How do I set my prompt?

You can customize your prompt to show information that is important to you as s player by using the 'prompt' command.

*** Note it is VERY important to enclose the arguments to prompt
*** in single ''s. For example prompt '%h >'

USAGE: prompt '%arg1 %arg2 %arg3 ... '

New players start with a prompt of:

hp(213/372) sp(213/375) >

This shows your hit points/max hit points and spell points/max spell points

The prompt command allows you to change the default prompt to show the information of your choice. All arguments follow a single % character, and you may include any other characters anywhere you want in your prompt. Enclose the arguments with ''

The List of possible arguments are

Example: prompt 'HP: %h/%H SP: %s/%S EP: %e/%E >'

This shows as: HP: 100097/100097 SP: 41/41 EP: 35/35 >

There are also a set of predefined prompts that you may use. To use one of these type prompt followed by a number between 1 and 20

Don't forget the ' marks at the beginning and end of your prompt, just like the example!