
poster: Ertai
subject: Bo Stick
date: Tue Jun 11 23:02:49 2002

Since the Bo Stick got a downgrade because physical is now
a much better damage type than before, maybe it should get
some sort of bonus or a special to make up for it.


poster: Draco
subject: eq idea
date: Mon Jun 24 17:51:24 2002

was thinking that since a lot of mobs can screw up your alignment,
maybe have a piece of eq that "locks-in" your alignment so that no
matter what, it never changes


poster: Rockman
subject: >eq idea
date: Mon Jun 24 17:59:45 2002

On Mon Jun 24 17:51:24 2002 Draco wrote post #2:
> was thinking that since a lot of mobs can screw up your alignment,
> maybe have a piece of eq that "locks-in" your alignment so that no
> matter what, it never changes
woot, i like that idea =)


poster: Tahnval
subject: >eq idea
date: Tue Jun 25 06:27:10 2002

On Mon Jun 24 17:51:24 2002 Draco wrote post #2:
> was thinking that since a lot of mobs can screw up your alignment,
> maybe have a piece of eq that "locks-in" your alignment so that no
> matter what, it never changes
Unbalancing, I think.

Perhaps eq that reduces alignment change?  At least two
pieces, e.g. "Amulet of Evil" and "Amulet of Good".  Or perhaps
the pieces should slowly move you towards good or evil?  That
way, they could be tuned if they were too effective or not
effective enough.

Or maybe a couple of books you could read - The Way of Evil and
The Way of Good - that move you towards evil and good respectively
when you read them.


poster: Rockman
subject: heal rod
date: Tue Jun 25 22:41:54 2002

Is their anyway to change its wc slightly larger, I mean it is a
healer item, and a lowbie ent healer is too big to wield it, i can
see trying to restrict it, but can it be changed so that lwobie ent
and such healers could wield it, at least till they get bigger. I
dunno, I dont make sense most of the time and i am tired and sick
right now


poster: Tranquil
subject: >heal rod
date: Wed Jun 26 04:40:18 2002

On Tue Jun 25 22:41:54 2002 Rockman wrote post #5:
> Is their anyway to change its wc slightly larger, I mean it is a
> healer item, and a lowbie ent healer is too big to wield it, i can
> see trying to restrict it, but can it be changed so that lwobie ent
> and such healers could wield it, at least till they get bigger. I
> dunno, I dont make sense most of the time and i am tired and sick
> right now

The Ent race isn't a good example of a small race, even when
belonging to the healer guild. They have a rather large size, and it
appears that the heal rod has been coded to cater to the smaller
races such as mindflayer. If you cannot wield a heal rod as an ent,
perhaps you should try buying some higher wc equipment such as a
Wizard's wand or Magical wand.


poster: Rockman
subject: >>heal rod
date: Wed Jun 26 05:58:29 2002

I know, but the wands dont give +mast of healing =)


poster: Tranquil
subject: >>>heal rod
date: Wed Jun 26 08:50:11 2002

On Wed Jun 26 05:58:29 2002 Rockman wrote post #7:
> I know, but the wands dont give +mast of healing =)

 Defenders Burning Blade's don't give umpteen specials and massive
stats either, yet that was the highest wc weapon I could wield 1h as
a fully grown grorrark warrior. Pretty much, if something has been
coded a specific way, chances are it is for a specific reason. In
this case, there is a valid reason for the eq to be coded the way it
is, so unfortunately for you, its something you will have to deal
with. No doubt the extra hps you get from being an Ent helps in
other ways, so a few less % in some mastery may be a fair tradeoff
for those extra hps, depending how your character is currently set


poster: Wimwam
subject: >>>>heal rod
date: Wed Jun 26 16:10:38 2002

On Wed Jun 26 08:50:11 2002 Tranquil wrote post #8:
> On Wed Jun 26 05:58:29 2002 Rockman wrote post #7:
> > I know, but the wands dont give +mast of healing =)
>  Defenders Burning Blade's don't give umpteen specials and massive
> stats either, yet that was the highest wc weapon I could wield 1h as
> a fully grown grorrark warrior. Pretty much, if something has been
> coded a specific way, chances are it is for a specific reason. In
> this case, there is a valid reason for the eq to be coded the way it
> is, so unfortunately for you, its something you will have to deal
> with. No doubt the extra hps you get from being an Ent helps in
> other ways, so a few less % in some mastery may be a fair tradeoff
> for those extra hps, depending how your character is currently set
> up.
You could always get it enlarged.



poster: Warchief
subject: >>>>>heal rod
date: Thu Jun 27 03:07:31 2002

I think that all summoned eq should be coded to fit the size of the
specific summoner (like the way woodsman weapons work), regardless
of race.



poster: Sigwald
subject: >>>>>>heal rod
date: Thu Jun 27 08:19:48 2002

On Thu Jun 27 03:07:31 2002 Warchief wrote post #10:
> I think that all summoned eq should be coded to fit the size of the
> specific summoner (like the way woodsman weapons work), regardless
> of race.
> -Chief
What the hell is that anyway, healing rod is not a summoned weapon.


poster: Warchief
subject: >>>>>>>heal rod
date: Thu Jun 27 15:18:06 2002

On Thu Jun 27 08:19:48 2002 Sigwald wrote post #11:
> On Thu Jun 27 03:07:31 2002 Warchief wrote post #10:
> > I think that all summoned eq should be coded to fit the size of the
> > specific summoner (like the way woodsman weapons work), regardless
> > of race.
> > 
> > -Chief
> What the hell is that anyway, healing rod is not a summoned weapon.

Ahh, ok, thought it was the name of the "minor cleric staff." 
Nevermind then, continue.



poster: Litho
subject: >>eq idea
date: Thu Jul  4 00:12:01 2002

On Tue Jun 25 06:27:10 2002 Tahnval wrote post #4:
> On Mon Jun 24 17:51:24 2002 Draco wrote post #2:
> > was thinking that since a lot of mobs can screw up your alignment,
> > maybe have a piece of eq that "locks-in" your alignment so that no
> > matter what, it never changes
> Unbalancing, I think.
> Perhaps eq that reduces alignment change?  At least two
> pieces, e.g. "Amulet of Evil" and "Amulet of Good".  Or perhaps
> the pieces should slowly move you towards good or evil?  That
> way, they could be tuned if they were too effective or not
> effective enough.
> Or maybe a couple of books you could read - The Way of Evil and
> The Way of Good - that move you towards evil and good respectively
> when you read them.
there is a redemption spell.


poster: Fraziw
subject: Int vs Wis
date: Mon Aug 12 21:14:42 2002

  Right hand: Bone Dagger              			15 
   Left hand: mystical shield          			21 (54% 4th rank)
        Head: Red gold crown           			20
        Eyes: Glass Eye of Hag				12 
        Neck: Xetrov's spiked necklace 			22
       Cloak: Dark cloak of Nosferatu  			15
       Torso: Breastplate of Darkness  			30
      Amulet: Amulet of fear           			30
    Left arm: Leather Armshields of Tiamat		32
   Right arm: Leather Armshields of Tiamat		
   Left hand: Dark gloves of Nosferatu 			15
  Right hand: Dark gloves of Nosferatu 			
 Left finger: Ring of white gold       			15
Right finger: Ring of white gold       			15
        Belt: Belt of mourning         			20
    Left leg: Crystal leggings of true reflection	12
   Right leg: Crystal leggings of true reflection	
   Left foot: Blackmon's Midnight Boots			14
  Right foot: Blackmon's Midnight Boots			
With this eq I have 699 wis, 19 stat train, greater wis and lesser stats.
I could get a Holy staff, which is 14 more wis than my bone dagger,
but then I would lose 3% mastery of vuln.
Also, the Holy staff is too big for me to wield 1h

