poster: Zifnab
subject: news
date: Sun Apr 21 04:58:35 2002
News was getting pretty big. I archived all the groups,
and will make them available on the web site in a few days.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 23 14:45:26 2002
Along my rebuild of woodsman, I've tuned a bit inner walls and intuitive awareness.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Apr 24 09:03:03 2002
Astral projection will no longer work in no teleport room.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: arena
date: Wed Apr 24 10:12:56 2002
It will from now on count as a forfeit if you leave the arena during
a fight while the event is running.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Forget
date: Wed Apr 24 10:24:35 2002
I've changed the way forget works once more. Mind vortex will
be changed as well later on. Report if anything bugs.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Apr 24 10:36:23 2002
Changed way chain elemental bolts work slightly (regarding the fact you cannot use spells/skills) and it will dispel if you moves now.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Apr 26 10:11:27 2002
Modified a bit the way hunger works, report if you see any problems (should only kick in after you get a new body).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Apr 26 11:26:53 2002
Zapakelethe got changed some, fixed some resetting creatures and Coal modified the monster a bit.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Apr 26 19:21:46 2002
Added affecting stats to blood spray spell.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Apr 26 19:21:58 2002
Memorize location will again save over boot.
poster: Zifnab
subject: pearl of power
date: Fri Apr 26 21:15:16 2002
I reenabled the pearl of power.
A warning, I am logging every use of it, and if I find that someone
has re-uncovered the bug and continues to use the bug that lead me to disable
them in the first place
I will just remove the entire file, and the player in question.
poster: Tigran
subject: An issue
date: Mon Apr 29 19:01:36 2002
An issue was brought before me today that I found a bit unsettling. So that
this does not continue to be an issue, I'm posting about it here.
Someone came to me today saying that someone else had claimed that they were
them. Folks, this isn't funny. It brings up allegations of multiplaing,
which wastes your time, administrationsn time, and the victim's time. That's
not all either. It's flat out just unfair to the victim. Additionally, I
would consider this harassment.
poster: Marvin
subject: Eq decay (Muhahahahahah!)
date: Tue Apr 30 15:39:19 2002
lowered decay rate some. I hope you don't mind. Your eq will be updated to this change eventually (ie. boot)
poster: Marvin
subject: movement
date: Tue Apr 30 17:48:30 2002
Made a change to how stun relates to movement. Let me know if you
notice anything different (you shouldn't).
poster: Dram
subject: astral walk
date: Thu May 2 04:04:44 2002
Astral walk time has been lowered significantly lowered the return
duration for astral walk as per player requests. Astral walk won't
receive an object to return you, that is what astral projection is
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue May 7 13:41:52 2002
Upon Coal's suggestions, I've modified a bit again Zapakelethe.
poster: Zifnab
subject: exp bonus
date: Tue May 7 17:19:10 2002
The exp bonus for number of players on is no longer set at 50 players
it has been raised. There is also a new 10% bonus.
poster: Zifnab
subject: bags
date: Tue May 7 19:30:12 2002
_new_ bags. i.e. ones you buy from now on will save their
contents, and restore their contents when when quit/reenter.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Dhrugs' Rage
date: Wed May 8 20:48:19 2002
added a new event. Dhrugs' Rage (fixed the typo)
poster: Zifnab
subject: auctioner
date: Thu May 9 06:50:57 2002
Installed a new auctioner with a few bug fixes from apathy.
Biggest one you will see, if you are not on when the auctioner
tries to give you an item, he will hold it until the next time
you enter the room with him (will not hold over boots however).
poster: Zifnab
subject: >bags
date: Thu May 9 23:50:28 2002
On Tue May 7 19:30:12 2002 Zifnab wrote post #19:
> _new_ bags. i.e. ones you buy from now on will save their
> contents, and restore their contents when when quit/reenter.
I need to follow this up with a bit of a clarification...
The bags will not save things that cannot be saved normally
i.e. the food bag will not give you a place to all of a sudden
store all kinds of food over reboots.
poster: Khosan
subject: javaclient
date: Sat May 11 22:49:38 2002
Installed Apathy's changes to the java mud client. Among other things,
it now supports triggers. You can edit your triggers with the
javatriggers command.
poster: Khosan
subject: sidhe
date: Sat May 11 23:13:09 2002
made sidhe wander
poster: Khosan
subject: dragons
date: Sun May 12 17:42:28 2002
Some of the harder dragons now wander and assist. This is an experiment,
we might try other improvements to highbie areas so our monsters
aren't so stupid and static.
poster: Khosan
subject: sidhe
date: Sun May 12 18:45:39 2002
made the sidhe track
poster: Khosan
subject: paladins
date: Mon May 13 02:08:31 2002
made paladins assist, track, wander
poster: Khosan
subject: exp tuner
date: Mon May 13 12:28:38 2002
tuned the exp tuner
poster: Mixer
subject: Snake Phang
date: Mon May 13 12:53:03 2002
tuned Snake Phang to fit eqstat guidelines
poster: Mixer
subject: FireGiant Sword
date: Mon May 13 13:11:43 2002
tuned the FireGiant sword to fit eqstat guidelines
poster: Mixer
subject: Shaman's Staff
date: Tue May 14 11:16:56 2002
Added a new quest: Shaman's Staff
poster: Mixer
subject: New quest
date: Tue May 14 15:02:23 2002
added a new quest: Elven Secret
poster: Mixer
subject: New Quest
date: Tue May 14 15:26:49 2002
Added a new quest: Feline Puzzle. So far untested - report any bugs to me
poster: Mixer
subject: New Quest
date: Tue May 14 16:21:28 2002
added a new quest: Peace in the Dig
poster: Khosan
subject: new guidelines for punishment of botting
date: Tue May 14 17:11:33 2002
The admin staff has decided that removal of the player (nuke) isn't a good
punishment for first time offenses of botting. To clear up the
inconsistences we have decided to make new guidelines.
From now on, the first time a player gets caught for botting, he will be
frozen for a month and force reinced so he loses 25% worth.
We still reserve the right for other punishments, including removal, if the
cirumstances shows the need for such actions.
Those guidelines do not affect people previously punished. We will not
restore anyone, don't ask.
poster: Khosan
subject: botting
date: Tue May 14 17:20:58 2002
froze darkstaff for 1 month and took 25% worth for botting
poster: Zifnab
subject: July 29th
date: Tue May 14 18:34:48 2002
Just an FYI (2 months warning). July 29th will be the muds
sixth birthday (open and running).
As we did last year, we will have a double exp/double gold
day (with no lag like last year!!).
poster: Tigran
subject: New channel
date: Wed May 15 02:26:40 2002
There's a new permanent channel that's been created for people just like....
Well the name of the channel is pretty self explanitory. 'on geek' to enjoy
discussions of computers and programming or other generally geeky stuff.
Discussions of that nature on dragon will now be referred to this channel.
poster: Marvin
subject: Lloth
date: Wed May 15 17:15:24 2002
Ok, Lloth is back in the game! Huzzah!
I _think_ that the multiple-Lloth problem is fixed. If not, its not
my problem.
Ok, maybe its my problem as well, but who cares.
Ok ok, I care, but still, I'd rather risk you getting beat down with
two mongos
than actually spend any of my own effort testing it properly.
Report bugs to Marvin
poster: Marvin
subject: poll
date: Thu May 16 00:31:39 2002
poll v0.1
type 'poll' for more info
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: singing sword
date: Thu May 16 02:12:10 2002
fixed a typo/bug with the singing sword, had magical damage set to
electrical, that isn't a valid damage type
poster: Zifnab
subject: news
date: Fri May 17 22:01:13 2002
archives of news (back to dec 1999) are available on the web page.
poster: Khosan
subject: dragon blockers
date: Sun May 19 03:26:34 2002
lowered dragon blockers some. Note, they have to be killed once before the new ones get reset
poster: Khosan
subject: red dragons
date: Sun May 19 03:29:07 2002
the red dragons do not block the south exit anymore, making it easier to find smaller groups
poster: Marvin
subject: A puzzle (An answer)
date: Mon May 20 19:51:27 2002
<<<<---- SPOILER ALERT ---->>>>
If you are still working on the puzzle that I recently posted (the
posts with all the funny symbols) than you are a sorry sap. Also, you
may not want to read below, as it will ruin everything. Just like a
woodchuck. They ruin everything.
<<<<---- SPOILER ALERT ---->>>>
Erec solved the puzzle on Fri May 17 05:04:44 2002
He is the proud owner of 20m brand new shiny gold coins. Congratulations!
Honorable mention:
Khosan solved the puzzle on Fri May 17 21:05:51 2002
He will be given 20 mins alone in a dark closet with Ladyhawk. Way to go!
Below is a transcript of the original posts and their translations.
The actual decoding algorithm will be left for you to figure out. After
all, who knows what else it may be used for in the game in the future.
| Message | Newsgroup: inform | Red |_
| ID: | Subject: A puzzle |Dragon | |
| | Poster: Marvin |MudNews | |
|_________|___________________________________________________|________| |
| Time: Mon Apr 1 20:30:08 2002 | |
|______________________________________________________________________| |
|>= |=-/ |'-~\~\^/-"\ >=/" -"/x^x^-"\~+'>=++ >^x^,
< >=/"/"/-"=/" |/++ ><=++ +'>=-~x^
|>= |=-/ /"= ><\~ |=-/ ++\~> >=/"
+'-"<|>=>=|=-'\ +'-"\~++x^/"\~|=-/-".
|=->=/^+'=-|, -"/\~\>=++, \~++x^ /">=-"|=-"/, <\~+'=++x^ |=-/ ><\~x+>=-"=/" \^>=/^
<<\^ \~ /"\~<\~-"+'^o'=-
+'>=/\ |~=/^| \\~\^=|~/xx/-", =++/ >=/" \^>=/^ |~= |=-/ |\~\+x. |~/ =-\~xx/ |=-/ <\|
\~++x^ <<-"^x^x^/-"\ =-"-~x^, \~++x^ =|\~-~ o'>=++/"=/^ \~-~-~.
=-/-"/ =/^ o'\~++ x^/o'\\\~+'/,
|=-/++ <|'-~/ ><\~||/-" |>= x^/|/-"><=-~-~>=|~=
< >=/" \>=> \/-"xx=|~++ /">=oo x+/^><|'/x^
>=xx/-" |=-/ -~\~o~\^ x^>=+'\.
\^>=/^ =-\~xx/ >=++/ ><>=++|=- /"-">=>< |>=x^\~\^ |>= o'>=><|'-~/|/ |=-=++|/\| |~=\/ >=++ |=-/ /"=/" ><\~\^,
|=-/ \^/\~-" ||~>= |=->=/^\\~++x^ \~++x^ ||~>=.
=/^ -~/^o'+x, \~++x^ =-\~|'|'\^ x^/o'<\~-"xx== =+x, |'/>=|'-~/. =||/++ /oo\~o'|-~\^ o~/-">= -"/\|'>=++\/\
/"-">=>< ><\^ |'>=\| <<\~o'+x =/^+'=-| \^>=/^
|'/>=|'-~/ |~/-"/ \><\~-"|/-" |=-\~++ |=-\~| (|~/-~-~, \>=> >=/" \^>=/^).
< /oo|/++x^=++|/\| /^++|<
\~-~\>= x^>=/^<<-~=-"=\|. =-/-"/ =++/ -~\~\| =-=+++x /"\~-"+'+', >=+'-"/ |~\~-"-~>=-"x^ >=/" |=-/ \/o'>=++x^ >=-"x^/-"
It is made from adamantium.
It is a slash type weapon. It seems to weigh around 7 pounds.
bonk fargg, ogre warlord of the second order
Note: The name 'Bonk' was given to me as a potential name for
Grimtooth way back when I was coding him originally by Athena.
It was too silly for a name for Grimmy, but I thought it was
cute enough to give to his ancestor who had it inscribed on
his sword. Athena won't remember anything about it, I'm sure =)
poster: Marvin
subject: Lloth
date: Thu May 23 17:12:17 2002
I think I finally fixed friggin Lloth =P
I know I said that before =P Use at your own risk.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon May 27 10:30:46 2002
Nightmare of vertigo got switched to an attack spell.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon May 27 10:37:37 2002
Same goes for nightmare of Lucifer.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon May 27 13:31:50 2002
Master abjurer now gets determine effectiveness skill.
poster: Sigwald
subject: >Inform report
date: Mon May 27 16:51:20 2002
On Mon May 27 13:30:14 2002 Sigwald wrote post #49:
> Message for HEF will now be concealed if you have SILENT GENERIC on.
That's for area spells by the way, regular attack spells already had that.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue May 28 16:59:52 2002
Lowered a bit healing on nature's shield specials. Should be more in line with what will be figures with new guild. Will apply to all newly created shields.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue May 28 18:07:06 2002
Changed the way wrath of mother earth works, it'll work on a larger range of monster but will be weaker from now on.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue May 28 19:42:30 2002
Removed harmonize ticks from high priest for now (pretty much useless anyhow).
poster: Marvin
subject: last emote
date: Tue May 28 22:33:29 2002
added remote emotes to 'tell last' and local emotes to 'say last'
poster: Marvin
subject: (boot)
date: Wed May 29 21:44:17 2002
increased tell/say/hump buffer to 20
poster: Zifnab
subject: monster spell/skill changes
date: Thu May 30 18:26:37 2002
Some changes to monster casting, that I had mentioned in a post
a while ago..
1) Monsters now have a smaller number of sp/ep. They _should_
run out occasionally.
2) The entire mechanism of deciding to use/cast and then picking
which spell/skill to cast has been changed.
The old way....
the monster would run through its entire list of spells or skill
and trying to roll a 'success' to cast. This meant the longer
the spell list, the more likely a monster was to cast a spell/skill.
The new way...
Monsters first make a roll to see if they will cast a spell or a skill.
They then decide based on a few simple queries, what it is they should
cast/use (protection, attack, healing, other).
They then attempt to cast that one spell/skill not every one.
The net affect of this is the monsters should fight a bit
differantly, for example,
the primordial ooze used to heal constantly (or so i was told). It no longer
does that, only heals when it needs to.
There may be some tweaking that needs to happen to the frequency with which
monsters cast/use, and their sp/ep.
Any comments/questions/concerns/thoughts posted in a constructive manner will
be addressed, others will be ignored.
poster: Marvin
subject: You should all join my cult of Uno Worship
date: Thu May 30 23:39:44 2002
Brathan the Trader brought this list to the Red Dragon City Council. He said
that a traveling salesman accidentally left it behind in his shop. The bizarre
nature of the note arose Brathan's suspicions and the council has made the
list public in hopes that some upstanding citizen might assist them in
unravelling the meaning of the note and ascertaining any potential threat it
might pose to the citizenry of Red Dragon.
Cloak of the Ages: 84258
Ornately Handled Sword: 15961
Beholder Eyestalk: 5615
Suit of Synchronicity: 2948
Krunch, the adamantium royal hammer: 634
Steel breastplate: 237
--The Red Dragon City Council
poster: Sigwald
subject: Future change to guild items
date: Fri May 31 10:00:46 2002
Well I've talked around about it with a number of people so
I figured I'd post about it since I don't want people to think
there are some players favored with a lot more information than
the majority of players...
Anyway I'm going to rewrite the way guild items work, which normally
should rationalize things a bit further.
This is going to take a bit of time because there is a lot of cleaning
up to do and spells/skills to modify. Hopefully I'll be able to complete
it before I go on holidays (that's June 12). You can expect a forced
reinc to get all the changes properly into game.
poster: Sigwald
subject: broken spells
date: Fri May 31 13:07:29 2002
A few spells will be broken till I can figure how to make
cast work properly.
Stuff like elemental attunement, crystal attunement (spells with
modal inputs).
poster: Sigwald
subject: >broken spells
date: Fri May 31 18:46:14 2002
On Fri May 31 13:07:29 2002 Sigwald wrote post #61:
> A few spells will be broken till I can figure how to make
> cast work properly.
> Stuff like elemental attunement, crystal attunement (spells with
> modal inputs).
All right everything's solved for now hopefully.
I've modified the following spells/skills:
elemental attunement, crystal attunement, store spell, wall of force,
style preference, pathfinding, target preference, memorize location.
Read the help on these to look the new synthax.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri May 31 18:56:47 2002
changed portal preferences synthax as well.
poster: Marvin
subject: Treasure Hunt
date: Fri May 31 23:11:12 2002
In case you didn't figure it out, the message I posted yesterday was
the first clue in a treasure hunt! The traveling saleman hid a
treasure somewhere in RD, and scattered hints about it's location
all over the realm. There is a fabulous prize to the first to find
the treasure!
Good luck and happy hunting.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild items
date: Sat Jun 1 16:56:54 2002
Well I think I've effectively bugged up a few guild items while
testing. Bear with it, I've made some fair progress with the
code and I believe it should not take very long to finish up
Will try to solve the main issues, but dont bet too much on it.
Just mail me the spells/skills that are entirely disabled
due to this, I'll temporary fix these.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Jun 1 17:09:43 2002
I've modified astral projection to use the new synthax as well. Please report if anything weird occurs (spell is untested).
poster: Mixer
subject: Beholder change
date: Sun Jun 2 09:33:19 2002
Removed "small" adjective from Orbus in Toreth's beholders
poster: Marvin
subject: treasure hunt
date: Sun Jun 2 23:58:20 2002
The treasure has been found!
Congratulations to Koma for finding the treasure.
The puzzle has been left in the game, and while the prize is
reduced, it is still
signifigant and very much worth doing.
Note: Consider this a quest (it may be made an official one soon) so
please do the work
yourself. Do not tell others what the answers to the puzzles are. I
will consider this
cheating, and it will not be tolerated.
But anyway, have fun!
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild item status
date: Mon Jun 3 13:55:33 2002
All right, I'm done with redoing the basics of the new guild item
What happens is the following:
All guild items are now gotten at the beta guild level, with two
exceptions being bard and witches that get it at gamma level
(this is due to theme restrictions, in the end it should not change
all that much).
Some efforts will be done so that guilds advance at reasonably
equivalent speed (it will NOT be equitable, it's just extremely
hard to do that. Hopefully it will be a lot more fair though).
Each guild now has four categories of mastery points (offence,
protection, healing and other) which matter with various weight
depending on guilds (as in evoker count offence points a lot
more and abjurer protection first etc etc...).
Guild masteries are now stored directly in player bodies
and we therefore should not witness guild points loss like we
used to.
Guilds that used to have two guild items get only one now for rank
and stats. The other one (horn, crystal) is autoloaded but does
not have the regular functions of the guild item.
At the moment, most guilds can NOT gain mastery points because
spells and skills need to be largely edited to accomodate the new
code. A big exception to this is the evoker guild and a few
Almost all guild spells and skills will count in gaining masteries,
yet it remains a bit uncertain for melee types (since they use
so many automatic mastery skills it's a bit more complex).
I'll put a machine in cs with a free reinc in the next few days,
not yet sure when (depends on spell/skill editing progress).
