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tuning reportThu Nov 8 20:56:34 2012 MST
Dragon is about where I want it now, so any future uptunes to other forms will probably result in downtunes to dragon forms with the result being that dragon forms end up staying where they are.

Currently, and this will not change as far as I am concerned, multiweapons and weaponmaster do not affect shapeshifters at all. Really, anything that deals with 'weapons' shouldn't affect you because your 'weapons' are your own body parties. Yes, this means that weapon skill <blah> and <blah> weapons mastery do not affect you, though they never did.

Also, counter dodge is in savager now, which means that knight is a pretty pointless guild as secondary tree stuff goes.

Advanced whirlwind attack and berserker rage do work, so feel free to train them. As of right now, and for the foreseeable future, I have no intention of making them not work.

Willpower and parry stuff work. I might adjust parry stuff later, but I don't plan to do it right at this moment (though it would make a lot of sense).

Wolf packs, as previously stated, start hitting a decent power around 4 members now (that is not you + 4 members, but 4 members total). As it was before, higher forms affect lower forms but not vice versa.

I am currently in the process of uptuning avian and feline forms. It should be pretty easy to do, excepting that there's the issue of none of the SS I'm working with being perfect examples of a basic SS, so it's taking extra time. Part of what I'm trying to do is make tiger less viable for solo while making it really good for parties, and it's not as easy as it sounds. Avians are continuing to show off their abilities, and I'm rather happy with them, though I intend to continue improving them for now.

Once again, if you test out a rate with any form, and you actually play effectively (not elitist, but not slacking), I would love information about what rate you got. Send me a mudmail to Vor, with the following information:

The form you use, how long each kill takes (on average), what you killed, what rate you got, and how long you maintained the rate.

For dragons who eq, I'd love similar info:

The form you and any other assisting dragons used, who you had healing or abjing (non dragon or dragon), what you killed, how long the kills took, how many times someone died (and what they died to).

Any information helps, don't worry if you don't have all of what I'd like to have.