poster: flamekrayt
subject: feed me
date: Sat Aug 14 18:23:35 2004
Could some kind soul/souls please tell me (directions needed) places with 20-40k mobs that do not hit over their worth too much (exmaple: beholders). Thanks a lot.
poster: Jaws
subject: mobs
date: Sat Aug 14 18:26:09 2004
Areas that come to mind:
Pouch, oddworld
White dragons, DC
Guards/Soldiers, Army of darkness, Misty
bears/dryads, Bvar
dragonflys/roaches, Hyboria
unicorns etc, everrest
giant babies, illium
poster: Moridin
subject: to a necro (I guess)
date: Sat Aug 14 19:13:08 2004
some eq items were found in talos city (icarus area) if you can mail
or send me a tell saying what it was, and possibly also what part of
town, you'll get them back
poster: Rhiella
subject: lost eq
date: Sun Aug 15 12:58:25 2004
I lost a goat-skin chap north west of illium during time of death last night
please send me a tell if you found it.
poster: Slayn
subject: tinybigwhine
date: Mon Aug 16 18:26:14 2004
has anyone found a facesmasher lying about. prolly
in uforia. my abom says he will bitch slap
me if i dont find it :(
poster: Uno
subject: IoM Fantasy Football League
date: Mon Aug 16 19:44:01 2004
Greetings fellow Football Fans!
Welcome to the fourth annual installment of IoM Fantasy Football!
This year should be exciting. There will be a few changes:
1. Teams will be limited to 12 this year...
14 is too damn many... so let me know ASAP if you want to play.
2. Scoring will be a bit different but I'll highlight those changes
Let me know via mudmail or e-mail if you want to play,
since we'll be limited to 12 this year former teams will get first
crack at playing this year.
Thanks and good luck...
poster: Belgarion
subject: Pippirull
date: Sun Aug 22 18:44:50 2004
Just an information. When Slayns Abomination died he dropped a
facemasher, Slayn got stuck in hell and Pippirull came by and stole
his masher and sold it to me. As me and Slayn think it STINKS Slayn
tried to talk to Pippirull about it but he thinks that just cus he
found it it was his, and no money back.. So whenever if you ever
thinking about dealing with Pippirull allways ask who he stole the
item from, who knows, might be YOUR friend!
poster: Tro
subject: About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:36:51 2004
I also think that what you find on the ground is yours to keep. This
mud is so 'safe'. I like what is left that makes it thrilling. Like
you can lose eq from your familiars, from your disc, if you goof etc
etc. In my book it is rude to point fingers at Pippirull. Do you all
love your eq that much? Of course I am insane, I kept muding with
store eq up to 1G. But do you not acknowledge the fun part in the
thrill and risk of losing stuff? **
poster: Tektor
subject: >About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:39:42 2004
On Sun Aug 22 19:36:51 2004 Tro wrote post #8:
> save
> I also think that what you find on the ground is yours to keep. This
> mud is so 'safe'. I like what is left that makes it thrilling. Like
> you can lose eq from your familiars, from your disc, if you goof etc
> etc. In my book it is rude to point fingers at Pippirull. Do you all
> love your eq that much? Of course I am insane, I kept muding with
> store eq up to 1G. But do you not acknowledge the fun part in the
> thrill and risk of losing stuff? **
You won't find it very funny when you put alot of time and effort
into something, then someone comes buy and takes your stuff, and
then acts like a total ass about it. Many people don't like players
like that here. Maybe the mud is safe but as it is, people pay to
keep using their eq now. People should be nice.
poster: Belgarion
subject: >About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:41:15 2004
On Sun Aug 22 19:36:51 2004 Tro wrote post #8 in general:
> save
> I also think that what you find on the ground is yours to keep. This
> mud is so 'safe'. I like what is left that makes it thrilling. Like
> you can lose eq from your familiars, from your disc, if you goof etc
> etc. In my book it is rude to point fingers at Pippirull. Do you all
> love your eq that much? Of course I am insane, I kept muding with
> store eq up to 1G. But do you not acknowledge the fun part in the
> thrill and risk of losing stuff? **
No i dont, i get pissed when ppl take my stuffs and sells them away. its called STEALING, as it does in RL, you go to the station and say, i found this and you get a small amount from the owner cus you are nice and give it back, only thieves takes it and are happy about it. But as it seems that is the nature of you.
poster: Belgarion
subject: >About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:41:30 2004
On Sun Aug 22 19:36:51 2004 Tro wrote post #8 in general:
> save
> I also think that what you find on the ground is yours to keep. This
> mud is so 'safe'. I like what is left that makes it thrilling. Like
> you can lose eq from your familiars, from your disc, if you goof etc
> etc. In my book it is rude to point fingers at Pippirull. Do you all
> love your eq that much? Of course I am insane, I kept muding with
> store eq up to 1G. But do you not acknowledge the fun part in the
> thrill and risk of losing stuff? **
No i dont, i get pissed when ppl take my stuffs and sells them away. its called STEALING, as it does in RL, you go to the station and say, i found this and you get a small amount from the owner cus you are nice and give it back, only thieves takes it and are happy about it. But as it seems that is the nature of you.
poster: Darc
subject: >>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:43:57 2004
On Sun Aug 22 19:41:30 2004 Belgarion wrote post #11 in general:
> On Sun Aug 22 19:36:51 2004 Tro wrote post #8 in general:
> > save
> > I also think that what you find on the ground is yours to keep. This
> > mud is so 'safe'. I like what is left that makes it thrilling. Like
> > you can lose eq from your familiars, from your disc, if you goof etc
> > etc. In my book it is rude to point fingers at Pippirull. Do you all
> > love your eq that much? Of course I am insane, I kept muding with
> > store eq up to 1G. But do you not acknowledge the fun part in the
> > thrill and risk of losing stuff? **
> No i dont, i get pissed when ppl take my stuffs and sells them away. its called STEALING, as it does in RL, you go to the station and say, i found this and you get a small amount from the owner cus you are nice and give it back, only thieves takes it and are happy about it. But as it seems that is the nature of you.
poster: Darc
subject: >>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:46:03 2004
that is very true about the RL part of it belgarion, but when is IoM taking place?
i dont believe the "realm of IoM fantasy is suppose to be set in this age where there are laws. imo and im sure the ones of others this is set in a medevil time. this world is what you make it, play it how you want, live with the consequences, and grow some balls
poster: Darc
subject: >>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:46:12 2004
that is very true about the RL part of it belgarion, but when is IoM taking place?
i dont believe the "realm of IoM fantasy is suppose to be set in this age where there are laws. imo and im sure the ones of others this is set in a medevil time. this world is what you make it, play it how you want, live with the consequences, and grow some balls
poster: Tektor
subject: >>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:47:06 2004
On Sun Aug 22 19:46:03 2004 Darc wrote post #13:
> that is very true about the RL part of it belgarion, but when is IoM
taking place?
> i dont believe the "realm of IoM fantasy is suppose to be set in this age
where there are laws. imo and im sure the ones of others this is set in a
medevil time. this world is what you make it, play it how you want, live
with the consequences, and grow some balls
yeah but they were allowed to kill each other we cant :/
poster: Darc
subject: >>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:48:03 2004
> yeah but they were allowed to kill each other we cant :/
poster: Helios
subject: >>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:58:40 2004
On Sun Aug 22 19:48:03 2004 Darc wrote post #16 in general:
yeah but they were allowed to kill each other we cant :/
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How can you even consider bringing back pk when you get sad of losing eq?
Yes loosing eq is very sad, couse you made an effort of getting the gold to it.
but loosing your char is very much worse :) couse you spent many hours of "building" it and such.
About picking stuff from the ground. I find it very rude to keep it. but theres no law agianst such, but i want to advice peopel to pick it up, make a post in general or something that tells that youve found an item and youll give it back for the description of what item and where he/she lost it. . . .
Pardon for the ugly english =P
poster: Helios
subject: >>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:58:58 2004
On Sun Aug 22 19:48:03 2004 Darc wrote post #16 in general:
> yeah but they were allowed to kill each other we cant :/
How can you even consider bringing back pk when you get sad of losing eq?
Yes loosing eq is very sad, couse you made an effort of getting the gold to it.
but loosing your char is very much worse :) couse you spent many hours of "building" it and such.
About picking stuff from the ground. I find it very rude to keep it. but theres no law agianst such, but i want to advice peopel to pick it up, make a post in general or something that tells that youve found an item and youll give it back for the description of what item and where he/she lost it. . . .
Pardon for the ugly english =P
poster: Wagro
subject: >>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:59:13 2004
I think the point of this post was to inform everyone that pippirull
is not acting in a way that many people deem acceptable. I for one
will have nothing to do with pippirull until this is resolved, as I
could eaisly be in the same position.
poster: Helios
subject: >>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 19:59:37 2004
On Sun Aug 22 19:48:03 2004 Darc wrote post #16 in general:
> yeah but they were allowed to kill each other we cant :/
How can you even consider bringing back pk when you get sad of losing eq?
Yes loosing eq is very sad, couse you made an effort of getting the gold to it.
but loosing your char is very much worse :) couse you spent many hours of "building" it and such.
About picking stuff from the ground. I find it very rude to keep it. but theres no law agianst such, but i want to advice peopel to pick it up, make a post in general or something that tells that youve found an item and youll give it back for the description of what item and where he/she lost it. . . .
Pardon for the bad english :)
poster: Malifix
subject: >>>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 20:01:31 2004
On Sun Aug 22 19:59:13 2004 Wagro wrote post #19:
> I think the point of this post was to inform everyone that pippirull
> is not acting in a way that many people deem acceptable. I for one
> will have nothing to do with pippirull until this is resolved, as I
> could eaisly be in the same position.
I agree
Malifix the Mad
poster: Tektor
subject: >>>>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 20:06:25 2004
On Sun Aug 22 20:01:31 2004 Malifix wrote post #21:
> On Sun Aug 22 19:59:13 2004 Wagro wrote post #19:
> > I think the point of this post was to inform everyone that pippirull
> > is not acting in a way that many people deem acceptable. I for one
> > will have nothing to do with pippirull until this is resolved, as I
> > could eaisly be in the same position.
> I agree
> Malifix the Mad
I have stated the following in my plan, maybe some should do like
wagro said and make a wall of shame sight. :P
poster: Belgarion
subject: >>>>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 20:08:52 2004
On Sun Aug 22 20:01:31 2004 Malifix wrote post #21:
> On Sun Aug 22 19:59:13 2004 Wagro wrote post #19:
> > I think the point of this post was to inform everyone that pippirull
> > is not acting in a way that many people deem acceptable. I for one
> > will have nothing to do with pippirull until this is resolved, as I
> > could eaisly be in the same position.
> I agree
> Malifix the Mad
Ya that was the point.
poster: Ronan
subject: >>>>>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 21:10:01 2004
On Sun Aug 22 20:08:52 2004 Belgarion wrote post #23:
> On Sun Aug 22 20:01:31 2004 Malifix wrote post #21:
> > On Sun Aug 22 19:59:13 2004 Wagro wrote post #19:
> > > I think the point of this post was to inform everyone that pippirull
> > > is not acting in a way that many people deem acceptable. I for one
> > > will have nothing to do with pippirull until this is resolved, as I
> > > could eaisly be in the same position.
> > I agree
> > Malifix the Mad
> Ya that was the point.
Shudupt I Htae you all, and all your eq ARE Belong to Mei!
Ronana the bored
poster: Tahnval
subject: >>>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 23:56:13 2004
On Sun Aug 22 19:59:13 2004 Wagro wrote post #19:
> I think the point of this post was to inform everyone that pippirull
> is not acting in a way that many people deem acceptable. I for one
> will have nothing to do with pippirull until this is resolved, as I
> could eaisly be in the same position.
Since I don't know what happened, I won't do anything.
Innocent unless proven guilty.
poster: Lu
subject: >>>>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 23:56:52 2004
On Sun Aug 22 23:56:13 2004 Tahnval wrote post #25:
> On Sun Aug 22 19:59:13 2004 Wagro wrote post #19:
> > I think the point of this post was to inform everyone that pippirull
> > is not acting in a way that many people deem acceptable. I for one
> > will have nothing to do with pippirull until this is resolved, as I
> > could eaisly be in the same position.
> Since I don't know what happened, I won't do anything.
> Innocent unless proven guilty.
You just did something by posting, therefor, you must be guilty,
poster: Tahnval
subject: >>>>>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 23:58:01 2004
On Sun Aug 22 23:56:52 2004 Lu wrote post #26:
> On Sun Aug 22 23:56:13 2004 Tahnval wrote post #25:
> > On Sun Aug 22 19:59:13 2004 Wagro wrote post #19:
> > > I think the point of this post was to inform everyone that pippirull
> > > is not acting in a way that many people deem acceptable. I for one
> > > will have nothing to do with pippirull until this is resolved, as I
> > > could eaisly be in the same position.
> > Since I don't know what happened, I won't do anything.
> >
> > Innocent unless proven guilty.
> You just did something by posting, therefor, you must be guilty,
I had a similar argument today IRL, but the other person was
serious. It's frightening how eager some people are for an
poster: Lu
subject: >>>>>>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Sun Aug 22 23:58:46 2004
On Sun Aug 22 23:58:01 2004 Tahnval wrote post #27:
> On Sun Aug 22 23:56:52 2004 Lu wrote post #26:
> > On Sun Aug 22 23:56:13 2004 Tahnval wrote post #25:
> > > On Sun Aug 22 19:59:13 2004 Wagro wrote post #19:
> > > > I think the point of this post was to inform everyone that pippirull
> > > > is not acting in a way that many people deem acceptable. I for one
> > > > will have nothing to do with pippirull until this is resolved, as I
> > > > could eaisly be in the same position.
> > > Since I don't know what happened, I won't do anything.
> > >
> > > Innocent unless proven guilty.
> > You just did something by posting, therefor, you must be guilty,
> I had a similar argument today IRL, but the other person was
> serious. It's frightening how eager some people are for an
> autocracy.
OMG YOU STOLE SOMEONES EQ IRL!! you need help, seriously
poster: Tahnval
subject: >>>>>>>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Mon Aug 23 00:20:09 2004
On Sun Aug 22 23:58:46 2004 Lu wrote post #28:
> On Sun Aug 22 23:58:01 2004 Tahnval wrote post #27:
> > On Sun Aug 22 23:56:52 2004 Lu wrote post #26:
> > > On Sun Aug 22 23:56:13 2004 Tahnval wrote post #25:
> > > > On Sun Aug 22 19:59:13 2004 Wagro wrote post #19:
> > > > > I think the point of this post was to inform everyone that pippirull
> > > > > is not acting in a way that many people deem acceptable. I for one
> > > > > will have nothing to do with pippirull until this is resolved, as I
> > > > > could eaisly be in the same position.
> > > > Since I don't know what happened, I won't do anything.
> > > >
> > > > Innocent unless proven guilty.
> > > You just did something by posting, therefor, you must be guilty,
> > I had a similar argument today IRL, but the other person was
> > serious. It's frightening how eager some people are for an
> > autocracy.
> OMG YOU STOLE SOMEONES EQ IRL!! you need help, seriously
Bah, it was only a lamb chop 8-)
poster: Chrono
subject: equipment on familiars
date: Mon Aug 23 01:25:02 2004
i guess if one wanted to take risk on giving one's familiars decent
equipment, one should have to face a consequence, such as someone
taking it if they find it on the ground after a familiar drops it
thus being the point of the familiars dropping the equipment in the
first place?
sorry you lost your equipment, and a suggestion might be that you
use something .. you wouldn't need/want to use on yourself later on
poster: Quillz
subject: Funny
date: Mon Aug 23 06:07:42 2004
I thought this add was particularly funny. Some of you might be able
to relate, some of you might be 'that guy.'
Just copy those two lines together if it breaks into two like it
does on my screen.
poster: Marvin
subject: >>>>>>>>>>>About eq on the ground
date: Mon Aug 23 17:10:00 2004
On Mon Aug 23 00:20:09 2004 Tahnval wrote post #29:
> On Sun Aug 22 23:58:46 2004 Lu wrote post #28:
> > On Sun Aug 22 23:58:01 2004 Tahnval wrote post #27:
> > > On Sun Aug 22 23:56:52 2004 Lu wrote post #26:
> > > > On Sun Aug 22 23:56:13 2004 Tahnval wrote post #25:
> > > > > On Sun Aug 22 19:59:13 2004 Wagro wrote post #19:
> > > > > > I think the point of this post was to inform everyone that
> > > > > > is not acting in a way that many people deem acceptable. I for one
> > > > > > will have nothing to do with pippirull until this is resolved,
as I
> > > > > > could eaisly be in the same position.
> > > > > Since I don't know what happened, I won't do anything.
> > > > >
> > > > > Innocent unless proven guilty.
> > > > You just did something by posting, therefor, you must be guilty,
> > > I had a similar argument today IRL, but the other person was
> > > serious. It's frightening how eager some people are for an
> > > autocracy.
> > OMG YOU STOLE SOMEONES EQ IRL!! you need help, seriously
> Bah, it was only a lamb chop 8-)
If lamb chops ain't eq, then I'm done livin!
poster: Korthrun
subject: >Pippirull
date: Tue Aug 24 00:56:16 2004
it was not stolen, he dropped it.
have a nice day
poster: Darc
subject: >>Pippirull
date: Tue Aug 24 02:41:22 2004
On Tue Aug 24 00:56:16 2004 Korthrun wrote post #34 in general:
> it was not stolen, he dropped it.
> have a nice day
totally agreed, simple explanation.
poster: Byllk
subject: >>>Pippirull
date: Tue Aug 24 22:25:25 2004
In my opinion Pippirull is entitled to grab the eq and sell it. Belgarion is entitled to whine about it. A wiz can very well make Pippirull suffer for it, or let it pass. Anyoneone can ignore Pippirull if they wish, to punish him. It's part of the game, that's why _I_ love this game. It's alive!
poster: Jaws
subject: Crashes
date: Wed Aug 25 02:57:26 2004
Hi guys,
it would be nice if admin land could shed light on the continuing
crash problem
I know for myself greatly takes away from the play of the mud with the
seemingly constant crashes
Can we at least get some informational posts letting us know the
status of fixing things
and infromation in regards to the causes of the problems
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Crashes
date: Wed Aug 25 03:34:29 2004
On Wed Aug 25 02:57:26 2004 Jaws wrote post #41:
> Hi guys,
> it would be nice if admin land could shed light on the continuing
> crash problem
> I know for myself greatly takes away from the play of the mud with the
> seemingly constant crashes
> Can we at least get some informational posts letting us know the
> status of fixing things
> and infromation in regards to the causes of the problems
> Jaws
uhmm what crash problem? best I can tell we have had 1 maybe 3 crashes
in the last week.
I am guessing at 2 of those being crashes, its entirely possible
that Khosan had to boot early since I wasn't here I cannot
We did just move to a new machine, new OS and are struggling with
a few things with the driver but I have not seen a major
poster: Ant
subject: Pippirull
date: Wed Aug 25 09:20:53 2004
I for one fail to see the problem with someone dropping eq, someone
else picking it up and selling it. Sure it's not probably the most
morally acceptable thing to do, but hell... I'd do the same thing
if I found some eq lying around. I'm just that much of a selfish
Pippirull might not have done the most honourable of things, but
that doesn't mean that you can go around bashing him in the news.
Thank you. Drive through.
poster: Lu
subject: >Pippirull
date: Wed Aug 25 14:53:59 2004
On Wed Aug 25 09:20:53 2004 Ant wrote post #43:
> I for one fail to see the problem with someone dropping eq, someone
> else picking it up and selling it. Sure it's not probably the most
> morally acceptable thing to do, but hell... I'd do the same thing
> if I found some eq lying around. I'm just that much of a selfish
> bastard.
> Pippirull might not have done the most honourable of things, but
> that doesn't mean that you can go around bashing him in the news.
> Thank you. Drive through.
Lu drives through.
poster: Belgarion
subject: >>Pippirull
date: Wed Aug 25 20:52:24 2004
Anyway, Pippirull changed his mind and followed the good morale ways and returned all as it should be.
poster: Kaos
subject: >>>Pippirull
date: Wed Aug 25 20:53:24 2004
On Wed Aug 25 20:52:24 2004 Belgarion wrote post #45:
> Anyway, Pippirull changed his mind and followed the good morale ways and
returned all as it should be.
You mean I read all those posts for nothing? I demand my money back.
poster: Wildchild
subject: >>>Pippirull
date: Wed Aug 25 20:56:22 2004
On Wed Aug 25 20:52:24 2004 Belgarion wrote post #45:
> Anyway, Pippirull changed his mind and followed the good morale ways and
returned all as it should be.
Well, I don't know about morale, but morals are generally seen as a
good thing. But then, the last couple of years in general have
indicated that players don't give much of a damn for morals around
So, next time, go with the flow. Or reinc. Your choice.
poster: Blonk
subject: >>>>Pippirull
date: Wed Aug 25 23:37:52 2004
On Wed Aug 25 20:53:24 2004 Kaos wrote post #46:
> On Wed Aug 25 20:52:24 2004 Belgarion wrote post #45:
> > Anyway, Pippirull changed his mind and followed the good morale ways and
> returned all as it should be.
> You mean I read all those posts for nothing? I demand my money back.
No refunds allowed, remember its a drive through.
poster: Zyz
subject: >>>Pippirull
date: Wed Aug 25 23:43:04 2004
On Wed Aug 25 20:52:24 2004 Belgarion wrote post #45:
> Anyway, Pippirull changed his mind and followed the good morale ways and
returned all as it should be.
The funny thing is, there was all this crap about Pippirull only
because he was honest and open about it. There are a lot of
jackasses on this game that run to where necros died to try to grab
eqps. Probably some of the people you've partied with often. It's
kinda pathetic really.
poster: Uno
subject: >>>>Pippirull
date: Thu Aug 26 00:01:47 2004
On Wed Aug 25 23:43:04 2004 Zyz wrote post #49:
> On Wed Aug 25 20:52:24 2004 Belgarion wrote post #45:
> > Anyway, Pippirull changed his mind and followed the good morale ways and
> returned all as it should be.
> The funny thing is, there was all this crap about Pippirull only
> because he was honest and open about it. There are a lot of
> jackasses on this game that run to where necros died to try to grab
> eqps. Probably some of the people you've partied with often. It's
> kinda pathetic really.
wellll... it's pretty easy to be honest and open about it after
you've already been caught ;)
but pippirull confessed to me he was very sad about the whole thing
and felt v sad that some ppls in the mud ignore him now.
to you guys i only ask you to love pippirull as i love him...
warts and all...
humperdink! humperdink!
p.s. pippirull is awesome
poster: Jaws
subject: EQ
date: Thu Aug 26 02:56:41 2004
For all you high and mighty people raggin on pipp. Dont efen thiink
for oneminute I believe you would pass up free eq if you found it
At least Pip was honest about
Most would hide and be quiet
Nice balls Pip, no grudes from me
poster: Tektor
subject: >EQ
date: Thu Aug 26 03:06:15 2004
On Thu Aug 26 02:56:41 2004 Jaws wrote post #51:
> For all you high and mighty people raggin on pipp. Dont efen thiink
> for oneminute I believe you would pass up free eq if you found it
> At least Pip was honest about
> Most would hide and be quiet
> Nice balls Pip, no grudes from me
> Jaws
Damn straight i will rag on him for it cause I have had my stuff
jacked multiple times, I also have come across someone's stuff and
returned it.
poster: Nezmaniac
subject: >>Pippirull
date: Thu Aug 26 05:48:41 2004
so, uh...just a quick question: how is this situation any different
from when someone "steals" eq during time of death? yeah, you all
know what particular occurrence I'm thinking of
be consistent, folks
poster: Nyx
subject: >>>Pippirull
date: Thu Aug 26 05:49:23 2004
its not. except this time someone else can whine. :)
don't hate me. i'm just stating.
poster: Lu
subject: >>EQ
date: Thu Aug 26 15:16:16 2004
On Thu Aug 26 03:06:15 2004 Tektor wrote post #52:
> On Thu Aug 26 02:56:41 2004 Jaws wrote post #51:
> > TFM
> > For all you high and mighty people raggin on pipp. Dont efen thiink
> > for oneminute I believe you would pass up free eq if you found it
> >
> > At least Pip was honest about
> >
> > Most would hide and be quiet
> >
> > Nice balls Pip, no grudes from me
> >
> >
> > Jaws
> Damn straight i will rag on him for it cause I have had my stuff
> jacked multiple times, I also have come across someone's stuff and
> returned it.
sorry tektor, but you can't rag on anyone, ever. if i may quote the
J-man now, "Rag only if thou canst be ragged on thyself"
poster: Tektor
subject: >>>EQ
date: Thu Aug 26 17:59:37 2004
On Thu Aug 26 15:16:16 2004 Lu wrote post #55:
> On Thu Aug 26 03:06:15 2004 Tektor wrote post #52:
> > On Thu Aug 26 02:56:41 2004 Jaws wrote post #51:
> > > TFM
> > > For all you high and mighty people raggin on pipp. Dont efen thiink
> > > for oneminute I believe you would pass up free eq if you found it
> > >
> > > At least Pip was honest about
> > >
> > > Most would hide and be quiet
> > >
> > > Nice balls Pip, no grudes from me
> > >
> > >
> > > Jaws
> > Damn straight i will rag on him for it cause I have had my stuff
> > jacked multiple times, I also have come across someone's stuff and
> > returned it.
> sorry tektor, but you can't rag on anyone, ever. if i may quote the
> J-man now, "Rag only if thou canst be ragged on thyself"
I already been ragged on for years i earned ragging rights :)
poster: mandos
subject: Found EQ
date: Thu Aug 26 21:44:23 2004
I found some very valuable equipment on the ground today.
Since this isn't the type of stuff I would like to lose were it
me, nor is it the type of stuff I feel should just be returned free, as
it was dropped, I will return the EQ, if the owner mails me what was lost
and where they were lost it, for 2M gold.
poster: Byllk
subject: >Found EQ
date: Fri Aug 27 16:38:57 2004
mandos wrote post #57 in general:
> I found some very valuable equipment on the ground today.
> Since this isn't the type of stuff I would like to lose were it
> me, nor is it the type of stuff I feel should just be returned free, as
> it was dropped, I will return the EQ, if the owner mails me what was lost
> and where they were lost it, for 2M gold.
hehe lol
poster: Uno
subject: 1 or 3 more players needed
date: Fri Aug 27 20:35:40 2004
hello folks,
we still need either 1 or 3 more people to start our fantasy football season
if you're in the league already it may be time to ask a friend if they'd like
to play
we are going to try to do a live draft this year so it should be interesting
please send me a mail if you are interested.
p.s. the winner of this year's league gets a special prize
poster: temuthril
subject: My computer doesnt connect...
date: Mon Aug 30 13:29:34 2004
My computer doesn't connect to Islands of Myth. I've tried Java and Telnet. It just tries to connect a long time and then says the connection is timed out.
Does anyone know how I could play?
poster: Zifnab
subject: >My computer doesnt connect...
date: Mon Aug 30 15:17:55 2004
On Mon Aug 30 13:29:34 2004 temuthril wrote post #60:
> My computer doesn't connect to Islands of Myth. I've tried Java and
Telnet. It just tries to connect a long time and then says the connection is
timed out.
> Does anyone know how I could play?
How did you post this? Obviously your computer can connect
to islands of myth. Either that or this post is really not here.
poster: Marvin
subject: >>My computer doesnt connect...
date: Mon Aug 30 16:07:06 2004
On Mon Aug 30 15:17:55 2004 Zifnab wrote post #61:
> On Mon Aug 30 13:29:34 2004 temuthril wrote post #60:
> > My computer doesn't connect to Islands of Myth. I've tried Java and
> Telnet. It just tries to connect a long time and then says the connection is
> timed out.
> >
> > Does anyone know how I could play?
> How did you post this? Obviously your computer can connect
> to islands of myth. Either that or this post is really not here.
Could possibly be a firewall/portblocking problem, although I would
think that would just reject the connection, not cause it to time
We are going to need more specifics of your situation to help,
otherwise, no, there is no way to play without being able to
poster: Belgarion
subject: >>My computer doesnt connect...
date: Tue Aug 31 10:37:45 2004
On Mon Aug 30 15:17:55 2004 Zifnab wrote post #61:
> On Mon Aug 30 13:29:34 2004 temuthril wrote post #60:
> > My computer doesn't connect to Islands of Myth. I've tried Java and
> Telnet. It just tries to connect a long time and then says the connection is
> timed out.
> >
> > Does anyone know how I could play?
> How did you post this? Obviously your computer can connect
> to islands of myth. Either that or this post is really not here.
from the web site?
poster: Flamekrayt
subject: >My computer doesnt connect...
date: Tue Aug 31 15:04:19 2004
On Mon Aug 30 13:29:34 2004 temuthril wrote post #60 in general:
> My computer doesn't connect to Islands of Myth. I've tried Java and Telnet. It just tries to connect a long time and then says the connection is timed out.
> Does anyone know how I could play?
As far as I know, like what Marvin says, it could be a firewall problem. Reason: My mum's place got this new firewall, and after that, I couldn't connect via java or telnet to IOM, but I could still go to the website. It does give the same thing: Connection timed out.
poster: Jaguar
subject: >>My computer doesnt connect...
date: Tue Aug 31 15:24:04 2004
On Tue Aug 31 15:04:19 2004 Flamekrayt wrote post #64:
> On Mon Aug 30 13:29:34 2004 temuthril wrote post #60 in general:
> > My computer doesn't connect to Islands of Myth. I've tried Java and
Telnet. It just tries to connect a long time and then says the connection is
timed out.
> >
> >
> >
> > Does anyone know how I could play?
> As far as I know, like what Marvin says, it could be a firewall problem.
Reason: My mum's place got this new firewall, and after that, I couldn't
connect via java or telnet to IOM, but I could still go to the website. It
does give the same thing: Connection timed out.
Some firewalls will block off connections to non-standard ports.
3000 and 10000 aren't usually standard ports. Websites (http) use a
standard port, I think it's 80, so that's why you can get to the
webpage. There's nothing you can do about it unless you have access
to the firewall
poster: Temuthril
subject: >My computer doesnt connect...
date: Tue Aug 31 15:27:07 2004
On Mon Aug 30 13:29:34 2004 temuthril wrote post #60 in general:
> My computer doesn't connect to Islands of Myth. I've tried Java and Telnet. It just tries to connect a long time and then says the connection is timed out.
> Does anyone know how I could play?
Actually it wasnt my home computer, it was a public one, to be honest. My home computer does connect fine.
poster: Danilo
subject: healing pet
date: Tue Aug 31 18:01:23 2004
If anyone want a healing slave, all you need to do is to help me get exp and
i am all yours!(currently only worth 1mil)
poster: Rockman
subject: >>>My computer doesnt connect...
date: Tue Aug 31 19:15:31 2004
On Tue Aug 31 15:24:04 2004 Jaguar wrote post #65:
> > As far as I know, like what Marvin says, it could be a firewall problem.
> Reason: My mum's place got this new firewall, and after that, I couldn't
> connect via java or telnet to IOM, but I could still go to the website. It
> does give the same thing: Connection timed out.
> Some firewalls will block off connections to non-standard ports.
> 3000 and 10000 aren't usually standard ports. Websites (http) use a
> standard port, I think it's 80, so that's why you can get to the
> webpage. There's nothing you can do about it unless you have access
> to the firewall
or find a person that will let you telnet out to their machine
(which is ussually a standard port and left open) and then telnet
onto the mud.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>>My computer doesnt connect...
date: Tue Aug 31 20:02:04 2004
On Tue Aug 31 10:37:45 2004 Belgarion wrote post #63:
> On Mon Aug 30 15:17:55 2004 Zifnab wrote post #61:
> > On Mon Aug 30 13:29:34 2004 temuthril wrote post #60:
> > > My computer doesn't connect to Islands of Myth. I've tried Java and
> > Telnet. It just tries to connect a long time and then says the
connection is
> > timed out.
> > >
> > > Does anyone know how I could play?
> >
> > How did you post this? Obviously your computer can connect
> > to islands of myth. Either that or this post is really not here.
> from the web site?
It doesn't saw (web) by thier name.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>>>My computer doesnt connect...
date: Tue Aug 31 21:06:08 2004
> It doesn't saw (web) by thier name.
I removed that. Ignore works in news by the poster's name and that
was messing with it.
poster: Monkey
subject: >>>>>My computer doesnt connect...
date: Wed Sep 1 05:18:30 2004
On Tue Aug 31 21:06:08 2004 Zifnab wrote post #70:
> > It doesn't saw (web) by thier name.
> I removed that. Ignore works in news by the poster's name and that
> was messing with it.
Nods, posters from the website show up as lowercase. From the mud,
it's capitalized.
poster: Monkey
subject: Lost Eq
date: Wed Sep 1 08:06:53 2004
If someone killed a small eq mob and didn't grab eq, send me a
mudmail with desc. of the item. I will return it.
Monkey the Itemfinder.
poster: Belgarion
subject: >>>>My computer doesnt connect...
date: Wed Sep 1 14:26:15 2004
the (web) is removed afaik.
poster: Monkey
subject: Me
date: Fri Sep 3 21:01:41 2004
This might be the last time I log on for a long time. So, get your
spankings in now.
LOve THe mOVinG MonKEy.
poster: Tahnval
subject: Wizard's Bane - sequel out
date: Mon Sep 6 00:13:30 2004
Those of you who read "Wizard's Bane" at the Baen Free Library
might like to know that the sequel, "Wizardry Compiled" is now
up there.
poster: Nyx
subject: Retiring
date: Mon Sep 6 00:14:15 2004
As of today I shall retire. It's been fun.
poster: Nyx
subject: >Retiring
date: Mon Sep 6 00:15:06 2004
On Mon Sep 6 00:14:15 2004 Nyx wrote post #76:
> As of today I shall retire. It's been fun.
> Nyx
Just kidding.
poster: Sweeterevil
subject: >>Retiring
date: Mon Sep 6 03:40:29 2004
On Mon Sep 6 00:15:06 2004 Nyx wrote post #77 in general:
> On Mon Sep 6 00:14:15 2004 Nyx wrote post #76:
> > As of today I shall retire. It's been fun.
> > Nyx
> Just kidding.
poster: Nyx
subject: >>>Retiring
date: Mon Sep 6 06:40:06 2004
On Mon Sep 6 03:40:29 2004 Sweeterevil wrote post #78:
> On Mon Sep 6 00:15:06 2004 Nyx wrote post #77 in general:
> > On Mon Sep 6 00:14:15 2004 Nyx wrote post #76:
> > > As of today I shall retire. It's been fun.
> > > Nyx
> > Just kidding.
I;m telling ya, i'm evil!
poster: Lu
subject: >>>>Retiring
date: Mon Sep 6 06:57:34 2004
On Mon Sep 6 06:40:06 2004 Nyx wrote post #79:
> On Mon Sep 6 03:40:29 2004 Sweeterevil wrote post #78:
> > On Mon Sep 6 00:15:06 2004 Nyx wrote post #77 in general:
> > > On Mon Sep 6 00:14:15 2004 Nyx wrote post #76:
> > > > As of today I shall retire. It's been fun.
> > > > Nyx
> > > Just kidding.
> I;m telling ya, i'm evil!
thats not evil, evil is sending everyone to hell, wink nod prod.
poster: Ranja
subject: >1 or 3 more players needed
date: Mon Sep 6 09:30:25 2004
On Fri Aug 27 20:35:40 2004 Uno wrote post #59:
> hello folks,
> we still need either 1 or 3 more people to start our fantasy football season
> if you're in the league already it may be time to ask a friend if they'd
> to play
> we are going to try to do a live draft this year so it should be interesting
> please send me a mail if you are interested.
> Thanks!
> p.s. the winner of this year's league gets a special prize
what is a fantasy football thingy
poster: Waz
subject: Helping newbies
date: Thu Sep 9 00:37:00 2004
Communist's praise post about "highbies always being nice to
newbies" (ha ha) inspired me to post about one good reason
why being nice may be somewhat rare.
About a month ago, a newbie approached me with a sad, sad story
of desperately wanting to reinc into the new necromancer
guild but being unable to do so due to lack of money.
He gave me a long story, at the end of which he asked me for
$2m gold to help him reinc. He also told me that it wasn't
that much money because "Highbies have all the money in
the world".
Ok, so he's right. But after promising that it was a "loan"
and that he'd pay me back, he has not. Further, he's been gone
for almost a week now...perhaps even changed character names and
is working on building up a new one...who knows.
Did it affect me to the point where I wasn't able to get
money back or afford training? No. But it's examples of
things like this that lead highbies like myself to assume
all newbies are tending to "
"play you" that leads to newbies being placed on ignore, or
told to do it themselves, or whatever other response there is
out there.
People like this character of whom I speak are the type that make
helping others out on the mud usually more of a hassle than
anything else...
And who knows, perhaps he's continuing to get money from other
highbies in whatever form he's taking these days...
Just so newbies understand the position we're in and why people
aren't always quick to help.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >Helping newbies
date: Thu Sep 9 00:41:37 2004
I wanted to follow up Waz's post and also say that the assumption
that highbies have all the money inthe world.
Though I berley fit into the highbie bracket, I do want to say that
with shit like having bought 50M of eq for my set, and ~800k to
repair the whole thing everytime i repair (which is when almost
everything is at like new), I barley manage to have more than 4 or
5M at a time, and things like ME reincing etc take that up.
Sure we ahve people like nez around who have shittons of gold, but a
lot of us are still living 'paycheck to paycheck'
moreso with 0 eq parties recently
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Helping newbies
date: Thu Sep 9 00:44:34 2004
> all newbies are tending to "
> "play you" that leads to newbies being placed on ignore, or
> told to do it themselves, or whatever other response there is
> out there.
> People like this character of whom I speak are the type that make
> helping others out on the mud usually more of a hassle than
> anything else...
> And who knows, perhaps he's continuing to get money from other
> highbies in whatever form he's taking these days...
> Just so newbies understand the position we're in and why people
> aren't always quick to help.
> -Waz
Please contact me about this person and let me know who
it is.
I suspect this is a pattern of repeated behaviour we have seen in
the past. You are the third person I have heard this same story
from just recently.
poster: Communist
subject: >>Helping newbies
date: Thu Sep 9 00:51:41 2004
First, thanks to Waz and Korthrun for your comments.
Personally, I am not in favor of highbies loading up newbies with
their gold or constantly dragging them; that would not enable
newbies to fend for themselves. In the end it hurts them rather
than help them.
But what I can't understand is the attitude some highbies (I won't
point fingers or anything here) have where they deliberately try to
mislead or make fun of new players.
Sometimes there are new players who curse a lot or annoy other
players by begging for gold/exp/eq and those don't deserve much
sympathy in my opinion, but when you have newbies who are honestly
trying to learn more about the game and showing a dedication to
improvement I think it is appropriate to at least give them the
correct information or not rip them off by selling overpriced eq.
Newbies don't exist for our entertainment or to be taken advantage
of, although to some that may not be so clear.
- c
poster: Marvin
subject: >Helping newbies
date: Thu Sep 9 07:04:16 2004
On Thu Sep 9 00:37:00 2004 Waz wrote post #82:
> Communist's praise post about "highbies always being nice to
> newbies" (ha ha) inspired me to post about one good reason
> why being nice may be somewhat rare.
> About a month ago, a newbie approached me with a sad, sad story
> of desperately wanting to reinc into the new necromancer
> guild but being unable to do so due to lack of money.
> He gave me a long story, at the end of which he asked me for
> $2m gold to help him reinc. He also told me that it wasn't
> that much money because "Highbies have all the money in
> the world".
> Ok, so he's right. But after promising that it was a "loan"
> and that he'd pay me back, he has not. Further, he's been gone
> for almost a week now...perhaps even changed character names and
> is working on building up a new one...who knows.
> Did it affect me to the point where I wasn't able to get
> money back or afford training? No. But it's examples of
> things like this that lead highbies like myself to assume
> all newbies are tending to "
> "play you" that leads to newbies being placed on ignore, or
> told to do it themselves, or whatever other response there is
> out there.
> People like this character of whom I speak are the type that make
> helping others out on the mud usually more of a hassle than
> anything else...
> And who knows, perhaps he's continuing to get money from other
> highbies in whatever form he's taking these days...
> Just so newbies understand the position we're in and why people
> aren't always quick to help.
> -Waz
Ack! Ok, fine!
Can somebody loan me 2M so I can pay Waz back?
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>Helping newbies
date: Thu Sep 9 07:59:54 2004
> Ack! Ok, fine!
> Can somebody loan me 2M so I can pay Waz back?
No sry, someone told me that lending money to newbs is bad because
i'll never get it back and never be able to afford training again,
sry sry =\
poster: Uno
subject: >>>Helping newbies
date: Thu Sep 9 15:57:46 2004
On Thu Sep 9 00:51:41 2004 Communist wrote post #85:
> Sometimes there are new players who curse a lot or annoy other
> players by begging for gold/exp/eq and those don't deserve much
> sympathy in my opinion, but when you have newbies who are honestly
> trying to learn more about the game and showing a dedication to
> improvement I think it is appropriate to at least give them the
> correct information or not rip them off by selling overpriced eq.
> Newbies don't exist for our entertainment or to be taken advantage
> of, although to some that may not be so clear.
> - c
You're absolutely correct, which is why I propose we create a new
channel for newbies where they can ask questions and get assistance
from highbies and wizards without having to worry about getting
false or misleading information.
Maybe we could call it the 'newbie' channel or something similar?
Just a suggestion.
p.s. maybe we could also add it to the newbie tour so newbies
would know where to go to get help?
k tx
poster: Magneto
subject: >>Helping newbies
date: Thu Sep 9 18:21:53 2004
> Ack! Ok, fine!
> Can somebody loan me 2M so I can pay Waz back?
Ok, I can afford it.
Gold on hand : 46,451,245
poster: Ashtoreth
subject: >>Helping newbies
date: Thu Sep 9 18:25:27 2004
On Thu Sep 9 00:44:34 2004 Zifnab wrote post #84:
> > all newbies are tending to "
> > "play you" that leads to newbies being placed on ignore, or
> > told to do it themselves, or whatever other response there is
> > out there.
> >
> > People like this character of whom I speak are the type that make
> > helping others out on the mud usually more of a hassle than
> > anything else...
> > And who knows, perhaps he's continuing to get money from other
> > highbies in whatever form he's taking these days...
> >
> > Just so newbies understand the position we're in and why people
> > aren't always quick to help.
> >
> > -Waz
> Please contact me about this person and let me know who
> it is.
> I suspect this is a pattern of repeated behaviour we have seen in
> the past. You are the third person I have heard this same story
> from just recently.
Add Malifix to the list of suckers :)
poster: Anlo
subject: Lost and found
date: Thu Sep 9 21:01:29 2004
I found a weapon while doing xps in pouch. Mudmail me of it's name
if you notice that this might be yours :)
poster: Silk
subject: A break and mayby goodbye...
date: Thu Sep 9 21:26:26 2004
Well im taking a break from mudding... will be away to think about
that and someother things... will se when i get back if i get
back... if not than bye...
Hail Athena
/One of your most dedicated followers...
poster: Monkey
subject: I'm taking my leave
date: Fri Sep 10 07:58:43 2004
Well, I won't be on for a month or so. I'm moving. I'll miss ya'll.
Hopefully I can get internet as soon as I get down there so it'll be
sooner than a month. Wish me luck.
LuB, mOnKeY
(ps movin to oklahoma for those of u who are curious.)
poster: Belgarion
subject: >A break and mayby goodbye...
date: Fri Sep 10 12:03:41 2004
On Thu Sep 9 21:26:26 2004 Silk wrote post #92:
> Well im taking a break from mudding... will be away to think about
> that and someother things... will se when i get back if i get
> back... if not than bye...
> *sad*
> Hail Athena
> /One of your most dedicated followers...
> /Silk
i bet 2 days max!
poster: Tzikas
subject: Lost EQ
date: Fri Sep 10 23:16:46 2004
I seem to have misplaced one of my swords somewhere, so if you have
found a sword that isn't yours on the ground somewhere, please get
in touch with me. If it proves to be mine, a finders fee might be
arranged :)
poster: Slash
subject: debts
date: Sun Sep 12 06:30:07 2004
Ok then, since it seems in my absense there has been quite a fuss, i
might as well say something. To those who i owe money to, you know
who you are, plz mail me as soon as possible so i can pay back with
the money i currently have. And to avoid further whining/etc, i have
a new job which i work during the week and ONLY mud on the weekends,
so if i'
m not here, you know why. If you have any questions, mail me. and
to those who CLAIM i owe them money and i don't, you know who you
are, just go die a few million times.
poster: Waz
subject: >debts
date: Mon Sep 13 01:05:40 2004
On Sun Sep 12 06:30:07 2004 Slash wrote post #96:
> Ok then, since it seems in my absense there has been quite a fuss, i
> might as well say something. To those who i owe money to, you know
> who you are, plz mail me as soon as possible so i can pay back with
> the money i currently have. And to avoid further whining/etc, i have
> a new job which i work during the week and ONLY mud on the weekends,
> so if i'
> m not here, you know why. If you have any questions, mail me. and
> to those who CLAIM i owe them money and i don't, you know who you
> are, just go die a few million times.
> Slash
This is my last post on the subject.
I told Slash that he did not have to pay me back, I neither want nor
need the 2m he took from me. He owes money to at least 2 other
people I am aware of, and yesterday reported a score to me of almost
8m gold in the bank. Now, when another person he owes money to
logs on and asks him for it, he's down to 600k and 'working on it'.
Meantime I've been watching him look for eq all day on sales.
Be aware of who you deal with, people. Not only is he in the habit
of ripping people off, he has given younger players that much harder
of a time getting help when they really need it.
P.S. Yes, Slash, it IS a problem.
poster: apathy
subject: guest logins
date: Mon Sep 13 01:18:34 2004
Hey, you said we could login as guest, but guest logins are disabled. :-)
poster: Sebastian
subject: >>debts
date: Mon Sep 13 07:40:19 2004
On Mon Sep 13 01:05:40 2004 Waz wrote post #97:
> Meantime I've been watching him look for eq all day on sales.
> Be aware of who you deal with, people. Not only is he in the habit
> of ripping people off, he has given younger players that much harder
> of a time getting help when they really need it.
> -Waz
> P.S. Yes, Slash, it IS a problem.
Well, he wanted to buy my cenoba ring i was selling for 500k, he
told me he just bought all newbie fig slots so only had 500k..and he
had 8 million?
lying isn't cool slash
poster: Silk
subject: >>A break and mayby goodbye...
date: Mon Sep 13 16:42:56 2004
Dam never relised how addictive mudding were untill i actully tried
to stay away...
Then Anlo comes along making me smile while online again...
And i relized i was reacting to strong about a few things...
So it was a Super short break for about 5 days...
Dam Belgarion you know me to well... At least you missed your guess
by 3 days...
/Silk, Who promisses to take anger-managment council... ;)
poster: Hossenfeffer
subject: retirement
date: Tue Sep 14 05:45:13 2004
i know i prolly dont have too many people that care but i am gonna
suicide so its been nice playing with all of you and who knows,
maybe later i will breate anther character
im giving away all my eq so i hope soneone finds it before reboot
poster: Sebastian
subject: White rift
date: Wed Sep 15 21:34:01 2004
I didn't know where else to post, but i got a tell from someone
saying i shouldn't be asking if someone can take me to white rift
because of it being a quest..I was just double checking to make sure
i'm not doing anything wrong, can you let me know?
poster: Korthrun
subject: >White rift
date: Wed Sep 15 21:55:09 2004
I've never heard of it being a 'quest'
As far as I know there is nothing wrong with someone dragging you through.
poster: Qu
subject: secondaries
date: Wed Sep 15 22:21:32 2004
if people like to play as a secondary it is there choice, i feel
like this shud be known to everyone.
poster: Tigran
subject: >secondaries
date: Thu Sep 16 11:40:12 2004
On Wed Sep 15 22:21:32 2004 Qu wrote post #105:
> if people like to play as a secondary it is there choice, i feel
> like this shud be known to everyone.
> thanks
Okay, I'll bite. Why? I'm interested in hearing arguments on both
sides, to be honest, especially where I tend to think of things more
from an administrative side, than a player side.
poster: Oxolotl
subject: >>secondaries
date: Thu Sep 16 14:17:13 2004
Well i posted it mainly because i have had quite a few people ask me
why i bother playing as a secondary
i have only just started playing as it again, the last time was when
i was frozen.
It is just a change when i am bored, i discovered the joys of
bounties as a newb and i quite liked
gettin the small amounts of exp that seem huge to a newb.
Anyhoo, it was mainly cos i was bored and i don't need people asking
me all the time :)
poster: Tigran
subject: >>>secondaries
date: Thu Sep 16 14:26:19 2004
Umm...boredom is far from an adequate reason. And there are other
ways to indicate to people who your secondaries are, if you wish to
indulge them with that infromation, like in your finger information
for all your characters if you wished, or even your title, but that
might suck a lot (your away?).
I am rather certain that there are good reasons for this, and
against it. I'm still curious.
poster: Fegler
subject: >>>>secondaries
date: Thu Sep 16 14:28:58 2004
On Thu Sep 16 14:26:19 2004 Tigran wrote post #108:
> Umm...boredom is far from an adequate reason. And there are other
> ways to indicate to people who your secondaries are, if you wish to
> indulge them with that infromation, like in your finger information
> for all your characters if you wished, or even your title, but that
> might suck a lot (your away?).
> I am rather certain that there are good reasons for this, and
> against it. I'm still curious.
it would be a good idea to show in some way who is who's secondary...
like in that finger info you meantion Tigran :)
and if ppl dont want to see it, make it a block status.. so you can
use the block command to ignore it
poster: Sebastian
subject: >>>>>secondaries
date: Thu Sep 16 14:29:40 2004
On Thu Sep 16 14:28:58 2004 Fegler wrote post #109:
> > indulge them with that infromation, like in your finger information
> > for all your characters if you wished, or even your title, but that
> > might suck a lot (your away?).
> >
> > I am rather certain that there are good reasons for this, and
> > against it. I'm still curious.
> it would be a good idea to show in some way who is who's secondary...
> like in that finger info you meantion Tigran :)
> and if ppl dont want to see it, make it a block status.. so you can
> use the block command to ignore it
What about a "who secondary" command, that just shows registered secondaries?
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>>>>>secondaries
date: Thu Sep 16 15:04:26 2004
If someone wants it known who their secondaries are, they are quite
welcome to do so via mudmail, tell, say, plan, or other means. Since
secondary registering is considered madatory by the mud rules, I
personally don't see why one should also be required to also share
that information to people whom it doesn't affect - other players.
poster: Wildchild
subject: >>>>>>>secondaries
date: Thu Sep 16 15:07:18 2004
On Thu Sep 16 15:04:26 2004 Tranquil wrote post #111:
> If someone wants it known who their secondaries are, they are quite
> welcome to do so via mudmail, tell, say, plan, or other means. Since
> secondary registering is considered madatory by the mud rules, I
> personally don't see why one should also be required to also share
> that information to people whom it doesn't affect - other players.
I also don't see why we should have a method in which players can
see who anybody's secondaries are, as some players might not want
others to know they are a secondary.
poster: Ca
subject: >>>>>>>>secondaries
date: Thu Sep 16 18:55:12 2004
On Thu Sep 16 15:07:18 2004 Wildchild wrote post #112:
> > welcome to do so via mudmail, tell, say, plan, or other means. Since
> > secondary registering is considered madatory by the mud rules, I
> > personally don't see why one should also be required to also share
> > that information to people whom it doesn't affect - other players.
> I also don't see why we should have a method in which players can
> see who anybody's secondaries are, as some players might not want
> others to know they are a secondary.
> -WildChild
I have to agree here. If I were playing a secondary, I wouldn't
want to be associated with this name, asked to switch to rev
someone, etc. Besides, the rules lean towards keeping secondaries
as seperate as possible from primary characters, not sure why we'd
move away from that.
poster: Roxer
subject: hihihi agian!
date: Thu Sep 16 21:31:04 2004
Hello agian!
I did move lill more south in sweden! So thats why i did end playing
for a while!
Now im back online! Might not play that mush cause of alot of work
and stuff! But i will whenever i have time!
If you wonder something just send me a tell or mail or something!
/// Roxer!! AKA Danil
poster: Ranja
subject: >>>>>>secondaries
date: Thu Sep 16 23:32:49 2004
On Thu Sep 16 14:29:40 2004 Sebastian wrote post #110:
> On Thu Sep 16 14:28:58 2004 Fegler wrote post #109:
> > > indulge them with that infromation, like in your finger information
> > > for all your characters if you wished, or even your title, but that
> > > might suck a lot (your away?).
