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Fixed bug: 11358Sun Apr 26 03:47:45 2009 MST

Report Number: 11358
Original bug report by Krypt on Mon Apr 6 00:53:43 2009

Object: Unknown
Creator: Unknown
Room: /domains/hyboria/aquilonia/tarantia/streets/_13_5

I was fighting a guard in here. When the defence special from my breastplate killed it, I didn't receive exp from the enemy. The breastplate I am wearing is 'Runed Mithril Chainmail'.

--------| New Round |--------
[12] A/D ( 12%) You rend Guard.
[15] A/D ( 22%) You eviscerate Guard with your enchanted leafblade named "Rage".
[ 7] A/D ( 4%) You slash Guard.
[14] A/D ( 18%) You disembowel Guard with your enchanted leafblade named "Rage".
Falcon prepares itself to use a skill.
[ 9] A/D ( 3%) Guard lashes you in your torso.
[ 4] A/D ( 1%) Guard barely bruises you.
Your breastplate reflects some of the Guard's hit!
Guard falls to the ground DEAD!

Southern wall of the city on 3rd [exits: north and west]
To the south lies the outer wall of Tarantia.

The lifeless body of guard lies on the ground.
A large grey wolf, companion of Krypt
A large grey wolf, companion of Krypt
A beautiful blue falcon flying over Krypt

Iru wrote on Sun Apr 26 03:47:45 2009
Fixed, but a common change will be made some time upon all reflect specials.


Iru wrote on Sun Apr 26 03:47:45 2009