If weird things occur (as in bug, not cosmetic changes you don't like),
please inform me.
poster: Zifnab
subject: chess board monsters
date: Mon Jun 3 19:41:30 2002
Fixed a few of the chessboard monsters that were targetting spells
incorrectly at the player instead of themselves (biofeedback
and resist pain).
poster: Dram
subject: To Everyone
date: Mon Jun 3 20:39:52 2002
I just got home from a funeral for senior at my school that was
supposed to be graduating in a couple weeks with the rest of us
seniors. This friend and classmate hung himself friday night, the
day after our prom. Most of the graduating class was there to
support the family and to see one of their classmates lay to rest.
The reason I am posting this is because there are many people here
that are in high school or college. If you feel that strongly that
you can't go on, find someone who will listen.
Sorry for this utterly depressing posting.
poster: Khosan
subject: aphrael botting
date: Mon Jun 3 22:31:34 2002
force reincarnated Aphrael at 25%, and froze him for 30 days for botting trigs.
poster: Friski
subject: Bronze Dragons
date: Tue Jun 4 05:23:21 2002
Bronzes now assist and wander.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jun 4 14:34:22 2002
Dispel nether energy will now charge your elemental ring if you got extra energy in body.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild item charges
date: Tue Jun 4 15:07:47 2002
Something went extremely wrong with the daemon that saves the
guild item charges and values. I'm sorry to say I need to have it clear data
so all charges will be resetted to 0.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild items
date: Tue Jun 4 18:55:16 2002
Ok I'm done converting spells and skills that used to give guild
item masteries. So most of the work is done, but I still need
to update the guilds that were not affected by masteries and will
be in the future (stuff like gamma elemental guilds for instance).
Anyway, expect that some changes may still occur on the code,
in particular on speed with which points are gained (it's largely
untested at the moment). Also now we got categories of points
for each guild (offence/protection/healing/other) and these
categories are weighed differently for each guild. The weighing
may also evolve in the future.
I will place a reinc machine in cs.
poster: Zifnab
subject: reinc machine
date: Tue Jun 4 19:30:42 2002
Was a problem with the reinc machine (those of you that had reinced
a while ago couldnt use it.).
I put a new one in, and for simplicity I did not change the code.
It is 3 reincs in the next 2 weeks.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jun 7 03:48:48 2002
lowered the chance for casting 'other' types of spells (misting) will take a reboot/newly loading monsters to get hte change.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Conversion
date: Fri Jun 7 10:30:27 2002
Well while we are in a period of free reincs I took the opportunity
to introduce new woodsman guilds code. Be aware that this code is
not entirely done with, additions will be made to the guilds
(in particular the omicron guild). However it was being painful
to have two coexisting trees so I'm just converting everyone.
I warn people that woodsman have changed quite some and will
be subject to balance adjustements. So don't whine that you
were not warned, if you can't handle it just pick some other
All players are being converted to avoid having old bodies
with old guild. Some guild information may need update and will
be provided as fast as possible (help open_guilds for instance).
A minor change that was done along this is to switch name from
drain power crystals to drain power crystal. The spell will
also require a target now.
Well that's about it.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jun 7 12:38:27 2002
Added rank number when you check your guild item. Effective after boot.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jun 7 14:38:08 2002
Modified skills and spells command. You can now use them with an argument which should be a number. This will display skills(spells) which % is above that number.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Woodsmen
date: Fri Jun 7 16:48:25 2002
Going along with the new woodsman guild code, woodsmen will be
less efficient tanks in large sized parties. Lacking the proper training
that warriors receive, woodsmen defensive abilities will be penalized
if they try to protect too many people.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new shop
date: Fri Jun 7 17:22:43 2002
A new shop has opened. This shopkeeper is an 'artifact collector'.
Each boot he will be looking for certain items and will pay
top dollar for them.
He will then keep those items and resell them (for a price) to
the players of Red dragon.
****** BE WARNED ********
poster: Zifnab
subject: >new shop
date: Fri Jun 7 17:36:49 2002
On Fri Jun 7 17:22:43 2002 Zifnab wrote post #85:
> A new shop has opened. This shopkeeper is an 'artifact collector'.
> Each boot he will be looking for certain items and will pay
> top dollar for them.
> He will then keep those items and resell them (for a price) to
> the players of Red dragon.
> ****** BE WARNED ********
Just wanted to follow up to this and say that this is an experiment
and if it doesnt work out, we will need to rework this guy a bit.
poster: Zifnab
subject: rufrin
date: Sat Jun 8 02:07:18 2002
I had to disable him for a bit. If you dont have enough
gold to buy an item, he is removing it from his list (you dont lose
anything, but it needs fixed.) and regardless It is going
to take a boot before all items have a value, will hopefully
get to it tonight, if not tonight tomorrow morning.
poster: Zifnab
subject: rufrin
date: Sat Jun 8 06:17:30 2002
Fixed the problem he had. rebotting in 15 minutes will
be fully functioning.
poster: Zifnab
subject: wizard exit messages
date: Sat Jun 8 07:05:47 2002
made wizard exit messages appear on link death/quit now.
poster: Zifnab
subject: rufrin
date: Sat Jun 8 16:14:39 2002
fixed the artifact collector to filter holiday items from his list of stuff he wants. (this was leading to some items appearing on the list that he wanted, but you gave him the wrong version.. i.e. he wanted the christmas one, you gave him another one.). this may still happen withe multiple copies of the smae item
poster: Zifnab
subject: rufrin
date: Sun Jun 9 00:45:59 2002
Made him only take one of each item per boot.
Those of you that sold multiple items I will collect hte money from
poster: Sigwald
subject: Freezeing
date: Mon Jun 10 10:53:04 2002
Froze fox for 10 days, I will not have people insulting me.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jun 10 13:07:18 2002
Aggressive monsters should now be aggressive when they reset with a player in room (may need a boot to be fully functional).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jun 10 15:17:33 2002
Newly created woodsman's weapons will only accept labels smaller than 12 characters.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Adjustements to woodsman
date: Mon Jun 10 15:45:58 2002
I've upped a bit offensive skills, especially whirling branches.
Lowered healing a tiny bit, raised a bit power of infuse spells.
Also made a fix to both infuse and warding spells so that their
efficiency will be more correctly affected by guild masteries.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jun 10 15:53:01 2002
Added vengeance of gaia and womb of gaia to woodlords.
poster: Friski
subject: Vampires
date: Mon Jun 10 22:14:44 2002
Vampires on Blackavar now assist/wander.
poster: Friski
subject: Genies
date: Tue Jun 11 03:22:21 2002
Made some changes to genies. They now assist.
They've also been lowered in size to make it not impossible
to kill.
have fun
poster: Friski
subject: Lavans
date: Tue Jun 11 04:06:19 2002
They assist now.
poster: Friski
subject: Lavans
date: Tue Jun 11 04:18:40 2002
Because of them assisting, the area spells have been
poster: Friski
subject: Sparks
date: Tue Jun 11 04:39:00 2002
Assist :)
poster: Friski
subject: Sphyx
date: Tue Jun 11 05:06:48 2002
They assist.
The blue mist chances have been lowered as well.
poster: Friski
subject: sphyx
date: Tue Jun 11 05:08:21 2002
forgot to add that about green mist as well
poster: Friski
subject: aquas
date: Tue Jun 11 05:17:55 2002
They assist now.
Area spell has been removed. lightning bolt lowered
poster: Zifnab
subject: yellow mist
date: Tue Jun 11 05:27:58 2002
Made it happen more often on all monsters that assist/track.
Trying to spice things up a bit....
seriously removed it from a lot of monsters, only monsters level 20
and up have it right now. We will see how that works.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Last
date: Tue Jun 11 15:41:42 2002
I've added another option, last emote that will display emotes.
Last tell do not display emotes any longer and will list
sent tells as well as received ones.
Report if weird things occur.
You will need a new body for this to be functional.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jun 11 17:43:40 2002
Raised a bit gain of mastery points for attack spells and healing spells.
poster: Zifnab
subject: yellow mist
date: Wed Jun 12 00:13:55 2002
lowered the chance of yellow mist happening significantly (80% less chance)
poster: Sigwald
subject: Reincs and amulet/staff/crystal charges
date: Wed Jun 12 13:36:15 2002
After a reinc, number of charges in the druid staff, evoker amulet
and adept of the stones crystal will be resetted to 0.
Max size of crystal will not be resetted, but will be taxed
depending on how many reincs out of the guild have been done
(like tax on guild masteries).
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jun 12 14:02:34 2002
changed the desc/ids for 2 daggers in Klax's area. # daggers that all id'd the same that were not the same.
poster: Zifnab
subject: rufrin
date: Wed Jun 12 14:04:04 2002
Rufrin has been fixed.
The list of items will not magically change anymore, and he also
will remove items from his 'wanted' list as a player sells
an item to him.
poster: Zifnab
subject: patch
date: Wed Jun 12 14:45:05 2002
Installed a patch on the parser. supposed to stop the crasher
we have had a few times recently. Report any problems
of things like get/drop/wield (verbs) working wierd.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jun 12 14:56:46 2002
Modified prismatic spray. Masteries in various evocation skills have more impact now.
poster: Zifnab
subject: nav stones
date: Wed Jun 12 18:55:26 2002
changed nav stones to go to everrest
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jun 12 23:13:47 2002
upped the tiem between runs of the exp lottery to 2 days. Poor newbies are going to explode if another one runs
poster: Zifnab
subject: newbie killing
date: Thu Jun 13 00:04:38 2002
DO NOT trick newbies into dieing. period.
poster: Zifnab
subject: builders
date: Thu Jun 13 14:55:46 2002
Just a warning. I am going to start removing builders that
do not make/attempt progress on their areas. Not logging in
for 3 weeks at a time (while constantly playing here), not
making any progress on your area is nto going to be acceptable.
poster: Dram
subject: thief
date: Fri Jun 14 17:34:00 2002
I'm looking for people to mail with the skills from all the thief
guilds that they either use or dont use (and please let me know
which). I'm trying to figure out what kind of holding i already have
with the thief guild.
poster: Zifnab
subject: intermud channels
date: Fri Jun 14 19:35:03 2002
I fixed _most_ of the emotting on the intermud channels. Still a few
weird cases that does not work correctly. Also gets confused with emotes
when the people are on the same mud. i.e. iimud_rd ;kick
zifnab@reddragon, that
will not work correctly.
I stopped all players from getting to icode and igossip as those are owned
by a few people that dont like muds anymore (dont ask me why).
and used to complain when we let you players at those channels.
poster: Mixer
subject: Newbie Daycare
date: Sat Jun 15 06:20:41 2002
changed Newbie Daycare Centre to be newbie only. More to come
poster: Mixer
subject: Aviary
date: Sat Jun 15 07:00:30 2002
made Athena's Aviary only accessible to those level 20 and under.
poster: Mixer
subject: Croquet Field
date: Sat Jun 15 07:16:31 2002
restricted croquet field on oddworld to levels 50 and under
poster: Mixer
subject: Strawberry Field
date: Sat Jun 15 07:30:07 2002
made Strawberry Field newbie-only
poster: Friski
subject: valley of magic
date: Sat Jun 15 07:35:13 2002
Tuned valley of magic to be more playable.
poster: Zifnab
subject: rufrin
date: Mon Jun 17 14:32:36 2002
rufrin has adjusted hsi prices somewhat
poster: Ant
subject: Area update.
date: Mon Jun 17 16:08:30 2002
The orcs and urukhai's in Durin's orc area have been updated.
(Read: Made more able to kick your sorry arses.)
So, check your sixes while in that perilous area...
That is all.
- Ant the informer
poster: Zifnab
subject: builders
date: Tue Jun 18 17:35:45 2002
As posted in news a few weeks ago, I have frozen what I deem to be
unproductive wizards. Please contact me if you think this is
not acceptable to you, and explain to me why you have not touched
your area in 12+ weeks. We have other people waiting.
poster: Zifnab
subject: reinc machine
date: Wed Jun 19 00:38:01 2002
reinc machine has passed its 2 week limit and is gone.
poster: Zifnab
subject: monsters casting
date: Wed Jun 19 21:18:08 2002
I fixed the problem we have had with monsters occassionally erroring
on casting a spell. (not sure you ever noticed this)
Xacthar was doing it often.
poster: Khosan
subject: crap in news
date: Thu Jun 20 15:20:22 2002
I am getting tired of flame posts hidden as praise ("I praise X for being an
asshole doing Y"). Useless whine posts about how unfair live is to the
poster, which nobody cares about. Crap about who cheated whom.
Don't post flames.
Don't post personal stuff.
Don't post bugs.
Don't post crap.
Don't post stuff relating only to yourself or a few selected players.
I will start using newsban more on people that ignore this.
poster: Zifnab
subject: arena/writable things
date: Thu Jun 20 20:16:51 2002
fixed a problem in objects that were writable that set there max size. The space left was not getting updated from the default value of 100. Caused the arena to limit the number of entries based on how long the names were.
poster: Zifnab
subject: guild items
date: Fri Jun 21 13:48:51 2002
added Days in guild to the guild items. (available next reboot to guilds other than warrior). Hopefully will reduce some of the confusion about why you lost guild rank when reincing.
poster: Zifnab
subject: rufrin
date: Fri Jun 21 16:46:53 2002
Due to the popularity of Rufrin's new shop. He has increased the
number of items he is looking for per boot. He also has changed
his selling price strategy slightly (this will be left as an exercise
for you players to figure out).
poster: Zifnab
subject: shops
date: Fri Jun 21 18:56:47 2002
changed shops (effective next boot, and skipping Rufrin) to not buy top end equipment. Don't want to here anymore stories of how you accidently sold X to Rufrin.
poster: Zifnab
subject: gem dealer
date: Fri Jun 21 19:27:51 2002
fixed a problem with the gem dealer on hyboria. his starting inventory was low. Also drastically upped the number of starting gems he has.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new city on Everrest
date: Fri Jun 21 21:07:22 2002
There is a new city on Everrest. It needs a lot of work on
long descs, and I am hiring builders to work on those.
But it has everything you could want in a small city,
bank, equipment shop, food shop, gem shop, blacksmith,
adventurer's guild, etc.
poster: Friski
subject: pirates
date: Sat Jun 22 11:25:45 2002
Pirates assist and wander. Also some little quirks they
had before have been fixed (i.e. using strike with whip)
poster: Khosan
subject: new commands
date: Sun Jun 23 17:42:04 2002
created the commands f2c, c2f, kg2lb, lb2kg, cm2ft, ft2cm (well the first two I copied from zif/the wiz cmd dir)
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild masteries
date: Mon Jun 24 14:45:38 2002
Modified points gained for various spells and skills.
Mostly improved gain speed a little.
poster: Zifnab
subject: plaque
date: Tue Jun 25 01:56:39 2002
I am going to try the plaque at 400 people. If it causes us
a lag bump, I will put it back to 300 people until it
can be rewritten.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Zapakesomething
date: Tue Jun 25 16:41:30 2002
Fixed reset times for Ooze and Zapa in Coal's area.
poster: Marvin
subject: Ornately Handled Sword
date: Tue Jun 25 20:11:54 2002
The Ornately Handled Sword has been tuned. (ps. down)
poster: Zifnab
subject: charisma message
date: Tue Jun 25 20:52:33 2002
You will begin seeing a new message from shopkeepers.
This is only a new message, the actual price adjustment
was always happening.
example. A shop had a sword for 3000, you had exactly 3000
you try to buy it, and he tells you you dont have enough gold.
This has been a long standing issue, at least now you will know why.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new newbie/lowbie area
date: Wed Jun 26 17:23:59 2002
A wizard was using a very powerful spell to change one thing
into another, it went awry, and all the people and animals
in the village had parts of their bodies intermixed with other
people's. Like that one person had someone else's nose, feet,
hands, skin, bits of hair, etc. The wizard used to be very haughty
but gradually went crazy and paranoid and thought
the people of the village were going to come after him, so now
he is an old and broken man.
Be sure to visit the fortune teller, she has a lot of useful
information, and do not miss the enchanter as there is no other
shop like this in Red Dragon.
This area is _huge_ (400+ rooms) and has been limited to less than
level 30 for a very specific reason.
Area written by Kazulanth, and Apathy.
poster: Zifnab
subject: gnosis
date: Wed Jun 26 17:25:29 2002
added the new area to gnosis.
poster: Sigwald
subject: death spell
date: Wed Jun 26 17:52:39 2002
Modified the way this spell works. Inflict harm will have a bigger
impact on both the success chance and the trigger at which
the spell starts to work.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild masteries
date: Wed Jun 26 17:59:22 2002
Warriors and martial artist will now gain masteries from dodging
and stunning.
Will work only with new bodies.
poster: Marvin
subject: New bit o' fun
date: Wed Jun 26 19:43:00 2002
Machine in cs, check it out.
PS, first to 20 wins!
poster: Friski
subject: pirates
date: Wed Jun 26 23:22:30 2002
Pirates have been fixed. Turns out I left out a tiny little
line in their code. They now assist properly
poster: Sigwald
subject: Death spell
date: Thu Jun 27 08:19:21 2002
Fixed a bug that inverted the formula and made you fail instead
of succeed with it. Tweaked formula a bit more as well.
poster: Khosan
subject: DNS
date: Thu Jun 27 11:39:22 2002
Apparently Darkstaff is trying to change the DNS. Since he owns the domain,
I expect him to succeed. So be prepared that reddragon.org is going to
point to some other server, and modify your settings to either use the IP:
or one of the alternative domains like:
Neither will work for the webpage (or the javaclient) at the moment.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jun 27 12:44:30 2002
Modified slightly order of player titles displayed in who.
poster: Khosan
subject: new domain name
date: Thu Jun 27 18:44:35 2002
We created a new domain for the mud:
It should start working in about 24 hours.
The old domain reddragon.org is being redirected to Darkstaffs new mud.
poster: Marvin
subject: Room Hunt
date: Thu Jun 27 22:16:52 2002
Koma was the winner of the room hunt! He was the first one to find 20 rooms.
Now comes the real hunt! The first person to find 200 rooms will win
a custom piece of top notch highbie eq! You pick all the details
(name,slot,stats....within the eq rules!)
Amaze your friends! Make jillions on the open market!
And for goodness sakes, hunt for those rooms!
poster: Sigwald
subject: Change to wielding
date: Fri Jun 28 17:06:23 2002
Ok following a discussion in ideas group, I've made some changes
to the way wielding of weapons formula works. Basically it'll
be harder to wield high weapon class weapons (in particular
ones with real high weapon class). On a side issue, wielding a
weapon with weapon class lower than what you can effectively
wield will provide a bonus to number of hits, especially for
trained warriors.
Note that this is within limits, wielding a weapon class 1
weapon will nto allow you to do double your usual number of hits
This is a tryout and some tuning to it may be needed so things may
change. As for caster weapons, certain common one may be unwieldable
for many players, send me a mail and I'll have a look at them.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jun 28 17:21:59 2002
updated all the links on the web page (I dont think i missed any, let me know if I did).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Extra hits
date: Fri Jun 28 21:36:41 2002
I changed the way you get extra hits for wielding a weapon
smaller than the biggest one you can wield.