> > >
> > > I am rather certain that there are good reasons for this, and
> > > against it. I'm still curious.
> > it would be a good idea to show in some way who is who's secondary...
> > like in that finger info you meantion Tigran :)
> > and if ppl dont want to see it, make it a block status.. so you can
> > use the block command to ignore it
> What about a "who secondary" command, that just shows registered
shit, do we have to register secondaries now?
poster: Nyx
subject: >>>>>>>secondaries
date: Fri Sep 17 08:23:59 2004
On Thu Sep 16 23:32:49 2004 Ranja wrote post #115:
> On Thu Sep 16 14:29:40 2004 Sebastian wrote post #110:
> > On Thu Sep 16 14:28:58 2004 Fegler wrote post #109:
> > > > indulge them with that infromation, like in your finger information
> > > > for all your characters if you wished, or even your title, but that
> > > > might suck a lot (your away?).
> > > >
> > > > I am rather certain that there are good reasons for this, and
> > > > against it. I'm still curious.
> > > it would be a good idea to show in some way who is who's secondary...
> > > like in that finger info you meantion Tigran :)
> > > and if ppl dont want to see it, make it a block status.. so you can
> > > use the block command to ignore it
> > What about a "who secondary" command, that just shows registered
> secondaries?
> shit, do we have to register secondaries now?
I'm still not understanding where this is steming from?
Adminstration can know, certainly, but why do the players need to
know? Seems to me the whole point is to have a character you can use
to get away from the crap associated with the bigger ones. Maybe I'm
wrong, but I see no need for anyone other than wizards too see who
your secondaries are. Persoanlly I believe it would lead to more
people having unregged secs just to go back to the annonimity.
PS. I still have no idea the purpose of this debate and why it's
become an issue to the players to know who thier fellow players
secondaries are.
poster: Ritnakzid
subject: >>>>>>>>secondaries
date: Sun Sep 19 00:10:05 2004
i think that players should get an option as to making their secondaries public.
i only play my secondary because my primary is frozen right now.. and being a newb is fun, sometimes.
i don't care that my secondary's public: it's my primary's name backwards, and if no one figures out that it's me, then they are complete morons.
poster: Malifix
subject: >>>>>>>>>secondaries
date: Sun Sep 19 04:19:25 2004
On Sun Sep 19 00:10:05 2004 Ritnakzid wrote post #117:
> i think that players should get an option as to making their secondaries
> i only play my secondary because my primary is frozen right now.. and
being a newb is fun, sometimes.
> i don't care that my secondary's public: it's my primary's name backwards,
and if no one figures out that it's me, then they are complete morons.
Heh, color me moron. :) I thought it was something about naked
spelled funny. silly geezer
poster: Lucian
subject: Eq in some1s castle
date: Sat Sep 25 00:08:34 2004
I had someone hold onto my EQ in their safe while I was a shifter,
and I can't remember who held it for me. Please contact me if you
know about it. Thanks.
poster: Monkey
subject: secondaries
date: Sat Sep 25 00:19:31 2004
i get on my secondary usually to get away from the morons who keep
sending me tells asking me about stuff or my life or if i want to
sell eq (eheh no offense u know who) and with my secondary i dont
deal with the crap i get about being a "lowbie" with "highbie"
eq...newbie with newbie eq :p no one asks my secondary to party or
if i have anything good in my safes...eheh im rambling
anyways...secondary=keeping ramblers like me away
lub monkey
poster: Cowboy
subject: Server Memory
date: Wed Sep 29 22:43:28 2004
Would additional memory in the new server solve some of the recent
problems plaguing the MUD?
What would an upgrade cost? Will the new server be hosting the MUD
Just wondering...
poster: Sebastian
subject: >Server Memory
date: Wed Sep 29 22:44:19 2004
On Wed Sep 29 22:43:28 2004 Cowboy wrote post #121:
> Would additional memory in the new server solve some of the recent
> problems plaguing the MUD?
> What would an upgrade cost? Will the new server be hosting the MUD
> permanently?
> Just wondering...
Afaik, its using over 1gb of ram mem, and i recall khosan saying
they had the max in the cpu already
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Server Memory
date: Wed Sep 29 22:49:59 2004
On Wed Sep 29 22:43:28 2004 Cowboy wrote post #121:
> Would additional memory in the new server solve some of the recent
> problems plaguing the MUD?
Possibly. As fast as the driver was leaking I am not sure it would make
a difference.
I don't think its a 'plaguing' problem. It is problems with
a few particular items. Most important right now is do not stand
around your castle rooms or leave rooms with safes open.
I have already said that we are working on things and that I will
reimburse those with losses for those few that have mailed me.
but again it may take some time my last 3 days have been spent in and
out of emergency rooms and doctor's offices so please don't expect
immediate turn around.
Its a bit slow going because there are only 3 of us actively working
on the changes that need to be made and we all have real life obligations.
> What would an upgrade cost? Will the new server be hosting the MUD
> permanently?
The mud will be here permanently.
> Just wondering...
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>Server Memory
date: Wed Sep 29 22:50:23 2004
On Wed Sep 29 22:44:19 2004 Sebastian wrote post #122:
> On Wed Sep 29 22:43:28 2004 Cowboy wrote post #121:
> > Would additional memory in the new server solve some of the recent
> > problems plaguing the MUD?
> > What would an upgrade cost? Will the new server be hosting the MUD
> > permanently?
> >
> > Just wondering...
> Afaik, its using over 1gb of ram mem, and i recall khosan saying
> they had the max in the cpu already
its maxing at 3 or 400M with the changes we have made.
poster: Sebastian
subject: >>>Server Memory
date: Wed Sep 29 22:51:05 2004
On Wed Sep 29 22:50:23 2004 Zifnab wrote post #124:
> > On Wed Sep 29 22:43:28 2004 Cowboy wrote post #121:
> > > Would additional memory in the new server solve some of the recent
> > > problems plaguing the MUD?
> > > What would an upgrade cost? Will the new server be hosting the MUD
> > > permanently?
> > >
> > > Just wondering...
> > Afaik, its using over 1gb of ram mem, and i recall khosan saying
> > they had the max in the cpu already
> its maxing at 3 or 400M with the changes we have made.
Oh!, right on
I rememer khosan saying it had 1g mem, but is that for the mud
server or on the machine itself?
poster: Tahnval
subject: >>Server Memory
date: Thu Sep 30 06:50:53 2004
On Wed Sep 29 22:44:19 2004 Sebastian wrote post #122:
> On Wed Sep 29 22:43:28 2004 Cowboy wrote post #121:
> > Would additional memory in the new server solve some of the recent
> > problems plaguing the MUD?
> > What would an upgrade cost? Will the new server be hosting the MUD
> > permanently?
> >
> > Just wondering...
> Afaik, its using over 1gb of ram mem, and i recall khosan saying
> they had the max in the cpu already
That CPU will address 4GB.
poster: Tahnval
subject: >>>Server Memory
date: Thu Sep 30 06:59:05 2004
On Thu Sep 30 06:50:53 2004 Tahnval wrote post #126:
> On Wed Sep 29 22:44:19 2004 Sebastian wrote post #122:
> > On Wed Sep 29 22:43:28 2004 Cowboy wrote post #121:
> > > Would additional memory in the new server solve some of the recent
> > > problems plaguing the MUD?
> > > What would an upgrade cost? Will the new server be hosting the MUD
> > > permanently?
> > >
> > > Just wondering...
> > Afaik, its using over 1gb of ram mem, and i recall khosan saying
> > they had the max in the cpu already
> That CPU will address 4GB.
Gah, I forgot they were using a 64-bit OS. There's the 4GB limit
out the window. So the mud server should be fine with however
much memory can be put in the motherboard, which should be more
than 1GB. Hmm...unless it only has 2 slots and has 2x512MB in now.
I'm rambling. The theoretical maximum memory for the CPU in the
mud server is, IIRC, 16 Exabytes. Which is pretty silly. Insert
joke about 640KB here.
poster: elvis
subject: Yellow Mist Trigger
date: Thu Sep 30 08:20:21 2004
OK, the player base seems to be split on this one so I have no idea..
It seems from reading the help botting file that a yellow mist recast
trigger (if you cast, and get the yellow mist msg, then auto-recast
until your spell succeeds), would be legal.
Any wizzes able to answer this?
poster: Khosan
subject: >>>>Server Memory
date: Thu Sep 30 11:14:22 2004
On Thu Sep 30 06:59:05 2004 Tahnval wrote post #127:
> On Thu Sep 30 06:50:53 2004 Tahnval wrote post #126:
> > On Wed Sep 29 22:44:19 2004 Sebastian wrote post #122:
> > > On Wed Sep 29 22:43:28 2004 Cowboy wrote post #121:
> > > > Would additional memory in the new server solve some of the recent
> > > > problems plaguing the MUD?
> > > > What would an upgrade cost? Will the new server be hosting the MUD
> > > > permanently?
> > > >
> > > > Just wondering...
> > > Afaik, its using over 1gb of ram mem, and i recall khosan saying
> > > they had the max in the cpu already
> > That CPU will address 4GB.
> Gah, I forgot they were using a 64-bit OS. There's the 4GB limit
> out the window. So the mud server should be fine with however
> much memory can be put in the motherboard, which should be more
> than 1GB. Hmm...unless it only has 2 slots and has 2x512MB in now.
> I'm rambling. The theoretical maximum memory for the CPU in the
> mud server is, IIRC, 16 Exabytes. Which is pretty silly. Insert
> joke about 640KB here.
The motherboard has only two slots with 2x512MB in it now...
So the only thing I said, was that to upgrade we have to toss
out the 1 GB we already got, making it extra expensive.
poster: Ranja
subject: >>>Server Memory
date: Thu Sep 30 15:29:15 2004
On Thu Sep 30 06:50:53 2004 Tahnval wrote post #126:
> On Wed Sep 29 22:44:19 2004 Sebastian wrote post #122:
> > On Wed Sep 29 22:43:28 2004 Cowboy wrote post #121:
> > > Would additional memory in the new server solve some of the recent
> > > problems plaguing the MUD?
> > > What would an upgrade cost? Will the new server be hosting the MUD
> > > permanently?
> > >
> > > Just wondering...
> > Afaik, its using over 1gb of ram mem, and i recall khosan saying
> > they had the max in the cpu already
> That CPU will address 4GB.
Litho would have 1050 memary if he hosted
poster: Sebastian
subject: >>>>Server Memory
date: Thu Sep 30 18:29:33 2004
On Thu Sep 30 15:29:15 2004 Ranja wrote post #130:
> > > > Would additional memory in the new server solve some of the recent
> > > > problems plaguing the MUD?
> > > > What would an upgrade cost? Will the new server be hosting the MUD
> > > > permanently?
> > > >
> > > > Just wondering...
> > > Afaik, its using over 1gb of ram mem, and i recall khosan saying
> > > they had the max in the cpu already
> > That CPU will address 4GB.
> Litho would have 1050 memary if he hosted
poster: Tantrum
subject: W: Healer type.
date: Fri Oct 1 08:08:30 2004
OK. for the next two weeks or so i am on holiday (YAY). this means i
wanna do LOTS of xps. i will need a healer.
plz mail me if you wish to fill the permanent position of tantrums healbitch.
poster: Ranja
subject: >W: Healer type.
date: Fri Oct 1 15:56:49 2004
On Fri Oct 1 08:08:30 2004 Tantrum wrote post #132:
> OK. for the next two weeks or so i am on holiday (YAY). this means i
> wanna do LOTS of xps. i will need a healer.
> plz mail me if you wish to fill the permanent position of tantrums
> thanx.
> -T
poster: Tektor
subject: Halloween Costumes
date: Fri Oct 1 21:00:11 2004
For people who don't know costumes are located in cs, if you see
funny names its someone in a costume. To get a costume go to cs,
look at altar, find the one you want, then get costume from altar.
It goes on your head slot so take off whatever eq is in that spot to
wear it. Enjoy! Also Halloween area is located in cs if you enter
poster: Tektor
subject: >Halloween Costumes
date: Fri Oct 1 21:03:32 2004
Also you can only hold one costume at a time. If you want another
remove and drop the one you currently have.
poster: Daran
subject: apology
date: Sat Oct 2 07:13:49 2004
My apologies to the party i spontaneously disappeared from. NIC card
decided to take a shit. I'd mail the party members but I've been so
busy, I don't even remember who I was partying with. Sowho ever they
were, my apologies once again.
poster: Sirc
subject: wanted
date: Sat Oct 2 13:03:22 2004
midbies to reinc healer / abj :)
poster: highpriest
subject: btw...
date: Tue Oct 5 10:13:04 2004
Forgot to do this before I froze myself. I have exams so I'll be off till end of nov, I'll be reading news once in a while, however if you wish to contact me I'm still reachable through: ljyiiima@hotmail.com .
poster: Kuron
subject: Whiner
date: Tue Oct 5 14:10:37 2004
Just felt like i should whine about the new room cleanup system. I
had a bounty on a resistance fighter, so of course i put up mist
form and proceeded to smite him. After smiting was complete, I went
and killed more mobs in the area since my mist form was still up and
I could not pick up my bounty token. Upon returning to the room
after mist form had fallen, my token had disappeared. So basically
wondering if we can either allow mist mages to pick up bounty tokens
in form, or change cleanup
to not include bounty tokens.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Whiner
date: Tue Oct 5 14:40:57 2004
On Tue Oct 5 14:10:37 2004 Kuron wrote post #140:
> Just felt like i should whine about the new room cleanup system. I
> had a bounty on a resistance fighter, so of course i put up mist
> form and proceeded to smite him. After smiting was complete, I went
> and killed more mobs in the area since my mist form was still up and
> I could not pick up my bounty token. Upon returning to the room
> after mist form had fallen, my token had disappeared. So basically
> wondering if we can either allow mist mages to pick up bounty tokens
> in form, or change cleanup
> to not include bounty tokens.
> Kuron
or better yet bug report that it disappeared since that should not
happen. It is possible that someone came behind you and cleaned up
the rooms however.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>Whiner
date: Tue Oct 5 17:25:18 2004
On Tue Oct 5 14:40:57 2004 Zifnab wrote post #141:
> On Tue Oct 5 14:10:37 2004 Kuron wrote post #140:
> > Just felt like i should whine about the new room cleanup system. I
> > had a bounty on a resistance fighter, so of course i put up mist
> > form and proceeded to smite him. After smiting was complete, I went
> > and killed more mobs in the area since my mist form was still up and
> > I could not pick up my bounty token. Upon returning to the room
> > after mist form had fallen, my token had disappeared. So basically
> > wondering if we can either allow mist mages to pick up bounty tokens
> > in form, or change cleanup
> > to not include bounty tokens.
> >
> > Kuron
> or better yet bug report that it disappeared since that should not
> happen. It is possible that someone came behind you and cleaned up
> the rooms however.
Just wanted to follow up on this. I am sure a lot of people are
slightly annoyed at the 'problems' they have seen in the mud
over the last few weeks.
With the massive changes we have made internally to the mud and what
its doing the problems have been minor.
Before these changes the mud was easily using almost 1gb of memory by the time
we rebooted in 24 hours causing the mud to be swapped out to disk and
causing huge problems.
We also had greater than 140k objects in memory.
With the changes we have gotten that down to 370M of memory this
boot and only 20k
objects in memory.
It has been a little painful but the mud is running much better due to
what we have done.
poster: zag
subject: Frozen
date: Wed Oct 6 03:58:57 2004
Froze myself for 1 week, and I forgot i had a few obligations. I'll get your money to ya when I'm back elvis. If you want a refund on your boots deadnaught, if you don't want them in one week, i'll be glad to give you one.
See ya then folks
-The zag man
poster: Elvis
subject: >>>Whiner
date: Wed Oct 6 05:09:07 2004
On Tue Oct 5 17:25:18 2004 Zifnab wrote post #142 in general:
> On Tue Oct 5 14:40:57 2004 Zifnab wrote post #141:
> > On Tue Oct 5 14:10:37 2004 Kuron wrote post #140:
> > > Just felt like i should whine about the new room cleanup system. I
> > > had a bounty on a resistance fighter, so of course i put up mist
> > > form and proceeded to smite him. After smiting was complete, I went
> > > and killed more mobs in the area since my mist form was still up and
> > > I could not pick up my bounty token. Upon returning to the room
> > > after mist form had fallen, my token had disappeared. So basically
> > > wondering if we can either allow mist mages to pick up bounty tokens
> > > in form, or change cleanup
> > > to not include bounty tokens.
> > >
> > > Kuron
> > or better yet bug report that it disappeared since that should not
> > happen. It is possible that someone came behind you and cleaned up
> > the rooms however.
Not complaining or anything ... same thing happened to me ... I died,
and when I got back to the area in ~3 min, the token disappeared.
Also, keys & potions tend to disappear very quickly as well.
poster: Sleet
subject: >>>>>>>>>>secondaries
date: Thu Oct 7 06:41:18 2004
On Sun Sep 19 04:19:25 2004 Malifix wrote post #118:
> On Sun Sep 19 00:10:05 2004 Ritnakzid wrote post #117:
> > i think that players should get an option as to making their secondaries
> public.
> > i only play my secondary because my primary is frozen right now.. and
> being a newb is fun, sometimes.
> >
> > i don't care that my secondary's public: it's my primary's name backwards,
> and if no one figures out that it's me, then they are complete morons.
> Heh, color me moron. :) I thought it was something about naked
> spelled funny. silly geezer
you are a dirty dirty old man
poster: Ogg
subject: party quests
date: Mon Oct 11 03:58:19 2004
hey, I wanna get parties together to do save ufo, clayborn, etc. If
you're a midbie blaster, abj, healer, witch, or deather and are
interested mail me
poster: Soulleech
subject: >party quests
date: Tue Oct 12 05:16:24 2004
On Mon Oct 11 03:58:19 2004 Ogg wrote post #147 in general:
> embark
> hey, I wanna get parties together to do save ufo, clayborn, etc. If
> you're a midbie blaster, abj, healer, witch, or deather and are
> interested mail me
I'm interested, I would mail you but i am not at my computer at the moment, just give me a word as to whether I'm qualified, thx.
poster: Cowboy
subject: Anyone lost EQ on sombre ferry?
date: Wed Oct 13 15:50:07 2004
I found what appears to be a lowbie eq on the sombre ferry.
Please contact me if you've lost some eq recently.
poster: Daran
subject: IoM Knowledge Database Update
date: Fri Oct 15 06:16:34 2004
Finally got around to make some much needed updated to my page-
1) Overall Website:
Restructurized with directories, bookmarks will probably need to
be updated.
(this is mostly to make room for my own personal website, coming soon)
2) Equipment Section:
Updated all the stats I had, including halloween eq.
3) Guild Section:
Added a new section for notes & misc info.
(feel free to mail me any info you want to share or correct)
4) Guild Section:
Updated the spell/skill message section.
(feel free to mail me any messages you want to share)
5) Guild Section:
Updated several of the guild locations I was missing.
(still need a couple more!)
6) Paths Section:
Updated each island with all the paths I had in my mudfiles.
(feel free to mail me any paths you want to share)
7) Reincarnation Section:
Resized the race poster to fit better on the page.
8) Reincarnation Section:
Gave recognition to Matt for the reinc helper.
9) Misc/Other Section:
Updated info on the pigeon hunt event.
10) Monster Section:
Added this new section. As of yet, there is no info though. I intend to
start compiling a list of monsters on each island, their base exp worth,
and their alignment. However this probably won't happen for a month or
That's it for now. As always please send me any additions, ideas, corrections,
or opinions via mudmail or email. And please report any broken
links, specially
in the Hyboria & Misty map section.
poster: Joseph
subject: java client
date: Fri Oct 15 08:20:40 2004
Hello everyone!
I need to change type of font in java client because the default one
has different width of chars so IoM is unplayable...
Can anyone help me with this?
poster: Justus
subject: missing
date: Fri Oct 15 21:08:35 2004
player named rathidragon, if someone know where he is
be friendly and inform me or even better get him online.
can use force if necessary.
poster: Apathy
subject: >java client
date: Sat Oct 16 01:06:25 2004
On Fri Oct 15 08:20:40 2004 Joseph wrote post #151:
> Hello everyone!
> I need to change type of font in java client because the default one
> has different width of chars so IoM is unplayable...
> Can anyone help me with this?
> -Joseph-
The java client uses 14-point Courier, which is a fixed-width font.
This is hard-coded in, so there's no option to change it. It sounds
as if your browser may be forcing a particular font upon the java
client. What operating system and web browser are you using?
poster: soulleech
subject: lost
date: Fri Oct 22 03:39:47 2004
steel handled mop, if found, plz mail me, thx
poster: Erotica
subject: mud clients
date: Sat Oct 23 20:42:16 2004
I'm writing a new mud client in Delphi
I could do with a hand with some parts
anybody willing to lend a hand?
poster: Gabriel
subject: Website Mudpix
date: Sun Oct 24 01:10:19 2004
Okay, in light of the fact that I've started a new website and
my Mythpix section is linked from my old site and therefor severely
outdated, and that I seem to have an afternoon with nothing better to
do, I have decided to update it. If you would like your picture added,
send the pictures along with any information you would like included
to oleviawatters@hotmail.com subject line mythpix. Thank you.
poster: Apathy
subject: eq book library
date: Wed Oct 27 07:33:54 2004
I made some minor format changes to my eq page. Most notable is
that you can now click the column and row headers to get a full list
for that slot or stat, and a link is available to view the entire
library on one page.
poster: Urg
subject: R.I.P. John Peel
date: Wed Oct 27 18:14:39 2004
John Robert Parker Ravenscroft (John Peel) died Monday October 26th
2004 of a heartattack, I for one will miss the sound of his voice on
the radio (both on BBC Radio 1 and Home Truths on Radio 4) and his
ever strange but brilliant musical taste. Irreplacable.
Rest In Peace John Peel
Teenage Dreams. So Hard To Beat.
poster: Apathy
subject: a word to the wise
date: Wed Oct 27 22:53:03 2004
poster: Genesis
subject: >a word to the wise
date: Thu Oct 28 00:26:22 2004
Holy crap, its just a lj entry. Didn't think it could get you in so
much trouble :p Thanks for the warning.
poster: Jaguar
subject: >R.I.P. John Peel
date: Thu Oct 28 15:32:32 2004
On Wed Oct 27 18:14:39 2004 Urg wrote post #159:
> John Robert Parker Ravenscroft (John Peel) died Monday October 26th
> 2004 of a heartattack, I for one will miss the sound of his voice on
> the radio (both on BBC Radio 1 and Home Truths on Radio 4) and his
> ever strange but brilliant musical taste. Irreplacable.
> Rest In Peace John Peel
> Teenage Dreams. So Hard To Beat.
I can't explain how important John Peel was in directing me towards
"real" music. For sure I would never had picked up a guitar. The
evenings just won't be the same without his show.
This was a lovely tribute.
poster: Hierokliff
subject: >a word to the wise
date: Thu Oct 28 15:46:20 2004
On Wed Oct 27 22:53:03 2004 Apathy wrote post #160:
> http://www.livejournal.com/users/anniesj/331112.html
muahahaha wish i also lived in a huge free democracy like usa when i
read this.
it's so bad it cant be true? sceptical.
and really curios on what she did write first...
poster: Wagro
subject: Eq repair
date: Thu Oct 28 23:34:33 2004
Hi um, whenever i try to pyroclast any piece of eq from odd world,
such as mask of veins or metal stethoscope, i get "Gugnar, the Fire
Giant Blacksmith says, 'What is this junk?! That isn't worth my
time!'" I don't recall seeing anything in news about this, whats the
poster: Sebastian
subject: >Eq repair
date: Thu Oct 28 23:35:07 2004
On Thu Oct 28 23:34:33 2004 Wagro wrote post #164:
> Hi um, whenever i try to pyroclast any piece of eq from odd world,
> such as mask of veins or metal stethoscope, i get "Gugnar, the Fire
> Giant Blacksmith says, 'What is this junk?! That isn't worth my
> time!'" I don't recall seeing anything in news about this, whats the
> deal?
I also got the same message for my Pink ballet slipper and Green flowing dress
poster: Ronan
subject: >>Eq repair
date: Thu Oct 28 23:35:55 2004
On Thu Oct 28 23:35:07 2004 Sebastian wrote post #165:
> On Thu Oct 28 23:34:33 2004 Wagro wrote post #164:
> > Hi um, whenever i try to pyroclast any piece of eq from odd world,
> > such as mask of veins or metal stethoscope, i get "Gugnar, the Fire
> > Giant Blacksmith says, 'What is this junk?! That isn't worth my
> > time!'" I don't recall seeing anything in news about this, whats the
> > deal?
> I also got the same message for my Pink ballet slipper and Green flowing
did you reapir the eq to new cond 1st?
poster: Sebastian
subject: >>>Eq repair
date: Thu Oct 28 23:36:31 2004
On Thu Oct 28 23:35:55 2004 Ronan wrote post #166:
> On Thu Oct 28 23:35:07 2004 Sebastian wrote post #165:
> > On Thu Oct 28 23:34:33 2004 Wagro wrote post #164:
> > > Hi um, whenever i try to pyroclast any piece of eq from odd world,
> > > such as mask of veins or metal stethoscope, i get "Gugnar, the Fire
> > > Giant Blacksmith says, 'What is this junk?! That isn't worth my
> > > time!'" I don't recall seeing anything in news about this, whats the
> > > deal?
> > I also got the same message for my Pink ballet slipper and Green flowing
> dress
> did you reapir the eq to new cond 1st?
Yes, it's 2 seperate messages. One says I don't work on damaged items.
poster: Ronan
subject: >>>>Eq repair
date: Thu Oct 28 23:36:55 2004
On Thu Oct 28 23:36:31 2004 Sebastian wrote post #167:
> On Thu Oct 28 23:35:55 2004 Ronan wrote post #166:
> > On Thu Oct 28 23:35:07 2004 Sebastian wrote post #165:
> > > On Thu Oct 28 23:34:33 2004 Wagro wrote post #164:
> > > > Hi um, whenever i try to pyroclast any piece of eq from odd world,
> > > > such as mask of veins or metal stethoscope, i get "Gugnar, the Fire
> > > > Giant Blacksmith says, 'What is this junk?! That isn't worth my
> > > > time!'" I don't recall seeing anything in news about this, whats the
> > > > deal?
> > > I also got the same message for my Pink ballet slipper and Green flowing
> > dress
> > did you reapir the eq to new cond 1st?
> Yes, it's 2 seperate messages. One says I don't work on damaged items.
apparently eq from odd can be pyro'd whut a shame
poster: Wildchild
subject: IoM website
date: Fri Oct 29 01:09:30 2004
Yes, it's buggy.
poster: Chrono
subject: >Eq repair
date: Fri Oct 29 10:43:38 2004
yes, an explenation would of been nice or would still be also
however i myself feel that this is highly unfair
highly unfair to people who get a lot of their equipment from that
island, int and wis especially
highly unfair to the people who may have dedicated many many hours
to get specific piece or pieces from what i feel to be some of the
hardest mobs in the game that happen to be placed on oddworld
some may ask why this is unfair, from one perspective of this tune,
there are the people who either dont care cuz they dont play often
or those who dont care cuz they have never dedicated much time to
get a certain piece of equipment.
another perspective is of those who have spent many hours to get
some equipment in the game or for their own use.
being a part of both sides of the perspective i can say that, this
doesn't effect me in anyway cuz i dont play much, but then i can say
that it does effect me greatly cuz i have a lot of equipment from
that island most of which i had to use a lot of time to get.
really, it's hard to explain to people that dont care cuz they
haven't been in the situation, how unfair it is, so i'll wrap this
up and just say it could be -fairer-
it could be fairer by a simple removing of gugnar and pyroclasts.
this way.. everyone has to go about collecting pieces again
it could be fairer by reinstating the ability to repair oddworld equipment
to single out oddworld eq is kinda lame, if you go to any island,
i'm pretty sure you can find a few things that are "out of theme" on
each of them, hell .. we have events that are "out of theme" *cough
carebear invasion*
that is going by the "medieval theme" we're supposed to have (but don't)
in any case, an explenation on this would be nice for i am a little
blinded in this post, it could be a total different reason than
thanks and bye
poster: Magneto
subject: >>a word to the wise
date: Fri Oct 29 19:19:28 2004
On Thu Oct 28 15:46:20 2004 Hierokliff wrote post #163:
> On Wed Oct 27 22:53:03 2004 Apathy wrote post #160:
> > http://www.livejournal.com/users/anniesj/331112.html
> muahahaha wish i also lived in a huge free democracy like usa when i
> read this.
> it's so bad it cant be true? sceptical.
> and really curios on what she did write first...
There is nothing to see here, move along
User posts prayer begging for god to kill Bush and all his top staff
Someone reports this to the FBI
FBI has to pass this to Secret Service
Secret Service must take every report of a threat seriously.
The secret service showed up and omg asked questions. Nobody went
to jail. They didn't make him take down his post. The real idiot
is the person who reported the post to the FBI. Once it is reported
it has to be investigated. Imagine this guy real did want to kill
Bush and they didn't investigate.
Here is the link to a screenie of the original post. And I wouldn't
exactly call this a non-violent post.
poster: Cowboy
subject: Oddworld EQ Suggestion
date: Fri Oct 29 21:44:10 2004
Place a shop on the Oddworld dock that exchanges non-theme EQ with an
equivilant, theme-friendly and pyroable, piece. For example:
> give dress to clerk
The clerk takes the Red strappy dress and disappears into a back room.
He returns shortly and hands you a Red cabalistic robe.
poster: Panacea
subject: Oddworld eq
date: Sat Oct 30 05:25:59 2004
Are there -that- many items of this nature that renaming them is a
problem. This argument about not wanting to mess with someone's
area doesn't fly. You -are- messing with someone's area. Tell me
the difference between renaming and restatting eq that makes one
messing with an area and one not messing. Yes, when you make it
non-repairable you are restatting it.
I know that, while this policy is in place, neither Malifix nor any
of his secondaries will -ever- buy any oddworld eq again.
Might as well just take the eq out of the game for what it's gonna be worth.
Is a blue fuzzy slipper any more bizarre than a golem brain? When
are we gonna hear that the golem brain is non-repairable as well?
It's certainly not in theme to be running around with a brain on
your head. I'm sure others can come up with similar examples of
non-thematic eq from locations other than oddworld.
I'm afraid the non-thematic genie is already out of the bottle and
you are not gonna be able to put it back in. All it will accomplish
is to further exasperate the highbies who actually still play.
My two pfennig's worth.
Malifix the Mad
poster: Chrono
subject: >Oddworld eq
date: Sat Oct 30 15:31:05 2004
i really tend to agree with malifix, i was trying to point out in my
first post all of what malifix has in the recent post. there is just
so much out of theme equipment and many other things out of theme...
that we really dont have a theme to go by
i honestly feel that if the theme was so important, these "outta
themes" shoulda never been allowed into the game to begin with
and to try "put the genie back in the bottle", it makes situations
upsetting and mostly needless
i haven't really heard anyone complaining of theme lately, it seems
players and the wizards who create these outta theme things are
pretty satisfied with them. but then again i'm not on 10k or behind
the scenes.
as a final thought i'd like to say if strives are going to be made
to 'fix' the theme of the mud, maybe the strives should reach
further than just a single island?
thanks for posting an explenation on the situation.
poster: Oruk
subject: >>Oddworld eq
date: Sat Oct 30 19:34:01 2004
On Sat Oct 30 15:31:05 2004 Chrono wrote post #174:
> i really tend to agree with malifix, i was trying to point out in my
> first post all of what malifix has in the recent post. there is just
> so much out of theme equipment and many other things out of theme...
> that we really dont have a theme to go by
> i honestly feel that if the theme was so important, these "outta
> themes" shoulda never been allowed into the game to begin with
> and to try "put the genie back in the bottle", it makes situations
> upsetting and mostly needless
> i haven't really heard anyone complaining of theme lately, it seems
> players and the wizards who create these outta theme things are
> pretty satisfied with them. but then again i'm not on 10k or behind
> the scenes.
> as a final thought i'd like to say if strives are going to be made
> to 'fix' the theme of the mud, maybe the strives should reach
> further than just a single island?
> thanks for posting an explenation on the situation.
okokok, the amount of work to 'fix' this one island is pretty simple
atleast as far as i could imagine, i've never seen the code..
all you have to do is have pyro guy check the directory the eq
has come from (all islands are in different directories)
to change everything... would require soo much more work
changing descs also requires more work then a few lines of
code.. although not much
and as marvin said its not just about one island being out
of theme, its about everything being out of theme cuz players
only wear topslot eq
this created a theme for the mud.. crossdressers anonymous
poster: Tahnval
subject: >Oddworld EQ Suggestion
date: Sun Oct 31 01:52:46 2004
On Fri Oct 29 21:44:10 2004 Cowboy wrote post #172:
> Place a shop on the Oddworld dock that exchanges non-theme EQ with an
> equivilant, theme-friendly and pyroable, piece. For example:
> > give dress to clerk
> The clerk takes the Red strappy dress and disappears into a back room.
> He returns shortly and hands you a Red cabalistic robe.
I suggested renaming the last time this issue popped up. The
creator of the pieces in question didn't want them renamed. The admins
covered the issue of renaming in the inform post, too.
The whole island does seem a bit of an imprecise target, but
maybe it's impossible to target specific pieces of EQ as not
being pyro-able without changing how EQ is handled.
poster: Wagro
subject: >>Oddworld EQ Suggestion
date: Sun Oct 31 01:56:56 2004
On Sun Oct 31 01:52:46 2004 Tahnval wrote post #176:
> On Fri Oct 29 21:44:10 2004 Cowboy wrote post #172:
> > Place a shop on the Oddworld dock that exchanges non-theme EQ with an
> > equivilant, theme-friendly and pyroable, piece. For example:
> >
> > > give dress to clerk
> >
> > The clerk takes the Red strappy dress and disappears into a back room.
> > He returns shortly and hands you a Red cabalistic robe.
> >
> I suggested renaming the last time this issue popped up. The
> creator of the pieces in question didn't want them renamed. The admins
> covered the issue of renaming in the inform post, too.
> The whole island does seem a bit of an imprecise target, but
> maybe it's impossible to target specific pieces of EQ as not
> being pyro-able without changing how EQ is handled.
I completely agree that it is silly to be running around in dresses
and heels, which is why I have refused to wear those pieces of eq.
However, There are only 5 or so pieces I can think off of hand that
have said rediculous names/colors, and there is a lot of legit
pieces. As a builder I would be completly willing to go through the
pieces and apply the no-pyro code to them. It just seems silly to
apply this change to every single piece on oddworld, when only a
small handful deserve it. Think about Eye of the beholder, Satan's
pentagram, Mak Toshan's gear, etc.
poster: Jomo
subject: Oddworld EQ
date: Sun Oct 31 02:13:05 2004
Please change the following in "help first_area":
- Keep in mind the theme of the mud, unless you are going to put
your area into 'odd world'.
- Keep your area in tune. For instance all top slot
EQ should be D&D-centric, militaristic, masculine,
and able to be seen as powerful by the naked eye.
This anti-oddworld thing seems really silly and the people who
killed for the EQ did not kill a description, they killed a
monster with stats that were equal to the level of the EQ
they held.
poster: Tahnval
subject: >Oddworld EQ
date: Sun Oct 31 02:04:06 2004
On Sun Oct 31 02:13:05 2004 Jomo wrote post #178:
> Please change the following in "help first_area":
> - Keep in mind the theme of the mud, unless you are going to put
> your area into 'odd world'.
> To:
> - Keep your area in tune. For instance all top slot
> EQ should be D&D-centric, militaristic, masculine,
> and able to be seen as powerful by the naked eye.
> *cough*
> This anti-oddworld thing seems really silly and the people who
> killed for the EQ did not kill a description, they killed a
> monster with stats that were equal to the level of the EQ
> they held.
OK, that means there's an easy solution. Strip all eq descs and
just number them.
Where did you get that "masculine" from? In fact, where did
you get any of the paragraph from?
poster: Rockman
subject: >>Oddworld EQ
date: Sun Oct 31 03:24:56 2004
On Sun Oct 31 02:04:06 2004 Tahnval wrote post #179:
> >
> > This anti-oddworld thing seems really silly and the people who
> > killed for the EQ did not kill a description, they killed a
> > monster with stats that were equal to the level of the EQ
> > they held.
> OK, that means there's an easy solution. Strip all eq descs and
> just number them.
> Where did you get that "masculine" from? In fact, where did
> you get any of the paragraph from?
i do have a question though.... Stuff like green flowing dress.
This kinda stuff is magic oriented, who said that things that
enhance your mind's power have anything to do with "looking"
powerful, isnt that the point of enchantments and crap?
So why would a nice dress a good looking sorcress might wear that
has been enchanted with god knows how many things to specifically
enhance their magic power, not their defensivness, be out of theme?
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>Oddworld eq
date: Sun Oct 31 12:05:46 2004
for what its worth I agree in chrono in saying that if some of these
are so out of theme how did they get approved?
I know some of the things on oddworld were around in the time of
Darkstaff and what have you, just before peopel really started
paying attention to that stuff
I know that most the eq in question comes from an area that has been
put in since then
Im not trying to accuse anyone of mishandling the mud, but I am
curious, if its such a big deal why allow them in?
poster: Ant
subject: >>>Oddworld eq
date: Sun Oct 31 14:33:55 2004
The "out of whack" areas were all around the mud before and were
since then removed to the new oddworld domain to maintain at least
some theme.
The question of out of theme eq has been on the table before, but
it is only now that we've decided to do something about it.
We've always been somewhat loose when it comes to keeping things
in theme and the point here is that the oddworld eq should not be
top slot. That's where we've decided to draw the line.
poster: Rizzly
subject: Unpyroable Eq
date: Sun Oct 31 15:44:15 2004
I think the one thing that many people are missing is that eq
doesn't decay THAT rapidly, and you can still repair it, can't you?
The crossdressing vampire stuff is still really good statwise, and
if you buy it/dice it/whatever, you can still use it for a long long
time. Just not forever. That's really the only difference, and I
don't see why everyone is in such an uproar over this, aside from
the fact that the change affects a lot of "in theme" eq as well.
Perhaps as an alternative to making all of Oddworld unpyroable, the
wizzes could ask some willing players for a list of all the "out of
theme" eq they can think of, and then change those to be unpyroable.
Then it's not island specific and is in general a much fairer
poster: Lu
subject: >>>Oddworld EQ Suggestion
date: Sun Oct 31 16:24:02 2004
On Sun Oct 31 01:56:56 2004 Wagro wrote post #177:
> On Sun Oct 31 01:52:46 2004 Tahnval wrote post #176:
> > On Fri Oct 29 21:44:10 2004 Cowboy wrote post #172:
> > > Place a shop on the Oddworld dock that exchanges non-theme EQ with an
> > > equivilant, theme-friendly and pyroable, piece. For example:
> > >
> > > > give dress to clerk
> > >
> > > The clerk takes the Red strappy dress and disappears into a back room.
> > > He returns shortly and hands you a Red cabalistic robe.
> > >
> > I suggested renaming the last time this issue popped up. The
> > creator of the pieces in question didn't want them renamed. The admins
> > covered the issue of renaming in the inform post, too.
> >
> > The whole island does seem a bit of an imprecise target, but
> > maybe it's impossible to target specific pieces of EQ as not
> > being pyro-able without changing how EQ is handled.
> I completely agree that it is silly to be running around in dresses
> and heels, which is why I have refused to wear those pieces of eq.
> However, There are only 5 or so pieces I can think off of hand that
> have said rediculous names/colors, and there is a lot of legit
> pieces. As a builder I would be completly willing to go through the
> pieces and apply the no-pyro code to them. It just seems silly to
> apply this change to every single piece on oddworld, when only a
> small handful deserve it. Think about Eye of the beholder, Satan's
> pentagram, Mak Toshan's gear, etc.
well wagro, this is an attempt to get rid of the topslot nature on
those 5 pieces, how many higbies run around in beholder/satan gear,
and whens the last time mak toshan was killed(i always like killing
him). While i don't fully agree with the decision to make any eq
non-pyroable, i can also understand why its going in place. And
while it sucks, since i was a stat whore when i played, and have
quite a few oddworld pieces in my blaster set, it won't be that much
of a bitch to replace it.
grant it i don't have the urge to do any more eq, but if i did, it
owuldn't be that hard
again, i'm just a useless whore, discard my thoughts as if they
streamed straight out of a pigeions anal cavity.
poster: Tahnval
subject: >>>Oddworld EQ
date: Sun Oct 31 23:11:48 2004
On Sun Oct 31 03:24:56 2004 Rockman wrote post #180:
> On Sun Oct 31 02:04:06 2004 Tahnval wrote post #179:
> > >
> > > This anti-oddworld thing seems really silly and the people who
> > > killed for the EQ did not kill a description, they killed a
> > > monster with stats that were equal to the level of the EQ
> > > they held.
> > OK, that means there's an easy solution. Strip all eq descs and
> > just number them.
> >
> > Where did you get that "masculine" from? In fact, where did
> > you get any of the paragraph from?
> i do have a question though.... Stuff like green flowing dress.
> This kinda stuff is magic oriented, who said that things that
> enhance your mind's power have anything to do with "looking"
> powerful, isnt that the point of enchantments and crap?
> So why would a nice dress a good looking sorcress might wear that
> has been enchanted with god knows how many things to specifically
> enhance their magic power, not their defensivness, be out of theme?
Because it's a modern USA style dress.
It would probably bother the admins just as much if the
majority of used topslot equipment was Levi jeans and Nike trainers.
poster: Belgarion
subject: hehe Odd eq
date: Mon Nov 1 05:43:56 2004
well i would like to make another poitn in this, we say, we dont
want dresses or heels or dresses at all, but have you thought about
all the GRRRRLS in the game?! maybe maybe the grrls want a green
flowing sexi dress, and when it gives stat bonueses she will be
v.happy :) also, anoter point, if we consider the mobs that wear
those items, they are GRRLS so they kinda is allowed to wear GRRL
eq, if you dont like wearing other sex thingies, change sex for only
kinda easy then.. allthough there is a wrong in the society, grrl
have lots of cloths men arent' supposed to wear, but does men have
that manny items grls shouldn't wear? exept underwear? well anyway,
make more top isze kick ass MALE mobs if you want more top kick ass
EQ to be made for males!
... i lost the line... i might continue this someday... well see.. laters!
poster: Tranquil
subject: >hehe Odd eq
date: Mon Nov 1 05:47:41 2004
While I agree with the rest of belgarions post,
>kinda easy then.. allthough there is a wrong in the society, grrl
>have lots of cloths men arent' supposed to wear, but does men have
>that manny items grls shouldn't wear? exept underwear? well anyway,
This wrong is not in society, it's in boys who are too
homophobic/femmephobic and don't want to wear girlie clothes because
they think it makes them less of a man. St00pid boys.
- Tranquil's panties4boys factory
poster: Tektor
subject: Odd eq
date: Mon Nov 1 13:28:34 2004
Arn't magical type females always shown in strappy dresses and heels
or some sort of seksi feminine boot?
poster: Amaranth
subject: odd eq, and me in trouble?
date: Mon Nov 1 13:54:47 2004
Just a question...
before these areas come out, mobs and all..
aren't they... reviewed? ie: isn't someone supposed to ok
the area before it comes out?
just wondering.....
*ducks and hides*
poster: Wildchild
subject: >>hehe Odd eq
date: Mon Nov 1 14:28:46 2004
On Mon Nov 1 05:47:41 2004 Tranquil wrote post #187:
> While I agree with the rest of belgarions post,
> >kinda easy then.. allthough there is a wrong in the society, grrl
> >have lots of cloths men arent' supposed to wear, but does men have
> >that manny items grls shouldn't wear? exept underwear? well anyway,
> This wrong is not in society, it's in boys who are too
> homophobic/femmephobic and don't want to wear girlie clothes because
> they think it makes them less of a man. St00pid boys.
> - Tranquil's panties4boys factory
Here's an idea. We should just change our name to LameMUD, since
people won't shut the flying fuck up about this shit.
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>>hehe Odd eq
date: Mon Nov 1 14:30:07 2004
On Mon Nov 1 14:28:46 2004 Wildchild wrote post #190:
> On Mon Nov 1 05:47:41 2004 Tranquil wrote post #187:
> > While I agree with the rest of belgarions post,
> >
> > >kinda easy then.. allthough there is a wrong in the society, grrl
> > >have lots of cloths men arent' supposed to wear, but does men have
> > >that manny items grls shouldn't wear? exept underwear? well anyway,
> >
> > This wrong is not in society, it's in boys who are too
> > homophobic/femmephobic and don't want to wear girlie clothes because
> > they think it makes them less of a man. St00pid boys.
> >
> > - Tranquil's panties4boys factory
> >
> Here's an idea. We should just change our name to LameMUD, since
> people won't shut the flying fuck up about this shit.
> -WildChild
Sry wc, didn't know you were against the panties4boys concept =(
poster: Ranja
subject: Sunnydale lolrorlo
date: Mon Nov 1 19:23:37 2004
poster: Tigran
subject: >Sunnydale lolrorlo
date: Mon Nov 1 19:36:23 2004
On Mon Nov 1 19:23:37 2004 Ranja wrote post #192:
Tigran votes for Ranja to be the first to be news banned for it.
poster: Apathy
subject: >>>a word to the wise
date: Mon Nov 1 21:56:07 2004
On Fri Oct 29 19:19:28 2004 Magneto wrote post #171:
> On Thu Oct 28 15:46:20 2004 Hierokliff wrote post #163:
> > On Wed Oct 27 22:53:03 2004 Apathy wrote post #160:
> > > http://www.livejournal.com/users/anniesj/331112.html
> > muahahaha wish i also lived in a huge free democracy like usa when i
> > read this.
> > it's so bad it cant be true? sceptical.
> > and really curios on what she did write first...
> There is nothing to see here, move along
> User posts prayer begging for god to kill Bush and all his top staff
> Someone reports this to the FBI
> FBI has to pass this to Secret Service
> Secret Service must take every report of a threat seriously.
> The secret service showed up and omg asked questions. Nobody went
> to jail. They didn't make him take down his post. The real idiot
> is the person who reported the post to the FBI. Once it is reported
> it has to be investigated. Imagine this guy real did want to kill
> Bush and they didn't investigate.
> Here is the link to a screenie of the original post. And I wouldn't
> exactly call this a non-violent post.
> http://www.shinmeko.com/screencaps/anniesj-screencap.jpg
> Magneto
Oh, I agree with you, and I don't think the government is to blame
at the heart of the matter. But as said user mentioned, as a result
of the incident she now has an FBI file and could be subject to
wiretapping or be forbidden from flying, etc. etc.
Regardless of whether you think that's a good or bad thing or who to
blame for it, I think that her basic message is of value and should
be passed around: people do have a right to say things like that,
but they should be aware that there can still be consequences for
And people do tend to assume that they can say whatever the hell
they want on the internet and none of it will ever come back to
haunt them: just look at all the crap that gets spouted around
poster: Mor
subject: >>>hehe Odd eq
date: Mon Nov 1 22:47:26 2004
On Mon Nov 1 14:28:46 2004 Wildchild wrote post #190:
> On Mon Nov 1 05:47:41 2004 Tranquil wrote post #187:
> > While I agree with the rest of belgarions post,
> >
> > >kinda easy then.. allthough there is a wrong in the society, grrl
> > >have lots of cloths men arent' supposed to wear, but does men have
> > >that manny items grls shouldn't wear? exept underwear? well anyway,
> >
> > This wrong is not in society, it's in boys who are too
> > homophobic/femmephobic and don't want to wear girlie clothes because
> > they think it makes them less of a man. St00pid boys.
> >
> > - Tranquil's panties4boys factory
> >
> Here's an idea. We should just change our name to LameMUD, since
> people won't shut the flying fuck up about this shit.
> -WildChild
poster: Lu
subject: >>>>a word to the wise
date: Mon Nov 1 23:28:05 2004
On Mon Nov 1 21:56:07 2004 Apathy wrote post #194:
> On Fri Oct 29 19:19:28 2004 Magneto wrote post #171:
> > On Thu Oct 28 15:46:20 2004 Hierokliff wrote post #163:
> > > On Wed Oct 27 22:53:03 2004 Apathy wrote post #160:
> > > > http://www.livejournal.com/users/anniesj/331112.html
> > > muahahaha wish i also lived in a huge free democracy like usa when i
> > > read this.
> > > it's so bad it cant be true? sceptical.
> > > and really curios on what she did write first...
> > There is nothing to see here, move along
> > User posts prayer begging for god to kill Bush and all his top staff
> > Someone reports this to the FBI
> > FBI has to pass this to Secret Service
> > Secret Service must take every report of a threat seriously.
> >
> > The secret service showed up and omg asked questions. Nobody went
> > to jail. They didn't make him take down his post. The real idiot
> > is the person who reported the post to the FBI. Once it is reported
> > it has to be investigated. Imagine this guy real did want to kill
> > Bush and they didn't investigate.
> >
> > Here is the link to a screenie of the original post. And I wouldn't
> > exactly call this a non-violent post.
> > http://www.shinmeko.com/screencaps/anniesj-screencap.jpg
> > Magneto
> Oh, I agree with you, and I don't think the government is to blame
> at the heart of the matter. But as said user mentioned, as a result
> of the incident she now has an FBI file and could be subject to
> wiretapping or be forbidden from flying, etc. etc.
> Regardless of whether you think that's a good or bad thing or who to
> blame for it, I think that her basic message is of value and should
> be passed around: people do have a right to say things like that,
> but they should be aware that there can still be consequences for
> it.
> And people do tend to assume that they can say whatever the hell
> they want on the internet and none of it will ever come back to
> haunt them: just look at all the crap that gets spouted around
> here.
> -Apathy
wtf, i have never seen crap sprouted here. i have seen reasonable
issues argued and such and stuff, but then POOP, crapworthy
shitspewing is a dieing art form, mainly because ant hates spam :(
so sad, i may get newsbanned for this, BUT PENISES AND VAGINAS
BELONG IN TEH NEWS< and is craptastically shitty, penis.
ON A SIDE NOTE< if bush were to die, i'd cry a tear, a large tear, maybe
turd sandwhich pwns
poster: Daran
subject: IoM Knowledge Database
date: Tue Nov 2 04:24:38 2004
Updates. Updates. Updates.
(best viewed in 1024 x 768 screen res)
Layout Design - removed the flame from all backgrounds
(thanks Smee for pointing out major flaw)
Equipment Area - updated some stats & added some new items
- seperated out guild items in its own section
(per request of Genesis)
Guilds Area - added a guild tree section
(only abjurer/inquisitor/ma/warrior/weaver done so far)
- added guild levels section
- added a guild prerequisites section
- heavily updated spell/skill messages section
- updated notes section
Reincarnation Area - updated a few race specials
Misc/Other Area - added stat training costs to stats section
(thanks Jant for the initial costs)
- added stat info to stats section
Maps/Paths/Wishes/Monsters Area - no updates or additions
Since I have gotten some many requests for weapon classes in my equipment
area, I have decided to start gathering/keeping weapon classes. If you
would like to contribute, please identify the weapon atleast three times,
although I prefer at least five for a more accurate number, and mail/tell
me the average.
However, I still am not going to keep task point values, yet.
As usual, please send me any contributions, corrections, comments, ideas,
complaints, or borken links.
/Daran Madrox
poster: soulleech
subject: Snakeman Special
date: Tue Nov 2 04:38:06 2004
Does anyone know what it is?? I am just itching to know with so many snakemen now existing within the mud...
If you have some clue as to what it might be that would be good too...
poster: Zlame
subject: bitch.
date: Tue Nov 2 13:42:30 2004
I just want to inform that two of my real friends have died.
And one is still at the hospital.
So if I'm bitchy or angry this is why. so don't ignore me if im bitchy
poster: Kjelle
subject: >bitch.
date: Tue Nov 2 14:08:52 2004
On Tue Nov 2 13:42:30 2004 Zlame wrote post #199 in general:
> I just want to inform that two of my real friends have died.
> And one is still at the hospital.
> So if I'm bitchy or angry this is why. so don't ignore me if im bitchy
> thx.
My deepest and sincerest condolences.
poster: Ranja
subject: >>Sunnydale lolrorlo
date: Tue Nov 2 15:23:14 2004
On Mon Nov 1 19:36:23 2004 Tigran wrote post #193:
> On Mon Nov 1 19:23:37 2004 Ranja wrote post #192:
> Tigran votes for Ranja to be the first to be news banned for it.
