it...
> Demented Amulet            
> 	|+10 spr, +8 int                                     250k
> Eye of Lavos               
> 	|+10 epr, +8 dex, +5 fire res                  2 tps 500k
> Horned Skull               
> 	|+14 str, +8 con, +3% bladed fury              2 tps 500k
> Ring of Lavos              
> 	|+15 spr, +10 int, +3% qc                      2 tps   1m
> Dragon Skull               
> 	|+15 con, +10 dex, +3 str, +3 dragonfist             500k
> Bloody ring of Nosferatu   
> 	|+12 dex, +3 dmg, +10 ep_regen +5% triple stab 7 tps 2.5m
> Onyx Movado Leggings       
> 	|+12 spr, +8 int                               1 tps 750k
> Yellow Blob Boots (old)    
> 	|+5% Attack                                           50k
> Emerald Bracers of Vorysis 
> 	|+10 spr, +5 wis                                     200k
> Red Priest's Helm          
> 	|+5 dex, +avg fire_res                         1 tp   50k
> Icey Bo Stick              
> 	|+3 dex, +cold dmg                                    20k
> Grisly crown of human flesh
> 	|+3int                                                20k
> Quark's Demonhide          
> 	|+10 spr, +5 int                                     100k
> Crystal Leggings           
> 	|+12 spr, +12 int, +3 hef                      2 tps   1m
> Clown's Flower             
> 	|+12 spr, +8 wis, +15 cha                              1m
> Small Onyx Cross           
> 	|+2 all_skills, +15 spr, +3 unholy_res         3 tps 1.5m
> Belt of Shielding          
> 	|+11 spr, +1% protection ritual                      200k
> Oak leaf                   
> 	|+6 spr, +6 wis                                       50k
> Darkwood Staff             
> 	|+poi, wc 47                                          20k
> Tin Crown                  
> 	|+3 int                                               20k
> Sorry for this long post too..
> B


Spammy me again...

Oak leaf, Small Onyx Cross, Quark's Demonhide, Death Talisman already sold...



poster: Bajumbo
subject: >>FS
date: Mon Feb  2 16:49:15 2004

On Mon Feb  2 14:54:55 2004 Bajumbo wrote post #683:
> On Sun Feb  1 07:04:51 2004 Bajumbo wrote post #677:
> > Hi,
> > 
> >      Sorry for my last two posts.  I'm sucha n00b at this...
> > 
> >      *Hope this time it works*
> > 
> > So same drill if ur interested go for it...
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Demented Amulet            
> > 	|+10 spr, +8 int                                     250k
> > 
> > Eye of Lavos               
> > 	|+10 epr, +8 dex, +5 fire res                  2 tps 500k
> > 
> > Horned Skull               
> > 	|+14 str, +8 con, +3% bladed fury              2 tps 500k
> > 
> > Ring of Lavos              
> > 	|+15 spr, +10 int, +3% qc                      2 tps   1m
> > 
> > Dragon Skull               
> > 	|+15 con, +10 dex, +3 str, +3 dragonfist             500k
> > 
> > Bloody ring of Nosferatu   
> > 	|+12 dex, +3 dmg, +10 ep_regen +5% triple stab 7 tps 2.5m
> > 
> > Onyx Movado Leggings       
> > 	|+12 spr, +8 int                               1 tps 750k
> > 
> > Yellow Blob Boots (old)    
> > 	|+5% Attack                                           50k
> > 
> > Emerald Bracers of Vorysis 
> > 	|+10 spr, +5 wis                                     200k
> > 
> > Red Priest's Helm          
> > 	|+5 dex, +avg fire_res                         1 tp   50k
> > 
> > Icey Bo Stick              
> > 	|+3 dex, +cold dmg                                    20k
> > 
> > Grisly crown of human flesh
> > 	|+3int                                                20k
> > 
> > Quark's Demonhide          
> > 	|+10 spr, +5 int                                     100k
> > 
> > Crystal Leggings           
> > 	|+12 spr, +12 int, +3 hef                      2 tps   1m
> > 
> > Clown's Flower             
> > 	|+12 spr, +8 wis, +15 cha                              1m
> > 
> > Small Onyx Cross           
> > 	|+2 all_skills, +15 spr, +3 unholy_res         3 tps 1.5m
> > 
> > Belt of Shielding          
> > 	|+11 spr, +1% protection ritual                      200k
> > 
> > Oak leaf                   
> > 	|+6 spr, +6 wis                                       50k
> > 
> > Darkwood Staff             
> > 	|+poi, wc 47                                          20k
> > 
> > Tin Crown                  
> > 	|+3 int                                               20k
> > 
> > Sorry for this long post too..
> > 
> > B
> > 
> Hi,
> Spammy me again...
> Oak leaf, Small Onyx Cross, Quark's Demonhide, Death Talisman already
> B


Emerald Bracers of Vorysis, Grisly crown of human flesh sold already

Clown's Flower(reserved)



poster: Draco
subject: bajumbo's sales stuff
date: Mon Feb  2 16:52:09 2004

just a quick request, if you are goign to update your list
repeatedly, take advantage of trimming so it doesnt become so spammy
please, just a request, but makes for a smoother reading.


poster: Quillz
subject: >>>FS
date: Mon Feb  2 18:39:51 2004

dont quote the followup - just post again


poster: sirc (Web)
subject: w:
date: Mon Feb  2 22:06:57 2004

i would like 2x fig weapons, +str/dex things...



poster: Seth
subject: FS
date: Tue Feb  3 03:58:09 2004

got a spiked leather armband fs .. 16 str, +1 dmg .. mb is 5m


poster: Dojjan
subject: WIS EQ FS!
date: Tue Feb  3 10:20:13 2004

I'm gonna sell my wis eq pieces tonight at 7-8pm mud/rl time
Until then i will take bids on those pieces that i sell.. Just mail
me(no tells since i might only be here and idle)
dojjprot PFTC DOWN on Tatra
The things i have is: 
2x holy staffs
2x rowgs
Thin leather belt
Ammy of fear
Green flowing dress 
Tia armshields
do 9 n;11 e;passage;4 e;ne;3 n;path;13 n;14 ne eye
Blue mitten
Dark nos cloak
I have no mb.. just mail me decent bids!


poster: Dojjan
subject: >WIS EQ FS!
date: Tue Feb  3 10:21:28 2004

the thing with numbers and shit is ment to be: Glass eye of hag


poster: Ztaffan
subject: for sale
date: Tue Feb  3 16:33:40 2004

[ enormous snowy white coral ]: Taken.
[ Featureless mask ]: Taken.
[ Ring with a glowing diamond ]: Taken.
[ DarkBlade ]: Taken.
[ Ebony Wand of Purifying Drizzle ]: Taken.
[ Bronze Wand of Guild Portal ]: Taken.
[ Belt of Shielding ]: Taken.
[ Bronze Wand of Guild Portal ]: Taken.
[ Cloak of ashes ]: Taken.
[ Wooden throwing dagger ]: Taken.
[ Glasses of Truesight ]: Taken.
[ Black belt of Kraag ]: Taken.
[ Yellow Blob boots ]: Taken.
[ Twisted gloves of Kraag ]: Taken.
[ Black gloves of sight ]: Taken.
[ Tattered Old Pants ]: Taken.
[ Long strand of Spidranox webbing ]: Taken.
[ Riveted shoulder pads ]: Taken.
[ Elven Boots ]: Taken.
[ Green Jade wand of Immolate ]: Taken.
[ Cloak of the Magi ]: Taken.
[ Kukul ]: Taken.
[ key ]: Taken.
[ Black gloves of sight ]: Taken.
[ Training Whip ]: Taken.
[ Huge mithril hammer ]: Taken.
[ Spiked Gloves ]: Taken.
[ Red Priest's Helm ]: Taken.
[ Sword of Hiessch'grend ]: Taken.
[ Snake Phang ]: Taken.
[ Skullcracker ]: Taken.
[ Giant maul ]: Taken.
[ Glimmering shield ]: There isn't enough room.

[ Black Hammer ]: There isn't enough room.

for sale that..
give me BIDS.. dont ask for mbs..
WIll eje sac it in about 1h


poster: Moose
subject: Wanted
date: Tue Feb  3 20:22:30 2004

White Scale Gauntlet              
Death Talisman                    
Pink Slipper
Apocalypse Staff
Black Leather Bracer              

Keep this in mind..



poster: Jsardy
subject: wanted
date: Tue Feb  3 21:25:24 2004

sales w:(firelord breastplate or breastplate of wailing souls),
(mithril plate greaves or simple white pants or left+right war
greaves), (black leather gloves or gloves of domination or golden
gauntlets or sticky green glove+necromancers glove), (brown studded
bracers or studded armshields + either blood pressure cuff or scaled


poster: Helphyre
subject: FS
date: Tue Feb  3 22:10:38 2004

sales fs:  --4-headed snake whip (2) (poison damage, wc ~31, +9 dex,
+1 lightning whip) mb 200k, --Darkblade (2) (+2 str, +3 con, WC ~23)
5k a piece, --Ash's Sword (+10 str, +4 dex) mb 10k,;sales fs:
--Cloak of the Ages (+30 spr, +20 int, +4% mastery of evocation)
7tps mb 3.5m, --Black Snake Belt (+20 spr, +15 int, +8 wis, +3%
casting efficiency) mb 3m, --Velvet Collar +23 dex/str, +8 epr, +6%
slashing braches 5tps mb 3m, Green Flowing Dress (Green Flowing
Dress (+15 spr, +30 wis, +3% pious words) mb 4.5m, --Crystal Wings
+(15 spr, +15 wis, +5% heal) mb 1.5m   

Mail me if you want anything listed.


poster: daeva (Web)
subject: W:blunt
date: Tue Feb  3 22:29:54 2004

W: Two blunt weapons to wear as a minotaur, have about 1meg gold availeble.

send me a tell


poster: Slayn
subject: w fig stuffs
date: Wed Feb  4 00:15:05 2004

w: a mixture of tank/dmg stuffs not really sure what i want
sent me mbs and stuffs and i`ll decide. im aiming at topish
umm can get gold pretty quickly 
ummm tired
already got phlith
oh yeah got black scalemail and ropers hand fs/ft too
mail mbs and stuff


poster: Shoma
subject: fs
date: Wed Feb  4 00:37:46 2004

steel handled mop 500k, send tells,mail


poster: Helphyre
subject: Update
date: Wed Feb  4 02:40:58 2004

Crysta wings are gone and 3.5m has been bid on cloak of the ages.


poster: Lizzie
subject: wanted
date: Wed Feb  4 06:56:27 2004

i'm looking for a fig weapon. i've got about 2.2m to spend. doesn't
matter which kind of weapon it is.
mail me if you have something


poster: Charity
subject: wanted
date: Wed Feb  4 08:11:35 2004

w: dsell book please


poster: Helphyre
subject: What's Left
date: Wed Feb  4 22:55:11 2004

For Sale:  --4-headed snake whip (2) (poison damage, wc ~31, +9 dex,
+1 lightning whip) mb 150k, --Darkblade (2) (+2 str, +3 con, WC ~23)
5k a piece, --Ash's Sword (+10 str, +4 dex) mb 10k,  --Black Snake
Belt (+20 spr, +15 int, +8 wis, +3% casting efficiency) mb 3m,
--Green Flowing Dress (+15 spr, +30 wis, +3% pious words) mb 4.5m, 
sales W: abj/healer  legs, eyes, finger, & belt  Harp of



poster: Helphyre
subject: Correction
date: Wed Feb  4 23:03:56 2004

Black snake belt has the following stats(just Id'd) +25 spr, +16
int, +9 sp_max, +3% casting efficiency


poster: Pikkon
subject: FS/FT to MA equipment
date: Thu Feb  5 05:44:06 2004

talisman of zarath 100k
suit of synchronicity 200k
fiery breastplate 20k
white wristband 100k
magic wand 80k
mithril leggings 20k
sword of hiessch' grend 40k
Solan's whip, make offer
yippee skippy


poster: Pikkon
subject: me junk
date: Thu Feb  5 05:50:51 2004

oh yeah, and my stuff is in my chest in my buddie's castle, so I
don't know how the new systemy thing's gonna work, but I might not
be able to access it soon


poster: Lu
subject: >me junk
date: Thu Feb  5 09:01:03 2004

On Thu Feb  5 05:50:51 2004 Pikkon wrote post #704:
> oh yeah, and my stuff is in my chest in my buddie's castle, so I
> don't know how the new systemy thing's gonna work, but I might not
> be able to access it soon
buy your own castle?! *gasp*


poster: darnyte (Web)
subject: Wanted
date: Thu Feb  5 12:16:22 2004

SpellBook of create nav stone and or Wolfhide bag. Would prefer the spellbook over bag but will take either..


poster: Zord
subject: w:
date: Thu Feb  5 18:01:22 2004

i am looking for eq for healer slots robes(that exists, right?),
legs, feet, fingers, and a weapon
mail me


poster: Tantrum
subject: WANTED
date: Fri Feb  6 03:54:01 2004

Hi. Someone plz sell me golem greaves and dark cloak.
i have gold and black chain stained with blood to trade.


poster: Kaos
subject: wis stuff
date: Fri Feb  6 09:36:05 2004

  Leather Armshields of Tiamat
  Simple wool skirt
  Witch's stocking
  Ring of white gold
  2 Bone Daggers
  Belt of mourning
  Dark gloves of Nosferatu
  Gold-rimmed glasses
  Green Flowing Dress

mb somewhere around 4m a piece


poster: Siffar
subject: ft to wis eq
date: Fri Feb  6 14:24:01 2004

ring of perfection, spr 9, wis 3, int 16 
boots of the demon, int 20, spr 12, wis 6


poster: Kaos
subject: >wis stuff
date: Fri Feb  6 15:23:36 2004

On Fri Feb  6 09:36:05 2004 Kaos wrote post #709:
>   Leather Armshields of Tiamat
>   Simple wool skirt
>   Witch's stocking
>   Ring of white gold
>   2 Bone Daggers
>   Belt of mourning
>   Dark gloves of Nosferatu
>   Gold-rimmed glasses
>   Green Flowing Dress
> mb somewhere around 4m a piece
stocking and cloak gone, have 4m offer on rowg and gloves


poster: Panza
subject: w:
date: Sat Feb  7 15:19:33 2004

looking for int right hand slot, thanks


poster: Dizkantir
subject: wanted
date: Sat Feb  7 20:33:10 2004

w:rainstaff or staff of death, baboonskin cloak, simple wool skirt,
ring of chaos[or better.]
mail me or catch me online if you're selling any of these, or
similar pieces[like next best to baoonskin cloak, etc.]


poster: Shoma
subject: wanted
date: Sun Feb  8 07:47:45 2004

if anyone has bronze and steel leg plates id like to buy it off 'em,
send tells/mail


poster: Panza
subject: fs:
date: Sun Feb  8 09:43:44 2004

folloing is fs:
add a 'w' i can't spell
Boots of Lavos: 12 con, 10 str, 5 attack
Gloves of the Blackguard: +3 con, +15 spr, +18 wis, +3% dedication
Runed Mithril Armbands: +16 sta, +16 dex, +12 epr, +1% honor of the gods

make bids if interested


poster: Herman
subject: W
date: Sun Feb  8 13:02:30 2004

Looking for a Black Iron Gauntlet and either an Indigo Armband of
Banin or an Iron Armband of Karoz 

Mail me


poster: Tzikas
subject: For Sale (**** **** Nocolis, eheheh)
date: Sun Feb  8 19:52:19 2004

Red Strappy Dress +30 SPR +30 Int +15 Wis +12 Cha
Torso slot
7 TPs


poster: nevyn (Web)
subject: FS/W:
date: Sun Feb  8 19:55:13 2004


Dragon belt

Dark green scale

Cloak of the magi

Vambrace of Odishve

Shining silver cross

Firelord breastplate

Stone gauntlet


2x Spider adorned rings

tell or mail bids / offers 


poster: Rambo
subject: fs
date: Sun Feb  8 20:08:59 2004

Thunder Axe mb 2.5m
Dagger of Chaos mb 3m


poster: Helphyre
subject: FS and W
date: Sun Feb  8 20:39:52 2004

sales fs: --Black Snake Belt (+25 spr, +16 int, +9 sp_max, +3%
casting efficiency) mb 3m, --Green Flowing Dress (+15 spr, +30 wis,
+3% pious words) mb 4.5m, --Armor of despair (+30 spr, +12 int, +4%
peb, +2% ceb) 7tps mb 4.5m
sales W: abj/healer  legs, eyes, finger, & belt  Harp of

PS Mail me for either.


poster: Pikkon
subject: >>me junk
date: Sun Feb  8 20:41:43 2004

On Thu Feb  5 09:01:03 2004 Lu wrote post #705:
> On Thu Feb  5 05:50:51 2004 Pikkon wrote post #704:
> > oh yeah, and my stuff is in my chest in my buddie's castle, so I
> > don't know how the new systemy thing's gonna work, but I might not
> > be able to access it soon
> buy your own castle?! *gasp*
I'm poor!  *gasp*


poster: Moridin
subject: FS, FT and W
date: Mon Feb  9 00:14:51 2004

W: Baboony cloak and Spidery rings from naraku.