  Right hand: Apocalypse staff         			22
   Left hand: Apocalypse staff         			22
        Head: Golem Brain              			20
        Eyes: Mask of Anguish          			29
        Neck: Metal stethoscope        			16
       Cloak: Cloak of the Ages        			20
       Torso: Black scalemail          			20
      Amulet: prismatic amulet         			27 (27% on 6th rank)
    Left arm: Black Mithril Vambrace   			22
   Right arm: Green brocade sleeve     			10
   Left hand: Leg Bone					12
  Right hand: Quickener                			12
 Left finger: Dark ring of Nosferatu   			15
Right finger: Dark ring of Nosferatu   			15
        Belt: Belt of the wind         			28
    Left leg: Magical Leggings of Tiamat		20
   Right leg: Magical Leggings of Tiamat		
   Left foot: Yellow fluffy slipper    			20
  Right foot: Blue fluffy slipper      			18
With this eq, mrs Lu has 859 int, about 25 stat train but greater
stats, lesser stats and greater int.
Heshe also has race leader item, which is 8 int and focused mind up,
which is according to Lu 40-60 int.

(All the numbers after the eq, is the wis/int, didnt really care
about the rest since i only compare those stats)

If you remove the wishes, stat train, FM and race leader and guild
item, I have 609 wis and Lu has 677 int
(calculated with 25 stat train, and 60 int FM). So the stats are
quite similar (he is a few lvls higher than me).
Lu is lvl 115, 1 open glvl. I am lvl 108 also 1 open glvl.
According to my calculations, my set gives me 288 wis and Lu's set
gives him 348 int. Evokers also has FM,
which boosts their int quite some, my only prot is mind sponge,
which he evokers also has (about 5 int/wis!!)
This looks quite unfair to me, since I want as good wis as he has
int, both races have excellent int/wis.
If I would have had the same wishes as Lu, ie greater stats, I would
have had 719 wis, still far from 850 int.
If i forgot something, plz tell me.


poster: Zyz
subject: >Int vs Wis
date: Mon Aug 12 22:43:46 2002

On Mon Aug 12 21:14:42 2002 Fraziw wrote post #14:
> Lu is lvl 115, 1 open glvl. I am lvl 108 also 1 open glvl.
> According to my calculations, my set gives me 288 wis and Lu's set
> gives him 348 int. Evokers also has FM,
> which boosts their int quite some, my only prot is mind sponge,
> which he evokers also has (about 5 int/wis!!)
> This looks quite unfair to me, since I want as good wis as he has
> int, both races have excellent int/wis.
> If I would have had the same wishes as Lu, ie greater stats, I would
> have had 719 wis, still far from 850 int.
> If i forgot something, plz tell me.
So the wish here is for individual top slot arm, hand, and feet armors, along
with perhaps better legs, for wis casters.


poster: Fraziw
subject: Stuff
date: Tue Aug 13 00:03:51 2002

I don't want any eq to be tuned or anything, or much new eq. I just
don't want every evoker/nether/witch
builder to create more top slot int eq. There is no need for more
int eq, imo. I really don't like monsters
that load tons of top slot eq *cough zapa*, they should have atleast
a few only very good items.
Maybe you should start to create items that only gives wis or int,
no spr, or the other way around.
Then we would have to pick which eq to use more carefully :)


poster: Coal
subject: int vs. wis
date: Fri Aug 23 11:58:10 2002

yes zyz there is more int then wis eq now in the game, about 5
months ago there wasn't, so when i coded my area i specifically
looked for what was needed/wanted by most mages since there are
generally more int mages then wis mages. I also looked at what was
needed among the other classes (woodsman) as well. At the time wis
had more items then int among all levels. In my next area I have
intended to add some wis items to bring them back up to speed, but
finding time well...that's another story...
fraziw you don't have to ever kill Zapa again, you have to right to
decline to kill any monster that you don't like and hate to attack
=). Zapa loads int eq becuase he's primarily a mage and woodsman eq
cuase he's something of a animist...(being able to summon monsters
to fight with him). I think most monsters should be predominently 1
eq "type" instead of 100% mismatched pieces of eq. That's just my
opinion though.
Feh i'll stop ranting now...


poster: Zyz
subject: >int vs. wis
date: Fri Aug 23 16:37:39 2002

On Fri Aug 23 11:58:10 2002 Coal wrote post #17:
> finding time well...that's another story...
> fraziw you don't have to ever kill Zapa again, you have to right to
> decline to kill any monster that you don't like and hate to attack
> =). Zapa loads int eq becuase he's primarily a mage and woodsman eq
> cuase he's something of a animist...(being able to summon monsters
> to fight with him). I think most monsters should be predominently 1
> eq "type" instead of 100% mismatched pieces of eq. That's just my
> opinion though.
> Feh i'll stop ranting now...
> -Coal
So the wish here is that Fraziw not wish for wis eq, or face the
wrath of Coal. Who will also bring Zyz into the post stream for
trying to clarify the actual equipment wishes involved in these
I'll try to actually add something to this godforsaken newsgroup though
There is a pretty good opening for fun fig/ma type stats in the
face/eye slot, which is currently filled by Woo mask and Orbdrin.
As Fraziw mentioned, spr/wis individual arms or even dual arms with
spr preference would be useful.
Individual arm gear with high dex and perhaps damage (blah).
A high wis eye slot (without an elemental gamma mastery perhaps)
A bunch of slots could use high charisma gear for bards
Just some ideas... -Zyz


poster: Jaws
subject: fig eye
date: Fri Aug 23 16:38:52 2002

and lets not forget could use more mid range fig eye sltos that
give con type stuffers

only a couple eye slots stuffers for mid range right now



poster: Arkangyle
subject: >fig eye
date: Sat Aug 24 20:32:00 2002

On Fri Aug 23 16:38:52 2002 Jaws wrote post #19:
> and lets not forget could use more mid range fig eye sltos that
> give con type stuffers
> only a couple eye slots stuffers for mid range right now
> Jaws

We can always use more low/mid range everything.  The only eq range
that gets filled out ever is the high/top slots.


poster: Vor
subject: tps
date: Wed Sep  4 17:07:30 2002

i sacced a ring of waves and an azarian command belt a while back
but i'm unsure of the tps, and wagro's site doesn't list them.
anyone know what they're worth?
vor, the vor wannabe


poster: Spoof
subject: not sure if it goes here but anyways
date: Mon Sep  9 23:00:40 2002

On sept. 10, 23:30-24:30 I was thinking about having a small
lowbie/midbie eq party ( i think that;s right 3:30-4:40 EST time)


poster: Spoof
subject: oops
date: Mon Sep  9 23:03:01 2002

i meant 21:30-22:30 mud time


poster: Tak
subject: spoof
date: Mon Sep  9 23:03:22 2002

is this for anyone lowbie/midbie, i am wondering cause i would love
to be in it.


