poster: Zifnab
subject: RDMP triggers
date: Fri Jul 20 18:58:57 2001
This relies on visual mode on in TF,
prints a status bar for your hp/sp/ep and monster condition..
one problem is i get blank lines if i have my prompt doing
anything but ''.
Thought I would this if anyone is interested. (Marvin originally
wrote it for portal, I switched it to use the RDMP stuff).
/eval /set status_fields=$[strcat(status_fields1,status_fields2)]
/def cond_color = \
/if ( {1} <= 1 )%;\
/return "Cred,B"%;\
/elseif ( {1} <= 4 )%;\
/return "Cmagenta,B"%;\
/elseif ( {1} <= 8)%;\
/return "Cyellow,B"%;\
/elseif ( {1} <= 12 )%;\
/return "Cblue,B"%;\
/else \
/return "Cgreen,B"%;\
/def -F -ag -mregexp -t'^RDMP'
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^RDMP 1234 MONSTER_HEALTH ([A-Z|a-z| ]*)
([0-9]*)' foo =\
/eval /set mon_per=$[10*%{P2}/100]%;\
/eval /set mon_mon=$[strcat(strrep("#",mon
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^RDMP 1234 HEALTH ([0-9]*) ([0-9]*) ([0-9]*)
([0-9]*) ([0-9]*) ([0-9]*)' st0 = \
/eval /set hp_per=$[15*{P1}/{P2}]%;\
/eval /set sp_per=$[15*{P3}/{P4}]%;\
/eval /set ep_per=$[15*{P5}/{P6}]%;\
/eval /set hp_mon=$[strcat(strrep("#",hp_per),strrep("-",(15-hp_per)))]%;\
/eval /set sp_mon=$[strcat(strrep("#",sp_per),strrep("-",(15-sp_per)))]%;\
/eval /set ep_mon=$[strcat(strrep("#",ep_per),strrep("-",(15-ep_per)))]%;\
/eval /set stf=$[strcat(\
" \"Hp:(\" hp_mon:15:", cond_color(hp_per),\
" \") Sp:(\" sp_mon:15:", cond_color(sp_per),\
" \") Ep:(\" ep_mon:15:", cond_color(ep_per),\
" \") Mon:(\" mon_mon:10:", cond_color(mon_per),\
" \")\"")]%;\
/eval /set status_fields=$[strcat(status_fields1,stf,status_fields2)]
poster: Urquan
subject: tick timer
date: Sun Aug 12 01:56:33 2001
I made this small tick timer. Works best in visual mode, but it is also
usefull without:
/def -mregexp -t"T[io]ck: HP: [0-9]+/[0-9]+ .* SP: [0-9]+/[0-9]+ .*
EP: [0-9]+/[0-9]+ .* $" tick = /eval /set ticktime=$[time()]
/def -mregexp -t"^--------| New Round |--------$" newround = /echo
-ahCred Time since last tick: $[time()-ticktime]
/def -B'F10' = /echo -ahCred Time since last tick: $[time()-ticktime]
/eval /set ticktime=$[time()]
/def update_prompt = /eval /set status_int_log=$[time()-ticktime] %;
/eval /set status_fields=%{status_fields} %; /repeat -1 1
poster: Korthrun
subject: Question
date: Mon Aug 20 07:02:52 2001
Does anyone know how to setup a command history and the ability to
scrollback through mud output?
poster: Zifnab
subject: >Question
date: Mon Aug 20 13:32:46 2001
On Mon Aug 20 07:02:52 2001 Korthrun wrote post #3:
> Does anyone know how to setup a command history and the ability to
> scrollback through mud output?
command history is done automatically isnt it? I dont recall
doing anything special for it. ctrl-p and ctrl-n to scroll
forward and backward through the history.
I use the scroll bar from whatever app im using to run TF in.
I also log the sessions and delete them periodically. Not sure
if that is what you are looking for or not.
poster: Marvin
subject: TF for windows
date: Thu Sep 27 15:22:46 2001
I have found a good tf for windows. Scrolling, timers, everything
seems to work well.
