poster: Zifnab
subject: news
date: Fri Mar 30 06:36:30 2001
archived all the news to the web page. als fixed the formatting problems on the old archives.
poster: Marvin
subject: Eq
date: Fri Mar 30 16:10:09 2001
Call this a grand experiment. Lowered resistances on eq monsters (drastically?) Expect other countermeasures in the near future.
poster: Marvin
subject: >Eq
date: Fri Mar 30 16:11:00 2001
On Fri Mar 30 16:10:09 2001 Marvin wrote post #2:
> Call this a grand experiment. Lowered resistances on eq monsters
(drastically?) Expect other countermeasures in the near future.
Oh, upped their damage a bit more too.
poster: Marvin
subject: >>Eq
date: Fri Mar 30 16:13:16 2001
On Fri Mar 30 16:11:00 2001 Marvin wrote post #3:
> On Fri Mar 30 16:10:09 2001 Marvin wrote post #2:
> > Call this a grand experiment. Lowered resistances on eq monsters
> (drastically?) Expect other countermeasures in the near future.
> Oh, upped their damage a bit more too.
Just to stress that this is an experiment to try to accomplish high
and mighty goals that mere mortals could never understand. If things
don't work out correctly, it could easily change back.
Have fun
poster: Sigwald
subject: Woodsman campfires
date: Sat Mar 31 14:51:38 2001
I fixed the campfires so that the regen doesnt climb
endlessly when you refuel them.
By the way this is pretty close to bug abuse and you woodsmen
are lucky I'm in a good mood.
poster: Dram
subject: thieves guild
date: Sat Mar 31 22:58:08 2001
Many of you know im currently revamping the thieves guild. If you
have any ideas for skills/guilds i will read them if you mail them
too me, dont expect an answer from me though. I am just looking at
poster: Zifnab
subject: botting
date: Mon Apr 2 04:24:23 2001
Just a general warning to those of you on the borderline
of botting...
We have code in place as of a few days ago, that analyzes your
commands, and catches yoru macros sent to the mud.
Let me advise you that it is _really_ obvious who is botting
and letting their computers play for them. I am not real sure
why I am giving the warning, other than i dont want to nuke half
the mud, but we will start after this post if it continues.
Play the mud don't bot.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >botting
date: Mon Apr 2 04:28:34 2001
On Mon Apr 2 04:24:23 2001 Zifnab wrote post #7:
> Just a general warning to those of you on the borderline
> of botting...
> We have code in place as of a few days ago, that analyzes your
> commands, and catches yoru macros sent to the mud.
> Let me advise you that it is _really_ obvious who is botting
> and letting their computers play for them. I am not real sure
> why I am giving the warning, other than i dont want to nuke half
> the mud, but we will start after this post if it continues.
> Play the mud don't bot.
before the follow up posts happen. It is not catching tells
and or things of that nature, its not a replacement for snoop.
It is not 'analyzing' anything that woudl be considered personal
such as channels, and or tells, emotes etc.
poster: Marvin
subject: >Eq
date: Mon Apr 2 18:10:11 2001
On Fri Mar 30 16:10:09 2001 Marvin wrote post #2:
> Call this a grand experiment. Lowered resistances on eq monsters
(drastically?) Expect other countermeasures in the near future.
Experiment over.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 3 14:17:04 2001
Made woodsman fires refuelable only if close to the end of their burning.
poster: Mixer
subject: my campfire
date: Tue Apr 3 16:05:57 2001
tuned down campfire in cavemen area after discussion with admin
poster: Zifnab
subject: new spell
date: Tue Apr 3 17:31:18 2001
harmonize ticks....
I have added this without getting Sigwald or Dram's opinions
on costs, etc so dont say I didn't warn you.
Its mostly being added so Guacamole can test it for me, im too
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Apr 4 13:01:01 2001
Changed chant of the high priest to use more sps and less eps.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Apr 4 13:32:38 2001
Tuned up a bit exorcist offensive spells.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Apr 4 18:32:27 2001
Reduced a bit duration on focused mind, was kinda big.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Apr 5 14:10:39 2001
changed verb use so that if you interrupt a skill and restart another one you can conceal the whole thing.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Apr 5 14:19:47 2001
changed channel energy not to drain all your sps if your amulet is close to max charge.
poster: Zifnab
subject: events
date: Thu Apr 5 18:52:00 2001
Events have been switched to _only_ be runnable by the event
daemon. This includes admin as well.
The time at the moment is a little quick, I will update it as soon
as the currently running events end.
The wait times between events still applies.
poster: Zifnab
subject: help
date: Fri Apr 6 01:48:49 2001
I need a group of players to volunteer for a discussion.
It concerns the mud and some playability issues with it.
Please send me mail if you are interested. And yes it
will be subjective to the wizards discretion i.e. you need
to be able to hold a conversation with the wizards and not
answer things with 'X sucks', or anything else, it will be
_discussion_, not plans, not going to be implemented, its
to gather ideas. Odds are I will use the eq_tune news group
since its already in existance, and im lazy.
I am basically looking to get some ideas on things, and to float
some ideas out for feedback, so you will need to be rather
familiar with the mud.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Apr 6 10:32:27 2001
Made all food not sellable (in effect after next boot). Food has now a default value when bought depending on how much it feeds. Report if some weird things occur.
poster: Zifnab
subject: reimbs
date: Fri Apr 6 18:56:30 2001
everyone that is currently online and sent me mail has
been reimbursed. the stuff is in yhour inventory.
those that are not online any wiz can help you, there is a file
in my /wiz/directory/reimb/yourname they can cut and paste the
contents of the file, and give you the items.
Wizards if you do this please didlog it so i can remove the file.
I replied to a couple of people about blob boots with no + attack,
please reply to me i foudn the boots.
poster: Zifnab
subject: discussion group
date: Fri Apr 6 19:21:06 2001
I have choosen the people that I think will best fit this discussion.
the fact that you sent mail and did not get selected is not in
anyway to be seen as a slight against you. I couldnt select
everyone, so I had to make some choices...
The list is... lu,dfalt,trigon,zyz,mikul,sleet,jimerson,myrddin,
You will shortly have access to a news group eq_tune.general.
Do not be alarmed by the name, it is strictly an old news group
that I am reusing soi dont have to add any new restrictions
/groups to news.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Apr 8 12:36:58 2001
Deflections and tumbles will now work like spell messages as regard to combat silent.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Apr 8 12:51:58 2001
You can now look at a woodsman's campfire, it should say when it needs to be refueled.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Apr 8 22:51:43 2001
Fixed shaman of soil staff rank display.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Spell formula changes
date: Mon Apr 9 15:29:10 2001
I've done some changes to the way spells formula are working.
I won't get too much into details but basically what happens
is that the effect of various bonuses (level, mastery skills,
stats, spell percent...) was somehow reduced and bases has
been raised to balance the loss linked to bonuses.
As a global effect, this should help a bit players on the
low end (newbies to midbies), leaving highbies pretty much
Right now, heal spells, prot spells, attack and area spells
has been changed.
Expect all other spells (party heal/prot, enchantments etc)
to change the same soonish, and skills as well when I get to
do them (bit bored with ed for now so will do this when at home).
poster: Zifnab
subject: events
date: Mon Apr 9 16:34:29 2001
We fixed events this morning (I had disabled them).
The time is now roughly 1 event every 5 hours (random event)
poster: Sigwald
subject: Evoker change
date: Mon Apr 9 22:19:59 2001
I've made a modification to the formulas that calculate damage
for evoker offensive spells. Basically the bravo level mastery
skills (fire evocation, cold evocation ...) will matter more and
mastery of evocation less.
So basically for people that have both that will not change anything,
for people that do not have levels in omicron, that is an upgrade.
poster: Sigwald
subject: potions from cauldron magic guild
date: Tue Apr 10 10:27:52 2001
Changed inherit the same way I did with other spells yesterday.
I also upped the damage noticeably, and reduced casting time
to create potions.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 10 10:33:40 2001
Shifted slightly more evoker damage towards using bravo mastery instead of omicron.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 10 10:47:17 2001
Vulns from harbinger of anguish guild are now 4 round casting time instead of 5.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 10 10:55:25 2001
Changed party prot/heal spells with same kind of changes I did yesterday for other spell types.
poster: Zifnab
subject: dns
date: Tue Apr 10 15:26:23 2001
looks like we might be having an issue with the reddragon.clansoft.com
name again (I couldnt look it up this morning). If you are having any
problems remember that you can use dark.x.dtu.dk as well.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Changes to dragon area.
date: Tue Apr 10 16:03:43 2001
I made the dragons use spells related to their color. They will
not use random spells any longer. Cooled down a bit the area
spells by Reds as well.
poster: Zifnab
subject: spells/skills
date: Tue Apr 10 19:50:35 2001
1) The casting time is not based on number of heartbeats
this means to you that combat rounds, and rounds in
spells/skills should be identical now.
2) This also affects you in that all your spells/skills
will be doen after your individual combat round, this
means that the entire part will not do melee damage,
then have all spells/skills go off at once.
3) Essence eye is in effect for skills as well as spells.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >spells/skills
date: Tue Apr 10 19:51:14 2001
On Tue Apr 10 19:50:35 2001 Zifnab wrote post #35:
> Changes:
> 1) The casting time is not based on number of heartbeats
> this means to you that combat rounds, and rounds in
> spells/skills should be identical now.
> 2) This also affects you in that all your spells/skills
> will be doen after your individual combat round, this
> means that the entire part will not do melee damage,
> then have all spells/skills go off at once.
> 3) Essence eye is in effect for skills as well as spells.
sorry not should be now in the first line.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 10 21:27:16 2001
fixed portal preferences, style preference, and crystal attunement
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 10 21:30:27 2001
fixed store spell. any spells/skills that ask you to supply further information are goign to be broke.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 10 21:34:11 2001
fixed all spells that use modal_push(), this_user() evidently doesnt carry thogh heart beats.
poster: Sigwald
subject: early boot
date: Tue Apr 10 23:59:24 2001
Making an early boot for a few reasons...
First I changed a bit monsters default spells so that they do a bit
less damage (the recent tunes upgraded monsies spells).
Also I fixed area spells and attack/area/heal skills
that got a bit broken when Zif switched to hearbeats (poke zif :).
I also lowered slightly damage made by monster areas, specially the ones
from BIG monsies.
Oh and I forgot to post that I changed the way spell % and skill %
affect efficiency of spells and skills. It is now a bit less important
to have very high % (but it still matters quite some).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Apr 11 00:14:04 2001
Floating disc will id to disk or disc from now on.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Apr 11 10:19:09 2001
Modified messages module to allow verbs in CAPITALS (well the s wont be in capitals but you cant have it all :)
poster: Marvin
subject: Gems
date: Wed Apr 11 22:09:46 2001
Gems are now savable.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Apr 11 23:34:40 2001
Boosted up a bit mana drain to level close to before changes.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Apr 11 23:49:00 2001
Finished to add same kind of modifications to skills that I did to spells. Report if some spells/skills changed dramatically.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Monster skills and spells
date: Thu Apr 12 00:55:42 2001
Ok something got broken when spells and skills were changed to
be heart beat based somehow. So now monsters cast/use ultra fast.
Please do not report anymore this has been noted. It will get fixed
when Zif gets the time.
poster: Zifnab
subject: monster skill spells
date: Thu Apr 12 01:48:59 2001
monster skill/spells should be fixed next reboot
poster: Khosan
subject: reddragon.clansoft.com
date: Thu Apr 12 10:59:54 2001
The website can now be accessed as http://reddragon.clansoft.com. The mud
can also be played at reddragon.clansoft.com port 3000.
poster: Khosan
subject: java client
date: Thu Apr 12 11:05:16 2001
fixed the java client so it can connect with the broken reddragon.clansoft.com mess
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Apr 12 12:54:52 2001
Made players wake up when they enter a fight and are camping. Not entirely tested but it seems to work.
poster: Tigran
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Apr 12 20:32:43 2001
replaced the think emote into the soul. People didn't take the hint that we didn't want them spamming their tick triggers at everyone and began using something else (from says, to other emotes, to emote think, etc.). This is a CLASSIC emote, please don't ruin it. -- T
poster: Sigwald
subject: Early boot
date: Fri Apr 13 17:21:40 2001
Making an early boot so that the following changes kick in.
Monster hps have been upped noticeably, up to double for the biggest
Monster resistances have been lowered in parallel.
Regular vulns are slightly more efficient, especially for midbies.
Disruptions have been altered slightly to deal with the new resists
levels, the global effect should be close to what it used to do,
slightly more efficient.
poster: Sigwald
subject: About monster change
date: Fri Apr 13 17:30:50 2001
Forgot to say...
There will be changes since of course changing formulas is kinda
tough to do properly so all monsies will not be the same.
Most exp monsies shouldnt differ much (in that it'll take basically same
kind of damage to die), eq monsies have been tuned down a bit basically
by the whole changes. The bigger the monsies the more they been affected
I think (though it's kinda tough to evaluate how much without tries).
poster: Dram
subject: talisman magicians
date: Fri Apr 13 17:50:34 2001
Fixed a minor oversight, talisman ceremonies now extends to level 15.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Apr 13 20:21:33 2001
Made monsters in egypt area set as eq monsters (those that have eq that is).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Apr 13 20:48:43 2001
Monsies from celtica that needed it now have the eq monster module.
poster: Sigwald
subject: EQ monsters
date: Sat Apr 14 00:32:12 2001
Oh yeah forgot to inform about that.
I made a change to the way eq monsies resist are boosted up so
that now monsters are likely to have 2 damage types that are "weaknesses"
(that is a bit lower than other resists...). Of course specific monsies
might have added resists and therefore that 2 'weaknesses' is not
always the case. But it used to be only one so its a still a bit easier.
poster: Sigwald
subject: testers
date: Sat Apr 14 13:31:32 2001
Need a few testers to check the scout of the deep green guild.
Requirements: worth of 300M, its a bravo guild of 15 levels so
you sort of need to be able to join it :P
Mail me if interested.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Apr 14 13:51:36 2001
Modified layout of spells and skills of animalists. Will need more level to get the big familiars now.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Disarm/Pluck the thorn
date: Sat Apr 14 14:31:55 2001
Fixed these so you cannot rewield for a while if disarmed.
Also made it select the removable weapon if you got a guild item
poster: Sigwald
subject: Nether mage tune
date: Sat Apr 14 15:59:58 2001
Nether mages can now attune their bodies to poison damage.
Nether ring got a new feature, if your body form stops and has
remaining energy, the ring will be charged with that energy
(up to a certain level). The ring can then be discharged in a new
form in order to fill it with energy.
Hopefully should make dying a bit less troublesome for nether mages.
Also reduced casting time of control elemental energy.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Bronze dragons
date: Sat Apr 14 18:57:08 2001
Will restrict themselves to one damage type like colored dragons.
poster: Zifnab
subject: reddragon.clansoft.com
date: Sat Apr 14 19:04:27 2001
The DNS problem has been fixed.
Seems someone forgot to pay the bill (cough Darkstaff).
He has since paid it and all is taken care of through
poster: Sigwald
subject: Combat adjustments
date: Sat Apr 14 20:40:34 2001
Changed slightly some combat formulas.
Output of melee damage should be a bit higher,
especiall for midbies.
Armed combat will also average slightly more hits/round.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Honor / Endowment of the Gods
date: Sat Apr 14 21:04:33 2001
I upped the effect of these skills noticeably.
Needs a new body to have it effect.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Endowment of the gods
date: Sat Apr 14 21:10:54 2001
Added the skill to a bunch of guilds, basically bard woodsman
and martial artit bravo guilds.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Scout testers
date: Sun Apr 15 18:55:04 2001
Selected three testers, Sirk, Mikul and Hierokliff.
Took rather high worth players because scouts are not really
combat oriented and people without the warden guild might
not be able to test things thoroughly.
Portal is in cs for test char, contact me for a reinc.
poster: Tigran
date: Sun Apr 15 21:40:32 2001
NOTE: Creating new characters seems to be screwed up at the moment. I don't have time to look at the problem right now (It is a holiday weekend afterall), but someone will get to this as soon as possible. In the mean time, if you know of people who would like to create a new character, please ask that they be a little patient and we will rectify the situation as soon as possible.
poster: Tigran
subject: Character creation fixed.
date: Sun Apr 15 21:45:11 2001
fixed the problem with creating a new character.
poster: Zifnab
subject: player purge
date: Mon Apr 16 16:55:31 2001
Mon Apr 16 16:54:34 2001: purge complete!!!
Total players: 7348 Purged players 3283
poster: Zifnab
subject: >player purge
date: Mon Apr 16 19:23:12 2001
On Mon Apr 16 16:55:31 2001 Zifnab wrote post #70:
> Mon Apr 16 16:54:34 2001: purge complete!!!
> Total players: 7348 Purged players 3283
Also got rid of 258 user object files that were stuck hanging
around from that attempt I did to not save new players.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Best kills
date: Tue Apr 17 10:20:39 2001
They will from now on clear when you reincarnate.
