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Inform ReportThu Dec 6 01:09:37 2012 MST
made some changes to a few skills/spells that are shared between
multiple guilds (think bartender, animal tamer, herbalist, and one
or two others) so that they give / query guild points from multiple
guilds. there's a chance i did it incorrectly and that they will
error when they try to give guild points, in which case let me know
and i'll fix it when i can.

assuming it works, it means that woodsman grank will affect
herbalist and that herbalist skills/spels will affect woodsman,
bartender will affect / check bard and lurker, animal tamer will
check woodsman, shifter, and druid, etc.
>Inform ReportThu Dec 6 01:10:36 2012 MST
On Thu Dec 6 01:09:37 2012 Vor wrote post #483:
> multiple guilds (think bartender, animal tamer, herbalist, and one
> or two others) so that they give / query guild points from multiple
> guilds. there's a chance i did it incorrectly and that they will
> error when they try to give guild points, in which case let me know
> and i'll fix it when i can.
> assuming it works, it means that woodsman grank will affect
> herbalist and that herbalist skills/spels will affect woodsman,
> bartender will affect / check bard and lurker, animal tamer will
> check woodsman, shifter, and druid, etc.

I should point out that the way guild rank works, it will only give
information for the guild you are currently in, so even if a skill
checks woodsman, shifter, and druid, it will only actually get info
from whichever of those, if any, is your base alpha.