That's sweet, but i think Bush will win today.
poster: Apathy
subject: my page
date: Thu Nov 4 06:14:26 2004
My eq library page is now being hosted out of my apartment. The new
address is http://www.periware.org/iom_eq/. Until the DNS
propagation completes, use
Also, the server is slow and is still being configured, so expect
lag and downtime over the next few days.
poster: Mixer
subject: >>hehe Odd eq
date: Fri Nov 5 10:08:51 2004
On Mon Nov 1 05:47:41 2004 Tranquil wrote post #187:
> While I agree with the rest of belgarions post,
> >kinda easy then.. allthough there is a wrong in the society, grrl
> >have lots of cloths men arent' supposed to wear, but does men have
> >that manny items grls shouldn't wear? exept underwear? well anyway,
> This wrong is not in society, it's in boys who are too
> homophobic/femmephobic and don't want to wear girlie clothes because
> they think it makes them less of a man. St00pid boys.
> - Tranquil's panties4boys factory
Well not really game related... but while women look sexy as hell
in any men's clothing... Men in women's clothing is just
evil, bad, and wrong... And if you say I am homophobic,
you must be some kind of homo. Or something.
poster: Flick
subject: Unfair
date: Sat Nov 6 00:27:29 2004
Illujun and Andros have been harrassing me for over a month now
It's wrong that gods dont do anything about it
i got kicked out of a clan cause they are mean to the people in my clan...
so i got kicked out of there
and cant play in peace..
thats wrong too
i cant buy eq on sales cause they will harass me there too
i cant party i cant solo i cant chat ...cause of illujun and andros
i want something fair to be done about this
i just want to be able to play in peace
poster: Daran
subject: >Unfair
date: Sat Nov 6 00:28:36 2004
On Sat Nov 6 00:27:29 2004 Flick wrote post #205:
> Illujun and Andros have been harrassing me for over a month now
> It's wrong that gods dont do anything about it
> i got kicked out of a clan cause they are mean to the people in my clan...
> so i got kicked out of there
> and cant play in peace..
> thats wrong too
> i cant buy eq on sales cause they will harass me there too
> i cant party i cant solo i cant chat ...cause of illujun and andros
> i want something fair to be done about this
> i just want to be able to play in peace
> please
2 things, 1-there isn't a flame newsgroup anymore for a reason,
2-post this in junk or talk to an admin directly
poster: Sweeterevil
subject: >Unfair
date: Sat Nov 6 00:33:15 2004
On Sat Nov 6 00:27:29 2004 Flick wrote post #205 in general:
> Illujun and Andros have been harrassing me for over a month now
> It's wrong that gods dont do anything about it
> i got kicked out of a clan cause they are mean to the people in my clan...
> so i got kicked out of there
> and cant play in peace..
> thats wrong too
> i cant buy eq on sales cause they will harass me there too
> i cant party i cant solo i cant chat ...cause of illujun and andros
> i want something fair to be done about this
> i just want to be able to play in peace
> please
Well define unfair? You are the one who tried to drag both of thier names through the mud not long ago. It is not the fault of a real friend for
sticking up for them friends. What you think is unfair is you tried to ruin 2 other people and you ruined yourself instead. I cant speak for others but i dont take kindly to people who run peoples names through the mud when they wernt there to defend their selfs. I see nothing unfair about what you are going through you asked and bought it all on yourself. This is just my opion
and dont really care who agrees and who doesnt.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Unfair
date: Sat Nov 6 00:42:57 2004
On Sat Nov 6 00:27:29 2004 Flick wrote post #205:
> Illujun and Andros have been harrassing me for over a month now
> It's wrong that gods dont do anything about it
> i got kicked out of a clan cause they are mean to the people in my clan...
> so i got kicked out of there
> and cant play in peace..
> thats wrong too
> i cant buy eq on sales cause they will harass me there too
> i cant party i cant solo i cant chat ...cause of illujun and andros
> i want something fair to be done about this
> i just want to be able to play in peace
> please
You do realize that the gods on this mud are not real right?
poster: Sweeterevil
subject: >>Unfair
date: Sat Nov 6 00:44:48 2004
On Sat Nov 6 00:42:57 2004 Zifnab wrote post #208 in general:
> On Sat Nov 6 00:27:29 2004 Flick wrote post #205:
> > Illujun and Andros have been harrassing me for over a month now
> > It's wrong that gods dont do anything about it
> > i got kicked out of a clan cause they are mean to the people in my clan...
> > so i got kicked out of there
> > and cant play in peace..
> > thats wrong too
> > i cant buy eq on sales cause they will harass me there too
> > i cant party i cant solo i cant chat ...cause of illujun and andros
> > i want something fair to be done about this
> > i just want to be able to play in peace
> > please
> You do realize that the gods on this mud are not real right?
OMG!!! your not!!! I feel sooo cheated!
poster: Alacor
subject: >>>Unfair
date: Sat Nov 6 02:16:25 2004
you see, there is this command, its called ignore. to use it: tpye
'ignore andros' and 'ignore illujun' there, problem solved
poster: Lu
subject: >>Unfair
date: Sat Nov 6 15:35:44 2004
On Sat Nov 6 00:42:57 2004 Zifnab wrote post #208:
> On Sat Nov 6 00:27:29 2004 Flick wrote post #205:
> > Illujun and Andros have been harrassing me for over a month now
> > It's wrong that gods dont do anything about it
> > i got kicked out of a clan cause they are mean to the people in my
> > so i got kicked out of there
> > and cant play in peace..
> > thats wrong too
> > i cant buy eq on sales cause they will harass me there too
> > i cant party i cant solo i cant chat ...cause of illujun and andros
> > i want something fair to be done about this
> > i just want to be able to play in peace
> > please
> You do realize that the gods on this mud are not real right?
omg they r not?!! my life is over, the gods aren't real :(
poster: Monkey
subject: >>>Unfair
date: Sat Nov 6 15:36:34 2004
I'm melting....MELTING!!!!!
poster: Nyx
subject: *BOOM*
date: Sun Nov 7 05:53:35 2004
[inform]: Nyx falls from the heavens and lands on the ground as a mortal.
*gets up and dusts herself off....and puts her motal coil back on.*
poster: Grasfer
subject: >*BOOM*
date: Sun Nov 7 14:37:58 2004
*cough* junk news group *cough*
poster: Nyx
subject: >>*BOOM*
date: Sun Nov 7 23:08:02 2004
On Sun Nov 7 14:37:58 2004 Grasfer wrote post #214:
> *cough* junk news group *cough*
> *
> *
> dwoufdgha
> grr
Actually, it wasn't junk. It was a general announcement. Yer spam at
the end should be in junk though.
poster: Nyx
subject: FAQ
date: Tue Nov 9 07:28:24 2004
Yes, I'm mortal.
Yes, I chose to give up being a wiz, I was not tossed.
No, I have no reason other than I thought it was time. It's the only
reason I have,
No, I'm not going to give you helpful wizard clues to the game, it
was illegal then it still is.
Yes, I will prolly play a bit, however I was never a hard core
mudder, don't hold yer breath for gigbieness....in fact just start
laughing at the idea now.
No, I don't for see going back.
No, I don't really miss it....well ok, I miss the toys.
Yes, I did offer to be a desc bitch, however, no I will not be
massive descing, I quit remember?
Now stop asking. I'm trying to build a castle. :)
poster: Grasfer
subject: World of Warcraft
date: Tue Nov 9 15:31:57 2004
1. yes junk fap you
2. WoW is Open beta now.
3. URL: https://signup.worldofwarcraft.com
4. might need to use a usa proxy to be able to signup, dunno.
5. play on Test server 12(yes it's pk, shh wuss) most i know play
there so why not all i know?! :P
6. Thank you for your time.
poster: Ranja
subject: >>Unfair
date: Wed Nov 10 16:27:58 2004
On Sat Nov 6 00:42:57 2004 Zifnab wrote post #208:
> On Sat Nov 6 00:27:29 2004 Flick wrote post #205:
> > Illujun and Andros have been harrassing me for over a month now
> > It's wrong that gods dont do anything about it
> > i got kicked out of a clan cause they are mean to the people in my
> > so i got kicked out of there
> > and cant play in peace..
> > thats wrong too
> > i cant buy eq on sales cause they will harass me there too
> > i cant party i cant solo i cant chat ...cause of illujun and andros
> > i want something fair to be done about this
> > i just want to be able to play in peace
> > please
> You do realize that the gods on this mud are not real right?
The beer-god (kung alkohol) is real, yes his name is thomas and he
live in sweden
poster: holyman
subject: question
date: Wed Nov 10 18:38:25 2004
Is it just me or is the entire mudd lagging. I am guessing that it is me because there are alot of active players whenever i am on. Often I cannont even get on in under a few mins and when i do its too slow to really do anything. Is there a connection problem with Portal perhaps that i am unaware of? I dont believe that it is my connection because I am using a broadband connection. Any advice or ideas would be helpful.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >question
date: Wed Nov 10 18:41:34 2004
On Wed Nov 10 18:38:25 2004 holyman wrote post #220:
> Is it just me or is the entire mudd lagging. I am guessing that it is me
because there are alot of active players whenever i am on. Often I cannont
even get on in under a few mins and when i do its too slow to really do
anything. Is there a connection problem with Portal perhaps that i am
unaware of? I dont believe that it is my connection because I am using a
broadband connection. Any advice or ideas would be helpful.
> -Thanks...Holyman
Your broadband connection means nothing. all it means is that you
are faster from you to the first router. After that any single
router that is lagging means you lag just as badly as
everyone else.
Want to see if its the mud type mudlag.
Want to see where you might be having a bottleneck at
type mylag.
poster: Ranja
subject: >question
date: Wed Nov 10 21:24:21 2004
On Wed Nov 10 18:38:25 2004 holyman wrote post #220:
> Is it just me or is the entire mudd lagging. I am guessing that it is me
because there are alot of active players whenever i am on. Often I cannont
even get on in under a few mins and when i do its too slow to really do
anything. Is there a connection problem with Portal perhaps that i am
unaware of? I dont believe that it is my connection because I am using a
broadband connection. Any advice or ideas would be helpful.
> -Thanks...Holyman
I have 56k ultra modem and i never lag.
Rock and roll babe, full throttal, ahoy chron1 is a faaeg
poster: Falcore
subject: losteq
date: Thu Nov 11 01:47:55 2004
i have seem to lose my belt of bones
plz contact me if you have found it
poster: Tahnval
subject: >question
date: Thu Nov 11 02:14:11 2004
On Wed Nov 10 18:38:25 2004 holyman wrote post #220:
> Is it just me or is the entire mudd lagging. I am guessing that it is me
because there are alot of active players whenever i am on. Often I cannont
even get on in under a few mins and when i do its too slow to really do
anything. Is there a connection problem with Portal perhaps that i am
unaware of? I dont believe that it is my connection because I am using a
broadband connection. Any advice or ideas would be helpful.
> -Thanks...Holyman
It isn't Portal. I use Portal VI and I'm getting just the usua
odd bit of lag.
poster: Sleet
subject: >>>hehe Odd eq
date: Sat Nov 13 23:54:16 2004
On Mon Nov 1 14:28:46 2004 Wildchild wrote post #190:
> On Mon Nov 1 05:47:41 2004 Tranquil wrote post #187:
> > While I agree with the rest of belgarions post,
> >
> > >kinda easy then.. allthough there is a wrong in the society, grrl
> > >have lots of cloths men arent' supposed to wear, but does men have
> > >that manny items grls shouldn't wear? exept underwear? well anyway,
> >
> > This wrong is not in society, it's in boys who are too
> > homophobic/femmephobic and don't want to wear girlie clothes because
> > they think it makes them less of a man. St00pid boys.
> >
> > - Tranquil's panties4boys factory
> >
> Here's an idea. We should just change our name to LameMUD, since
> people won't shut the flying fuck up about this shit.
> -WildChild
maybe we should name you LameChild cause your lame.
poster: Sleet
subject: >FAQ
date: Sat Nov 13 23:57:04 2004
On Tue Nov 9 07:28:24 2004 Nyx wrote post #216:
> Yes, I'm mortal.
> Yes, I chose to give up being a wiz, I was not tossed.
> No, I have no reason other than I thought it was time. It's the only
> reason I have,
> No, I'm not going to give you helpful wizard clues to the game, it
> was illegal then it still is.
> Yes, I will prolly play a bit, however I was never a hard core
> mudder, don't hold yer breath for gigbieness....in fact just start
> laughing at the idea now.
> No, I don't for see going back.
> No, I don't really miss it....well ok, I miss the toys.
> Yes, I did offer to be a desc bitch, however, no I will not be
> massive descing, I quit remember?
> Now stop asking. I'm trying to build a castle. :)
> Nyx
poster: Wildchild
subject: >>>>hehe Odd eq
date: Sun Nov 14 01:08:46 2004
On Sat Nov 13 23:54:16 2004 Sleet wrote post #225:
> On Mon Nov 1 14:28:46 2004 Wildchild wrote post #190:
> > On Mon Nov 1 05:47:41 2004 Tranquil wrote post #187:
> > > While I agree with the rest of belgarions post,
> > >
> > > >kinda easy then.. allthough there is a wrong in the society, grrl
> > > >have lots of cloths men arent' supposed to wear, but does men have
> > > >that manny items grls shouldn't wear? exept underwear? well anyway,
> > >
> > > This wrong is not in society, it's in boys who are too
> > > homophobic/femmephobic and don't want to wear girlie clothes because
> > > they think it makes them less of a man. St00pid boys.
> > >
> > > - Tranquil's panties4boys factory
> > >
> >
> > Here's an idea. We should just change our name to LameMUD, since
> > people won't shut the flying fuck up about this shit.
> >
> > -WildChild
> maybe we should name you LameChild cause your lame.
Hey, it only took you nearly two weeks to think that up, Sleet.
GFJ! Give yourself a bludgeoning.
poster: stomper
subject: retire
date: Sun Nov 14 01:23:16 2004
Hey for who ever cares, this game isnt reallying fun for me anymore I just dont really have time for it either
with wrestling, band practice, school, lifting weights, work... and a few other things u can see y. I will retire for a while, ill be on for december because of christmas :P but after that i wont return for about 2 months or so
Bye see ya later
poster: Soulleech
subject: Can't We All Just Get Along?
date: Mon Nov 15 03:50:58 2004
I'm seeing lots of prejudice against necromancers and I'm feel very
disturbed by it. I would like to say something about it, hopefully
it will spark debate to get this problem solved, but please, I
Saying necros suck doesn't absolutely nothing. And also read
everything before you start flaming please.
First of all, it is an official guild, created by a wizzie just like
every other guild, so it doesn't lack behind any other guild in
terms of legitimacy. It may be tuned, but for right now there's no
plans for it to be scrapped, so hating the players is quite
For those that feel this guild is tol powerful, I remind you that
this is a guild that you must raise with time and patience. You're
basically dragging newbies around and raising them to become
powerful warrior/mages. The guild is by no means easy at the
beginning, most of the minions on the guild minion plaque are around
1/2 mil, and that's on the top 200 plaque... almost 200 more were
removed from the plaque today iirc. This guild is designed mostly
for progression, though worth helps, it is not as vital as the
actual effort spent within the guild. The most important parts of
this guild include guild rank and minion worth, both are hard earned
by any player.
True, we do tune areas quickly, but we're not tuning any faster than
anyone else would if they are able to kill them as xp. When I was
shifter I single-handedly(I never saw anyone else there, ever)tuned
the obelisk down to dirt... The tuning down is the same, only the
worth of the mob tuned.
We're tuning mobs that normally would be taken on by parties, but
each necro is a party in itself, xp is distributed between all
members, so necros aren't getting those mob xp for free. We're not
making the mud imbalanced, tuning on the mud will always stay near
100%, so if all the 200-400k mobs get tuned, that means the lower xp
mobs would be a bit higher in response. With the number of new
players we have in the mud, the tuning would happen ultimately
anyway. Areas like talos was tuned down before by parties and now it
will be again, by necros or not, they'll be tuned.
In parties we do leech a lot of experience, but we also so more than
most single members. We break spell/skills, we blast using four to
three minions as well as our own, and we even vuln. We can be very
useful in eq parties if players aren't so hardheaded as to not
consider the benefits against the drawbacks.
We have so far been treated like we intentionally destroy areas just
for the fun of it, when in truth we're playing as much as any other
player would. Players have refused to sell to necros, raised price
to necros, insulted them, looted them, and threatened them. If you
want to do something useful, make suggestions that are PRACTICAL and
not utter some profanity toward us and cover your ears. Treating us
badly wont help the mud change in any way. If this kind of things
continue there will ultimately be pointless vendettas set up among
the players where nothing's accomplished except loss on both sides.
In conclusion, what we are able to do, we've earned it. Necromancers
can become powerful, because it has a different concept, as the
dragons did before them. If you feel it is too easy for us, reinc in
and have a look before you jump to conclusions. Direct your concerns
in a reasonable and orderly fashion instead of acts of spite.
poster: Aetherwynd
subject: >Can't We All Just Get Along?
date: Mon Nov 15 05:59:23 2004
On Mon Nov 15 03:50:58 2004 Soulleech wrote post #229:
> I'm seeing lots of prejudice against necromancers and I'm feel very
> disturbed by it. I would like to say something about it, hopefully
> it will spark debate to get this problem solved, but please, I
> Saying necros suck doesn't absolutely nothing. And also read
> everything before you start flaming please.
> First of all, it is an official guild, created by a wizzie just like
> every other guild, so it doesn't lack behind any other guild in
> terms of legitimacy. It may be tuned, but for right now there's no
> plans for it to be scrapped, so hating the players is quite
> pointless.
> For those that feel this guild is tol powerful, I remind you that
> this is a guild that you must raise with time and patience. You're
> basically dragging newbies around and raising them to become
> powerful warrior/mages. The guild is by no means easy at the
> beginning, most of the minions on the guild minion plaque are around
> 1/2 mil, and that's on the top 200 plaque... almost 200 more were
> removed from the plaque today iirc. This guild is designed mostly
> for progression, though worth helps, it is not as vital as the
> actual effort spent within the guild. The most important parts of
> this guild include guild rank and minion worth, both are hard earned
> by any player.
> True, we do tune areas quickly, but we're not tuning any faster than
> anyone else would if they are able to kill them as xp. When I was
> shifter I single-handedly(I never saw anyone else there, ever)tuned
> the obelisk down to dirt... The tuning down is the same, only the
> worth of the mob tuned.
> We're tuning mobs that normally would be taken on by parties, but
> each necro is a party in itself, xp is distributed between all
> members, so necros aren't getting those mob xp for free. We're not
> making the mud imbalanced, tuning on the mud will always stay near
> 100%, so if all the 200-400k mobs get tuned, that means the lower xp
> mobs would be a bit higher in response. With the number of new
> players we have in the mud, the tuning would happen ultimately
> anyway. Areas like talos was tuned down before by parties and now it
> will be again, by necros or not, they'll be tuned.
> In parties we do leech a lot of experience, but we also so more than
> most single members. We break spell/skills, we blast using four to
> three minions as well as our own, and we even vuln. We can be very
> useful in eq parties if players aren't so hardheaded as to not
> consider the benefits against the drawbacks.
> We have so far been treated like we intentionally destroy areas just
> for the fun of it, when in truth we're playing as much as any other
> player would. Players have refused to sell to necros, raised price
> to necros, insulted them, looted them, and threatened them. If you
> want to do something useful, make suggestions that are PRACTICAL and
> not utter some profanity toward us and cover your ears. Treating us
> badly wont help the mud change in any way. If this kind of things
> continue there will ultimately be pointless vendettas set up among
> the players where nothing's accomplished except loss on both sides.
> In conclusion, what we are able to do, we've earned it. Necromancers
> can become powerful, because it has a different concept, as the
> dragons did before them. If you feel it is too easy for us, reinc in
> and have a look before you jump to conclusions. Direct your concerns
> in a reasonable and orderly fashion instead of acts of spite.
necros produce a lot of spam
nuff said
poster: Monkey
subject: >>Can't We All Just Get Along?
date: Mon Nov 15 09:11:21 2004
It's Necro's fault Oddworld eq is unpyroable and Sunnydale is close.
I say, we kill every Necro before they destroy us all together!
poster: Lu
subject: >>Can't We All Just Get Along?
date: Mon Nov 15 10:53:25 2004
On Mon Nov 15 05:59:23 2004 Aetherwynd wrote post #230:
> On Mon Nov 15 03:50:58 2004 Soulleech wrote post #229:
> > I'm seeing lots of prejudice against necromancers and I'm feel very
> > disturbed by it. I would like to say something about it, hopefully
> > it will spark debate to get this problem solved, but please, I
> > Saying necros suck doesn't absolutely nothing. And also read
> > everything before you start flaming please.
> > First of all, it is an official guild, created by a wizzie just like
> > every other guild, so it doesn't lack behind any other guild in
> > terms of legitimacy. It may be tuned, but for right now there's no
> > plans for it to be scrapped, so hating the players is quite
> > pointless.
> > For those that feel this guild is tol powerful, I remind you that
> > this is a guild that you must raise with time and patience. You're
> > basically dragging newbies around and raising them to become
> > powerful warrior/mages. The guild is by no means easy at the
> > beginning, most of the minions on the guild minion plaque are around
> > 1/2 mil, and that's on the top 200 plaque... almost 200 more were
> > removed from the plaque today iirc. This guild is designed mostly
> > for progression, though worth helps, it is not as vital as the
> > actual effort spent within the guild. The most important parts of
> > this guild include guild rank and minion worth, both are hard earned
> > by any player.
> > True, we do tune areas quickly, but we're not tuning any faster than
> > anyone else would if they are able to kill them as xp. When I was
> > shifter I single-handedly(I never saw anyone else there, ever)tuned
> > the obelisk down to dirt... The tuning down is the same, only the
> > worth of the mob tuned.
> > We're tuning mobs that normally would be taken on by parties, but
> > each necro is a party in itself, xp is distributed between all
> > members, so necros aren't getting those mob xp for free. We're not
> > making the mud imbalanced, tuning on the mud will always stay near
> > 100%, so if all the 200-400k mobs get tuned, that means the lower xp
> > mobs would be a bit higher in response. With the number of new
> > players we have in the mud, the tuning would happen ultimately
> > anyway. Areas like talos was tuned down before by parties and now it
> > will be again, by necros or not, they'll be tuned.
> > In parties we do leech a lot of experience, but we also so more than
> > most single members. We break spell/skills, we blast using four to
> > three minions as well as our own, and we even vuln. We can be very
> > useful in eq parties if players aren't so hardheaded as to not
> > consider the benefits against the drawbacks.
> > We have so far been treated like we intentionally destroy areas just
> > for the fun of it, when in truth we're playing as much as any other
> > player would. Players have refused to sell to necros, raised price
> > to necros, insulted them, looted them, and threatened them. If you
> > want to do something useful, make suggestions that are PRACTICAL and
> > not utter some profanity toward us and cover your ears. Treating us
> > badly wont help the mud change in any way. If this kind of things
> > continue there will ultimately be pointless vendettas set up among
> > the players where nothing's accomplished except loss on both sides.
> > In conclusion, what we are able to do, we've earned it. Necromancers
> > can become powerful, because it has a different concept, as the
> > dragons did before them. If you feel it is too easy for us, reinc in
> > and have a look before you jump to conclusions. Direct your concerns
> > in a reasonable and orderly fashion instead of acts of spite.
> necros produce a lot of spam
> nuff said
> :)
OMG ROFL, i'm an idling whore and this is hilarious, ROFLAFLLOAFOL, omg, ahaa
i create more spam than necros, etc, etc. and the good necros put
alot more on the line to maintain good rates than any normal player
lets see, normal player dies with 80megs on they lose 20megs? well
if a necro dies with 80 megs on, they lose 20megs, they lose the xp
on their pets(a ton) and they risk losing the top slot sets they
have on their pets to keep that rate
christ, the latter is the worst, bitches
-lu, loves all of you, except those of you i hate, i hate you
poster: Marvin
subject: >>>Can't We All Just Get Along?
date: Mon Nov 15 16:41:05 2004
On Mon Nov 15 10:53:25 2004 Lu wrote post #232:
> lets see, normal player dies with 80megs on they lose 20megs? well
> if a necro dies with 80 megs on, they lose 20megs, they lose the xp
> on their pets(a ton) and they risk losing the top slot sets they
> have on their pets to keep that rate
> christ, the latter is the worst, bitches
> -lu, loves all of you, except those of you i hate, i hate you
T! T! For the sake of humanity, use the friggin trim reply!!!!
poster: Kalma
subject: NEW! IMPROVED! IOM Reinc Helper v.2.0
date: Mon Nov 15 23:57:30 2004
A new and improved version of the reinc helper has
been posted at http://www.progamer.no/reinchelper/.
As usual, praise and errors should be sent be sent
to Matt. Whines and criticism should go to Snoop..
ps. Snoop had nothing to do with the helper, sending him
mail will only result in him being annoyed by you and
possibly you getting punished.
poster: Matt
subject: >NEW! IMPROVED! IOM Reinc Helper v.2.0
date: Tue Nov 16 00:22:31 2004
Ok, the reinchelper won't work for necros. Kaos made the skill/spell
dump before guild was finished, so the base expcost is off. I will
fix it when I get back from my trip.
poster: Soulleech
subject: >Can't We All Just Get Along?
date: Tue Nov 16 00:59:51 2004
Okay, everyone already told me that people would be too ignorant and "bitchy" to be able to answer productively to my post in which I am trying to address a problem that concerns more than just a few people. I tried, let no one claim that necromancers did not try to resolve the situation. I see now that this mud is filled with mostly mindless imbeciles with no abilities to act with seriousness and logic.
poster: Aetherwynd
subject: >>Can't We All Just Get Along?
date: Tue Nov 16 01:01:18 2004
On Tue Nov 16 00:59:51 2004 Soulleech wrote post #236:
> Okay, everyone already told me that people would be too ignorant and
"bitchy" to be able to answer productively to my post in which I am trying
to address a problem that concerns more than just a few people. I tried, let
no one claim that necromancers did not try to resolve the situation. I see
now that this mud is filled with mostly mindless imbeciles with no abilities
to act with seriousness and logic.
The U.S. is now full of "mostly mindless imbeciles with no abilities
to act with seriousness and logic" too, apparently... so maybe you
should move to Canadia
poster: atreau
subject: castle doors
date: Tue Nov 16 01:40:07 2004
so, now that castle doors are gone, does this mean that we get our gold back?
poster: Daran
subject: >castle doors
date: Tue Nov 16 01:40:36 2004
On Tue Nov 16 01:40:07 2004 atreau wrote post #238:
> so, now that castle doors are gone, does this mean that we get our gold
poster: Nyx
subject: Faces of Myth
date: Tue Nov 16 03:43:48 2004
Updated Pippirull, Mamoru, Cazhmere, and Byllk. Added Ironwhimp,
Ronan, and Tsunatsu.
If you wish to change, update, add, or submit your photos or info,
please email me: nyx@noctuidae.com
Thanks. :)
Faces of Myth: www.noctuidae.com
poster: Apathy
subject: >>Can't We All Just Get Along?
date: Tue Nov 16 05:58:30 2004
On Tue Nov 16 00:59:51 2004 Soulleech wrote post #236:
> Okay, everyone already told me that people would be too ignorant and
"bitchy" to be able to answer productively to my post in which I am trying
to address a problem that concerns more than just a few people. I tried, let
no one claim that necromancers did not try to resolve the situation. I see
now that this mud is filled with mostly mindless imbeciles with no abilities
to act with seriousness and logic.
It took you over a year to work that out? I'm reminded of it every
time I type 'last myth'
poster: Belgarion
subject: >>castle doors
date: Tue Nov 16 09:57:10 2004
On Tue Nov 16 01:40:36 2004 Daran wrote post #239:
> On Tue Nov 16 01:40:07 2004 atreau wrote post #238:
> > so, now that castle doors are gone, does this mean that we get our gold
> back?
> NO
you should be happy you dont have them anymore! they only bugged anyway
poster: Ranja
subject: >>NEW! IMPROVED! IOM Reinc Helper v.2.0
date: Tue Nov 16 15:20:17 2004
On Tue Nov 16 00:22:31 2004 Matt wrote post #235:
> Ok, the reinchelper won't work for necros. Kaos made the skill/spell
> dump before guild was finished, so the base expcost is off. I will
> fix it when I get back from my trip.
> Matt
That's ok Matt, who want to become a necromancer anyway.
poster: Tahnval
subject: >>Can't We All Just Get Along?
date: Tue Nov 16 18:44:51 2004
On Tue Nov 16 00:59:51 2004 Soulleech wrote post #236:
> Okay, everyone already told me that people would be too ignorant and
"bitchy" to be able to answer productively to my post in which I am trying
to address a problem that concerns more than just a few people. I tried, let
no one claim that necromancers did not try to resolve the situation. I see
now that this mud is filled with mostly mindless imbeciles with no abilities
to act with seriousness and logic.
I think it's the usual thing. Necromancers are different, therefore all the
problems are their fault. It was Dragon Lords a while back. Maybe a
different bunch of ignornant fools this time, but it's the same crap.
poster: Tahnval
subject: >>>NEW! IMPROVED! IOM Reinc Helper v.2.0
date: Tue Nov 16 18:50:45 2004
On Tue Nov 16 15:20:17 2004 Ranja wrote post #243:
> On Tue Nov 16 00:22:31 2004 Matt wrote post #235:
> > Ok, the reinchelper won't work for necros. Kaos made the skill/spell
> > dump before guild was finished, so the base expcost is off. I will
> > fix it when I get back from my trip.
> > Matt
> That's ok Matt, who want to become a necromancer anyway.
I'd hesitate to recommend it myself, and I've been in the guild
for 104 days. You start of crap, regardless of your worth. You
stay crap for a long time. I am still crap. You run huge risks
every time you play, unlike any other guild (eq loss, etc). Playing
necromancer is like playing with Time of Death hanging over you all
the time. Any death may result in the loss of some or all of the
eq on all of your minions, which might well be the equivalent of
two full sets, or even more. That's without the huge exp loss, far
greater than any other guild.
The main advantage of necromancer is a sense of progression for high-worth
players. Well, for any players, but it's the only way high-worth players
can get a sense of progression. No more 500M exp needed just to get to
a skill or spell that isn't quite completely useless. It's a different
guild, which makes it interesting to old-timers.
poster: roirraw
subject: iom forum
date: Wed Nov 17 21:52:21 2004
created a forum that's based on a few things including islands of myth so enjoy
poster: helios
subject: Blue_Horizon
date: Sun Nov 21 15:11:18 2004
If your intressed in joining Blue_Horizon
Send me a tell
(i know my spelling suck. do not mension it)
poster: Justus
subject: sloatinok
date: Sun Nov 21 21:39:05 2004
i was "idling" somewhere in rift and mr xxx arrived and
make his way to sloat _very fast_ later mr xxx2 arrived
and did same thing. It is sure that human wouldnt do that so
fast. So is it ok to use script/bot to do that?
poster: Zifnab
subject: >sloatinok
date: Sun Nov 21 21:46:27 2004
On Sun Nov 21 21:39:05 2004 Justus wrote post #248:
> i was "idling" somewhere in rift and mr xxx arrived and
> make his way to sloat _very fast_ later mr xxx2 arrived
> and did same thing. It is sure that human wouldnt do that so
> fast. So is it ok to use script/bot to do that?
No. Please tell me who mr XXX is.
poster: Tahnval
subject: What is the problem with necromancers?
date: Mon Nov 22 06:14:29 2004
No doubt this post will get deleted, but what the hell.
A simple question. Does anyone care to attempt to make a
vague attempt at a possibly not completely irrational answer?
Have you people mistaken "necromancer" for "necrophile"?
Ixtlilton intended this guild tree to be far riskier than any other.
I do not think he intended players to be reviled and attacked
in any way possible. Comments about the risks being intended
should be directed straight to /dev/null as they are mere
a comment on lack of knowledge of the situation than on the
guild itself.
I accept the intended risk of losing EQ by not being able
to recover it. All you whiners don't have to put up with
that risk in your guilds. That should give you a clue.
I accept the risk of some greedy player getting lucky and
helping themselves to my eq.
Those risks, I think, were intended.
What we have is people scanning the death channel, waiting for
a necromancer to die so they can rush over and take the other
player's equipment. The motive is not even greed and boorishness.
It's an irrational hatred of necromancers.
If you don't think it's irrational, here's your chance to
give a rational reason.
poster: Moridin
subject: sloatinok botting
date: Mon Nov 22 09:36:15 2004
The sloat rift, to trigger or not to trigger. Here is a progression
of ways to do it. You can walk it while keeping all the info in your
head, or you could write down info on a piece of paper to keep track
of it as you map the rift. Or you could acknowledge the digital age
and write it in notepad or something similar, maybe even with walk
in front of it so you can get back quickly if you fall back. You
could go a step further, and put the info into some variable or
similar for the client, and press a button if you ended up at the
beginning or an alias to get back to where you were. Another step
further would be to have the client find out where you ended up when
you walked wrong, so the alias/button only gave a walk from there to
the place you were mapping. Even further would be to have the client
walk you back there itself when you walked the wrong way, without
the press of a button (a somewhat more high tech version of a cs to
gemshop walk), the next level would of course be to also let the
client do the trying of ways and mapping itself, instead of you.
Now these here words represent the navigating of the sloatinok rift
in ways ranging from the obviously legal, to the obviously illegal.
I was wondering, since a wiz said something about illegal sloat
navigating, that he or some other wizard could inform us exactly
where the line goes, to avoid people mistakenly stepping over it.
(and please don't just point to the rule saying that it is illegal
to have the client play for you, since the measures mentioned above
are slowly moving from one to the other, and at least for me, it is
not clear cut where you would draw the line)
poster: Moridin
subject: sloat rift part 2
date: Mon Nov 22 09:41:51 2004
and for a clarification, I do not have all those triggers, it is an
example of a progression of ways to navigate sloatinoks rift, I was
just wondering for myself and others.
poster: Uno
subject: >sloatinok botting
date: Mon Nov 22 15:24:47 2004
On Mon Nov 22 09:36:15 2004 Moridin wrote post #251:
> Now these here words represent the navigating of the sloatinok rift
> in ways ranging from the obviously legal, to the obviously illegal.
> I was wondering, since a wiz said something about illegal sloat
> navigating, that he or some other wizard could inform us exactly
> where the line goes, to avoid people mistakenly stepping over it.
> (and please don't just point to the rule saying that it is illegal
> to have the client play for you, since the measures mentioned above
> are slowly moving from one to the other, and at least for me, it is
> not clear cut where you would draw the line)
> h
A couple of things:
1. The wizard was Zifnab. It's not like he was hiding.
2. You don't need a wiz to tell you if you're crossing the line.
When they send you a tell and you don't respond, you're crossing the
line. Out of all the ways you mentioned in this post, only the last
one would put you at risk of this transgression.
3. You smell guilty. Off with your head.
poster: nevyn
subject: Upcoming EQ parties
date: Tue Nov 23 00:01:25 2004
This weekend lagduf will prolly eq friday and saturday, since i did last weekend. But if not i'll be doing some between 12.00 - 15.00 those two days (the earlier the better) , perhaps sunday too. Also week after that. I expect the parties to know what to do and be able to eq for many hours, like 5-6 or more
poster: Sleet
subject: >>>>>hehe Odd eq
date: Tue Nov 23 02:49:55 2004
On Sun Nov 14 01:08:46 2004 Wildchild wrote post #227:
> On Sat Nov 13 23:54:16 2004 Sleet wrote post #225:
> > On Mon Nov 1 14:28:46 2004 Wildchild wrote post #190:
> > > On Mon Nov 1 05:47:41 2004 Tranquil wrote post #187:
> > > > While I agree with the rest of belgarions post,
> > > >
> > > > >kinda easy then.. allthough there is a wrong in the society, grrl
> > > > >have lots of cloths men arent' supposed to wear, but does men have
> > > > >that manny items grls shouldn't wear? exept underwear? well anyway,
> > > >
> > > > This wrong is not in society, it's in boys who are too
> > > > homophobic/femmephobic and don't want to wear girlie clothes because
> > > > they think it makes them less of a man. St00pid boys.
> > > >
> > > > - Tranquil's panties4boys factory
> > > >
> > >
> > > Here's an idea. We should just change our name to LameMUD, since
> > > people won't shut the flying fuck up about this shit.
> > >
> > > -WildChild
> > maybe we should name you LameChild cause your lame.
> > ZING
> Hey, it only took you nearly two weeks to think that up, Sleet.
> GFJ! Give yourself a bludgeoning.
> -WildChild
No, it just took me that long to read it.
poster: Sleet
subject: >>Can't We All Just Get Along?
date: Tue Nov 23 02:52:41 2004
On Tue Nov 16 00:59:51 2004 Soulleech wrote post #236:
> Okay, everyone already told me that people would be too ignorant and
"bitchy" to be able to answer productively to my post in which I am trying
to address a problem that concerns more than just a few people. I tried, let
no one claim that necromancers did not try to resolve the situation. I see
now that this mud is filled with mostly mindless imbeciles with no abilities
to act with seriousness and logic.
your dumb
poster: sweeterevil
subject: Nuked
date: Wed Nov 24 05:06:06 2004
Okay being friends to both involved Ill try and stay as fair as possiable.
First I do think it was unfair for seb to be nuked b/c of all this the truth is if it was anyone but him he wouldnt have been. The wizzes have been looking for a reason to nuke him since day one and being he was doing nothing wrong they couldnt figure how to do it so they took the first way they come to. As
far as what he did lets face it if anyone on mud told me they had something from a wiz my first words would be your a lieing ass not believe it soooo
as i see it seb got nuked for someone not thinking before they took action
or someone just thought they would give this info to a wiz knowing or hoping to start trouble. The whole thing isnt right! Yes if he broke rules then get rid of him but for this is stupid. To get nuked just becouse
some of the higher people dont like you for something youve done in the past?
Havent we all asked for other chances? As i see it he did nothing wrong but try and get someone who was running thier mouth about him to admitt to it,
if you cant say it to the person themselves then why say it at all?
Signed a Very Upsett,
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Nuked
date: Wed Nov 24 05:56:27 2004
I will reply to this once and I will not reply again.
> Okay being friends to both involved Ill try and stay as fair as
> possiable.
> First I do think it was unfair for seb to be nuked b/c of all
> this the truth is if it was anyone but him he wouldnt have been.
I have freely admitted this. If it had been almost any other
player they would not have been nuked.
Sebastian has been nuked by his count 7 times previously (Sorry
I had been saying 8 but I was wrong. I made a note of the
number when he said it and I went and checked).
Any normal player would have received a nice warning not to
spread rumors like that around. In fact I correct people on
channels about that crap almost weekly it seems.
Sebastian is no normal player. Look at his past record and
complete disregard for any mud rules. 7 nukings should say
all that needs to be said on that subject but of course
he claims they are all unjustified. Make your own decision
on that one.
> The wizzes have been looking for a reason to nuke him since day
> one and being he was doing nothing wrong they couldnt
> figure how to do it so they took the first way they come to.
I warned him on day one that I found out he was litho returned
that he was on extremely thin ice and if he stepped one inch
out of line he would be gone. He accepted that.
If I was looking for 'any' reason to nuke him I would have done it
right then and there. I for some stupid reason decided to give
him chance #8. As an addition to that right before I told him
I knew who he was he lied to another player about equipment he
was asked to hold onto. In fact that is exactly how my conversation
started with him. Asking him if he was up to his old tricks again.
IIRC said it disappeared in a bug when in reality he still had some
of it and had tp sacced the rest.
Again I had a reason right there if I was looking for any reason.
> As far as what he did lets face it if anyone on mud told me they
> had something from a wiz my first words would be your a lieing
> ass not believe it soooo
> as i see it seb got nuked for someone not thinking before they
> took action or someone just thought they would give this info
> to a wiz knowing or hoping to start trouble.
The telling of the player that a wizard sent him logs was the
last straw. I would have nuked that wizard (if it had been true)
for sending him logs the very fact that he was BS'ing about
them shows again his continued disrespect for this mud.
The behavior has been constant through his entire career here.
A complete disregard for _any_ of the rules of the mud and any
semblence of decency to those that play or admin the mud.
He has done everything possible to screw as many players as
possible and no one can dispute this fact.
> The whole thing
> isnt right! Yes if he broke rules then get rid of him
> but for this is stupid. To get nuked just becouse
> some of the higher people dont like you for something youve done in the
_7_ times in the past he has done things that we didn't like for the mud.
When is enough? When do we stop it? Please tell me your magic formula
for what to do. I would love to hear it.
> Havent we all asked for other chances? As i see it he did nothing wrong
but try
> and get someone who was running thier mouth about him to admitt to it,
> if you cant say it to the person themselves then why say it at all?
> Signed a Very Upsett,
> Sweets
He had many chances and a warning on this final one not to cross the
line. Guess what he crossed it yet again.
I am done on this subject.
poster: Tektor
subject: Wizards and Players
date: Wed Nov 24 14:22:58 2004
Hexus (first name I knew him as years ago) aka Litho and how ever
many other aliases he has had since, was one of my first friends on
here. However I have to agree with Zif's decision. I do not dislike
Hexus despite various differences we have had. Nor am I any more
innocent of crossing lines with the admins. They have given me my
fair share of chances too. Wizards do not get paid to babysit us.
They work hard for free here to create a place for people to enjoy.
A lot of people seem to take that for granted more often than not.
They give players lots of chances and try to be accepting of them. I
lied to the admin as most know blaming my sister for reincing my
worth away once couple of years ago (This incident is in no way
linked to me messing up splitting my bodies btw for all who keep
trying to push both into one incident). I came forth after lieing
about it that I had, even though I was 100% sure he didn't believe
my claim anyways. Zif could have nuked or banned me but he gave me a
chance to continue here. I have been grateful of that since. Maybe
Hex should have just enjoyed being allowed to play here instead of
trying to pull more crap. After all he was banned for some time once
before on top of all the nukings. Sometimes boundries have to be set
whether all agree or not.
Other wise how is it fair for anyone else? I know many people fealt
he should not have been allowed back as sebastian let alone litho.
poster: Kaos
subject: >>Nuked
date: Wed Nov 24 18:30:32 2004
On Wed Nov 24 05:56:27 2004 Zifnab wrote post #258:
> I will reply to this once and I will not reply again.
> > Okay being friends to both involved Ill try and stay as fair as
> > possiable.
> >
> > First I do think it was unfair for seb to be nuked b/c of all
> > this the truth is if it was anyone but him he wouldnt have been.
> I have freely admitted this. If it had been almost any other
> player they would not have been nuked.
> Sebastian has been nuked by his count 7 times previously (Sorry
> I had been saying 8 but I was wrong. I made a note of the
> number when he said it and I went and checked).
> Any normal player would have received a nice warning not to
> spread rumors like that around. In fact I correct people on
> channels about that crap almost weekly it seems.
> Sebastian is no normal player. Look at his past record and
> complete disregard for any mud rules. 7 nukings should say
> all that needs to be said on that subject but of course
> he claims they are all unjustified. Make your own decision
> on that one.
> > The wizzes have been looking for a reason to nuke him since day
> > one and being he was doing nothing wrong they couldnt
> > figure how to do it so they took the first way they come to.
> I warned him on day one that I found out he was litho returned
> that he was on extremely thin ice and if he stepped one inch
> out of line he would be gone. He accepted that.
> If I was looking for 'any' reason to nuke him I would have done it
> right then and there. I for some stupid reason decided to give
> him chance #8. As an addition to that right before I told him
> I knew who he was he lied to another player about equipment he
> was asked to hold onto. In fact that is exactly how my conversation
> started with him. Asking him if he was up to his old tricks again.
> IIRC said it disappeared in a bug when in reality he still had some
> of it and had tp sacced the rest.
> Again I had a reason right there if I was looking for any reason.
> > As far as what he did lets face it if anyone on mud told me they
> > had something from a wiz my first words would be your a lieing
> > ass not believe it soooo
> > as i see it seb got nuked for someone not thinking before they
> > took action or someone just thought they would give this info
> > to a wiz knowing or hoping to start trouble.
> The telling of the player that a wizard sent him logs was the
> last straw. I would have nuked that wizard (if it had been true)
> for sending him logs the very fact that he was BS'ing about
> them shows again his continued disrespect for this mud.
> The behavior has been constant through his entire career here.
> A complete disregard for _any_ of the rules of the mud and any
> semblence of decency to those that play or admin the mud.
> He has done everything possible to screw as many players as
> possible and no one can dispute this fact.
> > The whole thing
> > isnt right! Yes if he broke rules then get rid of him
> > but for this is stupid. To get nuked just becouse
> > some of the higher people dont like you for something youve done in the
> past?
> _7_ times in the past he has done things that we didn't like for the mud.
> When is enough? When do we stop it? Please tell me your magic formula
> for what to do. I would love to hear it.
> > Havent we all asked for other chances? As i see it he did nothing wrong
> but try
> > and get someone who was running thier mouth about him to admitt to it,
> > if you cant say it to the person themselves then why say it at all?
> > Signed a Very Upsett,
> > Sweets
> >
> He had many chances and a warning on this final one not to cross the
> line. Guess what he crossed it yet again.
> I am done on this subject.
> --Zif
poster: Nyx
subject: WoW
date: Fri Nov 26 05:23:45 2004
Not sure how many are playing warcraft, but if you are, and feel
like saying hi, I'm Noctuidae or Muninn on Alliance and Morgue on
Horde. Server Hyjal. Wynd (old wizard from here) is Fyreflyte, same
server. Feel free to come say hello.
I'm also sometimes on server Elune as Muninn (Alliance).
K, yeah. happy Turkey Day.
poster: Lu
subject: >WoW
date: Fri Nov 26 16:47:14 2004
On Fri Nov 26 05:23:45 2004 Nyx wrote post #261:
> Not sure how many are playing warcraft, but if you are, and feel
> like saying hi, I'm Noctuidae or Muninn on Alliance and Morgue on
> Horde. Server Hyjal. Wynd (old wizard from here) is Fyreflyte, same
> server. Feel free to come say hello.
> I'm also sometimes on server Elune as Muninn (Alliance).
> K, yeah. happy Turkey Day.
> Nyx
ehe, silly servars, ARCHIMONDE 4 EVAR
damnit, i still suck
poster: Ranja
subject: >>WoW
date: Fri Nov 26 16:47:53 2004
On Fri Nov 26 16:47:14 2004 Lu wrote post #262:
> On Fri Nov 26 05:23:45 2004 Nyx wrote post #261:
> > Not sure how many are playing warcraft, but if you are, and feel
> > like saying hi, I'm Noctuidae or Muninn on Alliance and Morgue on
> > Horde. Server Hyjal. Wynd (old wizard from here) is Fyreflyte, same
> > server. Feel free to come say hello.
> > I'm also sometimes on server Elune as Muninn (Alliance).
> > K, yeah. happy Turkey Day.
> > Nyx
> ehe, silly servars, ARCHIMONDE 4 EVAR
> ((
> damnit, i still suck
poster: Tektor
subject: >>>WoW
date: Fri Nov 26 18:14:57 2004
On Fri Nov 26 16:47:53 2004 Ranja wrote post #263:
> On Fri Nov 26 16:47:14 2004 Lu wrote post #262:
> > On Fri Nov 26 05:23:45 2004 Nyx wrote post #261:
> > > Not sure how many are playing warcraft, but if you are, and feel
> > > like saying hi, I'm Noctuidae or Muninn on Alliance and Morgue on
> > > Horde. Server Hyjal. Wynd (old wizard from here) is Fyreflyte, same
> > > server. Feel free to come say hello.
> > > I'm also sometimes on server Elune as Muninn (Alliance).
> > > K, yeah. happy Turkey Day.
> > > Nyx
> > ehe, silly servars, ARCHIMONDE 4 EVAR
> > ((
> > damnit, i still suck
I play on nyxies server and maybe archimonde if it ever opens back
up ;) (ps eq2 is for hosers!)
poster: soulleech
subject: who changed the do command???
date: Sat Nov 27 01:10:24 2004
subject pretty much says it...
poster: Zifnab
subject: >who changed the do command???
date: Sat Nov 27 03:23:18 2004
On Sat Nov 27 01:10:24 2004 soulleech wrote post #265:
> subject pretty much says it...
no one. How about you be a bit descriptive in what your
perceived problem is.
poster: Nyx
subject: >>>WoW
date: Sat Nov 27 22:09:02 2004
On Fri Nov 26 16:47:53 2004 Ranja wrote post #263:
> On Fri Nov 26 16:47:14 2004 Lu wrote post #262:
> > On Fri Nov 26 05:23:45 2004 Nyx wrote post #261:
> > > Not sure how many are playing warcraft, but if you are, and feel
> > > like saying hi, I'm Noctuidae or Muninn on Alliance and Morgue on
> > > Horde. Server Hyjal. Wynd (old wizard from here) is Fyreflyte, same
> > > server. Feel free to come say hello.
> > > I'm also sometimes on server Elune as Muninn (Alliance).
> > > K, yeah. happy Turkey Day.
> > > Nyx
> > ehe, silly servars, ARCHIMONDE 4 EVAR
> > ((
> > damnit, i still suck
That's cause yer lame! *snickers*
Still lurve ya.
poster: Soulleech
subject: >>who changed the do command???
date: Sun Nov 28 08:02:38 2004
On Sat Nov 27 03:23:18 2004 Zifnab wrote post #266 in general:
> On Sat Nov 27 01:10:24 2004 soulleech wrote post #265:
> > subject pretty much says it...
> no one. How about you be a bit descriptive in what your
> perceived problem is.
back to normal now.... before if I type do 5 s, it would do s five times, but some reason it changed to as if you directl typed 5 s, so that if I had commanded 5 to something it would append s as the argument for 5... dont know if that explains it, but that was the problem.
poster: Tigran
subject: >>>who changed the do command???
date: Sun Nov 28 14:40:55 2004
On Sun Nov 28 08:02:38 2004 Soulleech wrote post #268:
> On Sat Nov 27 03:23:18 2004 Zifnab wrote post #266 in general:
> > On Sat Nov 27 01:10:24 2004 soulleech wrote post #265:
> > > subject pretty much says it...
> > no one. How about you be a bit descriptive in what your
> > perceived problem is.
> back to normal now.... before if I type do 5 s, it would do s five times,
but some reason it changed to as if you directl typed 5 s, so that if I had
commanded 5 to something it would append s as the argument for 5... dont
know if that explains it, but that was the problem.
Somehow, I cannot help but think that there is MIS here. That said,
if you thought there was a problem with a command, why wasn't there
a bug report? We use that to help us track issues like this. If
it's not an issue, we'll say so, but (and I believe I can say this
for all of us here), the inconvenience of having to close extra bug
reports, is FAR FAR preferable to not knowing an issue exists.
Now, when reporting an issue like this, it's very helpful to point
out the following:
* The command typed. It's very helpful if the exact command is given.
* Where the command was typed. That way if there are environmental
factors, we can come as close as possible to duplicating the
* What you expected to have happen.
* What happened. (Maybe a log).
poster: Celine
subject: Idea report
date: Tue Nov 30 23:20:33 2004
(Originally in wiz.player.ideas)
Idea reported from /domains/mists/waz/castle/rooms/first14--
when you type channels list it'd be hot if ichannels and mud channels were listed seperately.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Idea report
date: Tue Nov 30 23:29:46 2004
On Tue Nov 30 23:20:33 2004 Celine wrote post #270:
> (Originally in wiz.player.ideas)
> Idea reported from /domains/mists/waz/castle/rooms/first14--
> when you type channels list it'd be hot if ichannels and mud channels were
listed seperately.
> ty**
channels imud, channels player, channels mud
poster: Korthrun
subject: Regal
date: Wed Dec 1 06:10:05 2004
For those of you who knew him, I wanted to sahre that he has died at
his own hands irl :(
yeah this sucks
poster: Alisha
subject: Goodbye..
date: Wed Dec 1 14:17:35 2004
I just wanted to let folks know that I'm going to be heading out,
and getting rid of Alisha permanently. It's been many, many moons
since I I began playing here, and I simply don't have the energy or
will to play her anymore.