poster: Draco
subject: >spoof
date: Mon Sep  9 23:11:59 2002

On Mon Sep  9 23:03:22 2002 Tak wrote post #24:
> is this for anyone lowbie/midbie, i am wondering cause i would love
> to be in it.
btw, for future referance, you can use the general.eqparty newsgroup
as well...quite a few people have this newsgroup off so it might be
in your intrest to use that instead


poster: Arkangyle
subject: >>spoof
date: Tue Sep 10 03:52:29 2002

On Mon Sep  9 23:11:59 2002 Draco wrote post #25:
> On Mon Sep  9 23:03:22 2002 Tak wrote post #24:
> > is this for anyone lowbie/midbie, i am wondering cause i would love
> > to be in it.
> btw, for future referance, you can use the general.eqparty newsgroup
> as well...quite a few people have this newsgroup off so it might be
> in your intrest to use that instead

For everyone who is too new here to realize (or forgot), this
newsgroup is for suggesting ideas/desires you want to see in new
eq/eq changes.  We have other "much" more appropriate places to ask
for information on eq (stats) as well as to discuss plans for eq


poster: Fox
subject: Str eq
date: Wed Oct  2 09:45:10 2002

Scratch the post before this.
Need higher belt and cloak of around ~20-30 str.


poster: Tektor
subject: Eq Idea
date: Mon Oct 21 20:34:15 2002

A nother piece to go with witch stocking or able to wear 2 witch stockings.


poster: Grasfer
subject: >Eq Idea
date: Mon Oct 21 20:50:42 2002

A slipper will match witch's stocking


poster: Quillz
subject: >>Eq Idea
date: Mon Oct 21 21:00:08 2002

On Mon Oct 21 20:50:42 2002 Grasfer wrote post #30:
> A slipper will match witch's stocking
dude, the slipper is yellow or blue...
that would totally clash. 



poster: Tektor
subject: >>>Eq Idea
date: Mon Oct 21 21:37:59 2002

On Mon Oct 21 21:00:08 2002 Quillz wrote post #31:
> On Mon Oct 21 20:50:42 2002 Grasfer wrote post #30:
> > A slipper will match witch's stocking
> dude, the slipper is yellow or blue...
> that would totally clash. 
> sheesh.
> Q
Also Only Blue goes with it and its int eq not wis eq, Needs to be wis :)


poster: Litho
subject: >>Eq Idea
date: Tue Oct 22 01:44:33 2002

On Mon Oct 21 20:50:42 2002 Grasfer wrote post #30:
> A slipper will match witch's stocking
stocking is wis, slippers are int.


poster: Friski
subject: >>>Eq Idea
date: Tue Oct 22 03:48:38 2002

On Mon Oct 21 21:00:08 2002 Quillz wrote post #31:
> On Mon Oct 21 20:50:42 2002 Grasfer wrote post #30:
> > A slipper will match witch's stocking
> dude, the slipper is yellow or blue...
> that would totally clash. 
> sheesh.
> Q
its being written already


poster: Lu
subject: >>>Eq Idea
date: Tue Oct 22 07:45:56 2002

whats that mean?
some guilds use wis AND int, maybe the stocking was designed for those guilds


poster: Fox
subject: >>>>Eq Idea
date: Tue Oct 22 07:47:14 2002

On Tue Oct 22 07:45:56 2002 Lu wrote post #35:
> whats that mean?
> some guilds use wis AND int, maybe the stocking was designed for those
Maybe they're just asking for a piece that can combo with the
Witch's Stocking. Just like the fluffy slipper combo.


poster: Lu
subject: >>>>>Eq Idea
date: Tue Oct 22 07:47:53 2002

the stocking combos with the slipper, either way, its moot, cause
friski is coding special eq


poster: Pedron
subject: Super Gloves of Wielding
date: Thu Oct 24 05:00:16 2002

super gloves that allow one to wield whatever the hell they 
want in one hand regardless of everything else. :)


poster: Pedron
subject: >Super Gloves of Wielding
date: Thu Oct 24 05:03:33 2002

On Thu Oct 24 05:00:16 2002 Pedron wrote post #38:
> super gloves that allow one to wield whatever the hell they 
> want in one hand regardless of everything else. :)
Oh yeah, removing the gloves causes you to unwield 
everything too.
(you set down your weapons to and remove the 
super gloves of wielding or somesuch.)

-pedron foo


poster: Sollious
subject: Super Gloves of wielding
date: Thu Oct 24 07:25:02 2002

Love the idea myself but u should call them the gloves that loki
stole from thor to be able to wield his hammer i dont remember the
name of em
Love the idea myself but u should call them the gloves that loki
stole from thor to be able to wield his hammer i dont remember the
name of em
Love the idea myself but u should call them the gloves that loki
stole from thor to be able to wield his hammer i dont remember the
name of em



poster: Quillz
subject: >Super Gloves of wielding
date: Thu Oct 24 07:48:06 2002

On Thu Oct 24 07:25:02 2002 Sollious wrote post #40:
> Love the idea myself but u should call them the gloves that loki
> stole from thor to be able to wield his hammer i dont remember the
> name of em
> Love the idea myself but u should call them the gloves that loki
> stole from thor to be able to wield his hammer i dont remember the
> name of em
> Love the idea myself but u should call them the gloves that loki
> stole from thor to be able to wield his hammer i dont remember the
> name of em
> Sollious
Learn how to use the delete command. 
And do a better job of posting than this shit.


poster: Uno
subject: >>Super Gloves of wielding
date: Thu Oct 24 15:27:30 2002

On Thu Oct 24 07:48:06 2002 Quillz wrote post #41:
> > Love the idea myself but u should call them the gloves that loki
> > stole from thor to be able to wield his hammer i dont remember the
> > name of em
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Sollious
> Learn how to use the delete command. 
> And do a better job of posting than this shit.
> Q
All research I have done refers to his gloves as simple 'Iron Gloves'
but don't forget he also needed a girdle of giant strength


poster: Tektor
subject: Holy Staff
date: Sat Oct 26 05:31:29 2002

Would be cool if xetrov's staff went from like this:
Holy Staff                     | +29 wis, +4 Shield Parry WC: 50 
(this is what it is)

to like this:
Holy Staff                     | +25 wis 20 spr WC: 30
not many nice topslot wis/spr weapons out there
also xetty is mean and the staff is mean too so it should be cooler
than shield parry stuffs since no healer really uses templar.


poster: Chrono
subject: holy staff
date: Sat Oct 26 05:33:08 2002

it has high wis, what else you want? spr sux0rz, and if you want
those kinda stats.. bmon staff is nearly similar.
*similar to what you want*


poster: Tektor
subject: >Holy Staff
date: Sat Oct 26 05:33:26 2002

On Sat Oct 26 05:31:29 2002 Tektor wrote post #43:
> Would be cool if xetrov's staff went from like this:
> Holy Staff                     | +29 wis, +4 Shield Parry WC: 50 
> (this is what it is)
> to like this:
> Holy Staff                     | +25 wis 20 spr WC: 30
> not many nice topslot wis/spr weapons out there
> also xetty is mean and the staff is mean too so it should be cooler
> than shield parry stuffs since no healer really uses templar.
Also doesnt have to be exactly those stats just an idea, also lots
of harmer weapons w: one for cool healers.


poster: Tranquil
subject: >>Holy Staff
date: Sat Oct 26 05:57:02 2002

On Sat Oct 26 05:33:26 2002 Tektor wrote post #45:
> On Sat Oct 26 05:31:29 2002 Tektor wrote post #43:
> > Would be cool if xetrov's staff went from like this:
> > Holy Staff                     | +29 wis, +4 Shield Parry WC: 50 
> > (this is what it is)
> > 
> > to like this:
> > Holy Staff                     | +25 wis 20 spr WC: 30
> > not many nice topslot wis/spr weapons out there
> > also xetty is mean and the staff is mean too so it should be cooler
> > than shield parry stuffs since no healer really uses templar.
> Also doesnt have to be exactly those stats just an idea, also lots
> of harmer weapons w: one for cool healers.