It won't display any messages from now on (still happens though).
poster: Zifnab
subject: Renaming the mud
date: Sat Jun 29 00:57:54 2002
Due to the current situation and the confusion to players
with 2 muds called Red Dragon, and the domain name games that
Darkstaff is playing. We are considering renaming the mud
to seperate ourselves as far from Darkstaff as we can get.
Please submit new names for the mud to me via mail, I will
compile a list and if we decide to switch names and
choose one of the ones submitted by a player, that
player will receive 30 task points.
I would really like to get away from anything 'dragon' related
if possible. I know the name is kind of stuck in our heads
after 7 years but lets see what we can come up with.
Please limit yourselves to potential serious names only.
RD admin
poster: Sigwald
subject: Player rep
date: Sat Jun 29 09:23:31 2002
We gave back the position to Athena. See her post about it,
you can read help player_rep as well.
Just thought I'd post an official report of that fact.
poster: Zifnab
subject: assist
date: Sat Jun 29 14:35:10 2002
Changed the way assist works, it used to be 100% every time
a spell was cast, the potential was there for the monster to
join in.
I changed it so its configurable by the wizard that percent,
and I also made the monster only try to assist once per time
in each room(only affects wandering monsters). This way
they wont repeatedly try to assist.
These numbers may need adjusting in the monsters but the
default value is significantly lower than 100%.
poster: Zifnab
subject: mail
date: Sun Jun 30 07:08:42 2002
added vor's help for mail
poster: Zifnab
subject: names received so far
date: Sun Jun 30 07:15:37 2002
If I missed your submission to me please resend it.
Red Demon -- Jaguar
Elsewhere -- Nyx
Neverwhere -- Nyx
Ravenswood -- Nyx
Silver Fern -- Nyx
Indigo Dawn -- Nyx
Devil Moon -- Nyx
Gossamer -- Nyx
Witch Hazel -- Nyx
Golden Griffen -- Nyx
Griffins Valor -- Nyx
Many Islands Mud -- Tahnval
Frontier Islands -- Blonk
The Far Reaches -- Blonk
Reign of Fire -- Tak
Tiamat's Revenge -- Trax,Chemosh
Dark Depth's -- Wagro
Archipelago -- Uno
Islands mud -- uno
OpusMud -- uno
Eight Isles -- Uno
Forgotten Dreasm -- Tektor
Fire Storm -- Mintorus
Mud Slide -- Barkley
Sticks in the Mud -- Barkley
Islands in the Mud-- Barkley
Shattered Eons -- Barkley
Disparate Realms -- Barkley
Everrest -- Sleet
Medieval Highlands-- Litho
Dark Savior -- Lu
Shadows of Reality-- Tranquil
Islands of Mortality--Tranquil
Shadowed Dream -- Tranquil
Islands of Eternity--Tranquil
Eternal Shade -- Tranquil
Eternal Shadow -- Tranquil
Shadows Islands -- Tranquil
Islands of Death -- Athena
Islands of Despair -- Athena
Islands of Doon -- Athena
Omicron -- Pedron
Heroes of Legend -- Pedron
Ancient Dominion -- Pedron
Tuppymud -- Baer
Rising Dawn -- Baer
Archipelago -- Baer
{Adventurer's/journeyman's/travelers} {Corner/inn/tavern/pub} -- warchief
Lair of the Beast -- Warchief
Shadow Severence -- Thegunshow
DragonCity Mud -- Khi
ExploMud -- Khi
ActiveMud -- Khi
Dark Tides -- Panza
Half Moon -- Panza
Charred Stone -- Panza
Dark skies -- Panza
Deep Night -- Panza
Obsidian Tower -- Panza
Crimson Lands -- Jarel
Victory -- Jarel
Adventure -- Jarel
Zodiac -- Jarel
Howling Crusaders -- Jarel
Righteous Devastation -- Hawkmoon
Variety Mud -- vor
Active Admin's Mud --Tahnval
Mud Addicts Anonymous -- Heavenly
Shards of Reality -- Heavenly
Shadows of Dream -- Heavenly
Path of the Eagle -- Warchief
The Cyrillium Islands -- Warchief
The void -- Tektor
Dark Mists -- Tektor
Dragonspawn -- jordali
Mystic Cycle -- jordali
Mystic Circle -- Jordali
Endless Soul -- Jordali
poster: Zifnab
subject: wandering monsters
date: Sun Jun 30 08:00:23 2002
I made a change to wandering monsters. They will not stack up
in a room anymore. I have heard rumors of 7, 8 , 9 monsters in
a room.
If the room has a certain number of monsters in it, the monster
will not wander in, but will wait till his next time to wander
and try again (picking a new exit).
This with the assist change from earlier should still keep
things lively, but make it playable too.
Please give me feed back etc.
poster: Zifnab
subject: monster spell points
date: Sun Jun 30 17:05:32 2002
fixed a problem with the formula I recently did for spell points. Monsters all had 5000 or more sp's. This is now changed top end monsters have the same as the did (~5000), and lower level mosnters have a lot less.
poster: Mixer
subject: Lesson in Life
date: Mon Jul 1 04:54:19 2002
This is a bit of a personal message but there's a point I'd really
like to make.
Recently I was overseas and I got a call to say my mother had a fall
and was in hospital.
I flew straight home and 9 days later she died, of an undiagnosed
brain cancer that was untreatable.
My mother was only 53 years old and now there are so many things I will
never be able to share with her.
Something I'd like you all to do is not take your parents for granted,
if there's something you have to say or always wanted to do with
one of your parents, do it now. They may not always be around.
During the same week my mother was dying, my little sister
gave birth to a baby girl 15 weeks premature. So far she is doing well
but there's a hard road ahead for her.
If you don't live with your parents... Call them now just to say hello!
Mix says thanks for listening.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Aviary
date: Mon Jul 1 12:11:43 2002
Restriction to enter it removed. Monster have a level limit
to kill them.
poster: Mixer
subject: Monster Daycare
date: Mon Jul 1 14:18:24 2002
fixed the Monster Daycare so you can enter it, but not kill things now if you're over level 15
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild masteries
date: Mon Jul 1 15:48:56 2002
Raised guild mastery points gained for all skills/spells but
protection ones.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Mon Jul 1 17:05:51 2002
Adventurers from long ago reported the existence of a
ruined castle on the isle of Mists that contained foul
monsters of unnatural origin. Although some adventurers
attempted to ascertain the true nature of this castle, many
died and those that returned told a tale that seemed quite,
well, docile. Then for a long time, no one could find this
legendary castle. It appeared that the evil had subsided.
However, it has returned. Rumors of the dark lord of the
castle roaming the hallways have once again fueled desire
to find this castle, and perhaps, unearth its treasures.
The only words of warning wise old adventurers can impart are
that the castle itself has changed, and not for the better.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jul 1 17:21:54 2002
the enchanters shop is back open for business.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Mon Jul 1 18:00:11 2002
An earthquake has been reported on the southern
portion of the island of Everrest. The death
toll is low, but includes several dryads, and
a water sprite. An unfortunate unicorn was
crushed in a rockslide related to the earthquake.
There have been unconfirmed reports of a discovery
of underground caves, but none who have gone have
have come back alive to confirm these reports.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new colors
date: Mon Jul 1 19:21:05 2002
inform added 2 configurable colors. who_friend, and who_clan, used in who to distinguish your friends/clan. default is the old colors of cyan and bold. be warned if a person is in your clan, and a friend, you cannot get 2 colors on one name.
poster: Zifnab
subject: update names
date: Mon Jul 1 19:26:38 2002
Sorry seems people posted in ideas, when i asked them to be mailed.
On Sun Jun 30 07:15:37 2002 Zifnab wrote post #162 in inform:
> If I missed your submission to me please resend it.
> Red Demon -- Jaguar
> Elsewhere -- Nyx
> Ravenswood -- Nyx
> Silver Fern -- Nyx
> Indigo Dawn -- Nyx
> Devil Moon -- Nyx
> Gossamer -- Nyx
> Witch Hazel -- Nyx
> Golden Griffen -- Nyx
> Griffins Valor -- Nyx
> Many Islands Mud -- Tahnval
> Frontier Islands -- Blonk
> The Far Reaches -- Blonk
Tiamat's Revenge -- Trax,Chemosh
> Dark Depth's -- Wagro
> Archipelago -- Uno
> Islands mud -- uno
> OpusMud -- uno
> Eight Isles -- Uno
> Forgotten Dreasm -- Tektor
> Fire Storm -- Mintorus
> Mud Slide -- Barkley
> Sticks in the Mud -- Barkley
> Islands in the Mud-- Barkley
> Shattered Eons -- Barkley
> Disparate Realms -- Barkley
> Everrest -- Sleet
> Medieval Highlands-- Litho
> Dark Savior -- Lu
Islands of Mortality--Tranquil
> Shadowed Dream -- Tranquil
> Islands of Eternity--Tranquil
> Eternal Shade -- Tranquil
> Eternal Shadow -- Tranquil
> Shadows Islands -- Tranquil
> Islands of Death -- Athena
> Islands of Despair -- Athena
> Islands of Doon -- Athena
> Omicron -- Pedron
> Ancient Dominion -- Pedron
> Tuppymud -- Baer
> Rising Dawn -- Baer
> Archipelago -- Baer
> {Adventurer's/journeyman's/travelers} {Corner/inn/tavern/pub} -- warchief
> Lair of the Beast -- Warchief
> Shadow Severence -- Thegunshow
> DragonCity Mud -- Khi
> ExploMud -- Khi
> ActiveMud -- Khi
> Dark Tides -- Panza
> Half Moon -- Panza
> Charred Stone -- Panza
> Dark skies -- Panza
> Deep Night -- Panza
> Obsidian Tower -- Panza
> Crimson Lands -- Jarel
> Victory -- Jarel
> Adventure -- Jarel
> Zodiac -- Jarel
> Howling Crusaders -- Jarel
> Righteous Devastation -- Hawkmoon
> Variety Mud -- vor
> Active Admin's Mud --Tahnval
> Mud Addicts Anonymous -- Heavenly
> Shards of Reality -- Heavenly
> Shadows of Dream -- Heavenly
> Path of the Eagle -- Warchief
> The Cyrillium Islands -- Warchief
> The void -- Tektor
> Dark Mists -- Tektor
> Dragonspawn -- jordali
> Mystic Cycle -- jordali
> Mystic Circle -- Jordali
> Endless Soul -- Jordali
Saga of the Dragons -- Wildchild
saga of the Red Dragon -- Wildchild
Dark Alliance -- Eomer
Red Dawn -- Ronan, Fnylte
Dark Age -- ronan
RD - Islands of Myth -- Ormus
Islands of Diversity -- Ormus
Illuminati -- Oz
Red Days -- Oz
Song of Blood and honor --Oz
Dark Omen -- Oz
Dream Come true -- oz
Reverance -- Jant
Lucifers Playground -- Jant
Broken Minds -- Jant
Tourtured Souls -- Jant
Broken Lands -- Jant
Perfect INjustice -- Jant
Shattered Silence -- Jant
Liquid Evil -- Jant
Decaying lands -- Jant
Final Embrace -- Jant
Eternal Embrace -- Jant
Incidental Encounter -- Jant
Unstable Dilerium -- Jant
Emerald Isle -- Jant
Beautiful Decay -- Jant
Beutiful Isles -- Jant
Beautiful Illusuions -- Jant
Loves Decay -- Jant
Visions of Desire -- Jant
Terror Eternal -- Jant
Distorted Reality -- Jant
Distorted Illusuion -- Jant
Decaying Existance -- Jant
Withered Hand -- Jant
Evening Tide -- Jant
Demon Mud -- flubex
Lost Isles -- Helphyre
hidden Isles -- Helphyre
Draconia -- Balinor
Red Inn mud -- balinor
Wizard land -- Balinor
Red lightning -- Balinor
Thunder mud / Thunder Realm -- Balinor
Evermore -- koma
Dragonrise -- koma
Ever changing world -- koma
Forgotten Past -- rancor
Dark Past -- rancor
Seventh circle -- Alisha
Fearful days -- Monkey
Beast of Blood -- Monkey
Blooded Scrolls -- Jant
Eternal Struggle -- Jant
Forgotten shadows -- Jant
Burning Isles -- Jant
Dark Desires -- Jant
Depths of Dispear -- Jant
Dim Reflections -- Jant
Warped Reality -- Jant
Hidden Reality -- Jant
Adventurer's Torment -- Jant
Surprising Encounters -- Jant
Tomorrows Dream -- Jant
Tomorrows Mirage -- Jant
Lands of Discord -- Jant
whitedranze -- Roxer
Fiery Realms -- gamut
balance of power -- tigger
Nefarious -- tuffgong
RAving doom -- Fnylte
Dragon Realms -- Xerious
Realms of the Dragon -- xerious
Realm of Red dragon -- Xerious
EternalMud -- siffar
MysticMud -- siffar
Eterna -- siffar
Phyrgia -- siffar
The ultimate challenge -- siffar
Ruler of eterna -- siffar
Immortal quest -- siffar
Realm of the sword -- siffar
realm of fire+magic --siffar
Paradise Lost -- Ixtlilton
Death of the Dragon -- Chewba
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jul 1 20:59:54 2002
modified jscore to remove references to pk.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Changes to attack/area skills and spells
date: Mon Jul 1 21:49:47 2002
I've made a few changes to these, it should be transparent to players.
I'm removing some references to player killing, if anything weird
happens, bug report it (especially in arena).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jul 1 22:14:24 2002
Removed pk.general newsgroup.
poster: Sigwald
subject: lib clean up
date: Mon Jul 1 22:39:04 2002
Well I've tried to remove all the code that dealth with pkilling
from the lib, maybe a few things may go wrong (as far as I can tell
it should work fine). Anyway, if anything goes wrong, use the bug
poster: Zifnab
subject: fireworks
date: Tue Jul 2 03:06:07 2002
fireworks are for sale temporarily in the toy shop
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jul 2 09:56:12 2002
Made croquet field work with a level kill limit, area is accessible by all again.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jul 2 10:08:32 2002
strawberry fields are again accessible with a kill limit level.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jul 2 10:17:01 2002
Made whirling branches instead of slashing branches affect avenging fury.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jul 2 10:26:26 2002
Forgot to post about it a while ago, but Coal has updated some of his eq in his area because of changes to woodsman.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jul 2 10:42:54 2002
Sylvan scouts got a new skill, furious bashing.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jul 2 15:22:09 2002
Reduced weapon class on tickle feather (it's a feather after all, cant do all that much damage).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jul 2 18:00:47 2002
Made a fix that prevented PFM to give mastery points.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Monster exp and adjusting
date: Tue Jul 2 18:44:18 2002
While fiddling with monsters we discovered a small weird bug
that made that the exp adjustements to monsters did not work
all that well. Now it should work fine so monsters with
nice spells, resistances, trackers, or many-limbed ones
will see their exp value raised.
Consider this as Gift-of-the-day
(and now I need to find a tune-of-the-day to balance that...).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Combat damage formulas
date: Wed Jul 3 11:41:10 2002
I've changed a bit player damage formula for melee, hopefully
to gear up a little midbie/lowbie damage. Highbie damage should
remain mostly unchanged.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Weaponmaster
date: Wed Jul 3 11:55:01 2002
I changed help on that skill to reflect that I've made it count
quite some more in melee for warriors.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Monster regen
date: Wed Jul 3 16:43:11 2002
Fixed a problem with monster regeneration, monsters could not
regen eps or sps if they had full health, which basically
prevented familiars to regen endurance points.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jul 3 17:06:09 2002
upped some chance of warriors to stun, and chance of stunning blow to occur.
poster: Zifnab
subject: regen change
date: Wed Jul 3 20:44:15 2002
I have talked about this for a long time. Daneel finally
did the coding for it.
Regen has been switched from a 60 second cycle to every heart
The amount of regen is the same if not higher overall. You on average
will regen between 75% and 110% of your TOCK regen value / 20.
Basically what happened is your TOCK value was divided by 20
and spread out every 3 seconds.
This is a bit more believable than just getting a magic every
60 second regen.
the old tick/tock calculation has been modified so that it
can be applied every heart beat. This has resulted in
a slight 'uptune' of your regen.
Fully effective next time you quit for 30 minutes or longer.
poster: Daneel
subject: >regen change
date: Wed Jul 3 20:53:15 2002
As an addendum...
The cold black ring, and schizo helm have been modified to
reflect the new heartbeat timing. They should have the same
overall effect, roughly (ok, it's a slight downtune if you have
all 3, since 1.05^3 < 20/17, but y'all can live with that :-)
Also, the encourage tock spell, now being utterly meaningless,
has been changed to encourage_regeneration. Sorry, no reincs
for this one, healers, it's just one spell, so you can train
it the normal way.
poster: Daneel
subject: >>regen change
date: Wed Jul 3 21:51:50 2002
Forgot one thing... As part of this change, I changed the affects
of hunger.
Hunger affects are no longer binary. The hungrier you are, the
less you regen. You also regen slightly less if you're overstuffed.
If you stay in the 60-100% range, you should see little change,
but you can't just wait to starve now.
poster: Zifnab
subject: food
date: Thu Jul 4 00:00:00 2002
upped the amount of food in the city shop
poster: Zifnab
subject: food
date: Thu Jul 4 00:01:09 2002
upped food in the tarantia shop
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jul 4 08:22:39 2002
Players idle over 3 minutes will no longer see their food status go down (needs a new body).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Honor/Endowment
date: Thu Jul 4 08:52:19 2002
Tune down frequency to take into account the ticks happens
20 times more often now...
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jul 4 09:36:24 2002
Disabled encourage tock spell.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jul 4 10:38:26 2002
Woodsmen now get skill 'hunting'.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jul 4 11:14:03 2002
Upped food values of a bunch of skills/spells created food.
poster: Khosan
subject: donations
date: Thu Jul 4 17:11:29 2002
We are opening up for donations. Please visit this url for information
on how you can help:
Thank you,
poster: Zifnab
subject: new name
date: Thu Jul 4 22:09:08 2002
We have narrowed it down to 4 names that we like.
Wizards/players please vote for the name you like.
Think about it carefully, you only get one vote.
There are some worth restrictions/age restrictions on the
voting as well.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >new name
date: Thu Jul 4 22:10:05 2002
On Thu Jul 4 22:09:08 2002 Zifnab wrote post #203:
> We have narrowed it down to 4 names that we like.
> Wizards/players please vote for the name you like.
> Think about it carefully, you only get one vote.
> There are some worth restrictions/age restrictions on the
> voting as well.
Oops forgot to say the machine is in the Adv Guild, so as not
to conflict with the crystal ball machin in CS**
poster: Zifnab
subject: ticks
date: Fri Jul 5 01:36:10 2002
removed the ticks command
poster: Sigwald
subject: Encourage regeneration
date: Fri Jul 5 09:12:25 2002
This spell effects got lowered because well, it just rocked
far too much...
poster: Sigwald
subject: Emerald pendant
date: Fri Jul 5 11:00:12 2002
I've changed its stats so it provides something, mind that it may
be temporary depending on what Marvin wants to do with it.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jul 5 15:20:08 2002
lowered weapon class of rod of magic.
poster: Zifnab
subject: RDMP HEALTH/hunger
date: Fri Jul 5 16:34:47 2002
added hunger percent to the RDMP HEALTH line. THis is the same percent you see when you type health
poster: Khosan
subject: java client
date: Fri Jul 5 17:00:29 2002
Fixed the java client is it works with previous change. Also added the
latest changes from Apathy.
