   |      Guild info on sylvan guard. A gamma level woodsman guild.       |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |                              [Level 01]                              |   
   |    New Skills: carve leafblade, whittle rootstaff and whirlwind      |   
   |                                attack                                |   
   |                              [Level 03]                              |   
   |           New Skills: whirling branches and drumming limbs           |   
   |                              [Level 04]                              |   
   |                       New Skills: natures rage                       |   
   |                              [Level 06]                              |   
   |                    New Spells: infuse fire power                     |   
   |                              [Level 06]                              |   
   |  New Skills: multiweapons, natural weapon lore and spiritual power   |   
   |                              [Level 08]                              |   
   |                     New Spells: infuse strength                      |   
   |                              [Level 09]                              |   
   |                  New Skills: wrath of mother earth                   |   
   |                                                                      |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |              Required guilds needed to join this guild:              |   
   |                         Maxxed in woodsman.                          |   

Sylvan Guard guild members are taught the neccessary beginning spells and skills to serve as a soldier in Gaia's army. They learn how to make natural weapons and how to fight with them. Sylvan guards also learn the basics of calling upon the spirits present in nature to enchant their weapons with the offensive power of the earth or fire.

Help on skill          :  Whittle rootstaff
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Miscellaneous
Sp Cost                :  186
Ep Cost                :  280
Using time             :  12 rounds
Affecting skills       :  natural weapon lore
Affecting stats        :  wis, dex
Base Experience Cost   :  940
A trained woodsman learn how to create a very special weapon from a simple root
of a tree. He can shape a magical staff that will contain tremendous powers
obtained from Nature, and that only he can use properly. The staff thus created
is a powerful weapon that can be only used by its creator. The staff may lack
some offensive power compared to a nature's blade, but they offer more
flexibility with enchantments. Guild knowledge and masteries have noticeable
effects on the power of the staff.
Created By             :  Sigwald

Help on skill          :  Carve leafblade
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Miscellaneous
Sp Cost                :  152
Ep Cost                :  228
Using time             :  12 rounds
Affecting skills       :  natural weapon lore
Affecting stats        :  wis, dex
Base Experience Cost   :  907
A trained woodsman learn how to create a very special blade from a simple branch
of a tree. He can carve a magical blade that will contain tremendous powers
obtained from Nature, and that only he can use properly. The blade thus created
is extremely resistant and still as flexible as a branch of a young tree,
allowing special maneuvers in battle such as the whirling branches offensive
skill. Guild knowledge and masteries have noticeable effects on the power of the
Created By             :  Samael and Sigwald

Help on skill          :  Whirlwind attack
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  940
This skill helps the player score an extra hit in combat. 
A double hit is needed for this skill to work.
Created By             :  Unknown
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 1.
It can be trained up to 80 percent of your skill max at level 3.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 5.

Help on skill          :  Whirling branches
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Attack
Average damage         :  Above average
Damage type            :  Physical
Ep Cost                :  194
Using time             :  3 rounds
Affecting skills       :  natural weapon lore
Affecting stats        :  str, dex
Base Experience Cost   :  1075
This peculiar attack was developed by the legendary mantisman adventurer-warrior
Xnioln during the brief time when he was a member of the Natures Blades. It uses
the whole body to create a motion by arching one's hand and creating the effect
of abended branch whirling at the target. If this attack succeeds, it slashes
very deeply and allows the Blade to release any special attacks that might be
enchanted on the blade at the time. It is also known that expert woodsmen can
enhance their intuitive awareness and that in such a state, they are able to
greatly enhance the efficiency of this skill.
Created By             :  Samael and Sigwald
It can be trained up to 40 percent of your skill max at level 3.
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 4.
It can be trained up to 80 percent of your skill max at level 5.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 6.

Help on skill          :  Drumming limbs
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Attack
Average damage         :  Above average
Damage type            :  Physical
Ep Cost                :  202
Using time             :  3 rounds
Affecting skills       :  natural weapon lore
Affecting stats        :  str, dex
Base Experience Cost   :  1075
This attack maneuver allows a woodsman to take full advantage of the powers of a
rootstaff, using the marvellous balance of the weapon to deliver a series of
rapid blows with devastating precision. This attack can also draw on the
spiritual force in an enchanted staff to inflict extra damage. It is also known
that expert woodsmen can enhance their intuitive awareness and, in such a state,
they are able to greatly enhance the efficiency of this skill.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 40 percent of your skill max at level 3.
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 4.
It can be trained up to 80 percent of your skill max at level 5.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 6.

