Newbie Guides

Once you are logged into the game there is a command called 'guides' this will show you a list of players and wizards that have volunteered to be 'newbie guides'.

Keep in mind the below guidelines when asking for help, and when giving help to newbies. Lets remember that everyone is here for the same reason and thats to have fun.

For now talk to Zifnab if you wish to become a newbie guide, I will ask the opinions of the other wizards so it won't be just me making the decision.

Guidelines for newbies:

  1. Read the rest of this FAQ
  2. If the guide you are trying to ask something fails to respond _DO NOT_ continue asking them, or get upset because they did not respond, move on to the next person on the list or the newbie channel. There are any number of reasons for them not responding, and it is not personal.
  3. If a guide replies with read a help file please type 'help file' Odds are the help file covers it a lot better than the guide could.

Guidelines for guides:

  1. Be polite: Realize that this mud is not the easiest to understand depending on what other types of muds you have played.
  2. DO NOT INTENTIONALLY give false information.
  3. Feel free to ignore particular players if they are refusing to read suggested help files or things of that nature.
  4. You are not required to answer every question asked of you, however if you do have the time and are not busy doing other things, please respond to them.