
poster: Maldan
subject: Holy Mothers Staff
date: Sat Feb 12 14:26:13 2000

Tuned into eq stats..


poster: Maldan
subject: Warder bracers
date: Sat Feb 12 16:49:02 2000

Tuned to eq stats


poster: Maldan
subject: Kryil eq
date: Sat Feb 12 19:05:37 2000

Tuned to eq stats rules


poster: Zifnab
subject: gartuan
date: Sat Mar  4 00:38:46 2000

had the sp_regen lowered slightly.

this is a remnant of the massive change we did a few months 
ago.  a few monsters still pop up with the warnings now and again.


poster: Zuperb
subject: New Members
date: Sun Jul 16 17:33:33 2000

Odins Ravens have 2 free positions in clan. 
Application are to be mudmailed to Zuperb. 

Demands are: - Atleast a worth above 70mill 
             - Plays often



poster: Zifnab
subject: >New Members
date: Sun Jul 16 18:20:04 2000

On Sun Jul 16 17:33:33 2000 Zuperb wrote post #5:
> Odins Ravens have 2 free positions in clan. 
> Application are to be mudmailed to Zuperb. 
> Demands are: - Atleast a worth above 70mill 
>              - Plays often
> -Zuperb

do we get to tune them when they join?  (changed_equipment news group :) )


poster: Zifnab
subject: 6 bars
date: Fri Jul 28 11:26:07 2000

Got tired of the 6 bars of death and detruction throwing
warnings about being illegal.  its no longer illegal.