I'm sure some of you will see me around, and if you really want to
find me you can try asking Apathy. But don't bug him, he's a good
So thank you all for so many years of fun and randomness. It's been
neat... I'll see you around. :)
-+ Lishie +-
poster: Daran
subject: IoMKD Update
date: Wed Dec 1 19:31:07 2004
I have started to keep tpsac values of equipment. However, to this day,
I have only sacced a total of like 5 items. With that said, these values
are pretty much going to be only as current as what I can gather from
other players. To start off though, Moridin has sent me a list of over
130 items and I have gone through my logs over the past 8 months and
found what values I could. And now, these values are now available for
your viewing pleasure. Please mudmail/email/snailmail me the correct
values for any items that are wrong or any items that have a ? value.
Please do not send me tells with any corrections/updates/additions. I
idle sporatically and a lot throughout the day and I no longer keep a
tell log/window because of stupid zmud display glitches. Feel free to
send me a tell to discuss anything else though, and I will respond as
soon as I can =).
P.S. Thanks again Moridin for your list of tp values.
poster: Apathy
subject: Islands of Myth Wiki
date: Fri Dec 3 06:05:42 2004
As a bit of an experiment, I've started a wiki for Islands of Myth.
For those who don't already know, a wiki is a collaborative webpage
that's open to be edited and improved by anybody willing to put in
the effort.
So far it's got the barest start on a player directory and a set of
eq lists (compiled from my eq book library), but come by, take a
look, and by all means add stuff to it.
PS: the url is http://www.periware.org/iomwiki/
poster: Highpriest
subject: Added content for my webpage
date: Mon Dec 6 12:04:46 2004
Another page added, tells you how to estimate worth of an EQ. Needs
to be improved again, so just use what's in there for the moment,
mail me typos if there's any. Note again, it is just
ecommendations, not fixed price or something. You can access by the
address given by fingering me and clicking the correct link, or you
can just go to the address below:
poster: Highpriest
subject: >Added content for my webpage
date: Tue Dec 7 02:04:48 2004
On Mon Dec 6 12:04:46 2004 Highpriest wrote post #276:
> Another page added, tells you how to estimate worth of an EQ. Needs
> to be improved again, so just use what's in there for the moment,
> mail me typos if there's any. Note again, it is just
> ecommendations, not fixed price or something. You can access by the
> address given by fingering me and clicking the correct link, or you
> can just go to the address below:
> http://www.angelfire/dragon/ljyiiima/worth_recommendations.html
> -HP
Due to a complaint about its unaccuracy, and its hardly obtainable
future accuracy, I decided to close it. (And I quite agree to it) My
main page will have the link to that page removed, but the page
itself will remains there. Refer to the page only when you desperate
on decided how much an EQ is worth.
poster: soulleech
date: Tue Dec 7 02:54:35 2004
In order that highpriest be cured of his reinc-mania, please do not give into his constant requests for ew and reincs, they're just symptoms of withdrawal. Let everyone intervene and so that he may grow :P
poster: Highpriest
date: Tue Dec 7 02:55:20 2004
On Tue Dec 7 02:54:35 2004 soulleech wrote post #278:
> In order that highpriest be cured of his reinc-mania, please do not give
into his constant requests for ew and reincs, they're just symptoms of
withdrawal. Let everyone intervene and so that he may grow :P
poster: Monkey
subject: Holidays
date: Fri Dec 10 05:01:47 2004
In the spirit of the holidays, I will be giving away saveable eq
(some may be from santa, some may not) to those whom I feel are
worthy. Expandrew was the first to receive a present (he received a
holy dagger of ynnek (not from santa). Some of these presents may be
of equal worth or less (hopefully some more, but we'll see). Hope
everyone enjoys their holidays, and feels empowered by the spirit of
the season. Merry Christmas, Happy Channukah, etc etc etc.
Love, The Monkey formerly known as Santa.
poster: Tigran
subject: >Holidays
date: Fri Dec 10 17:10:36 2004
On Fri Dec 10 05:01:47 2004 Monkey wrote post #281:
> In the spirit of the holidays, I will be giving away saveable eq
> (some may be from santa, some may not) to those whom I feel are
> worthy. Expandrew was the first to receive a present (he received a
> holy dagger of ynnek (not from santa). Some of these presents may be
> of equal worth or less (hopefully some more, but we'll see). Hope
> everyone enjoys their holidays, and feels empowered by the spirit of
> the season. Merry Christmas, Happy Channukah, etc etc etc.
> Love, The Monkey formerly known as Santa.
Ooh me Oooh me. I've been good!
Well. I haven't been that bad.
You can't count THAT ONE against me.
Oh yah, there was that too.
Okay, but that was because...
Fine..where's my damn coal.
poster: Malifix
subject: So long
date: Sat Dec 11 06:52:45 2004
goodbye mud, its been a fun run, merry christmas to all. finger me
if you want to stay in touch. So long from Malifix, Ashtoreth,
Panacea, Charity, Neimiah and Thinchar. My reasons have been stated
many times. Love you all and take care.
poster: Kresselak
subject: >So long
date: Sat Dec 11 23:54:24 2004
On Sat Dec 11 06:52:45 2004 Malifix wrote post #283 in general:
> goodbye mud, its been a fun run, merry christmas to all. finger me
> if you want to stay in touch. So long from Malifix, Ashtoreth,
> Panacea, Charity, Neimiah and Thinchar. My reasons have been stated
> many times. Love you all and take care.
Give us your eq before you go. Thanks.
poster: Moridin
subject: >>So long
date: Sun Dec 12 08:35:08 2004
On Sat Dec 11 23:54:24 2004 Kresselak wrote post #284:
> On Sat Dec 11 06:52:45 2004 Malifix wrote post #283 in general:
> > goodbye mud, its been a fun run, merry christmas to all. finger me
> > if you want to stay in touch. So long from Malifix, Ashtoreth,
> > Panacea, Charity, Neimiah and Thinchar. My reasons have been stated
> > many times. Love you all and take care.
> Give us your eq before you go. Thanks.
ignore the mean kresselak, and also any other mean people, please
dont go :( but if you have to go, have a good life wherever
poster: Kresselak
subject: >>>So long
date: Sun Dec 12 20:11:02 2004
On Sun Dec 12 08:35:08 2004 Moridin wrote post #285 in general:
> On Sat Dec 11 23:54:24 2004 Kresselak wrote post #284:
> > On Sat Dec 11 06:52:45 2004 Malifix wrote post #283 in general:
> > > goodbye mud, its been a fun run, merry christmas to all. finger me
> > > if you want to stay in touch. So long from Malifix, Ashtoreth,
> > > Panacea, Charity, Neimiah and Thinchar. My reasons have been stated
> > > many times. Love you all and take care.
> >
> > Give us your eq before you go. Thanks.
> ignore the mean kresselak, and also any other mean people, please
> dont go :( but if you have to go, have a good life wherever
Mean Kresselak? i said "us" not "me" I am not selfish. Mean is when someone steals your whole top slot fig eq and btw why does he wants his eq if he is not playing anymore?. Letz share and be good on this season or the real santa(not the mud one)will not bring anything to you.
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>>>So long
date: Sun Dec 12 20:13:44 2004
Actually, since building your eqset is a large part of the fun one
experiences from playing this mud, Malifix not giving away his eq is
probably a more giving thing than handing it out to people. Besides,
he may want to come back someday =)
poster: Ranja
subject: >>So long
date: Sun Dec 12 21:07:08 2004
On Sat Dec 11 23:54:24 2004 Kresselak wrote post #284:
> On Sat Dec 11 06:52:45 2004 Malifix wrote post #283 in general:
> > goodbye mud, its been a fun run, merry christmas to all. finger me
> > if you want to stay in touch. So long from Malifix, Ashtoreth,
> > Panacea, Charity, Neimiah and Thinchar. My reasons have been stated
> > many times. Love you all and take care.
> Give us your eq before you go. Thanks.
kresselak I PUNCH UR FAEC
poster: Alacor
subject: Poll 87
date: Tue Dec 14 03:57:39 2004
Vote on it, kthx
poster: Korthrun
subject: >Poll 87
date: Tue Dec 14 04:01:24 2004
Unfortunatly the admins have made thier choices, and Litho has made
his mistakes.
I voted yes, but I don't see Zif seieng that poll and then letting
him play again.
I'll let Litho know of your efforts though.
poster: Kresselak
subject: >>Poll 87
date: Thu Dec 16 13:35:15 2004
On Tue Dec 14 04:01:24 2004 Korthrun wrote post #290 in general:
> I'll let Litho know of your efforts though.
Helpless efforts, he already lost the poll gg no re.
poster: Daran
subject: eq conditions
date: Thu Dec 16 21:02:51 2004
If anyone comes up with a list or starts building one of all the
conditions, feel free to mudmail/email it to me and I shall add it
to my website
poster: camden
subject: HI
date: Sat Dec 18 15:54:34 2004
It was fun people but it just isnt the same iom that i liked so much
I have made my mistakes and one knows what i mean. So its only best that
there be nomore sweeterevil or any other char for me. I will miss many of you
and think of you often. All my eq has been given away to whom i gave it i hope
it helps have fun with it. Again it was nice meeting you all and have lots of fun for me to.
poster: camden
subject: sweeterevil
date: Sat Dec 18 15:55:08 2004
It was fun people but it just isnt the same iom that i liked so much
I have made my mistakes and one knows what i mean. So its only best that
there be nomore sweeterevil or any other char for me. I will miss many of you
and think of you often. All my eq has been given away to whom i gave it i hope
it helps have fun with it. Again it was nice meeting you all and have lots of fun for me to.
poster: Ranja
subject: >HI
date: Sat Dec 18 17:03:55 2004
On Sat Dec 18 15:54:34 2004 camden wrote post #294:
> It was fun people but it just isnt the same iom that i liked so much
> I have made my mistakes and one knows what i mean. So its only best that
> there be nomore sweeterevil or any other char for me. I will miss many of
> and think of you often. All my eq has been given away to whom i gave it i
> it helps have fun with it. Again it was nice meeting you all and have lots
of fun for me to.
> Sweets
Litho was sweeterevil and just apologised for his mistakes?!
Thats okay lutho you still live in our hearts.
poster: Tzikas
subject: EQ Tomorrow
date: Sat Dec 18 19:43:50 2004
I will be hosting EQ tomorrow, and that means I need people.
So far I have an abjurer and a bard, which means I still need a
healer or two, lots of blasters (evokers preferred), a witch (Hi
nezmaniac!!) and maybe a harmer, depending on what reinc lagduf
picks. Sooo, send me a mail or a tell if you catch me online and
you're interested, and we'll see what we can work out.
poster: Ranja
subject: Cheating
date: Sat Dec 18 21:56:55 2004
Just wanted to say that i think it is wrong that nevyn and tzikas
can cheat when litho isnt allowed to :/
poster: nevyn
subject: Cheating
date: Sun Dec 19 00:13:23 2004
Just wanted to say that i think it is wrong that ranja can fake logs when litho gets nuked for doing so :/
poster: Ranja
subject: >Cheating
date: Sun Dec 19 13:09:12 2004
On Sun Dec 19 00:13:23 2004 nevyn wrote post #299:
> Just wanted to say that i think it is wrong that ranja can fake logs when
litho gets nuked for doing so :/
I am litho and i am to be lithofied next friday ^^
(Try to google the word log and read some stuff though, because you
obvisously dont know what a log is.)
poster: Draco
subject: >>Cheating
date: Mon Dec 20 15:09:11 2004
On Sun Dec 19 13:09:12 2004 Ranja wrote post #300:
> On Sun Dec 19 00:13:23 2004 nevyn wrote post #299:
> > Just wanted to say that i think it is wrong that ranja can fake logs when
> litho gets nuked for doing so :/
> I am litho and i am to be lithofied next friday ^^
> (Try to google the word log and read some stuff though, because you
> obvisously dont know what a log is.)
why do all of you have to accuse each other of cheating? it doesnt
make life any easier for the admins around here, please stop the
finger pointing and lies.
poster: Wildchild
subject: closed area
date: Mon Dec 20 15:27:17 2004
The closed area of Jaguar's that Zifnab mentioned in inform is the
NEW pirate village area.
Now, maybe somebody will actually read this and not ask about it any more. :)
poster: Junna
subject: lost eq
date: Mon Dec 20 20:28:50 2004
hi, i was partying the other day and died in the Prehistoric Hunters
area. my eagle disappeared then and he was carrying my wiz wand,
hooded cloak of a druid, lavos boots, and frith boots for me. since
i couldn't get a rev, i was forced to leave the eq behind. if
someone picked it up, could you please mudmail me about getting it
back, i really need it.
poster: Draco
subject: >lost eq
date: Tue Dec 21 00:20:27 2004
On Mon Dec 20 20:28:50 2004 Junna wrote post #303:
> hi, i was partying the other day and died in the Prehistoric Hunters
> area. my eagle disappeared then and he was carrying my wiz wand,
> hooded cloak of a druid, lavos boots, and frith boots for me. since
> i couldn't get a rev, i was forced to leave the eq behind. if
> someone picked it up, could you please mudmail me about getting it
> back, i really need it.
> -junna
if you get the eq back congrats but in my time here not many people
have responded to helping out with this sort of accident, this is
one of the dangers of keeping eq on familiars and why it is highly
poster: zlame
subject: W:Healer
date: Tue Dec 21 09:59:42 2004
Hello, I want a healer.
He or she should be worth at least 250-300megs, should have a decent set, and not tap in duos with me. THX now reinc babes ;)
poster: Tzikas
subject: EQ Today
date: Tue Dec 21 14:17:07 2004
I will be hosting eq around 2000 rltime today (type in "rltime" to
see what the time is now, do the maths yourself), and for this I
would like a few more blasters, and maybe a harmer. So, if you're
interested, catch me online today, or be online around 2000.
poster: Ranja
subject: >>>Cheating
date: Tue Dec 21 16:27:20 2004
On Mon Dec 20 15:09:11 2004 Draco wrote post #301:
> On Sun Dec 19 13:09:12 2004 Ranja wrote post #300:
> > On Sun Dec 19 00:13:23 2004 nevyn wrote post #299:
> > > Just wanted to say that i think it is wrong that ranja can fake logs
> > litho gets nuked for doing so :/
> > I am litho and i am to be lithofied next friday ^^
> > (Try to google the word log and read some stuff though, because you
> > obvisously dont know what a log is.)
> why do all of you have to accuse each other of cheating? it doesnt
> make life any easier for the admins around here, please stop the
> finger pointing and lies.
Draco d A m N i T
wont say more.
poster: Smee
subject: w: denim
date: Tue Dec 21 21:07:32 2004
if anybody knows a way to contact denim, you should tell me
i have some phone numbers, but one isn't him and one isn't a phone number :(
wtf pout cry
love smee
poster: Bahgtru
subject: Eq mob list
date: Wed Dec 22 16:34:55 2004
Hi, I plan to put together a list of all eq mobs in the mud (since
afaik there isn't one already)
Contributions of mob name, eq it loads and where it is found would
be awesome. Hopefully will have a detailed list up soon.
- Bag
poster: Bahgtru
subject: >Eq mob list
date: Wed Dec 22 17:38:46 2004
On Wed Dec 22 16:34:55 2004 Bahgtru wrote post #309:
> Hi, I plan to put together a list of all eq mobs in the mud (since
> afaik there isn't one already)
> Contributions of mob name, eq it loads and where it is found would
> be awesome. Hopefully will have a detailed list up soon.
> - Bag
And also mob size would be cool
poster: stomper
subject: retire
date: Thu Dec 23 18:21:26 2004
I only came back for santa, gonna retire to diablo2 - us east - barbarious
also runescape zidanegenome , kreativ1 hehe.
Ill let things settle a bit and ill see you in about 4 months BYE!
poster: Malifix
subject: IOM
date: Fri Dec 24 07:16:29 2004
I want to start off by wishing everyone a merry Christmas.
Now, on to deeper stuff. Zifnab mentioned to me that, recently I
have done nothing but complain and I have to admit that's correct.
So I want to say this. I think that, for the most part, Admin has
done a great job. There are so many good things that they have done
(EQ saving on body, ticks/tocks in combat, second alphas to name but
a few). I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I thought
everything was rotton - it's not. So this is to praise those who
run this mud for all the good stuff they have done and to say
Also, this new stuff with the unlimited alphas looks neat, I'm sorry
I won't be able to check it out. (Yes, I still consider the
silliness about the 'out-of-theme' and the treatment of Friski to be
a show-stopper for me - and thats the only negative i'm gonna put in
this post)
So again, thanks to Admin for all the fun and Merry Christmas to all.
poster: Malifix
subject: Addendum
date: Fri Dec 24 07:22:38 2004
Something I left out. Even though my playing days are over, I have
decided to stay on as a builder, so look for more janriella in the
future :)
Malifix the Mad
poster: Illusions
subject: IOM BBQ - Kona
date: Fri Dec 24 07:42:29 2004
Okay so since like malifix is coming in
zane is here
enigma hopefully has time
we're doing a bbq on Tuesday, December 28th 2004
Probably start it around 4pm ish
expecting most people to show up 5-6
everyone is invited to come, it'll probably be at white sands
if not we'll do it at our beach rental
bring whatever, booze if you're over 21
rsvp to me or diet_optixillusions@hotmail.com subject: IOM Party
hope to see ya'll there
poster: Tzikas
subject: Xmas EQs
date: Sun Dec 26 04:46:14 2004
Ill try to host a eq party around 20:30 rltime tonight, so if you
want in, be online around that time. And please please please,
someone witchy be there, otherwise it will most definatly be a
poster: Bahgtru
subject: Eq mob guide
date: Sun Dec 26 07:26:12 2004
Guide has started to go up, will be completed in a day or two.
Finger me for the url, and mail me with corrections/submissions
Wanna thank Maduo, Wagro, Draco, Nevyn, Mintorus, Hierokliff, Frond,
Dojjan, Kjara and most of all Lagduf, for help out, answering
questions and putting up with my newbieness at times.
poster: Tzikas
subject: EQ tonight
date: Thu Dec 30 05:56:13 2004
Gonna try to host eq again tonight, around 2000 rltime (rltime is a
command for those that doesn't know, do the maths yourself if you
live in another timezone). Gonna need blasters, and atleast one
healer, maybe two, depending on wether nezmaniac has to use her
witchbody or not. Hope to see you there.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Exp of the year (jan 1st - dec 31st)
date: Sat Jan 1 04:22:11 2005
1) Jant : 8935222168 (61.85%)
2) Tranquil : 5297716868 (127.28%)
3) Moridin : 5289329647 (463.54%)
4) Lagduf : 4971649658 (142.45%)
5) Wagro : 3789000855 (210.31%)
6) Nezmaniac : 3689481889 (44.23%)
7) Kalma : 3541541161 (167.99%)
8) Andros : 3454529472 (164.01%)
9) Modred : 3072545963 (2954.32%)
10) Bajumbo : 3072029321 (428.77%)
For full list (or somewhat full).
http://tomas.fjallstrom.se and look under iom/explist
poster: Draco
subject: hi
date: Tue Jan 4 08:52:16 2005
im like looking for recruits to join the guardians clan, must be 50m
and have at least 2 explor...screw that 3 explore rewards now, an
must be active person etc. talk to me and epo for more details if
poster: roirraw
subject: going away
date: Thu Jan 6 21:48:55 2005
be gone for up to a month
poster: Daran
subject: IoM Knowledge Database
date: Mon Jan 10 00:36:05 2005
Updates. Updates. Updates.
(best viewed in 1024 x 768 screen res)
Equipment Area - updated some stats & added some new items
Guilds Area - updated whole area to reflect the new guild structure
Maps Area - Corrected the 'montser' typo on most of the maps
Reinc Area - added training cost for secondary guilds in the formula section
Misc/Other Area - added an eq condtions section
Paths/Wishes/Monsters Area - no updates or additions
As usual, please send me any contributions, corrections, comments, ideas,
complaints, or borken links.
/Daran Madrox
poster: Draco
subject: hi
date: Fri Jan 14 21:06:44 2005
an item was left in illium city, tell me where and what it was and
ill give it to you.
poster: Tzikas
subject: Uhm ...
date: Thu Jan 20 17:19:08 2005
Thx for the fun guys. Hopefully those of you that are worth keeping
around will still be here when I come back, and those that aren't
will have buggered off by then.
Tzikas the Minotaur has Retired
poster: Kresselak
subject: >Uhm ...
date: Sat Jan 22 01:26:59 2005
On Thu Jan 20 17:19:08 2005 Tzikas wrote post #324 in general:
> Thx for the fun guys. Hopefully those of you that are worth keeping
> around will still be here when I come back, and those that aren't
> will have buggered off by then.
> Tzikas the Minotaur has Retired
Give us your eq before you go! I hope its not too late LOL.
poster: Ranja
subject: >>Uhm ...
date: Sat Jan 22 07:17:55 2005
On Sat Jan 22 01:26:59 2005 Kresselak wrote post #325:
> On Thu Jan 20 17:19:08 2005 Tzikas wrote post #324 in general:
> > Thx for the fun guys. Hopefully those of you that are worth keeping
> > around will still be here when I come back, and those that aren't
> > will have buggered off by then.
> > Tzikas the Minotaur has Retired
> Give us your eq before you go! I hope its not too late LOL.
Just leave asshole
poster: Ronan
subject: >>>Uhm ...
date: Sat Jan 22 07:18:49 2005
On Sat Jan 22 07:17:55 2005 Ranja wrote post #326:
> On Sat Jan 22 01:26:59 2005 Kresselak wrote post #325:
> > On Thu Jan 20 17:19:08 2005 Tzikas wrote post #324 in general:
> > > Thx for the fun guys. Hopefully those of you that are worth keeping
> > > around will still be here when I come back, and those that aren't
> > > will have buggered off by then.
> > > Tzikas the Minotaur has Retired
> >
> > Give us your eq before you go! I hope its not too late LOL.
> Just leave asshole
Luv Ronana
poster: Kresselak
subject: >>>Uhm ...
date: Fri Jan 28 02:37:17 2005
On Sat Jan 22 07:17:55 2005 Ranja wrote post #326 in general:
> On Sat Jan 22 01:26:59 2005 Kresselak wrote post #325:
> > On Thu Jan 20 17:19:08 2005 Tzikas wrote post #324 in general:
> > > Thx for the fun guys. Hopefully those of you that are worth keeping
> > > around will still be here when I come back, and those that aren't
> > > will have buggered off by then.
> > > Tzikas the Minotaur has Retired
> >
> > Give us your eq before you go! I hope its not too late LOL.
> Just leave asshole
Ranja asshole ever heard of charity?
poster: Bahgtru
subject: final
date: Sat Jan 29 16:22:30 2005
after 4 and a half years, i'm saying goodbye. it's been fun, but
recently some personal shite has stopped me from enjoying what i did
before, and mudding is one such thing.
thanks to all over the years who made this place so enjoyable, gonna
miss it. keep on being the same crazy nuts you always have been
(take example from koma)
- bag
and my eq/gold has already been given away, so no, you cant have it
poster: Kresselak
subject: >final
date: Sat Jan 29 22:02:16 2005
On Sat Jan 29 16:22:30 2005 Bahgtru wrote post #329 in general:
> after 4 and a half years, i'm saying goodbye. it's been fun, but
> recently some personal shite has stopped me from enjoying what i did
> before, and mudding is one such thing.
> thanks to all over the years who made this place so enjoyable, gonna
> miss it. keep on being the same crazy nuts you always have been
> (take example from koma)
> - bag
> and my eq/gold has already been given away, so no, you cant have it
Good, at least you are giving it.
poster: Koma
subject: >>final
date: Sun Jan 30 02:51:36 2005
On Sat Jan 29 22:02:16 2005 Kresselak wrote post #330:
> On Sat Jan 29 16:22:30 2005 Bahgtru wrote post #329 in general:
> > after 4 and a half years, i'm saying goodbye. it's been fun, but
> > recently some personal shite has stopped me from enjoying what i did
> > before, and mudding is one such thing.
> >
> > thanks to all over the years who made this place so enjoyable, gonna
> > miss it. keep on being the same crazy nuts you always have been
> > (take example from koma)
> >
> > - bag
> >
> > and my eq/gold has already been given away, so no, you cant have it
> Good, at least you are giving it.
wtf i'm not crazy
poster: Ranja
subject: >>final
date: Tue Feb 1 16:28:22 2005
On Sat Jan 29 22:02:16 2005 Kresselak wrote post #330:
> On Sat Jan 29 16:22:30 2005 Bahgtru wrote post #329 in general:
> > after 4 and a half years, i'm saying goodbye. it's been fun, but
> > recently some personal shite has stopped me from enjoying what i did
> > before, and mudding is one such thing.
> >
> > thanks to all over the years who made this place so enjoyable, gonna
> > miss it. keep on being the same crazy nuts you always have been
> > (take example from koma)
> >
> > - bag
> >
> > and my eq/gold has already been given away, so no, you cant have it
> Good, at least you are giving it.
Most people that retire are back in 1-4 weeks so it is stupid to
give away eq kress
poster: Mor
subject: New Site in the Making
date: Sat Feb 5 07:50:24 2005
I've finaly started working on my IoM help site... Please email me
any suggestions you may have, item descrips with thier stats, and
what /you/ think should go into a newbie guide. Please put the
subject of your email into the title area (aka Site-Item stats,
Site-general Rules, ect.) Please note that I asked not only for the
item stats, but thier Descriptions too. If the item has a special,
please let me know everything possible about the special. Aside from
that, send me whatever you can think of that might be helpful.
THanks in advance.
poster: darkfox
subject: Clan HellSpawns Recruiting
date: Mon Feb 14 02:59:33 2005
Clan HellSpawns is a new clan in search of active players.
The main idea of the clan is to never have to solo ever again :) send emails to darkfox for more information on clan HellSpawns
Leader of the clan HellSpawns
poster: Draco
subject: happy v-day!
date: Mon Feb 14 17:04:40 2005
just want to give a happy valentines day to you all.those with
significant others, make sure you go out of your way to show the
other how much you care and you single people, be thankful, you just
saved 150 dollars ;)
anyway i wish you all with significant others the best of luck and i
hope you all have a great valentines day.
poster: Inside
subject: research help
date: Tue Feb 15 07:41:54 2005
i'm trying to find information on various cave-dwellers.
pseudoscorpions, millipedes, cave fish, beetles, bats, salamanders,
etc. i've found some very vague general information on them, but
nothing that really gives out an abundance of useful information to
me, the simple coder who knows nothing of biology (especially
where`it doesn't directly concern me). any help would be
appreciated. just
mail me a link or bug me when i'm on or something, or give me ideas
of what to put into the google search (yea, i'm that bad
at`researching online). i'm probably going to go over to the library
a few days and make some photocopies of stuff i can find, so if
anyone knows anything about finding stuff at a library (i know
a`little, but not much) who has some tips, that'd be appreciated
i've rambled enough. THANKS AND GOODNIGHT
poster: Inside
subject: >research help
date: Tue Feb 15 07:43:36 2005
On Tue Feb 15 07:41:54 2005 Inside wrote post #351:
> i'm trying to find information on various cave-dwellers.
> pseudoscorpions, millipedes, cave fish, beetles, bats, salamanders,
> etc. i've found some very vague general information on them, but
> nothing that really gives out an abundance of useful information to
> me, the simple coder who knows nothing of biology (especially
> where`it doesn't directly concern me). any help would be
> appreciated. just
> mail me a link or bug me when i'm on or something, or give me ideas
> of what to put into the google search (yea, i'm that bad
> at`researching online). i'm probably going to go over to the library
> in
> a few days and make some photocopies of stuff i can find, so if
> anyone knows anything about finding stuff at a library (i know
> a`little, but not much) who has some tips, that'd be appreciated
> too.
> i've rambled enough. THANKS AND GOODNIGHT
> vor
opps, that was supposed to be signed 'inside'. if you try to mail
stuff to vor, you probably won't get very far on this port
poster: Ranja
subject: >>research help
date: Tue Feb 15 14:01:48 2005
On Tue Feb 15 07:43:36 2005 Inside wrote post #352:
> On Tue Feb 15 07:41:54 2005 Inside wrote post #351:
> > i'm trying to find information on various cave-dwellers.
> > pseudoscorpions, millipedes, cave fish, beetles, bats, salamanders,
> > etc. i've found some very vague general information on them, but
> > nothing that really gives out an abundance of useful information to
> > me, the simple coder who knows nothing of biology (especially
> > where`it doesn't directly concern me). any help would be
> > appreciated. just
> > mail me a link or bug me when i'm on or something, or give me ideas
> > of what to put into the google search (yea, i'm that bad
> > at`researching online). i'm probably going to go over to the library
> > in
> > a few days and make some photocopies of stuff i can find, so if
> > anyone knows anything about finding stuff at a library (i know
> > a`little, but not much) who has some tips, that'd be appreciated
> > too.
> >
> > i've rambled enough. THANKS AND GOODNIGHT
> > vor
> opps, that was supposed to be signed 'inside'. if you try to mail
> stuff to vor, you probably won't get very far on this port
Damnit i maled vor hazarr viras and now it's gone :(
poster: mintorus
subject: Eq parties
date: Wed Feb 16 11:57:01 2005
I am looking for semi regular eq parties of midbie & up eq or pool.
I have a Tank body & a High Priest body. I am looking for YOU to be
a part of this. Mostly plan on parties starting about Rltime 09:00 &
going for about 3-4 hours. Will need a regular witch & abjurer (primary).
Minto the eq whore wanabe.
poster: Phil
subject: >Eq parties
date: Wed Feb 16 15:39:15 2005
On Wed Feb 16 11:57:01 2005 mintorus wrote post #354 in general:
> I am looking for semi regular eq parties of midbie & up eq or pool.
> I have a Tank body & a High Priest body. I am looking for YOU to be
> a part of this. Mostly plan on parties starting about Rltime 09:00 &
> going for about 3-4 hours. Will need a regular witch & abjurer (primary).
> Minto the eq whore wanabe.
what time zone for the start?
poster: Draco
subject: >>Eq parties
date: Wed Feb 16 16:51:29 2005
On Wed Feb 16 15:39:15 2005 Phil wrote post #355:
> On Wed Feb 16 11:57:01 2005 mintorus wrote post #354 in general:
> > I am looking for semi regular eq parties of midbie & up eq or pool.
> > I have a Tank body & a High Priest body. I am looking for YOU to be
> > a part of this. Mostly plan on parties starting about Rltime 09:00 &
> > going for about 3-4 hours. Will need a regular witch & abjurer (primary).
> >
> > Minto the eq whore wanabe.
> what time zone for the start?
phil, Rltime you find by typing rltime on the mud, dont be lazy and
do the math to figure out when that is for you
poster: Ranja
subject: >>>Eq parties
date: Wed Feb 16 16:52:26 2005
On Wed Feb 16 16:51:29 2005 Draco wrote post #356:
> On Wed Feb 16 15:39:15 2005 Phil wrote post #355:
> > On Wed Feb 16 11:57:01 2005 mintorus wrote post #354 in general:
> > > I am looking for semi regular eq parties of midbie & up eq or pool.
> >
> > > I have a Tank body & a High Priest body. I am looking for YOU to be
> >
> > > a part of this. Mostly plan on parties starting about Rltime 09:00 &
> >
> > > going for about 3-4 hours. Will need a regular witch & abjurer
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Minto the eq whore wanabe.
> > what time zone for the start?
> phil, Rltime you find by typing rltime on the mud, dont be lazy and
> do the math to figure out when that is for you
Font be a bitch draco
poster: Ranja
subject: >>>>Eq parties
date: Wed Feb 16 16:52:35 2005
On Wed Feb 16 16:52:26 2005 Ranja wrote post #357:
> On Wed Feb 16 16:51:29 2005 Draco wrote post #356:
> > On Wed Feb 16 15:39:15 2005 Phil wrote post #355:
> > > On Wed Feb 16 11:57:01 2005 mintorus wrote post #354 in general:
> > > > I am looking for semi regular eq parties of midbie & up eq or pool.
> > >
> > > > I have a Tank body & a High Priest body. I am looking for YOU to be
> > >
> > > > a part of this. Mostly plan on parties starting about Rltime 09:00 &
> > >
> > > > going for about 3-4 hours. Will need a regular witch & abjurer
> (primary).
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > > Minto the eq whore wanabe.
> > > what time zone for the start?
> > phil, Rltime you find by typing rltime on the mud, dont be lazy and
> > do the math to figure out when that is for you
> Font be a bitch draco
poster: Darkfox
subject: >>>>>Eq parties
date: Wed Feb 23 20:33:47 2005
On Wed Feb 16 16:52:35 2005 Ranja wrote post #358 in general:
> On Wed Feb 16 16:52:26 2005 Ranja wrote post #357:
> > On Wed Feb 16 16:51:29 2005 Draco wrote post #356:
> > > On Wed Feb 16 15:39:15 2005 Phil wrote post #355:
> > > > On Wed Feb 16 11:57:01 2005 mintorus wrote post #354 in general:
> > > > > I am looking for semi regular eq parties of midbie & up eq or pool.
> > > >
> > > > > I have a Tank body & a High Priest body. I am looking for YOU to be
> > > >
> > > > > a part of this. Mostly plan on parties starting about Rltime 09:00 &
> > > >
> > > > > going for about 3-4 hours. Will need a regular witch & abjurer
> > (primary).
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Minto the eq whore wanabe.
> > > > what time zone for the start?
> > > phil, Rltime you find by typing rltime on the mud, dont be lazy and
> > > do the math to figure out when that is for you
> > Font be a bitch draco
I am a Blaster for Eq would love to do it :) just tell me when ;)
poster: Phil
subject: >>>Eq parties
date: Fri Feb 25 18:21:24 2005
On Wed Feb 16 16:51:29 2005 Draco wrote post #356 in general:
> On Wed Feb 16 15:39:15 2005 Phil wrote post #355:
> > On Wed Feb 16 11:57:01 2005 mintorus wrote post #354 in general:
> > > I am looking for semi regular eq parties of midbie & up eq or pool.
> >
> > > I have a Tank body & a High Priest body. I am looking for YOU to be
> >
> > > a part of this. Mostly plan on parties starting about Rltime 09:00 &
> >
> > > going for about 3-4 hours. Will need a regular witch & abjurer (primary).
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Minto the eq whore wanabe.
> > what time zone for the start?
> phil, Rltime you find by typing rltime on the mud, dont be lazy and
> do the math to figure out when that is for you
draco can i help that i'm a stupid person with no brain?
poster: stomper
subject: Eje sac items
date: Sat Feb 26 01:39:05 2005
I am starting a list of ALL items that eje sac, please if you know of any I would really like to know, mail stomper any eq that sacs and what slot it is, after i get a semi complete list i will post a link to my sight so you all can view it, but I cant post the link with only a few pieces up so please mail me ANY eje saccing eq
poster: stomper
subject: >Eje sac items
date: Sat Feb 26 01:44:38 2005
I would also like a percent that the tax gets lowered if you know it please thank you very much
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>Eje sac items
date: Sat Feb 26 02:43:07 2005
the % varies depending on when it was last sacced btw
poster: Moridin
subject: >>>Eje sac items
date: Sat Feb 26 10:53:48 2005
On Sat Feb 26 02:43:07 2005 Tranquil wrote post #363:
> the % varies depending on when it was last sacced btw
I have never noticed that, does sac less the less you have (a % of
the % tax or somesuch)
poster: Draco
subject: >>>>Eje sac items
date: Sat Feb 26 17:12:58 2005
On Sat Feb 26 10:53:48 2005 Moridin wrote post #364:
> On Sat Feb 26 02:43:07 2005 Tranquil wrote post #363:
> > the % varies depending on when it was last sacced btw
> I have never noticed that, does sac less the less you have (a % of
> the % tax or somesuch)
cant really give a % with it, its kinda like gold, if your tax is
20% and you sac 1m its 10% and if its 15% 1m goes to 7.5%, but i
supose if your rich you could always reinc alot and keep saccing eq
to eje at the 20% mark :)
poster: soulleech
subject: Ghost town?
date: Sat Feb 26 18:58:01 2005
Talos has been kinda desolate since I came back, either someone's killing there 24/7 or there aren't very many citizen/warriors. everytime I go the place seem devoid of life, and I dont mean after I go through the place :P
Talos is one of the few good places with bigger mobs, hope it's not gonna be turned into a ghost town...
poster: Draco
subject: >Ghost town?
date: Sat Feb 26 19:00:28 2005
On Sat Feb 26 18:58:01 2005 soulleech wrote post #366:
> Talos has been kinda desolate since I came back, either someone's killing
there 24/7 or there aren't very many citizen/warriors. everytime I go the
place seem devoid of life, and I dont mean after I go through the place :P
> Talos is one of the few good places with bigger mobs, hope it's not gonna
be turned into a ghost town...
afaik i have not heard of any tunes in inform regarding talos'
population, your either probably looking in the wrong areas of the
city or your just too late
and there are still pleanty of decent places to xp, just gotta find
them (if you need i can give you a good area for your size so send a
tell if you need)
poster: Moridin
subject: >>Ghost town?
date: Sun Feb 27 11:32:36 2005
On Sat Feb 26 19:00:28 2005 Draco wrote post #367:
> place seem devoid of life, and I dont mean after I go through the place :P
> >
> > Talos is one of the few good places with bigger mobs, hope it's not gonna
> be turned into a ghost town...
> afaik i have not heard of any tunes in inform regarding talos'
> population, your either probably looking in the wrong areas of the
> city or your just too late
> and there are still pleanty of decent places to xp, just gotta find
> them (if you need i can give you a good area for your size so send a
> tell if you need)
I seem to recall a post about fixing spawn there not too long ago,
in regard to the room cleanup I think it was
poster: flamekrayt
subject: directions
date: Wed Mar 2 07:10:51 2005
could i get a list of places where there are mobs that are 100k-300k (original size, no tunes on them yet) in size.
places where need not be suggested are: dragon caves, thunder mages, wagro elves, bvar elves, ogres, dreamland stuffs and stronglight stuffs.
poster: Tigran
subject: >directions
date: Wed Mar 2 12:05:44 2005
On Wed Mar 2 07:10:51 2005 flamekrayt wrote post #369:
> could i get a list of places where there are mobs that are 100k-300k
(original size, no tunes on them yet) in size.
> places where need not be suggested are: dragon caves, thunder mages, wagro
elves, bvar elves, ogres, dreamland stuffs and stronglight stuffs.
I have a suggestion.
Explore. Do a bit of your own legwork. This is a game of
exploration, not taking instructions.
poster: Alacor
subject: >>directions
date: Wed Mar 2 23:31:26 2005
How many different areas do you need?
poster: Soulleech
subject: >>>directions
date: Thu Mar 3 23:28:10 2005
On Wed Mar 2 23:31:26 2005 Alacor wrote post #371 in general:
> How many different areas do you need?
I'm guessing just one that's not tuned :D
just guessing though.
poster: Kalma
subject: Free Programs to file with IRS
date: Mon Mar 7 13:26:40 2005
Apparently if you go through the IRS you can use programs like TurboTax
and others for free. (Whereas if you go to the TurboTax web site then
you end up paying 29.95)
If you have a State Tax then you might have to pay for that (go texas)
but federal e-filing is free. I'm sure most of you don't have to
worry about this, but it's a really good deal for those of us that do.
poster: Blue
subject: EQ
date: Tue Mar 15 06:26:26 2005
HI! I am just saying to everyone out there last night i left a eq
party in mid point being the only healer because i wanted to have
fun and do stuff in rl, so if you dont like it tough, anyway i am
going to reinc eq tank and i am going to pull my eq set back from
wagro and take over his position :) blue!
poster: Draco
subject: >EQ
date: Tue Mar 15 07:38:14 2005
On Tue Mar 15 06:26:26 2005 Blue wrote post #374:
> HI! I am just saying to everyone out there last night i left a eq
> party in mid point being the only healer because i wanted to have
> fun and do stuff in rl, so if you dont like it tough, anyway i am
> going to reinc eq tank and i am going to pull my eq set back from
> wagro and take over his position :) blue!
HI! I am just saying to everyone out there Wagro will not be ceasing
his eqing and therefor will not be replaced.
poster: Uno
subject: march madness
date: Thu Mar 17 18:49:13 2005
created new channel, 'mm' for discussion of NCAA College Basketball
(GO UMW!!!)
poster: Silk
subject: Found Stuff
date: Mon Mar 21 18:48:36 2005
found some stuff lying around...
stylish spectacles among other things...
if U miss them mail me were U lost them ,why and around what date...
poster: darkfox
subject: LOST
date: Tue Mar 22 20:19:40 2005
i sold a mop to bvar shop if u bought if plz give it back i kinda need it
poster: Draco
subject: >LOST
date: Tue Mar 22 20:21:19 2005
On Tue Mar 22 20:19:40 2005 darkfox wrote post #378:
> i sold a mop to bvar shop if u bought if plz give it back i kinda need it
dracprot Speak with Magi down
i didnt get it, but a helpful piecee of advice, use the f/in keep
command, its there for a reason
poster: Flamekrayt
subject: >>>>directions
date: Fri Mar 25 16:11:27 2005
On Thu Mar 3 23:28:10 2005 Soulleech wrote post #372 in general:
> On Wed Mar 2 23:31:26 2005 Alacor wrote post #371 in general:
> > How many different areas do you need?
> I'm guessing just one that's not tuned :D
> just guessing though.
aww hell, nevermind, i will just do what Tig said.. die a few times or something..
poster: Ronan
subject: Question
date: Sun Mar 27 20:54:25 2005
Is there a certain reason newbie tour is limited by xp limits?
Im still a noobie but it wont let me take it:/
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Question
date: Sun Mar 27 22:58:57 2005
On Sun Mar 27 20:54:25 2005 Ronan wrote post #381:
> Is there a certain reason newbie tour is limited by xp limits?
> Im still a noobie but it wont let me take it:/
> Thx
> Ronana
its closed.
poster: Lotus
subject: Nebie healer guide
date: Thu Mar 31 15:10:57 2005
Hi, I've written a newbie healer guide.
mudmail me any remarks/suggestions/insults/love letters :)
poster: Beranis
subject: Joke for Pyro
date: Thu Mar 31 18:49:40 2005
poster: Inside
subject: necros
date: Mon Apr 4 05:27:50 2005
i need a lot of information about high level necros. i need to know
what kind of problems you have, what kind of pros there are, what
you find difficult, what you find easy. i need to know your exp
rate, the size of the mobs that are killed, the difficulty in
killing them, which mobs are hard and why, stuff like that. i need
to know about summoning familiars, how much the masteries affect
things, which masteries you use, which skills you use, etc. i need
to know about the spells you use, etc.
i would also like people who have problems with necros as a guild to
send me mail telling me about what their problems are, how they are
affecting you or other players, what necros do that annoy you, and
other such things.
none of this is so i can reinc necro. i'm mainly curious cause i
hear a lot of complaints about necro, and such, and i wonder how
much of what i hear is true. i am also curious about the dynamics of
it, etc, so that i can make informed decisions in the arguments, and
possibly do my part to help the controversy via the builder port.
that doesn't mean i'm going to put out an area that unbalances the
guild, or even does anything good for it. it is mostly so that i
don't put something out that is going to be too useful /or/ totally
useless to the guild.
since that is the guild getting the most attention, and the one i
know the worst, it is the one i am currently asking about. if you
feel that there are strong problems are pros in other guilds or want
to discuss with me the dynamics of them, i will be happy to listen,
but i kinda know how they work a little better. that doesn't mean i
have my mind made up about anything.
poster: Inside
subject: >necros
date: Mon Apr 4 05:36:26 2005
i'd like numbers, if you have them. i'd also like to understand the
way corpses work a bit more. if you don't know numbers, guesses
work, or examples :)
poster: Kaos
subject: Reinchelper
date: Mon Apr 4 16:51:57 2005
They finally sent me the correct motherboard, so Matt's reinchelper
is up and running again at http://www.progamer.no/reinchelper/
The Internet
poster: Monkey
subject: Attention Everyone:
date: Tue Apr 5 07:00:25 2005
Four Scores and Seven Years ago. A monkey took a shit on an
elephant. The elephant then trampled the monkey, and used its trunk
to wash the feces off of its back. To make a long story short, I am
that monkey. I'll fling crap at you later.
poster: Monkey
subject: >Attention Everyone:
date: Tue Apr 5 07:03:55 2005
On Tue Apr 5 07:00:25 2005 Monkey wrote post #389:
> Four Scores and Seven Years ago. A monkey took a shit on an
> elephant. The elephant then trampled the monkey, and used its trunk
> to wash the feces off of its back. To make a long story short, I am
> that monkey. I'll fling crap at you later.
(for those that can't interpret this, i'm going to be gone for
awhile..no clue when i'll be back)
bills outweigh my money so certain things have to be put aside
(*cough* shut off)
see ya when i see ya :/ love you all
poster: Highpriest
subject: Reinchelper (Offline/Downloadable version)
date: Fri Apr 8 10:17:27 2005
Ok, I'm officially seeking help. I need people to give me certain
information, the people who could give significantly helpful
information will get credits for the new reinchelper.
1st: I need people to tell me how many levels of sorcerer would each
maxxed evoker bravo gives. It needs to be precise information, not
something like 'each bravo about 3 levels'.
2nd: I need to know how many levels of dragon master does each
mystic warrior level gives, again must be exact, not 'each mystic
warrior level gives 2 dragon master level or so'.
For the above things, please mudmail me with the information, even
if you know only a small piece (e.g. first level of mystic warrior
allows 1 level)... It would be good if someone takes note of this
when they do his/her sorcerer or dragon master reinc.
poster: ligea
subject: EQs
date: Sun Apr 10 01:42:20 2005
Looking to run EQs on Tuesdays, 7:30-11:00 US EST.
Hope to do them semi-regularly on Tuesdays. Eq party flavors will be TopEqs, pool eqs, and rare tp eqs.
Please mudmail me if you would like to join. If you are unwilling to do a particular type of party, include that in the mail. Hopefully we will be able to get into a routine where we can announce the party type in advance, but this week we'll just kill whatever we're able to. You should be of an appropriate guild and suitable size for eqs.
Have fun mudding!
poster: whisper
subject: messed up
date: Fri Apr 15 00:05:30 2005
Let me just say on sweeterevils behave that its messed up. I can name of many who have 1 gotten a warning or 2 just frozen i was there ohh excuse me i did walk away for a glass of tea still messed up!
poster: Zifnab
subject: >messed up
date: Fri Apr 15 01:36:44 2005
On Fri Apr 15 00:05:30 2005 whisper wrote post #393:
> Let me just say on sweeterevils behave that its messed up. I can name of
many who have 1 gotten a warning or 2 just frozen i was there ohh excuse me
i did walk away for a glass of tea still messed up!
I have warned a few people that had borderline triggers and that
I did not catch in the act.
You healed gluuk 14 times when he sent you a certain tell.
From help botting...
There are several other types of triggers that we do not allow.
>>> You may be active and at the keyboard and responding to wizard's tells,
>>> but still breaking the rules if you use these types of triggers!
The following is a non-exhaustive list of the triggers not allowed.
If you are thinking of making a trigger, and it is similar in concept, but not
exactly like one of these triggers, it is probably not allowed. Don't do it.
* Casting distant heal automatically when a friend sends a tell is illegal.
Pretty clearly spelled out isn't it? I mean come on.. you did exactly
what the help file explicitely says not to do how much more
clearly can that be written?
Please take your complaints elsewhere you were caught..
deal with the consequences
poster: Khosan
subject: >messed up
date: Fri Apr 15 08:55:17 2005
On Fri Apr 15 00:05:30 2005 whisper wrote post #393:
> Let me just say on sweeterevils behave that its messed up. I can name of
many who have 1 gotten a warning or 2 just frozen i was there ohh excuse me
i did walk away for a glass of tea still messed up!
No. Every botter we have been able to prove without doubt, have had
this exact same punishment. Unless of course they did it before we
changed the practice - you used to get nuked (removed from the mud
permanently) straight away for botting.
poster: Tigran
subject: >>messed up
date: Fri Apr 15 09:40:33 2005
On Fri Apr 15 08:55:17 2005 Khosan wrote post #395:
> On Fri Apr 15 00:05:30 2005 whisper wrote post #393:
> > Let me just say on sweeterevils behave that its messed up. I can name of
> many who have 1 gotten a warning or 2 just frozen i was there ohh excuse me
> i did walk away for a glass of tea still messed up!
> No. Every botter we have been able to prove without doubt, have had
> this exact same punishment. Unless of course they did it before we
> changed the practice - you used to get nuked (removed from the mud
> permanently) straight away for botting.
> Khosan
I'd also like to add, for clarification, that botting doesn't mean that one
gets caught getting up to go get tea and forgot to turn off triggers or
whatnot. It's the fact that you CAN get up and go get your tea and
continue to play without any interaction from the player. It's still
botting, even if you're sitting at the computer and chatting with other
poster: Wildchild
subject: >messed up
date: Fri Apr 15 14:54:08 2005
On Fri Apr 15 00:05:30 2005 whisper wrote post #393:
> Let me just say on sweeterevils behave that its messed up. I can name of
many who have 1 gotten a warning or 2 just frozen i was there ohh excuse me
i did walk away for a glass of tea still messed up!
And this, folks, is what we call "The Litho Defense".
As you can see, it doesn't work.
poster: Whisper
subject: >>messed up
date: Fri Apr 15 16:31:32 2005
On Fri Apr 15 14:54:08 2005 Wildchild wrote post #397 in general:
> On Fri Apr 15 00:05:30 2005 whisper wrote post #393:
> > Let me just say on sweeterevils behave that its messed up. I can name of
> many who have 1 gotten a warning or 2 just frozen i was there ohh excuse me
> i did walk away for a glass of tea still messed up!
> And this, folks, is what we call "The Litho Defense".
> As you can see, it doesn't work.
> -WildChild
And please tell me wtf litho has to do with any of this??? Funny how
it seems you people still want to bring everything back to him every time
never letting it go but OMG let someone defend him months ago.... Nah this is a waste of my time to even touch do yourselfs a favor and just stfu. I quit defending him long ago take the advice people and let it go
poster: Wildchild
subject: >>>messed up
date: Fri Apr 15 16:35:45 2005
On Fri Apr 15 16:31:32 2005 Whisper wrote post #398:
> On Fri Apr 15 14:54:08 2005 Wildchild wrote post #397 in general:
> > On Fri Apr 15 00:05:30 2005 whisper wrote post #393:
> > > Let me just say on sweeterevils behave that its messed up. I can name
> > many who have 1 gotten a warning or 2 just frozen i was there ohh excuse
> > i did walk away for a glass of tea still messed up!
> >
> > And this, folks, is what we call "The Litho Defense".
> >
> > As you can see, it doesn't work.
> >
> > -WildChild
> And please tell me wtf litho has to do with any of this??? Funny how
> it seems you people still want to bring everything back to him every time
> never letting it go but OMG let someone defend him months ago.... Nah this
is a waste of my time to even touch do yourselfs a favor and just stfu. I
quit defending him long ago take the advice people and let it go
Somebody please let me know if they can make sense of the above post.
And if Sweets will stop making excuses for getting in trouble (part
of the 'defense' I mentioned... some people just don't get it).
You know the penalties. You did it anyways, got caught, and are now
trying to weasel your way out of it.
Man, we feel so sorry for you.
poster: Ranja
subject: >necros
date: Tue Apr 19 15:24:15 2005
On Mon Apr 4 05:27:50 2005 Inside wrote post #386:
> i need a lot of information about high level necros. i need to know
> what kind of problems you have, what kind of pros there are, what
> you find difficult, what you find easy. i need to know your exp
> rate, the size of the mobs that are killed, the difficulty in
> killing them, which mobs are hard and why, stuff like that. i need
> to know about summoning familiars, how much the masteries affect
> things, which masteries you use, which skills you use, etc. i need
> to know about the spells you use, etc.
> i would also like people who have problems with necros as a guild to
> send me mail telling me about what their problems are, how they are
> affecting you or other players, what necros do that annoy you, and
> other such things.
> none of this is so i can reinc necro. i'm mainly curious cause i
> hear a lot of complaints about necro, and such, and i wonder how
> much of what i hear is true. i am also curious about the dynamics of
> it, etc, so that i can make informed decisions in the arguments, and
> possibly do my part to help the controversy via the builder port.
> that doesn't mean i'm going to put out an area that unbalances the
> guild, or even does anything good for it. it is mostly so that i
> don't put something out that is going to be too useful /or/ totally
> useless to the guild.
> since that is the guild getting the most attention, and the one i
> know the worst, it is the one i am currently asking about. if you
> feel that there are strong problems are pros in other guilds or want
> to discuss with me the dynamics of them, i will be happy to listen,
> but i kinda know how they work a little better. that doesn't mean i
> have my mind made up about anything.