FS*FT: Mithril Breastplate of Tiamat, fresh of the beast itself.


poster: Bajumbo
subject: Stuff fs
date: Mon Feb  9 14:31:25 2004

     Stone Gauntlet, 4-headed snake whip, Giant maul

   Dusty Monk sandal, Thigh high black boots, Emerald boots of
Vorysis, Belt of Shielding, Purple   

Make decent bids =)



poster: Bajumbo
subject: >Stuff fs
date: Mon Feb  9 14:34:49 2004

On Mon Feb  9 14:31:25 2004 Bajumbo wrote post #725:
>      Stone Gauntlet, 4-headed snake whip, Giant maul
>    Dusty Monk sandal, Thigh high black boots, Emerald boots of
> Vorysis, Belt of Shielding, Purple   
> Make decent bids =)
> B

Meant that to be Purple Belt

    Please send me mail of bids...



poster: Dizkantir
subject: fs
date: Tue Feb 10 03:06:18 2004

ring of lavos| +15 spr, +10 int, +3% qc [1.5m mb]
Gloves of the Blackguard| +3con +15spr +18wis +3%dedication[2.2m mb]
mudmail me or catch me online with bids, prices are /slightly/negotiable.


poster: Tantrum
subject: FS/W
date: Tue Feb 10 03:43:10 2004

ok guys i will hopefully be reincing at the end of the week. so here
is what i need/want:

Pearl of Power
Mask of Anguish
Amulet of Ultra Vision  or  Metal Stethascope  or  Snake Pendant
Blackmons Cloak  or  Cloak of the Magi  or  any other nice int cloak.
Black Leather
Bleached out Bracelet of Bones
Glove of Energy
Dark Nos Ring
Blue slipper
Yellow Slipper and some nice int weaps.

Plz mail me, yell at me if in onlione, if you have any of these
which you aqre willing to sell/trade fig eq to me.
thank you. i will be posting my fig stuff in an hour or so......


poster: athena (Web)
subject: Goodies for Sale
date: Tue Feb 10 04:08:50 2004

Witch's Stocking +14 spr +18 wis 7tps..4mil mb..

Dragon Sash...16 spr..+7 int +8 wis 1mil mb..

Give me tells if I'm on or mudmail me with bids.

Might negotiate..



poster: Pikkon
subject: Pikkon's crappy eq
date: Tue Feb 10 07:17:32 2004

oh, right, slots are:
Suit-arms, legs, torso

I want blingy blingy or you can trade for some MA eq you have....


poster: Pikkon
subject: doh!
date: Tue Feb 10 07:21:35 2004

apparently, if you put ~ in front of a line, it omits it, so here's
my eq finally
Solan's Whip: 4 dex, 6 str, magical damage, special holy attack, WC 20 mb-60k
Sword of H.grend: WC 31, con 3, res poison:1 MB=35k
Talisman of Zarath: con 9, hp max 9, stamina 3, AC 5 MB=100k
Suit of Synchronicity: dex 5, con 12, str 5, AC 32 MB=200k
White Wristband:hpregen 5, dex 6, infravision, ac 14 MB=100k
Fiery breastplate: 5 con, res fire:3, AC 14 MB=20k


poster: Pikkon
subject: I bet you're sick of me
date: Tue Feb 10 07:22:14 2004

Almost all eq is new, btw


poster: Rancor
subject: >I bet you're sick of me
date: Tue Feb 10 07:22:47 2004

it is called delete your screwed up posts with the delete option


poster: Coal
subject: Wanted
date: Tue Feb 10 11:28:20 2004

I want a spiked leather armband thingy from that slimy mayor in
sunnydale. Can someone out there please hook me up, drop me a
mudmail etc, and i'll get back to you and when and where a drop can
go down. =)
 Also, Rancor you are the man, that && typo in regards to pikkons
post was the shiznit.


poster: qvandor (Web)
subject: for sales
date: Tue Feb 10 22:14:59 2004

Emerald Helm of Vorysis          +10 str, +4 epr    (Head) 

Mithril Leggings                 +2 dex, +8 con     (legg)

Soft leather boots                     ?               (Feet)

Grey Fur Cloak of Gungor         +2 con, +2 hpr     (Cloak)

Darian the destroyer             +8 con, +3% attack (Multi)

Eye patch of Adudaba                    ?              (Eye)

Bone and Scale Mail Armor        +5 con +13 hpr +5% bladed fury, deflect special (Torso)

Long sharp sword                 +3 weapon skills slashing and more.. 


poster: Helphyre
subject: FS
date: Wed Feb 11 06:26:09 2004

sales fs: --Armor of despair (+30 spr, +12 int, +4% peb, +2% ceb) 7tps mb 4m
sales W: abj/healer l_hand, legs, eyes & finger  Harp of
think Full Sp!!!
Mail me.


poster: Tantrum
subject: still want int eqs.
date: Thu Feb 12 05:37:36 2004

ok i am still after the following int eqs. (or similar) :
pearl of power,   mask of anguish,    metal steth/snake pendant,   
pearly wings/cloak of magi,    black leather vambrace,    black
mithril thingy/bleached out braceklt of bones,    glove of energy,  
 quickiner,    dark nos ring,    blue slipper,    yellow slipper,   
and a nice weapon.

i have the following FS/FT to those peices (again or similar peices
that are shiney and nice.) :
ogre helmet,    dark green paw,    nocromancers glove,    steel-toe
boots,    woo mask,    black leather shirt,    vengeance ring,   
onyx ring,    studded armshield,    scaled armshield,    mythinite
mace,    steel handled mop.

plz mail me ort send me a tell if you want anything i have, or have
anything i want.



poster: Rockman
subject: fs
date: Thu Feb 12 08:51:32 2004

bloody ring of nos and clown flower
mail me with bids


poster: Slayn
subject: fs
date: Thu Feb 12 23:49:13 2004

ropers hand (left)   | +16 int, +10 spr  2nd top int
Black Scalemail                   | +35 spr, +20 wis, +20 int       
Black Scalemail                   | +35 spr, +20 wis, +20 int   (3rd
i would like gold or fig eqs mail,tell,blah


poster: Slayn
subject: >fs
date: Thu Feb 12 23:53:34 2004

On Thu Feb 12 23:49:13 2004 Slayn wrote post #740:
> ropers hand (left)   | +16 int, +10 spr  2nd top int
> Black Scalemail                   | +35 spr, +20 wis, +20 int       
> Black Scalemail                   | +35 spr, +20 wis, +20 int   (3rd
> int)                                        
> i would like gold or fig eqs mail,tell,blah
> slyna
only 1 scalemail


poster: Artea
subject: >>fs
date: Fri Feb 13 06:15:59 2004

On Thu Feb 12 23:53:34 2004 Slayn wrote post #741:
> On Thu Feb 12 23:49:13 2004 Slayn wrote post #740:
> > ropers hand (left)   | +16 int, +10 spr  2nd top int
> > Black Scalemail                   | +35 spr, +20 wis, +20 int       
> >                                   
> > Black Scalemail                   | +35 spr, +20 wis, +20 int   (3rd
> > int)                                        
> >  
> > i would like gold or fig eqs mail,tell,blah
> > slyna
> only 1 scalemail
I'm sorry, your fingers are too fat.  For directory assistance,
please mash the keyboard now.


poster: Panza
subject: fs:
date: Sat Feb 14 06:54:20 2004

have the following items for sale:

Boots of Lavos: +12 con, +10 str, +5% attack
mb 300k
Gloves of the Blackguard: +3 con, +15 spr, +18 wis, +3% dedication, mb 2.2m
Claddah Ring: +19 spr, +15 int, +15 wis, +5 epr, mb 2.5m
Dark ring of Nosferatu: +30 spr, +15 int, +3% casting efficiency, mb 4m

i'm looking for a int left hand and belt


poster: Panza
subject: w:
date: Sat Feb 14 18:46:35 2004

looking for int right hand and eye slots, all eqs have sold except
gloves of the blackguard


poster: Bajumbo
subject: stuff for sale
date: Sat Feb 14 19:11:30 2004


Its me again with stuff for sale...

Emerald boots of Vorysis | +6 spr, +6 int                           
Amulet of Typhoon        | +10 dex, +14 ep_regen, +5% backstab  |
2tps             1m
4-headed snake whip      | poison damage, wc ~31, +9 dex, +1
lightning whip        300k
Giant Maul               | +15 str, +2%bloodlust, unholy damage, wc
~58    | 2tps  800k
Crystal Leggings         | +12 spr, +12 int, +3 hef               |
2tps           1m

So if you're interested pls do send me a tell or mail me :)



poster: Kasma
subject: BLOWOUT!!!111!
date: Sun Feb 15 01:36:09 2004

A sturdy iron safe named 'holder2' (open)
The safe contains:
  Really Wicked Witch Robe
  Stylish pair of spectacles
  Royal Guard chainmail
  Wizards pointed hat
  Twisted gloves of Kraag
  Staff of healing
  Ash's Sword
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder' (open)
The safe contains:
  2 Staves of Protection
  Feathered hair piece
  Pair of jetblack sunglasses
  Wizards pointed hat
  a sharp sword
  Carebear Smiley Pendant
  Fiery breastplate
  Silk garters
  Yellow Blob boots
  Magical Wand
  Lightning Spear of Illumination
  Emerald boots of Vorysis
  Lion Tooth Necklace
  Ring of Light
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder3' (open)
The safe contains:
  2 Grey woolen cloaks
  2 Darian the destroyers
  Dragon scale leg plates
  Deer Cloak
  a white cloak
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder4' (open)
The safe contains:
  Deer Cloak
A sturdy iron safe named 'holder5' (open)
The safe contains:
  Bronze battle harness
  Anubian Deathmask
  Blood red sandals
  Black leather belt
  Dragon Skin Suit
  Small iron amulet

mail me with bids


poster: Roirraw
subject: fs
date: Sun Feb 15 06:44:18 2004

White glove of Raena (8 spr 2 wiz 3 prayer for healing (think from
santa)) hooded cloak of a druid (3spr 7 int 3 holy res) Crimson
Cloak ( 3 wis 9 cha) Twisted gloves of Kraag ( 8 wis 1 qc )
Feathered hair piece (3 sta 9 wis 9 sp max) Staff of Runes (5 int 3
essence eye wc:30)
mail/tell for bids


poster: Bajumbo
subject: Items FS
date: Sun Feb 15 22:42:37 2004

  Runed Mithril Chainmail
Emerald boots of Vorysis
Giant maul
Amulet of Typhoon
Crystal Leggings
Crystal Wings

Pls send bids via tells/mail :)



poster: zlame (Web)
subject: W:top dmg eq
date: Mon Feb 16 12:58:05 2004


I would like to buy the following items:

Ogre helmet

Woo mask

Amulet of destruction

Steel-toed boots

Enchanted mithril plate greaves

Twisted metal rings x2

Mythinate gauntlets or Necro/darkgreen paw combo

Mithril Breastplate of Tiamat

Dark cloak

Titanium Armguard

Spiked leather bracers

And two nice weapons. Mail/tell me about mbs and such.



poster: fjunix (Web)
subject: Eq fs/ft
date: Mon Feb 16 12:59:26 2004

Belt of Shielding             | +11 spr, +1% protection ritual     200k

a Dusty Monk Sandal

Claddah ring                  | +19 spr, +15 int, +15 wis, +5 epr  2.5m

Shining cloak of mistweavers  | +14 spr, +8 int, +above avg unholy_res 600k   

azarian battle shield         | +9 spr, +13 wis  500k

Green flowing dress           | +15 spr, +30 wis, +3% pious words    4.5m

Golem brain                   | +35 spr, +20 wis, +20 int        5m

Mail me if you are interested!


This is eq i want:

2x Red handled long sword

2x vengance rings

Small Silver Cross 

And some other fig eq!

Mail me if you got some of those eq fs!


poster: Pikkon
subject: my equipment
date: Mon Feb 16 21:09:08 2004

Check posts 730-733 for some cheap fighter eq!


poster: Shadowmage
subject: Claddah Ring
date: Mon Feb 16 21:13:18 2004

FS: Claddah Ring: +19 spr, +15 int, +15 wis, +5 epr, mb 2.5m
mudmail me plz.


poster: Tantrum
subject: eqs
date: Tue Feb 17 02:46:11 2004

ok the following of my eqs are still currently fs/ft.
black chain stained with blood
Woo Mask
black leather shirt
steel handled mop

plz mail me if you want to buy/trade them. things i need are:
int eq for head, eyes, neck,right arm, right hand, feets.


poster: darc (Web)
subject: Caster Blowout!! (INT)
date: Tue Feb 17 03:59:15 2004

This is kinda a silent auction i guess, these items will be up for sale for 2 weeks, mail me with you mbs. I need to get my tax down a bit b4 i reinc.

***If there is not an mb, i am negociable***


Crystals Leggings

Spider Amulet (5m)(Flexible on this)

Ring of Lavos (1m)

Dark Gloves of Nosferatu (3m)

Studded Leather Armor (1.5m)

Red Satin Headband (5m)

Purple Belt (1m)

Cloak of the Ages (6m) (flexible)


poster: oxolotl (Web)
subject: Stuff
date: Tue Feb 17 12:49:10 2004

Stuff for sale

Phlith, 7m

Large White Mithril Ring, 1.5m


Necro glove.



poster: Oxolotl
subject: >Stuff
date: Wed Feb 18 00:26:32 2004

Both things gone, cant seem to delete this web post.


poster: Maak
subject: FS
date: Wed Feb 18 00:35:35 2004

FS: Earth Gloves; 18spr, 8int, 5%lightning bolt. 1m minimun bid. 


poster: Panza
subject: w:
date: Wed Feb 18 03:00:38 2004

looking for the following:

for eyes: cursed mask of the linguist, focus crystal, or mask of anguish
for right hand: eleria glove of quickener
for legs: scarab leggings

mail me if you have 'em :)


poster: Uno
subject: hay good deal haaaay
date: Wed Feb 18 04:38:57 2004


i reaaaaaly want some lvl 9/10 chaps.
i'm upping my offer to 10m + my golem pants... which seems like a nice trade
esp. for a fig type or a ma type... 
or a woodie type

or a homeless kitten with crabs

or janet jackson

so if you are any of these things plz trade me chaps for 10m + pants
(i'll throw in free nipple pasties)


poster: Coal
subject: spiked leather armband
date: Wed Feb 18 11:09:47 2004

hi, i want a spiked leather armband thing. I have gold and such.
Mail me if you have one you do not wish to have cluttering up your


poster: Modred
subject: w:
date: Wed Feb 18 13:07:26 2004

Mithril Breastplate of Tiamat
Enchanted mithril plate greave
Axe of Darkness


poster: Smee
subject: wanted: some things
date: Wed Feb 18 23:31:27 2004

hi, i would like:

black girdle of zapakelethe
velvet collar
bulzarath (eheh)
twisted wooden ring (eheh)
fibrous bark glove (eheh)

i will trade eq or some gold for you


poster: Uno
subject: addendum
date: Thu Feb 19 00:39:49 2004

btw, here's a list of eqps that i'd be willing to consider in exchange
for the chaps i want. understand that my desire isn't some hidden secret of
how good the chaps are... i just want the extra size as MA...
in fact i think the chaps might actually be WORSE pieces for tanks cuz
+size = -dodgy

but anyway, here's that list:
  Demons whip
Red dragonskin boots
Cloak of ashes
Olathurl Phlith
Mythinite Gauntlets
2 Rings of Order
Eye of the Dragon
Torc of Kings
Hammer of Crushing
2 Rings of Dragonses
Marvin's workroom
Shield of reflection


p.s. lvl 8-10 only plz... no suckass chaps

p.p.s. suckass chaps is kind of fun to say

Captain Beav of Mars


poster: fjunix (Web)
subject: Ring Of Chaos!!
date: Thu Feb 19 22:43:22 2004


Im looking for a ring of chaos.!

I have some eq i can trade...dont have any gold..!