Installer is a little poor, have to change a few files to get it to
work, but should be easy enough to figure out.
poster: Onyx
subject: Boost trigs (for those who forget what the messages mean)
date: Thu Nov 29 17:26:40 2001
/def boost = /echo -ahCgreen %*
/def booston = /boost %* UP
/def boostoff = /boost %* DOWN
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel stronger\.$' boost_str_up = /booston STR
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel weaker\.$' boost_str_down = /boostoff STR
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^Your muscle swell\.$' boost_con_up = /booston CON
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^Your muscles shrink\.$' boost_con_down = /boostoff CON
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^Your brain feels like a sponge\.$'
boost_int_up = /booston INT
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You are a little confused\.$' boost_int_down =
/boostoff INT
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel witty\.$' boost_wis_up = /booston WIS
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel less witty\.$' boost_wis_down = /boostoff WIS
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel agile\.$' boost_dex_up = /booston DEX
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel slower\.$' boost_dex_down = /boostoff DEX
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel more endurant\.$' boost_sta_up = /booston STA
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel a bit drained\.$' boost_sta_down =
/boostoff STA
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel more charismatic\.$' boost_cha_up =
/booston CHA
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You seem less of a leader\.$' boost_cha_down =
/boostoff CHA
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^Your heart beats an extra beat\.$'
boost_hpr_up = /booston HPR
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^Your heart skips a beat\.$' boost_hpr_down =
/boostoff HPR
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^Your brain pulses\.$' boost_spr_up = /booston SPR
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^Your brain slows down\.$' boost_spr_down =
/boostoff SPR
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel refreshed\.$' boost_epr_up = /booston EPR
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel tired\.$' boost_epr_down = /boostoff EPR
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel resistant\.$' boost_phyr_up =
/booston PHYS RES
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel less resistant\.$' boost_phyr_down =
/boostoff PHYS RES
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel warm\.$' boost_colr_up = /booston COLD RES
; /def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel less resist cold\.$'
boost_colr_down = /boostoff COLD RES
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel cool\.$' boost_firr_up = /booston FIRE RES
; -fire resist
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel religious\.$' boost_holr_up =
/booston HOLY RES
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You lose your religion\.$' boost_holr_down =
/boostoff HOLY RES
;/def -mregexp -t'^You feel religious. +unholy resist
;/def -mregexp -t'^You lose your religion.??? -unholy resist
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel arcane power\.$' boost_magr_up =
/booston MAG RES
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel a loss of arcane power\.$'
boost_magr_down = /boostoff MAG RES
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel less conductive\.$' boost_eler_up =
/booston ELEC RES
; -electric resist
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^Your throat clears\.$' boost_aspr_up = /booston ASP RES
; -asphyxiation resist
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^Your skin becomes resistant\.$' boost_acir_up
= /booston ACID RES
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^Your skin becomes less resistant\.$'
boost_acir_down = /boostoff ACID RES
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel your internals strengthen\.$'
boost_poir_up = /booston POI RES
/def -ag -mregexp -t'^You feel your internals weaken\.$'
boost_poir_down = /boostoff POI RES
poster: Areu
subject: RP Notice
date: Sun Dec 9 09:57:23 2001
I've gotten some nice code for my .tfrc file from this newsgroup
so I thought I post something useful I put together to track
RP for fighter types. This displays RESISTING PAIN on
the status bar (in the status_int_world field) when the skill is up
and goes away when its down.
\/def resistup = !say -->Resisting Pain<--
\/def resistdown = !say -->Resisting Pain Gone<--
\/def -t"You begin to resist pain." = /resistup %; /eval /set
status_int_world "RESISTING PAIN"
\/def -t"You stop resisting pain." = /resistdown %; /eval /set
status_int_world ""
(Change all "\/def" to just "/def")
poster: Areu
subject: >RDMP triggers
date: Tue Dec 18 08:14:46 2001
Re: one problem is i get blank lines if i have my prompt doing
anything but ''.
I was playing with the code that Zifnab originally
posted for health stats on the tf visual bar and
found a fix for the constant returns on each
RDMP catch.
The fix is to remove all "%;" from each /if or
/elseif lines in the cond_color function. Here is
the updated cond_color function:
/def cond_color = \
/if ( {1} <= 1 )\
/return "Cred,B"%;\
/elseif ( {1} <= 4 )\
/return "Cmagenta,B"%;\
/elseif ( {1} <= 8)\
/return "Cyellow,B"%;\
/elseif ( {1} <= 12 )\
/return "Cblue,B"%;\
/else \
/return "Cgreen,B"%;\
This was bad behavior on tf's part I think. It should
of either rejected the syntax or at least not send
carriage returns to the connected socket.
poster: Remdar
subject: >>Question
date: Sat Feb 16 09:35:05 2002
I wanted the scroll(recall) forward/back through history to act more
like the java client, so here
is the syntax for that.
/def -iB"Up" = /dokey recallb
/def -iB"Down" = /dokey recallf
There was also a TF macro set to emmulate BASH in my /kb-lib dir
/load kb-bash.tf for that
This is all with ver. 40 , so check the file name on yours