   |       Guild info on scourge. A bravo level necromancer guild.        |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |                              [Level 01]                              |   
   |                      New Skills: repair undead                       |   
   |                              [Level 02]                              |   
   |                         New Spells: torokaha                         |   
   |                              [Level 02]                              |   
   |                        New Skills: mould body                        |   
   |                              [Level 04]                              |   
   |                         New Spells: parenga                          |   
   |                              [Level 05]                              |   
   |                     New Spells: ethereal bonding                     |   
   |                              [Level 05]                              |   
   |                     New Skills: bond preference                      |   
   |                              [Level 06]                              |   
   |                   New Spells: pupuhi and tauoranga                   |   
   |                              [Level 07]                              |   
   |                      New Spells: kaha o tinana                       |   
   |                              [Level 08]                              |   
   |                    New Spells: roro and tumatarau                    |   
   |                                                                      |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |                                                                      |   
   |  Any two necromancer gamma guilds are required to join the Scourge.  |   
   |                                                                      |   

Scourge guild members are taught how to use their corpses they have collected and preserved to repair and strengthen their undead minion servants. They learn how to repair their servants physical body, as well as how to mould decaying flesh to their minions, making them stronger, smarter, more resistant, and enabling them to eat freshly killed flesh.

Help on skill          :  Repair undead
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Skill type             :  Miscellaneous
Sp Cost                :  102
Ep Cost                :  188
Using time             :  50 rounds
Affecting skills       :  mind power, hematology, mastery of mummification,
osteology, anatomy
Affecting stats        :  wis, int
Base Experience Cost   :  961
With this skill you can repair any damage that has been inflicted upon an
undead. You will need to use corpses as raw material for this skill. 
Cost of this skill depends a lot on training in hematology and osteology.
Healing amount depends on training in anatomy, mastery of mummification,
osteology and hematology. Healing efficiency depends on training in anatomy,
osteology and hematology. Skill usage time depends on training in mind power and
hematology. This skills usage time varies some.
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on skill          :  Mould body
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Skill type             :  Protection
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  HUGE
Number of stacks       :  1
Sp Cost                :  110
Ep Cost                :  332
Using time             :  4 rounds
Affecting skills       :  hematology, osteology, anatomy
Affecting stats        :  wis, int
Base Experience Cost   :  961
This skill is used to mould in a piece of prepared flesh into 
the body of an undead. The undead will get a bonus from this skill 
that depends on how the corpse has been prepared. 
Syntax                 :  use mould body at  with .
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on spell          :  Torokaha
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Spell type             :  Special
Sp Cost                :  468
Casting time           :  6 rounds
Affecting skills       :  hematology, osteology, anatomy
Affecting stats        :  wis, int
Base Experience Cost   :  845
This spell prepares a corpse so once moulded into the body of an undead, it will
grow stronger, more powerful.
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on spell          :  Parenga
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Spell type             :  Special
Sp Cost                :  468
Casting time           :  6 rounds
Affecting skills       :  hematology, osteology, anatomy
Affecting stats        :  wis, int
Base Experience Cost   :  845
This spell prepares a corpse so once moulded into the body of an undead, it will
grow more resistant. 
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on skill          :  Bond preference
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Skill type             :  Miscellaneous
Ep Cost                :  390
Using time             :  6 rounds
Base Experience Cost   :  961
This skill is used to set a preference for the ethereal bonding spell. The
choices are mana, health and endurance. 
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on spell          :  Ethereal bonding
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Spell type             :  Protection
Sp Cost                :  560
Casting time           :  6 rounds
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Average
Number of stacks       :  1
Affecting skills       :  mind power, hematology, anatomy
Base Experience Cost   :  971
With this spell the necromancer can create a bond between him and an undead
familiar and transfer his energy from himself into his undead creation. 
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on spell          :  Pupuhi
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Spell type             :  Special
Sp Cost                :  468
Casting time           :  6 rounds
Affecting skills       :  hematology, osteology, anatomy
Affecting stats        :  wis, int
Base Experience Cost   :  845
This spell prepares a corpse so once moulded into the body of an undead, it will
do fire damage. 
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on spell          :  Tauoranga
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Spell type             :  Protection
Sp Cost                :  560
Casting time           :  8 rounds
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Very high
Number of stacks       :  1
Affecting skills       :  mind power
Affecting stats        :  wis, int
Base Experience Cost   :  2661
This spell will give your undead a hunger for flesh. Also it will enable it to
gain some health from the corpses it eats. 
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on spell          :  Kaha o tinana
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Spell type             :  Protection
Sp Cost                :  560
Casting time           :  8 rounds
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Very high
Number of stacks       :  1
Affecting skills       :  mind power
Affecting stats        :  wis, int
Base Experience Cost   :  2661
This spell will give your undead a hunger for flesh. Also it will enable it to
gain some endurance from the corpses it eats. 
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on spell          :  Roro
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Spell type             :  Special
Sp Cost                :  468
Casting time           :  6 rounds
Affecting skills       :  hematology, osteology, anatomy
Affecting stats        :  wis, int
Base Experience Cost   :  845
This spell prepares a corpse so once moulded into the body of an undead, it will
get smarter. 
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on spell          :  Tumatarau
Guild Level            :  Bravo
Spell type             :  Protection
Sp Cost                :  560
Casting time           :  8 rounds
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Very high
Number of stacks       :  1
Affecting skills       :  mind power
Affecting stats        :  wis, int
Base Experience Cost   :  2661
This spell will give your undead a hunger for flesh. Also it will enable it to
gain some mana from the corpses it eats. 
Created By             :  Snoop