Mail me if you got one..



poster: Panza
subject: w:
date: Sat Feb 21 07:41:12 2004

pondering reinc, and looking for MA-type eqs, mail me with offers if
you got em


poster: Slayn
subject: tankQs
date: Sat Feb 21 23:04:47 2004

Ogre helmet [head] 
Orbdrin [eyes] 
Necklace of Evil [neck]
Cloak of ashes [cloak] 
Olathurl Phlith [torso]
 Red dragon scale [amulet]
Scaled Armshield [left arm]
Studded Armshield [right arm]
 Darkgreen paw [left hand]
Stone Gauntlet [right hand]
Onyx ring [left finger]
Vengeance ring [right finger]
Steel-toed boots [feet]
Big Club (kept) (wielded) (left hand)
Mythinite mace (kept) (wielded) (right hand)

maily ft to witchQs
may sell it if i get a nice offer.


poster: Slayn
subject: WANTEAD
date: Mon Feb 23 00:05:17 2004

i would like a top int set please 
have a fig set. or i can sell it, if you want gold
that is all
love slyna


poster: Slayn
subject: fig eqs for sale
date: Mon Feb 23 20:09:47 2004

Vengeance ring 2.5m
Steel-toed boots 4m
Cloak of ashes 3m
 Ogre helmet 3.5m
Studded Armshield 2m
Scaled Armshield 2m  3m for pair
Necklace of Evil 3.5m
Onyx ring 2m
Olathurl Phlith 7m
Orbdrin 4m
would like int trades too.
mail/tell bids
bidding stops in 1 week
love slyna


poster: Slayn
subject: >fig eqs for sale
date: Mon Feb 23 20:11:09 2004

myth mace 3mil


poster: Highpriest
subject: W:
date: Tue Feb 24 12:06:13 2004

Str/dex eq

Slots: head, eyes, torse, amulet, fingers, belt, left hand. (not
multi-slots in one eq) (fingers count as 1 slot)

Midbie eq, worth around 2tp or so.

Mudmail or send tells to me.



poster: Highpriest
subject: >W:
date: Tue Feb 24 12:07:43 2004

On Tue Feb 24 12:06:13 2004 Highpriest wrote post #772:
> Str/dex eq
> Slots: head, eyes, torse, amulet, fingers, belt, left hand. (not
> multi-slots in one eq) (fingers count as 1 slot)
> Midbie eq, worth around 2tp or so.
> Mudmail or send tells to me.
> -HP
Sorry, fingers count as 2slots


poster: Panza
subject: w:
date: Wed Feb 25 18:06:32 2004

looking for the following:
tank ring, shield, whip weapon
mail me if you have anything that applies


poster: jensa
subject: wanted
date: Wed Feb 25 21:29:34 2004

looking for :

2x twisted metal rings

tiamat breastplate

got int equips ft and some gold



poster: Panza
subject: w:
date: Thu Feb 26 06:13:58 2004

little more focused this time, no longer in need of shield, looking
for either ring of health or ring with a glowing red skull, and a
decent whip
mail with offers


poster: Shooter
subject: ft: amulet of dessication
date: Thu Feb 26 13:23:52 2004

looking for Golden ring of the warden or
Orge helmet

mail me etc if interested...

oh, also amulet might be fs also, so if you wanna buy it, toss in bids



poster: Belgarion
subject: Hi good people!
date: Thu Feb 26 13:32:08 2004

I would like to buy a blue mitten and a sexy cool naraku ring,
non-sexy could do but lower price, k thanks Belg


poster: Smee
subject: hello mud
date: Thu Feb 26 17:04:36 2004

i would like these from you today:
naraku hat and armflesh
maybe a twisted wooden ring would be okay
one of those blue gorgets would be cool
also a bulzarath 


poster: Blizz
subject: FS
date: Fri Feb 27 04:08:37 2004

FS: Eye of the Dragon, mb: 4m

mudmail with bids if interested



poster: Dojjan
subject: Wanted
date: Fri Feb 27 17:09:03 2004

I would like some top wis eq.. Every slot is needed!
Now sell me some!

That means now btw!
That means now btw!


poster: Helphyre
subject: Stuffs fs/w
date: Fri Feb 27 20:37:05 2004

sales fs: Eye of Lavos (+10 epr, +8 dex, +5 fire res) 2tps mb 300k,
--Polished Bone Ring (+12 dex, +12 wis, +25 cha) mb 5m, --Armor of
despair (+30 spr, +12 int, +4% peb, +2% ceb) 7tps mb 3.75m, 
sales W: Harp of Storytelling
 Mail me 


poster: Highpriest
subject: >>W:
date: Sun Feb 29 04:31:02 2004

On Tue Feb 24 12:07:43 2004 Highpriest wrote post #773:
> > multi-slots in one eq) (fingers count as 1 slot)
> > 
> > Midbie eq, worth around 2tp or so.
> > 
> > 
> > Mudmail or send tells to me.
> > 
> > -HP
> Sorry, fingers count as 2slots
> -HP
Still looking for eq, same slots...


poster: athena
subject: Still Wanted!!
date: Sun Feb 29 16:19:32 2004

Athy is still looking for...


Mask of Anguish

Please send mudmail or tell if you have any or both of these for sale.

p.s. Yes, Koma and Kaos, I'm still awake :P


poster: Tranquil
subject: Wanted
date: Sun Feb 29 18:53:46 2004

Hi. I am looking for the following eqs:

Demon Skin Helm of Naraku
Fibrous Wooden Glove
Twisted Wood Ring

I am willing to trade some gold to these eqs, and I'm also
offering 300k apiece for pyroclasts, so if you have any of
these items cluttering up space in your safe/inventory, and
would like to exchange it/them to a small mountain of shiny
yellow discs to call your very own, please send me a mail
or tell with your asking price. Thanks

- Tranq


poster: jensa
subject: fs
date: Mon Mar  1 18:43:30 2004

mythinite mace (+21 str, +5 deathblow, +5 fevered strength wc 48)

Blood pressure cuff (+16 con, +8 str +1dmg) left arm

Malahk's visor (+25 epr, +25 hpr, +4 weaponmaster, +3 magical_res)

Mails me bids



poster: Moose
subject: fs
date: Tue Mar  2 03:31:03 2004

have RHL and green brocade sleeve 2M for each .


poster: zlame
subject: FS:Fig equips
date: Tue Mar  2 12:27:46 2004

I got the following items fs:

Scaled Armshield

Studded Armshield

Eye of the Dragon

Left War Greave

Cloak of ashes

Right War Greave

Hammer of Power

Necklace of the Gods

Red-handled Longsword

Mythinite mace 

Stone Gauntlet

Mail me with bids, or ask me for mbs.

I'm looking for the following items:

Woo mask

Dark Cloak

Amulet of Destruction

Spiker leather armband

Titanium armguard

Twistad metal rings x2

Enchanted mithril plate greaves

Necromancer glove

Thanks :)


poster: Slayn
subject: fs
date: Tue Mar  2 18:49:39 2004

  Glistening knife      1.5m
  Onyx ring             2m
  Cloak of ashes        3.5m
  Spider amulet         4.5m
  Red-handled longsword 2m
  Steel-toed boots      3m
 Ogre helmet           3.5m

i would like int eq too please


poster: Hossenfeffer
subject: eq
date: Tue Mar  2 19:37:49 2004

i have the following items fs:
Breasplate of Darkness
Helmet of Wisdom
Blackmons Midnight Boots


poster: Palmascay
subject: WANTED
date: Tue Mar  2 22:30:05 2004

looking for top slot int eq, if u don't have top slot fs, nearly top
slot would do
mail me with prices


poster: Slayn
subject: fs golem pants (soiled) mail bids etc
date: Wed Mar  3 00:55:21 2004

would like int eq


poster: Slayn
subject: >fs golem pants (soiled) mail bids etc
date: Wed Mar  3 19:25:38 2004

gone. got an offer i couldnt refuse.
now or never kinda thing


poster: oxolotl
subject: Wanted
date: Thu Mar  4 12:23:00 2004

I am looking for a necro glove and a lizgod belt [black chain stained with blood or some such :) ]

Have lots of golds to spend and\or reinc ticket... :P


poster: Moose
subject: FS
date: Thu Mar  4 16:17:51 2004

ROWG mb 5M
RHLS mb 2M


poster: Hossenfeffer
subject: EQ
date: Thu Mar  4 22:00:06 2004

I have the following ew fs:
Green Flowing Dress mb 4m
Orbdrin mb 4m
Blackmons Midnight Boots mb 1m
Ring of Lavos mb 500k
Helmet of Wisdom mb 1m


poster: Belgarion
subject: Wanted
date: Fri Mar  5 09:43:04 2004

old pain in arse xety back :)


poster: Slayn
subject: golem pants
date: Sat Mar  6 00:53:29 2004

hi have have some more fs
mb starts at 7mil
i will trade straightaway for tialegs or some cool int eq
love slyna


poster: Flick
subject: W:Caster torso for cheap
date: Sat Mar  6 02:01:31 2004

Hey i want to get ahold of a caster torso for around 200k 
i would like it to have some +int and +spr
If you have a caster torso like this and want to sell it please
send me a mudmail and ill buy it from you right away
thanks flick
ps. thanks


poster: Tzikas
subject: For sale
date: Sat Mar  6 18:31:02 2004

Ogre helmet
Dsell book

mail me bids


poster: Slayn
subject: fs mask of veins
date: Sun Mar  7 16:02:49 2004

 Mask Of Veins | +20 spr, +30 int, +3% mastery of evoc  (head) mb 5mil.


poster: fjunix
subject: Death Talisman
date: Sun Mar  7 21:56:55 2004

I have a death talisman fs

Mail me bids please


poster: Hossenfeffer
subject: eq
date: Mon Mar  8 17:40:19 2004

fs: Orbdrin mb 4m (non negotiable)


poster: Belgarion
subject: wanted
date: Tue Mar  9 07:40:00 2004

hi i pay 13 meg for a blue mitten thx


poster: Zord
subject: fs:
date: Thu Mar 11 19:53:17 2004

I have fs: pipe     / +5 spr
tiara     / +8 spr
i dont know mb, but mail me bids, plz


poster: Sirc
subject: fs
date: Sat Mar 13 06:01:29 2004

whor, 4m


poster: Panza
subject: w:
date: Sat Mar 13 06:35:26 2004

looking for fig hand and ring slots


poster: nevyn
subject: Kama fs
date: Sat Mar 13 13:39:04 2004

Hai friends, got a chameleon kama fs

mail bids


poster: Eomer
subject: for sale!
date: Sun Mar 14 18:41:04 2004

shield of reflection, mb 2.5m
cobalt girdle mb 500k
send me a mudmail or catch me online if you want either of them


poster: Korthrun
subject: int to wis
date: Mon Mar 15 02:36:55 2004

 2 Dark rings of Nosferatu
  2 tiny spidersilk sacs
  Black leather bracer
  White lace gloves
  Amulet of Dessication
  Red Strappy Dress
  Magical Leggings of Tiamat
  Yellow fluffy slipper
  Mask of Veins
  Mask of Anguish
  Metal stethoscope
  Cloak of the Ages
  Blue fluffy slipper
  Black Mithril Vambrace
  Belt of the wind

please feed me a wis set


poster: Eomer
subject: btw
date: Mon Mar 15 03:29:16 2004

shield is gone


poster: Palmascay
subject: For Sale
date: Mon Mar 15 03:34:46 2004

Selling -Apocalypse Staff-
mail me with bids plz


poster: zlame
subject: FS:Death Talisman
date: Mon Mar 15 12:26:47 2004

yeah i got a death talisman fs.

Mb starts on 3mil...

Taking bids for some days..



poster: sanvaldor
subject: Gloves of the blackguard
date: Mon Mar 15 16:39:54 2004

New: Gloves of the Blackguard (100.0) 

+3con +15spr +18wis +3%dedication

fs or ft to healer weapon or ring


poster: Locke
subject: Wanted!
date: Wed Mar 17 03:10:45 2004

Looking for buy a bone polished ring!


poster: Zord
subject: fs:
date: Wed Mar 17 16:58:45 2004

i have fs:  Darian the Destroyer    +8 con, +3% attack  mb 50k
tiara    +8spr    mb 50k
robes of an abjurer    +4 int, +4wis   mb 20k
crimson cloak   +3wis, +9cha    mb 50k
pipe   +5spr   mb 50k

mail me with bids plz


poster: Gartogg
subject: Need some MA Eq.
date: Wed Mar 17 21:44:40 2004

I need decent eq. for all my slots, esp. Neck. Less than 200k each


poster: Mor
subject: Darkblade
date: Thu Mar 18 10:29:28 2004

I am looking for a second Darkblade. The fades (~250k) in the Blight
area drop them. If you get one, send me an hmail.


poster: Tranquil
subject: Wanted
date: Thu Mar 18 11:51:20 2004

I am looking for a good hmail client, and will reward the first
person who gives me the link to a good one. Thanks


poster: Ogg
subject: animal pieces
date: Sat Mar 20 06:48:54 2004

This is mostly for newer players.  I'm trying to amass weasel furs
from newbie island to make armors, it's very slow solo and there
aren't that many other people collecting animal parts, so I'm
posting here in hopes more people will see it, though I don't know
how many newbies will be reading the boards...  Anyway I need weasel
furs, I'll pay 1000 gold for EACH fur, weasels in newbie forest are
relatively easy, give decent xp for newer players, and give 100+
gold on their own, so this is a sweet deal.  I'll also trade you any
other animal part you want 1 for 1 with weasel furs.  So if you
amass 100 weasel furs I'll give you 100k and so on, if you're a
newbie and don't know what I'm talking about, shame!  ask on the
newbie channel :)


poster: Ogg
subject: correction
date: Sat Mar 20 06:49:30 2004

newbie FOREST, not newbie island... another mud has a newbie island heh


poster: Bremen
subject: Possible Sale of Dragonslayer
date: Sat Mar 20 16:47:04 2004

I may be willing to sell the Dragonslayer I have aquired, please
mail me with real bids


poster: Eomer
subject: fs:
date: Sun Mar 21 06:53:50 2004

ive got an onyx ring and tan leather work gloves for sale, no clue
on mbs, send a mudmail if youre interested


poster: Bremen
subject: Dragonslayer
date: Sun Mar 21 16:09:57 2004

highest current bid is 8Mil by Goroharahad
Bidding will be open untill Wed night.


poster: Tantrum
subject: WANTED
date: Mon Mar 22 02:48:21 2004

i would like a cute blue slipper to go with my cute yellow slipper. 
plz mail me if you have one.


poster: Tantrum
subject: EQS
date: Mon Mar 22 12:12:41 2004

Okie, i now have my slipper set. they are warm and comfy and fuzzy and cute.

which means i now have white leather sandals FS.
they are nice int feets slots.
plz mail me/tell me online if you want them and bid, i have no idea
how much they are worth so all bids will be considered.
highest bid at the end of the week will get them. (thats 7 days from
this post btw. not just sunday :>)

thank you for your attention. please go back to your killing.


poster: daeva
subject: eq fs/ft eq wanted
date: Mon Mar 22 13:10:35 2004

HI I am longing for harmer eq plz tell me if you have any fs.

got this eq fs/ft

Eagle amulet

Diadem of Sat-Hathor-Yunet

Supple leather boots

Ring of protection

Talisman of zarath

Necklace of the gods

Mithril leggins

Fade cloak

Dragon hide breastplate

Kings beaver glasses

Stone Gauntlet

tell me if you are interested and have a good time.


poster: Daeva (Web) 
subject: >eq fs/ft eq wanted
date: Mon Mar 22 21:55:48 2004

Sorry all but I changed plans, I need slashing weapons!! 

And have only talisman of Zarath for sale(If anyone wants that)


poster: Tzikas
subject: For sale or for trade ...
date: Tue Mar 23 23:30:27 2004

Orbdrin *7 TPs* 4m
Dark Cloak+Pyroclast *5 TPs* 3m
Thunder Axe *5 TPs* 2m
Brown studded bracers *5 TPs* 1.5m
Crystal Wings *3 TPs* 1m
Crystal Leggings *2 TPs* 750k
Tower Shield *2 TPs* 750k
Royal Blue Cloak *1 TP* 250k
Two-handed sword named 'Blaze' 150k
4-Headed Snake Whip 100k
Beholder Eyestalk 50k


poster: Tzikas
subject: Followup
date: Wed Mar 24 01:00:45 2004

Orbdrin, Royal Blue Cloak, 4-Headed Snake Whip, 2-handed Sword named
'Blaze' ...
all gone


poster: Moose
subject: fs!
date: Wed Mar 24 18:00:52 2004

Red Dragonskin Boots              | +18 dex, +avg avoid_hits, +4%

mb 5M!


poster: Flick
subject: W:caster eqs
date: Wed Mar 24 20:53:54 2004

hi folks email me if you will sell me these eqs
typhoon blade
mask of clear seeing
pearl of power
human skin boots
ruby amulet or dark amulet of conjurer
white lace gloves or satin gloves
ancient bracelts of power
thanks for responses


poster: Flick
subject: MYewwishlist
date: Wed Mar 24 23:14:56 2004

i no longer need mask of cleer seeing or ammy slot or leggins but
the rest i am still trying to get ahold of email me for notices on
whats for sale please thanks
ttyl folks


poster: orion
subject: FS
date: Thu Mar 25 01:58:11 2004

Necklace of Fangs - 3.5m

Pearl of Power - 2m

Mudmail bids.  Thanks



poster: Denim
subject: Red Gold Crown
date: Fri Mar 26 00:49:07 2004

I am in desperate need of a Red Gold Crown or other nice top wis
headslot, i have 6megs + a necklace of evil ft, send me tells or
mail if ya have one and are looking to sell.



poster: Charix
subject: Wanted 
date: Sat Mar 27 11:30:40 2004

Wanted Warp Blade

Mail me if i'm not online



poster: Izabella
subject: Inventory
date: Sat Mar 27 18:57:36 2004

Ok I know some of this stuff is very dated, but so am I.  If
anything catches your fancy,
let me know.  