You might need to close all your browser windows and relogin before
you get the new version. If the health bar is not working, you got
the old version.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jul 5 17:19:06 2002
Fixed a bug that prevented area spells and skills to function in arena.
poster: Zifnab
subject: finger info
date: Sun Jul 7 16:13:07 2002
added clan to finger info
poster: Zifnab
subject: newbie area
date: Mon Jul 8 05:17:37 2002
opened up Kaz and Apathy's new area to all players, the newbie monsters have a level limit on them
poster: Zifnab
subject: mud name and stuff
date: Mon Jul 8 19:22:13 2002
The winning name is 'Islands of Myth'.
We currently own islandsofmyth.net and islandsofmyth.org The .com
version was taken.
This name will take a few days to spread through the DNS servers.
All old names will continue to work as well (reddragon.clansoft.com,
dark.x.dtu.dk, and reddragonmud.org)
We have a few projects that we would like to get bulder help
with. Specifically we want a new city to replace RD city.
There are a few other projects that are involved in the
name change as well that I would like builders to help with,
please contact me if you are interested.
Also as a side note, we have already been accused of taking
donations to make money. Please note that on the web page..
www.reddragonmud.org/new_page/donate.html All donations
are listed along with the current expenses that have been
incurred. We are _not_ trying to make money on a mud, it is
in violation of both licenses (MudOS, and the Lima Mudlib) to do so.
poster: Zifnab
subject: task points
date: Mon Jul 8 19:39:36 2002
Ormus received the 30 task points for the muds name.
poster: Nyx
subject: Dragon Channel
date: Mon Jul 8 22:22:18 2002
For those, like me, who just logged on and went, "dra hello" and
then followed it with a wth? The new main channel name is 'myth.'
thank you, have a nice day.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jul 9 15:18:56 2002
Disabled tunes command till it can be fixed.
poster: Daneel
subject: lloth ring, schizo helm
date: Tue Jul 9 16:08:30 2002
The negative regen problem some people have been seeing seems
to be related to taking these off.
So, until it's fixed, if you just don't use these, I think you'll
be fine. We're trying to fix it right now.
poster: Daneel
subject: >lloth ring, schizo helm
date: Tue Jul 9 17:36:03 2002
On Tue Jul 9 16:08:30 2002 Daneel wrote post #218:
> The negative regen problem some people have been seeing seems
> to be related to taking these off.
> So, until it's fixed, if you just don't use these, I think you'll
> be fine. We're trying to fix it right now.
> -Daneel
Ok, I think it's fixed. If you encounter more problems, and
I'm on at the time, please get my attention (find a healer to
keep you alive until you can, if possible), so I can see what's
going on (though I think I have the debugging statements in
to find out anyway).
Note races that don't regen in light (or darkness) or are
allergic to same will get negative regens sometime. This is
by design - it says it hurts you, now it actually does.
poster: Khosan
subject: web page links
date: Tue Jul 9 21:07:36 2002
fixed most of the links on the web page
poster: Zifnab
subject: new maps
date: Tue Jul 9 22:08:57 2002
I have installed a new way for wizards to do maps of there areas.
It is extremely easy for any wizard to add a map to his area.
I have converted both the RD city map, and the tarantia map.
Also there is a new configurable color, 'you_are_here' is the color
the @ will show on the maps
poster: Central Square Clock
subject: kill number 23000000
date: Wed Jul 10 00:52:20 2002
Darkside got the kill.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Red Dragon mentions in the world
date: Wed Jul 10 10:31:47 2002
Please do not report every mention of 'Red Dragon' in the mud.
We'll be working on removing them wherever it is logical to remove
it. After some weeks I suppose it'll make sense to report
those mentions because there will be a lot less of them. Right now
there are just too many of them.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Regen change
date: Wed Jul 10 12:32:40 2002
Regen have been fixed so that you do not always 'tock' (well basically
meaning you get a portion of your total regen since you used to tick/tock)
and stamina now affects your regeneration somehow a bit more than
it used to.
(Complain to Daneel and not me if you have to :P).
poster: Sigwald
subject: About regeneration
date: Wed Jul 10 12:54:46 2002
I would like players to avoid making comparisons of the current
regeneration system with the use of the emerald pendant before
the heartbeat system was introduced.
The main reason is that the emerald pendant somehow gave players
90% of their TOCK value which was for most people MUCH higher
than the proportion of TOCKs they would have gotten if they
just ticked/tocked. Therefore it artificially boosted the
regen quite noticeably and therefore comparing the regen
per heartbeat with the emerald pendant in the old system
and regen per heartbeat now is not a relevant comparison.
poster: Mixer
subject: Red Dragon references
date: Wed Jul 10 12:56:16 2002
Guys, use typo to report these - not bug tracker.
For gods sake the real wizards have actual work to do, unlike me :)
poster: Sigwald
subject: Food status
date: Wed Jul 10 13:49:20 2002
Changed some things so that when you reinc you always enter
with 100% food status. There will be no longer weird percents
because you reinc from a big race to a small one (or the opposite).
Please report if for some reason it still happens (please give
details in that case).
poster: Sigwald
subject: >About regeneration
date: Wed Jul 10 14:48:14 2002
On Wed Jul 10 12:54:46 2002 Sigwald wrote post #225:
> I would like players to avoid making comparisons of the current
> regeneration system with the use of the emerald pendant before
> the heartbeat system was introduced.
> The main reason is that the emerald pendant somehow gave players
> 90% of their TOCK value which was for most people MUCH higher
> than the proportion of TOCKs they would have gotten if they
> just ticked/tocked. Therefore it artificially boosted the
> regen quite noticeably and therefore comparing the regen
> per heartbeat with the emerald pendant in the old system
> and regen per heartbeat now is not a relevant comparison.
> Sigwald
Oh yeah Marvin made the comment that emerald pendant did
not allow regen in battle whch actually is the case now,
so that's another parameter that prevents making a direct
poster: Sigwald
subject: Regen multipliers
date: Wed Jul 10 15:16:24 2002
Changed a bit the formula on how stamina affects your regeneration
to be a bit more generous for newbies.
Will work only with new bodies.
poster: Khosan
subject: red dragon -> islands of myth
date: Wed Jul 10 16:07:26 2002
I made a global search and replace on all our files. This means that
I might accidently have replace some "Red Dragon" that should have
been kept intact. Like the dragons... (but Mixer already fixed those).
If you see anything strange, typo report it.
poster: Mixer
subject: changes
date: Wed Jul 10 16:25:52 2002
OK I'm repeating myself and reiterating probably too...
If there are any screwups regarding the name changes...
Firstly - blame Khosan
Secondly use TYPO not BT to report it so I can fix.
poster: Zifnab
subject: regen
date: Thu Jul 11 02:39:20 2002
We realize this is a pain in the ass, but this is a fairly
major change. People are mostly having problems adjusting
to the fact that they dont get their 'tock' value all the time.
WE jsut made 2 more changes that the next new body should help
address. one we upped the base regen 10% so everyone should
see a 10% improvement. The other change is we added a little
bit of random bonus to it.
Again for the most part everyone is better off with this regen,
there are a few cases that we are still working through
where people are regening a lot less than usual.
poster: Daneel
subject: regen changes
date: Thu Jul 11 06:14:32 2002
I made a bunch of changes to regen again, most of which shouldn't
affect you in the least (their to pieces of it not yet really
used by anything).
However, in the process, I fixed some other stuff.
Things you'll notice:
The newbie bonus is significantly improved.
Races that are supposed to only regen in darkness no longer
have negative regeneration in light.
This should all take affect when you get a new body - let me know
if you see anything wrong - unless you're complaining that you
don't get your full tock value every minute (forgetting you
used to tick occasionally), I promise to be really patient
and figure out what is happening.
Do note, thought, that there is some randomness now as per the
previous batch of changes, so you're going to see less
consistency in general. It's more useful to look at
your regen over twenty heartbeats, than look at it every
single time, if you're trying to bug report to me.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Regenn (part 12323)
date: Thu Jul 11 09:27:43 2002
I've modified regen so you can now actual die from negative
regeneration (before you'd just have gone negative hps).
This does not apply at the moment, but I will likely modify
some races to get back the old allergy to light/darkness
abilities that I removed ages ago because they just did not
work properly.
So if you're a vampire, expect the changes...
They're the main target for a change...
poster: Sigwald
subject: Room Hunt
date: Thu Jul 11 09:29:07 2002
By the way, Koma won the room hunt (cheers for him), but there
is still a price for the runner up, so the event goes on till
someone wins the runner up price.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jul 11 13:13:43 2002
I've changed the messages for holy/unholy resistances. They're pretty ugly, but at least less confusing than the former ones. Thx to people that sent proposals (didnt retain them exactly since I did not like them entirely but I inspired from them).
poster: Zifnab
subject: early shutdown
date: Thu Jul 11 15:26:22 2002
Doing an early shutdown. sigwald and I have moved a ton of files
around. We want to do a clean shutdown/startup to make sure that
we did not lose/break anything.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Useless commands
date: Thu Jul 11 15:59:38 2002
I've removed a number of commands that are now useless because
they were linked to criminal/player killing system. If you think
I forgot some, just notify me.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jul 11 17:25:51 2002
I strongly suggest you do not use Eje for a boot unless you got a new body after I made this post.
poster: Zifnab
subject: evermore
date: Thu Jul 11 20:52:18 2002
added a map for Evermore
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jul 12 08:13:29 2002
Upped slightly the holy prayer spell.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jul 12 08:39:15 2002
Increased duration on avatar regeneration and holy prayer a bit.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jul 12 10:13:23 2002
Disabled using blinding dust on players.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jul 12 10:14:11 2002
Disabled create poison food and removed the skill from poison brewers.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Eje
date: Fri Jul 12 11:31:52 2002
Wait for next boot before using him.
poster: Marvin
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jul 12 19:14:59 2002
I recoded the emerald pendant. Enjoy. Will take a boot for most of them to get their new stats.
poster: Daneel
subject: who command
date: Sat Jul 13 19:05:56 2002
The who command now accepts races with multiple words, using
underscores instead of spaces (e.g., "who race polar_bear")
I updated the help file with this and the open flag.
poster: Khosan
subject: botting
date: Sat Jul 13 21:40:49 2002
oxolotl got frozen for a month and forced reinc with 25% worth penalty
poster: Nyx
subject: City
date: Sat Jul 13 22:03:48 2002
As some of you may have heard, Islands of Myth is getting a new
city. Myself, and two others are working hard to bring this to you.
In the process of creating this, my part at least, I was wondering
if there were any particular places, ideas, or extras you would like
to see in this new, bigger, and more magical city. If you can think
of anything you would love to see, or hate to see removed, or even
hate to see back, please mail me. If your request if veasable and
not insane, I will see what I can do.
PS. If you mail me asking for something that is not related to this
or is exceptionally stupid, it will be deleted, and you will go on
my ignore list. Which is currently emptry, so please realize how
annoyed I would be.
poster: Nyx
subject: City follow up
date: Sat Jul 13 22:10:46 2002
As a follow up, I would like to let you know a few things we don't need...
a) A name. The city has been named.
b) a theme. THe city has one.
c) street names
d) a map.
e) Descriptions.....
While I appriciate the enthusiasim, we got those areas pretty well covered.
poster: Friski
subject: RD City
date: Sun Jul 14 18:33:57 2002
The current city is remaining Red Dragon City. We are in the
process of putting back "red dragon" where "islands of myth" replaced it
in the city. The mud is what changed names, not the city.
Please do not typo report any instances of red dragon you see in
the city. They are not typos.
poster: Nyx
subject: BArd Tunes
date: Sun Jul 14 23:56:16 2002
Hi! We know some of you out there have a knack for naughty songs.
Well, we want you to use it! Think up some good ones, and mail
either myself or fizgig. They can be long, they can be short. But
make them worth singing. Deathy, miserey, women, beer, adventure,
it's all good!
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jul 15 11:12:51 2002
Removed the no teleport restriction from Kazulanth's area on everrest, since its no longer newbie restricted I do not think there is a reason to keep it no teleport.
poster: Magneto
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jul 16 02:08:00 2002
opened up maldans kobold level with kill limits instead of blocked entrance
poster: Daneel
subject: Poison and regen
date: Tue Jul 16 09:04:22 2002
Poison was mistakenly broken by the regen change, it's now fixed.
It now properly affects your regen again.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jul 16 09:55:36 2002
I've changed slightly food decreasing formula to lower a bit impact of race. Basically very small sized races will get hungry a bit faster and big races a bit slower.
poster: Khosan
subject: java client
date: Tue Jul 16 10:23:17 2002
installed apathys latest changes to the java client
poster: Marvin
subject: Emerald Pendant
date: Tue Jul 16 23:10:43 2002
More modifications to emerald pendant (boot, etc). Tunes may be done. ps beware
poster: Marvin
subject: emerald pendant
date: Wed Jul 17 16:54:49 2002
Argh. Ok, I'm going to ruin the surprize because I dont want a
jillion bug reports or email about this.
Yes, it gives -hpr.
Yes, it gives a _very_ nice bonus to spr (do the math)
Yes, the ticks/tocks it gives are somewhat random, because of the
randomness in the new regen system
No, I would not idle while wearing it.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jul 17 17:46:03 2002
Modified distant_sell so that it will not sell no save items (this includes food).
poster: Nyx
subject: Red Dragon
date: Thu Jul 18 01:15:15 2002
Ok, this is the last time. Please stop typo reporting 'red dragon'
when it pertains to Red Dragon City. The guilds are still in Red
Dragon City, they are still on Red Dragon Island. I know I have
asked for ideas on the new city, but I never said I was changing Red
Dragon City. That city is not changing. So please, for the love of
puppies, stop typo reporting things such as open_guilds, the island,
the city, and the guards. If you find other refrences other than
these, typo those. Such as the whole MUD being refered to as Red
Dragon. I hope I have made this semi-clear.
poster: Nyx
subject: Pictures
date: Thu Jul 18 02:04:47 2002
Since the mud has both changed, and the page that Zazu made seems to
be gone, I am making a new players of Islands of Myth page. If you
would liek to be on it, please email me a photo, your mud name, and
optional, your birthday, name, location, and I guess mayeb a
sentence about you? I dunno. If I get more then 10 people I will
make the page. Please send email to blulady@hotmail.com
poster: Zifnab
subject: deaths -s
date: Thu Jul 18 15:56:38 2002
fixed the logging of player deaths by monsters to strip ansi, and convert everything to lower case so that the deaths -s command works properly.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Mud's Birthday
date: Fri Jul 19 14:14:38 2002
Just a reminder that the Mud's birthday is coming up on the
29th of July (Mudtime, not your local time).
We will have a double exp day for 24 hours starting July 29th
at 12:00:01 (again mudtime, not your local time).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jul 19 17:43:32 2002
Added herb pouches to General shop in RD city and herbalist shop.
poster: Daneel
subject: familiar summoning
date: Sat Jul 20 18:28:07 2002
I lowered slightly the chance of disharmony among one's
familiars due to wolf summoning. I lowered it a little when
summoning the second wolf.
This may go away; the change was because, while it used to
be there was no effect from the order-dependence of summoning,
shapeshifters have a slight affect therefrom.
poster: Zifnab
subject: need 1 builder, small project
date: Sat Jul 20 23:33:24 2002
If you have applied to be a builder I apologize that I have not
replied yet. We are currently working on a couple of projects
that are taking most of the active wizards/builders time. In
a couple of weeks I will be cleaning out builders again,
and going through the list of submissions to find new builders.
Until that time, if you have applied to be a builder already,
or are currently a builder I have a little project that involves
writing some descriptions _only_ and has a bit of a deadline
(~2 weeks).
If you are interested please contact me via mud mail, I prefer
a person with a little bit of LPc experience for this.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Jul 22 10:06:14 2002
Made bronze scales from bronze dragon areas saveable. Will also make them distant sellable.
poster: Khosan
subject: downtime tomorrow
date: Mon Jul 22 19:20:49 2002
expect some downtime tomorrow, I need to install some eq to make the machine less noisy.
poster: Zifnab
subject: bank
date: Tue Jul 23 17:31:48 2002
The crash of the host caused the bank to lose its records.
Your bank balance was restored to the backup from this morning,
so you may of lost some gold etc.
poster: Zifnab
subject: help javaclient
date: Wed Jul 24 19:02:18 2002
added help for the java client. help javaclient
poster: Ant
subject: Website
date: Sat Jul 27 19:25:36 2002
The Website is ~85% done. Just thought I'd let you know.
poster: Khosan
subject: web page
date: Sun Jul 28 00:55:42 2002
installed the new web page. There is still a few issues Ant is working on
poster: Ant
subject: website
date: Sun Jul 28 20:44:35 2002
fixed some small bugs in the guild tree on the website.
poster: Ant
subject: website again
date: Sun Jul 28 21:10:42 2002
added the info about Travelers and Enchanters on the page
poster: Ant
subject: website
date: Sun Jul 28 23:27:36 2002
added a link to the donations page to the website
poster: Ant
subject: Website
date: Sun Jul 28 23:31:07 2002
All bug reports about the page should be directed to /dev/nu...
er... to my mudmail. All reports except the ones regarding
the menu not working. Update your browsers every few years,
for crying out loud!
- Ant
poster: Marvin
subject: new exp tuner
date: Tue Jul 30 04:00:11 2002
New exp tuner is installed. may take a couple days to tune to perfection. Enjoy.
poster: Ant
subject: website
date: Wed Jul 31 09:41:12 2002
Added the autocreated list of players' homepages to the website
poster: Zifnab
subject: suicide
date: Thu Aug 1 14:53:25 2002
Ok Dfalt's attempted reinc until I can suicide prompted us
to take a look at the suicide code, and why we don't allow people
to suicide.
First a little history.. The reason we changed things to not
allow suicides, and stopped Dfalt last night is that we have
had too many cases where people have suicided strictly out of
frustration, and spur of the moment decisions then come begging
for their players back.
Dfalt is the first person in the 2 years or so that we have
not allowed suicides that actually seemed to have a problem with
just leaving and not coming back.
So to try and compromise we talked last night and came up with
an alternative solution to suicide that we will try for awhile
and see if that makes both sides happier.
help suicide for the details.
Dfalt is unfrozen and is welcome to log in and do the suicide
according to way we have set it up.
poster: Ant
subject: website
date: Thu Aug 1 18:26:51 2002
The island maps can now be found on the website under "The MUD" menu.
poster: Marvin
subject: trimming
date: Fri Aug 2 17:15:43 2002
New command in newsreader: T = follow up with trimming
poster: Zifnab
subject: >trimming
date: Fri Aug 2 18:50:37 2002
On Fri Aug 2 17:15:43 2002 Marvin wrote post #283:
> New command in newsreader: T = follow up with trimming
poster: Ant
subject: website
date: Sat Aug 3 03:33:07 2002
Added help on score as per request.
poster: Zifnab
subject: gods
date: Sat Aug 3 14:46:35 2002
Nyx has updated our document on the gods of Islands of Myth.
