
poster: Balinor
subject: Pluck the thorn
date: Tue May 16 05:13:18 2000

Was just wondering could it be possible to make it so
that one couldn't instantly wield back his weapons after he
has been disarmed, coz it might hurt in your hands or something
just an idea, would be logical to me, isn't it so that monsters can't wield
them right away?


poster: Balinor
subject: Pluck the thorn
date: Tue May 16 12:17:12 2000

Ok, skill is working fine, but could it be possible to 
make the difference in monster hits with weapon and
without weapon abit bigger, i really can't see a noticeable difference.
Just to make this excellent skill abit more useful, maybe
even in eq parties
-Bal the one who takes alot of damage.


poster: Zyz
subject: general thought
date: Tue May 16 16:38:21 2000

Fighters seem to be useful to parties only as tanks until level
50 or 100megs worth about. I know from experience that
having multiple fighters in a lowbie-midbie range party is pretty
much a waste of space. Fighters in the lowbie-midbie range do
very little damage, compared to spellcasting guilds.
Sure, they can keep fighting for a while, but without spells blasting
the fighter is just tapping the healer.
As far as I can tell, a mage with 5megs of worth in the right places is
more valuable to a party with a tank than a fighter with
10-15megs. I wonder if it the intent is to have
just 1 fighter per party (and giants of course would be best for
tanking) for lowbie-midbie parties to be efficient. If so, there are
very few truly useful fighter races until > midbie. A good example
of this effect in action is the Minotaur race. Hardly any minotaurs
because they have 2 arms, they don't tank as well as giants, and
they are usable only as fighters. Since they are inferior tanks and
fighters are pretty useless other than tanks (and high worth players
can find better fighting damage races), there are hardly any
minotaurs. Same goes for the rest of the 2-armed fighter races other
than giant.
Just wondering if this was the intent. Sorry about the line spacing (telnet).


poster: Mikul
subject: >general thought
date: Tue May 16 18:50:37 2000

Todays experience,
 Altho on the race issue i can't comment due to me never being a fig
 tank or ever going to be one. I can only say that from what i've 
 heard off many worth players is that there is only really giant
 worth using for warrior+

 Anyhow onto the point i was going to make about multiple figs in
 a party. Although the party today was of reasonable worth i can't
 see why it wouldn't work at any worth of players, as long as you
 go after kills in your xp range, unlike most that go for things
 far to high for them.

 Basically the way is goes is: 
   2 warriors, 1 ma, 2 healers, 3 blasters
 The warriors & ma  constantly attack, one healer heals
 one healer ref's, and the 3 blasters catch ticks and blast.

 Our rate was up by 20% on normal and we just kept going.

 Now all you have to do is find a group of suitable worth
 players, not 50 levels above you and rampage.

Mikul, Nitestalker.

PS we hit a 400k/min rate, highest i've ever seen kept
   constant. We just ran out of things to kill after 90 mins.
   We need more 300k monster areas.


poster: Trancemaster
subject: The race issue...
date: Wed May 17 02:00:13 2000

I agree with Zyz that few races are truly useful for a Tank, however
I'd like to point out that not every fighter-oriented race was
intended to be the best tanking race.
Really, you  should choose a race that best fits your own needs and
wants. if you want to be the best tank you can, go giant. Beware of
the low xp-rate and the inability to eat corpses.
If you want to tank and solo without too much trouble, go troll. At
the moment, I'm a woodsman, but I spent enough time as "the noobie
tank" to know what is best for newbie tanks.
Troll may not be the best tanking race, but IMHO they do ok, or at
least I've had no problems so far. But they solo well since they can
eat corpses.
After looking at the minotaur race statue, I definately agree that
mino's would make crappy tanks, but looking at their abilities, it
looks as if
they were intended to have a good xp-rate aswell as be able to tank ok.
also, thier spell max would make them good for the woodsmen guild,
but when they were created, woodsmen never existed. Maybe one of the
reasons the guild was made was to make races like this useful.
anyway, thats just my two cents worth... I'll leave you be now =)