  Onyx Movado leggings
  Jeweled crown
  Clean glowing glove
  Heal rod
  Blackmon's Pendant of Movement
  Red gold crown (dazzling)
  2 Pair of crimson bootses
  Bleached out Bracelet of Bones
  Hagworth's golden shield
  Long Wooden Staff
  Eye of the beholder
  Whispering ring
  Snake Pendant
  Jade amulet
  Witch's stocking
  Torturer's thumb screws
  White Silk robes
  Headband of Dion Warwick
  Blackmon's Platemail
  3 High priest glowing scepters
  Bronze leg plate
  Steel leg plate
  Robe of Oblivion
  Elaborate boots of Frith
  2 Maces of Power
  Wizards robes
  3 Adamantium long swords
  Sword of Devastation
  3 Lucifer's Blades
  Red Priest's Helm
  Indigo armband of Banin
  Ring of power
  Diadem of Sat-Hathor-Yunet
  Great Boar Shield
  Golden Ring of Ce'noba
  2 Shining silver belts
  Golden Mane of the Lion Lord
  Mane of the Lion lord
  2 Twisted metal rings
  Gauntlets of the Hound
  Banner of the Red Branch
  Magical Spotted Leggings
  Magical Boots of the Cheetah Lord
  Gauntlets of Kilgor
  Black throwing dagger
  Ring of Command
  Eye patch of Adudaba
  4 Tin leg plates
  3 Copper leg plates
  Pectoral of Tutankhamon
  2 Brown bootses
  Firelord breastplate
  2 Torc of Kingses
  Red boots
  Red dragonskin boots
  Steel bracers
  Frankenstein's hooded cloak
  Boots of Power
  Eye of the Tiger
  Traveling Boots
  Warder bracers
  Red dragon scale
  Satan's pentagram
  Mithril Leggings
  Ring of Command
  2 Staff of Runeses
  2 Globe of Darknesses


poster: Palmascay
subject: For Sale
date: Sun Mar 28 05:01:50 2004

selling babbonskin cloak, mail me with serious bids.
k, thanks


poster: Palmascay
subject: Wanted
date: Sun Mar 28 05:07:08 2004

looking for 2x holy stalves, mail me if u have some and willing to
sell them/trade them
mail me with prices u are looking for, also ill trade naraku cloak for them


poster: Bahgtru
subject: W
date: Sun Mar 28 06:05:20 2004

Mask of Clear eeing
Demented Amulet
Paw of Dbeast
Worn Leather Glove
Chysle Bracer
Tickle Feather

Mail me


poster: Moose
subject: still fs
date: Mon Mar 29 18:17:17 2004

As I wrote before. I have still Red dragonskin boots for sale.
Red Dragonskin Boots  | +18 dex, +avg avoid_hits, +4% dodge
mb 5M


poster: Wagro
subject: Sorc->Ma
date: Tue Mar 30 06:11:16 2004

Hi, this is my set
   o                         Golem Brain [head]                           o   
   o                       Mask of Anguish [eyes]                         o   
   o                      Metal stethoscope [neck]                        o   
   o                      Cloak of the Ages [cloak]                       o   
   o                       Black scalemail [torso]                        o   
   o                      Prismatic amulet [amulet]                       o   

   o                  Black Mithril Vambrace [left arm]                   o   
   o                        Leg Bone [left hand]                          o   
   o                       Quickener [right hand]                         o   
   o                    Cold black ring [left finger]                     o   
   o                Dark ring of Nosferatu [right finger]                 o   
   o                       Belt of the wind [belt]                        o   

   o                  Magical Leggings of Tiamat [legs]                   o   
   o                  Yellow fluffy slipper [left foot]                   o   
   o                  Blue fluffy slipper [right foot]                    o   
   o            Apocalypse staff (kept) (wielded) (right hand)            o   
   o            Apocalypse staff (kept) (wielded) (left hand)             o  

Im looking to trade it to a ma set of equiv status. Contact me and
we can talk to work something out


poster: Guacamole
subject: Wanted
date: Wed Mar 31 17:15:46 2004

Wanted - Glove of Energy, Pink Ballet Slipper, Thin Leather Belt, 
Blue Fuzzy Mitten



poster: Wagro
subject: Still for trade
date: Wed Mar 31 17:43:30 2004

I still have:
golem brain(100%, scratched) - 5m
cloak of the ages(100%, scratched) - 6m
black scalemail(100%, scratched) - 5m
cold black ring(100%, new) - 3m
quickener(98.9%, new) - 5m
dark ring of nosferatu(98.4%, new) - 4m
leg bone(98.5%, new) - 1.5m
magical leggings of tiamat(98,7%, new) - 7m
mask of anguish(98.6%, new) - 10m
Prices are negotiable!

I still want:
dragon eyes
dark cloak
mithril breastplate of tiamat
amulet of destruction
steel bracers/spiked bracers
ring of dragons/twisted metal rings/dragon rings
black chain stained with blood/black girdle of zapakelethe,
 enchanged mithril plate greaves 


poster: Tzikas
subject: For sale
date: Wed Mar 31 23:10:24 2004

I have a Ghostly Training Collar for sale.
Yes, that is the version from doing Chilperic perfectly.
Mail me decent bids please.


poster: Lagduf
subject: ring
date: Wed Mar 31 23:21:03 2004

Spider adorned ring (+31wis +3% shield parry +eat corpses)
bidding starts from 12m, mail me !


poster: Lagduf
subject: fs
date: Thu Apr  1 09:14:54 2004

Brilliant goat-skin chap fs until tomorrow
+3 avoid_hits +3% dodge +3% survival reflexes +special growth, left leg


poster: Kiera
subject: wanted
date: Fri Apr  2 21:29:43 2004

pyros. dunno how many. send me mudmail mbs and the number you have.
will probably reply within the day.



poster: Palmascay
subject: Wanted
date: Fri Apr  2 23:03:08 2004

2x holy staves plz
mail me if u have then and wanna sell/trade
have gold/eq ft


poster: Wagro
subject: MA eqps me dmmt
date: Sat Apr  3 23:28:40 2004

Ok, i still have:
Cloak of the ages (scratched, 100%) - 6m
Cold black ring (100%, new) - 3m
and I will consider counter offers

I am still in search of:
Dark cloak
Dragon eyes
Amulet of destruction
Naraku helm
twisted metal ring


poster: zilpen
subject: fs: amulet of dessication
date: Sun Apr  4 00:30:43 2004

amulet of dessication: +25 spr, +16 int, +1% mastery of air, eat corpses, 5 tp

MB: 3.5M.

Mail me or catch me online. Thanks. :)


poster: Mor
subject: Wanted:
date: Sun Apr  4 22:49:28 2004

I amin need of a Warp blade, maybe two if they are cheap enough or l
have enough b=money then. Mail me or catch me on and tell me your


poster: Blitzkrieg
subject: Wanted
date: Mon Apr  5 03:10:41 2004

I need a White Scale Gauntlet, Paw of the Displacement Beast, 
Bronze Leg Plate, and Azarian officer's insignia. plz mail me
or catch me online if you have any of them. thanks.


poster: Mor
subject: Wanted no longer
date: Mon Apr  5 04:44:52 2004

Please cancel my last oreder, got hold of a DBB


poster: athena
subject: FS
date: Mon Apr  5 15:13:40 2004

Glass Eye of Hag...| +20 spr, +12 wis, +3 mastery of fire..3mil mb

Purple belt...| +25 spr, +16 int..3tps..4mil mb

Give me a tell on mud or mudmail if interested.



poster: Athena (Web) 
subject: >FS
date: Mon Apr  5 16:36:06 2004

On Mon Apr  5 15:13:40 2004 athena wrote post #856 in sales:


> Glass Eye of Hag...| +20 spr, +12 wis, +3 mastery of fire..3mil mb


> Purple belt...| +25 spr, +16 int..3tps..4mil mb


> Give me a tell on mud or mudmail if interested..

Eye sold...


> Athy                 


poster: Slayn
subject: remove scar book
date: Mon Apr  5 18:10:49 2004

i need one of these. as ive just lost my old one.
(if you found one could i have it back ;) )


poster: Guacamole
subject: Wanted
date: Mon Apr  5 19:38:12 2004

I WANT the following items, the amount i'm willing to pay is in ()...

Glove of Energy (15M), Pink Ballet Slipper (13M), Thin Leather Belt (13M), 
Blue Mitten (13M), Naraku Cloak (15M)

Mudmail me...



poster: Kuron
subject: w:
date: Tue Apr  6 02:54:43 2004

searching for fig eq, mainly a decent weapon like lss, rhls and whatnot.  


poster: Bahgtru
subject: W
date: Tue Apr  6 12:48:52 2004

I'm after a Damien and some nice blunt weapons. Mail me

- Bag


poster: Eomer
subject: wanted
date: Tue Apr  6 21:38:09 2004

hiya, i am currently in need of all of the following, hag eye,
amulet of fear, blue fuzzy mitten, thin leather belt (or belt of
mourning), wool skirt, and pink slipper
send me a mudmail if youre are selling any of those, and make sure
to include a minimum bid
im also selling a pair of glasses of truesight for 500k


poster: Lorric
subject: prices
date: Wed Apr  7 01:47:06 2004

i may sell my ma set and am wondering approx prices.
 new spiked bracers 97.5,  new fluffy hos.slip. 95.4, new necklace
of kahn 95.0, like new golden amulet of shen seng 98.0, like new
twisted metal ring 88.6, like new dragon skull 88.4, like new
enchanted mithril plate greaves 97.8, like new dark cloak 97.9, like
new dragon belt 95.1, like new sorrow mask 96.7, like new mithril
breastplate of tiamat 97.9, like new dragon ring 97.7
mail me bids or if feeling helpful mail me what you think these
should sell for 


poster: Mor
subject: Forgot
date: Wed Apr  7 09:23:28 2004

Someone was looking for weasel furs/hide/whatever from newbie
forest. Please mud mail me so I know who to contact.


poster: Dojjan
subject: DragonSlayer
date: Wed Apr  7 09:27:40 2004

I have a DragonSlayer for sale..
mb is 7M..
mail me or catch me online if u want it!


poster: Sykiro
subject: FS
date: Wed Apr  7 21:53:15 2004

| Cap of Visions  |  H,N  | +30 spr, +24 int, +5 wis, +infra  | 3tps|

The min bid on this is 1.2m. Mail me or tell me bids.



poster: Shooter
subject: fs dark cloak
date: Thu Apr  8 13:37:34 2004

dark cloak, mb 4.5m (might negotiate some, inquire)

oh also

cap of visions, 1.1m



poster: Mor
subject: w:
date: Thu Apr  8 20:05:53 2004

I am after wis/spr eq. Please maud mail me your eq, its stats, and your mb.
Preferably, I want a Corset of Tutankhamon


poster: Ranja
subject: >remove scar book
date: Fri Apr  9 01:27:39 2004

On Mon Apr  5 18:10:49 2004 Slayn wrote post #858:
> i need one of these. as ive just lost my old one.
> (if you found one could i have it back ;) )
> -slyna
I have it slayn, meet me in the dark alley alone with a suitcase
FULL of coins.
PS: Dont tell your parents!

Written by anonymous.


poster: Eomer
subject: for sale!
date: Sat Apr 10 09:15:08 2004

currently selling an amulet of skjarl, stats are 30int, 12spr, and 3
lore of watchers
gonna take bids for a couple days i think, unless someone wants to
trade for thin leather belt, ill make that trade right away =D
mail me with bids! oh, and sell me top healer stuff


poster: athena
subject: For Sale
date: Mon Apr 12 20:29:21 2004

Magical Leggings of Tiamat.....

Armor class : About 12            

           Enchanted : No                  

               Value : 5250                

         Emits Light : No                  

               Slots : legs                                        

           Chestable : Yes                 

        Stat Bonuses :                     

                   int : 20

              sp_regen : 32

                   wis : 10

       Skill Bonuses :                     

   mastery of elements : 4

.....8mil mb.....

mudmail me or send tell


poster: zlame
subject: Fig eq!
date: Mon Apr 12 23:12:09 2004

I got the following equips for sale:

Titanium Armguard - +12 str, +15 con (Right arm, topstr) mb 4mil

Large white Mithril ring - +15 con, +3 phys_res, +3% fighting instinct mb 2,5mil

I want the following items:

Axe of Darkness (2)

Dark Cloak

Woo mask

Amulet of Destruction

Take care!


poster: Mor
subject: Wanted: 2 warp blades
date: Wed Apr 14 10:38:13 2004

I am lookinf for 2 warp blades. Please contact me with your mb if
your selling!


poster: Highpriest
subject: Midbie caster eq
date: Wed Apr 14 13:41:34 2004

I want some midbie caster eq, I may not have the gold yet so keep it
for me if you have any midbie caster eq...



poster: Scourge
subject: Hi!
date: Thu Apr 15 11:54:32 2004

Hey there :-).
Looking to trade my bplate of darkness+pyroclast to a green flowing
dress.  Also looking to trade my belt of mourning+1m gold to thin
leather belt..Let me know if ya  willing to trade..i'm more then
willing to negotiate.  I'm also looking for 2 bone da


poster: Eomer
subject: for trade!
date: Thu Apr 15 19:32:35 2004

ok, ive got the following for trade to int pieces of about every
slot, holy staff, tia armshields, rgc, bplate of darkness, white
scale gauntlet, witchs stocking, and 2 rowgs
ive also got a holy staff, the current bid on that is 4.5m, ill take
other bids until i see smee online
mail me if youre interested in a trade


poster: Palmascay
subject: Wanted
date: Thu Apr 15 20:26:23 2004

The first first to tell me how to use the mapper for portal, i will
give them 1m gold.
thanks bye
oh and it must work


poster: Salerref
subject: Wanted
date: Fri Apr 16 01:02:07 2004

I want a Dragon skin suit.

