poster: Zifnab
subject: TF version with mccp support
date: Sat May 31 00:53:17 2003
There is an alpha version released 2 days ago on ftp.tcp.com
% TinyFugue version 5.0 alpha 11.
This has mccp support.
poster: Areu
subject: repost example tfrc
date: Tue Oct 21 23:43:09 2003
I remember sometime back there was a posting for a sample tfrc file
that uses the RDMP. Instead of me figuring it out and writing my
own, could someone please repost the old one or an example.
I switched computers and lost my tfrc file.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >repost example tfrc
date: Wed Oct 22 01:33:39 2003
On Tue Oct 21 23:43:09 2003 Areu wrote post #2:
> I remember sometime back there was a posting for a sample tfrc file
> that uses the RDMP. Instead of me figuring it out and writing my
> own, could someone please repost the old one or an example.
> I switched computers and lost my tfrc file.
> Thanks.
> Areu
It will be in the news archives on the web page.
poster: Strattos
subject: RDMP script for tf 5.0
date: Tue Feb 10 20:32:10 2004
becouse the old script that Zifnab made gave the error that /set
status_field is now depricated and you should use /status_add and
i modified his script to use the new methodes.
i'll also comment in the code so that you get a basic understanding
of what's what.
#here whe add the necesary fields to the status bar.
# -x is there to make sure that fields aren't added when they
already exist. (this was handy for testing)
/status_add -x -A@world RDMP_hp:10
/status_add -x -ARDMP_hp RDMP_sp:10
/status_add -x -ARDMP_sp RDMP_ep:10
/status_add -x -ARDMP_ep RDMP_mon_per:3
/status_add -x -ARDMP_mon_per RDMP_mon_nam:20
#this macro returns the wanted macro, depending on how close to
15 the nummber is.
/def cond_color = \
///if ( {1} <= 1 )%;\
///return "Cred,B"%;\
///elseif ( {1} <= 4 )%;\
///return "Cmagenta,B"%;\
///elseif ( {1} <= 8)%;\
///return "Cyellow,B"%;\
///elseif ( {1} <= 12 )%;\
///return "Cblue,B"%;\
///else \
///return "Cgreen,B"%;\
#this ensures the RDMP text can be triggerd on, multiple times.
#-ag is to GAG the text itself. (although this leaves a End of line
or carriger return for some reason)
/def -F -ag -mregexp -t'^RDMP.*$'
#grab the health and sp and ep.
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^RDMP 1234 HEALTH ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)
([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+).*$' RDMP_catch = \
///eval /set hp_per=$[15*{P1}/{P2}]%;\
///eval /set sp_per=$[15*{P3}/{P4}]%;\
///eval /set ep_per=$[15*{P5}/{P6}]%;\
///eval /set RDMP_hp=HP:$[{P1}]/$[{P2}]%;\
///eval /set RDMP_sp=SP:$[{P3}]/$[{P4}]%;\
///eval /set RDMP_ep=EP:$[{P5}]/$[{P6}]%;\
///eval /status_edit RDMP_hp:10:$[cond_color(hp_per)]%;\
///eval /status_edit RDMP_sp:10:$[cond_color(sp_per)]%;\
///eval /status_edit RDMP_ep:10:$[cond_color(ep_per)]
#grab the monster name and his percental health.
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^RDMP 1234 MONSTER_HEALTH ([A-z|a-z| ]+)
([0-9]+).*$' RDMP_mon =\
///eval /set RDMP_mon_per2=$[10*%{P2}/100]%;\
///eval /set RDMP_mon_per=$[{P2}]%;\
///eval /set RDMP_mon_nam=$[{P1}]%;\
///eval /status_edit RDMP_mon_per:3:$[cond_color(RDMP_mon_per2)]
this script differs with Zifnabs in that it shows you nummbers
instead of the indication bars he has.
if you rather have indication bars, you will have to look at his
script and eddit them in.
