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closed bug: 11335Fri Apr 10 23:21:26 2009 MST

Report Number: 11335
Original bug report by Gwydian on Sun Mar 22 17:50:29 2009

Object: Unknown
Creator: Unknown
Room: /domains/hyboria/aquilonia/tarantia/streets/_11_6

It seems that since my clone inadvertently killed itself, it has a point in the clones event. Here is what happened:
[10] A/D Gwydian the clone jabs you.
Your breastplate reflects some of the Gwydian the clone's hit!
Gwydian the clone breaks his skill use.
Gwydian the clone falls to the ground DEAD!
Gwydian the clone's corpse turns to dust.

Current Score in the Clones event.
1 | gwydian the clone | 1
2 | tigeress | 1

Clones still wandering around: 12

Any in case, not sure if it's a bug or working as intended, but it is weird.


Iru wrote on Fri Apr 10 23:21:26 2009
Nothing we can do at the moment, the code will assume the mob itself made the hit when such reflect special happens. The code will not be able to track back to the eq which did a reflect and give credit to the player with it.


Iru wrote on Fri Apr 10 23:21:26 2009