Will be more meaningful this way.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 17 10:25:36 2001
Made it so you cannnot build both a woodsman and traveler campfire in same room.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Tiger claw formula change
date: Tue Apr 17 12:40:05 2001
Changed tiger claw formula some, it should be a bit better for
midbies and a bit worse for highbies.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Party shares
date: Tue Apr 17 13:28:41 2001
I've made a slight modifications to way exp is gained in parties.
Party shares were left unchanged (they seem pretty much ok).
However the way exp rate in party is calculated changed a bit.
It used to calculate an average party rate from all members
personal exp rates, which tends to disadvantage high exp rate
races quite some.
From now on (new parties that is), the exp gained will be affected
both by the calculated average party rate and the member personal
exp rate, which should make it a bit more fair for high exp rate
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 17 13:32:28 2001
upped slashing branches skill some.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Party exp rate thing
date: Tue Apr 17 14:15:00 2001
Fixed an exp bug with the exp rate formula that was multiplying
exp gotten pretty badly.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Tunes to MA
date: Tue Apr 17 14:55:42 2001
Ok I lowered MA tanking abilities some.
They'll dodge a bit less (new body/boot) and dragon possession
skill got altered. It gives less physical resistance. To balance
this a bit, it will provide a bit of stun resistance (dont expect
anything grand though...).
Sigwald, in tune mode.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 17 15:20:24 2001
Upped considerably displacement beast since its eq is level 4.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 17 15:24:31 2001
Tuned woggle up a bunch and downed eye of the serpent.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 17 15:45:20 2001
upped Calvin too (really a wuss!).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Raena
date: Tue Apr 17 16:02:24 2001
After so many players being mean to Raena when she came to help
them, she got pretty pissed about that. She therefored prayed for
the Gods and received some much needed help.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 17 16:06:07 2001
Ok, Raena wont heal people that have attacked her either (that is if my change works).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 17 17:24:27 2001
fixed a small problem that made monsies cast and use a bit fast.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Eje
date: Tue Apr 17 18:37:46 2001
I recoded a bit Eje.
It will not use a menu any longer.
You can give gold or magical items to him in order to lower
your reincarnation stats. You can also ask him about info
or estimate.
Report if some problems occur.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Small adjustments
date: Tue Apr 17 22:11:15 2001
Made minor changes to resist formula for eq monsters.
Made it so physical cannot be the main weakness of the
monster in the random part (since physical resist will
be huge anyway).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Sushin
date: Tue Apr 17 22:54:50 2001
Sushin got changed a bitch, should be a bit smaller and use
more reasonable spells.
Also has a bunch of new eqs, random amount and random pieces.
poster: Darkstaff
subject: Seattle
date: Wed Apr 18 07:09:08 2001
I live in Seattle, WA now.
Anyone here live close to Seattle? If so, maybe we could have a mudcon here
or something....
poster: Mixer
subject: Me
date: Wed Apr 18 11:22:03 2001
Guys I'm gonna be away for over a week, doing a work trip to
the USA. Gotta apologies for utter absence lately - typos amd
builder stuff is not being done while I am really busy...
In the last few weeks:
1/ I helped my gf move house
2/ been working 14 hour days (yuk!)
3/ my girlfriend's car blew a head gasket (so I gotta taxi her
4/ now I'm going overseas for a week!
So I'm really sorry to people with stuff they are waiting on.
I'll get to it as soon as possible.
Happy camping!
poster: Sigwald
subject: Motion control
date: Wed Apr 18 13:52:03 2001
Fixed that skill, it didnt do much since we changed to hearbeats
(actually if it did something it probably made your skill take
a lot more time ....).
poster: Zifnab
subject: lost event eq
date: Wed Apr 18 14:38:43 2001
No further event equipment will be reimbursed from the mistake
i made a few weeks ago. I will honor the ones that are currently
sitting in my directory waiting for the players to ask for them.
arkangyle log puffdaddy regan skillz
bantum psyko quillz shmon tranquil
no new mails about lost event equipment will be read.
The reason is that if you have not reported it by now, the
equipment is not vital to you.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Change to blackmon
date: Fri Apr 20 23:34:53 2001
Changed the way blackmon deal with liches. Global effect should
be that it might be a bit more difficult for very good party and
should be quite much easier for parties not all that very good.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Apr 21 13:22:52 2001
Changed stats of dragon tooth pendant (sushin).
poster: Zifnab
subject: mud age
date: Sat Apr 21 16:46:44 2001
Added a new way to track player age (based on heart beats)
This will mean that age will be accurate for _new_ players
those of you old people it will not be accurate for.
poster: Tigran
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Apr 22 03:18:10 2001
Guest characters now work again.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Apr 22 17:30:12 2001
Disabled reincarnate spell for a while.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Apr 22 17:40:26 2001
Reincarnate back in game, made reincing with eq on work whatever capacity says.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Incoming changes
date: Sun Apr 22 17:49:18 2001
Going to convert all players and make a few modifications
to some stuff. Expect it to happen tonite or tomorrow.
All skills and all spells will only raise up to the race max
and will not boost skills/spells over that value.
Stats will be distributed a bit differently, bit more geared
towards lower levels. Guild stats will no longer be affected
by race, and will also be distributed unevenly (which means that
a guild level say 15 will bring more stats than a guild level
110 as opposed as how it is now).
Races will change to take into account the removal of all skills/spells
bonuses. Wishes will be tweaked some since the allskills/allspells wishes
will be kinda less interesting.
Thats it for now.
poster: Sigwald
subject: EQ changes
date: Sun Apr 22 17:52:16 2001
After the conversion is done we will also switch to 10 categories
of eq instead of the 5 we got at the moment.
This is going to take a bunch of time and meanwhile it is very likely
that I disable both the eq collector and eq sacrificing at Eje as
Expect a bunch of eq stats to change a bit since the new system
will necessarily mean some changes due to rules being different.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >EQ changes
date: Sun Apr 22 18:23:20 2001
On Sun Apr 22 17:52:16 2001 Sigwald wrote post #99:
> After the conversion is done we will also switch to 10 categories
> of eq instead of the 5 we got at the moment.
> This is going to take a bunch of time and meanwhile it is very likely
> that I disable both the eq collector and eq sacrificing at Eje as
> well.
> Expect a bunch of eq stats to change a bit since the new system
> will necessarily mean some changes due to rules being different.
> Sigwald
Just want to add that a bunch of these changes are things that
have come out of the discussions with the players, type groups
and look at hte eq_tune group.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Conversion info
date: Sun Apr 22 20:58:00 2001
All right this is a minor conversion to introduce
a few more changes that follow some tunes to skills
and spells.
The amount of stat you gain per level have been slightly
modified for adv levels (you'll get a bit more at low levels
and a bit less at high levels), and was heavily modified for
guild levels (they used to give same amount of stats regardless
of the guild level, now lower guild levels will give more stats
than higher guild levels).
The other change is the way the special stat "all skills" and
"all spells" work. They can add to all your skills or spells
up to your racial maximum. So if you got say quick chant maxed
at 90 and high energy focus trained to 70, getting the all skills
wish will let your quick chant unchanged and raise your high energy
Other bonuses are unchanged so an item that raises an individual skill
or spell can still raise it over racial max.
Racial maxes have gone up noticeably since humans, the general reference
now have maxes of 95 in both skill max and spell max.
All races have been affected a bit, though not all have seen changed in
their maxes.
Also, the advantage of stats some races have over humans will be less
important. Before conversion, this advantage applied to both guild levels
and adv levels, now it will affect only adv levels. So be aware of it
when you pick a race.
Thats it for now, more information will follow upon changes with eq
categories. Do not spam me with request to change eq that have all skills
and all spells bonuses, they might be changed but not right away, and
certainly not if people spams me about it.
poster: Sigwald
subject: New guild
date: Sun Apr 22 21:09:26 2001
Opened scouts of the deep green, woodsman bravo guild.
Guild accessible through adv portal.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Collector and Eje
date: Sun Apr 22 21:30:25 2001
Disabled these two persons while I work on eq categories.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Removal of abjurer as secondary
date: Sun Apr 22 21:33:01 2001
Decided to remove abjurer from possible choice as a secondary
guild. Caused too many problems with balance.
Also lowered a bit martial artist melee, it got a bit high with
last tunes I made.
poster: Sigwald
subject: EQ stat changes
date: Sun Apr 22 23:19:59 2001
Before the whines start, EQ stats has been lowered some due to
the fact that the multipliers are gone (they multiplied the base
stats of items to add up to 50% to old level 5 eqs).
The items will slowly get updated with new rules that do not
use multipliers. So for a while high level items are going to be
tuned down, and will be updated whenever I get to do it.
So no need to post complains or request, things will happen
whenever they do and not because people spam newsgroups
(or even worse my mailbox).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Apr 23 00:34:18 2001
I put back Eje in the game, he will not accept any eq sacrifice. You can offer gold though.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Conversion
date: Mon Apr 23 11:33:31 2001
If you enter and get converted, I strongly advise you pick your
race and enter the game and not idle in race select room
to pick your race later.
Keeping eq requires that you pick you race once you entered the
game. If you quit and come back later there is the possibility
that you will lose eq.
I will NOT spend hours searching for eq lost in that way.
So if you get in, pick your race and enter the portal.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Apr 23 12:07:43 2001
Incidently, I undid that tune to Martial artist hits (seems lower skills solved the prob already).
poster: Zifnab
subject: eq_tune.general
date: Mon Apr 23 15:43:15 2001
A fwe of you have asked to have read access to this group.
The only reason I am not, is that next comes the requests for
read privileges too, and I want to keep it under control, and
limited other wise I would post in the general group, anyway
I wanted to post a summary of what has been discussed and
some of the reasonings for the recent changes....
1) One major problem is the lack of power of players in the lower
ranges of exp.
A) Scale of power keeps sliding up. 100M today doesn't buy
what it did yesterday. With all the effort it takes to get
100-200M of exp, maybe these players could suck a little
B) It is generally difficult to gather a large number of eq
motivated people with sufficient worth to form decent eq
parties with any chance of success. Either more motivation
(see point #2) or more players capable of doing eq is
i) If the party size was larger, more smaller players could
be involved.
ii) If level costs were lowered, more players could be able
to reach the skills necessary for eq parties.
iii) If the mud gets generally more powerful, the highest
exp levels need to somehow be capped, have diminishing
Zu [mojo]: yeah
returns on their exp, or not be allowed in areas
designated for their smaller brethren. Multiguild costs
could be higher.
C) Alternatively, up the damage of the spells that midbies
already have. Decrease the effect of stats on spells so that
midbie's power is closer to highbies power.
i) Another option is to lower eq monster regen rates, so
slower damage done by midbies could still be effective.
2) Another problem is the seeming lack of need to do anything but
the top notch eq.
A) An eq decay system would solve this problem
i) Some of you like this idea.
ii) Some of you do not like this idea.
B) Guild specific equipment that raises spells/skills for a
particular guild
3) Deaths raising reinc tax is a cool idea.
A) party->die() isn't a cool idea.
poster: Zifnab
subject: eq_tune.general #2
date: Mon Apr 23 15:45:09 2001
The previous was just an outline of what had been discussed
and some ideas (minus the mojo line that snuck in there)
Here is a summary from us (admin) of why some changes happened
and how we expect them to help the mud..
It seems that we do have a general consensus to say it would be a good
thing to shift balance between highbies and midbies, by making midbies
better than they are at the moment. I use the term "midbie" as a generic
term, we still have to decide later what are our goals.
A first step was to implement a few changes in the spell/skill system.
Basically what was done is to fix the way bonuses to spells are calculated
(bonuses include guild item masteries, stats, level, mastery skills) which
had the effect of making them less important. At the same time the base
effects were raised (base healing/damage/duration...) so that the change
was not a downgrade.
The effect was that for a midbie level 60 or so, the efficiency of his
spells was raised a bit, meanwhile ultra highbies (ie Graxon) lost some
power since the huge stats do not provide as much bonus as they used to.
Another step was to reduce the impact of skill % and spell % over the
efficiency and cost of skills (usable ones) and spells. The change to
have percent affect effectiveness was to encourage people to train
and study at decent percents which they did not always do. It might have
be a bit extreme and that was lowered a bit (it still matters though).
Few changes have been done with evokers to enhance a bit powers of the
evokers that do not have the omicron guild. We expect that should allow
midbie evokers to be better blasters in an eq party (remains to be seen
if this is effective or not).
Monsters had theie hp's upped, and resistances lowered to hopefully make
them a little more accessible, while not making them entirely too easy.
The equipment reworking... most of you know we had a set of 5 groupings
equipment fell into, and 5 levels of corresponding monsters. Unfortunately
what happened was that the builders/wizards just used the max for each group
that their monster could hold. One of the suggestions originaly by tranquil
on the builder port, and brought up again in the eq_tune.general
discussion was
to have more groups, that control a tighter range. So that is what
is being done.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Conversion changes
date: Mon Apr 23 17:09:29 2001
I'm tired to have to explain over and over the same thing.
The ONLY thing that changed is how the special statistics
'all_skills' and 'all_spells' have changed.
All the rest is unchanged so skill max wishes and
spell max wishes are working as they used to, eq bonuses
to individual skills or spells are working as before.
Your racial max is meant as the base max of your race modified
by wishes if you have any that affect this max.
Therefore if you got a base max of 90 and take greater skill max,
your racial max is considered as 100. If you train to 90 and take
all skills, you'll get the +7 bonus since you are under 100 and
get 97%. If you train to 95, you'll get 100 and not 102 since 100
is your racial maximum
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Apr 23 17:27:45 2001
Fixed a small problem with channel energy when amulet carries over more charges than it can handle.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Apr 23 17:31:15 2001
tuned down athol and mithren, they were kinda tough.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Apr 23 18:51:32 2001
think i fixed whisper. please report any new problems, andif you get stuck, give a yell to a wiz, they can get you out.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 24 01:18:13 2001
Lowered a bit cost of hide skill.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 24 03:55:52 2001
got rid of _most_ of the dark red text on the web page. There are still a few images that i cannot easily cahnge.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild item masteries
date: Tue Apr 24 10:47:41 2001
I've added some logs in guild items in order to try to locate
the bug that create guild item losses.
If you happen to lose all your masteries for some reason
mail me so I can check logs and find if I can locate the prob.
poster: Sigwald
subject: A visitor in town
date: Tue Apr 24 13:13:41 2001
Veldren got the visit of an old friend, Reylan, who is known
for his scholarship and vast knowledge.
He is a useful person to visit in these trouble times
when magic seems to go awry and enchanted items change
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 24 23:45:58 2001
Changed tiger claw a bit to take into account fact people dont have crazy skill % any longer.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Apr 25 02:36:31 2001
added a map of the castle area to the 'game info' section of the web page. This will update _once_ a boot.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Closed area
date: Thu Apr 26 12:24:28 2001
After next reboot, crystal dragons area will be closed till
it is properly rewritten.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new command
date: Thu Apr 26 20:41:52 2001
emergency_death. guess what it does, you get stuck in
castles, you get to use it to get out.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Lay hands
date: Fri Apr 27 19:23:38 2001
Changed the way that skill works. You can heal others with it
now , and it also restores a bit of sps as well as hps.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Apr 27 19:36:36 2001
Raised shield parry train % to 70 in templars.
poster: Zifnab
subject: transfer thoughts
date: Fri Apr 27 23:17:24 2001
transfer thoughts is disabled and _will_ be removed.
Those of you that have been using it to impersonate wizards
(we have been logging it for a few weeks due to complaints)
where _extremely_ close to getting removed from the mud.
No there was nothing saying not to do that, but common sense
should of prevailed.
No exp will be refunded, your next reinc you will get
it back if you trained this.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Apr 28 22:07:32 2001
fixed a bug in tiger claw that reduced considerably the damage of the skill if double claw attack failed.
poster: Sigwald
subject: New eq rules
date: Sun Apr 29 00:36:52 2001
I've finished to refit most of eqs to new eq rules
(well I think Marvin still has a few to change in his areas,
plus there might be some remote items that are not from regular
areas that might need some changes still, but thats marginal).
Basically, a lot of changes have been geared toward introducing
eq that has a bit more specificity than having bonuses
to spreg/int/wis or str/con/dex. Therefore a lot of eq have changes.
Along the new fitting to rules, many monsters have been either
upped some or lowered some to put them along the stats of the eq
they have. Several monsters that were basically never killed got
their eq improved noticeably.
Eje will be back online pretty soon, Sacrifice dude will take
a few more days.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Lay hands
date: Sun Apr 29 17:33:43 2001
Made a few modifications to the skill to prevent potential balance
problems with it. Takes a bit more time, has less effect on others
than on templars, and alignment affects it too now.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Change to monster spells and skills
date: Mon Apr 30 01:46:17 2001
Changed some the daemon that attributes automatically spells and
skills to monsters to give coders the option to select which
kind of damage type a monster does with spells. Due to the
fact that I introduced LOTS of spells in order to do this there
might be some change in the power of spells cast by monsters.