%^BOLD%^-- %^BLUE%^Trance%^WHITE%^ --%^RESET%^


poster: Balinor
subject: stuns
date: Tue Jun  6 12:16:56 2000

ok,there's slight unbalance between casters and fighters now
considering stuns.
Casters didn't use to have stunning ability before,if i remember
right (might be wrong too).
Because they didn't need it, they had their different damage types and they 
did alot of damage, they still do have their great damages and types, but
some reason they have been given stuns too, i personally think this wasn't
a very good idea, i just kept my mouth shut then. They don't need
stuns, they have become much more powerful in stunning than fig type 
characters are now, figs/rogue/ma's, they get stuns every once and
awhile,but the monsters now have so great willpower that the stuns 
are not really affecting them. So i suggest we remove caster stuns 
(which would be the better idea) or make figs have stunning based on
how hard they hit
dunno if that's the way it is,but if it is, it needs to be fixed
like and 18 crit normal stunning ability, willpower helps the normal we
and an 19 crit, better chance to stun, willpower doesn't help so much
an 25 crit, very good chance to stun even larger monsters,willpower
works even less.
an 30 crit absolute stun, no chance with willpower (maybe with iw)
just some silly ideas from a sillyfinn


poster: Zane
subject: >stuns
date: Tue Jun  6 12:18:38 2000

On Tue Jun  6 12:16:56 2000 Balinor wrote post #6:
> ok,there's slight unbalance between casters and fighters now
> considering stuns.
> Casters didn't use to have stunning ability before,if i remember
> right (might be wrong too).
> Because they didn't need it, they had their different damage types and they 
> did alot of damage, they still do have their great damages and types, but
> some reason they have been given stuns too, i personally think this wasn't
> a very good idea, i just kept my mouth shut then. They don't need
> stuns, they have become much more powerful in stunning than fig type 
> characters are now, figs/rogue/ma's, they get stuns every once and
> awhile,but the monsters now have so great willpower that the stuns 
> are not really affecting them. So i suggest we remove caster stuns 
> (which would be the better idea) or make figs have stunning based on
> how hard they hit
> dunno if that's the way it is,but if it is, it needs to be fixed
> like and 18 crit normal stunning ability, willpower helps the normal we
> and an 19 crit, better chance to stun, willpower doesn't help so much
> an 25 crit, very good chance to stun even larger monsters,willpower
> works even less.
> an 30 crit absolute stun, no chance with willpower (maybe with iw)
> just some silly ideas from a sillyfinn
> -Bal
I do like the idea of bigger crits having a better chance of
stunning than small onces.  That makes sence.



poster: Durin
subject: >stuns
date: Tue Jun  6 12:28:26 2000

You said it.


poster: Sleet
subject: >>stuns
date: Tue Jun  6 18:20:10 2000

On Tue Jun  6 12:18:38 2000 Zane wrote post #7:
> On Tue Jun  6 12:16:56 2000 Balinor wrote post #6:
> > ok,there's slight unbalance between casters and fighters now
> > considering stuns.
> > Casters didn't use to have stunning ability before,if i remember
> > right (might be wrong too).
> > Because they didn't need it, they had their different damage types and
> > did alot of damage, they still do have their great damages and types, but
> > some reason they have been given stuns too, i personally think this wasn't
> > a very good idea, i just kept my mouth shut then. They don't need
> > stuns, they have become much more powerful in stunning than fig type 
> > characters are now, figs/rogue/ma's, they get stuns every once and
> > awhile,but the monsters now have so great willpower that the stuns 
> > are not really affecting them. So i suggest we remove caster stuns 
> > (which would be the better idea) or make figs have stunning based on
> > how hard they hit
> > dunno if that's the way it is,but if it is, it needs to be fixed
> > like and 18 crit normal stunning ability, willpower helps the normal we
> > and an 19 crit, better chance to stun, willpower doesn't help so much
> > an 25 crit, very good chance to stun even larger monsters,willpower
> > works even less.
> > an 30 crit absolute stun, no chance with willpower (maybe with iw)
> > just some silly ideas from a sillyfinn
> > -Bal
> I do like the idea of bigger crits having a better chance of
> stunning than small onces.  That makes sence.
> Zane
yes, yes it does


poster: Balinor
subject: >>>stuns
date: Thu Jun  8 04:01:41 2000

Just wondering.... do wizzes read this group?
if you do, would appreciate some comments on this matter...


poster: Durin
subject: >>>>stuns
date: Thu Jun  8 04:02:23 2000

On Thu Jun  8 04:01:41 2000 Balinor wrote post #10:
> Just wondering.... do wizzes read this group?
> if you do, would appreciate some comments on this matter...

