poster: Zifnab
subject: registratino
date: Fri Jan 7 15:35:00 2000
Our registration wiht portal seems to not quite be working correctly.
my guess is the registration is somehow tied to to the server we
are on, and when we did this setup with them, we were on teh one in LA.
I have sent them mail, and will keep you updated.
poster: Zifnab
subject: possible bug
date: Fri Jan 7 20:12:15 2000
Bug Alert! (Portal© V Upgrade Pack B)
There is a small lockup bug with v5B involving the Tell Monitor.
When it is enabled, there is a possibility that the main screen
display could lock up. When this happens, the rest of the program
will appear to work fine, but the display will remain frozen until
you shutdown and then restart Portal©. This bug can appear randomly,
at any time.
Disable the Tell Monitor via the corresponding checkbox on the
Messages tab in the Program Options screen. This should avoid the
This issue (and full Tell Monitor functionality) will be fixed in
Portal© VI - available soon.
Sorry for any inconvenience,
poster: Wildchild
subject: >possible bug
date: Fri Jan 7 23:12:35 2000
Ya know, I saw on their site that they're already preparing Portal
v.6... and this is only scant weeks after Upgrade Pack B was put out
there for everybody.
I'm not gonna be too happy having to go out and download another
full version of this program (the last version being 6meg already)
if it happens to have some stuff I might like that wasn't in v.5 :P
poster: Zifnab
subject: channels and portal
date: Sat Jan 8 12:38:15 2000
I changed the muds usage with portal and channels.
all channels now default to _not_ going through the chat_monitor
A lot of newbies to botht he mud and portal were having a hard
time figuring out where there channel messages were going.
You need to at least go link dead and reconnect to get this
Those of you that have already set your channels will need to
redo it sorry.
poster: Zifnab
subject: portal
date: Mon Jan 10 18:26:15 2000
Ok those of you using portal, we are now fully registered with the
ip switch and everything.
Portal will act as a fully licensed version if you have version 5b
poster: Sirk
subject: and idea
date: Tue Jan 11 07:32:21 2000
i had an idea for that extra open box (the one like the one currently showing
room exits) anyway i thought it might be cool to list the monsters in the
room in that box. i know i'm fighting stuff at times like sidhes and forget
how many others are left in the room and it would be nice to look down there
and see that there is one left or two without having to type look each time,
espically while actually in combat. just a suggestion for the empty box.
poster: Mikul
subject: Hungry
date: Tue Feb 15 07:00:20 2000
Any chance, we could have hungry sent to a status window?
poster: Zifnab
subject: portal VI
date: Tue Feb 15 09:20:55 2000
For those os you using portal, I assume most of you know already
but I will post anyway,
Portal VI was released last night.. you can get it from
poster: Mikul
subject: Portal VI
date: Wed Feb 16 20:17:45 2000
Anyone else having problems with portal VI and chat channels?
I had no problems in Va/b, but for some reason, they aint going
through on on VI, but tell is .... bizzare :)
poster: Drizzt
subject: >Portal VI
date: Wed Feb 16 20:21:43 2000
On Wed Feb 16 20:17:45 2000 Mikul wrote post #9:
> Anyone else having problems with portal VI and chat channels?
> I had no problems in Va/b, but for some reason, they aint going
> through on on VI, but tell is .... bizzare :)
> Mikul
It is working perfectly for me...
Did you change any setting in that menu thing, i think it
was client_menu or something similiar... help portal mentioned it.
poster: Zifnab
subject: changes
date: Fri Feb 18 20:14:22 2000
When you log in and you tell hte mud you are connected either
automatically or via file->jumpstart portal, we will send
names for the ep bar, and a generic 'party member' for the 4th bar,
if/when you create a party and do party watch foo hp, that name, and
what you are watching will be sent as the mask for that 4th bar.
if you wish to use this now, recreate your party.
poster: Sirk
subject: party watch
date: Sun Feb 27 20:36:43 2000
was wondering about portal and the party watch command, after the party is
over the bar remains on that person's last reported condition. Was wondering
if anyone knew how to clear this, other than quitting and re-entering the
game. thanks
poster: Zifnab
subject: upgrade
date: Mon May 1 06:48:46 2000
version v6.a is out. 2.6M upgrade file. I have not
installed it yet so I am not sure what fixes/chjanges there were,
other than what the web page says).
poster: Baer
subject: Party watch 2
date: Tue Jul 11 23:51:04 2000
There is now an unused bar in Portal, which used to be the enemy hp bar.
Could this be made into a second party watch bar? Healers could have
one for tanks hps, and one for eps.
poster: Hierokliff
subject: >Party watch 2
date: Wed Jul 12 05:01:53 2000
On Tue Jul 11 23:51:04 2000 Baer wrote post #14:
> There is now an unused bar in Portal, which used to be the enemy hp bar.
> Could this be made into a second party watch bar? Healers could have
> one for tanks hps, and one for eps.
just wondering if it shouldnt show the enemies hps anyway, but with
just a few markings...
instead of showing 100-80 % it shows 100%, and when it shifts to
minor hurt, it shows that hp%, instead of somewhat hurt it shows
that hp%...
We get the shape now from the monsie, just by looking, or scanning
them, so it would maybe be useful if it could show shape for those
that uses portal in the bar...
Hmm havent tested anything with the bars for zmud, have anyone?
might be worth looking into, making general settings for zmud for
different guilds, with bars, automapping etc?
//Hierokliff the rambler.