Mail or tell me with your price if you have one.
/Salerref over and out


poster: Stomper
subject: eq for sale
date: Fri Apr 16 04:30:17 2004

MoP, Onyx Movado leggings, Eyepatch of Horus, Jagged tin band,
Azarin Command Belt, Rnarg's war armor, Emerald Crown

I also want fig eq/weapons (5m or lower)
mail me if u interested


poster: Pheonixmage
subject: Needed
date: Fri Apr 16 22:38:27 2004

First off, i need a weapon with a very active spechail.
prefribly pierce with high WC
But i only have 50k atm, willing to pay over time :D


poster: athena
subject: FS
date: Sat Apr 17 01:22:48 2004

Death Talisman...+3 sta..+12 wis..+12 sp_max..escape death..

right hand slot....3mil mb....brand new

mudmail me with bid or send tell..


poster: Stomper
subject: Eq fs
date: Sat Apr 17 01:38:00 2004

fs: Mace of Power 350k, Onyx Movado leggings 700k, Eyepatch of Horus
75k, Jagged tin band 10k, Rnarg's war armor 300k, Emerald crown


poster: darc
subject: W:!
date: Sat Apr 17 07:30:25 2004

i want some top dex/str/eq tank eqps for a set im building. mail me


poster: darc
date: Sat Apr 17 08:47:33 2004

FOR SALE: Yellow stole of a priest of Mitra,3 Black rings, Well-slung bow ,Furlined Carebear Cloak, Saurial headband, Saurial staff, Black leather bound book, Spiked Gloves, Blood red sandals, Beholder Eyestalk, Burnished violet belt, 2 Silk garterses, Red boots, Yellow Blob boots, Dragon scale leg plates, Bronze battle harness, Emerald helm of Vorysis, An amulet of flames, Yellow stole of a priest of Mitra, a glowing amulet of the demon, Aquatic amulet, Goblin combat boots, Darian the destroyer, Carebear Smiley Pendant, Ring of Command, An amulet of the winds, a jewel encrusted glove, Wizards pointed hat, Wizards pointed hat, An amulet of flames, An amulet of the winds, 2 glowing amulets of the demon, 2 Mithril Leggingses, Black belt of Kraag, Orc Chiefs Onyx Ring, Deathblack ringmail, Dragon scale leg plates, Riveted shoulder pads, Dark red belt, Feathered hair piece, Sword of Hiessch'grend, Dragonslayer, Blood red sandals, Aquatic amulet, White tunic Silken gown, Stylish pair of spectacles, Jagged tin band, 3 Black belts of Kraag, Rusty shovel, Dazzling golden ring, Large hooktipped hat, Black obsidian ring, 2 Twisted glovesses of Kraag, Glowing Red Leggings, Smooth copper ring, Ring with a glowing diamond, Royal Rat Ring, Black stole of a priest of Mitra, Royal blue cloak, Darian the destroyer, Skull-shaped ring, a small tinderbox, Dragonslayer, Fungus Armband, Saurial staff, DarkBlade. MAKE MBS WITHIN


poster: darkfox
subject: I need fighter eq
date: Sat Apr 17 11:08:08 2004

I need some fighter weapons really bad and some other eq mail me if u have any ausome slashing weapons for a mil or so...or 2 warp blades ;)


poster: Eomer
subject: fs/ft!
date: Sun Apr 18 20:43:13 2004

ok, still have most of my wis stuff left, the following things i
will be filling to sell or trade to int pieces
2 rings of white gold, witchs stocking, jade amulet, white scale gauntlet
the following are for trade to int pieces only
breastplate of darkness, red gold crown, tia armshields
mail if with any offers


poster: Darc (Web) 
date: Sun Apr 18 22:35:54 2004

On Sat Apr 17 08:47:33 2004 darc wrote post #885 in sales:

> FOR SALE: Yellow stole of a priest of Mitra,3 Black rings, Well-slung bow ,Furlined Carebear Cloak, Saurial headband, Saurial staff, Black leather bound book, Spiked Gloves, Blood red sandals, Beholder Eyestalk, Burnished violet belt, 2 Silk garterses, , Dragon scale leg plates, Bronze battle harness, An amulet of flames, Yellow stole of a priest of Mitra, a glowing amulet of the demon, Aquatic amulet, Goblin combat boots, Darian the destroyer, Carebear Smiley Pendant, Ring of Command, An amulet of the winds, a jewel encrusted glove, Wizards pointed hat, Wizards pointed hat, An amulet of flames, An amulet of the winds, 2 glowing amulets of the demon, 2 Mithril Leggingses, Black belt of Kraag, Orc Chiefs Onyx Ring, Deathblack ringmail, Dragon scale leg plates, Riveted shoulder pads, Dark red belt, Feathered hair piece, Sword of Hiessch'grend, Dragonslayer, Blood red sandals, Aquatic amulet, White tunic Silken gown, Stylish pair of spectacles, Jagged tin band, 3 Black belts of Kraag, Rusty shovel, Dazzling golden ring, Large hooktipped hat, Black obsidian ring, 2 Twisted glovesses of Kraag, Glowing Red Leggings, Smooth copper ring, Ring with a glowing diamond, Royal Rat Ring, Black stole of a priest of Mitra, Royal blue cloak, Darian the destroyer, Skull-shaped ring, a small tinderbox, Dragonslayer, Fungus Armband, Saurial staff, DarkBlade. MAKE MBS WITHIN


poster: Slayn
subject: wanted (ft too)
date: Mon Apr 19 19:04:14 2004

i would like the following please.

Head: Ogre helmet.
Neck: Dark Red Choker
     Necklace of Evil 
     Necklace of the Gods
     Velvet collar

Ammy: erm somthing dexish. i havent seem many dest ammys
     but something along those lines.
Arms: Spiked Bracers
Arms: Steel Bracers
Rings: there are to many to mention but something str/dex ish
Belt: Zapa belt
     Black Chain stained with blood 
     Dragon Belt
     Runed Mithril Buckle
Legs: Golem pants
     Tight leather pants
     War Greaves 
     Right Greave of Desi (sounds nice)
Feet: Red slippers
      Steel Boots

i think thats it. oh i have to point out that i dont need all
of it ;)

i can get gold pretty fast as all my friends have 
gone back to university or i have some int eq ft
 Black scalemail
Black Mithril Vambrace
Claddah Ring
Belt of the wind
Golem Brain
Green brocade sleeve
Cloak of the Ages
Blue fluffy slipper
Yellow fluffy slipper

id prefer to deal in gold.
-slyna with another poorly constructed post.


poster: Nick
subject: W:
date: Tue Apr 20 20:11:18 2004

Looking for Cha eq, specifically shimmering flute, designer belt,
pants of the traveler, pair of stylish oakleys, clown flower, clown
shoes.  Will accept lesser pieces or pieces I haven't mentioned that
have cha.  


poster: fjunix
subject: Eq wanted
date: Wed Apr 21 08:29:58 2004

Umm im looking for nos cloak and a belt of mourning..

Mail me if you have one fs.


poster: Scourge
subject: For sale!
date: Wed Apr 21 11:42:44 2004

Have hammer of power (1m), shrink book (1.2m), enlarge book (1m),
dsell book (1.5m) all for sales..Mail me or catch me online. :-)


poster: Scourge
subject: >For sale!
date: Thu Apr 22 12:31:38 2004

On Wed Apr 21 11:42:44 2004 Scourge wrote post #892:
> Have hammer of power (1m), shrink book (1.2m), enlarge book (1m),
> dsell book (1.5m) all for sales..Mail me or catch me online. :-)
> -ScourgE
All is gone except for dsell,enlarge books. (1.5m)(1m), also have a
pyro for 250k and 2 dbbs for 50k each. Catch me online/mail if ya
want any of it.


poster: Slayn
subject: fs/ft
date: Fri Apr 23 00:27:30 2004

Black scalemail:    5mil	
Black Mithril Vambrace:  8mil
Claddah Ring:  1.5mil
Black leather glove: 100k
Belt of the wind: 7mil
Golem Brain:  5mil
Green brocade sleeve: 2mil
Cloak of the Ages: 7mil
Quitqklia:  4mil
Blue fluffy slipper: 6mil
Blue fluffy slipper: 6mil

W:naraku helm +collar
oh and other ma stuffs.
- love slyna


poster: Scourge
subject: FS
date: Fri Apr 23 13:52:42 2004

Dsell book, 1.5m, green flowing dress, 4m. Looking for wool
skirt.mail me and lemme know whats up


poster: Ca
subject: looking to buy tp-sac eq
date: Fri Apr 23 19:31:45 2004

I'm buying tpsac eq I haven't sacced before for 250k per/tp.  The
list of eq that I've already sacced is here:

Also, as a stipulation, I'm only paying based on what Sloat actually
gives me, not what is on someone's eq page.  You're welcome to come
with me to sloat while I sac it though :P


poster: Eomer
subject: fs/ft:
date: Fri Apr 23 22:36:05 2004

ok, here is my updated list, the following are for sale or for trade
tia armshields, red gold crown, witchs stocking, jade amulet, black snake belt

i am in need of apoc staves or darkwhips, metal stethoscope, mask of
anguish, and tia leggings

mail me if youre interested in buying/selling any of that eq


poster: Slayn
subject: W anted
date: Sat Apr 24 00:57:25 2004

steel boots
golem pants 


poster: Sykiro
subject: Wanted
date: Sun Apr 25 16:06:37 2004

Wolf-Hide Cloak



poster: Palmascay
subject: For Sale
date: Sun Apr 25 18:57:26 2004

Hide of Ykhel- neck slot +25con/+16str/+9hpr
Whalus Cloak- +30wis/+12spr/+2healing efficiency, this is also ft
Vengeance ring
mail me with reasonable bids plz, also what u would trade for cloak


poster: Palmascay
subject: For Sale
date: Sun Apr 25 18:58:32 2004

Also fs, twisted bracer of rogue/spiked armband pair


poster: Blizz
subject: FS/FT:  HoC
date: Mon Apr 26 06:27:19 2004

New Hammer of Crushing

I'd really like to come across the following:  Black Leather Bracer,
Glove of Energy, or an Apoc Staff

Msg me with bids or offers.  

Thanks a bunch.


poster: Draco
subject: fs/ft
date: Mon Apr 26 06:45:52 2004

selling the following, will trade also to wis eqs of the
belt/arms/eyes/head/lhand variety
black chain stained with blood 3.5m
claddah ring
thin strawspun belt
stone gauntlet
mail or send tells if interested


poster: Moose
subject: fs
date: Mon Apr 26 10:12:41 2004

Horns of Ykhel
Armor class : About 17
 con : 16
 con : 16
str : 25
dex : 9

Holy staff
 Weapon class : About 33
wis : 29
 shield parry : 4
Horns mb 2.5M
staff mb 3M


poster: sanvaldor
subject: Ft
date: Mon Apr 26 12:44:11 2004


Dark gloves of Nosferatu

Breastplate of Darkness

Claddah Ring

Crystal Leggings

W: Various topslot healerequipment

Observe: Only For Trade, Not For Sale!




poster: Dojjan
subject: Fs!
date: Mon Apr 26 23:11:25 2004

I have a: New: Olathurl Phlith (100.0) for sale.
Mb is 7M.. I might trade for top wis eq.. depends on offer.
Mail me or catch me online if u want it!
Hugs and kisses
Yours truly


poster: Lagduf
subject: wanted
date: Mon Apr 26 23:34:34 2004

Looking for following pieces :
Hammer of Crushing
Woo mask or Bulzarath
Amulet of destruction
Hyborean style gorget


poster: Lagduf
subject: ring thing
date: Tue Apr 27 23:40:37 2004

selling / trading Spider adorned ring
+31wis +3% shield parry +eat corpses
mail bids or check possibly trades from my earlier post


poster: Fraziw
subject: FS
date: Tue Apr 27 23:55:48 2004

I have these items fs:
Leg bone and Fibrous wooden glove. Mail me etc. I just want gold or
my personal finn.


poster: Matt
subject: FS
date: Wed Apr 28 00:34:44 2004

Studded armshield: 2M
Scaled armshield: 2M
Red satin headband: 4M
Ring of chaos: 3M
Mask of clear seeing: 1M
Crystal leggings: 800K
Crystal leggings of true reflection: 1M

mudmail me bids or catch me online.


poster: Palmascay
subject: For Sale/Wanted
date: Wed Apr 28 02:56:55 2004

For Sale:
schizo tooth
spiked mace
ring of mischief
vengeance ring
large white mithril ring
gnosis armor
dagger of the ne'tal
hide of ykhel
crystal leggings of true relfection
luminous cara pace
cloak of ages
amulet of dessication
mythinite gauntlets
glistening knife
5-headed snake whip

1x wyrnbane
1x kama
1x twisted wood ring
wool skirt
2x whalus staffs


poster: Palmascay
subject: UpDate
date: Wed Apr 28 02:57:34 2004

mail be with serious bids plz


poster: Mor
subject: Wanted
date: Wed Apr 28 23:58:15 2004

I am looking for a decent newbie/lowbie fighter torso and legs. I
only have 220k to spend right now, but that can change in an
instant. mail me the item, its stats, slots, ect. Thanks!


poster: Moose
subject: FS/W
date: Thu Apr 29 00:32:43 2004

I got Ykhel horns fs: 25str.16con.9 dex mb 2M

I want crap load of onyxes. talk to me.. I'd pay alot.


poster: Dojjan
subject: I want..
date: Thu Apr 29 07:17:18 2004

I'm looking for a Baboonskin cloak..
Or some other top wis eq. Mail me or catch me online if u have any of it fs!


poster: Ferrelas
subject: Wanted eq
date: Thu Apr 29 17:36:35 2004

I want a Emerald breastplate. Mail me or send me a tell if
you have one for sale.



poster: Gerrik
subject: wanted
date: Fri Apr 30 00:30:14 2004

im looking for a Fibrous Bark Glove. I have gold, int eq, and some
tank stuff for trade.


poster: Kalma
subject: Last Call: Dredges of things you want to buy... 
date: Fri Apr 30 01:26:49 2004

For sale, probably not trade. I might be tempted for something ultra cool.
All are 100% and I haven't worn, used, folded, spindled or mutilated them. 
I have no idea how much these are worth, don't expect any immediate sales.

Studded Leather Armor : +20 spr, +8 int, +5% nerves o fire, +5% lore o elders

Silver pendant        : +30 spr, +12 wis, +4% pious words

Black leather gloves  : +25 sta, +25 str, +3% motion control 
5-headed snake whip   : +25 dex,pois damge, 4% lightning whip, WC: 37 

Lodestone Spellbook

Happy Purchasing. :) 

Ps. No, you may not tithe me your payments to get a higher % on my plaque.
Ps. This is last call, then they'll go back into my safes to collect dust. 


poster: Tzikas
subject: wanted
date: Fri Apr 30 16:51:51 2004

Im looking for the following EQ pieces ...
Fiborous Bark Glove
Dragonscale Boots
Twisted Metal Ring
Deathen Shield
I have gold, int eqs, and even Apocalypse Staffs that I am willing
to let go of.


poster: Andros
subject: W: int eq
date: Fri Apr 30 23:03:50 2004

i want int eq, all slots except legs,left finger,right
hand,belt,neck,right arm
have lots of gold
mail me, Andros.


poster: Xphere
subject: eqs
date: Sun May  2 01:04:46 2004

got some spr int/wis eqs....
Rod of Magic
Vambrace of odivshe
Blackmon's Armguard
Crystal Wings
Leg Bone
Nenya (dull)
Whispering Ring
Dark amulet of the Conjurer
Silver Helm
Mask of Clear Seeing
Dragon Sash
Robe of oblivion
Elaborate boots of frith
mail me with bids, also, all of it is ft to some good fig weapons, i
could use some


poster: Scourge
subject: FS/Wanted
date: Sun May  2 05:53:59 2004

All the following for sale:  Simple wool skirt
  Witch's stocking
  Gloves of Skjarl
  Glass Eye of Hag
  Red gold crown (dazzling)
  Belt of mourning
  2 Rings of white gold
  Blackmon's Black Staff
  Amulet of fear
  Pink ballet slipper
  Leather Armshields of Tiamat
  Bone Dagger
uhm, don't have mb's but don't insult me either.
Looking for top/near top dmg fig eqs..have left arm so
far..preferably blunts or pierce weapons..lemme know


poster: Scourge
subject: >FS/Wanted
date: Sun May  2 11:35:37 2004

On Sun May  2 05:53:59 2004 Scourge wrote post #928:
>   Belt of mourning
>   2 Rings of white gold
>   Blackmon's Black Staff
>   Amulet of fear
>   Pink ballet slipper
>   Leather Armshields of Tiamat
>   Bone Dagger
> uhm, don't have mb's but don't insult me either.
> Looking for top/near top dmg fig eqs..have left arm so
> far..preferably blunts or pierce weapons..lemme know
Stocking,slipper,hag eye,skirt gone. Still looking for all fig
str/dex slots..cept left arm, prefer frost pikes/nice blunts


poster: Eponine
subject: bulzarath
date: Mon May  3 00:12:28 2004

bidding now open, most recent bid is 15m from Scourge.
bidding will close Friday when I log on after work


poster: Shooter
subject: w:amulet of dessication
date: Mon May  3 09:18:58 2004

Make offers when im online, or use mail...




poster: Smee
subject: hi
date: Mon May  3 22:23:51 2004

i have a glove of energy
i want some naraku eq or a left chap or some combo of all awesome
eqs this mud has ever seen
so i am still thinking about that
but if you have some idea of incredible awesomeness
you should let me know
love smee


poster: Scourge
subject: fs/ft/w
date: Tue May  4 03:46:25 2004

Still looking for the following:
Velvet collar
Amulet of Destruction
Spiked Bracers
Enchanted Mithril Plate Greaves
Still have these for sale/trade:
Bone dagger
2 Rings of white gold
Blackmon's black staff
Gloves of Skjarl
Amulet of fear
Crystal leggings
Necklace of fangs.
If you see something you'd like to trade, depending on the items, i
can compensate with gold..Let me know, please.


poster: Andros
subject: eq i need
date: Tue May  4 17:18:57 2004

still need mask of veins,mask of anguish,red strappy dress,black
leather bracer,1 nos ring and 2x apoca staffs
have gold, mail me if you are selling any of this
Thanks, Andros.


poster: Kuron
subject: fs
date: Tue May  4 19:23:39 2004

Claddah ring
Ceremonial armbands of mitra
Anubian Deathmask
Black belt of kraag
send me offers


poster: Cazhmere
subject: For Sale
date: Wed May  5 00:03:35 2004

I have a Brilliant Goat-Skin Chap (right) for sale.
If you want this to be yours, 9m is the mb.
I will be taking bids until Sunday 23:00 rltime, so send me usual mail/tell.