Report if some things are really strange.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue May 1 15:10:44 2001
Removed holy/unholy from random choice of damage done by monster spells (problems with align...).
poster: Zifnab
subject: bank
date: Wed May 2 21:11:15 2001
made 2 cahnges to the bank_d, one your records are purged every 14 days wetaher or not you have looked at them. (we had 1 million transactions stored). 2) it now only saves for 7 days
poster: Zifnab
subject: >bank
date: Wed May 2 21:15:00 2001
On Wed May 2 21:11:15 2001 Zifnab wrote post #131:
> made 2 cahnges to the bank_d, one your records are purged every 14 days
wetaher or not you have looked at them. (we had 1 million transactions
stored). 2) it now only saves for 7 days
Just wanted to point out it was Graxon and Dfalt that noticed when
the mud was lagging, and Khosan that pointed out my flaw in the
transaction removal.
This may very well have been the cause of the 'mudlag' lately.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed May 2 21:24:40 2001
Recoded a bit pathfinding to solve a problem with idiots party leaving while in middle of pathfinding. Report if anything goes wrong.
poster: Zifnab
subject: castles
date: Wed May 2 21:37:14 2001
The following castles will be removed due to their owner
no longer existing...
If you are sharing a castle please make other arrangements, or
store your equipment on your player.
This will more than likely happen in 2 weeks, im pretty busy the
next 2 weeks so you have time.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Iron golem
date: Thu May 3 16:12:39 2001
Gave it a bunch more eq than it used to have, poor golem wasnt
a popular monster.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Players gone
date: Sun May 6 15:14:43 2001
Zarp and Terminator were nuked for botting.
People should really pay attention, especially when Zifnab
actually posted a very clear reminder just a few days ago.
poster: Zifnab
subject: score defs
date: Tue May 8 12:35:23 2001
added Kazulanth's score definitions to the 'newbie' web page.
poster: Zifnab
subject: egroups group
date: Tue May 8 20:25:17 2001
I created an egroups group (that sounds weird) for Red Dragon.
Mostly to keep players aware of changes, downtime, dns problems
etc. Whatever the case may be where we are down for some time.
But feel free to use it for whatever you like besides that..
email: reddragonmud@yahoogroups.com
poster: Sigwald
subject: Change to all skills/spells
date: Fri May 11 13:24:08 2001
Skills or spells that give bonuses to all skills and spells like
inner peace of bards' tale of achman will allow going over max again.
poster: Zifnab
subject: worldsite.net
date: Fri May 11 13:58:00 2001
Looks like both worldsite.net's name servers are unreachable
yet again (3rd time in a couple of months).
I am going to send mail to Darkstaff when I get to work, asking
him to move the name services from worldsite.net to
Khosan. At least that way we will quit losing the name
when worldsite decides to flake out.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Scholar id cost
date: Fri May 11 15:41:05 2001
It is now much higher since all eq has been stabilized for a while now.
poster: Zifnab
subject: newbie faq
date: Fri May 11 20:46:35 2001
added Kazulanth's 'newbie FAQ' to the newbie link on our web page.
poster: Zifnab
subject: events
date: Tue May 15 21:03:42 2001
The event_d now skips all events that it cannot run due to it already
running, or time constraints when building its listo f events to
pick from.
This should mean that more events will run.
The daemon was just picking an event from the entire list and not
caring if it could actually be run or not.
poster: Zifnab
subject: volunteers
date: Wed May 16 20:33:41 2001
looking for 3 possibly 4 players in the range of level 30-80
Need to be around the mud, and willing to discuss things. I removed
a few peopel from the 'eq_tune' group andneed to replace them,
if you are in the above level ranges send me mail if you are intersted.
poster: Zifnab
subject: top deaths this boot
date: Fri May 18 16:08:38 2001
made the 'top deaths thsi boot' list sort by number of deaths.
poster: Zifnab
subject: DNS
date: Tue May 22 12:05:04 2001
To : Zifnab, Magneto, Marvin, Darkstaff, Khosan, Sigwald, Uncle, Maldan,
Dram, Samael, Mixer
Cc : Arch
From : Darkstaff
Date : Tue May 22 10:08:05 2001
Subject: network solutions
Yeah! Khosan is handling our DNS for us now!!! :)
Sorry for the delay...
poster: Darkstaff
subject: Viewing Google PageRank order ->RD
date: Wed May 23 11:08:58 2001
I just wanted to mention that when searching
Games > Internet > MUDs > LP
that Red Dragon places #2 behind lyastor.liu.se/mud/lpc.html ...
which is a huge document resource
for LPC in general.
I think its pretty cool
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Fri May 25 20:11:18 2001
added an 'eligible' column to events list. This shows you if the event is being considered for running by the event_d. The 2 most common reasons for _no_ in that column 1) the event is already running. 2) the event has a minimum time between runnings.
poster: Zifnab
subject: open
date: Sat May 26 18:02:16 2001
Dont ask. Khosan is reinstalling the OS, and doing
some work on the machine. It will be open when he is done.
poster: Zifnab
subject: logging in
date: Sun May 27 22:41:22 2001
I fixed a problem with the daemon that tracked last login
times. That probably accounted for the 'unselected'
guy that somehow got into combat. Dfalt, that may explain
your problems too, though im not sure entirely on that one,
you said you were getting kicked out too early for that
to really be the problem.
Anyway peopel werent fully logging in, and getting put int he void.
poster: Zifnab
subject: parties
date: Tue May 29 19:01:41 2001
all parties will be using the new party object. Bugs
will be fixed, and we will not go back to the old one.
party help for the info. The exp formula did revert
back a little bit, i refuse to keep up to date with the
latest one (it changed each time i looked at it)
The 10 member limit is gone.
the channels were removed, its a copy of the old one.
Thats it for now.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >parties
date: Tue May 29 19:04:04 2001
On Tue May 29 19:01:41 2001 Zifnab wrote post #152:
> all parties will be using the new party object. Bugs
> will be fixed, and we will not go back to the old one.
> party help for the info. The exp formula did revert
> back a little bit, i refuse to keep up to date with the
> latest one (it changed each time i looked at it)
> The 10 member limit is gone.
> the channels were removed, its a copy of the old one.
> Thats it for now.
report bugs via the bug command.
I am not going to deal with the whining/complaining I got last time,
poster: Zifnab
subject: new party command
date: Tue May 29 19:51:16 2001
party killmsg message
This will allow you to customize a message on the party channel
every time a monster iskilled by you. the default is ..
member->kill_msg = "has killed $O.";
the $O will be replaced with the monsters name. (you can leave off the $O).
poster: Zifnab
subject: party reset
date: Wed May 30 19:18:32 2001
new party command that allows resetting of the party stats.
'party reset'
poster: Zifnab
subject: party killmsg
date: Wed May 30 19:52:08 2001
If you do not want a 'killmsg' to be broadcast, do party killmsg
with no argument. this will remove the message. If you later
want a message you can do party killmsg message. in fact I think
I will make it by default not have one.
poster: Zifnab
subject: party rename
date: Thu May 31 04:19:33 2001
new party command. party rename name, should be obvious
poster: Zifnab
subject: egroups
date: Thu May 31 14:27:23 2001
Just a reminder, there have been lots of questions of
'what happened to Red Dragon the last month'.
There is an egroups group reddragonmud, that I did use to
notify those that were joined about the DNS issue, and the
recent down time for the server upgrade.
If you are interested you can send mail to..
Or go to egroups.com and join that way.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Sloatinok
date: Thu May 31 16:51:56 2001
Has been on a long journey during which he learned more about Red Dragon
and realized that his rewards were outdated.
However he will not have full knowledge of the world until after
the next reboot.
I plan on rebooting shortly (waiting for a party to complete a kill)
until then if you use him, you do so at your own risk.
poster: Zifnab
subject: builder port
date: Fri Jun 1 21:15:41 2001
For those builders. The builder port is back up..
poster: Zifnab
subject: party watch on/off
date: Sun Jun 3 06:04:58 2001
Party watch is back with a slight twist.
It is only RDMP, I will supply triggers for those portal people
want to grab the party stuff.
If you are doing party watch, you will get an RDMP line for
every party member very similiar to your HEALTH line (for those
of you that use RDMP). with the addition of the position
in the party, and the players name..
RDMP 1234 PARTY_HEALTH 1 Zifjr 2015 2015 494 494 1252 1252
RDMP 1234 PARTY_HEALTH 2 Zifnab 6792 6792 7021 7021 6759 6759
I will supply a document, probably tomorrow night for how
to use RDMP, for now if you want to use it with your client
do RDMP ON XXXX where XXXX is some number, that number can
be anything you want.
If you want to turn it off, you can do RDMP OFF.
Just want to say to the portal folks, I apologize for pulling
the portal codes from this, but the people that support portal
have kind of annoyed me. They seem to have dropped off the face
of the earth, and have not so much as posted any kind of
explanation on their web page.
and you can easily trap the RDMP info into the correct variables
for portal to use on the graph bars.
As usual you will need a new party object for this to work.
poster: Zifnab
date: Sun Jun 3 06:42:40 2001
The monster health tag has returned as well again with a twist.
It now only shows the monsters health in 10% increments.
Very similiar to the conditions when you look at a monster.
dude is the monsters name,
20 is the percent.
poster: Zifnab
subject: RDMP
date: Tue Jun 5 03:47:32 2001
I put a document on the web page on how to use RDMP, it is
much easier to read there than in the mud. I will put a
small file on how to turn it on and off in the mud, but
not describe the individual tags. Thsoe are one the
web page.
Follow the game info link
poster: Zifnab
subject: party
date: Tue Jun 5 20:56:32 2001
fixed the party problem that was leaving players all over the place. Please form a new party as soon as possile.
poster: Zifnab
subject: tp's
date: Tue Jun 5 23:08:34 2001
I removed the tp's from those that were online.
I removed all tp's that were received from stuff that was not
supposed to sac. My first thought was to fix the problem, and
allow those that sacced the stuff they shouldnt normally of been
able to to keep the tp's. However after I realized that
just about everyone was buying equipment from stores, and let me
tell you its a lot more than i thought, I decided to remove all
tp's for equipment that shoudl not of given tp's.
I will catch up with the rest of you when I see you online.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >tp's
date: Tue Jun 5 23:28:15 2001
On Tue Jun 5 23:08:34 2001 Zifnab wrote post #165:
> I removed the tp's from those that were online.
> I removed all tp's that were received from stuff that was not
> supposed to sac. My first thought was to fix the problem, and
> allow those that sacced the stuff they shouldnt normally of been
> able to to keep the tp's. However after I realized that
> just about everyone was buying equipment from stores, and let me
> tell you its a lot more than i thought, I decided to remove all
> tp's for equipment that shoudl not of given tp's.
> I will catch up with the rest of you when I see you online.
Smee tells me im not too clear. I am catching shit from like
4-5 people on this.
I messed up the other day when I put Sloatinok back in the game
I left him giving tp's for equipment under the old 5 level system
we had. I forgot to up the level that he woudl accept accordingly,
that was my mistake, and I am fixing it the best way I know how,
I went through the logs, and every person that gave him an item
that shouldnt of been accepted you lost those tp's.
Yeah you are going to be pissed, but its the only fair way I
coudl do it. I have heard 10 differant reasons why I deserved
to keep my tp's, and im sure there are 100 others out there.
None of you lost an amount of tp's that cannot be made up.
poster: Sigwald
subject: >>tp's
date: Wed Jun 6 11:38:51 2001
On Tue Jun 5 23:28:15 2001 Zifnab wrote post #166:
> On Tue Jun 5 23:08:34 2001 Zifnab wrote post #165:
> > I removed the tp's from those that were online.
> >
> > I removed all tp's that were received from stuff that was not
> > supposed to sac. My first thought was to fix the problem, and
> > allow those that sacced the stuff they shouldnt normally of been
> > able to to keep the tp's. However after I realized that
> > just about everyone was buying equipment from stores, and let me
> > tell you its a lot more than i thought, I decided to remove all
> > tp's for equipment that shoudl not of given tp's.
> >
> > I will catch up with the rest of you when I see you online.
> Smee tells me im not too clear. I am catching shit from like
> 4-5 people on this.
> I messed up the other day when I put Sloatinok back in the game
> I left him giving tp's for equipment under the old 5 level system
> we had. I forgot to up the level that he woudl accept accordingly,
> that was my mistake, and I am fixing it the best way I know how,
> I went through the logs, and every person that gave him an item
> that shouldnt of been accepted you lost those tp's.
> Yeah you are going to be pissed, but its the only fair way I
> coudl do it. I have heard 10 differant reasons why I deserved
> to keep my tp's, and im sure there are 100 others out there.
> None of you lost an amount of tp's that cannot be made up.
Just for the record, I'll state my personal opinion
that I dont give a damn about anyone being pissed about this
seeing how CLEAR it was that it was a bug (whatever excuse
whiners will invent about this).
poster: Zifnab
subject: kept long desc
date: Wed Jun 6 14:14:31 2001
added 'kept' to the long desc of an item if its kept. You will see this afte rthe next boot.
poster: Tigran
subject: >>>tp's
date: Wed Jun 6 14:35:11 2001
On Wed Jun 6 11:38:51 2001 Sigwald wrote post #167:
> On Tue Jun 5 23:28:15 2001 Zifnab wrote post #166:
> > On Tue Jun 5 23:08:34 2001 Zifnab wrote post #165:
> > > I removed the tp's from those that were online.
> > >
> > > I removed all tp's that were received from stuff that was not
> > > supposed to sac. My first thought was to fix the problem, and
> > > allow those that sacced the stuff they shouldnt normally of been
> > > able to to keep the tp's. However after I realized that
> > > just about everyone was buying equipment from stores, and let me
> > > tell you its a lot more than i thought, I decided to remove all
> > > tp's for equipment that shoudl not of given tp's.
> > >
> > > I will catch up with the rest of you when I see you online.
> >
> > Smee tells me im not too clear. I am catching shit from like
> > 4-5 people on this.
> >
> >
> > I messed up the other day when I put Sloatinok back in the game
> > I left him giving tp's for equipment under the old 5 level system
> > we had. I forgot to up the level that he woudl accept accordingly,
> > that was my mistake, and I am fixing it the best way I know how,
> > I went through the logs, and every person that gave him an item
> > that shouldnt of been accepted you lost those tp's.
> >
> > Yeah you are going to be pissed, but its the only fair way I
> > coudl do it. I have heard 10 differant reasons why I deserved
> > to keep my tp's, and im sure there are 100 others out there.
> >
> > None of you lost an amount of tp's that cannot be made up.
> Just for the record, I'll state my personal opinion
> that I dont give a damn about anyone being pissed about this
> seeing how CLEAR it was that it was a bug (whatever excuse
> whiners will invent about this).
Hey...it was my vote that players who abused this bug lose ALL their
TP's for abusing the system, rather than just the ones they got from
abusing bug.
poster: Zifnab
subject: party shares
date: Wed Jun 6 20:34:56 2001
Added exp/min/member to it.
also formatte the exp earned, makes it a bit easier to read.
Need new party object for changes.
poster: Zifnab
subject: keep
date: Thu Jun 7 05:18:51 2001
make sure to keep your stuff again when you log in.
Seems to not be saving at the moment. Need to
talk with marvin about fixing it, I am pretty sure I know
why just want to verify it.
poster: Zifnab
subject: builder port
date: Fri Jun 8 05:35:42 2001
I found the problem with why floats were incorrectly
being shown by the driver on the builder port.
So things should be working correctly now over there.
poster: Zifnab
subject: eq
date: Sun Jun 10 02:16:54 2001
Just looked through the logs, not sure what caused the error
in the first place. I did make a change, but it updated
just fine while the mud was running. Anyway obviously the mud
didnt like it at boot time.
I can/will check the logs for stuff that you claim to have lost
and make sure you had it prior to the boot. as well as check
to see if you meet the conditions for those that errored.
Please send me mail as to what you lost, exact names please
I am not 100% familiar with every piece of equipment in the game
and the code we have to search for it is based on the name,
so if you dont know the name, supply at least a portion of it
(monster names are mostly useless to me, so dont say, 'that amulet
that monster X has).
You will get it back at my convience I have a house full of kids
until noon tomorrow, and then I have work to do. So you may not
see it back until tomorrow night or Monday.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Jun 13 12:50:13 2001
Lay hands duration got upped quite some.
poster: Zifnab
subject: party object
date: Wed Jun 13 18:52:33 2001
The concept of 'leader' and 'tank' are no longer one and the same.
This means that you can have a party leader that is not the tank.
And a tank that is not the leader.
to change tanks, party place name 1 -> the person in the first spot
is always the tank.
to change leaders party leader name -> that person will be the leader
and all players following, will follow him.
If you want to make them the same, that is fine as well.
I am not completely sure how entry hits affects this. In my
limited testing it had no affect what so ever. but let me know
if it does have bad side effects.
poster: Khosan
subject: my area
date: Fri Jun 15 23:40:41 2001
connected my small mini area that I created during my first month as wizard. You can find it somewhere on hyboria
poster: Mixer
subject: Me
date: Sat Jun 16 05:40:39 2001
Guys I have to apologise for being heavily idle atm, work is very
demanding and my PC ar homew has fried in a power surge. Right now
I can't do much so builder reviews, and builder apps are off until I
can get back online an find some time.