Help on skill          :  Natures rage
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  1370
With this trance-like skill the woodsman can whip himself in to a state of
primal fury in which he can strike the target one extra time. The state of
primal fury also allows for extra powerful attacks.
Created By             :  Samael
It can be trained up to 10 percent of your skill max at level 4.
It can be trained up to 20 percent of your skill max at level 6.
It can be trained up to 30 percent of your skill max at level 8.
It can be trained up to 40 percent of your skill max at level 9.
It can be trained up to 50 percent of your skill max at level 10.

Help on skill          :  Natural weapon lore
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  1827
This skill teaches the woodsman the secrets of creating and handling natural
weapons, whether it be the slender leafblade, the sturdy twigshield or the thick
rootstaff. This skill is essential to create powerful weapons and also teaches
the woodsman how to best make use of skills and spells associated to natural
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 20 percent of your skill max at level 6.
It can be trained up to 40 percent of your skill max at level 7.
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 8.
It can be trained up to 80 percent of your skill max at level 9.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 10.

Help on skill          :  Spiritual power
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  2612
Expert woodsmen are taught to draw on the spirits residing in nature to invest
their weapons with enhanced powers. This skill is essential to properly get all
the power out of these particular enchantments.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 10 percent of your skill max at level 6.
It can be trained up to 20 percent of your skill max at level 8.
It can be trained up to 30 percent of your skill max at level 10.

Help on skill          :  Multiweapons
Guild Level            :  Beta
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  940
This skill is needed for the use of multiple weapons during combat. If you
do not have this skill, you will only attack with one weapon no matter how 
many you wield. You become more agile with your weapons when your train
this skill.
Created By             :  Unknown
It can be trained up to 20 percent of your skill max at level 6.
It can be trained up to 30 percent of your skill max at level 7.
It can be trained up to 40 percent of your skill max at level 8.
It can be trained up to 50 percent of your skill max at level 9.
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 10.

Help on spell          :  Infuse fire power
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Spell type             :  Enchantment
Sp Cost                :  408
Ep Cost                :  174
Casting time           :  6 rounds
Protection category    :  Minor
Average duration       :  Extremely high
Number of stacks       :  1
Affecting skills       :  harmony with nature, spiritual transfer, natural
weapon lore, spiritual power
Affecting stats        :  wis
Base Experience Cost   :  1048
Woodsman are taught how to deal with fire. It is as much a friend as an enemy,
since fire can devastate wooden areas. Yet it also provides heat and protection
in the wild, and fire is definitely part of Nature and a potential ally of the
woodsman. Dealing with fire spirits is often tricky, but it can also provide
with great offensive power, by using fiery forces to enhance a melee weapon.
Created By             :  Sigwald

Help on spell          :  Infuse strength
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Spell type             :  Enchantment
Sp Cost                :  408
Ep Cost                :  174
Casting time           :  6 rounds
Protection category    :  Minor
Average duration       :  Extremely high
Number of stacks       :  1
Affecting skills       :  harmony with nature, spiritual transfer, natural
weapon lore, spiritual power
Affecting stats        :  wis
Base Experience Cost   :  1012
Woodsmen learn to deal with powers of the Earth, strong elementals and spirits
that possess raw force. Drawing on those powers, they can invest their natural
offensive weapons with additional force that will make them fearsome in battle.
Created By             :  Sigwald

Help on skill          :  Wrath of mother earth
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Enchantment
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Very high
Number of stacks       :  1
Sp Cost                :  132
Ep Cost                :  312
Using time             :  5 rounds
Affecting stats        :  wis
Base Experience Cost   :  1478
Using this skill, the woodsman can pray for the blessing of Mother Earth, to
grant his leafblade or rootstaff special powers against the Earth's enemies.
Most evil beings fall into that categories, and all undeads as well since
bringing back the dead in a simulacre of life is an offense to the Mother Earth.
Created By             :  Sigwald