poster: Xphere
subject: i'll stab you
date: Wed May  5 07:34:07 2004

gimmie pierce weapons, frost pike, dagger of chaos, etc, whatever, yeah :P
got a couple pieces of wis/spr eqs, ummm, mythinite gauntlets... and gold


poster: Scourge
subject: Wanted
date: Wed May  5 12:25:53 2004

I have got everything i need, save one piece!
I need a pair of Steel bracers.
Have gold, mail me please.. :-)


poster: Eponine
subject: Bulzarath update
date: Thu May  6 03:20:23 2004

Just a reminder, bidding ends this Friday
Bids so far are:
17m gold
tia arms, nos cloak, apoc staff, and 5m gold
apoc staff, yellow and blue slippers
mud mail me with bids


poster: Teego
subject: fs breast plate of blending
date: Thu May  6 17:50:16 2004

2 tsps

Breastplate of Blending | +8 dex, +6 sta, +5% double stab | 2

price is 678K. 5% discount if you are an even level (ie level 26, 54, 134).


poster: Daeva
subject: eq wanted
date: Thu May  6 20:33:22 2004

Looking for blunt weapon of some kind, have 1 meg atm but
I am climbing up. plz respond if you have anything of use
Yours sincerly
// Daeva


poster: Scourge
subject: Gimme
date: Sun May  9 05:51:45 2004

I still need some Steel Bracers.
I have necklace of fangs, Rowg fs/ft..
Also have da shiny coins of goodness
ALSO: Looking to trade necklace of evil (100.00) to a velvet collar
(of similiar or above 95.0 condition)
Plz lemme know
Also, fax all responses to my secretary occult


poster: Roxer
subject: dmgeq
date: Sun May  9 11:22:51 2004

i whould like to buy some dmg eq, like MA eq.
I have some wis eq  i could trade like
2xrowg, golem brain,witch stocking,heels,nos cloak,green dress,thin
leather belt and almost all top healer slots

Have fun playing


poster: Xphere
subject: WANTED!!
date: Sun May  9 13:15:07 2004

piercing weapon, come on, hook it up! :P
hopefully something close to top, yeah, sellmeone


poster: Fox
subject: FS! or FT?
date: Wed May 12 08:35:19 2004

Red Satin Headband
Cloak of the Ages

Inquire within the skull for more details.



poster: Moose
subject: FS
date: Wed May 12 10:12:39 2004

Left War Greave mb 3M
Onyx ring mb 4M
Spiked Bracers mb 4.5M


poster: sanvaldor
subject: W: Money Fast!!
date: Wed May 12 13:21:52 2004

FS: golem brain, claddah ring, real nice price

But need the money quick!



poster: Tzikas
subject: For sale: Mask of Anguish
date: Wed May 12 18:18:14 2004

Brand spanking new, mail me serious bids.


poster: Tzikas
subject: For Sale: Amulet of Destruction
date: Wed May 12 22:17:54 2004

Brand spanking new, mail me SERIOUS bids.


poster: Locke
subject: Wanted - Bone Polished Ring
date: Thu May 13 00:53:02 2004

I would like a Bone Polished Ring plz plz plz, if you have ony plz
plz mail me!


poster: Mor
subject: Fs/ft and w:
date: Sat May 15 07:52:02 2004

I have these items for sale.
Avenger axe       +6 str/dex, wc ~42  mb 50k
Dark red belt     +5 wis, +4 int   mb 20k
Blood red sandals   +8 spr   mb 25k
Stylish pair of spectacles   +6 wis   mb 10k

I want thesse items.

Dragon skin suit
Warp blades



poster: Ferrelas
subject: MA eq wanted
date: Sat May 15 23:07:08 2004

I want some MA eq for all slots exept arms. The slots that
need eq most urgently are head eyes and legs. I have
about one meg gold to spend. Let me know if you have something suitable.



poster: Daeva
subject: look
date: Sun May 16 11:16:59 2004

Shaman's Staff  | +10 str, +4% blunt weapons mastery, +5%
deathblow(3tps) mb 600k
Emerald Crown +12 int mb 120k                                       
Talisman of zarath 70k


poster: Moose
subject: FS
date: Mon May 17 00:47:42 2004


got those fs. contact me.


poster: Moose
subject: FS
date: Mon May 17 00:48:42 2004

fs: Left war greave.Onyx ring.Spiked bracers. legendary 
great axe named kindle.maull of
fire.dagger of king ahmose.cutlass of the Ne'tal.thunder axe.


poster: Smee
subject: eheh
date: Mon May 17 05:39:59 2004

if i lent you / sold you ripper the runic battleaxe
i need it :/

if not, sell me one


poster: Highpriest
subject: Drider silk
date: Mon May 17 13:20:09 2004

FS: Average sized spool of drider silk
Current highest bid is 500k by Smee.
Bid will continue until Thursday 21 12:00:00 2004 CET (rltime)
Mail me bid or send me tells, I'll update on sales again.



poster: Matt
subject: fs or ft
date: Mon May 17 22:47:47 2004

I have a glove of energy for sale or for trade.
I am looking for:
- Dark gloves of Nosferatu
- Belt of mourning
- Witch's Stocking
- Pink Slipper

please mail me offers



poster: Roxer
subject: w
date: Mon May 17 23:35:22 2004

i whould like to buy some good ma eq and a rgc


poster: nevyn
subject: FS / FT: Ring of Disruption
date: Wed May 19 00:09:35 2004

Mail / tell me and I'll consider your bid, not setting any time thing on this beauty. Gonna collect dust until decent bid shows up. /Nev


poster: Nevyn (Web) 
subject: >FS / FT: Ring of Disruption
date: Wed May 19 10:27:25 2004

On Wed May 19 00:09:35 2004 nevyn wrote post #960 in sales:

> Mail / tell me and I'll consider your bid, not setting any time thing on this beauty. Gonna collect dust until decent bid shows up. /Nev

Update: Ring sold, thx


poster: Scourge
subject: Wanted/fs/ft
date: Thu May 20 16:12:19 2004

looking for : 2 whalus staffs, hag eye, scarab of life, rowg, thin
leather belt, death talisman, blue fuzzy mitten, witches stocking,
pink ballet slipper.

Have some fig things for trade..:2 rings of dragonses, amulet of
destruction, steel bracers, golem greaves, olathurl phlith.
Let me know if yoou want to trade! :)


poster: fjunix
subject: Eqs fs:
date: Fri May 21 19:15:30 2004

Ring of lavos              |+15 spr, +10 int, +3% qc | 2             500k

Thin goat intestine gloves |+16 spr, +6 wis, +3% protection ritual   1m

Emerald boots of Vorysis   |+6 spr, +6 int                           50k

Tickle Feather             |+8 int, +9spr                            100k

Magical Wand               |+7 spr, +7 int                           100k

Skullcracker               |+12 str, +5 hpr, WC ~41                  200k

Diamond Brooch             |+8 spr                                   50k

Green robe of Raena            ????                                  ???

Mail me if you are interested or catch me Online.



poster: Korthrun
subject: Wanted
date: Sat May 22 12:33:34 2004

Looking for some pyros, three would be nice. One at a time is fine,
more than three is dandy.


poster: Daeva
subject: I want a War Hammer of Rage offering 4m
date: Sat May 22 23:21:07 2004

I want a War Hammer of Rage offering 4m


poster: Belgarion
subject: >Wanted/fs/ft
date: Sun May 23 14:28:18 2004

On Thu May 20 16:12:19 2004 Scourge wrote post #962:
> looking for : 2 whalus staffs, hag eye, scarab of life, rowg, thin
> leather belt, death talisman, blue fuzzy mitten, witches stocking,
> pink ballet slipper.
> Have some fig things for trade..:2 rings of dragonses, amulet of
> destruction, steel bracers, golem greaves, olathurl phlith.
> Let me know if yoou want to trade! :)
doubt he needs them anymore


poster: Slayn
subject: wanted
date: Sun May 23 18:22:34 2004

dragon skin boots
ogre helm
velvet collar
enlarge book


poster: Draco
subject: >>Wanted/fs/ft
date: Sun May 23 22:31:25 2004

On Sun May 23 14:28:18 2004 Belgarion wrote post #966:
> On Thu May 20 16:12:19 2004 Scourge wrote post #962:
> > looking for : 2 whalus staffs, hag eye, scarab of life, rowg, thin
> > leather belt, death talisman, blue fuzzy mitten, witches stocking,
> > pink ballet slipper.
> > 
> > Have some fig things for trade..:2 rings of dragonses, amulet of
> > destruction, steel bracers, golem greaves, olathurl phlith.
> > Let me know if yoou want to trade! :)
> doubt he needs them anymore
this kind of comment is not needed belgarion, he is gone, everyone
knows this, you dont have have to kick people when they are down.


poster: Belgarion
subject: >>>Wanted/fs/ft
date: Mon May 24 06:52:55 2004

On Sun May 23 22:31:25 2004 Draco wrote post #968:
> On Sun May 23 14:28:18 2004 Belgarion wrote post #966:
> > On Thu May 20 16:12:19 2004 Scourge wrote post #962:
> > > looking for : 2 whalus staffs, hag eye, scarab of life, rowg, thin
> > > leather belt, death talisman, blue fuzzy mitten, witches stocking,
> > > pink ballet slipper.
> > > 
> > > Have some fig things for trade..:2 rings of dragonses, amulet of
> > > destruction, steel bracers, golem greaves, olathurl phlith.
> > > Let me know if yoou want to trade! :)
> > doubt he needs them anymore
> this kind of comment is not needed belgarion, he is gone, everyone
> knows this, you dont have have to kick people when they are down.
i just stated it, also he is gone and wont see it so shhhhh


poster: Kaos
subject: >>>>Wanted/fs/ft
date: Mon May 24 08:15:18 2004

On Mon May 24 06:52:55 2004 Belgarion wrote post #969:
> On Sun May 23 22:31:25 2004 Draco wrote post #968:
> > On Sun May 23 14:28:18 2004 Belgarion wrote post #966:
> > > On Thu May 20 16:12:19 2004 Scourge wrote post #962:
> > > > looking for : 2 whalus staffs, hag eye, scarab of life, rowg, thin
> > > > leather belt, death talisman, blue fuzzy mitten, witches stocking,
> > > > pink ballet slipper.
> > > > 
> > > > Have some fig things for trade..:2 rings of dragonses, amulet of
> > > > destruction, steel bracers, golem greaves, olathurl phlith.
> > > > Let me know if yoou want to trade! :)
> > > doubt he needs them anymore
> > this kind of comment is not needed belgarion, he is gone, everyone
> > knows this, you dont have have to kick people when they are down.
> i just stated it, also he is gone and wont see it so shhhhh
or IS HE??


poster: Uno
subject: >>>>>Wanted/fs/ft
date: Mon May 24 13:35:33 2004

On Mon May 24 08:15:18 2004 Kaos wrote post #970:
> > > > > pink ballet slipper.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Have some fig things for trade..:2 rings of dragonses, amulet of
> > > > > destruction, steel bracers, golem greaves, olathurl phlith.
> > > > > Let me know if yoou want to trade! :)
> > > > doubt he needs them anymore
> > > this kind of comment is not needed belgarion, he is gone, everyone
> > > knows this, you dont have have to kick people when they are down.
> > i just stated it, also he is gone and wont see it so shhhhh
> or IS HE??
p.s. i am litho. nuke me. raaaar.


poster: Kiera
subject: wanted
date: Mon May 24 17:19:55 2004

hi, i'm looking for str/dex eqs (armors) that are ~150-400k a piece.
i already have amulet, arms, and feet. i will appreciate almost
anything, no matter how small. mail me with items and mbs.


poster: Hossenfeffer
subject: eq
date: Mon May 24 20:03:08 2004

I Have an Axe of Darkness fs. mb 4m
mail me with you bids and thanks for your time


poster: Eomer
subject: ft:
date: Tue May 25 13:27:43 2004

ive got a spider amulet for trade to any of the following sales nos
ring or metal stetho or cloak of the ages
mail me if youre interested


poster: Goroharahad
subject: wanted
date: Tue May 25 13:50:18 2004

blue and yellow fluffy slippers.

For gold, or for trade for some eq/hitter eq, inquire


poster: Hossenfeffer
subject: Eq
date: Wed May 26 21:24:54 2004

fs: Necklace of Evil 3.5m and Turlach Bracers 800k
plz mail me with bids


poster: Ranja
subject: >wanted
date: Fri May 28 00:14:16 2004

On Mon May 24 17:19:55 2004 Kiera wrote post #972:
> hi, i'm looking for str/dex eqs (armors) that are ~150-400k a piece.
> i already have amulet, arms, and feet. i will appreciate almost
> anything, no matter how small. mail me with items and mbs.


poster: Palmascay
subject: FoR sAlE
date: Fri May 28 08:34:49 2004

Xetty spiked necklace
silver pendant
mail me with serious bids on them plz


poster: Energystar
subject: w:
date: Sat May 29 05:32:14 2004

ma eq, and top wis eq


poster: Ferrelas
subject: MA eq wanted
date: Sat May 29 22:53:57 2004

I'm looking to buy some MA eq and I got about 1.5M to spend
maybe I can get more if you got a good item for a good price...
Mail me or send a tell if you got something.



poster: Panza
subject: fig eqs
date: Wed Jun  2 18:51:46 2004

if whoever bought my black leather gloves, black leather shirt, and
vengeance ring wants to rebuy them, mail me, and you can have them
auction free, but if i sell it in the meantime, sorry


poster: Locke
subject: Wanted
date: Wed Jun  2 18:57:29 2004

Looking for armguards of copycat, seem to have bought one during
reset time, but forgot exactly who did it.  Mail me please if you
have one!


poster: Kiera
subject: 4 SAIL!1
date: Fri Jun  4 04:28:13 2004

mask of veins. mb 7m. cond. 98.3 (NEW) (OMG!)


poster: Kiera
subject: >4 SAIL!1
date: Sat Jun  5 16:56:43 2004

yea, mask of veins still fs, but i'm tossing out the mb. just mail
me bids on it.
i'll also trade it for str/con eq, but i don't want just 1 top slot
piece or whatever, i'm only shopping for lowbie/midbie pieces.
blah blah


poster: Bahgtru
subject: FS/W
date: Sun Jun  6 04:58:26 2004

Got Horned Skull, Torc of Kings, Darian, Damien, Boots of Lavos,
Sand Scales fs, mail me with bids or catch me on

Looking for Azarian Helm, Quark's Demonhide, White Mitra Stole,
Demented Amulet, Satin Gloves, Ring of Lavos (x2), Onyx Mavado
Leggings, Frith Boots (or any similar items). Again, mail or catch

- B


poster: Mintorus
subject: w:
date: Sun Jun  6 11:16:47 2004

w: zapa girdle & some left hand fig eq like darkgreen paw or beasts
wooden glove.


poster: Lorric
subject: w:
date: Mon Jun  7 01:31:09 2004

top thrower/bard eq
wig, dragon eyes, golden choker, black leather cloak, stylish vest,
ammy dest. clowns flower, steel bracers, black leather gloves, ring
of flowing mists, black chain staned with blood,designer belt, pants
of the traveler,tighte leather pants, dragon scale boots

thats about it if you kow something better fine


poster: Kiera
subject: w
date: Mon Jun  7 11:36:49 2004

str/dex eqs, and a better piercing weapon than silly wererat daggers.
mail me mbs and stuff


poster: Daran
subject: EQ's wanted
date: Tue Jun  8 06:01:03 2004

Please sell me black scalemail, silver pendant, wis rings


poster: Lagduf
subject: for sale
date: Wed Jun  9 00:24:08 2004

Shining silver cross
+20str +15con +3% all skills +3% unholy_res, neck

Dark Red Choker
+22dex +20con +10sta, neck

mail or tell me bids...thx...


poster: Roxer
subject: fs
date: Wed Jun  9 14:25:53 2004

Thin Leather belt for sales
mail me bids plz


poster: Roxer
subject: belt
date: Wed Jun  9 17:07:50 2004

current bid is 6.5m made by nevyn


poster: Nezmaniac
subject: fs: warden rings
date: Thu Jun 10 11:06:49 2004

have 2x golden ring of the warden
16 dex, 6 wis, 3% spiritual power, 3% spiritual transfer
if interested, make an offer


poster: Bahgtru
subject: W
date: Thu Jun 10 13:24:06 2004

I'm looking for Onyx Movado Leggings, Paw of Dbeast, Worn Leather
Glove, Demented Amulet and a Mask of Clear Seeing