Some of them have you have seen, some of them you will see more
of in the future. help gods for more info.
poster: Zifnab
subject: nyx/friski/daneel
date: Sat Aug 3 18:41:14 2002
Just wanted to say thank you to nyx, friski, and daneel publicly
for the incredible amount of work they have done over the past
few weeks. I hope poor Nyx and Friski do not hate us when this
is over.
Yeah I know its a bit cryptic, you will know more in a few weeks.
poster: Zifnab
subject: down time
date: Mon Aug 5 02:43:36 2002
Going to be some scheduled down time on Tuesday morning
from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (2 hours). We have some things in the
mudlib to get moved around, and figure that is a fairly quiet time
to do it. The mud will be wizlocked at that time.
That will be 17:00 to 19:00 rltime.
poster: Zifnab
subject: reminder
date: Tue Aug 6 13:15:25 2002
The mud will be wizlocked (with no guests) from 16:00 - 18:00
rltime. Sorry about the time change, but I misconverted the time
by an hour earlier.
poster: Zifnab
subject: old wizards
date: Wed Aug 7 20:35:31 2002
I am looking for old wizards names that have put an area
I am looking for old wizard names that are no longer
part of Red Dragon but did contribute something to the mud,
or were part of the initial admin
or were an admin at one point...
Darkstaff, Swashbuckler, aelfwin, execution, sven, aristide, pavilion,
fathom, Klax, paw, wynd... I am drawing a blank at the moment,
I know there are more. If you can remember more please
mail them to me.
poster: Zifnab
subject: do
date: Fri Aug 9 20:00:36 2002
added help on the 'do' command.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Aug 10 01:41:26 2002
made start allow you to start at the new adv guild in illium
poster: Nyx
subject: help open_guilds
date: Sat Aug 10 04:41:53 2002
It was updated.
poster: Nyx
subject: wishes
date: Sat Aug 10 06:01:36 2002
wishes are broken atm.
poster: Daneel
subject: >wishes
date: Sat Aug 10 07:27:17 2002
On Sat Aug 10 06:01:36 2002 Nyx wrote post #294:
> wishes are broken atm.
wishes work fine, sign was broken :-)
It's fixed now.
poster: Zifnab
subject: quest
date: Sat Aug 10 12:58:17 2002
removed the Fall of RDC quest, as stated it was there to easily achieve the goal we had of giving those players that were on at the time a little history. You dont like it I am sorry
poster: Zifnab
subject: ruined city
date: Sat Aug 10 15:41:40 2002
all rooms in the 'ruined' city are now outdoors
poster: Nyx
subject: opened
date: Sat Aug 10 21:10:09 2002
Pavilion and fountain are open.
Blu moon and Magic shop are not. Please read thier descs as they
tell you the doors are closed and locked.
Also should have a message saying they aren ot open
poster: Nyx
subject: wishes
date: Sat Aug 10 22:00:32 2002
Wishes were not broken. My sign was. Sign was fixed last night.
poster: Nyx
subject: Crystal Ball MAchine
date: Sat Aug 10 22:21:52 2002
It is now in Illium's CS.
poster: Nyx
subject: help open_guilds
date: Sun Aug 11 02:18:34 2002
I reformatted it so it is hopefully easier to use and find things on
it, as its former look has driven me nuts for years!
Also updated several guild locations.
If any are not right, or seem not right, please report it or mail me.
poster: Nyx
subject: help
date: Sun Aug 11 03:44:14 2002
I have updated 'help gods'
I have also added per celines request (cause I liked it)
help god_list
help god_
Meanign you can now type 'help god_secs' and just read about him or
whoever you choose.
And now I am doing no more help files today!
poster: Zifnab
subject: fix_castle_exit
date: Sun Aug 11 06:02:51 2002
command to fix your castle exits.. Yes you have to do it, not going to try and fix 200+ castles. The command is 'fix_castle_exit' and must be done from the room with the exits in it.
poster: Nyx
subject: Triggers in News
date: Mon Aug 12 07:38:10 2002
Ok, I have really gotten tired of some peoples lack of courtesy.
When I read news and you have fifty lines of spam from triggers, it
is really annoying. In on of our typo reports someone either was
doing commands or had triggers on and I got to read a 12 line post
of nothing. The typo was at the very bottom, and was three words
long. So from now on, things that bad, I will give news bans. I
don't appriciate trying to wade through your triggers to read a
So either turn your triggers off while posting, or please place a !
in front of them so they do not show up in posts. This is your
warning. If it is one line in a post, fine. But any more 12 lines
posts of all triggers I will enfoce a news ban for at least a week
per line of crap.
poster: Daneel
subject: Dragon caves
date: Mon Aug 12 15:55:41 2002
Well, I'd hoped to do a little more for their opening, but apparently
speed was of some essence, so...
The bronze dragons seem to have dug their way out, renewing
the old access to the dragon caves on DC.
Everything should be down there, but for the moment, killing
tiamat won't complete her quest (though it's still listed -
we plan on putting it back, just not in quite the same form).
poster: Daneel
subject: Za'tea quest
date: Mon Aug 12 15:59:29 2002
Well, after examine the supposedly buggy code, and talking to
Samael, I've figured out what was wrong with this quest - you've
all been doing it wrong! It is _not_, I repeat, _not_ buggy.
It's just hard.
Believe me, I tested it really thoroughly, and if you do
it right, it works every time.
poster: Nyx
subject: Thieves network
date: Mon Aug 12 23:31:56 2002
Hopefully I have fixed them to work with the new city and the old.
Please mail me or report any problems or mess ups on my part.
poster: Nyx
subject: Faces of Myth
date: Tue Aug 13 03:27:33 2002
Due to what seems to be the untimely demise of Zazu's site, I have
made a new photo's page. With alot of help from Ant and Klahn (they
made peopel send me photos!) I was able to put together a fair
collection. So after about six hours of work we have a new photo
Please feel free to mail me if you wish your photo added, removed,
changed, or info corected. Also, the graphic was made by me to
celebrate the new city. :) Feel free to praise my painting skills in
your emails as well. ;)
poster: Daneel
subject: Za'tea quest
date: Wed Aug 14 18:53:18 2002
After a little consultation with Sammy, I've made some small
alterations to the quest. It isn't any easier to do, but it
is a little better about telling you why you failed if you do.
Ok, I did make one change that should make it much easier, but
only if someone thinks of it, and I doubt they will. But it made
sense, so I did it anyway :-)
Good luck, folks!
poster: Zifnab
subject: >chronicles of the 'fall of RDC'
date: Wed Aug 14 21:03:34 2002
On Wed Aug 14 02:04:54 2002 Zifnab wrote post #309:
> The chronicles from the 'Fall of RDC' have been recorded.
> Visit the heart of the fountain in illium to read them.
> For ease of reading it has been split into 4 sections.
> The author is unkown, and as further translations/corrections are
> made it will be updated accordingly.
Like I mentioned.. A better translation has been found,
and more missing parts of the tale are in place.
poster: Zifnab
subject: builders
date: Wed Aug 14 22:09:21 2002
I will be going through the builder apps the next couple of
We lost some of our wizard docs (Cough ant deleted them, thank
god for backups). But I am taking the tim to redo a few of them.
So those of youthat have submitted abs recently I will be in
touch shortly
poster: Nyx
subject: Fountain of Illium
date: Wed Aug 14 22:28:52 2002
Due to the generous donation of the Tome in the heart of the
fountain, the two water windows inside have been given a new job.
One still shows the birth of Illium, but the other has been graced
with the ability to show a colored mural of the city. It was
generously donated by Veldren as a gift for the rebuilding of his
tower in the new city. He invites you to marvel at his magically
created artist masterpiece.
The City Planners
poster: Daneel
subject: eq_tune group
date: Thu Aug 15 03:53:05 2002
Hello, everyone.
Due to the distinct preponderance of wizards on the eq_tune
groups, and the lack of recent traffic, we have decided to
try to revamp its player list. To that end, if you are
interested int getting on/staying, please mail me the
following information:
How long you've been playing here
Are you a builder?
If not, are you planning on trying to become one?
Are you currently on the group?
Do you have any particular topics you want to bring
up on the group? If so, a quick synopsis
would be helpful.
Any reasons why you in particular are a uniquely
indispensible addition to the eq_tune group.
I think that's it. We're looking for imaginative people,
with good communications skills, and a fairly high tolerance
for criticism, in the context of a reasonable discussion.
Unless the interest in this is much lower than I expect, not
everyone is going to get to join;
Looking forward to hearing from y'all,
p.s. Please mail me if you're currently on the group, and wish
to stay on, too.
poster: Mixer
subject: Kurosh
date: Thu Aug 15 11:25:36 2002
froze Kurosh for a month and zapped him for 25% of his worth for botting.
poster: Daneel
subject: explanation of the eq_tune group
date: Fri Aug 16 03:52:01 2002
Hi, folks, me again.
I've gotten extraordinarily few submissions for memebership
in eq_tune from people I don't know, and that haven't been
here for quite some time here. Thinking about why this is,
I realized I never actually explained what the group is,
and does. Given the particularly inacurate name of the
group, this should have been expected... mea culpa, I wasn't
That said, let me try to rectify the situation now. The
eq_tune group exists as a place where wizards and players can
live together, in peace and harm... ahem
Let me try that again.
The eq_tune group exists because, in order to make the mud a
fun place for all, it is necessary to discuss changes we wish
to make. Some potential changes, ones about which discussion
(a) doesn't break the theme of the mud too much, and (b) doesn't
delve too far into the internals of how the mud works, can and
should be discussed on such channels as myth, or news groups
like ideas or general. However, there are a remarkable number
of things which fall into the above categories. (b) in
particular would normal limit discussion to wizards; this,
however, has been found unsatisfactory - wizards tend to have
different interests than players, and you guys outnumber us by
a lot :-). So, we need a small group of players, who can be
trusted to discuss such matters fairly and with the entire
player base in mind, and not to use information they
inadvertently gain unfairly.
Obviously, this has little directly to do with equipment (though
equipment is often a topic). Eq_tune is a discussion group for
the future of the mud, in many ways.
To the end of fairness and good representation of the mud as a
whole, this means ideally we'd like a pretty good cross section
of the mud, not just old-timers who are all over 2G worth :-)
(yeah, I got a few applications from smaller people, but not many).
An articulate, intelligent complete newbie is just as useful to
us here.
Ok, I think that's it for now. Hope to hear from y'all soon!
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Aug 16 19:23:07 2002
fixed the typo withthe dragon gems (island of myth)
poster: Zifnab
subject: lancaster
date: Mon Aug 19 15:20:17 2002
reinced lancaster at 25% of his worth, and froze for one month for botting
poster: Zifnab
subject: explore
date: Thu Aug 22 17:50:48 2002
Daneel and I redid the way the exploring works. It used to
rely on us manually changing things to get the next 2000 rooms
reward. It is now automatic.
Also changed score to not need hard coded values, so your percents
will be correct (if you were over 8000).
poster: Daneel
subject: Silver Dragons
date: Fri Aug 23 21:25:47 2002
There's a new area of the caves on Darkcaverns, full of silver dragons.
These are rather large xp monsters. Be careful with them, though,
they're a little brighter than their brethren above.
poster: Daneel
subject: Shapeshifters' guild
date: Fri Aug 23 21:25:59 2002
Hi, Folks!
Shapeshifters is open. Read help open_guilds for where the guilds are (they
shouldn't be _too_ hard to find :-) (yep, they're all in-game, real
locations - no
temporary guilds here!)
Some things you need to know about the guild:
(1) This guild is not always trivial to play. There are ways you can
reincarnate into this guild, and seriously mess yourself up. Be careful, and
read everything you can.
(2) Shapeshifters has a third axis of knowledge besides skills and spells:
forms. You learn forms by asking the guildmaster to teach them to you (talk
to him for information). At the moment, with the exception of the owl form,
he just teaches stuff to you instantly when you ask. However, the plan is
for each form to require completion of a small quest to learn it (and don't
ask for TPs for it, it's just for form knowledge, nothing more). As these
quests get done, they will be put into the game, and all current shapeshifters
will be required to complete the new quest to use its form or any forms
dependent on it. This means at any point, your favorite form could go away,
and you be required to do something (at which it _is_ possible to just utterly
fail) to regain it. I may also lower the power slightly of forms that don't
have associated quests yet. I haven't done so yet, though - we'll see how it
goes. But consider yourself warned.
(3) This is a sort-of fig-like guild, but much more versatile than most.
It does not require equipment at all, though at higher levels, its costs
can exceed those of equipment upkeep.
(4) Have fun :-) I hope this is a really fun guild. It's probably not the
most powerful at anything, but it should be able to do a lot of things.
(5) Oh, this means you can now post bugs in the guild through the bug command,
and thouroughly embarass me in front of the other wizards :-)
poster: Friski
subject: "new" area
date: Sat Aug 24 18:04:00 2002
There was a blinding flash of light and a load roar coming from
from the southwestern edge of Gossamer Island.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: plaque
date: Sun Aug 25 04:28:48 2002
there's now a plaque at sloatinok's showing how many tps you've
earned through sac'n
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Sun Aug 25 14:50:59 2002
Opened Jaguar's area. will leave it to him to post a better
desc/location for it.
poster: Daneel
subject: Chess
date: Mon Aug 26 06:21:56 2002
Forwarded from Apathy:
The Chess Players' Guild of Illium has decided to open a chapter
in Illium. After some brief construction, the Fiery Flagon
announces that it has opened a new wing to accommodate them.
Everyone is invited to come and join the fun.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: eheh
date: Wed Aug 28 17:18:15 2002
A new area has been discovered on everrest island. It's said that
it's inhabited by an ugly witch and some animals. It might be
dangerous, but we don't think so.
Have fun
*/The S&M Team
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Wed Aug 28 18:40:45 2002
A new and pretty friendly zoo has been built on Gossamer Island.
Right after the zoo was finished and ready for opening, something
happened to some of the cages and foundation of the zoo, making
the animals pretty accessible to any adventurer who cares to visit.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Spam in news
date: Thu Aug 29 14:13:24 2002
All right, I've been gone a month, and being back I'm getting
extremely tired of totally useless posts that reply with
one-liners... It's been said before, but anyway this is a warning
that will happen only once. I'm going to start newsbanning
people that produce entirely useless posts. Here are the
following rules I'll apply: 1st offence, 5 days ban, 2nd one,
15 days ban, 3rd one, 2 months. Hopefully this wont go that
poster: Sigwald
subject: Avenging fury
date: Thu Aug 29 14:29:29 2002
Following Rancor's idea, avenging fury now gives a damage bonus when
performed with two leafblades.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Aug 29 14:37:56 2002
Disabled pickpocket and public performance skills. Don't whine for a reimb, won't happen. These skills are against out no player vs player skill/spell policy.
poster: Zifnab
subject: jaguars post from the other day
date: Thu Aug 29 19:01:19 2002
In a small forgotten clearing in Blackavar forest, a dark tower has stood for
centuries. It
contains many mysteries and treasures, yet few have ever begun to unravel the
horror that
is...Draejar's Tower! Lots of secrets and surprises here, could you be the one
to unravel them? Warning: May be scary.
poster: Zifnab
subject: area history
date: Thu Aug 29 19:10:08 2002
added 2 new area histories to the library (1 in a new book for everrest)
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Thu Aug 29 19:12:54 2002
A pathway has been found in the mountains of Everrest. It appears to lead
to a fairly benign area of snow-dwelling critters.
poster: Khosan
subject: new command to check lag
date: Fri Aug 30 09:05:53 2002
new command "mylag"
poster: Khosan
subject: mudlag
date: Fri Aug 30 18:15:18 2002
recoded the mudlag command. The old version is available as oldmudlag
poster: Khosan
subject: mudlag
date: Fri Aug 30 18:39:38 2002
added an extra argument to mudlag: "mudlag last" . Shows actual lag times for the last 60 seconds.
poster: Fountain of Illium
subject: kill number 24000000
date: Mon Sep 2 05:33:12 2002
Darkside got the kill.
poster: Zifnab
subject: hitd
date: Mon Sep 2 19:42:31 2002
reset hits data
poster: Sigwald
subject: Woodsman change
date: Tue Sep 3 17:38:49 2002
I've raised the penalties woodsmen get when tanking large parties.
This will affect when you get a new body (or at boot...).
I'm still looking for a proper help file to indicate to players
that woodsman tanking abilities go down when they tank large parties,
if you got some good suggestions, mail me. Not sure where
to put that information right now.
poster: Zifnab
subject: guildinfo
date: Tue Sep 3 22:56:18 2002
Added location to guild info. This command will not work until the
next reboot for all guild masters that have already loaded this
boot. Please refrain from using it until after the enxt reboot.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Sep 4 09:22:14 2002
Fixed a bug in consecrate shield that prevented the skill from working to its full potential. It's a lot better now.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Woodsman changes
date: Wed Sep 4 13:11:07 2002
I've added a number of new skills to the woodlord omicron. These
can be gotten from the guild master by using proper menu option.
Note that these skills should be working fine codewise but that
the balance has not yet been very well evaluated, so expect
some tune/changes to these new skills.
Going along with this, I've shuffled a few mastery skills down into
the tree (mainly made progressive training a bit higher in bravos
and reduced it in the omicron).
Intuitive awareness and inner walls now have affecting skills.
I think that's all for now.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Herbalists
date: Wed Sep 4 13:26:59 2002
Made it so you can stack a melee type potion with a caster type potion.
poster: Zifnab
subject: finger
date: Wed Sep 4 21:29:53 2002
removed rfinger command. Made finger work as the help file says it should.
poster: Zifnab
subject: finger
date: Wed Sep 4 22:04:07 2002
changed the finger info on the web page to look like the one from inside the mud. slight differences due to it not being a player typing it.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Lorien area
date: Thu Sep 5 10:44:26 2002
I've set all relevant rooms with terrain in that area. If I get the
energy I will do that for as many areas as I can (maybe I can enslave
Mixer and Ant to help with this). This in particular affect quite
importantly herb gathering but if I can make it to be more general
I may have it affect other skills/spells of the animist tree.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Sep 5 10:46:50 2002
Added nightvision spell to sylvan scout guild.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Mist form
date: Thu Sep 5 11:12:17 2002
Penalty for tanking reduced for party members that are themselves
in mist form. Note the *reduced* which does not mean *removed*.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Old adv guild
date: Thu Sep 5 14:44:52 2002
I've replaced old adv guild by new one in a number of files (some
are probably not used but well...). Anyway if something brings you
to new guild when you think it should have remained old one, notify me.
poster: Zifnab
subject: web page who
date: Thu Sep 5 15:20:46 2002
changed 'who' on the web page. to have a link for hte players finger info.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Sep 5 15:30:34 2002
Removed public performance from minstrel guild master and estimate purse and pickpocket from thief guild master.
poster: Zifnab
subject: bags
date: Fri Sep 6 13:23:50 2002
undid the fix for kept on gem bags. Had a bug report on them.
poster: Ant
subject: Neill Og
date: Sat Sep 7 09:30:10 2002
made Neill Og on Blackavar accept both armors and weapons.
poster: Sigwald
subject: New guild
date: Mon Sep 9 17:23:09 2002
Troubadour is a new guild for the acrobat branch. It is located
in the music hall of Illium city.
poster: Ant
subject: >New guild
date: Mon Sep 9 22:03:51 2002
On Mon Sep 9 17:23:09 2002 Sigwald wrote post #355:
> Troubadour is a new guild for the acrobat branch. It is located
> in the music hall of Illium city.