Re: The conversation on myth, this eq seems to be meant for
templars, which makes it useful exactly how it is. Now all we need
is a good +wis, +other stuff shield for templar ;) *hint hint*


poster: Arkangyle
subject: >>Holy Staff
date: Sat Oct 26 06:38:05 2002

On Sat Oct 26 05:33:26 2002 Tektor wrote post #45:
> On Sat Oct 26 05:31:29 2002 Tektor wrote post #43:
> > Would be cool if xetrov's staff went from like this:
> > Holy Staff                     | +29 wis, +4 Shield Parry WC: 50 
> > (this is what it is)
> > 
> > to like this:
> > Holy Staff                     | +25 wis 20 spr WC: 30
> > not many nice topslot wis/spr weapons out there
> > also xetty is mean and the staff is mean too so it should be cooler
> > than shield parry stuffs since no healer really uses templar.
> Also doesnt have to be exactly those stats just an idea, also lots
> of harmer weapons w: one for cool healers.

"It" would also be nice if we used this group to post future
"equipment wishes" rather than specific changes to eq that is fine
as it is just to benenfit one or a small group of people.  The
wiz/builder who designed the staff did it like they wanted to, and
it should stay that way unless there is truly a problem with
something regarding that piece in specific.


poster: Lu
subject: >>>Holy Staff
date: Sat Oct 26 06:41:29 2002

also, coders can code eq to whatever the hell they want, if you dont
like, dont use it


poster: Ixtlilton
subject: >>Holy Staff
date: Sat Oct 26 15:50:21 2002

eheh, i wont change it so just shaddap plz =)


poster: Blonk
subject: >>>Holy Staff
date: Sat Oct 26 22:06:49 2002

On Sat Oct 26 15:50:21 2002 Ixtlilton wrote post #49:
> eheh, i wont change it so just shaddap plz =)
While your at it code templars a sword, since they can use that also:)


poster: Tektor
subject: >>>Holy Staff
date: Sat Oct 26 22:07:49 2002

On Sat Oct 26 06:38:05 2002 Arkangyle wrote post #47:
> On Sat Oct 26 05:33:26 2002 Tektor wrote post #45:
> > On Sat Oct 26 05:31:29 2002 Tektor wrote post #43:
> > > Would be cool if xetrov's staff went from like this:
> > > Holy Staff                     | +29 wis, +4 Shield Parry WC: 50 
> > > (this is what it is)
> > > 
> > > to like this:
> > > Holy Staff                     | +25 wis 20 spr WC: 30
> > > not many nice topslot wis/spr weapons out there
> > > also xetty is mean and the staff is mean too so it should be cooler
> > > than shield parry stuffs since no healer really uses templar.
> > Also doesnt have to be exactly those stats just an idea, also lots
> > of harmer weapons w: one for cool healers.
> "It" would also be nice if we used this group to post future
> "equipment wishes" rather than specific changes to eq that is fine
> as it is just to benenfit one or a small group of people.  The
> wiz/builder who designed the staff did it like they wanted to, and
> it should stay that way unless there is truly a problem with
> something regarding that piece in specific.
eat corpse
A wish is a wish rather it is on eq that exists or eq yet to be made
we are allowed to state ideas.


poster: Pedron
subject: >Holy Staff
date: Sun Oct 27 01:28:00 2002

On Sat Oct 26 05:31:29 2002 Tektor wrote post #43:
> Would be cool if xetrov's staff went from like this:
> Holy Staff                     | +29 wis, +4 Shield Parry WC: 50 
> (this is what it is)
> to like this:
> Holy Staff                     | +25 wis 20 spr WC: 30
> not many nice topslot wis/spr weapons out there
> also xetty is mean and the staff is mean too so it should be cooler
> than shield parry stuffs since no healer really uses templar.
When there was pk I got pummeled pretty well by killaaz avatar 
templar when I ambushed him on a ferry.  I suppose templar would 
be as helpful for any other healers his size if they care to 
solo and kill decent stuff between parties..
(Usually healers I jumped in pk could only heal themselves 
and run, but it took a great many potions to survive 
my killaaz ferry ambush since he could do real 
damage while healing himself the whole way. :P)

-pedron spam

ps>Templar maybe handy for folks who party with 
folks who place healer 2nd as well? ;)


poster: Fox
subject: Amulet of Ultravision.
date: Sat Nov 16 10:08:12 2002

I know the item is called "Amulet of Ultravision", but fills the
slot of 'neck'.
It should not be called an Amulet if it's in a place of a 'necklace'


poster: Tranquil
subject: >Amulet of Ultravision.
date: Sat Nov 16 12:52:50 2002

On Sat Nov 16 10:08:12 2002 Fox wrote post #53:
> I know the item is called "Amulet of Ultravision", but fills the
> slot of 'neck'.
> It should not be called an Amulet if it's in a place of a 'necklace'
> Fox

Why not? The 'amulet' may be hanging off a rather large chain, which
one would hang upon one's neck. If anything, it should probably take
both slots. ;)


poster: Wildchild
subject: >>Amulet of Ultravision.
date: Sat Nov 16 18:19:35 2002

On Sat Nov 16 12:52:50 2002 Tranquil wrote post #54:
> On Sat Nov 16 10:08:12 2002 Fox wrote post #53:
> > I know the item is called "Amulet of Ultravision", but fills the
> > slot of 'neck'.
> > It should not be called an Amulet if it's in a place of a 'necklace'
> > Fox
> Why not? The 'amulet' may be hanging off a rather large chain, which
> one would hang upon one's neck. If anything, it should probably take
> both slots. ;)

I think whoever decided slots long ago didn't think over carefully
the neck/amulet thing.
I mean, most things you'll wear magically would be upon a chain.
They are and really always have been one in the same slot, we just
never got rid of one as a duplicate when definitive slots were set
like 5 years ago :)



poster: Pedron
subject: >>>Amulet of Ultravision.
date: Sat Nov 16 22:04:10 2002

On Sat Nov 16 18:19:35 2002 Wildchild wrote post #55:
> On Sat Nov 16 12:52:50 2002 Tranquil wrote post #54:
> > On Sat Nov 16 10:08:12 2002 Fox wrote post #53:
> > > I know the item is called "Amulet of Ultravision", but fills the
> > > slot of 'neck'.
> > > It should not be called an Amulet if it's in a place of a 'necklace'
> > > Fox
> > 
> > Why not? The 'amulet' may be hanging off a rather large chain, which
> > one would hang upon one's neck. If anything, it should probably take
> > both slots. ;)
> I think whoever decided slots long ago didn't think over carefully
> the neck/amulet thing.
> I mean, most things you'll wear magically would be upon a chain.
> They are and really always have been one in the same slot, we just
> never got rid of one as a duplicate when definitive slots were set
> like 5 years ago :)
> -WildChild
ought to just call it neck1 neck2 for slots or something.
For the rest, you have hands, torso, legs, feet, head
finger.. ok cloak and belt slots 
are exceptions to the body part thing, but they're unique at least.
Could make all the amulets into neck pieces and say you can 
wear up to 2 neck pieces at a time!
Like with rings.. would give a little extra to folks 
who have neck or amulet guild objects. :)

