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Just in case...Sun May 23 18:39:40 2010 MST
I don't seem to have posted about this, so in case I didn't, I just want to let you guys know that I made a small change to entry hits code. My first change, a while back, made it so that if there was a member of your party, any member at all, already in combat with the aggro mob when you walked into the room, that you would not take entries.

The subtle change to that now is that if there is not a party member in the room fighting the aggro mob when you walk in who is higher in party positions (closer to 1) than you, then you will take entry hits. Basically, if you would be the tank in that room, you take entry hits for walking in.

I base this on the idea that getting in position to be tank lets monster hit you. It follows the basic theme of what we want from entry hits, I think.

This does mean that depending on how things are done, if the leader is not in position 1, theoretically all of the people starting at the position of the leader and going up to position 1 could take entry hits from walking into the room. It's not probable that they all would, but it's possible. Certainly the leader and the person in position 1 would both take them.
>Just in case...Sun May 23 18:49:01 2010 MST
Sigh, okay, I'm going to make this a reminder post since people don't seem to remember the change I made to entries months ago. Even though it was very popular when I made it.

No longer does the person tanking take entry hits for each person who walks into the room after them. You only take entry hits if you walk into the room are are, for even a microsecond, in the tank position of people who are in the room. Even then, you only take entries for yourself.

Basically, you only take entries if walking into the room requires you, in your position, to engage the mob as tank. And you only take entries for yourself.

Please try to remember this, I will get tired of reminding you. In fact, I already am!