   |      Guild info on zerkala maga. A omicron level abjurer guild.      |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |                              [Level 01]                              |   
   |                          New Spells: qeted                           |   
   |                              [Level 02]                              |   
   |                          New Spells: deteq                           |   
   |                              [Level 03]                              |   
   |                         New Spells: vehqetak                         |   
   |                              [Level 04]                              |   
   |                   New Spells: xaqerb and hexeqekor                   |   
   |                              [Level 05]                              |   
   |                         New Spells: reheqob                          |   
   |                              [Level 05]                              |   
   |                         New Skills: noteheq                          |   
   |                                                                      |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |              Required guilds needed to join this guild:              |   
   |                      Maxxed in master abjurer.                       |   
   |                   Maxxed in harbinger of anguish.                    |   

In Zerkala Maga, students will learn the techniques required to round out their higher education in reflections. After learning the last few forms of reflection magic, they go on to learn the power of true reflection, which not only delivers damage when it is received, but also mitigates damage to the protected individual. Obviously this is a tricky process, and none but Rorrim the guild leader have managed it without some loss to the damage output from reflection spells.

Help on spell          :  Qeted
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Protection
Sp Cost                :  170
Casting time           :  2 rounds
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Under average
Number of stacks       :  1
Affecting skills       :  quccata
Base Experience Cost   :  1537
The caster casts a shield on the target to reflect the holy damage back at their
Created By             :  Vor, using code from Ladyhawk, Darkstaff, and Magneto

Help on spell          :  Deteq
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Protection
Sp Cost                :  170
Casting time           :  2 rounds
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Under average
Number of stacks       :  1
Affecting skills       :  quccata
Base Experience Cost   :  1537
The caster casts a shield on the target to reflect the unholy damage back at
their attacker.
Created By             :  Vor, using code from Ladyhawk, Darkstaff, and Magneto

Help on spell          :  Vehqetak
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Protection
Sp Cost                :  170
Casting time           :  2 rounds
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Under average
Number of stacks       :  1
Affecting skills       :  quccata
Base Experience Cost   :  1537
The caster casts a shield on the target to reflect the physical damage back at
their attacker.
Created By             :  Vor, using code from Ladyhawk, Darkstaff, and Magneto

Help on spell          :  Xaqerb
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Special
Sp Cost                :  166
Casting time           :  2 rounds
Affecting skills       :  noteheq, quccata
Base Experience Cost   :  1537
With this spell the caster summons a previously learned reflection spell to
surround his target and reflect their enemy's damage back at them. However, this
spell also causes the reflection to, at least partially, be a true reflection
and protect the target from damage. The energy required to do this is incredibly
draining on the reflection magic, and therefore the damaging aspect of the
reflection is reduced.

The 'spell cost' of this spell only refers to the cost of this spell. The cost
of the reflection magic that you are enhancing is not factored in.

Syntax is              :  cast xaqerb at  with 
Created By             :  Vor, using code from Ladyhawk, Darkstaff, and Magneto

Help on spell          :  Hexeqekor
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Special
Sp Cost                :  Special
Casting time           :  12 rounds
Base Experience Cost   :  1360
The spell "hexeqekor" allows the caster to remove reflection auras from his
entire team at once. It is, however, more expensive than if one were to remove
each reflection aura individually, and one learns less from the experience.
Created By             :  Vor

Help on skill          :  Noteheq
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  3972
This mastery affects the amount of energy required to control the true
reflection from the spell 'xaqerb', and to thus reduce the amount of loss to the
damage reflection of the various reflection auras used with that spell.
Created By             :  Vor

Help on spell          :  Reheqob
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Protection
Sp Cost                :  Special
Casting time           :  10 rounds
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Special
Number of stacks       :  1
Base Experience Cost   :  1360
Reheqob allows a master of reflections to raise upon his teammates a single type
of reflection magic. All party members in the room who are not already
surrounded by a reflecting field will be encompassed by this effect.

Syntax                 :  cast reheqob with 

Please note that the spell "xaqerb" will not work with this spell.
Created By             :  Vor