   |        Guild info on sorcerer. A omicron level evoker guild.         |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |                              [Level 01]                              |   
   |                   New Skills: mastery of evocation                   |   
   |                              [Level 03]                              |   
   |                     New Spells: condition orbit                      |   
   |                              [Level 04]                              |   
   |                    New Skills: casting efficiency                    |   
   |                              [Level 06]                              |   
   |                     New Spells: prismatic spray                      |   
   |                              [Level 06]                              |   
   |                   New Skills: estimate efficiency                    |   
   |                              [Level 08]                              |   
   |              New Spells: dampen magic and amplify magic              |   
   |                              [Level 08]                              |   
   |                        New Skills: mind peace                        |   
   |                              [Level 10]                              |   
   |                       New Spells: store spell                        |   
   |                                                                      |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |              Required guilds needed to join this guild:              |   
   |                    Maxxed in evoker of elements.                     |   
   |                      Maxxed in evoker of ether.                      |   
   |                                                                      |   
   |  Mastery of several evoker bravo guilds is needed to progress here.  |   
   |                                                                      |   

Sorcerer guild members are taught true mastery of evocation. They learn the oldest of secrets, making their spells extremely powerful and efficient. They learn to gauge how successful specific damage types of spells work against the sorcerer's foes. They also learn how to place their mind at peace, increasing the regeneration abilities of the sorcerer's powers. Sorcerers can also learn to not only store magical energy in their amulet, but the power of an entire spell as well. All the sorcerer has to do is aim the amulet at their enemy, and the fury of the spell stored within the amulet will be unleashed.

Help on skill          :  Mastery of evocation
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  3740
Sorcerers are evokers that have reached an incredible skill and understanding of
the forces they manipulate. Drawing on this knowledge, they learn the highest
secrets of evocation which allow them to deliver much stronger blast spells.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 5 percent of your skill max at level 1.
It can be trained up to 10 percent of your skill max at level 2.
It can be trained up to 15 percent of your skill max at level 3.
It can be trained up to 20 percent of your skill max at level 4.
It can be trained up to 25 percent of your skill max at level 5.
It can be trained up to 30 percent of your skill max at level 6.
It can be trained up to 35 percent of your skill max at level 7.
It can be trained up to 40 percent of your skill max at level 8.
It can be trained up to 45 percent of your skill max at level 9.
It can be trained up to 50 percent of your skill max at level 10.
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 11.
It can be trained up to 70 percent of your skill max at level 12.
It can be trained up to 80 percent of your skill max at level 13.
It can be trained up to 90 percent of your skill max at level 14.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 15.

Help on spell          :  Condition orbit
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Spell type             :  Special
Sp Cost                :  490
Casting time           :  6 rounds
Base Experience Cost   :  1014
Use of this spell will cause a magical cloud to appear and exit out of the room.
When the cloud reforms in the room, the conditions of all living things in
adjacent rooms will be reported.
Created By             :  Darkstaff

Help on skill          :  Casting efficiency
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  4090
Sorcerers are evokers that have reached an incredible skill and understanding of
the forces they manipulate. Learning casting efficiency allows them to spare
their magical energies when evoking blasting spells, by controlling very
precisely the use of the energies they evoke.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 5 percent of your skill max at level 4.
It can be trained up to 10 percent of your skill max at level 5.
It can be trained up to 15 percent of your skill max at level 6.
It can be trained up to 20 percent of your skill max at level 7.
It can be trained up to 30 percent of your skill max at level 8.
It can be trained up to 40 percent of your skill max at level 9.
It can be trained up to 50 percent of your skill max at level 10.
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 11.
It can be trained up to 70 percent of your skill max at level 12.
It can be trained up to 80 percent of your skill max at level 13.
It can be trained up to 90 percent of your skill max at level 14.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 15.

Help on spell          :  Prismatic spray
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Attack
Average damage         :  Enormous
Damage type            :  Special
Sp Cost                :  198
Casting time           :  4 rounds
Affecting skills       :  mastery of evocation
Affecting stats        :  wis, int
Base Experience Cost   :  1537
The caster of this spell is able to create random patterns in the air that take
many forms at a time, from fire storms to magical attacks, cold blasts to
electric bolts. This spell's power is enhanced by knowledge in every damage type
evoker uses, such as cold evocation, lightning evocation etcetera. If the caster
is sufficiently trained in the evoker ways there is a chance that this spell
will make the the target more vulnerable to subsequent damage spells for a brief
period of time. Larger monsters are known to have developed a greater resistance
towards this type of vulnerability though.
Created By             :  Sigwald

Help on skill          :  Estimate efficiency
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  3505
Sorcerers, having a deep understanding and mastery of the energies they evoke
are sometimes able to guess how efficient their spells are upon a particular
target, giving them valuable information to avoid using spells without much
effect on a foe.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 10 percent of your skill max at level 6.
It can be trained up to 20 percent of your skill max at level 7.
It can be trained up to 30 percent of your skill max at level 8.
It can be trained up to 40 percent of your skill max at level 9.
It can be trained up to 50 percent of your skill max at level 10.
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 11.
It can be trained up to 70 percent of your skill max at level 12.
It can be trained up to 80 percent of your skill max at level 13.
It can be trained up to 90 percent of your skill max at level 14.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 15.

Help on spell          :  Dampen magic
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Protection
Sp Cost                :  614
Casting time           :  6 rounds
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Important
Number of stacks       :  1
Affecting skills       :  mind peace
Base Experience Cost   :  1774
This spell surrounds the target with a magical shield that lessens the effect of
any damage or healing spell cast on the target. 
Created By             :  Snoop
It can be trained up to 80 percent of your skill max at level 8.
It can be trained up to 90 percent of your skill max at level 10.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 15.

Help on spell          :  Amplify magic
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Protection
Sp Cost                :  614
Casting time           :  6 rounds
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Important
Number of stacks       :  1
Affecting skills       :  mind peace
Base Experience Cost   :  1774
This spell surrounds the target with a magical shield that increases the effect
of any damage or healing spell cast on the target. 
Created By             :  Snoop
It can be trained up to 80 percent of your skill max at level 8.
It can be trained up to 90 percent of your skill max at level 10.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 15.

Help on skill          :  Mind peace
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  3272
Sorcerers learn to master their emotions and increase their concentration in
order to be even more efficient. Expert sorcerers can learn to keep their mind
at peace whatever the circumstances. This skill has a great impact over the
skills focused mind and regeneration trance.
Created By             :  Sigwald
It can be trained up to 20 percent of your skill max at level 8.
It can be trained up to 40 percent of your skill max at level 9.
It can be trained up to 60 percent of your skill max at level 10.
It can be trained up to 80 percent of your skill max at level 11.
It can be trained up to 100 percent of your skill max at level 12.

Help on spell          :  Store spell
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Special
Sp Cost                :  438
Casting time           :  8 rounds
Affecting skills       :  mastery of evocation
Affecting stats        :  int
Base Experience Cost   :  1242
This spell allow an evoker to store a spell into his guild amulet, allowing him
to later aim his amulet at an opponent to unleash the stored spell. Syntax to
use this spell is the following, 'cast store spell with .
Created By             :  Sigwald