> -vor
necromancers sucks .
poster: Ranja
subject: >>necros
date: Tue Apr 19 15:25:06 2005
On Mon Apr 4 05:36:26 2005 Inside wrote post #387:
> i'd like numbers, if you have them. i'd also like to understand the
> way corpses work a bit more. if you don't know numbers, guesses
> work, or examples :)
Well it's like they say with corpses, you arent a necromancer if the
victim is alive before u attack.
poster: Ranja
subject: >Reinchelper
date: Tue Apr 19 15:26:16 2005
On Mon Apr 4 16:51:57 2005 Kaos wrote post #388:
> They finally sent me the correct motherboard, so Matt's reinchelper
> is up and running again at http://www.progamer.no/reinchelper/
> Love,
> The Internet
Dear Internet!
Thank you for putting the reinchelper into the world once again.
poster: Bluemoon
subject: New Clan
date: Tue Apr 19 18:30:56 2005
I'm starting a new clan. It's themed, and not your typical clan, if
interested, mudmail me or catch me online.
poster: Gamna
subject: maak=break
date: Tue Apr 19 23:50:43 2005
this is maak
i'm going to be freezing myself and taking a long break
i gave all gold/eq away to my friends and drop newb stuff in cs
sry if you didn't get any, only had so much
maybe i'll be back sometime
until then, later.
poster: Draco
subject: clan
date: Thu Apr 21 07:55:00 2005
im like looking for recruits to join the guardians clan, must be
750m and have an active history and lust for partying. unfortunately
most of the clan went byebye so we want YOU to fill those vacant
slots and bring some of the former glory back to the clan. will do
as many clan xp and eq parties as we can pull off, and us that are
still here and show up are americans, so we would prefer more
americans so that we dont have to keep silly europeans up all night
there are a few stipulations that you will want to talk about if
your interested, so catch me online or eponine online and we can
discuss with you the more finer details. so yeah, we want to get
stuff done, lets make it happen
poster: Glonk
subject: found eq
date: Sat Apr 23 23:26:48 2005
I found a piece of eq recently. If you think it may be
yours, mail me or tell me what it was and where you
lost it and I will return it.
poster: Ronan
subject: >found eq
date: Sat Apr 23 23:27:18 2005
On Sat Apr 23 23:26:48 2005 Glonk wrote post #409:
> I found a piece of eq recently. If you think it may be
> yours, mail me or tell me what it was and where you
> lost it and I will return it.
was a piece you wear its mine
poster: sootika
subject: training collar lost
date: Sun Apr 24 22:37:35 2005
eagle dropped a training collar i will offer a generous reward for it's return.
poster: Bajumbo
subject: >Exp of the year (jan 1st - dec 31st)
date: Mon Apr 25 02:49:33 2005
I love dragon lord guild weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Do I get a balloon or something :> (just kidding)
Baj.. (still tied up at work :()
On Sat Jan 1 04:22:11 2005 Ixtlilton wrote post #318 in general:
> 1) Jant : 8935222168 (61.85%)
> 2) Tranquil : 5297716868 (127.28%)
> 3) Moridin : 5289329647 (463.54%)
> 4) Lagduf : 4971649658 (142.45%)
> 5) Wagro : 3789000855 (210.31%)
> 6) Nezmaniac : 3689481889 (44.23%)
> 7) Kalma : 3541541161 (167.99%)
> 8) Andros : 3454529472 (164.01%)
> 9) Modred : 3072545963 (2954.32%)
> 10) Bajumbo : 3072029321 (428.77%)
> For full list (or somewhat full).
> http://tomas.fjallstrom.se and look under iom/explist
> -Ixtlilton
poster: Belgarion
subject: Allie
date: Sat Apr 30 23:19:26 2005
Lub OO Alliepoo
poster: Draco
subject: castle auction
date: Mon May 2 02:08:39 2005
FYI for you people that do not know this, the castles auction has
started, and will run until RLTIME 00:00 april 16th
poster: Draco
subject: >castle auction
date: Mon May 2 02:10:18 2005
FFS i hate month changes
its going until MAY 16th, at the same time
poster: Draco
subject: castle auction
date: Thu May 5 08:01:20 2005
question for the wizards out there since the subject came up, is it
illegal to hire someone to buy castles for you? say if you have 300m
gold and want to put 30m on 10 differant castles?
poster: Quillz
subject: The Grudge
date: Sat May 7 04:04:47 2005
Reading all of the recent flames about one simple post of random2
brought me to thinkin that it seems people here hold grudges and
never let them go.
For example, when Zif flamed Draco. Yeah a lot of people though it
was funny I'm sure...but seriously, he was trying to stick up for
you, not speak for you.
And this scenario brings me back over three years ago, back when I
first tried doing ShapeShifter quests. I did the first few just
fine, who doesn't. Then I got to one and had the attitude that I
just want to play, not waste my time on these silly quests. What can
I say, it was over three years ago.
After asking for such help, getting bad advice, failing the quest
and botching my reinc, word got out that I asked for help. Before I
knew it I was banned from the guild & force reinc'd minutes later.
Luckily it wasn't at a 25% loss - I was given a minute or two to
scramble and sac. But I lost a sh*t-ton of time, gold/eq and exp in
the process.
And now, more than three years later, I decide that hey - I could
give these quests a try again. Sent an email to Admin asking if I
was still banned...this was a couple of weeks ago. I figured it'd
take some time, so I wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.
Come to find out that one of my clannies talked to Zif and sure
enough, he still held a grudge. In short, my request was just plain
ignored & backed by saying I have no respect for the guild, or it's
Again, this was over three years ago.
Anyone besides me seeing a cycle?
Anyway, this game has swayed a great, great deal from where it was -
years before SS even existed. It's the years of building friendships
with other players and even in some cases wizzes that keep some of
the older players coming back. But, without a doubt, the grudges
aren't let go.
At the time, I'm sure that some of the powers that be just looked at
the situation and said to themselves, "that person needs to grow
up." Welp, now I'm saying that.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >The Grudge
date: Sat May 7 04:16:05 2005
On Sat May 7 04:04:47 2005 Quillz wrote post #417:
> Reading all of the recent flames about one simple post of random2
> brought me to thinkin that it seems people here hold grudges and
> never let them go.
> For example, when Zif flamed Draco. Yeah a lot of people though it
> was funny I'm sure...but seriously, he was trying to stick up for
> you, not speak for you.
> And this scenario brings me back over three years ago, back when I
> first tried doing ShapeShifter quests. I did the first few just
> fine, who doesn't. Then I got to one and had the attitude that I
> just want to play, not waste my time on these silly quests. What can
> I say, it was over three years ago.
> After asking for such help, getting bad advice, failing the quest
> and botching my reinc, word got out that I asked for help. Before I
> knew it I was banned from the guild & force reinc'd minutes later.
> Luckily it wasn't at a 25% loss - I was given a minute or two to
> scramble and sac. But I lost a sh*t-ton of time, gold/eq and exp in
> the process.
> Q
A couple of things since this is directed at me.
1) Draco has repeatedly spoken as if he had direct
knowledge from one of us about how things work and what
our intents were. I have noticed a pattern of those
being wrong and said something. Probably shouldn't
have but I did.
2) I can dredge up the news posts out of the archives
if you like. You did more than 'just ask for help'.
You flat out posted in news that receiving help through
icq/aim/whatever was completely ok and hurt no one.
Daneel who happens to be one of the most reasonable
admin around here was ready to nuke you over it. Don't
take my word for it find it in the news archives.
3) Make sure to ask your clan mate about the mail I
sent to the rest of the admin making sure I wasn't
out of line and asking their opinions on it.
4) Daneel is the one that banned you. He is not around
lately so I am left to interpret his intent until
he logs in himself.
Please tell me how we are supposed to know that you suddenly
think its a bad thing to ask for help on the quests?
poster: Wagro
subject: >The Grudge
date: Sat May 7 04:19:01 2005
Thats funny, you still have me on ignore list for god knows why/how
long. Not that you will see this, but everyone else will. :)
poster: Quillz
subject: >>The Grudge
date: Sat May 7 23:26:14 2005
On Sat May 7 04:16:05 2005 Zifnab wrote post #418:
> On Sat May 7 04:04:47 2005 Quillz wrote post #417:
> > Reading all of the recent flames about one simple post of random2
> > brought me to thinkin that it seems people here hold grudges and
> > never let them go.
> > For example, when Zif flamed Draco. Yeah a lot of people though it
> > was funny I'm sure...but seriously, he was trying to stick up for
> > you, not speak for you.
> > And this scenario brings me back over three years ago, back when I
> > first tried doing ShapeShifter quests. I did the first few just
> > fine, who doesn't. Then I got to one and had the attitude that I
> > just want to play, not waste my time on these silly quests. What can
> > I say, it was over three years ago.
> > After asking for such help, getting bad advice, failing the quest
> > and botching my reinc, word got out that I asked for help. Before I
> > knew it I was banned from the guild & force reinc'd minutes later.
> > Luckily it wasn't at a 25% loss - I was given a minute or two to
> > scramble and sac. But I lost a sh*t-ton of time, gold/eq and exp in
> > the process.
> >
> > Q
> A couple of things since this is directed at me.
> 1) Draco has repeatedly spoken as if he had direct
> knowledge from one of us about how things work and what
> our intents were. I have noticed a pattern of those
> being wrong and said something. Probably shouldn't
> have but I did.
> 2) I can dredge up the news posts out of the archives
> if you like. You did more than 'just ask for help'.
> You flat out posted in news that receiving help through
> icq/aim/whatever was completely ok and hurt no one.
> Daneel who happens to be one of the most reasonable
> admin around here was ready to nuke you over it. Don't
> take my word for it find it in the news archives.
> 3) Make sure to ask your clan mate about the mail I
> sent to the rest of the admin making sure I wasn't
> out of line and asking their opinions on it.
> 4) Daneel is the one that banned you. He is not around
> lately so I am left to interpret his intent until
> he logs in himself.
> Please tell me how we are supposed to know that you suddenly
> think its a bad thing to ask for help on the quests?
You seem to have totally missed my point. There is nothing 'sudden'
in regards to this seeing as how it was -three years ago.-
And yes, Wagro, everyone else saw that. Thanks for proving to
everyone how annoying you STILL are, hence the ignore.
poster: Phire
subject: The Phire is spreading
date: Sun May 8 18:00:38 2005
Just to let people know...
Phire Jr. was born on May 3 at 8:07am
6 lb and 2 oz
Mother and child are doing well
Father will be mostly idle for the next 18 years :)
father has been mostly idle for the last 18 years so who can tell
the difference
Phire Phidle, the tired
poster: Highpriest
subject: Drider
date: Mon May 9 13:20:23 2005
About 100 of driders each found at 2 rooms in darkcavern... one is N
U w U N nw ne n from docks and the other in the swamp westish of the
first room... i don't really think anyone can destroy them once and
for all so please avoid them.. i don't know how long they'll be
there but probably till reboot occurs..
poster: Sleet
subject: >>>The Grudge
date: Mon May 9 13:54:21 2005
On Sat May 7 23:26:14 2005 Quillz wrote post #421:
> On Sat May 7 04:16:05 2005 Zifnab wrote post #418:
> > On Sat May 7 04:04:47 2005 Quillz wrote post #417:
> > > Reading all of the recent flames about one simple post of random2
> > > brought me to thinkin that it seems people here hold grudges and
> > > never let them go.
> > > For example, when Zif flamed Draco. Yeah a lot of people though it
> > > was funny I'm sure...but seriously, he was trying to stick up for
> > > you, not speak for you.
> > > And this scenario brings me back over three years ago, back when I
> > > first tried doing ShapeShifter quests. I did the first few just
> > > fine, who doesn't. Then I got to one and had the attitude that I
> > > just want to play, not waste my time on these silly quests. What can
> > > I say, it was over three years ago.
> > > After asking for such help, getting bad advice, failing the quest
> > > and botching my reinc, word got out that I asked for help. Before I
> > > knew it I was banned from the guild & force reinc'd minutes later.
> > > Luckily it wasn't at a 25% loss - I was given a minute or two to
> > > scramble and sac. But I lost a sh*t-ton of time, gold/eq and exp in
> > > the process.
> > >
> > > Q
> >
> > A couple of things since this is directed at me.
> >
> > 1) Draco has repeatedly spoken as if he had direct
> > knowledge from one of us about how things work and what
> > our intents were. I have noticed a pattern of those
> > being wrong and said something. Probably shouldn't
> > have but I did.
> >
> > 2) I can dredge up the news posts out of the archives
> > if you like. You did more than 'just ask for help'.
> >
> > You flat out posted in news that receiving help through
> > icq/aim/whatever was completely ok and hurt no one.
> >
> > Daneel who happens to be one of the most reasonable
> > admin around here was ready to nuke you over it. Don't
> > take my word for it find it in the news archives.
> >
> > 3) Make sure to ask your clan mate about the mail I
> > sent to the rest of the admin making sure I wasn't
> > out of line and asking their opinions on it.
> >
> >
> > 4) Daneel is the one that banned you. He is not around
> > lately so I am left to interpret his intent until
> > he logs in himself.
> >
> > Please tell me how we are supposed to know that you suddenly
> > think its a bad thing to ask for help on the quests?
> >
> You seem to have totally missed my point. There is nothing 'sudden'
> in regards to this seeing as how it was -three years ago.-
> And yes, Wagro, everyone else saw that. Thanks for proving to
> everyone how annoying you STILL are, hence the ignore.
> Q
I don't think wagro is annoying.
Your an ass
poster: Quillz
subject: >>>>The Grudge
date: Tue May 10 06:01:19 2005
On Mon May 9 13:54:21 2005 Sleet wrote post #424:
> On Sat May 7 23:26:14 2005 Quillz wrote post #421:
> > On Sat May 7 04:16:05 2005 Zifnab wrote post #418:
> > > On Sat May 7 04:04:47 2005 Quillz wrote post #417:
> > > > Reading all of the recent flames about one simple post of random2
> > > > brought me to thinkin that it seems people here hold grudges and
> > > > never let them go.
> > > > For example, when Zif flamed Draco. Yeah a lot of people though it
> > > > was funny I'm sure...but seriously, he was trying to stick up for
> > > > you, not speak for you.
> > > > And this scenario brings me back over three years ago, back when I
> > > > first tried doing ShapeShifter quests. I did the first few just
> > > > fine, who doesn't. Then I got to one and had the attitude that I
> > > > just want to play, not waste my time on these silly quests. What can
> > > > I say, it was over three years ago.
> > > > After asking for such help, getting bad advice, failing the quest
> > > > and botching my reinc, word got out that I asked for help. Before I
> > > > knew it I was banned from the guild & force reinc'd minutes later.
> > > > Luckily it wasn't at a 25% loss - I was given a minute or two to
> > > > scramble and sac. But I lost a sh*t-ton of time, gold/eq and exp in
> > > > the process.
> > > >
> > > > Q
> > >
> > > A couple of things since this is directed at me.
> > >
> > > 1) Draco has repeatedly spoken as if he had direct
> > > knowledge from one of us about how things work and what
> > > our intents were. I have noticed a pattern of those
> > > being wrong and said something. Probably shouldn't
> > > have but I did.
> > >
> > > 2) I can dredge up the news posts out of the archives
> > > if you like. You did more than 'just ask for help'.
> > >
> > > You flat out posted in news that receiving help through
> > > icq/aim/whatever was completely ok and hurt no one.
> > >
> > > Daneel who happens to be one of the most reasonable
> > > admin around here was ready to nuke you over it. Don't
> > > take my word for it find it in the news archives.
> > >
> > > 3) Make sure to ask your clan mate about the mail I
> > > sent to the rest of the admin making sure I wasn't
> > > out of line and asking their opinions on it.
> > >
> > >
> > > 4) Daneel is the one that banned you. He is not around
> > > lately so I am left to interpret his intent until
> > > he logs in himself.
> > >
> > > Please tell me how we are supposed to know that you suddenly
> > > think its a bad thing to ask for help on the quests?
> > >
> > You seem to have totally missed my point. There is nothing 'sudden'
> > in regards to this seeing as how it was -three years ago.-
> >
> > And yes, Wagro, everyone else saw that. Thanks for proving to
> > everyone how annoying you STILL are, hence the ignore.
> >
> > Q
> I don't think wagro is annoying.
> Your an ass
who are you?
poster: Sleet
subject: >>>>>The Grudge
date: Tue May 10 22:48:59 2005
On Tue May 10 06:01:19 2005 Quillz wrote post #425:
> On Mon May 9 13:54:21 2005 Sleet wrote post #424:
> > On Sat May 7 23:26:14 2005 Quillz wrote post #421:
> > > On Sat May 7 04:16:05 2005 Zifnab wrote post #418:
> > > > On Sat May 7 04:04:47 2005 Quillz wrote post #417:
> > > > > Reading all of the recent flames about one simple post of random2
> > > > > brought me to thinkin that it seems people here hold grudges and
> > > > > never let them go.
> > > > > For example, when Zif flamed Draco. Yeah a lot of people though it
> > > > > was funny I'm sure...but seriously, he was trying to stick up for
> > > > > you, not speak for you.
> > > > > And this scenario brings me back over three years ago, back when I
> > > > > first tried doing ShapeShifter quests. I did the first few just
> > > > > fine, who doesn't. Then I got to one and had the attitude that I
> > > > > just want to play, not waste my time on these silly quests. What can
> > > > > I say, it was over three years ago.
> > > > > After asking for such help, getting bad advice, failing the quest
> > > > > and botching my reinc, word got out that I asked for help. Before I
> > > > > knew it I was banned from the guild & force reinc'd minutes later.
> > > > > Luckily it wasn't at a 25% loss - I was given a minute or two to
> > > > > scramble and sac. But I lost a sh*t-ton of time, gold/eq and exp in
> > > > > the process.
> > > > >
> > > > > Q
> > > >
> > > > A couple of things since this is directed at me.
> > > >
> > > > 1) Draco has repeatedly spoken as if he had direct
> > > > knowledge from one of us about how things work and what
> > > > our intents were. I have noticed a pattern of those
> > > > being wrong and said something. Probably shouldn't
> > > > have but I did.
> > > >
> > > > 2) I can dredge up the news posts out of the archives
> > > > if you like. You did more than 'just ask for help'.
> > > >
> > > > You flat out posted in news that receiving help through
> > > > icq/aim/whatever was completely ok and hurt no one.
> > > >
> > > > Daneel who happens to be one of the most reasonable
> > > > admin around here was ready to nuke you over it. Don't
> > > > take my word for it find it in the news archives.
> > > >
> > > > 3) Make sure to ask your clan mate about the mail I
> > > > sent to the rest of the admin making sure I wasn't
> > > > out of line and asking their opinions on it.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 4) Daneel is the one that banned you. He is not around
> > > > lately so I am left to interpret his intent until
> > > > he logs in himself.
> > > >
> > > > Please tell me how we are supposed to know that you suddenly
> > > > think its a bad thing to ask for help on the quests?
> > > >
> > > You seem to have totally missed my point. There is nothing 'sudden'
> > > in regards to this seeing as how it was -three years ago.-
> > >
> > > And yes, Wagro, everyone else saw that. Thanks for proving to
> > > everyone how annoying you STILL are, hence the ignore.
> > >
> > > Q
> > I don't think wagro is annoying.
> > Your an ass
> who are you?
wouldn't you like to know
poster: Draco
subject: >>>>>>The Grudge
date: Tue May 10 22:58:11 2005
On Tue May 10 22:48:59 2005 Sleet wrote post #426:
> > > > in regards to this seeing as how it was -three years ago.-
> > > >
> > > > And yes, Wagro, everyone else saw that. Thanks for proving to
> > > > everyone how annoying you STILL are, hence the ignore.
> > > >
> > > > Q
> > > I don't think wagro is annoying.
> > > Your an ass
> > who are you?
> wouldn't you like to know
ok gentlemen, let me introduce you to the "T" command. if used in
news, instead of following up and throwing a crap load of repeated
stuff, you can trim most of it off with that command and still
follow up just as well.
now, i dont know what is goin on with you two, you love eatch other,
you hate each other, no one really cares. replying with "I don't
think wagro is annoying. Your an ass" and "who are you?" and
"wouldn't you like to know" is something we can live without. you
wanna bitch at people, do it in junk or in tells. keep it off news,
these replies add no substance to the thread and thus are making
this thread very pointless and just overall annoying.
and in case your wondering, this is me asking nicely, i suck at
nice, i know, live with it, just please stop this useless posting.
poster: Uno
subject: >>>>>>>The Grudge
date: Tue May 10 23:13:31 2005
On Tue May 10 22:58:11 2005 Draco wrote post #427:
> follow up just as well.
> now, i dont know what is goin on with you two, you love eatch other,
> you hate each other, no one really cares. replying with "I don't
> think wagro is annoying. Your an ass" and "who are you?" and
> "wouldn't you like to know" is something we can live without. you
> wanna bitch at people, do it in junk or in tells. keep it off news,
> these replies add no substance to the thread and thus are making
> this thread very pointless and just overall annoying.
> and in case your wondering, this is me asking nicely, i suck at
> nice, i know, live with it, just please stop this useless posting.
speaking of useless posting, how would you classify yours?
is it useful? will anyone benefit from your sage advice?
have you ever looked up 'officious' in the dictionary?
did you know there's a picture of you there?
do i have anything in my nose?
do you like apples?
poster: Kaos
subject: >>>>>>>The Grudge
date: Tue May 10 23:48:33 2005
On Tue May 10 22:58:11 2005 Draco wrote post #427:
> On Tue May 10 22:48:59 2005 Sleet wrote post #426:
> > > > > in regards to this seeing as how it was -three years ago.-
> > > > >
> > > > > And yes, Wagro, everyone else saw that. Thanks for proving to
> > > > > everyone how annoying you STILL are, hence the ignore.
> > > > >
> > > > > Q
> > > > I don't think wagro is annoying.
> > > > Your an ass
> > > who are you?
> > wouldn't you like to know
> ok gentlemen, let me introduce you to the "T" command. if used in
> news, instead of following up and throwing a crap load of repeated
> stuff, you can trim most of it off with that command and still
> follow up just as well.
> now, i dont know what is goin on with you two, you love eatch other,
> you hate each other, no one really cares. replying with "I don't
> think wagro is annoying. Your an ass" and "who are you?" and
> "wouldn't you like to know" is something we can live without. you
> wanna bitch at people, do it in junk or in tells. keep it off news,
> these replies add no substance to the thread and thus are making
> this thread very pointless and just overall annoying.
> and in case your wondering, this is me asking nicely, i suck at
> nice, i know, live with it, just please stop this useless posting.
It sucks that you do this mudpolicing 24/7 cause now no one will
listen to you when you actually have something to say. That being
said, quoting a whole bunch of crap and saying "who are you?" is
a well known "leet" way of dissing people. Don't try to understand
the internet, it will blow your mind.
poster: Marvin
subject: >>The Grudge
date: Wed May 11 00:56:31 2005
On Sat May 7 04:16:05 2005 Zifnab wrote post #418:
> Daneel who happens to be one of the most reasonable
> admin around here [...]
Hey! I thought I was the most reasonable admin!
Right? Who's with me?!
poster: Tigran
subject: >>>The Grudge
date: Wed May 11 02:18:42 2005
On Wed May 11 00:56:31 2005 Marvin wrote post #430:
> On Sat May 7 04:16:05 2005 Zifnab wrote post #418:
> > Daneel who happens to be one of the most reasonable
> > admin around here [...]
> Hey! I thought I was the most reasonable admin!
> Right? Who's with me?!
> --M
What? Was I supposed to say something?
poster: Monkey
subject: >>>The Grudge
date: Wed May 11 03:00:31 2005
On Wed May 11 00:56:31 2005 Marvin wrote post #430:
> On Sat May 7 04:16:05 2005 Zifnab wrote post #418:
> > Daneel who happens to be one of the most reasonable
> > admin around here [...]
> Hey! I thought I was the most reasonable admin!
> Right? Who's with me?!
> --M
You're a bastard.
poster: Draco
subject: >>>>The Grudge
date: Wed May 11 06:02:43 2005
On Wed May 11 03:00:31 2005 Monkey wrote post #432:
> > On Sat May 7 04:16:05 2005 Zifnab wrote post #418:
> > > Daneel who happens to be one of the most reasonable
> > > admin around here [...]
> >
> > Hey! I thought I was the most reasonable admin!
> >
> > Right? Who's with me?!
> >
> > --M
> You're a bastard.
well then Kaos, it may be a "leet" way of dissing someone, but then
i believe that would be called a flame and is hence against the
rules set forth for usage of news. you dont like me policing the
mud? then how about you guys stop doing stuff that is against the
rules and then *gasp* i wouldn't have to! omgomg i know that is such
a strage idea for most people to grasp, but if the rulebreaking and
such stopped, i wouldnt have anything to say and would shut up
poster: Kaos
subject: >>>>>The Grudge
date: Wed May 11 09:26:52 2005
On Wed May 11 06:02:43 2005 Draco wrote post #433:
> On Wed May 11 03:00:31 2005 Monkey wrote post #432:
> > > On Sat May 7 04:16:05 2005 Zifnab wrote post #418:
> > > > Daneel who happens to be one of the most reasonable
> > > > admin around here [...]
> > >
> > > Hey! I thought I was the most reasonable admin!
> > >
> > > Right? Who's with me?!
> > >
> > > --M
> > You're a bastard.
> well then Kaos, it may be a "leet" way of dissing someone, but then
> i believe that would be called a flame and is hence against the
> rules set forth for usage of news. you dont like me policing the
> mud? then how about you guys stop doing stuff that is against the
> rules and then *gasp* i wouldn't have to! omgomg i know that is such
> a strage idea for most people to grasp, but if the rulebreaking and
> such stopped, i wouldnt have anything to say and would shut up
I hear people post warez on the internet. You better give them
a call and make them stop, right now!
poster: Lu
subject: >>>>>>>>The Grudge
date: Wed May 11 16:27:46 2005
the t command blows goats
enough of that, i was just wondering how you can say that replys of
"i don't think wagro is annoying. Your an ass" and "whoe are you?"
and "wouldn't you liek to know" are somethings we can live without,
when you use all 3 in your single post. this must mean they are
v.important, asap.
poster: Sleet
subject: >>>>>The Grudge
date: Wed May 11 17:45:09 2005
On Wed May 11 06:02:43 2005 Draco wrote post #433:
> > >
> > > --M
> > You're a bastard.
> well then Kaos, it may be a "leet" way of dissing someone, but then
> i believe that would be called a flame and is hence against the
> rules set forth for usage of news. you dont like me policing the
> mud? then how about you guys stop doing stuff that is against the
> rules and then *gasp* i wouldn't have to! omgomg i know that is such
> a strage idea for most people to grasp, but if the rulebreaking and
> such stopped, i wouldnt have anything to say and would shut up
just so were all on the same page here, is "leet" just a cute
nickname for me? or did that comment just fly way over my head?
poster: Escense
subject: the grudge
date: Wed May 11 19:23:44 2005
> well then Kaos, it may be a "leet" way of dissing someone, but then
> i believe that would be called a flame and is hence against the
> rules set forth for usage of news. you dont like me policing the
> mud? then how about you guys stop doing stuff that is against the
> rules and then *gasp* i wouldn't have to! omgomg i know that is such
> a strage idea for most people to grasp, but if the rulebreaking and
> such stopped, i wouldnt have anything to say and would shut up
Who died and made you admin?
poster: Seth
subject: >the grudge
date: Wed May 11 19:26:41 2005
On Wed May 11 19:23:44 2005 Escense wrote post #437:
> > well then Kaos, it may be a "leet" way of dissing someone, but then
> > i believe that would be called a flame and is hence against the
> > rules set forth for usage of news. you dont like me policing the
> > mud? then how about you guys stop doing stuff that is against the
> > rules and then *gasp* i wouldn't have to! omgomg i know that is such
> > a strage idea for most people to grasp, but if the rulebreaking and
> > such stopped, i wouldnt have anything to say and would shut up
> Who died and made you admin?
how about shutting up and let the admins handle it?
poster: Draco
subject: >>the grudge
date: Wed May 11 19:28:41 2005
On Wed May 11 19:26:41 2005 Seth wrote post #438:
> > > i believe that would be called a flame and is hence against the
> > > rules set forth for usage of news. you dont like me policing the
> > > mud? then how about you guys stop doing stuff that is against the
> > > rules and then *gasp* i wouldn't have to! omgomg i know that is such
> > > a strage idea for most people to grasp, but if the rulebreaking and
> > > such stopped, i wouldnt have anything to say and would shut up
> >
> >
> > Who died and made you admin?
> how about shutting up and let the admins handle it?
ill let the admin deal with it when i see some actual dealing of the
situations done by admin. they focus on the big stuff like botting
and dont bother to watch for people breaking other rules. maybe once
they do or hire someone to do it for them i will stop.
poster: pierol
subject: cant connect
date: Thu May 12 03:53:27 2005
could anyone help me i cant seem to connect to islands each time i try to come on the connection to the site (when entering throught java) times out and i cant see on internet options anything obvious that should be enables i really love this mud so any help would be great
poster: Highpriest
subject: Help
date: Thu May 12 06:38:11 2005
Need some help here. If anyone happens to reinc into maxxed sorcerer
or maxxed MA, I would like to know how much lvl of sorcerer/dragon
master each mystic warrior lvl or maxxed evoker bravo opens up...
This might be some tiring job but I will reward with a fair amount.
poster: Draco
subject: >Help
date: Thu May 12 14:45:37 2005
On Thu May 12 06:38:11 2005 Highpriest wrote post #442:
> Need some help here. If anyone happens to reinc into maxxed sorcerer
> or maxxed MA, I would like to know how much lvl of sorcerer/dragon
> master each mystic warrior lvl or maxxed evoker bravo opens up...
> This might be some tiring job but I will reward with a fair amount.
> -HP
im not 100% positive on this, so if it is wrong dont blame me, but i
believe sorc takes 3 B levels to get 3 sorc levels, then every
subsequent bravo gives 3 more sorc levels(this is using my memory of
evoker from when i was about 150m so about 2 yrs ago). ma iirc gives
2 lvls dragon master per lvl of ma, with the final 7 coming with the
final lvl.
poster: Quillz
subject: >>The Grudge
date: Fri May 13 06:29:04 2005
On Sat May 7 04:16:05 2005 Zifnab wrote post #418:
> On Sat May 7 04:04:47 2005 Quillz wrote post #417:
> > Reading all of the recent flames about one simple post of random2
> > brought me to thinkin that it seems people here hold grudges and
> > never let them go.
> > For example, when Zif flamed Draco. Yeah a lot of people though it
> > was funny I'm sure...but seriously, he was trying to stick up for
> > you, not speak for you.
> > And this scenario brings me back over three years ago, back when I
> > first tried doing ShapeShifter quests. I did the first few just
> > fine, who doesn't. Then I got to one and had the attitude that I
> > just want to play, not waste my time on these silly quests. What can
> > I say, it was over three years ago.
> > After asking for such help, getting bad advice, failing the quest
> > and botching my reinc, word got out that I asked for help. Before I
> > knew it I was banned from the guild & force reinc'd minutes later.
> > Luckily it wasn't at a 25% loss - I was given a minute or two to
> > scramble and sac. But I lost a sh*t-ton of time, gold/eq and exp in
> > the process.
> >
> > Q
> A couple of things since this is directed at me.
> 1) Draco has repeatedly spoken as if he had direct
> knowledge from one of us about how things work and what
> our intents were. I have noticed a pattern of those
> being wrong and said something. Probably shouldn't
> have but I did.
> 2) I can dredge up the news posts out of the archives
> if you like. You did more than 'just ask for help'.
> You flat out posted in news that receiving help through
> icq/aim/whatever was completely ok and hurt no one.
> Daneel who happens to be one of the most reasonable
> admin around here was ready to nuke you over it. Don't
> take my word for it find it in the news archives.
> 3) Make sure to ask your clan mate about the mail I
> sent to the rest of the admin making sure I wasn't
> out of line and asking their opinions on it.
> 4) Daneel is the one that banned you. He is not around
> lately so I am left to interpret his intent until
> he logs in himself.
> Please tell me how we are supposed to know that you suddenly
> think its a bad thing to ask for help on the quests?
In reference to #3 - have you received any feedback from anyone else
on this matter?
I know I'm beating a dead horse, but it was over three years ago.
poster: Draco
subject: >>>The Grudge
date: Fri May 13 07:39:38 2005
On Fri May 13 06:29:04 2005 Quillz wrote post #444:
> >
> > Please tell me how we are supposed to know that you suddenly
> > think its a bad thing to ask for help on the quests?
> >
> In reference to #3 - have you received any feedback from anyone else
> on this matter?
> I know I'm beating a dead horse, but it was over three years ago.
> Q
i may have an answer to this problem that maybe was not considered
Tue Nov 26, 2002 quillz and anglemar were banned from the guild for
sharing info on shifter quests
May 3, 2003, Tektor was banned for sharing quest info on shifter quests
Mon May 3, 2004 Tektor is given access to the shapeshifter guild once again.
Mon May 3, 2004 Tuffgong and Scourge are also banned from guild for
quest info sharing on shifter quests
now, if you finger tuffgong, he is in the shapeshifter guild. I
think its totally unfair to allow everyone that has been banned back
in, except for Quillz. i think that if your going to remain keeping
Quillz banned, the ban on Tuffgong and Tektor should be reinstated.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>>>The Grudge
date: Fri May 13 14:03:22 2005
> Tue Nov 26, 2002 quillz and anglemar were banned from the guild for
> sharing info on shifter quests
> May 3, 2003, Tektor was banned for sharing quest info on shifter quests
> Mon May 3, 2004 Tektor is given access to the shapeshifter guild once again.
> Mon May 3, 2004 Tuffgong and Scourge are also banned from guild for
> quest info sharing on shifter quests
> now, if you finger tuffgong, he is in the shapeshifter guild. I
> think its totally unfair to allow everyone that has been banned back
> in, except for Quillz. i think that if your going to remain keeping
> Quillz banned, the ban on Tuffgong and Tektor should be reinstated.
Thank you again for telling us what to do Draco. Do you just not
get it?~e
Again please stop. I know those people were put back into
the guild.
Quillz's case is differant and if you don't see that please
stop telling us what to do because you have no clue.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>>The Grudge
date: Fri May 13 14:24:26 2005
> > Please tell me how we are supposed to know that you suddenly
> > think its a bad thing to ask for help on the quests?
> >
> In reference to #3 - have you received any feedback from anyone else
> on this matter?
> I know I'm beating a dead horse, but it was over three years ago.
> Q
Yes I did. The consensus was to let you back in the guild which I have
Was it a abit excessive yeah. But what you did was also
very differant from what the other players that Draco
posted about did. Perhaps the reaction from Daneel was so strong
because you were the first I am not sure since he is not here
to ask.
poster: Midnight
subject: grudge
date: Mon May 16 10:41:44 2005
i hardly ever post anything in news mostly because whatever i say
ppl tend to ignore it. I'm going to say this however, this thread
has already died and are currently stinking the entire news group
up, feel free to join Flamewars in tells if you feel like keeping it
up, as for me i'm on the verge of dropping the pleasure of reading
news for ever due to personal attacks
love and kisses
Midnight Amratha the spammer
poster: Maduo
subject: asee
date: Mon May 16 11:42:04 2005
he is spamming me, make him stop
poster: Tranquil
subject: >asee
date: Mon May 16 11:56:05 2005
On Mon May 16 11:42:04 2005 Maduo wrote post #449:
> he is spamming me, make him stop
Type 'suicide'
Then type your password
problem solved.
poster: Maduo
subject: >>asee
date: Mon May 16 11:57:20 2005
On Mon May 16 11:56:05 2005 Tranquil wrote post #450:
> On Mon May 16 11:42:04 2005 Maduo wrote post #449:
> > he is spamming me, make him stop
> Type 'suicide'
> Then type your password
> problem solved.
yes, please follow tranq's advice belg
poster: Khosan
subject: >asee
date: Mon May 16 12:38:23 2005
On Mon May 16 11:42:04 2005 Maduo wrote post #449:
> he is spamming me, make him stop
and you are writting this in news why?
poster: Ronan
subject: Castle Stuff
date: Tue May 17 05:33:02 2005
poster: Zifnab
subject: rufrin
date: Fri May 20 12:38:50 2005
Idea reported from /domains/everrest/city/rooms/room1--
have rufrin change the list of what he sells at reboot plz, atm its
allways same old junk he tries
to sell..
He sells what players sell to him. He removes items
after so many days and lowers the price every day.
poster: Daran
subject: Genesis
date: Tue May 31 01:23:00 2005
poster: Temuthril
subject: >cant connect
date: Sun Jun 5 16:18:07 2005
On Thu May 12 03:53:27 2005 pierol wrote post #440 in general:
> could anyone help me i cant seem to connect to islands each time i try to come on the connection to the site (when entering throught java) times out and i cant see on internet options anything obvious that should be enables i really love this mud so any help would be great
Your firewall may have blocked 3000 port, which the java client uses. Try to connect with a telnet client through 23 port.
poster: Daran
subject: My Website
date: Mon Jun 6 01:14:18 2005
My website now has a new hosting. Finger me for the url. The old url
at geoshities will still work, probably for quite awhile, but any
updates (especially to the eq stat pages) will only be done to the
new url. I have been working on a new layout with alot more content
and more complete, but Ive been busy with work stuffs so its not
ready yet like I had hoped for with my new domain. I am also going
to be moving faces of myth to my new domain asap. Will post when it
goes live. Thank you for your time. Go back to not eq'ing and
letting only monsters killed by necros have a negative tune. Good
poster: Wagro
subject: Trigon nostalgia
date: Thu Jun 9 05:16:05 2005
Hi, Nezmaniac found this log of Trigon using transfer thoughts on
people. Those of you who remember him will enjoy this, and even if
you don't know him you'll probably still find it funny.
> Phase 1-Nutsacking
> You concentrate and create a message in Tektor's brain.
> Tektor [alert]: You have idled too long, your nutsack falls off.
> [alert]: You look innocent.
> [alert]: Tektor peers around the room.
> Smee says, "Trigon, you ROCK!"
> Tektor [alert]: Wtf was that?
> Kalon {alert}: your nutsack falling off
> Warchief [alert]: From the years of non-use
> Tektor [alert]: Its still here tho,> Tektor [alert]: Do not question the
almighty sack. We have takes your nutsack
> as our own and will proceed to feed it to the neighbors dog.
> Tektor [alert]: Some wiz is echoing me.
> [alert]: Tektor whines.
> [alert]: You tell Tektor, "SUUUUUUUUUURE...."
> Tektor [alert]: Its Dram or Zif
> You tell Lokie : I'm doing it, so ya know :P
> Tektor [alert]: You are too easily fooled young nutsacker. Believe in the
> force and your nutsack shall return. Until then play with your light
> saber.
> [alert]: You smirkle.
> Tektor [alert]: Who is echoing me!
> [alert]: Fuge rolls on the floor laughing.
> [alert]: Smee points at himself.
> Tektor [alert]: I'm hexed.
> [alert]: You call Tektor a nutsack.
> Wildchild [alert]: no, you're a nutsack
> Smee [alert]: Dirty nutsack.
> [alert]: Tektor peers around the room.
> Phase 2-Messing with a horney guy
> You concentrate and create a message in Arkangyle's brain.
> Arkangyle [alert]: Natalie Portman tells you: hey baby, wanna get a
> hotel room?
> Arkangyle [alert]: I am just displaying what was shown on my screen
> Arkangyle tells you: I don't know what you have in this whole Natalie
> Portman thing
> You tell Arkangyle : what natalie portman thing?
> Arkangyle tells you: I don't know
> Phase 3-Messing in general
> You concentrate and create a message in Xphere's brain.
> Xphere [dragon]: Your body beings to drift away with the sands of time.
You are
> no more. Ponder
> Phase 4-Bring in others
> Tektor tells you: Copy something from you fall to the ground dead and all
> hell stuff ;)
> That was the entire plan of my fun, I didn't log the whole fish eatting
someone on a ferry tho, sadly.
> Hugs and Kisses
> Trigon
poster: Daran
subject: Faces Of Myth
date: Fri Jun 10 05:25:59 2005
I have finally taken control of Nyx's Faces Of Myth webpage.
The new url is be found at www.endlesshighway.info/faces
Nyx's is still up and I have no idea when she will remove it, but
she is not updating hers. She sent me all her files and I just used
the pics she had, so please let me know of any additions, deletions,
or changes that you want made to your own section. If i ignore you,
email it to me or use a third party 'phone'. I will also accept
multiple pictures, so feel free to send me several, I have plenty of
storage space. Also the profile sections are currently empty and
only contain names. I know some peoples information and will fill it
in when I have time. But feel free to send me your updated info. I
put this together real quick, so please report any broken links and
wrong information. It's currently coded for 1024x768 screen
resolution, but if there are enough people using 800x600, I will
reformat it.
/Daran Madrox
poster: Daran
subject: request
date: Fri Jun 10 08:18:33 2005
please mail me all links for your mudcon pics, i would like to add
alink section to them all on faces. also please mail me any and all
entertaining/funny/amusing/insulting/ logs from plans and what not,
im contemplating putting together another website with all of thee
logs and what not. ive got alot of my own to include and woulkd
welcome any and all from any player,reagardless if i ignore u, i
will add yoyr suff to the page =0
poster: Uno
subject: >request
date: Fri Jun 10 15:54:06 2005
On Fri Jun 10 08:18:33 2005 Daran wrote post #461:
> please mail me all links for your mudcon pics, i would like to add
> alink section to them all on faces. also please mail me any and all
> entertaining/funny/amusing/insulting/ logs from plans and what not,
> im contemplating putting together another website with all of thee
> logs and what not. ive got alot of my own to include and woulkd
> welcome any and all from any player,reagardless if i ignore u, i
> will add yoyr suff to the page =0
You might consider taking everyone off of ignore if you plan to be
such an altruistic force on the mud...
I can tell you from personal experience that I cut my ignore list
from 30+ to 0 a few years ago and I haven't noticed a difference.
In fact... without my lax ignore policy, I would never have experienced
the joys of pippirull
poster: Daran
subject: >>request
date: Fri Jun 10 19:45:19 2005
On Fri Jun 10 15:54:06 2005 Uno wrote post #462:
> On Fri Jun 10 08:18:33 2005 Daran wrote post #461:
> > please mail me all links for your mudcon pics, i would like to add
> > alink section to them all on faces. also please mail me any and all
> > entertaining/funny/amusing/insulting/ logs from plans and what not,
> > im contemplating putting together another website with all of thee
> > logs and what not. ive got alot of my own to include and woulkd
> > welcome any and all from any player,reagardless if i ignore u, i
> > will add yoyr suff to the page =0
> You might consider taking everyone off of ignore if you plan to be
> such an altruistic force on the mud...
> I can tell you from personal experience that I cut my ignore list
> from 30+ to 0 a few years ago and I haven't noticed a difference.
> In fact... without my lax ignore policy, I would never have experienced
> the joys of pippirull
You know, I have considered it. Infact, my list hast been cleared
many many times from over 50+ to 0 several times, and the same
people that stay here continue to make it back on the list. I refuse
to take certain people off anymore. I have cleared some, but many I
just will not tolerate anymore.
Btw wtf does altruistic mean? I cant even pronounce that
poster: Quillz
subject: >>>request
date: Sat Jun 11 10:00:08 2005
On Fri Jun 10 19:45:19 2005 Daran wrote post #463:
> On Fri Jun 10 15:54:06 2005 Uno wrote post #462:
> > On Fri Jun 10 08:18:33 2005 Daran wrote post #461:
> > > please mail me all links for your mudcon pics, i would like to add
> > > alink section to them all on faces. also please mail me any and all
> > > entertaining/funny/amusing/insulting/ logs from plans and what not,
> > > im contemplating putting together another website with all of thee
> > > logs and what not. ive got alot of my own to include and woulkd
> > > welcome any and all from any player,reagardless if i ignore u, i
> > > will add yoyr suff to the page =0
> >
> > You might consider taking everyone off of ignore if you plan to be
> > such an altruistic force on the mud...
> >
> > I can tell you from personal experience that I cut my ignore list
> > from 30+ to 0 a few years ago and I haven't noticed a difference.
> >
> > In fact... without my lax ignore policy, I would never have experienced
> > the joys of pippirull
> You know, I have considered it. Infact, my list hast been cleared
> many many times from over 50+ to 0 several times, and the same
> people that stay here continue to make it back on the list. I refuse
> to take certain people off anymore. I have cleared some, but many I
> just will not tolerate anymore.
> Btw wtf does altruistic mean? I cant even pronounce that
I love you Daran.
Thank Goodness for Ignore!
Props to Daran for trying to unignore people, then realizing how
annoying some are are...
poster: Communist
subject: taking eq too seriously
date: Sun Jun 12 03:06:36 2005
Recent news story from Reuters, which I quote:
Virtual theft murderer heads for the slammer...
A Chinese online game player who stabbed a competitor to death for
selling his cyber-sword has been given a suspended death sentence,
which in effect means life imprisonment.
The case had created a dilemma in China where no law exists for the
ownership of virtual weapons.
Qiu Chengwei, 41, stabbed competitor Zhu Caoyuan in the chest after
he was told Zhu had sold Chengwei's "dragon sabre", used in the
popular online game, "Legend of Mir 3", the China Daily said on
"Legend of Mir 3" features heroes and villains, sorcerers and
warriors, many of which wield enormous swords.
Qiu was sentenced to death "with a two-year reprieve", which in
effect means life behind bars. That, in turn, could be reduced to 15
years if he behaves well, the newspaper said of the sentence which
has angered the victim's family.
Zhu Huimin, the dead man's father, who is planning to appeal said:
"My son was only 26 when he died. He was sleeping when Qiu broke
into his home. He was barely able to put on his pants before Qiu
stabbed him.
"We want Qiu to die, and immediately."
Qiu and a friend jointly won their weapon last February, and lent it
to Zhu who then sold it for 7,200 yuan ($870), the newspaper said.
Qui went to the police to report the "theft" but was told the weapon
was not real property protected by law.
The court was told: "Zhu promised to hand over the cash but an angry
Qui lost patience and attacked Zhu at his home, stabbing him in the
left chest with great force and killing him."
More and more online gamers are seeking justice through the courts
over stolen weapons and credits, the newspaper said at the time the
case went to trial.
Wang Zongyu, an associate law professor at Beijing's Renmin
University of China, was quoted as saying: "The armour and swords in
games should be deemed as private property as players have to spend
money and time for them."
But other experts have called for caution. "The 'assets' of one
player could mean nothing to others as they are by nature just data
created by game providers," a lawyer for a Shanghai-based internet
game company was quoted as saying.
let's all keep a few things in perspective before going on another
rant about eq or whatever... the consequences simply aren't worth
poster: Flamekrayt
subject: >taking eq too seriously
date: Mon Jun 13 18:27:53 2005
thank goodness I'm DL. (that's my main reason for staying DL forever
anyways, no worries about eq, heheh)
anyways, take care y'all!
poster: Uno
subject: >taking eq too seriously
date: Tue Jun 14 19:47:15 2005
On Sun Jun 12 03:06:36 2005 Communist wrote post #465:
> But other experts have called for caution. "The 'assets' of one
> player could mean nothing to others as they are by nature just data
> created by game providers," a lawyer for a Shanghai-based internet
> game company was quoted as saying.
> let's all keep a few things in perspective before going on another
> rant about eq or whatever... the consequences simply aren't worth
> it
poster: Flamekrayt
subject: >>taking eq too seriously
date: Thu Jun 16 06:40:31 2005
On Tue Jun 14 19:47:15 2005 Uno wrote post #467 in general:
> On Sun Jun 12 03:06:36 2005 Communist wrote post #465:
> > But other experts have called for caution. "The 'assets' of one
> > player could mean nothing to others as they are by nature just data
> > created by game providers," a lawyer for a Shanghai-based internet
> > game company was quoted as saying.
> >
> >
> >
> > let's all keep a few things in perspective before going on another
> > rant about eq or whatever... the consequences simply aren't worth
> > it
poster: Inside
subject: rufrin
date: Sat Jun 18 19:00:37 2005
he talks normal now.
poster: Daran
subject: EQ Page
date: Mon Jun 20 01:21:21 2005
EQ Page
New Address:
The equipment stat page has been seperated from the knowledge
database. It is still viewable on the KD until I get around to
finish the new layout. BUT, I shall only update the new address for
equipment stats. I'm also working with Korthrun on making the eq
site a searchable database, but no idea when it will be complete.
poster: Lorric
subject: golf
date: Tue Jun 21 16:17:25 2005
i have recently started playing golf and am interested in buying
some clone clubs. if anyone is familiar with clone clubs please
mudmail me your advice. i was looking at grgolf but with so many
places to look i dont know where to find the best quality in clones
poster: flamekrayt
subject: generally..questions..
date: Wed Jun 29 15:51:05 2005
mmm, need to know:
does defensive maneuvers and fists of fury affect ss guild members in animal forms/warrior? or do they affect MAs only? thanks.
poster: Uno
subject: >generally..questions..
date: Thu Jun 30 16:23:10 2005
On Wed Jun 29 15:51:05 2005 flamekrayt wrote post #472:
> mmm, need to know:
> does defensive maneuvers and fists of fury affect ss guild members in
animal forms/warrior? or do they affect MAs only? thanks.
Do you fight barehanded?
I tested a fig/ma reinc a while ago and it seemed to me that
ma combat skills only work if you aren't wielding anything,
this would include claws i would think.
poster: Flamekrayt
subject: >>generally..questions..
date: Thu Jun 30 16:24:55 2005
On Thu Jun 30 16:23:10 2005 Uno wrote post #473 in general:
> On Wed Jun 29 15:51:05 2005 flamekrayt wrote post #472:
> > mmm, need to know:
> >
> > does defensive maneuvers and fists of fury affect ss guild members in
> animal forms/warrior? or do they affect MAs only? thanks.
> Do you fight barehanded?
> I tested a fig/ma reinc a while ago and it seemed to me that
> ma combat skills only work if you aren't wielding anything,
> this would include claws i would think.
nope, i fight with weapons.
ok, point taken. i am going to try defensive maneuvers anyways. but doubt it for fists of fury.
poster: Blue
subject: harmers
date: Sat Jul 9 03:49:45 2005
hi this guild sucks, atleast fix or do something with mana drain to
get more, or to not have the more than half sp and u lose all rule,
that is lame, and i think over 60 harm bodies into a eq mob and not
even dented, come on, do something about this please, thanks, blue
poster: Zifnab
subject: >harmers
date: Sat Jul 9 03:51:00 2005
On Sat Jul 9 03:49:45 2005 Blue wrote post #476:
> hi this guild sucks, atleast fix or do something with mana drain to
> get more, or to not have the more than half sp and u lose all rule,
> that is lame, and i think over 60 harm bodies into a eq mob and not
> even dented, come on, do something about this please, thanks, blue
I will get right on that.. I must admit I was going to do nothing
but now that you posted it in 2 news groups I realize
the importance of this endeavor and will spend all my
waking hours working on it.
poster: Traf
subject: >harmers
date: Sat Jul 9 04:39:53 2005
On Sat Jul 9 03:49:45 2005 Blue wrote post #476 in general:
> hi this guild sucks, atleast fix or do something with mana drain to
> get more
mana drain relies on the number of players, years ago it could restore about 25% and up, but now...
poster: Korthrun
subject: Why?
date: Sun Jul 10 09:34:58 2005
Sorry if this has been posted but I seem to have missed it.
Curious as to the reason emerg death was removed.
poster: Inside
subject: >Why?
date: Sun Jul 10 09:36:49 2005
On Sun Jul 10 09:34:58 2005 Korthrun wrote post #479:
> Sorry if this has been posted but I seem to have missed it.
> Curious as to the reason emerg death was removed.
> thanks
flame flame, flame flame, unkind references to various animals.
the reason it was removed is because, in theory, you shouldn't be
able to get trapped in castles, which is (iirc) the whole point of
the command.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>Why?
date: Sun Jul 10 09:39:01 2005
funny, someone was claiming to be stuck in a castle just the other day
W:blue response
poster: Monkey
subject: >>>Why?
date: Sun Jul 10 09:43:31 2005
On Sun Jul 10 09:39:01 2005 Korthrun wrote post #481:
> funny, someone was claiming to be stuck in a castle just the other day
> W:blue response
> eheh
eheh they were joking...
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Why?
date: Sun Jul 10 17:31:45 2005
On Sun Jul 10 09:34:58 2005 Korthrun wrote post #479:
> Sorry if this has been posted but I seem to have missed it.
> Curious as to the reason emerg death was removed.