-pedron EQ


poster: Moose
subject: >>>>Amulet of Ultravision.
date: Sun Nov 17 00:38:38 2002

Well, anyhow. I dont like the amulet, or.. shall I call it  "the necklace"
When I shall look at my prismic amulet (sorc thingy) it says: Do you
mean Amulet of Ultravision, the prismatic amulet or ?
Thats seems pretty lame to me.


poster: Tranquil
subject: >>>Amulet of Ultravision.
date: Sun Nov 17 14:05:12 2002

On Sat Nov 16 18:19:35 2002 Wildchild wrote post #55:
> On Sat Nov 16 12:52:50 2002 Tranquil wrote post #54:
> > On Sat Nov 16 10:08:12 2002 Fox wrote post #53:
> > > I know the item is called "Amulet of Ultravision", but fills the
> > > slot of 'neck'.
> > > It should not be called an Amulet if it's in a place of a 'necklace'
> > > Fox
> > 
> > Why not? The 'amulet' may be hanging off a rather large chain, which
> > one would hang upon one's neck. If anything, it should probably take
> > both slots. ;)
> I think whoever decided slots long ago didn't think over carefully
> the neck/amulet thing.
> I mean, most things you'll wear magically would be upon a chain.
> They are and really always have been one in the same slot, we just
> never got rid of one as a duplicate when definitive slots were set
> like 5 years ago :)
> -WildChild

This is true, which leads to some pretty odd scenario's, such as
people wearing multitudes of chains around their neck, with all
manner of gloves, helms, footwear, underpants, penis enlargers, and
so on, hanging from each of them. Actually, this could be very
interesting.. I might have a look into coding functionality for this
kind of equipment system. =j


poster: Evan
subject: a sword
date: Mon Nov 18 21:43:44 2002

what a bout a sword that you can size and as it gets bigger you are
required more str and as it gets smallerit gets  more minor specals
like mace of power and has a dial that changes that stats it 
influenses randomly but 2 +10 slots that are randomly asigned as it
grows or shrinks fun weapon :)


poster: Wimwam
subject: Nenya
date: Fri Nov 29 18:32:17 2002

The ring Nenya should be changed, seeing as it is the "ring of
water" Should it not have something to do with water mages and/or
psychics (because Galadrial{sp?) was a seer)?
Just a thought


poster: Lu
subject: >Nenya
date: Fri Nov 29 20:43:28 2002

nenya is ungettable equip, gala doesnt even frop it anymore, so 
really no need to change it


poster: Warchief
subject: mid range dex cloaks
date: Thu Dec  5 07:29:39 2002

w: mid range dex cloaks, 15-20 dex, not awesome other stats like
dark cloak though, something for midbies, hmm, guess I could go code
that myself, but I have other projects ;)



poster: Tuk
subject: >mid range dex cloaks
date: Fri Dec  6 13:40:00 2002

On Thu Dec  5 07:29:39 2002 Warchief wrote post #62:
> w: mid range dex cloaks, 15-20 dex, not awesome other stats like
> dark cloak though, something for midbies, hmm, guess I could go code
> that myself, but I have other projects ;)
> -Chief

Added one to the eqpool.


poster: Tuk
subject: tell us your desires
date: Fri Dec  6 14:17:31 2002


Tell us the broadly about eq you would like to have. Like the
previous cloak wish. That helps us to create items really wanted and
not immediately dumped at sloatinoak or such..


poster: Mamoru
subject: flux
date: Fri Dec  6 14:58:30 2002

i would like to see a headslot piece that fluxuates at a fixed
interval between sets of stats....
for an hour it would have +5 str, +10 con... another hour... +5dex
+5sta etc...

just a kinky thought i had while sitting



poster: Tektor
subject: Some Eq
date: Fri Dec  6 19:02:22 2002

After looking around some of the following would be nice.

Ring with ~15 spr, 5-10 wis or something compairable to ring of
lavos for wis users.
Something wis for feet between Frith Boots and Bmon Boots.


poster: Chrono
subject: >Some Eq
date: Fri Dec  6 19:41:30 2002

whispering ring has wis, not sure how much, and it's 15 or 16spr,
and INFRA!!!! (eheh called it ring of whispering in deleted post)


poster: Tektor
subject: >>Some Eq
date: Fri Dec  6 19:42:21 2002

On Fri Dec  6 19:41:30 2002 Chrono wrote post #68:
> whispering ring has wis, not sure how much, and it's 15 or 16spr,
> and INFRA!!!! (eheh called it ring of whispering in deleted post)
Ahh well back in the day it didnt have wis and last time i asked
around it didnt either. :P


poster: Fox
subject: Cloaks...
date: Fri Dec  6 20:54:09 2002

An uber cloak with witch stuph in it.


poster: Shadowmage
subject: caster eq with special
date: Fri Dec  6 21:10:39 2002

there aren't many midbie caster eqs with specials. there are: MOP
(not good enough stats)
and sacrificial dagger (stats slightly better). there aren't much in
between... either that
or going to high-end darkwhip...
need special for golding
-thanks, Shadow


poster: Roirraw
subject: pearl of power
date: Fri Dec  6 22:30:27 2002


poster: Quillz
subject: >pearl of power
date: Fri Dec  6 23:03:18 2002

On Fri Dec  6 22:30:27 2002 Roirraw wrote post #72:
good idea


poster: Tahnval
subject: >caster eq with special
date: Fri Dec  6 23:39:22 2002

A piercing weapon that has some Thruster skill bonuses would
be handy, though not if the weapon downtuning gutted Thruster
as much as I think it did.


poster: Jaws
subject: Tank stuff
date: Sat Dec  7 00:46:33 2002

would be cool to see a wider vareity of eq items with avoid_hits on it

not necc alot, avoid_hits of 1 would be cool
just have a wider vareity of slots etc



poster: Fox
subject: Witchiness.
date: Sat Dec  7 01:13:28 2002

Scratch that just needing a cloak...make sa'more single slotted
pieces with uberness int/spr/witch stuph in them. 


poster: Tranquil
subject: All guilds
date: Sat Dec  7 01:19:05 2002

It would be nice to see a selection of equipment that has +all
skills. Particularly equipment with good dex, str, and/or con. It
would be very useful if someone was to take an all skills wish, and
have equipment whos combined all_skills bonus was +3%.

Also, some woodsman eyes that have +infravision would be useful.


poster: Tahnval
subject: >All guilds
date: Sun Dec  8 03:32:06 2002

Headband of Belafor

This black leather headband, rich decorated with runes of power
made from silver wire and amethysts, was created by the Archmage
Belafor with artistic help from Keishala, a jeweller from Blackavar
who later became the Royal Jeweller.
Belafor was most unusual amongst magi, being a giant.  It was
rumoured that his father was human, though that should not be
possible.  Belafor was certainly unlike other giants, being
just under eight feet tall and having a strong aptitude for
magic.  His height and strength made him far more effective in
melee than other magi, a strength he bore in mind when 
creating his equipment.
phys_res:  2
sp ref special in combat, like the ep ref special on the
schizo tooth.
Maybe a few points of charisma, because it's a beautiful
piece of art.

