What commands can I use?
90% of the muds input is in lowercase only, if things need to be
typed in uppercase please report that as a bug. That being there is
no way I can list all commands here, so here are some important
- 'i' -- This shows whats in your inventory.
- 'score' -- This is a full screen of all relative information
about your character.
- 'ss' -- This is a shortened version of score only showing
- 'who' -- This is used to show you 'who' is on
- 'tell' -- Tell followed by a players name, sends that person
only your message.
- 'say' -- Say shows your message to the entire room.
- 'newbie'-- This command prints your message to on the mud that
is listening to the newbie channel.
- 'dragon'-- Same as above just for 'myth' channel.