Mix, sorry for telnet typos.
poster: Zifnab
subject: saint michael event
date: Sun Jun 17 03:22:53 2001
reinstalled the saint michael event. Tested it on the builder port and all worked ok. Make sure you listen to what Saint Michael says. There will be no reimbursements if you die, and he is gone when you get there.
poster: Zifnab
subject: channels creator
date: Tue Jun 19 14:40:59 2001
added channels creator X, where X is a channel name
poster: Zifnab
subject: party dice
date: Tue Jun 19 16:26:25 2001
fixed the party dice problem with kicked/old members showing up.
poster: Zifnab
subject: FYI
date: Sun Jun 24 17:49:33 2001
not sure how many of you are aware of this if any..
You can redefine the base colors to be another color.
For example I use a black background, and thus cannot see
%^BLACK%^ when people use it. However I can do
colors black bold,black, and then i see it as grey...
I could also do colors black yellow then see it as yellow.
Just an FYI for you, i know some players like to use black due
to the fact that others cant see.
poster: Zifnab
subject: news post to inform
date: Mon Jun 25 19:07:53 2001
(Originally in eq_tune.general)
I want to make a post to inform about this, want your thoughts
For a few months now, there have been on going discussions via news, and
a private channel with a select group of players, and the admin.
The whole point of the discussions was to try and make the mud a bit
more playable for the general population of the mud. As has recently been
seen by the equipment parties that have been taking place, those changes
that happened a few months ago were affective. It is time for the next step..
Upcoming (I am not saying when, as it depends on when I get time) there will
be some changes coming to the mud...
1) Training/leveling costs will be cut.
2) You will not be able to go any higher than a secondary gamma guild.
The hope for these 2 changes is that your characters power
will top out somewhere around 2.5 - 3 gig in exp. (Part of the hold
up on this will be to see if that is acceptable or too high.)
Also this will help out some of the players in the middle range of
the mud that have been struggling there for some time.
3) For those players that have reached that 'upper' level of playing,
and really have no where else to go/nothing else to do. A new option
will be installed (its already being tested on the dev port).
This new option will give those players the option (note: its an option,
not required at all) to 'split' their current player into 2 characters
that can be played individually (not at the same time) and can
be 'switched'
back and forth as the player wishes.
As an example:
Player 1 has 2g in exp. The next time he reincs he decides to do a 50/50
split. He will then have 2 characters, both with 1 gig of exp.
These new
characters will share task points and explore points.
What this effectively means is that player 1, can have 2
characters (basically
a secondary that can share castles/equipment/gold) one may be a
fighter, the
other a cleric. Player 1 can switch between those characters
(with some restriction
most likely a time restrition) as the need arises.
poster: Zifnab
subject: last post
date: Mon Jun 25 19:49:36 2001
I am interested in feedback on this idea... Its hopefully
to help the entire mud out some..
If you have huge concerns feel free to talk to anyone from
the eq_tune group, type groups to see those players/wizards.
poster: Marvin
subject: .
date: Wed Jun 27 17:44:56 2001
Reduced leveling and training costs. No whining.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Muds birthday
date: Wed Jun 27 18:39:42 2001
Just a warning...
Jul, 29 2001 the mud will be officially 5 years old.
On this day the muds monsters will give out double exp, and double
poster: Red Dragon
subject: Reinc
date: Thu Jun 28 03:03:53 2001
Reincarnate is re-enabled.
poster: Zifnab
subject: newbie gear
date: Sat Jun 30 05:36:00 2001
I am adding some small items around the newbie areas that
are better than the newbie equiment from the machine.
Keep your eyes open for them.
poster: Dram
subject: Stab
date: Mon Jul 2 05:19:35 2001
I made the 2nd and 3rd stab masteries work more often until the
revamp unless i see a problem with it. Have fun, don't hurt
poster: Zifnab
subject: fireworks
date: Thu Jul 5 02:06:34 2001
Fizban is selling a limited supply of fireworks each reset.
I had hoped to make more varied designs but had no time today.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >fireworks
date: Thu Jul 5 02:07:13 2001
On Thu Jul 5 02:06:34 2001 Zifnab wrote post #189:
> Fizban is selling a limited supply of fireworks each reset.
> I had hoped to make more varied designs but had no time today.
muffs on if the spam annoys you.
poster: Zifnab
subject: monster exp
date: Thu Jul 5 16:37:40 2001
Some monster exp worths will change slightly (very slightly)
just wanted to warn you. The change will all be up in exp,
and only slight amounts. I cleaned up the exp formula alot
and removed some crap that was not needed that lowered
the exp
poster: Darkstaff
subject: title command
date: Wed Jul 11 10:29:09 2001
Title command now checks for illegal text including "fuck" and "exit"
poster: Darkstaff
subject: Arena and poison
date: Wed Jul 11 10:50:03 2001
You should no longer die from posion if posioned in the arena.
Let me know if you do.
poster: Dram
subject: Undine Spirit
date: Thu Jul 12 20:47:23 2001
Just to clear it up, only mail me about undine spirit if it
continues to happen after reading this post.
poster: Marvin
subject: exp tuner
date: Thu Jul 12 22:35:46 2001
I rewrote the exp_tuner, report any problems.
Have a nice day.
poster: Zifnab
subject: domains person
date: Fri Jul 13 16:58:53 2001
We are looking for a person that is willing to help/take over
some of hte domain responsibilities.
Mixer is really tied up with work at the moment, so is unable
to help much. There are a fwe areas lined up for
review, but we really need someone that wants to help
the builders, as well as review areas.
Its a tedious job, but if you are interested please let me
know via mud mail. We can work out the details of it if
poster: Marvin
subject: tunes top
date: Fri Jul 13 20:24:48 2001
New command: tunes top
It might be confusing, but tuff.
poster: Zifnab
subject: 'split bodies'
date: Sat Jul 14 04:38:46 2001
are now officially in the game..
Graxon, dfalt I need to get you to reinc again, so that
we can get things squared away. I will work out the
details of what to do with you guys when you get a chance
to do the reinc.
There is a 'temple' in the mud somewhere that will allow you
to purchase bodies, and to switch etc. The same guy through
the magic of the mud is also linked off the reinc room, so you
can split more than once etc.
I will write a document when I get a chance.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Gwaul
date: Sat Jul 14 20:20:46 2001
If you happen to stumble upon Gwaul and his altars in your
travels, a friendly warning, I need to fix up a few things
as far as warnings/messages go. But if you choose to
'use' Gwaul and his services prior to my doing that, a few
things he (specifically with the altars) require him to
reinc you at your current cost.
Just an FYI, no saying you didnt know.
poster: Mixer
subject: Builders
date: Mon Jul 16 15:34:47 2001
Hey builders, please log onto 10k, I'm here again and I'm
gonna start whipping yall into shape.
Guys who've got builder apps in, hold tight.
poster: Marvin
subject: changes
date: Tue Jul 17 22:19:27 2001
We have lowered level costs and training costs again, and
upped gold slightly. Have fun!
Oh yeah, we added eq decay.
poster: Marvin
subject: eq decay
date: Tue Jul 17 22:38:17 2001
There are several reasons behind eq decay. But I'll outline
here the main reason behind the change.
No, its not to make you suffer, or to make you leave.
Basically, as things stand now, eq parties take up about 2%
of the game. Exp is the other 98%.
There is almost universal agreement that eq is much more fun
than exp. Certainly the areas are more creative, and most of
the work has been put into that area. Exp is dull and repetitive
and boring.
Our goal has been to shift things slightly. Maybe make eq
10% of the game and exp 90%. To this end we have made many
various changes, such as lowered training costs, multiple
bodies, etc. All carefully calculated to make eq parties more
accessable and more enjoyable.
Eq decay also fits into this equation. Making eq easier means
needing a way to get eq out of the game so more needs to be done.
Either we have a good flow of eq and a good economy with decay,
or every newbie gets top sets because eq is too easy, then we
are forced to make eq hard (read: annoying) again.
Ok, details.
Eq decays at a steady rate as it is being worn. Being in combat
has no additional effect on eq, because of fears that this would
overly penalize certain guilds.
No stats are lost on eq. The only drawback to having shabbier eq
is that once eq gets low enough, there is a chance of it breaking.
Once this happens, it can no longer be worn, wielded, or repaired.
Somewhere in RD is a blacksmith who can repair your eq for a cost.
Check the map. Higher level eq costs considerably more to repair
than lowere level eq. However, it also wears out slower.
I think that is most of the important information. Tuning will
of course happen in the future.
Non-constructive flames will just be ignored. If you have something
to say, please post it in a constructive format in news.
This is not the end of the world. In fact, it should be fun.
So go have fun.
--Marvin (and other admins who wish not to be named =)
poster: Marvin
subject: decay
date: Tue Jul 17 22:43:43 2001
Oh, forgot to mention,
The maximum condition of eq will also decrease over time.
A long time, but it will eventually become worthless.
poster: Marvin
subject: checkeq
date: Tue Jul 17 22:51:18 2001
'checkeq' command checks all your eq for decay at once.
poster: Zifnab
subject: will turn this into a help file later
date: Tue Jul 17 23:14:22 2001
Like new, Scratched, Badly scratched, Lightly damaged,
"Seen better days, Damaged, Extremely damaged, Needs to be fixed,
About to break
poster: Zifnab
subject: eq_decay
date: Wed Jul 18 19:26:58 2001
New help document should answer all your questions clearly
and in one place..
help eq_decay
poster: Zifnab
subject: help
date: Thu Jul 19 15:32:55 2001
Modified help split, and help secondary slightly to reflect
the recent changes.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Tiamat
date: Thu Jul 19 17:02:39 2001
added the Tiamat Quest as an official quest.
poster: Marvin
subject: tunes top
date: Thu Jul 19 23:02:37 2001
'tunes top' has been re-enabled. Spread out!
poster: Zifnab
subject: lockers
date: Fri Jul 20 23:19:44 2001
disabled lockers, they will be removed shortly.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >lockers
date: Fri Jul 20 23:20:14 2001
On Fri Jul 20 23:19:44 2001 Zifnab wrote post #212:
> disabled lockers, they will be removed shortly.
should say you can get stuff out, cannot put anything in.
poster: Marvin
subject: Cloak of Ashes
date: Sun Jul 22 05:47:13 2001
Restated Cloak of Ashes.
poster: Zifnab
subject: eq page
date: Sun Jul 22 06:55:35 2001
Due to some changes that Marvin put in to help track equipment
and to tell what we are missing, have to much of etc,
the mud is now able to generate its own equipment stats
I talked it over with a few players, and some loved it, some
thought it was a bad idea, so I compromised. It _does not_ show
top slot equipment, however it will show everything else that has
been cloned since yesterday, and every new item that is cloned
that has ever been into a chest (this insures that a wiz playing
with an item will not cause new equipment to show up.)
The biggest reason I heard against this page was the fact that
people would now be asking for stuff they cant afford... Just a little
reminder, that if you guys start using the equipment trader
that Apathy wrote, we could easily track those prices and present an
average price (over the last 4 sales) or something similiar along with
the stats.
Enjoy its on the 'game info' page. Going to need to clean that up
soon its getting big.
poster: Dram
subject: identify
date: Mon Jul 23 05:56:38 2001
Identify nows shows the stats for eq and not ranges. Bug report if
problems rear their ugly heads.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new monster first pale
date: Mon Jul 23 18:13:26 2001
A new 'newbie' equipment monster has been added to the first
pale (thanks Pedron). This will require a party of
newbies to defeat it.
poster: Zifnab
subject: newbie eq monster
date: Mon Jul 23 18:28:05 2001
New equipment monster in the ocean for a party in the level 20
poster: Zifnab
subject: hate to do this but...
date: Tue Jul 24 02:42:52 2001
The equipment page has been removed in favor of an in
game item that duplicates its purpose.
Be on the look out for a 'scholarly' type individual
that has recently acquired a new set of books.
A midbie party should handle this monster.
I apologize for changing this, but the in game idea
was thought of today, and I think it provides a much
nicer way to get that information.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Equipment books
date: Tue Jul 24 21:56:57 2001
Another Scholarly type of person has stumbled upon the
ancient books showing equipment stats.
Again he was upped quite a bit. A midbie party should have no problem.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new monster
date: Wed Jul 25 21:45:27 2001
A new monster has made its way into the chruch yard on Blackavar.
poster: Zifnab
subject: FYI
date: Wed Jul 25 22:34:40 2001
The previous 2 monsters were created by Malice.
poster: Zifnab
subject: conditions
date: Thu Jul 26 22:10:32 2001
added the 'conditions' of equipment to the bottom of help eq_decay
poster: Zifnab
subject: schizomycetes quest
date: Sat Jul 28 04:12:35 2001
fixed 2 of the problems that were encountered with Schizomycetes today.. I thought there was a third, if a member of the party could refresh my memory I woudl appreciate it.
poster: Zifnab
subject: fixed the third problem.
date: Sat Jul 28 18:36:04 2001
with schizo.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Sun Jul 29 13:24:52 2001
fixed a problem with remove scar fumbles.
poster: Zifnab
subject: all parties
date: Tue Jul 31 17:29:15 2001
spruced it up a bit. added time in party, and kills
need to recreate the party to get those updating. Also made
use of the configurable score colors, (score_headings, and
score_borders). Feel free to change the colors to suit you.
poster: Zifnab
subject: newclan
date: Tue Jul 31 18:26:02 2001
newclan command has been removed.
poster: Zifnab
subject: clan quest
date: Tue Jul 31 19:23:29 2001
added the clan quest as a real quest
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Aug 2 19:08:49 2001
Druids can now join enchanters.
poster: Zifnab
subject: kills
date: Fri Aug 3 18:49:30 2001
after boot (or new monsters) monsters killed in a party will add to your 'kills' total
poster: Zifnab
subject: cost
date: Fri Aug 3 20:54:45 2001
fixed an issue with repairing equipment. (the real problem is probably with equipment) but this gets the same issue fixed without botting. repair_cost was 0 for items with no bonuses.
poster: Mixer
subject: Builders
date: Sat Aug 4 10:42:56 2001
Guys I have to publicly apologise to those who have had builder
apps in for a while.
At the moment I won't be approving new builders until I can
finish with the builder areas we currently have in for review.
There's quite a few great areas I have to find time to finish
detailed reviews of and I thank some players who have given their
time to help with this important job.
While I'm having trouble finding time to help the guys who
already put in heaps of time to make areas, I don't think its
fair to accept any new applications. Feel free to submit
applications, they will be kept on file and at the right time
I'll get to them in order.
poster: Zifnab
subject: checkeq
date: Mon Aug 6 21:31:41 2001
Added the max condition on items to the checkeq command.
I will probably come up with a list of words, rather than the
real percentage. But for now you see the max condition as a
number (100 max)
its the number in ()'s
poster: Khosan
subject: help machine
date: Tue Aug 7 09:34:28 2001
updated help machine. It used to tell about the old machine in denver
poster: Zifnab
subject: race lead
date: Tue Aug 7 14:15:00 2001
Must be active to lead the races.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Aug 7 17:24:45 2001
Made mist form not being castable when in another elem form.
poster: Sigwald
subject: >Titan dream
date: Wed Aug 8 10:07:03 2001
On Wed Aug 8 10:05:51 2001 Sigwald wrote post #238:
> People that abuse this spell to stun players and PK will be nuked.
> I'll change the way the spell works when I get time, but meanwhile
> don't whine you were not warned.
Or any other dream spell by the way.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Darkness thing
date: Wed Aug 8 11:19:13 2001
I made a change to the darkness and regen problem thing.
Room will now affect the way you regen more.
Will work really after boot.
poster: Zifnab
subject: guild items
date: Wed Aug 8 15:25:46 2001
Need your help. Starting with this boot I need you to mail
me when you do the following.
We have proof now that there is a problem with reincing and
guild items. (have it logged). We are not sure of the cause yet,
and can still not duplicate it so we arent a whole lot further
than before. I have logging in place that is catching everything
that is important about the guild items in the witch,woodsman,bard
bannerman and knight guild ( I added additional things to the logging
after realizing I was missing a few parts with Durin's problem)
If you reinc from or into any of those guilds and have previously
had a guild item in one of those guilds please let me know.
Specifically what I am looking for is the cases where
1) Reinc into the same guild and the guild has a guild item.
2) Reinc from guild A to guild B then back to guild A, where
guild A is on the above list.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild items (2)
date: Wed Aug 8 15:31:59 2001
All right, thanks to Zifnab, we've been able to locate part of
the problem. What happened is the following:
You reinc back to a guild you had points in after a number of reincs.
GM gave you item that loaded with your old stats, THEN applied
tax linked to fact you had reinced several times.
What you guys saw was right after reinc you had a bunch of points,
and next boot much less since tax was applied.
It was not really a bug, just you had extra points for one boot.
Anyway I inverted the order so now tax will be correctly applied
first, then item will be cloned.