> thanks
What use is it?
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>Why?
date: Sun Jul 10 22:10:25 2005
I thought it was to get you out of a place if some unforseen event
happens, and no wizards are available.
poster: Wildchild
subject: >>>Why?
date: Mon Jul 11 17:42:24 2005
On Sun Jul 10 22:10:25 2005 Korthrun wrote post #484:
> I thought it was to get you out of a place if some unforseen event
> happens, and no wizards are available.
IIRC, it was for castles only.
poster: Lucian
subject: Lost Item...?
date: Tue Jul 12 03:47:48 2005
Yeah, I found an item at Illium City Bank. If you lost it and know
what it is, send me a tell or mail me describing the item or tell me
what the item was. Eheh
poster: Lucian
subject: Lost Item
date: Thu Jul 14 06:00:35 2005
Okay, since no one claimed they lost the item spoken of in my other
news post, it's been a reboot and I figure the item would've
disappeared, I'm keeping it. It wasn't a great item or anything,
just Blood Red Sandals, but if someone was missing it and lamenting
over it, I wanted to give them a chance to get it back. Thanks.
poster: Denim
subject: Umm
date: Sun Jul 17 07:08:22 2005
Earlier tonight Ixtlilton logged in drunk, or just in a bad mood, he
started jailing people for no reason, or for talking on myth,
whatever he felt like at the time i guess, not really sure, i
believe i responded to something wagro said on myth that had nothing
to do with ixt
And then i was jailed, along with all 5 of my familiars, i was
removed from the jail about a minute after going in, but my
familiars are actually still in the jail as i post this, it's
probably been 2-3 hours at least, i was in the middle of xps when he
jailed me :)
I was told by a couple of players this isnt the first time hes done
stuff like this, i guess i am just whining, whatever you want to
call it, but i don't think any admin should be able to log in
trashed and completely screw someone over for the rest of the
evening, or possibly several days, depending on when a wiz is able
to respond to my mails and tells
and fyi, logging out for 30 mins didnt send my fams to anywhere, and
i couldnt recall them, so i've tried everything i can think of
Denim, the whiner
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Umm
date: Sun Jul 17 16:51:02 2005
On Sun Jul 17 07:08:22 2005 Denim wrote post #488:
> Earlier tonight Ixtlilton logged in drunk, or just in a bad mood, he
> started jailing people for no reason, or for talking on myth,
> whatever he felt like at the time i guess, not really sure, i
> believe i responded to something wagro said on myth that had nothing
> to do with ixt
> And then i was jailed, along with all 5 of my familiars, i was
> removed from the jail about a minute after going in, but my
> familiars are actually still in the jail as i post this, it's
> probably been 2-3 hours at least, i was in the middle of xps when he
> jailed me :)
> I was told by a couple of players this isnt the first time hes done
> stuff like this, i guess i am just whining, whatever you want to
> call it, but i don't think any admin should be able to log in
> trashed and completely screw someone over for the rest of the
> evening, or possibly several days, depending on when a wiz is able
> to respond to my mails and tells
> and fyi, logging out for 30 mins didnt send my fams to anywhere, and
> i couldnt recall them, so i've tried everything i can think of
> Denim, the whiner
Just curious what you thought this would accomplish that
your mail to me wouldn't?
Your familiars are in the same room as you right now.
poster: Belgarion
subject: >>Umm
date: Sun Jul 17 18:30:23 2005
so we all know what ixt does when drunk (for those who hadn't
already experienced this already)
poster: Tektor
subject: Recruits Wanted!
date: Thu Jul 21 09:33:18 2005
Time has come for the dk clan to seek some more members. we ask that
you be of decent worth (at least 200m) and willing to gain that
worth and help fellow clanmates. we currently have planned xp
parties daily that will be starting soon, with the ultimate goal of
doing eq just internally in the clan. if you are interested, please
send a mail to me, cc it to Draco and Eponine, and one of us will
try to run down everything you may have questions about for the clan
when we get the mail.
so lets get to it! send those mails out and lets rock the foundation
of the mud! :)
p.s. The water is NOT safe
poster: Mor
subject: Newbie Exp Party
date: Fri Jul 22 08:59:34 2005
As you can guess by the title, I am planning on starting a newbie
exp party, preferable on a regular basis. Depending on how much
enthusiasm is put into this by others, Id like it to be daily or at
least by-daily. I am hoping to find at least one healer and one
blaster, but I wont rule out anyone. Id prefer if you were level 25
and below, but if one of you highbies wants to drag our sorry newbie
arses at some point, please do.
More, the Eternal Newbie
(P.S. Sometimes Mor isnt less.)
poster: Monkey
subject: Plaque
date: Thu Jul 28 09:59:39 2005
Hi, this is Monkey. Wizzes are testing plaques to see if it can
handle 600 players on it. What does this mean to you? Absolutely
nothing! Well except that you might get put on plaque. If it gets
changed back and you're knocked off well... sucks to be you. Have a
good day and enjoy your mindless killing on this upcoming (yes,
hopefully saving) double exp day.
The HuggAble, LoveAble, SexuAl
poster: Bahgtru
subject: Guild tree page
date: Sat Aug 6 07:19:14 2005
Was wondering if someone could pls add animal trainer guild to
woodsman tree on web page
poster: Helios
subject: Almost daily exps :)
date: Sat Aug 20 00:15:53 2005
Hey, im going back fig.
Soooooooo, im going to try to jumpstart this mud and get daily exps
or something running.
But i wont be able to fullfill that "daily" party since i got school
stuff and so on. But i will try to 100% :)
mostly needed now are maybe Abjus, Evokers (that acctuly wants to
exp), erm, mebbe a healer thats not 2gigs ;)? but still got an
kickass regen.
ohyeah, and big bards are always welcomed.
Yeah, well hope this daily exp turns out alright
poster: Rossano
subject: Item found
date: Sat Aug 20 21:09:57 2005
Hi, i have found an item, if you are missing an item, let me know
where abouts and what piece it was.
poster: Marvin
subject: Fancyfoot Ball 2005
date: Tue Aug 23 21:03:25 2005
Uno asked if I would "Commish" the Fancyfoot Ball for 2005, and
while I said that yes I do look eerily like Michael Chiklis, I
hadn't the faintest idea what he was mumbling about, at least at
that distance, what with his halitosis and my general disdain for
all things fungi; well, at least I assume that that blotch was
somehow yeast-related and his face wasn't normally quite that
particular shade of putrid, but then I had not been to that
particular quarter of the slums in some time, what with the tragic
monkey-dung freight spill of '02 still not resolved, so it had,
luckily, been quite a while since I had the pain of his acquaintance
and I couldn't be totally sure if that was typical or not, but that
yes, I would send out an invitation to all of the young ladies in
the kingdom in hopes of finding a suitable wife -- well, for Uno at
least, since for me, unless some sort of arrangement could be
reached with my current model -- and I think that it probably would
be best to have that sort of thing in writing and signed and
notarized, possibly by the president -- it would be unlikely that an
additional consort would be quite well received in my own particular
household at this time, although I am really not sure what all the
fuss would be about; but since Uno is clearly unencumbered by such
difficulties, or at the very least should be, or certainly will be
soon at any rate, that it is probably the best to go in that
direction at this point, especially considering that I have heard
that the usual participants in this ball when held in past years --
and I can easily see why this seems to be an annual event,
considering the nature of the 'prize' . can not entirely be
considered to have been composed of what are normally viewed to be,
well, girls, although as a group could be said to be more than a bit
So, email me.
poster: Uno
subject: >Fancyfoot Ball 2005
date: Tue Aug 23 21:15:54 2005
On Tue Aug 23 21:03:25 2005 Marvin wrote post #497:
> that the usual participants in this ball when held in past years --
> and I can easily see why this seems to be an annual event,
> considering the nature of the 'prize' . can not entirely be
> considered to have been composed of what are normally viewed to be,
> well, girls, although as a group could be said to be more than a bit
> femmy.
> So, email me.
> --Marvin
Shoot the Lawyers. More Skin on HBO.
L.H. Puttgrass signing off and heading for the tub.
poster: Uno
subject: KoL
date: Wed Aug 24 23:43:00 2005
I'm starting a IoM clan on Kingdom of Loathing.
If you play and want in, send me mudmail.
(apologies to management for cross-selling... there's no zombie group)
i still need 2 lvls to start one but i want to get a head count
poster: Inside
subject: >KoL
date: Thu Aug 25 05:54:34 2005
On Wed Aug 24 23:43:00 2005 Uno wrote post #499:
> I'm starting a IoM clan on Kingdom of Loathing.
> If you play and want in, send me mudmail.
> (apologies to management for cross-selling... there's no zombie group)
> i still need 2 lvls to start one but i want to get a head count
i am tranbeast on kingdom of loathing, but i'm in jaguar's clan.
however, if you need help, i'll be glad to offer what i can :)
poster: Jaguar
subject: >>KoL
date: Thu Aug 25 20:06:57 2005
On Thu Aug 25 05:54:34 2005 Inside wrote post #500:
> On Wed Aug 24 23:43:00 2005 Uno wrote post #499:
> > I'm starting a IoM clan on Kingdom of Loathing.
> >
> > If you play and want in, send me mudmail.
> >
> > (apologies to management for cross-selling... there's no zombie group)
> >
> > i still need 2 lvls to start one but i want to get a head count
> i am tranbeast on kingdom of loathing, but i'm in jaguar's clan.
> however, if you need help, i'll be glad to offer what i can :)
christ, i forgot all about that game :p Come join mine.
Erm...Inside are we all still alive?
poster: asherom
subject: heya
date: Fri Aug 26 23:37:18 2005
is the mud down or am i just not able to log in atm?
poster: Zifnab
subject: >heya
date: Sat Aug 27 02:48:23 2005
On Fri Aug 26 23:37:18 2005 asherom wrote post #502:
> is the mud down or am i just not able to log in atm?
I have to admit this made me laugh outloud....
If the mud is down how did you think you could post news
into the mud.....
poster: Inside
subject: >>heya
date: Sat Aug 27 02:48:56 2005
On Sat Aug 27 02:48:23 2005 Zifnab wrote post #503:
> On Fri Aug 26 23:37:18 2005 asherom wrote post #502:
> > is the mud down or am i just not able to log in atm?
> I have to admit this made me laugh outloud....
> If the mud is down how did you think you could post news
> into the mud.....
magic, duhh.
poster: Monkey
subject: >>heya
date: Sat Aug 27 02:48:56 2005
shrug...he must figure the website is different from the mud
poster: Marvin
subject: Maybe I wasn't clear enough...
date: Sat Aug 27 22:36:05 2005
Mail me if you want to join our fantasty football league.
(But serious participants only, please. You need not to have played
before, but you must commit to continue playing throughout the
PS, the deadline is soon, the season is about to start!
poster: Helphyre
subject: Lost eq
date: Sun Aug 28 05:27:09 2005
I found a newbie/midbie piece of eq. if you can tell me what it was
and where you lost it i will give it back. Mail me please.
poster: Xain
subject: boots
date: Mon Aug 29 23:05:20 2005
prolly not a big deal but i found emmy boots in cs
poster: Inside
subject: new orleans
date: Thu Sep 1 09:08:09 2005
for anyone who knows enough about new orleans to infer information
from a map, here's is an aerial of the city that allows you to zoom
in. have fun with it. i am manually breaking the url, so hopefully
silly mud won't sneak away with a necessary character.
inside (whose parents will have a mostly dry home in new orleans, if
they can get to it)
poster: Lorric
subject: pc sec
date: Wed Sep 7 20:14:29 2005
i now have cable and will have a new comp in about a week. i know
next to nothing about useing a pc other than mudding. im building a
machine with parts i ordered so i will now actually learn something.
i plan useing a free edition antivirus, i have a router with
builtin firewall my question is should i remove the XP pro firewall
and install a free edition firewall such as the one ill be useing
for antivirus. if anyone here who is well experienced with pc
security would take the time to walk me thru some suggestions on how
i can protect my machine etc please mudmail me and remember not to
assume i know this or that about pc stuff.
poster: Uno
subject: >pc sec
date: Wed Sep 7 21:21:54 2005
On Wed Sep 7 20:14:29 2005 Lorric wrote post #510:
> machine with parts i ordered so i will now actually learn something.
> i plan useing a free edition antivirus, i have a router with
> builtin firewall my question is should i remove the XP pro firewall
> and install a free edition firewall such as the one ill be useing
> for antivirus. if anyone here who is well experienced with pc
> security would take the time to walk me thru some suggestions on how
> i can protect my machine etc please mudmail me and remember not to
> assume i know this or that about pc stuff.
> Lorric**
I'll post here because I'm curious if anyone has differing opinions.
The general rule of thumb is that a hardware firewall is more
effective than a software firewall. However, it seems to me
that software firewalls are getting better. I'm not sure what the
verdict is on the strength of the XP firewall.
I used a hardware firewall for a long time until something about it
began to disagree with some changes my ISP made (static to DHCP).
I unplugged it and turned on the windows firewall and i've been using that
for several weeks with no trouble.
I'm guessing a hardcore hax0r with nothing better to do could get at
my mahcine
but I passed the shieldsup test at grc.com so I'm content.
That reminds me, regardless of which option you go with, go to
grc.com and have them test your service ports. It's free, automated,
and in some cases can autorepair problems you might have with vulnerabilities.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>pc sec
date: Wed Sep 7 21:29:07 2005
> That reminds me, regardless of which option you go with, go to
> grc.com and have them test your service ports. It's free, automated,
> and in some cases can autorepair problems you might have with
I use both. I like knowing what software on my computer
is trying to access the internet.
poster: Jaws
subject: >>>pc sec
date: Thu Sep 8 01:56:20 2005
On Wed Sep 7 21:29:07 2005 Zifnab wrote post #512:
> > That reminds me, regardless of which option you go with, go to
> > grc.com and have them test your service ports. It's free, automated,
> > and in some cases can autorepair problems you might have with
> vulnerabilities.
> >
> I use both. I like knowing what software on my computer
> is trying to access the internet.
I have xp's firewall, use spybot SD, and my router's firewall is on
I have very few issues
poster: Tahnval
subject: >>>pc sec
date: Thu Sep 8 03:40:33 2005
On Wed Sep 7 21:29:07 2005 Zifnab wrote post #512:
> > That reminds me, regardless of which option you go with, go to
> > grc.com and have them test your service ports. It's free, automated,
> > and in some cases can autorepair problems you might have with
> vulnerabilities.
> >
> I use both. I like knowing what software on my computer
> is trying to access the internet.
Which is also my main disagreement with the built-in firewall in XP.
It doesn't block outgoing traffic. I think that's a serious flaw
in a firewall, which is why I turn it off.
Personally, I use Zone Alarm. It's a decent software firewall and it's
free from www.zonelabs.com The only setting up you need to do is to
turn alerts off, or else you will get alerts every 30s or so when
you are online as the firewall blocks things. It appears to work
well and is generally well reviewed. I've had it clash with one
game, which isn't at all bad (there was a workaround for it).
So I'd put another firewall on and turn the XP one off, then turn
off the blathering XP will do about you not having a firewall or
something (the Security Centre thing).
poster: Helphyre
subject: Tunes
date: Wed Sep 14 01:51:55 2005
I would like to thank ixtlilton for his work on the tunes. Even
though he caught a lot of shi* for it he was trying to improve the
mud for all. He has been the most active wiz as of late and should
have our encouragement on trying to improve the mud along with the
bitch sessions. Anyways just my two cents the whole issue
And keep up the hard work ixt.
poster: Dmitri
subject: >Tunes
date: Wed Sep 14 01:58:07 2005
I agree, Ixt has really been working hard lately, and responding to our feedback well. Also he's cooked up a new guild. Yay Ixt.
On Wed Sep 14 01:51:55 2005 Helphyre wrote post #515 in general:
> I would like to thank ixtlilton for his work on the tunes. Even
> though he caught a lot of shi* for it he was trying to improve the
> mud for all. He has been the most active wiz as of late and should
> have our encouragement on trying to improve the mud along with the
> bitch sessions. Anyways just my two cents the whole issue
> And keep up the hard work ixt.
> Helphyre
poster: Phire
subject: >new orleans
date: Wed Sep 14 03:45:54 2005
On Thu Sep 1 09:08:09 2005 Inside wrote post #509:
> for anyone who knows enough about new orleans to infer information
> from a map, here's is an aerial of the city that allows you to zoom
> in. have fun with it. i am manually breaking the url, so hopefully
> silly mud won't sneak away with a necessary character.
> http://www.digitalglobe.com/images/
> katrina/new_orleans_msi_aug31_2005_dg.jpg
> inside (whose parents will have a mostly dry home in new orleans, if
> they can get to it)
My parents are in a similar situation. Their house didn't take in
any water but the places
where they worked were flooded. In the meantime, my parents are
staying with me
until they decide to reopen New Orleans.
poster: Inside
subject: idiots
date: Thu Sep 15 00:11:21 2005
the only operation i've ever had was to get my gall bladder removed.
stop assuming that i've had any others.
poster: Crabstick
subject: Carebear Invasion Event
date: Thu Sep 22 12:54:56 2005
I'd like to request the Carebear Invasion be fixed so that every
bear is not worth the same 150 xp. Seems bit pointless to have the
scouts and the Elite Snugglers all worth the same size (and
instantly killable). Would be nice if the event was actually a
challenge, rather than just a race to see who gets the first hit on
the mob.
poster: Daran
subject: help fiels!
date: Fri Sep 23 07:32:54 2005
Hello fellow consumer.
Have you ever typed 'help topic' and the mud spits back at you with
sorry, JOO SUCK? Well now is your chance to do something about it, but
you better act fast! Send me your bank account information and any
subjects you feel should be covered in help and is not. Or any help file
whos skin color you don't like or looks at you funny and feel should be
surgically corrected or put in a death camp!
Thank you for your time and if you call within the next ten minutes,
we'll throw in a free smile. If you are unsatisfied with you bank
account after giving me your information, you can keep the smile for
free, but we still won't return your money. ($3.50-shipping for smile)
poster: Apathy
subject: eq book library
date: Sun Sep 25 00:42:47 2005
I finally got around to updating my eq book library, for those who
care. Again, the url for that site is:
poster: Apathy
subject: acalc
date: Fri Sep 30 21:53:00 2005
A bunch of new functions have been added to acalc. Dig it.
poster: Lu
subject: dfalt
date: Mon Oct 3 03:09:56 2005
is a bad man
poster: Inside
subject: >dfalt
date: Mon Oct 3 03:10:14 2005
On Mon Oct 3 03:09:56 2005 Lu wrote post #523:
> is a bad man
so are you. i guess what why you have the expert info
poster: Monkey
subject: >>dfalt
date: Mon Oct 3 03:10:38 2005
On Mon Oct 3 03:10:14 2005 Inside wrote post #524:
> On Mon Oct 3 03:09:56 2005 Lu wrote post #523:
> > is a bad man
> so are you. i guess what why you have the expert info
you phail at engulush
poster: Inside
subject: the truth about inthali.
date: Tue Oct 4 05:48:10 2005
i'm going to ruin a nice little theory for you guys.
inthali is not out to help you.
inthali, is in fact, shorty the thief. how is this possible, you
say? i'll tell you.
time, as you know, is not stable. it is especially instable and
unreliable in islands of myth, because of various unexplained
endings and rebirths of the world as we know it, and the occasional
time where there is simply void for a few minutes. sometimes, we
don't even have a sun in the sky, or a moon. some freaky kind of
inbetween that can last til the end/rebirth. this is important for
the rest of the discussion.
inthali (shorty), tries to 'help' the people of islands of myth. in
reality, you lose some money and get a protection spell that may or
may not be useful to anything you wanted to do for the rest of the
day. the 'help' would be the same 'help' a mugger gives to a person
who looks encumbered with their gold.
i don't know how many of you have been watching the practices of
this 'inthali' character, but he/she (it's kind of ambiguous)
doesn't get much gold in this swidling practice of helping.
eventually, s/he gets upset and storms off, claiming to have an
'appointment'. how convenient that s/he has an appointment exactly
at exactly the same amount of time from the beginning of her work as
i followed inthali one day after s/he was done stealing money from
hardworking murderers, and s/he slipped into an alley and changed
clothes, into a dark little outfit. casting a spell on him/herself,
s/he became a small little leprechaun with a bad attitude.
here's where the problems with time come in. sometimes, shorty
doesn't show up immediately after s/he's changed clothes. sometimes
s/he shows up twice, and then shorty shows up. well, avid reader, i
can assure you that this is entirely because of the problems with
time. if you were able to (you aren't, don't try), you would see
that it is exactly the right amount of time between appearances to
keep up the fantasy of randomness... and yet one is led to wonder
how random you can consider something that has a definite duration.
in short, throw everything you know about logic out of the window
when it involves our world and time, unless your logic relies on the
illogicalness of it.
in short, shorty runs about stealing gold. sometimes a fair
adventurer (or an ugly one) will end shorty's reign of terror.
however, if you count up the gold, and consider the hundreds of
people in the world that are NOT adventurers, you will realize that
it is incredibly improbably that shorty is only stealing gold from
those of you that can count it. in short, you're being shanghaied
into believing that SOMEONE is getting back what you lost. foolish
i challenge you to petition your local daemon leader and have them
consult the ultimate oracle of daemons, the event daemon. maybe he
can straighten things out.
poster: Quillz
subject: >dfalt
date: Wed Oct 5 06:46:01 2005
On Mon Oct 3 03:09:56 2005 Lu wrote post #523:
> is a bad man
you mean bad-ass man
poster: Quillz
subject: Bluemoon's Weekend Get-away
date: Wed Oct 5 06:50:52 2005
To those who are old enough to remember Bluemoon and myself...
A few of us just got back from a weekend at his cabin. And the quote
of the trip - I claimed it to be:
"...And good times were had by all."
If you care to see some pics of Bluemoon, ,
and myself - please either contact me or Bluemoon and we'll either
xfer you random pics or let you see the photo album.
Most of 'em are random pics of us taking shots, but hey - it was good fun!
Anywho - talk to those who remember us (tm)!
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >Bluemoon's Weekend Get-away
date: Wed Oct 5 06:59:19 2005
Yes, and we have many pics of Quillz's ass for sale, 4 dollars a
piece. Contact Quillz or myself or details.
poster: Quillz
subject: >>Bluemoon's Weekend Get-away
date: Wed Oct 5 07:01:05 2005
On Wed Oct 5 06:59:19 2005 Bluemoon wrote post #529:
> Yes, and we have many pics of Quillz's ass for sale, 4 dollars a
> piece. Contact Quillz or myself or details.
> Bluemoon
*complains about bluemoon*
*blames the 'chick' for taking the voyeur pics...>*
-end rant-
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >>>Bluemoon's Weekend Get-away
date: Wed Oct 5 07:01:49 2005
On Wed Oct 5 07:01:05 2005 Quillz wrote post #530:
> On Wed Oct 5 06:59:19 2005 Bluemoon wrote post #529:
> > Yes, and we have many pics of Quillz's ass for sale, 4 dollars a
> > piece. Contact Quillz or myself or details.
> > Bluemoon
> *complains about bluemoon*
> *blames the 'chick' for taking the voyeur pics...>*
> -end rant-
> Q
Yes, but a nice handfull of ass it was...
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >>>>Bluemoon's Weekend Get-away
date: Wed Oct 5 07:06:32 2005
On Wed Oct 5 07:01:49 2005 Bluemoon wrote post #531:
> On Wed Oct 5 07:01:05 2005 Quillz wrote post #530:
> > On Wed Oct 5 06:59:19 2005 Bluemoon wrote post #529:
> > > Yes, and we have many pics of Quillz's ass for sale, 4 dollars a
> > > piece. Contact Quillz or myself or details.
> > > Bluemoon
> > *complains about bluemoon*
> > *blames the 'chick' for taking the voyeur pics...>*
> > -end rant-
> > Q
> Yes, but a nice handfull of ass it was...
> B
btw if anyone cares the video is awesome, maybe if you're nice we'll
send it to you...
poster: Lorric
subject: costumes
date: Fri Oct 7 12:25:57 2005
this year for halloween i plan on going as a priest, black shirt
jacket the white priest collar thing. im going to carry a
marijauana book for my bible i will be called father ganja the
marijauna priest. if anyone knows where i can find funny cool
quotes in the bible mail me please
poster: Quillz
subject: >costumes
date: Fri Oct 7 20:21:03 2005
On Fri Oct 7 12:25:57 2005 Lorric wrote post #533:
> this year for halloween i plan on going as a priest, black shirt
> jacket the white priest collar thing. im going to carry a
> marijauana book for my bible i will be called father ganja the
> marijauna priest. if anyone knows where i can find funny cool
> quotes in the bible mail me please
Wow...you're looking for funny quotes in the bible. V.nice.
poster: Rockman
subject: >>costumes
date: Sat Oct 8 01:28:15 2005
On Fri Oct 7 20:21:03 2005 Quillz wrote post #534:
> On Fri Oct 7 12:25:57 2005 Lorric wrote post #533:
> > this year for halloween i plan on going as a priest, black shirt
> > jacket the white priest collar thing. im going to carry a
> > marijauana book for my bible i will be called father ganja the
> > marijauna priest. if anyone knows where i can find funny cool
> > quotes in the bible mail me please
> Wow...you're looking for funny quotes in the bible. V.nice.
Get some of your friends to dress up like little boys in bondage to
the fatheR!
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >>>costumes
date: Sat Oct 8 15:43:33 2005
On Sat Oct 8 01:28:15 2005 Rockman wrote post #535:
> On Fri Oct 7 20:21:03 2005 Quillz wrote post #534:
> > On Fri Oct 7 12:25:57 2005 Lorric wrote post #533:
> > > this year for halloween i plan on going as a priest, black shirt
> > > jacket the white priest collar thing. im going to carry a
> > > marijauana book for my bible i will be called father ganja the
> > > marijauna priest. if anyone knows where i can find funny cool
> > > quotes in the bible mail me please
> > Wow...you're looking for funny quotes in the bible. V.nice.
> Get some of your friends to dress up like little boys in bondage to
> the fatheR!
and the show has reached a new all time low...the next topic is
potent potables.
poster: Bluemoon
subject: MN/WI
date: Sat Oct 8 16:33:32 2005
Okay, so maybe this should go under mudcon, but since it's not
really a con I figured I'd post it here.
Since Gyntry is in Iraq, I vote anyone in MN/WI/Surrounding
unimportant states ;) should take him out for a beer and a good time
when he gets back
Who's with me!?
Let me know if you're interested
poster: Rossano
subject: >MN/WI
date: Mon Oct 10 14:56:58 2005
yes, we will be having a good time, but it will be in wisconsin, not
in minnesota.
ok, thanks
poster: Uno
subject: >>>costumes
date: Mon Oct 10 16:19:56 2005
On Sat Oct 8 01:28:15 2005 Rockman wrote post #535:
> On Fri Oct 7 20:21:03 2005 Quillz wrote post #534:
> > On Fri Oct 7 12:25:57 2005 Lorric wrote post #533:
> > > this year for halloween i plan on going as a priest, black shirt
> > > jacket the white priest collar thing. im going to carry a
> > > marijauana book for my bible i will be called father ganja the
> > > marijauna priest. if anyone knows where i can find funny cool
> > > quotes in the bible mail me please
> > Wow...you're looking for funny quotes in the bible. V.nice.
> Get some of your friends to dress up like little boys in bondage to
> the fatheR!
Ezekial 23:20 is my favorite bible verse
whores are awesome.
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >>MN/WI
date: Mon Oct 10 20:14:58 2005
On Mon Oct 10 14:56:58 2005 Rossano wrote post #538:
> Gyntry
> yes, we will be having a good time, but it will be in wisconsin, not
> in minnesota.
> ok, thanks
> ross
Wtf, MN is BETTAR!
poster: Rossano
subject: >>>MN/WI
date: Mon Oct 10 23:22:40 2005
well, i have a good plan
poster: Inside
subject: >>>>MN/WI
date: Mon Oct 10 23:32:47 2005
On Mon Oct 10 23:22:40 2005 Rossano wrote post #541:
> well, i have a good plan
i just fingered you. your plan sucks.
poster: Ronan
subject: >>>>>MN/WI
date: Mon Oct 10 23:33:10 2005
On Mon Oct 10 23:32:47 2005 Inside wrote post #542:
> On Mon Oct 10 23:22:40 2005 Rossano wrote post #541:
> > well, i have a good plan
> i just fingered you. your plan sucks.
Ya really sux!
poster: Inside
subject: >>>>>>MN/WI
date: Mon Oct 10 23:34:48 2005
On Mon Oct 10 23:33:10 2005 Ronan wrote post #543:
> On Mon Oct 10 23:32:47 2005 Inside wrote post #542:
> > On Mon Oct 10 23:22:40 2005 Rossano wrote post #541:
> > > well, i have a good plan
> > i just fingered you. your plan sucks.
> Ya really sux!
yours isn't much better.
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >>>>>>MN/WI
date: Tue Oct 11 01:35:19 2005
On Mon Oct 10 23:33:10 2005 Ronan wrote post #543:
> On Mon Oct 10 23:32:47 2005 Inside wrote post #542:
> > On Mon Oct 10 23:22:40 2005 Rossano wrote post #541:
> > > well, i have a good plan
> > i just fingered you. your plan sucks.
> Ya really sux!
Not as much as Ronan did last weekend
poster: Rossano
subject: >>>>>>>MN/WI
date: Tue Oct 11 01:36:01 2005
changing subject back to gyntry....
it will be in eau claire
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >>>>>>>>MN/WI
date: Tue Oct 11 01:36:52 2005
On Tue Oct 11 01:36:01 2005 Rossano wrote post #546:
> changing subject back to gyntry....
> it will be in eau claire
> ok
> thanks
> ross
Wtf Eau Claire is like in Wisconsin...fine, so long as you're paying
poster: Rossano
subject: >>>>>>>>>MN/WI
date: Tue Oct 11 01:37:07 2005
bah, you can help n00b
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >>>>>>>>>>MN/WI
date: Tue Oct 11 01:38:32 2005
On Tue Oct 11 01:37:07 2005 Rossano wrote post #548:
> bah, you can help n00b
I r borke, feed me exps while we talk about it
poster: Daran
subject: CONTEST
date: Tue Oct 11 09:36:08 2005
I have a contest open to any and all to find me the best picture of
poster: Uno
subject: >>>>>>>>>>>MN/WI
date: Wed Oct 12 19:26:03 2005
On Tue Oct 11 01:38:32 2005 Bluemoon wrote post #549:
> On Tue Oct 11 01:37:07 2005 Rossano wrote post #548:
> > bah, you can help n00b
> I r borke, feed me exps while we talk about it
Please please take this thread to junk group, that's what it's for.
poster: Mixer
subject: >>>costumes
date: Thu Oct 13 11:21:15 2005
On Sat Oct 8 01:28:15 2005 Rockman wrote post #535:
> On Fri Oct 7 20:21:03 2005 Quillz wrote post #534:
> > On Fri Oct 7 12:25:57 2005 Lorric wrote post #533:
> > > this year for halloween i plan on going as a priest, black shirt
> > > jacket the white priest collar thing. im going to carry a
> > > marijauana book for my bible i will be called father ganja the
> > > marijauna priest. if anyone knows where i can find funny cool
> > > quotes in the bible mail me please
> > Wow...you're looking for funny quotes in the bible. V.nice.
> Get some of your friends to dress up like little boys in bondage to
> the fatheR!
Well I am sure you could pick up some cheesy lines about
people being stoned to death...
poster: Bluemoon
subject: Clan
date: Mon Oct 17 00:46:42 2005
I am thinking of starting a new clan, and was seeing who would be interested
I'd need someone to help run it, then members
Typical stuff, share eq/gold and get xp etc
If you're interested, MUDMAIL me
NOTE: DO not post in the news as it only spams
poster: Escense
subject: new clan
date: Tue Oct 18 05:51:32 2005
A new clan (LunarEscense) has been made and we're looking for new
members. We need people who are or willing to become tank, healer,
blaster, abj, and/or witch. Must be active and over 100mil in worth
(if not close to but willing to work toward it, we'll make an
exception). Please mail Bluemoon and myself.
poster: Bluemoon
subject: LunarEscense
date: Tue Oct 25 23:05:52 2005
Just another posting about a few positions still open in the clan
Anyone at 75-100m who is interested in joining mail me or escense,
or find us online
poster: Lurch
subject: >>>>pc sec
date: Mon Oct 31 08:53:32 2005
Recently I tried Sygate Personal Firewall. It doesn't let programs
send information unless you say they can. (And you can tell it to
allow that program access automatically next time) and has decent
information in the window that informs you if you have crap that
is trying to send stuff out online without you asking it to.
However, I have not seen it block any incoming traffic, since it
doesn't block responses to what you send out and such.
and as for Windows Firewall, people who don't know what they are
talking about say it sucks. And people who DO know what they are
talking about say not to even bother using it, at all. And respond
to questions such as "It is better than nothing right?" with "Don't
use it."
poster: Khosan
subject: >>>>>pc sec
date: Mon Oct 31 14:44:22 2005
> and as for Windows Firewall, people who don't know what they are
> talking about say it sucks. And people who DO know what they are
> talking about say not to even bother using it, at all. And respond
> to questions such as "It is better than nothing right?" with "Don't
> use it."
I do not know if you want to count me in the group of people that don't
know what they are talking about or not.
But the buildin firewall in XP is quite ok for what it does.
Its weakness is that it is buildin, and therefore all that bad programs
knows they must defeat it. So you might not get the strongest possible
defense against attacks from "within". That is from programs you downloaded
yourself and choose to run on your computer.
But it provides appropiate protection against attacks from outside.
It is good enough for people, like me, that don't download and run
random crap from the internet.
And remember, no firewall will protect you against the next buffer
overrun in Internet Explorer.
poster: Bluemoon
subject: Clan Tank
date: Wed Nov 2 02:48:05 2005
LunarEscense is looking for a clan tank.
Must be worth at least 100m.
Inquire with myself or Escense
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >Clan Tank
date: Wed Nov 2 03:13:04 2005
On Wed Nov 2 02:48:05 2005 Bluemoon wrote post #558:
> LunarEscense is looking for a clan tank.
> Must be worth at least 100m.
> Inquire with myself or Escense
> Moonie
Position filled
poster: Ronan
subject: Easy Fun
date: Mon Nov 7 20:41:29 2005
I got like a 5.5 then a 8.8, and a 4.2 on the last one, I think
quillz got like a 1.8 on all ahaha he sux
poster: Fezzick
subject: >Easy Fun
date: Mon Nov 7 21:29:17 2005
On Mon Nov 7 20:41:29 2005 Ronan wrote post #560:
> http://www.coorslight.com/iceswipe/
> I got like a 5.5 then a 8.8, and a 4.2 on the last one, I think
> quillz got like a 1.8 on all ahaha he sux
> Enjoy
Nyah - 7.4, 9.1 and a 6 on the last (had to try that twice, and
still couldn't get better)
*scampers about taunting Ronan*
*scampers about mercilously taunting Quillz, the nutsack*
poster: Highpriest
subject: Announcement + some fun
date: Mon Nov 14 11:37:33 2005
K, I'm going into semi-retired stage (I'm already in)... Now I'm
come on once in a blue moon to play some games with you people...
I'll post a question once in a while, and there will be rewards.
Each question (or set of questions) will have its own rules.
So today's question comes:
REWARD: Gold reward: Invitation to a party, do a party dice. Reward
is [(your dice number) - (my dice number)] x 800 gold coins. Base
reward is 8,000 gold coins.
RULE: First correct answer to reach me ( AS MUDMAIL, NO OTHER MEANS
) gets the reward. Any means of doing so is allowed (bots, ask an
expert, buy an answer etc). I'll except ANY answer but non-perfect
answers will half the reward.
DISCLAIMER: I'll not be responsible for ANY damage of ANY kind done
to ANYONE involving AND not involving answering (or even
acknowledging the existance of this post) to the question.
QUESTION: Guess an item: You USUALLY can smell AND hear it, but you
can't taste, see and touch it.
poster: Lorric
subject: sound help
date: Mon Nov 14 18:04:18 2005
i have no sound, no audio device detected useing xp. my motherboard
is a chaintech 7njl6 when i got it i understood that it had its own
built in sound card but after installing xp there is no sound. i
dont know what to do any suggestions?
Lorric the craftman not a computer wizard
poster: Jaguar
subject: >Announcement + some fun
date: Mon Nov 14 19:53:00 2005
wet fart?
poster: Inside
subject: >>Announcement + some fun
date: Mon Nov 14 22:15:44 2005
On Mon Nov 14 19:53:00 2005 Jaguar wrote post #564:
> wet fart?
i'd have to argue with this. you can definitely feel a wet fart, and
if you're unlucky, you can see it too :/
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>>Announcement + some fun
date: Tue Nov 15 03:44:17 2005
On Mon Nov 14 22:15:44 2005 Inside wrote post #565:
> On Mon Nov 14 19:53:00 2005 Jaguar wrote post #564:
> > wet fart?
> i'd have to argue with this. you can definitely feel a wet fart, and
> if you're unlucky, you can see it too :/
You might be able to feel and see your own wet farts, but i'd be
rather concerned if you could feel and see _all_ wet farts.
poster: Tahnval
subject: >>>Announcement + some fun
date: Tue Nov 15 06:13:56 2005
On Mon Nov 14 22:15:44 2005 Inside wrote post #565:
> On Mon Nov 14 19:53:00 2005 Jaguar wrote post #564:
> > wet fart?
> i'd have to argue with this. you can definitely feel a wet fart, and
> if you're unlucky, you can see it too :/
You can usually taste things you can smell, and farts are no exception.
poster: Draco
subject: >>>>Announcement + some fun
date: Tue Nov 15 06:18:42 2005
On Tue Nov 15 06:13:56 2005 Tahnval wrote post #567:
> On Mon Nov 14 22:15:44 2005 Inside wrote post #565:
> > On Mon Nov 14 19:53:00 2005 Jaguar wrote post #564:
> > > wet fart?
> > i'd have to argue with this. you can definitely feel a wet fart, and
> > if you're unlucky, you can see it too :/
> You can usually taste things you can smell, and farts are no exception.
you must have one messed up nose tahnval, because i have never
tasted a fart, let alone any other kind of smell
maybe its because i can breathe totally independant from my mouth
and dont need my nose for breathing, but yeah i dont taset what i
poster: Tahnval
subject: >>>>>Announcement + some fun
date: Tue Nov 15 06:27:37 2005
On Tue Nov 15 06:18:42 2005 Draco wrote post #568:
> On Tue Nov 15 06:13:56 2005 Tahnval wrote post #567:
> > On Mon Nov 14 22:15:44 2005 Inside wrote post #565:
> > > On Mon Nov 14 19:53:00 2005 Jaguar wrote post #564:
> > > > wet fart?
> > > i'd have to argue with this. you can definitely feel a wet fart, and
> > > if you're unlucky, you can see it too :/
> > You can usually taste things you can smell, and farts are no exception.
> you must have one messed up nose tahnval, because i have never
> tasted a fart, let alone any other kind of smell
> maybe its because i can breathe totally independant from my mouth
> and dont need my nose for breathing, but yeah i dont taset what i
> smell
The two senses are linked. There are various experiments to prove
that. The apple and raw potato one is the best known.
poster: Inside
subject: best novel on the internet
date: Wed Nov 16 00:01:11 2005
i just spent 10 hours reading a story that is probably the greatest
literary feat ever that is internet based.
seriously... stop mudding for a day or a week and just read the
story. it boggles the mind.
poster: Highpriest
subject: >>>>>>Announcement + some fun
date: Wed Nov 16 08:51:25 2005
Ok, the answer is fart. As for the arguments you all had:
Do you say that:
"I saw a fart over there!"
"I could feel(physically) him farting onto me!"
"Your fart tasted sweet/bitter/sour/spicy/delicious/awful."
You're MUCH MORE LIKELY to say those below:
"I heard him fart loudly in the class, he doesn't know proper manners."
"OMG! He farted! I could smell it from the other corner of the room!"
Alright, Flamekrayt got it and I admit that I asked him to attempt
the question (but I did not tell him the answer)...
Next question (most likely a set of questions) should be here in
around 1 week time, so cya till then...
poster: Lurch
subject: farts
date: Fri Nov 18 05:37:56 2005
The statement put forth by one Tahnval is correct. You can taste
anything that you can smell if it is strong enough. The reason for
this is that you smell things by particles in the air coming in contact
with the membranes in your nose. Now, if those same particles were to
come in contact with your tongue, then you taste it. (Your nose, however,
is more sensitive to the particles as your tongue is designed to taste
things larger than particles, and as such unless it is a really strong
smell, you probably won't taste it) And closing your mouth does reduce
the chance of tasting something, however since the nose and mouth are
linked in the back, it's not guaranteed.
By first guess was a fart, but then I figured it was wrong because
not only can you taste them, and feel them when they come out, but
I wouldn't exactly count a fart as a 'thing'. If anything, a smell is many
tiny things floating through the air.
Until next week, this has been Mr. Science.
poster: Highpriest
subject: >farts
date: Fri Nov 18 11:19:49 2005
Ok then I'll post better questions next time =)
Before that bear with the inperfection of the question =P
poster: Uno
subject: >>farts
date: Fri Nov 18 16:22:46 2005
On Fri Nov 18 11:19:49 2005 Highpriest wrote post #573:
> Ok then I'll post better questions next time =)
> Before that bear with the inperfection of the question =P
> -HP
Don't let the riff raff get you down. That was probably
the best riddle about a fart that I've ever seen in my life.
If only the sphinx had that gem at her disposal,
she'd still be alive and the Oedipus complex would be called
something different...
poster: Communist
subject: Daedelus Project
date: Sat Nov 19 01:54:29 2005
no, this has nothing to do with some totally insignificant eq mob here
I just read some of the articles there recently and thought they had
some insightful comments to make. They're also doing some serious
research into MMOG psychology and could always use a few more
poster: Communist
subject: >Daedelus Project
date: Sat Nov 19 01:56:08 2005
On Sat Nov 19 01:54:29 2005 Communist wrote post #575:
> no, this has nothing to do with some totally insignificant eq mob here
> http://www.nickyee.com/daedelus/
> I just read some of the articles there recently and thought they had
> some insightful comments to make. They're also doing some serious
> research into MMOG psychology and could always use a few more
> subjects...
umm i suck
typoed the link
poster: Switchblade
subject: >farts
date: Sat Nov 19 05:49:57 2005
On Fri Nov 18 05:37:56 2005 Lurch wrote post #572:
> The statement put forth by one Tahnval is correct. You can taste
> anything that you can smell if it is strong enough. The reason for
> this is that you smell things by particles in the air coming in contact
> with the membranes in your nose. Now, if those same particles were to
> come in contact with your tongue, then you taste it. (Your nose, however,
> is more sensitive to the particles as your tongue is designed to taste
> things larger than particles, and as such unless it is a really strong
> smell, you probably won't taste it) And closing your mouth does reduce
> the chance of tasting something, however since the nose and mouth are
> linked in the back, it's not guaranteed.
> By first guess was a fart, but then I figured it was wrong because
> not only can you taste them, and feel them when they come out, but
> I wouldn't exactly count a fart as a 'thing'. If anything, a smell is many
> tiny things floating through the air.
> Until next week, this has been Mr. Science.
two things.
1) great question Highpriest!
1) great question Highpriest!
2) really makes you think twice about leaving your toothbrush open
to the air in the bathroom, eh?
it is pretty scary that by farting, you are perhaps
force-feeding shite to people within range
Personally, I have felt my tonsils tingle when catching a whiff
of the more heinous variety...
Luckily, we, as a species, have had to live with farting for a
long time and thus have evolved
the necessary protections to protect us from any seriously ill
effects. Small comfort, though
in the presence of the aforementioned "wet one".
in the presence of the aforementioned "wet one".
eheh, silly java client :)
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>farts
date: Sat Nov 19 05:57:43 2005
>2) really makes you think twice about leaving your toothbrush open
>to the air in the bathroom, eh?
You might want to scan the Mythbusters series for the experiment
involving a bunch of toothbrushes, a toilet, wall racks, and a
covered portion of kitchen bench. You might be surprised by the
results =)
poster: Switchblade
subject: >>>farts
date: Sat Nov 19 06:06:40 2005
On Sat Nov 19 05:57:43 2005 Tranquil wrote post #578:
> >2) really makes you think twice about leaving your toothbrush open
> >to the air in the bathroom, eh?
> You might want to scan the Mythbusters series for the experiment
> involving a bunch of toothbrushes, a toilet, wall racks, and a
> covered portion of kitchen bench. You might be surprised by the
> results =)
I think I'll just stop brushing.
poster: Tranquil
subject: >>>>farts
date: Sat Nov 19 06:15:02 2005
On Sat Nov 19 06:06:40 2005 Switchblade wrote post #579:
> On Sat Nov 19 05:57:43 2005 Tranquil wrote post #578:
> > >2) really makes you think twice about leaving your toothbrush open
> > >to the air in the bathroom, eh?
> >
> > You might want to scan the Mythbusters series for the experiment
> > involving a bunch of toothbrushes, a toilet, wall racks, and a
> > covered portion of kitchen bench. You might be surprised by the
> > results =)
> >
> F
> I think I'll just stop brushing.
You could do that, but the human immune system is strongest when
it's kept exposed to mildly dangerous bacteria. Ever noticed how
kids whose mothers tell them to play in the dirt seem healthier and
more robust than kids whose mothers keep them inside and wash them
15 times a day with antibacterial soap? Ever studied why? I have,
and the basic explanation is that the immune system is like a
muscle. Keep it working, and it gets stronger. Let it get lazy, and
the person's health suffers.
In conclusion, leave your toothbrush in the bathroom and fart
regularly. You'll be healthier for it.
poster: Bluemoon
subject: >>>>>farts
date: Sat Nov 19 17:48:06 2005
Err there's a newsgroup for this, it's called junk. Thanks!
poster: Uno
subject: >>>>>farts
date: Mon Nov 21 16:15:32 2005
On Sat Nov 19 06:15:02 2005 Tranquil wrote post #580:
> kids whose mothers tell them to play in the dirt seem healthier and
> more robust than kids whose mothers keep them inside and wash them
> 15 times a day with antibacterial soap? Ever studied why? I have,
> and the basic explanation is that the immune system is like a
> muscle. Keep it working, and it gets stronger. Let it get lazy, and
> the person's health suffers.
> In conclusion, leave your toothbrush in the bathroom and fart
> regularly. You'll be healthier for it.
You studied people who made their kids play in dirt?
poster: Ranja
subject: Equipment contest.
date: Tue Nov 22 00:45:33 2005
I've got many good mails from players, but i still need some more,
(Read Matt's plan you nutsack) - So keep them coming, and you will
receive treasure.
poster: Baer
subject: Ticket Found
date: Wed Nov 23 14:01:40 2005
I have found a ticket. If you think it is yours, please mail Kaos
saying what kind of ticket you have lost, and I will try to return
it to the rightful owner.
poster: Kaos
subject: >Ticket Found
date: Wed Nov 23 14:21:53 2005
On Wed Nov 23 14:01:40 2005 Baer wrote post #584:
> I have found a ticket. If you think it is yours, please mail Kaos
> saying what kind of ticket you have lost, and I will try to return
> it to the rightful owner.
To : Kaos
Cc :
From : Highpriest
Date : Wed Nov 23 14:10:53 2005
Subject: Lost ticket
If it was a free reinc ticket, then it's mine.
Thank you
Ticket goes to Highpriest
poster: Ronan
subject: new emote
date: Wed Nov 23 20:36:44 2005
genesis liv You tell foo "Aloha!"
foo tells you "Aloha!"
poster: Highpriest
subject: >>Ticket Found
date: Fri Nov 25 07:20:15 2005
Really? I don't recall sending the mudmail =P
I don't mind receiving it though =}
poster: Grasfer
subject: mudcon
date: Tue Nov 29 11:26:17 2005
ahahah lol tricked you
anyhow, anyone still have the digital version of the mudcon movie in
poster: Highpriest
subject: Ports
date: Wed Nov 30 12:31:03 2005
'telnet.islandsofmyth.org' not working anymore, and i'd want to
request it back coz I can't play in school, even with telnet...
Hope i get a reply soon
poster: Dojjan
subject: >mudcon
date: Wed Nov 30 18:55:43 2005
On Tue Nov 29 11:26:17 2005 Grasfer wrote post #588:
> ahahah lol tricked you
> anyhow, anyone still have the digital version of the mudcon movie in
> vilhelmina?
What grasfer means is that if u have it (or any other version to) DELETE IT!!!
poster: Dmitri
subject: Lost
date: Sun Dec 11 20:46:15 2005
Found a lost eq piece, if you're missing something, tell me what it
is and approximately where you lost it.
If I have it, I'll give it to you.
If a while passes, I'll just keep it =)
poster: Lorric
subject: xp
date: Thu Dec 15 16:05:14 2005
i havent xp for long time you love me long time. i want to do about
20m tonight. i should be on by 7p hopefully tonight thats est. xp
poster: Inside
subject: new area
date: Fri Dec 16 16:53:50 2005
send all complaints and ideas to kaos.
poster: Oxolotl
subject: only the lotus and the inside have mananged to impress me
date: Wed Dec 21 04:04:03 2005
poster: Quillz
subject: Well then..
date: Wed Dec 21 12:05:04 2005
Hello all, Q here.
I have a favor to ask of someone.
You see, I long to go back to Gem Blaster, but only have a few
pieces of eq to show for it. With all of the eq parties going on
lately, I feel that reinc'g to a blaste form w/ a set of eq will be
quite beneficial.
However, I only have neck+amulet+1ring+belt. If some generous person
would be willing to lend me most of a wis set so I could perhaps
reinc and join these eq parties, that person would then be rewarded
in due time (to be discussed.)
So, if you would be so kind/willing to think about such an offer,
please mudmail/tell me and the terms could be discussed from then
forth. Again, I would be more than generous if someone would lend me
the means necessary to binge eq.
Much love,
poster: Dfalt
subject: ignore list
date: Sun Jan 1 18:36:00 2006
Its that time of year, I'm removing everyone from ignore to start fresh.
Please dont set a record and get back on ignore in less than a month.
- D
poster: Draco
subject: me
date: Tue Jan 3 14:35:31 2006
i am basically retiring. though i have had fun here over the past 5
years, i no longer can continue to play. the reputation that i have
built up on myself is not one that is even me, which is something i
highly dislike to the point that i just have to end it here. i would
like to thank everyone who helped me throughout the years, i hope
you all continue to enjoy playing.
i will pop in every now and then to talk to clanmates and whoever
else wants to chat, but i doubt it will be more than once every 1-2
no you cannot have my eq, back off
anyway that is all, happy hunting, and goodbye.
ps: you cannot have my eq you cannot have my eq you cannot have my
eq you cannot have my eq you cannot have my eq you cannot have my eq
you cannot have my eq you cannot have my eq you cannot have my eq
you cannot have my eq you cannot have my eq you cannot have my eq
poster: Draco
subject: >me
date: Tue Jan 3 14:36:37 2006
oh i also forgot, if you want to reach me and play guild wars, you
can whisper me, charecter name is draco gorman
poster: Xain
subject: retirement
date: Wed Jan 4 20:50:24 2006
im retiring
poster: Blackjack
subject: Clan WildKnights
date: Thu Jan 12 02:33:06 2006
Clan Wildknights is looking for new members who are willing to play
between 8pm-2am EST. We are particularly looking for a good quality
healer, so mudmail pyromaniac, rhino, or myself if you are
Thanks Happy Mudding,
poster: Highpriest
subject: Lost EQ
date: Mon Jan 16 00:32:35 2006
Lost 2 facesmashers and 1 rhls on SUN 25 JAN around 2.40am to 3.10am
mudtime.. I might have lost some other EQ but I don't count that few
important.. I verified it to be in the game, so I hope someone can
return them to me, thanks..
