   |       Guild info on troubadour. A omicron level acrobat guild.       |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |                              [Level 01]                              |   
   |             New Skills: chant of smaug and voice control             |   
   |                              [Level 02]                              |   
   |                 New Skills: rondel and power singing                 |   
   |                              [Level 03]                              |   
   |                      New Skills: bannerman hymn                      |   
   |                              [Level 04]                              |   
   |                     New Skills: minstrel rhythms                     |   
   |                                                                      |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |              Required guilds needed to join this guild:              |   
   |                         Maxxed in minstrel.                          |   
   |                         Maxxed in bannerman.                         |   
   |                         Maxxed in bartender.                         |   

Troubadour guild members learn to master their knowledge of the bard. They learn how to perfect their singing voice, making their songs as powerful as they can. They also learn how to sing songs that effect an entire audience, not just a single person.

Help on skill          :  Voice control
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  3972
In order to enhance the power of bard songs and make them affect several
persons, the troubadour must learn to perfectly control his pitch and voice
power in order to properly obtain the desired effects.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 20 percent of your skill max at level 1.
It can be trained up to 40 percent of your skill max at level 2.
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 3.
It can be trained up to 80 percent of your skill max at level 4.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 5.

Help on skill          :  Chant of smaug
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Skill type             :  Miscellaneous
Sp Cost                :  254
Ep Cost                :  254
Using time             :  8 rounds
Affecting skills       :  please audience, voice control
Affecting stats        :  cha
Base Experience Cost   :  2337
A trained troubadour learns to call for Smaug's blessing in order to enhance his
own powers. While Smaug is a powerful god, he is also a very chaotic one and the
effects of that song are known to be very much random.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 1.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 2.

Help on skill          :  Rondel
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Skill type             :  Miscellaneous
Sp Cost                :  254
Ep Cost                :  254
Using time             :  10 rounds
Affecting skills       :  please audience, voice control
Affecting stats        :  wis
Base Experience Cost   :  2612
A skilled troubadour learn how to properly sing a rondel in order to have his
bard's songs affect a larger audience, that is all the companions within his
party. In order to succeed the rondel, the troubadour must be thoroughly trained
in the voice control skill. He also must know the base bard songs in order to
obtain full power. Syntax to use this skills is 'use rondel with '.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 2.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 3.

Help on skill          :  Power singing
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  2920
Troubadours are taught special techniques to strenghten the power of their
songs, investing them with extra energy that make them harder to dispel.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 20 percent of your skill max at level 2.
It can be trained up to 40 percent of your skill max at level 3.
It can be trained up to 70 percent of your skill max at level 4.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 5.

Help on skill          :  Bannerman hymn
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Skill type             :  Miscellaneous
Sp Cost                :  254
Ep Cost                :  254
Using time             :  10 rounds
Affecting skills       :  please audience, voice control
Affecting stats        :  wis
Base Experience Cost   :  3437
A skilled troubadour learn how to properly sing a bannerman hymn in order to
have his bannerman songs affect a larger audience, that is all the companions
within his party. In order to succeed the hymn, the troubadour must be
thoroughly trained in the voice control skill. He also must know the base
bannerman songs in order to obtain full power. Synthax to use this skills is
'use bannerman hymn with '.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 3.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 4.

Help on skill          :  Minstrel rhythms
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Skill type             :  Miscellaneous
Sp Cost                :  254
Ep Cost                :  254
Using time             :  10 rounds
Affecting skills       :  please audience, voice control
Affecting stats        :  wis
Base Experience Cost   :  3437
A skilled troubadour learns how to properly sing minstrelrhythms in order to
have his minstrel songs affect a larger audience, that is all the companions
within his party. In order to succeed the rhythms, the troubadour must be
thoroughly trained in the voice control skill. He also must know the base
minstrel songs in order to obtain full power. Syntax to use this skills is 'use
minstrel rhythms with '.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 4.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 5.