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changesFri Jun 29 23:52:07 2012 MST
okay, these are untested but i'm on all the time so i should be able
to fix any issues.

first off, if a harmer participant of a ritual dies mid ritual (or
during the after-effects of a ritual like ritual of torture), the
ritual is ended early.
if a harmer is interrupted during the drawing of a ritual circle, or
one of the participants of a ritual is interrupted during the ritual
or during the after-effects of a ritual, the ritual ends early (or
the circle will not be completed).

prior to these changes, getting stunned mid ritual/cicle drawing did
nothing at all. also, prior to these changes, someone dying mid
ritual left the rest of teh participants unable to cast/use.

i have just spent a good couple of hours updating the code in
various spots, so there might be more bugs that i just fixed. what's
important is that if you draw a circle and the circle doesn't dest
before 10 minutes are up, or something happens and you are left
after a ritual unable to cast spells or use skills, give me and
daneel as much info as you can. ritual circles should not last
forever, especially if there was something that screwed with your
ability to finish the circle properly. you should never get stuck
unable to cast/skill after a ritual. pleae please please watch what
is happening and give me as much info as possible.