Mail/catch online if you can give


poster: Kasma
subject: wanted?
date: Thu Jun 10 17:08:03 2004

look for some sort of halfway-decent slashing weap, don't have very
much money, but i'll pay it off :)
Kasmaster 5000


poster: Korthrun
subject: Wanted.
date: Fri Jun 11 12:03:23 2004

RGC, Hag eye, Xettyneck,Baboonskin cloak, Breastplate of Darkness,
Heart-shaped Locket, Leather Armshields of Tiamat, Blue fuzzy
mitten, Death talisman, 2x Rod, Belt of mourning, Simple wool skirt,
and either Light Silvery Boots or Witch's stocking/Pink ballet
have str/dex and int eq ft


poster: Eomer
subject: ft
date: Fri Jun 11 15:10:37 2004

ive got two darkwhips, id like to trade them to whalus staves, or
other wis pieces worth around the same amount
mail me if interested in a trade


poster: Korthrun
subject: >Wanted.
date: Fri Jun 11 20:48:57 2004

Got Rowgs, tia arms and stocking


poster: Korthrun
subject: >>Wanted.
date: Fri Jun 11 20:58:25 2004

On Fri Jun 11 20:48:57 2004 Korthrun wrote post #998:
> Got Rowgs, tia arms and stocking
and rgc


poster: Korthrun
subject: >>>Wanted.
date: Sat Jun 12 00:40:59 2004

On Fri Jun 11 20:58:25 2004 Korthrun wrote post #999:
> On Fri Jun 11 20:48:57 2004 Korthrun wrote post #998:
> > Got Rowgs, tia arms and stocking
> and rgc
and hag eye


poster: Smee
subject: ft to facesmashers
date: Sat Jun 12 03:45:54 2004

i dunno, a dragonslayer to 2 facesmashers? that sounds fair
love smee


poster: nevyn
subject: Simple wool skirt
date: Sat Jun 12 23:51:14 2004

4m heard from Mistar Nol with the yellow party text. someone please notify instigator. and btw please MAIL bids since i'm a semi-retired son of a ***** now... will hopefully change though...


poster: Palmascay
subject: For Sale
date: Sun Jun 13 02:34:08 2004

Rod of Magic- 12spr|8int|3mastery of evocation
Blood stained axe- WC 54|26str|16sta|5weapon skill slashing|acid dmg
Witch's stocking-18wis|14spr|left foot
Claddah Ring-5epr|15wis|19spr|15int|right finger
Pearl of Power-10wis|25spr|10int
White lace gloves-5wis|20spr|22int|3quick chant
Stone Gauntlet-5str|15dex|1mag_res|right hand
Light, silvery boots-18wis|14spr|6find weakness
Wings of Daedalus-12sta|20dex|5dodge
Decapitator-15str|2dmg|7con|4advanced whirlwind attack|asphyxiation dmg
Steel Bracers-15sta|30dex|+hits when special goes off

Mail me with serious bids plz.


poster: Lorric
subject: wanted
date: Sun Jun 13 05:10:10 2004

golden choker, black leather cloak, runed mithril chainmail, clowns
flower, steel bracers, 2x ring of mischief/flowing mist, tight
leather pants, dragon scale boots


poster: balmong
subject: cheap eq
date: Mon Jun 14 02:47:39 2004

 ill buy a warp blade for 200k or 180k plz tell me if you will do this


poster: balmong
subject: FS:
date: Mon Jun 14 02:50:15 2004

i have mithril leggings for sales for 100k-50k


poster: Darktooth
subject: for sale & want
date: Mon Jun 14 09:34:01 2004

selling off my newbie cast set wanted fighter set. 
fs: Leather belt 12spr 3int 125k
Smooth copper ring 6int 6wis 60k
Feathered hair piece 3sta 9wis 9sp max 100k
Golden Amulet of Lor 3spr %4 magic dart
Glasses of Truesight 16spr 3int %1 mastery of mind 150k
Belt of Shielding 11spr 75k
Wolf-hide cloak 400k
Emerald boots of Vorysis 6spr 6int 75k
Twisted gloves of Kraag  +1 QC  8wis 50k
Whispering ring 16spr +infarsion 150k

Kruncher, adamantium hammer
any other fig eq for any slots

any bids? mail me through mud 


poster: Balmong
subject: >for sale & want
date: Tue Jun 15 00:18:29 2004

On Mon Jun 14 09:34:01 2004 Darktooth wrote post #1009 in sales:

> selling off my newbie cast set wanted fighter set. 

> fs: Leather belt 12spr 3int 125k

> Smooth copper ring 6int 6wis 60k

> Feathered hair piece 3sta 9wis 9sp max 100k

> Golden Amulet of Lor 3spr %4 magic dart

> Glasses of Truesight 16spr 3int %1 mastery of mind 150k

> Belt of Shielding 11spr 75k

> Wolf-hide cloak 400k

> Emerald boots of Vorysis 6spr 6int 75k

> Twisted gloves of Kraag  +1 QC  8wis 50k

> Whispering ring 16spr +infarsion 150k


> wanted: Kruncher, adamantium hammer

> any other fig eq for any slots


> any bids? mail me through mud 


poster: Mamoru
subject: wanted
date: Tue Jun 15 08:09:05 2004

red strappy heels
simple wool skirt
tia arms

mail me if ya got em, and how much ya wants
teh mams


poster: Kjelle
subject: >FS/W
date: Tue Jun 15 08:09:59 2004

On Sun Jun  6 04:58:26 2004 Bahgtru wrote post #985 in sales:

> Got Horned Skull, Torc of Kings, Darian, Damien, Boots of Lavos,

> Sand Scales fs, mail me with bids or catch me on


> Looking for Azarian Helm, Quark's Demonhide, White Mitra Stole,

> Demented Amulet, Satin Gloves, Ring of Lavos (x2), Onyx Mavado

> Leggings, Frith Boots (or any similar items). Again, mail or catch


> - B

got a ring of Lavos for ya, if ya still need it..:)


poster: helios
subject: wanted stuff
date: Tue Jun 15 16:28:03 2004

Following stuff is wanted.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*Max bid*

Wolfhide-bag. . . . . . . . .*300k*

Pyroclasts. . . . . . . . . .*250k*

Stonegauntlet . . . . . . . .*1m* 

Amulet of destruction . . . .*not averge price ;P*

Thanks, catch me online or send me a mail and i will contact you.


poster: Mamoru
subject: >wanted
date: Tue Jun 15 19:41:20 2004

On Tue Jun 15 08:09:05 2004 Mamoru wrote post #1011:
> red strappy heels
> simple wool skirt
> tia arms
> mail me if ya got em, and how much ya wants
> thx,
> teh mams
got arms
also looking for claddah ring, belt of mourning


poster: zilpen
subject: w: top int stuff
date: Tue Jun 15 19:57:26 2004


Looking to buy, at a fair price, one of the following, in order of the priority of my interest:

1. (most interested in this one) Mask of anguish;

2. Black Mithril Vambrace;

3. Black Leather Bracer;

4. Metal Stethoscope.

If you are interested in selling any of these, please mudmail me or send me a tell online.

Thank you.



poster: Moose
subject: FT to Fig dmg set!
date: Wed Jun 16 22:47:15 2004

   o                        Mask of Veins head                          o   
o                       Mask of Anguish eyes                         o   
o                       Metal stethoscope neck                       o   
o                      Cloak of the Ages cloak                       o   
o                      Red Strappy Dress torso                       o   
o                  Black Mithril Vambrace left arm                   o   
o                  Black leather bracer right arm                    o   
o              Spellbook covered with runes right hand               o   
o                Dark ring of Nosferatu left finger                  o   
o                Dark ring of Nosferatu right finger                 o   
o                       Belt of the wind belt                        o   
o                  Magical Leggings of Tiamat legs                   o   
o                  Yellow fluffy slipper left foot                   o   
o                  Blue fluffy slipper right foot                    o   
o               Apocalypse staff (wielded) (right hand)                o   
o                Apocalypse staff (wielded) (left hand)                o  

I want a nice dmg fig set..


poster: Eomer
subject: fs/ft:
date: Thu Jun 17 05:29:37 2004

okie, i have a tia bplate, DragonSlayer, and darkwhip all for or for
trade, i want top healer pieces, gold, or reinc tickets, mail me
with all serious bids


poster: Moose
subject: >FT to Fig dmg set!
date: Thu Jun 17 14:47:29 2004

skip that book.
 make it White lace gloves instead.


poster: Eomer
subject: mbs on my st00f
date: Fri Jun 18 00:12:56 2004

okie, here are the mbs on the stuff im selling, breastplate of
tiamat is 8m, mail me bids, gonna take them until saturday, darkwhip
is 3m, and DragonSlayer is 6m


poster: Eomer
subject: bids heard
date: Fri Jun 18 05:01:27 2004

8m heard on tia bplate, and 6m heard on DSlayer, still have about
two days to mail me if you would like to outbid


poster: Bahgtru
subject: W
date: Fri Jun 18 15:53:43 2004

Feed me a caster right arm, hands and legs eq


poster: Seth
subject: stuff for sale
date: Fri Jun 18 16:01:37 2004

New: black leather gloves (100.0)
New: Mask of Veins (95.3)
New: Dark ring of Nosferatu (93.0)
Like new: Darkwhip (89.4)
Like new: Quickener (89.3)
Like new: Mask of Anguish (85.9)
Like new: Belt of the wind (84.8)
Like new: Red Strappy Dress (84.4)
Like new: Metal stethoscope (81.4)
Scratched: Dark ring of Nosferatu (78.6)
Scratched: Glove of energy (89.3)
Scratched: Magical Leggings of Tiamat (77.9)
Scratched: Cloak of the Ages (80.0)

mail bids plz k thx bye


poster: Palmascay
subject: For Sale
date: Fri Jun 18 23:10:37 2004

Hammer of Crushing - WC 58 aphyxiation dmg|25con|9str|4bloodlust mb 4m
Twisted Stone Dagger - 20int|20wis|1phys_res|2honor of gods mb 1.5m
Stone Gauntlet - right hand|5str|15dex|5mag_res mb 800k
mail me if u want these
k thanks


poster: balmong
subject: wanted
date: Mon Jun 21 23:44:15 2004

ill buy these follwoing items:


poster: Balmong
subject: >wanted
date: Mon Jun 21 23:50:44 2004

On Mon Jun 21 23:44:15 2004 balmong wrote post #1024 in sales:

> ill buy these follwoing items: warpblade, mithril leggings and any other >fighter eq




poster: Palmascay
subject: for sale
date: Tue Jun 22 10:06:15 2004

right foot of an alien (belt slot) |10con|10str|10dex|
mail me with some serious bids plz


poster: Daran
subject: Warrior Eq
date: Wed Jun 23 06:50:05 2004

W: warrior eq, I'm all nekkid cept for my head, got the cup
coverage. Mail me if you got stuffs or catch me online, thanks in


poster: Chrono
subject: hay yo!1
date: Thu Jun 24 17:52:14 2004

i'm looking for a fleshy armshield of naraku and twisted bracer of the rogue.
i have a little bit of gold and a few junk things i might get rid of
probably the only things i have that are worth anything are;

Fibrous Bark Glove, Fibrous Wooden Glove

some other possible options up for trade are:

Ghostly training collar, Vengeance ring, Legendary great axe named
'Kindle', Glistening knife, Froststrand, Demonsword, Wood 2x4,
Xnioln's fabled black cloak

mail me if any of this interests you and you have either item i want.


poster: Genesis
subject: Newb Eqs
date: Fri Jun 25 06:01:36 2004

Ive got some newb eq that id like to get rid of, if youre interested
mud mail me or catch me online.

Wiz wand, vorysis boots, frith boots, kraag belt and gloves, and
emerald crown. stats are in my plan.


poster: Daran
subject: Eq Wanted
date: Fri Jun 25 06:59:14 2004

If you can find it in your hearts to part with the following eqs,
please let me know as I have this stack of shiny pieces of metal
waiting to be traded:

     Shining Silver Cross, RHLS, Dark Cloak, Steel Bracers, Eye Of The Dragon

Thank you i love you all


poster: darkfox
subject: w:blunt weapon
date: Fri Jun 25 23:11:43 2004

want a good barbarian blunt weapon for 1-1.5mil


poster: Slayn
subject: FS
date: Sat Jun 26 19:35:14 2004

4 sail
tia plate 7.5mil
steel bracers 3mil
black chain 4mil
golem pants (soiled) 6mil
wood ring 5mil
myth gauntlets 3mil
necklace of evul 3.5mil
vengeance ring 2mil

bidding ends in a week 
use mails plz 
no tells as im afk
fank u


poster: Anlo
subject: Eq wanted
date: Sat Jun 26 23:41:19 2004

Hi I'm currently looking for legslots and something for torso. The
pieces I'm looking for are: Scarrab Leggings  or Onyx Movado
leggings for legslot. For torso I'm looking for a Black
Scalemail/Blood Covered Tunic/Magician's armor. In any case,
something with some spr and int or wis.
If you have something that fits the description please mudmail me
and maybe we can make a deal. :)


poster: Mamoru
subject: ft/fs
date: Sat Jun 26 23:45:34 2004

have necklace of fangs, trading to green flowing dress
might also sell it.. maybe


poster: Wagro
subject: Laurel Wreath
date: Sun Jun 27 07:28:31 2004

Got a brand new laurel wreath for sale or for trade to evoker stuffs. Mail me.


poster: Hossenfeffer
subject: wanted eq
date: Sun Jun 27 09:24:56 2004

W: steel/iron handled mop, wood 2x4, mace of strength, or transmutation ball
mail me with mb if ya want a buyer. thanks =)


poster: Slayn
subject: >FS
date: Sun Jun 27 13:48:46 2004

On Sat Jun 26 19:35:14 2004 Slayn wrote post #1036:
> 4 sail
> tia plate 7.5mil
> steel bracers 3mil
> black chain 4mil
> golem pants (soiled) 6mil
> wood ring 5mil
> myth gauntlets 3mil
> necklace of evul 3.5mil
> vengeance ring 2mil
> bidding ends in a week 
> use mails plz 
> no tells as im afk
> fank u
> -slyna
current mbs will be in my plan


poster: Wagro
subject: >Laurel Wreath
date: Sun Jun 27 18:03:48 2004

On Sun Jun 27 07:28:31 2004 Wagro wrote post #1039:
> Got a brand new laurel wreath for sale or for trade to evoker stuffs. Mail
Ok for all you lamers, I don't have an exact mb, so just offer me
something. (something real, I have a rough idea of the range its


poster: Wagro
subject: >>Laurel Wreath
date: Sun Jun 27 18:22:41 2004

Have a bid for 6m so far


poster: Helphyre
subject: W:nether
date: Sun Jun 27 22:09:37 2004

metal stethescope/ruby heart, tia leggings,  mask of anguish, cloak,
black scalemail/ other torso, belt of the wind, spider amulet, feet,
twisted stone dagger Harp of Storytelling. i dont
have much gold but bard/dmg and abj/healer eq to trade.


poster: zlame
subject: fs/ft:wis eq 
date: Mon Jun 28 02:28:42 2004

I need topstr/dex eq, got this ft/fs:

Leather Armshields of Tiamat

Whalus' staff (2)

Ring of white gold (2)

Glass Eye of Hag

Silver mirror

Death talisman

Amulet of fear

Simple wool skirt

Green Flowing Dress

Spider adorned ring

Whalus Cloak

Glowing Spiked Rib

mail/tell me with bids


poster: Wagro
subject: Whalus cloak
date: Mon Jun 28 03:09:05 2004

Have a whalus cloak for sale, Looking for gold and int eq. Lets
start the bidding at say....4m
P.S. i still have the laurel wreath, bid is up to 7m atm


poster: Tantrum
subject: FS/FT/W
date: Mon Jun 28 15:02:21 2004

ok i NEED this stuff:
      Ogre helmet         Orbdrin/Woo mask     Necklace of Evil   
Dark Cloak            
      Tia Plate(20 str)   Ammy of Destruction  Spiked leather Armguard
      Titanium armguard/Tiwsted Rogue bracer   Dark green Paw
      Necromancer glove   Onyx ring/Ring of Ogre Power/TMR
      Plate Greaves/Chaps  Steel Toed Boots    WhoR
      Myth Gauntlets.
ok. these are what i have FS or FT(preferred)
Black Mithril Vambrace, Strange twisted glove of eleria, mask of
veins, ropers left hand, green brocade sleeve, mask of anguish, 2x
rod of magic, belt of the wind, cloak of the ages, magical leggings
of tiamat, black scalemail, blue fluffy slipper, yellow fluffy

plz mail me/catch me online if you have anything
i want, or want anything i have.



poster: Ranja
subject: >Stuff
date: Wed Jun 30 00:29:32 2004

On Wed Jun 30 00:29:20 2004 Oxolotl wrote post #1048:
> Currently for sale:
> Amulet of Fear
> Cloak of the ages
> Saber Blade
> Onyx Ring
> Dark Red Shield
> mail me if interested
> ox


poster: dorion
subject: FS
date: Wed Jun 30 02:18:59 2004

I have the following item for sale:

       Dark cloak of nosferatu


       +28spr  +15spr +10 con +5% inflict harm


poster: Helphyre
subject: wanted
date: Thu Jul  1 05:08:32 2004

W: nether eq, metal stethescope/ruby heart, mask of anguish, arms,
hands, belt of the wind, feet, twisted stone dagger Harp of
Storytelling. i have gold, bard/dmg, and abj/healer eq to
W: nether eq, metal stethescope/ruby heart, mask of anguish, arms,
hands, belt of the wind, feet, twisted stone dagger Harp of
Storytelling. i have gold, bard/dmg, and abj/healer eq to


poster: Highpriest
subject: Wanted
date: Thu Jul  1 13:12:28 2004

Luminous Carapace 1.2m
apply a balm
Send me mails/tells if you're interested, offer is not fixed so we
can negotiate again.



poster: Highpriest
subject: >Wanted
date: Thu Jul  1 13:13:28 2004

On Thu Jul  1 13:12:28 2004 Highpriest wrote post #1053:
> Luminous Carapace 1.2m
> apply a balm
> Send me mails/tells if you're interested, offer is not fixed so we
> can negotiate again.
> -HP
Damn, ignore the 'apply a balm', it's the stupid trigger.


poster: Slayn
subject: >>FS
date: Thu Jul  1 19:37:01 2004

On Sun Jun 27 13:48:46 2004 Slayn wrote post #1041:
> On Sat Jun 26 19:35:14 2004 Slayn wrote post #1036:
> > 4 sail
> > tia plate 7.5mil
> > steel bracers 3mil
> > black chain 4mil
> > golem pants (soiled) 6mil
> > wood ring 5mil
> > myth gauntlets 3mil
> > necklace of evul 3.5mil
> > vengeance ring 2mil
> > 
> > bidding ends in a week 
> > use mails plz 
> > no tells as im afk
> > fank u
> > -slyna
> current mbs will be in my plan
ive been ditched this weekend so bidding ends on sat


poster: Energystar
subject: fs:
date: Thu Jul  1 22:47:42 2004

black leather boots
cloak of swirling darkness
black leggings of scorched metal
cloak of ashes
mail bids.


poster: Moridin
subject: ft to evoker
date: Thu Jul  1 23:21:20 2004

Blue Fluffy Slipper (+18 int, +11 spr, +3% acid evocation, +2cold res 5TP) 
Holy Staff (29wis 4% shield parry, 55 wc, 5TP) 
Red Satin Headband (+25 int, +35 spr, +3% hef 5 or 7TP)  
Axe of Darkness (+15 str, +10 dex, +5% wss, +5% weaponmaster cold
dmg (very high)  7TP) 
Tan leather work gloves (+8 sta, +18 str, +12 con 3TP)

and what I need is
metal stetoscope, red strappy dress, black leather bracer, glove of
energy, dark ring of nosferatu, magical leggings of tiamat, apoc


poster: Energystar
subject: fs:
date: Sat Jul  3 03:26:36 2004

baboonskin cloak
mail me bids


poster: illujun
subject: fs
date: Sat Jul  3 15:39:18 2004

I have a Woo's Platinum Mask for sale. MB is 2m.


poster: Kezef
subject: Wanted
date: Sun Jul  4 07:05:41 2004

Please see my plan for items wanted.  I have 1.5m to spend at the
moment.  Mail me items and bids and
I will respond as soon as I can.


poster: Panza
subject: fs
date: Sun Jul  4 20:20:49 2004

fs: Black Leather Gloves (+25 str, +25 sta, +3% motion control),
Scaled Armshield (+16 con, +10 dex, +avg cold_res, +2% weapon
parry), Studded Armshield (+10 con, +avg phys_res, +2% shield parry)
Black Leather Shirt (+15 sta, +25 con, +3% attack, +5% resist pain),
Vengeance ring (+18 str, +hits when taking dmg) 
mail me with bids or see me online



poster: Kasma
subject: fs
date: Mon Jul  5 23:20:35 2004

rainstaff: 18 spr, 12 wis, 3 inflict harm
current mb 2.5m


poster: Urg
subject: FS:
date: Tue Jul  6 17:52:54 2004

 Emerald boots of Vorysis
  Grey Fur Cloak of Gungor
  Ash's Sword
  Magical Set of Yens!
  Black ring
  Mithril Leggings
  Deathblack ringmail
  Lizardskin belt


poster: Hossenfeffer
subject: p
date: Tue Jul  6 20:41:01 2004

I have the following fs: Dragon hide breastplate 9dex 16str 1%attack
mb 1m, Bloody Stone Hammer of Astaroth 12str 2%db WC~44 +electric
damage mb 800k, A Blue Gilt
Cloak 20hpr 9sta 9epr mb 1M, Damien and
Darian i will sell as a set for 500k. mail me with your bids if you
are interested.


poster: kjelle
subject: WANTED
date: Tue Jul  6 20:54:05 2004

Looking for Claddah Ring.

Statis: +19 spr, +5 epr, +15 wis, +15 int, ac ~5

Mob: Willie


poster: Kjelle
subject: >WANTED
date: Tue Jul  6 22:02:45 2004

On Tue Jul  6 20:54:05 2004 kjelle wrote post #1065 in sales:

> Looking for Claddah Ring.

> Statis: +19 spr, +5 epr, +15 wis, +15 int, ac ~5

> Mob: Willie

Ok. I got it. Don't want it any more :)


poster: Mixer
subject: >>WANTED
date: Fri Jul  9 06:15:00 2004

On Tue Jul  6 22:02:45 2004 Kjelle wrote post #1066:
> On Tue Jul  6 20:54:05 2004 kjelle wrote post #1065 in sales:
> > Looking for Claddah Ring.
> > Statis: +19 spr, +5 epr, +15 wis, +15 int, ac ~5
> > Mob: Willie
> Ok. I got it. Don't want it any more :)
Then delete your stuipid original post.


poster: Xphere
subject: blah
date: Fri Jul  9 11:28:50 2004

fs: kadavre scalpel, schizo tooth, mail me bids
also W: piercing weapons, almost anything, its just gotta have good
stats + WC etc... thankz


poster: Lagduf
subject: fs
date: Fri Jul  9 12:21:15 2004

2 x Twisted metal ring
Titanium armguard
Dark red choker
Onyx ring
Cloak of the ages
Belt of the wind
Steel-toed boots
Darkgreen paw
Ring of regeneration
2 x Hammer of Crushing

mail me bids or catch online...


poster: balmong
subject: wanted
date: Fri Jul  9 21:15:38 2004

these are the items i am looking for: firelords bplate, torc of kings~cheap, mithril leggings, eye eq~cheap


poster: Lagduf
subject: >fs
date: Fri Jul  9 23:43:07 2004

hammers, armguard and belt are gone


poster: Lorric
subject: Wanted
date: Sat Jul 10 03:27:01 2004

I have been posting these items for some time now and have  yet to
see them on sales.  now many  of you have probably noticed and have
yet to go eqp them and you should be ashamed of yourselves.  i
started playing this mud because i was lead to believe for a very
long time that 
iom is a very and i mean very friendly mud that thrust forth such
throbing compasion for one another that the pleasure of playing here
became ecstasy.  now go and eqp the following items for me you very
sexy players you .. *purrrrr*

Black Leather Cloak, Runed Mithril Chainmail, Tight Leather Pants,
2x Ring of Agility/Flowing Mist

Your wicked lover


poster: Fraziw
subject: FT
date: Sun Jul 11 01:52:46 2004

I have a decentish wis set that I want to trade into a decentish Bard set.
Important stats are ofc: cha, dex and wis.
Uhm, mail me or something.


poster: Urg
subject: fs:
date: Sun Jul 11 17:05:38 2004

got the following random stuff for sale (castle clearout), mail/tell
me with bids:
 Lizardskin belt
  Deathblack ringmail
  Mithril Leggings
  Magical Set of Yens!
  Ash's Sword
  Grey Fur Cloak of Gungor
  Emerald boots of Vorysis
  Luminous Carapace


poster: Belgarion
subject: I want plzz!!
date: Sun Jul 11 22:59:06 2004

Laurel Wreath
Paying alot for one!


poster: Artea
subject: w: demon skin helm of naraku
date: Mon Jul 12 08:06:05 2004



poster: Ligea
subject: wanted
date: Tue Jul 13 02:11:46 2004

Hi there!  I'd like:
Zapa girdle, fleshy naraku armshield, lethe bramble, shen seng sash,
shen seng robe, ring of health, gold and turquoise eqs (not sandals
or skirt), spider silks (10k ea, more for bundles) white wings,
spear of masters.

I have gold and eqs to trade...tmr, headband of belafor, runed
mithril chainmail, runed mithril armbands, mithril dagger of the
dwarves, simple harp, fire pick, dark green cloak, dark cloak, lethe
dagger, studded armshield, shimmering white robe, designer belt,
frost pike, big baby rattle spotted wings, claddah ring...and some
top pieces from sets if you're trading a top piece.



poster: Daran
subject: Wanted
date: Tue Jul 13 06:12:30 2004

feed me evoker stuff plz, have golds and some str/dmg eq ft
mail me or catch me online, thanks
*prod seth*


poster: Sirc
subject: ft
date: Tue Jul 20 01:51:29 2004

trading a perfect freyers ring to a dark nosf ring


poster: Roirraw
subject: w:Blackmon's Platemail
date: Tue Jul 20 02:28:22 2004

looking for a Blackmon's Platemail send me mb and condition


poster: Apathy
subject: eq books
date: Wed Jul 21 00:54:16 2004

I'm now offering 50k each for eqlist books that I don't already
have.  To see which ones I have, go to http://dark.cl
nsoft.dk/~apathy/eq/eq.cgi and check the table.  I have the
combinations that are marked with a book icon.  I don't have the
books that are marked with an "Old" icon or that aren't marked at



poster: Apathy
subject: >eq books
date: Wed Jul 21 00:55:09 2004

On Wed Jul 21 00:54:16 2004 Apathy wrote post #1081:
> I'm now offering 50k each for eqlist books that I don't already
> have.  To see which ones I have, go to http://dark.cl
> nsoft.dk/~apathy/eq/eq.cgi and check the table.  I have the
> combinations that are marked with a book icon.  I don't have the
> books that are marked with an "Old" icon or that aren't marked at
> all.
> -Apathy

The url word-wrapped improperly.  It should be:




poster: Tahnval
subject: W: drider silks
date: Thu Jul 22 00:29:53 2004

As usual nowadays, I want drider silks.  Please help me get very
large balls.

Sorry, I had to say that - it was too childish to avoid.
I want lots of them.  I have hundreds already.  I'm just curious
about what the EQ is like from lots of silks.


poster: Charix
subject: Wanted
date: Fri Jul 23 17:38:29 2004

I want buy:  tight leather pants

If you got one, just tell me or mudmail...thanks


poster: Daran
subject: >PBS<
date: Fri Jul 23 23:54:06 2004

I have a spanking new pink ballet slipper perferably FT to some int
stuff. Mail me offers of eq or golds and I will consider them. If
you don't hear from me, that means a NoDeal.


poster: Helphyre
subject: Laurel Wreath
date: Sat Jul 24 18:19:17 2004

I have one FS
Mb is 10m
I will accept bids through mails or tells(make sure i resond to your
tell) until Mon, July 26 around 23:00 rltime.


poster: excalibur
subject: w:ft:
date: Sat Jul 24 22:58:51 2004

wanted eq: rhls cheap, wolfhide bag cheap, brown boots    

 ft: gauntlets of the hound to dragon hide gloves, ring of protection to skull ring            



poster: Artea
subject: demon skin helm of naraku
date: Sat Jul 24 23:09:53 2004

I want one.  I will pay a lot for it, or trade eqs


poster: zilpen
subject: for sale or trade/wanted
date: Sun Jul 25 20:10:08 2004


I would like to sell a cloak of ashes; I'd like to acquire a black mithril vambrace. 

Thanks. :)


poster: Lorric
subject: Wanted
date: Mon Jul 26 04:00:22 2004

Runed Mithril Chainmail, Tight Leather Pants, 2x Ring of Agility/Flowing Mist


poster: Helphyre
subject: Selling or Sacing
date: Tue Jul 27 17:11:59 2004

I will be saccing the folowing items later tonight un less i can
sell them before.
Wings of daedalus (5.5m)
Demon Whip (3m)
Kadaver Scalpel (3m)
Frost Strand (?)
cloak of magi (3m)
necklace of fangs (3m)
cursed mask of linguist (3m)
Gloves of blackguard (2.5m)
Email me with bids.. they will close in 10-11 hours.


poster: Helphyre
subject: Daedalus wings
date: Wed Jul 28 15:31:38 2004

Do to lack of damand and an offer they currenyl have a bid of 4m. If
you want to bid higher you have until  00.00 rltime to send me a
Ps 00.00 July 29.. aka start of double xp.


poster: soulleech
subject: W: Spider Amulet
date: Wed Jul 28 18:13:23 2004

buying one, paying 3 m. Thx.


poster: Tektor
subject: Eq Wanted
date: Fri Jul 30 15:10:59 2004

I am lookin for some Gloves of Wielding mail me with info and such thanks!


poster: Maak
subject: harmer eq
date: Sun Aug  1 06:11:02 2004

if anyone has any harmer eq that i could maybe borrow for a bit. i'd
greatly appreciate it
i guess thats it
oh yea
if you aren't nice enough to let me borrow it, but will sell it i'm
interested in it also
wanted: rainstaff, staff of death, xetty neck, 2x ring of white
gold, golem brain, nos gloves, nos cloak, eye of the hag, tia legs,
witch's stocking, pink slipper...i think thats all the top. already
gots belt of mourning 
ok i'm done now


poster: Justus
subject: fig weapons
date: Wed Aug  4 04:02:35 2004

sell me fig weapons like HoC, Mythnite mace or so
paying good.

other than blunt type will do also.


poster: Erigon
subject: Slash Weapon/Shield
date: Thu Aug  5 09:08:23 2004

I am looking to purchase either a Shield of Reflection or
a RHLS.  If anyone has one they are willing to part with
please mail me or tell me when I am on.


poster: Ogg
subject: w:  pyros
date: Fri Aug  6 22:34:55 2004

sell me your pyros for 300k/each.  thanks.


poster: elvis
subject: w: wis torso
date: Sat Aug  7 03:15:41 2004

Hi would like green flowing dress or black scalemail.

For trade Darkwhip, or its equivalent value



poster: Rockman
subject: wanted
date: Sat Aug  7 11:03:15 2004

feet: preferably yellow slipper and blue slipper, have gold and a
witches stocking ft
ring: dark nos ring, freyers ring, emerald ring of power, ring of
chaos, ring of breezes, or claddah ring.  I have gold and a rowg
ft(if I get a claddah ring, then I have a cold black ring ft)
torso: black scalemail, blood covered tunic, pink fuzzy sweater, red
strappy dress, etc.  ft gold and green flowing dress and robe of
demon hide
neck: amulet of ultravision, stetho, or ruby heart

that is all for now


poster: Sirc
subject: hay
date: Sun Aug  8 00:31:02 2004

got RGC and a freyers ring fs/ft
could use a dark nosf ring


poster: Oxolotl
subject: stuff
date: Sun Aug  8 01:08:58 2004

selling : olathurl phlith
wings of daedalus
demon bone collar
mail me with bids or something


poster: elvis
subject: w: wis torso
date: Sun Aug  8 23:01:26 2004


I 'm looking for black scalemail. Please mail me if you are selling.



poster: Sirc
subject: fs/w
date: Tue Aug 10 02:58:22 2004

Wings of daed: 
oops, eheh, 12 sta 20dex 5 dodge
Gloves of the Blackguard: +3con +15spr +18wis +3%dedication     


a dark nosf ring (plz)
Metal stethoscope
Mask of Anguish

yeah thats about it, thx


poster: Roirraw
subject: deer cloak and blackmon plate
date: Tue Aug 10 04:49:10 2004

fs: deer cloak ac:44~ str 6 hpr 5 cloak head and neck
w:blackmon platemail


poster: Ogg
subject: eq
date: Tue Aug 10 08:09:59 2004

spiritmoon needs decent lowbie-midbie range spr/wis eq, talk to her


poster: nevyn
subject: wanted
date: Tue Aug 10 15:14:44 2004

w: ammy of destruction + shield of reflection, bulzarth would be cool too.


poster: Shadowmage
subject: w: 2xGiant Maul
date: Tue Aug 10 20:37:59 2004

Need some Giant Maul lovin' for my abomination. Plz contact me if
you have any...