No, it's just few names on the poster field they skip. Like us.



poster: Balinor
subject: >>>>>stuns
date: Thu Jun  8 04:03:17 2000

I really begin too fell like that, and they had a name for it...
was it rasism? (cough) jk...


poster: Magneto
subject: >>>>>>stuns
date: Thu Jun  8 09:06:45 2000

On Thu Jun  8 04:03:17 2000 Balinor wrote post #12:
> I really begin too fell like that, and they had a name for it...
> was it rasism? (cough) jk...
We read this, please excuse us for not jumping on your 'my guild is not
as good as...' bandwagon.  I don't remember you guys saying you were too
powerful when you could keep any monster on the mud stunned and the best party
on the mud was several fighters and a healer.  We will balance the mud as
best possible.  It isn't like we are asleep up here.


poster: Hierokliff
subject: Ma
date: Sun Jun 11 12:35:14 2000

Please give MA some sort of willpower/iw skill/spell, you could very
easily remove the silly blast spell we got because i dont think any
ma will have sps for it anyway...
//Hierokliff the stunned pissed of drunk mutated elf.


poster: Golte
subject: >Ma
date: Sun Jun 11 17:13:17 2000

On Sun Jun 11 12:35:14 2000 Hierokliff wrote post #14:
> Please give MA some sort of willpower/iw skill/spell, you could very
> easily remove the silly blast spell we got because i dont think any
> ma will have sps for it anyway...
> //Hierokliff the stunned pissed of drunk mutated elf.

Warrior's willpower is not good enough for dragons. 
The wizards tuned to make abjurer spells required for
any monsters above 150/200k (well, constantly using 
ignore pain and have an extra healer can keep you alive
also, but anyway). 


poster: Ertai
subject: Chi Bolt
date: Sun Jun 11 17:29:51 2000

This so called useless spell is actually quite useful if you are low
level.  If this spell is removed i would need to reinc immediately. 
Chi Bolt allows a low level martial artist to solo similiar to a
mage of the same worth.  Just my thoughts since i rarely ever


poster: Balinor
subject: Unbalancing blow
date: Sun Jun 25 23:43:57 2000

i think this skill was recently upped, but i have to say it
is really bad still, it doesn't do damage and monster stun resistance is
so high that it doesn't even stun them. I would like to see a nice 
up for damage in this skill and maybe some for the unbalancing too.
and does shield deflection depend on shield AC or something?
if it doesn't then it could use some upgrade too.
-Bal takes it in da face


poster: Lu
subject: warriors
date: Tue Jun 27 22:14:38 2000

ive fooled around with a few guild and noticed that the warriors
dont have a good skill under lvl 15
i was thinking maybe adding a skill or upping the damage of forearm
bash whihc could just as easily be called bitch slap its so weak
just my thoughts  -Lu, the queen of nothing


poster: Pedron
subject: >warriors
date: Wed Jun 28 18:27:50 2000

Would a minor rage/berserker type thing be possible for warriors?
You'd spench a bunch of eps (between 80 and 200 depending on how powerful the 
rage is and how long it lasts) and get 2-4 attacks per round.

Would fit well enough at level 7+ Warrior and chance of failure 
at lower skill percent should balance it well enough.


ps>Sorry Lu for sending mail.  Still used to other news systems. :)


poster: Arkangyle
subject: >>warriors
date: Thu Jun 29 01:19:14 2000

On Wed Jun 28 18:27:50 2000 Pedron wrote post #19:
> Would a minor rage/berserker type thing be possible for warriors?
> You'd spench a bunch of eps (between 80 and 200 depending on how powerful
> rage is and how long it lasts) and get 2-4 attacks per round.
> Would fit well enough at level 7+ Warrior and chance of failure 
> at lower skill percent should balance it well enough.
> -Pedron
> ps>Sorry Lu for sending mail.  Still used to other news systems. :)
*coughs* sorry for the previous goofup. Anyway! help skill berserker rage


poster: Tranquil
subject: >warriors
date: Tue Jul  4 22:42:00 2000

On Tue Jun 27 22:14:38 2000 Lu wrote post #18:
> ive fooled around with a few guild and noticed that the warriors
> dont have a good skill under lvl 15
> i was thinking maybe adding a skill or upping the damage of forearm
> bash whihc could just as easily be called bitch slap its so weak
> just my thoughts  -Lu, the queen of nothing
How about something like "hilt slam"? This would be a weak version
of the skill "strike", but would be affected by the weapon you wield
in your right hand. Placed at warrior level 3 or 4, it would suit
the purposes of level 15 warriors that dont have the worth or
inclination to level up for strike, and would also give a small
advantage to those fighters that are willing to spend money on good
eq, compared to those that arent.
It would also make warriors that are worth 2- 5 megs somewhat
useful, which after speaking to a few warriors around that worth, is
something that seems to be desperately needed.