Yea, yea... I'll update the page someday...
poster: Zifnab
subject: reincing
date: Mon Sep 9 22:07:42 2002
I would strongly suggest not reincing for a few days. I do
not know what was changed/fixed/nto fixed etc. But as far as
I can tell reincing is still hosed up.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Templars
date: Tue Sep 10 12:46:38 2002
Now have a proper guild hall (actually wrote it a few years ago
and just found it in old files...). Access from adv is therefore
poster: Tuk
subject: Rufrin
date: Tue Sep 10 14:51:26 2002
Rufrin will tell you the stats of an item if you got the money and
will to pay him. Effective after boot.
poster: Mixer
subject: Onyx Movado Leggings
date: Tue Sep 10 15:20:25 2002
tuned Onyx Movado leggings to fix eqstat guidelines
poster: Tuk
subject: Og
date: Tue Sep 10 15:22:52 2002
He now buys and sells both weapons and amors. He also sells
relocators if he has them in stock.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Sep 10 16:24:06 2002
I upped the effect of poisons created by poison brewers.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild closing
date: Tue Sep 10 17:11:38 2002
I'm closing the thief guild. It cannot be joined by anyone.
People that are currently thieves can ask an admin for a
free reinc. The guild will remain close during the period
I'll be reworking the guild tree (let's say 2-3 months),
because it's just a lot easier not to have players using
skills I'm rewriting.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Thief closing
date: Tue Sep 10 17:56:40 2002
By the way the free reinc thing applies to all primary thieves
and may extend to people that are secondary thieves and have
many levels in the second tree (basically at least gamma guilds,
consult with me if you are concerned by this).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Woodlord new skill
date: Wed Sep 11 11:19:43 2002
Added neutralize weapon to the guild.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Throw knife
date: Wed Sep 11 11:27:07 2002
I've changed this skill (actually its been a few days but I forgot
to post about it) regarding on success probabilities when
targetting a location. Heart location extra damage was lowered
and all other locations were noticeably upgraded. In particular
I upped bleeding effect for neck target (that also applies
to backstab btw but hopefully we should not have thieves any
longer using it around...).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Troubadours, Minstrels
date: Wed Sep 11 14:31:27 2002
Well actually ignore last post for those who read it, I've added
in total 3 skills to troubadours and one skill to minstrels.
It should now become fairly stable.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Reinc
date: Wed Sep 11 16:21:54 2002
Feel free to reinc again, if anything weird happens,
use bug reports.
poster: Zifnab
subject: channel rd2
date: Wed Sep 11 19:09:12 2002
rd2 seems to be pointless. After this boot it is removed
poster: Sigwald
subject: Area spells and skills
date: Fri Sep 13 10:51:17 2002
Made a change to the way they work, now they are cast or use
without a target and auto target whatever is in the room and
is a valid one.
poster: Sigwald
subject: More skill fixes
date: Fri Sep 13 10:56:56 2002
Made attack and area skills properly use weapon magical damage
types (those got changed a bit recently).
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: moo
date: Sun Sep 15 21:05:02 2002
Dear Ixtlilton, it was true what you said, i am a loser, or rather,
i was. I have now learned to master my witchin abilities better and
i've enchanted my eq so next time anyone tries to kill me...well,
they won't succeed.
*/With love Quin-Ja
This was a mail i just received from the witch...dunno what it means
poster: Sigwald
subject: Combat silent spells/skills
date: Mon Sep 16 09:48:03 2002
I'm making a number of spells/skills respect more the silent skill/spell
flag in combat silent. Don't be puzzled if you see less messages
than you used to if you have that flag on.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Woodsman enchants
date: Mon Sep 16 10:19:57 2002
Can be refreshed now (with newly created weapons).
poster: Zifnab
subject: Jaguar's area
date: Mon Sep 16 14:44:12 2002
installed a few fixes into jaguars area.
poster: Zifnab
subject: guildinfo
date: Mon Sep 16 20:02:15 2002
put locations for all guilds into 'guildinfo X'. The plan is to get rid of help 'open_guilds' which may be removed soon.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Change to weapons
date: Tue Sep 17 16:39:04 2002
Well we always get restless when things are not changing all
that much. So after talking some, we decided to change a bit
the weapon code. Well actually, quite a bit. Basically we've decided
to change parameters that define how good a weapon is. Before we
had only weapon class and that caused problems because basically
weapon class also was linked to size (see the fact you cant
wield high weapon class weapons if you're small/puny).
That got to be a problem because at some point people may want
to code items that are reasonably small but have quite nice
weapon class (say a very sharp dagger).
Anyway, basically we've added size and mass to weapons, as well
as quality and some other stuff. Weapon class will be calculated
from these various parameters.
What happens is that this means a whole lot of new formulas for
wielding and calculating weapon class. These formulas are far from
being stable for now so you may expect a number of changes to them
in the very next few days. Also, this new code means converting
all existing weapons, which obviously is going to take a bunch
of work and time. This will be done slowly, old weapon code
is anyway compatible with the new one we are introducing.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Changes to weapons
date: Tue Sep 17 17:58:13 2002
All right well it went fairly well since we do not have major issues.
One thing that is going to take time is to rewrite properly all
weapons. Since this is a huge task, the priority will be to rewrite
the weapons players use the most. Also several weapons are likely
to have weird stats such as a very short staff being under two feet,
or some dagger being extremely heavy etc etc...
If you think you have one of these weapons, report the problem, but
please be precise enough (indicate clearly the name of the weapon
so we can find the file name, report what stats seem particularly
PS: we'll probably end up having a few more early boots as I adjust
the wielding formulas and need to update bodies. Items stats may
change noticeably after a boot so dont report things such as
'I could wield this before boot now I cannot.'
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Sep 18 16:43:20 2002
fixed shrink weapon and enlarge weapon.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Sep 18 16:51:50 2002
Tuned up chant of smaug skill some.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Sep 18 18:18:31 2002
Disabled assess person spell, will remove it from guild (don't ask for reimb, it'll wait your next reinc...).
poster: Sigwald
subject: >Inform report
date: Wed Sep 18 18:28:29 2002
On Wed Sep 18 18:24:38 2002 Sigwald wrote post #383:
> Modified way poison claw skill works, it now adds extra poison damage when
it kicks in rather than make the damage be poison type.
Oh yeah, I also modified a bit the way the skill works,
especially considering the impact of double claw attack.
Damage rating in help will therefore be more accurate,
but will vary somehow.
poster: Zifnab
subject: FYI mostly
date: Thu Sep 19 15:19:41 2002
compiled a new driver.
2 changes. I changed the error message on the parser error message
we ocassionly get that really isnt a bug. Its protection
against us crashing. the new message is....
error("maximum parse_recurse depth exceeded do not report this as a bug\n");
Also upped the threshold of what triggers this message. Should
reduce the number of times people are getting it.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Sep 20 09:03:16 2002
I've put a rewritten assess person spell in the game, it's sort of give some information about wielding.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: sloatinok
date: Sun Sep 22 15:05:11 2002
sloatinok now sells lists of what you have sac'd, just ask him about
list or something..etc etc blah blah
poster: Jaguar
subject: New Quest
date: Mon Sep 23 20:29:16 2002
A new quest has been added (Obsessive Collector).
Begin your quest at the toy shop! Begin your collection of marbles
today! Collect them all before your friends!
In this quest only you are allowed to trade quest items (marbles)
with other people.
Have fun!
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Sep 23 23:53:09 2002
marble box disabled for a bit. appears to be a problem that istn obvious
poster: Zifnab
subject: marble quest
date: Tue Sep 24 01:05:10 2002
is back and running, you are going to have to get a new
box to hold your marbles though. The old one will dest the
next time you log in.
The old ones will also not complete the quest anymore.
I am not sure why it was saving info in more than one box at a time.
I am leaving Koma's bug report open to investigate further, I
did fix a problem with them, but I fail to see how that caused the
problem in the first place (but it did I tested it).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Druid staff
date: Tue Sep 24 10:28:07 2002
Will now be 2-handed like witch broom is.
Staff stats were upped to reflect this.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Sep 24 16:22:57 2002
I modified some weapon combat formulas. It modified slightly the way weapon class affect damage and altered a bit damage output. More changes may come later.
poster: Jaguar
subject: marble quest
date: Tue Sep 24 21:09:07 2002
The marble quest is suspended until next reboot. Upon which it shall
work wonderfully.
Thank you for your patience, Jaggy.
poster: Zifnab
subject: all parties
date: Wed Sep 25 21:18:16 2002
all parties will now show the members of the party in the same
order as their position in the party.
Added LEADER as well and fixed a few formatting issues.
poster: Tuk
subject: Rufrin
date: Thu Sep 26 14:01:01 2002
changed Rufrin to look for more 'midbie' level items and fewer of the high-end eqs per boot. Made him also offer the correct price on sales/value if going over the set max (if any).
poster: Jaguar
subject: Marble Quest
date: Thu Sep 26 19:31:56 2002
Ok, marble quest should be safe to attempt again. Happy collecting.
Made a small change, and marbles are no longer savable. So make
sure you put them in your box, trade them or sell them before you
log off.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Fri Sep 27 20:03:06 2002
Rumor has it that a number of elven athletes have become unhappy with
their agents. Prominent lawyers have been seen escorting their clients to
OddWorld to take their business to a new upstart agency there.
poster: Zifnab
subject: party changes
date: Fri Sep 27 20:19:26 2002
I added party health (ph alias as well next time you log in, if
you do not already have a ph alias).
I also reworded party status a bit (party status2). I am not
100% decided yet if I am going to put that in place of the current
party status option.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Tarantia Library
date: Fri Sep 27 22:12:32 2002
Has expanded to include some new writings (from Waz and others)
These writings include Blackavar, DC, mists and oddworld.
I also changed the books to be a lot easier to read (exactly
like the book in the fountain in Illium.)
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Tarantia Library
date: Fri Sep 27 22:13:26 2002
On Fri Sep 27 22:12:32 2002 Zifnab wrote post #399:
> Has expanded to include some new writings (from Waz and others)
> These writings include Blackavar, DC, mists and oddworld.
> I also changed the books to be a lot easier to read (exactly
> like the book in the fountain in Illium.)
Sorry meant to continue typing. Please remember that if you would
like to sumit short stories about the mud please do so, they will
make their way into the library in the player section.
So far only 3 stories have been submitted in all the years
it has been there
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >>Tarantia Library
date: Sat Sep 28 02:23:29 2002
On Fri Sep 27 22:13:26 2002 Zifnab wrote post #400:
> > I also changed the books to be a lot easier to read (exactly
> > like the book in the fountain in Illium.)
> >
> Sorry meant to continue typing. Please remember that if you would
> like to sumit short stories about the mud please do so, they will
> make their way into the library in the player section.
> So far only 3 stories have been submitted in all the years
> it has been there
plz remember if you like to sumit (whatever that means, remember zif
is ooooold) do so.
only 3 stories are there :(
poster: Jaguar
subject: Library Books
date: Mon Sep 30 10:58:48 2002
To follow on from Zif's post, Tarantia library is proud to present
"Instant Novels". For people with writers block, feel free to use it
to create your latest masterpiece.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Sep 30 16:23:10 2002
Newsbanned Debacle, tired of useless posts.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Oct 1 10:53:37 2002
Modified charge skill, if you start it up and someone in your party attacks, it should still go off. It is still not meant to be used more than once per monster so if this happens, bug report it.
poster: Tigran
subject: A request of players asking for help.
date: Tue Oct 1 18:13:48 2002
This may be slightly selfish of me, but I don't think that the
requests are too far out of line. There are some things that I
would like to see happen when help is asked for.
1.) Please do not just ask for help. Please explain the situation a
little bit. This one is negotiable, because sometimes it has to be
seen, but even that as an explanation is much better than "Help
2.) This is perhaps one of the most annying things to have happen
when you're asked to help someone. STOP FIGHTING!. I mean please.
That's just flat out rude. If you ask for help and don't stop your
combat, and someone shows up, any concern you may have is likely to
be lost in combat spam. In addition to that, you obviously aren't
paying full attention to the person who is trying to help you.
3.) Stay in one place. See above. This is even worse than continuing combat.
That's all I can think of for now. compliance with these would be
beneficial to all involved (wizards or players).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild age
date: Wed Oct 2 09:30:10 2002
Will carry over reinc if you reinc in same guild.
poster: Zifnab
subject: botting
date: Wed Oct 2 16:00:31 2002
Jill and Cookamunga have been frozen for 1 month, and reinced at 25%
penalty for botting
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Thu Oct 3 22:47:47 2002
A minor temblor in the foothills in everrest has caused a small landslide,
revealing the entrance to a cave. A young farm boy who went in to explore
barely escaped with his life, running out battered and bleeding and shouting
something about horrible giant spiders. Breeder Bob, the renowned animal
husbandryman was quoted as saying "This might be a new species. I
wish someone
would investigate."
-note- While this area is open to all to visit, it is kill
restricted to level
20 and below.
--Malifix the Mad--
poster: Aurik
subject: reincarnation
date: Fri Oct 4 07:32:01 2002
Reincarnation is temporarily off-line until it can be fixed
(hopefully in a few hours). Please DO NOT attempt to reincarnate or
cast it at/for anyone until this status is changed.
- Aurik
poster: Sigwald
subject: >reincarnation
date: Fri Oct 4 08:51:06 2002
On Fri Oct 4 07:32:01 2002 Aurik wrote post #410:
> Reincarnation is temporarily off-line until it can be fixed
> (hopefully in a few hours). Please DO NOT attempt to reincarnate or
> cast it at/for anyone until this status is changed.
> - Aurik
Hopefully fixed after the early boot.
poster: Mixer
subject: Reincarnate
date: Fri Oct 4 09:09:07 2002
disabled reincarnate spell until Aurik can fix it, renamed it to .tmp from .c
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Oct 4 09:25:24 2002
Reenabled reincarnate spell.
poster: Zifnab
subject: party status
date: Fri Oct 4 17:25:02 2002
removed party status2, put it in place of party status
poster: Zifnab
subject: spider cave/first pale
date: Fri Oct 4 20:04:16 2002
added the spider cave to Sisong. removed the first pale.
poster: Ant
subject: lag
date: Sun Oct 6 09:30:29 2002
added the new lag-commands to 'help lag'.
poster: Zifnab
subject: taunting messages
date: Mon Oct 7 22:14:56 2002
after boot the 'flame' messages from monsters killing players will be removed.
poster: Daneel
subject: Bard guild item
date: Tue Oct 8 17:27:06 2002
I've changed the bard guild item to a musical instrument.
Hats were just lame :-)
have fun with it!
poster: Ant
subject: website
date: Wed Oct 9 21:38:12 2002
added the troubadour guild info to the website.
poster: Ant
subject: website update
date: Thu Oct 10 09:39:43 2002
made the website Opera (may it rot in hell for all eternity) compliant. It looks like shit, blame Opera for not supporting .css...
poster: Zifnab
subject: haloween costumes
date: Thu Oct 10 16:15:43 2002
If you have ideas for new halloween costumes please send them to me
It would be a lot easier to install them if you could put them
in this format and just change the strings that need to be
changed (long desc, etc)
Keep them clean etc.
#include "/domains/holidays/halloween/halloween.h"
inherit COSTUME;
void create()
set_id("real life");
set_proper_name("Real Life");
set_wear_message("Real Life arrives on his ghost-gray steed.\n");
set_costume_id("Real Life");
set_costume_name("Real Life");
set_costume_in_room_desc("The dreaded Real Life.");
"In front of you, with all its glory and horror stands Real Life! "
"What on earth is it doing here?? It probably came here to annoy YOU "
"and remind you of all the things you should be doing instead of "
"hunting monks..\n");
set_remove_message("Real Life leaves on his ghost-grey steed, "
"leaving $N looking confused.\n");
poster: Ant
subject: website
date: Fri Oct 11 09:00:03 2002
fixed the slight bug in the menu on the website when viewing with Netscape 7.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Oct 11 21:57:24 2002
hallween area, and costumes are available in Cs
poster: Daneel
subject: gleeman skill change
date: Mon Oct 14 07:08:36 2002
Pursuant to the changing of the bard guild item, I have replaced the
multiweapons skill in gleeman with a new skill that allows bards to
continue singing on their party while moving, as long as they are
neither leader nor tank.
This does not work with soothing melodies (considering moving is the
only way to break soothing melodies, I consider this a feature, not
a bug :-). It should work with all other bard songs, though - if
you find one for which it doesn't, let me know.
Just to forstall a few questions, no, you're not getting a reinc for
this change - it's a pretty minor one, in the grand scheme of things.
Have fun!
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Oct 16 09:14:37 2002
Fixed a bug with wall of force spell.
poster: Zifnab
subject: evermore plaques
date: Wed Oct 16 15:39:44 2002
fixed the Evermore plaque room
poster: Zifnab
subject: kalma botting
date: Thu Oct 17 05:14:15 2002
froze kalma for 30 days, and reinced at 25% for botting
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Oct 17 13:31:33 2002
Renamed slip emote into tslip
poster: Daneel
subject: camping
date: Sun Oct 20 07:25:02 2002
I added camping to woodsman. I might note, not because of any
of the arguments given in ideas, but just because thematically,
the idea of woodsmen not being able to camp just seemed
Then again, I do consider theme paramount; this probably doesn't
reflect the oppinions of all wizards :-)
I also changed the camping skill so that, while it will never be
the most useful of skills, it should no longer be
poster: Fountain of Illium
subject: kill number 25000000
date: Mon Oct 21 10:09:17 2002
Idwick got the kill.
poster: Daneel
subject: Bug tracker
date: Mon Oct 21 18:26:41 2002
There are a bunch of changes to the bug tracking tool. Hopefully,
none of them bug :-) But if you reported a bug that hasn't been
closed, and you don't see it, take a look at the gl and g commands.