-The sadden HP
poster: Ty
subject: looking for a clan to join
date: Wed Jan 18 01:14:23 2006
Hey i'm lookin for a clan to join to exp and what not.
send me a tell or mud mail me to let me know circumstances.
poster: Nezmaniac
subject: Enjoy
date: Sun Jan 22 02:49:08 2006
poster: Inside
subject: hi
date: Sun Jan 22 08:19:12 2006
ok... i know frith does this... does anyone know of another mob that
drops pieces of a statue? i think it may have been part of an eq mob
at some point. i'm not sure if it was taken out, or if it was never
put in, or if it was just never actually solved by anyone.
i'm hoping that reishar drops them. confirmation would be
appreciated. also, any eq mob (it'd probably be small) that you can
think of that you've actually seen drop a statue leg or whatever, i
would like you to email me who they are.
i'm working on this:
When Xandar finally reached the Dark Lord, only four of his
companions remained alive. These were Grithom, the Cleric of Mitra;
Reisharex, the King of Baldonia; Valkiona, the Queen of Ebona; and
a mysterious knight clothed entirely in crimson garments.
since i'm almost 100% sure i've seen frith (a cleric of mitra) do
it, i'm hoping these others exist and will do it too. i'm thinking
that whoever has the stuff now would be descended from those guys.
anywho, thanks in advance.
oh... and if any of you oldbies know anything about this being
something that was undone etc, plz lemme know.
no hearsay, preferably.
poster: Daran
subject: Websites
date: Mon Jan 23 19:25:13 2006
Addys have moved again.
For the few of those that will even read this, the new url is:
For all the rest, I apologize to the above few, and the rest that
don't care, about the confusion and tinywoo spam this will create.
poster: Marvin
subject: Mystery Man
date: Thu Jan 26 15:02:50 2006
Just who is this strange man?
If you see this man, approach with caution. Subject is known to be
unstable and dangerous.
poster: Uno
subject: >Mystery Man
date: Thu Jan 26 15:11:22 2006
On Thu Jan 26 15:02:50 2006 Marvin wrote post #611:
> Just who is this strange man?
> http://www.islandsofmyth.org/~marvin/whoami.jpg
> If you see this man, approach with caution. Subject is known to be
> unstable and dangerous.
spotted again: http://members.sigecom.net/akeeping/elvis.jpg
poster: Dorion
subject: EQ time
date: Tue Jan 31 07:56:46 2006
Hey people. sending out a call for those who wish to eq
Mintorus and myself are organising eqs
We are planning to be going 3-4 times a week or more when able
Eq starts at 0830 rltime, we are looking for regular people mostly
At the moment we have the following slots
x3 blasters
We are still needing a healer and another blast or two, if interested mudmail me
We are planning to start these regular eqs in the next 2 days
poster: Eomer
subject: Hey..
date: Fri Feb 3 06:03:05 2006
Hi, my name is Eomer, and I am in need of a new clan to serve as my
home, im about 1.5G, have been playing quite a bit lately. Mail me
if youre interested in a woodsman in your clans, I would also be
willing to reinc for a clan if needed sometime, but the only set I
currently have is my woodsman set.
poster: Enzer
subject: Secondaries
date: Sat Feb 4 00:22:47 2006
One of the benefits of a secondary is that your basically new. I don't see why some people freak out about it when i ignore them and they have been constantly bugging me about who I am. Maybe I am a secondary, maybe I'm not, go figure.
_Enzer (the annoyed)_
poster: Communist
subject: >Secondaries
date: Sat Feb 4 00:23:41 2006
On Sat Feb 4 00:22:47 2006 Enzer wrote post #615:
> One of the benefits of a secondary is that your basically new. I don't
see why some people freak out about it when i ignore them and they have been
constantly bugging me about who I am. Maybe I am a secondary, maybe I'm not,
go figure.
> _Enzer (the annoyed)_
I know who enzer is :)
feel free to bug me all you want if you want to know too
poster: Tranquil
subject: Webpage
date: Sat Feb 4 14:54:31 2006
For those of you that use it, my webpage has been moved. The new
address is in my finger info.
Thank you, come again.
poster: Uno
subject: >Secondaries
date: Sat Feb 4 20:35:32 2006
On Sat Feb 4 00:22:47 2006 Enzer wrote post #615:
> One of the benefits of a secondary is that your basically new. I don't
see why some people freak out about it when i ignore them and they have been
constantly bugging me about who I am. Maybe I am a secondary, maybe I'm not,
go figure.
> _Enzer (the annoyed)_
Welcome back Litho!
poster: Enzer
subject: >>Secondaries
date: Sun Feb 5 02:43:29 2006
On Sat Feb 4 20:35:32 2006 Uno wrote post #618 in general:
> On Sat Feb 4 00:22:47 2006 Enzer wrote post #615:
> > One of the benefits of a secondary is that your basically new. I don't
> see why some people freak out about it when i ignore them and they have been
> constantly bugging me about who I am. Maybe I am a secondary, maybe I'm not,
> go figure.
> > _Enzer (the annoyed)_
> Welcome back Litho!
Good to be back Uno...now how about giving me back the eq I stored in your safes...and the 10m i gave to you for safekeeping.
_Enzer (the newb)_
poster: Blackthorne
subject: Time to go
date: Wed Feb 8 16:26:40 2006
After almost 6 years here, I can't keep up anymore. So, I'm leaving
and definitely not coming back. These long breaks between mudding
don't help. Good luck all.
poster: Baer
subject: >Time to go
date: Sun Feb 12 04:33:59 2006
On Wed Feb 8 16:26:40 2006 Blackthorne wrote post #620:
> After almost 6 years here, I can't keep up anymore. So, I'm leaving
> and definitely not coming back. These long breaks between mudding
> don't help. Good luck all.
> -BT
Caught you coming back and reading news through the website!
poster: Xain
subject: retirement
date: Sat Feb 18 00:43:16 2006
i really am done this time. seeya guys. i already said my words so
if im on your friends list and u didnt get any then you werent on
and for all those not on my list you are losers and will never
amount to anything
do not hesitate to end your life
poster: Ronan
subject: Uhoh
date: Tue Feb 28 20:15:31 2006
Well I think it is time for me to bring my career here to an end.
With my wife being pregnant again, and WoW taking over, and Softball
starting, and work being a pain I just don't have time for this
place anymore.
So this is what I will do, I'm Ronan I gotta go out in flames.
I am giving Daran access to my castle and all my eq.
I Currently have full sets for the following:
Str, Voker/Witch, Tank, Bard, and Wis. Including Approx 6 Sunny Pieces (top)
I will be giving all of this away, then I will reinc away my worth
and die slowly in my castle.
What I need from all of you, is a Good Story, a Good Reason, a Good
Joke, etc and you will be entered into a drawing to get a piece or
pieces of the eq of your choice. Or however Daran sees fit.
So please send all mudmails to Daran and CC me, as I wont be around
much to check them, and Daran and I will pick winners in a month or
Thanks again for all the fun times, and memories.
poster: Uno
subject: >Uhoh
date: Tue Feb 28 21:12:01 2006
On Tue Feb 28 20:15:31 2006 Ronan wrote post #623:
> Joke, etc and you will be entered into a drawing to get a piece or
> pieces of the eq of your choice. Or however Daran sees fit.
> So please send all mudmails to Daran and CC me, as I wont be around
> much to check them, and Daran and I will pick winners in a month or
> so.
> Thanks again for all the fun times, and memories.
> Ronana
p.s. you have to keep coming back to chat on wowc channel, sry.
poster: Ronan
subject: >Uhoh
date: Wed Mar 1 00:08:25 2006
On Tue Feb 28 20:15:31 2006 Ronan wrote post #623:
> Well I think it is time for me to bring my career here to an end.
> With my wife being pregnant again, and WoW taking over, and Softball
> starting, and work being a pain I just don't have time for this
> place anymore.
> So this is what I will do, I'm Ronan I gotta go out in flames.
> I am giving Daran access to my castle and all my eq.
> I Currently have full sets for the following:
> Str, Voker/Witch, Tank, Bard, and Wis. Including Approx 6 Sunny Pieces
> I will be giving all of this away, then I will reinc away my worth
> and die slowly in my castle.
> What I need from all of you, is a Good Story, a Good Reason, a Good
> Joke, etc and you will be entered into a drawing to get a piece or
> pieces of the eq of your choice. Or however Daran sees fit.
> So please send all mudmails to Daran and CC me, as I wont be around
> much to check them, and Daran and I will pick winners in a month or
> so.
> Thanks again for all the fun times, and memories.
> Ronana
ps you can enter more then once
poster: Communist
subject: >Uhoh
date: Wed Mar 1 02:03:22 2006
On Tue Feb 28 20:15:31 2006 Ronan wrote post #623:
> Well I think it is time for me to bring my career here to an end.
> With my wife being pregnant again, and WoW taking over, and Softball
> starting, and work being a pain I just don't have time for this
> place anymore.
> So this is what I will do, I'm Ronan I gotta go out in flames.
> I am giving Daran access to my castle and all my eq.
> I Currently have full sets for the following:
> Str, Voker/Witch, Tank, Bard, and Wis. Including Approx 6 Sunny Pieces
> I will be giving all of this away, then I will reinc away my worth
> and die slowly in my castle.
> What I need from all of you, is a Good Story, a Good Reason, a Good
> Joke, etc and you will be entered into a drawing to get a piece or
> pieces of the eq of your choice. Or however Daran sees fit.
> So please send all mudmails to Daran and CC me, as I wont be around
> much to check them, and Daran and I will pick winners in a month or
> so.
> Thanks again for all the fun times, and memories.
> Ronana
lies, Ronan has only gotten addicted to that game where you lose
every time you remember you're playing
poster: Moridin
subject: >>Uhoh
date: Thu Mar 2 09:22:49 2006
On Wed Mar 1 02:03:22 2006 Communist wrote post #626:
> > So please send all mudmails to Daran and CC me, as I wont be around
> > much to check them, and Daran and I will pick winners in a month or
> > so.
> >
> > Thanks again for all the fun times, and memories.
> >
> > Ronana
> lies, Ronan has only gotten addicted to that game where you lose
> every time you remember you're playing
hey, dont bash Softball, it's not that bad, and look on the bright
side, at least he has WoW to keep him grounded, mmm, wow \o/
poster: Tsinummoc
subject: finland
date: Mon Mar 13 10:23:08 2006
teh Monty Python finland song has been recorded and added the the
list of communal songs
feel free to reinc bard to play it
poster: Baramus
subject: any clan recruiting?
date: Mon Mar 13 21:57:45 2006
Hi, I have just started playing here a few days ago. Would like to join a clan to make the gameplay more interesting. Please let me know if any of you guys are recruiting member.
poster: Psycho
subject: Playsh
date: Wed Mar 15 22:05:20 2006
Thought this was kinda neat. See below. -Psycho
Coding Tool Is a Text Adventure
You're in a maze of twisty subroutines, all alike.
Now, thanks to a new software-collaboration tool, you and your intrepid party of fellow hackers can navigate your labyrinth of code and slay its dastardly bugs, all in a dungeonlike world similar to an old-school text adventure.
Called playsh, the new tool is a collaborative programming environment based on the multi-user domains, or MUDs, so popular online in the early 1990s.
Trying to do things in playsh is most similar to games like Zork from the 1970s. To go north, you type north. To examine an object, you type look. There are no graphics, just descriptions.
But instead of ducking grues and collecting zorkmids, you're interacting with whatever program code you're working on, as well as the data and hardware devices that it uses. "It treats the web and APIs as just more objects and places, and is a platform for writing and sharing your own code to manipulate those objects and places," says developer Matt Webb, who unveiled the tool at last week's O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference in San Diego.
Playsh is inspired by the user-customizable variety of MUD called a MOO, for "MUD object-oriented." MOOs were like chat rooms, except the members of the community could create new objects by programming them into the virtual world in a dedicated programming language, shaping the game as it went along.
When you log into playsh, you see a basic description of the room and whoever is in the room with you. The current incarnation of playsh is written in Python, and each room has a Python interpreter built into it that anyone in the room can access. Adventurers contribute to the code while simultaneously interacting with the room's objects and each other.
"It's a laboratory for (user interface) metaphors," says co-developer Ben Cervany.
Webb came to the idea after trying to solve a difficult programming problem with his partner at consulting firm Schulze & Webb. "I don't work physically colocated with Jack (Schulze) a lot of the time, but we have to write a lot of code together," Webb says.
Ultimately, adding this sense of place back to the placelessness of the net is something Webb believes could have wide uses. He cites the example of online banking, which has struggled with fraud that takes advantage of the fact that naive users don't know where they are on the internet.
"Imagine using a bank where you move transparently between the automated and human-assisted interface because they occur in the same mode," says Webb. "The human can show you how to use the ATM, which is over at the side of the room".
poster: Daran
subject: Ronan
date: Wed Mar 29 01:43:05 2006
Time is running out. LOTS OF EQ to award people, so get those
submissions in before its too late!
poster: Korthrun
subject: inform#300 (i think)
date: Thu Mar 30 09:45:04 2006
You guys should really know better about this sort of stuff
by now.
We should? We should know the level of EQ and how much "power" it is
supposed to havE?
I don't even know what mob those drop of off or what class they are
suited for.
Can we get some sort of reference so we aren't abusing eq like this anymore?
poster: Uno
subject: >inform#300 (i think)
date: Thu Mar 30 17:17:36 2006
On Thu Mar 30 09:45:04 2006 Korthrun wrote post #632:
> -Daneel
> We should? We should know the level of EQ and how much "power" it is
> supposed to havE?
> I don't even know what mob those drop of off or what class they are
> suited for.
> Can we get some sort of reference so we aren't abusing eq like this anymore?
I was going to post about this also but couldn't think of a polite
way to disagree.
Instead I'll voice support of Korthrun's response.
I remember when Bulzarath first came out as a seldom seen pool-q item that
I had 2 thoughts. The first one was "Cool, nobody knows how powerful
this is except me."
The second one was "I guess maybe the wizards are trying to promote
pool-Q by slotting
in a few really nice items."
It never really occurred to me that the item might be bugged or not
working as intended.
Why would it?
I think it's rather clever to use the average market price of an
item to analyze
for variance and identify out-of-tune items, but it seems to me that
is should be a
blameless process of quality control.
blameless process for quality control and not pejorative in any way.
poster: Blackwidow
subject: >>inform#300 (i think)
date: Thu Mar 30 17:27:38 2006
I think that pool drops should be gone thru in general, actually, if
you think that
the ones you have found have been overpowered. I think a number of
the best drops
are actually pool drops, for weapons perhaps especially.
I guess I just assumed that the randomness and rareness of them
actually coming
into the game was something that was taken into account when they
were allowed in
as they were.
I think this was brought up on mud_issues at one point, by Warrowarr, altho it
never got a response.
I assume you have a list of pool drops. If you want a player to
spell it out for
you tho, which pool drops are uber, then drop me a note, and I will see if it
can't be arranged.
poster: Daneel
subject: >inform#300 (i think)
date: Thu Mar 30 21:18:20 2006
On Thu Mar 30 09:45:04 2006 Korthrun wrote post #632 in general:
> You guys should really know better about this sort of stuff
> by now.
> -Daneel
> We should? We should know the level of EQ and how much "power" it is
> supposed to havE? I don't even know what mob those drop of off or
> what class they are suited for. Can we get some sort of reference
> so we aren't abusing eq like this anymore?
(a) Yes, and I don't believe you don't either. I'm sure you have a quick reference to a list that outlines tps for various pieces, and that is a direct measure of their power.
(b) Because the rules explicitly state that anything that seems too good to be true probably is, and you are responsible as players for noting it to the admin.
Hmm, at least they used to - I may have to fix that.
Pool items are never top-level equipment. They should never approach the power of things dropped by the likes of Tiamat or Lloth.
Some may be top-slot, if none of the few super-level monsters we have drop anything for that slot; but generally, you guys know how many tps things are worth; if something worth 5 tps sells for 4x something worth 10 tps, something's probably wrong.
As to going through all pool items, I did discuss this on mud_issues yesterday.
Though this has happened a couple times, in relation to the number of pool
items out there, it's a relatively small number. The requirements to document
specials on items such that we could prevent it/discover it ahead of time is
pretty prohibitive (as would be individually examining any special without
some heuristic to figure out the problem cases ahead of time).
On the plus side for you guys on this one, I'm not going to do anything further with it - I think this was discovered relatively early, and unlike the case of the Bulzarath (if that's the one I'm remembering), I haven't encountered any particularly egregious cases of people who really should have known better getting significant advantage from it.
But it all gets back to that (b) above - if it seems to good to be true, please let someone know. I'm always happy to check up on those sorts of things, and a simple mail will get it noticed quickly and easily (yeah, I had to do some painful searching through bug reports to actually make sure no one _had_ reported it before my last post :-)
(p.s., kudos to Psycho for clearing out so many bug reports :-) She's gotten them down almost to a level where the system's usable again!
poster: Ligea
subject: >>inform#300 (i think)
date: Sat Apr 1 04:06:54 2006
I hope I'm proven wrong, but I look at the player base and I think the days of Naraku will soon be over (maybe doable come summer, but maybe not next summer). Recently it's common to see under 25 players on, half are idle, half are too small for eqs, and most of the rest are in non-eq guilds.
Realistically, not much can be done about that...but wizards should recognize that a lot of times pool parties are the best that can be pulled together. At least people enjoy doing it and manage to have some fun. Occasionally we get something worthwhile. I don't think the very slim chance at getting a useful (ie, top) piece off a 2M mob is going to ruin the MUD, but it might be enough to help keep players in eq-guilds. And it’s something to pass the time when there’s not enough players for bigeqs.
It's really hard to "abuse" something as rare as pools, and when someone gets something nice they almost always put in a disproportionate amount of effort for it. Usually after a few hours no one in the entire party gets any wearable eqs on a good day, maybe 2 people do. Some players refuse to pool because “it’s a waste of time”. So maybe a disproportionate reward is justified. In this case, the combination of two inordinately rare 3 tps objects rivals a 7tp object. I don’t think it’s unprecedented for a pair of 3’s to beat a 7 (no poker jokes!). Also eq prices on sales don't always correspond to thier tps. Quickeners (3 tps) have always sold for more than legendary focus crystals (10 tps) or helms of versatility (10 tps). It’s a supply and demand thing I guess. Stone gauntlets (2tps) are topslot, but frequently killed. So they cost under a million and glowing dragon eyes (2tps) cost a bundle. New pool eqs are even more rare and that’s part of why they’re so expensive.
The Wizards should decide for themselves whether there should be worthwhile pool items, cause it’s their job to decide how the MUD should be run. Players, remember that we owe them for pools in the first place (thanks!). Wizards should keep in mind that when people are out there pool eqing and having fun, it's because they think it's an enjoyable and worthwhile expenditure of their time. I think having pools (including very rare very powerful ones) is a good way to keep players entertained. And that’s what the MUD should be about.
PS:Thanks also to Daneel for showing players consideration and not making a spot decision.
On Thu Mar 30 21:18:20 2006 Daneel wrote post #635 in general:
> On Thu Mar 30 09:45:04 2006 Korthrun wrote post #632 in general:
> > You guys should really know better about this sort of stuff
> > by now.
> > -Daneel
> > We should? We should know the level of EQ and how much "power" it is
> > supposed to havE? I don't even know what mob those drop of off or
> > what class they are suited for. Can we get some sort of reference
> > so we aren't abusing eq like this anymore?
> (a) Yes, and I don't believe you don't either. I'm sure you have a quick reference to a list that outlines tps for various pieces, and that is a direct measure of their power.
> (b) Because the rules explicitly state that anything that seems too good to be true probably is, and you are responsible as players for noting it to the admin.
> Hmm, at least they used to - I may have to fix that.
> Pool items are never top-level equipment. They should never approach the power of things dropped by the likes of Tiamat or Lloth.
> Some may be top-slot, if none of the few super-level monsters we have drop anything for that slot; but generally, you guys know how many tps things are worth; if something worth 5 tps sells for 4x something worth 10 tps, something's probably wrong.
> -Daneel
poster: Highpriest
subject: >>>inform#300 (i think)
date: Sat Apr 1 04:16:13 2006
On Sat Apr 1 04:06:54 2006 Ligea wrote post #636:
> I hope I'm proven wrong, but I look at the player base and I think the
days of Naraku will soon be over (maybe doable come summer, but maybe not
next summer). Recently it's common to see under 25 players on, half are
idle, half are too small for eqs, and most of the rest are in non-eq
> Realistically, not much can be done about that...but wizards should
recognize that a lot of times pool parties are the best that can be pulled
together. At least people enjoy doing it and manage to have some fun.
Occasionally we get something worthwhile. I don't think the very slim
chance at getting a useful (ie, top) piece off a 2M mob is going to ruin the
MUD, but it might be enough to help keep players in eq-guilds. And it’s
something to pass the time when there’s not enough players for bigeqs.
> It's really hard to "abuse" something as rare as pools, and when someone
gets something nice they almost always put in a disproportionate amount of
effort for it. Usually after a few hours no one in the entire party gets
any wearable eqs on a good day, maybe 2 people do. Some players refuse to
pool because “it’s a waste of time”. So maybe a disproportionate
reward is justified. In this case, the combination of two inordinately rare
3 tps objects rivals a 7tp object. I don’t think it’s unprecedented for
a pair of 3’s to beat a 7 (no poker jokes!). Also eq prices on sales
don't always correspond to thier tps. Quickeners (3 tps) have always sold
for more than legendary focus crystals (10 tps) or helms of versatility (10
tps). It’s a supply and demand thing I guess. Stone gauntlets (2tps) are
topslot, but frequently killed. So they cost under a million and glowing
dragon eyes (2tps) cost a bundle. New pool eqs are even more rare and
that’s part of why they’re so expensive.
> The Wizards should decide for themselves whether there should be
worthwhile pool items, cause it’s their job to decide how the MUD should
be run. Players, remember that we owe them for pools in the first place
(thanks!). Wizards should keep in mind that when people are out there pool
eqing and having fun, it's because they think it's an enjoyable and
worthwhile expenditure of their time. I think having pools (including very
rare very powerful ones) is a good way to keep players entertained. And
that’s what the MUD should be about.
> -Ligea
> PS:Thanks also to Daneel for showing players consideration and not making
a spot decision.
> On Thu Mar 30 21:18:20 2006 Daneel wrote post #635 in general:
> > On Thu Mar 30 09:45:04 2006 Korthrun wrote post #632 in general:
> >
> > > You guys should really know better about this sort of stuff
> > > by now.
> > > -Daneel
> >
> > > We should? We should know the level of EQ and how much "power" it is
> > > supposed to havE? I don't even know what mob those drop of off or
> > > what class they are suited for. Can we get some sort of reference
> > > so we aren't abusing eq like this anymore?
> >
> > (a) Yes, and I don't believe you don't either. I'm sure you have a
quick reference to a list that outlines tps for various pieces, and that is
a direct measure of their power.
> >
> > (b) Because the rules explicitly state that anything that seems too good
to be true probably is, and you are responsible as players for noting it to
the admin.
> >
> > Hmm, at least they used to - I may have to fix that.
> >
> > Pool items are never top-level equipment. They should never approach
the power of things dropped by the likes of Tiamat or Lloth.
> >
> > Some may be top-slot, if none of the few super-level monsters we have
drop anything for that slot; but generally, you guys know how many tps
things are worth; if something worth 5 tps sells for 4x something worth 10
tps, something's probably wrong.
> > -Daneel
I agree with ligea, prices don't vary with tp but more to supply and
demand market forces...
Powerful eq should not be removed, but if wizzes do think that the
eq are overpowered, they can raise the difficulty of getting that
piece of eq (e.g. making them only droppable by bigger eq mobs as
pool drop).. if tp really matters, just increase the tp value (they
ARE that wanted and rare anyway)... However specials that make
people IMPOSSIBLE to tap does need tuning on top of that.. It's just
my opinion...
poster: Daneel
subject: >>>>inform#300 (i think)
date: Sat Apr 1 17:39:05 2006
Let me clarify a bit.
There is nothing wrong with these things costing 20m due to market forces. I just use that as an indication that it needs examination, since there's clearly not enough time to look at everything.
In this case, upon examination, I saw the ability to use these things to get regen rates way above normal (about +30hpr, 17epr, and 12spr from each leg easily, well above that with practice). The thirty alone is above levels allowed for pool items (yeah, even if it's in hpr :-)
This is all from their special.
Unlike the case of the Kama, I don't know of any specific cases of someone abusing this special. It was difficult to use, so it wouldn't particularly surprise me if no one had used it that well. And if you weren't particularly abusing the special, you're going to notice very little difference from what I did.
This sort of problem generally only occurs with items with specials. Specials are often hard to tune well, especially if they have any complexity. Now, I at least would prefer them to the straight stat items - they display more imagination on the part of the coder, and (in cases like this, where the user has to know what they're doing to use it well) cause players who think about what they're doing to do better, so I like to give them a fair bit of latitude.
But stuff like this, with its huge potential regen rates, or Kama, for which I knew of specific instances of people using it because they knew it doubled their effective damage, are beyond those limitations.
poster: Ronan
subject: And the Winners Are
date: Mon Apr 3 02:54:43 2006
Me, Me, and Me.
Thanks for playing Ronana's April Fools Retirment game, please drive thru.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>>>>inform#300 (i think)
date: Mon Apr 3 11:35:25 2006
Hi again.
I don't disagree with the intent or anything but look more for a way
to protect myself here.
I don't care enough to lookup the tp values of items, or pay
attention to market price or anything.
I also don't want to end up getting froze/reinced for abusing an
item like this and not recognizing it as abuse.
If I do some EQ, or some pool and an Item drops I get an ID. If the
special sounds cool or the stats are an improvment I'll use my roll
on it.
One thing that happens as a player that pertains here, is that we
often guess what the Devs are at. "Oh that's pretty cool, looks like
they added balance by making ti a 1/129837324985 drop." "Guess that
awesome special makes up for no stats." "What crap AC/no special,
well it does appear to give 34389574 STR" etcetc.
"If it seems to good to be true it probobly is." is a good general
guideline except for one thing.
The above mentioned guessing. "Too good to be true." is subjective.
I'm not trying to be a cock or a smartass here. I really would like
some definate guidelines on what the power of varying items is and
is not allowed to be.
A help file would be nice.
Another thing that newbies must read or the like maybe
Sorry about the mudmail daneel, my brain still reads "reply" as "followup"
poster: Uno
subject: >>>>>>inform#300 (i think)
date: Mon Apr 3 15:26:37 2006
On Mon Apr 3 11:35:25 2006 Korthrun wrote post #640:
> I'm not trying to be a cock or a smartass here. I really would like
> some definate guidelines on what the power of varying items is and
> is not allowed to be.
> A help file would be nice.
> Another thing that newbies must read or the like maybe
> Sorry about the mudmail daneel, my brain still reads "reply" as "followup"
1. Re: 2 threads ago, I would further clarify Daneel's response
to Ligea et al. by stating that there's a big difference between
"Too powerful" and "Unintentionally powerful" or even "buggy"
I'm not sure if it was the case w/ the Kama, but I know w/
Bulzarath, Marvin discovered a pretty significant math error
that was causing the bulz special to go off WAY more often
than was intended. While I still disagree with the policy
of asking players to police item specials, I do think anyone
participating in this discussion should be clear about the
type of item we're referring to. By contrast, an item I might
consider "Too powerful," as ligea put it, would be a
traditional powergamer's item, such as Ogre Helmet or
anything Snoop ever coded...
These items are perfectly legal but take advantage of the
established combat system to "Min/Max" a certain character
build, such as pimping out an MA w/ all dmg eqps.
poster: Trigon
subject: Awesome
date: Fri Apr 7 08:42:37 2006
Today is my birthday, you can give me presents if you want
I found a picture that pretty much sums up how awesome I am
It's pretty awesome
poster: Nezmaniac
subject: >Awesome
date: Sat Apr 8 12:05:40 2006
sigh, trigon actually managed to praise himself before I got a chance to today
but I seriously did log on just now specifically to tell him that
he's loved, and happy birthday :)
poster: Lesk
subject: Looking for...
date: Sun Apr 9 01:38:40 2006
Dont suppose anyone knows the locations of the following mobs?
Nasty Demon
poster: Lesk
subject: >Looking for...
date: Sun Apr 9 01:40:40 2006
On Sun Apr 9 01:38:40 2006 Lesk wrote post #644 in general:
> Dont suppose anyone knows the locations of the following mobs?
> Nasty Demon
> Wesley
> tyvm
> gb
Oh and Celeborn
poster: Moridin
subject: >>Looking for...
date: Mon Apr 10 12:21:43 2006
On Sun Apr 9 01:40:40 2006 Lesk wrote post #645:
> > Wesley
> >
> > tyvm
> > gb
> Oh and Celeborn
wesley and nasty demon, there you are shit out of luck I think,
should be Sunnydale, Celeborn is with the elves and galadriel isnt
poster: Uno
subject: >>>Looking for...
date: Mon Apr 10 13:47:46 2006
On Mon Apr 10 12:21:43 2006 Moridin wrote post #646:
> > >
> >
> > > tyvm
> >
> > > gb
> >
> > Oh and Celeborn
> wesley and nasty demon, there you are shit out of luck I think,
> should be Sunnydale, Celeborn is with the elves and galadriel isnt
> he?
I thought wesley was in the Princess Bride area on Emerald?
poster: Warrowarr
subject: >>>>Looking for...
date: Mon Apr 10 18:09:42 2006
Wesley is in princess bride, nasty demon is by red dragons.
poster: Daran
subject: RRG
date: Mon Apr 10 20:47:00 2006
Congrats to all for losing the Ronana's Retirement Game. I had all
this good eq to give away too...
Well, I hope Ronana is proud in me for following in his ways, as I
have instead TP SACCED all his EQ.
(PS I think Ima use all his tps on free reincs)
poster: Ronan
subject: >RRG
date: Mon Apr 10 20:47:51 2006
On Mon Apr 10 20:47:00 2006 Daran wrote post #649:
> Congrats to all for losing the Ronana's Retirement Game. I had all
> this good eq to give away too...
> Well, I hope Ronana is proud in me for following in his ways, as I
> have instead TP SACCED all his EQ.
> http://www.endlesshighway.info/iom/daranmadrox/ronan-punkd.html
> (PS I think Ima use all his tps on free reincs)
Its ok I made a backup of all my eq so I still win.
Haxx0r FTW
poster: Trigon
subject: OMG I logged in to post this
date: Thu Apr 13 08:01:53 2006
I logged in to post this just for YOU
I made it my background it is so awesome
poster: Dmitri
subject: Lets have some fun!
date: Mon Apr 17 05:46:25 2006
Okay, for those of you who don't or can't be bothered to read the junk news.
My plan, has a list in it.
Your job will be, to figure out what I'm saying, or what code, or whatever!
The winner will recieve a few things, for example: Woo's Platinum
Mask, Brown Studded Bracers, Gloves of the Dragon!
...and Red Dragonskin Boots!
Mail me your guesses, you have an ulimited number of tries.
poster: Dmitri
subject: The Answer
date: Tue Apr 18 07:18:51 2006
The answer lies in google.
Google each word separately, and my plan will tell a small story of Dimtree.
Google most: First entry is, the hands on museum, where Dimtree (Dmitri) first found IOM.
Google Dimtree: (this has two meanings) 1. The name of the character this story is about, Dmitri.
Two, the first entry for google was a discussion about a zombie named Dimtree.
On the day Dimtree first logged on to IOM, he was bored to a zombie-like state.
Google Vor: The second entry talks about “The Voice of Russia”. Dimtree is Russian, and so, This gives the story more character.
Google Mugen: The first entry talks about Japan. Japan is a site of many electronic inventions, like computers, which leads to IOM.
Google Communist: Brings up the communist party, which Dimtree is not a part of, but because he’s russian, he’s called a commy anyway.
Google Jant: Google wonders if you mean “giant” so you click on giant. The first entry for giant talks about supermarkets. Dimtree is friends with Chrono, who likes supermarkets. Dimtree also likes supermarkets.
Google Argelfraster: The first entry brings you to a weird live-journal thing, with a non-working things-to-do list. Dimtree never placed much importance on things to do, and frequently gave away random eq.
Google Shy: The second entry talks about shyness. Dimtree was shy in his newbie days, and eventually resorted to dying to Athol’s special to be noticed.
Google Baer: The first entry talks about bike breaks. Dimtree discussed at length the annoyance of bad brakes on bikes on the chat channel on IOM one day.
And so, I’m sorry no one guessed it, but I must admit it was hard.
A new challenge will be posted soon. The rules, etc. will be explained in general once again. I hope you enjoyed this one!
poster: Dmitri
subject: Another Challenge (better)
date: Tue Apr 18 07:37:48 2006
I have yet another challenge to post for you all.
I know some of you may be annoyed at the previous one, but I reccomend giving this one a try.
Here are the rules. I will post a starting scenario, you will mail me your next "action". For example: "You see a small pot in the corner." You mail to me -> "Open pot". I will then mail back what happens, etc. etc. etc. This goes on until you finish and recieve a prize (if there are any left).
Obviously, things will not be as simple as a little pot.
If you happen to die, game over, and you don't get another shot at it.
If you die, I'll let you know.
When you get to the end(s), if you play your cards right, you will be able to pick and or recieve a prize, which may include, but is not limited to:
Woo's Platinum Mask
Brown Studded Bracers
Gloves of the Dragon
Red Dragonskin Boots
Dog Head of Cerberus
A Blue Gilt Cloak
Red Dragon Scale
I warn you, these will probably be un-tpsaccable unless you repair them.
But enough with the prizes.
The person to get to the end(s) first will be able to pick first, if of course, they end up in a place where they know what they're picking. You'll see what I mean later. You may talk about things you did amongst yourselves if you'd like, but I'm not giving any hints. Mail me your action, and I will mail you back with the result. You may not mail two actions in a row, if you do, the second one will be deleted. I will keep track of everyone's progress myself.
You are a human, with a human's basic abilities. You can swim, climb trees/walls (to an extent) and have basic combat abilities. You have normal strength and stamina. You have no magic.
And so, here's the start:
You stand in a deserted hallway, facing three seperate doors. The first door is blue, the second is red, and the third, green. You notice a lock on the red door, and nothing else on the green and blue doors. Behind you is a gate, which you came through. It is barred by magic, and there is no way of getting out through the gate that you can see.
poster: Uno
subject: >The Answer
date: Tue Apr 18 16:00:18 2006
On Tue Apr 18 07:18:51 2006 Dmitri wrote post #653:
> Google Mugen: The first entry talks about Japan. Japan is a site of many
electronic inventions, like computers,
which leads to IOM.
> Google Communist: Brings up the communist party, which Dimtree is not a
part of, but because he’s russian, he’s
called a commy anyway.
> Google Jant: Google wonders if you mean “giant” so you click on giant.
The first entry for giant talks about supermarkets.
Dimtree is friends with Chrono, who likes supermarkets.
Dimtree also likes supermarkets.
> Google Argelfraster: The first entry brings you to a weird live-journal
thing, with a non-working things-to-do
list. Dimtree never placed much importance on things to do, and
frequently gave away random eq.
> Google Shy: The second entry talks about shyness. Dimtree was shy in his
newbie days, and eventually resorted to dying to
Athol’s special to be noticed.
> Google Baer: The first entry talks about bike breaks. Dimtree discussed at
length the annoyance of bad brakes on bikes on the
chat channel on IOM one day.
> And so, I’m sorry no one guessed it, but I must admit it was hard.
> A new challenge will be posted soon. The rules, etc. will be explained in
general once again. I hope you enjoyed this one!
Worst riddle EVAR ;_;
poster: Dmitri
subject: Deaths
date: Tue Apr 18 18:35:40 2006
Wazup has been killed!
Here are the last moments of his quest for Dimtree's treasure:
You attempt to kick the slimy thing, but no such luck. It drags you
deeper and deeper into the pool, until you black out.
You are dead.
Everyone else, good luck!
poster: Dmitri
subject: Another Death
date: Wed Apr 19 01:47:59 2006
Druid has died.
Here are his last moments in his quest for Dimtree's treasure:
You look for something to turn on the light, but suddenly out the
darkness an enormous beast leaps. You scream and try to turn and
run, but it's claws dig into your side and rip out a rib. You gasp,
lean against the wall, you look at the beast, but you are frozen in
fear. It leaps at you again, it's teeth going for your throat. You
utter a weak scream, and try to push it off, but it is too late. The
beasts mouth closes on your throat and rips out your jugular. As the
searing pain
rushes through your body, blissful darkness closes in. Your last
thought is sadness that you will never see your village and friends
You are dead.
Good luck to the rest of you!
poster: Dmitri
subject: Another Death
date: Wed Apr 19 05:13:12 2006
Ronan has died!
Here are his final moments for the quest of Dimtree's Treasure:
You pick a flower, and try to crawl over to the hole. Alas, you
haven't the strength. You vomit into the pool, and blearily realize
your heartbeat is slowing. You giggle weakly, then vomit again. You
feel a pain in your chest. As you roll over your face sinks into the
pool. Opening your eyes, you see a tentacle coming at you. You
cannot do anything, the poison has immobilized your body. Your lungs
are hurting, for lack of oxygen. The tentacle comes near you, and
grabs you by your hair.
It pulls you into the pool and you draw breath. Water fills your
lungs, making you scream in pain and inhale more water. The tentacle
draws you toward and enormous maw of sharp teeth. Yellow eyes stare
at you from the murky water. You close your eyes and wish for death.
Your wish is granted, and just before the maw bites down, you slip
into deep darkness.
You are dead.
Good luck to the rest of you!
poster: Dmitri
subject: Another Death
date: Wed Apr 19 06:25:33 2006
Nezmaniac has died!
Here are her last moments in her attempt to find Dimtree's Treasure:
In a futile attempt to save yourself, you throw the cork at an eye
of the monster. The cork goes a few inches, then floats to the top
of the pool, as corks do. The tentacles close in around you and draw
you closer to the gaping maw. You close your eyes out of fear,
hoping it doesn't hurt. Unfortunately, the first bites strikes your
midsection, tearing you into two. After a flash of agonizing pain,
you slip into darkness.
You are dead.
The rest of you, good luck!
poster: Dmitri
subject: Another Death
date: Wed Apr 19 19:05:53 2006
Devilheart has died in his quest for Dimtree's Treasure!
Here are his last moments:
You grab a nearby knife, and plunge it into your heart, tired of
this goddamn challenge. You sink to the floor in a pool of your own
You are dead.
Good luck to the rest of you!
poster: Dmitri
subject: Another Death
date: Wed Apr 19 19:49:37 2006
Xain has died!
Here are his final moments in his quest for Dimtree's treasure:
You lay there, looking the great dog in it's eyes. You look, and see
the madness of the demigod in his flaming red eyes. One head darts
forward, grabs you, and throws you into the air. You do not scream,
you are calm, hoping the beast will calm down. As you start falling,
another head bites you, tearing off your leg, and throwing you
against another tree. You clench your teeth against the pain, but
before you hit the tree, the third head catches you in it's teeth
and bites down.
A fang pierces your chest, deflating a lung, and another closes in
on your ribs. As you lie between the teeth, the dog raises it's head
as though to swallow you, but another head comes in and tears your
other leg off, right below the kneecap. The mouth opens and you
tumble into the abyss that is the mouth. Salive coats you, and to
your horror, starts burning like acid. You notice your skin start to
melt, when the tongue flips you against the back of the throat, and
you lose conciousness.
You are dead.
Good luck to the rest of you!
poster: Dmitri
subject: Justus
date: Wed Apr 19 19:52:34 2006
Yes Justus, I feel that I do. Enough people are playing my game for
this to be posted in the general channel. If you do not like it, by
no means do you need to read it. If an admin or a wizard tells me to
stop, I will, but I feel that I have the right to post here.
poster: Wildchild
subject: >>Another Death
date: Wed Apr 19 19:53:25 2006
On Wed Apr 19 19:51:09 2006 Justus wrote post #662:
> cast stop
> dig grave
> cast stop
> dig grave
> do you need post this shit?
Nice trigs.
poster: Enzer
subject: Another death (one dmitri forgot to post)
date: Thu Apr 20 01:07:51 2006
you fail [directed at me]
poster: Artea
subject: Poker ettiquette
date: Thu Apr 27 23:57:49 2006
I'm not one to usually complain about people who sit down, win a
couple hands and leave. But at least say bye. Its just bad
ettiquette to do that then leave the table without even saying
poster: Drake
subject: Mud desription
date: Fri Apr 28 00:24:41 2006
>Looking for new descs for the top mudsites web
>page. Send me descs a small reward will be given
>for the one we use.
How long do you want the description to be? or short? ^_^
Mr. Megrim
poster: Artea
subject: Has your computer been hi-jacked?
date: Sun Apr 30 01:02:12 2006
If you have ever downloaded a patch for a blizzard game, or
downloaded anything from blizzard
using the blizzard downloader, I highly recommend you reading this post.
For those of you that don't know, blizzard downloaded uses
something called peer-to-peer
protocol. What is that? Let me give you an example of its
usefulness; when a patch is just
released for a game everyone who has the game has to download it..
so thats a HUGE spike of
bandwidth needed by the host for a short period of time.
Peer-to-peer protocol uses an engenious
method of having downloader A simultaneously upload the file to
downloader B, another customer
who wants the same file, while downloader A is receiving the file
from blizzard. In effect, it
uses your upload bandwitdth to save some bandwitdth for the host. A
great idea if not taken
advantage of.
My problem with it: I have not downloaded or used blizzard
products in nearly a year, and
when going through my firewall settings just now, I discovered my
computer has been hosting
blizzard downloader for god knows how long. Effectively, blizzard
has been using my computer as
a hub to distribute its patches and downloads. If you have ever
used blizzard downloader, I
suggest you make sure your computer hasn't fallen victim to this too.
poster: Korthrun
subject: >Has your computer been hi-jacked?
date: Sun Apr 30 09:30:12 2006
There is a regfix for this in the WoW forums.
poster: Moridin
subject: >>Has your computer been hi-jacked?
date: Sun Apr 30 22:36:20 2006
On Sun Apr 30 09:30:12 2006 Korthrun wrote post #670:
> There is a regfix for this in the WoW forums.
I am also fairly certain it only starts up when you download the
patch, from what I've seen on my own computer (as far as WoW is
concerned anyway), and the other one, the background downloader,
only runs while WoW is running, if even then.
poster: Artea
subject: >>>Has your computer been hi-jacked?
date: Mon May 1 02:04:16 2006
On Sun Apr 30 22:36:20 2006 Moridin wrote post #671:
> On Sun Apr 30 09:30:12 2006 Korthrun wrote post #670:
> > There is a regfix for this in the WoW forums.
> I am also fairly certain it only starts up when you download the
> patch, from what I've seen on my own computer (as far as WoW is
> concerned anyway), and the other one, the background downloader,
> only runs while WoW is running, if even then.
Mine was hosting and I haven't played a blizzard game in ages.
Dunno if it was actually transferring any data however.. none the
less, my computer won't be hosting it anymore..
poster: Sirk
subject: hi everyone
date: Mon May 1 06:39:33 2006
hey everyone, it's been...well its been a long time since i last visited. I'm back now however and hopefully after some catch up reading and tinkering with commands i'll remember how to play and be able to join many of you again soon.
I look forward to joking about the past and catching up on recent happenings. take care and hopefully i'll be talking to you in game soon.
-sirk smirks
poster: Monkey
subject: >>>>Has your computer been hi-jacked?
date: Tue May 2 06:09:25 2006
Losers. How many times did I tell you not to play WoW because it was evil.
You niggers never listen to anything I say.
I hope you get viruses.
poster: Lucifer
subject: lag --- > 15 mins over each rl hour..
date: Tue May 2 17:20:04 2006
Is it possible to get a feedback on what this lag is about, and how long
it will last ?
poster: Zifnab
subject: >lag --- > 15 mins over each rl hour..
date: Tue May 2 17:23:40 2006
On Tue May 2 17:20:04 2006 Lucifer wrote post #676:
> Is it possible to get a feedback on what this lag is about, and how long
> it will last ?
> Luc
It is something running on the host.
It will last as long as it lasts. Sorry best answer I have.
Expect it for 4 or 5 minutes at about 10 minutes after the hour.
Lets remember that this server is not only a mud server
in fact its a mud server secondary. There are other more
important things running here.
So be patient.
poster: Fox
subject: Islands of myth to Idlers of Myth!
date: Thu May 4 03:26:36 2006
You know it's true!!!!
poster: Dmitri
subject: >Islands of myth to Idlers of Myth!
date: Thu May 4 03:28:03 2006
On Thu May 4 03:26:36 2006 Fox wrote post #678 in general:
> You know it's true!!!!
Don't lie, vote instead.
poster: Ranja
subject: >>me
date: Tue May 9 19:04:34 2006
On Tue Jan 3 14:36:37 2006 Draco wrote post #601:
> oh i also forgot, if you want to reach me and play guild wars, you
> can whisper me, charecter name is draco gorman
can i have the eq
poster: Uno
subject: >>>me
date: Wed May 10 15:56:37 2006
On Tue May 9 19:04:34 2006 Ranja wrote post #680:
> On Tue Jan 3 14:36:37 2006 Draco wrote post #601:
> > oh i also forgot, if you want to reach me and play guild wars, you
> > can whisper me, charecter name is draco gorman
> can i have the eq
i predict a shelf life of 3 weeks on GW...
i found that game awful, what's up w/ not being able to jump?
poster: Korthrun
subject: >>>>me
date: Wed May 10 15:59:11 2006
people actually play guild wars?
poster: Charix
subject: >>>>me
date: Wed May 10 16:01:18 2006
i remember army was nice game....there was real action etc...so cool
graphic and sounds was so realistic
it's sad because it's ended after 1year... :(
poster: Athena
subject: Hi all!!
date: Mon May 15 01:40:32 2006
Thought it was time that I explained to you all why I haven't been on in so long.
Back in March I suffered a minor stroke. No serious damage, thank God, but it left me with a problem with dizziness and a small problem with balance. Now I know you all think that was normal for me but I promise it wasn't. laf
It's hard for me to stand the spam on my puter screen when I'm on the mud, so I haven't and won't be on very much. But that doesn't mean I dont think of you all daily. I miss chatting and laughing with so many of you. Being there almost every day for nearly 10 yrs makes it very hard to stay away.
Anyway, love to you all and I'll be on when I can. Thanks to you all for many years of fun and laughter. YOu all knew how to make an old woman feel good :)))))
Take care and see ya soon.
Love, Athena/Athy/Mudmom/Mudgrandma
poster: Grasfer
subject: >Hi all!!
date: Mon May 15 13:32:34 2006
Miss you to Athena!!!
poster: Uno
subject: >Hi all!!
date: Mon May 15 20:26:00 2006
On Mon May 15 01:40:32 2006 Athena wrote post #684:
> Thought it was time that I explained to you all why I haven't been on in
so long.
> Back in March I suffered a minor stroke. No serious damage, thank God, but
it left me with a problem with dizziness and a small problem with balance.
Now I know you all think that was normal for me but I promise it wasn't.
> It's hard for me to stand the spam on my puter screen when I'm on the mud,
so I haven't and won't be on very much. But that doesn't mean I dont think
of you all daily. I miss chatting and laughing with so many of you. Being
there almost every day for nearly 10 yrs makes it very hard to stay away.
> Anyway, love to you all and I'll be on when I can. Thanks to you all for
many years of fun and laughter. YOu all knew how to make an old woman feel
good :)))))
> Take care and see ya soon.
> Love, Athena/Athy/Mudmom/Mudgrandma
Be well Athy. You're in my thoughts.
poster: Lucifer
subject: >>Hi all!!
date: Tue May 16 07:04:57 2006
I hope you get better, fast,,
hug from me
poster: Wagro
subject: Newbie stuff
date: Tue May 16 07:23:19 2006
I think that some changes should be considered for helping out the
newbies here. I think that one of the easiest ways to retain players
and make our playerbase grow is to give a brand new player more
options when they start so that they can actually see progression,
which many people see as the most fun part of muds. Allow me to
Back in the day (pardon the cliche), you could complete the Help
Helga and Farmer Joe quests and earn 300k exp pretty much within
minutes of creating a new character (if you knew how to complete
them). Of course, like everything else, this was abused in the form
of a current player who created a secondary and used the 300k exp in
quest rewards to go buy 3 exp lottery tickets. I don't think I need
to say what happened with that.
In response, every quest was changed to replace basic gold/exp
rewards with our lovely little 1-2 tp quests. While I personally
love tps in all forms, these rewards are completely pointless for
the vast majority of newbies because they need 20 to make any use of
them. I think it would be a very worthwhile use of time to consider
changing all of the low yield quests back to exp/gold rewards to
serve several purposes:
1) Allow a quick way to gain a small amount of experience which
would greatly help out for training the first few spells a newbie
2) A fun, alternative way for newbies to gain experience to
complement the typical hack and slash.
3) Get the newbies used to exploring and thinking outside of the box
4) Give them any practical reason to actually try to complete quests
Of course, the issue of abuse has to be addressed. I think the
easiest way to solve the exp lotto abuse is to put a minimum worth
limit restriction in play, say roughly 1m exp? Not only would it
prevent someone from creating a new character and entering, but it
is a fundamentally good idea because new players really can't afford
to be tossing away 100k exp when they are only worth a meg.
Quests are not the only aspect that need attention. As some of us
have learned the hard way, caster guilds are woefully underpowered
when compared to warriors at the low levels. Until casters have
mastered a spell they cannot even begin to compete with their
warrior counterparts. I suggest a scroll/spellbook which could be
either given out or obtained through a small quest which would act
similar to the newbie bonus. The scroll would allow the newbie to
vastly increase the percentage of one spell of their choice. For
example, a newbie could choose to use the scroll on their magic dart
spell, possibly raising it to something on the order of 80%, enough
that the spell is instantly useable but there is still room for
improvement. As the newbie trains the spell, the bonus will
gradually wear off to compensate.
Finally, one of the greatest challenges of newbiedom is the
transition from lvl 15 to their first beta guild. The fact is, most
guilds dont really offer any substantial improvements in this zone,
so newbies are forced to give up bonuses and the warp ability to not
gain anything substantial in the immediate future. I propose that
the newbie bonuses be extended until level 20, and the warp spell
also gradually fade instead of being abruptly lost. What this would
involve is a time limit restriction on warp after level 15. At level
16 there could be something on the order of a 15 minute delay
between warps, gradually fading to something on the order of an hour
at level 20. This would effectivly allow the newbie to advance at
their own leasure beyond newbiedom without feeling instantly
I realize that there is a shortage of people to do work on things
like this these days. I would be glad to dedicate some time into
improvement projects like this, I just need to be taught how to do
coding for these types of projects, as my current knowledge of the
mudlib is mostly restricted to areas. If any wiz likes my idea, or
any player would like to work on it with me, contact me and
hopefully we can get this off the ground.
poster: Inside
subject: >Newbie stuff
date: Tue May 16 07:27:33 2006
wow, i really like the gradual warp loss idea, as well as the
extension of newbie bonuses. as far as exping, not ALL blaster
guilds take it in the shorts. druid and weaver have the ability to
heal, which gives them a really easy way out (bounties). as far as
learning to explore, i think a good idea would be to maybe recode
the crystal ball game so it gave a reward of some sort to newbies.
poster: Bahgtru
subject: Apothecary
date: Tue May 16 12:28:56 2006
Currently the potions listed in the apothecary have names that are
too long, so you get things like:
1 2 Cloudy dark green potion o 450
5 2 Clear light green potion o 450
3 2 Cloudy light purple potion 450
So you can't actually see what the potions are or do.
poster: Inside
subject: not retiring
date: Mon May 22 03:27:40 2006
but i will be away for a month, hopefully starting tomorrow, maybe
starting a day or two after that. my father, the inconsiderate ass,
died yesterday (my time). he died in his sleep. my mother is not
dealing well with this, and my brothers are probably not faring much
better. as a result, i'm flying down to new orleans on the earliest
flight so i can be with them, make sure things are running smoothly,
deal with my dreadful non-immediate family, and otherwise go through
the motions that i'm required to do.
i plan on staying for a month so i can make sure my mother is
alright and to make sure no one does anything stupid or direspects
my fathers dictated wishes. my mother has the internet irregularly,
as they are basically leeching off some stranger's wireless
if you want to send your condolences, i'd prefer that you just
silently hope for this situation to work out to the best possible
conclusion. oh, and you should also hope i get to see some friends
that i've missed for 5 years.
be well
poster: Inside
subject: >not retiring
date: Mon May 22 03:30:19 2006
oh, and if someone actually DRASTICALLY needs me, mail monkey. he
will be able to get in contact with my wife, and she with me, via
the phone. i can't imagine anything that could happen here that
would warrant a waste of money for a long-distance call, twice, but
if something happens, mail monkey. i trust that he will weed out
what is going on and only send the necessary messages.
poster: Inside
subject: >not retiring
date: Tue May 23 07:08:08 2006
ok, i just wanted to update you. i am leaving at 13:45 tuesday may
23 (rltime), which is a few hours away.
last message, i promise :)
poster: Shy
subject: Brave New Love by Alien
date: Wed May 24 02:22:36 2006
im looking for this song and would like to know if anyone has it
its an older song, but someone has to have it...if you do, i'd love
for you to e-mail it to me at madman3545@yahoo.com
please and thanks!!!
poster: Baer
subject: >Brave New Love by Alien
date: Sat May 27 05:12:33 2006
On Wed May 24 02:22:36 2006 Shy wrote post #694:
> im looking for this song and would like to know if anyone has it
> its an older song, but someone has to have it...if you do, i'd love
> for you to e-mail it to me at madman3545@yahoo.com
> please and thanks!!!
