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>animal braverySat Jan 16 18:03:28 2021 MST
Reviving this post again, 11 years later.

After looking into druid myself and another player noticed that Max level for Druid is 95. However that is because somehow Enchanter got roped into the main tree, even when it gives no grank to druid.

I believe the best fix for this would be to open up Animal Trainer to Druid.

Going through the archives and reading what has been said on it already, all the wizes who chimed in seemed in favor of removing Animal Trainer from the restricted guilds. The main reason it is not open seems to simply be because Woodsman got reworked and Druid never did.

Piggybacking off of this, Herb gathering seems pretty useless in druid.

Without access to motion control, and the herbs only last roughly 15 mins before they deteriorate, a 15 round skill to perhaps get EPS back at the end of it.

If We could get an actual skill to preserve them, or another mastery to affect them that would be great. If not, being able to target 'dark' herbs might be a possible solution.