   |Guild info on dragonfist fighter. A gamma level martial artist guild. |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |                              [Level 02]                              |   
   |                    New Skills: deliver criticals                     |   
   |                              [Level 03]                              |   
   |                        New Skills: focus chi                         |   
   |                              [Level 04]                              |   
   |                    New Skills: defensive prowess                     |   
   |                              [Level 05]                              |   
   |                       New Skills: resist pain                        |   
   |                              [Level 07]                              |   
   |                      New Skills: counter dodge                       |   
   |                              [Level 08]                              |   
   |                       New Skills: empower will                       |   
   |                              [Level 09]                              |   
   |                        New Skills: dragonfist                        |   
   |                                                                      |   
   |            ---------------------------------------------             |   
   |              Required guilds needed to join this guild:              |   
   |                      Maxxed in martial artist.                       |   

Dragonfist Fighter guild members are taught the anicent martial arts style of Shaolin Kung-Fu. Students are taught that the strongest offensive weapon they have, is their fists. Dragonfist Fighters learn how to not only deliver powerful punches, but also how to resist some of the damage they receive and how to better avoid attacks all together.

Help on skill          :  Deliver criticals
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  940
This skill increases the chance that any hit a martial artist connects with will
be a critical hit.
Created By             :  Swashbuckler

Help on skill          :  Focus chi
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Protection
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Above average
Number of stacks       :  1
Ep Cost                :  386
Using time             :  5 rounds
Affecting skills       :  meditation, mastery of chi
Affecting stats        :  wis
Base Experience Cost   :  986
This skill allows the user to focus his inner energy, or chi, into
physical strength, effectively increasing his power in combat for
a short time.
Created By             :  Swashbuckler

Help on skill          :  Defensive prowess
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  940
This skill increases the effectiveness of all defensive skills. It is
a must for any fighter who wishes to lead a party.
Created By             :  Onyx

Help on skill          :  Resist pain
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Protection
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Average
Number of stacks       :  1
Ep Cost                :  402
Using time             :  4 rounds
Affecting skills       :  body control
Affecting stats        :  con
Base Experience Cost   :  739
This skill allows the mind of the warrior to resist pain, effectively causing
him to take less damage in battle.
Created By             :  Swashbuckler

Help on skill          :  Counter dodge
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  940
This skill when successful counters a target's attempt at dodging.
Created By             :  Unknown

Help on skill          :  Empower will
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Protection
Protection category    :  General
Average duration       :  Under average
Number of stacks       :  1
Ep Cost                :  526
Using time             :  5 rounds
Affecting skills       :  meditation, mastery of chi
Affecting stats        :  con
Base Experience Cost   :  1008
With this skill, the mystic warrior meditates and draws on his inner chi to
control his reactions to the world around him until his will is empowered,
leaving him able to ignore the stunning blows inflicted on his body.
Created By             :  Vor

Help on skill          :  Dragonfist
Guild Level            :  Gamma
Skill type             :  Combat
Base Experience Cost   :  940
Dragonfist is an ancient and deadly art of Shaolin Kung-Fu. Learning this
skill makes the student's fists deadly weapons, enabling him, or her, to
strike with speed and precision. Truly, a Master of the Dragonfist is a
fearsome thing to behold!
Created By             :  Swashbuckler