A piece of eq to help soloing casters.


poster: Tahnval
subject: >All guilds
date: Sun Dec  8 03:42:46 2002

I think this is too much trouble to code, or at least more
trouble than it's worth, but here goes:

The crazed sword "Bloodlust".

This sword is completely devoid of ornamentation.  The only
artistry in it is that of the smith.  It was once just a plain
steel bastard sword, very well made by a skilled smith.  A weapon
to be used rather than displayed.
That changed when an unknown evil mage, seeking to make themselves
as dangerous in melee as with magic, kill a swordmaster
and used foul death magic to bind the swordmaster's spirit into
the sword while the sword lay in a bath of the swordmaster's
blood with his brain impaled on the blade.
It worked, but the vileness of the act was not to go
unpunished.  The insane rage of the trapped swordmaster was
so great that he was able to control the mage's body and
force the mage to slowly kill himself with the sword.
A long time has passed and the spirit in the sword is
now always irrational.  It sometimes succumbs to bouts
of insane bloodlust and it will never tolerate an evil

Pros:  WC60,  extremely well crafted, 20lbs, +20str, +10con, +7% attack,
powerful phys dtype special ("the fury of the spirit drives the
sword deep into  guts").
Cons:  Can only be unwielded within 5 minutes of the hour (the
spirit is irrational, so the requirements are also irrational).
At random intervals, it will force the wielder to attack a random
mob in the room (insane bloodlust).
If the wielder attacks any mob of good alignment, attacks from
the sword do zero damage (it's an evil act - the sword
refuses to co-operate).

Something different - a piece of eq with significant strengths
and major disadvantages.


poster: Jaws
subject: random eq
date: Sun Dec  8 08:27:01 2002

be cool to get more items that specify individual feet, hands, legs, arms 



poster: Tuk
subject: >>All guilds
date: Sun Dec  8 21:28:18 2002

On Sun Dec  8 03:42:46 2002 Tahnval wrote post #79:
> I think this is too much trouble to code, or at least more
> trouble than it's worth, but here goes:
> The crazed sword "Bloodlust".
> This sword is completely devoid of ornamentation.  The only
> artistry in it is that of the smith.  It was once just a plain
> steel bastard sword, very well made by a skilled smith.  A weapon
> to be used rather than displayed.
> That changed when an unknown evil mage, seeking to make themselves
> as dangerous in melee as with magic, kill a swordmaster
> and used foul death magic to bind the swordmaster's spirit into
> the sword while the sword lay in a bath of the swordmaster's
> blood with his brain impaled on the blade.
> It worked, but the vileness of the act was not to go
> unpunished.  The insane rage of the trapped swordmaster was
> so great that he was able to control the mage's body and
> force the mage to slowly kill himself with the sword.
> A long time has passed and the spirit in the sword is
> now always irrational.  It sometimes succumbs to bouts
> of insane bloodlust and it will never tolerate an evil
> act.
> Pros:  WC60,  extremely well crafted, 20lbs, +20str, +10con, +7% attack,
> powerful phys dtype special ("the fury of the spirit drives the
> sword deep into  guts").
> Cons:  Can only be unwielded within 5 minutes of the hour (the
> spirit is irrational, so the requirements are also irrational).
> At random intervals, it will force the wielder to attack a random
> mob in the room (insane bloodlust).
> If the wielder attacks any mob of good alignment, attacks from
> the sword do zero damage (it's an evil act - the sword
> refuses to co-operate).
> Something different - a piece of eq with significant strengths
> and major disadvantages.

We're acctually thinking about a different branch of eqs. Artifacts
with pros and cons... we'll see..


poster: Trigon
subject: My wish
date: Wed Dec 25 06:56:23 2002

This is a wish that I, and maybe smee, both have.  It's dealing with
this Red Frilly Helm, fall of RDC equipment.
It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense, in a few ways.
First, you have to be evil aligned to wear it, otherwise it sucks up
your sps.  Now I can understand, I'm ok with that since I'm a
harmer, but I got someone to id it, and they said it has +soul of
the avatar.
That really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have a bonus to a
healer spell on something with an evil align restriction?
Also, I really think it's cool that it sends out random messages
telling me to kill, steal, etc etc, but it throws me into combat, as
reportted by smee's bug report.  Who really wants to use equipment
that makes you attack a random mob in the room?  That is really
hazardous to anyone, especially a harmer who soloes things a lot.
All in all, I would be really happy if the +random killing were
taken away, it really does take lots of the fun out of soloing.  I
would be boisterous if it was give some skill.  A harmer skill like
unholy essence, inflict harm, or dark ritual would be cool, but some
other generic skill like quick chant or hef would be awesome as
That's my christmas wish this year.
Merry Christmas


poster: Zifnab
subject: >My wish
date: Wed Dec 25 07:02:26 2002

On Wed Dec 25 06:56:23 2002 Trigon wrote post #82:
> This is a wish that I, and maybe smee, both have.  It's dealing with
> this Red Frilly Helm, fall of RDC equipment.
> It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense, in a few ways.
> First, you have to be evil aligned to wear it, otherwise it sucks up
> your sps.  Now I can understand, I'm ok with that since I'm a
> harmer, but I got someone to id it, and they said it has +soul of
> the avatar.
> That really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have a bonus to a
> healer spell on something with an evil align restriction?
> Also, I really think it's cool that it sends out random messages
> telling me to kill, steal, etc etc, but it throws me into combat, as
> reportted by smee's bug report.  Who really wants to use equipment
> that makes you attack a random mob in the room?  That is really
> hazardous to anyone, especially a harmer who soloes things a lot.
> All in all, I would be really happy if the +random killing were
> taken away, it really does take lots of the fun out of soloing.  I
> would be boisterous if it was give some skill.  A harmer skill like
> unholy essence, inflict harm, or dark ritual would be cool, but some
> other generic skill like quick chant or hef would be awesome as
> well.
> That's my christmas wish this year.
> Merry Christmas
> Trigon

Sorry, the item is unique and was the result of evil monsters
attacking the city. Thus it is not going to be a nice, easy going
piece of equipment.  I can see the arguement about the skill
however if you do not like that auto attacking thing, dont
wear it.


poster: Tuk
subject: >>My wish
date: Wed Dec 25 10:07:00 2002

On Wed Dec 25 07:02:26 2002 Zifnab wrote post #83:
> On Wed Dec 25 06:56:23 2002 Trigon wrote post #82:
> > This is a wish that I, and maybe smee, both have.  It's dealing with
> > this Red Frilly Helm, fall of RDC equipment.
> > It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense, in a few ways.
> > First, you have to be evil aligned to wear it, otherwise it sucks up
> > your sps.  Now I can understand, I'm ok with that since I'm a
> > harmer, but I got someone to id it, and they said it has +soul of
> > the avatar.
> > That really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have a bonus to a
> > healer spell on something with an evil align restriction?
> > Also, I really think it's cool that it sends out random messages
> > telling me to kill, steal, etc etc, but it throws me into combat, as
> > reportted by smee's bug report.  Who really wants to use equipment
> > that makes you attack a random mob in the room?  That is really
> > hazardous to anyone, especially a harmer who soloes things a lot.
> > All in all, I would be really happy if the +random killing were
> > taken away, it really does take lots of the fun out of soloing.  I
> > would be boisterous if it was give some skill.  A harmer skill like
> > unholy essence, inflict harm, or dark ritual would be cool, but some
> > other generic skill like quick chant or hef would be awesome as
> > well.
> > That's my christmas wish this year.
> > Merry Christmas
> > Trigon
> Sorry, the item is unique and was the result of evil monsters
> attacking the city. Thus it is not going to be a nice, easy going
> piece of equipment.  I can see the arguement about the skill
> however if you do not like that auto attacking thing, dont
> wear it.
On top of the uniqueness the helm is way more powerful than you even
think it is.

