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racial maxesWed Aug 11 06:22:50 2010 MST
hi i have a few questions.

1. what is the racial spell/skill max for the race i get from a
jesrael vial? I assume this is the data in the help celestial mage
file (100-100). I just want clarification since help race archdemon
give 100-105. If archdemon is no longer an attainable race, can it
be removed from the help file?

2. there has been some talk that if i have a 100%skillmax and take
l/g skillmax giving me 115%.. it isnt really 115, but only 112.5%.
can someone explain to me why this is and how this works etc

>racial maxesWed Aug 11 09:36:01 2010 MST
1) it's what celestial mage says it is.
archdemon help file cannot get removed because those help files are
automatically generated by the race file, and the race file cannot
get removed in case there are any archdemons who have not been
reinc'd out of the race yet.

2) anything over 110 is half as effective, yes.