Hopefully, this will help some bug issues in the long run.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Oct 21 19:26:45 2002
fixed the conversation hook( the things that make you type funny) so : emotes get scrambled. It did that at one point but we messed up overlaying files
poster: Zifnab
subject: banned ip
date: Tue Oct 22 21:13:41 2002
banned 67.38.17.*
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: finger
date: Wed Oct 23 15:44:11 2002
You will now see if someone is a guild leader in finger info YAY!!!!
poster: Zifnab
subject: Familiars
date: Wed Oct 23 20:48:31 2002
After boot familiars will not allow names that are banned
for players.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Oct 26 23:08:48 2002
banned 81.8.177.* due to spammers
poster: Zifnab
subject: guild channels
date: Tue Oct 29 14:57:21 2002
I cannot find the post I swear I made.... so here is a repeat
Mon Oct 21 20:31:47 2002: Zifnab added channels for each beta guild. Also
added a configurable color for them. chan_guild (shapeshifter has its
own channel at the moment, I am sure daneel will remove that)
the last part is no longer relevant
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Oct 30 11:15:19 2002
Modified store spell to only allow attack/area spells as stored spells.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Oct 30 14:29:14 2002
Modified both enchant and protect armor spells (synthax).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guilds and channels
date: Thu Oct 31 11:30:07 2002
I've made guild channels tied to the guilds with guild items.
Therefore psychics and acrobat channels are replaced by witch
and bard channels (for some reason bard channels does not work
well for now, I'll investigate this later).
People moving rank up will now be displayed on guild channels.
poster: Zifnab
subject: free reinc
date: Thu Oct 31 17:24:37 2002
there isa reinc machin in CS for 24 hours. 1 free reinc.
poster: Zifnab
subject: silent room
date: Thu Oct 31 19:05:17 2002
added a silent room to the northeast of the Adv. guild
poster: Daneel
subject: synergy
date: Fri Nov 1 20:22:13 2002
Modified its effects a little to differentiate it a little more from
Have fun.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Zun Zoo map
date: Mon Nov 4 15:58:01 2002
added a map to the Zun Zoo
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild channels
date: Tue Nov 5 15:29:43 2002
Guild channels are now automatically turned off at reincarnation,
which means you will not get older guild channels from
previous guild. Guild channels will also be turned on when
joining a guild.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Silent room
date: Wed Nov 6 09:42:13 2002
Improved it a bit, normally no emotes should go through, and
shouts should be automatically muffled.
poster: Mixer
subject: Bluemoon
date: Fri Nov 8 12:56:33 2002
newsbanned Bluemoon for posting a "praise" post for the newsbanned Quillz. We are not messing around guys.
poster: Sigwald
subject: lurkers
date: Sat Nov 9 04:16:53 2002
Ok I'd really like if you people could refrain for asking me
progress about lurkers every other week. To you it may
appear no problem to ask, but considering there are many
players, it becomes an extremely recurring question for
me, and it gets a bit boring to answer always the same
You can also stop mailing stuff like "I'd like to test
the guild". First of all it's quite far from being
advanced enough for any kind of reasonable open testing,
and secondly whenever I'll need testers I'll ask
publicly over the news.
I've set completion date to early 2003, and for those
of you that work, you know that completion dates are
like a guessing game more than actual predictions...
I'll post from time to time in rogue.general with progress
I make, but just don't spam me with questions.
Thx, Sigwald.
poster: Zifnab
subject: builder
date: Sun Nov 10 21:28:09 2002
The builder port is _DEAD_ as of late. I want progress
reports from people on their areas in 1 week or I remove those
that have not mailed me anything.
Mail the report, I idle too much to rely on a tell.
FYI this is for those that have not contributed to the mud
in some manner (i.e. no area yet, or anything else. I do
not need people that have completed an area or helped with other
things to mail me).
There are plenty of people waiting to be builders and it is
not fair for them to have to wait while you do not log
in for weeks at a time.
poster: Daneel
subject: The Fiery Flagon
date: Sun Nov 10 22:01:07 2002
The Fiery Flagon has a new bartender, and he's good! He went
to bartending school and everything! Come on in, have a drink,
and play some poker in the back room!
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: plaques
date: Mon Nov 11 02:41:41 2002
made some new plaques, based on stuff from summary, they're placed
other plaques are cause i am too lazy to make a new room for them
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Nov 11 19:50:39 2002
made beep respect the silent room flag.
poster: Zifnab
subject: banned ip
date: Mon Nov 11 20:48:10 2002
Also sent mail to the provider.. seeing as how its a school
those of you playing from there I expect you will be cut
off as a result of this person.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >banned ip
date: Mon Nov 11 22:23:21 2002
On Mon Nov 11 20:48:10 2002 Zifnab wrote post #453:
> 204.38.184.*
> Also sent mail to the provider.. seeing as how its a school
> those of you playing from there I expect you will be cut
> off as a result of this person.
FYI this was for billyraybob and whatever other characters
he used to spam us, (starburst possibly, I forget)
poster: Zifnab
subject: Fiery Dwarf Tavern
date: Wed Nov 13 20:32:02 2002
Has opened in the city of Evermore. Enjoy
poster: Zifnab
subject: trivia
date: Thu Nov 14 20:17:18 2002
Looking to make a trivia game about the mud.
Mail me questions/answers that are relevant to the mud only..
Example What is the name of the monster that does X.
Which player did X.
If I can get enough good questions I will make this.
Keep in mind it needs to be able to be typed by players quickly,
so one or 2 word answers at the most.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Nov 15 08:35:17 2002
Capped Percent to level in prompt at 1000% (went to senseless negative values at reincs else).
poster: Daneel
subject: New area/quest
date: Fri Nov 15 22:39:00 2002
A way has opened from Chilperic's garden (on Everrest) down to his
personal testing grounds. Anyone interested in talking to him is
distinctly invited to MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS.
(p.s., there's a new quest somewhere in there, too).
A history of Chilperic and the nutty stunts he's pulled is in
the Tarantian library.
poster: Tuk
subject: New equipment!
date: Mon Nov 18 15:38:55 2002
Equipment monsters ranging from approx. 185k to 1.9M will have a
chance, depending on some set rules and of course randomness, to
drop extraloot.
This extraloot is new to the game, and the 'pool' these monsters are
using is (hopefully) evergrowing. This is one way to try to make
every monster (of said range) have equally interesting equipment and
perhaps making those forgotten/rejected ones more attracting to kill
Have fun,
p.s oh yeah, tunes might follow, both on drop rates and on items,
but you probably should have been expecting this too
p.p.s efettice after reboot (HAH to those who already ran to the
closest small eq mob, HAHAHAHAH)
poster: Zifnab
subject: player purge
date: Tue Nov 19 19:57:31 2002
Tue Nov 19 19:56:18 2002: purge complete!!!
Total players: 7583 Purged players 3347
Same guidelines as always,
level < 10 and worth < 300k
or worth less than 2001
poster: Zifnab
subject: adepts of the stone
date: Fri Nov 22 18:05:27 2002
gave adepts of the stone guild a real home.
poster: Zifnab
subject: plaque
date: Sun Nov 24 00:23:50 2002
upped the plaque to 500 (it handled 450 ok). If it starts erroring I will back it back down to 450
poster: Tuk
subject: Wands
date: Sun Nov 24 10:25:09 2002
wands will save for now and even load the initial number of charges. Both facts are subject to change though.
poster: Zifnab
subject: trivia
date: Mon Nov 25 15:54:36 2002
added a trivia game. Help trivia to see how to play. It may still be buggy so please bug report all problems. Also if you have questions you would like to add please mail them to me.
poster: Daneel
subject: Cheating on form quests
date: Tue Nov 26 07:46:35 2002
Quillz and Anglemar were both caught cheating on Shapeshifter
form quests. Both are being forced to reinc, and are henceforth
banned from the guild.
poster: Daneel
subject: plaque
date: Tue Nov 26 08:36:36 2002
sorry guys, do to a really dumb typo, I managed to clear the
plaque (and break it for good measure). I've got it working
again, but it'll have to repopulate through normal means.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Nov 26 14:40:28 2002
restored the plaque from yesterdays backup
poster: Sigwald
subject: Credit
date: Wed Nov 27 09:29:24 2002
I added help on credit, if you guys think the text is not clear
enough please mail me suggestions.
poster: Zifnab
subject: chan_trivia
date: Thu Nov 28 21:36:48 2002
added a configureable color chan_trivia for the trivia channel
poster: Daneel
subject: botting
date: Sat Nov 30 17:37:36 2002
Ref has been reinced at 25% penalty, frozen for 30 days for
poster: Daneel
subject: Gwaul
date: Sun Dec 1 17:31:46 2002
He now gives you a _little_ information about how long you
have to wait to switch again, if you're too early.
poster: Zifnab
subject: christmas area
date: Mon Dec 2 04:52:06 2002
installed the christmas area
poster: Friski
subject: New Area
date: Mon Dec 2 19:33:10 2002
On a mining expedition on Everrest, the
miners accidently opened a pathway into
the upper reaches of hell. Only one of
the miners has survived to tell the tale.
ps - be careful :)
poster: Tuk
subject: kukul
date: Wed Dec 4 13:19:10 2002
changed Kukul's stats.
poster: Daneel
subject: A landslide reveals a tunnel on blackavar
date: Sat Dec 7 06:18:09 2002
(forwarded from Jaws)
A mighty quake of the earth has been reported on the isle of
Blackavar. In the aftermath, some local farmers discovered a
landslide in the mountains, revealing a previously hidden
tunnel. Those who explored beyond came back carring stories of
a vast fertile valley beyond!
poster: Fountain of Illium
subject: kill number 26000000
date: Sat Dec 7 17:29:04 2002
Tranquil got the kill.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new toy in the game
date: Wed Dec 11 16:55:53 2002
There is a new toy in the game. Its use is being logged, and if it
is abused your use of the item will be removed.
It will not work in all places at the moment (needs a reboot) but will
work in many rooms in the city.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Lodestones, Lodes, Lodies, etc.
date: Fri Dec 13 19:20:55 2002
On Fri Dec 13 19:13:36 2002 Xerious wrote post #478:
> (Originally in ideas)
> Is it possible to make lodes baggable? It would help keep Inventory
> Spam[tm] to a minimum, which is always a good thing[tm]. I like
> that they are sorted now, btw! Good Idea!
> Xerious Spam
After boot, general shop will have a bag for lodestones.
poster: Zifnab
subject: trivia channel
date: Mon Dec 16 02:19:57 2002
set the trivia channel to preload so players dont create it first.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Dec 16 17:27:07 2002
Added 'help weapons'.
poster: Zifnab
subject: charons boat
date: Tue Dec 17 17:32:11 2002
made a small fix to charons boat.
poster: Daneel
subject: Blackavar Vampires
date: Tue Dec 17 17:56:53 2002
I've made a couple changes to blackavar vampires; mostly, but not
exclusively, to Nosferatu himself (to make him fit more within
our eq. guidelines).
Have fun!
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Dec 18 16:25:31 2002
banned 217.208.204.*. This is a complete ban and all players from there that wish to play will have to send mail to mud@islandsofmyth.org (manual registratino)
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Dec 20 20:01:07 2002
made a small change to the plaque. moved the call out to the top of process_players() so that even if it errors will continue to go every hour.
poster: Daneel
subject: familiar changes
date: Sun Dec 22 00:59:14 2002
A bunch of things here.
I cleaned up a lot of the code in familiars. In the course of
doing this, I fixed a number of bugs - notably, familiars
actually weren't taking damage where they should, and were
in some instances taking into account reincs other than the
current one. These have all been fixed.
I have added the skill "teach bravery" to the animal trainre
I've also added animal trainer to the woodsman guild tree.
That's it for now. Let me know if there are any problems.
poster: Zifnab
subject: banned ip
date: Mon Dec 23 22:59:07 2002
IP banned: netmask by Zifnab
poster: Zifnab
subject: banned ip
date: Mon Dec 23 23:00:46 2002
[wizinfo]: IP banned: netmask by Zifnab
poster: Zifnab
subject: christmas area
date: Thu Dec 26 15:17:30 2002
closed the christmas area
poster: Zifnab
subject: mailer change
date: Mon Dec 30 16:20:11 2002
the muds mailer has had a new option added to it.
USAGE: S foo
This will show you a list off all the headers in your mailbox where
the sender contains foo
[590 of 590] mail: S zyz
141 Zyz (Tue Jul 23) bug/typo fixing
244 Zyz (Thu Aug 29) tundra area
495 Zyz (Mon Nov 25) trivia question
496 Zyz (Mon Nov 25) trivia question
poster: Zifnab
subject: >mailer change
date: Mon Dec 30 16:20:38 2002
On Mon Dec 30 16:20:11 2002 Zifnab wrote post #490:
> the muds mailer has had a new option added to it.
> 'S'
> USAGE: S foo
> This will show you a list off all the headers in your mailbox where
> the sender contains foo
> [590 of 590] mail: S zyz
> 141 Zyz (Tue Jul 23) bug/typo fixing
> 244 Zyz (Thu Aug 29) tundra area
> 495 Zyz (Mon Nov 25) trivia question
> 496 Zyz (Mon Nov 25) trivia question
Damn, forgot this change requires a new body to take effect.
poster: Zifnab
subject: timeline
date: Tue Dec 31 17:28:10 2002
FYI, updated the time line for Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov and Dec
poster: Zifnab
subject: new quest
date: Tue Dec 31 18:00:31 2002
added a new quest. read about the 'Fall of RDC'
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Jan 2 00:29:41 2003
put a link to the news archives (back to Dec 1999) on the news page. (Ant may move it later)
poster: Sigwald
subject: HOTG/EOTG
date: Thu Jan 2 14:50:56 2003
Changed the way endowment of the gods and honor of the gods work.
They will kick in less frequently, but have an improved effect.
In average it's the same as before, with a slight tune up
for endowment of the gods.
poster: Sigwald
subject: New skill for martial artist guild
date: Thu Jan 2 15:37:29 2003
Talk to the guild master to get it. This will provide lowbie
martial artists with an attack skill.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Shelter spell
date: Fri Jan 3 15:18:14 2003
Cannot be cast any longer if monsters are present in the room.
poster: Friski
subject: New Area
date: Wed Jan 8 19:50:45 2003
A trader, just returning home from a long journey
to the far away island of Oddworld, told his wife
of a large town named Sunnydale. He said he though
it might be a nice place for a vacation. His wife
promptly told 2 friends, and they told 2 friends...
and so on.
Have fun
poster: Zifnab
subject: hell
date: Wed Jan 8 21:32:16 2003
removed the force moving of players to HELL (the room with lucifer) was a left over from when hell was only one room, and we didnt save y our location when you quit.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Shrink/Enlarge
date: Fri Jan 10 13:10:36 2003
Those spells been modified a bit, they work opposited now, which
means you can remove shrink by casting enlarge. They won't stack.
poster: Ant
subject: Website
date: Fri Jan 10 14:03:52 2003
put in an option to select a non-javascript version of the website for those with ancient browsers... *poke Phire* ;)
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jan 10 14:11:06 2003
Added identify spell to enchanter guild.
poster: Ant
subject: website
date: Fri Jan 10 14:18:31 2003
also fixed the css-files so that the colors on the page look right with browsers other than IE too.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Emote replacement
date: Fri Jan 10 16:08:33 2003
board2 is now nailboard
poster: Zifnab
subject: aurik
date: Wed Jan 15 02:53:57 2003
for those that do not know. Aurik has taken over for mixer...
For those of you throwing darts at my back for what did or didnt
get into the game during the times when we didn't have an
active person doing areas you should all be happy now.
I also invite those of you that are pointing fingers
and laying blame to step up and do something about it.
Zifnab hopefully no longer has to review areas
poster: Zifnab
subject: player.bugs group
date: Thu Jan 16 15:26:35 2003
Has been purged. Had gotten too big to display on the web page.
If you wish to read this one, and you do not see this when
logging in..
Auto-subscribing to:
player.bugs (0 messages, 0 unread)
type g player.bugs, then 1. that will reset the high water
mark for that group to post 1.
poster: Tuk
subject: orcs/ologhai
date: Thu Jan 16 20:30:25 2003
took orc/ologhai area out of the game for a short period of time. Will get a small change, meanwhile the quest is temporarily unavailable too of course.
poster: Zifnab
subject: volunteer
date: Fri Jan 17 16:53:01 2003
Need a volunteer for a little project Tuk and I were working on.
It will invovle your own personal gold supply, obviously if any
bugs come out of it I will reimburse lost gold. But it is something
that will cost you your gold, so if you are tight on gold please do not
volunteer.. Contact me via a tel lif you are intersted,
most likely will be a week or 2 I need to doa little clean up of it.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Jan 17 20:53:24 2003
Mystifying levitation will now affect only armors and weapons.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Jan 21 17:44:04 2003
Was pointed out to me that costs of refresh companions spell was somehow out of like as it was more efficient sp wise than major refresh. Upped cost on the previous one and lowered slightly last one.
poster: Zifnab
subject: early reboot
date: Tue Jan 21 19:11:34 2003
Putting in a new driver. Also made a fairly major
change to the mudlib that already caused one problem, do
not want to have it happen at the normal reboot while
I am not here to reverse both the driver and the change I did.
poster: Aurik
subject: builder applications
date: Wed Jan 22 05:13:09 2003
For those of you who have submitted builder applications in the
recent months:
I have your applications on-file and will notify you soon about any
additional information I may want to get from you before we look at
them. We will be going to a system of "mentoring" where you will be
paired up with one primary mentor for the course of your initial
How this will work "exactly" and what the specific rules are that
will be used to help with domains and area building are still in the
process of being created. Please be patient.
For the time being, I will not be approving builders, but I hope I
can make enough head-way/room over the next 2-4 weeks so that we can
start looking over your applications further and approving builders
Thank you,
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: troll caves
date: Wed Jan 22 15:25:58 2003
The slime in my troll area has been updated a little bit, it's now
killable but it's also more dangerous in some ways. Ff to die.
poster: Fountain of Illium
subject: kill number 27000000
date: Thu Jan 23 23:13:59 2003
Darkside got the kill.
poster: Daneel
subject: Monkey goofed
date: Fri Jan 24 22:59:02 2003
Monkey was transfering stuff willy-nilly among secondaries.
His secondaries have all been nuked, he's self-frozen already
for a month, so we're just letting that stand.
poster: Daneel
subject: harmer change
date: Sun Jan 26 23:50:11 2003
I added the spell "Ritual of Binding" to the Dark Worshipper
Hope this helps harmers a little bit.
poster: Zifnab
subject: guests
date: Mon Jan 27 22:19:09 2003
disabled guest logins. they just are useless. There purpose is to have people try out teh game, yet we restrict them so much they cant do that effectively anyway.
poster: Friski
subject: Area
date: Wed Jan 29 04:13:48 2003
Sunnydale has reopened.
A lot of tunes were made. Please bug report if you notice anything
odd or any bugs etc.
Also, tunes may still be happening so expect some small changes
here and there.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: hi
date: Fri Jan 31 16:13:27 2003
A message from your friendly neighborhood wizard.
Lodestones have changed.
There are no more start and unknown lodestones.
You need gems to create lodestones.
To replace start and unknown there is a new lodestone.
poster: Zifnab
subject: wizlock
date: Mon Feb 10 17:57:09 2003
The wiz lock is necessary until we know the mud is stable.
the last machine crash hit the mud pretty hard, and its not
worth damaging player files etc to open if its just going
to happen again.
see http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Islandsofmyth/
for info on the current status of the mud.
poster: Sigwald
subject: New skill for woodsman
date: Wed Feb 12 10:37:16 2003
In Woodlord guild, fast mixing.