That will solve part of the problems with guild items.
Still trying to figure out why it sometimes happen that some
people lose really very large amount of points.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new command
date: Wed Aug 8 15:58:04 2001
Mixer had the idea, Khosan helped, and Apathy wrote it.
myslots, enjoy.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild items (3)
date: Wed Aug 8 16:18:06 2001
Ok, while going through all the code I fixed a bunch of problems
with guild masteries and stuff. Hopefully it should work a bit
better, at worse we now have a bit cleaner code and can locate
problems a bit more easily.
poster: Marvin
subject: exp tuner
date: Wed Aug 8 18:06:06 2001
muddled with the exp tuner. Smaller monsters will tune less harshly up or down. Larger monsters will tune more harshly. The rest time to keep smaller monsters at a good tune was lowered. The rest time to keep larger monsters at a good tune was raised.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Wed Aug 8 18:11:53 2001
Reports of piracy on the high seas near the Isle of Mists continue.
It seems that a band of pirates has made the Isle of Mists their home.
These pirates are very experienced in the art of warfare, so tread
Area credit goes to Malice - I'll let her post fully about the area.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Aug 9 08:56:17 2001
Due to popular demand, I altered again lizgod belt some.
poster: Mixer
subject: help first_area
date: Thu Aug 9 13:58:58 2001
updated help first_area - if you want to be a builder please
poster: Red
subject: Armor Shop
date: Thu Aug 9 15:05:21 2001
Hefstaag, your local armorer, is proud to announce the
refitting of the Red Dragon armor shop. Check it out
today for all your clothing needs.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Aug 9 15:11:53 2001
fixed an issue with an extra newline on the there are many foos here message. also dested ladyhawk in the process
poster: Zifnab
subject: castles
date: Thu Aug 9 15:35:54 2001
The following castles will be removed shortly...
some dont exist already do to the castle bug we had a long
time ago (they were never repaired)
If you live in these castles I suggest finding a new place to live,
not going to keep peoples castles around forever.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >castles
date: Thu Aug 9 15:37:27 2001
On Thu Aug 9 15:35:54 2001 Zifnab wrote post #251:
> The following castles will be removed shortly...
> some dont exist already do to the castle bug we had a long
> time ago (they were never repaired)
> If you live in these castles I suggest finding a new place to live,
> not going to keep peoples castles around forever.
sorry TF ate the list hang on
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild items (again)
date: Fri Aug 10 08:55:28 2001
I fixed another bug with guild items that happened
if you reinced twice in a row into same guild, 2nd time you got taxed
slightly for it (as if you had reinced out and back).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Aug 10 11:29:14 2001
Hacked a bit Apathy's myslots command to solve ring problem.
poster: Red
subject: Newbie areas that were missing the newbie portal
date: Tue Aug 14 12:36:13 2001
Have had the portal added. The portal only works for
newbies. One area is still to be updated.
poster: Red
subject: Update Newbie Guild area
date: Tue Aug 14 15:27:24 2001
Okay, I have completely reworked the Newbie Guild
area. That's Red talk for adding slightly more
imaginative room/object/eq/mob descriptions. There are
no new rooms, everything works pretty much the same
way it always did when you were a newbie (remember
back then?). If you are *really* keen you
can log in as a guest if you above the newbie
level (lvl 15 I believe). I am aways looking for
feedback on ways to improve the areas. I felt
the newbie area was important as it is the first area
our new players see and hopefully if they like what they
see they will stay on. At this point I am possibly
starting to ramble...
Cheers, Red
PS- please do report bugs/typos etc. They do get actioned and
you reporting them is appreciated.
poster: Zifnab
subject: passwords
date: Wed Aug 15 13:14:05 2001
Well Looks like I may have made a mistake last night.
I will _never_ change a password again for anyone that doesnt
supply a mail in there finger info. If that mail is incorrect
same story.
poster: Zifnab
subject: nukes
date: Wed Aug 15 13:25:31 2001
joe and braer have been nuked, and the site has a complete
ban. Meaning _noone_ can log in from there unless they mail
the host and we manually register them. Depending on where
the mails come from I may or may not let any of the other
players in.
poster: Dram
subject: Guilds
date: Thu Aug 16 06:56:21 2001
This is an official message from me. I'm temporarily giving up on
working on thieves revamp, I don't know what I will do now, but I
will accept any well thought out ideas for guilds pertaining to
harmers or thieves, mail them to me. A mail that says put in
lockpick or raise mana for mana drain is not a well thought out
Ideas are things that aren't things that are generally accept as
things that "will never get put in the game". Try something new.
Anyways, that is my post for now.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new map
date: Fri Aug 17 20:02:30 2001
Everrest has a new map. got tired of it being a 1.5 area domain.
It is still very much empty, but that will be cahnging as new areas
come out. On the map is a legend for a new city, that is not in
place yet, but will be shortly.
poster: Zifnab
subject: virtual maps
date: Fri Aug 17 22:32:34 2001
Starting next boot you may see @'s when you type map.
Those @'s will be other players that are on the same area of the map
as you. This will not show up in the little maps at this time,
as we do not regenerate those all the time (only once in fact).
This does not include the city map at this time either, its only the
island maps themselves.
poster: Zifnab
subject: plaque
date: Sat Aug 18 04:02:37 2001
i reset the plaque. added total kills and mud age
poster: Zifnab
subject: new plaque
date: Sat Aug 18 04:56:01 2001
new kills plaque up from age plaque
poster: Mixer
subject: Lokie's Shadow area
date: Mon Aug 20 14:37:21 2001
Until further notice, Lokie's Shadow area is removed from the game.
This area is very much sub-standard and completely breaks all
area rules. Its not fair to my hard working builders who I
am a hard ass prick towards, to leave this area in place until
it gets some attention and is brought up to area guidelines.
poster: Red
subject: Typo report
date: Mon Aug 20 15:01:31 2001
> Typo reported from /domains/city/dram/magschool/rooms/east_dorm2--
> in the desc here it should say two of everything and not two of everthing.
the typo is in the first sentence of the description.
Fixed description in room. Also fixed the description
of the student in the room. (Bug reported by Sleet).
poster: Zifnab
subject: poker hall
date: Tue Aug 21 17:01:26 2001
A new poker hall has opened its doors in RD city.
Command to play poker is 'poker X', 'poker help' once in the
hall to get the help on how to play.
poster: Magneto
subject: .
date: Thu Aug 23 05:17:48 2001
added a new news group, general.eqparty. Now maybe I wont have to hear about when uno wants to party }=>
poster: Red
subject: Revamp of the Dryad Forest (originally created by Uncle)
date: Sun Sep 2 13:34:32 2001
I have just completed my revamp of the Dryad Forest.
This is a neat little midbie area that was originally
created by Uncle. It is very easy to find your way
around this area. Be sure to say hi to Queen Tarma
for me.
BTW- there are no new monsters, rooms or
eq. What I have done is a description tidy up, all
mobs will now emote and a general tidy up of the
code and files. For all you budding builders,
this takes about two weeks of my time.
Any problems with the area, please let
me know, and I will try to fix asap.
poster: Zifnab
subject: pk
date: Tue Sep 4 17:09:55 2001
Those of you wishing to abuse pk in the last few days.
You should now find yourself unable to unregister.
poster: Ant
subject: >pk
date: Wed Sep 5 08:10:18 2001
On Tue Sep 4 17:09:55 2001 Zifnab wrote post #269:
> Those of you wishing to abuse pk in the last few days.
> You should now find yourself unable to unregister.
Sorry... just some indigestion...
- Ant the sleepy. 09/05/01 9:12 am
poster: Red
subject: Revamped stone hedge forest area
date: Wed Sep 5 15:56:40 2001
I have revamped the forest area leading to the stone
hedge on Blackavar island. Also added a few newbie monsters
as this area was devoid of any which seemed odd to me.
BTW- the stone hedge is a great area, created by
Pavilion. It was always my favourite for solo'ing. Check
it out if you haven't already done so.
Bugs 'n' errors to me please.
Cheers, Red
poster: Zifnab
subject: plaques
date: Wed Sep 5 16:52:53 2001
fixed the plaque to correctly clean the kills/age lists when it updates itself so as not to get the error message when a person exists on the exp plaque, but doesnt the others. (problem was the kills/age plaques were not getting updated but once a boot).
poster: Zifnab
subject: snare
date: Thu Sep 6 01:39:45 2001
snare is changed until I talk to dram/sigwald not sure what the intent was with it, next boot/new cloak its 1 per person, and wont trap a person if the setter isnt in the room (it will dest itself)
poster: Zifnab
subject: auction
date: Thu Sep 6 19:57:29 2001
There is a new shop in the city.
Give item to dilim to start an auction. highest bidder
wins, buyer must be present,
if a bid is made the seller need not be present, however if
no bid is made the seller must be present to get the
item back.
I will work on phase 2 making it so you do not have to be prsent.
poster: Zifnab
subject: auctino part II
date: Thu Sep 6 22:06:35 2001
made a new channel 'auction' the auctioner will use it.
poster: Zifnab
subject: auctioner
date: Mon Sep 10 22:39:06 2001
Should handle multiple items now. He will still only sell
one at a time, but you can give him more, and he will
sell them one at a time until he runs out. (If boot
comes first right now the items are lost ).
Minimum increment is 10% of your asking price
poster: Zifnab
subject: shops
date: Tue Sep 11 17:04:56 2001
shops received an upgrade.. (part I) shopkeepers can now tell the difference in conditions of equipment and they will be lsited seperately, as well as 2 new columns to 'list' that includes the condition and max condition. effective next boot
poster: Khosan
subject: downtime
date: Sat Sep 15 01:02:45 2001
the mud will be down the 21st. They are rewiring the network.
poster: Zifnab
subject: guilds in finger info
date: Wed Sep 19 15:47:17 2001
allowed players to view guilds in finger again. if you dont like the spam... 'block guilds'
poster: Darkstaff
subject: who command update
date: Thu Sep 20 09:41:44 2001
New option for who : "open"
type: who asd for more info
Thanks to Trunks for the idea.
poster: Zifnab
subject: familiars
date: Fri Sep 21 15:58:02 2001
fixed familiars. They now target the same target as their owner, meaning they cant kill party leaders, unless the owner is targetting the leader etc.
poster: Zifnab
subject: exp changes
date: Tue Oct 2 17:39:48 2001
Monsters have received a change to their exp formulas. I had
had this in place for awhile, just not being called for
real with monsters. Recent posts and a discussion with Marvin
and Khosan prompted me to revive it (made some changes that
Marvin suggested).
Monsters now get a bonus added to their exp based on how some
factors of how 'hard' they are. Those factors include
spells/skills/resistances/and tracking.
I am sure this is far from perfect and may still need some
adjustments. It has to be better than what we had though.
Just to be clear _NO MONSTERS LOST ANY EXP_ it is purely
a bonus added to their exp.
You may see this popping up now as new monsters load. I
will be booting shortly, there is one more associated change
I want to make.
poster: Zifnab
subject: best kills changes
date: Tue Oct 2 18:13:30 2001
best kills is now based on the amount of exp you received from
the monster or your party received. Not the _raw_ untuned number.
Why, well that number is pointless and not meaningful at all. I
have always thought that your 'best' kills should be your best kills
i.e. the ones you got the most exp for, not some meaningless number.
complaints to /dev/null please.
poster: Zifnab
subject: sea squid
date: Wed Oct 3 17:41:23 2001
was downed. The diea was not to have it not killed. since his level
was dropped the equipment was adjusted accordingly.
poster: Khosan
subject: hardware upgrade
date: Mon Oct 8 23:08:06 2001
installed a new harddisk. We now got 216 GB
poster: Zifnab
subject: pk
date: Mon Oct 15 18:10:55 2001
Pk was removed temporarily maybe permanently.
There are a number of problems that have appeared over the last
few months. Both with players whining to me about damage not
being tuned, and players getting killed when they shouldnt
be, and players getting killed who arent pk etc etc.
There are a number of issues that have popped up that I will not
explain here.
the basic fact that this is not a pk oriented mud, and was not
designed correctly to be so has caused more problems than its
worth IMO. Not to mention the incestant whining by people
It may be that we bring it back for those that wish to register
as an 'at your own risk' type of thing. I am not sure at
the moment.
Or I may fix the problems I know about.
But for now consider pk a closed subject,
ideas/bugs/mails/comments will not be read at
this time.
poster: Marvin
subject: castle plain
date: Wed Oct 17 12:10:47 2001
added a few more roads to the castle plain. Should be sufficient for now. Not totally accessable until boot.
poster: Zifnab
subject: halloween area
date: Sat Oct 20 17:26:34 2001
Opened up the halloween area.
poster: Zifnab
subject: halloween costumes
date: Mon Oct 22 15:34:42 2001
Costumes are available in CS.
A reminder, if you fight with a costume on, you will more than
likely die, as you will be unable to hit back.
I can probably remove this now that pk is gone.
But at the moment avoid combat while wearing a costume.
poster: Warchief
subject: Idea report
date: Fri Nov 2 08:16:25 2001
(Originally in wiz.player.ideas)
Idea reported from /domains/castles/rooms/warchief-3--
Dunno how practical it would actually be, but I think it would be cool if reboot force closed all containers in castles before the actual boot occured
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Idea report
date: Fri Nov 2 13:32:48 2001
On Fri Nov 2 08:16:25 2001 Warchief wrote post #290:
> (Originally in wiz.player.ideas)
> Idea reported from /domains/castles/rooms/warchief-3--
> Dunno how practical it would actually be, but I think it would be cool if
reboot force closed all containers in castles before the actual boot
This already happens, and has for quite some time.
poster: Zifnab
subject: gems
date: Mon Nov 5 15:23:44 2001
Put in some changes to gems that ARkangyle made on the other
port. TO make it easier for players to distinguish gems of multiple
values, and to make it easier for area coders to use them.
This may change some of the values of them, will work on that as
poster: Zifnab
subject: mud
date: Sun Nov 11 19:34:22 2001
The mud is back up and running (obviously as you are
reading this.).
We restored the backup from the morning of the original
problems which was Wednesday IIRC. It was safer to do
this than to risk corrupting more files than we already
knew about.
When the mud came back up, there were a number of files
that were corrupt, so we used the backup.
poster: Khosan
subject: the server
date: Mon Nov 12 00:31:49 2001
The old machine died. It would boot and then freeze hard after a few
minutes. It seems it managed to damage our data files during those freezes
too, which is why we had to take the nosave option and restore the backup.
So I replaced the machine with a new one. The motherboard and CPU are
identical to the old machine so you most likely wont notice any difference.
I had ordered two 80 GB disks as replacement for the disk that died. One of
the new disks turned out to be defect so I had to return it. I expect a
replacement to arrive in the next few days.
The new machine experienced a period of bad lag today, just like the old one
had before it died completely. It turned out to be a different cause
for the
new machine. There was two copies of the mud trying to start on the same
port, and that was eating up all the CPU cycles.
So now I hope we again have a stable server with only the normal amounts of
mudlag :-)
poster: Dram
subject: guilds
date: Tue Nov 13 05:33:54 2001
Just fyi, if you are actually trying to get any ideas some play for
guilds, you HAVE to MAIL THEM to me, i scan news. But from what i
can see from fighter, people seem to want to condense guilds but
they are just making really big guilds and shrinking the guild tree
which essentially has no effect. If you actually want to condense
guilds, you would have to give up some of the precious skills you
all like
poster: Khosan
subject: power
date: Tue Nov 13 15:26:48 2001
I am told someone is going to cut the power to the servers around 16:00 rltime. They expect to be done by 16:30
poster: Zifnab
subject: builder port
date: Wed Nov 14 04:38:44 2001
The builder port is up and running.
Keep in mind it got restored in the same backup as this
poster: Dram
subject: cauldron
date: Wed Nov 14 04:54:54 2001
Minor fix right now, (i hope), some silly coder who originally did
fill cauldron made a booboo when having brewling lore add to the
amount the cauldron fills. Some people might notice they are getting
more potions from their cauldron. Not a major fix..
poster: Dram
subject: cauldron again
date: Wed Nov 14 05:51:18 2001
There is now a message like a minute before your cauldron falls.
poster: Khosan
subject: IP
date: Wed Nov 14 23:29:50 2001
we seem to have a problem with an IP conflict. Someone configured his windows computer with the same IP address as reddragon.clansoft.com. Until this is resolved, I recommend using instead
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Nov 16 18:02:43 2001
added a 'parties' channel. tired of seeing miles of conversation on sales. use sales for its purpose the selling of equipment
poster: Zifnab
subject: builders
date: Sat Nov 17 15:46:18 2001
will post here too.