I hope that all code lines should begin with only 1 "/". this
becouse i'm not sure the post came trough right. (after all, i'm
posting this from within tf, and thus tf thought i tried to
re-define the script when copy&pasting the code. *sigh*)
poster: Strattos
subject: >RDMP script for tf 5.0
date: Tue Feb 10 20:36:56 2004
#here whe add the necesary fields to the status bar.
# -x is there to make sure that fields aren't added when they
already exist. (this was handy for testing)
/status_add -x -A@world RDMP_hp:10
/status_add -x -ARDMP_hp RDMP_sp:10
/status_add -x -ARDMP_sp RDMP_ep:10
/status_add -x -ARDMP_ep RDMP_mon_per:3
/status_add -x -ARDMP_mon_per RDMP_mon_nam:20
#this macro returns the wanted macro, depending on how close to
15 the nummber is.
/def cond_color = \
/if ( {1} <= 1 )%;\
/return "Cred,B"%;\
/elseif ( {1} <= 4 )%;\
/return "Cmagenta,B"%;\
/elseif ( {1} <= 8)%;\
/return "Cyellow,B"%;\
/elseif ( {1} <= 12 )%;\
/return "Cblue,B"%;\
/else \
/return "Cgreen,B"%;\
#this ensures the RDMP text can be triggerd on, multiple times.
#-ag is to GAG the text itself. (although this leaves a End of line
or carriger return for some reason)
/def -F -ag -mregexp -t'^RDMP.*$'
#grab the health and sp and ep.
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^RDMP 1234 HEALTH ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)
([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+).*$' RDMP_catch = \
/eval /set hp_per=$[15*{P1}/{P2}]%;\
/eval /set sp_per=$[15*{P3}/{P4}]%;\
/eval /set ep_per=$[15*{P5}/{P6}]%;\
/eval /set RDMP_hp=HP:$[{P1}]/$[{P2}]%;\
/eval /set RDMP_sp=SP:$[{P3}]/$[{P4}]%;\
/eval /set RDMP_ep=EP:$[{P5}]/$[{P6}]%;\
/eval /status_edit RDMP_hp:10:$[cond_color(hp_per)]%;\
/eval /status_edit RDMP_sp:10:$[cond_color(sp_per)]%;\
/eval /status_edit RDMP_ep:10:$[cond_color(ep_per)]
#grab the monster name and his percental health.
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^RDMP 1234 MONSTER_HEALTH ([A-z|a-z| ]+)
([0-9]+).*$' RDMP_mon =\
/eval /set RDMP_mon_per2=$[10*%{P2}/100]%;\
/eval /set RDMP_mon_per=$[{P2}]%;\
/eval /set RDMP_mon_nam=$[{P1}]%;\
/eval /status_edit RDMP_mon_per:3:$[cond_color(RDMP_mon_per2)]
A repost of the script becouse i fscked up.
poster: Uno
subject: >>RDMP script for tf 5.0
date: Tue Feb 10 22:34:54 2004
On Tue Feb 10 20:36:56 2004 Strattos wrote post #5:
> #grab the monster name and his percental health.
> /def -ag -mregexp -t'^RDMP 1234 MONSTER_HEALTH ([A-z|a-z| ]+)
> ([0-9]+).*$' RDMP_mon =\
> /eval /set RDMP_mon_per2=$[10*%{P2}/100]%;\
> /eval /set RDMP_mon_per=$[{P2}]%;\
> /eval /set RDMP_mon_nam=$[{P1}]%;\
> /eval /status_edit RDMP_mon_per:3:$[cond_color(RDMP_mon_per2)]
> A repost of the script becouse i fscked up.
in english plz, k tx. sry.
p.s. jk rotfl computar web languaeg am i rite??
poster: Khosan
subject: >>>RDMP script for tf 5.0
date: Wed Feb 11 00:55:52 2004
On Tue Feb 10 22:34:54 2004 Uno wrote post #6:
> On Tue Feb 10 20:36:56 2004 Strattos wrote post #5:
> >
> > #grab the monster name and his percental health.
