I died!! What do I do?
Death on Islands of Myth results when your hit points fall below 0, this
can happen for many reasons but mostly it is monsters attacking you. The
results are the same no matter how you dided though. You become a ghost and get
moved to hell, and have a limited set of commands that you may use.
While you are in hell you have many options of what to do, all
these incur some type of penalty though.
- Visit (and talk to charon). He will ferry you back to the Land
of the Living. His fee depends on level. It is the best option if
one is under level 15, but one can lose up to 75% (newbies only 10% ) of his/her/its
on-hand-exp, as well as the possibility for level loss.
- Get a fellow player that has the resurrect spell to ress you.
You will pay a penalty of 50% of your on-hand experience if you are
over level 15, 10% if you are under (same as charon).
- Get a fellow player that has the revive dead spell to revive
you. It costs a lower penalty than resurrect (25% instead of 50%)
but is only available from higher level players.
- Get a fellow player that has reincarnate to reincarnate you.
This allows you to change races and basically start your character
over retaining much of your total experience. Amount retained will
depend on how long you have been in your current guild.
*** Newbies pay a 10% penalty, substantially lower than players
level 16 and above.
There are other things that can happen as well.
- Depending on the number of scars (recieved from dying) you may
also lose a level.
- If the person casting res/reincarnate at you is not very
proficient at it you may also lose a level, or more exp etc.