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for newcomersFri Mar 1 00:43:57 2013 MST
i had a thought about recruiting some new people to the game.
if iom is able to advertise: offer new comers 50m exp, a few
mil gold, and a newbie starter eq set that's comparable to
eje items
>for newcomersFri Mar 1 18:25:24 2013 MST
On Fri Mar 1 00:43:57 2013 Soulfire wrote post #923:
> i had a thought about recruiting some new people to the game.
> if iom is able to advertise: offer new comers 50m exp, a few
> mil gold, and a newbie starter eq set that's comparable to
> eje items

I think the base concept here isn't terrible.
I also think that 50M is way too much. I have a level 20 woodsman
with some fairly well trained skills at well under 50M

and no I don't have a constructive alternative amount ready
I do like the idea of perhaps some better newb gear or something, or
having hte random drops of "legplates of the eagle" or whatever be
more class tailored or some such
>for newcomersSat Mar 2 07:27:46 2013 MST
Where it might be kind of interesting is adding more level 30 and below type "newbie" gear that could drop on various lower equipment monsters: not your 0 tp stuff like Amano that a newbie party would probably get wiped out trying to kill, but mobs like in the blackavar cat castle, gungor, hagworth, the newbie ocean giant octopus, the blackavar goblin camp leader(s), ect.

Right now you of course have some standard 0 tp non-eje pool that does drop from various 0tp equipment monsters, but in general they only ever gets killed if they're blocking something else or just as a fancy by various necro's and DL's (I know I generally have a couple vaults filled with stuff that I usually try and help out lower levels with when I come across them), and some of it is actually pretty decent but again probably not something any newbies would be able to get on their own or even with a newbie level party with much ease. The various colored demonic weapons are all good examples of the level capped newbie gear, but they tend to drop again on monsters that a newbie party wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell against in most circumstances and generally are only attained at gab or through sales channel or other arrangements.

There's even the possibility of simply making "unique" type random drop items on those lesser bosses that may very well be on par with eje saccable equipment that would give the newbies temporary equipment to help them boost their power until they can upgrade to bigger and better items, and give some incentive to continue slaying the newbie equipment monsters in newbie groups. Given the number of highbies who can simply solo the eje mobs it may be a moot point in the long run, but still some ideas to play around with..
>for newcomersSat Mar 2 12:37:52 2013 MST
On Fri Mar 1 00:43:57 2013 Soulfire wrote post #923:
> i had a thought about recruiting some new people to the game.
> if iom is able to advertise: offer new comers 50m exp, a few
> mil gold, and a newbie starter eq set that's comparable to
> eje items
Now, see, I actually personally think that the first 10M or so is
the most fun part of the game. When you're a brand newbie, you get
to watch yourself grow so much more powerful so much faster than you
do once you're approaching the asymptotic regions of highbie.

The equipment issue is a bit bigger of a problem, I think marconus
actually has a fairly decent idea there.

If I were to try to pin down what it is that keeps us from getting
new players, I'd put it on three things: A) Let's face it, this is a
geezers game, we don't have none of them there pretty "graphacs"
things that the kids like...though we do have some sexy ASCII art.
2) I think that the complexity of the game makes for a kinda harsh
learning curve early on...Hell, I've been playing here for longer
than I really want to think about, and if I reinc something other
than healhoe or SS, I spend a few hours trying to figure out what to
train. And finally iii), there aren't any newbie parties.

So, to talk about potential solutions:

A) I got nothing for this, maybe someone smarter than me does.

2) Perhaps some sort of guide system? A while ago, I kicked around
the idea of trying to make a wiki for reincing into each guild, with
people writing guides for various worths of each guild. Perhaps that
might solve it, though I'd worry that it would get too fractious,
with people fighting over which is the best blast spell at a given

iii) Now, obviously, if we can attract a whole bunch of newbies all
at once, or even a steady flow of them, that would solve this issue,
but frankly, I don't see it happening. I see two basic outlines of

First, we can try to incentivize players to have newbie secondaries
that they bring out to play with true newbies, don't ask me exactly
how that would work, I don't know, I can see several huge issues
with it, and I've spent all of 30 seconds considering it.

Second would be to basically code newbie NPC bots into the game, let
a newbie go to gnosis and get himself a healbot or a blastbot or a
tankbot, one who intentionally would be not as efficient as even a
newbie, and would probably leech a little more exps than a PC would,
but would at least make it possible to play. Again, there are issues
with that notion, but I personally see fewer than I do with my
previous suggestion.

I dunno, that's just my...hrm, let's call it about 32 cents.