> Shyzilla
I may be going out on a limb here, but if you are trying to find a
song, you might be better off going to visit a music retailer rather
than making a post on a MUD.
poster: Wagro
subject: What is this?
date: Sat May 27 07:24:36 2006
I know other people have seen this. It is a fairly common message
(once an hour mabye?) that appears to only show to one person at a
time or maybe just a few at a time.
You notice a red mist in the sky, that quickly disappeers when it
realizes its been spotted.
Does anyone know what this is?
poster: Bahgtru
subject: >What is this?
date: Sun May 28 05:44:20 2006
On Sat May 27 07:24:36 2006 Wagro wrote post #696:
> I know other people have seen this. It is a fairly common message
> (once an hour mabye?) that appears to only show to one person at a
> time or maybe just a few at a time.
> You notice a red mist in the sky, that quickly disappeers when it
> realizes its been spotted.
> Does anyone know what this is?
I believe it's a typo/mispelling of the word disappears
poster: Apathy
subject: >What is this?
date: Sun May 28 18:33:43 2006
On Sat May 27 07:24:36 2006 Wagro wrote post #696:
> I know other people have seen this. It is a fairly common message
> (once an hour mabye?) that appears to only show to one person at a
> time or maybe just a few at a time.
> You notice a red mist in the sky, that quickly disappeers when it
> realizes its been spotted.
> Does anyone know what this is?
It's setting up for the 'Fall of Illium' event. =P
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>What is this?
date: Mon May 29 00:40:05 2006
it has been in the game for a long time and it is from an item.
poster: Ca
subject: lost eq
date: Fri Jun 2 21:31:22 2006
I found a rather valuable piece of eq.... If it was you that lost
it, mail me the item name the approximate location in the mud where
you lost it and I'll return it.
No tells, I'm always idle :P
poster: Daran
subject: >lost eq
date: Fri Jun 2 21:40:07 2006
On Fri Jun 2 21:31:22 2006 Ca wrote post #700:
> I found a rather valuable piece of eq.... If it was you that lost
> it, mail me the item name the approximate location in the mud where
> you lost it and I'll return it.
> No tells, I'm always idle :P
I lost a Naraku helm in Wagro's inventory. K,Thanks
poster: Athena
subject: Hugs all round!!
date: Mon Jun 5 21:17:18 2006
Just checking in to let y'all know I'm thinking about you.
All is well here.
You all take care and enjoy.
Love, Athy
poster: Lesk
subject: >Hugs all round!!
date: Mon Jun 5 21:19:05 2006
On Mon Jun 5 21:17:18 2006 Athena wrote post #702 in general:
> Just checking in to let y'all know I'm thinking about you.
> All is well here.
> You all take care and enjoy.
> Love, Athy
Take care Athy, we miss you all
luv Leskie
ps one day i will pay you back ;)
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>Hugs all round!!
date: Mon Jun 5 23:07:19 2006
> > Love, Athy
> Take care Athy, we miss you all
> luv Leskie
> ps one day i will pay you back ;)
You will have to stand in line. I think there are
a long line of people waiting to pay Athena back
for introducing Ladyhawk to the mud.
poster: Soulleech
subject: What is this???
date: Wed Jun 7 09:57:01 2006
Item name is "Dragonbone Scepter"
General item, couldn't get an id since I got it as drop late at night, but I'm very curious. Not even sure you can id general items... anyway...
The Scepter is made out of dragonbone and is therefore very strong. It is white in color and has inscriptions running the entire length of the scepter.
poster: Soulleech
subject: >What is this???
date: Wed Jun 7 09:59:19 2006
Oh, it can be chested.. so I'm guessing it saves. If I log on again and it's gone I'd be hitting myself on the head though :P
poster: Shy
subject: Gone
date: Thu Jun 8 16:23:07 2006
I'll be gone from this place till at september 1st at the latest
I am going to Basic Training (u.s. national guard, if anyone cares to know)
I leave the 14th, so my last day on will probably be the 13th, but
not for sure
I doubt anyone cares
but just thought i'd let people know
poster: Drake
subject: >Gone
date: Thu Jun 8 19:34:18 2006
On Thu Jun 8 16:23:07 2006 Shy wrote post #707 in general:
> I'll be gone from this place till at september 1st at the latest
> I am going to Basic Training (u.s. national guard, if anyone cares to know)
> I leave the 14th, so my last day on will probably be the 13th, but
> not for sure
> I doubt anyone cares
> but just thought i'd let people know
You will be missed.
poster: Monkey
subject: >>Gone
date: Fri Jun 9 01:17:55 2006
Another lemming.
poster: Hossenfeffer
subject: :)
date: Sun Jun 11 03:48:59 2006
well hello
and goodbye
poster: Escense
subject: taking a break
date: Tue Jun 13 22:07:13 2006
I'm going to be taking a break from the game for a while, have
somethings I need to sort out irl. Not sure when I'll be back, Thank
you to everyone who's helped me out lately and in the past.
poster: Monkey
subject: The Bet
date: Sat Jun 17 06:47:22 2006
I bet you can't get that girl over there in the overalls to look hot
in time for pro...oh wait
I, Monkey, do hereby offer all my gold to one, Eyespy, if he/she
happens to finish an area consisting of 200 rooms or more, each with
individual descriptions, by August 15th.
poster: Eyespy
subject: >The Bet
date: Sat Jun 17 08:24:25 2006
I thought that the bet was if I finished 200 rooms or more. The way
that I'm thinking, it's probably going to be a lot bigger. Yes,
bigger than 200 rooms.
If you need to learn from your mistakes the first try, why not make
it so you hav so many mistakes on such a large scale that you learn
Okay, that's not going to happen. But it will be a pretty
prestigious project. I intend to map it out first, assign room
numbers, then create descs for each room number. Then come the mobs
and funstuffs.
Tee hee hee, I'm so excited.
poster: Eyespy
subject: Motivate Eyespy!
date: Sat Jun 17 08:33:12 2006
Okay, if you've been good little boys and girls and kept up with you
news, you know Monkster has challenged me to create a 200+ room
area, the sucker. Fortunately for Monkey, Eyespy is one lazy
Your job is to find and encounter the elusive fellow that is Eyespy.
When you see this little bugger, talk to Eyespy about Midgar. Ask
him about progress, etc. Give him opinions on how you would like to
see Midgar. He'll probably ignore you at first, but keep pestering
him. He deserves it.
Midgar is a reference to Final Fantasy VII's Midgar because Eyespy
is a stupid little fanboy who can't keep his head out of
Squaresoft's ass. The truth is, Midgar would be an awesome addition
to the MUD, and new areas are really fun to mess with.
Some surprises are already churning in Eyespy's mind about the
layout of the city. If you have any ideas, or want to feel like a
dominant slave owner, feel free to make Eyespy get back to work
whenever possible.
Let it be known he is pretty good at making excuses, but he will
need breaks to eat, pee, and walk the dogs. Just make sure to keep
him on task.
I tried to make it sound lively and energetic and semi-quest-like.
Lub oo,
-With my little eye, Eyespy
poster: Pyromaniac
subject: need clan ppl with blue socks
date: Sun Jun 18 00:35:45 2006
We need about 6-7 new clannies for xp and other forms of debauchery.
We'll take in the homless, the worthless, the hippies, the prepies,
the criminals, and the saints. NO EMOS... Membership in clan
Wildknights offers many perks and incentives. Free lifetime supply
of sarcasm and ridicule. Join now and recieve a brand new Salad
Shooter(50.00 value). Must pass credit check and body cavity search
before addmission will be granted. That is all. (your computer
will self destruct in 30 seconds)
poster: Wildchild
subject: >Motivate Eyespy!
date: Mon Jun 19 14:04:07 2006
The #1 reason why builders/potential builders on 10k fail to ever
get an area finished: they think too damn big for their own good
when it comes to their first area.
So, I highly recommend doing what I did: ignore monkey, and stick to
30-40 rooms for your first area. If you don't want to squeeze the
idea mentioned above into an area "that small", then think up
another idea. Truly, it's for your own good.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >>Motivate Eyespy!
date: Mon Jun 19 15:47:37 2006
On Mon Jun 19 14:04:07 2006 Wildchild wrote post #716:
> The #1 reason why builders/potential builders on 10k fail to ever
> get an area finished: they think too damn big for their own good
> when it comes to their first area.
> So, I highly recommend doing what I did: ignore monkey, and stick to
> 30-40 rooms for your first area. If you don't want to squeeze the
> idea mentioned above into an area "that small", then think up
> another idea. Truly, it's for your own good.
> -WildChild
The other alternative is to break up your 'huge' area into
manageable chunks of 30-40 rooms and release it in stages.
poster: Eyespy
subject: >>>Motivate Eyespy!
date: Mon Jun 19 16:10:11 2006
I am breaking it up in stages. Ultimately my area will probably well
over 200 rooms (if I had the time to work on it consistently). I'm
not trying to be grandiose and say I'll get it done within a week or
anything like that. I know it's hard describing things and whatnot,
but I do actually enjoy describing things.
Heck, even if I don't get the area as large as I want, it's still an
area and it's better than nothing, right? So far I'm not even using
MUD space so it's not even hurting anything.
Although you guys keep telling me to go smaller, all it does is
motivate me to go bigger. Talking to me about going bigger gets me
excited too, so if you really want me to go smaller, it may be wiser
to say nothing on the topic and just ignore me while I do talk about
Spite, excitement, still good motivational tools.
-Spy on j00 I do.
poster: Wildchild
subject: >>>>Motivate Eyespy!
date: Mon Jun 19 17:25:26 2006
> Talking to me about going bigger gets me excited too,
That belongs on obscene. :)
poster: Uno
subject: >>>>Motivate Eyespy!
date: Wed Jun 21 16:49:10 2006
On Mon Jun 19 16:10:11 2006 Eyespy wrote post #718:
> area and it's better than nothing, right? So far I'm not even using
> MUD space so it's not even hurting anything.
> Although you guys keep telling me to go smaller, all it does is
> motivate me to go bigger. Talking to me about going bigger gets me
> excited too, so if you really want me to go smaller, it may be wiser
> to say nothing on the topic and just ignore me while I do talk about
> it.
> Spite, excitement, still good motivational tools.
> -Spy on j00 I do.
If you finish a 200 room area in 2 months I'll give you all my gold
equipment, and all my guild's gold.
Est. time to burnout/spazfest: 2-4 weeks
Est. probability: 96%
poster: Eyespy
subject: >>>>>Motivate Eyespy!
date: Wed Jun 21 18:19:55 2006
for caps byez
poster: Eyespy
subject: The Bets
date: Fri Jun 23 00:17:55 2006
Now, I'm a paranoid lot, so I've decided to set the terms of the
bets I've got going straight, just in case someone wants to back out
with some bogus loophole.
Seeing that Uno and Monkey have "bet" me that I won't finish a 200
room area (Monkey's bet is indefinate in its length, Uno gives me
two months, so let's say about 60 days. If I started 6/17, I'll be
fair and square and say that today is the 22nd of June, meaning I'm
already on day five.)
I will lay my money down on the line to establish that this is an
actual bet, because you're supposed to have something on the line
when you bet, and I currently don't have anything on the line. A
"nothing-to-lose, everything-to-gain" scenario. That's not a bet in
my books, more of like a gentle way of saying, "You're full of it
Eyespy. :)"
Basically, I accept Uno and Monkey's and whoever else who wishes to
bet against me. I will split my money evenly amongst those who bet
against me. Heck, why don't we have fun and make it like a booking
station? The bets between me and Uno and Monkey will be personal,
and any further bets for or against me can be placed in a pool.
These bets don't have to be for all of your money, mind, but the
winning pool gets the cash from the other pool and that money gets
divided proportionally to how much is bet per person.
In the event I do not finish the 200 room area, I'll give the wiards
permission (Hah, like they need it.) to ha><0r me and transfer my
cash to both Monkey and Uno.
Okay, that's it. You're all goin' down.
--Eyespy with my little eye
poster: Monkey
subject: The Bet!
date: Fri Jun 23 01:45:17 2006
I will be transferring all of my money into my clan account (which I
am the only active person in so there is no chance of withdrawl from
others) so that I am not able to spend it. I will continue this with
the money I receive from selling of items, golding, etc.
Love, Monkey
(ps: get back to work eyespy)
poster: Ronan
subject: Sup
date: Fri Jun 23 02:31:30 2006
My wifes due date was Nov 3rd, we went and got the ultrasound today,
and Opps the due date is Oct 9th ahah
And we are having another little girl
Guess I gotta get more practice
Practice is the fun part
poster: Tranquil
subject: >Sup
date: Fri Jun 23 06:39:15 2006
On Fri Jun 23 02:31:30 2006 Ronan wrote post #724:
> My wifes due date was Nov 3rd, we went and got the ultrasound today,
> and Opps the due date is Oct 9th ahah
> And we are having another little girl
> Guess I gotta get more practice
> Practice is the fun part
> Yay
Stop wearing those tightie-whities. They cause your 'nads to heat
up, which causes the little boys in your jacket to swim too fast and
die before they get any work done. If you really must wear
underwear, try boxers, and to maximise your chances of having a boy,
take a cold shower before making your next baby. Hope this helps.
poster: Denim
subject: >The Bet
date: Fri Jun 23 08:07:18 2006
Yeah, you guys can take that crap to like, tells, or mails, or smoke signals.
I'd have to say that many of us do not care about someone building a
rather unoriginal area in a very short span of time, it will not
have the same detail as areas that were not rushed.
so yeah, take this crap to tells, thanks much
poster: Monkey
subject: >>The Bet
date: Fri Jun 23 21:28:06 2006
I apologize. I thought some people might like the idea of adding
200+ rooms to their explored status.
You know, getting closer to 14k rooms and all that.
I will try and keep everything away from everyone.
poster: Eyespy
subject: >>>The Bet
date: Fri Jun 23 22:30:34 2006
Wtf makes you think my area WON'T be detailed? I've been describing
a lot of stuff, as a matter of fact. You can ask Monkey if my rooms
aren't that detailed.
They aren't perfect yet, but I'm making progress, and I still need
to go back and edit/revise them. Every room that I have is at least
three lines long. Some of those descs aren't the greatest in the
world, but at least I'm working on it, neh?
And "many of you" who do not care just simply need to type enter
twice when they see a message by either me or Monkey. It's that
If you do speak for the masses Denim, there is still a minority that
does care, so kindly leave the subject alone.
K thnx
poster: Uno
subject: >>>>The Bet
date: Fri Jun 23 22:46:01 2006
On Fri Jun 23 22:30:34 2006 Eyespy wrote post #728:
> three lines long. Some of those descs aren't the greatest in the
> world, but at least I'm working on it, neh?
> And "many of you" who do not care just simply need to type enter
> twice when they see a message by either me or Monkey. It's that
> simple.
> If you do speak for the masses Denim, there is still a minority that
> does care, so kindly leave the subject alone.
> K thnx
> -Eyespy
shut up and go code.
poster: Baer
subject: >>>>>The Bet
date: Sat Jun 24 01:11:50 2006
I'll offer four mist mage sets!
poster: Eyespy
subject: Farewell!
date: Sun Jun 25 16:51:20 2006
See subject. I transferred my money to Monkey and Uno, and gave my
eq to Gandalf, who won the I want Eyespy's eq challenge three out of
three times.
I'm suiciding. Not much point staying here if half the mud hates me
as much as I hate it. I was just sticking around through
perseverence anyway. G'day. G'night. Good bye.
poster: Uno
subject: >Farewell!
date: Mon Jun 26 23:22:41 2006
On Sun Jun 25 16:51:20 2006 Eyespy wrote post #731:
> See subject. I transferred my money to Monkey and Uno, and gave my
> eq to Gandalf, who won the I want Eyespy's eq challenge three out of
> three times.
> I'm suiciding. Not much point staying here if half the mud hates me
> as much as I hate it. I was just sticking around through
> perseverence anyway. G'day. G'night. Good bye.
Best.... Newspost.... EVAR....
All those who bet the 2 week under plz see me to collect.
poster: Moridin
subject: >>>The Bet
date: Tue Jun 27 10:41:42 2006
On Fri Jun 23 21:28:06 2006 Monkey wrote post #727:
> I apologize. I thought some people might like the idea of adding
> 200+ rooms to their explored status.
> You know, getting closer to 14k rooms and all that.
> I will try and keep everything away from everyone.
Really, if the most important aspect of a new area for you, is
getting you closer to 14k rooms, something is wrong, I'd take a well
made 25 room area over a rushed 250 one any day.
poster: Monkey
subject: >>>>The Bet
date: Wed Jun 28 00:38:55 2006
Oh well, doesn't matter anyways.
Eyespy has given up. (although the area did have potential)
poster: Drake
subject: Boots of the Demon
date: Fri Jul 28 16:28:58 2006
Hello I lost/can't find my Boots of the demon from Gangreal. If someone has them or has any information I would appreciate it muchly. I had them yesterday and they weren't in my inventory last night. Thanks. Small Reward for the boots.
Dr. Ake
poster: Tzikas
subject: Upcoming EQ Parties
date: Fri Jul 28 21:13:06 2006
tzipersonal [Greater Shield: REFRESHED]
I'll try to host EQ next Tuesday and Thursday from around 19:00 in
the evening, going for as long as we can stay awake/have the
interest. Mudmail me if you're interested, and I'll try to set
something up.
poster: Tzikas
subject: >Upcoming EQ Parties
date: Mon Jul 31 09:31:07 2006
Well, I have the healers sorted, but alas; no witch or abjurer.
Still hoping people will find a interest in doing some regular EQ
parties in the weeks to come, so let me know when _you_ can join and
I'll sort something. And no, I haven't given up on tomorrow either
poster: Tzikas
subject: >>Upcoming EQ Parties
date: Tue Aug 1 09:41:35 2006
Quick update:
I have a witch, an abjurer and plenty of healers signed up at the
moment. What this means is that right now I need (more) blastbots!
So, calling on all you evokers, nether mages and druids out there to
be online tonight around 19:00. I will also consider bringing a
primary bard and harmer along should any members of these classes
show up.
poster: Wagro
subject: Have you seen these rooms?
date: Sun Aug 6 09:07:06 2006
After giving about 3m gold to eriol, i was shown these rooms which I
have been unable to identify. I will give 1m gold to anyone who can
tell me where any one of these rooms are.
Badlands [exits: southwest, south and southeast]
The cold, dark ground that lies beneath you echoes deeply under
your footsteps as you trail upon it. A silence falls over the island
for a brief moment, all you hear is your own heartbeat pounding
without a rhythm, deep in your chest.
Etheral Void [exits: west and out]
You are standing in a small clearing on this plane of nothingness.
Surrounding the clearing are large stones set in a loosely circular
Ethereal Void [exits: east]
You seem to be standing on a large rocky plane floating in
nothingness as far as the eye can see. The void looms like an
ominous beast occupying all of infinity.
Rabbit hole [exits: north]
You are inside the bank of a small hillock, in the hole of a
rabbit. There is dirt everywhere, and it's mixed indiscriminately
with rabbit droppings.
Sky [exits: none]
High in sky above Islands of Myth.
poster: Wagro
subject: >Have you seen these rooms?
date: Sun Aug 6 19:16:03 2006
On Sun Aug 6 09:07:06 2006 Wagro wrote post #739:
> After giving about 3m gold to eriol, i was shown these rooms which I
> have been unable to identify. I will give 1m gold to anyone who can
> tell me where any one of these rooms are.
> Badlands [exits: southwest, south and southeast]
> The cold, dark ground that lies beneath you echoes deeply under
> your footsteps as you trail upon it. A silence falls over the island
> for a brief moment, all you hear is your own heartbeat pounding
> without a rhythm, deep in your chest.
> Etheral Void [exits: west and out]
> You are standing in a small clearing on this plane of nothingness.
> Surrounding the clearing are large stones set in a loosely circular
> formation.
> Ethereal Void [exits: east]
> You seem to be standing on a large rocky plane floating in
> nothingness as far as the eye can see. The void looms like an
> ominous beast occupying all of infinity.
> Rabbit hole [exits: north]
> You are inside the bank of a small hillock, in the hole of a
> rabbit. There is dirt everywhere, and it's mixed indiscriminately
> with rabbit droppings.
> Sky [exits: none]
> High in sky above Islands of Myth.
Tranquil was the first to get me the high in the sky room. The rest
are still open for competition! In order to count I need to actually
get to the room to confirm it.
poster: Wagro
subject: Have you seen these rooms too?
date: Tue Aug 8 00:34:36 2006
Same deal as other post, 1m if you can give me information leading
to the getting of these rooms:
Magical Whirlpool [exits: tunnel and out]
Your currently spining around in a magical whirlpool. In the middle
of the squirling pool of dark green water is a magical tunnel that
seems to fluctuate with time. Currently it points to 'Remains of the
Adventurers' Guild'.
In a Large Dark Cave [exits: east]
You are in a large, dark cave that does not seem to have any exit
apart from the one in which you came in. There is a strong odor and
you can guess some animal made his lair here.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Have you seen these rooms too?
date: Tue Aug 8 02:18:43 2006
On Tue Aug 8 00:34:36 2006 Wagro wrote post #741:
> Same deal as other post, 1m if you can give me information leading
> to the getting of these rooms:
> Magical Whirlpool [exits: tunnel and out]
> Your currently spining around in a magical whirlpool. In the middle
> of the squirling pool of dark green water is a magical tunnel that
> seems to fluctuate with time. Currently it points to 'Remains of the
> Adventurers' Guild'.
> In a Large Dark Cave [exits: east]
> You are in a large, dark cave that does not seem to have any exit
> apart from the one in which you came in. There is a strong odor and
> you can guess some animal made his lair here.
Figured I would save you some trouble.. the first one is not
poster: Wagro
subject: >Have you seen these rooms?
date: Tue Aug 8 18:07:24 2006
On Sun Aug 6 09:07:06 2006 Wagro wrote post #739:
> After giving about 3m gold to eriol, i was shown these rooms which I
> have been unable to identify. I will give 1m gold to anyone who can
> tell me where any one of these rooms are.
> Badlands [exits: southwest, south and southeast]
> The cold, dark ground that lies beneath you echoes deeply under
> your footsteps as you trail upon it. A silence falls over the island
> for a brief moment, all you hear is your own heartbeat pounding
> without a rhythm, deep in your chest.
> Etheral Void [exits: west and out]
> You are standing in a small clearing on this plane of nothingness.
> Surrounding the clearing are large stones set in a loosely circular
> formation.
> Ethereal Void [exits: east]
> You seem to be standing on a large rocky plane floating in
> nothingness as far as the eye can see. The void looms like an
> ominous beast occupying all of infinity.
> Rabbit hole [exits: north]
> You are inside the bank of a small hillock, in the hole of a
> rabbit. There is dirt everywhere, and it's mixed indiscriminately
> with rabbit droppings.
> Sky [exits: none]
> High in sky above Islands of Myth.
Tranquil has found me the badlands room. I'm still looking for the
etheral void and the rabbit hole. Also interested in the lair room I
posted yesterday, but it might be a duplicate (is not the one in nw
corner of mallorn forest)
poster: Draco
subject: farewell all
date: Wed Aug 9 18:38:09 2006
the time has come, my intrest im playing has not returned, so i must
bid you all a farewell. iw will cherish the memories of all and if
you are ever around in guild wars, feel free to contact me there,
toon names are draco gorman, buffy T V S, faith T V S, and a few
others that i rarely am on. keep plugging away and have fun.
poster: Denim
subject: >>farewell all
date: Wed Aug 9 19:48:46 2006
yeah, not sure, but i know i myself am pretty tired of seeing this
from some moron every 3 months, its not exactly original anymore
folks, just leave, and don't come back, if your anything like draco
you wont be missed :)
poster: Trigon
subject: >>>farewell all
date: Wed Aug 16 05:17:34 2006
I like the Trigon approach :
Login every 2-3 months and read the news, you still get your fix and
nobody sees me saying goodbye every time.
It's quick and easy, just like Denim.
poster: Uno
subject: >>>farewell all
date: Wed Aug 16 21:38:33 2006
On Wed Aug 9 19:48:46 2006 Denim wrote post #745:
> yeah, not sure, but i know i myself am pretty tired of seeing this
> from some moron every 3 months, its not exactly original anymore
> folks, just leave, and don't come back, if your anything like draco
> you wont be missed :)
> denim
I miss draco
poster: Inside
subject: pale white leggings
date: Tue Aug 29 14:06:59 2006
for all those curious noobies out there, they're on dula'sha.
dula'sha is on oddworld, in the chessboard area.
poster: Bahgtru
subject: Java client
date: Fri Sep 1 10:08:41 2006
I'm one of those primitive mudders who prefer the use of the java client over zMud or Portal or any other fancypants program.
The java link on the webpage is still linking to the old IP address. Is there any chance this can be rectified?
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Java client
date: Fri Sep 1 13:38:34 2006
On Fri Sep 1 10:08:41 2006 Bahgtru wrote post #749:
> Hello
> I'm one of those primitive mudders who prefer the use of the java client
over zMud or Portal or any other fancypants program.
> The java link on the webpage is still linking to the old IP address. Is
there any chance this can be rectified?
> Thankles
> Bags
Said this a couple of times on channels. Will add it here for everyone.
khosan is looking into it. There is some question about
where the source is at and which version is the most recent.
poster: Daran
subject: My Websites
date: Sat Sep 9 05:22:23 2006
Can anyone report any 406 errors still going on with any part of my
website? The company claims its fixed after several weeks of
waiting. I'd like to get confirmation from others if its still broke
or not though. Thanks for your time
poster: Korthrun
subject: >My Websites
date: Sun Sep 10 04:28:26 2006
poster: Inside
subject: >>My Websites
date: Sun Sep 10 12:50:54 2006
On Sun Sep 10 04:28:26 2006 Korthrun wrote post #752:
> q
dude, you fucking win for life
poster: Lorric
subject: new harddrive
date: Mon Sep 18 23:33:04 2006
i have an old 8g HD. i just got a new 160g HD. after i install my
new one how do put everything from the old one onto my new one?
keep in mind i dont work with comp. i only mud/mail/sex ;) i am
assuming i should leave the old one in and use it as a secondary
drive maby as a back up? i have no clue how to use it.
if anyone has the motivation would you please mudmail me some simple
step by step suggestions on how to replace my old drive with the new
one i would appreciate it very much. thank you
poster: Uno
subject: >new harddrive
date: Mon Sep 18 23:34:59 2006
On Mon Sep 18 23:33:04 2006 Lorric wrote post #754:
> new one how do put everything from the old one onto my new one?
> keep in mind i dont work with comp. i only mud/mail/sex ;) i am
> assuming i should leave the old one in and use it as a secondary
> drive maby as a back up? i have no clue how to use it.
> if anyone has the motivation would you please mudmail me some simple
> step by step suggestions on how to replace my old drive with the new
> one i would appreciate it very much. thank you
> bonghit
> 420
hmm, sex w/ your computer?
poster: Wraith
subject: new hd
date: Tue Sep 19 01:48:13 2006
install the secondary as slave, otherwise you will have to reghack
or reinstall all programs on it. If you are just trying to save
movies and the like, just slave it and cut and paste.
poster: Trigon
subject: Eheh
date: Tue Sep 19 07:05:11 2006
I think I have officially graduated from being a lamez0r, I'm
getting married Dec 30 in Mesa. Feel free to post about me in
praise...or obscene I guess. If I get really anxious I'll find a
way to post a picture or something, but hooray for me
And back to idle I go.
poster: Bahgtru
subject: >Eheh
date: Tue Sep 19 07:06:08 2006
On Tue Sep 19 07:05:11 2006 Trigon wrote post #757:
> I think I have officially graduated from being a lamez0r, I'm
> getting married Dec 30 in Mesa. Feel free to post about me in
> praise...or obscene I guess. If I get really anxious I'll find a
> way to post a picture or something, but hooray for me
> And back to idle I go.
MudCon at Trigon's house, Dec 29!
poster: Fox
subject: >Eheh
date: Tue Sep 19 07:07:25 2006
On Tue Sep 19 07:05:11 2006 Trigon wrote post #757:
> I think I have officially graduated from being a lamez0r, I'm
> getting married Dec 30 in Mesa. Feel free to post about me in
> praise...or obscene I guess. If I get really anxious I'll find a
> way to post a picture or something, but hooray for me
> And back to idle I go.
Sweet! Congratz! BTW: dibs on your stereo!
poster: Andros
subject: Daddy Dank
date: Sat Sep 30 00:16:43 2006
Brock Axl Kramer born september 29th at 10:39am
5 pounds, 8 ounces
Flee in terror!
poster: Inside
subject: >Daddy Dank
date: Sat Sep 30 00:44:59 2006
On Sat Sep 30 00:16:43 2006 Andros wrote post #760:
> Brock Axl Kramer born september 29th at 10:39am
> 5 pounds, 8 ounces
> Flee in terror!
ah, keeping alive the tradition in your family of getting beat up on
the playground, eh?
poster: Blackjack
subject: >>Daddy Dank
date: Sat Sep 30 01:52:30 2006
poster: Kuron
subject: Baby Andros
date: Sat Sep 30 14:25:39 2006
Congrats on the little boy Andros, can't wait to see my new second cousin :)
poster: Tranquil
subject: One for the kids
date: Sun Oct 1 18:24:25 2006
I'm not usually the type to forward chain letters and other assorted
spam, but this time it's for a good cause.
poster: Korthrun
subject: Warrior
date: Thu Oct 5 23:52:37 2006
I am not a warrior.
From this moment on you will refer to my guild as "Paladin".
poster: Uno
subject: >Warrior
date: Fri Oct 6 16:43:59 2006
On Thu Oct 5 23:52:37 2006 Korthrun wrote post #765:
> I am not a warrior.
> From this moment on you will refer to my guild as "Paladin".
ehehe Bubble->Hearth....
poster: Triangle
subject: Sadness
date: Fri Oct 6 21:46:00 2006
Just posting that a close friend of mine had recently past, and while she was only young she will not be forgotten by those who knew her and im sure that those of you who didnt know her would mourn her passing as much as i do if they had of known her... Goodbye Talia, i hope to see you again one day
poster: Vor
subject: test
date: Sat Oct 7 07:43:24 2006
poster: Inside
subject: grnbud
date: Sun Oct 8 19:22:25 2006
you are all fobidden from exping him til i manage to pass him.
poster: Vor
subject: for monkey
date: Wed Oct 11 20:11:29 2006
this is actually for anyone that likes the dresden dolls, but i
happen to know monkey does.
and a bit of the story behind is it at:
poster: Korthrun
subject: just in case
date: Sat Oct 14 04:17:26 2006
Tomorrow morning, for no good reason what so ever I will be jumping
out of a _perfectly working_ airplane.
So if you don't hear from me for a while, I went splat.
Thanks for all the fish!
poster: Ronan
subject: sup
date: Sat Oct 14 10:45:47 2006
Anyways, I just stopped by to let you guys know my wife had the 2nd
Baby Oct 7th. Another Girl 7lb 14oz. Abigayl Lynn
Go me and my baby maker
p.s. imma retire again I think
I wont ever be back
think ill play guildwars
poster: Athena
subject: News from Hawaii
date: Sun Oct 15 22:34:15 2006
Thought you all might wanna read this, if you haven't already.
Love ya guys and gals!
poster: Axis
subject: me
date: Mon Oct 16 06:44:45 2006
i am a ninja
k thx
poster: Bahgtru
subject: >me
date: Mon Oct 16 06:45:13 2006
On Mon Oct 16 06:44:45 2006 Axis wrote post #774:
> i am a ninja
> k thx
I thought you were a coalition of Germany, Japan and Italy?
poster: Monkey
subject: >>me
date: Tue Oct 17 08:49:55 2006
On Mon Oct 16 06:45:13 2006 Bahgtru wrote post #775:
> On Mon Oct 16 06:44:45 2006 Axis wrote post #774:
> > i am a ninja
> > k thx
> I thought you were a coalition of Germany, Japan and Italy?
poster: Bahgtru
subject: >>>me
date: Tue Oct 17 08:50:26 2006
On Tue Oct 17 08:49:55 2006 Monkey wrote post #776:
> On Mon Oct 16 06:45:13 2006 Bahgtru wrote post #775:
> > On Mon Oct 16 06:44:45 2006 Axis wrote post #774:
> > > i am a ninja
> > > k thx
> > I thought you were a coalition of Germany, Japan and Italy?
> Germapaly?
Bless you
poster: Korthrun
subject: 10th
date: Thu Oct 19 11:03:09 2006
i don't think i did, so wanted to say thanks to all teh folks
involved in setting up the 10th anniversary bit.
It was a great idea and went off great
i'll say great one more time
poster: Tektor
subject: Tektor
date: Sat Oct 21 23:51:16 2006
Hi I want to start playing more again and I see a few clans that are
activish sooo I'm looking for one, I'm only 917mish and lack eq but
I would like to work on that, annnnd i can reinc to whatever guild
the clan needs im currently a shifter.
poster: Uno
subject: >Tektor
date: Sat Oct 21 23:51:26 2006
On Sat Oct 21 23:51:16 2006 Tektor wrote post #779:
> Hi I want to start playing more again and I see a few clans that are
> activish sooo I'm looking for one, I'm only 917mish and lack eq but
> I would like to work on that, annnnd i can reinc to whatever guild
> the clan needs im currently a shifter.
poster: Andros
subject: DENIM
date: Wed Oct 25 03:37:36 2006
denim is 21 today whee!!!!
happy birthday denim
poster: Korthrun
subject: sloatinok experiement
date: Sat Oct 28 21:26:44 2006
Thanks whiners, nothing like a 2 hour test run.
poster: Daran
subject: >sloatinok experiement
date: Sat Oct 28 21:28:37 2006
On Sat Oct 28 21:26:44 2006 Korthrun wrote post #782:
> Thanks whiners, nothing like a 2 hour test run.
That's ok, ur'll only used to 8second test runs anways.
poster: Warrowarr
subject: Eq, Sloatinok and playing in general.
date: Tue Oct 31 11:13:37 2006
I've elaborated on the eq topic before, in some other thread.
So parts of this is most likely a repetition of what I've
written earlier. ___It is a long posting.___
The backdrop is the occationally flaring discussions the last
few days conserning the change in Sloatinok. I easily admit
that my point of view is biased.
But then again; In that I am not alone.
According to the latest post on inform concerning Sloatinok:
"The overall goal is to try to get more equipment in the game,
rather than having the goal of eq. being immediate saccing,
with no other in-game effects."
A couple of questions:
1. If the goal was to get eq into the game and keep it there,
wouldn't the easiest solution be to simply remove Sloatinok?
And remove eq decay?
2. What are the important in-game effects of camping the same
areas over and over for xp and/or gold?
I don't mind doing this experiment. I'm sure it can be dealt
with. In several ways.
What I do have a big problem with is the description of the
'doing-eq' process that are outlined and served as a truth.
That eq parties have lately only been run in order to get eq
for tp sac, and that as good as all the eq that has been
obtained in said parties have indeed been tp sac'ed. I
strongly object to leave that as the accurate and official
___Just because an item has not hit the sales channel does
not mean the item did not get into the game.___
MANY pieces from the latest weeks has entered someones eq set,
and are as such being used. The list of kills that has been
set up for any party running has been set up based on the
following 3 criterias: 1. At least one of the very biggest
mobs. (Naraku more often than any other because he has hardly
been killed in the last year.) 2. 1-2 mobs wanted by regular
party members. 3. 1-2 Mobs rarely done. For the sake of
variation. (And 4. A total evaluation of the kill list to
ensure that enough will drop to give at least one item to
everyone participating. And that we get done in time. Our
parties have been of relatively short duration.)
Mostly this means that several of the pieces in the loot each
time are pieces that one or more in the party needs for his
or hers eqset(s).
__By me this qualifies as 'eq entering the game'.___
Some do indeed mostly do eqparties, rewardwise, for the sake
of getting eq to sac. Most significantly (but not exclusively)
that would be Lucifer, Blackwidow and me. We all sac whatever
we can get our hands on. That being said, since we have
allready sac'ed a lot, getting more than one piece in a party
that we can sac is unusual. Ending up with nothing to sac
happens. This tendency will just grow stronger the longer we
keep going. (You can not sac the same item more than one time.)
The way the 'eq-problem' has been presented lately is that
if you want so sac eq, you're not someone nice. You should have
taken responsibility and rather spread the eq around. At some
point there was even said from an admin: 'We'll see if this
gets people to start sharing.' I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that
if you choose to do eq instead of xp and gold, you do in fact
have a larger responsibility for the community of players.
That by doing eq you need to make sure everyone gets a share.
And that 'everyone' is to be understood as the entire playerbase.
As a player told me 'We need to let those that just want to
play do just that.' I don't say they shouldn't. I just say
that this doesn't imply that everyone has a birthright to have
top eq. Because, make no mistake, top eq is what we are
talking about here. It is frequently used as an argument that
the problem is the little ammount of midbie-eq that is available.
At the same time it is odd that those that use this argument
most frequently are highworth players currently strugling to get
hold of some eq pieces THEY want. For gold. And it surely isn't
midbie-eq they're looking for.
I refuse to let the blame for what someone feels is a bad
situation with eq on IOM is assigned to those that has been
doing eq the last year. EVERY time an eq party is run SOME
eq do come into the game. I refuse to cater to the wishes
someone has that enough gold should eventually buy you
everything you want. If the latter is indeed the situation
that IS wanted, there is a simpler solution: Let Rufrin get
some random eq pieces pop up in his inventory. Top eq of
course. No less.
More than anything, I wish there could be formulated some
underlaying policy regarding eq. Should it be something you
have to actively work for to get? Should there always be
enough eq in circulation for everyone to buy? Or just enough
so those with massive ammounts of gold will always be able
to buy?
Right now the signals are contradicting.
poster: Daneel
subject: >Eq, Sloatinok and playing in general.
date: Tue Oct 31 16:07:11 2006
I'm sorry; my statement wasn't meant to be perjorative.
Let me restate:
Many here perceive there to be a problem with equipment, it's
acquisition, and its dissemination, under the current system.
I don't think anyone has precisely articulated exactly what
they think that problem is. Consider this experiment merely an
attempt to shake things up, to change *something*, in order to
see the effects, and start honing in on a more exact problem,
and consequently, some sort of solution.
It may be that there is no solution. It may, indeed, be that
there is no real problem to solve. Or it may be that we're
missing something obvious. Most likely, it's none of these,
and there is, in fact, a complicated set of problems, each
seen by some sub-segment of the population. However, we aren't
going to get anywhere determining any of this without trying
poster: Wagro
subject: >Eq, Sloatinok and playing in general.
date: Tue Oct 31 18:04:46 2006
On Tue Oct 31 11:13:37 2006 Warrowarr wrote post #784:
> I've elaborated on the eq topic before, in some other thread.
> So parts of this is most likely a repetition of what I've
> written earlier. ___It is a long posting.___
> The backdrop is the occationally flaring discussions the last
> few days conserning the change in Sloatinok. I easily admit
> that my point of view is biased.
> But then again; In that I am not alone.
> According to the latest post on inform concerning Sloatinok:
> "The overall goal is to try to get more equipment in the game,
> rather than having the goal of eq. being immediate saccing,
> with no other in-game effects."
> A couple of questions:
> 1. If the goal was to get eq into the game and keep it there,
> wouldn't the easiest solution be to simply remove Sloatinok?
> And remove eq decay?
> 2. What are the important in-game effects of camping the same
> areas over and over for xp and/or gold?
> I don't mind doing this experiment. I'm sure it can be dealt
> with. In several ways.
> What I do have a big problem with is the description of the
> 'doing-eq' process that are outlined and served as a truth.
> That eq parties have lately only been run in order to get eq
> for tp sac, and that as good as all the eq that has been
> obtained in said parties have indeed been tp sac'ed. I
> strongly object to leave that as the accurate and official
> version.
> ___Just because an item has not hit the sales channel does
> not mean the item did not get into the game.___
> MANY pieces from the latest weeks has entered someones eq set,
> and are as such being used. The list of kills that has been
> set up for any party running has been set up based on the
> following 3 criterias: 1. At least one of the very biggest
> mobs. (Naraku more often than any other because he has hardly
> been killed in the last year.) 2. 1-2 mobs wanted by regular
> party members. 3. 1-2 Mobs rarely done. For the sake of
> variation. (And 4. A total evaluation of the kill list to
> ensure that enough will drop to give at least one item to
> everyone participating. And that we get done in time. Our
> parties have been of relatively short duration.)
> Mostly this means that several of the pieces in the loot each
> time are pieces that one or more in the party needs for his
> or hers eqset(s).
> __By me this qualifies as 'eq entering the game'.___
> Some do indeed mostly do eqparties, rewardwise, for the sake
> of getting eq to sac. Most significantly (but not exclusively)
> that would be Lucifer, Blackwidow and me. We all sac whatever
> we can get our hands on. That being said, since we have
> allready sac'ed a lot, getting more than one piece in a party
> that we can sac is unusual. Ending up with nothing to sac
> happens. This tendency will just grow stronger the longer we
> keep going. (You can not sac the same item more than one time.)
> The way the 'eq-problem' has been presented lately is that
> if you want so sac eq, you're not someone nice. You should have
> taken responsibility and rather spread the eq around. At some
> point there was even said from an admin: 'We'll see if this
> gets people to start sharing.' I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that
> if you choose to do eq instead of xp and gold, you do in fact
> have a larger responsibility for the community of players.
> That by doing eq you need to make sure everyone gets a share.
> And that 'everyone' is to be understood as the entire playerbase.
> As a player told me 'We need to let those that just want to
> play do just that.' I don't say they shouldn't. I just say
> that this doesn't imply that everyone has a birthright to have
> top eq. Because, make no mistake, top eq is what we are
> talking about here. It is frequently used as an argument that
> the problem is the little ammount of midbie-eq that is available.
> At the same time it is odd that those that use this argument
> most frequently are highworth players currently strugling to get
> hold of some eq pieces THEY want. For gold. And it surely isn't
> midbie-eq they're looking for.
> I refuse to let the blame for what someone feels is a bad
> situation with eq on IOM is assigned to those that has been
> doing eq the last year. EVERY time an eq party is run SOME
> eq do come into the game. I refuse to cater to the wishes
> someone has that enough gold should eventually buy you
> everything you want. If the latter is indeed the situation
> that IS wanted, there is a simpler solution: Let Rufrin get
> some random eq pieces pop up in his inventory. Top eq of
> course. No less.
> More than anything, I wish there could be formulated some
> underlaying policy regarding eq. Should it be something you
> have to actively work for to get? Should there always be
> enough eq in circulation for everyone to buy? Or just enough
> so those with massive ammounts of gold will always be able
> to buy?
> Right now the signals are contradicting.
IMO the underlying problem is not eq coming into the game, but eq
not entereing the market. You cannot deny that over the last x
months/years it has been much, much more difficult to purchase eq
than it is to trade. Granted, a part of the problem is that there
are not a whole lot of in game uses for large quantities of gold,
which is a whole new issue that I feel also needs to be delt with
eventually. That being said, from my point of view I see very little
equipment finding its way into the market for the sole purpose of
profit. There are really only two types of equipment when it comes
down to dicing: EQ that i can sac, and EQ that I can upgrade my set
While there are not enough places to spend gold currently, it can
still be very effective at its real task if people would actually
use it that way: a currency. I think that if immediate saccing is
taken off the table, there is a strong possibility for people to
start selling eq and purchasing pieces they need to sac.
I don't think that it is a question of responsibility to sell eq as
the current system does not promote a healthy mud economy. It's not
about not being able to acquire top eq as a non-eqer, its about not
being able to buy eq _at all_. I do not think that anyone is at
fault, because it is simply human nature to take the course of
action which will give you the largest gain. What this change does
is make the option of selling eq look a lot more attractive when
compared to saccing. There are really two ways to "make" players
change their behavior: downtune the most used options, or uptune the
least used ones. Of course, I would have to say from the perspective
of the eq'ers, this would be considered a downtune. While it may not
be the best course of action, lets give it a chance to see what
effect, if any, it has on the status quo. Maybe it is not a
permenant fix but it might work until a real use for gold emerges.
The biggest question I have for you is, why is it such a problem? If
anything, the number of pieces in game you can sac has just
skyrocketed. You no longer need to burn pyroclasts if you want to
sac something, all you have to do is have a little patience and buy
pieces for cheap after someone has made good use of it. Your post
seemed to revolve around attacking the intentions of the new change,
but I did not see in what way it significantly impacts your overall
playing style. Please elaborate, I am really interested on hearing
that side of the argument.
poster: Lucifer
subject: >>Eq, Sloatinok and playing in general.
date: Tue Oct 31 22:38:46 2006
this change tells me,, to not do eq again.
Because, I think eq is fun, mainly because I get more tp from doing eq.
The more tp I sac, The more eq ends up in the mud also.. since
the more tp a player gets, the bigger the chance is to get eq that
is already sacced
And unlike others,, I dont harvest spare eq in castles for
centuries. I sell it
at decent prices at Gab's.
This change,, when it comes to my clan anyway, will only make sure,
less eq ends up
in the game, since this change Kills at least 3 of our players who
loved to do eq
for the same reason.
If you wanted more eq in the game,, this is really not the way to go,,
Really, this was a brainfart, not a brainstorm
poster: Uno
subject: A farce in 3 acts
date: Wed Nov 1 00:21:07 2006
I'll try to be brief.
Re: Warrowarr's comments -
In my opinion the goal of the change was not to get more eq into the game,
but rather the first step in fixing what is perceived as a broken
financial system. Without going deeper into the specific mechanics, I'll
acknowledge that Sloatinok fills an important niche in the system, but
his place had become dislodged from its original position. I'm not sure
where the moral criticisms have come from. The "sharing" comment from
Daneel was, I think, meant to be tongue-in-cheek. This isn't meant to target
active eq'ers, it's targetting the system. A smart player should be able
to make this system work JUST as well - if not BETTER - regardless
of their goals, than it did before.
Re: Wagro's comments -
I tend to agree that gold needs to become more relevant, and that it will
probably require more "toys" being available that use gold as currency.
I'd take it a step further and say that the whole "currency" system needs
to be analyzed and tweaks introduced to create some flexibility
while still driving the engine of commerce.
Re: Lucifer's comments -
I think you have a point regarding bloated tpsaccers having to
to dislodge pieces of eq back into the game. That would, eventually,
normalize the economy. But that's not the same thing as a healthy
economy. Gold was the first asset to lose value, and, subsequently,
eq has started to lose value as well. We're headed toward a place where
tp also have no value. Then What? If that seems silly, well.. I'm
exaggerating to illustrate a point. That point is this: rewards are nice,
but without the content and the process and the GAME behind them, they are
meaningless. If you enjoy the content and the process of doing eq and you
are skilled at it, you're going to be rewarded. And those rewards should be
the biggest fish in the food chain of a healthy economy. I don't think this
is the LAST step in the change, it's the FIRST step toward a more vibrant
and healthy commerical ecosystem.
poster: Baer
subject: fancy new eq change
date: Wed Nov 1 02:23:48 2006
Old eq life cycle: Acquire -> Use. Or Acquire -> Sac.
New eq life cycle: Acquire -> Use -> Sac.
Is that basically it?
As someone who has made some eq before, I like the idea that people
won't be too scared to use it and give it a go any more. There are a
lot of things coded in that you don't see with an identify spell and
hopefully this change makes the mud a bit more fun. Also we might
see a bit more activity on sales (besides wild animal sex) where
people sell new eq and buy used eq to sac.
Does anyone know how long it takes to wear a piece of eq down from
new to sufficiently used?
ps I was briefer than Uno.
poster: Uno
subject: >fancy new eq change
date: Wed Nov 1 06:23:30 2006
On Wed Nov 1 02:23:48 2006 Baer wrote post #789:
> lot of things coded in that you don't see with an identify spell and
> hopefully this change makes the mud a bit more fun. Also we might
> see a bit more activity on sales (besides wild animal sex) where
> people sell new eq and buy used eq to sac.
> Does anyone know how long it takes to wear a piece of eq down from
> new to sufficiently used?
> ps I was briefer than Uno.
I'm thinking about 2 weeks of solid use gets you to where you want to be.
poster: Mintorus
subject: New eq system
date: Wed Nov 1 10:24:49 2006
OK im just throwing in a new idea for discussions, so dont shoot me down without thinking about it.
1) remove sloatinok
2) new system of tps - every mob that inherits EQ_MONSTER drops tokens that you can give to a NPC for tps. The level of the mob will determine the amount of tps & the number of tokens it drops. (1-10 tps & 1-5 tokens imo).
- the token can only be cashed in by a member of the party that killed the mob
- a player can only cash in a token once from each eq mob
- the NPC can sell you a list of eq mobs that you HAVE NOT cashed in
This should mean that eq will flood the market more. and as a result a tune on a few things would be needed.
- Eq_decay should be made a little more aggresive.
- Pyros should be either removed or made very very rare (they already are rare imo)
This system should satisfy the TP whores & eq obtainers alike. The tokens could be added to the dice with the eq & the player can dice either.
Obviously eq mobs under a certain level should not drop tokens, probably similar to the 1tp mobs.
If sloat is still needed in the game with this system as a sink hole for eq, then he should only accept eq that is max condition of somthing like 25%. Currently eq this badly damaged would probably be given to eje.
Anyhow hope this invigorates some proactive discussions.
poster: Tranquil
subject: >New eq system
date: Wed Nov 1 10:54:34 2006
>OK im just throwing in a new idea for discussions, so dont shoot me down
without thinking about it.
>1) remove sloatinok
>2) new system of tps - every mob that inherits EQ_MONSTER drops tokens that
you can give to a NPC for tps. The level of the mob will determine the
amount of tps & the number of tokens it drops. (1-10 tps & 1-5 tokens imo).
> - the token can only be cashed in by a member of the party that killed the
> - a player can only cash in a token once from each eq mob
> - the NPC can sell you a list of eq mobs that you HAVE NOT cashed in
This suggestion lowers the availability of gettable tps per (top)
mob from as much as 41 (or more), to somewhere between 1 and 10,
depending on how lucky, or unlucky, you are as far as what the token
is worth. In addition, it reduces incentive to kill said mobs,
simply because what used to give up to 8 possible reasons to kill
said mob (if you include obtaining eq, as well as obtaining tps)
would then only give 3 or less reasons (since one would only need
the items for adding to their set).
>This should mean that eq will flood the market more. and as a result a tune
on a few things would be needed.
At first glance this could appear to be true, except that you are
completely ignoring one critical factor.
A big part of why eq is done is to gain tps, which means to sac the
eq that is diced. If a player can only sac something (whatever it
may be) from a specific mob once, and they don't particularly
want/need the eq that mob is dropping, then they have no reason to
continue killing the mob for tps. If on the other hand, they do need
the eq the mob drops, then they dice and store it.
Either way, the eq is not entering the market anyway.
> - Eq_decay should be made a little more aggresive.
> - Pyros should be either removed or made very very rare (they already are
rare imo)
If eqdecay is made more aggressive, and the means to repair one's
equipment is limited even further than it already is, people
(specifically, eqers) will have _more_ incentive to hoard eq than
they already do. Either as replacements for their existing set, or
as trade items for acquiring pieces for the aforementioned set.
Again, this would further reduce the chance of the eq entering the market.
>This system should satisfy the TP whores & eq obtainers alike. The tokens
could be added to the dice with the eq & the player can dice either.
I fail to see how a) severely limiting the availability of tps, or
b) severely limiting the ability of _anyone_ to maintain a decent
set, would satisfy anyone - much less the people who have tp
collecting or eqset building as goals.
>Obviously eq mobs under a certain level should not drop tokens, probably
similar to the 1tp mobs.
>If sloat is still needed in the game with this system as a sink hole for
eq, then he should only accept eq that is max condition of somthing like
25%. Currently eq this badly damaged would probably be given to eje.
>Anyhow hope this invigorates some proactive discussions.
In summary, these suggestions would simply amplify the current
'problem' of people who dice eq doing what they want to do with it,
assuming of course that they continue doing eq when they have no
incentive to do so.
Comments and further debate are welcome.