I suggest you guys to examine it a bit more carefully and maybe an
id would be in place too...


poster: Arkangyle
subject: >My wish
date: Wed Dec 25 19:34:07 2002

On Wed Dec 25 06:56:23 2002 Trigon wrote post #82:
> This is a wish that I, and maybe smee, both have.  It's dealing with
> this Red Frilly Helm, fall of RDC equipment.
> It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense, in a few ways.
> First, you have to be evil aligned to wear it, otherwise it sucks up
> your sps.  Now I can understand, I'm ok with that since I'm a
> harmer, but I got someone to id it, and they said it has +soul of
> the avatar.
> That really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have a bonus to a
> healer spell on something with an evil align restriction?
> Also, I really think it's cool that it sends out random messages
> telling me to kill, steal, etc etc, but it throws me into combat, as
> reportted by smee's bug report.  Who really wants to use equipment
> that makes you attack a random mob in the room?  That is really
> hazardous to anyone, especially a harmer who soloes things a lot.
> All in all, I would be really happy if the +random killing were
> taken away, it really does take lots of the fun out of soloing.  I
> would be boisterous if it was give some skill.  A harmer skill like
> unholy essence, inflict harm, or dark ritual would be cool, but some
> other generic skill like quick chant or hef would be awesome as
> well.
> That's my christmas wish this year.
> Merry Christmas
> Trigon

I think, personally, that this post belongs in the jokes newsgroup instead =)


poster: Smee
subject: >>My wish
date: Thu Dec 26 01:05:04 2002

I think the eq rocks
Tricaon is a doofus and knows not what he speaks of.



poster: Tak
subject: cools stuffs
date: Thu Jan  2 02:14:09 2003

ok, this would prob be very hard to do
but, i want a mask that makes you speak like gollum
we wants it my precious
woulds be niiiccccceeee
now come on all you coders and make me this


poster: Helphyre
subject: Throwing knives
date: Tue Jan  7 04:15:30 2003

I would like throwing knives to be coded so that they will only
break after certain damage. Instead of at any point.
That way more expensive throwing knives would be worht having .. as
it is now i dont htink any jugglers use any thing but cheap ones.
Just an idea.


poster: Trunks
subject: Templar Shield
date: Wed Jan  8 15:56:29 2003

I would like to see a shield targetted at templars or maybe just a
caster shield for casters that is a bit better then EoB.. for
templar maybe 2physres 15wis/spr and then 3-5% shield parry or
templar rituals


poster: Goroharahad
subject: harassing mobs
date: Tue Jan 21 14:45:21 2003

During my last eqpool party, I was a bit annoyed to see we killed
repeatedly the same mobs.
Eqpool was supposed to give an alternative to topslot eq mobs. Now I
feel like it just added a scond category of popular mobs : those who
both  load little eq and are easy to go to (*comfort Turlach*)

Personaly I like to see some diversity when mudding, and especially doing eq.

On a similar basis as "exp tuner", couldn't we put in place an
"eqpool tuner" ? Killing a mob could lower the probability he loads
pooleq the next time.
A more easy solution would be no make the mob no reset, but it
doesn't seem enough to me.


P.S. to be honest with my excellent party fellows, we DID kill some
mobs new to me. But we also harassed some other ones :)


poster: Sephiroth
subject: Blade
date: Tue Jan 21 14:49:34 2003

like a bigass weapon with special and like +10str/con +10dex and
very high WC...


poster: Goroharahad
subject: [ Pair of jetblack sunglasses ]
date: Fri Jan 31 12:38:33 2003

I haven't figured out what those do yet (appart from looking cool).
However they don't do a thing decent sunglasses should :
filter the nasty bold or colored letters ppls put on sales group or
news those days.
My eyes still hurt .. is there room for improvement here ? :)


poster: Fox
subject: Druid EQ
date: Tue Feb 18 18:48:16 2003

There needs to be more top slot stuff for DRUID. All this new stuff
coming out w/ EVERYTHING but Druid. =-( 


poster: Draco
subject: gloves
date: Thu Feb 27 23:04:10 2003

i would like to see some kind of gloves that are topslot and have at
least one skill for harmers. atm i cant seem to find one that would
fit into this catagory.

ps. btw im not athorized at this time to make areas (that i know of)
that contain topslot eq mobs so yeah, dont go saying go make it or
crap like that.


poster: Quillz
subject: >gloves
date: Fri Feb 28 00:21:16 2003

On Thu Feb 27 23:04:10 2003 Draco wrote post #95:
> i would like to see some kind of gloves that are topslot and have at
> least one skill for harmers. atm i cant seem to find one that would
> fit into this catagory.
> ps. btw im not athorized at this time to make areas (that i know of)
> that contain topslot eq mobs so yeah, dont go saying go make it or
> crap like that.
nos gloves have insane spr and great wis.  
nos gloves have insane spr and great wis.  
yay double enter. 
Also, there are single-slots that have better wis than nos gloves. 
there are always options, there doesn't always need to be a skill
specific piece for every slot


poster: Wildchild
subject: >>gloves
date: Fri Feb 28 02:40:15 2003

On Fri Feb 28 00:21:16 2003 Quillz wrote post #96:
> On Thu Feb 27 23:04:10 2003 Draco wrote post #95:
> > i would like to see some kind of gloves that are topslot and have at
> > least one skill for harmers. atm i cant seem to find one that would
> > fit into this catagory.
> > 
> > ps. btw im not athorized at this time to make areas (that i know of)
> > that contain topslot eq mobs so yeah, dont go saying go make it or
> > crap like that.
> nos gloves have insane spr and great wis.  
> nos gloves have insane spr and great wis.  
> yay double enter. 
> Also, there are single-slots that have better wis than nos gloves. 
> there are always options, there doesn't always need to be a skill
> specific piece for every slot
> Q

While it isn't necessary to have a skill for every piece, more
variety, regardless, is needed. :)



poster: Tahnval
subject: Synergising eq pieces
date: Mon Mar  3 03:00:29 2003

Rought idea - matched pieces of eq that synergise.  If you
wear both pieces, you get more than the sum of each piece.
Nothing major, just a bit extra.  A necklace and matching ring, stuff
like that.  When you put one on, it checks to see if you are wearing
the other, etc.


poster: Litho
subject: >Synergising eq pieces
date: Mon Mar  3 03:02:45 2003

On Mon Mar  3 03:00:29 2003 Tahnval wrote post #98:
> Rought idea - matched pieces of eq that synergise.  If you
> wear both pieces, you get more than the sum of each piece.
> Nothing major, just a bit extra.  A necklace and matching ring, stuff
> like that.  When you put one on, it checks to see if you are wearing
> the other, etc.
It exists, the eq from the shajiri conquest or whatever does this. 
However, more would be neat.