Any of you builders that have an area that is ready for
review, or currently being reviewed please
go to reddragon.clansoft.com:10003/scgi/area_review.c and
fill out the info for your area. This is an attempt by me
to help keep track of who is waiting for
area reviews.
poster: Zifnab
subject: turkey
date: Tue Nov 20 23:40:36 2001
Thanksgiving Ladyhawk (err turkey) in CS
poster: Khosan
subject: help machine
date: Wed Nov 21 23:55:18 2001
updated help machine :) (and for some reason I need to type more before it will accept my report)
poster: Zifnab
subject: walk
date: Fri Nov 23 04:06:56 2001
added a help file written by wagro about the walk command. (cleaned it up a bit)
poster: Khosan
subject: mine emote
date: Sun Nov 25 00:01:01 2001
removed the 'mine' emote, it conflicted with an exit
poster: Khosan
subject: hacking characters
date: Wed Nov 28 00:24:51 2001
nuked Alek, Korgan for hacking another character and destroying it by reincing. Site ban too. This is the second time this guys does this, and I plainly don't want people like that playing here.
poster: Zifnab
subject: oddworld
date: Wed Nov 28 15:24:08 2001
removed the restriction on oddworld items leaving there.
poster: Zifnab
subject: tick/tock
date: Thu Nov 29 15:27:38 2001
starting after your next quit (for 30 minutes or longer) players will tick/tock in combat
poster: Zifnab
subject: new command
date: Fri Nov 30 16:21:51 2001
Added a new command (new to players). xpwho. this will show
you xp players have earned over the last 2 hours, in
30 minute intervals.
It gets really weird when people reinc and switch bodies
and things so dont report that as a bug please.
poster: Zifnab
subject: christmas area
date: Fri Nov 30 19:46:41 2001
put the christmas area in a bit early
poster: Zifnab
subject: dragon/gems
date: Tue Dec 4 18:56:16 2001
fixed all the gems for dragons. they are back to their old values, or close to it
poster: Zifnab
subject: Schizo
date: Wed Dec 5 19:05:07 2001
Schizo is changed so that at least _1_ of every item you need
will be available at all times (pending resets).
poster: Zifnab
subject: chess area / oddworld
date: Fri Dec 7 17:33:09 2001
installed some changes at Waz's request to his area. Will let
him decide what to tell you about them.
poster: Zifnab
subject: skill masteries
date: Sat Dec 8 23:41:19 2001
I made an internal change to the querying of skill percentages
where it was chekcing for a second alpha mastery.
THe end result should be not noticeable to you, I just stopped it
from checking the existance of the file constantly (10M tiems since boot)
. Let me know if you get a new body (quit for 30 minutes or more
and or logged in after this post after being off for 30 minutes)
if you have any strange results on your spells/skills.
poster: Khosan
subject: downtime
date: Sun Dec 9 22:10:17 2001
installed a huge fan in the server to keep the harddisks cool. Sorry about the long downtime, we had to cut a hole to fit it in
poster: Zifnab
subject: skill changes
date: Sun Dec 9 22:18:54 2001
Removed another call that I didnt see a reason for from
query_casting() anmd query_using() most likely see this
when moving, or trying to stop casting.
Next time you get a new body, the change will be in effect.
Let me know if you see anythign weird.
poster: Zifnab
subject: blackmon
date: Mon Dec 10 16:19:13 2001
Made the clayborn correctly give the money reward to only those
solving it for hte first time.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Dec 10 16:24:52 2001
fixed the iron maiden/wraith problem in the Blackmon area
poster: Khosan
subject: powerloss
date: Tue Dec 11 13:05:15 2001
DTU has announced maintainance on the power circuit thursday morning
poster: Zifnab
subject: passwords
date: Wed Dec 12 03:28:23 2001
Just an FYI. I changed the command we use to change
passwords to only work if you have a valid email
address supplied in finger (does simple simple edits to see
if its valid). The password is then automatically
mailed to that address by the mud.
The admin never knows the password as it is randomly generated.
My point is if you want a password changed for you if you lose it
you need to supply an email address (remember # makes the
address private).
poster: Zifnab
subject: reviewers
date: Thu Dec 13 16:23:23 2001
Looking to get some area reviewers to help mixer and others
with initial area reviews. anyone interested please let me know.
Not sure if I will move the area here, or allow you
access to the builder port. Just looking for help, we have
a logjam of areas waiting.
poster: Zifnab
subject: combat sums
date: Thu Dec 13 19:04:52 2001
removed the reseting of combat sums when you went link dead. There was no reason for it anymore (used to be due to age).
poster: Zifnab
subject: crash recovery
date: Thu Dec 13 21:02:09 2001
removed crash_d.c (was responsible for recovery after crashes). We no longer use it.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new_area
date: Fri Dec 14 22:01:29 2001
In a quiet corner of an isolated island by a tropical sea, there is a place
where even the most 'touched' individuals can go to relax. Visitors are
welcome but should take care while on the grounds, as there are many
odd goings-on. In fact, almost as many as there are tales about the
building itself, or its purpose.
Welcome to the asylum. Please come in and enjoy your stay. Be
forewarned, as some who have come to visit have stayed quite a long time.
Note: This area is party-oriented, and some opponents may be quite
poster: Zifnab
subject: rate shimmering portal
date: Fri Dec 14 22:13:42 2001
added everrest to create shimmering portal
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Sat Dec 15 02:37:49 2001
Several adventurers have reported civilized activity somewhere in
the mountains
of the great island of Everest. They report that the source of the
activity was
up in the mountains, and several elves stopped them from passing. However, the
guards were reported to be quite friendly, but insist that what they are
guarding is off limits to others.
poster: Snoop
subject: fix
date: Mon Dec 17 02:09:03 2001
Fixed some monsters in the beholder area. They tried to do
electrical damage, and that's not a valid damage type.
poster: Khosan
subject: aves
date: Tue Dec 18 02:21:13 2001
changed players and aves to the same timezone as rltime. It will probably screw the stats for today
poster: Snoop
subject: rock
date: Tue Dec 18 11:23:15 2001
Fixed a bug in my troll area, reported by grasfer.
poster: Zifnab
subject: shout/emoteto
date: Tue Dec 18 17:39:36 2001
no longer work in rooms marked as silent.
poster: Snoop
subject: mm
date: Tue Dec 18 20:27:16 2001
The mirror image on hyboria celebrated an early xmas this year. He
went home and got some gifts from his beloved family. I don't think
he'd be willing to share those gifts with you tho, but if you kill
him, well, then he doesn't really have much choice. On a side note,
the walk to his parents was long and hard...and he gained some
strength from it.
poster: Snoop
subject: Nothing
date: Thu Dec 20 17:10:23 2001
Xetrov noticed that the MI got presents and so got jealous. Since
Xetty spends all (or most) of his time in the vortex, all alone, he
doesn't have any friends, but somehow he managed to get some new
things anyway, i won't tell you how, since i promised xetty not to.
Oh, and also, he might have gotten stronger
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Fri Dec 21 15:29:57 2001
Well, it's finally happened, my first area has come out of the closet. I hope
someone enjoys it, at least I myself had fun doing it.
I want to thank everyone involved with it in 10k and especially Mixer and
Zifnab. Perceptive adventurers can maybe even spot a few guest coding
appearances in the area, mostly by Snoop the Magnificent, so if anything bugs
in the area or sucks, mail him.
And for obligatory 'story' part:
"After many years of restricted work a gloomy fort complex has been extrated
from a mountain in the darkcaverns."
p.s Don't hurt yourselves.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Santa
date: Tue Dec 25 14:25:07 2001
Changed my mind. Its after christmas, he is gone now.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Dec 26 21:51:18 2001
reset the plaque to the 14 day idle out from the year it was changed to. To keep playerson it for a year we need to rewrite it. it was written witht he intention of not getting that big
poster: Krellen
subject: Trunks2 emote
date: Thu Dec 27 00:59:11 2001
Blame Thrain.
poster: Waz
subject: asylum
date: Thu Dec 27 05:11:47 2001
(Originally in general)
For those equipment hunters out there:
Made a slight modification to a particular location in the asylum.
It should be significantly easier to cast spells when dealing with this
Blame me, just a simple job of coding intent gone awry ;)
poster: Zifnab
subject: Darkstaff
date: Thu Dec 27 15:22:19 2001
At his request and our agreement Darkstaff has been
de-wizzed (implies no longer an admin as well).
He has been given exp and task points. I dont think I need to
explain why on that one.
Those of you that completed the quest, I will be checking logs
and other things to find if you still have that equipment and
task points, its best to just be honest about it now, or
face a possible incorrect decision on my part later.
At a point agreed upon by us, Darkstaff will be given the option
to re-admin if he so chooses.
poster: Mixer
subject: Beholders
date: Wed Jan 2 04:22:22 2002
Effective immediately, Beholders now have entry hits.
poster: Mixer
subject: Ash's Sword
date: Wed Jan 2 04:45:09 2002
tuned Ash's sword to fix eqstat guidelines or the monster
poster: Zifnab
subject: plaque changes
date: Wed Jan 2 17:16:19 2002
I made a change to the plaque. (will update the help file
shortly). The plaque will no longer remove any existing
players. It will truelly be a top players plaque.
with that being said something had to give. so at each boot it
will quietly trim itself down to 300 players (the top 300).
This is the way the plaque used to work a while ago, though
it also got rid of people after X days.
During a boot it will grow as normal, being trimmed down to 300
at boot.
poster: Mixer
subject: Asylum
date: Thu Jan 3 02:46:15 2002
tuned various monsters in Asylum area, mostly up.
poster: Mixer
subject: Sidhe area
date: Thu Jan 3 04:00:41 2002
added adjectives to Sidhes to remove multiple monsters in the same room
poster: Mixer
subject: Celtica area
date: Thu Jan 3 05:16:43 2002
tweaked monster numbers in Uncles Celtica Connacht rooms. Decreased overall monster numbers but added more randomness and increased some rooms slightly.
poster: Snoop
subject: woo/wii
date: Thu Jan 3 22:10:39 2002
Updated woos mask and wiis sword to fit the eqstat rules. (Read
downtune) Feel free to throw stuff at me if that makes you feel
poster: Zifnab
subject: guildinfo
date: Fri Jan 4 19:33:45 2002
changed guildinfo to not show '0' anymore for mastery spells.
poster: Zifnab
subject: spells/skills
date: Thu Jan 10 19:21:05 2002
Madea rather significant change to some of the code that
monsters do when trying to decide if they can cast
a spell or not. This is in way affects how often they cast
or what they cast, just some extra calls that were not
needed being done every round etc.
Again should be no noticeable change to you, just removed extra
calls that were not needed.
poster: Zifnab
subject: gold loss
date: Sat Jan 19 17:41:29 2002
put a time limit on gold loss event. was running too much
poster: Snoop
subject: miroro iamge
date: Sun Jan 20 05:14:14 2002
fixed a bug in mirror image :)
poster: Zifnab
subject: Gwaul/temple
date: Sun Jan 20 23:58:26 2002
took 2 the 2 altars out of hte game itself. the only way to reach Gwaul's altars is now from the reinc room
poster: Zifnab
subject: physical resist cahnge
date: Thu Jan 24 21:01:20 2002
I am doing a little experiment over the next week or so...
Physical resistance on monsters is now in range with the other
resistances for a monster, and is not artifially raised just
to stop physical damage from being done (fully effective next boot).
If things go nuts, we may reduce the amount of physical damage you
can do, or may adjust the resistance up again.
Just an FYI so you know whats going on.
poster: Zifnab
subject: wiscnet.net
date: Wed Jan 30 19:02:57 2002
All of wiscnet.net has been banned. And forced to email register
including all existing characters. I am tired of being
harrassed by new players all claiming to be character X.
We will now know who you are, if you know anyone from there
they have to send mail from a real isp (not hotmail/yahoo etc)
to be allowed to play again.
poster: Marvin
subject: Eq Decay
date: Thu Jan 31 18:52:43 2002
A change has been made to eq damage.
A smith has been put into the game who can raise the maximum
condition of your equipment.
This is not cheap, and will require more than just cash.
Equipment damage rates have increased.
Fully effective after boot.
Have a nice day.
poster: Zifnab
subject: potions
date: Fri Feb 1 17:30:50 2002
I took 150 lines of pointless code out of potions.
Please let me know if you see any problems, as I also
reworked the targetting/hitting of monsters and throw
backs a bit.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new plaques
date: Fri Feb 1 20:59:18 2002
Written by snoop...
Each guild that has a 'guild item' now has a plaque that shows
in order the people with the most 'mastery points' in that guild.
No you will not see the numbers, they are meaningless to you.
poster: Zifnab
subject: potions
date: Sat Feb 2 06:15:26 2002
reworked the hitting ofplayers on throwbacks a bit.
FYI the number they throw back has not been changed (that was not
touched originally).
There was a damage reduction on players that I cut out, and forgot
to put back in, that is back in place, although the change I made
this afternoon should of had the same affect.
Let me know (other than Jaws, I don't need the crap).
poster: Marvin
subject: eq decay
date: Mon Feb 4 08:07:18 2002
eq decay slowed down, after boot or whatnot
poster: Zifnab
subject: potions
date: Mon Feb 4 16:47:04 2002
Couple of bug fixes..
1) Potions will hit you if you stay in the room after throwing them.
2) The monster will throw them back at you as well if you stay
in the room.
poster: Zifnab
subject: schizo
date: Mon Feb 4 19:46:22 2002
fixed the problem of schizo duplicating the first random item he gave
poster: Zifnab
subject: summary change
date: Mon Feb 4 22:07:05 2002
Summary will now show gold earned. This will be a running total
including both money earned, and money spent, so negative
amounts are possible.
If this causes any problems I will remove it.
Meaning the negatives get messy etc.
poster: Marvin
subject: walk
date: Tue Feb 5 18:51:21 2002
modded walk so you can do multiples of non-movement commands. ie: walk 10sell_a_sword
poster: Zifnab
subject: >walk
date: Tue Feb 5 19:00:14 2002
On Tue Feb 5 18:51:21 2002 Marvin wrote post #363:
> modded walk so you can do multiples of non-movement commands. ie: walk
As a follow up to this. the syntax of using X command will be
going away shortly. I will attempt to switch it into the walk
form of the command, but no promises will be made.'
If you have macros/aliases that do the X command syntax, I suggest
you start looking at them now.
poster: Zifnab
subject: FYI
date: Tue Feb 5 22:10:08 2002
I have made a few driver changes to try and help with some of
this lag. Our average number of plaeyrs has really
climbed in the last few months. (102 right now). And we still carry
a lot of the settings for a 'small' mud from the default config file.
Anyway just an fyi for next boot.
poster: Khosan
subject: new driver
date: Wed Feb 6 01:39:31 2002
compiled zifs driver with the intel C compiler. It is supposed to optimize much better than gnu C
poster: Zifnab
subject: pfg
date: Wed Feb 6 16:42:48 2002
just an FYI made a change to pfg. The object it created was hanging around in memory instead of getting dested. no other changes made.
poster: Zifnab
subject: defeat zatea
date: Wed Feb 6 20:44:02 2002
Defeat Zatea has been removed as a quest. It is broken, and has been broken for a long time.
poster: Zifnab
subject: praise
date: Thu Feb 7 04:34:31 2002
deleted about 300 posts in praise. use the groups for there
purpose. You wish to have a drug discussion create a channel
and do it where noone else has to listen to it.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new_shell
date: Thu Feb 7 05:46:19 2002
I installed a new shell that does command queueing identical
to the walk command. It is in place right now, and I will
hang around for awhile to see if there are any
poster: Zifnab
subject: guild leaders
date: Thu Feb 7 19:47:31 2002
Guild leaders are now tracked.
Next boot upon logging in your guild item will check
to see if you are hte leader of that guild. no benefits
yet, but an inform message.
There may be some overlap as a new person takes the lead,
but its of minimal importance.
poster: Zifnab
subject: guild leaders
date: Thu Feb 7 21:58:14 2002
I just undid the guild leader change. Had a problem
I do not hav etime to fix right now.
poster: Zifnab
subject: lag
date: Thu Feb 7 22:23:15 2002
just an FYI....
The shell changes I made last night (based on Khosan's suggestions)
seem to be a huge success.
The lag is almost non-existant (other than a few spikes every 10 or
so minutes.
). We will continue to try and find the cause of that one.
Anyway just an FYI that things look good with over 80 players on now.
poster: Zifnab
subject: exp plaque
date: Thu Feb 7 22:43:47 2002
slowed the plaque update down just to see if helps any
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Sat Feb 9 18:42:20 2002
added guild leadre titles for master guild leaders to channels.
poster: Zifnab
subject: guild leader
date: Sat Feb 9 21:14:11 2002
EAch guild leader (based on mastery points) now has a title
that will appear when they speak on channels. (not party).
There is nothing for you to do to lead a race. Every time
your guild item is created it checks to see if you are the
leader, or if you are no longer the leader. If you are
no longer in the guild anymore, you are not eligible to be
the leader.
Think I ahve all the kins worked out of it, but if not please
use bug and report it.
poster: Zifnab
subject: shell
date: Tue Feb 12 17:57:01 2002
Made a slight modification to the shell. Next time you
reconnect you will pick up the changes. Basically what I am
doing if the shell decides to queue your commands, instead of
queueing 10 n (if thats what you typed), it will will queue 10
commands of n.