As usual, talk to leader to get it.
poster: Zifnab
subject: cookamunga
date: Wed Feb 12 15:16:21 2003
cookamunga was nuked for his
2nd and 3rd botting
poster: Zifnab
subject: banned ip
date: Thu Feb 13 19:55:34 2003
banned the ip address from the school in Ohio where lilpimpstres,
jelliibean and whatever other 30 ids they are using are from.
poster: Daneel
subject: Nother botter
date: Sat Feb 15 00:22:04 2003
Spoof was frozen for botting.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new party command
date: Mon Feb 17 16:14:10 2003
party actions. Need a new party object to use this.
poster: Khosan
subject: Server move
date: Wed Feb 19 14:50:57 2003
We are moving the mud server to a different hosting facility. This will be
done friday and we can expect the mud to be down most of the day.
The new IP for the mud will be:
The DNS names will automatically be modified too of course. So
islandsofmyth.org should keep working.
We also plan on setting up a tunnel system so the old IP still works for
some time after the move.
poster: Zifnab
subject: wall
date: Thu Feb 20 07:23:23 2003
fixed wall(system message) to use the system_msg color
poster: Zifnab
subject: move
date: Fri Feb 21 15:57:03 2003
The machine has moved..
Please play at your own risk for now as the machine may need
to be rebooted on short notice.
poster: Zifnab
subject: just an FYI
date: Sat Feb 22 23:04:26 2003
We are going to reboot early tonight. most likely in 5 or
6 hours.
The reason for the boot is I am going to put us on a driver
that does MCCP (mud compression protocol, cant recall the other C
right now).
It is possible that it will not be stable, it has been on the
development port for a few days now, and no problems at all,
obviously that is not under the load this one is.
If it becomes an issue we will replace the current one.
poster: Khosan
subject: MCCP in the java mudclient
date: Sun Feb 23 00:39:59 2003
implemented MCCP in the java mudclient
poster: Zifnab
subject: who compressed
date: Sun Feb 23 02:53:51 2003
New option to who 'compressed'. Will work after the reboot
and show those players that have MCCP turned on by their client.
poster: Zifnab
subject: mccp
date: Sun Feb 23 04:16:12 2003
Seems to be ok..
If anyone has any problems like you cannot reconnect/connect
please mail me. If you do nt say something we cannot fix
the problem etc.
Until ant links the page here is the url to a page
explaining things
poster: Ant
subject: website
date: Sun Feb 23 12:19:05 2003
added a link to the MCCP help on the website.
poster: Zifnab
subject: mccp and zmud
date: Sun Feb 23 16:27:44 2003
Just an FYI. It looks like if you lose connection from zmud and reconnect
you may not be able to see anything past your name. This appears to be a zmud
bug, and I will submit a bug report for zmud. The workaround is to
shut down the window
and restart it.
poster: Zifnab
subject: mccp
date: Tue Feb 25 13:28:20 2003
Removed the driver with mccp. It is getting into a loop, and we
need to figure out why.
poster: Daneel
subject: New area
date: Thu Feb 27 04:13:45 2003
There is a new area wandering the forests of misty. I would
really, really recommend ignoring it for the moment unless you
have a reason to be there. It is extremely dangerous, with
little reward.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: arena
date: Sat Mar 1 04:04:45 2003
Should no longer be able to dheal people in the arena.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >arena
date: Sat Mar 1 04:06:03 2003
On Sat Mar 1 04:04:45 2003 Ixtlilton wrote post #538:
> Should no longer be able to dheal people in the arena.
> */Ixtlilton
To clearify, you might be _able_ too, but you will heal exactly 0 hps.
poster: Khosan
subject: crash
date: Sun Mar 2 12:09:01 2003
the host crashed and I had to restore a backup that was almost 24 hours old
poster: Sigwald
subject: Changes to kill code
date: Tue Mar 4 13:09:51 2003
I changed some stuff in code check for killing/starting combat.
Since its kinda a bit new, there may be some residual weird things
If you notice strange stuff bug report them or mail me.
poster: Nyx
subject: Faces of Myth
date: Wed Mar 5 06:36:05 2003
Recently I switched emails. If you have sent me your photos for
Faces of Myth and they are not up yet, please resend them to:
Thanks, and sorry. Please yell at hotmail for the inconvience.
poster: Zifnab
subject: machine crash
date: Sat Mar 8 15:18:04 2003
Machine crashed. I fixed the few things I saw that
were broken. Keep in mind we may still find
other problems, but for the most part it seems ok at the moment.
poster: Zifnab
subject: mud
date: Wed Mar 12 20:46:21 2003
I am going to open the mud in a few minutes. You will be playing
at your own risk until further notice.
I changed the backup schedule to every 6 hours, usually did one
a day.
You _MAY_ lose stuff, if you choose to play right now you will
have to deal with that.
poster: Zifnab
subject: mud
date: Wed Mar 12 20:48:48 2003
as a followup to the last post.. There may be sudden shutdowns,
etc as Khosan works on the machine do not complain, you have
been warned.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Mar 13 13:21:34 2003
Tuned down soul steal spell. Came to my notice that I did not like witches being more efficient than evokers as blasters.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: guess what
date: Thu Mar 13 20:06:50 2003
I made another plaque. It's on everrest and shows who inflicts the
most damage per minute. Top 100...
ps. atm snooptest is on the plaque he will drop off pretty soon and
i've made sure now that wiztests wont appear on it again so dont
bugrep it or anything.
poster: Fountain of Illium
subject: kill number 28000000
date: Fri Mar 14 12:29:44 2003
Nezmaniac got the kill.
poster: Zifnab
subject: rufrin
date: Sun Mar 16 19:01:09 2003
Due to abuse by players Rufrin has gone on vacation for a while. The players if it is deemed to be bug abuse will be dealt with.
poster: Marvin
subject: IOM - NCAA MCB Tourney Pool
date: Tue Mar 18 17:51:32 2003
I am starting up an IOM - NCAA Mens College Basketball Pool!
Sure, you've filled out your bracket on two dozen web sites already,
but this one has a twist!
Each participant picks 8 teams from the bracket, and will receive
points based on how many games each of his teams wins.
The number of points for each win is equal to the seeding of the team.
For example: If one of your teams is UConn (a 5 seed) and they win 3
games, you will receive 15 points for that team.
A tourney bracket with the scheduled games and seedings can be found at:
If you are interested in playing, mud-mail me your teams before the
start of the first game on March 20 (not counting the play-in game)
I will be posting the results as March progresses, and the winner
will receive one wet slobbery smooch from the hot mudder chick of
their choice!
Good luck and Go Purdue!
poster: Khosan
subject: backup restore
date: Thu Mar 20 01:29:14 2003
restored a backup that seems to be working. I think we might be open...
poster: Zifnab
subject: divorce
date: Thu Mar 20 20:39:37 2003
divorce has been changed. only requires one party. no more begging for wizards to remove it. (still costs 20k, command is divorce foo, where foo is who you are married to)
poster: Zifnab
subject: builder port
date: Sat Mar 22 05:43:43 2003
Is up and running. Some of the save files were not restored/backed
up on that port since its easy enough to recreate most of that.
Some of you that could log on there, no longer can. You are going
to have to catch Aurik or another admin that is free and can
re-wiz you there if you cannot log on.
poster: Friski
subject: sunnydale tune
date: Sat Mar 22 21:27:05 2003
Made a slight tune to sunnydale. eq loads have been altered
poster: Daneel
subject: Crystal Dragons
date: Mon Mar 24 18:25:57 2003
Have been tuned slightly. Have fun, they're different, you'll have
to relearn some of their tricks
poster: Marvin
subject: Marvin's NCAA Challenge Update
date: Mon Mar 24 21:05:15 2003
Here are the scores so far in Marvin's NCAA Challenge.
A star (*) by a teams name means that the team is still active and
can potentially receive more points.
Weber St - 0
Missouri - 6
Illinois - 4
*Duke - 6
*UConn - 10
*Maryland - 12
Louisville - 4
Oklahoma St - 6
Total = 48
Holy Cross - 0
Gonzaga - 9
*Duke - 6
Purdue - 9
Xavier - 3
*Butler - 24
*Syracuse - 6
Total = 57
*Kentucky - 2
Gonzaga - 9
Memphis - 0
Purdue - 9
Tulsa - 13
Florida - 2
Alabama - 0
Louisville - 4
Total = 39
*Kentucky - 2
*Arizona - 2
*Oklahoma - 2
*Pittsburg - 4
*Kansas - 4
*Duke - 6
Wake Forest - 2
Illinois - 4
Total = 26
*Maryland - 12
Missouri - 6
Illinois - 4
Louisville - 4
Alabama - 0
Weber St - 0
*Butler - 24
*Michigan St - 14
Total = 64
Vermont - 0
Arizona St - 10
Utah St - 0
Wake Forest - 2
*Butler - 24
Austin Peay - 0
Tulsa - 13
Holy Cross - 0
Total = 49
poster: Khosan
subject: javaclient
date: Wed Mar 26 23:49:05 2003
upgraded the javaclient with apathy' changes (which he made ages ago, something about "make highlighting text less spastic and prevent triggers from going off in the editor" )
poster: Tuk
subject: Top Hammers
date: Thu Mar 27 10:33:38 2003
Fiddled a bit with the three top hammers; Hammer of Power, Hammer of Crushing and Hammer of Rage. Tried to change the tune between them to respect their levels/difficulties to get.
poster: Zifnab
subject: java connection builder port
date: Thu Mar 27 17:44:24 2003
added a link to the wiz document section of the web page for a java connection to the builder port.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: Xetrov
date: Tue Apr 1 19:22:17 2003
Xetrov is now once per boot. Made a slight change to the vortex/rock
etc, so if anything bugs...it's not my fault.
poster: Zifnab
subject: queueing
date: Wed Apr 2 22:03:48 2003
changed the way I presented the queueing message. You will now
only get 1 message when it starts queueing commands, and one when
the queue hast completed processing.
poster: Zifnab
subject: rufrin
date: Wed Apr 2 23:44:35 2003
Rufrin has returned from his vacation. Although while on vacation
he did sacrifice all his inventory to Sloatinok for a few TP's.
poster: Sloatinok
subject: Naraku
date: Sun Apr 6 04:05:25 2003
An adventurer visited me at my rift not so long ago. He was
tired and badly hurt and he told me a tale of a castle infested
with demons. The adventurer had gone to meet with a friend who
lived in this castle and discovered that the castle had been
invaded by horrible demons led by a foul creature by the name of
Naraku. This Naraku has awesome powers and is, if rumors are true,
the spawn of hundreds or even thousands of demons and the world
would be a much better place without him.
I thought of it as a duty to inform the citizens of this world of
the arrival of this creature and thought the best way of doing so
would be to give the information to you.
The adventurer who told me this, whose name is unknown to me, died
before he got the chance to tell me the exact location of this place,
but it is supposedly on the island of everrest somewhere near
the great mountain range that you find there.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: new spell
date: Mon Apr 7 06:22:58 2003
mental eye in telekinetics guild. get new spell from guild master if
you're already a member etc of the guild.
have fun
poster: Daneel
subject: Astral Projection
date: Mon Apr 7 17:24:34 2003
Can no longer be stacked
poster: Ant
subject: death! AIEEEEEEE!!!!!
date: Tue Apr 8 09:00:27 2003
changed the death taunts to be on their own channel. If you want to see them, turn on chan death_taunt
poster: Zifnab
subject: driver
date: Wed Apr 9 15:18:04 2003
I put the mccp driver back in. I want to try and debug this thing,
its important to the mud to get running with this. so have some patience
if it proves to be too unstable I will remove it again.
This instability is not going to cause corruption like hte machine
crashes did, just means the mud may crash. type save often, and you will
not lose anything other than what you received since your last save.
poster: Daneel
subject: exp modifications
date: Fri Apr 11 18:43:00 2003
I've tuned down exps on monsters that had inflated exp values due
to excess skills and spells.
I've allowed (and implemented in a couple places) tuning up exps
on monsters due to especially difficult specieals.
You'll probably notice some pretty significant differences
on some monsters (no more 5M mirror images, for instance).
Have fun.
poster: Tuk
subject: K'sssrag
date: Mon Apr 14 22:20:26 2003
Tuned many/most of K'sssrag's eq. Mostly up as they were left behind of his level at some point. Tried to save the original choice of stats/weirdness, just added it a bit. Eheh.
poster: Zifnab
subject: zmud and MCCP
date: Tue Apr 15 18:40:21 2003
IOt appears that Khosan has found the cause of the zmud
error. It is still a potential problem and is really a ZMUD issue,
but I changed the diriver so that it should happen very rarely if
happens at all.
That being said in the next week or so, there will be an in
game incentive to encourage players to use it, or mcclient if you
cannot/do not wnat to use Zmud.
more details will follow
poster: Daneel
subject: spell/skill change
date: Wed Apr 16 05:31:26 2003
I have reduced the effects on spells and skills of super-high
This is probably a pretty major tune, so I don't expect it to
happen in issolation, but I do expect it to stay as is for at
least a couple days, while I assess its effect.
poster: Khosan
subject: mylag
date: Thu Apr 17 10:01:16 2003
fixed the mylag command
poster: Zifnab
subject: new command
date: Fri Apr 18 19:20:42 2003
After the next reboot the 'mccp' command will be available to
all players and wizards.
For players it will only show your compression information from
the muds perspective.
For wizards it will show all players.
help mccp for the details.
REMEMBER - It will not work until we reboot.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new command
date: Sat Apr 19 03:06:55 2003
If you are interested after the next boot. A new command
has been added that shows the number of players using mccp
and how many bytes have been sent to them and the number
of uncompressed players and how many bytes have been sent to them
from the mud.
Gives a little comparison of how much the compression is saving
poster: Zifnab
subject: >new command
date: Sat Apr 19 03:08:13 2003
On Sat Apr 19 03:06:55 2003 Zifnab wrote post #576:
> If you are interested after the next boot. A new command
> has been added that shows the number of players using mccp
> and how many bytes have been sent to them and the number
> of uncompressed players and how many bytes have been sent to them
> from the mud.
> Gives a little comparison of how much the compression is saving
sorry, forgot the command, it is mccpstats
poster: Zifnab
subject: lag spikes
date: Sat Apr 19 05:02:43 2003
There seem to be 2 lag spikes happening every day
1 is around 4:00 - 4:30, and I am not exactly sure of the time for
the other one other than I think it happened at like 06:20
or so yesterday. Be aware that that might happen, and
be a bit careful. We are trying to figure out what it is.
and will let you know when we have it fixed.
Unfortunately this does not happen on the builder port at all, so
we are forced to debug it here unless we can reproduce it (which we
cant yet).
poster: Daneel
subject: minor tune to Blackavar giants
date: Sat Apr 19 05:40:20 2003
I've just made them a little less vulnerable to instant kills.
There will be some side-effects, but they shouldn't be huge.
poster: Daneel
subject: Sorry, I goofed.
date: Sat Apr 19 19:02:52 2003
Sorry, folks, for the rest of this reboot, "tunnel" exits won't
work easily - you'll have to use "go tunnel"
This should be fixed on reboot. Mea Culpa
poster: Zifnab
subject: race specials
date: Sun Apr 20 14:14:04 2003
Effective the boot after this post is made..
A small special has been added to every race, usable only by those who
enable MCCP. These are intended to be very small effects. If you are
finding them significantly powerful, we goofed, and please tell us.
Hopefully, though, they should be fun.
Some of the specials are shown in the race help text, some are not.
Any with syntax should be there, with the syntax in bold. Others
are passive specials of various sorts, and you'll just have to
experiment and figure them out for yourself.
Special notes on some of them:
Giants: I added something in the botting rules about this one. It's
classed in the same category as HAIM - never put it in a trig of any
Goblin: I just think this one is funny. I hope you like it. :-)
Lizardman: This is going to seem a drawback at first, but as we
get the (soon to be obvious) bugs fixed, it should get better. Please
be patient.
Vinnipier: Anyone who wants to complain about the vinnipier special,
I'm telling you in advance, I don't care, grow up and get over it.
That's all the specially notable ones. Have fun figuring them out,
and especially have fun using them.
poster: Khosan
subject: MCCPTunnel.exe
date: Mon Apr 21 21:36:14 2003
I had my brother make a new MCCP proxy program. Compared to the
old mcclient program, this one will stay in the system tray instead
of operating in a console window. It is also easier to use,
since it requires no configuration.
Step 1: Download it from http://islandsofmyth.org/MCCPTunnel.exe
Step 2: Run MCCPTunnel.exe
Step 3: Use your favorite mud client and connect to port 3000.
Step 4 (optional): Copy MCCPTunnel.exe Start->All Programs->Startup.
That way MCCPTunnel will be started automatically when you start your
If you already downloaded MCCPTunnel.exe then note that this is
a new version that fixes a bug with system tray menu that you
could not close again in the previous version.
poster: Zifnab
subject: reincs
date: Tue Apr 22 04:25:06 2003
With the lag issues (which Khosan may of fixed today) and the newly
added specials
we thought it would be a good idea to offer a few free reincs, not
to mention that we hadn't
done it in a long time.
2 free reincs. Ends next tuesday.
poster: Zifnab
subject: dilim
date: Tue Apr 22 20:04:30 2003
Dilim will show you the desc of the item currently up for auction
if you look at him.
poster: Zifnab
subject: pocketwatch
date: Wed Apr 23 17:46:54 2003
changed teh pocketwatch to reflect mudtime.
poster: Daneel
subject: Stats tune
date: Thu Apr 24 05:14:54 2003
Generally, I don't see a huge reason to change this back, and
I do think the post-tune formulas are _much_ fairer (even if
they are still a little biased towards highbies).
However, it was obvious that in conjunction with this, enchanters
was way out of whack, so I've tuned several enchanter spells
a little to compensate.
Have fun.
poster: Daneel
subject: stun tune
date: Thu Apr 24 06:00:58 2003
If put some stun strength into bravo and above stunning skills
and spells. This should, for those changed, make them stun a
little more often.
Not every such spell was changed, only those that used the
default mechanism to consider stun resistance. Many skills and
spells override this default to figure stun resistance
differently; they were not changed.
Please don't pester me with questions as to which are which. If
it seemed like it didn't stun enough for a bravo or omicron
skill or spell, then it was probably changed. If it seemed
reasonable before, it probably wasn't. If something seems
to stun too frequently or infrequently now, though, let me know.
poster: Daneel
subject: Another botter
date: Thu Apr 24 07:01:38 2003
Chardron this time. Normal penalties.
poster: Tuk
subject: Baron
date: Sun Apr 27 11:16:33 2003
upped the few Baron's eq pieces that were 'below' his level. Again staying in creators stat choices, just upping them.
poster: Zifnab
subject: another botter
date: Sun Apr 27 16:48:33 2003
cluny has been frozen and reinced at 25% for botting chest combinations