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stealthSun Nov 25 18:16:21 2012 MST
made the amount that stealth affects stab/backstab equal on a
percentage level. meaning, stab gets as much % boost for 1% stealth
as backstab does. i changed the damage formula to make it so that
stealth is beneficial to both, but not so hugely important that your
stab will suck without it, though it's a good idea to train it to be

fiddled with stab damage a bit to fit the stealth in so that the
amount of damage it adds didn't change the final damage too much
from what it was.

again, the reason i'm using stealth for regular stab is that there's
so much stuff in stealth code that would definitely impact your
ability to teleport around a monster stabbing the snot out of it
that really it'd be more of a pita for me to pull out all the
reasonable parts, so instead i'm just going to use stealth percent
even though you're not exactly being sneaky when you stab the