Just want to see if this has any affect.
poster: Zifnab
subject: spells/skills
date: Tue Feb 12 19:10:14 2002
changes spells/skills to use score_border as there color of choice. (all parties already does this as well).
poster: Zifnab
subject: squid/strongman/quirk
date: Wed Feb 13 16:11:26 2002
Made them easier.
poster: Zifnab
subject: timeline
date: Wed Feb 13 21:17:04 2002
Some of you have been around the mud for a very long time.
I am trying to put together a rough time line of the mud, but
I have huge gaps in the times, and to be honest cant recall
when some major people started here (admin etc).
If any of you know any important dates in the muds life, please
feel free to mail them to me, not looking for exact
dates, things like summer 98, winter 99 are good enough.
poster: Zifnab
subject: >timeline
date: Wed Feb 13 22:03:42 2002
If you are interested in seeing what I have thrown
together http://reddragon.clansoft.com/~zifnab/RD/about_RD.html
poster: Marvin
subject: Blame me
date: Wed Feb 13 23:04:44 2002
Gold/Gem value has been down. Now I am adding a bunch of additional text so this silly report logger will accept my report.
poster: Zifnab
subject: timeline
date: Thu Feb 14 21:51:10 2002
added stuff sent to me by kasma, lu, javier and zax (most of 1997
through late 1999) is from zax.
If anyone has more feel free to mail me.
poster: Khosan
subject: next week
date: Sat Feb 16 18:10:36 2002
As you know, the mud is hosted by a student radio located at the technical
university of denmark (DTU). More precisly we are physically located in the
S-huset (The students house). This S-hus is currently undergoing
construction work regarding an expansion with a new building besides the
current one. The new building is going to be connected to the old one by
gateway which runs just by the radio office.
To build this gateway they need to tear down a wall and apparently do some
major changes in the electrical installations. It has been announced that
from monday and the following week there will be no power in the building,
and the internet connection will also be unavailable.
The mud is now being powered by emergency diesel generators so the power
outage has been taken care of. But it is uncertian for how long we will be
without any network connectivity, possible the whole week.
poster: Nyx
subject: Area
date: Mon Feb 18 19:17:21 2002
I may end up regretting this, but I am working on an area. A fairly
large one. If you have any suggestions on things you would like to
see the the game (please stay within rules, dont ask for stupid
things or things you know you cannot have) eaither send me a tell or
mud mail me with any thoughts or suggestions (you can even say
things you dont want to see more of.) And also, please dont tell me
exacts, (IE. send me an entire area/room/monster/etc decription.
Vague is fine, but exacts I will disreguard.)
poster: Nyx
subject: Follow up
date: Tue Feb 19 02:12:46 2002
Okay, to clarify, i am making an area. Which means I have an area
idea. Don't submit your area ideas to me. If you want to see a
specific area, apply to be a builder and make it. My post was asking
what kinds of THINGS you want to see in an area. Things you would
like in the game. Please stop submitting detailed ideas of area's to
me. I am sorry if I was not clear the first time.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Feb 20 20:44:19 2002
made party allow party say and party status. Its hard coded into the command, and needs to be changed before I allow more things.
poster: Marvin
subject: Grimtooth
date: Wed Feb 20 22:28:49 2002
Grimtooth _finally_ figured out the combo to his Grandaddy's safe
(it was 1 2 3)
He has been seen at the guard training school strutting around with
his new eq,
showing it off to his friends.
BTW, 10000 bozo points to anyone who knows his grandaddy's name...
poster: Samael
subject: Zat'ea quest
date: Thu Feb 21 19:24:20 2002
Back online.
Found a bug? Mail me.
poster: Zifnab
subject: guild leaders
date: Thu Feb 21 20:57:42 2002
Are up and functioning. (no channel names). Not sure if
they will go back in or not.
Guild leaders will update automatically once a boot (or every time
the daemon is loaded).
Command to see them 'leaders guilds'
(snoop also did a leader guild foo command, I have not put that one in yet.
poster: Samael
subject: Za'tea
date: Fri Feb 22 19:09:54 2002
The big guys got a bit bigger, they're currently studying
to become smarter too.
Even more importantly, the (literally) pile got fixed again.
For good this time, I hope.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Feb 22 22:26:43 2002
put a 1 hour time limt on egg hunt
poster: Zifnab
subject: files
date: Sat Feb 23 18:00:35 2002
With the powerloss this morning, we had a few files get corrupted
of iportance to you was the abjurer, woodsman, and healer guild
items. I restored them all to the last backup. Yes you possibly
lost some mastery points, rank etc. That will not be reimbursed,
everyone is in the same boat.
Btw when I say them all, I restored all the guild items, not
just those 3 that had specific problems.
poster: Zifnab
subject: equipment
date: Sat Feb 23 18:25:11 2002
Anyone lost equipment in this mornings power loss mail me.
I will restore your player file from this mornings backup, so
whatever you gain after logging in will be lost.
I remind those of you wishing to try and get free equipment
what happened to rasp and max.
poster: Zifnab
subject: player purge
date: Sun Feb 24 06:10:27 2002
Going to do a player purge in a few minutes.
Havent logged in in 90 days.
and (level < 10 and worth < 300000)
or worth < 2001
poster: Zifnab
subject: purge
date: Sun Feb 24 06:34:11 2002
Purge is complete....
Total players: 8202 Purged players 3787
If anyone logs in and complains about being missing, direct
them to mail me. I have a log of all purged players, as well
as a copy of all purged players that I will keep around for
a few weeks.
poster: Marvin
subject: Newbies this time, are you next?
date: Mon Feb 25 22:20:27 2002
Wp and Fegler are no longer players on Red Dragon (multiple and
obvious violations of 'help secondaries')
Have a day.
poster: Zifnab
subject: school project
date: Mon Feb 25 23:38:51 2002
My daughter has a school project she is doing.
If anyone is in the states of Nebraska, Rhode Island, Louisiana
New Hampshire, Tennesee, New Jersey or Vermont send me a mail
if you are interested in helping out, doesnt take much just
a post card sent in the mail.
poster: Zifnab
subject: previous post
date: Wed Feb 27 19:12:20 2002
This area is one of the most complex we have code wise.
And has a lot of cool features. If you are going to whine about
potential bugs stay out of the area for a few days. Erec and I went
over it pretty thoroughly, but its not your standard area.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Wed Feb 27 19:13:29 2002
The mad biomancer Chilperic is known to be somewhat of a
show-off .
On a comfortable, secluded hill near the Foreverrest River, he
has set up a small zoo to display his inventions, and he would
like nothing better than young, inquisitive bodies... er,
adventurers to which to show them. Just remember, don't feed
the animals. Or the plants. Or, for that matter, anything
else you might find there.
Enjoy your day at the zoo!
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Thu Feb 28 20:51:15 2002
Far out on the northern end of the great island of Blackavar, lying on
the side of Red Dragon's largest volcano, is a small unregarded green
valley, which was, until recently, uninhabited.
Deep inside the volcano, the gnomes of Mt. Nevermind have closed
their doors (well, the entrances were a secret anyways), allowing none
to enter and none to leave.
They have cried out for the adventurers of Red Dragon to rid them
of the infestation currently plaguing the valley. An infestation
of... lemmings.
poster: Zifnab
subject: re: post in general
date: Fri Mar 1 15:02:01 2002
Want to clear a few things up..
The 3 of the 5 current admin (Khosan, Marvin and myself)
have no intention of changing hosts. Nor had it ever been
discussed prior to that post appearing in general.
Back to your regularly scheduled mudding.
poster: Khosan
subject: Status of the mud dispute
date: Sat Mar 2 14:14:32 2002
As most of you have noticed, there is currently some dispute between the
founder of the mud, Darkstaff, and the rest of the admin team. We have
decided to tell you the full story and give out a warning.
On 27. December Darkstaff logs on the mud to celebrate his birthday. He does
so by creating a large party with players and the proceed to kill Tiamat.
The players in the party are rewarded with task points for completing the
quest, exp for the kill and of course they get to loot all the equipment.
Lots of players found this very unfair, and when I later on the day logs in
I find myself in a position where I am supposed to defend his actions. I
find that I can not and will not, since this is highly unacceptable behavior
by any other wizard or admin. And it did not help my mood that it was not
the first time this happened.
I wrote a resignation letter to Darkstaff, and told him if this was the way
he was going to run the mud, he could do so on a different machine than
After Zifnab had talked to Darkstaff, he proposed a deal in which Darkstaff
agreed to play as mortal for a time. In return I would not resign and let
the mud stay. Darkstaff would be allowed to rewiz and become admin again
when he reaches level 50. He is given 20M exp to start out with.
However Darkstaff soon figures it is easier to get level 50 if you don't
gain any guild levels. He asks well meaning players to drag him, and since
he is the former god, they do so even if he has no guilds and no skills. You
actually only need slightly more than 19M exp to become level 50 this way,
but he started out by dying a few times and lost some worth.
Last week he asks for rewiz, since he thinks he has been "punished" enough
by being mortal for two months. We disagree.
The mortal period was not supposed to be about punishment. It was a change
for him to prove that he truly wanted to learn what the mud is about
today. And all he has proved is that he wants to get over with it and he
didn't even take the change to learn about the guilds or how you really play
(being dragged without guilds is hardly playing).
If you are wondering why it is necessary for Darkstaff to learn about the
mud, it is because we feel he has spend too little time here the last few
years to know what it is about now. One of the major problems we had is when
Darkstaff once in a while logs in and makes random changes which does the
opposite of what admin team has been doing. He then disappears and leaves
the mess to us.
It was also agreed that Darkstaff would not do any changes without talking
it over with the admin team. This is no more than what the rest of the admin
team does, whenever you want to make some significant change, you talk it
over with at least one other admin first.
It is therefore a great surprise when we read in news that the mud is
moving. And for reasons which are totally void.
We believe it is not about the current site at all, but about control of the
mud. So it is decided that the admin team announces that we have no
intention of moving site.
As you can see it has gone pretty far out at this point, and the reaction
was this mail:
On Sat Mar 2 00:34:00 2002 Darkstaff wrote:
> zifnab
> if I want to move the mud to denver, i should be able to.
> I founded this place. its my mud.
> you have done a great job at running the place, but i would like my mud
> thank you.
> Darkstaff
A majority of the admins have stated if Darkstaff takes control of the mud
again, they will leave. We do not believe Darkstaff is able to run the mud
on his own, and if this is to pass it will effectively kill the mud.
We do not share the view that Red Dragon is his mud. While it is true that
he founded it, there are many contributers that have made far more code here
than Darkstaff. He gave up this mud years ago when he decided not to spend
any time here. The mud has since evolved into something which is far from
what Darkstaff had envisioned. Most of us gave code and time to the mud on
the terms it was no single mans mud, but a group effort. The admins and the
wizards own this place together.
The mud is NOT going to be handed over to Darkstaff. But things can still
get ugly. The only thing Darkstaff directly controls is the domain name
Be warned that he might change the domain. To be sure, write down the IP
( or use one of the alternative domains as
Should we lose the domain or come in other trouble, information will be
posted in the egroups list 'reddragonmud' on this URL:
The Red Dragon admin team.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Mon Mar 4 01:47:22 2002
Legend has it that somewhere on Everrest
is an enchanted forest filled with enchanting
creatures. If you're good and kind and pure,
you just might be lucky enough to find the
purest and most incredible creature of them
all - the unicorn.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Wed Mar 6 17:24:38 2002
Long ago deep in the lost annuls of history two great nations of creatures
rose to power in the deep forests and mounts of Everrest. Rich kingdoms these
were, populated by fair and wise, elf and dwarf. A great peace was known
throughout their lands and trade was made. But after many years a darkness of
greed and envy grew within like poison. This in turn led to a great war which
lasted for many years.
During the war both sides called upon help from many sources outside this
world. War raged through the elven forest cities and deep in the dwarven mines
untill at last the elves gained the upper hand. The dwarves were besotten with
grief and vowed they would strike back and destroy the elves for all time. And
so a few dwarves laboured hard within their holes and crafted a great menace
which when released would destroy the elves for all time. But thier plans
backfired and destroyed both thier lands. Turning all into a waste around the
elven golden city of Baalgor.
Time had forgotten this event so long ago made. But for a sage following a
string of clues written in ancient texts the path was made clear.
Together with
his knight and adventurers he sallied forth and found the entrance to these
lost kingdoms. He was never heard from again. But before he died he
Issued this
proclamation: "I go seeking great treasures and knowlege of the old kingdoms.
In the Wastes of Baalgor, deep in the uncharted forests of Everrest."
poster: Zifnab
subject: 3 guilds moved
date: Wed Mar 6 17:25:02 2002
disruptor, master abjurer and guardians now have homes.
poster: Zifnab
subject: plaque and race lead
date: Wed Mar 6 19:29:52 2002
Changed the plaque to only show the top 300, was entirely too
spammy moving those bottom 100 people around all the time.
Updated help plaque accordingly. Also changed the message
for race lead when you arent on the plaque to be more informative.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Mar 7 01:02:51 2002
distant sell no longer will dest anything
poster: Zifnab
subject: comamnds
date: Thu Mar 7 22:08:42 2002
Put a check in for all commands that take over X time.
trying to find our 15 minute lag spike.
poster: Marvin
subject: decay
date: Fri Mar 8 02:57:18 2002
reduced the chance of eq breaking
poster: Zifnab
subject: nukings
date: Sun Mar 10 01:16:54 2002
nuked aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ll,gahn,grocc,abcdel,achance,give, hmm think that was it
poster: Khosan
subject: downtime wednsday
date: Mon Mar 11 17:18:48 2002
the university has warned that there will be a powercut wednsday from 0700 to 1000. The mud will probably be down in this period
poster: Zifnab
subject: driver change
date: Tue Mar 12 04:35:53 2002
Made a change in the driver. We found what we believe to
be the source of our every 15 minute lag spike. Unfortunately
its a driver 'feature'. Khosan, Marvin and I discussed today what
to do about it, and at Khosans suggestion we are going to disable
it completely. This will have the affect to cost us a bit more memory
but should remove that lag spike.
Anyway we will need to watch it closely over the next couple of
boots. Please report any strange (more strange than usual) happenings.
poster: Khosan
subject: pk summary
date: Tue Mar 12 15:48:45 2002
updated summary so it no longer shows the useless pk lines. Effective after reboot or if you have been away for longer than 30 mins after this was written
poster: Zifnab
subject: command processing change
date: Wed Mar 13 06:23:29 2002
Should be transparent to you, however as an FYI.
Put a check into our command handling to avoid some of the
'too long eval' errors you get when you try and put long statements
on channels.
If there is a problem, it will appear in exits that are
not the cardinal directions.
poster: Zifnab
subject: recent driver change
date: Thu Mar 14 03:38:14 2002
Just an FYI on the recent driver change. No bad results
of any kind have been reported. Our memory usage did not sky
rocket (still a few hours until reboot, but I think its safe to
say that). In fact I am not sure it even went up at all.
Mudlag looks pretty good now compared to a few months ago.
The last few lag spots are almost certainly poorly
written code in the mudlib itself and can be addressed (we have
a few suspicions of where it is at).
The 2 major fixes that removed almost all the lag were both
driver related and not really a function of our code, but a flaw (IMO)
of the driver.
poster: Zifnab
subject: guild items
date: Thu Mar 14 14:33:12 2002
same deal as last time with guild items.
khosan and I have a solution to this (that will save all files
from being corrupted inj theory).
Yes you lost 1 days worth of info in your guild item. have to live
with it.
poster: Zifnab
subject: lost eq
date: Thu Mar 14 14:37:22 2002
If you lost equipment mail ladyhawk and myself, logs will be
checked etc. And do not be impatient, potentially a lot of people
were affected.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new command
date: Thu Mar 14 20:15:19 2002
Added a new command, help will follow shortly, but its pretty simple.
do command1 ; command2 ; command 3;.....
This command is similiar in what it does to walk, but it uses the real mud
commands and is seperated by a ; instead of spaces.
for example...
walk 2n 3s enter_portal
would be..
do 2 n; 3 s; enter portal
which is the muds normal syntax for commands.
Why did I make this change...
No not to annoy you, mostly because walk and your shell both had differant
ways of 'queuing' commands if your command was taking too long. Rather
than maintain that twice, we choose to do it once and due to the
fact that they
were both queuing commands independantly of each other, it was possible to
get things really out of synch.
While trying to find a way to tie walk nicely into the shell, it
become obvious
to me that it would be a lot easeir to make a new command that uses the muds
own commands to do things this both removes some extra processing
walk did and also makes it easier to use the command itself (no new
syntax to learn).
That being said, I am currently planning to remove walk 2 weeks from today.
This means that you will over the next 2 weeks need to remove all commands/
aliases/whatever that use walk and convert them to use 'do'.
As a side effect of this, the capital letter directions will no
longer work. (they are
aliased to walk X). I can and am willing to compromise and change
those to do
20 e etc. The major diferrence being that they will not stop when
crossing a terrain.
poster: Marvin
subject: earth area
date: Mon Mar 18 03:39:05 2002
Closed the green rift until I can figure out what is up with Lloth
poster: Zifnab
subject: mud status
date: Wed Mar 20 15:32:16 2002
I have the mud up and running in my directory. There are
no assurances the problems are resolved.