poster: Bluemoon
subject: >>Synergising eq pieces
date: Mon Mar  3 17:17:47 2003

On Mon Mar  3 03:02:45 2003 Litho wrote post #99:
> On Mon Mar  3 03:00:29 2003 Tahnval wrote post #98:
> > Rought idea - matched pieces of eq that synergise.  If you
> > wear both pieces, you get more than the sum of each piece.
> > Nothing major, just a bit extra.  A necklace and matching ring, stuff
> > like that.  When you put one on, it checks to see if you are wearing
> > the other, etc.
> It exists, the eq from the shajiri conquest or whatever does this. 
> However, more would be neat.
Neat, and not to mention matching eq is much more fashionable


poster: Mixer
subject: >Synergising eq pieces
date: Tue Mar  4 03:49:52 2003

On Mon Mar  3 03:00:29 2003 Tahnval wrote post #98:
> Rought idea - matched pieces of eq that synergise.  If you
> wear both pieces, you get more than the sum of each piece.
> Nothing major, just a bit extra.  A necklace and matching ring, stuff
> like that.  When you put one on, it checks to see if you are wearing
> the other, etc.
How about a  handbag and a dress?


poster: Tuk
subject: >>Synergising eq pieces
date: Tue Mar  4 17:58:57 2003

On Tue Mar  4 03:49:52 2003 Mixer wrote post #101:
> On Mon Mar  3 03:00:29 2003 Tahnval wrote post #98:
> > Rought idea - matched pieces of eq that synergise.  If you
> > wear both pieces, you get more than the sum of each piece.
> > Nothing major, just a bit extra.  A necklace and matching ring, stuff
> > like that.  When you put one on, it checks to see if you are wearing
> > the other, etc.
> How about a  handbag and a dress?

Sadly enough, the mud has stupid out of theme (at least what i
consider being the vague theme of this mud) eqs like the ones you
suggested Mixer. And recently they have been starting to be even of
high end/top slot.
-Tuk the Cracker


poster: Korthrun
subject: >>>Synergising eq pieces
date: Tue Mar  4 18:23:41 2003

For those of us that have played tabletop RPG's...
This is a cool and fun idea, I know my DM has many a time
sent me on a quest to find somehting, but before the
'guantlet of hooberjanoobie' can be worn, you need to 
humpa dwarf and steal some enchanted amulet he has and then when your
wear ing the amulet the guantlet actually does something like, give you
or various pieces that come off the same mob
we can only wear two rings at a time due to the magics of
the rings conflicting
Why not have stuff that compliments?


poster: Uno
subject: >>>>Synergising eq pieces
date: Tue Mar  4 19:02:26 2003

On Tue Mar  4 18:23:41 2003 Korthrun wrote post #103:
> This is a cool and fun idea, I know my DM has many a time
> sent me on a quest to find somehting, but before the
> 'guantlet of hooberjanoobie' can be worn, you need to 
> humpa dwarf and steal some enchanted amulet he has and then when your
> wear ing the amulet the guantlet actually does something like, give you
> +shoot_lightning_bolts_from_your_arse
> or various pieces that come off the same mob
> we can only wear two rings at a time due to the magics of
> the rings conflicting
> Why not have stuff that compliments?
like set pieces in D2...


poster: Quillz
subject: >>>>>Synergising eq pieces
date: Tue Mar  4 19:03:08 2003

On Tue Mar  4 19:02:26 2003 Uno wrote post #104:
> On Tue Mar  4 18:23:41 2003 Korthrun wrote post #103:
> > This is a cool and fun idea, I know my DM has many a time
> > sent me on a quest to find somehting, but before the
> > 'guantlet of hooberjanoobie' can be worn, you need to 
> > humpa dwarf and steal some enchanted amulet he has and then when your
> > wear ing the amulet the guantlet actually does something like, give you
> > +shoot_lightning_bolts_from_your_arse
> > or various pieces that come off the same mob
> > we can only wear two rings at a time due to the magics of
> > the rings conflicting
> > Why not have stuff that compliments?
> like set pieces in D2...
Yay for D2!
Those sets kicked ARSE!
Sweet idea. 


poster: Draco
subject: >>>>>>Synergising eq pieces
date: Wed Mar  5 00:52:11 2003

On Tue Mar  4 19:03:08 2003 Quillz wrote post #105:
> On Tue Mar  4 19:02:26 2003 Uno wrote post #104:
> > On Tue Mar  4 18:23:41 2003 Korthrun wrote post #103:
> > > This is a cool and fun idea, I know my DM has many a time
> > > sent me on a quest to find somehting, but before the
> > > 'guantlet of hooberjanoobie' can be worn, you need to 
> > > humpa dwarf and steal some enchanted amulet he has and then when your
> > > wear ing the amulet the guantlet actually does something like, give you
> > > +shoot_lightning_bolts_from_your_arse
> > > or various pieces that come off the same mob
> > > we can only wear two rings at a time due to the magics of
> > > the rings conflicting
> > > Why not have stuff that compliments?
> > like set pieces in D2...
> Yay for D2!
> Those sets kicked ARSE!
> Sweet idea. 
btw my area that will eventually come out (maybe) will have these
types of eqs...enjoy


poster: Artea
subject: >>>>>>>Synergising eq pieces
date: Wed Mar  5 21:05:23 2003

On Wed Mar  5 00:52:11 2003 Draco wrote post #106:
> On Tue Mar  4 19:03:08 2003 Quillz wrote post #105:
> > On Tue Mar  4 19:02:26 2003 Uno wrote post #104:
> > > On Tue Mar  4 18:23:41 2003 Korthrun wrote post #103:
> > > > This is a cool and fun idea, I know my DM has many a time
> > > > sent me on a quest to find somehting, but before the
> > > > 'guantlet of hooberjanoobie' can be worn, you need to 
> > > > humpa dwarf and steal some enchanted amulet he has and then when your
> > > > wear ing the amulet the guantlet actually does something like, give
> > > > +shoot_lightning_bolts_from_your_arse
> > > > or various pieces that come off the same mob
> > > > we can only wear two rings at a time due to the magics of
> > > > the rings conflicting
> > > > Why not have stuff that compliments?
> > > like set pieces in D2...
> > Yay for D2!
> > Those sets kicked ARSE!
> > Sweet idea. 
> btw my area that will eventually come out (maybe) will have these
> types of eqs...enjoy
Can I get a shirt to go with this tie?


poster: Midnight
subject: wands
date: Fri Mar  7 18:54:19 2003

i think it would be a great idea to have the guildmaster enchanter
get the ability to recharge wands.


poster: Draco
subject: >wands
date: Fri Mar  7 18:55:37 2003

On Fri Mar  7 18:54:19 2003 Midnight wrote post #108:
> i think it would be a great idea to have the guildmaster enchanter
> get the ability to recharge wands.
i believe the shop in illium that Nyx is working on will provide
this service, not 100% sure though


poster: Tuk
subject: >wands
date: Fri Mar  7 21:22:17 2003

On Fri Mar  7 18:54:19 2003 Midnight wrote post #108:
> i think it would be a great idea to have the guildmaster enchanter
> get the ability to recharge wands.

Thats a pretty neat idea. Btw, this was just a comment, nothing else. Bye.


poster: Falstaff
subject: backpack
date: Sun Mar  9 23:05:00 2003

i would like to have a backpack that can contain an entire set of
equipnemt and that has a naming ability like name backpack fighter,
for instance
hope this makes sense