   | Guild info on master enchanter. A omicron level abjurer, elemental,  |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |                              [Level 02]                              |   
   |                 New Spells: create enchantment stone                 |   
   |                              [Level 03]                              |   
   |                     New Spells: disenchant armor                     |   
   |                              [Level 04]                              |   
   |                    New Spells: disenchant weapon                     |   
   |                              [Level 05]                              |   
   |                  New Skills: mastery of enchanting                   |   
   |                                                                      |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |              Required guilds needed to join this guild:              |   
   |                         Maxxed in enchanter.                         |   

Members of the master enchanter guild learns how to add permanent enchantments to weapons and armors. They also learn how to disenchant armors and weapons into magical essences which they can use to enchant items.

Use the 'enchantinfo' command to get information about enchants that you know.

To learn new enchants from patterns you do 'use '.

Help on spell          :  Create enchantment stone
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Special
Sp Cost                :  584
Casting time           :  15 rounds
Affecting skills       :  weapon enchanting, armor enchanting, mastery of
Base Experience Cost   :  1183
With this spell a master enchanter can create a small enchantment stone. The
stone will have different qualities depending on how the enchanter made it. 
Syntax                 :  cast create enchantment stone with 
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on spell          :  Disenchant armor
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Special
Sp Cost                :  350
Casting time           :  6 rounds
Affecting skills       :  armor enchanting, mastery of enchanting
Affecting stats        :  int, wis
Base Experience Cost   :  1360
With this spell the master enchanter can disenchant a magical item into essences
of magic and use that to create enchants. The item that is disenchanted will be
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on spell          :  Disenchant weapon
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Spell type             :  Special
Sp Cost                :  350
Casting time           :  6 rounds
Affecting skills       :  weapon enchanting, mastery of enchanting
Affecting stats        :  int, wis
Base Experience Cost   :  1360
With this spell the master enchanter can disenchant a magical item into essences
of magic and use that to create enchants. The item that is disenchanted will be
Created By             :  Snoop

Help on skill          :  Mastery of enchanting
Guild Level            :  Omicron
Skill type             :  Mastery
Base Experience Cost   :  2337
This is a good skill to have if you're a master enchanter. It increases your
knowledge of enchanting and enables you to learn more complicated enchants. 
Created By             :  Snoop