<+> Tranquility <+>


poster: Balinor
subject: stuns
date: Fri Jul  7 05:39:19 2000

seems to be something on stuns,hit under 21 or 20 does stun at all even 
if it gives the you stun message and nothing else,but higher hits
seem to stun pretty normally


poster: Balinor
subject: re stuns
date: Fri Jul  7 05:40:10 2000

that was suppose to be hits under 21 or 20 doesn't stun atl all,sorry my bad


poster: Balinor
subject: stuns
date: Fri Jul  7 05:49:38 2000

sorry the spam,but i want to make this clear.
Hits of 19,20 and 21 i got the stun message, didn't stun at all coz sidhes
skilled right after them,so it should've breaken their skilluse.
a hit of 22 which gave a message, something like you feel like you
hit sidhe hard or something
and that stunned them normally,so something isn't working there
or is and i'm getting it wrong.
-Bal the bad baaaad poster


poster: Hierokliff
subject: >stuns
date: Sat Jul  8 15:46:01 2000

On Fri Jul  7 05:49:38 2000 Balinor wrote post #25:
> sorry the spam,but i want to make this clear.
> Hits of 19,20 and 21 i got the stun message, didn't stun at all coz sidhes
> skilled right after them,so it should've breaken their skilluse.
> a hit of 22 which gave a message, something like you feel like you
> hit sidhe hard or something
> and that stunned them normally,so something isn't working there
> or is and i'm getting it wrong.
> -Bal the bad baaaad poster
not sure about others, but imho stuns are a bit owerpowerful now, i
stun creatures in an average with 11-12 stuns/min, sure they resist
About the thing that they are not affected by stuns below 20, i have
no clue, always using combat silent, since it spams so darned much
to be an ma with 3 legs...
oh well time to hit bed, and keep on farting and burping all night long...


poster: Durin
subject: >>stuns
date: Sun Jul  9 23:36:49 2000

On Sat Jul  8 15:46:01 2000 Hierokliff wrote post #26:
> On Fri Jul  7 05:49:38 2000 Balinor wrote post #25:
> > sorry the spam,but i want to make this clear.
> > Hits of 19,20 and 21 i got the stun message, didn't stun at all coz sidhes
> > skilled right after them,so it should've breaken their skilluse.
> > a hit of 22 which gave a message, something like you feel like you
> > hit sidhe hard or something
> > and that stunned them normally,so something isn't working there
> > or is and i'm getting it wrong.
> > -Bal the bad baaaad poster
> not sure about others, but imho stuns are a bit owerpowerful now, i
> stun creatures in an average with 11-12 stuns/min, sure they resist
> some...
> About the thing that they are not affected by stuns below 20, i have
> no clue, always using combat silent, since it spams so darned much
> to be an ma with 3 legs...
> oh well time to hit bed, and keep on farting and burping all night long...
> //Hierokliff

Well it's you. Give this man a personal tune.


poster: Revenant
subject: Newbie Fighter/Warrior
date: Mon Jul 24 14:46:53 2000

Ive noticed a huge change in the strength and power of hits w/
fists, and a lesser power hit w/ weapons, and a warrior should hit
harder w/ weapons.
There shouldnt be lesser hits and less powerful hits coming from
swords as a warrior.


poster: Pedron
subject: >Newbie Fighter/Warrior
date: Mon Jul 24 21:13:42 2000

On Mon Jul 24 14:46:53 2000 Revenant wrote post #28:
> Ive noticed a huge change in the strength and power of hits w/
> fists, and a lesser power hit w/ weapons, and a warrior should hit
> harder w/ weapons.
> There shouldnt be lesser hits and less powerful hits coming from
> swords as a warrior.
> Rev
Maybe find better weapons?  I think I 
hit as hard without weapons as I would wielding newbie weapons that 
give the lowest stat boosts, not sure.
If you save up some cash, I recommend step up to 
bone-handled long sword(s) and maybe 
blue monk's shield or a fine sheet of green crystal.

*waves his wc51 +5% attack, +13str, 2h Sword of Devestation around* :)