We have restored the data backup from 3/19.
You are playing at your own risk. When the issues are resolved
we may or may not restore this same backup so anything you do
may or may not be saved.
Thanks for your patience.
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: arena!
date: Wed Mar 20 19:56:32 2002
First of all, i'd like to say Hello.
Btw: I coded a new event! And it's in game!
And to quote the words of Zifnab: "thsi is actuallyl a pretty good event"
And it's an arena event.
PS. i haven't gotten any levels for it
poster: Zifnab
subject: >arena!
date: Wed Mar 20 19:59:53 2002
On Wed Mar 20 19:56:32 2002 Ixtlilton wrote post #423:
> First of all, i'd like to say Hello.
> Btw: I coded a new event! And it's in game!
> And to quote the words of Zifnab: "thsi is actuallyl a pretty good event"
> And it's an arena event.
> */Ixtlilton
> PS. i haven't gotten any levels for it
as an addition there is now a viewing room for the fights in
poster: Zifnab
subject: plaque
date: Thu Mar 21 21:41:01 2002
fixed the plaque to only add peopel to it that are over the 300th position. it was happily conintuing to add to the list even though it only showed the top 300. (we had 601 on it just now).
poster: Daneel
subject: Lodestones
date: Thu Mar 21 22:51:45 2002
A minor change, but...
There are too many objects in real areas that ID to "stone", and
lodestones were interfering with all of them. So I took out
the "stone" id for lodestones, rather than changing all the
poster: Khosan
subject: passwords
date: Fri Mar 22 00:10:24 2002
I just had to reject yet another person that forgot his password or had
his account hacked. If you didn't register an email address, we won't
change your password no matter what you say, or how many friends you
say will tell us that you are the right guy etc.
By not having an email you take this risk. If you ever forget your password
or your character is hacked, it will be lost forever.
Remember, you can write # in front of the mail if you don't want other
players to be able to see it. Then it will only be for the admins.
poster: Sigwald
subject: >timeline
date: Fri Mar 22 14:10:45 2002
On Wed Feb 13 21:17:04 2002 Zifnab wrote post #380:
> Some of you have been around the mud for a very long time.
> I am trying to put together a rough time line of the mud, but
> I have huge gaps in the times, and to be honest cant recall
> when some major people started here (admin etc).
> If any of you know any important dates in the muds life, please
> feel free to mail them to me, not looking for exact
> dates, things like summer 98, winter 99 are good enough.
You forgot the most important date of all, Summer 96 when I was on
top of the exp list (granted it didnt last long, but it happened!
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Fri Mar 22 16:15:45 2002
Thief tunnels will only be accessible to level 10+ rogues.
poster: Marvin
subject: earth area
date: Mon Mar 25 04:28:40 2002
Green rift back open, Abyss portal closed. I'll get to fixing Lloth eventually.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Mar 25 12:36:23 2002
Made lava object creation slightly different, should also produce slightly better items.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Mar 25 12:51:47 2002
Made abjuration spells and skills not work on ghosts (hopefully does not foobar existing spells and will prevent things like remote bard songs).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Level cost formula change
date: Mon Mar 25 18:00:08 2002
Following post 517 in general made by Baer, I've slightly modified
the exp formula for level cost in order to smooth the "bumps" that
Baer reported at level 100 and 105. The formula should be free of
those big bumps now, the exp needed to reach a particular level
should be roughly unchanged (of course it is not entirely identical,
but extremely close according to simulations I've ran).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Martial artist minor change
date: Mon Mar 25 18:42:56 2002
I've altered slightly some formulas to try to shift slightly
power a bit more towards midbie. Power level of highbies should be
left unchanged and midbies should get a slight increase
in tiger claw and number of attacks per round.
Depending on feedback I may alter a bit damage formulas as well.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Firsts of legend
date: Mon Mar 25 18:53:14 2002
Got a big up in non physical damage type since the restriction
does no longer make much sense with reduced physical resistances.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Mar 26 09:16:13 2002
Modified help on Egg Hunt to indicate the eggs command.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Mar 26 11:32:41 2002
Guild plaque now shows your relative position to the leader.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Mar 26 12:17:24 2002
Myslots command will now display weapons as well.
poster: Zifnab
subject: login
date: Tue Mar 26 16:00:25 2002
Switched a few things around. Removed a lot of old useless code.
moved the cloning of equipment up in the process a bit (happens
sooner than it used to.).
Also found the cause of one of the bugs we had been having with
logging in during events such as blob etc.
Please let me know of any problems you see (biggest thing would
be lost equipment). That is what I am trying to guard against
The 2 biggest reasons for lost of equipment are..
1) The guild items not loading correctly (your equipment now
is cloned prior to them)
2) The room you were being moved to not loading, that now
should be fixed as well.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Mar 26 16:19:44 2002
People with both race and guild lead will have -{dragon}- as brackets.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Mar 26 16:39:19 2002
Blocker to evil priest guild will let guild members through (there was a typo in the code...)
poster: Marvin
subject: grimtooth
date: Tue Mar 26 16:41:37 2002
Because of recent attempts on his life and theft of his valuable
equipment (not to mention soaring insurance premiums), Grimtooth has
hired some new help around his guard training gym.
'Hired' might not be the correct term, since they work for raw meat.
Brought to you by the Marvin Foundation for Your Adventuring Pleasure.
poster: Zifnab
subject: freeze
date: Tue Mar 26 17:09:53 2002
fixed freeze to not allow 0 length freezes.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Tune of the day
date: Tue Mar 26 17:32:17 2002
Big monsters now may riposte from time to time.
poster: Zifnab
subject: cough
date: Tue Mar 26 18:52:34 2002
I would suggest that you are playing at your own risk right now.
Khosan started the mud, but this is _NOT_ the new hardware
so im sure we will be shutdown a couple of more times today.
poster: Zifnab
subject: 2 changes right before reboot
date: Tue Mar 26 19:47:48 2002
There were 2 changes made right before reboot.
1) Your equipment will only take damage while you are in combat.
2) If you are in a party and in the room you will join combat.
poster: Marvin
subject: decay
date: Tue Mar 26 20:49:28 2002
Decay rate adjusted to match decaying only in combat.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Mar 27 09:24:38 2002
Tweaked dwarf race slightly. Count it as the tune of the day.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Psychics joining requirements
date: Wed Mar 27 10:46:15 2002
Changed requirements on joining bravo guilds for psychics some.
Psionists need 2 gamma (any), other bravo need a particular gamma
plus one of two others.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Player vs player damage
date: Wed Mar 27 11:18:51 2002
I altered this (it's somehow divided by 4) but this has messed
a few things like arena and some spells/skills where a player
can damage either another or himself.
Will put the division back.
Damage from body of nether falling has been increased because
I forgot about that division when I coded that spell.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Player vs player damage (part 2)
date: Wed Mar 27 11:22:43 2002
Expect that a number of spells will be tuned, those that had
drawbacks like fails can hit you. I didnt take this division
into account and therefore the backlash are going to be upped
poster: Sigwald
subject: Spell changes
date: Wed Mar 27 12:33:40 2002
I've upped drastically backlash effects of a number of spells,
especially from the psychics tree that seem to have the most
of these (don't fail spells if you're a psychics...) due to
the backlash damage being divided by player vs player damage
Other spells are affected, basically all spells that can
have backlash effect (unholy sacrifice, call for storm...).
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Mar 27 14:08:57 2002
If you are link dead, body of nether falling will not go boom and do damage if it falls. If people try to abuse this feature, I'll make sure to find a fitting punishment.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Mar 27 14:53:32 2002
added help tps since help taskpoints was not obvious enough.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Guild leader new option
date: Wed Mar 27 17:07:24 2002
You can use a new option with guild leaders, credit.
That will deposit gold and raise your credit for spells/skills
(works the same as the one you get after reinc).
Report bugs if anything weird happens.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Mar 27 17:31:16 2002
Fixed a problem in Holy staff, should remove the error it produces when special try to hit a monster that just died.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Wed Mar 27 19:08:14 2002
Made a small change to students in mage school, they'll cast less often but they've progressed in their studies and are now more capable in casting (be wary, that may prove lethal)
poster: Daneel
subject: Pesach goody
date: Thu Mar 28 02:50:36 2002
I got tired of only having Christian holiday goodies on the mud,
and made one for passover. If you find it, have fun.
Please note, I'm pretty sure this thing is too simple to break
horribly, but if it works for you more than once, let me know,
and stop using it (just a quick warning since I'm so new at this,
and prone to screw things up a little :-)
Good Yom Tov,
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Mar 28 10:33:11 2002
Added a new spell to reflectors guild to allow removing a reflection spell.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Mar 28 10:37:53 2002
removed plant as id for healing poultices.
poster: Khosan
subject: 10k is open again
date: Fri Mar 29 23:27:07 2002
10k is open again. I am typing some more info because you need to do that to submit an inform report (who made it so??)
poster: Zifnab
subject: mud
date: Sat Mar 30 14:24:39 2002
The machine appears to be stable. The mud is no
longer in my directory, it is back in the directory its supposed
to be, with the scripts to restart things etc.
I have placed a reinc machine in CS for your use. You have
2 weeks to use 3 free reincs enjoy.
poster: Zifnab
subject: oops
date: Mon Apr 1 03:00:32 2002
Due to a mistyped command on my part, I have
accidently deleted about 70% of our player files
and all of the backups. If you are currently online
you are spared from any problem by typing save, but
a good majority of the players no longer exist....
Due to this unfortunate accident we will be procedding
with a complete purge of all players on 4-2-2002.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Mon Apr 1 17:19:23 2002
made a small fix to the plaque. due to the loss of a lot of players, the check for only processing those higher than the last person was failing.
poster: Marvin
subject: A puzzle
date: Mon Apr 1 20:30:08 2002
|>= |=-/ |'-~\~\^/-"\ >=/" -"/x^x^-"\~+'>=++ >^x^,
< >=/"/"/-"=/" |/++ ><=++ +'>=-~x^
|>= |=-/ /"= ><\~ |=-/ ++\~> >=/"
+'-"<|>=>=|=-'\ +'-"\~++x^/"\~|=-/-".
|=->=/^+'=-|, -"/\~\>=++, \~++x^ /">=-"|=-"/, <\~+'=++x^ |=-/ ><\~x+>=-"=/" \^>=/^
<<\^ \~ /"\~<\~-"+'^o'=-
+'>=/\ |~=/^| \\~\^=|~/xx/-", =++/ >=/" \^>=/^ |~= |=-/ |\~\+x. |~/ =-\~xx/ |=-/ <\|
\~++x^ <<-"^x^x^/-"\ =-"-~x^, \~++x^ =|\~-~ o'>=++/"=/^ \~-~-~.
=-/-"/ =/^ o'\~++ x^/o'\\\~+'/,
|=-/++ <|'-~/ ><\~||/-" |>= x^/|/-"><=-~-~>=|~=
< >=/" \>=> \/-"xx=|~++ /">=oo x+/^><|'/x^
>=xx/-" |=-/ -~\~o~\^ x^>=+'\.
\^>=/^ =-\~xx/ >=++/ ><>=++|=- /"-">=>< |>=x^\~\^ |>= o'>=><|'-~/|/ |=-=++|/\| |~=\/ >=++ |=-/ /"=/" ><\~\^,
|=-/ \^/\~-" ||~>= |=->=/^\\~++x^ \~++x^ ||~>=.
=/^ -~/^o'+x, \~++x^ =-\~|'|'\^ x^/o'<\~-"xx== -----------------
poster: Zifnab
subject: >oops
date: Mon Apr 1 21:17:07 2002
On Mon Apr 1 03:00:32 2002 Zifnab wrote post #465:
> Oops.....
> Due to a mistyped command on my part, I have
> accidently deleted about 70% of our player files
> and all of the backups. If you are currently online
> you are spared from any problem by typing save, but
> a good majority of the players no longer exist....
> Due to this unfortunate accident we will be procedding
> with a complete purge of all players on 4-2-2002.
> Zif
for those of you that haven't figured this out, it was
an April fools joke. (as was the not being able to finger anyone
that wasnt online last night).
We have plenty of backups, and Marvin and I both have offsite backups
there is no way I coudl accidently delete all of those with one command.
Sorry it was funny though..
poster: Zifnab
subject: dead party members
date: Mon Apr 1 22:10:15 2002
can now do... help,last,killmsg,say,kills,locations,status,zstatus
poster: Zifnab
subject: raven
date: Mon Apr 1 23:07:49 2002
fixed that raven that is erroring, next new one you get will not error
poster: Sigwald
subject: Nondescript thing in RDMP
date: Tue Apr 2 10:07:59 2002
After next boot, this should not happen anymore (or at least
if it still happens its a big problem in the object). Please
do not report any such problem before we boot again.
poster: Zifnab
subject: Inform report
date: Tue Apr 2 18:11:35 2002
fixed the problem (actually found multiple problems) with the island maps when trying to add a new area.
poster: Khosan
subject: site bans
date: Wed Apr 3 04:17:15 2002
We have a loser that thinks it is fun to hack player accounts, and it
looks like he has been partly successfull. To block him the following IP
blocks have been banned:
That means you can not connect from those addresses anymore, unless a
wizard has approved your character.
The players blocked includes:
mastergamer, dj, silvereyes, hawkmoon, tidalwave, shocker, dev,
foreverchild, luftwaffe, oin, shiyu, tom, vodalus, wazup, shockie
Some of those characters are known to be hacked.
Nuked shocker and shockie.
poster: Zifnab
subject: new area
date: Wed Apr 3 23:25:43 2002
Long ago, a great mage named Sshka gained much knowledge and power from his
accidental creation of the portal into the void of mist. This led to a great
battle between him, his top aides, Arkith and Rebahn, and the Council of the
Magi. Upon the conclusion of this battle, the Magi sealed away Sshka and hid
the keys in the void of mist, to which the portal was closed, and none ever to
return. But somehow, the portal to the void has reopened, what this could
mean for the lands of Red Dragon, only the brave adventurer shall know... A
full recount of the history of this incident will soon be available in the
Tarantia library.
poster: Zifnab
subject: web page
date: Wed Apr 10 19:48:12 2002
Put a new version of the web page up. Has some new information
such as the timeline I recently put together, and some old
pictures from the Denver Mudcon (1998)
I put names with them as best I could (the mudcon pictures)
guessed off the file names mostly.
poster: Zifnab
subject: bags
date: Thu Apr 11 21:52:50 2002
I installed the first pass at carryable containers, i.e. bags
There is a limited number of bags in the general store.
The current version of it can only hold gems, but I would
appreciate people trying them out, making sure there are
no bugs, like being able to take stuff out of another players
bag etc.
As a side note you can put stuff in them (gems) then do
sell {opal/diamond/gems} from bag in a shop.
Also if you quit, you will lose the contents of the bag
currently (this will change). So please don't whine
to me about losing gems this way.
Sallet sold 2 items for 302 gold.
poster: Zifnab
subject: typo report
date: Fri Apr 12 15:24:36 2002
| Message | Newsgroup: wiz.typo | Red |_
| ID: 886 | Subject: Typo report |Dragon | |
| | Poster: Bahgtru |MudNews | |
|_________|___________________________________________________|________| |
| Time: Fri Apr 12 10:29:36 2002 | |
|______________________________________________________________________| |
Typo reported from /domains/hyboria/uncle/monks/wr3--
Directional - D = all down, S = all south... this works for all dirs except U,
where ya just get a typo message
the only reason D works is that you aliased it to walk down, do the same
for up.
poster: Zifnab
subject: coals area
date: Sat Apr 13 15:02:18 2002
Installed coals changes to his area.
poster: Zifnab
subject: more bans
date: Tue Apr 16 16:08:49 2002
Due to repeated problems with the players from the ip's that
Khosan recently banned. I had allowed certain players to
manually register via email. I have removed those registrations
from people causing the problems, and banned another range
If you are reading this post from inside the mud, you
are not affected.
The ips banned are...
As of right now, I am still allowing old players to log in
if this gets to be an issue I will switch that to a complete ban
of all characters (again trying manual registration for
those that I know arent causing problems)
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: arena
date: Wed Apr 17 23:00:22 2002
Made a plaque and a point system for the arena _event_ plaque is
located outside the arena, there are no ppls on it yet tho.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Apr 18 12:41:32 2002
changed slightly dodge formula to lower impact of size.
poster: Sigwald
subject: Inform report
date: Thu Apr 18 12:48:12 2002
altered monsters willpower, it's slightly down especially for lower level monsters.
poster: Zifnab
subject: pics
date: Fri Apr 19 22:06:34 2002
Added pictures from the December 1999 fincon to the web page.
If you are interested...
poster: Ixtlilton
subject: friends
date: Sat Apr 20 12:41:04 2002
Altered the friends command slightly. Basically just made it so you
can see if your friends are E == In edit, D == Dead, and P/X in a
party with X members.