> > /def -ag -mregexp -t'^RDMP 1234 MONSTER_HEALTH ([A-z|a-z| ]+)
> > ([0-9]+).*$' RDMP_mon =\
> > /eval /set RDMP_mon_per2=$[10*%{P2}/100]%;\
> > /eval /set RDMP_mon_per=$[{P2}]%;\
> > /eval /set RDMP_mon_nam=$[{P1}]%;\
> > /eval /status_edit RDMP_mon_per:3:$[cond_color(RDMP_mon_per2)]
> >
> > A repost of the script becouse i fscked up.
> in english plz, k tx. sry.
> //b
> p.s. jk rotfl computar web languaeg am i rite??
Not that I have tried the code, but there seems to be an error in that
regular expression. It says ([A-z|a-z| ]+) but it probably should say
([A-Z|a-z| ]+). Which btw, is just a strange way to write ([A-Za-z |]+).
Remember | does not have a special meaning within a character class []
construct. I would guess that (\D+) would basically have the same effect...
poster: Strattos
subject: >>>>RDMP script for tf 5.0
date: Wed Feb 11 03:11:28 2004
> > in english plz, k tx. sry.
> >
> > //b
> >
> > p.s. jk rotfl computar web languaeg am i rite??
I'm sorry, but could you please explain what your problem is with
the code, or my english. (cause i'm not sure if this is a sarcastic
remark, or just a stupid form of saying that the code isn't working
for you.)
> Not that I have tried the code, but there seems to be an error in that
> regular expression. It says ([A-z|a-z| ]+) but it probably should say
> ([A-Z|a-z| ]+). Which btw, is just a strange way to write ([A-Za-z |]+).
> Remember | does not have a special meaning within a character class []
> construct. I would guess that (\D+) would basically have the same effect...
> Khosan
yeah your right, the A-z thing is indeed a mistype, but din't turn
up any errors during testing,(only tried mob's with non caps
letters) thus i din't realy see it. thanks for the heads up.
on the | thing, your offcourse also right. but I copy/typed
(apperantly not pasted since i made the A-z mistake) Zifnab so he
made the mistake/not-very-neat-ness first :P
I only changed his *'s into +'s becouse i thought a + was neater.
(yes i failed to notice the |.)
and thanks for the \D tip. i looked it up, and will certainly use
some of those in future regex's :) :)
so next time i'll just use \D+ and [\W| ]+
poster: Strattos
subject: virtual worlds/virtual windows
date: Thu Feb 12 23:56:47 2004
I was wondering if it's possible to make the following possible.
-catch all chat channels (relatively easy)
-stream the catched data to a diffrent screen/world (dunno how?)
-catch entered text in the virtual screen/world and send it to the
other world (or offcourse a set world)
this would create a handy way to seperate chatter from play. like
some clients already do with the help of diffrent windows (portal
for instance)
i've been looking all over the tf docs but i can find little about
world 2 world communication.
oh and i made a little script that might be usefull for some.
/set spell_casting = "#"
/def -mregexp -t"^You begin to chant.$" sta_chant = \
/eval /status_edit spell_casting:1:Cred,B
/def -mregexp -t"^You finish the chant.$" fin_chant = \
/eval /status_edit spell_casting:1:Cgreen,B
this effectivly will tell you if your casting a spell or not.
poster: Korthrun
subject: Retard filter.
date: Wed Apr 7 04:48:27 2004
/def -p1 -mregexp -t'(.*)lol(.*)' no_lol = /substitute -p %P1I am a dipshit%P2
poster: Korthrun
subject: Tired of having to look cause you forgot the room exits all the time?
date: Fri Apr 16 22:52:05 2004
Tired of having to look cause you forgot the room exits all the time?
Bitter because tf doesn't have mxp?
try /def -p1 -mregexp -t'[a-z]+ \[exits: ([\w|,|\s]+)\]' show_exits
= /set room_exits=%P1
then /status_add -A@world -s1 -x room_exits:30