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splitting / recombiningWed May 27 23:38:49 2009 MST
i was thinking about the way splitting / recombine were causing
issues, looked up a few things, and figured out the problem.
when people were losing days in guild and plaque spots to
split/recombine previously, i'm 99% sure that was a bug that i fixed
on the spot. what i could not manage to fix was the issue of days
getting lost in the guild that was joined. i have since figured this
basically, if you have 3 bodies:
0: weaver
1: woodsman
2: druid
and you decide that you'd like to redistribute the exp, so you
recombine and then split 3 ways again, only the order that you
choose to split this time ends up making it so that you have:
0: woodsman
1: weaver
2: druid
for bodies. this will cause woodsman and weaver to both lose days in
guild, but NOT gmastery. the reason is that the days in guild are
tracked by the body itself, and with recombines and splits you will
have a hard time making sure to synch that back up. if you straight
up recombine and don't bother to split, it will entirely depend on
whether or not your body 0 before split is the body 0 after split.
i am 99% sure this is the issue.

at any rate, having looked at the code, i am fairly sure that
splitting and recombining, if rules in help split (or splitting or
splits or something) are followed, will not lead to any lose in
actual grank/gplaque/gmastery spots anymore.
days in guild are up in the air.